La Gazette de Décembre

Alliance Française de Christchurch 913 Colombo Street 03 365 8370 [email protected] La Gazette Décembre 2013


Check out our December event.

Transcript of La Gazette de Décembre

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Alliance Française de Christchurch913 Colombo Street03 365 [email protected]

La GazetteDécembre


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Mercredi 4 DécembrePermanenceInvitée: Justine Robillard@ 12h00 à l’AF

Vendredi 6 DécembreCiné ClubStarbuck@ 18h30 à l’AF

Samedi 7 DécembreAtelier Bûche de Noël@ 9h00 à l’AF

Mercredi 11 DécembreQuizz Adulte@ 18h30 à Astro Lounge

Mercredi 18 DécembreScrabble@ 12h à l’AF

Vendredi 20 DécembreNoel à l’AF@ 16h à 18h

Apéro de fin d’année@ 18h30 à l’AF

Vendredi 20 DécembreFermeture de l’Alliance

Lundi 13 Janvier Ouverture de l’Alliance

Du 20 au 31 JanvierSummer Holiday ProgrammeFor Kids/Teenagers/Adult

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The end of the year is fast approaching and we start to think about farewelling the old year and welcoming the new one. At the recent AGM, I was honoured to be elected the new President of AF Christchurch. I look forward to leading the AF Christchurch into what I think is a very positive and vibrant future. But I would also like to take a moment to reflect on the year that has passed and those who have contributed to its success.


2013 has seen AF Christchurch continue to grow in so many ways – student and member numbers have both grown, and the number and variety of events have also increased. A large thanks is due to the AF staff and committee for their excellent efforts in 2013 which have allowed this to happen. I would especially like to thank Martine Marshall-Durieux, outgoing president, for her tireless work for AF Christchurch, both in her recent term as president and over many years before that.

My involvement with AF Christchurch dates back 5 years when I started bringing my children to French classes. I had been lucky enough to spend a year in Switzerland as a teenager, and whilst there learned to speak and love the French language. I wanted to pass that on to my children. After a year as secretary of the AF Christchurch committee, I now move into the role of president. I look forward to meeting you at one of the many events on offer at AF Christchurch, perhaps even one of those coming up this month!

Feel like something with a festive flavour? Pastry-chef Bruno Falco will demonstrate how to make a delicious Bûche de Noël on December 7th. Come with your children on December 20th to celebrate the imminent arrival of Father Christmas. Or for something more grown-up, catch up one last time this year with old friends and new at the Apéro du Vendredi on December 20th.

Our regular events are also all still on offer. Sadly this month we say goodbye to teaching intern Nans Drivière but you might like to come and meet our new teaching intern Justine Robillard at the Permanence on December 4th. We also have our regular monthly lunchtime Scrabble event (December 18th). Need to wind down at this busy time of the year? Our movie this month is the French-Canadian dramatic comedy “Starbuck” – Dec 6th at the Cine-Club. Or rev up your brain on December 11th at our French Culture Quiz, held at the Astro Lounge on Worcester St.

The team at AF Christchurch are already busy planning for 2014 – you can expect things both old and new - educational and cultural and social. I wish you all a happy festive season. And I am looking what the New Year brings for AF Christchurch.

Justine LeePrésidente

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LE MOT DE LA PRÉSIDENTELa fin d’année approche à grand pas et il est maintenant temps de réfléchir aux

futurs évènements ainsi qu’au bilan de l’année écoulée. Je suis enchantée d’avoir été élue Présidente de l’AF de Christchurch lors de la dernière AGM et c’est avec plaisir que je vais m’atteler à ma nouvelle fonction et ainsi guider l’Alliance vers un futur radieux. Mais j’aimerais prendre un instant pour revenir sur l’année écoulée et sur ceux qui ont contribué à son succès.

Lors de l’année 2013, l’AF de Christchurch a perduré et le nombre d’étudiants et membres ont augmentés, ainsi que la variété et la quantité d’activités culturelles proposées. C’est pourquoi nous devons un grand merci à l’équipe et au comité pour les efforts fournis. Je souhaite également remercier mon prédécesseur, Martine Marshall-Durieux, pour ce qu’elle a accompli lors de ces quatre années de présidence.

Il y a cinq ans, je suis devenue membre de l’AF de Christchurch alors que mes enfants commençaient à apprendre le français. Adolescente, j’ai eu la chance de vivre un an en Suisse et c’est à cette période que mon attrait pour le français est né, un attrait toujours d’actualité. Je voulais donc offrir la même chance à mes enfants. Après une année en tant que secrétaire de l’AF de Christchurch, j’ai maintenant engagé la fonction de Président et espère vous voir lors des maints évènements organisés par l’AF de Christchurch, venez nombreux !

Ressentez-vous l’esprit de Noël ? Le 7 décembre, le pâtissier Bruno Falco vous expliquera comment réaliser une délicieuse bûche de Noël. Le 20 décembre, venez à l’Alliance célébrer l’arrivée en avance du Père Noël, qui précèdera l’Apéro du Vendredi où vous pourrez rencontrer vos amis et vous en créer de nouveaux.

Nos évènements réguliers continuent en décembre. Malheureusement, nous devons dire « au revoir » à notre stagiaire Nans Drivière, mais venez faire connaissance avec la nouvelle, Justine Robillard, qui tiendra la Permanence du 4 décembre. Le 18 décembre, à l’heure du déjeuner, vous pourrez jouer avec les mots lors du Scrabble. Si vous ressentez le besoin de décompresser, venez rigoler devant la comédie Québécoise « Starbuck », le 6 décembre pendant le Ciné-Club. Si par contre vous désirez stimuler vos « petites cellules grises », rejoignez-nous le 11 décembre au bar « Astro Lounge », sur Worcester Street, pour un quizz sur la culture française.

L’équipe de l’Alliance Française de Christchurch planifie déjà 2014, avec ses évènements réguliers mais également des plus inattendus, avec pour ligne directrice l’éducation, la culture et les rencontres.

Je vous souhaite à tous un Joyeux Noël ainsi qu’une bonne année et il me tarde de découvrir ce qui nous attend pour 2014.

Justine LeePrésidente

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Vendredi 6 Décembre

@ 18h30 à l’AFFree entry, open to everyone

de Ken Scott avec Patrick Huard et Julie LeBreton

At 42, David lives the life of an irresponsible adolescent. He coasts through life with minimal effort and maintains a complicated relationship with Valerie, a young policewoman. Just as she tells him she’s pregnant, David’s past resurfaces. Twenty years earlier, he began providing sperm to a fertility clinic in exchange for money. He discovers he’s the father of 533 children, 142 of whom have filed a class action lawsuit to determine the identity of their biological father, known only by the pseudonym Starbuck.

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PERMANENCEThe last permanence of the year will take place on Wednesday,

December 4th at 12pm at AF.

Justine Robillard, our new intern , will be with us until April. She will introduce herself, speak about her region, her hobbies and her experience of teaching abroad.

Please bring food to share with others during the Permanence.

AU REVOIR MARTINE ET MERCIAt the end of the AGM for the Alliance Française de Christchurch,

the commitee thanked Martine Marshall Durieux for all her work as President and Justine Lee, our new President, presented her with a gift on behalf of the entire committee.

Au revoir Martine and thank you for all the hard work you have put in.

IT’S THE END OF THE YEARL’Alliance Française de Christchurch will

close her doors for the Christmas break from December 20th after l’Apéro de fin d’année and will reopen again on January 13th.

Don’t forget to bring back the books, DVDs and magazines which you have borrowed, before Friday, December 20th.

Thank You!

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A fun way to learn the French language !

Suitable for children aged 3 to 9. (Limited to 10 children)Every Monday from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm - Until December 16th*.South Christchurch Library - 66 Colombo Street - Cashmere.* except 2nd of December

Entry: Gold Coin Donation

My Petit French AwakeningFrench culture for kids! One hour of French activities for your children.Join Lucie every Monday at the South Christchurch Library, and learn French song, play French games, listen to French stories and more...


On November 23rd, French singer Franck Monnet visited us in Christchruch for a concert at Pallet Pavilion.

He will be releasing his new album «Waimarama» on February 10th.Check out his first single and music video on his Facebook page :Franck Monnet.

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Come and join our French Summer holiday programme at the AF de Christchurch !From January 20th to January 31st, AF de Christchurch will be running a summer holiday programme for children and teenagers.

The program will include French songs, games and stories, cooking workshops, arts and crafts - all of this with our French-speaking teachers.

Register by sending us an email at [email protected]

Age range : 2 - 5 years of age.Friday 24th and Friday 31st of January from 10:30 - 11:30 amFrench stories, songs, games and arts & crafts.

$ 12/hour

Age range : 5 - 10 years of age.2hrs per day for 5 days, from 10 am to 12 pmDiscover French regions and their culture, cooking workshops

$ 120/week

Age range : 11 - 15 years of age.3hrs per day for 5 days from 2 pm to 5 pmDiscover French songs, movies and French cooking activities

$ 180/week


January 20th - January 31st

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Come and join our French Summer holiday programme at the AF de Christchurch, for adults!From January 20th to January 31st, AF de Christchurch will be running a summer holiday programme to refresh your French in time for the New Year.

Complete beginners - intensive - From 20th to 31stFor total beginners in French 2hrs per day, for 10 days, 6pm to 8pm

$ 305 (book included)

Refresher Beginners - From 20th to 24thSemi-Intensive 2hrs per day, for 5 days, 6pm to 8pm

$ 120Refresher Intermediate - From 27th to 31st2hrs per day, for 5 days, 6pm to 8pm

$ 120

Refresher - Advanced - From 27th to 31st1h30 per day, for 5 days, 6pm to 7:30pmTo improve your oral skills, review your French grammar and talk about French culture and news.

$ 90French for Travelers2hrs per day, for 8 days Monday 20th to Thursday 30th, from 9am to 11am.For beginners who already have some knowledge of the French language. This course will help you get ready for your next trip to France, and to review the basics. $ 190


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Provisional Calendar**Children Group Classes

Boutchoux 1 - 1 to 3 years of age : Friday 10:30 - 11:30amBoutchoux 2 - 3 to 5 years of age : Wednesday 4:00 - 5:00pmMousquetaire 1 Beg - 6 to 9 years of age : Wednesday 4:30 - 5:30pmMousquetaire 2 Beg+ - 6 to 9 years of age: Wednesday 4 - 5pmMousquetaire 3 - 10 years of age and +: Wednesday 4:30 - 5:30pm

Junior 1 - 11 to 14 years of age: Tuesday 4:30 - 5:30pmJunior 2 - 11 to 14 years of age: Tuesday 4:30 - 5:30pm

Ados 1 - 14 to 15 years of age Complete Beginners: Thursday 4:00 to 5:00Ados 2 - 14 to 15 years of age (1 to 2 years of French) : Monday 4:00 - 5:30pmAdos 3 - 16 to 17 years of age Friday 4:00 - 5:00pm

Francophones ClassesLa moyenne école: Monday 4:30 to 5:30pmLa grande école: Friday 4-5pm

$ 12/hours *

*books and membership not included** Subject to changes

Private LessonsYou choose the day and the time and we find you a tutor.

$40/hours - $180/5hours

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Adult Group Classes - 6 to 8pm

Beginners 1: Thursday Beginners 2: Monday Beginners 3: Tuesday & Wednesday Beginners 4: WednesdayBeginners 5: MondayBeginners 6: Tuesday

Intermediate 2: ThursdayIntermediate 3: ThursdayIntermediate 5: MondayAdvanced 2: MondayProficiency 1: Tuesday & Wednesday Proficiency 2: Tuesday

Conversation Class: Tuesday 5:45 to 7:15pm

Adult workshops From 1 to 2pmTuesday: PronunciationWednesday: ConversationThursday: GrammarOnly $10/hours - Pay as you go

Private LessonsYou choose the day and the time & we find you a tutor.$40/hours - $180/5hours

$ 12/hours *

*books and membership not included** Subject to changes

Provisional Calendar**

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2014 : PROGRAMME FOR SCHOOLAs it has been in 2013, 2014 will be full of French events for your students. Here are the main events that will be taking place in 2014.

- Alliance Française French Film Festival - February 2014.

- Ciné Ados at L’Alliance Française de Christchurch. (Year 11/12/13)We will show a French movie for teenagers. After the movie we will have a discussion and special activities regarding the movie. When: March & September

- Concours Cuisine des écoles (Year 11/12/13)The annual French Cooking contest. When: May or June

- Concours Oral de Français (Year 9/10/11/12/13)The annual Concours Oral de Français, is the main event of the year for schools.When: July Or August

- Quizz des écoles «Junior»What: A quiz on the French culture, French language will be organized for the Juniors. When: Around November

- Quizz des écoles «Seniors»What: A quiz on the French culture, French language will be organized for the Seniors. When: September - October

- French day at your School. For all ages and level.L’Alliance Française de Christchurch can organize a French day in you school adapted to the age of your students. (Any time during the year).

School Membership at the Alliance Française de Christchurch

As a school, you can join as a member at the Alliance Française. Here are some of the advantages of being a school member.

Access to our resource centre: Books, DVDs - with the latest in French movies, and magazines. You can also make a reservation to borrow any resources for your students. Free enrolment for our special school events (exception is for the Concours Oral)

Membership Fee for school: $35

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As it’s the end of the year, it’s also time to renew your Membership for 2014. Being a member of the Alliance Française gives you advantages :

- Borrow books, DVDs, Magazines from our library. - Discount on all the AF de Christchurch events. - Discount price on your movie tickets for the Alliance French Film Festival - 10 % discount at Decant in Riccarton (on all full-priced wines) - Voting rights at the Alliance Française de Christchurch AGM

How to subscribe- Send us an email at [email protected] Fill in the form at the AF desk

HoursMonday - Friday10am - 5pmClosed during weekends, Christmas and on national holidays.

Membership subscription 2014Students /AF students: $35Regular: $55Family: $75Seniors: $45

EnquiriesVisit [email protected]: 03 365 8370

Follow UsFacebook: AF Christchruchor Alliance Française de Christchurch - Nouvelle Zélande

Twitter: @afchristchurch

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Feb - Open Day Feb - Jean Clottes March - Petanque

March - PMC March - Culture Galore

March - Scrabble

April - Inauguration April - Inauguration May - Macarons

June - All Blacks Vs France

June - Concours Cuisine for school

July - Bastille Day

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August - Macarons August - Polar Night

September - Apéro du Vendredi

September - Apéro du Vendredi

September - Night with UC students

September - Concours Oral

Oct - La Grande Lessive

Oct - Prebbleton school at AF

Oct - Atelier Baguette

Oct - PMC Nov - Concert Franck Monnet

Oct - French Fest Akaroa

Thank you to all of you who joined us this year for our cultural events !

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Comité Alliance FrançaisePrésident: Justine LeeVice - Présidents: Alain Carpentier, Hugh WebberTrésorier: Hugh WebberMembres du comité: Brigitte Roulet, Milinda Peris, Genevieve Robin-son, Steven Lim, Heather Libeau-Dow, Robin Pawsey, Claudiu MicAdministratice: Morgane Jaffry

Our Partners


We are looking for partners to help us spread the French culture.If you wish to associate your company with the French Culture in Christchurch, contact Mélusine : [email protected] or 03 365 8370