) l .I I L USED CARS AND L TRUCKS ICED QUICK SALE. ,THE DAILY NEWS I I . Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. 66. No. 248 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 19.59 IPrlc:e, 7, Cants) Charles Hutton & Sons i ISSIe oom rea s Brighten For Employment · 12.000 in September and IIUJOO the year be[ore. The full · dfect of caused by steel slwrlagcs from the l>.titrd Slates strike !lad not been · felt the sun·ey was made. , . , 111 111111 cd down More non - farm openings uncm- ·during tltf sur\'ey pet•:od held the · bcllll'<'n Sep- drop in employment to 25,000 with .1W' th, fhtres 6,053.000 persons at work out of · Octoc.·· · ' ' •· f f 6 290 000 . 1 c "' 111 i,!-Octo- a lauor orce o , , . P'•' ur "' f l d d . · . hri•hrer t:nlll - arm emp e ge 1 · ' up by 27,000, with particular st showing In the manufac· turing, trade and service Indus- tries. Meanwhile, far m jobs dropped by 52.000. hall of thls under the or wintry prairie i weather. I By comparison with October or 1 year, overall employment i wa.s up by 189,000 from 5,864,000, i Has Little Power 1 1 \\'rilrr intwir.\' into :oi1 q:lll 'ho\\·:O-an p,;b::c to 11 h 1 ri r.r\t montlt, t hr Commi>ston. ' ' :o ne- rommis!ion ntuch trrmh- \\'ltv thr sudden interest: Chair-· man ·.John C. Doerfcr sa)'S he· wants to !1a1e a good look at !be whole situation wlth a view lo for tougher commissin plicing powers - lf they are needed. TO JOIN HUSBANDS-Three wi\'es of soldier, stationed in Germany left here by train yesterday to join their husbands. They Clara i\1. Carroll, Bell Island; Theresa St. John's, and V. Brazil, \vho is accompanied by her two-mon!hs old daugl,lter, . Two other wives, B. Lundrigan of Curling and Mrs. Grace Wh1te of Shallop s Cove wtll ]Om the train en rnute. .. 'Will Become Serious,· By FRED S. HOFFMA:S : other tasks· of naval importance, WASii!XGTO:"-< 1/\Pl-The U.S. for example. I admiral who commands \'ATO GRE.\T t.:osn;ns I forces in the Atlantic said Wed-· These So1·ict hshing boo! oper- 1 nesday Soviet sub-, atio:ts are "a malltt' of great ' marines will he a sig:tificant concern to us,'' \\'right said. He i !!treat to the Western alliance spo\ic of t:te mounting Soviet within a yEar. . : missile su!Jmaritle menace in \ Admiral .Jerauld Wl'ight pre-: urging more help in defending 1 diced that by !9G3 the threat will. tile sea link between :lorlh Am- I become serious as Russia's fieet r eria aJd Europe. 1 1 of ballistic missile submarines: Another speaker at the NATO grows. ·· · . meting here was Dean Acheson, Wright, supreme allied cotr.- secretary of slate in the Truman mander for the Atlantic, told rep- administration and one of the of NATO parlia- builders o[ the alliance created ments: . 10 years ago. "We have ronclusi\'e evidence Acheson, in bitter words, laced that they I the Russiansl are. the Eise:1hower administration showing a:1 interest in; for its diplomacy in the Berlin the east coast of North America,: cris•s. Ht said Republican ad· 8 key area and an industrial com- ministratio:1 is blundering toward plex of first importance, not appeasement of Russia on the fu- : only to America, blll to our. ture of the city, now split lnt& i !II ATO alliance." 'Communist and free sectio:1s. j · "The plain truth is that to ne-- ln this connection, said. about Berlin with the in- Russian craft operating in' tention of com in;: to terms ls only the :1orth Atlantic probably are' a polite, misleading phrase for things other than fishing- a retreat and an of S\tn·eying the ocean bnllom and RRussian terms, .. :\cheson said. Macmillan To Visit Africa LO:\D0:'-1 ICPI - Pl'ime is risiting them next ter will set out early , month. ' I i ; ' '. ' I ,. I '' . I . I I, I 'I I jl " ' .. 'I II 'I I I• ' ·' .I •I I :. ! :I tho!e imo!lcd in broanm::n; prac- .. : wh.L·Ii i; .<llr· , , rs. net11orks i. His aides at big things to come-that the commission In- quiry will concentrate heavily on "payola," the reported practice whereby a record company slips certain disk jockeys and radio >lations under-the-table payments in order to get wide publicity for , 1 . new records . 1\denauer 1\nd To Country For Talks · .January on a risit In Africa. 1 i.< pa:·ticularly in- , 1 Tile prime minister"s office an- I ere steel in 1 i>:ting the central : 1 nouncecl· Wcdnesda1• that .-\frican lt'ITilom>, which are , len with his wife, ·Lady Dorolh)·, likely to pla1· im:reasin;Jy im- LONDO\' •.CP1 -A will 1·isit Ghana, South Africa. pot·tant pa:·t in Commonwealth I No Of Report Ketch policrn: pnwrr tl ha·n·l done much ussians· There also will be a in- \'Cstigation of "offensive commer- ' rials and other broadcast , lites contrary lo public int.tr- , est." Predict ' for Lloyd's said Wcdne,day no :"iigeria and the f.edcration of affoirs. ·promising clues have been re- ; Rhodesia and \'yasaland. :\!acmilla:t plans In >Iilii .JOH:-1 . t•hanrcllor arri1·cd Tuesday. ho11r's ITry friendly con1crsalion. ported in efforts to trace the' The first slop will be Ghana.' trip about .!an .. ; ;lltd return lo LO:'>lD0:-1 I Reuters I - Primr Foreign Secret a r )' Selwyn Dl'er a wide variety of topics." ·Canadian ketch Too. , the former Gold Coast colony b London in time fo1: the mo\'ed to his . Lloyd and West Germ Foreign: C:\Urchill. who will be 85 Nv. The 12-foot craft, claimed to be· West African granted independ- mcnt of Parliament aflet· ils Mflcial residence Wed· ! Helnric!1 Von Brentano. 30, cancelled a meeting the smallest to attempt tJe At- · ence within the Commonwealt:t Christmas recess . nesday for private talks with: met for 1 1 .; hours in the morning With Adenauer for Tuesday mght ·!antic crossing, left Nova Scotia' in 1957. The goodwill tour will ----- Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. Ito prepare lor the exchanges at because of "a slight indisposi- Jun.e 23 bound for Britain. lis: wind up in the Union of South Only their foreign ministers 1 Chequers, 40 miles northwest of. tion." :sole occupant was 33-year-old 1 Africa at of the month. federal T i and a lew senior at· 1 London. · Lhyd tuld the House of Com-: Jack Smith of Toronto. The 6.i-year-old prime minister t ·tended the talks designed to ' :\lEETS CHURCHILL mons this . afternoon that he be-l Llovd's said the coast guard · found time to make the tour · rea y ! al!gn 1•iews on an' is du_e to return home 1 !ieves P_ r. em i e r Nikila statio.n at Wick Scotland, broad- i w,hen his hopes_ of an East- Peace Govt. Has Cure : EBllt-West summit conference. , today after holdtng a con-. Khrushchev s \'lstt to ln cast in September an appeal to \\est sum m 1t meet1ng were ! Macmlllan and Adenauer held 1 ference . in London. Wednesday I is "a good thing." shippbg to watch for the tin)·. dashed. in East 1.\PI-Soviet 1 remnants of the Second World ·more formal talks with a larger afternoon, he dropped in on Sir, He added: "We shall ha1·e a. craft. . :\!rica were not included in the TOf\0:\TO rep '-Gordon Fair- a peace treaty I War, and this could be done number of off i e i a 1 s present Winston Churchill for what a' summit meeting as soon a1 prac- · One response came from the tour because colonial secrtary weJther. attorney genera! for ' will be worked I by a peace treaty with both Ger- shortly after the - year - old described as "half an ticable after British steamship Apple- --------------- :\ew Brunswick. said lier-e Tuc>- 1 , 1 co"ference, Tass: man states or either one ---- ------ ------ -- -------------- ctore. which repor!P.d sighting a . ·day tit ere is wrong wtth 1 1 . wants to Sign. . 1 s I I . capsized all-steel flat - bottomed F·lre Rocket !ltr. .\!!antic that a fed- tile lint word here . said lis Wa5 an L• t t t dinghy. The report: rral nnrl IIH! Progre,sil'& Sollie! l'nion fnreSR\1' 'authorized reply to lnterl'iews IVe y OVIe n eres n I '"'d t'te dinghy was about nine \.'on>eiT;tli•:r pi1,.1.1' C;ln'l cure. amb,tio," for \\'est German Chancellor Konrad I feel long. It had a blue painted· \1'.\Sli!;\C:Til'l '.lr •---.\ rocket lie tnlrl lite rc Bus ,wher_e So· tldenauer ;:al'e lo British corre5- ) gunwale with a tin white line a:td a sodium flare r:uh ··all i-' 11r!J" ' 15 CX· ponde:lts. Tas5 asserted the In- Latm· Ameri·can Affai·rs red painted hull. The rudder firrrl from \\'a!lopl !,land, \'a .. nl.·r the facts of lr[e and ton!cr "it:1 Prcoident ten·iews had distored the prob- wa' IJro\irn. · \l'cdnc.,dal·. The rot·kcl rearherl r bi>rn en a W)(].()l)ll.OOIJ n !em of lkrlin. . Thr. Lloycl'5 spokr;man .•aid his' t.iO ·up and ligh!crl creal Pre•: rl n t rlc The Bl:ency was company will Ml in,titute a' of the ea't!.'rn scahoard r:do:-. Pr11n• .\lin,stn 1 !pri"; caustic about Adenauet' s llr t'Rt:Sl'll:-1 f:Hon;n .;;,d 1 , 1 , arltrlr. 1 The Hlide. dwell nn thE pros-· sc;mh unlr;, re- The :';atinnal bnker Fleeted. t! 1 e Atlanlic , hr thr n:':'lriiil 'ions of l_n the t!mterl MOSCOW 1/\Pt-Soriet l'l'atlrt I "For I he P P n r l e s nl Lalttt peds nf Soriel trade with Latin qur.lled. Space -\dmini<lratinn lannrltrrl rro' tnrPI maclr tripg · ·· tro 111a1n State;, Bl'llam and France for ne- , . · k 1 ct l th r c'· t at 6 1" p rn \ST tn 1 Ott . '·i l h - 1 1 , . . . · were told 1\edtwsd:w "rerolu!lon- .lmcricit, tile re . cslahli<hment :\met·ica. an on In 1\'te , Scnl an , R coas e o 'e · 1 . · • • n . ""a, seeK no anr "-" ts, lltido:tnn nf the nghts .. ar,v in the and dclt·lopmr.nt nf friendly rela- trade, probably will he uffitTr 'airl in a :ah 'onnrlings of winrl acli.-ity or rh"rity, hut of th" : hcl'oic sli'll""le of the CubHn pen- lions with the is n real such matter., in Mcx- eon•er,ation that lhr appeal to the upper atmosphere. fact that lx·causr of the pecul:at· Cure lor poses A1aritinle ple lor s!ww. :t:td grr.Ht assodal;€d wi_th I ico, anrl in shippi_ng had IJEo.en repeated sel'- i The Ilin-stage Nike-/lsp rocket prob:cms our pa.rt of Canada had that Latin Ame!'iea is hopes fnr guaranteed 111- . extend Latin Amencan era! ttmes and fmally , lift.Cfl a 75 ·pound payload nut keP_t,pare II !he rest o[ the 1 . i lo a hi!! thaw in I Is relatiOns With dependence and a better ltfe. I VISit elsewhere. I Three ago crossed 1 began ejecting a sodium 1 -apor \ , 1 I Ills the Communist world. , . I he Atlantic, aecompamed by an I trail at an altitude of 50 miles. He satd the conservative gov- 1 , An article on this subject, one i N T I • • . Rul named Alan Balter- , • ernmcnt in Kew Brunswick had of many renccting a sudden li- i ew e evlSlOll es . sbj•, in a 26-loot yacht. At one 1 The vapor trail extended to a I adopted a pay-as-you-go plan and . would Increase coal subventlons I vely Soviet l:lterest in Latln I . point the yacht was belie1·ed lost. peak of !50 miles it by careful management has a FrMericton newspaper ' pay the cost of freighting su- ! American affairs, appeared In the ! i but it eventually reached Corn- r:eared as a _cloud as 1t was dts- 1 modest surplus Rnd reduced the W!d.'l'!sda)' out-· gar from the Maritimes to the 1 ofllclal Communist Party newspa· 5 By BER:-JARD DUFRESNE . 1 events approved by the board." wall safely. · slpated by wmds. net debt. plans t.o the : Q_uebec border, build a super ' per Pravda. It colnclded wlth t_he i Canadian Press Staff Writer i It will allow TV between 6 a.m. ttonom!c t:ls andlhtghway from. the vlslt of First Deputy Prem1er OTTAWA ICP) -;o;'ew Canadian:and But s h •t G t A d lht !eclp:al gorcrnment I through Malne to Montreal, and AnBlltBll Mlkoyan to Mexico. to TV rules place a ban on' operatmg the ·morrung and I c wet zer e s war ITa! $5ol,IJOO,O(I()_ in Co- :build a canal throug!l the Isthmus open a Soviet cultural, sclenttflc rigged quiz shows and a delayed I wishing . to extend this servicec P.!Yments whtle the :of Chlgneeto. and Industrial exhibition. start on the that along wtth any present and fu. . Atlantic pro1_.nc t t' · b 55 tu t t' l · g t t · t of Canad 1 es Pravda told Its readers that the s a ton prog;ammmg e re s a P _annm 0 ge 1 .n ° BRUSSELS 1 AP) - A grey- There was a staircase and an · pick up a hilch-hik.er. a. s k H ff ' of Premier Khrush- cent Canadtan content reqmre- the ftled for the first· h · d 85- ar-old a ran up escalator Schweitzer headed' The speech went o[f well any- compared th C 0 as . t It fn' . f th t' t b 't th . aue ' ye m n . , to "a : o- ee c!lev to. the United States b Sep- men · set no or e mus su ml eir flight of stairs Wednesday to col- for the stairs. The bewildered of-: way. The medical missionary pours his . had an enormous Impact! present, but stations have to mmg plans of the boa! d. 1 lect' a $2,000 award for human- licial party split. Some already 1 said that "we have capitulated the public 1 ney and Latin America Is beginning I broadcast 4 ' • per • ce.tt . itarian work. 1 were on lite escalator. The rest! before the power of armament hi Pate, 1 RemOVal to realize the lull meaning of that dmn IJEotween Apnl 1 1 The · reaulattOn sl putates the 1 followed Seltwcitzet· up the 'lairs. llecause our mora! philosopliv Is 1 0 _ 11 n .Camtly , event ! 1!161. and 31, 1%2, In prep-, board must be satisfied that the' Dr. M!Jert Schweitzer arrived , not profound enough.. · 1 stan·mg l:t the 1 ' aration fo1' the 55-per-cent lel'el. • station wi.shing to broadcast be- 1 at the Prevoyance Sorinle Build-: Schwcitzr had to accept the · 11 to the 1 "The histot·ic l'isit of Khrush-. Content would be computed Ol'er fore noon has the "facilities I hg to accept the Lemaire. award wWtout the he had' He concluded by saying ft Is Soctely ol Tor- YORK IAPl - Removal; che1• to the l'.S.A. and his pro-· four-week periods. re,ources to program effectil·ely' Foundation award for his 45 made for· a speech. lie the neces.sary to rHise the .<piril or of R. Hoffa as president: posal for lola! and complete dis- The board relaxed its during added period." years spent caring for needy and. notes blew out of his car Tues- the times. He was cheered by the • . o[ the Teamsters Union being ! proclaimed by him proposal which wos to ban morn-, The morning TV rule became ' suffering African nali\'es. · day night when he stopped to audience. whidt by 1 a w y e r Godfrey I from the United :\'at ions Rostrum Tl' broadcasll ting except for 1 effective last Sunday, :-lo1'. 15,: ------ · ----- d alford. ''But , Schmidt in a motion mailed to have had tremendous impact on educational and children's pro-, but the othH come J d R f T ,, dal can affurd federal district court in Washl:1g- ! millions of Latin ,\mcricans," grams on and special. into effect next .!Illy I. u ge e use s 0 ,. lsa tit ires nf the ton \ ----- - "Oiir.ces " . · G. -M. Ex-President ·G,ra· nt c·t· h. GJ to federal district judge F. Dick- I IZe n.·s I p eancr and inson Letts. · Stltmidt's office said the mo· Acc·ldently K 1 - 11 .ed !-dtral go1ernment jlion mailed asks lhe court to re· COUt1TYpiR- 5 ·- 0 --- 1 mo1·e Hoffa from olllce pending / ICPI - Foreign-Ian· Peel County Judge Archibald . a;ked whethet· they are wlllin& te 'guage newspapers here ha1•e Chrane rejected l11e application 1 fig!1t England?" the newspaper ltalicn sides over a judge's decis- for natrtralizalion of Giorgio Cap- : asked. · heRd, police sairi. I Wl'ighl, Ont., r.ounty: ion to refuse citizenship tn an pellozw, 21, of suburban Port. IN BAJJ TM1'F. I I.' I 'I I, I I I ' I I N trial before 1 board of special ex- aminers or referees n chargts members or rights guaranteed that Hoffa deprived TeallUiters tbe new labor law. WALPOLE ISLAND, Ont. ( CP) Harry W. A:1derson, 68, of Ann Arbor, Mich., retired president of General Motors Buick motor car dlvlslon, was s!lot and killed Wednesday In a hunting accident on St. Anne's Island ln the St. Clair River near here. Pollee said the shot was fired by Har!Qw H. Curtice of Flint, Mich., former president of General Motors Cor- poration. Provincial police are invesli- 'i coroner, said Me has not yet. Italian immigrant said he Credit. But he agreed to heat· the Corriere largest Jtal- gatlng. made a decision regarding an in--1' lake up arms against hi.o; application a6ain in three months .. i;111 publication in this country, Dr. C. A. Henrich of Court- quest. native "! can:10t fight against my ·called Judge Cochrane's question brothers and sisters," "in very bad toste." ·I said, when asked if he would light I, Construction Association The presldentlal party of lhe Canadian Construction ABsocia- tlon, hended by president J. Harrington, were due to I arrive here by 1'CA at this I morning. They wm have a busy . I ilay which will Include meetings ir · with the Bu!Jdlnll Trades Em· .... easl' lor 1 ployers Ltd., ail -ln- up about I te!view with the rablnet and c t n! the presentation of brief, a prus n payday,'• i conference and cOcktail party.· The two men were togelher In a hide when a , !light of ducks came toward them near com- I munlty mlles northwest of Wlndsol'. Pollee said men were shoo!lng from a sittbg position' when Mt·. Anderson stood up just · as Mr. Curtice fired. The short - range blast struck ' Mr. ln the side of t!le Chicken Trouble In COPENHAGEN (APl - Vll- helm S c h !Ill n g Sorensen brought a dozen eggs, laid by. a fine strain of New Hampshire hens, home from a visit to West Ge!'many two yem·s ago. tlltln't tell the customs offkcr about the a:1d now he he had fried them. Instead he them. Danish law prohibits im- port of brood eggs to guard against pottltry diseases. Soren- · sen didn't give the law a thought because at that time he was raising chlck.ens only 'Y 1 hobby and for his own consump- tion. The 12 eggs produced two and four roosters, all of top quality_ Sorensen decided to get Into the poultry husiness. He quit his job and put brood lo work. When the authorities got wind of the 12 illegal brood eggs, some weeks ago, the from the two hens and lour . rooslers had multiplied Denmark into about 1,000,000 chickens, plckbg corn in all parts of Den- mark. The government poultry con- trol authority decided it was impossible to get at an those chickens. Jlut it was possible to get at Sorensen. :'-Jext week Sorensen will go to court to fig:1t an order-that he destroy the several thousand chickens on his farm at Velie anct pay a of 5,000 kroner \$725), lor Canada against Italy. i _.._.._._._,..,..,..,..,...,_ UKRAINIAN EDITORIAL I i "T!le question asked by the Ill h , judge was a very silly one." said vr eat · er I an editorial in the Ukrainian-lan- guage weekly Vilne Slovo. i "It was to cause a tre- Sunny w i l h cloudy periods. today 40, mendous mental struggle within dropping to 25 · thi.o; even- the young Italian boy." The newspaper said tlte youth ing. was honest and would be excel- lent material for citizenship . 1 Der largest German- I language publication b Canada, TEMPERATURES Moncion Sydney . . Halifax . . . . . .. St. Jolin's . . . . 29 42 51 45 33 1 : said .the judge's decision was , "outright nasty and impertinent." i "Are EngUsh immigrants e1·er .... .. ' I ' I I '. I t I ' I'. I · f i I i I 1 ,, 11 . . I , I I : ' f·· ' \ i I ' I r<. I : ' ! ,:. ,I ' I ' ;, I: r ; i I .. tl I I ti .. . I ·' I I il ! I I I; I 1! :·1 I I ! 'f; ! ' . I jl.'' . ' ill' • I ... It : ' I '• ! : II : I 1. I ; I ' ll ,JI •. I •


Page 1: L USED CARS AND L ICED TRUCKS FO~ QUICK ,THE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · nouncecl· Wcdnesda1• that ~!acmil-.-\frican

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~~ . r·

&~~ Nova Motors Ltd.

Vol. 66. No. 248 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 19.59 IPrlc:e, 7, Cants) Charles Hutton & Sons

• • i

ISSIe oom rea s Brighten For Employment ·

n~<~ittst 12.000 in September and IIUJOO the year be[ore. The full · dfect of layoff~ caused by steel slwrlagcs stemmi~g from the l>.titrd Slates strike !lad not been · felt wh~n the sun·ey was made.

, . , 111 111111 cd down More non - farm j~b openings rnrP 0) 11 '~u-c ~nd uncm- ·during tltf sur\'ey pet•:od held the :ef-~3 · bcllll'<'n Sep- drop in employment to 25,000 with .1W' ~- th, fhtres 6,053.000 persons at work out of ·

Octoc.·· · ' ' •· f f 6 290 000 . 1 c "' 111 i,!-Octo- a lauor orce o , , . P'•' ur "' • f l d d . · . hri•hrer t:nlll ~on - arm emp oyme:~t e ge 1 · ' up by 27,000, with particular

st ren~th showing In the manufac· turing, trade and service Indus­tries. Meanwhile, far m jobs dropped by 52.000. hall of thls under the !as~ or wintry prairie i

weather. I By comparison with October or 1

l~st year, overall employment i wa.s up by 189,000 from 5,864,000, i

Has Little Power 1 1 .lllllllll~ll\

rrr~tt ~tll!t \\'rilrr

s:a:~.' intwir.\' into :oi1 q:lll 'ho\\·:O-an ~a:nerl lrcn',cndou~

p,;b::c in:cr~5t-\~ to 11 h1ri r.r\t montlt,

t hr ~·corral • Commi>ston. ' '

~~;:ation :o appe~r ne-!Nn·m~n rommis!ion t~ rau~ ntuch trrmh­

\\'ltv thr sudden interest: Chair-· man ·.John C. Doerfcr sa)'S he· wants to !1a1e a good look at !be whole situation wlth a view lo askin~ for tougher commissin plicing powers - lf they are needed.

TO JOIN HUSBANDS-Three wi\'es of soldier, stationed in Germany left here by train yesterday to join their husbands. They are:-~lrs. Clara i\1. Carroll, Bell Island; ~Irs. Theresa Br_e~man, St. John's, and ~~rs. V. Brazil, \vho is accompanied by her two-mon!hs old daugl,lter, Patn~1a.' . Two other wives, ~Irs. B. Lundrigan of Curling and Mrs. Grace Wh1te of Shallop s Cove wtll ]Om the train en rnute. ..

'Will Become Serious,· By FRED S. HOFFMA:S : other tasks· of naval importance,

WASii!XGTO:"-< 1/\Pl-The U.S. for example. I admiral who commands \'ATO GRE.\T t.:osn;ns I forces in the Atlantic said Wed-· These So1·ict hshing boo! oper-1 nesday Soviet missile-firin~ sub-, atio:ts are "a malltt' of great ' marines will he a sig:tificant concern to us,'' \\'right said. He i !!treat to the Western alliance spo\ic of t:te mounting Soviet within a yEar. . : missile su!Jmaritle menace in

\ Admiral .Jerauld Wl'ight pre-: urging more help in defending 1 diced that by !9G3 the threat will. tile sea link between :lorlh Am­

I become serious as Russia's fieet r eria aJd Europe.


1 of ballistic missile submarines: Another speaker at the NATO grows. ·· · . meting here was Dean Acheson,

Wright, supreme allied cotr.- secretary of slate in the Truman mander for the Atlantic, told rep- administration and one of the resentative~ of NATO parlia- builders o[ the alliance created ments: . 10 years ago.

"We have ronclusi\'e evidence Acheson, in bitter words, laced that they I the Russiansl are. the Eise:1hower administration showing a:1 increa&~ interest in; for its diplomacy in the Berlin the east coast of North America,: cris•s. Ht said t~e Republican ad· 8 key area and an industrial com- ministratio:1 is blundering toward plex of t~e first importance, not appeasement of Russia on the fu-

: only to America, blll to our. ture of the city, now split lnt& i !II ATO alliance." 'Communist and free sectio:1s. j · "The plain truth is that to ne--

ln this connection, Wri~ht said. ~oliate about Berlin with the in­Russian fishi~g craft operating in' tention of com in;: to terms ls only the :1orth Atlantic probably are' a polite, misleading phrase for doin~ things other than fishing- a retreat and an accepta~cc of S\tn·eying the ocean bnllom and RRussian terms, .. :\cheson said.

Macmillan To Visit Africa

LO:\D0:'-1 ICPI - Pl'ime ~linis- Ia~ ~!adeoct is risiting them next ter ~lacmillan will set out early , month.

' I i ;

' '.

' '·

I • ,.


'' . I .




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:. !

:I tho!e imo!lcd in broanm::n; prac-

.. : :~n. wh.L·Ii i; .<llr· , , rs. net11orks

i. Jlotinn~. ~dmil~

His aides hi~t at big things to come-that the commission In­quiry will concentrate heavily on "payola," the reported practice whereby a record company slips certain disk jockeys and radio >lations under-the-table payments in order to get wide publicity for ,



new records .

1\denauer 1\nd ~ac ~ave To Country For Talks

· i~ .January on a risit In Africa. 1 ~!acmill~n i.< pa:·ticularly in- ,1 Tile prime minister"s office an- I ere steel in 1 i>:ting the central :1

nouncecl· Wcdnesda1• that ~!acmil- .-\frican lt'ITilom>, which are , len with his wife, ·Lady Dorolh)·, likely to pla1· <~n im:reasin;Jy im­

LONDO\' •.CP1 -A spokcsn~,m will 1·isit Ghana, South Africa. • pot·tant pa:·t in Commonwealth

I No Of

Report Ketch

rr:~ch policrn: pnwrr tl ha·n·l done much

• ussians·

There also will be a ~c:Jeral in­\'Cstigation of "offensive commer- ' rials and other broadcast pra~- , lites contrary lo l~e public int.tr-

, est."


' for Lloyd's said Wcdne,day no :"iigeria and the f.edcration of affoirs. ·promising clues have been re- ; Rhodesia and \'yasaland. :\!acmilla:t plans In >Iilii th~

s~- .JOH:-1 EARLf~ . t•hanrcllor arri1·cd Tuesday. ho11r's ITry friendly con1crsalion. ported in efforts to trace the' The first slop will be Ghana.' trip about .!an .. ; ;lltd return lo LO:'>lD0:-1 I Reuters I - Primr Foreign Secret a r )' Selwyn Dl'er a wide variety of topics." ·Canadian ketch Orc~da Too. , the former Gold Coast colony b London in time fo1: the rcadjo~t~·n-

~!inister ~!acmillan mo\'ed to his . Lloyd and West Germ a~ Foreign: C:\Urchill. who will be 85 Nv. The 12-foot craft, claimed to be· West African granted independ- mcnt of Parliament aflet· ils Mflcial cou~try residence Wed· ! ~linisl~1· Helnric!1 Von Brentano. 30, cancelled a meeting arra~ged the smallest to attempt tJe At- · ence within the Commonwealt:t Christmas recess . nesday for private talks with: met for 11.; hours in the morning With Adenauer for Tuesday mght ·!antic crossing, left Nova Scotia' in 1957. The goodwill tour will -----Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. Ito prepare lor the exchanges at because of "a slight indisposi- • Jun.e 23 bound for Britain. lis: wind up in the Union of South

Only their foreign ministers 1 Chequers, 40 miles northwest of. tion." :sole occupant was 33-year-old 1 Africa at th~ e~d. of the month. federal T i and a lew senior advl~r~ at· 1 London. · Lhyd tuld the House of Com-: Jack Smith of Toronto. The 6.i-year-old prime minister

t ·tended the talks designed to ' :\lEETS CHURCHILL mons this . afternoon that he be-l Llovd's said the coast guard · found time to make the tour · rea y ! al!gn Anglo-Germd~ 1•iews on an' Ade~auer is du_e to return home 1 !ieves Sovi~t P_ r. em i e r Nikila statio.n at Wick Scotland, broad- i w,hen his hopes_ of an e~rly East­Peace Govt.

Has Cure : EBllt-West summit conference. , today after holdtng a pr~ss con-. Khrushchev s \'lstt to Fra:~ce ln cast in September an appeal to \\est sum m 1 t meet1ng were ! Macmlllan and Adenauer held

1 ference . in London. Wednesday I ~1arch is "a good thing." shippbg to watch for the tin)·. dashed. Brilis~ ten-ilori~s in East

1.\PI-Soviet l~aders 1 remnants of the Second World ·more formal talks with a larger afternoon, he dropped in on Sir, He added: "We shall ha1·e a. craft. . :\!rica were not included in the TOf\0:\TO rep '-Gordon Fair-t~at a peace treaty I War, and this could o:~ly be done number of off i e i a 1 s present Winston Churchill for what a' summit meeting as soon a1 prac- · One response came from the tour because colonial secrtary weJther. attorney genera! for ' will be worked I by a peace treaty with both Ger- shortly after the ~3 - year - old spokesma~ described as "half an ticable after t~at." ';,8~2-ton British steamship Apple- --------------- :\ew Brunswick. said lier-e Tuc>- 1 ,1

co"ference, Tass: man states or either one w~lch ---- ------ ------ -- -------------- ctore. which repor!P.d sighting a . ·day tit ere is ~ot~1ing wrong wtth 1 1 . wants to Sign. . 1 s I I . capsized all-steel flat - bottomed F·lre Rocket !ltr. .\!!antic prol'ln~es that a fed-

tile lint word here . Ta~s said lis statem~nt Wa5 an L• • t t t dinghy. The Appledore·~ report: rral ~rant nnrl IIH! Progre,sil'& Sollie! l'nion fnreSR\1' 'authorized reply to lnterl'iews IVe y OVIe n eres n I '"'d t'te dinghy was about nine \.'on>eiT;tli•:r pi1,.1.1' C;ln'l cure.

amb,tio," pro;r~m for \\'est German Chancellor Konrad I feel long. It had a blue painted· \1'.\Sli!;\C:Til'l '.lr •---.\ rocket lie tnlrl lite rc Bus inc'~ ~len·~ • m~etinf ,wher_e So· tldenauer ;:al'e lo British corre5- ) gunwale with a tin white line a:td ra 1-ryi: 1 ~ a sodium flare w~' r:uh ··all i-' 11r!J" bc~au>e "w~ ' ~hrllfn~.!CI' 15 CX· ponde:lts. Tas5 asserted the In- Latm· Ameri·can Affai·rs ,.~ red painted hull. The rudder firrrl from \\'a!lopl !,land, \'a .. nl.·r .farl11~ the facts of lr[e and

ton!cr "it:1 Prcoident ten·iews had distored the prob- wa' IJro\irn. · \l'cdnc.,dal·. The rot·kcl rearherl II~• r bi>rn ~i1 en a W)(].()l)ll.OOIJ n Pr~m~ ~!ini!lrr !em of lkrlin. . Thr. Lloycl'5 spokr;man .•aid his' t.iO mile~ ·up and ligh!crl ~ creal J~;tmrnl ~ra:11." l~d Pre•: rl • n t rlc The Bl:ency was ~speelally, company will Ml in,titute a' p~rt of the ea't!.'rn scahoard r:do:-. Pr11n• .\lin,stn Di~f•n·

1 !pri"; caustic about Adenauet' s exp~·es-. llr t'Rt:Sl'll:-1 f:Hon;n .;;,d 1,1, arltrlr. 1 The Hlide. dwell nn thE pros-· sc;mh unlr;, ~pecifically re- The :';atinnal -~eronautics ~nd bnker , 1 ~, Fleeted. t!1e Atlanlic , hr thr n:':'lriiil 'ions of th~nks l_n the t!mterl MOSCOW 1/\Pt-Soriet l'l'atlrt I "For I he P P n r l e s nl Lalttt peds nf Soriel trade with Latin qur.lled. Space -\dmini<lratinn lannrltrrl rro' tnrPI maclr "fn~>tr~ling tripg

· ·· ,,;~ tro 111a1n thtn~ State;, Bl'llam and France for ne- , . · k 1 ct l th r c'· t at 6 1" p rn \ST tn 1 Ott . '·i l h - 1 1 , . . . · were told 1\edtwsd:w "rerolu!lon- .lmcricit, tile re . cslahli<hment :\met·ica. ~!il;opn, an ~xpert on In 1\'te , Scnl an , R coas e o 'e · 1 . · • • n . ""a, seeK n~ no anr "-" • ts, lltido:tnn nf the fcndlll~ we~lern nghts ~~ Berlll~ .. ar,v battle.~ in Vcn~~uclH ;~nrl the and dclt·lopmr.nt nf friendly rela- forci~n trade, probably will he ~ur1trl uffitTr 'airl in a teil'phn~P :ah 'onnrlings of winrl acli.-ity or rh"rity, hut rcco~nition of th"

: hcl'oic sli'll""le of the CubHn pen- lions with the L~.S.S.R. is n real discussi~g such matter., in Mcx- eon•er,ation that lhr appeal to ~~ the upper atmosphere. fact that lx·causr of the pecul:at·

Cure lor poses A1aritinle

ple lor the~-~ indcpe~rlrncr" s!ww. :t:td grr.Ht cau~e assodal;€d wi_th I ico, anrl in ot~el' COI~ntries ~h?ulrl shippi_ng had IJEo.en repeated sel'- i The I lin-stage Nike-/lsp rocket prob:cms our pa.rt of Canada had that Latin Ame!'iea is a~·akeni! 1 g hopes fnr guaranteed nat1~na!. 111- . h~. extend ~'-' Latin Amencan era! ttmes and fmally ~bandoned. , lift.Cfl a 75·pound payload w~tich. nut keP_t,pare II tl~ !he rest o[ the 1 . i lo a hi!! thaw in I Is relatiOns With dependence and a better ltfe. I VISit elsewhere. I Three y~ars ago Sm1t_~ crossed 1 began ejecting a sodium 1-apor \ cou~tr~.. , 1 I

Ills the Communist world. , . I he Atlantic, aecompamed by an I trail at an altitude of 50 miles. ~ He satd the conservative gov- 1 , An article on this subject, one i N T I • • . Rul Englishma~ named Alan Balter- , • ernmcnt in Kew Brunswick had

of many renccting a sudden li- i ew e evlSlOll es . sbj•, in a 26-loot yacht. At one 1 The vapor trail extended to a I adopted a pay-as-you-go plan and 'CP'-Bri~. ~!ichael . would Increase coal subventlons I vely Soviet l:lterest in Latln I . point the yacht was belie1·ed lost. peak of !50 miles w~ere it ~p- by careful management has a

FrMericton newspaper ' a:~d pay the cost of freighting su- ! American affairs, appeared In the ! i but it eventually reached Corn- r:eared as a _cloud as 1t was dts-1

modest surplus Rnd reduced the W!d.'l'!sda)' ni~ht out-· gar from the Maritimes to the 1 ofllclal Communist Party newspa· 5 By BER:-JARD DUFRESNE . 1 events approved by the board." wall safely. · slpated by wmds. net debt.

plans t.o !~lve the : Q_uebec border, build a super ' per Pravda. It colnclded wlth t_he i Canadian Press Staff Writer i It will allow TV between 6 a.m. ttonom!c t:ls andlhtghway from. the Mar!tlm~s vlslt of First Deputy Prem1er OTTAWA ICP) -;o;'ew Canadian:and I~ no~n. But statl~ns n~ s h •t G t A d

lht !eclp:al gorcrnment I through Malne to Montreal, and AnBlltBll Mlkoyan to Mexico. to TV rules place a ban on' operatmg I~ the ·morrung and I c wet zer e s war ITa! $5ol,IJOO,O(I()_ in Co- :build a canal throug!l the Isthmus open a Soviet cultural, sclenttflc rigged quiz shows and a delayed I wishing . to extend this servicec

P.!Yments whtle the :of Chlgneeto. and Industrial exhibition. start on the requireme~t that along wtth any present and fu. . Atlantic pro1_.nc t t' · b 55 tu t t' l · g t t · t of Canad 1 es Pravda told Its readers that the s a ton prog;ammmg e • ~er- re s a 1 ~ns P _annm 0 ge 1.n ° BRUSSELS 1 AP) - A grey- There was a staircase and an · pick up a hilch-hik.er.

a. s k H ff ' vl~!t of Premier ~\klta Khrush- cent Canadtan content reqmre- the morm~g ftled for the first· h · d 85- ar-old a ran up escalator Schweitzer headed' The speech went o[f well any-compared th C 0 a s . t It fn' . f th t' t b 't th . aue ' ye m n . , to "a : o- ee c!lev to. the United States b Sep- men · set no 1111m~m or e 1~e, mus su ml eir ~rogram- • flight of stairs Wednesday to col- for the stairs. The bewildered of-: way. The medical missionary pours his ~~her . ~mber had an enormous Impact! present, but stations wtl~ have to mmg plans of the boa! d. 1 lect' a $2,000 award for human- licial party split. Some already 1 said that "we have capitulated

the public 1 ney and Latin America Is beginning I broadcast 4' • per • ce.tt ~ana- RESO~R~ES ~EED~D . itarian work. 1

were on lite escalator. The rest! before the power of armament hi Pate, 1 RemOVal to realize the lull meaning of that dmn cont~nt IJEotween Apnl 1• 1 The · reaulattOn sl putates the 1 followed Seltwcitzet· up the 'lairs. llecause our mora! philosopliv Is

1 0_11 n .Camtly , event ! 1!161. and ~!ardt 31, 1%2, In prep-, board must be satisfied that the' Dr. M!Jert Schweitzer arrived , not profound enough.. · 1

stan·mg l:t the 1

' • aration fo1' the 55-per-cent lel'el. • station wi.shing to broadcast be- 1 at the Prevoyance Sorinle Build-: Schwcitzr had to accept the · 11 spo~c to the 1 "The histot·ic l'isit of Khrush-. Content would be computed Ol'er fore noon has the "facilities a~d I hg to accept the Josep~ Lemaire. award wWtout the not~s he had' He concluded by saying ft Is

Soctely ol Tor- ~~:w YORK IAPl - Removal; che1• to the l'.S.A. and his pro-· four-week periods. ~ re,ources to program effectil·ely' Foundation award for his 45 made for· a speech. lie thi~ks the neces.sary to rHise the .<piril or of .lam~s R. Hoffa as president: posal for lola! and complete dis- The board relaxed its ori~inal during t~e added period." years spent caring for needy and. notes blew out of his car Tues- the times. He was cheered by the

• . o[ the Teamsters Union l~ being ! armarn.e~l proclaimed by him proposal which wos to ban morn-, The morning TV rule became ' suffering African nali\'es. · day night when he stopped to sta~ding audience. ~•)n;ent-. whidt ~1e sou~ht by 1 a w y e r Godfrey I from the United :\'at ions Rostrum i~g Tl' broadcasll ting except for

1 effective last Sunday, :-lo1'. 15,: ------ · -----

~~u d alford. ''But , Schmidt in a motion mailed to • have had tremendous impact on educational and children's pro-, but the othH regu!alio~s come J d R f T ,, dal ~.e can affurd • federal district court in Washl:1g- ! millions of Latin ,\mcricans," grams on Salurda~· and special. into effect next .!Illy I. u ge e use s 0

,. "~ lsa tit ires nf the ton \ ----- - • "Oiir.ces " . ·

da;c~:~id~~~i~~\ea~s~enw~~~resd G. -M. Ex-President ·G,ra· nt c·t· h. GJ to federal district judge F. Dick- I IZe n.·s I p

eancr and inson Letts.

· p{;lin~~~~~~t~~· p~~is~: Stltmidt's office said the mo· Acc·ldently K 1-11.ed !-dtral go1ernment jlion mailed asks lhe court to re·

COUt1TYpiR-5·-0--- 1 mo1·e Hoffa from olllce pending / TORO~TO ICPI - Foreign-Ian· • Peel County Judge Archibald . a;ked whethet· they are wlllin& te 'guage newspapers here ha1•e Chrane rejected l11e application 1 fig!1t England?" the newspaper ltalicn sides over a judge's decis- for natrtralizalion of Giorgio Cap- : asked. ·

heRd, police sairi. I Wl'ighl, Ont., Lampto~ r.ounty: ion to refuse citizenship tn an pellozw, 21, of suburban Port. IN BAJJ TM1'F.

I I.'

I 'I

I, I

I I '

I I N trial before 1 board of special ex­

aminers or referees n chargts members or rights guaranteed that Hoffa deprived TeallUiters u~der tbe new labor law.

WALPOLE ISLAND, Ont. ( CP) Harry W. A:1derson, 68, of Ann Arbor, Mich., retired president of t~ General Motors Buick motor car dlvlslon, was s!lot and killed Wednesday In a hunting accident on St. Anne's Island ln the St. Clair River near here. Pollee said the shot was fired by Har!Qw H. Curtice of Flint, Mich., former president of General Motors Cor­poration.

Provincial police are invesli- 'i coroner, said Me has not yet. Italian immigrant w~to said he Credit. But he agreed to heat· the Corriere Ca:~adese, largest Jtal-gatlng. made a decision regarding an in--1' could~'t lake up arms against hi.o; application a6ain in three months .. i;111 publication in this country,

Dr. C. A. Henrich of Court- quest. native co~ntry_ "! can:10t fight against my ·called Judge Cochrane's question brothers and sisters," Cappelloz~J "in very bad toste." ·I said, when asked if he would light I, Construction

Association The presldentlal party of lhe

Canadian Construction ABsocia­tlon, hended by president J. ~:ric Harrington, were due to

I arrive here by 1'CA at 8.~~ this I morning. They wm have a busy

. I ilay which will Include meetings ir · with the Bu!Jdlnll Trades Em· .... ~:relly easl' lor 1 ployers A~soclallon Ltd., ail -ln­lup~~ up about I te!view with the rablnet and

c t n! the presentation of brief, a prus n payday,'• i conference and cOcktail party.·

The two men were togelher In a hide when a , !light of ducks came toward them near thi~ com- I munlty ~;; mlles northwest of Wlndsol'.

Pollee said !Jot~ men were shoo!lng from a sittbg position' when Mt·. Anderson stood up just · as Mr. Curtice fired.

The short - range blast struck ' Mr. Ander~on ln the side of t!le

Chicken Trouble In COPENHAGEN (APl - Vll­

helm S c h !Ill n g Sorensen brought a dozen eggs, laid by. a fine strain of New Hampshire hens, home from a visit to West Ge!'many two yem·s ago.

I!~ tlltln't tell the customs offkcr about the e~gs, a:1d now he wlsh~s he had fried them. Instead he h~tched them.

Danish law prohibits t~1e im­port of brood eggs to guard against pottltry diseases. Soren- · sen didn't give the law a thought because at that time he

was raising chlck.ens only 'Y 1 hobby and for his own consump­tion.

The 12 eggs produced two he~s and four roosters, all of top quality_ Sorensen decided to get Into the poultry husiness. He quit his job and put ~is brood lo work.

When the authorities got wind of the 12 illegal brood eggs, some weeks ago, the offsprin~ from the ori~inal two hens and lour . rooslers had multiplied

Denmark into about 1,000,000 chickens, plckbg corn in all parts of Den­mark.

The government poultry con­trol authority decided it was impossible to get at an those chickens. Jlut it was possible to get at Sorensen.

:'-Jext week Sorensen will go to court to fig:1t an order-that he destroy the several thousand chickens on his farm at Velie anct pay a fi~e of 5,000 kroner \$725),


lor Canada against Italy. i _.._.._._._,..,..,..,..,...,_ UKRAINIAN EDITORIAL I i

"T!le question asked by the Ill h , judge was a very silly one." said v r eat · er I an editorial in the Ukrainian-lan-guage weekly Vilne Slovo. i

"It was bou:~d to cause a tre- Sunny w i l h cloudy periods. llig~ today 40,

mendous mental struggle within dropping to 25 · thi.o; even-the young Italian boy."

The newspaper said tlte youth ing. was honest and would be excel­lent material for citizenship .

1 Der Cou~r, largest German­I language publication b Canada,


Moncion ~8 Sydney . . ~~ Halifax . . . . . .. 4~ St. Jolin's . . . . 29

42 51 45 33


: said .the judge's decision was , "outright nasty and impertinent." i

"Are EngUsh immigrants e1·er ~------..-..-..-..-..-....

.. ' I ' I


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Page 2: L USED CARS AND L ICED TRUCKS FO~ QUICK ,THE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · nouncecl· Wcdnesda1• that ~!acmil-.-\frican


j' ·'



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• I· ,. j ' \I . I I, ,, I I

I I ! i I


.. - .. ::-~·-· ·;-·-t " ) II.~ , ,t: • THE DAllY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, NOVEMS<o 1

:,~.,r :rl .... ~~ _________________ _.__...;...__:...---~------~---....::::.: (!· ·i •• ~ ··The Dates Come Into Their

" I •• ~ • .. ...... -l

'·I II

'I :' i • • • -, With These Tasty

Iii :!,Mature Parent j ! ! : · :' 1 \ DON'T LET CHILD LEARN TO &et.s a.111rY at us. If we won't

· J , • 1 USE FOOD TO EXPRESS let him look et TV, he mBY re-• 1 ; 11 ANGER !UH to eat hlu upper. II we ~ ·

1 1 • won't order the deasert he wanta

~ ~. 1 llr MJUI, MUJUEL LAWRENCE he may refuse to eat his meat : I '~rs. T. writes: 'Alld ve&etables, He'll shove his 11 ···'.Our ll!Ue &lrl'l school aerves plate away whene-nr he feels

1 1 W lunches. But It has a rule displeased with us. Re.!ectlon of

, ! that . !orb!dJ lower grade chll· rood and retaliation have be· 1.~ ', · ..... n. 14 leave the table unt:t come the same t~lng In his

.they, have eaten all tbe food they mind, so that refusing to eat be­.are aerved. Bet!! has a small comes his only m~ans of expres· appetite and. Is beP,Innlng to sbg vengeful feelings toward us. :oread \u:~chtlme because It And later toward other people . . mcan.s unpleasantness with her It Is an unfortunate method o! teacher when she can't finish retaliation because It Is self· her meal. Can you explain this clestructl\'e, We need !cod to

1 rule?" Uve, and when we use sc\1-star-

. 'I No. I don't understand It. vat ion to express anger at pe~ ,1 L '· ·• A •ehlld Is properly jealous of I p\e, all that happens Is that we •

1 • 1111 rlsht to iOVern his own dlges· ~et thin while the people we're I

· 1 · .tfve. Thoug!l we provide him mad at stay fnt. , 1

. with !ood. it's his teeth that have In Vlctori a:1 d3)'S young ladles , ;

1. ":to· clltw It, his stomach that has whos.e lov~rs jilted them went In

i ; 1 :; .1() work on It. In a wo~\~ where . !leav11y for sell, • slarvallon. • 1

· Jtl'!nany of his actlvilles are When the)' declined Into the : ~ ·. ·tt!r~cted by us. he resents our: local gra\'e)'ard it was popular· 1 ·,1 iattempts to control his digestive , \y beliel'ed that they'd died of I

~!titles too. So, when we try broken hearts. The truth was, to force him to eat. he will re- th~ poor things d'ed of unexpres-

1 jtcl Jhe food. not only because sed rage a\ theil' lorers.

A TE~IPTIS'G varlet)' of usrs for !Ucculcnt frrsh !alali dressing, a date milk 1ba ke and In a nuce ill'

ice c1r~m.

~poon :-.:~It. 2 1· i

l'\EA Food and :11arkeb Euilor lime or lm,o~ jJ,.·: Fr~s!1 dates are fi:1e eating. c1·e~m or 1 :., n· :·.·'


Berause the Coachella \'alley in Co1er dJ:c·; ~ :;' , California is r~garded as the let ~tanrt a m.•1u e f! : ch1ef date producing area in the >lip off ~nd J:-co:i ·'

niled Stat~s. we wen! \hel'e for dates. l Olilb.r.e '" · interesting u<es of fresh dale.s.. in ~lectm '>o·,~Mr ll:· l Collage chl'l('se and fruit, Ill m1xlote '' th:ck

I .~e.· ~oesn't wa~t it but be- i Don't wonder. They couldn't : _cau!e he res~nts our domina-. help malil~g the fatal connec-1

A GROUP of graduates at ~oly !leart of Mary Regional High School. Barbara McArthur (fourth from left), who gave the \ aledtctorv and won several scholarships. Also scholarsh'p ·

salads are enhanc-ed by a topp-: lf blender i< not , iag of "date salad dressing." da.tes inlo ,ma!l p~

• Try it lso on Waldorf salad or miXture wilh e:ectri! . with f1:1ely shredded cabbage in-' beater unt1i ,r mil·

·. stead of the usual sour eream or· sistency. r.arni~h I



tfon, , t ion between rage and rejection 1

! This can he unfortunate. of food. T'1ey'd learMd to make : ! j Once hr's learned to express It in nurseries where :'ol'onnles . • ~ ~sentmentj byt freodfus!n

1g tn l'aht,' m

1a1de .~ hfablt of bre\qllu!ring h"!c\d\ean:

. • , ...,. may I'!' ec o . w 1enever e p a es rom re e ous c ren


't ' : ~

t !·

I < .

., ·.Between let's decorate will

Us ?,,~1(~ ~~ 1-.t · • ·w DO IT YOURSELF HINTS . 15 Grandma's old, oak dining omen table stored In your basement?

, . . Do you have expos~d storage

1 • •. •• areas that look ugly? Dces your

, ! 1

': '· --1lil'lng room' need a face lifting?

i ~ -.\IUSD> OF CHEER ,\RJ; HERE ' And Is your budget stretched i ,

1 ,r.:.;R HE::\l'El'I\Ell HUiliA:'\US to the breaking po'nt? , :. ·• \'ou can get bigger results

. ' I ,1

.• .. ~lc~Jo Ln flrlllll:<·kcrl Hus· thRn you thl~k with paint, a ,bJnJs lt lllil.l' l'Ol11~ to )'011 a~ a hnmmer and saw or even a

· 1'' 1 iJ'P~I ,,w.:k, bu'. ynur wife 1\PPrlle . ! I . cl~~·,,Jl r,.~lly li~r hnl ·~~~ her • • •

~ ! - , ~,,._, "'") ~II of lh~ timr The round onk dining table,

are t~e rest of the young ladies in this photo:- Patricia Kelly, Sheila Stack Rob. ~ ~~ners R'osahta Furey, and Alma Holland. ' e

8 msor,

.. ~~



boiled dressing. · sha~ with aunT.• "'',

I Calilorn1a Date Salad nres11ng . and pitted dates, (:11akll about Z eu~ drening! I Indio Oalt

One cup Ires~ dates. 2 table- 1 fMab& ah<lut 1 I spoons fresh lemon juice. '' cup • Two cup< tm·~ ! fresh orange juice. '• tra.~poon I light corn ~~-rup, ., I salt, t.: cup whipping cream. "'• ' or muscatel "''nt ·~ , cup mayonnai~e. 1 tablespoon teaspoon ~rAted 1 maraschino chP.rry syrup or gre-, I or 2 tab!P!JlOOl'rl ~adinc. died ging~r.

i Cut dates into ~\i1·er~ or &mall' Pit and c~t da'.ll · pieces. Add lemon and orange', Comb in! with aU juices and salt: stir to blend, I gre<lienls 1n ,,Jart ja: then let stand '• hour or longer.: ly to bien~. C~l'!l' Beat cream until !tiff. Fold in' r.elrigel'!llor ~4 oon

II !11ayonnaise. Add all rem.ainb;: · in g. Sauce 1:c•ckttJ in~redi~nts. Serl'e on frUJt and becomes ncher OJ:·

cottage cheese salads. 'i~)!. Turn jar baci CCJachella Date Milk Shake ' few times. Mil'

(~takes about 1 quart) ! blend ingredienl!. One cup fresh dates, boiling 1 ved on ice Geam er

water, I pint l'anilla or coffee 1 custards . ------ -----·. ---------

Add A Personal T

p.E.!. farmer, Informed the

move anY ai to Newfoun

rate. He recor the Kewroundla

get a rate co of Prince Ec freight. not suggt>st

Edward I as that w

' on the c was firm on

ewfoundland f

to compete produce.


Honorable J. who made It c

appearing a spokesm:

a political ~ his c

commission. report dealt

ion of passer b;· ship along

He stated of service l

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' ' H si'~ '' :·u:min~ th111::' at pupn!Rr a grneration ago, ran be ! . ~ )'QUr hull.•t:. it'> i)('(';HI><' .1'1111·1·~ r111 dnwn in hel;::1t to coffee 1 ..

1 1 ~101. <mly 1~1 hrr. )Oil· I·~ lnn·r<l · tilhic si~e. Because It Is sturdy,

II ner tnlo II hy )'o<ll' ~wn relu~- ;t can double as a hassock by

T 0 Christmas Gifts r'iiiouite

I' I I I I I I I

\1 . II I I . . I il !I :I I I'· I I ,


I. ! I I I



. 1 . ; tan~~ to 11\il~<· clcci'l"l"· making four pie-shaped cushio:\5 1 j R•.1t rlnn'l trunk ,11r :s l1appy These can be popped on the

· · l ;. .lla,~;m;; e1 rry\h.n~ hrr ow:1 way. table when you need extra seat· . ) ·. ~ ~CJ'IO\I·makiu~ j;Rls tiresome. lng. : l S~ dllCS !1:~1'in~ o:1c's own way • • • . e:. the time w1thout any opposl·, Have you. by chance, Install-

, 1 \· ••• •llon. · ed a cork floor recently~ Use ~ .If you don't be\le,·e it, just try I' the scraps to fashion a family

, 1

. lllYing "no," flatly and firmly,. bulletin hoard. Mark off the ·I .• the next time your wife. tries to: area on your kitchen wall. ap­'1 , unake ~·ou do someth1:1g you. ply adhesive. place your cork

1 . dol!''t really want to do. · ~qnare~ ln place. Pal:1ted moul·

·: :. ~t's a safe bet that ~he'll be ding would make an attractive

1 :-;.meek a~ Mo~e• onre she r~lly frame ~~nd hal pin.~ mAke colour­',. understanc\5 that you'l'e artnally .fu\ taC'ks to :1old vour memo>,

·1 : put your foot down. · clippJngs and MW recipes in ,I . ~ It'~ al~o a safe bel that she'll place. I • }ook at you with n new respect • • •

~hining in her e.1·~s. Tn ~i1·e you confide net. if you Dn \'OU ha1 e a ~\orag~ area

et.Jll neeci it. !PI me tell you "ithout door~ 1 perhap~ an un-·.tlbollt a wife <we'll call her tidy hnokcasr·~ Bll)' an ardi-

.'',)lary Brown 1, w~o rulrd the· nary hllmbon blind :'\ow make, Brow~ J'OO! fnr years. a series of \'enical stripes

El'idently Bill Bi'OII'II linally hy threadi:1g it with bright yarn . . · J:Ol !~d up with h€ing hcnpeckerl, for extra interest, vary the

I · ..for recently Mary Brown hns width of your stripes.

· .: been saying recently, "Bill said, • • • : ·!no' and there's absolutely no· ~lake a series of pepp>' new 1 · ·budging him.". . wall ornaments. If you have .. : · :The l:1terestlnll thing ts that I recently remodelled your klt-j

, 1 :Mary Brown makes that state-: chen or bathroom with ceramic .: -ment with as much pride as: tl~. use the remaining tt\es to

\' . ... ·:

SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS-Patricia Rahall and Rosalie Fowler, two scholarship winners at Holy Heart of Mary Regional High School.

PATRICIA KELLY, Grade XI, reading Addres§ of Welcome during the first Graduation Cere­mony at the Holy Heart of Mary Regional High School Tuesday night.

1 , .

1 • though she w~re announ~Jng t~at make frames for big, bold pic·

1 : , · · Bill had bought her a mmk stole. tures for your Jiving room, hal\

{' · Never In at\ the days when sh,e or recreation room. ; , . used to say, "I tn\d Blll this' • • • Churchill Drama Festl1•a\, will recall talk- Perrin said the danger !rom fall·1 M M } . . \. ': ' ~ . : "' "I jold Bill tho I." ... 1h"' "'""t <Ot.,rlol tu"t p ... '"' wll> '"'""" " tho "' ". "t wootd "' t ' mioimom, bot anne r s a I e I· ·' ·1 ever that happy &learn In !!er ters and mount on t!lln plywood. E • d ground room at 10 Downing Street ~ decli:led to sy when the ex- I : I . eye. Now' l!lstead of a conventional plsO e and running a gauntlet of flying plosion is to take plac:i!. I Friends I

: , • · Ob\•ious!y, Mary Brown has· I frame, apply t 1 \ e adhesive splinters with the wartime prime I l : \· · ·been waltln& all these years for arund the perimeter of the LO:OWON (CPI-How Winston lllinlster during en air raid. He O'ITAWA rCPI-Retail sales ~n · It is just plain inconsiderate , . .-I :· her he~pecked husband to put board and frame your gay pi~· Churchill sat In a man's lap to also will tell how Churchill sat o:1 Cana.da - one measure of th1s for a man to IJJ'Ing

8 guest lo .. ,,_ __ .....

I ! : :1: ·:;~pa·root down and make her hke ; turcs with one row of ceramic broadcast a personal message to , the Frenchman's lap to deliver years e c 0 n ° m 1 c re.covery- dinner without giving hii v.-ife " ThP per•oual tolll'b •dd~ to cbar111

of h·ono,,,.,.,.. 1 • . ··I ,Jt· , t'l wartime France will be recalled the broadcast In cramped sur· showed a 5.~-per-cenl gam m the li!l!n ~d 1·ant·• notl'"e. ! ~ , :. i t" ·So whot bm y'" got to Jo;, , "· t,. udto pro,um mockto<th• roo odtogo •t """" b.,'"". li "'" '"' moo<h.,flhe '"'. >he , ' " ' ' '' '" '"' '· A" i "'"t "''" ' '"' " '""'

1'~ ' · · b takl \ f B'll 1 •talesman's 85th bl thd t d h t h b'· f t 1'stJ·cs po ted R IJel'l',Hiot cruet, to ri"ht ur ,.a,r, rnntain• a blld (': :, Y "' • "'" rom ' . Chook yo"< •:tk. Brow" • ' "· "'· " ~ • t """ ChO<oh· '"'"' ' " · " ' · "' • , ,I ~":~rown~ Nothln~ at all---except ·

81-ound the basement. Chances Also to be heard on the Nov. 30 Ill said with tears in ~is eyes: 'I tail sales in the January-Septcm- I CARS TOO WIDE ,alatl cireoslng. :l'lilk gtas~ planter, bottom, ho141

. , 1f!'< "'''" tilt• of hO'P"kod '" th•re lo , d • •repotobto ptore i l"'l"m witt bo • ~onlto1 of "W • ''" m"'• kt•t"y to. b" pe<iod '"' " "timot • d ' TORONTO tCP I - At t .,,.,.. 'b" "' o g. fitl pi"" ppto I om P", t• I·'"'"' ! · , , ~""'"'. of '"tdotodl "'""'" >hot "' bo ; the • ~ • " h '!' "'""""' by "'' h t." . : $U . 6!9 ,M '-"' " m P "' d with G •~"' Rob'"" ~id T '"'" ho - -- · · - - · · -- - -· . !',· remodelled with

8 hammer end Churchtll In spectally • rehearsed The program will be heard In ; $11,047,927,000 a year earlier. . w11\ warn automobile manulaclur-

·~· \. • • saw, covered wtth fabric, 1cree- French. 'the BBC's general overseas ser-' i ers they are making cars too . : ~· FashiOn TipS , ned with an embroidered· bllnd, The ?arrator on t!le BBC pro- ' vice. · If you hal'e outfitted yoLJrself : wide for Ontario highways. Hr ,Jill"' , topped with tile or

1tven new KI'am Y.lll be Michel St. Denis, the 111th a new muted-tone ward- I said nine of the 1960 models pn:

!·, 1 \lfe wit;, 1

coat of pai:1t. 1 French theatrical producer who TEST ABOVE GROND 1 robe. be sure to change your out by the major auto firms ar~ , .. One of the 5marte>t a:1d most


I spent almost a whole day coach- PARIS (API-Francis Perrin, make-up coloring so that JUSt the 1

more than the so inches In w1dth ':1111lr51!118. wardrobe changes this I Stop worrying If your ~th • lng Churchill for the wartime French atomIc energy chief, right contrast will be mabtained : prescribed in Ontorlo's W:ighway I.~JIIeB!IOTI 15 the dressy little wra?" I aren't pure white. There really i broadcast. 1 !uesday confirmed that the pro- ! against the smoky greens, ' Traffic Act. T~e widest Is 8l..i

It transforms your dre~s m ',aren't any pure white teeth. St. Denis, who has served .as : )ected Frenc~ atomic test in the: bro"':ns and blues of the new I !nches. Mr. Robert~ did not spec· · Jf!fy Into a smart after-fhe or I Women wit!! dark complexions adjudicator at the Dom1mon , Sahara will be an above-ground I fash10ns. l1fy what aclio~ m1ght be taken.

f o r ~ a I evening ensemble. may seem to have them, but It's .~•;,.,,A little jackets or cape\ets ju~t th.e contrast. The goal you

especially useful In cham· ·~hou\d aim for Is to keep them brocade this season. and g\lstenlni and free from stains.

be used to dress up an old • --- . . -· -----1:1! or lace after-five dtcss. ltnterweavlnR of a textured Kold

Ve\,.et, sal in end silk ·are also. ll:lK chn'n or I!IP.sh, that Is work­jacJ..~t mat~rial.~ th~l eri wllh '"ch extrrmr f!ncnPss

h~ worn with almost e1 CJ'Y th~t l\ achlel'e~ a ll;;hl, ~lry, sy dr~s~. : silKy lnnk.

• • • • • • , II )'llU'Ie fallen inln L!JP h~bit ol alwR)'! bu)•ln~ hats in ri~rk

h~~~lill~\ I his sPa< nil. a colors. ~urpl'ise ,ronrseH this fall pleasant l'ariation of !hi•. i! t:1e with at IPi!SI M~ l'il'id rolnr. lt cohwen necl;!ce. T:1r cull\I'Ph · 11''11 add color· tn ·your per~nn<~· &ppearance is achiel·eJJ b,r the illy.


Kabul, Eise.nhower Tour Stop-

Mohammed Zahir Shah, Uefl), will welcome Presi­dent Eisenhower to Kab1,1l, (right). the walled capi­tal of Afghanistan surrounded by the towering Hindu Kush Mountaint. The city has a population

of 200,000. It is one stop on the President's nine­country tour, his attempt to win some good will for the United States. Afghanistan now recei\·es aid from Russia.

c.l.1r>hal \'i>~ou:~l Montgomery.: Tuesdal', II' a~ H.- lain'~ h~sl·known old 6oldier. 1 radin in:orrlt'· said Tuesday he might go to Pe· South Afnca A~ king soon to get a ''true and !nciia.

I •

t' -~ .... ·., ,• ' . ......,;· .... !.. :



next person I mission wa'

· of Easter ~ lr. I the c

breakage, SP• cau5ed to hig

parcels. l lair average get goods of ·

Sydney to St. per 100 poun1 proposal wa! cargo sen·lce to four N~1·

St. John'>. r


Page 3: L USED CARS AND L ICED TRUCKS FO~ QUICK ,THE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · nouncecl· Wcdnesda1• that ~!acmil-.-\frican

' . r1eu



,: , 2 t"h:esp~ IL·mon i11i~e. 1 r l':ck milk. dates \\ ::~ ; · a m:nute or

anll discard .'nmbir.~ all 1c blend~r

'•l'e is thick rr is not to small piect~ with electric

1ntil of m\!JI Garnish

ith additional ed dates, iJ Indio Dale In" 'I llbGul I tUPI :ups fresh dal!l, •rn syrup, .., !'lJ :Mel wine !or n gratffl t ablespoolll

nes. now ingredient!.

; Gifts



tWL _· MOKER~ sMOKE!··

sr. JoHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND The Daily ·News

'N lBO\'E i.~ the RO)'al Commission on Transportation who met here durin~ the past two days to hear briefs from the ounT~and Gon~rnmcnt And the trAde. Standing i~ Acting ChAirman Mr. M. A. MacPherson, And at hi§ right is Howard

e otbcr members are:-H. A. Anscomb, R. Gobeil, and A. Balch. {Not in photo: Arnold Platt).

ouths Rescued From Kelly's Island

Newfoundlanders Honored By Humane Association

B!ll hlano , , h 1 d . · 'u' '· lhrrp :from laking olf that day, how· 1 . n I frtend. sppnt an · e\'er. , Two men of \len01ts Col'e Jesso cou~d . gel a chance to I to the att:mpled. rescue of

I da)· on i\el\l,.s Js. 1 ! were . honO\!red wltn Test!· take young J1m Rel'alls aboard. , young Patr1c1a "ayson this · ' Euly yesterday morning, the I monial! of the Royal Canadian The nerolc action and pre· 1 summer by a 23 year old mar·

lllen. broth 1 weather had cleared, and the . Humane Association Tuesday. 1 sence of mind took place on I ried m~n. Ralph Eldridge. Both

and Go ~rs Kenneth,; plane scouted the Island. They I The men, Albert Jesse and I ,July 14th, 1958. Re1·. Father I drowned. ~~a~istrate White said Sh; on B1ckfnrri • were jut on tllm! to aee the ; Waller Jesso of the we.~t coast I Woorlrow was the chairman for, that is Is a tragerly of life that in 1 1

11' !et out lor I nos co boat "BamafA~h", towing town were presented with the 1 large ~ather in.: in I he aurli. i so oflt n when there is a hero,

Jlonday, ~:I: rnw h?nt the boys' row boat back. , I framed testimonial! by Magis· torium. Co,11slabl~ P. Moriarty 1 t~e bu~les cry. He said Eld-, intend eo 1 beltr~rrl th lrate Jack A. White of Bonne of the RCMP w1th full dress, mlgrs l!allant attempt .o;hould

Ther h~d i 1

10 hunt On l~nd, the ~011 1 ~ . wc~e I Bay, acting lor the LleutenHnl · ~carle! attrnrlcrl ns aide de' also live forel'cr in Bcnoits !he ni•ht n ~nrlcrl to none t e Aworse or h elr ; i Governor of NewfoundlHnrl. The camp for the magistrate. · Col'~ as a story of selfish a !i~ht lu~c and had pcmnce. scare, per aps, u awards were ilven for the men's heroism ~ml cool coura~e even

lllorntn1 brouh, Rut Tues. no harm done. part In the reacue of twelve ln a apeclal address Magis· In the face of death. And 1111l danaerousRht rough year old James Reval!l of the trate White spoke of th~ many he repeated those words "great-llloiorl1~1 craft for their iiNCHIS DAMAGID same place. Revalla was found kinds of heroism and na1d that er love hath no man than this

. to attempt · , 1 Jylni on the bottom of Benolts these men were as much real that he lay down his life for an· Rc City pollee on du Y near Cove by Walter Jesso whe went heroes as any off the pages of other"

, 11 '"rescue unit at Government House last night in alter him. Coming in Waller a history book. He sair! the · , , •h:len~ Tuescl~v aftnr: found acvcral or the cnncrcl~ .rc~~n humped his nwn hc~rf nn Hennit~ Cove din not h~vr .iu~t Th~ n~a~i~lr~1P. ~~~~~ th"t

ho n lh1 l~Uih r~ilcd er , hcnche& ~lona thP. M• 11 . ov~r 1 thP. dory b~ln~ man~u,•ererl by, two heroe~ to hnnour tnrla.\' hut Reno1ls Co\'~ could .. ~a.. w1th

!'Poor we~the In' lurned. On exammahllonb ll "hA~. his brother and ,.,.enl down, ~ctually three. But onP cnulrl humhiP pnde today 0 Day of ""V!Mtd . r cnn.l found thAt two of t e enc P~ • . ef . , H .. ,.

tba plana nre damaJed t.o 10m1 extent.ltwic. beflll'e Ilia brotbu, Albel:t 'not bt then. He was r emni' onour.

' •'

.,, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1959 ; ~ : '

.. ~·' ''I -· i!

·Briefs In The~.:

~: I I .

1~ ! \

"News'' ,. ,, :

\ .! I

C0!.'-1510NS Two collisions were r ..

ported Ia city police ye.. '· terdBy, At 9 1.m. 1 tw .. :: ur calllslon took pi1Ct at the 1 ntersectlan · ·cif '· Gower Street 1nd Church ; ' Hill and resulted In mlrlo'r dBmBge to bath Clrt. At


1 p.m. two cars wtrt lit collision II the lnttr· section of Empire · arid ' CB~hin Ave nun and· biltll '' , vehicles sustained lxten· sive dBmlge.


Central fire trucks responcL ed at 10.30 last night to a eaF from 4 Long Pond Roa~ where fire had broken out iJ' ' a clothes closet in one of th\ rooms. Considerable damag~.·

1 was done to the contents o, the closet ·before the fire wa•: extinguished and also dam age by smoke and water il' other parts of the house. ·



12 ONlY BOYS'. 3 PIECE OUTFITS Coat, Bonnet, leggings.

Sizes 4 - 6x Reg. $12.95

.............................. sg.9s



Assorted colours. Sizes 2 - 6x

SPECIAL .................... : 97c.






Fit 7 - 14

SPECIAL ................... $4.SO


' I


'~ j: I ' '· ,,


I I! '

i r .. I ' ,, I

! ,, i I

' ;I

. ,: " ''



I li



. I

' I



1 .•

I( :. ' '

: lt · : :11 . :

'I ·L, ' .

Page 4: L USED CARS AND L ICED TRUCKS FO~ QUICK ,THE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · nouncecl· Wcdnesda1• that ~!acmil-.-\frican

I "

--------- TH~ [JAILY Nt:WS, :if. JOHN'S, rmD., I"HURSDAY, NOVEMBtR ' '

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0 I I' 'I ':(.I" 11-/E DAILY NE'WS '· I l 'I .. ·.

Newfou,dland's Only Morning Papsr !I ' • I' .. r i . ; li i ~ I I" ..

; . 1/ ; I I '

I ' I

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; i I I I 'I ; • ... :,, I,! 1'j !1 I

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Canada ........ . $12.00 per annum United Kingdom

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The. DAILY NEWS Is a morning •npcr established in 1894, aud pub· shed at the News Building 35.J.3jf)

·· )uckworth St.e(lt, St. John's, New· nundland, by Robinson 6: Company,

Limited. . ·


The Canadian Preu u exclusively ''ntitled to the use for republicatloD f all news despatches in lhil paper ·rcdited to It or to the A.~soclated

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All Press service and feature articles in this paper are copyrighted aDd their reproduction is prohibited.

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': : Good Reason For Eating Fish

I ' ' I ' ' I I


'I ... . ; ~·, Those meat-eaters who turn up

• : 11 their noses at fish may be eating 1 • h d' . · 1 'their. way into a eart con 1t10n.

1' 'Tne· National Fisheries Institute

repOtts that eating fish and shell­i fis~ reduces cholesterol in the l blood. Cholesterol is the number

, . 1: one suspect in hardening of the ' arteries and heart trouble. This

1 i "nutritional breakthrough'' was · i tnnounced recentlv bv Ross Leffler.

L Assistant Secretar~· ~f the Interior, I ~ ' .,

j Washing1on. rn· making the <lnnouncement,

Secretary Leffler said, "Small j. nmounts. of fish oils included in

1 ~ the diets of test animals ha\·e brought about the most rapid and greatest total reduction in blood cholesterol of all substances tested,"

1 These findings, i\Ir. Leffler ex-• 1 ~ plained, were made by the Hormcl I I Institute, Uni\·ersity of Minnesota, i '1 working under a research contract ; : 11ponsored by the U.S. Bureau ~f

. I' ~ 1 Commercial Fisheries. (The am­

. ' 1 mals tested were fed a diet very : '~ hi-gh in fats derived from land

. 1: I animals and selected vegetables.) i .·] •·suppose we consider the hu-

111 ! man artery as bein~ .similar to. a 1 ·: common piece of p1pmg used 111

·: 1 . the plumbing of your home." Sec-1, 'W .

• l retary Leffler said. ' ater pass:ng ·! through such piping contams

· 1 I 1 materials. which, o.ver a peri?d of 1 · years, forms depos1ts on the mn.er

' : , lining of the pipe. Such depos1ts !, . may become so large that the flow

• I ·of water is either blocked or re-. tardeci with the consequence to

1 you of a large repair bill. Excess­.1 ively high quantities of what re­I searchers call cholesterol may I I I

bring about a similar situation in the human arteries."

The domestic market in Canada for fish could be amplified a thousand-fold if more Canadian~ would add seafoods to their diet. We were pleased the other day during the visit of Fisheries Min· ister Hon. A. McLean to hear him say that more fish was being con· sumed in Canada. However, there is still room for improvement and perhaps if the governments of :he fish-producing provinces, the f1sh packing plants and the federal gov­emment combined resources to provide a selling campai~n we would induce more Canad~ans to eat more fish.

Fish comes in such \'arieties that the often puzzled housewife who bas the problem of meal prepnr· ation need not feel too \\'orricd because . seafood offers so man:< · different and deJecta ble species. Newfoundlanders may ha\'e for­saken the old custom of storing awav for the winter a half or qua~ter quintal of salt fish, depend­ing upon the size of the family. The salt fish trade would receive a great fillip if this were the case. The various fishing firms now packing salt fish are doing the fish-Joying public a great service even if the price is a little high. The process, however, skinning, etc. would naturally drive up the cost.

As man usually fears heart trouble as he reaches middle age, perhaps the announcement men­tioned above will turn more to fish; we hope it will.

.1 '

! I . Young Canada's Book Week j \ This is Young Canada's Book l : l · Week, sponsored by the Canadian

T'he Public The Exccutlve Council of The CJn·

adian Chamber of Commer~e has re· commended to the Federal Govern· ment that the publlc interest always should be the criterion in any legis·

. iation In the field of business oper· a lion.

This observation was contn!ned In a brief submitted to Justice Wnist~r Fulton, who invited the Chamber's

: views with 'respect to Biil C·59, An AcL to Amend the Combines Investi·

• gallon Act and the Criminal Cede, withdrawn at the last parllamentary aession. ~lr. Fulton ha s Indicated that legislation in this regard will be re-introduced at the next session of parliament. ''The Chamber's Execu· live Councll,'' said the brief, ,'holds as fundamental that any Investigation of alleged combines shculd be for the purpose of adducing facts to deter· mine whether or not a combination is Injurious to the public and further that p1·ocf of detriment to tile pub· lie should be required as an essential element of the offence."

In an outline of principles underly· ing the Chamber's submission, it was stated that the Chamber believes the preserl'ation of the competltil'e sys. tem requires the enforcement by a central authority of certain ground rules-thooe by which the individual businessman seeks to govern himself, and those with the force of law by which society as a whole seeks to govern the businessman.

The brief went on to say that "new businesses are constantly starting and producing goods or scnlces which were not formerly available and ex· lstlng enterprises are sometimes en· ga~cd in a line or business fur which there is but restricted demand. Until some person is prepared to risk the in1•estment and talent necessary to become a competitor in the line in question. such businesses may he con· siderrd to be monopolies, but this is not to ~ax that they should be con· sictercd as had per se. This is especi· ally true in Cnnada where many of our industries are still in the clc· v~lopmcnt stage. There are also nu· merous otlJCr instamcs wilere a bus· iness may lor a lime or permanently be alone in its particular field tilrougil economic or other reasons. In this respect, legislation should recognize such circumstances and permit de· nlopment to take place in a cllmilte favourAble to growih.

"The Chamber's Executive Council believes ~n the. p:·:ncl{i u .d~riyir.g the C:nad!Jn concept ol just!ce in criminal matt~rs· thnt an accused is i11nocent until p;·:vcd guilty. It be· lieves thnt there. is no justiCicalion for a d~pa1·turc in cor.:binEn ·legisia· lion from this principle.

"It Is essential in any study of legis!;; lion Intended to amend the Ccmbines Investigation .A.ct to deter­mine and to bear in mind tile policy of the law ll"ith respect to combines. Tile history or ihc Act makes it clear that this policy is to preserve and fostc1· competition b the public in· lerest hy prohibiting the undue crea· lion or use o[ monopoly power.

"Furthermore, since the combines le::islntion is to be consolidated into one statute, all parts of which will nPcessarily be read as construing all oiher parts. it is impnrtant to prol'icle for the gl"eatcst consistency bctwc~n lie several cffcllces covered.

"The Exc~ulive Council briicves that it is unwi'e to impo'e " set of rules designed for the prntection of the pulllic in the domestic sense upon an industry which is chiefly interest­ed In the export or its product and beliel'es that combines legislation should not apply to contracts, a~rec·

menl! or anangements which relate only to export trade or commerce."

The brief recommended a number of specific chilngcs in . thP various sectioons of Hill C-50, including defini· tlons or merger and monopoly. The hrirf urged the adoption or the fol­lowing definition for tile word "un­duly" which frequently occurs in the prcposert legislation; "unrluly means to the detriment or against t.he inter· est of the public.''

In conrlusion. the bri~r urgrd thilt ~ny proposed bill replacing Bill C-50, An Act to Amend tile Combines ln· restigation Act, he referred to the appropriate parliamentary committee before final consideration b~ the House of Commons. This, it was stat· ed, would permit all interested p:u·. ties to re1·icw the new legislation and make final representation before enactment. "Only by so doing cnn there be a reconciliation of all the views expressed to the :\linistcr," said the brief. "It I~ felt that this legislation is of maio:- importnnce ond merits every possible consideration and review."

------------------------1,...,...__. ·--------·-··---·-·--... -..... ~--~--·-----

( What Others STIL.L. FRIENDS Victoria Times

Tt Is too easy to generalize on the differences arising between l\loscow and Peking these days and to assume that this apparent cooling or ardour presages a sharp break In the part· nership of communism's two giants.

But when all the incidents are as· sessed. it is abundantly clear that they do not con~titute a deep dil'ision be· tween the two partners. And they won't for excellent reasons.

Russia's position in the world would .be far weaker without China as her chler ally. China's position. likewise, would lose strength if she broke with Russia.

DOCTORS SHOUL.D TEL.L. The Canadian Doctor


Milwaukee Journal Seldom has any good been ~aid

about the American bureaucratic hahit of making alphabet soup out of the names of government agencies.

But, at least to one who speaks English our alphabet soup mnkes more sense than the German variety. The West German military has decid­ed to abbreviate military titles as a means of cutting down communica· lions cost~. And it ha~ come up with . ~ome beaut!es-such as Ofap, Ostbtsm, Pzru and Pzpl.

··-.' ~·.~· --;__-



This nation h"s a policy of ~ranting

loans to undcnlel"ciopcd countries. This is milnilgcd through the Del'ciopmcnt Loan Fund. an arrangement created and supported by Congrc~ ..

Though the year rw1·cr goes hy with· Ollt opposition ro this and other form• of foreign aid, it is a fact that the loan program weathered the storm more than once and is a going thing.

That suggests thnt a majority of our lawmakers have been persuadetl the program is a good and nec,·ssary one for the United States. The theory un­derlying the program is that we will benefit if we help struggling lands to better themscll·es and stay out of the grasp of hostile communism.

It is also a part of the underlying con· ccpt that these nations be allowed In use these bnds according to their own li~hts. to fit them into del"ciopment plans originated and carried forw•Jrd by them.

Experience has shown that this means, inescapably, some waste. But so is there waste. perennially, in our own milit;;ry establishment. That alone cannot jmtify scuttling a program.

Now a new factor has entered thi,; picture. U.S. del'elopmcnt loan offi. cials, under persuasion !rom Secretary of the Treasury Robert Anderson, have dclard that countries receiving such loans must send their funds in this country only .

The big reason is tht growing con· cern of Ander.'on and others over the unfavorable balance of payment~ be­tween the l:nitecl Slates and f•,ri~'l

lands. This deficit in trade and services may touch s~ billion this year.

, 1 • r · Library Asociation. Local libraries ' '

organizations interested in books and children are working together to encourage more reading of more worthwhile books by more chil­dren.

he puhllr ought to get more edura· tion in health and disease and the day of the "obscurantism of the old rash· ioned physician'' is passed it was gen· erally agreed by a panel of British doctors at the joint conference of the British and Canadian Medical Asso· elations at Edinburgh.

These stand for, in order prlnted above, Obedfetidapothckl'r (medical cDrps man). Oberstabsbootsman (chief petty officer), Panzerfunker (lank radio operator( and Panzer· pioneer (armored engineer). Still, may· he, it's not so bad. Looking the thing ol"er c.1reful!y, the alphabet soup is

·as easy to pronounce as the full titles for those who can't speak German.

The feeling is that our friends abroad now have so many restrictions on U. S. imports that we can't possibly balJnre their sales to us. ''Buy Ameri~an'' is a policy designed to help force a better balance.

' '

· i ~ always support this worthwhile 1 1 ' project and lay special emphasis i , -1: on children's books during this I I ·. period. The St. John's Kiwanis ! : ; · 1 • Club is collecting good books for 1 1 youngsters during the week in I.• .• : 1! order to get more ch-ildren in tel­l II 1:· · 'j' est~ in reading. One of the finest : .

1 .! · · habits to acquire Is reading. Time ! I ; :,j': · shQ'U1d be apportioned in every j : :: ,: i' per-Son's life. for. reading. Despite , ; : i i the::~any dwers10ns today, some

i · 1,; · ·, of wnich are apt to take too much 1

1: ';,: · ii of (>ur leisure hours, the reading

" 1 ,': i ! of a-:good book phould not be over-.. [: : i 1 1oo~ed. .

. :_ 1. · i At school the seeds of readmg · ; 1, .. I should be planted into the young . j, ll · :minds and from the~ on i~to lifP. . · ; ) I' i! the demand for readmg w11l con-

.· i .. i :! i tinue. All across Canada this week '. ~ ! 'I . ; I

Parents should study more in­timately their children and see what they like. If they collect stamps, are interested in music, drawing or pets. Whatever it is there is a book available to provide more enjoyment from favourite hobbies.

Parents whose children have outgrown some of their books should not hesitate to give those volumes to the Kiwanis Club for distribution to other children. The club is to be commended for this fine action and effort in thinking about the children and helping provide them with more and better reading.

, il' ·!; .I I I

' I I

Winter Driving On Tuesday citizens got their

first introduction to wintry con­ditions. Fortunately the weather moderated and the sleet turned to rain, Motorists cannot be told too often ·to drive slowly during win­ter. The Safety Council says that only~;the most urgent motor trips sho~d be attempted when severe bli~rd conditions develop. When

conditions are at their worst, as last New Year's Eve, for

Ut~xa:"p.le, it may prove quite fool­to venture on a trip which

· really could be delayed. Snowplow crews working to clear

highways will be hampered in their efforts by vehicles which be­

e stalled. Since immediate attention must be given to main

the IeiSer-travelled, roadJ


may not be reached by plows for some considcr<.:ble time.

Drivers are urged to ask them­selves is the trip really necessary when storm warnings advise stay­ing close to home. Technique in driving is developed to the point of perfection only after much "practice and experience. This win­ter many drivers will be facing wintry conditions for the first time. They should drive extra careful and make sure their cars are fitted with snow tires or chains which will help them obtain better control of the vehicle. One has to "get the feeling" of driving over snow and ice-covered streets in order to become acquainted with che extra problems arising. Winter driving iJ no picnic.

The panelists concerned with pub· lie education weighed the dangers of the relatively little knowledge whi~h the public can ever obtain being a dangerous thing (it may lead to mar· bid Interest and hypochrondria) against the benefits to be gained by, among other things, causing people to seck medical help earli;r.


Indian and non-Indian children are going to school together in Increasing numbers in Canada. Educators s1>-, ciologlsts and anthropologists in and out of government agree the goal should be complete Integration. So do most Canadians.

Why then does the Federal Govern· ment continue to build more separate schools for native Indian children? Integration Isn't served by expanding the facilities ·for segregation.

Ottawa may have reason for con· tinulng to build separate schools In ~ome areas. There can be none for building them where the local com· munlty feels they wlll impede lnte­Rratlon.

FRANCE'S AUTOS France Actuelle

Last year the French auto Industry i!'OSsed 757 billion francs ($1.8 bil­lion), as against the 1957 gross of 604 billion francs ($1.6 billion at the average exchange rate through that year).

Among the world's automaklng countries, France now ranks fourth in production and third In exports.

France, however, Is catching up fast to Germany and Britain: As of the past Summer, for every 500 motor vehicles manufactured In the United States, West Germany and Great Zrltaln were each making 11~. and France was producing 100. And only a year ago, the Germans were making ~ per cent. and the British 21 per­eent. ·more vehicle& than the French.


Editor Daily News, ....... . Dear Sir-For divers reasons lt was

considered desirable that two Carl· bou should be sent to the Zoo at St. Louis.

The opinion was expressed that lo return Newfoundland might be bless­ed with some harmless Snakes for educational purposes. . , . . . . . . . .

The Island was no Garden of Eden before the introduction of serpents, and' ls hardly ever likely to be if the authorities demonstrate their aware­ness of the lack of educational facili­ties by requeotlng half a dozen Snakes.

Frankly, I am sceptical as to the educational value of Snakes, for if we 7\ewfoundlanders are to eat of the Tree of Knowledge, half a dozen teachers would be more appropriate than as many Snakes.

Besides, H this present generation nf Snakes convey a similar message to that of Its biblical predecessor, the consequences may be equally catas· trophic.

Yours truly, 1\1. N. G.


Strength For Today By EARL L. DOUGLASS

HONESTY A:\IONG NATIONS There is no easy road to the settle·

ment of international problems. These problems have perhaps in the past been as pressing as they are now. But we cannot deny that the disposition of the world to become a neighhood has chang. ed the character of international d\.s. cuss ions.

Yet there are some things which re· main permanent and of supreme value. Many people think that diplomacy is nothing but fancy lying. This, of coui'Ile, !a not true. It bas always been

Yt there is strong reason to share the worry over this policy expressed hy Sen. •J. W. Fulbright, chairman ol lhc Senate Foreign Relations commit· tee.

111 too many places, especially in un· dcrdevclopd Asia, Arrica and Latin America, the cry of ~anomie "imper­ialism" is raised against the United States. To shout "Buy American" would seem to give the complaint ser­ious point.

Surely our trade deficit is serious. Surely we must seek means to induce other nations to ease their rstrictions on our prot!ucls. But we must try to find ways less crude, less psychologi­cally and politically damaging, than -'Buy American."

Americans are no different from any. body else in the history of the world when it comes to paying taxes. We love to gripe about them, but most of us-lets hope-realize their necessity.

However, as long as there are taxes, Americans will continue exploring ail kinds of channels to cut down a wee bit the sizable chunk of our incomes that Uncle Sam feels is his due. For all those of that mind. two recent news ilcm.s should have been of interest.

In a jet-age ruling, the Internal nev· enue Service has decl:Jred that home· owners may claim deductions for prop· ert)' damage cause by sonic !"'oms. Such damage, the tax agency s"id. being "sudden, unexpected and unusual," qualifies as a casualty loss.

the case that many or the finest states­men of eaLh generation ha1·e been dip· lomals, and this is true today just as always.

As a matter of fact, honesty enters a great deal more into diplomacy than most people think. The truly success· ful diplomat:; have been men who took their stand on issues and were able tactfully, but forcefully, to press their points. The idea that diplomats are a group who huddle together and hatch skulduggery anct dirty work at the crossroads is a caricature that some mis· informed and evil-minded person thought up.

.. -


By RAY CRO~II.E\' :"iEA Washington

WAS!IlNGTON-(XEA) - Tl:e, hower Administration ts goin1 ~ a new and determined try lo iel ·, ernmcnt out of everythi:1g prill'l

ness can do better ... or 11

Up for review: se\'eral lars-a-year-worth of opera•.io"s, ing most activities or the Atorr:!c Commission, the ~!iiitary Air Service, and Army, :\ary ar.d Air ship, aircraft anll vehicle and repair.

up for review also: unkr,o·.rn of dollars a year of Go1·crnrr.1:1 Lions in minin~:, commun1rat~o:.;

portal ion, utilities, contractlni a:-l housing.

:\lost government agcnms m port in by December 31 on •hi: plan to do. Defense and the Energy Commission ara illen time.

There wlll be regular checks President's budget burea•J next several year& to de:er:t:~

rapidly the agencies carry or. plans.

There will be regubr "ned~ see that plans are carried o~L

Every time any t.:.S. a;my parlment budget is prrpare<l. · bureau men will check to su is a gradual shift away fro~ men\ operation of act1vitie1 dustry can do better.

There will also be midyear cledl In 1955, the Execul;rr O!IICI

President, Bureau of the B;ldge~

U.S. Government agenrieJ tl i£ of manuracturing whrrewr 1957, the order was: get oul ~ vices" that private Industry 1:01.!

better. There were, however, lew

these 1955 and 1957 orders. It's estimated that onl)'

lion dollars a year" worth of were transferred from private hands in the pJSt fo·;r

This new order pu t.s m the expands tile scope or \he ortr. . elude virtually "any" go1·ern~r~ · tion that private indumy ro~ll well or better-not jnsl or "services.11

There are exceptions. I! L1

can prove the security of tht r.s. be impaired by having . ate industry do a particular.,. thu order doesn't hold. Of ~ viously Impractical to to:;e an out of government h:mds. 1

The new plan will rake sel!ll'· for full effect. Some act111l:d government could get out of once a decision was made. lions would take a ion~ tirne ~ from government management

No one here is willing to how many dollars' worth of operations will be turned ol"lr pelilive pril'ate business under, gram. at several hundred dollars a year are possible.

1'1 It depends, in part. on "h3

ered practical to turn orer 10~ business. Part!)· it depend! .~ tough Pre-sident Eisenholl"rr 1;

successor as President wan! to

And partly it depends on ertsed the public is is in

\" I shifts. Government men Sl. ~ pressure on congressmen fi'O constituents would speed th~ markedly and carr)' it a long

But one official notes 11n·~r'~ ·· o It~ you get down to it, there' ·

of pressure from a chamber, merce or individual busine;;:t!, government not to get out of 1

.J • \1.'1

Just try and eliminate a shl~. arsenal 1ometimell and 1ec.

nformatio Discou sureau on

~m1uu;'" d to public on

is being ope:te week at 600 Unl

ol the dec the newly for

made by Ge of The Sf company, has p!om

stamp bus states si nee

will be owned canadian cor

3 a~d Hutch

Stamps. s. R. Leightc

or of the Admillistratic

\\'estern O~tar been retained tc consultant for Bureau. Ir. 1 public relatio

educational o~ducted by the

c Relation Comp!

Page 5: L USED CARS AND L ICED TRUCKS FO~ QUICK ,THE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · nouncecl· Wcdnesda1• that ~!acmil-.-\frican


·. gton Correspondent

-(XEA) -The ation is ~:oini to nined try to get tlle everything private 1er .•. or u welL : several billi of operation!,

~s of the Atomic ~!ilitary Air

ny, Nai'Y and Air nd vehicle

r of Go1·ernment , communications, ~s. contracting and

•efense and the

e regular checkJ by get bureau durir.z ear1 to determine •encies carry out

•• regular "nudiin&' are carried out. any U.S. agency or et is prepared. tll check to sea ll ;hift away from

of activities privlll better. so be midyear check!. Executive Of!ica of

•au of the Budget, mt agencie• to Ill ng wherever ·r was: get out of ivate llldustry could

however, fa., tlllh 1957 orders.

~ that only "Jevtnl year" worth of ·ed from 11overnlllent m the past four )'til' :ler puts In the teeth. cope of the order to , "any" government ate Industry could Ill -not just ma:uw••"~

·xceptlons. U an security of the U.S. v having compet!Uvt 1o a particular job. sn't hold. Of If It~ ·tical to take an ment hands. an will take 1everal :t. Some activltiet Juld get out of n was made. other 1 ke a long tirne to ,ent management.

·e ls willing to lars' worth of ' d be turned over 10

:e business under ~Ill era! hundred Jll[UI · are possible.

in part, on whal'l \ to turn over to

d ndJ on artly It epe and ~nt Eisenhower ~ i'resident want to it.

it depends on bD'if 1blic is II In D'laklnf rnment men saY 1

congressmen frolll .vould ·speed tbiJ ·• g YIN'

carry It a Ion 'f' · 1 tes WJ')'lY• tcJa no , 1110 1 1 to it, there s 0 of' from a cha!llber ror vidual businessmen · .ot to get out of 1 ard (II eliminate a shiPY times and 1M· "


lnformat~on Bureau On Ois!ount Stamps

Toronto ad1·crtising agency. "Altho~gh The Sperry a:1d

llutcilinson Company hns absolutely no bus!nes~ interests

1 in Canada at the present time," :-lr. Schlrcr explained, "our or· gnn'znt!on has always bee:1 a' k~y exponent of the values of I tile discount stamp principle to llnsi.~l'ss and to consumers. By fin~mdng o:td supporting the In·\ formation Bureau in Toronto, our so:c motil'e Is to ~elp create a fait· weather atmosphere for d.feount stamps In Canada. We helirl'e this can hcst be ac·

, complished by correcting 1ome of the misleading l:lformation

, tltat ilas lx!cn reaching the i Canadian public."

In acting as Canadian consul­t ant for The Sperry and Hutchb­son Company, Miss Sanders llrings to her n~w duties the re­

' s·.1lt of )'cars of experience In

The Hard WayToNfld. I

Airman Burton Wolkow, lbs of luggage. now assigned to the 640th Air· After a weekend holiday at craft Control and Warning Tamaqua, Pennsylvania, he Squadron 'at Stephenville, hPaded for the Canadian bor-


Nfld., a distance of over 5,000 der and five days later arrlv-milcs. 'ed at Sydney, Nova Scotia.

His long jaunt across the Arriving at Port aux Basques tTnlted States started in Au· ln a heavy downpour of rain gust 1958. Eleven dJys later, and hail, Airman Woikow and he arrived in Xew York City. his friend set out to cover the He left his scooter there anrt last lap of their journey the continued his journey by air 'l130·mile stretch ~f road to Harmon Air Force Base, Ste· Harmon Air Force Base. The phenville. only dramatic incident during

In September, Airman Wol· the entire t,rlp occurred jUJt kow returned to New York to outside Stephenville Crossing pick up hls scooter and drive when he lost control of h~ It toe Newfoundland. For the scooter after skidding on loose return trip, he had a travel· gravel. There was no damage ling companion and over 300 to the one-cylinder machine.

To Form PC Bond Sales Association Higher

I m n rket and consumer research. I s:te is currently co·Director of , lite Ca:~artlan Institute of Public . Op:nion, popular!)' known as the BELL ISLAND. (staff) -Tbl

1 C '"'dl"' G oii"P Poll, ood lo ol· "I• of c oood, '"'"'' '"'"

I ;?001:~·~:~~:-:f ;;;:oloCModlu BELL ISLAND. loloffl _ I io ."oooo. Wobooo MioM """

I ""'''' w .. w w" !l,. "'" Boll ''''"' '"'"'" '"''" ,, plo"" "" ~""' h>ohU thu

At Wabana

RepresentativA In the Hou•e of Ior the prev1ous year.

! Saund~rs sen·ed as Director of ~ o 1 !h~ Co:~sumer Branch, Wartime 13AN FRANCISCO-New York Gov. Nelson A. Rock efeEer tleft) and Mrs. Rockefeller arrive here Nov. Assembly, .~ick Gr~cne, during In 1958,22.1 per cent of those Pnccs and Trade Board In . , . . th d d f R k f 11 · 5 ing along the a recent ~lsi~ to thtS tow~, told 'employeea with the ~ompany ap-

:this work. she organized th'e wo- 13th at International A1rport w1th the1r party. It wa~ e secon ay 0 oc e e er 5 w . us, t~at 1t 1s hls !ntenlton. to plied fCJI' Savings Bond•. Thl.t :men or Canada lor co.operation Pacific Coast. Some 50 spectators were on hand at the airport to greet Rockefeller and h1s entourage orgamze .a strong. Proaress1ve year zu per eent of tilt em. ,ln. pme control and rationing, some of them carrying signs of welcome.-l UPI Telephoto) Conservallve organmtton here. ployees, which eonsists ef I l ll'llh a network of 16.~ house- ' ' ' 'I'he Bell Island people he smaller amount of employee~

!IOI'E S.l:'iDEilS. : wil'es across the cou:1try work- t Of A d F said are amongst the most in· I than in prmout yura, appliM r.s.r.. in~ l'oluntarily through her COS B • t telligent thinking people I have for Bonda.

lno• m,·~rrh. "~l~·rrtl~· Bnmc!t. For her war work, she r1 at n . '1.· ranee met anywhere. They know what "'"""' ""'""' ol wo; modo " C.B.F. .. h!ghe;! ;, "''''

1,. ~- ~'"' .,, Tobl uiM ""'""-



a~ r"n:ul1:111 rnn· honor attainable for a woman in L• • through the P.C. Association, t11e CompanYJ payrool deduo

'""'' ,,. oil! be lo ! ";.- S "''"' pco ,.,0,. 1 y h

0 d BY W, N. EWER ! p,.,id.,l 11 "'" e, A od ib ol, io· of """"'" "'I"" o whi•h """ ' >h~ R "'."" lo "" '" "' oO>

1 HoM, omoool•d fo $201 .... 111 tor nr ~prrr)· :md. C8n~dn. lYing

, 1 ,1,. '"' bo ,.,,.,. b """'' w ido IY ko .,., " odli"' ll 1. Sol wy" Lloyd'' P "'' •·loll mdiblo " II moy "'"' oow, ' '" lb' '"" md • blo ""'"'"'' phod ">h 1 h ~ lol ~•11" I l~trm'o ul" '"'""',.

[01 dl!rount ,taHIP~ In ol Chatelaine macazbc. She Decreases is one among a crisS·CI'OSS of !he communique at close of t~eir; differences but betweeu. wht~h' necessar;· to hnng the ~!~any """'· b". "" '''" II' '""""'· I •·lo " "' "'"'" 'lo il• hoi wm ~oil og ol" lod """ ib' '"''"'" ["""' " I"""'"''"'" I f "'"'''' p . "' '""' "obi' m> of ib" ."· lli •k oumod N Out .. ..

. ol f '"" d • I.'"''"', "''" lbo ool Y worn'" mom b01 , ib, "W" 1 ''"" ""'; o I G ""'". · '"'"" ioo >h ol >h•Y holh "'"'" ·. "' ""'"'" ruly of ''~"' lo- I'"' d '""' m' ~·I!. 10 1

ho ''" '''"' . '' "' ''""" o I "' .. o I '"'''.' Doll" Sl "llo; T h' lo" I S I. J oh' ' C" .,. mo"' ood F "' lg" >llololoc; dod w" "'I"'" ibo; ,. '""'"'" ' '""'· of lbo p '"""' "' go"'" m "'· ool "' • olloot "p<eoobli"

Trade Council. , mer Price Index. decreased, which will be going on now In as "unthinkable." What was it: --- --- --------------

Pror~ssor U!ighton, who will 0·3%from llU to 114·S from I preparation for the "Western all about? Everybody except· act as rconomic co:Jsultant fat' September to October as a re- · Summit" 0:1 Decemller 19: !his historians has forgotten.


the new Information Bureau on ~ultdof .a decllnetof groIn :re


1agaln is part of the preparat:on, There have been similar per· Discount Stamps, is Regina·bom 00 co~pdan~~ · h r~r 1~ for the "Summit" meeting with !o~s in Anglo-French relations. and a graduate of Queen's t:ni· 1 ~arne per 0 • e s e er an Mr. K:trushchel' sometime in the duri:lg !~e 55 years of close as·'

Greatest advance in skim milk w.:.:.. ...

1...~""""""'• ~.,.. .L.UCW.L.J •• t

5jll'rr) or.d l!utch1.n· l'crsity where he recell'ed his household operation groups. spring, sociation since the •·entente cor-con,ul!ant ll1 1 Bac!Jelor of Arts in eco:~omics.l registered a slight decline. In· I But these meetings are not en- diale" of 1904. And again now

Later he graduated from Har-' ~rease~. In the clothing and (llrely concerned with tlw coming who now recalls what the)' Jllrk to. oe undrrtakr1 1·ard, receiving degrees ol both I other commodities and ser-1 "Summit". The fact that we were about·: l)[lmtO'Ion 8\:rrau on, ~laster of Business Administra-' vices components partly off-. are now b the "pre·Summit" 1 APART IN POLICY S:amps. . . · lion and Doctor of Business Ad-! s~t declines In the other thrce.


phase accou.;!s no doubt for the 1 Time are of course diff~r~n· S R. !A'I~nlon. As·' ministration. I gtoups. congestion of the timetable. llut, ccs of pohcy between Brnam

. o! the Sch.ooll Sub·groups lnocxes for Sep· , meetings of this kind would be and Fra:1ce as there must inevit· 1

Admuumalt~n. l nt·l From 1~3 to 19S6, Professor ! tember and ?ctober, 1959, are di;sirallle. in deed necessnry, ·, ably be with free and indep2n· o! \\!!tern 0"1ar1o. Lon· Leighton served on the Harl'ard · shown belo11: I even If there were no coming· dent countries. The British

been reta:ned to net as Faculty, and was the~ appointed' Sept. Oct.: "Summit" and Hen if there· l'iews on the economic organis~-~nsultanl for the In·· to his p!'<'sent position at the Food · · · · · · · · · · · 112.8 111.7 ·were no questions at Issue h2- tion of Western Europe difler B1rrau. ln addillon, 1 Unil'erslty of Western Ontario. I' 5i1clter · · · · · · · · 115.~ 114.9; tween the N.A.T.O. countries', from the French views. ~lac-pul!ic relations pro- , He has edited and co·authored. Clothing · · · · · · · · 104.J lOa ' and t!le Soviet Union. I milla:~'s 1•iews on the timing and

t:ucat:onal nature I four nationally known books on Household Oper. 109.7 109.5 Alwavs and lnevitabll', be·· character of t:te "Summit" dif-b)' the Depart- I Ca:tadlan marketing problems, Other Commodities twee:J countries linked wl.th each fer from those of de Gaulle. !

!";Ilk Re:nlions of J. ! Is married with three children, and Services · · 127.1 . 127.4 o!lle~. whether by alliances or But that would not matter if ~:11Pllijl Company Ltd. I and now lives In London. Total · · · · · · · · · 114.9 114.5 b)' tradition~! lriendships, there !hey were accepted and discus-' are differences and divergencies: sed realistically, and w:th the

E I There may be conrticls of natio·l understanding that there may be

C·NR mp oyees 'nal interest. There may be mls·: valid rea~ons. for the opposing ' understandl:tg. In free countr- 1 potnt of new. The trouble

lies, with freedom of speech and' comes when !here is suspicion of

By I SEW ND~ESSES FOR Rece·lve Fl·rst press, ther~ ~al'l be outspoken I molil'e. -It. is that .. not a diver-CBISHODI TliO~ISOS, PICCADILLY CIRCUS :mutual cntlc1sms wh1ch cnn • ge~ce ot news, wh1c~ can sap

· l5 now a:1 auto- · The Circus, still with traces of · glv'! rise to mutual irritations i confidenN'.

larger Than Life er1ry 11': people b · a delishtrul 19th·ce:~tury atmos- A• d AwardS , and suspicions. 1 Some French commentators ,

li ngdom matters ' phet·e, Is one or Britain's grent . I · And there is unhappily no, find it hn1:d lo understand the , :o lhe .lol:a~r.esburg

1 free shows, especially at night. ~uestio:1 thnt in recent months! British attitude to the "Common'

U.years.o:d :.lr. Don Hundreds of !lashing signs with there has been, both in Britain Market" and to the proposed. H; has just run from • Ingenious set pieces advertising On Friday, No1•embcr 13th,, and France, a sort of wal'e of "Free Trade Area." Similarly.'

0• Bma.n - the 876 ·everything from Iizzy drinks to st. John Ambulance Awards for I distrust and estrangement. to some British commentators find

l..l.1d's En~ in the · hair nourishers a:~d beauty treat- First Ald Classes conducted dur· the point where one of the most . it hard to und~rsta:1d and sym·

10 Jo::n O'Groats on ' ment, exude a sense or exhllara- ing the past year were present· distinguished French jour:~ali>!s pathize with de Gaulle's reluc·

. ttp of Scot· lion which will be at least doul>- ed to 61 employees of t~e e~lltled a series of articles "!he lance to attend ~n early .sum.mit ~:Ill da:s w:c~ and a led, it seems to me, when the canadian National Rallwavs. Stck - Bed of the Entente Cor- Why thts contmuous lmphca-be;!:~g thP previou~ P.iccadl!ly Development Plan be-' ~lr. H. s. Peel. Assistant 'to diale.". !ion 'that _there is ~ometh~ng,. as

. cea.l: t~n day;. . g:ns to take shape next year. ! j!anager congratulated the re· Now ·tl would be folly lo acc~pt 1t were, tmmoral m a d1ffermc CQmparable gesture' Shoo!lng up from an Island· ~i Ients 'and expressed ~lanage· that exaggerated l'iew. Every point of l'iew-that it is almost

comes from the site wlll be .• a :~ew .7 milllotl m~nt'a appreclatlon to ·Messrs newspaperman knows h~adlir.es sinful of the British :~ot to want .\ero~aul"al Soc'cty's pounds J3·storey block comprls- J. R. James and P. J. Powe; are ~eadlin~s. But it would be I to join the Common 1\larket,. or

. a1rcralt group .. lng shops, a restaurant, offices, h nducted the classes Cer· equally foolish to adopt an os- • of the French not to want an tm-lllK'lJr.l.cal a,;is:ancr. ornamental pools and fountains, ;~flo ~ 0 , aw rrled fo~ first strlch attitude and pret~~d all ts' mediate "Summit"? It is this,

• 1

1~.1:1al !lights of and a garden terrace cafe equip- I ca es 1\kere ha r 0 d better than in fact It is. And. rather than anv realilv, which Ct·:o<n-errd" h , d . h ..

1 1 d f year war vouc ers or sec n f . f 1 · d d • · • f'd · ' ~ mnc 1- pc wtt s an s o warmth" . d' lli 1 thl d ·e r one o the mam purposes o t 1e' ten s to un enmne coJ t ence .

. In °r:t:thop:rr or !lap.' on the coldest day. Radla:1t ~ear, me a ons or r ~b a British Forelg~ Secretary's l'isit Selwrn Lloyd was undoubtedly maeh1ne, the ot~cran heat units will be fitted beneath and labels for fourth and su se· to Paris has been precisely to re· right when just before leal'ing "~i aircraft dril'cn by ' the canopies of gaily • coloured quent years. Followln~ are the store a mutual confidence which for Paris ~e stressed that con-


' table umbrellas. employees who recetved the for one reason or a:~olher has fidence is the essence of the Crowning all will be a roof awards, which were presented been recently somewhat shaken whole matter. And confide:~ce

.. and fah:·ic orni- 1 crane, weighing five tons and by Mr. C. I. Merner, Superln· on both sides or t~e Channel. can only come from a genuine ~! t~s:ed hy :-1r. E.: faced In glittering alumbum, lor tendent of the Line, and Mr. R. One need not take It too tragi- effort to understand and ap-

ro ~ranf1eld, In the changing. the adl'ertlslng dis- T. :vllllams, Supt. M.P. and cally. Th~se strains belwee:J. preciate the. other point of vie.w. U!lt~ of £lerlforshire, 1 plays. Jt will pick up the pre- C.E .. - fundamentally friendly nations' I ha1·e wr1ttcn of all this wtth ~a sed :ts nose hore-1 labricat.Ed sign panels and CERTIFICATES come and go, They pass and special reference to the curre:~t, e gr?ur.d. One of hoist them into position so that John Ronald Chaytor, Gregory are forgotten. psychological relations between

roan Wl!i take the air ! displays can be completely Francis Flood, Lawre11ce Vln· Who today remembers that 30 lhe British and French. But let ti~Jn power. Or ~r- I transformed 1:~ 24 hours. cent Moore, Noel Clifford Yet- years ago in 1929 Anglo·Amerl- me add very emphatically that !t

S'J! be men .. lor J!r. : These Piccadilly pictures are man, Frank Desbarres Fogwlll, can relatlo:~s were so strained Is of general application. Muta­Britrss~one. ,ch1cf ~n~l· I many times larger t~an life. Edmund Lawrence Dunph~·. that the British Prime Minlst€r tis mutandis - It applies t~

· ll!kin• Eu.opcas A1r- ·But the real picture sensation James Howell, Robert John Ramsay Macdonald !ell It ur- Anglo·German, to Franco·Amen r o or ~ possible


this month occurred fn a quite Kennedy, Lindsay Ploughman, gently necessary to go to the can relatio:1s, to the relations of i or th~ l1rst muscle. little laboratory of the Imperial David John Courage, George U.S. for a 'lace to face' talk with every pair of countries or groups

. b. I College or Sclen~. London. A Clarence Keeping, William John I r 0 d c 11 m~st 1 the way, lh new device emerged which mul- Nelson, Eric Clifton Johnson, bald W \Jam smon • ec BARGE EXPLODES

1' automobiie·con·l tlplles the brightness of a rai:~t Albert Edmund Fleming, Arch!- George Lane, . Robert Joseph NEW ORLEA:-lS (APl-A 225-

ltit 1n the United picture 5ll,OOO times and will be Furlong, Catherme Teresa Holll- foot sulphur barg~ under con-a h one car to el'ery, specially useful In hospital X- been reveal~d In work study re- han, Francis. Edward Skllflng- structlon exploded at the Avon-)

eo ~Bif P\'Opie. The Rav work saving risk to .search Cllrr!ed out by Britain's ton, Jean Eltzabeth Seward. dale Marbe Ways !n nearby r\i~~~:et! for th's cs .. paLients rra:n over-exposure. • Productiylty Council. Among MEDALLIONS Han·ey Tuesday, killing four, ha ea of t!te Eng-


Employing a principle not un- other thmgs, says the Council, 1\llchael RRphael Murphy, men. The barge was designed to : a:t las now laid down, like televl~ion, Dr. w. L. WI!- the firm abolished JB million Brian Joseph Warlden, William carry liquid sulphur from orr-~·

n:urt h rge new private 1 cock's picture multiplier can be forms, equivalent to 80 tons of James Clarke, Roosevelt Wesley shore wells. A lO·lon ~clion of tl~. Ble &arge ~pee applied to even the dimmest paper. All time clocks were Wellon, Gordon Chesley Puddes· the barge's d e c k house was

• 1 1 ~ lmo~e. such as a rapidly expos- eliminated from t!1e company's ter, Graham George Butt. thrown to shore- in the explosion.~ PPo1e, ha.1 an , ed X·Rav plate. It comes out. 237 shops. The staf[ ma~a- VOUCHERS I

Jlercenta•e r I - I geres it ' d k 'II B . I An. " o car o, a phosphorescent screen at s, was reasone , new John Granv1 e em1s rr, to \one who douhts: the ot~er end, brilliantly clear quite well which girls were ate. Henry William Dallon. Leo r.s. SCOUT JAMBOREE , '

akel his ~tanct at I with llttk! or no loss of definition In !act, tlll'le-keeplng Improved, Joseph Fitzpatrick. Douglas o;rAWA \~p) t C~~~~ ~111

''tie n n Piccadilly The device may also serve In morale rose, and clerical staffs William Manstan, Bruce Brockie! ~~uts aan~o~~~~~~ to ~~e nationo~ pump or astronomy lor tracking faint were no longer needed to check Taylor Harold Edwin Gosse, J b t ·f th B · - to I' d t time records ' h 1 am oree nex year o e oy

s•Jch . m s ars and examlnlng.pla.1ets. · Cluny Rayburn Jones, C ares s t f A 1 lt lht ~ ~wtrl of auto- WORK STUDY TECH~QUE!I The Council is now urging William Smallwood, Vincent cou s o mer ca, was an-

! lislt to a ~loto R h k work study techniques 1:1 small nounced Tuesday. Some 50,000 scareel<• · r esearc ta es rna forms. h 1

hi h th John Wiltshire, Peter John ' scouts are e<pected at the jam-' nccessar<· How 0 e of t'- btg~ t h 1 s op1, 'll w c ere are 370.- H c th 1 M y ~· h turns u '· n '"' .,es e 8 n h i Kl awco, a er ne ar ,,urp y, boree on a ranch :~ear Colorado

· s~n the w P ldthere. stores In Britain reduced its sel- 000 \r t1 e Un ted nfd°F· One Mabel Ann Wicks, Warwick Springs colo July 22-28 big dif!erenc or Wlll


ling prices by nineper cent with- sma. ronmongery us ness In Edward Taylor, Robert Avery, ' ·• · e. out droppi~g profits has just Scotland, It says, raised turn- Joseph Damlen Ryan, Frank •

over from 50 to 45ll pounds a Emanual Holloway, Leonard buf and u•• CHRISTMAS week without a.w star! Increase, :\l:lchael woodford, R on a 1 d

but simply by commonsense lm- J h R Thomas Burt provements and tlme-Bl!v!ng 81 a osep onayne, result of work study. . Steve11s, John Douglas Batstone,

I wonder whet!ler work study Leslie Wingfield Churchill. should be applied to business LABELS executives? Brltaill'l Institute William James Crotty, Ronald of Directors reports . that more Frederick Peet, Boyd Allan than 50 per cent of company Rowe, John Ernest Bishop, directors work late b the office Abraham John Taylor, William and 40 per cent take work borne. Thomas Simmonds, Henry Char·

Perhaps this helps to explain les Follett, Edward Dooley,



TASTE-TEST IT YOURSELF! Guaranteed to taste better than any other skim milk

or Borden's will refund your moneyl

Throw out all your old ideas on pow-' dered skim milk-Super Starlac makes all the others old-fashioned. In fact, if you don't like it twice as much as the

skim milk you're usilir ••• we'D bay the package back!

And New Super Starlac gfyee yoa the same proteins, B-vitamins and calcium as fresh whole milk-nothing hBII been lost but the wawr and the fat. You save money tool

Tests prove New Super Starlac dissolves fastest!

Quart-quantities of Super Starlac and Brand "X" were poured into ice-cold watar. Super Starlac's milk-puffs disllo!ved on touch. Brand "X" would J10t cU.olv1 without stirring.

, I l '

' '

I ,.

' ,I

" l ,. 'I

,, ..

! ' ,I


:1 I I. t! I

t i

I ' .I


I I ,

I I '


' '

I 'I

why Brltal11 earned 1 current William G e or g e Macklin, aurp!UJ of !(2 million pounds In William Douglas Underhay, tradlnl overseas in the first half Patrick Joseph Power, James

If it's Bordens it's g2!_ to be good!. ef thil year. You ci!L'lot h1v1 It Joseph Lynch, Eric William I ~·ht tub•rouloele · bolll '11'111· Dlclu, Jame• Redmond James.

' l

, I

' I




Page 6: L USED CARS AND L ICED TRUCKS FO~ QUICK ,THE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · nouncecl· Wcdnesda1• that ~!acmil-.-\frican


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I' :1 , 1·! ~T CHAT .... , 1 I '~II FROM PEPPERllELL ' II .,: ~The Ways, and Means Com·


:, 1

~ttee of the Anned ForcM . .I j ""lvu' Club at Pepperrell w!ll

tell hand • made Christmas tl ' flowers on Tuesdays and Thurs-

i j :I I days at the A lrmen's Club.

.! ,1 i ; ·1 I•: · Tbe purpose of this project

: ~; 'Is to raise funds for the Yule· !1

1 ,· 1 ~ • •. : .tide celebrations. The sale of · ' •flowers w!ll continue unt!l the

' 1

• II ,.. :fourth week In December.

; •I ': : ;' · . Voluntem of the Armer! . ·· II ~· ·l"orcea \Vil'e5' Club w!!l be on

; ·, I :, hand Wednesda~·s ~nd Satur· I . : ( I days at the hMc rh,th!ng stor~ ' ' •·' ·· · ind the base exchan~e to glf:

: ! I •·: Wl'a!l Chri'tn1as pre~ents pur· 1 r , I i' I · ~ : ehued b~· mill tar)' personnel. 1 1 1' :1 1 •· • .,_ small charge will he made 1 I

11j !, ! . t ~ ;eor this smicc. Volunteer !

i 1.1,.! 1 :·: ·workers are necdell for this ~ · ', I: : · proJect: please Cllnlacl ~Irs. : 1 • · •• -Noda Howard b:• phoning 1 I .. : ; : ,0:.·1~69H In St. Joha's. . r I :.... "'• I

Easy· To· Mal{e Christmas Decorati.ons I'

1r-r•"••nt-For You and. . . Wednuday'a b<ne­uences continue lo smile


the world. Encourage those who b ave creative ideas and fertile imagination. Pool ideas for best resultJ. Co-operative vcnl!lres pay" off in cash! If do· mestic tics arc disrupted now, the up1et will he CJnly tcmpn· rary. Do your part to re-cstab· iisb harmony. ·

i Past . . Rcmcmller Carr i c Nalion, the saloon-sma<her? On Nol"embcr 19, 1903, having heen rhwarLcd in her eHort lo interview Pre~. Theodore Roose. vclt at t h c White House, she mo,·ed on to the ~nate, wberc she created a disturbanc:e.

Future . Wil\i~ fifty ;car1, not 0111 ships b<comc

intcrptanc:a~ t 1 a,t~

may be partially 1 planets in thcm 1th·e~,

The Day Under Your Sign ARIES (Born Mmh 21 to April 19} Yo-.1 lhO•Jld Itt\ rudy It~ licil: Lb~: wOfld; 11ick to the tuk at h1nd.

TAURUS (April 20 to Moy lOI Routir.& wLII he rnoM:tC>!'It'l,, t 1r.1•h ur· ly and .. Je>mcthinr ucL!Ulg.

GYoltNI (Moy 21"to Juno 21)

SCORPIO (Ooi. 211, . Your id~;a, uc ~rt ·~ U.Utc of WL\h)'-'OIII't, • '; ·. L ·, ~:A e~azy bat social. sponsored ·

• i i ~. 1 .. ·; ~ the Pepperrell Armed ! .. J'orcea Wives' Club, will take i ~ce nelct Tuesda)' at 7.30

:p.m. In the ballroom of the Airmea's Club.

T1mt 1~1 "''ilh chiiJren it a rn•.ard· lnr n:prriencr. ~ntertilic the y~unc il Tt1:l bnc n~cl

SAG.IITARIUS (No •. Ue~p~lr th~ l:"'d 11 , "orks, 1\'r.td at'·-~r h; ·




I ! ' I


· 1 '· · This aoeial is for the ladlps '~ . ' •enly and will bighllght the

I •' monthly meeting of the Armed · · •· Foree• Wl\•es' Club. The mem· · .. I

ben arp eord!ally ln1·lted to \rinJ alona; new membera.


~ I j '

·' . 'Prizes will be giv~!'l for the !!lost original hat. Refresh· )rients will be served. and free ·!\Ursery service Is ava!lablr .tor tboM attending the social.

. ' l A

! i .. : ~ •· ~ L •'

'I .. j ~ ,.

: :· The Docter , ·I

'·. Says ~·




Wr!Ue11 for SEA Stl'\'lce

. ' I Jj

. I' ~ 1 , : I

: When you visit the sur~ery in ·;,our local hospital, you'll see that ~urses rei)• mainly on soap and water to prepare the skin H:Tc is Christmas run for the 5. Dixie cups-for a tiny tree ~ Baskets: Cowr Dixie cups as tions ~low 1 and held in place be secured 11ilh nl•die and

· aru. throu~h which the surgeon~· whole famil)•l Sparkling orna· use the l-mmce jiggrr size: , bclls--1Jnly !his time spread glue I with glue-all. thre3d, tea1ing end dangli:lg for pla~s to make his cut. ments, easy to make, lol'ely to for large tre<cs, use larger all 1 from glitter kitl on cups he· I 1 hnnging. Or you may sew on a .

' ' \\ i'.l!n l'0\1 ll'atch the surgPon see-Bil made with aluminum size. fore co1-eri:1g. Stand cup, open Flower: With scissors, cut ribbon l>ow. I

CANCER 1 Juno 22 to July 21) ~·, Itt rwr mind a:ct w dutlucd ritb tri• i.l that yw niu your lllC C:ar.ce.

UO (July 22 to A .. ttl De willinr II) romprDIIMM c.n • tli(frrcr.ct ol C1l.!'IIOD nthu th&CI klorC'C the i.uut.

(Au9. 22 to Sop!. Zl) Don'l let •cctimcnt lnlulur ...,11h taul· nr:1• Bt prac1iea1 1t all time-s.

CAP~ICORN tDoo 22 D<:n't l~a\r- ~Hr):~~r m.nutc or ) oo • or.'t 111

AQUARIUS (J'".ll Be UYt~u ~~~ 11:drs )'tl'Jr CJ!h.

Sauce Flank Steak Canned Beef Gravy

prepare for o~era!!o_n, yo~'ll see 1 foil and paper cup~. They're de· . end clown. on Iallie. se a Dixie cLIP rig:lt down to the ba~e: I: 1 h1m clPan. bts naLls With an coraled with sparkling colored Sll\·er Brlls: Col·er Dixie ~ups spr:ng knife and cut sl'ls up ond al even inten'<LI~ Hll around.' Stur: ~~~~·k cup lnlo ril·e e1·en i .·] .or~nge st:ck and th~n start I glitter, ribbons, tinsel, baubles : w.th alum_inum fotl-use a ptc~e. down. almo.<t, but not quite Press Ollt nat. Place on alllmi· divisions; I hen wit:t sci>sors, cut

·. ll'· .~. , a:ru~b!n~ his ha.,ds Wlt'1 &oap and bells: all from last year's: 3 . lilllP. Wider than the cup .'s, throng~ to each end. ~lake: num foil approximately same down to the base and press out Bed a ~llff brush before he puts box of leflorer trimmings or 1 h1gh, rolled around the tucked 111 1 these slits all around cuo. Place· siz.e. Fold cellophane tape on it·. flat. Cut each "petal'' Into a

i , j ():t sterLle rub~er glo:es. Ere.ry purchased lnexpenslrely at !he 1 at top and 'ooltom. Po~e a right side up and with fingers in·, self to make little sticky pad. 1 poi:tt. Place on small piece of

• 1 on~e In a ll'hl.!!, ,You ll see h1m store. small hole m top of bdl. Run side, press to form attractil'e Place this u:tder cup to hold aluminum foil: use sticky pad of : · loa~ at the wall c,oc~ to bt; sure Here Is 11·hat you wHI n~d: r_1hbon thl'ough loop a! e~d of ro'.L:lded shop~. Decorate wilh aluminum foil. Now cut ~- cf.'llophane tape to hold secure: •

'; ~e ~Crllb~ the full fll·e mtnule~ I. Alumi:tum loi!-5tandard or Jingle bell and pull ends throu~h glitlrr. ~ s 111pler Forrn Is .iu>t the tween flower petals and fo;d foil: then ~lit he!ween points and fold ; LJ.•: ' :•ner<lli)' l'rQwed for :1ca1·y duty. hole In be~l. . Rlhho~ m<1y br rorcrrrt cup. tied with ribbon underneath ~o they are colwel. under. Rep e "I COI'ering on :

'·j ,1 ~at:~r,,ctnry prrran~t·on of the 2. Glitter kJt , knotted nn 1n~1dP. ~o .1111~le dan~-. har,rlk. :Roll petals orer a p!'ncil to ~ire' other ~irlr. E~cess roi: may be

1 .t0' 11 n[ h1s tra~r. ~. Rib\xlns llr~ ]list below r1m nf sill'rr hrll. · · :them a rnuncirrl lnok. Decorote trimmrrt nrr with ~ri<,nr<. De·

1 F ,I"OII a.<k tit~ ~11r;eon wh;· ~, 4 .. J:n~le beJ15 and Christmas Decorat@ with ~litlrr, Rppiicd a~ ~t.o.r Ra.<krl•: This \~ ~ simple· with tin~el held In place with Nlr<lte "ith ~Iiiier anrt tin~el. ·.I ~!.':: •ticks tn the nld-fa~hi~ned 1 ball~. I directed on packa~e. hasket !Ct on a star I see dirK. tlue-all. Chri~lmas ball~ m~y: 1Rr)'!1oids ll"rilpr.

,I I I I

' ' i I

~rrub wllrn he could ~a,·e !imP,! ------ ·------ Flank S~ak slmmertd In a sauce of ('."lllncd !>It! laUet. and mustartl make~ a de llrlnoJ• rol~

~k'~ nnd rlrow ~rra1e b:• ~imply 1

M•·i~hin~ his ha:td~ lhrnu~h ~ 1

~:crm·killing sohllion, he'll proh­ab!y tell you his surgical con- I seiEnce won't permit him to take I a s!lort cut at the expense of his

Kitchen Gifts Aid Homemaker All Year It In-night ;rlth hultered Krten bean1 and a 'flip

, Now that cold, snapP)' day• I salt and pep1f~.

pnt!ent'5 safety. A!te~ the oreratlon's o1·er I'OU l"!ll'l":':~r;"S'nl":":~

may be surprhed to !ee that 'the SU!geon u:es onl:: a light protec· tl\"e dress:~g for the wound. H he's sure the wcund's cl&a:l, he ;

·· tr.a:' not u.;e on~· d:-e~·~jng at all. : I! yeu ask 11·hy h~ doesn't paint • 'th! II'OU.~d .,.!!h a gaily colored · germic!h! sc!ution. put on a hu!ky dressi~g or a~pl)· ti:§ht ad· hes!ve strap~ini. ~e'll'likely tell

, . increa.."'!s the h~albg powers of healthy l!l'ing tissue; and that each o! them rna'· add to the dis- · eom!orts o! the con•:ale;c!ng pa!len!. · · If ycu tru;t your surgeon and

. ' ·r

{ r·

' are here, it's time to serve I brown ~teak o: hearty, ~atisfy!ng meals. Aft.er · shortemng .\dd braving the wealher--11n the way on'on. Co~\::e home from the office and school' sauce, 11.1d rr.;;;:.t'

'-dad and t~e ch'lore~ will wei-· ' : .; come a good, wa:-ming home­

' cnok~d rli11nrr. '' . 1 Try RJrhemed Flrtnk Sleek-

it's dr:drlfulh.· rliffrrcnl ~ The · ··" '' .f fl"nk steak is coat-:d with sea-

t , >n~ed fltur, bro11:~ed. then slow· mtnulcs to. i lly '1mmered 1n a ~auce of cann-1 JI<Jkr' " sernn;s.

l ed bt>cf gral'y, chili sauce, a~d ~ lric <"::(1 is __ .:.t • miL•tarrl for a rleliciou> blend in"· ill ~1\/l rlr:rff; f:

~ ! of fla1·ors. 1\"alrlr ''otlr famill·';' 21~ .,.: · e:•es light up wilh ihe first bite. ed ahcu: 2 hJ;:;


· They're sure to want it again, so· A go•.lrr~c:·; guard the recipe carefully. . condcn~,,ri ~\<e\f:

1 tlrare hl! faith in the heeling i., · . 1, IJ Jlo~rs of IMni tissues, here ore

I · · · · . some suggestions for the sale

Buttered green beans-and a with " b ·. Jl :-:::' crisp cnhbage salad are nice go- ded. .1:1'! c·~n J!on}!!'. For des!'er~-a selection with ~\ \•·:·~~ ':

·or fall fru:t completes the menu l and prol'iiles a colorful C<'ntrr-1 : piece for th~ di:mcr labir. Don't . ! :i': r ·~··and successful practice of house·

1 I 'j ·:hold antisepsis a:1d disinfection:

1.: : , 1 • : ; :ror skin eare, bathe or shower 1

, J ' :,j: ' · ei least once each day. Scrub; 1! ,1·: · · :I folds creases and !lair areas 1

· ' ;, i '' '.".with 'a lather made from a pure I · . '· i soap_ Tile surgical experience 1 1""'~~.,,.

'I · explains the uselessness uf ad· I·

: · ·~d germicides. The addition of , 1 · coloring matter end perfumes ln· ; ! . creases the cost of soap but not :I, ·Its efficiency.

·~ · :' 11 yt11l are sensit!l·e lo ~oap or ·, , . , \ , !be addl'd bl:l'Mient~ of soap. · . , , .. , . 1

• . . • i' .rub!t!tut"' lillY ~J!ular brand of : ·•. . . . . · ·., ... · · ... · ;.;r,· '.1 1 1 ,, •• ; ··111dsiiiJ det@rr~nt. . 1 · .:: • • · ..;..: .... :< ,. ',._;.;.:;7,''.' t' I I. ... . ~ ' .. .,.., ·! , ·: Te prll'f nt rou~hno'§ or . .-:· .. ,.·,•, ,, ~: .. ···: .. :,>.-.,,·,::_·: ..

! f orset plenty of ~ol coffee~ 1 BAIWF.rUEU 1-'L.~:-iK STE.\K.

I fiank sleJk IJ\Joul 11; lbs.l 2 lhsps. flour 1 ; tsp. s~lt

D3'h pep}l('r 2 t!Jsps. shortenir.~ l c!o1·e garlic, minced 1 medium onion, sliced 1 can I tO ounces I ~er 14 CliP chili sauc.c C, Lsp. rll")' !llll,t'lrrl 1 th-r rltorr•rl r~r>lr,·

i . , scr··· ... ,.." I s;;~~ ior;e \))ri ; condenct'd .

I ga~·ni,hed ~ i:h almond.' and .·

I gra1·y , holidar <o·;o.

I rrunrhr ;andr.~

' : · ,' &ealinJ, e!""CiAllv. of hand~ and ' . · .. ·' .· · ' • · .::.,;_\,,~· · ·~~: · '.• i I·· • r : 1' !foe\, ~~~~~~ en:r porular hrand of !lanla Clau~. to~. &nd. funny-fared creation c~mourlagr. r11okle

j1r1 that dhper~e joy fnr Ril cookie lnveu the y~ar around. Pitcher, mug~ and gla~se~. bottom, are hoilday·keyed 18 add fe~tlve atmosphere for all your holiday parties. They'll last lor

~IRhn~any utensil hnlder, IPI!, h !"anta1• rnnlrihut!nn to kltchrn eff!rienry. It rerolns on ll~ ba5e. Bowl ~<el In red, hlue anrl yellow, right, can be u~ed hnth lor cnokln~ And serl'in~. Each bowl has a tight·flttlng wooden top, for added usefulne~s. At bottom Is pictured a new, efficient electric knife 5harpener.

~cor<> t>oth ~~dr< o( ~l•ak br · m'lkin• ~h<llln11 rlia~on~l Cl!l> ahout "'• inch ~r~rt. ll'ilh meat h~mrnPr. nr rrt;:e nf h""'..,. ~•II· rer f'OI!Oci i:1 nour 'C'<lonrrl 11"1111

' . \

.: 1:.: ·' .j1

1 a!lie(IM oil on ari!in1 and tr.1 re-. Electric noor clnner I~ ~ani•'• ,.,I;, ·• · I . :1; tlrlnJ. lwlnn tn the homemakH. It dl1.

· j, :.i ; , pen1e1 cleaning nuld and re· , · i .·.·.· J'or rcutine mouth care, re· mon1 It froib noor fer yoa.


· . (,\' •·

;~ t>

: .. move jammed food particles I

!l .. from between teeth Immediately NEA Stall Writer Introduced most of their new, When the a~ea is clean, an·, Fancier oven • to • table ware guides direct the blade down the 1 ·-alter each meal, !! you hal'en't Hub of Christmas home activi models of ranges, refrigerators. other control IS pushed to suck continues to build up a:1 impres- honing path. I

~ental floss or a toothrlck, use lies promises to be the kitchen, d!sh-wa!t.lers, laundry equipment i the dirty water into the plastic si1·e inl'entory, much of It from A flashlight battery powers 1

~ur finlernall. After removal and g\fts beamed for this all- and the l!k.e. Ti:ly g\ft replicas i bag, which is easily emptied abroad. Colors are clear and another :1ew gadget. It's a sin-. (If food particles, you can brush 1 Important center rank high in, end elaborate cards w.lll inform: w'1en the floor Is clean. 1 vibrant. Besides enameled cast I gle-blade m:xer. This inexpcn-your teeth with a simple lather style, color and usefulness. Ap· i lucky homemakers Jt~st how. A~d here'; more:. . , iron, c~ina and earthenware. 1 sive mixer will stir milk drinks, mode from hand soap. Rinse pl!a:tces, utensils, cookware. end 1 generous Santa can be m updat·. The 1dea thot m:xmg spoons. there at·e, f1 nm Italy, bowls of 1 juice~ or e~~s for ~;cramhlin~. I -------· ----·- acces;ories; each group offers 1 \ng their kitchens. 1 1,1dtes an~ spatulas. make perfect cermnic-and-mrlal with hr<W)", I fnrl1spensall!e in the k:tchen at 1


For All


I an intriguing and l"arled ~lee- i In this da)', when a lo1el)·. ;1fts m1~ht seem ndtcu!o11s unl1l !l~ht-filt1n~ woode~ tops which (Christmas are cook1es and a, 1 t'on to the shopper. 1 r.es!l!ent tile floor in the kitche:1 you see the new sets. Oulstand- • co11ld he mrrl for many foocls. I wrH-f.llecl j<Jr. Cookie jars are· 1 By . Christmas, major ap·, is t~e rule rather than th~ ex· ing is a Lazy Sus<Jn pedestal- Small electric appliances show 1 enJo.vecl r en c wert attr.ntioJ, · pllance manufacturers will ha1·e: ceplton, one new appliance Is a!- type holder m ~enume maho· ·no si~ns of losing any of tlwir: p;u·tly llecause of the numbers· ----------- i most Ci!rtain to bring joy on· ~any, with steel knobs 0:1 which. unil'crsal pop11larily as gifts lbr. of modern and ;nnusing clcsigns

mouth with warm water from 1

C~r!stmas morning. This is an· hang an assortment of utensils .. a bride or for the cxperiencerl now arailah:e, many of lhrm the lap. . I electric floor washer with which: Two different si;es and assort-, homemGker, ollholl~h few rarli· imports. T:1e 'hilrlren, howc1·er

Dentrlfices that co~tatn abra· a dirty Boor ca~ be scrubbed· ments are offered. and they ran ral chan~rs h;r,·c been m<Jde in I would "~ree that one of the sil'es injure tooth enamel just as clean anrl vacuumed dry, rapid· be put anywhere one choo'~'~ lor :t!teir designs h th~ last year. I nic~sl is a rotuJrl rt'plica of sandpaper Injuries your skin. ly and effortlessll', co~1·enicnce, t~u~ sal'ing dra\\'er: For the family that entertains: Sonta Claus. when fillr[! to the Germicides and deodorants are The yellow, lightweight d~- cupboard or wall space. i a lot, luger elrctric ~ric!dles' top of his rrd cap with . ome- : useless. Following the exampl~ rice has a tank connected to a Pots and pans more up on · might prove a help. A small re· 1 made cookies. 1

of the surgeon who removes dirt nylon-bristled nozzle. The lank. gift lists. with some particul<Jrly frigcrator only 20 inches wide --------from under his nails with an 1 holds 53 fluid ounces of clean good-looking, solid • performing 1 and 30 inches high ol!ers 21~ A \'ery wearable dress Is a orange stick, depend on mechanl- water or water • and • delergeJt numbers this year. In n~tional i cubic feet of cold stornge and worsted two-toned jersey model, cal methods to eet rid of visible solution. distribution by Christmas shop- I could extend kitchen facilities to a on.e-piecer with the look of forejgn matter. In the same tank ls e pliable ping season will be super-sleek


famil)' rooms or dens. separates: Two shades of green . . ,. . for 1 ch~ Do not use a vaginal douche plastic bag connected to another slainless steel-over-copper pa~s Almost as much in demand as are used in the bdice and sk•rt. W1se .olll Sal[ll 'l':'lclc al= tnnc ()lilt cll«clcd'

without your doctor·~ consent. opening. Control.1 on the handle which have easily ~ripped knobs, good, ~harp bivcs are gllOd Front panellin~ in t~c ~<JihPrert I sore be I.Stl't !ipresding TR gem¥. rn ttl~ T1l ~ C!hDeS A.•k hi~ permission to douc~e. permit a !lnmcmakcr tn pu.<h a. and handles nf black pla~tic., knife .1harpencr.1. .1kirt conrc,,ls hip rocket.<, nnrl: urge.1 all prilll<lptft'llll 1:0 fnll""" 111.• !~cl. ~ r· . • , with ~ 'lU~rt or warm tap w~ter! hutlnn which relea~c~ I he rlr<l~- 1 The wri~ht or the~p r~n~ ann On~ new, electric mortr.l ir. a othrr rloloilinc I< ~rrt toR ml:li· ri~s of the tnhercul~ tsYJC~tion ~r~ '11PI"rt ..

11 containing two In rour tohle-li lnl Mlution in 8 controlled flow 1 their fine halanrf foreca~t last·, ~mall, compact Fhi!rpen•r you mnm This t)'pe of ~rr~< i.< rx- Seal Sale &lim'" going 011 th.ronghoot C;mdl. spoonfulJ of housebolcl •l:!esor. thrDUih the nou~. I !ng plea3ure for the seriou.s cook' can twld in yl)llf ~and; precisiOn I cellent for general dayt1me v.-ear'

---·- .



Page 7: L USED CARS AND L ICED TRUCKS FO~ QUICK ,THE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · nouncecl· Wcdnesda1• that ~!acmil-.-\frican

Within lbe "'· not only ~ill ;cl10\c ::ornnlo '

np:~q ~c:ary travel b

. ' U! · part1ally . in

ur Sign

:eak w· Gravy

.t and own steak on or:ening. Add


: inutes


I akes 6 serl'ings. ·1c skillet is used: 1 ~110 de~rees F.: 10 d~~rees F. snl rl about 2 r.ours.

.-\ gourmet's deiigh! ondcnscd chicken o'llh a bit of curr)' lrcl Just b~fore . ilh slil'ered toll!:l<i or exira trent. The combination

t!lton and c,rn add!li ii'Hien;ed cream ol ·mtp is a ~\'()d ooe­

with Ll

ShiM)' sp<!LI !hate ", r' from lo~g ILl :111led b)' ~pen \ITIIn~ 0\11 of n~ wron~ ~id~



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buy and use


fight tuberculoele

Give 1 1 !o com~ etaly modern look l:._rlH' llltr\ with lamin•tecl oom~ St · • llr Treads. They're aHrld• :" l~cl lht(re Wiler reaistant, NUFA queaktng, non w•rping. 11 f'Y Stair Truda we1r Ions· 11

111 strongtr and art available ~~~our~Geal dealer in 11f st•ndtrd lllalth, t also supply Risers to



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"RfLlmar.~ A 100 s:;.~"l l~ll'.:z }.jll Salt OhJCI 7001'1 u 39~~ u -1~: llnvalJtP n~ 62.) 3Bi fi2~ ~ lS 1 O'!th SIC'!rl 2~300 .5~'" S:;s .t~ -2"t.l StL Corp 4Jl 1161 161':1 1Fib Boeinb~ ,,ar J.noo jJ'• ,":J. :~ + ••; ~;.:tliilldi\·5 7:j Sln:, Jrrl, ID 1•- \4 Rordrn Co 1500 ~~, ~;l,l. ~51 1 - 1.,.'; Shi'Ain ~lt; I:!RI4 2;i 2e\" Bora' War 7:!'10 U.'• U'" 441, +1"1 ~ ~::.ud ll"le t:!.j li 7 i Budd lli.c 8!KI'l ='~ ll~-. %.'11 + ~~~ Sin'lpson~ 1303 5331.4 31 :;3l4 -t- 1.1: Durl M1llc 40toO 2!l4 24'• :H!k .L. ~ Std Str ~tl 1670 !I '1 1 , 11 I '11 ( ..- 1 • IJUrrougha 161~ :\.1~• ~zl, 3P.i + 141, Slt!tl Can 410 u~ 8.3 81~11 - , .. I C'lumet ~ !JI6 :!:!~ 13 .. 11 S!ri.rlbE" A 165 $~1 ~-' ~-' - ~l (,'1 Dry iM l9~t l~, 1~- J,i Sl~lnba: pr ~00 5100 100 100 CPR UOO ~ ~' 2.M1 + t.;,, ~o~t:rmlneJ pr 61) 12~ Z4:1f. 24 1 ~ L.lwf J ] :900 20lfll: 2:0JAI, ZfJI94a - " Tu.aco Can u.s 1.~1 W"!! .5')1.1 -31, ' Cnler Tr~~ q~oo JI,,· 3e1• 3L\4 +114 1 Walk G W 7li'O $.18 Ji'-': 38 I Ce!an~·" ";"fJ}I) 'Z~ 3 ;, 2-S~ ~ + ~ Tr Can Ppe lll.l Ill !41• WI Clltl Ohio l<l!O TO If TO· ~ 1 Z•llm 2.1 $J2 3l ll Chl')'oler 2HOO Ill< !21~ ~~~ +2~

CANA.f)IA~ I CtiPs 5\'r" 66CII qt~ 471• 471:-\ - ~ Abltcl 5000 Jl J.1 .111 Clt-vlt.e 1)d 3800 3J J71.6 :tl + "t Aol C Pulp 7l 14 12 12 CBS :!300 11.. II 41 .. - 14· Anglo :"-:Jid 1~25 $7'' 71-l ;" 14. + \-4 Com1 5o1Y 2ontl 15'1 H~ aLW + -'II ~lu• Bonoelc 12.l $9 I 9 1 Con P:d 1700 150¥, llffi lll~ - \0 Burns 12~ ll2V, 12"4 121.-4 + v, · Conl.lmrr' 2400 2!P.4I 21~.4. 21~ - lt4t , C Dom Sui 1130 l18l,ol 1811• l!YI I cont can 8900 4.51' «" 44l-i + ~ C Dredle zll $17 l7 lo : Con Oil !700 10 ... 43V. ~ + .14 C ln&ersoll 150 Jl! J.! 38 I Crane C<l 7000 ~ ell> 57 +W. c Woothso 10 J!l'i J!l'\\ J9li - 10 1 crown z.n %900 !H\i !14 54 + 10 C Power :r.l J&li lCI !'I I CUrtin Wr 11500 32 :Jj)\1 31'!\ + 'It ~nl Paptr 3!5 IJIY.!: 38 381':11 _.. 1.1 Dt!tre 3~ 49'..S 43~ 41. + \6 Cons Gu 100 SIOV. 101'. 401> - '" Diol SUI 100 331'1 331> 3311 - 14 D Oilcloth 95 ~M.4. ~' 41!:~, - ~6 ! Dome· !100 10'r1 204'1. 2.0% + 1M! HDrnrr A 25 U.6 %li 26 + 1 I Dolla:lu 2400 l9V'.I ltla..t. ll%. + ~ • K<!ll)' DIC A ::oo 1714 714 7l'. D<>w Cbtm 8700 901,', B~ ~ ·H Mrlohon pr :ZOO 1111'1 lii'J Ill> - ~ 1 nu Pont ,.11 1900 :1:19 2!2 29 +~ 1

Moore 21~ 14}1,4 41 ilv, • 'Y1 Ea1t Rod 4800 t9\lir. N "" +1,. Pac Atl lnv .100 31D JOO 300 -lO I F.aton Ml' 4100 40% 39~'4 404il +1" Pembina 100 S7 T 7 - Yil El Auto L 2.00 10 '-9'4. 50 •.._ J,6, Prem Sirt-1 !50 SB 8 ~ , , 1 El Pa•o SO 9600 2..1li. 28~4 :Zt% + '4. Que Phcnt SlO Sl8~• 2!J1' '2Sl, - 1., 1 Firtstone :1.800 137:1.~ 1351,'4 1)5'4 -l'AI' SOcii. !00 :!00 200 2Qo.'l -15 Ford 13400 7811 76~4, 71 -+ 2J,4t ~·Imp Sa'<'t !00 111~~ 11 il'•- Ll Frnrh Tra 105o00 %7"!~ 7741 ~ + :14 1

1' Fin .-\ ~0 $JC1 1. ]6~ J5~'1 + t. Gen Dyn 11300 44~ (l'fl a,.. + 1 I

Tron• ML 6~ Ill',•, II'~ II'' ,. I r ... !!If<' !01011 l!2"1o II•• mil +lllo \~11i01 G.u ~00 SlCi'• 16~~ 16'• + • Grn FoOO!I 2100 lO:lV, 102l'4 1o:;-. + WI' U Prin Prop 2:900 :!.W 215 2~ _. lD ! Grn ~11 1 1600 ll'-4 ::11~ 32trW +1 •

:"lUSt:~ Gtn Mot MJOO IH1 ~ :!Jl~6 +1~· ".hcopt 1IXIO 11 1 t 1l I Gt'n Tiro~ 11800 ~~• 12~ II - Jj• ,\mL·rall'm 200 1 2 2 I Gldc!rn 1600 421,t .uv. u"' .... ~ An thonl•• 51!00 7 7 -1 Goodrlcll 1200 119 IN ni +l Alias 1000 I ' 6 , Goodyur HOp 11&\\ !311\ lUll AuiUdUt 979 26 ~6 2ti 1 Gr P1i11 ll500 2.,. '1':6 ~ + .. Bateman !MOO 39 Jl 39 +I ' r:nnd Ua 1200 ll JO% - -'Ill B•lle Chlb 3800 71> 'Til 7\lo + ~ Gl AP A 6100 Ill~ 3M!. :Milo + \!. Bluewotor lOO 2! 21 21 _l Gt Nor 111 3500 ~ C7 - +1'!01 Boony>lo moo :tlV. 24 25 -2 GuU 011 7lOO 108 108!6 1- - ~· Bernie 1000 ll> SI'J li'J + 10 Hom<\~ 1100 4414 &I 44\<1. + 'II, Cal Ed 200 120'\ 20Vo 2lV, + ¥, Bud Bor 200 .l4 53!6 lmi- 'r6• C•lum•l :!000 3 l 3 Interlake 2100 J0\6 :zt\0 :1014 + 141 c ~.Ioria 28000 12 11 12 +W. In! Bua Nch %'700 40e'o':o to5 4C'r\4 +I · C Coller 400 $! ~ 8 + '-' In! Harv P900 411.1 41... 41\\ - 'Ill C'r.ola•~ zl10 5 2 5 In! Nlc~ Ill :1900 !19 ...., lltllr + \61

I Canarma :!OJ5 4.5 45 4.5 Int Pap 2200 133%. 13lV.. t:m-. •"' 1 c D!l Rio 200 510 !1n 510 -2..5 1 Tnt Tfll 15100 "1~ ~ 41,.._ + \111


Ch\b Cf!r UOO 'l5 2~ lS +'2. 1 ,John. Me J700 ~ !!10 !fM + '-'· Ch!p-nan 1NYI 5 1 ~ ~~~ .5\) I I{tnnrt'1lt JYJO tl~t t'J" ,.._ + "' Chen 2011 9 9 IJ Krt"Ut 500 n~ 31% 31•~ - 14· C nr-nl~on 2:'10 S\1 11 11 - \~ Kro('h\tr 200 1! U 18 , ('n:.J;""nf1r 2~ 9 9 9 1 LC'iii"U.'II lne \3600 :H:I-1 331J. S4~ .,._1~· F· :t !"nll iM 1~1i 1jil ~~~ -2 :'llanh Fld 1400 U._ 48-4._ U\f. + \6.1 l" ..... r 011 ~'It".() ~ ~ 5 -1 ''fartln Co lTOO «1• 44~ 441.1:- v.,,

1 !'i''l Wl tr) 111 tn -~2 \t~rrk 4MO i7'i 76'1 ~ ·H1' I r~·con l.i1 S:ZI! 1 ~ :1:~ 1 ":1 ~tf!':l + \) : \~ 1 nn ~1\f 1100 1471 i 148 l~ +4\1.&1

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'• FURNESS, WITHY & CO., LTD. L!\'erpoul St John

to to Hfx & St Jnno's Bost~ll

Bus•on ~~


B:lll~u St Jollu' to to I 'I

!!t. JotiD'I L'poo

!'lo1. %0

10 I· ''I Dec. 2• ·

·:-;_Hamort:,' ~o\'. 13 ~ov. 17 ~e~vioundland'' :\'O\'. 2U ~O\'. 2A Dflc. 4 Dec. 8 ~ ,. ''N'ova Scotia" Dec. 4 Dec. l:l Dec. 18 Dec. 22 ''Newfoundland" Dec. 23 Dec. 30 Jan. 5 Jan. 9 "Nova Scotia'' Jan 8 Jan. 16 Jan. 22 Jan. U

Person~ contemplating pass~ge to Europe should make bookin~ well in advance.

Jan. 11 J&n. %8



~onnectlng Airlines. I Consult us re~aro!n,l! vour trav~l Droblems .I FURNESS TRAVEL OFFICE I


Nfld. ~Canada Steamships Ltd. FREIGHT SAILINGS HAL IF .\X-ST. JI)HN'S

Leaving 11.1hfa~

Xo1. 20 :'\01'. 27

·.::t Due 1ohn'!

Xov. 2.2 Nol'. 29

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I. leavin;; ~lontrPal

~!.5. '·BELLE ISLE II" ~o1·. 25 lfmal ,qilin;; from ~lontreal this ~eaAon l,

(Subject 1o chanEe ll'ithaut notice)

Due St John'!

:-;'ol'. 23

f11r tmmed!a~ clearance per d1rec\ sa!ltngs. For rntes spa~e and othel' information appi7:


R. N. COLE, Special Representative, St. John's DIAL 2207 OR TO



\I . ,. ' ''


1: " .I

' I



Page 8: L USED CARS AND L ICED TRUCKS FO~ QUICK ,THE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · nouncecl· Wcdnesda1• that ~!acmil-.-\frican

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19c. Bottle



Best Quality

79c. lb.



made by

"' Har•w•arlng work· ohou with 1tr••1 loalhor ., ....

"' lupor-lloxlblo for ..... r.rt

• Vulcanl••• wotor• ,, •• 1 ••n·•ll,. aol••

dOHNWHITE means made c/ttst r(9ht

OXFORD STYLE ...................................... ~1 .50

BOOT STYLE .~ ........................................ $7.95


Thi~ guarnntee only applies to the soles ond does not apply where the footwear is damaged by the action of oil, manure or external acid~.

Ironing Board Covers with matching Durafoam Pad. Assorted colours. ONLY ................ $2.98

Electric Toasters ...................................... $2.98

Electric Coffee Perculators $5.2.5 - $29·95

Electric Irons ................ $7 9.5 - $21·50





Winter is here. Now is fhe time fo winterize your car.

Visit Oakley's today for snow tires from 'Frisk' and anti-freeze

from B.A. Oakley's Service Station always assure you of fast,

efficient service at your Higher Levels Shopping Community.


New Arrivals In LADIES' BAN!.ON PULLOVERS and CARDIGANS. These Sweater• come in all the newest styles and colours. P.UlLOVERS priced from ............................ $4.98, $5.98 and ·$g.9a

CARDIGANS from .............. ; ..................................... $·5.98 - $12·98

See these lovely Sweaters to-day.

New Arrivals in LADIES' SKIRTS. These Skirts come in all the newest styles and fabrics, includ­Ing the ever popular Plaid Reversible. These

Skirts are priced from .... $3.98 - $2Q·9S

Just right for these cold winter days, are these lovely Wool Caps. These Caps are hand knit and come In a variety of styles and colours of Red, Aqua, Royal, Tan, Beige and Black, with · metallic and sequin trim. ,

Priced at ................ $2.98, 3.98 to $5.98 Toyland is now open at Midtown. We have a big variety of toys and games to suit kiddies of all ages. If you are not ready to buy, come in and use our Icy-away plan. Its so easy and so convenient. So shop early for best selection.











DIAL 93681

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Hind~ Pial

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plans for li be changed u i be too dlsagre

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1 large rrow1 Rouse".

November, an• ....,., nna had 1

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Page 9: L USED CARS AND L ICED TRUCKS FO~ QUICK ,THE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · nouncecl· Wcdnesda1• that ~!acmil-.-\frican

lTV -

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:d. 1860

1r car.


1f fast,


• • nvmg COMES I



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' '




WE SELT, THE BEST -barnonet

••••••••••••• •••




514 Kinsmen Sqdn. Notes By Sgt. Paul Morris ..


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. ' I I

' ' '

I I i

Perfect Christmas present for any many Is this corduroy sport coat In muted boucle pattern set against medium brown back·


• !


.. Joh:1 has named Domenico Card· ina! Tardini to be the arch-priest 1 · I

' of St Peter's Basilica. Cardinal I · Trdin.i. who is abo Vaticn ~ec·

I retary of stale, ~ucceeds the

, late Fe de r i c o Cardinal Ted· ' esc~ini, who died :"o1·. 2. Card· I ina\ Tardini will retain his lm· portant position as Vatican secre· 1

tary of state. ! , !


I 'I


1. I

I, I I•

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1. '

I I ,1 1,


. I I i ! ~ . ' !·'I ·'

Available I~ Canadian And Foreign·: Car Sizes

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Page 10: L USED CARS AND L ICED TRUCKS FO~ QUICK ,THE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · nouncecl· Wcdnesda1• that ~!acmil-.-\frican

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·' : r

·-·-- _. , ----

~~ \"~ .......... •• • • •• ••• • ••

·,'"~···choose that ~:·--.:~.·-·BULOVA

: .. difference

In K>OI l l"ldO~ II>" WII!IPIO'I . 17 jt~A~'III, '~'~•·ruisla~t . .1!'111· m(J'Ielic, '"'"~10.,1 c.LJFIII~ !tf\). IIU~\t"" bill d. ~1 5'

l1.1i~wa Otl~tlld

L1 hlilt A ltiiiV ~3 j~V.tl ltlr'ltth Itt w.ln t~f ltrl! ol 2 brtlltl'll dtlme,.,~\.

Or• ef e~~~~.-~ I'll~! I P"!~urrr .. ~~-~ 11)1~1. ~~ .-1 II~. It' I• "Mirdt~l• IIJtlr~IOOI, l~tl~k·

oiH>Iilol Sll.lt


You'll be proud to give that Bulova Difference I









-----------.. ·-·

~ETER CLARKE of Super-Ace Taxi is shown dropping the puck between Gene Garland (left) of the DAILY NEWS and Noel Vinicombe of VOCM at the Prince of Wales Arena last night. Th~ NEWS registered a 5-3 victory over VOCM in the first game of a series for a trophy donated by Super-Ace Taxi.-(Royal Photo Service), ~

t~rer\' r1' . .11 club: an<! ~ ,,..~J · cago's cra·ty Ea;\~ ·


After a clos themsch

in the mk . .. Cross a /·

Hockey a was the secl

--·~·•n'" and s

139 1• 159 1l 125 1: 179 2: 802 6

160 1 150 113 201 62.4 4

182 l 113 l 194 l 214 l 703 I

151 : 115 . 85:

179 : ~30

124 136 135 153 548

186 132 124 191 633

100 12.8 295 134 747

121 144 115 203 583

158 "125 118 74


181 111 1112

Page 11: L USED CARS AND L ICED TRUCKS FO~ QUICK ,THE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · nouncecl· Wcdnesda1• that ~!acmil-.-\frican

ond ' 39 ..

d mond \} l'r

,,'wort hi' ffrn ·

own '~1\P

'l·na n rtm!ln

2 ~

2 3

1"\<lrl ~ 0 .d, IJ I TO:-il(";RT"S

.' l"ross ~nd 111 Intermediate

hi \.~me time i• the winner will.' pi~ce in league . !roms hal'e won six games to w1l1 be pl01·ed

'rial Unil'erlill" their fin! ro~nd l"ro>s shaded SL in a thriller thll down to the wirt

~s 3· ~rs 5 enthused o1er. ~'11 wingN Ro~ I re Bobby Pulford r Leaf goals Alex and Jack ~1clnt)Te

·,1it ~corers.

has been th~ Cal!

es this season, 1ny Bower came sa l'es to keep . especial!)· in thf ~:tes when ~~e male 1t Terry SRII chuk ol i'Jst as great in

·e down. H~ r f; of "hat l0oked Is whiiP kickout out I hot<. HP had no ch!o-1 'P !hal bPat him.

:>."atlnnnl Leap!


·onro :on ,. York cago

\1" L T F 12 2 4 e ~ .I ! ll 8 4 ! II A 9 1 II 3 11 4

3 12 3


ookie uull" 28 hon~< rulti, :," ·fu·,r year in thr

.11 lllth!d•·' a1 l~a,t ~ •

1 ,. riral American

": and a grand st~m ;a's craft)' Earll" \\y~

;~1ther Perry not 1 he maior Jpa~U! dart or the sea~on.

'r·n· a 23 . year.~ 1<ier ~·ho compiltd al , Indians. wa1 ca!ltd 'bilt>. The ~lim. 11Pilerl a good 2 55 1 •:-age and had elih mes.

\TT rrl~t1nns

,,.:,ned furlllPr

THUR$0AY, NOVEMBER 19, 19.59

uards Take Second! er Crusaders 7-11

Two Goal 139 HI 228 ~08 · 159 l ~0 20~ ~14 J2j 125 12~ 375 1i9 2~0 1il ~70 6D2 636 729 1967

16(1 192 J2~ 47~ I

150 Ri !54 401 I


I IB" t~3 l4:i 480


I 13 1i3 ~i6 562 I

19-1 119 167 ~so , 2H 197 167 578 ·. 703 6~2 755 2100

151 Iii 231 ~59 m 120 152 387 85 205 113 403

179 m 249 679 530 753 745 2028

124 196 107 427 136 170 160 466 135 2n3 254 ~R2 ~~~ \~4 169 476 MB 723 690 Hl61

186 \~9 170 ~15 \:\2 168 154 434 124 !~B 1~8 420 IRI l:l~ 204 ~2~

fi3J ~15 666 1914 :

248 180 428 218 . 218 159 161 173 493 145 188 144 477 152 174 192 518 674 771 689 2134


1~11 211~ 1:14 ~20 12R l4D 12R ,11J~

2~~ 269 lBR 7o2 1:\4 115 1F.7 4~A 1 747 768 611 2132 :

121 117 JDJ 431 144 [!)~ l1Q 365 115 121 1~8 364 2o3 1~9 m ~37 58J 499 m 1697

15~ 193 150 ~0\ ·m ~~ m J'/3 118 129 130 J3H 74 1M 68 208

475 603 48~ 15~0



Bob Redmond Is Registered

Bob Redmond ha~ been re· ~i8tered by the St. Bon's junior hockey team. The hlgh scoring

W. Green


18! !Ill! 283 117 !fin 163 1!2 1M 1S9

1!:, ~·urloni

6641 L. Furlonj

4401 A. Andrews ~?S B, Mercer




uar s ac 1lrish 11-3

G A rcn 2 4 2 4 1 . 6 3 0 2 3 0 0 2 1 0 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 4

Guards arc lratling the lcagur with a pair of victories while hoth Feild and St. Pat's ha\'C a one and one record.

:11rs K. !11hhs R. Leritz :n. Finn


Guards ....................... 2 St. Pat's .... · ................... 2 F~ "ld' " e1 mns ....................... ~ St. Bon's .... .... .... .-...... 1 Holy Cross ... .l


1" 1 0 0

D. G. Johnston L GFC:\Pts. () 1.3 5 4 1 15 9

W. Allan 2 I D. L. Cooper 2 i ~!iss Garland 0 ·C. Reid

1 7 14 1 3 4 1 1 7 0 Geo. Giannou

G. :\'!. ~lacdonald R. F. ~!arlin J. Hiscock Halifax

Tony Ma11lli11g 1 ~~- ~~5}1~eout 'L. H. Burdock

Is A Star I ,. .. 1

W. n e1r R. Murphy ~!iss Carnell

. W. O'Reilly I

... n

• ..... ;

IDS :r~:

(, ·,;-

''• Stop Feild . ''1:

w·~ I I

For lst .lUI!: ·' I

.\lr~. Prat: T. Dunne H. B. ~In~ sc ~~r~. Hoyrl

Just Makes J. A. ~lrehan l". Krnnl'ttlr ~lr.'. Rockwe:t A L" •

D. Jackson R. F. !lorwooct T. Griffiths !!:e lffilt I , H Johnston ~Irs. Lush u

H. Allan · Jim Flynn made the jur1

R. Bartlerl ~lrs. O'Leary L. J. Brett hockey age limit by less tl ~Irs. \\'. carter 11. Kelley ~Irs .. J. R. Parsons, 24 hours. Had the St. Be

:\Irs. Bartlcll ; L, Boll'cring :llrs. Burgess junior left winger been borll 'I ' E. c. Boone :llrs. Tapper :day later he would be watch

T. s. Clift I . 1 from the stands thi5 season. T. Williams

1 ~!I"'S. Lester A. W. Boyrl, Flynn, a Bell Islander,

J. G. Greene ! D. Tiller c. F. Dearin! tended St. Bonaventure's (I J. Murphy . F. Kie!ley :\Irs. v. Clouston ·lege lor three monthl and i:

D. Thistle D. Ferguson member of the St. Bon's Jut

S. Thompson Mrs. L. Thi;tlr

' squad this !eason. He was b S.J0-10 I August 1, 11139 and that's I

Dr. Stcntalnrct rle'dlme. D~ve Bat~en ~ Fe . c. H. Ballam · ians 15 not far. b~htnd ~lynn

J. ~!ahoney he made the llmtt by IIX da

B. Jeans F. E. Hue ~Irs. Goldstein , ~Irs. French

i A. Crane W. Winsor C. Cook

~lr~. Stoneman Gco. Wells ·~Irs. Sparl;c•,

D. Lewis C. Howse T. Woodford ·~Irs. Ward

~~r~. F. Kiellcy 1;-lh~-;o-rkouts. I . I

E. F. Kennelly .1. P. Henderson

B. Rockwell :\!iss Kielley

An open practice lor the '1. Bon's senior hockey team "'\

Tony Manning, of St. John's, 1

well known for his sports 1 . ~ln. J. K. Clous(on A. C. DR.oekwell 1 R. Coupland A. c. Rockwell

been called for tonight.. 11i'·i'l practice will be held at : ': Forum and will start at 7.15. :1 · ·

--- .. -- ----·-- ·: ability in his native New- \ foundland, gave the Halifax crowd &omelhlng to think \

P. Ledingham Lewis v. Clouslon ~Irs. Wylie i C. Eaton :lfrs. D. Wills w. w. Macdonald ;"~!iss Garland ! Mrs. Harley 1!. Coady ~Irs. Casey Mrs. Boone

,_----•It 'I I ~··

i i .. ' ' f '\ ' i' 'I I' I I I ' 'i I i•.' I i i I I

,. I




I li



al>out Saturday night, as Saint 1 Mary's University whipped the

vlsltlng Co II e g 1 Militalre Royale 6·3 in an· exhibition game at the Dalhousie Rink.

Mrs. Giannou R. Kent C. Fry · .L Burgess

n. All:.n I'. Pollard

Mrs. J. K. Clouston G. M. M~cdona1ri

~~r~. ~l•rGr•Y R. Chalker

~ Jtam. 1.1

JJ~l ' I I.

A. Henlev . J . , k , 1 '[ "' 1: • lllliOr 1IOC Cl prac ICCS :. ·' rs fl \' le I


· R. Rila 1 the Sla~lium toni~ht. will ha1, . · tn St. Bon s us1ng the ICC surf•c•·

~llss .T. Benne 1 "' fi.l:i while Hnly <"ro~s wd l~yrnr. ~Irs. R. rlrill ~I i.J;. Both le'm~ rr lalllllrftBI fh INrhl Llllltl De1·ereaux. 'quest a full turnou1 ol. player;, , .

. I


11 I

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1\ ~: II~ : :If:

II;: I, '. ! II : I ~-I ll' I '1


Page 12: L USED CARS AND L ICED TRUCKS FO~ QUICK ,THE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · nouncecl· Wcdnesda1• that ~!acmil-.-\frican

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MARCHAN·D Floor Furnaces


s156.oo Available in automatic a1

manual operation.

50,000 BTU-59,000 OBTU- 80,000 BTU


; ·. I i I • I '~!!!~~~!!!!~!!~!!~~~~!!~!!!!~!!!!!!~!!~~~~!!~~~~!!!!~~~~!!~~' ~· ~~r i ' ~ 1 I I ' I

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one ·DOWN

J'(l!ty.Jn ~PclvaYlvanta

lH:4 IOf-:11\'ICJo:, INC.

Jacoby On Bridge

Study Spruce Tree Growth

TORONTO (CPI - Studies of


spruce tree growth, a mystery to scientists, are being carried out at the University of Toronto's ramblln' Glendon Hall labora. torles and gardens.

BY OSWALD JACOBY "There just doesn't uem to be The hand hog always finds any good reaso:1 why 1pruce

some excuse to take the play I trees behave the way they do," from his partner. He also Is says Prof. J. L. Farrar, forest likely to go through life won·j biologist. 1 dering why he never wins. "They stop growing upward

South'• excuse for his four- 1 during the last week In June, al­heart bid was his 100 honors : !lough diameter growth continues and he was unlu~ky not to rest for a year and start the cycle 1 make his contract. West open- i all over again the !allowing ed a diamond. The finesse lost · spring. to East's king and East prompt· 1 "Yet the sun Is just as warm ly returned the diamond eight. ' In July a::td August and the soil outh won In dummy and the Is just as moist." heart finesse lost. !\low West Scientists at Glendon Hall, put his partner In with a where an ex~nslve reference and

_ research garden on Canadian

11 i plants :lOW is being built, are 1

rapidly disturbing the spruce , growth-cycle by rising the trees

In pots and moving some into g~nhouses every month so that

. they ha1·e little or no winter. i Dr. Farrar says if some way

could be found to stimulalc the . growth and break the cycle there

would be valuable cash retur:1s an acre from Increased growth.

Glendon Hall, an B!l-acre estle in the north o[ the city, was hf!. queathed to the uni1·ersity lor botanical purposes by the late E. R. Wood, a Toronto financier. Mr. Wood's home on the estate is occupied by the faulty of law.







'lOU ~E, Sl!E ASKED ME M A V'C!I:'f IJICE 'I./A~ oor ro oo sa IMlN'llll~ WIT1l 'IOU,

AIJD FOI:.'I'O'J, 511"'$ JnAID Srot~ 'IOU/

\'i=- 1\-\'i::.~ ~\C.~ 00 ~'\':., \\\t.'-l S\\0\:l\.\:1 Y\C.'I\. eM 'i::.'Y't:.~ 00'0'-{ \,

v~t cq:'r r .JJsr J<E;p MY 616 MouTH SfM'?

Lee followed Sherman. Now, of a Murder" (

was In town along t~ith Jo \'an Flee

explaining year off from 1

Broadwny pla~ the nation's

don'l mon."''--1 like t

, when the manager rusl pans .

a phone, hand and said:

told this m1


Page 13: L USED CARS AND L ICED TRUCKS FO~ QUICK ,THE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · nouncecl· Wcdnesda1• that ~!acmil-.-\frican

?';>.,\~C.\~..:.\ ~\~ &:l'U\-1"'1~~




~no one's· gonna drag me down The last Mile









I I Paramount !

Tt-IE TV MOOD -5EEM':5 IO 8E: FOR DAN~:S -EVt!SN!N5S WI 71-1

Tomorrow · · FRS) 4:>TAI'"-'E ...

' .. . . ' . . .. · . . .


TO-MORROW The laughter. , , the lq,ving , .. the happy living

af ·a wonderful guy make this '·


KAYE DANNY as "Red" Nichols in









' I

13 I i

Radio Programmes -CBN ·

THURSDAY, November l&lb.

1:, '· i I

; I' .. II.

) ! I ' ; I :'·1

. ' ' 1,


' ',,,

Capitol Now Playing


11.00-Romper Room 2.00-Willy 2.30-Chez Helene 2.45-Nursery School Time 3.00-~iy Little Marge 3.30-I.iherac:e 4.00-0pen House 4.30-Dramatic Presentation 5.00-See For Yourself 5.30-'l"his Living World 6.00-The Town and Country Show 6.30-News Cavalcade 7.00-Phil Silvers 7 .30-Frontieu 8.00-Th.is is your Music 8.15-National New11 8.30-Gunsmoke 9.00-Walter Wmchell File 9.30-The Deputy

10.00-Talent Caravan 10.30-Closeup 11.00-The Killers 12.30-News Headlines 12.31-Scarlet Pimpernel

vous TJIUBIIDAY, NonmJJer 1M.

8.00-luntUal. 6.30-Nen. 7/JO-Nelft. 7.30-News. 8.00-llreakiut C1ft, 8.30-Gaylen Drake. 9.00-lt Happened lut ft!Pt

10.00--Coffee Time. 11.00-Turn l!ack tile Clock. a.ao-Proeram Twlln. 12.!0-March of Ennbl. 12.45-Sport. Page. 1.00-Artnur Godlrer 1.25--NeWJ 1.30-Marvin Miner 1.45-0pen Fll• 2.00-At the Movie~ 2.15--Couple Next Door. 2.30-News. 2.3.:;--Panorama 3.30-News. 3.45--Junior MIBI 4.00-Spotligbt on a !!tar 4.30-Five Star Matinee 5.00-Word P\17 ~.30-News 5.45--Checkin' In &.00-President'l News Co~•·

ecce 6.30-Checkin' In B.OO-Great GiiderslH'VI 8.30-Escapa 9.00-Parallel 9.3{}-Moods in Mtlody

.I . i:_



I I i I '



' I

I ' : !


I 'I



I' I. l i i'l


I I :


I I ·'


' I 1o

I .

' i.

10.0{}-Final Edition 10.15-Sporl1 Final 10.30--Jack :Parr 11.00-Music Till Midnight 12.00-Si2n Off.


HOLLYWOOD (APl - JUI'] Lewis collapsed Tuesday aftt1 '' running repeatedly up and doWJ a flight of 50 stairs for a movil

I scene. For a time, studio ofliciah feared a heart attck. His doctor,; lll£ili~~

1 fter a thorough examlaatlei\ i'l clled it ovemertlo:1. The 33-ycar-old comic went back to work later.

' I ' . .. "

1: ·'. ' ,.



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3 For Rolls



DOOR 10 A.M.



99c each






1955 CHEV 4-Door

6 cyl. Standard Trans.

1954 FORD Mainline ·

4-Door Sedan Good Running Order.

Was $1075.00

19.54 VANGUARD 4-Door Sedan

Good tires. Was $.57 5.00



1956 FORD 4·Door Sedan

Custom Line 8 cyl. engine. Was $1095.00


Was $875.00 NOW $600·00

1954 STUDE 4-Door Sedan

Good tires. Ideal Winter car.

Was $475.00 NOW



4-Doar Sedan

Good tires.

Was $675.00


1952 AUSTIN 4-Door, 6 cyl.

Winter Special. Asking price

$450:00 NOW


The perfect Winter Car. Good tires.

Good all round condition.

1956 Aus!in Sedan 4-Door Sedan Was $1 ooo.oo



Drop In, see these and many more excellent· Buys at your Mercury, Meteor, Frontenac, Taunus Deal-9r.



HARRIS & HISCOCK, LTD. General Hardware

Distributors for Sunbeam I

Elcdrical Applianrts, Sporl.q guuus ami Sporls .

wear for all ocl'asions. DIAl 5016



DIAL 4183


Tenders for Highway Construction


CONTRACTORS Rrp. r.eneral Electric

36 King's Rn;r\ Dial 2910 I


1. ~rnlerl trnrlrr> Are inl'ilrol .1nrl will he rrrrii'Pn ur until 1'\non ~tnnrln)", 3oth of 1\nl'rm.

, hrr, ln5R, for lhe rnn,lrut·linn ·of 13.2 mil~s n( hi~h\\'nV from 'lhe j11nrtinn of the Tilt Cove· La Scie highway to Southwest I GREAT EASTERN OIL Brook .

i 2. Plan! and specifications , can be inspecled at the Roads : Draughting Office, Court House, St. John's, and copies may be

' obtained upon application to I the Revenue Clerk ~f this De partment upon deposit of $25.00 whlich sum will be refunded to

' the tenderer 1! the plans and ·specifications are returned to


the Department. · 3. Tenders must be made on

forms provided by the Depart· ment and must be submitted in sealed envelopes addressed to the Deputy Ministry of High. ways, The words. "Tenders for construction o~ 13.2 miles of highway from the junction of the Tilt Cove-La Scle highway to Southwest Brook" are to be writ len ACr{).IS the face of the en·

: velope. ! 4. Thr lender 8hall he ~ccom· 1 pa nierl by an approved accepted

· che~ue for $100 a~ a surety that



DIAL 3001 to3005






DIAL 3015



~3 William Street Dial 1450 and 6062

i the tenderer Wlll, If ~ucressful, L. HEALEY enter into a contract with tbe ! Cron Roads and Water Street

I Department. The su~~essful ten· Dial .1026 • derer wilt b~ required to deposit further !tllru to bnng the total

I deposit up to ten percent o! the ; amount of the ac~~pted tcndr:l". to be held as Pecurlty !or the

1 proper and .sati;factory perform , a nee of the contract. In I ie11 of ! cash depo~it the successful ten· I derer may furnish R surety bond


JOB BROTHERS & CO. LTD. Warer Street

Dial 2658--4123 approved hy the Department for the amount of 50% of the total MEEHAN & CO.

: sum tenderer!. 1 T. A. Jllcl~ .• llul'k\lorth St. : 5. The Drparlm~n\ does n:ot Dial i016·7047 'bind llsel! to accept the lowest 1 ---~------or any tender. 1· REG. T. MORGAN


c A KSif'HT I11iSURASCE umTED . • • ' 1' I ' Temple Jllrl~ .• r.o. Bol 168, I ll~ttlll)' ~I n ster. 341 Duckworth St. . Deparlm.ent .or Htghways, Dial 80310 or 7756 ·St. Johns, Newfoundland.

no1'12.19 DRUG STO.RES

~.~~~.·.·• .. J,··· .... ·.·.·.·.·.,'.·,·"':"".·.·.'.""' ... ·.·'.". ·." •. 1 .. · ·~, M. C03~r~~~E~T~T. ?Neetil • ·'.a ··J '· Drat 2206

L:"'''';~;d'~""'m!.!l 1 AYLWARD's


Advert"lse In The cor. ~lonchy & Empire Ave. 1

Dial 90070

DAILY NEWS . KENNEDY'S 20·1 Duckworth St.


! ' I

I 'I I



i I I


1955 METROPOLITAN Fully equipped with

Radio Reg. $775.00

Now $4 75·00 1952 PLYMOUTH R~g. $400.00

Now $95.00 1953 METEOR Reg. $500.00

Now $175·00 1955 STUDEBAKER

Good condition. Reg. $900.00

Now $695·00

1957 HILLMAN Reg. $1250.00

Now sggs.oo 1955 CONSUL Reg. S650.00

Now $495.00 1956 STUDEBAKER

With Radio Reg. $1300.00

Now $795.00 1956 PLYMOUTH

Reg. $1350.00

Now $995.00


Cor. Maynr anr\ Mcrrymcctin~ Rd.

ni~ I 7:l8S


Elilabeth Are. Dial 91120


119 ~!ilitary Road Dial 6146

FLEMING'S 205 Pennrwell Roall

Ilia! 9~937


\ Store At Ynur Door

Dial 93490


I a P.~t TO l

'We Clean Gardens, Basements. 1 Two Commercial Pick-ups. , DIAL 93212.

~ n01•l8 (1m) I·--~--------·-----------·-

.HEAl, ESTATE- Valuator of cit;, 'arms and outoort pro· 1 lies. Ol'cr 40 years' ex· prrienrc. .John '1. O'Dris· cnll. Auctioneer and Real

i E.1iale t.gent. Dial 90312. netS,( t!)

THE ~ENTKAL BARBER SHOP. We are now opera!· ing eight chairs. You can be a;sured of the best pussible service plus the least pCM~· sible waiting, 24 New Gower St., opp. Adelaide Motors.

'W LET-Suite 4 o!fites In Royal Bank rluilding, West End. !deal for 5hipping

, firm or custoln! broker Dial 90312, John D. O'Dris coli, Real Estate AgenL jly8,(t!)

Sales Help Wanted Male

lf you are a door.(o.rJnnr >alcsman. own a .SQtall store. or if you h"re a ~cnrral ~torr. wr arr in a position In ~upply ,mil wholesale, the followtn~ items, all nation· allr arl•·rrlisrrt artrt well· known branps:-Watchcs ann rin~s. diamond rin~s. toys, clnrks, JPII"rllery, pen.1. house· wares, kitchen sels. kitchen· ware, electric shavers, port· able electric tools, heater~. carpet sweepers, polishers, electrical appliances, clip· pers, luggage, golf bags, hill· folds, key holoders, leather accessories nlumlnum and stainless steel kitchen uten-sils, hand-painted dinner· ware, silvenvare, radios, stainless steel cutlery, un­breakable dishes (:•!elmac), steak and carving knives, etc., bedcovers, curlains; drapes, dresser sets, com· pacts, fishing rods 3nd reels, meat choppers, cameras, stools. We supply you with four tolmtr catalogues of all these items absolute'.' free. You need no money, all ~·our 3alrs tan be made from our catalogue which we suppiy free wi'h no obligation. \\'rile: \' i\LCO LTD., Dr pt. W, 2091 Beaudry, Montreal 24. nol'l9,2:l





I I I i

Three wersk after dale ~ppli· cation will be made to the Board o[ Li~uor Control for a license to srll beers and wines in a huil<ling >iluatr :lllll·A \\'~ter St. in the Cit)· of St. John's.



Beverage Sales Ltd.

(:\ul inserlrrl hy llnanl of Liquor Control)

Brother .. wilh , ! ROLLS on _ b·•.

it is w1th th!~ p~inls •n<l Poin::li \OU ron no i• grl'r •II >~ur. ;'IIEII' Lor,K finrl ""' >hn11! i:.:.

Admission ..... ' Specta!cm




·About 7 Answers to of 'Shadow.' knowing his :~bouts pleall


1 0 George 51.




GENERAL novlJ,lm

HARDWAR! 165 Wale!

pial 5

nol"2.1rn I ! .:-:..-:..·---~


Gerry Surveys


Kl~ Bo~




I 1E 1! 2! 2E






co us A


An •


AUf East

Ited, 5. 3 l

·1 l

Page 15: L USED CARS AND L ICED TRUCKS FO~ QUICK ,THE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · nouncecl· Wcdnesda1• that ~!acmil-.-\frican



lmission ........... . 1ectators ..... : .... ..


:kets for Friday Jme, St. Bon'1 11.

·oss, on holding ·rtificates, on lOll

om 9 a.m. to 6


lout 7 month1 1swers to tht 'Shadow.'

1owing his 1outs please


Philip Wall Sons Ltd.

) George St.


HAND RAil! t..RC & GAS





Dial ss61 101"2,1m

KINSMEN Boys Club paper BINGO



St. John's


B I N 11 16 31 12 18 37

25 44 26

G 0 46 65 49 68 57 74

Kin - Help Kiddies

Watch Repairs


-··· ·-. ------

WANTED-enced Silk Finisher





s Menettes Bazaar nd Afternoon Tea SATURDAY, November 21st, 1959

crt 3.30 p.m.


Adminion .50c.






1 d as ern 01l & Import Company,

8 ' Showroom Water S~reet. 3 Used Televisions

'1 Used Electric VVasher 1 Used Electric Radio

ON NO . VEMBER 20, 1959, at 1:30 p.m.

'PARISH FAIR' In Holy Cross Auditorium Te»night! Tonight!

CARDS ... .. .. . .... $1.00 ATTRACTIVE CASH PRIZES

First Game 8.30 p.m.

- TO-NIGHT'S DOOR PRIZE $25.00 -6 Tickets for 2.5c.

Grand Bank Night Prize $500.00 to be drawn at close of Fair's activities. All tickets purchand during week eligible for Grand Bank Night Prize.

You can't go wrong- if you go West to the fair of the Year, with Prizes

Everywhere. (tel.)

-------·--· ----------




Will be held at Victoria Hall on THURSDAY, November 19th, 1959 at 8 p.m.

At this meeting the Scarlet Degree will be worked.

1 CLEARANCE I The remainder of ont stock of Hudson's

Bay "Point" Blanket Coats and Jackets.


BOYS' and GIRLS' with hood at

25% OFF.


FOR SALE s~ooo Down Payment will m~kc ytrll lhe <IWIIH nf ~ .~14,000, Seven Bedroom, Furn~t·r Hr~lrrl Srmi-allachPII home on LeMarchanl Ro~d. opposit~ Sl. l'l~re's ~Jerry Hospital. Thla Dwelling Is ideal for ~ !lo~rdin~ Housr. Bed Sitting Rooms or Apartments. A Home that will p<~;· for ltaelf as well as show a profit.

WANTED FOR A OI.IENT A Two-storey, unattached Dwelling with Driveway. Must be In perfect condition. East End preferred.


I Newfoundland BLUE Potatoes '

For Immediate delivery Ex our



¥ B., P. 0. ELKS

ST. JOHN'S LODGI 245 There will j,e an Initiation Meeting on

THURSDAY, NOV. 19th, at 8:30 p.m. &y Order Exalted Ruler

R. J. POWER, 1101'17' 18.19 Secretary.


NationallY known manufaeturers of ~xcl11sive patent· erl lightin2 products, h~\·e an openlu~ for an experle~ced S~lrs Representative, coverin& Sl, John's and the Provmce of Newfollndland. ·

Succc.~oful applitilllL will he !lillY trained. You will call on Industrial. Commerdal and In~l!tu·

tinnRl accouilts. Liber~l commissions. Group Insurance. Hoapltallmtlon, etc.-CAR NEESSARY.

. Excellent future with •arnlnJJ unlimited. We m lin old eatabl!shed firm with coverage acrou Canada. and there Ia. an e~cellent opportunity to advance.

Personal interviews wlll be conducted by Mr. Ray M. Hawn at the Newfoundland Hotel ln St. John's. Newfound· land on SaturdRv, November 2ht. Please telephone first for ~n appotntmimt for an interview, after 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, No_vember 2let. novl4,18,19,20




• Vacuum Door Locks. • Push Button Radio. • Prismatic Rear View ,.,. d h" ld W h ~!irror. • n In s le as era • v~riable Speed Windbhield (co.(lrdinated with wlpera)




: I

DIAL 2094-.5-6-7 I '


- -F~It -sAit:=st~~w~al S~~t, -- P ,\i!:TING:-DECOBATING-1 B~am; B Reams: An~!~; I For all exterior, interior r.hannel~; Plates: Shaflln~ painting, cleaning, papel'- '

There will be a Special Meeting of Terra Nova Council, Knights of Colum· bus, in the Club Rooms, TO-NIGHT, THURSDAY, at 8:30 p.m., for the exem· plification of the Second Degree of the Order.

Candidates are requested to present themselves at 7.45 p.m.

The film "Noble Heritage" will be shown following the meeting.

By order of the G.K. A. CURTlS, Recorder.

--··-·· ··---. ---·-· -- --- ----------·




Over 30 salesmen and skilled craftsmen to as~ist you. Estimates and advice given without obliga-

tion .



·-·-·----~------- ------ . --~----

r-.Jot inaerted by B.L.C.

rtc., urlous ~i7~5.. Nfld. hanging Reasonable priciJ. 1 Sdll·age & !lales Co., l.tcl., 'Phone 7397-H, Mr. ~ II PatdciL Stretl; 'Phnl Howell. 1709. mar 19.

1 9 5 5 PLYMOUTH.

$650·00 ·::

I ,

· Baird Motors Ud · .•



firestone IIIII

~Hid. Armature Works Ltd.

I I,


BAMBRICK ST. DIAL 7191 • 7192 I



. \



It can be dangerous and costly too, to try your hand at home-made repairs or im­prpvements I Have them done the righi wco.y, the safe way, by consulting with one ·~ of the experts you'll find listed in our clossi- 1 fied section. A phone call will bring the · ~; right ·help to your door!

DIAL 2177 - 217!1 - 2179 ·,


l)aily News

1 ·I 1 I I '

I I.!

I 'J

I: I


I . i ' I

I I. I

! i' 1·


' I• ,.

,. ,I


I d



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Page 16: L USED CARS AND L ICED TRUCKS FO~ QUICK ,THE DAILY NEWScollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · nouncecl· Wcdnesda1• that ~!acmil-.-\frican


·' ' ' ~ .. ! II

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'·, ~:. ,1:,1 16 IHE DAILY N ST. JOHN' , , ••• 1h :-----------------~---------------------__;. ____ :.:.;.:;...;.:;.:::.:.:...:.:.::..:.:=:..:::.:.:..::.;;:.:.:.:.;~:.:,NF:.;;L,:;:;D·;,:.• .:,:TH~U~R:;s-D~A~Y.!.!:~~~ ; I, ;I• . '(

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Misses' Car Coats: Jutt optntd a full range af Misses' Car Coats, In colors Red and Blue,

quilted llnnigs. Sizes 8 - 14.

S,.clal ...................... $5.9.5 each

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Special $1.49 and $1 .69 each

Boys' Pants: Boys' Fall and Winter Dress Pants in assorted tweeds, gabardines,

worsteds and corduroys.

Priced from $2.98 to $4.98 pr.

Child's Sweaters: All new designs, buttoned and

pullover styles, Sizes 1 to 3, as·

sorted colors.

Priced from 97'· to $1.94 ea.


RETAIL DEPARTMENT- 319 WATER STREET - P.O. BOX 1118 Your Gateway to Economy


Health Report According to the Depart-

ment of Health's health report there is an epidemic of mbas· les at Deep Bay, Fogo Dis· trlct there Is also a sin~lc case reported from !:~" .. "~

: Brook, St. George's District. 1 The Port Aux Ba;cwcs •area ,

has been struck wit11 an cpl· I demic of lnf. hepatitis. Cases :

01' THB

OK1 ha1•e also been reported from 1 A TL·ANTIC ANTHOLOGY Corner Brook, Botwood, Kip- I Sele t'ons by J R pens. Porl·au-Port di1trlct, c 1 • • Brlgus, Tilt Cove and Swift 1 Smallwood, A. B.

1 Current. Per/in, E. J. PraH, I Four cases of s~~ .. • '

ll.~·:e \Jc~n reported from two etc . ........................ $6.00 different commun.. ., THE DESPERATE PEOPLE at Ferryland and one at ·

I Marysvale. One unspecified ' : case of meningitis has been : rcpot·tcd from Comer Brook. ·. Other communicable dis·

Farrey M o w a t, Author of Gray Seas Under .......... 5.00

; eases which have been report- 1 . cd to the Department of


H.M.S. ELECTRA Health for the week ending T. J. Cain, R.N . .... 4.00 Xovembcr 14 at'e the follow· ln,g: ONE HOUR

Scabies: Summerl'ile, B.B., II nJ. Li ion .~mith ........ 5.75 , · . icken Pnx: Corner Brook ' ([ St Aj F B • ALL OUR TOMORROWS , ), . " tans. , , and Her·

milage Dlsl. (1). Gastro Er~terilis: St. John's

(!), Seal Cove. C.B. (J), lnfluenn: Corner Brook (5). Strep. Snrr Throat: Deer

Josephine Lawrence 4.50


Inglis Flefcher ...... 4.50

Lake_ r~l. Seldom, Fogo Dlst. THE LOTUS EATERS \1J, ~ o;:u 01. 1

Pul, T.B.: Grand Bank (2), i Gerald Green ........ 4.95 St. .John's til. ·

\'.D.G.: rl~). STATION WAGON VD.S: (21. IN SPAIN

----- --------------. I Adelaide il!otors Ltd. 10.00 1 Frances Parkirson l!, B. ~!orgnn o 00 I K 4 50 H H C . .~.·00 ,I eyes .................... , . . ummmgs ... , ,, Steers Lin .. · · :;~_. 0o0o 1. POOR NO MORE Aylward & CI'O>bic . . u

Guardian Ltd .... : 10.00: Robert Ruark ...... 6.00


KODAK~ PROJECTOR Fine.~t ... most versat.ife ... "automatic" ever built!

Relax .. : •.ettle ?ack - the Cavalcade rum the show for you( Set the tomong dtal, and the prajeclor takes it from there -shows slides big and bright, changes them quick-as·a·wink at the selected interval. Or, you can change slides by remot• control ... manually advance and reverse ... even edit as you show. Many other features - get the whole story here!

(Dn~plete IR CIU wfth "previ1w" $186.50 scrun, SDOw lett!p, f /2J le~s,

::~··rv···· REPAIRS P . D .las, W, Duffy .. , ... 0ppy ay :\lberto \\'areham Ltd. n.oo s 44B.oo 1 GOO 5.00: Prcl'. Acknowledged ~~.049.00 DBYE COLUMBUS , I I

I ~:--'·

[ ' l·


• W. W. Wareham &

Appeal Sons, Lid. . ...... . : 1 11. F. Fanning & Suns 1 POPPY D.<\Y APPEAL I :'l!ammy's Lid. · · · · · · . Stanle'' F.lllott Ltd. s 5.00 C. H. Ballam · · · · · ·. · ' c. A.· O'Reilly . . . . . 20.00, P. C. O'Drlscoll L.td.

• H 0 N E 7 3 1 3 . Boys or. Bishop Feild ~~~~n;,RaC~l~nc~~~gg~ns . · Collc~c . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 · E • Lc:'llar~hant Drug Equip. Co. Ltd. · ·

I •; lectrOniC , sto,·e .. . .. . .. .. !o.oo I l!arl'ey & co. Ltd ... ·' 1 1;-: 1 ,J. c. Tipton 5.()0 Anonymous ........ . I I ':;::Centre Ltd A. Harvey & co. . . . 2~.00. Gus Winter uct .... .

10.00 ~.oo I

25.00 \0.00 I

20.00: 5.00:

25.00 75.00

5.00 10.00

i •1 · · • I \'fld. Broke1·age !.I d. :?:1.00 Blur Peter Steamships :·I : . 90 CAMPBELl AVE.


. Law1:ence :>.'fld. Co. .'i.OO l.td. 20.00 11 · · \ Fncnd 10 oo "araarcl \\'i!liams . . lll.OO

. I': 1 .~_ter hours 'PHONE 6401 A ~~~l·_ ~-~~~_:__~:~---=--~· Steels & S~ns ____ ~oll,

. I

"SHATTUCK'S." TRIMMED NA.VEL BEEF ·100's and 200'•

---- Philip Roth ......... 4.50 S2,497.00

F. c. :\:\DE;-tSm:. MARK OF SHAME

-- -- -·· lion. Trcas.' Willi Heinrich ..... ." 4.95 i

MacCOHMAC'S Dial 5181 . 2 · 3

Gt:ll.f1 ST

Dicks & Co., Ltd. The Booksellers

Spin 442j or 2008 or 3191 !



. COLE - DiPd sudr!enly on ':-:o1·. 17th. at Goose Bav. Lab-~· rarlor, Arthur Cole, son ·or ~Irs. Hallie and the late Nathaniel


:f. 307 • 309 WATER STREET * Distributors for Kodak in Newfoundland.

DIAL 6332

Cole of Vietoria. C.B Lea,·ing, --------·- , ----~---

lo nmurn hesirle; his mulher.f w t rf t 1 Bay port~. h ' \\'Jfr. three sons 31111 one dau~h- '. a e ron c arge ul C'pl. Spumi:

~ AT A.H. "l:RRAY A:'\D ing freight for .J 6ci~J . tcr, four brothers and two sis- CO'S J.TD. d

D • - an the olhrr 11sua!

, lcr(~O· H'.lL:y _ J';t,".·r•l ,"\\'a'' •t I rectory Tile )LV. Blue Peter !!., ports, sailing on .. ------••liS .. '- ,. , " " . whieh r·ame from Gloure;ter ~I.V. Ivy H. J!ehin u · , the Genr1·al Ho.•;cital on ·,\·ed- 0:\' URY UOCK and discharged a cargo of lin-. freight for Bonal'illt,



·,1 I

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ii'!:; ·)-: -----------------·








Taylor's FurnitUre CHURCHILL SQ.

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In fnnrl ~nrl Iovin~ mcm· o1·y of a tlcRr husbantl

and father, J.\~IES S. SNOW,

who entered Into rc~t :'l'o1•. 19th, 1D50.

··Etc•rnal rest grant unto him 0 Lorct, and lrl lighl perpelual shine up on him,"

-Inserted b)' his wife anrl family.


GARLAND In lol"ln~ m~mor~· nf JOHN G:\RL:\~D,

who died :\o1·. 19th, 19a8

"Gone from us his lol'ing face.

And his pleasant cheer ful ways;

A heart that won so man) friends,

In bygone happy days.

Though his smlle is gone forever,

And his hands we cannol touch;

We shall never lose 5Weet memories

Of the one we loved sc much."

-Ever remembered by Ill! wife and ~on, Eugene.

nesda~·. Xov. lRth, Frederick Tile fi>hin~ trawlrr Votlur ned fruit. willawatt future sail-' and Elliston. George Cormc1· aged 63 years. will remain on rlrv dock until tng orders. The vessel is in·

1 Leaving to mourn hi~ wife one· the 24th .. of this· month. ! cnargc of Capt. Parsons. 'd?ughter. Phyllis; one 'son. AT UUCK :\T IDI.C. DOCKYARD Frederick; thre~ si,ters. one Bowatcr'., drumbarker No. z. The S.S, Sir Humphrey Gil-. brolher. three grandchilrlnn. which will be towed to her dc's- bert is moored up permanently· charf!ing a ~eneral !Jill Funeral will l~ke place at 2.30 tined port b~· the s.s. Balsam for ice breaking sen•ice. The; after lht c~rgo is · p.m. Friday, i\o\', ~Olh, fro,., Lake which is standing by, when ~I.V. Seabeaeon, :'l!acNamaras, will sail for her I Carnell's Fuucral !lome, 2g a suilablc towing lime offer<. derrick 26, whaler Finback, ~!.:

'Cochrane Street, to the An~licen The S.S. Kyle is moored up in V. Eastern Explorer, whaler I AT A. HAI!\'H HD Cathrrlral. Interment in •he that part of I he dock which wa' Sposs. lug ~!. \'. Douglas Reid,: LTO. Anglican Cemetery, l<ml:t•rly known as the ~t 11 ni- and the :I!.V. Parr are moored i There i~ a R~s~iu

. cipal Basin. up indefinalely. and the two trawler in for ~~ppliu EVA~S - Passed peacefully A'f HORWOOD LU'IBER fire lugs Royal Canadian fire: after reccil'ing sam! ~2

. away at St. Clare's ~lercy Hos- The ~1.\'. Thomas J. Hodder lug 3, and the assistant lug' for her deslir.ed port. pita! on No\', 18th. after an ill- in c!wrge of Capt. Pickett came 0\lcr\'ille are moored up for.

::~~~~~~~~f \~::Pjat~~i~':1~·.T. i~n~~~~ from Fogo, ctischarged a cargo harbour fire service. T\h'Ee.SS1E1~5L11S1_ 11Dgt:Etrla~e of oil a11d is now loading a AT AYRE AND SONS LTD. c~f Pouch Cove, in her 76\h . general cargo for Fogo, sailing The )!.V. )!arjorie lnkpen in Haze or Blue Spra~ Y ) ear. Left Ia mourn are two about da1·1inht on Thur ·dal' charge of Capt. Steve Goodyear: port tomorr~w from Ut sons, 11:·o daughters and six · nwrni1:.-,. · " , · is taking freight for Carman· I Bank5 fishery o-llh 1

g~~ndc.uldrcn. Her sons are: AT T. IIALI.ETTS LTD. l'illc. Herring Neck, Twillingate .. fish to dischar~c ar.d · \\ tlllam at Pouch Cort. and The )I.V. Catalina Trader in Till Col'c. and Nippers Hr., and, cargo i• disch•r~!d ~atr\ckt· 31. ASlhambra .. Calif. Her charge of Capt. Bill, is taking is slated to sail on Thursday.' again for the Gr;ni 1 aug 1 ers. r. )[ar~ Concepla freight for th l B ·· 1 The ~.l.V. Lydia ~!arie in 1 herv. at St. .Joseph's Com·ent, Wind-; ___ . _____ _e _tJ,~~~ on a\ IS a .,

· sor, anct Bride O!rs. P. J. ~lol-,

I, loy) of this city, ··~fay the i , Sacrerl Hea'rt of .Jesus ha1·e :mercy on her sou!."


i SPARROW - The funeral i or the late Augustine I. Spar- I ; row will take place from his. I late residence. 91 ~!onkstown

Road, on Friday, Nov. 20, at 1

9:15 a.m. with Requiem Mass : at the Basilica at 9.:30 a.m. I




SPECIAL ... 98c.





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