REPUBLICAN AITKALS. DF.MONSTKA HON AT THE OtXfaFBI I MON. Ai-»l>K»-sis nv BfsBBurB H, rnoAir. am> BaSOSTfl v. Bvoeuai . mr. caaoan tarttraavpncu n\ ism IMiitv I .r ni vii. .1 ti. a vt. um MABU I nrivp aSAMBSS . OBBAT kn iiuimasm MaBS- VBtTrn. Tho BfeeAtfag nt doper Institute la-t even¬ ing, tiinlor the iliroiiioii ol the CanpaifCB Chm ol the Republican Ont val Cnnunittee, was di«titiguislied lo tlic I'liM'iui' of Ueuoral Grant, wbo scknowledired tue wami arreet* tnn ho receive.! in :t btiel spoooli. i-o-c-y ii. v", .1.1 - .'.e-nilli rind deHvewdtbe opening ailtln-.-.. Tbs ebie! spii-eli of Hip i veninK' was m. ile by Emory A. StOTts, sf Chir-ayro, vvh" bold tin* altetitioi' of the andi* cni-e fm Morly BB lunn- nm! a half- Bis apeech waa an air tigi mein of the Donoeradc Beatty. In i> Dclaaloti hecowtrfspted arltii it t.'.c lt-eottl of the Bepal lie- n party dtUlBB ltd BM B- ft^eiuellt tit the Uoveriiiinrt. A larfB lUlill- sjisee waa preaeat, incladisgi many pronxinenl lli'piiMii-aii*-. _ SCKNKS OF KN I UT-I ASM. QawetfJ Onat entered th;' ball aaanaoanced, sad the stars r.'-ti.'t* of fada preeoece wn hi. apaesuanoc on tiie i>J»ifnriu tn v.iii.l. ba tn eondactsd by K W DtwaibliiB. ci lill la sal tix.in tba United Pintos to RtisMi.. A* ana sa OnaraJ Qc il wat recog- . ghans*the Btaaaean htoho sari into taaaaMaaaja ap¬ plause. The wbe-le nndicuce r.-^e to its feel anti cheered until tee wolla rain, nenin: bat* weir awong in the air ami wm.ion tvaved their I an.Ikea*.iel*. At fir-*t Gen¬ eral (stand Bchaowradged tuc Irlbats rely ,by stepping to tue front of tun platform Bad baw- lng ia reeeamitien af the greotin--. Itwnntenl minute* talon tuc eau laen faasidad aaananeatly Iff t im to lake a*aat. Tt-ecUairniaii oi Ino meatian Jonah H. Choate, WW bl the un,Mic of bia opening reinurk* when in- tsTnipu-il Bf the Manana of Qenoral Gran*. Ail BftnfJOt to n*t.itine his BBOOBh was saathy a fagans yaatest af asplaani the audience wns mn to BOfWtOal fair. Cboate ai oin (."eppod tovtaitl tieneral Ur bbs, who, after a a hispered coo- Bultation, riv-e end Bgsin adteiieedto th" trout of the *t.ti{c. fha tn.v einei.t wm tbs miiii.il for a nev»-»loi thc applmi-e. Wfaieb ha*! l»-e:t nearly con¬ tinuous aian Qenenl Gran! ent tied the hall. Ile -spoke tnetlv,ead baa resnarks were gn*ted witb orBfh aaathtrt earl witb ressewed applause, Hsre- niame'l nrengnoat the steniog. Mr. Cheasa laen n mined bia resnarks, ead at tba oonehisiat) bstrodoeed Bai¦.rv A. Btornm om wM had le>on foremost, on every battlefield in tho preaeal coateat, Mr. Men- Books ¦with aasnt nmestnesa; ai tl.-1 alowl-r, bat .us bs BBfaa*nflaod with rapidity aod tebemecoe. H:s de nun.Mt on o; Democratic dootrinn waa brilltaat niin .satire, ami tbs sodience daring tcrtedisof the aeairesa wm kept In a roriatant Bxploana sf lnerninoiit. His neital ol Ihe tain.'Us int.-r- V w with General linc ck wbicfa MC s*v*:iki\* read, ba said, la sec: ions witta i rplaMt-t] and orit ira', nena tftei thc i ..meer af Ptdtarcb, reeeitec] the BMatsel apatotsl. Hisstateasenl that he had riviil the ronrriee noften tl ai ba *o-.\'.i\ now reail it v, Itboaal in >tion,wm f.. 11 *>^ ed hy laugutei a 1 uti r the hali. K.-fernn . nbs bayonet in pplitics, wb*ob OasMtal Hancoek ima depra tated ha in letter of se- cepianco. the sjv.ikci vic inc-1 arith gnat warmth that if tin* haye aol was tbs only Instranaenl bj nhuii the rriadanaed -aetro totara ol tbeSoath eenkl deposit their ballots with safety, a i ntl] m. font of Ita ne. Thc atatetaent iuc ¦"reefed with appian* ¦ Ttaroaghoal the atoning allnaiona to General On nt. to t:..- R ipnblii an vandidati ¦ anil to tba su>- -- f the Kepublicsn party in tba prnentt were cheered to the euio. Thc suthusiasn of the BMinoe ian nrinnenrlnil in IM aodiauci wan s. Baaary wtwoaioeat Bepnblieaas, an.l nany w. il- Ifaj dnnsd wa .non tiriu.-1 the nseetii g. W BEMARK9 OP GEXEBAL CHANT. Lvi'lK- ABD GbBTLBVKW: 1 tried my Vcry t>i.- | , beuag aeeu [Inaghtei ans tciicvv ,.l .; d'ia«. ,i'o .'¦¦ .-' ::, hopes Ol ware nae iMt tho righi taingfoi las li -1 v ,-- [Great :.iiu out a I ri liiivo a ? [..I .ii column ol ihe sort 1 heard eoe of your is kn that he dad noa B irans. [Greal : rhacMi .- i mini, aa ' v. . v ,i ., !; p .:¦ ., sta tli.tu when 1 esma li von vv;; - u.i wa saay nan ron vvu'. un eo awsy w..a the «ii - . they a pi \ h I bvL fte ls ? .-ll' CH Ol .Hi-Kl ll CHOATE. Ki ' l-.vv-l i.'.*i \- li la BOW ;i little more than ' Foang Mi b'i l. la taw li Bonuual anti Arl ever tl I t*v -r wss before ua ac.J ... : i : Mt th i lore te call I ls;. ¦. ap, :. tb, -,,r;n 0f ti-> Ji IL.iU-.':- i I . l null Convent wei snd !.¦ l an t . Bciaded to sbaadAfa ital :. til "i - tl lacy v. ' l-7o Ital Bist and West, snd Si ..-."i . ishbBcJ limits . kasw B.a wases e.«la'. v ..f ,,.;.. ..-.,,-.. i ' ulric, ita i a on . : t«> r ,,i wno tta Admtn- kui vt : ',. r.r «v.i:s ttian v --. kelp I : of the slA Ital tl:.- nsi'tc . - , .. wai > eu: .-..-.-. i tbs c rv nit un t . ; i lite a v , tlic beaty, i i. I*»t awoi I Uti ¦abo Ba* Cone all 1 t I I aaa; bs mk. >. il *: » I <:., , ..--,-. i. ..:... ' ... - j f : N . - rn I On nLst pv-i .-.¦; aasBl B . «.«, i-pon v»b.i_ V*>. -- rtsly acted. li w*» lo of putting npon the tfnored and despised irk asses of DoOMUM* thc linn's skin, wklcli should omttien.l htm to Hie people. [I.uiirhter.] lt waa on tko .line j.vine.j.le that In 187'- tli.'i BSMSOsd thnt urand OM tspuoHean, PoraeoGreeley lion.i applause j, armin who a.l ?pent BM wheM life in castigating ttiiil runtshlnir liein; they mi,te tum their sanrtaro bearer with the BOM f ecdoeins Booral, loyal, Bepuhlleen totes, Wolli it iitii't work lo 1879 ihuightcr] and it -ass as*worltIn BBB, TBt ntoplt sst girt st to-llv ft **'"** When tim >iriy sad lu eandkkMe obbbs sloaii wita tiMoM toorar .kin and Beal and mano of tbe lion. D's otoo sounded something like a veritable fir. but the people peered nt der the skin, and Ulled lt, mci mere no taosososetd. Ul-eendltfoned, Ul-favored >. uiaeiuti.-a.«s iavl>ik m the identical tasia and sptrll ta before. Borthlagto ben Qrtat In 1873.(treat sp- .lause nn.t r> ,'liter). inytliiti.- to bent Grant lu IS"1-, lad829 la IbO**. [Kuarsof laughter) llir Jt'DOMEM UN HANCOCK. Well. then, the people of tho Unit, il States already irnnoiinrs their tu lament on QSBMSl BB-MSOk. Il Ih au .nttrely favorable lOvCTMOt, *A"li«">" bSlMtl bini M bl no go.*! ii m>iiiicr u> ta/od tat tko nAke at MBktag a Soi Pres '.ct. lOteat app'.ame.] Hes,des, a* yi.U kn >w. md v lil bear mo witness, Hew-York special -,- Mants General nan:-.wk rot BOBS Mrooanptloa sod hasss defence. [Great* laaahter.] Sow aaa wa spare him frvm .;..vern .r's, Islaad tim M tn, .1 mate tlit'li iMpStlOl av.:,-.. HOW aimil ".'° N ..'. i nleas (:;« ir.1 ttarr S"hynee eurum.. to petal Ibo SOBS UTI90 t_M top of old Tort C .¦>-r.nt.it« tor the ol Bew-YoHl hiri.Mrt [Renewed laiife'uter j No, ffutiaaat n, Ne w-Yoik cannot spore him from lou lilia and mort deotrvtna position wbt.-ii he dow <>¦- riijii.-a sod where they ness to retain hun sodolve bini the falJ beoeflt o: his military »ci. r.ee to the end of inn natara! lift At fbi* pulu! J_t-Mi!i.nl'-r r,i-,,i.-l ton Witt OSBStal Qraul Maana ou blsono sppsarsd si tts r Mr ol ike pi«t- feiai. After be had BOOB eda ,1 BOOB Hil hud marbia krtef sin eh, Slr. ( -OOM r MUM :] lac ...ii.cv Vtokshotfl i uoi-oi tinnV tiiat Oeoera] dr. it In, iver hail m.> rn-d in P'f. r i,. )n«'m. kbone. [Brest .beers.) lint whew latarropfed I vr.i.s spenklti-'of another Qaaersl (Ks»cr_i HsncocJ<--|iHiiir-**r| sad <.f Uh i-.nirr.se ostooM n whick tn- M held nv ri--1: oaa party and uy oil tts people nf too Worth i ana I w us (ay_M lti»t we mun..vi sparc BIM from h.s peaooot elevated ind w,-u deserted p«.i- Hon on li-.Twii, r'* 1«.*vh1. [Lauirkier.] IwaoOBlj toing lo e ase i'*-t *.e;i-s of >>u»er*aiior.i uy urine la hi '-i ill 'i:_:ib ped thai bs weald '*. eaaUaaed b t~wt i,.., len to '.i e end bf his na»nrsl Bte, ead tb.it by and bj * _.".. 1 la suiwr.ttf i.-f-rer* .sh.il bat! bfteti taMi- orcd to tbarr tatters, in tte) distant day.and we hope ii mi* iv far. fer dMtOiri -Shel hs mm ne i>erniiite-i to imp lato torn* sheet ai then .it tn*' whee the lime khnll conn be will bats tbs aooooionsneeo ol never bat' l:.C bart tho peaceful tOOer of his life die tnrbed cn opt for f ar bienthi by polltleal thoncbu er luccestlons. He will fir.vi livedsadtiled .. B ii'Mi. If nod aa a'.U sol J tai.ly Int hi last ,n Li- own t .1. N.'.tk/'Owii K' cl. II*:.in_, WllB tao I Otds, "If le d'ArBM S " as hu los! ut leran, e. ubbobs ow mr: camfakib. n >vr, ffrwlloMtn. lu tttss fear moo tts thal bate posted Bom 'he oemtoatl ni of i ut _'. >rtoa_ saud d*t-\ bokoqeestieaa inTi>.r--.t i-. iii- Ml is haye been lettied, as it sasses to om. OneoCttoiita thal this oneal Bab! iu whleb wi sro enK.i*r'-ii ir aol t-. bi \v n bj dafsnatlea er fralaaiaj i.r iliadnr I do aol Uitak ttal opes oar lid. i tts Boase u word Bu been nd t<> IBs personal dtoeredll of OenernJ Uaneock, \;,, ia W* iiti.>w (kai dom seal ; b »sold [Beoewed spplaase.] But how witt i'ii msdidatel I'Toiu tke verj umi- .. his ui.nniiaiii.il the Hem ocr*tlc kaUriira opened alt sloo| Um line. ..tc! ;:.';. Democratic orators, on 329 .unapt, ni 3*29 Congressional dtatrtcta, aboutod al h ::_'-.i ri :'n ih-y wire black in tbs face; kat i»,liy. after it al,.; ti ral (Israel-.{Immense rbeertngj.General lands i uudaonted, luuoeenl and alroaUy trtumehant. [Brno wed '.e'rinnj A man in ihe orowd recei vlui tho reruns mm Ohio witt in :e t:au thoo poetry wlicn li. snid rJ:itt it waa old bsd dons lt. [l. incite:. if lae peopl. ot thia eonntry lo^e one taint better tuan anolber it la fair pl lney mean to Indee their nea end Um r candida whole Uves and their wholi records, i:-. p.s- il to eu'.nm.>. sri i.iheis to atodyiua the life, ebor- ai:,r.n.l apevenesof Qcneial (iarQrld T_eyatnd'.e.l rom his first oppeamoeo on tbi tow-path lo I uie.ir in nie Ca-ionto . o vet ai, and wual did they ; n t The) leiind a iuaii who foe il- whole twooty years >.f bl* pnblio Rte tni.i been devotou t.. ins oonntry'i servlee who Bad bj dui of kia Industry and talents .:t.,t ,:. .i-.tn ODO Stet -r. ev.-rj-,.-.,¦ In i:..: i.: tn. t.in the mist w ba ba become i train, .1 -tat- ama. by alni ,.f hai-,1 kui.1v »'.,J labor and devotion io tie pal \:--:,im.i h., question bsa ' which he boa il made himself a mailer b) irotol and oootiniied 'ikey foo.-a ii him wise In counsel, brave in the field and -ir Mi.- i-.i tte forum, rn j found, also, tbat. a lo Hf* al tte very place where the public money waa baudied by aitlll ms ne remained Hill a poor man, rantin* L:s a .:ii b oed by ;..- laoor. Ind i .! f:.." .-¦ i took him o -. nod ea Uni nei that could not bc n ¦- .-.K'-- thal wbo- iii'tl; '.,r tu^i , u all toe e, il -...i -mei "on thc 2d if November. an OCTBAOI "N i IB1 ..I^. Bow, lentleMcn, I do not into; ,.;. your nico Mpoor dot-t-seal [tooxhter] when this eminent -: f: Cblc .." ls here to a i word narc f a nd, t key-note of tte whole canvass, ol t., controversy a:ai - ave ...r,a ly d n iti ite 11 that lid t Kort i otes on the irrouti I that lt is be - South and di tM own. a :ii_- m; ,t sU,h il pal ty, on .:-.-¦ rj reaaon !¦.. defeate«l. l be peupli I, Sew-York, aa tko ¦( Inot- a i tl - santa l- one i ibe i-'.'-.i ii omi - tty and I , .¦!,,¦ it .. lid I Wc ali. it waa, n .¦! (hut wi \ fl ..! tb. lu-: Ihol :,-;:.¦. [A ::<." \ eal - ol t:. r ,' i-si- I to Can lute, lt, et le tOSC lb tn a belter atslc of life and manner. 1 [Apple down Kb ¦. all¬ ure 1 Bo man in hi If v..a \ ll recent lt ucl ,.f v. Ku Kiuxu th. *e verj Cl Bl ill. Stow, teni utrol of tao I j i- ire for N fbi : itt rirhtdowi . more than h. toni I K lid to I : i .. . . -. I wt l ranon 1 voa . . rid .- i Nw t....t a i «.:n , ihlnet witn s .' that fi ' 1 mini'" Mr. 8 Mi 1'.-- louth i . .pi um »pc-b te t hut Son ' Direr, fi l I Ind:j n ... Al iliial i tter. > wn Bi , I I I Arttiut i. Stol vcn. l. i a Ct:y ul i .- I MU lrtT .- I f M :-»t ". ','-' Mi ti * I help eonetdor the grout crlef which ha* come over tot ny rcry wormy gentlemen who sre busily etnM- 1 In crawling out from uniirr the fallen fragments of tba exploded miirhincry. [I.iiighter] 1 BMHSBtSSBnai that distinguish ... -in ni trom HoesMhassSM \aaaat 1.bBIm] s ¦bsMsmsi who left our party a lille ten.S, >n.l Who fotat d tue other party a UttM too t|iuc_ [I-iu-ht'ri I SMBh mlsiriite twa or three dl.stiii.ui.shd tBBfloaitB fr.'ni this illv, WheM departure was wsU mt.nd.d, but .il- timed. 11. ..ighter.) I BSBBntilStntS Mr. Jerome. I cominis.-rutn his ItlBOOOB RopoMlMN Otoh, I com¬ miserate ttl peseral petmlj thal has sttaefeed Um ti. iwury IspBttMSBl of that club. [Great )aii_hi«r.| I sonnnMMwte IO theos teed stsawhe bateau th it tins h tts wrong lear ta bs S DOBSOOtS-. [OrSOl laughter ] I comaiiaerato everyhodv lh.it ought to BS eoaunlssratodi [Renewed htngbtor.] I tommMerato thme ttena ids and ten- ,.t ihonssudi of D-Bsssrsfs who ought ta know Bl 'ter. lint we have v.-ry solid and very serious work in front of us. I rt in ni ht that webed a greet Oeaetalwha captured V.ik..|.urg. [Cheers ] Tl was n -MOM-TOtM etrooghold. [Loachtsr.] Bs did n-.t merely toko tho fawn, lui! he took thc Mttl that WOtS in lt. Put he p bbsod 11 "in oo. l be -ame fHetiocul*be i gentleman "OP" tared RlebMond Be did not balloo over Riebmond, bathe ponied right on. ami Made ¦ tittie ploee on tho ln*p. wt.lea «ena.I n.\,r hi'.:.I Of before, fsmOOO. Appomattox [greet oheersl where bs ootoUedtbe Ileili- OenU-- pal'* an 1 aptur.-d them. Tilt: DBMOCBATIC I'lltiY PSABSBh I have s-eti in tho PaMOttOtlfl popstt an Bttsmpt lodlnnoss IBO oonflltlnq nf tl.lugs which has overtokea tina,. 1 mb aoMMbtog of ¦ phlloeepBot and i bate a areal variety al r is -ia why the States of Ohio md Indians hate aseds them Stok. [Lsaahter.] i'.r»t. the Bepahliosa porty a - »Hdrfied und united, un I lt was ShSOtatS-J right. Next, it hus B m.ic- ¦llOM t BMtOty and Um i'ir: f lo which it ls opposed has .-¦ii B tonal and dtibO-teal blltorj I don't w_ut lo li ri tat Dsmeeents here by referrlBg t>. their history; I know th" eathnstastlc disgust with which they listen tu tte reettsl. [Lenghter.] I knew that If there Meor/thies that Will di iv I'. BBOCtaM In -meeting iisiindw. tt is to lead to them tl.ur p.a'foilu of i-ct year. You ciU dlsperoe s Dom rafe audience quicker '.j- renting to Hmm i he platform of their porty thoo hj roodtog tts platform ni the Rennbiiean pirty. [Laoghter.] Tt-.e . m* Inst m.*ti "t thu 0000117 were iJr.idi.f the I> n..m.ni, porty] the agricultural m*:in-'t- of this ¦. were tirald of them; tbe patriot letlooM et the eoootry. ttel won1 a free bollol and rn fair eoant, weresfrstd, We land aloae did aol glee oe tko rte ;..!.., t.i.u 'ii-.in-- l.-.pr--. than tt.c ern ot trade le ttl lott nf p.u-i"'.« for th* old iiitinf-r, our tlag. [Applause.] Wheo we knew that torre w 1, thousand* and tens of Ibooaandi ol mea who sonld mn what thej thought; who .... net rm li v,--,hi they w.mti d tn who could ont rou a IthoM nsfjsunt, and wims ballot wim not conat>d j- ti,,-, ttaat it. 11 thor di.iv.it' when wet and mund to n , ma i'ii-»: mil¦¦¦ t a .' t a- Nation bail _..i ie. thal :. ar _ .r,- roes and tl ^. I \M|'l.i-a-e ] I yin Ibl snirt cud o;m. -<. to wove 1 bal bl »eed oldgormeal anti] under he nag ni man atends who caunol nv |o*t in please* and vole Josi none to moiesl bim <>r make U'-a tirald. ] When Unit BV 1 I, wte Q North ead foath and East and Wi . \.¦ t-\ um nt hi* liberty, we will bold lt np, as a tl,,.,.- honorable .li kle, nong with tte st okc-be> grin. mea. bullet-riddled, bettie scarr, 'fl.-- of th. R. pul 1 itali, iinv, ratio party. loborrved. in lo. Icing over th. nd m. Int -holy nt- 1 bat we arc. d ll tbet Il a.; in tai r of te Int bormea. tomi Ulinga.d 1 aa opposed t.. nlousatKiu* ntber tiling'. I .un oppoa ia*ruo- i'!.'':- atuffl.' tho I Jiu lox lam opposed to a 1. ar'c. I am oppoa. di I tiiiit.in [applause], ae*asi ne Midnight i 1 i'¬ ll ,-.-, nt app -pplao-e.] larrnonloiH cqntnltv, of . and D . tue bxs. Vim, lu.-'- ] I koon >¦: nothing to ,r> a in a stain [Appluuae.] Wi to do witb a Natlot gag. m. a mit to perform iv [Appia WHAT TTtA* kWTY'S Ki..' lil' MOWS. I object 10 Um I'M".-ii. pert) for 1 gt m v.ir.e of it.1- ns. The life ,,f in vi le Iii;;-- I I aersatj 1 ri , leaaaote.pt il mi to eoosame that time la going it" details, [Langhter.] I will mr- il ." another as so;, ! piece 0 ts itself foi disoeBaton, [Oreel Uaahter I In tte Brat piece, gentlemen, ena .ea Milos ., piomlse that that paitj hoi node ls twaity yt in which ttl" eau.se f good tint it 1. is kept I 1 1 h np ala 1 porty i ¦' m'.t. <t late a | , that li (ormedl Will somebody be kind . I me itt.uart in eur p I ;n the tarter of a. > ..'. . measure, in sdo| ..f whu ..< 1 liberty b id token as a 1 party li* guai C -ii rou nie, National or fi I ty has pro 1 lo give il up. You cannot point lo a 1 lt ta it greet ,| Ordlt 1 not 1 l-:._ It ie ¦.-:. m. 1- i- : i : -1- IA -. .. in that paru ' Il .-'. n bendhl ut ut .hts .- KGB. 3 thc-.r at tl ocr .,---,.¦¦ ..ta',: - tine a is ci; lt BOM m shoal ,>' Hie ( i t til t 1 I- perti ii wah; . > IA \ patt, .. .. Been »cl LOCAL MISCELLANY. TMK CNDER WRITERS IN COB V EBHON. | Nit .mal Convection of fire ln.sur.ince uni r- wTitet*. reprnnttng aboal 200 foreign Bod Ai,vf',ia ms; .tuc eomn. ii.es. wa* begun rester- iav ia Ibo Et titania Life Asmrauee Cornnnrfl building. J. A. 1.. nowden, ntnidMl of the Kim ASMW-Httion Coii*i>a:iv ot I'hilaileltihia, wits elected chairman, and /. Montgo nerv Hare, of England. H. IL Miller and Samuel Appletoo were tue se"re- leaies. fafr. Snowdra addressed tba BoafMtiouBt leosib, calling attention t" the various question 1 at basie, and toa Brcesartj foa wise legislation. A ciiiiiirii"'"t sivii v\.i appointed to consider the nu wtion oi permanent 1 rgunization and refort upon e constitution and by-laws. AComraittn tut Ben¬ nies* wiiM lils., apnointed. Henry lt. Il ill ft-r il resolutions on taxation, winch ondeo ned tti.- imposition t apecial lazesion flie tin- Insuranee interrel for thesnpport of nra ilenartmciits or for any acbeme ol i> ¦neroleoce Bin the imposition ol muni ipa! license* either lor revenue orfoi the protection of strictly local eowa- i-siines. I>. A. Heald fiered i-m Iniionaconrlt moina Miranee leg! lotion in Mess ihusetts, and in fator ol freedom ol contracl b tween the insurer and inamred ¦persona. T. R. Chsrd, of California, offered resolutiona that a spirit ol frstanitt and co atioB, anil a unity of notiment bntween all nader- writers shoa I bi r-m mraged. Mr. Nottmsn ipoke on thc situation of the Insurance int-rest, ami con- dem ne l inc insuring of j> Iroleniu properiy, as it is one of the greatest banrds. lie also Mndomoed tba constraction of high bnudbaes. Be op] -¦'! the increan of oommu lon to agents, ami ted s eombination tofon rates and tostand by them. Mr. Puifi rd nr.--.-ni- resolntioni sgainst insurance on profits, nggesting prompt aettlemeni of 1 loi-'ii'-. Mr, Driggs addresseI the contention on the "Prejudicea of the Jurtii ir*.." Mr. Oakely ¦pokesgainst 1 ie system ol deikuuI la*..-.. Tba Contention Bill meet a-r.nn at 10 a. m. lO-d iv. ^ REPOBT8 OP EPI» OPAL COMMITTEB9. The Ber. Hr. Il M'tgosaery B nayler, pl Bt, 1. uris, Mo., anil tba lv'cv. 1;, 1 rge J. fafttgill, ofKhode Islsnd, read morning prayers j itcrdat ka tba Bouse al Deputies of the Epin ps Gea il Ceavt ntton. lite Bet. i.'iv-i'i E. Johnson, ol New-Hatea, tanti., n> ported that thc Cemmitteeon Edncatuanwu not prepared to recon lead tbs rdacing of episcopal collsgea in nnitersu towt a, Presid -nt Beardsley appointed lbs following oommitti.d aeenring citil rights for the Indian: The Bet. Dr. 1) Bet. Kr. Qdls. f New-.I.-rsec, thc Kef. Dr. 1 of Maryland, Montgomery Blair, of Msrylaud. James M - ith, of Western New-York, sud J. W. Dai el Minm TM Committee on tbs Godly Discipline nf tl Laity presented its rcmrt. Hie report raw the ofiem .¦.* tor which thc committee thougnt that per- ouldbeexr* il fnun the communion 1 church. These offences were . r of the srtidea of the Car ¦.- forth io the Apostles' < 'ree I, oao( the 1 iw ol t ne Bible as in the Ten Commandments, ste. Af iptn ted debate the report wn brid 00 thc table, rbi Bet. Linle:: (' ure, of Pennsylvania, pre* ntt d the rep >rl of the on the I. a t -nar., which roo- tsined a r. vi-- i t iblc 0! lesa ins. tb*, ii ... "f win. li ia optional with cl rgymen. Itw - adopted tm ceri"'1 from il.' House "i Bishops, an- lng the nc: tion of thi i. ¦.-. Leigh I". irtown, N. Y.. ¦*- Mi«sionsrv Bia of Monta ' lession of the House I I leputai lose of con- lg the nominations ¦: ile Bot, George K. Dnnlep for Missioi .r Bi-ihop of Arizoi " . 0, snd the Bet. Mr. Brown lol Mis- Bishop "i Moutana. Both were couflrtned neon- imonaly. --*>- FATLCBE iv l HI' GUN TRADE The fail ur-. "'. Merwin, Hulbert a i ... tlrrs'in arm- and ammunition al Ni imbers-st. snd Nc ' , iterday, and .Ut t.) tdrian Wi r-tnden n. 1 I the larsnt in thsl line in ti.-' il mated io be worth from *F200,000 - min,*!. I- -sra* e-ttabliani I in ISOta. lt ia '. ,\ Mannfactnri ic . rich, I sll ita ptodui t ¦: il ai-11 ...vi:.- IWO- tbirds of the Ph se Company, "f - Coventry, v oun., and ta!;es all ita product, ll e isl thc firm, on Sep 'ha* i; $200,000. ii),. ,.... tl tri hoted ¦, lore nf the Maine, in Jo'y. tbs -* the firm about K) f->r advances. The tirui cl mi . . '.' .¦¦ ai .-. 1 - ind to ,..'., msnagc it* iwu is. Mr. ria day t; t wa* m nie I" bast . ot, .:.'! '.v.- lld probabl; rearj si - trade, and be hu. I lt is : .00 d g ve no -ta', mi tx'. 1 the Liabilit F OF MR. BEN ) private ti 1 East _. to Mr. B were * I until next Th- cheal - -" _'". to Mr. ii. W. Al . M :.> Mr, - - _ MELANCHOl Y SUICIDE IN 1" VT. 1 Patera n 1 -.. 1 \ . >¦. L ia WATER rs. ] v v . tlnnl snd Ihui - :.'.. am t to ictiou of the 1 s'.rci;-. . ? FTCRBIC - I *. ... : temp-'.. I . - , - Till: SEWAl LAL. '. lo tl I '. liv 1 - I . N i - 1 . a length ahead nf Rosalie. Pawnee third, Poardman fourth, and New-York Weekly a furlong behind. Tho third race, the Pimlico 8take*. for all ages, two rollen ami n furlong #5o entrance, hulf forfeit; the flub looddBSOO. ot winch WOO went to the second boret, Kti-1 tbs third to save his stake, was won by Monitor, in :r U '-.>. wtiii rte ii« second. The fonrih mee. mile heats for three-year old., coifs !C> poll'lils, and Bille* p. pound*, for .1 purse offUOO fot the flrat and *"><' fnrtiie second, wa-. WOO bv Peile of tho West in l:44-i lo the flrat heat, and l: 15 lu the second. Edon woo sooead lo both hoars, TO morrow Parole and Cheektnato will mn in thc milo dash for ail ages. There-till bl feat OttOI IBSta HOME KEW8, PlJOMiNTNl AIII.'IVUa BboHssBsh Hatti A -.- K'lat.-.lu-tice -stephen J. . t ¦¦ ri'., i -tu.-, anpr. '¦nit ....Clere 'r-n /, ante*, d* Iilou, <>f Kroner. /¦."¦> .,. . ...... in lay A. ri ibbeU. . f mi ,ngari, and Walter ii Wood ami lok -i. Bailey, ol ffew-Porkj !s a Suneriotoadeul A, r. Bepbarn ai -l Hen. rai Kr>-«i. -i . Tows urtA. of Albany JadgsO \ i lehmne, of (j-argie; Bx-Con- n v. ' Nea Hampshire, end .i"i.-i B viicy, if t.i«-i.-iiii-ciis Josenh PaUtaer, ul Kl lamia, -nd Rt*M |.i»,iri: N. 0 WeodeU .W,n4*or ll. t Iluirt, ofChi .icm. m. l. IsgaUa and H. I CnnnMgbaa*. of« a (.everett HaltoaataU.of Huston .iioflti.mii lloium int v..ut. «,f Philadelphia. ."¦'. .vi /.</«« nmfi. Cspula ll. W. Ilowgair, " a A. and pAnielcbadwli-a. "-oe. eromeut l>lrector of the alon I'.i.-.n, tcallroad .Met* >'l>r- Fx-Mayor lok Bcr-ven, ol e-varmsh -.', ..ol Wasiiingmn. and V. D. Chairman of i a tess of \ Irrtnia. .-.- i .,.//...: Ex-ooveroor Jsmes a. Wsmso. et Bow- RBW'TORI CUT. Tin- Polies Coiiiiiiissintiers sdootod a winter hat for the tore.- veeterday. It !»b!uc, and ressaBblas in shape Hm- grav sommer int. <-'iv\ icu ii ny PBBJUBT. Ferdinand Hot wss cofltieted yesterday,ia th* criminal branch ol tho tinted .stat.-.-« kteorl Court, of perjury. nr.pAip,- to scBOOLBousaa. At the Btoottng "t tin- Beard <>f Education yetrter- .1 iv. By-law 59s was nBaaimonsly -n-spended. i mo¬ te - au now BUtke alight repairs "ul thoir o'* ii dia- a bbatb ntnt-BAir. Tbe Rte Cnmmtosioneis yeeterday nat the name ol -Woman John Levms, ot Hook a.i.1 Ladder L'om- poaj No. 2, <»u ii..- roll ot merit, fat resettings wo* :. j- al ; bu own life at a nie- ut No. 112 East Fifty-flfth-et, enOetoberfe csxsoaiBa rna bbalts i»<>*i»p. Rebecca Psrker, sge neve.i years, fol] nat of a tilth -tory window st No, 17o Madieoo-aTe-,and was ki.id. At the Inquest yesterday it was Moora that tbs window a il taara, and thc nil j » is, t. iv toort, .-u i-i. Ja- fr..in the tl<«ir. Tho jury, rared the osrnern of tbe boase aod tte Boord ,'f H.-alu, foi neglect of duty in failing ro in- proper proteeti io for lit*- and limn on the | pt 'Lits ..s. TAKKN TO AUHNY. John J. Lyon, tbs Koeal <.f tbs American Hotel, at Albany, who shot Clarence lain, a hall-boy, leal Saturday, and who was mr-i-t -d Tuesday by Cop- tain Brogan, was bronchi before Justice v_nth. at tersoi Market Police Court, yesterday, by Doh * ve R-*illv, of tbe Fifteonth Precinct. Detec¬ tive Edward B if the Albany Central <>:Yi.e, was "ii hand to take tbe ; nioner to thatt uv. Lyon » is willing to retain wit hun, and bc *as ingly ti rued over to tbe lb' .n's .arc Th»- two men .. enos to ii.-- tir.in.l Central LK pol, and took iel! o'clock ti lin f-.r Albany, where the wi lbs prisoner - bel, a.s n « linens to tbs sffrsy. Tuc a a critical eonditioo. BROOKLYN. !' Rev.Dr. Daniel Read, postot <.£ the First st Church, in Fifth-st., E. I'., hos determined tc ofter hi-1'. -;.-..ti :i tr.,m thc parptt.wbioh bs bas tince 1&73. Dr. Reed baa received ¦ <.;.:! to .:. UL, which be will probob v rn copi, The see-ion of tbe Loag [eland I tis! Am a tbe Strong] . bnrcb, \<.i- c mclud.¦'. yesterday. ! ¦. - ito ol Reli- gioo re;"ute.t that the I il ebon baa of tbe m :ii!> i -. ind I is' -. cur 191 re baptised. The Rev. Dr. Fulton urged lored persons be admitted to tbe Baptist Home, A r.-'.m.. ;i to tho. effect wa- adopted. hun h at Wo. .:-..;.. I.. I., wis admitted to tbe dion. 1 ed last- evening by tbe Ret. 1 jersey ern. The-r.arkni." in the Hodson Rivet ItBtiread Tu:.- oel ezhnmed snottier bodj yesterday. It i.;. nt.iici as ri,at ol .rat.'is Borke, rwo mr.- bodies ara tn sight, aad will i»e :... sday LrONG ISLAND. Boms boy wi at 1 ag near the cha pm g : giving to a newlj .- gun w.- ' : jj lo mongie it ba tmpul ON RIVER rOWNS. Haw md Li nen its sixt. -.>-.' $ ¦ iterda : i ii na- PIRl Balthiorr, Oi '. 20.. .rs A Br. ] -raose. Cnccno vr:. ¦'- -. 20..A Ice out in . ' - c. To. title tn 1 ' them. Mr». B ' .. a! d bro.-. ind i " fl -, - J/'.:/.-. i bas ii. - t H. sat ty Hoot.. - - .e. rwoa uvurooL.bi . . J . N Ja* I ll A I. ''. It... ie* .'« h-av i ¦lin v C..ri. ll Mrs i -. i -^ Mr Mr* 1 J I . Mi M M \ Bra > - A 1 and ¦¦ J J _ -- Ml .' l - I - »u-i .' " Mr M -- an 1 M r* Ml',.ie Mri SHIP .VI WS, 1- BBW-1 . _ i ilttrAorl t Brr naanMoi /Osr*. Wei*. lafJBBfm fsst-f. Porto rshsiu. ana Curacao U.wiiArofr.-e bklea ne. to Hallet'.. noou^ Htr Oakville (Br). Ilnm-oVi-v*. SMI'iIiwiiiiIi I&daYa -..v. railroad iron toord-.r; -rsaesl to **»t-r Jins WM* ^ .,r,-^lv".Br'- ^'iitimi- Kiss*toa, Ja. xsr-t u. -vtsmiw £ artha#;rn,4. Oreytown a and Aspinsali U wiu. iwut to nm. forwood 4 co. -**¦ Htr A flss Bri. p.varre. mrmelOi 2, Anir«r« ', p». r*taB*ef sn Kins-aum ie, wtiB naas te Pim, moase 4 ,, , vTSTTne loiiowinx ves<etaarnv*.t Bsa lath inst, n*) l.t. asa la linn baw*; ¦.I Htr Leasta* (Uer-. Voes, Ilsa-t-n-*- f>«i) aol Ki,..« ,- Kuii'iantt A ( 0 . ". Htr Bress waler, fllho*. i/>wla. M to'dd imnnnv.'t h/w . nari TBeaaaa Broefea, Wanan, 1, jtntan.-imo lu "»,. JJJw .ti-rsrto nn^n * i .; t««<">I '<>WaySell \ i,,. ^O BVWaBT wivn-At Bandi Bess, Beat, Bi iii aaa i Ulick outMrto. Al Qty lttami I'sht, si. dear. .-* I LBABKO. ^tt Mt-, of P.raa'ela (Br. Way. Uir -. Lyerpool ria Bjss-aBi lews. John Hale- Sato -«. .tn-ea,. r,r7Z Csv, -raieif Indian* IT * Ansi -nm* co. K'.tn "I. m Lu- .* ear PessoealRri. Mahlmso, Uontesro Bay. (i Wtm CMj. I-.»,!¦.. H . »na. Wier* Oyal AI '..tia,. OOO - -'..r. Un k ^2' 11 I'apldsn. Hutboer* a, V110. uni. ii,-*' r-, Bsltu ,,.-, y> sr, --ivaiirah. Ooo '. « Bog -rt * tloriun Va. uni I) -iuii.Ioo ss Ce Jh Bf«a-Ba Wnp MsiSwed,, Enw, Tilw-le. Ainu . I.rt. nc it 1 o ^1" Karun Meliones'l Mr I>.v« Mar»e:ll»a J K'.V hif-i»»sv Oa Aasvaata Beri Vaa Hi i;-«i»2 Coi Rosene B-nltS Mr, "<-. nt'o .. Hon. 1 1 Wu r A cZ ('aro., si (>->..r<etown. |JOnaJ<I CaW-voa A'o '?. tra ^ ' Iveseu Beasarsaaa.< . ¦-¦» Bon, im-ai-isas amaaiiiiaai Fane arty* ltt:ir* A'inuits'lt,-- ria k. I ' " PI >-vtn« A.<tsK J'.-epI, 11- Bernard Ii.n. 1 Isa : Saris. .it. liner 4 Co. Msl-h Uardner, 'Ia mil ton n»-»l A ( o. ra .....'i'- Klori-. io,'0«'-.t ri4*mr*asTWi t-.-i )-.... jn^y .> art Wi;a» Wo 1. 1.ot'. P .rtawi'-'i.!, 'n.|,,r. l-i.. .-i. Jarrta. Me* .. 'vljtuol' luina. Kayiea. RieB-aoad, AtAel Alrti-il VV ii A 1 < rtb. .jr-ii l:»y, J >Ln II zg.^.¦ awi.' los finis Twiftf; K Arrilaiua, Moule nci nj I' Lu.»ii A Co. roBStoa i- mri. I/o*p<i» oct'.*n .A.r-v~* »tr Ayton <Ttr Brew N it-ftsaaL St Bnato slr Humiiiaa i.r fro 1 CbWMSvVoa aaa '..i-ri " g at na-rm ar* City sf fssaIna hr . .. Y'.r. a" latrsn -lt.. fr-rn lioftoa -tr .:. uu I.r. fr..in B-sivn. al '.lssrow frnrs IJiIfuocr-- for Antwerp r»» i^.-a nm - >ii,.n haviur lout lier rnS-lt r Sarine * »*>; Btr narwena |:r rrevw Monu*-:t. va Nott', -¦.,):.>. CB at Cei'«;a*it'.*ii y.l the estUe osnliyi Dy l£ie Jlorr.urtJi wans » a*l-. UH for fOA^acA. I. n I i.ro'ft.. On -0 imv«l .tr Isl* Neplron Br. fr<se il'.ntii-*J add dr*»t-*._ sir w*rr, S»wji«rW»o Bl), fr io .Nie :o.k. ur Nnevo ivnc-s 1-^s. -. ta-mnaaB yi rs.v!iT-*ws. ¦.. . r City ot ~jtur.'r'A Bri. Irom L:vrr;>.jO. fy .'*...¥ T f. : ur V*'« ww Bi fro-* B*--wd f->r Ij-cri-r,! »t/ Ohio, froui P1>ri»dasa-tii* fo* 1.1-rtr-Mwtl Hayasa. :<-t .'>.-Arritrea mir cay of Wm^ruin, frooa Alexa) f.,r Kew-tov*. ..> < f. j.1_*sJAed UUliu-i'. EVaIt* for New *,v,rlt, 'i. .,.th nat,«'«/ ( . -.-leter. Kessul. !*tli iosL Kitnlrati'ls, tli» ait-f '.¦*. Hottos. J,- a .- '.iowa, UaatLro --orail* laeusttla -t t^*»r r^n. k ru il ll .ip: Knntli. Eon:ty. Ik' »?' lAre* f-)t tior^.r BriM eral, BttiRu*"*. Vrno. o«e.|». Ct» la»'»r It *.-v»- -r'<-»,s; 2otl9 last. UrttBast '*n>f eaowasa fur Pssssgeala, M,.^-; tba lax-w f«l l.r>w-»f Cress .ater l Ttl, ins:. '.. i. '.1 in at. 'tjaun^. t'-a- berto Prims, toe suter at< -. '/rea. 'crt.- iTth laal. UsTre. Ts-nnria. fajis: lstli in :. Lory Maiy, S'l-iMuUiA. TliorwsM.-'.'i I-t ii Inst. Aeagsr. B«s>u* Maranaaa. Pvartaaa c**^i Kr atm*.*', Hittlsia t m./ w-.f -. iis**t*<nia. OltLV-TKR. j,..n-'* ont.SO..Brie9lfi ~> lu-Lateraaseaasa im»»4 M i-v, r-j^K.1 WWB Ifes SM* ... -r Seek loee KLd sada. I j* M*raaaa was last ragar . l-aay I' ¦'.¦ a ,- Pot Basti ' . * .'"/"i P^jr. RATntrn a Fbbi Tba* latiob. Ptsisms Al.. mIthei . .-. v wei1 for yon ui sar .mu have or I KD'i* tfltf IV .^--, ........ I, ta - v»«i." 'li'IIi *»-" L-ir. air. why I tfnnlj I molgm. asl :¦> J «^" »u<! iuoi <> a sovu-ir WV 1 'Ol'- '.' i'm. Itt noa Uac jnu Wliiu' ao IKS to ati Al Uki fl a 1"- [J :jy. int. --.*..* A CavKl Vi'-' Cl Rf. The flr-t *v-ir t-. anheeaa lora. :-i»l to Ki: MTV Woiri. In *-.: ^lu.tf-.rtn lt 'ires beed- a !.-. li ..:> all^cia, voaal.i.at.ocsud,iersBscvtl k.ilD-yi. ste ¦ATE ti-ll>i; a i»i Rt ut*i: OP 250 PIECES BLACK SATIN BROCADES, Whit li avlll be* solil at thc loir prices of $1 50. vi;.-, and tS, P0LL1 :¦¦< i BB BIS SB TAKD LBS8 THAN LMPORTER-8 COUT.l Finest Qualities Proportionately Cheap. IPHOLSTEBT, DRAPERIES. VvUJ. riPi:R5a. L . ii. Selim's Sass M lNI"V->.iiA!:::, COL 16TH-8T. .ts Ar "V Tm., bsva a ra*- ' l'" °* .N-WJOd '. re, A<.'4 . sii SYMES tV CO.. 7 11 HROilf^ -aV. XeW*¥w*TBss Wei De Sleyer's ,.: s Hf ;^ P..? '. rik 11 § ¦ IB A real cure ol Cala 1133 BACON PIANOS, im FRANCIS BmCONS PIANO FACTORY, rv s a '.-¦-¦. S V It- Si .aansa. mi sa /«a BA fl f BTBAW a Bl BA IAS OTIS ELEVATORS, 9Ti» Oi.uTUa.K-a gi l's. Sif* b. -av »aj V T. 3 ,1 Bald ii o' Vi)) di Powder. ABSOLUTELY PURE.

Transcript of L Selim's Sass€¦ · REPUBLICAN AITKALS. DF.MONSTKAHON AT THEOtXfaFBI IMON. Ai-»l>K»-sis nv...

Page 1: L Selim's Sass€¦ · REPUBLICAN AITKALS. DF.MONSTKAHON AT THEOtXfaFBI IMON. Ai-»l>K»-sis nv BfsBBurB H, rnoAir. am> BaSOSTfl v. Bvoeuai.mr. caaoan tarttraavpncu n\ ism IMiitv


Ai-»l>K»-sis nv BfsBBurB H, rnoAir. am> BaSOSTfl v.

Bvoeuai. mr. caaoan tarttraavpncu n\ ism

IMiitv I .r ni vii. .1 ti. a vt. um MABU I

nrivp aSAMBSS. OBBAT kn iiuimasm MaBS-VBtTrn.

Tho BfeeAtfag nt doper Institute la-t even¬

ing, tiinlor the iliroiiioii ol the CanpaifCBChm ol the Republican Ont val Cnnunittee,was di«titiguislied lo tlic I'liM'iui' of UeuoralGrant, wbo scknowledired tue wami arreet*tnn ho receive.! in :t btiel spoooli.i-o-c-y ii. v", .1.1 - .'.e-nilli rind deHvewdtbeopening ailtln-.-.. Tbs ebie! spii-eli of Hipi veninK' was m. ile by Emory A. StOTts, sfChir-ayro, vvh" bold tin* altetitioi' of the andi*cni-e fm Morly BB lunn- nm! a half- Bisapeech waa an air tigi mein of the DonoeradcBeatty. In i> Dclaaloti hecowtrfspted arltii it t.'.c

lt-eottl of the Bepal lie- n party dtUlBB ltd BM B-

ft^eiuellt tit the Uoveriiiinrt. A larfB lUlill-

sjisee waa preaeat, incladisgi many pronxinenllli'piiMii-aii*-. _

SCKNKS OF KN I UT-I ASM.QawetfJ Onat entered th;' ball aaanaoanced, sad

the stars r.'-ti.'t* of fada preeoece wn hi. apaesuanocon tiie i>J»ifnriu tn v.iii.l. ba tn eondactsd by KW DtwaibliiB. ci lill lasal tix.in tba United Pintosto RtisMi.. A* ana sa OnaraJ Qc il wat recog-

. ghans*the Btaaaean htoho sari into taaaaMaaaja ap¬

plause. The wbe-le nndicuce r.-^e to its feelanti cheered until tee wolla rain, nenin:bat* weir awong in the air ami wm.ion

tvaved their I an.Ikea*.iel*. At fir-*t Gen¬

eral (stand Bchaowradged tuc Irlbats rely,by stepping to tue front of tun platform Bad baw-lng ia reeeamitien af the greotin--. Itwnntenlminute* talon tuc eaulaen faasidad aaananeatlyIff t im to lake a*aat.Tt-ecUairniaii oi Ino meatian Jonah H. Choate,WW bl the un,Mic of bia opening reinurk* when in-tsTnipu-il Bf the Manana of Qenoral Gran*.Ail BftnfJOt to n*t.itine his BBOOBh was

saathy afagans yaatest af asplaani the audiencewns mn to BOfWtOal fair. Cboate ai oin (."eppodtovtaitl tieneral Ur bbs, who, after a a hispered coo-

Bultation, riv-e end Bgsin adteiieedto th" trout of

the *t.ti{c. fha tn.v einei.t wm tbs miiii.il for a n»

nev»-»loi thc applmi-e. Wfaieb ha*! l»-e:t nearly con¬

tinuous aian Qenenl Gran! ent tied the hall.Ile -spoke tnetlv,ead baa resnarks were gn*ted witborBfh aaathtrt earl witb ressewed applause, Hsre-niame'l nrengnoat the steniog.Mr. Cheasa laen n mined bia resnarks, ead at tba

oonehisiat) bstrodoeed Bai¦.rv A. Btornm om wMhad le>on foremost, on every battlefieldin tho preaeal coateat, Mr. Men- Books¦with aasnt nmestnesa; ai tl.-1 alowl-r, bat .us bsBBfaa*nflaod with rapidity aod tebemecoe. H:s denun.Mt on o; Democratic dootrinn waa brilltaatniin .satire, ami tbs sodience daring tcrtedisof the

aeairesa wm kept In a roriatant Bxploana sflnerninoiit. His neital ol Ihe tain.'Us int.-r-

V w with General linc ck wbicfa MC s*v*:iki\*read, ba said, la sec: ions witta i rplaMt-t] and oritira', nena tftei thc i ..meer af Ptdtarcb, reeeitec]the BMatsel apatotsl. Hisstateasenl that he hadriviil the ronrriee noften tl ai ba *o-.\'.i\ now reail

it v, Itboaal in >tion,wm f.. 11 *>^ ed hy laugutei a 1 uti r

the hali. K.-fernn . nbs bayonet in pplitics, wb*obOasMtal Hancoek ima depra tated ha in letter of se-

cepianco. the sjv.ikci vic inc-1 arith gnat warmththat if tin* hayeaol was tbs only Instranaenl bjnhuii the rriadanaed -aetro totara ol tbeSoatheenkl deposit their ballots with safety, a

i ntl] m. font of Ita ne. Thc atatetaent iuc

¦"reefed with appian* ¦

Ttaroaghoal the atoning allnaiona to GeneralOn nt. to t:..- R ipnblii an vandidati ¦ anil to tba su>-

-- f the Kepublicsn party in tba prnenttwere cheered to the euio. Thc suthusiasn of theBMinoe ian nrinnenrlnil in IM aodiauci wan

s. Baaary wtwoaioeat Bepnblieaas, an.l nany w. il-

Ifaj dnnsd wa .non tiriu.-1 the nseetii g.


t>i.- | ,beuag aeeu [Inaghtei

ans tciicvv ,.l .; d'ia«. ,i'o .'¦¦ .-' ::, hopes Olware nae iMt tho righi taingfoi

las li -1 .¦ v ,-- [Great:.iiu out a

Iri liiivo a

? [..I .ii column ol ihe sort 1 heard eoe of youris kn

that he dad noa B irans. [Greal: rhacMi .-

imini, aa ' v. . v ,i ., !; p .:¦ ., sta tli.tu

when 1 esma li von vv;; - u.i wa

saaynan ron vvu'. un eo awsy w..a

the «ii -. they a pi

\ h I bvL fte ls?

.-ll' CH Ol .Hi-Kl ll CHOATE.Ki ' l-.vv-l i.'.*i \- li la BOW ;i little more

than '

Foang Mi b'il.la tawli Bonuualanti Arl

ever tl It*v -r wss before ua ac.J


: i :

Mt thi lore te call

Ils;.¦.ap, :. tb, -,,r;n 0f

ti-> Ji IL.iU-.':-i

I . l null Convent wei

snd !.¦ l an t . Bciaded to sbaadAfa ital:.

til "i - tl lacy v.' l-7o

Ital Bist and West, snd Si..-."i . ishbBcJlimits


kasw B.a wases

e.«la'. v ..f ,,.;..


i '

ulric, ita i a on . : t«> r ,,i wno tta Admtn-

kui vt: ',. r.r «v.i:s

ttian v --. kelp I: of the

slA Ital tl:.-

nsi'tc .- ,




eu:.-..-.-. i tbsc

rvnit un



lite av ,

tlic beaty, ii.

I*»t awoiI Uti¦abo Ba* Cone all 1 t


aaa; bs mk.



I<:., , ..--,-. i. ..:...

'... -

j f : N

. - rn I OnnLst pv-i .-.¦; aasBl B

. «.«, i-pon v»b.i_V*>. -- rtsly acted. li w*»

lo of putting npon the tfnored and despisedirk asses of DoOMUM* thc linn's skin, wklcli shouldomttien.l htm to Hie people. [I.uiirhter.] lt waa on tko.line j.vine.j.le that In 187'- tli.'i BSMSOsd thnt urand OMtspuoHean, PoraeoGreeley lion.i applause j, armin whoa.l ?pent BM wheM life in castigating ttiiil runtshlnirliein; they mi,te tum their sanrtaro bearer with the BOMf ecdoeins Booral, loyal, Bepuhlleen totes, Wolli it

iitii't work lo 1879 ihuightcr] and it -ass as*worltInBBB, TBt ntoplt sst girt st to-llv ft **'"** When tim

>iriy sadlu eandkkMe obbbs sloaii witatiMoM toorar.kin and Beal and mano of tbe lion. D's

otoo sounded something like a veritablefir. but the people peered nt der the skin, and Ulled lt,

mci mere no taosososetd. Ul-eendltfoned, Ul-favored>. uiaeiuti.-a.«s iavl>ik m the identical tasia and sptrllta before. Borthlagto ben Qrtat In 1873.(treat sp-.lause nn.t r> ,'liter). inytliiti.- to bent Grant lu IS"1-,lad829 la IbO**. [Kuarsof laughter)

llir Jt'DOMEM UN HANCOCK.Well. then, the people of tho Unit, il States already

irnnoiinrs their tu lament on QSBMSl BB-MSOk. Il Ih au

.nttrely favorable lOvCTMOt, *A"li«">" bSlMtl bini M blno go.*! ii m>iiiicr u> ta/od tat tko nAke at MBktag a SoiPres '.ct. lOteat app'.ame.] Hes,des, a* yi.U kn >w.

md v lil bear mo witness, Hew-Yorkspecial -,- Mants General nan:-.wk rot BOBSMrooanptloa sod hasss defence. [Great* laaahter.]Sow aaa wa sparehim frvm .;..vern .r's, Islaad timM tn, .1 mate tlit'li iMpStlOl av.:,-.. HOW aimil ".'°

N ..'. i nleas (:;« ir.1 ttarr S"hynee eurum.. to petalIbo SOBS UTI90 t_M top of old Tort C .¦>-r.nt.it« tor the

ol Bew-YoHl hiri.Mrt [Renewed laiife'uter jNo, ffutiaaat n, New-Yoik cannot spore him from loulilia and mort deotrvtna position wbt.-ii he dow <>¦-

riijii.-a sod where they ness to retain hun sodolvebini the falJ beoeflt o: his military »ci. r.ee to the end ofinn natara! lift

At fbi* pulu! J_t-Mi!i.nl'-r r,i-,,i.-l ton Witt OSBStalQraul Maana ou blsono sppsarsd si tts r Mr ol ike pi«t-feiai. After be had BOOB eda ,1 BOOB Hil hud marbiakrtef sin eh, Slr. ( -OOM r MUM :]

'¦ lac ...ii.cv Vtokshotfl i uoi-oi tinnV tiiat Oeoera]dr. it In, iver hail m.> rn-d in P'f. r i,. )n«'m. kbone.[Brest .beers.) lint whew latarropfed I vr.i.s spenklti-'ofanother Qaaersl (Ks»cr_i HsncocJ<--|iHiiir-**r| sad <.fUh i-.nirr.se ostooM n whick tn- M held nv ri--1:oaa party and uy oil tts people nf too Worth iana I w us (ay_M lti»t we mun..vi sparc BIMfrom h.s peaooot elevated ind w,-u deserted p«.i-Hon on li-.Twii, r'* 1«.*vh1. [Lauirkier.] IwaoOBljtoing lo e ase i'*-t *.e;i-s of >>u»er*aiior.i uy urine lahi '-i ill 'i:_:ib ped thai bs weald '*. eaaUaaed bt~wt i,.., len to '.i e end bf his na»nrsl Bte, ead tb.it byand bj * _.".. 1 la suiwr.ttf i.-f-rer* .sh.il bat! bfteti taMi-orcd to tbarr tatters, in tte) distant day.and we hopeii mi* iv far. fer dMtOiri -Shel hs mm ne i>erniiite-i toimp lato torn* sheet ai then .it tn*' whee the limekhnll conn be will bats tbs aooooionsneeo ol never bat'l:.C bart tho peaceful tOOer of his life dietnrbed cn opt for f ar bienthi by polltlealthoncbu er luccestlons. He will fir.vi livedsadtiled.. B ii'Mi. If nod aa a'.U solJtai.lyInt hi last ,n Li- ownt .1. k» N.'.tk/'Owii K' cl. II*:.in_, WllB tao I Otds, "If le

d'ArBM S " as hu los! ut leran, e.

ubbobs ow mr: camfakib.n >vr, ffrwlloMtn. lu tttss fear moo tts thal bate

posted Bom 'he oemtoatl ni of i ut _'. >rtoa_ saud d*t-\

bokoqeestieaa inTi>.r--.t i-. iii- Ml is haye been lettied,as it sasses to om. OneoCttoiita thal this oneal Bab!iu whleb wi sro enK.i*r'-ii ir aol t-. bi \v n bj dafsnatleaer fralaaiaj i.r iliadnr I do aol Uitak ttal opes oarlid. i tts Boase u word Bu been nd t<>

IBs personal dtoeredll of OenernJ Uaneock, \;,, ia

W* iiti.>w (kai dom seal ; b »sold [Beoewed spplaase.]But how witt i'ii msdidatel I'Toiu tke verj umi- ..

his ui.nniiaiii.il the Hemocr*tlc kaUriira opened altsloo| Um line. ..tc! ;:.';. Democratic orators, on 329.unapt, ni 3*29 Congressional dtatrtcta, aboutod al h::_'-.i ri :'n ih-y wire black in tbs face; kat i»,liy. afterit al,.; ti ral (Israel-.{Immense rbeertngj.General

lands i uudaonted, luuoeenl andalroaUy trtumehant. [Brnowed '.e'rinnj A man inihe orowd receivlui tho reruns mm Ohio

witt in :e t:au thoo poetry wlicnli. snid rJ:itt it waa oldbsd dons lt. [l. incite:. if lae peopl. ot thia eonntrylo^e one taint better tuan anolber it la fair pllney mean to Indee their nea end Um r candida

whole Uves and their wholi records, i:-.p.s- il to eu'.nm.>. sri i.iheis to atodyiua the life, ebor-ai:,r.n.l apevenesof Qcneial (iarQrld T_eyatnd'.e.l

rom his first oppeamoeo on tbi tow-path lo Iuie.ir in nie Ca-ionto . o vet ai, and wual did they ; n tThe) leiind a iuaii who foe il- whole twootyyears >.f bl* pnblio Rte tni.i been devotout.. ins oonntry'i servlee who Badbj dui of kia Industry and talents .:t.,t ,:.

.i-.tn ODO Stet -r. ev.-rj-,.-.,¦ In i:..: i.: tn. t.in

the mist w ba ba become i train, .1 -tat- ama. by alni,.f hai-,1 kui.1v »'.,J labor and devotion io tie pal\:--:,im.i h., question bsa ' which he boa ilmade himself a mailer b) irotol and oootiniied'ikey foo.-a ii him wise In counsel, brave in the field and-ir Mi.- i-.i tte forum, rn j found, also, tbat. a

lo Hf* al tte very place wherethe public money waa baudied by aitlll ms ne remainedHill a poor man, rantin* L:s a .:ii b oed by ;..-laoor.

Ind i .! f:.." .-¦ i took him o -.

nod ea Uni nei that could not bc n ¦- .-.K'-- thal wbo-iii'tl;'.,r tu^i , u all toe !¦ e,

il -...i -mei "on thc 2d if November.

an OCTBAOI "N i IB1 ..I^.

Bow, lentleMcn, I do not into; ,.;. your nico

Mpoor dot-t-seal [tooxhter] when this eminent -:

f: Cblc .." ls here to a

i word narc f a nd, t

key-note of tte whole canvass, ol t.,

controversy a:ai- ave ...r,a ly d n iti ite 11 that

lid t Kort i otes on theirrouti I that lt is be - South and

di tM own. a:ii_- m; ,t sU,h il pal ty, on

.:-.-¦ rj reaaon !¦.. defeate«l.l be peupli I, Sew-York, aa tko ¦( Inot-

a i tl -

santa l- one i ibe i-'.'-.i ii omi - tty andI

, .¦!,,¦ it .. lid I Wc ali.it waa, n .¦! (hut wi \

fl ..! tb. lu-: Ihol :,-;:.¦. [A

::<." \ eal - ol t:. r

,' i-si- I to Can lute, lt, et le tOSC lb tn a

belter atslc of life and manner. 1 [Apple downKb ¦. all¬

ure 1 Bo man in

hiIf v..a \

llrecent lt ucl ,.f v.

Ku Kiuxuth. *e verjCl Bl ill.

Stow, teniutrol of tao I

j i- ire forN fbi :

itt rirhtdowi.

more than h. toni I Klid to I


i ..

. . -.


wt l ranon 1 voa .. rid .-

i Nw t....t a i

«.:n , ihlnet witns


that fi' 1

mini'" Mr. 8

Mi 1'.--louth i . .pi um

»pc-bte t hut

Son ' Direr, fil

I Ind:j

n ...



tter. >

wn Bi,


I Art tiut

i. Stol vcn.

l.i a Ct:y ul



I MUlrtT .-


f M :-»t ". ','-'Mi ti *


help eonetdor the grout crlef which ha* come over tot ny

rcry wormy gentlemen who sre busily etnM- 1 In

crawling out from uniirr the fallen fragmentsof tba exploded miirhincry. [I.iiighter] 1

BMHSBtSSBnai that distinguish ... -in ni trom

HoesMhassSM \aaaat 1.bBIm] s ¦bsMsmsiwho left our party a lille ten.S, >n.l Who fotat d tue

other party a UttM too t|iuc_ [I-iu-ht'ri I SMBh

mlsiriite twa or three dl.stiii.ui.shd tBBfloaitB fr.'ni

this illv, WheM departure was wsU mt.nd.d, but .il-

timed. 11. ..ighter.) I BSBBntilStntS Mr. Jerome. I

cominis.-rutn his ItlBOOOB RopoMlMN Otoh, I com¬

miserate ttl peseral petmlj thal has sttaefeed Umti. iwury IspBttMSBl of that club. [Great )aii_hi«r.| I

sonnnMMwte IO theos teed stsawhe bateauth it tins h tts wrong lear ta bs S DOBSOOtS-. [OrSOllaughter ] I comaiiaerato everyhodv lh.it ought to BS

eoaunlssratodi [Renewed htngbtor.] I tommMeratothme ttena ids and ten- ,.t ihonssudi of D-Bsssrsfswho ought ta know Bl 'ter.

lint we have v.-ry solid and very serious work in front

of us. I rt in ni ht that webed a greet Oeaetalwhacaptured V.ik..|.urg. [Cheers ] Tl was n -MOM-TOtMetrooghold. [Loachtsr.] Bs did n-.t merely toko tho

fawn, lui! he took thc Mttl that WOtS in lt. Put he

pbbsod 11 "in oo. l be -ame fHetiocul*be i gentleman "OP"tared RlebMond Be did not balloo over Riebmond,bathe ponied right on. ami Made ¦ tittie ploee on tho

ln*p. wt.lea «ena.I n.\,r hi'.:.I Of before, fsmOOO.Appomattox [greet oheersl where bs ootoUedtbe Ileili-

OenU-- pal'* an 1 aptur.-d them.

Tilt: DBMOCBATIC I'lltiY PSABSBhI have s-eti in tho PaMOttOtlfl popstt an

Bttsmpt lodlnnoss IBO oonflltlnq nf tl.lugs which has

overtokea tina,. 1 mb aoMMbtog of ¦ phlloeepBot and i

batea areal variety al r is -ia why the States of Ohio

md Indians hate aseds them Stok. [Lsaahter.] i'.r»t.

the Bepahliosa porty a - »Hdrfied und

united, un I lt was ShSOtatS-J right. Next, it hus B m.ic-

¦llOM t BMtOty and Um i'ir: f lo which it ls opposed has

.-¦ii B tonal and dtibO-teal blltorj I don't w_ut lo li ri

tat Dsmeeents here by referrlBg t>. their history; I

know th" eathnstastlc disgust with which they listen tu

tte reettsl. [Lenghter.] Iknew that IfthereMeor/thiesthat Will di iv I'. BBOCtaM In -meeting iisiindw. tt is to

lead to them tl.ur p.a'foilu of i-ct year. You ciU

dlsperoe s Dom rafe audience quicker '.j- renting to

Hmm i he platform of their porty thoo hj roodtog ttsplatform ni the Rennbiiean pirty. [Laoghter.] Tt-.e. m* Inst m.*ti "t thu 0000117 were iJr.idi.f theI> n..m.ni, porty] the agricultural m*:in-'t- of this

¦. were tirald of them; tbe patriot letlooM etthe eoootry. ttel won1 a free bollol and rn fair eoant,weresfrstd, We land aloae did aol glee oe tko rte

;..!..,t.i.u 'ii-.in-- l.-.pr--. than tt.c

ern ot trade le ttl lott nf p.u-i"'.« for th*old iiitinf-r, our tlag. [Applause.] Wheo

we knew that torre w 1, thousand* and tensof Ibooaandi ol mea who sonld mnwhat thej thought; who .... net rm li v,--,hi theyw.mti d tn who could ont rou a IthoM nsfjsunt, andwims ballot wim not conat>d j- ti,,-, ttaat it. 11 thordi.iv.it' when wet and mund to n

, ma i'ii-»: mil¦¦¦ t a .' t a- Nation bail _..i ie. thal:. ar _ .r,- roes and tl ^.

I \M|'l.i-a-e ] I yin Iblsnirt cud ;¦ o;m. -<. to wove 1 bal bl »eed oldgormeal anti]under he nag ni man atends who caunol nv |o*tin please* and vole Josinone to moiesl bim <>r make U'-a tirald.

] When Unit BV 1 I, wte QNorth ead foath and East and Wi . \.¦ t-\ umnt hi* liberty, we will bold lt np, as a

tl,,.,.- honorable .li kle, nong with tte st okc-be>grin.mea. bullet-riddled, bettie scarr, 'fl.-- of th. R.pul

1 itali, iinv, ratio party. loborrved.in lo. Icing over th. nd m. Int -holy nt-

1bat we arc. d ll tbet

Il a.; in tai r of te Int bormea.tomi Ulinga.d 1 aa opposed t..

nlousatKiu* ntber tiling'. I .un oppoa ia*ruo-i'!.'':- atuffl.' tho I Jiu lox lam opposed to a

1.ar'c. I am oppoa. diI tiiiit.in [applause], ae*asi ne Midnight i 1 i'¬

ll ,-.-, nt app -pplao-e.]larrnonloiH cqntnltv, of

.and D . tue bxs. Vim, lu.-'- ] Ikoon >¦: nothing to ,r> a in a stain[Appluuae.] Wi to do witb a Natlotgag. m. a mit to perform iv [Appia

WHAT TTtA* kWTY'S Ki..' lil' MOWS.I object 10 Um I'M".-ii. pert) for 1 gt m

v.ir.e of it.1- ns. The life ,,f in vi le Iii;;-- I I

aersatj 1 ri , leaaaote.pt il mi to eoosame

that time la going it" details, [Langhter.] I will mr-

il ." another as so;,

! piece 0 ts itself foi disoeBaton, [OreelUaahter I In tte Brat piece, gentlemen, ena .ea Milos., piomlse that that paitj hoi node ls twaity ytin which ttl" eau.se f goodtint it 1. is kept I 1 1 h np ala 1

porty i ¦' m'.t. <t late a | , that li(ormedl Will somebody be kind . Ime itt.uart in eur p I ;n the

tarter of a.

> ..'.. measure, in

sdo| ..f whu ..< 1 liberty b idtoken as a 1

party li* guai

C -ii rounie, National or fi I

ty has pro 1lo give il up. You cannot point lo a 1

ltta it greet,| Ordlt

1 not 1

l-:._ It ie¦.-:. m.

1- i- : i


-1- IA-. ..

in that paru ' Il .-'. n bendhl

ut ut.hts



3 thc-.r

at tl ocr.,---,.¦¦

..ta',:- tine a

is ci; lt BOM

m shoal

,>' Hie ( i t til t 1 I-

perti ii

wah; . >






LOCAL MISCELLANY.TMK CNDERWRITERS IN COBVEBHON.| Nit .mal Convection of fire ln.sur.ince uni r-

wTitet*. reprnnttng aboal 200 foreign BodAi,vf',ia ms; .tuc eomn. ii.es. wa* begun rester-iav ia Ibo Et titania Life Asmrauee Cornnnrflbuilding. J. A. 1.. nowden, ntnidMl of the KimASMW-Httion Coii*i>a:iv ot I'hilaileltihia, wits electedchairman, and /. Montgo nerv Hare, of England.H. IL Miller and Samuel Appletoo were tue se"re-

leaies. fafr. Snowdra addressed tba BoafMtiouBtleosib, calling attention t" the various question 1 at

basie, and toa Brcesartj foa wise legislation. A

ciiiiiirii"'"t sivii v\.i appointed to consider thenu wtion oi permanent 1 rgunization and refort upone constitution and by-laws. AComraittn tut Ben¬nies* wiiM lils., apnointed.Henry lt. Il ill ft-r il resolutions on taxation,

winch ondeo ned tti.- imposition t apecial lazesionflie tin- Insuranee interrel for thesnpport of nrailenartmciits or for any acbeme ol i> ¦neroleoce Binthe imposition ol muni ipa! license* either lorrevenue orfoi the protection of strictly local eowa-

i-siines. I>. A. Heald fiered i-m Iniionaconrlt moinaMiranee leg! lotion in Mess ihusetts, and in fator

ol freedom ol contracl b tween the insurer andinamred ¦persona. T. R. Chsrd, of California, offeredresolutiona that a spirit ol frstanitt and coatioB, anil a unity of notiment bntween all nader-writers shoa I bi r-m mraged. Mr. Nottmsn ipokeon thc situation of the Insurance int-rest, ami con-

demne l inc insuring of j> Iroleniu properiy, as it is

one of the greatest banrds. lie also Mndomoedtba constraction of high bnudbaes. Beop] -¦'! the increan of oommu lon to agents, ami

ted s eombination tofon rates and tostandby them. Mr. Puifi rd nr.--.-ni- resolntioni sgainstinsurance on profits, nggesting prompt aettlemeniof 1 loi-'ii'-. Mr, Driggs addresseI the contention on

the "Prejudicea of the Jurtii ir*.." Mr. Oakely¦pokesgainst 1 ie system ol deikuuI la*..-..Tba Contention Bill meet a-r.nn at 10 a. m.

lO-d iv. ^

REPOBT8 OP EPI» OPAL COMMITTEB9.The Ber. Hr. Il M'tgosaery B nayler, pl Bt, 1. uris,

Mo., anil tba lv'cv. 1;, 1 rge J. fafttgill, ofKhode Islsnd,read morning prayers j itcrdat ka tba Bouse alDeputies of the Epin ps Gea il Ceavt ntton. liteBet. i.'iv-i'i E. Johnson, ol New-Hatea, tanti., n>

ported that thc Cemmitteeon Edncatuanwu notprepared to recon lead tbs rdacing of episcopalcollsgea in nnitersu towt a, Presid -nt Beardsleyappointed lbs following oommitti.d aeenringcitil rights for the Indian: The Bet. Dr. 1)Bet. Kr. Qdls. f New-.I.-rsec, thc Kef. Dr. 1of Maryland, Montgomery Blair, of Msrylaud. JamesM - ith, of Western New-York, sud J. W. Daiel MinmTM Committee on tbs Godly Discipline nf tl

Laity presented its rcmrt. Hie report raw theofiem .¦.* tor which thc committee thougnt that per-

ouldbeexr* il fnun the communion 1

church. These offences were . r of thesrtidea of the Car ¦.- forth io theApostles' < 'ree I, oao( the 1 iw ol t ne Bible as in theTen Commandments, ste. Af iptnted debatethe report wn brid 00 thc table, rbi Bet. <¦

Linle:: (' ure, of Pennsylvania, pre* ntt d the rep >rlof the on the I. a t -nar., which roo-

tsined a r. vi-- i t iblc 0! lesa ins. tb*, ii ... "f win. li iaoptional with cl rgymen. Itw - adopted

tm ceri"'1 from il.' House "i Bishops, an-

lng the nc: tion of thi i. ¦.-. Leigh I".irtown, N. Y.. ¦*- Mi«sionsrv Bia

of Monta ' lession of the House II leputai lose of con-

lg the nominations ¦: ile Bot, George K.Dnnlep for Missioi .r Bi-ihop of Arizoi"

. 0, snd the Bet. Mr. Brown lol Mis-Bishop "i Moutana. Both were couflrtned neon-

imonaly. --*>-

FATLCBE iv l HI' GUN TRADEThe fail ur-. "'. Merwin, Hulbert a i ... tlrrs'in

arm- and ammunition al Ni imbers-st. sndNc ' , iterday, and

.Ut t.) tdrian Wi r-tnden n.

1 I the larsnt in thsl line in ti.-'il mated io be worth from *F200,000

- min,*!. I- -sra* e-ttabliani I in ISOta. lt ia'. ,\ Mannfactnri ic.rich, I sll ita ptodui t

¦: il ai-11 ...vi:.- IWO-tbirds of the Ph se Company, "f -

Coventry, v oun., and ta!;es all ita product, ll e islthc firm, on Sep 'ha* i;

$200,000. ii),. ,....

tltri hoted ¦, lore nf the

Maine, in Jo'y. tbs -* thefirm about K) f->r advances. Thetirui cl mi . . '.' .¦¦ ai .-. 1 - ind to


msnagc it* iwu is. Mr. riaday t; t wa* m nie I" bast .

ot, .:.'! '.v.- lld probabl; rearj si -

trade, andbe hu. I

lt is: .00

d g ve no -ta', mi tx'. 1 the Liabilit

F OF MR. BEN) private ti

1 East

_. to Mr. Bwere *


until nextTh- cheal


-" _'". to Mr.ii. W.

Al .


:.> Mr,-




Patera n

1 -..

1 \ .

>¦. L ia

WATERrs. ] v



tlnnl snd Ihui


:.'.. amt to ictiou of the 1

s'.rci;-.. ?

FTCRBIC - I*. ...

: temp-'..

I .-

, -

Till: SEWAl LAL.


lo tl




I .



1 .

a length ahead nf Rosalie. Pawnee third, Poardmanfourth, and New-York Weekly a furlong behind.Tho third race, the Pimlico 8take*. for all ages, two

rollen ami n furlong #5o entrance, hulf forfeit; the flub

looddBSOO. ot winch WOO went to the second boret,Kti-1 tbs third to save his stake, was won by Monitor, in:r U '-.>. wtiii rte ii« second.The fonrih mee. mile heats for three-year old., coifs

!C> poll'lils, and Bille* p. pound*, for .1 purse offUOO fot

the flrat and *"><' fnrtiie second, wa-. WOO bv Peile of tho

West in l:44-i lo the flrat heat, and l: 15 lu the second.Edon woo sooead lo both hoars,TO morrow Parole and Cheektnato will mn in thc milo

dash for ail ages. There-till bl feat OttOI IBSta


PlJOMiNTNl AIII.'IVUaBboHssBsh Hatti A -.- K'lat.-.lu-tice -stephen J.

. t ¦¦ ri'., i -tu.-, anpr. '¦nit ....Clere 'r-n

/, ante*, d* Iilou, <>f Kroner. /¦."¦>

.,. . ...... in lay A. ri ibbeU. . f mi ,ngari, and

Walter ii Wood ami lok -i. Bailey, ol ffew-Porkj !s a

Suneriotoadeul A, r. Bepbarn ai -l Hen. rai Kr>-«i. -i . TowsurtA. of Albany JadgsO \ i lehmne, of (j-argie; Bx-Con-

n v. ' Nea Hampshire, end .i"i.-i B viicy,if t.i«-i.-iiii-ciis Josenh PaUtaer, ul Kl lamia, -nd Rt*M|.i»,iri: N. 0 WeodeU .W,n4*or ll. t Iluirt,ofChi .icm. m. l. IsgaUa and H. I CnnnMgbaa*. of«

a (.everett HaltoaataU.of Huston .iioflti.mii lloium

int v..ut. «,f Philadelphia. ."¦'. .vi /.</«« nmfi.

Cspula ll. W. Ilowgair, " a A. and pAnielcbadwli-a. "-oe.

eromeut l>lrector of the alon I'.i.-.n, tcallroad .Met* >'l>r-

Fx-Mayor lok Bcr-ven, ol e-varmsh -.',

..ol Wasiiingmn. and V. D.Chairman of i a tess of \ Irrtnia.

.-.- i .,.//...: Ex-ooveroor Jsmes a. Wsmso. et Bow-

RBW'TORI CUT.Tin- Polies Coiiiiiiissintiers sdootod a winter hat

for the tore.- veeterday. It !»b!uc, and ressaBblas in

shape Hm- grav sommer int.<-'iv\ icu ii ny PBBJUBT.

Ferdinand Hot wss cofltieted yesterday,ia th*criminal branch ol tho tinted .stat.-.-« kteorl Court,of perjury.

nr.pAip,- to scBOOLBousaa.At the Btoottng "t tin- Beard <>f Education yetrter-

.1 iv. By-law 59s was nBaaimonsly -n-spended. i mo¬te - au now BUtke alight repairs "ul thoir o'* ii dia-

a bbatb ntnt-BAir.Tbe Rte Cnmmtosioneis yeeterday nat the name

ol -Woman John Levms, ot Hook a.i.1 Ladder L'om-

poaj No. 2, <»u ii..- roll ot merit, fat resettings wo*

:. j- al ; bu own life at a nie- ut No. 112East Fifty-flfth-et, enOetoberfe

csxsoaiBa rna bbalts i»<>*i»p.

Rebecca Psrker, sge neve.i years, fol] nat of atilth -tory window st No, 17o Madieoo-aTe-,andwas ki.id. At the Inquest yesterday it was Moorathat tbs window a il taara, and thc nil j» is, t. iv toort, .-u i-i. Ja- fr..in the tl<«ir. Tho jury,

rared the osrnern of tbe boase aod tteBoord ,'f H.-alu, foi neglect of duty in failing ro in-

proper proteeti io for lit*- and limn on the |pt 'Lits ..s.

TAKKN TO AUHNY.John J. Lyon, tbs Koeal <.f tbs American Hotel, at

Albany, who shot Clarence lain, a hall-boy, lealSaturday, and who was mr-i-t -d Tuesday by Cop-tain Brogan, was bronchi before Justice v_nth. at

tersoi Market Police Court, yesterday, byDoh * ve R-*illv, of tbe Fifteonth Precinct. Detec¬tive Edward B if the Albany Central <>:Yi.e,was "ii hand to take tbe ; nioner to thatt uv. Lyon» is willing to retain wit hun, and bc *as

ingly ti rued over to tbe lb' .n's .arc Th»- two men.. enos to ii.-- tir.in.l Central LK pol, and took

iel! o'clock ti lin f-.r Albany, where the wilbs prisoner - bel, a.s n « linens to tbs sffrsy. Tuc

a a critical eonditioo.BROOKLYN.

!' Rev.Dr. Daniel Read, postot <.£ the Firstst Church, in Fifth-st., E. I'., hos determined

tc ofter hi-1'. -;.-..ti :i tr.,m thc parptt.wbioh bs bastince 1&73. Dr. Reed baa received ¦ <.;.:! to

.:. UL, which be will probob v rn copi,The see-ion of tbe Loag [eland I tis! Am

a tbe Strong] . bnrcb, \<.i- c mclud.¦'.yesterday. ! ¦.

- ito ol Reli-gioo re;"ute.t that the I il ebon baa of tbe

m :ii!> i -. ind I is' -. cur 191re baptised. The Rev. Dr. Fulton urged

lored persons be admitted to tbe BaptistHome, A r.-'.m.. ;i to tho. effect wa- adopted.

hun h at Wo. .:-..;.. I.. I., wis admitted to tbedion. 1 ed last-

evening by tbe Ret. 1jersey ern.

The-r.arkni." in the Hodson Rivet ItBtiread Tu:.-oel ezhnmed snottier bodj yesterday. Iti.;. nt.iici as ri,at ol .rat.'is Borke, rwo mr.-

bodies ara tn sight, aad will i»e :... sdayLrONG ISLAND.

Boms boy wi at 1 ag near

the cha pm g: giving to a newlj


gun w.-' : jj lo

mongie it ba tmpulON RIVER rOWNS.

Haw md Linen its sixt.




: i iina-


Balthiorr, Oi '. 20...rs A

Br. ]-raose.

Cnccno vr:. ¦'- -. 20..A Ice out in

.' - c. To.title tn 1

' them.

Mr». B ' .. a! d bro.-.ind i





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sat ty Hoot..

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Brr naanMoi /Osr*. Wei*. lafJBBfm fsst-f. Porto rshsiu.ana Curacao U.wiiArofr.-e bklea ne. to Hallet'.. noou^Htr Oakville (Br). Ilnm-oVi-v*. SMI'iIiwiiiiIi I&daYa -..v.

railroad iron toord-.r; -rsaesl to **»t-r Jins WM*

^ .,r,-^lv".Br'- ^'iitimi- Kiss*toa, Ja. xsr-t u. -vtsmiw£ w«

artha#;rn,4. Oreytown a and AspinsaliU wiu. iwutto nm. forwood 4 co. -**¦

Htr A flss Bri. p.varre. mrmelOi 2, Anir«r« ', p».r*taB*efsn Kins-aum ie, wtiB naas te Pim, moase 4 ,,

,vTSTTne loiiowinx ves<etaarnv*.t Bsa lath inst, n*) l.t. asa

la linn baw*; ¦.IHtr Leasta* (Uer-. Voes, Ilsa-t-n-*- f>«i) aol Ki,..« ,-

Kuii'iantt A ( 0 . ".Htr Bress waler, fllho*. i/>wla. M to'dd imnnnv.'t h/w .

nari TBeaaaa Broefea, Wanan, 1, jtntan.-imo lu "»,. JJJw.ti-rsrto nn^n * i .; t««<">I '<>WaySell \ i,,. ^O

BVWaBT wivn-At Bandi Bess, Beat, Bi iii aaa iUlick outMrto. AlQty lttami I'sht, si. dear. .-*

I LBABKO.^tt Mt-, of P.raa'ela (Br. Way. Uir -. Lyerpool ria Bjss-aBi

lews. John 1» Hale- Sato -«. .tn-ea,. r,r7ZCsv, -raieif Indian* IT * Ansi -nm*co. K'.tn "I. m Lu- .* earPessoealRri. Mahlmso, Uontesro Bay. (i Wtm"¦ CMj. I-.»,!¦.. H . »na. Wier* Oyal AI '..tia,.

OOO V« - -'..r. Un k ^2'11 I'apldsn. Hutboer* a,V110. uni. ii,-*' r-, Bsltu ,,.-, y>

sr, --ivaiirah. Ooo '.« Bog -rt * tloriun

Va. uni I) -iuii.Ioo ss CeJh Bf«a-BaWnp MsiSwed,, Enw, Tilw-le. Ainu . I.rt.

nc it 1 o^1"

Karun Meliones'l Mr I>.v« Mar»e:ll»a J K'.V hif-i»»svOa Aasvaata Beri Vaa Hi i;-«i»2Coi Rosene B-nltS Mr, "<-. nt'o .. Hon. 1 1 Wu r A cZ('aro., si (>->..r<etown. |JOnaJ<I CaW-voa A'o '?. tra ^


Iveseu Beasarsaaa.< . ¦-¦» Bon, im-ai-isasamaaiiiiaai Fane arty*

ltt:ir* A'inuits'lt,-- ria k. I ' " PI >-vtn« A.<tsKJ'.-epI, 11- Bernard Ii.n. 1 Isa : Saris.

.it. liner 4 Co. Msl-h Uardner, 'Ia mil ton n»-»lA ( o.

ra .....'i'- Klori-. io,'0«'-.t ri4*mr*asTWi t-.-i )-.... jn^y .>

art Wi;a» H« Wo 1. 1.ot'. P .rtawi'-'i.!, 'n.|,,r.l-i.. .-i. Jarrta. Me* .. 'vljtuol'

luina. Kayiea. RieB-aoad, AtAel Alrti-il VV ii A 1 < rtb..jr-ii l:»y, J >Ln II zg.^.¦ awi.'

los finis Twiftf; K Arrilaiua, Moule nci njI' Lu.»ii A Co.

roBStoa i- mri.

I/o*p<i» oct'.*n .A.r-v~* »tr Ayton <Ttr Brew N it-ftsaaLSt Bnato slr Humiiiaa i.r fro 1 CbWMSvVoa aaa '..i-ri" g at na-rm ar* City sf fssaIna hr .


Y'.r. a" latrsn -lt.. fr-rn lioftoa -tr .:. uu I.r.fr..in B-sivn. al '.lssrow -¦ frnrsIJiIfuocr-- for Antwerp r»» i^.-a nm - >ii,.nhaviur lout lier rnS-lt r Sarine * »*>; Btr narwena |:rrrevw Monu*-:t. va Nott', -¦.,):.>. CB at Cei'«;a*it'.*ii y.lthe estUe osnliyi Dy l£ie Jlorr.urtJi wans » a*l-.UH for fOA^acA.

I.n I i.ro'ft.. On -0 imv«l .tr Isl* Neplron Br. fr<seil'.ntii-*J add dr*»t-*._ sir w*rr, S»wji«rW»o Bl), fr io .Nie:o.k. ur Nnevo ivnc-s 1-^s. -. ta-mnaaByi rs.v!iT-*ws. ¦.. . r City ot ~jtur.'r'A Bri.

Irom L:vrr;>.jO. fy .'*...¥T f.: ur V*'« ww Bi fro-* B*--wd f->r Ij-cri-r,! »t/

Ohio, froui P1>ri»dasa-tii* fo* 1.1-rtr-MwtlHayasa. :<-t .'>.-Arritrea mir cay of Wm^ruin, frooa

Alexa) f.,r Kew-tov*...> < f. j.1_*sJAed UUliu-i'. EVaIt* for New *,v,rlt,

'i. .,.th nat,«'«/ ( . -.-leter. Kessul.!*tli iosL Kitnlrati'ls, tli» ait-f '.¦*. Hottos. J,- a .- '.iowa,UaatLro --orail* laeusttla -t t^*»r r^n. k ruilll .ip: Knntli. Eon:ty. Ik' »?' lAre* f-)t tior^.r BriMeral, BttiRu*"*. Vrno. o«e.|». Ct» la»'»r It *.-v»- -r'<-»,s;2otl9 last. UrttBast '*n>f eaowasa fur Pssssgeala,M,.^-; tba lax-w f«l l.r>w-»f Cress .ater

l Ttl, ins:. '.. i. '.1 in at. 'tjaun^. t'-a-berto Prims, toe suter at< -. '/rea.'crt.- iTth laal. UsTre. Ts-nnria. fajis: lstli in :. LoryMaiy, S'l-iMuUiA. TliorwsM.-'.'i I-t ii Inst. Aeagsr. B«s>u*Maranaaa. Pvartaaa c**^i Kr atm*.*', Hittlsia t m./w-.f -. iis**t*<nia. OltLV-TKR.

j,..n-'* ont.SO..Brie9lfi ~> lu-Lateraaseaasa im»»4M i-v, r-j^K.1 WWB Ifes SM* ... -r Seek loee KLd sada. I j*

M*raaaa was last ragar . l-aay I' ¦'.¦ a ,-

Pot Basti '.

* .'"/"i P^jr.

RATntrn a Fbbi Tba* latiob. PtsismsAl.. mIthei . .-. v wei1 for yon ui sar .mu have

or I KD'i* tfltfIV .^--, ........

I, ta .¦ - v»«i." 'li'IIi *»-" L-ir. air.

why I tfnnlj I molgm. asl :¦> J «^" »u<! iuoi <> a sovu-irWV 1 'Ol'- '.' i'm. Itt noa Uac jnu

Wliiu' ao IKS to ati Al Uki fl a 1"- [J :jy.

int. --.*..*

A CavKl Vi'-' Cl Rf.The flr-t *v-ir t-. anheeaa lora.

:-i»l toKi: MTV Woiri. In *-.: ^lu.tf-.rtn lt 'ires beed-a !.-. li ..:> all^cia, voaal.i.at.ocsud,iersBscvtl k.ilD-yi. ste

¦ATE ti-ll>i; a i»i Rt ut*i: OP



Whit li avlll be* solil at thc loir pricesof $1 50. vi;.-, and tS,


Finest Qualities Proportionately Cheap.


VvUJ. riPi:R5a.

L. ii. Selim's SassM lNI"V->.iiA!:::, COL 16TH-8T.


Ar"V Tm., bsva

a ra*-' l'" °*.N-WJOd

'.re, A<.'4

. sii

SYMES tV CO..7 11 HROilf^ -aV. XeW*¥w*TBss

Wei De Sleyer's

,.:s Hf ;^ P..? '.

rik11 §¦ IBA real cure ol Cala


rv s a '.-¦-¦.S V

.» It-Si

.aansa. mi sa /«a BA fl fBTBAW a Bl BA IAS

OTIS ELEVATORS,9Ti» Oi.uTUa.K-a gi l's. Sif* b. -av »aj V T.

3 ,1 Baldii o'Vi)) di Powder.ABSOLUTELY PURE.