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OR CJtf u OLOGYa Zditor: bl:L-,t8d Qar.crly by thL l.ortbern UO lietwork (lC: In montr ly :eric :i-th the I:orthe·rn UFO liews Salfo, John ·.:a ts0n ( CHJYSI S)

Transcript of (l lJ:F'C:·;) - NOUFORSnoufors.com/Documents/Books, Manuals and Published Papers... ·...

Page 1: (l lJ:F'C:·;) - NOUFORSnoufors.com/Documents/Books, Manuals and Published Papers... · 2016-10-02 · UFOSIS) joint investigations,or at least some agreemeEt on who handles what

'-'OR'I' CJtf ul< OLOGYa


?l;.bl:L-,t8d Qt;.ar-r.crly by thL:: l.ortbern U.F'O lietwork (l�lJ:F'C:·;) In montr ly :::eric.3 1-:i-th the I:orthe·r.n UFO liews


John ·.:a ts0n ( CHJYSI S)

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Quarterly magazine of the Nerthern UFO Network.In series with Northern UFO NeHs


CONTENTS1 Pages J-7 UFO DEBATE • • • • • UFO Alductio�ts -What are they? (inc� The Centact Cencept,by Andy Ccllins • • • • Operaticn Snokescreen,by: Jenny Handles!' Not what - but wh0m?,by Jchn Watscn,and Bert and a blunt Raz--;r, by Nigel \vatson)

Page 2 CONTA CT IN CREWE (The NUFON meeting)" plus latest ne"V{s Pages 8-ie INVESTIGATIONS (inc one CE1 and a CEJ,plus others)

UFO DEBATE • • • • • In the July issue the theme will be "Government and the UF011 ,Se start thinking,and writing,about what you feel they are doing,are net doin� r should be doing! It is not,of cJurse,restricted to the UK government.

Editorial: "Tee many cooks at the UFO beanfeast"

I was prompted to write this editorial by Ted H rton,investigations co-ordinatJT of the West rvlidlands group UFOSIS.He had come up against a problem that is,sadly .. all too common in Ufology - the UFO beanfeast. That is the situation that all too easily arises when a 'classic' case receives widespread publicity rJAs things sts�nd. one is likely to find half the ufologists in Britain making tracks for this latest 'f1ecca' ,since they presumably feel that it is 'their' case.

Now the side effects of this are easy to appreciate.Witnesses,often,get rather fed. up of an endless stream of wide-eyed investigators (unless they were out for tbb publicity in the first place -which is not usually the case).Those who are ab1P to think hard enough will ponder the question, "Why the hell -don't this lot c:.l·� work something out between themselves" - and,no doubt,will think twice abouT reporting anything else to anybody,not least the 'dlhsorganised rabble' that L'folcgy might appear (with some justification) to be.

There can be ho denying the fact that multiple viewpoints on a case are a good thing.Specialist interests or knowledge are brought to bear,little points may be noted by one investigator that are crucial to the evaluation but are missed -by the others,and so on.Clearly this is not the basic fault.The root of the problem is that these multiple investigations tend to be totally isolated,We lack coordiuationo

Attempts have been made to overccme these prooJ.ems,1�UFON itself is one of these .. The indirect effects are certainly noteworthy and eucuu_Tt.:c) lJg.Groups cverlap on an investigation very rarely inlP.ed,anG. cften coordinated work is the order of the day. Where two groups exist in a loca�is.ed area (such as HUFORA/DIGAP o:r? UFO�.t\./ UFOSIS) joint investigations,or at least some agreemeEt on who handles what arc

in force.By encouraging all groups into the free-liaison network newcomers ·(,ba-r­might effect such a balance will be able tc easily fit into the system.

However,this does not overcome the fact that BUFORA and C'JNTAC'JR (UK) still h<iv� individual investi�ators,Fortunately these are oft�n invo:ved with NUFON in sowe

way (in the NUFON region at least) but an attempt to furth"3r develop this J.ja>.so!l was the creation of UFOIN. This free-flow network, similar ir. some respects to HlJ�\)1'� �

links the BUFORA and CONTACT RICs and the grcup coordinator2 into an info!:'mal _t�c:.l�J

It is obviously a sensible way to attack the problem of the ;Fo beanfea�t apd�whilst it is working extremely well in some places, so far both BUFOID. and CONT.h.CT have failed to supnort the con,ept officially,which means that:the �rowing number of RICs who arc participating are having to do so without the rea� blessing -:;f t�oi.r parent association - which is unfortunate ,UFOil· deserves a bet�er support .. t:tan :_j at:

There remain pro"blems, since one cannot bring in all the indepen(Stnt investiga·toJl'.:'� that abound (although NUFON and UFOIN do their best of course) ,ar.d the semi­r3ligbus bodies such as the .A.etherius Society will ;remain· a problem a Ken F.dya:u.1_':: · --� Risley, Cheshire was contacted by 7 investigators· following his C8� �The_ 4 _ NUF'�'IS-_ associated people combined their work, but the othe:·s--wrotB. tota-ll�· separate r�JJ<_;_t_·i,r;.

One might envisage UFOIN as a take-over of �ood case� (as FUFOR cl�im for the�� Stonehenge Movie case). Yet this is nonsense because the way is alwc:ys ope:1. ir.to UFO IN and cooperation with groups is always offered (as it decide1y 1ras to FtJF()R. \ -

The liaison concept,as represented by 1iUFON and UFOIN,must be the way aheado


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CONTACT I N CREWE ... _. . . . . The NUE'O N l'�eeting ,February �4 19?9 FUFOR were hosts to this first 1979 meeting r Hi th thE venue the pleasant· Cl vlc�· centre :ibrary in Crewe,Cheshire?11 ,out of 199assocjated groups were represer,ted·· in a turn out of over 40 (the best attendanc;e· since Warrington in Nove:rpber l97'Ji.) Proceedings began at. 1 pm with an open forum

. cc.Lscussion on NUFON ma tt�rs o The �ovo�

by UAPROL to set up a 'Midlands Network7 were di2cussedeit was felt by the majority that,whilst encouragement should · be given to continued devel��ment of this internal network,the groups should· continue .to partici�)ate in NUFQN.It .

. was felt that only .a

SUFON and a NUFON were truly necessary ln a broad sebse. Problems were raised wJ th facilities a.t the Nottingham HQ. It was po;inted out Th.3.·:-, NUFOIS were working hard, part-time � t<' improve· faciJ_i ties and great strides .1ar. ·'J�:.en Ipade in the indexing and research facili ties u The priority aim was -toe purch8.s-J �t-· an exp9nsive,but vital,plain paper co_oier to mal;:) cheaper and specC\er copy f· .. c..:.li�isJ available.Some suggestions were given to the NlTFOIS representati-,re to be co11s·o.t�1.oJ.o Finally we talked over liaison with BUFORA and CONT/.CT, Ivlartin Kea tPan r. a BTJFO.ltL ·.'�JC, explained how he was trying to help .and attempts. weru continuing:.



· .

--. ,

The lecture programme began with a talk by S c :;phen Cteaver o"f FUFOR .Howev3:r· �ht>· turned his spea:h on the Llanerchymedd CEJ (s·e ... � Nov NUN) into a dcbo.t-,o,argu::..ng that NUFON had built the case out of proporti·.J . .1 uy refering j_t as a landing' and. CEJ base9. on the independant witness testimonies;jh.pparantly their wol·k vn ·the cac-a haci cast somo doubt on whether the ·object aci::xally ·landed .. and· whether the grey� .. . suited figures had any thing to do with the UF'O .. Host people found the de ba -to strange because the NUN version of the case .only reft.'I'S +o figures or men, wheras the f.\.Tll'rJ?. version (published in th eir , own maga,zj ne ) uses the word i humanoid' in the tl·;_,lC;; (They were arguing that NUFON had been ·very Hrong to use. this term YThen i-' ... ya::;

· .-�} ..l_y

they themselves who had done so�):. Tm:�a:cds thG �nd the basic point aboe1t a r{���.�· . for standard UFO terminology was raisodra.nd subsequently NUFON suggested tc ;3l· ... l __ -)J .. and CONTACT that a joint working committee should be fo:_,.fl.od to decide sci,:mt: !':!.JPvll-­acceptable and mutualiy a�reed terminologya

.. Followir13 this Jenny Handles gave the results of some research into � repcatn�: wi tnosses. These indicated differences betv-:�;en witnesses to close· encounters

. :tn<i

ordinary events, with different sexual biases sage ranges ,2..verago witness numb�..-i·s per case and other factors.Thore were also indications + hat erepeater: caso s occured in the bedroom ( 25%) and between ]"lj_drigh·c �nd 6am (505�)She suggested that the results might indicate such cases we:re lelatoct· 'to 'ieep sleep stages and W8.1.'G primr1.rily human based (akin to hallucinat:1_0l·is) ,She 11rged furth.ar research. . J,fter tea Peter Warrington gave a thougl1t provoking 'and profusely illlu.s·crted talk on perception in relation to uf0 wi tnessos .. Drawing psychological pa-raJ le �-E. he outlined the various stages betwe en the initial stimulus ( eg the UFO ) a:-.; ·._,� c

final reporting of the event.vlhen asked 'b�t ::::·lis docs11 ' t help 1s doc�s it?f5 h2 answered,typically,'Not a lot�' but added that it should serve as a warning eo �l� investigators just how complex the UFO i.GVSNT-UFO SIGHTING--UFO· RE�::-OF\T cycle �!'

Thanks are due to FUFOR, who after tho mdoting app: . .rant1y considered their gLfl1' J1.•

involvement and unanimously decided to withdraw from it 11 They woulci not sa:r ,,;lJ�r e:scept that there were "worrying factors"· e'rhey dld add that NUFON- �Ias a 11Vi<�.t:1.o concept".

This is obvfuously sad,particularly when thuy. ··.::: .'J.se to state reasons:�How caYl •Ylo

recognise and correct mistakes if those who �laim to sae th em rill not ta l.1r. a!)c-� c them? .I am sure we all want this ''viat:lle col�cept" to function to bost advantRgo ;:.�nd this needs application of the formula� IDt:: S ··· CONSTRUCTivE CRITICISM - NE\f IDCJ,.S. ******************************;*�*******·;�-***.X-�:-+�·.�***************•*·*****'*-**7(-·):-****.X .;,:. • I ,.. . MANCHESTER CONFERENCE = J.ViUFORA have decided to stage a conference on Satu:rda� JUNE 16 1979, and the venue chosen is the lecture th eatre · at one of the ce.n-t:;R buildings of SALFORD UNIVERSITY ( v.ri thin walking distance .. of a few minutes fr�'l" both central �1anchester and Salford ) a It is anti.ci pR.ted that tht; event wil� tJn _ L1 at 2pm,continuing into 0arly e�ening and spea:kers are being lined up�Charle;, Do�en, editor of FSR, will talk on "Humanoids". Fo:c more detr1.ils contact MUFORA, Ol s�-·. Jvt.�_y 1if,_N NORTHERN UFOLOGY APRIL 1979 Pil.G..:.; rL,-,,�,

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UFO ABDUCTIONS -.WHAT ARJ:!j THEY? (1) Andy Collin� (UFOIN) THE CONTACT CONCEPT � (* This is the title of a forthcoming book by Andy)

UFO contacts are commonplace.Thousands of people have claimBd contact experiences of varying degroes,and a percentage of these 'contr1ctees' have full recall directly afterwards.For others memory filters back over the years, and others still never know abou.t their experience until it is stimulated by regression hynosis.However,there. are people to whom recall is blanked-out forever.They fit into society unaware that they are influenced still by an out-· side intellig�nce.Th�se are the "Unknowing contacts".


Just who are these 'chosen' ones? There is really no way to distinguish these people as a whole, but. the 'contactee' does possess a f�w,individualis2d, symptoms .• In UEO �esearch we are limited in that most investigations go only skin-deep,It should be realised that in contact �ases - abductions dtc - it is the people who need to be r�searched far more than the. sighting!

.The intention of this article is partly to help investigators become aware of the 'Unknowing contact' .I hope that investigators will fuse .,these ideas when .. looking into the background of a witness, 1-1ho may come to them with an appar2-ntly ordinary UFO experience,

Some people experience what I term 'personal sightirlgs ... These are those wl:o claim several close encounters,or for.whom the initial sighting·acts as a tri�gpr for furtper UFO sightings (even if they arG only low definition). If you hapr-�n to live in·the country,with·nobody for miles around,a UFO entity peeking in through your windqw may be just coincidence.It could be you were tpe only one available.How�ver,if you live in a row of terraced houses in a densely populat3d area it would seem unlikely that you were chosen at random.Thjs is an indicator of how the sightinP;: itself reve3:ls either a personal or coincidental contact.,

The psychological make-up of a person is-also important.It would seem that a number of UFO contactoes ··;:lre ·highly strung ,have changable moo_ds,are conscious and emotional about things around them and,sadly,are often prone to nervous breakdowns (usually shortly after an 8Xperience).Obviously there are people who possess this 'make-up'· who are not subject to UFO contacts, but it seems to b� a kind of blueprint;onetholoss.

hnother common simptom is the presence of paranormal abilities.Telepathy or emotiona� pick up is usually strong.Premonitions and blairvoyanc� are also common �ith contacts.Contacts are often.given premonitions,but these rarelJ come true�No two people come up with convincingly similar predictions - so why the imparta tion of this false information? Perh,,_ps it i·s so'me kind of cosmic juko �

Strange,vivid dreams are g,lso a clue to a potential abduction or contact­The Aveiey abdu·ctibn was d-iscov.ered because dreams of the wi tness8s hinted;-).at i t,Often they tell of abductions, strange eriti ties ;·or ·symbol-ic- imag.ery ___ gf __ _!:J:t.�. same (even if the ·conscious recall does not indicats; t1. possible abduction).

I have also come across several contact witnesses who were subject to od� noises abnut the house . .or oven app'lritions - before the actuc=tl contact.These seem to be a kind of warning mechan�sm�The ages five to eight and eleven to sixteen seorri particularly critical in the potential contrtctee.They may see figures at +,he foot of the bed, hear personall '' directed voices or suffer poltergeist effects (s�ch as lights turning themselves off 8.nd on) · .

Another point to make is that many contacts appear to have a slight�y offset visual spectrum,They are severely effected -by strong light (and may .. even ha-=-v..; 'tu

wear sunshades),and yet they havl3 exceptional dark-ad8.pted. vision�They may .. s(?o ct.

UFO that.others·would miss just because their_ faculties were not good enough:

I ,shall now turn to evidence for the invo-lvement of direct intervention from an external agency.This can manifest so that it is. visible to :(amily,friends or

even the UFO investigator himself! '


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THE CONTACT CONC r.�Pr Cant •• •

. It may be that strange fip;ure;3 or shapes �vi_ll ·oe soen, briefly� in broad dayligh� perhaps.These can apperu· c'llywhcro al�onnd the house.Small cubes,sphcr�Js or othe� shapes l.lay also be pr�seni for a spli� instant.I,personally,have tw-lcc been Witness to SUCh events when 2., �on tE�ctee was pr'e�.ent 0

! Noises too can be hen.rd.ThesD ,nay be tapps,knucks-,clicks or buzz esr�Thc��

may be heard persistantly outside t'1u house as humraings,.dr-onings or swirlin ��3 •.

. + . . -Poltergeist phenomena are also 1- r uveJ.aut ,.Llthough . it 'is realdzsed that tbi.s is usually caused by the release of energy by a person s sub-consc1_ous mind ( .-,,, ) in telekinesis) such activity is o:: .::.0r. heightono� by a UFO con-tact�� Specific i terns may disappear, odd puddles of .at,)r app0-:-�,r on the floor; objects move from room to room -surely this cannot t: l 'le in the· mind?

Cold spots in ·a rOOlll,and str<1J'� .; f=.oating smells are.

other aspe:rlts.,Theso smells are of two types .• A lavendel� c r fJ.m-;ery odour $ or the smell of rotten e._;gs or brfumstone (familiar to all ufolcgLsts �s the Gmell sometim0s left by UFO ijlaterialisations).I have,on one occ:t.:don,bae� subjected to this odour and r:--'�n state that it is very powerful and � s,as far as I could tell,Sulphur Diox�u'

It may be that in some instanc J. J.-ro-b1er .. s will arise that are dangerous to handle, 'Psychic a t�ack' is one exam 1�, ...; �fyst e::!:'ious bruis�s , bumps or sera tchos appearing overnight on a witness wi·l. no ap·)arant cause,In such instancos yon are �dvised to_ contact a trained octL 1tistc

Strange anomalies migh� C'tlso a1.�) ,ar on ordinary witness snapshots.UFO s!lapes,odd light patterns,var:::.ous sr l �res,or imn.ges of dis,1laced ordinet.:J:.y obje�ts.The classic example hore is )tella Lanslng (see the various revoiJHS in FSR) who produced literally thous. ·.1 �ls of such odd photogra·phs � :

Finally we come to the �TIE - S"v. c- 1'g8 ·c.::trs, myst erious ·phoi1e calls, Hi tness os being plagued., This cannot be C't trua ·�. rnptom of a contact since many uou-GuuL-�<· i.s see� to have involved this kind of b:��rre activity�

I have made no attempt to 0xplA-:::.r the pl',enomena I have referGd to,and I accept that there could be logicrtl e::�: larations :f.' or some of them.how�vor, tho:::y r1re prominant and c6nsistant featur....:: 3 of contact cases - and therefo�e !llust 11r-�\r.:� some relation to the final answer o UF\}'3 - the psychic - and other parapo�rrr.al phenomena �re,it appears,separated br just a thin tissue .

The study of contacts nnd paten �:·_al abductions is highly complex.Onc m;J>..Jr.

ask all .. of these qu�stions. of a wi tn3:3s and probe fully his background"'It c;-.• t' take a long, long time -. but that is 3::: sential:) 1</e can never hope .to loarn the ·

nature of the _contactee if we do not c· m ploy these methods of detectfort to f� n::. those contactees who do ·not know thensGlves that they have b0en abductedo

. ' ------------------------------------ .. ·- __________________________________________ ,.,.,


(2) . Jenny Randles (NUFORA & UFOIN )

Whe n talking about UFO abduc.tions ·we· arc talking �almost exclusively 9 :�,pr.u-G CE4s (the close encounter of the � �h kind ) .Now I am aware that CorC'tl T.1o--: .:.'7)!1 the J�merican UFOlogist calls all abductions CE4s and all· ClG4s abduct�ons) bL. i-. according to the definition used by Peter Warrington and-mys�lf in our book UFOs:A British Viewpoint the CE4 is a UFO experience that has deep psycho1�·0, c'<..l - psychic or 'none real' elements. The distinction is, naturally, important J.nQ it is of significance that most - if not.all- abductions fit into this definition criteria.

In my article "Come Fly With Me" (UFO HESEARCH REVIEW -Summer 1978) I outlined my reasons why I believed that UFO abductions were quite distinct from 'normal' UFO experiences. I will briefly ..3ummar.ise. the m<lin ones.


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A bdu ctio ns invo lve time- break s and t ime disto rt io ns ( as in drea ms ) �T he y are reality abre viatio ns. The y o ccu r to spe cif ic wit ne ss t ype s,a nd are u su ally co nf ine d to the re ali ty ID rame wo rk o f o ne o r t wo close ly linked indiv� dual s ( o ne o f who m i s ine vitably p sycho log icall y do minant ) .They ine vit ably have a ' t ri6go r" in a lo we r le ve l sig hting, and t he re is i nte nsive symbb lism fou nd ��t hln t he m6

There are, to my rn ind ,p le n± y of re aso ns to su sp ect that t he ab du ct io n is onl y pe rip herally re lated to t he ' real ' UFO expe rie nce . Su ch id�a s we re fu rt he r e nhanced i n my pape r give n to the Februa ry co nfe re nce o n Repe ater W i tnesse s ( to be pu blisge d sho rt ly ) . W hilst we can rea dil y acce pt t hat the re a re re al,p hy ical U�O s invol ve d in so me encou nte rs - t he d�f fe re nce s and inte nse subje ct iv�t y of t he abdu ctio n sto ry mu st make any rea so ne d,t hink ing pe rso n dou bt t ha t this i s so wi th t he CE4 .

No w , fro m a stu dy o f the � bdu ctio n sto rie s o ne t hi ng is cle ar.The y are not mutu ally co nsi stant,Ope ra tio n Smoke screen ensu re s t ha t no t wo sto rie s ta lly--­with a ny deg ree of e xact ne ss.Origins, re aso ns fo r bei ng he re,e nt ity de script io ns . always di ffe r,On the o the r ha nd t he re a re co mmo n st ru ctu ra l e le me nt so The o rlg in is ne arly always 'ou te r sp� ce ' .S ilve r su it s a re acce pte d g arb,Nice l itt le ' hu ma n­like' repa ir jo bs o n the ir vas� ly supe rior ( bu t no net he le ss see mingly te mpramonta� ­

UF Os are co ndu cted. Inte rmina ble so il sa mples are dug up as if to sa y,'' See he re ea rt hman we arc ju st frie ndly scie nt ists inte re sted in you r- vege tat io n"

So , we face a basic p ro ble m - who is re spo nsible fo r t he de ce ptio n . \·T hil st t� lk ing o ve r· the po int wi th UFOIN me mbcr,F rank Jo hnso n ( a zoo logi st). we.·talkod o f the fa ct that the re see me d to be cu ltu ral diff ere nce s-i n predo mina nt UFO e ntity type s.T here are variat io ns - o f cou rse - bu t English and Euro pea n e ntitie s te ns to be ' Eu ropea n type ' - ie blo nd ,S candinavia n o r so me su ch fai rly accept able de script io n . South il me rica n e nt it ies, ho wever,a re mo re of te n dark sk inne d and bea rde d ( similar to re al sout h A me ricans ) e,.a nd so o n.F ra nk sugge ste d t ha t t he e ntit ies manife st t he mse lve s in fo rms to su it .u s and , mak e the m mo re a ccepta ble, Wel l O K , bu t if t he y a re so thoug htfu l why do t he y te ll -u· s. su ch a p ack o f lie s?

It is po ssible that there is an intell ige nce be hind t he· a bduct io ns ,and whi ct i s re spo nsible fo r t he smoke scree n - re info rcing acce pta ble be lief s into the su scep ti ble minde d wi tne ss·es ( w ho a:J_way; s see m to be •· ctroserr'· for· cont act} �I-f-····-·· an i nte llige nce is invo lve d t ha n we ha ve to accep t th at lie s are be ing told;t hn� a smoke scree n is in ope ratio n and i t is pre su mabl y not rea ll y to ou r adva ntage"

Ho we ve r , we do no t nee d the inte rve nt ion of a n e xternal - intel lige nce to e xp la in abdu ct io ns ,T he ba sic huma n st ereot ype fo r UF Os a nd UFO e nt it ies ( whi ch wou ld o bviou sl y vary f ro m cu ltu re to cu ltu re ) wou ld p re se nt bo th t he si mi lar�t io s and t he,d iffe re nce s that we do see if t he abdu ct io n wo re a p sycholo gical fu nctio � of · so me k ind.

-- •

No w a bdu ct io ns t he mse lves are ve ry rare .Fe w indee d get disco ve red withou t t he inte rve nt io n of ' re gre ssio n hyp no sis' a nd I am af raid what I ha ve - se en o f t his gi v� s me litt le co nfi de nce t hat t he co ns ciou s or u nco nsciou s de sire s of t he inve sti ga to r 0.- r0 no t su bt ly re spo nsible fo r ' cre ati ng1 the abdu ction .to fil l j_ n. a t ime lap se (which may haye · ha d so me oth er,pe rfe ctl y rr3.,_tio na l , ex pla nat io n ) o ·

Ho we ver , we are left with t he st ick y :ero ble m o f t he CEJ - e nt itie s se-en wi t:10•1t abdu ctio',, whi ch suf fe r fro m so me ( not a ll ) o f the sa me p ro ble ms. I a ccept the basic re al it y ·. ( so fa r c:t s t he wit ne sses �r3 COJ!Cerned ) - of t he se e xpe rie nce s»·but I still h� ve ·_to be co nvi nce d t hat some complex,a nd a s ye t not u nde rstoo ds . p sycho lo gi cal/p sychic pro ce ss cou ld not be re spo nsible fo r the ir e xistan�e�It i s ve ry hard be lie ving thi s be cau se it sou nds like you are cal ling all CEJ wit nossos nu tcase s who ha ve hallu ci natio ns - bu t·it is not that si mp le,Ca n t he re be ob jec tive halluc in at io ns? Ilt hin� so - a nd I t hi nk t hat thi s i s who re the a nswer re ally lie s - bu t t he n ag ain Ope rat io n Smoke scree n cou ld be wo rk in g t hrou gh me a:1 d I cou ld be wro ng,All I wou l�l d u rge is caut io n and no wild a ssu mptio nso NORTHERN UFOLOGY APRIL 1979 PJJ.GE FIV E

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NOT WHAT - BUT WH0117 (J) John Watson ... ( CHRYSIS & UFOIN)

Imagine .this scene. You are dri v·ing along a quiet country road �m1nding ycur own business,when suddenly your car is bathed in an eerie light and brought to a dead hal·t.:i'he light moves to the> side and you see 1.n oval shape desc:end into a nearby field.4 number of strange c:reatures get out and take . y·

ou aboard their crc:tft,and in silence carry on a detailed examination of you.You are then_ returned to your craft - while t,he alien one takes off leaving you 'q.umbst�uckt

Sounds like a strory from � chuap,science-fiction magazine,does it not? Yet this is the kind of a story a UFO abductee will tell,�ften under regr�ssion hypnosis.Now we know that only a proportion of reported cases turn out to be TRUE UFOs,and that most of these are lit�le more than coloured

. iights or metal·· like objects,but every so often a case like this one crops up.

···The quustidn is not what is a UFO abduction, but who does the abducting� The first lo�ical step is to decide whether or not the witness is telling the truth.Regression hynnosms is used in many cases,and it is claimed that under deep hypnosi$ a witness c�nnot lie - or can he? �en now many people are doubting that th�s method of investigation is all that it is claimed to beo

Yet if even one out of the many people claiming such experiences is tellin5 the truth - what then? It must be established where the craft and occupants came from . Well there musJ be as many crackpot theories about this a9.�th�re have��een UFO sightings in the last te� thousand years.There are those who believe that the earth is hollow and � mysterious race comes ·out from there every so often through holes in the poles! Some say th�t they are the product of a hidden,lost· civilisation, burried deep in the Himalayas or �he Amaz<hn jungle. Or mq..ybe they : · ·

come from htlantis,UFOs are seen to go in and out of the sea�Then,of course;ther0 is the theory that they are of extraterrestrial origin.

Hell,for me,the �-vr'H offers the best .. solutionoPerhaps h.tlantis did once •3Xist,but not now.Before you all get up in arms let me stress that this is a personal viewpoint only,for just a tiny pertrrentage of recorded casep � and it depends entirely on tho credibility of the �itnesses who make these claimsoBut � · as I said· befmre,if even one witness is telling the truth- well�·�·•••••s•

-- . . � · ··-· .. . . .



Bert,the stupyfyingly stupid spaceman and his gang__qf friends love travelling,They have an assortment of thousands of multi-coloured and wierrdly shaped spac.ecraft to chose fromoThey never like to use the same -one twice -much too 'common' • Not content with merely tra Vt;lling in these s-pacecraft, they will descend into �arth atmosphere on the least pretext,in order to give tho poor,primitive natives the fright of their lives,

hCcordtng to historical schol�rs ( eg Eric�V.Drunken,Brusly Bear Tenchp Andrew Tomcats,Otto Bandage,Gordon Crackpot etc ) Bert and his friends have: bc2n visiting �arth for thousands of years ( Their �atest studies reveal,apparaht�J� that �ve was clonad from hdam,the snake was an android,and the Garden of Eden was an overgrown Manchester bus·-shel ter )

Blindingly primitive ncanderthal man,with his lights in the sky,became something of a boring joke for Bert.So he decided to be more bold with his humour.His earliest joke was to tell a chap called Hoses to keop taking the tablets - and this humour was hot enough to inflame a nearby busho

However,Bert soon became disconsolateo He knew that before he could fulfill his great ambition and become a star by appear:i."mg .on 'Opportunity Knocks' h�s humour would have to become more subtl� a:1.d sophisticated.So he set to workiJ


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BEH T A ND A BLUNT RAZOR Con t .... ., Not re alisi ng the gravity of his joke ,Be rt ·drc·p ped al) a pple on to the

he ad of this fe llow c alled Ne wtonc Fol lowing thi s iu ci de nt Be rt beg an to thr ow apple s from his flying saucer (a nd the odd sc ho� l of fi she s , oF s�a mpfull of toads) . He did this whe neve r he fe lt the cre ative u rge,N� pole an wa s stru ck b y o ne of Ber t' s a pple s and was forc ed to exc lai m 'n ot ton ight J ose phine' -due to inju rie s su staine d.

The c ore of h� an histo± y is li ttered with the conse que nce s of Be rt ' s irre sponsib le apple thr owing. Fortu nate ly , for the fu tu re of hu ma nity , Be rt had t o give u p this hab it. He arrange d to mee t his he ro ·- D r W ho - bu t ' an apple a day kee ps the doc tor away ' - so he had to re arra��e his life style.

So Be rt was faced with a prob lE.� me He hee de d a new form of e xpre ssion to fu lfill his c re ative and hum ou rou s impu lses.R athe r than give up Earth as a bad job , since it s in hab itan ts we re se e mi ngly inc apab le of f inding his ac tivitie s hu mou rou s, he dec ided on one la st try. H e wou ld abdu ct hu man s,


. This is why since the qeginn ing of the 2 0th c entu ry Be rt and hi s flee t of flying sauce rs h ave b ee n darting down to narth in orde r to··slowly··abdu-ct· those-· sec tions of humanity that we re apparan tly hu mou rle ss , H e qu ickly �ealrserr the e� ormi ty of this task. •

· ·

. . Un fo rtu nate ly ,J?e rt an d his f!' ien ds a re stup id (what you gues se d that alread y7) The y have g re at difficu lty i n c on trolling thei r craft , and only ohc·e··Tn ··a······-·· ·- ·-··· tf:l ou sand tr� ps do the y manage a lan ding. So� not that man y pe .o. ple a.ctu�l.ly __ rng_et_ . . u p with Ber t and h is · fr iends - un le s·s you ·be lie ve in 'J ohn Kee l.' s sta·ti stic s .. · . . : . . _. .. , .. ( whic h mu st be qu al ifi caJi on for the funn y farm anyhow). c··· : · �:

Be rt i s so stu pid ' he doe s not kn ow what to do wi th all his hostages.He te lls the m a few j oke s and re tu rn s the m to e arth ( often with psy chotic disturha.nc•·­-c au se un known) .Ji owe. ve r , yl)U wou ld know why witne sses a re so � isorien tated · when the y retu rn to earth i f you had hea rd any of B ert ' s jokes (oEG: '�l hy did D r Fran ken ste in make a fe male monste r?' oeahn sw� r • • s'B ecau se he ma de a coup ple of b ooh s')

De spite all his fau lts Be rt ha s suc ceede d in kee ping Ufo1 ogists ha ppy1: Ho love s to see the m bu sy with their tele sc ope s an d tatty rep ort for� s.In fac� 0o kee ls ove r with lau ghte r at t he ve ry me ntion of the word ' UFO ' .He also has� prede lic a tion for sayin g , "Ufologist_s. n. re the most seri ou s comic c harac te rs arou nd (be side s Su pe rman)".". an d he cou ld. b e right! .

The moral of thi s story (i f there has to be ono) is t hat the fan ta sie s Ti[iic h a re ff rml y b� lie ved b y thou sands of peop le (' in spi red' b y pape rb ack b oo ks:�eq_ua::J.ly ru tty u folog:i sts , an d " CEJK'') are b ase d on su ch si mplistic n oti on s that .� f Bert doe s not_exist the n he shou ld- ju st f0 r their ben efi ts.


BUFORA jOURNA L Jan/ Feb 1 979 lVian y sig hting; r'o_p orts from t he UK··· (2 8pp 'i itho)

IRI SH UFO.NEW S J an 1979 Exc el len t ne w J2 p · litho format: 1909 A i·r-shi� \ maj or

·- ·· article ) ·, UFOs- &- the- par anor mal., la:t.eQ.t .�J2?.-C� ne ws from N.H. SA CUFORO Ne wsle tte r ·win te r 78- 79 Case r e por ts from CUFOR O and HAPI . . (Leic.8stc.�-r:: 12pp) SKYWA TCH Feb/Mar 1 979 W hat hap pene d in Sfub e ria? The ama-zing au tu mn skie s( 1.Spp_1 CHRYS IS 79 J an 1 979 I s anyonG ou t the re? Le yline s & U F� s _Scie ntific analy�:i. s

of UFO s plu s ne ws. Exce ll ent c.on ten t th i� m on th. (14 pp P/c) SIGAP NEW S J an 1 979 Re ports frorri 1'-h� xic o ,Ne w Ze aland and Su rney PEGA SUS Mar 1 979 Cases an d stati stics _from Su rrey 1 978 �12pp R/c)

Addre sse s: BUFORA (6 Cairn Av �nu e , Lon don W5 5Hx • • • £5pa Sl.}b) ·IR ISH U FO Nl:�H� (1 9. Cairn sh ill A ve , Be lfast ,N� Io�e£J pa sub,60p pe r issue) CU FORQ (2 1 Stret ton Dr Agar; N9 ok ,_ O oalville , Le ic s • • "n o det ai ls) SKYWATCH ( 92 H il lcre st Rd , Of fe:r;- ton; Stoc kport SK2 5SE • • , no de ta il s)': CHRYSIS (48 :Br ittania ? la ce Rc dcar Cle�ola nd) SIGAPZ.PEGA SUS (20 Loman· R d Hytc hett Cambe rle y Su rre y • • • �20 p p� r is s·uo)


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C'JS}10S 1 068 • • • and all that ! i ll data will )� filed at_ the HQ Under 78-81 In the February issue smme preliminary notes W8re gj ven about tha -object that was seen from all over the NUFON region ( by thoqsand s of witnesse s ) on Dec )1 st 1978 at about 1 9 , 05 . �fficial explanation was that it was the re-entry of the booster rocket of Cosmos 1 068 , and most UFO groups ( rrho collated accounts ) had accepted this • NLUFOIG have now forvr�rded a very comprehensive file on their investigation into 21 sightings of the ' thing ' , at times between 1 9 o 00 and 1 9 � 30 ( although one observation continued for several hours ! ) .The object was consistant in description (�asic metallic cigar with a tail ( in 75% of cases ) of orange 1% �

2 times length : of c igar .Vertical slit . ' windows ' seen • ( 25% of cases ) .Movfng at height of low flying aircraft at slow speed ( time ave·rages at about ·2-3 minutes and in some instances is longer ) ) . NLUFOIG find it difficult to equate these


consistant features with a fast moving fire9all like object , and their report backs up all the material received by �NUFON to date ( at least 80 individual sightings} . NLUFOIG should be congr�tulated on thi s excellent dossier , and I - suppose there will always be a bit ·of an argument as _ to whether it really was Cosmos . � ·

1 068 ( which to all indications apparantly did re-enter the atm?sphere that night ) 1e�-:-0�ffNrrrf6N-AcTrvfTY--------------·-----------------------------------------·--·---

791 8 791 9

Jan 1 1 Jan 30

18 ,45 20 . 45

Haydock, Msyside 4 R LITS ( Flashing ) D MU FORA J�.ircraft Sutton Goldfield ¥ ViM R LITS A ( 5H-( S ) ) UFOSIS Birds '.?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - -· - - - - - - - - - - · - - ·-


7'!-31 1 Aug · 21 . 3b West BromwichpWM R O·blong b: 0-t-( S) UFOSIS Insuff .· 77-312 Sep 14 21 , 00+ West Midlands 1 1 6T-(:H , S ) UFOSIS Ins·u.ff ( 3 separate reports of whitish cigar over different times QMay be identifiable ) 78-21 3 Aug 12 01 , 1 5 Halifax ,W c Yorks W Sh�pe& Buzz A . JT-( S l B � YORKS Insuff 78-214 Noy 26 18 . 30 Whalley Brdge . Drby Han·�a Ray B 2H- ( S MUFORA I nsuff 78-21 5 Ded 1 : .06 . 00 Urmston , Gt Mer W Star& Cone B · 2T :... (M , S.) MUFOR.h. Venus 7920 Feo 2 07 . 55 Irlam , Gt Mer Or Bar h 2T-( M ) MUFORA · Gas clou� 7921 Feb 9 20 . 30 Rainhill.,Msy Di sc& Zepplin A 1T - ( S ) B o Fishwick I nsuf:=


Case� 1 0 Insuff Data ( 5 ) Venus ( 1 ) Gas ( 1 ) UNKNOWN ( 3 )_ = 30% ( s�e bel oH ) December 1 9 �97J ( 1 8 , 45) Kidsgrove ; Staffs Level h. BUFQRA Inv: Stephen B ar.ks

( '

Mr Gerrard is now .·a 2 0yr old analytical chemist assistant ��A t the time he was hurrying to meet his girlfriend on a clear r frosty night . Suddenly ( at about 600 .ft distanc e ) he saw an object dropping down from a steep ·bank topped with trecs � I t moved slowly and hugged the contour s o i t reached the road crJssed i t and then rose up the parapet of a bridge ' before dropping down again onto the main , electrio rai J. line travelling south towards Birmingham oHotion on this ' cont�olled ' path took 1 -2 minutes , but as it reached the rail line it streaked away sortth within seconds � During the sighting there was a fnint buzz or humm oThe object Has a solid looking blue sphere ( size estimated from accurate readings at · closest . . · appreach - -- - 6G-- ft-)­

to be around 1 -2 feet in diameter�The weather conditions • ana other· factors ·do� not seem conducive to ball lightning � but the investigator suspects that there is a natural expianation - perhaps some rare electrical .effect s " . 7343 · ·1'-8'f--.{�1,-¥c-8)·-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - ::- - -- --· ... -.. _.j_, _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '!""' _ _ _ ...;�.:.....;._._....,..._.,...,.•.�-- r...:· .. :.... __ ..... _,

January 9 1979 ( 08 . 30 ) \<lest Nidlands& Staffs Level 1. UFOSIS I nv g Ted Horto!, BUFORA. I nv� Stephon -¥an!cs

These cases ( investigated separately) correlate v:-ith UFORh reports already feaTured. in NUN ( see 7906 , 791 1 and 791 7 ) c itll seem ·i .o relate to the same object .i�.t 08 o )O . a-� Great Barr , Birmingham a young mother and L':;r eight year old daughter spottGd the object from their garden and watched it in the SE , moving slightly W ( stopping to hover once £or J . . rnins ) . I t was . in view 5·-8 mins Bntil lost in horizon mist ,. I i., wa s a cigar col

.oured .orange that was bright Hi th bazy ends�It seemed to be rotatlng

as it flashed white every so ofteno Tno photor�raphs '_were ·taken but the negatives and prints show almost no discdrnable image c i. t CS .: jf ·at B loxwich , nor tli of Birming · · ham p a 29 yr old! lady , plus a nei�hbour : saw in --the SE for 2-3 ·m�ns a . flourescen-G cigar with hazy ends moving on a descending path \v . Meanwhile at Blythe Bridge , some


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MED DEF Cont • • •

way to the north, a nine year old girl vralking to scho· . l saw a domed disc with C".lrled up edges , coloured silvery at OS . 35 c This was mo· 1�ing SE . She painted it in an art lesson that day at school ( painting photograph �d for file ) cMeanwhile in West Bromwich at 1 6 . 1 0 that afternoon a very similar object was . seen , again in the SE , for about three minutes ( moving away slowly) n Other reports from Stafford did tie in with this afternoon phase of the sighting f'Then at 08 .29 the next day two objects ( of very simi lar de scription) were seen by three independant groups of witnesses ( one involwing five workmen) at B loxwich and Brownhills • .

There was some speculation that these wero vapour tra ils or gas clouds seen under unusual circumstances , but no positive correlation with any known object has proven possible . Thanks are due to UFOSIS ,UFORA and BUFORA for their very extensive work on all these cases : 791 6 , 7917 · �� · · · · 39T-( H ,P , S) --------------�----------------·-�- - - - ---- - - - � - - - - -:- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � -

INST/P Sept 21 1977 Hough , Cheshire Level A FUFOR Inv : Mark Tyrell A 1 7 year old boy experi enced in photography presented a photograph of some white blobs which he says he took at 22 o 30 of a blue/white light , with ano�her similar beside it ,moving away fast to the SE "Analysis of the fi lm revealed no signifmcant factors and there were discrepanci es in witness testimony.Also on the same roll of film were eocperimental shots of can&le flames in the dark which were not disimi lar to the UFO imago o FUFOR suspect a hoax . o 77-313 1 1 t-(P) -------���---------- - - - � - � - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - � - - - -- - - - - � -- - - - - - - -� - - - - - - - - - - �- �,

THE LULLINGTON WOODS ENCOUNTERS I nvestigation & M1i�rfi������Bf8� December. 1977 . Lullington Woods , Derby/Staffs CE1 Psycho . . Le,rel A . These are two separ�te reports of obj ects seen on different days , but within a s�ort distance of each other in thi s rural border area . On Wednesday p December 7 at 1 6 . 00 at OS Ref 128/253126 Mrs Broadhurst and her three young chi ldren wwre returning from Lullington to their home in the village of Clifton Campville , travelling along a country lane through woods oThey saw above some trees an orange oval shape that descend�d slowly at an angle toward them , and then swung at a sixty degree angle to travel acros s the top of a hedgerow ( illuminating it from above ) oAfter being in view about 2 Tiinutes i t blinked out .vleather was fine , clear and cool c;

The second case took place at Clifton Campville on Dec ember 12 ( at 16.30) .Four girls ( aged 9 ) - one of whom was a daughter of Yrrs Broadhurst who did not see the previous UFO - were taking turns to ride a pony in some fields .They saw the object approach from the N ( area of the woods ) and come towards them .At first they thought it was an aircraft , but as it came closer the odd shape was seen clearly and a strange buzzing , like bees s was heard eAs it approached. the girl 011 the pony ( Sally) fell off and the horse panicked and tried to bolt ( it was re strained by a leash) . The investigators feel sure that it was anxiety on the part of Sally , and probably not the horse r; vrhichled to the fall l) Other ponies in the same fie ld did not reac t . The object circled overhead , hovering briefly ( at a height o f about 60 feet ) and then moved off back to the woods � de scer:ding � like a falling leaf ' into the woods ( and possibly landing ) ., Thi .... spot was almost exactly ·Hhere the Dec 7 sighting had occured from ( a mile or t ro to the north) .After about 5 · seconds ·

the object ros e again and moved away fast at an angle .Total duration � _mip.ute . The object was like two saucers placed rlm to rim D dull white in colour o lts sizG appears to have been about 8-1 0 feet in d�_ l.meter o.Across the middle were t-rro bands ( one red above one blue ) c On top He:!:'e tHo red and white flashing lights that seemed to be attatched by si lver cylind-.;rs to the surface oThe upper side consisted of a row of · three portholes that Here close tog�th�r.. ( there were nor.�.e around the back as evidenced by an anti clockwise rotation of the object - as seen from below - onee every 1 5 seconds or so ) a There was a slight curved whi·'· ::; protrusion on the underside and surrounding thi s ( in a rectangle ) four dark L shaped ' landing leg s ' . NORTHERN UFOLOGY · APRIL 19'/9 PAGE NINE

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The story wa� J.;:?ported to the poli :! e " who found no reas1 l to di sbeli eve :lt� Whilst the1nve stigators' found SOID'-3 e'vicienc e o f exagge�' l.tion , they feel that the basic encounter i s genuine , and not . identifi cd � One o f the girl s suffered a severe po st reaction , bei_ng ill 9 psycho soma tically , next. :day· • • •

·• o 46T�( M , P , S )

.. _ _... _ �j...,__.... .,___.,.. _ _ _,..._ _ _. .... ..,._�.,..e..,._,_._--. - ., .. ��- - ----�-........... �_..._..._

DEC 7 DEC 12

_____________ ._..,. ________ _._. __ ,_ ........... �-_... ........ .c) _ ..... .............. ... -f'!"d • .,... .., .... ...,._. _ .... ___ ....... .-.. .. u.. ........ � .... .............

LANDING WITH ENTITIES IN CLviTD . ) Investigati on : Paul \ibetucrl�- �iEBBA J enny Rano._e s � tJttB� s-

July 1 976 Oakenholt , C lwyd Level A CE 3a ( L) T . 1 Psycho This case was originally discovered _.by \�'UFOS , wl} o completed an _ ini:_tia;L _re:pq�t _ _ _ _ _

and then left the matter in abeyance c Paul WhetnGll anQ Jenny Handle s persued it for a further six months , and Hartin Keatman (UFORA ) i s presently undertaking a detailed site analysis for UFOIN �

\ It i s now believed th�t the incident took plac e on Saturday � July 24 - during a hot , sunny day ,�t around 1 3 . 50 9yr old Gaynor Sunderland was riding - her bike on a lane near her home when she saw over a hedge in a field ( below the road ) a metalic ob ject , ·Thinkil!.g at fi+."st i t was something from a carnivai she got off and crouched .in . the . hedge. to watch:> . .. .. . . . . . . . .

The object was a si lvery dome with a rim around the bottom , about 1 0 feet high and 35 fe.et w:}.de . It had a . row of square windows ( four) that Here dif;ferent _ · shades of yellow blend-�d in . She saw · a dark shape pa�s- ac�os s one ' wlndovr ' and . stayed hidden , frightened she might be scared aw�y o After a few ·minutes a figure appeared from around the baqk o ' Ue ' was dre ssed in a one piece si lver suit with a balaclarva type helmet and thick soled boots ( like diver s ) . He was about 5 ' 5" tall and had an <=1ngular body with the kne e joint high up. He also had just four fingers ( three pointGd . and a thumb) and a pale thin fac e with large white eye s with . tiny pi�Ic pupils .. ,

Gaynor obtained a c lose-up view as the man ca�e within ten· feet carrying an L shaped cream ' gun ' that fired a red ray to the ground o He made a s eries of 5-6 1:!. ttle hol es . in the grass and berDt stiffly to f�el them o Presently the man returned to the side of the craft where a ' ramp ' came _ doHn and he seemingly communicated with a � hand r that c u:-�8 out !) He then 1-:ent in and moments later a ' woman ' came out �� She was simi l� ·: to -�h8 man but about 4 inche s smaller and carried a long jagged dagger that , Jhe used to se·- .tl-3 the hole s e Presently she returned t o the craft tOO p Upon r Garing a Whimpering LOi se from it o Gaynor felt thet both entities had detected h � .r presnce and had physiologi cal sensations of dizzine s.s 9-nd nausea .,,;hen they .Lcr:T.:ed - at her o She was rooted to the spo t . When the woman was back in she fled � gash:" t'g her leg badly on the hedg e , She saw the UF'O take off at an angle into t l-_n one c lou·�t in th8 sky e i t made a hum , she smelt � burning and t�.1e leaves -:; n adj ,.c ent tre e s tre:mbled c: I't did not come out of the c..loud . The next da.} sh.__ returned 0 with her bl0other 9 to the field

.arid fo�nd � . circular -�

hole s had been ' filled i n ' but . �1..-' � [J 1 f1 area of Sl lver tlnted · gra s s Jhe (.1 ��\ the grass was noticably gre em- �==--=-.... ) lt ( around them . Gaynor was recently regre ssi\' .J\f hypnotis eu. .., She �d"ed a fe:-; more details but there was no significant ch�ng e in her testi.�ony ( which is far more complex than thi s summary pre sent s ) ".The ll:rpnotist wo.s posi t::.ve she was relating a.n ·exper�enc e that had genuinely takc-;n place � c_ e o 45T -( � ) ( Pending ) - - - - - ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.;1 - - - · � · - '* • - - · - - - - - - - - ·- - - - - - -- · , -� ...........-.tonro----

TC TAL CASES . 1 5 . • • • • UNKNOWN 5 = 33% . .

..... _ _ _ _ _ .,.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ._ . _ _ - - - - - -� ..... - - - - -· en- · .. - - - � · ------... � ...

Further to the note on P2 , regardimg FUF�R r 1 �4PIT have noH al�o wri �ten in almost preci sely word for word terms to wi thdraH fro::-rr NUFON . VJhilst .Jay-in{:. NUFON is a good idea , they too will not explain the::.r :reasons o H�u lst rec ·�nt cc:mment has indicated strong support from NUJ:i'ON ass ociate 2 fo.:: ou::- presont fo�,�mat , NUFO f i!?. run by you , the groups , so please come for"Vmrd. now with any c omment or ideas on our pre sent status and methods . Whether i� be t� endorse or criticiss c