L A B A - Backhill onlinebackhillonline.com/assets/files/pdf/1994/MARCH_94.pdf · 7 Leisure & Sport...


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s A L A





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Alia Villa Carlotta si mangia,. si beve e si balla, in una salaprivata capace di ospitare150Persone.rf voi la scelta dell'occaswnedafesteggiare!!Contattare Sig S. Roberts07.1 637 .9.94.1

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March 94

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Somrnario • Contents

Entertainment7 Leisure & SportCinema p..35Sportlight p. 36Italsport p..37Tempo Libero p.41Mamma's Ricetta p. 42

Servizi SpecialiPer chi votare?Gizzi Customer ServiceThe Itali~n WingVeritatis SplendorLinguaggio e SessismoFace to Face

Regular FeaturesDue ParoleThe HillPensione ridotta di piu'Cronaca della Comunita'Dall'ItaliaIn Cammino con CarmeloEurofocusFor a Rainy DayPausa Poetica

Notices - A vvisiInformazione UtiliChiesa di San PietroCalendarioNoticeboard

p. 5p. 10p.14p.27

. p.29


p. 4

p. 8p.llp. 16p.21p.22p.26p.28p.33

p. 18p.23

p. 4~p.44

March - Marzo

'mb - U P.·- ...·,


The Italian Hosptial is now"The Italian Wing" - see p. 14

Photo by Bruno Medici

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Mllrzo 94

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Due:Parole Padre Roberto Russo

Cari Amici,

Siccome questa edizione diBACKHILL esce proprio durante laQuaresima.·~ci:rchiamo di scambiarciqmlJche 'penslero:cIie ci'P9ssa; ai!1ta~ea vivere la Quaresima.

E' chiaro,che dobbiaino cominci~.

are sempie da: 'noi .. stessi. quandovogliamo migliorare tulto. cioe'quando vogliamo essere piu' buoninoistessi evogliamo aiutare gli altri adiventare piu' buoni.

Quindi comin'ciamo a considcrarcipersone nuove. trasforrnate e pacifi­cate interiormente e cosi' potremocontribuire· a trasfonnare e pacificareI'ambiente intorno a: noi. Ce'. un soloposto dove posso cr",~re e trovare' lapace: ed e' in me stesso con la graziache Dio mi ha datonel baltesimo. Pero',non facciamo subito ifaciloni. ,Nella mia'vita 'quot~diana c'e'sempre iI peccato. ;lagrazia e la COllVcr"sione - questo e' i1,mio pane quotidirino.

Ce 10 dice Gesl(stesso. Nel Vangeloci dice che' i malfat~

tori e le prostitulesaranno i primi nelRegno dei Cieli.Cioc' e' stato iI ""m­mino del peccato.della grazia e della

conversione. Non sono !re momentidiversi.

Noi viviamo sempre. fino al mo­mento della morte. con peceato.graiia e conversione. Noi non diciamo.mai addio ill pecCato. alia grazia e alia.conve,rsione. Ogni· mat>tina ricomin­·ciamo..

Cerchiamo quindi di' ricominciarcin questo 'tempo di Qmiresima. C-lm­miniamo verso ,la Pasqua guidati daGesu'; la via di Gesu' c' la'via dellaspernnza e dell'amore. La via diGesu' e" scoprire la presenza di Dio.in me stesso per primo. Ci siamo delliche dobbiamo ricominciare da n'oistessi. Noi non siamo delle personebult.,te nel mondo. noi siamo personechiamate da Dio nel mondo perportare una vera accoglienza di pace e

di amore ai nostri fratelli.C'e' tanto deserto intorno anoi. la

Quaresima ci parla del deserto. C'e'tanto deserto nel cuore di tanti uo­mini. C'e' terra bruciata. terra bru­ciata nel cuore degli uomini e terrabruciata veramente. con case distrulte.'terreni devastati. C'e' tanta miseriamornie e: materiale. Noi siamo chia­mati aessere sorgenti' di aci}ua viva.Noi sianio chiamati"a portlii-e I'aequa~iva che c' la vita di GcsU', Nois.,ppiamo che. con i1. nostro impegno.'''sc.:;turiranno acque ncl dcscrto, scar';'reranno torrenti nelle terre sccche. laterm bruciala diventera' un giardino.iI luogo assetato diventera' un luogomeravigliosou • '

Fratclli can, cominciamo e con­tinuiamo: prcghiere. opere di carita' e

penitenia.. Andiamoa Messa. accos­tiamoci ai ,Sacra­menti della Comes­sione. e dellaComunione. ac­cogliamo iI p'rOs­simo. mortifichia­moci nel mangiare,nel bere. hel fu­mare. nel lusso stu­pidei.


c 'c ' tanto miscriamorale e materia/e

Am I a Christian?

Lord. can.we talk? It is about my r.,ith. my belief. Yousee. as a Christian I'm supposed to "spr""d the Word",tell the Good News. bring people to Christ. To be honest.Lord. I don't (well. at l""st. not very well). I'm nervous.scared. embarrassed. What will people think? I can'l lellthem. they'lI laugh at me. It's qnile a problem because forsome r""son people ask. "Are you a Christian?" YES.' Iproclaim out loud! But then they ask" "Why?" And thatfinishes me. I'm done for. trapped. a stUltering mass ofconfusion. lost for words. and unable 10 answer. Huh!Some Christian!

I don't know why I believe. (Honest!) It's justexplaining it that's the problem. Can you give me some


help. Lord? How about a job description. guidelines fornervous Christians. things to do. and, not to do; whenconfrouted by that "why?"

I really wish I could hold my ground. auswer theirevery questiou. speak your trulh. proclaim your Word.Areu't I good enough? Am·I a bad .design? A faultyproduct? Wllal alll I doing wrong? Lord. (are You stillthere?). could you give me a hand. pl""se. I do find it hard10 speak OUI. SO help me when someone asks. "Are you aChristian?" Because maybe ifthey are asking. their rcasonfor doing so might be me. my life. and the. way I live itwith ·you. So who k,lows. Lord. maybe I.m gelling There.after all!.

(Extractftom ··Can wc talk. b.m/?o••Cop)'righl Kcvin Mcyhcw; licence no. 295031)

March 94

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Per chi votare? G. Zanetti

Minicoalizione,di Martinazzoli?

27 marzo, iI conto aUa rovescia e'incominciato e per milioni di Italianisi' avvicina iI momento di recarsi alleurae, ma iI problema, come accennatoneU'articolo del numero preccdente,

·c' sempre 10 stesso:, per chi votarc?Anzi, mai come quest'anno si avverteiI vuoto, l'incertczza, la scnsazione dicsserc stati traditi, Anche gli clcttoripiu' fedeli, ehe avevano dato iI prop·rio voto .agli stcssi partiti per anni,sono ora costretti a rivedere le proprieposizioni.

Ma come fare a districarsi nelcomplcsso labirinto dia alleanze esecessioni, .di . nuove idee e vecchiatteggiamenti? Una sola 'eosa sembracerta: gli Italiani deUa nuova Repub·blica si informano, si intercssanocome mai in· precedenza, in breve,acclamano cambiamenti.· Le reccntirivelazioni di corruzione hanno instil·'lato neU'Italiano deUa strada iI desi·dcrio di reagire. Ottimismo? Forse,Comunque vada, peggio .di quantoc'e' stato finora non poll'a' succedere"

Tante speranze c molteplici aspet­tativ~ dunque nei confronti delleelczioni; l'atteggiamento e' invecealquanto diverso, scettico, per nondirc pessimist.'\, riguardo ai candidati.non e' certo la mallcmlza discelta che

Possibilila' di successo per Occhello

soprattutto al Sud' con la nipote diMussolini. l!ordine cd iI rigore prop­ugnali dai seguaei del MSI possenoapparire a migliaia di italiani I'unicasoluzione adeguata all'attuale caos(ho i miei dubbi).

Le schicramento della sinistra, checome comprovato' daUe recentielczioni amministrative sembra averebuone possibilita' di suoccsso, corn·prende oltre al PDS di Occhetto e aRifondazione Comunista (I'ala piu'rigorosamentc marxista), iI Partito So'cialista, la Rctc (Partito Crislianodella Sinistra, capeggiato da LeolucaOrlando), i Vcrdi ed infine I'AlleanzaDemocratica. Quest'ultimo partitosembrava in procinto di allcarsi con iPopolari per la Riforma di Seglli, madi recente le aspettativc sono statedeluse. Vicine al naufragio sembranoanehe le traltative pcr una mini·'coalizione ccntrista tra Segni cd ilPartito di Martinazzoli (partito Popo­larc Italia'no). In particolarc pare chenon si sia potuto raggiungere unaccordo a propostito delle sorti deicandidati inquisiti.

Prcvisioni'/ E' difficile fame, Non·ostantc alcuni reeent; sondaggirivelino clic iI 25% degli cleltorisembra simpatizzare per Berlusooni,gli espcrti ipolizzano un possitiblesucccsso del ccntro parzialmentc do·vuto allo stato confusionale dcll'clel­torato.

Un cosa comunqlle e' certa: se lasiluazionc non cambia rapidamente,iIlIostro Parlamento colltillucra' ad es·sere un folcloristico mos,1ico multi­colore.

preoccupa gli Italiani;quella, nello scenario po·litico italiano, non mancama;, E' piullosoto lamallcanza di un elementoindubbiamenle positivo,sicuramente al di sopradelle parti e lI!agari do·tato delle capaeita' ncc·cssarie per eurare da soloe scnza coalizioni i can-,cri anccstrali della nostraRepubbliea. Ma forsequesta e' utopia.

E ehe dire degli at·tuali "pretendenti"? Destra, sinistrn 0

centre?Umbcrto Bossi, 1C<1der della Lega

Lombarda, sta guadagnando voti enotorieta', grazie ad aleuue idee senzadubbio positive cd' allellanti (soprat·tutto pcr gli elettori del Nord), quali ideccutramento del potere politiCO dalGoverno ccntrale di' Roma a quelliregionali. Ma come regolarsi nei con·frouti della mancanza di programmipolitici conereti e dellagliati che car·atterizza qucsto partito? Criticare c'facilc, costmire un po meno. Senzacontare. le nuove ondate di razzismoche stanno. ora piu" ch~ mai -,' dila·­gando in Italia.

Silvio Berlusconi, erC<1tore delnuovo 'partiJo "Forza Ilalia"., incarnaI'emblema dcIl'Italia-ehc-funziona, iI

.. simbolo della meritocrazia. Ma e' pilivero? La FININVEST, societa' finan·ziaria patrocin3ta da "sua -emiuenza";e' allnalmentc obcrata dai debiti e ilfmtello di Berlusconi e' coinvoltonello· scandalo tangcnti inrclazioncalia C1riplo.

.Gli oppositori di Berlnsconi fhnnoinoItre notatrc chc, nel caso in cui"'Forza Italian oltcncssc un JlUlllCro divoti sufficientc ad entrare nel pros·,simo Governo, si verrcbbc a crcMe unvero e proprio monopolio dcll'infor­mazionc. Parte dcll'1impcro'" di Bce­lusooni e' infatti constituita da trccmlali TV e due casi cditrici (tra cuila Mondadori).

Di rcccllte, iI p.1norama dei p.1rtitidi destrac' cambiato: Forza Itali" sie' inf:llli coalizzato al Nord con LaLcga Lombarda c al Sud con I'AI­1c,1n711 Nazionalc (MSI) di Fin;'Quest'ultimo partito, nonostante I'cc­cessivo estrclnismo di gran parte dellcsuc idee, sta r,acquistaudo popolarita'"


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6 Marc1l94

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Come and see Enzo and GiIlian at THE INN AT HIGH POST - amodern hotel/leisure complex near historic Salisbury'. There is lotsto see and do without any pressure, and the beautiful indoorswimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna sunbed and gym will help you relaxcompletely. Opposite ther,e is lovely eighteen hole golf course.

All rooms are en-suite with every facility includ;ng Sky television.The food is excellent, and head chef Antonio Marin will bedelighted to cook his favourite specialities for you. Nowhere willyou find a wanner welcome with a distinct Italian bias. THE INNis privately owned and run by Enzo and his family with all theenthusiasm of truly enjoying what they do - and being proud' of it.

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Olive Besagni

Famiglia Menozzi

_ This month's article deals withthe life and times of Elisa Menozzi,(nee Zaneiti) and _her brother -VictorZanetti known professionally as(Victor Barrat), he was a world classballroom dancer.

Our story begins- in, NorthernItaly in. the year 1900, when, in thelittle village of Maniago up in theFriuli region, Giuseppina Dehllistromarried Dimitrio Z.1netti (a mosaicworker). The couple cmigrated toEngland, 'making their way on footacross Italy and France. It is notclear how -long the jourlley tookthem, but suffice it to say that,- theyear 1904 found them established in'I1 Quartiere Italiano', ClC"rkenwclland it was here in No 8 MonntPleasant that Famiglia Zanetti spcntthe rest of their YC.1rs. Elisa theirfirst child arrived in the first yearfollowed two years latcr by anotherdaughter TiIli, Vittorio in 1908 andAntonio (Tony) 1906.

When Elisa was only cightcenshe met and marricd a yonng fnrni­ture maker Gioacehino Men07,zi \vhohailed from Bardi (Parma).Gioacchino ,vas a tall handsome,like.1ble yonng man, well thonght ofby all who knew him. They marriedin St Pcter's Italian Church in theye.1r 1921 (see photograph), Lisamade her own wedding dress; ,IS yone.1n see she was alre.1dy showing herskills with the needlc, a tr,ldcthatstood her in good stcad in the 'ye.1rsto follow. They livcd in the houscwith Lisa's parcnts, a happy arrange­ment, which was the normal way, inthe life of the immigrants in thatera. The loss of her ll1ther· Dimitriowas a bitter blow when he dicd in1922 within a ye.1r of thcir marriagc.Her mother was Icn to bring upthree youngsters. Tony was only 12ye.1rs old at the time and TiIli andVictor were in their teens.

The two, boys were outstandingathletes and represented the boroughof Holborn in the London School­boys Athlctic Championships. Usa

Giacchino and Elisa Menozzi on theirwedding day in /92/ '.


gave birth to her first son Renato(ROImie) in '1924. For three yearslife was good for the family,Gioacchino, was working , Lisa wasdressmaking. The family had plentyof friends, 'Usa was a very ,livclyyoung woman, quick to 1e.1rn, alwaysready to listen to her neighbol!rs'problems and help them, if possible.

Fate ,dealt the family a 'terribleblow; in 1927, at the tender age of17, Tony, her handsome, athleticyoung brother was showiiig signs ofa mysterious debililating illness. Thefinal diagnosis was shocking, "'Par-,kinson's Disease" a progressive. in-,curable illness,' exceedingly rare' inthe young.

LiS<1, with Gioacchino, was hermother's rock at this bad time forthem all. At first it wasn't too bad,Tony could get around and with thehelp of the rest of the family theycoped: Life went on, Victor endedup in the United States where hestayed" for five' years. TiIli marriedand lived ne.1rby. Lisa's second sonGiuseppe (Pippi) was born in 1931.

Victor returned from his travels- in 1933. LiS<1 and Gioacchino hadfinally moved into' their own place,just across the road from her mother,illtO -the rooms above the ComittiBllsiness premises. By 1937 youngVictor was lio'rn and the FamigliaMenozzi was complete. The thirties

March 94

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lie of broth, (possibly he was a bitjealous of the new baby Victor),anyhow, "hen he fancied his botlle,if there happened to be any visitorsin the room he would start orderingthem to go. "Tell her to go" hewould say in no uncertain terms.The visitor would leave not knowingwhy this normally well behaved litUeboy had turned on them. Havingdismissed any outsiders he would layon the sellee and indulge himself., Ifyou ever S.1W Pippi in later life, youwill understand how he came to besuch a big strapping fcllow. (SorryPip).

Lis.1 was a remarkable lady. Shecontinued to support her family withher dressmaking, she looked afterher children they were always im­peccably turned out. The boyshelped her with Tony, who had puton quile a bit of weight as a resultor his immobilily. When the weatherwas fine they were able to helpTony down the stairs onto a chairoutside the housc, where he wouldhappily watch the world go by, thepassers by all knew him and theywould stop and chat with him.

I've nm out of time and space,sorry, but you will have to wait untilnext ' monlh to hem about VictorZ.1nelli and the rest of famigliaMenozzi's story.


- -,,~ -:: ~=' -,---~~'~~-- -- -:.-"'" -


was considered to be missing." Oneean't possibly imagine the tormentthat Lis.1 must have suffered. notknowing. hoping and praying fornews. Onc or ,two of the men whowere reported missing did turn up ala later dale. Ten months went bybefore the official confirmalion ar·rived. Gioacchino had perished alongwilh 700 others.

I mcl Lisa in 1948 whcn I waslakcn 10 Ronnic's fiunily by myhusband Bnllio .\0 whom I had re·'cenlly become ellgaged. I was stlllckby the almosphcre ill the home. Hcrsister Tilli was Ihere ~vith hcr lillledaughter Slephany. Tony" who bynow was scriously handieapped. wasse.1ted at Ihe lable. He was nowliving witli Lisa as his illness wastoo much for Nonna to handle. Tonystill handsome in spite' of his :ld,'Cr­sity bad a S:llIc)' look ill his eye andwas inclined 10 Oirt. The atmosphcrewas so fricndl)' and Imls made sowelcome. LiS:1 mlS an excellent con·vcrsatiOll:lfisl. she was :1Il avid lis­lener to ihe r:Idio and was well npin Ihe field of 1Y0rld :Iffilirs andpolitics. She had firm opinions andas onc or hcr sons once remarked"Shc wonld have made a goodPrime Minisler". She also had :1good ' scnSe ,or humonr., she recounted10 me, Ihe star), or Pipp;. who was astrong lusl)' child, bnt he had asecret. Whcn he \\~IS abonl si~ ye:ltsold, he IIQnld dcmand a babies bot-

FOlIIglio Zonel/i.Frolll lej/ /0 right: Eliso. Antonio. Giuseppino (mamilla)., ViI/aria and Tilli

were a relatively happy time formost of our' Paes.1ni, although therewas a period of general unemploy­ment for many, in the main, men thelike of Gioaechino who had a goodtrade were working. He was also atthis time working as a part timesteward in 'the Mazzini Garibaldi"working men's clnb in Rcd LionStreet. Lis.'1 supplemellled their in·come with her dressmaking. Shemade the wedding drcsses or manyof her neighbours and friends. Ran­nie and Pippi were allending StPeter's Italian School.

The rooms in No 49 wcre alwaysbuzzing with activities of, one kindor another; her sons ,,'Crc growingup and their friends wcre alwayswelcome. The neighbours ,childrenall loved "Auntie".. as she wasknown to' ihem. If any or the chil-,dren tore their clothes, (hey wonldgo to Lis.'1, and she wonld mendthem, so that their mothers remainedunaware, thus saving them rrom thekind of chastisement that the Mam­mas dished out in those days.Clothes cost money, and some of thefamilies w~re loathe to be spendingon garmenls that still .. had some we.1rin them. '

Their happiness, was short livcd.In 1941 Italy entercd the war.Gioacchino, her husband. quict. gcn·tle soul., loved and rcspCClcd by hisfamily and all who knew him. disap­pearcd from their lives. All the Ital·ians were naturally worricd aboultheir situation, they had become :11­iens overnight. The authoriticsstarted to round up the men., whocould never have expected what wasto follow.

When the news of the tragedybegan to seep through the commu­nity, no onc had any idC<1 how manyItalians were lost" the filCt that theirhusbands or sons may be on the'Arondora Star' the ship tlmt hadbeen sunk by the Germans, I'm sure.never entered their heuds. 11 wasn'tuntil several days Imer that Lisafinally hc<ud that her husband hadbeen on the ship und th:1I he' had

-been reported as missin!;, Lisa andthe family were stunned. lIer brotherVictor allempled to find anI whatwas gain!; on. He \\'Cnt to Ihe Admi·'ralty where they confirmed Ihat. ".Giaechino had becn on the ship and'that there were slllvivors. bm that sofar, nothing was dcfi~lilC and that hc_

Marzo94 9

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Gizzi Customer Service Enzo Gizzi

Giuscppe Gizzi, my latc grandfa­thcr immigrated to Scotland around

·the 1930s. Likc most Italians at thattimc hc camc to "cscape" thc pov­crty in Italy and start a ncw Iifc, ancw career. Hc becamc'sclf-employedand started to produce and scll hishomc~madc ice-crcam. The "GizzP'ice-crcam ,vas a deliC<1CY at that .timcand it quickly cre.1ted a name for

·being one of the "best" 'in Scotland.Giuscppe decidcd that Scotland

was his gateway and Icft his quaintvillage, and vincyards in SanGiuscppe, near Picinisco in southcrn11.11y. His new Iifc inGlasgow.began.The production of the ice-crC<1mstarted. It attractcd thousands of peo­plc from all over the city. Scllingice-crcam from April to Scptcmberfrom his authcntic ice-cream barrow,in all the many famous landmarksovcr thc city.' His main sclling pointswerc the famous'Gcorge'Square, Salt­markct, Glasgow .Green and thc SouthSidc. In the wintcr he switched to hotroasted chestnuts. Giuscppe, bcllcrknown as "Joe thc Gclato Man" wasmost sucCessful in his ca-reer due to his dcdiC<1tionto 'his work. Hc· rctircd atthc ripe old agc of 74 andwas featured on the frontpage of thc "Glasgo\vEvening Ti!Ucs" ·.&1ying "­good-bye" to Glasgow. InI!lSI he died at thcagc of94 but the mcmory ofGiuseppe'livcs on.

.I have turned full circleand have choscn a differenttype of career. I work for

·British Airways as a stcw­ard on the Boeing 747fleet, serving thou&1nds ofpassengcrs from all overthc globe. Wc do scrveice-crcam but only in ourFirst Ciass C<1binsl Thc"­flying lifc'" is a carecr thatevcry young person wantsto do. It is very glamourousand for me it is a dreamcomc true. Scrving foodand drink is not all wc do.


The job also entails ensuring thesafety and comfort of the passengersand constant customer care. AlIentionto detail in thc cabin service is taughton the six weeks intensivc traiJ]ingcoursc, which is regarded as tile finestin the airline industry. You sec, it isquite diffcrcnt to selling·ice-cream butthe main theJ]1e is tile same; thedelivery' of 'an 'excel­lent customcr serviceis' important in anyjo~ if you want toSl.1Y ahead and besuccessful.

My grand-fathcr'sIcgacy and teachingwcre somcthing spe­cial that moncy couidnot buy, but will rc­main with me for therest of my days.

Right: Nipote Gizziwith a somewhatlarger "bar,row"Below: Nonno Gizziserving his customersfrom his barrow.

How can I &'IY thanks to Nonno?Thc most wondcrful pcrson known tomc in my ycars of learning. Thc scedof my grand-fathcr continucs to·growin me.

Grazic, Nonno!

Scc pagc 33 for onc ofEnzo's poem'

March 94

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Pensione ridotta di piu' Pietro Molle

la pensione prima dei cambiamentinon fosse toccato. Le pensioni quindivenivano messc in freezer, cioe'vcnivano conservate e liquidate conI'importo in p.'gamento al 1.1.199J.

Quando. poi I'interessalo raggiun.geva i 65 anni di eta' cd il D.S.S.pagriva la sua parte di pcnsione,_I'I.N.P.S. rifaccva i propri conti, ten·eva conto dell'importo dclla pen·"

Numerose .sono le telefonate chestiamo ricevendo "dai pensionati ital·iani che in questi· giomi hanno rice·vuto la prima rata di pensione.

La doinanda e' sempre la stesS.1:"Perche' la mia pensione e' stataridolta ancora di piu'?"

La risposta non e" rassicurante.Dopo le restrizioni dell'articolo 7della 407, quella che io chiamo iIprimo regalo di Natale 1990 da partedel Govemo agli italiani residentiall'estero, dopo iI regalo a SOrpres.1del Regolamento CEE 1247/92, dopola strigliata comune della legge 438del 1992, dopo iI lavaggio alia vari­china dell'lRPEF, dell'lLOR, del·I'ISI, dell'ICI e di quant'allro iIdiavolo se Ii.-.. studia contro noi' cheabbiamo sempre pagato ma mai rice·vuto, il 1994 ha esordito con questanovita'. '

Vediamo di focalizzare il prob·lema cosi' ,tUlti ci pos~ono scguire.

Negli anni pass.1ti chi potevacontare su almeno un anno di assi"curazione in "Ilalia (da lavof()" 0 damilitarc), faccnd'o iI cumulo con icontributi .versat; in" Inghilterra,poteva c!liedere la pensione italianaiI cui importo vcniva integrato alminimo finehe' non si aveva diriltoanche alia perisione inglese.

I cambiamenti di legge ehe si sione inglcse e riliquidava la dif·sono succcduli a rilmo serrato dal ferenza che mancava per raggiungere1990 avcv1ll10 pero' in qualehe modo. I'importo dell'intcgrazione al minimogaranlito che chi aveva gia' chicsto "fissato dalla legge ilaliana.

" Ogni anno, il D.S.S. comunicaall'lNPS I'importo della pensione aproprio carico e siecome gli aumenlidella prestazione britannica fine adoggi sono slali mollo bassi, I'islituzi~

one iialiana, pensando che fosse piu'la spcsa che .I'impresa, non ha cam·bialo di conseguenza I'importo dellapensione italiana. Questo fine a ieri.Oggi le cose sono cambiale.

L'I.N.P.S., nclli sua inunensa sa·pienza ha deciso che nel 1994, an·che se gli aumenti della pensionebrilannica hanno conlinuato ad cssereirrisori, la pensionc ilaliana va rivistae diminuita 10 stesso perche' la Liraha subito un importante calo rispetlOalia Sterlina.

In questo modo I'aumento dellaSterlina costa due volte per chi si faarrivare la" pensione in Inghilterra: laprima volta, nel calcolo della inte·grazione al minimo e la scconda nelcambio di quelle ormai poche Lireche vengono pagate all'intercssato.

La caparbiela' dell'lNPS nelcolpire g1i emigrati e' patetica eoramai rischia I'inverosimile.




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The Italian Wing Anna Giacon

With the crest· still proudly emblazoned atthe entrance, the first family, the firstltalian :fami~Y" are allowed in early.

it you walk across Queen Square'today you will sce the name The IlalianHospital. It was there in 190I when, 1suppose one could say, my relationshipwith the Italian Hospital began for thatwas the year and ihe place my nonno,Domenieo Servini, spent his firstChristmas in this country.

Since that time I have had strongconnections with the Italian HospiiaJ.,Not only have family members neededits facilities but we were also involvedin various Hospital activities. i alwaysfound it a community rather (hml: abuilding. A family rather than a hospi­tal. Those of you reading this articlethat were involved with the Hospital

yourSelves ,viiI know what'I mean. Itserved its role with care and attention.It fulfill<:d its need \vith thoroughness

,and dedication. 'As much as I cling to the days of

old, to the values of yesterday I also,belie~e every fruit has its season and. ' .the Hospital's sc.~son eame to an end.With'the pass.~ge of time the ItalianiJiunigmnt had integrated to the extenithat'the Hospi131 no longer served its

'original need. That need no longere:dsted. I am also aware of the hugeaillounts of money it takes to filn ahospital in these 'expensive times and Iunderstood the financial predicamentthe Hospital was in; I was not, in all

fairness, surprised when the ItalianHospital closed.

However, I must add that although Iwas fortunate enough to be aware of thesituation I do not believe the Italiancommuuity as a whole were well in­formed. The Italian Community, forwhom the Hospital had been built andinto' which 'they had' poured' rimch oftheir mouey 'and labour deserved amore thorough explanation.

Be thai as it may' ihe fact stillremained that the Italian Hospital wasno longer a viable proposition. Thedecision to sell the property was takenand I believe there were limitations asto whom it could be sold. Eventually itwas sold to The Hospital of Sick Chil­dren, Grc.~t Ornlond Street.

When I heard 'the news I wasplc.~sed for I was aware of Grc.~t Or­

-mond Street Hospital's' reputation asonc of the world's leading children'shospitals. Since the s.~le I have beenprivileged to be more closely con­nected with Grc.~t Ormond Street Hos­,pital and cannot speak highly enoughof all ihat they do. Not 'only is thepatient care second to none but so is thesupport and help for the patient's fami­lies.

Great Ormond. Street Hospital,(GOSH) has ree<;ntly ,oPened a newbuilding as a result of"an enormousfund raising campaign: the "WishingWell Appc.~I". All funds were raisedby private and ~mmercial donations.Ai the same time GOSH est.~blished aseparate charity for their ·It.~lian Hos­pital wing". The old Italian Hospitalbuilding in Queen Square has beencompletely refurbished and, I was re­cently invited by Michelle Davis, theFamily Welfare Manager at GOSH, tovisit the Italian Hospital after the resto­ratiOlI work.

Ofall that I s.~w two things touchedme the most. First, they have kept the

Photo: Druno Medici

•14 March 94

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Mario and BeniaminoDi Conza wilh their

proud mother.

Photo courtesy of The People

The Italian Hospital nameand crest outside thebuilding and in fact it isreferred to by GOSH asthe "Italian Wing". Sec­ondly, the chapel in thehospilal has remained in­t.1ct and' furthe'rmore hasundergone extensive res­toration yet has lost noneof the atmosphere andwarmth created by thespirit of all those peoplewho in the pasI havesought solace and giventhanks there.

The building today nolonger holds patients but still accom­plishes a vital role. The Italian Winghas been converted to accomodate upto 50 parents. free or' charge. whosechildren are in the main buildilig astone's throwaway. They have laun­dries. kitchens. ensnite bathrooms andlounges available to them. There arcalso fonr self·contained nats for trans­planl patients to help them adjust to lifeoutside a hospital. All the fnnd raisingoffices are also 10 be fonnd here alongwith the Press Office. Finally there is acreche for np to fifty children formembers of the hospital staft

Typic.11 of the allention 10 detail ofGOSH and the manner in which they dothings.lhe first people 10 move into TheItalian Wing. two days ahead or' theofficial opening. was an Italian filluily.

Look outfor



Rosa and Angclo Di Conza arrivedfrom Avellino with their Siamese twinsBeniamino and Mario in June last year.In September surgeons successfully di·'vided the boys. With,the opening ofThe Italian Wing Rosa and Augelo'sother three children were able 10 visittheir brothers aud sec Ihem for Ihe firsttime inscven months.

There was a danger amongst someof us in the Italian Community., espe­cially thosc who felt an attachment 10the Italian Hospital. or' harbouring aeertain rescntment at its demise. I canassureaH of you. and myself. that thesefeelings arc completely groundless.Rather I believe it is serving a bellerpurpose today than it did' towards itscnd.

What is most important for me to

know is that not only is it being put touse but to good use. I now sec thehospital as it once was. The care. theattention. Ihe dedication. the service.the spirit arc all as vigorously pursuedas they were in yesteryc.1r. I have nodoubt that people like nonno who gaveso much to and received so much fromthe Hospital will now look down andsmilewith approval and delight.

Ifyou wish to make a donation pleasesend it to:-

)oanKearnsGreat OrmondStreetChildrens Hospital Fund./0-./I Queen SquareLondon WCIN3AJor telephone 07/-9165678

On saleSunday



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attivita' della comunita'


Photo: Salvatorc Maneuso

AJcuni Risultati deU'anno 1993

As~o(:. Italiana~acciatori

AI Marriolt Holcl si c' svolto itgrandc Dinncr-Dance dcll'Assoei­azionc dei. Caccialori. Lo chiamogrande perehc' c'c' "stata' moltaamicizia c'molto divertimento. ,GIiorgimizzalori si sono impegnati vc­mmenlc con gioia "cd cnlusiasmo.

E' una festa spceiale perchc' siconsegnano le coppe ai vinciloridellc ga're aI piallello e ci"sonoanziani e giovani, quindi famiglieriunile nel'scgno della fesla che c'anche un dono di Dio e che io 11 Top Table

voglio sOllolineare in modo spe- r----------~-------.....,------.....,--,ciale ,in qucst"anno dedicalo aliaFamiglia.

P. Roberto Russo

Classification for 1994Class A

<Name withAve %)F. Birri 90.6C. Capaldo 90.5S. Trapani 90.0M. Rastelli 88.0R. Vignali 87.1L. Rastelli 87.0R. Sartori 87.0P. Fcnocchi 85.3S. Fiori 85.3R. Satasi 83.5

Class BN. Castiglionc 79.5J. Mai"cnghi 79.1B. Bertorclli 77.6S. Cumbo 77.3G. Minecci 76.4A. Bracaliello 76.4

Class CG. Marazzi 69.7M.Inzani 69.0S. Schia 67.2

• G.F. Guselli 67.2'~"'- ~G.'Camcvale 66.6

High Gun: Fausto Birri

A. Class: 1. Remo Gianesi, 2. Claudio Capaldo, 3. Bruno IsidoroB Class: I. Joo Sperooi, 2. Nicola CnStiglionc, 3~ Mailro InzaniC Class: I.'Joo Marcnghi, 2. LiIl6 Alu, 3. Antonio BracalielloJuniors: I. Fabio Guselli, 2. Claudio Pini, 3. Roberto MoreSco

Roberto e MariaCardinali

Roberlo c Maria Cardinali,duranle it Dinner-Dance deiCaccialori, sono slali fesleggiatiin occ.1sione del loro Anniversa-, 'rio di Malrimonio: piu' di lrcnlaanni.

E' slala una coppia che haporlalo i suoi frnlti nella vila:frnlti di figli c di nipoli; frnltiche sono malurali nel sole cnella pioggia della loro vitaquotidiana, sorrcnn dall 'urnorefra di loro e dalla fede in Dio

E' ·I'anno della Famiglia,qucslo c possiamo dire che iconiugi C1rdinali hanno 5.1pulodare vila a una fmuiglia vera..mcntc cristiana.

Photo: Salvatore Mancuso

March 94

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( Assoc, Amici di Casanova Valceno l


Le mille luci del Capodanno '94 si sono accese lanolle di San Silvestro sulla prcsligiosa ribaIta del !toyalLancasler HOlel di Londm offaeciato su Hyde Park.Emno di. scena gli emigmnli bardigiani riuniti SOlloI'egida dell'associazione Amici di Casanova VaJeeno,sponsor di un sonluoso Dinner e Dance.

11 sipario si e' alzalo sull'lmmensa saIa Nine KingsSuile riccamenle addobbala,. sui lavoli predisposli adaecogliere seiccnlo persone. Alle note deU'orchestraVesuvio ehe avvolgevano I'ambienle si sovrapponevanole voci gioiose di amiei. Le donne in abilo lungo e gliuomini in smoking hanno rilrovalo I'almosfera di casaallmverso iI cocktail di lingua italiana, musica italiana,vino illlliano.

AI tavolo d'onore la presidenza del comitato e gliospili Veituli dall'IL1lia per cclcbrare iI ventesimo anni­versario della nascita dell'associazione. Da Londra i1'

Sopra: 11 Sindaco Eridano (sinislra) consegna unatarga a Genia 'Maccinl. membro del Comitalo.

Sol/o: iUaglio della ,torta, clei venl'anni


11 Comitato dell'Associazione

presidente Bruno Lusardi, iI vicepresidente Eugenio Mae­'cini, iI presidente onorario Luigi Orsi, iI presidente. deUaFasfa Commendatore Ginseppe Giacon. DaU'ltalia iI sin­daco di Bardi, professore Giancarlo Eridano, iI parroco diCasanova don Pio Ferrari, il direllore deUa filiale di BardideUa Cassa di Risparmio di Parma e Piaeenza ragioniereRenato Tosehi.

Un momento di ufficialita' ha viSlo lulli i convitali inpiedi per aseolatre I'esecuzione del "God Save the Queen"e deU'lnno di Mameli, e la festa e' subito entrata nel vivo.,A seguire i saluti degli ospiti d'onore deUe due comunita':un pensiero augurale di don Pio anche ai nuovi parroci diBardi, il 5.11u1o del sindaco a nome deU'amministrazionecomunale"e di luui i bardigiani residenti, come pure ,queUodel ragioniere Tosehi. Da parte del comitato iI presidenteLusardi e iI "past president" Orsi hanno riseosso applausinel riepilogo delle iniziative di carallere bcnefico cheI'associazione ha promosso nei vent'anni lraseorsi. Ilpresidente Cav. Bruno LU5.1rdi annuncio'. che iI ricavatodella 10lleria sara' devoluto ai bambini di Bosnia.

AI brindisi di mezzmlolle, quando la festa avevaraggiunto la temperatura piu' alta, b.1ci e abbracei a nonfiuire e "a vcry happy New Year" a IUlli, di qua e di la'della Mauiea, con l'apertuCa del tumiel, unira' piu' Slrelta­mente le isole britanniche e gli emigrali al continente. Lachie5.1 italiana di ClerkenweU non e' soltanto luogo dieulto ma anehe ceutro di aggrcgazione degli italiani cheogni domenica dopo la meS5.1, nell'anneS5.1 Casa ltalia, siritrovano per le rituali quallro ehiacehiere, le partite acarte, le diseussioni suI calcio italiauo di cui ogni scUimanala C4 lrasmeUe una partita di scrie A in dirella.

Anehe in questa sode SOUO paS5.1li gli ospiti bardigiani iquali, dopo gli incontri di rito si sono ritrovati con ladirezione di Amici di C.15.1nova Valeeno per iI convivio dicomllliato e la premiazione dei membri del comitaloparticolarmeute Illeritevoli per la loro assidua opera svoltanel eampo deUa solidarieta' ehe e' e rimane seopo prceipuodell'associazioue.

Il pranzo, prep.1rato al Kingsley Hotel dal bravissimochef bardigiauo Piuen BeUoni deUa Gerra; ehe ha rinun­ciato al lumo di riposo per curare persOnalmente iI riccomenu', ha coueluso iI breve ma iutenso inconlro londincse.


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Ambasciata d'lialia, St. Peter's Italian Church Villa Scalabrini,14 T.hree Kings yard, Oavies 4 Back Hill, Green Street,Street, London E.C.1. Shenley, Herts.London W.1. if 071 8371528 if 081 207 5713 1if 071 639 8200

Scalabrlni Fathers F.A.I.E.Consolato Generale d'ltalia 20 Brixton Road, 248 Vauxhall Bridge Road38 Eaton Place, London S.W.9. London SW1Y 1AHLondon S.W.1 if 081735 8235 if 071·83421572 071 235 9371

Xaverlan Fathers, F.A.S.F.A.E;N.I.T. 260 Nether Street, 5 Southern Str~et,

1, Princes Street, London N3 London N.1.London,W.1 if 081 346 0428 if 071 837 1966if 071 408 1254

Consolata Fathers, Ufflci Scolasticiltalian'Trade Centre 29'North, Vil!as, ,4 Upp~r Tackbrook Street,37 Sackville Street, London N.W.11. London S.W.1.London W.1. if 081 485 5097 if 071 828 1605 Dir.Didallicaif 071734 2412 if 071 828 1813 Presidenza

Stigmatine Fathers,Istituto dl Cultura 5 Hanover Road, A.C.L.I.39 Belgrave Square, London N.W.10 134 Clerkenwell Road,London S.W.1 if 081 451 1408 London E.C.1.if 0717342412 if 071 278 0083/4

Missione Cattolica ItalianaCamera di Commercio 197 Durant!; Road, I.N.A.S.Walmare House" Room 418, Enfield, Middx. Vauxhall Bridge Road 1,296 Regent Street, if 081 8042307 London SW1 1AHLondon W.1. if 071 834 2157if 071 637 3153 Centro Giovanile Italiano

SI. Patrick's School,Alitalia, 24 Great Chapel Street,.205 Holland Park Avenue, London W.1.London W.11 if 071 734 2156if 071 7592510

Verona Fathers,Comboni House,16 Dawson Place,London W.2.2 071 229 7059

18 Marcll94

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Dall'ltalia-btvlMt- .


news from Italy you may have missed










A school for Fellini studies willopen next year in the mercurialmovie-maker's home town of,Rimini.Benedelto ~enedelti, an ex-collc.1gueof the director, is fed up with Rimini'sreputation as the Adriatic's Sodom andGomorrah for. spaced-out night­clubbers. Beller, perhaps, that the townbe linked with a man obsessed byrotund women, balloons and surrealpriests and nun scenarios.The new Fellini foundation will offerItaly'S first honours degree incinematography.

Italian authorities have uncovereda massive.money laundering operationin which Colombian ·'drugs c.1rningswere exchanged for tonnes of Italiangoldjewellery.Police swooped on Italy's biggestjewellery trade t1ir in Vicenza andmade eight arrests. Among those takeninto custody were Gustavo del Gado, asenior member of the C11i drugs c.1rteland a fonner associate of the drugsbaron Pablo Escobar, who was killedlast yc.1r in shoot-oul. The othersarrested were two Panamanian goldtraders and five Italian jewellerymanufacturers.

"Via Iibera" al Parco Nazionaledell'Aspromonte: iI Consiglio deiMinistri ha infalli approvato iI 7gennaio - I'istitnzione dell'ente parco,ultimo alto dell'iter costitutivo dellanuova area protctta.

A 52-year-old Italilm gave birthto twins after trying to becomepregnant for more Ihan20 yc.1rs. MariaChiacchio gave birth to a boy and girlat a hospital in L1gonegro, 100 milessouth-e.1st of Naples. There were nodetails ofhow she bec.1me pregnant.

Unions at Italian c.1r gimlt Fiatbegan a series of strikes in protest :11company plans to. lay off thousands ofworkers after talks betweenmanagement and nnions broke downwithout agreement. A three-yearrestructuring plan by Fiat will inC:\IIjobcuts of some 12,000 of which 5,000would be permanent and 7,000temporary.


Federico Fellinl

In a recent referendum, aJmost56 per C(lnt ofvoters rejected a proposalto sejXIrate, the industrial town ofMestre from the Venice administration.It was the third abortive attempt since1979 to force a divorce.

Vale circa 3 mila miliardi di lire iIfallurato delle aeque minerali italiane.Nel jXIese ne esistono in Commercio242 marchi ehe avendo origine da unaIhlda 0 da un giacimento sotterraneoprovengono da una 0 piu' sorgentinaturalio perforate.La Regione chevanta piu" marehe, equindi piu' sorgenti, 'c' la Lombardiacon 29, seguita da Emilia Romagna eToseana con 28 e, al terzo posto,dall'Abruzzo con 19. AlI'ultimo postosi colloea il Friuli Venezia Giulia Conuna ~1a sorgente.

Three skiers died and two otherswere injured in an avalanche in thenorthern town ofBergamo in the ItalianAlps. The vietims were believed tohave ventured offa marked slope.

It's musical chairs time in theItalian .iewspaper world. The dancewas set in motion by veteran Indro,Montanelli, 84" who deCided it wastime he left "n Giornale" to found anew p.1per, "La Voce". Vittorio Fellri,editor of "L'lndipendente" - the onlynational paper to support openly theNorthern Lc.1gue replacedMontanelli. Into f.ellrl's shoes steppedhis sidekick, Piahiis.1 Bianco, 36. She isonly the second' Italian woman since1945 to edit a national paper.

Quinti corne potenza industriale,ma primi ncl risparmio familiare, gliit.1liani si confermano sempre piu'come un "popolo di formiche".Dopo un lieve '''rilassamento'' nellespese in coincidenza con la fine deglianni '80; I'Italia e' infatti di nuovo intesta alia c1assifica Ocse del risparmiocalcolato sui Ieddito disponibile dellef.1miglie. Primi, davanti a belgi edanesi, gli italiani hanno messo "sottoil materasso" nel '93 il 18.9% delproprio reddito famil!are: unapercentuale che distanzia notevolmenteinglesi, francesi e tedeschi(rispettivamente all'lI, al 12,7 e aI12,4%) e addirittura quadrupla rispcttoagli statunitensi che, conservando soloiI 4,5% del proprio reddito, sono meno"spendaccioni'" solo degli olaitdesi(2%).

Luciano BeneUon, one of Italy'smost f1aniboyant and successfulbusinessmen has decided to quitpolitics. The chairman of Benettonclothing group announced in a letter 10the Ilewspaper "Corriere della Sera"Ihat, two years after being elected as aSeuator, he will nOI sland in nexlmonth'sgeneral election.

The government passed a decree toc.~tend landmark general elections on27 March inlo 28 March after a Jewishoutcry at having (0 vote on PaSsover.The election date of Sunday n Marcheffectively disenfranchised many ofItaly's 30,000 Jewish volers becauseobservant Jews do not lravel, write orca'rry out any task defined as work byJewish law during Passover.

The English I:mguage edition ofthe C1tcchism has now been approvedand may be available by Easter. Thecontroversy-strewn English translationwas delayed by arguments overinehisive language and is now the lastmajor Western language to appear.

Student Francesco Gennaro,22, who S.1yS he is sufferingpsychological violence over hisgirlfriend's decision to have anabortion, has written to Ihe Pope andPresident Scal/ilro aSking them tointervene to bloek the operation.


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In CamminoCon CarmeloCarissimi Fr~te1li e Sorelle,

, Siamo, nel periodo deUaQiJaresima. Mercoledi' delle Ceneri laChiesa cf"ha ricordato: "Ricordati chesei polvere e in polvere ritorneraj".E' la verita' della nostra vita, di ognieSsere umano, sia che rieco 0 povero,che abbia tanti soldi in banca 0 cheviva miseramente, che abbia famigliaono, che venga dal nord 0 dal sudeec.

Troviamo un po" di tempo perfermarci qualche volta e rillellere:, lanostra vita e' sempre una corsa ve­loce!

Quest'anno e" I'anno della,famiglia e vogliamo preparere megliole giovani coppie a ricevere iI Sacra­mento del matrimonio. Faremo unpellegrinaggio a Lourdes dal 13 aL 16maggio.

Uniamoci anche alia preghiera e aldolore del Papa per quest.'\ guerraassurda e disumana.

Queste sono le parole del Papa:"Vorrei invitarvi questa sera a

recitare iI Rosario per la pace inBosnia-Erzegovina.

Col cuore spezzato sono costrettoad evocare davanti a voi lacarneficina avvenuta oggi a Sarajevo.Mani criminali continuano sistemati­camente a distruggere ed a massac­rare.


Nessuno e nessuna causa possonogiustificare simili esecrabili azioni.Supplieo gli autori di atti cosi' in:'degni dell'uomo di porre termine, aquest crimini; Ne dovranno risponderedinanzi a Dio. '

Scongiuro i responsabili politici aIivello nazionale ed internazionale:tentate tutto, anche a prezZo dei piu'grandi sacrifici, affinche' si giungasubito ad un elfellivo' cessato-i1­fuocol

I Balcani precipitano verso I'a­'bisso. L'Europa non puo' tollerare diveder popolazioni intere private deibeni piu' fondamentali, cilta' annien­tate, i suoi figli sterminati.

Basta con la guerra! Devo,no trion­fare la ragione e la fraternita'! Cio' siimpone se vogliamo evitare che iIfragore delle armi solfochi tulle lealtre vocil ' , ,

Eleviamo le nostre preghiere versoI'Altissimo, per intercessione dellaVergina Maria, affinche' apra aipopoli schiacciati da solferenze in­dicibili, nuove vie verso la riconcili-azione e'la pace! '

Pace e' una parola e un desideriovicini al cuore, di lulli 0 almcnodovrcbbe esserlo poiche' essa e' unbene' essenzi,ale da cui dipendono iIbenessere degli individui e iI pro­gresso della societa' e della civilta'.Ma se ci guardiamo inlorno non

possiamo fare a meno di rimaneresconvolti di fronte allo spettacolo, dicosi' tanta violenze, con la relative,grave responsabilita' da parte dicoloro che hanno portato i popoli aconflitti credeli e disumanizzanti. Inmolli casi, in primo luogo nella exRepubblica di Jugoslavia, ci viene

'detto che gli. orrori indescrivibili chevengono perpelrati ogni giorno ai'danni di persone innoccnti sono i1risultato inevitabile di ostilita' e odioetniei di lunga data - I'odio di ungruppo per un altro. Ma questo nonpuo' essere la sola spiegazione. Laguerra non e' inevitabile: e' iI risul­tato di una serie di decisioni e' dipolitiche concrele. Qualcuno, da qual­che parte, prende le decisioni che,portano a terribili conseguenze dimorte, di rovina, di distruzione e didolore. L'agitazione e .il conflillosanguinoso che stanno scuotendol'Europa non le permettono alfatto diessere ,sicura di se' stessa. L'Europadeve ricordarc che iI suo destino nondipcnde soltanto da intcrcssi econ­omici 0 strategici. Essa deve sopra­tutto recuperare la sua anima, perrinnovarsi nella vita civile, morale espiriluale."

Nessuno e neSsuna causa posso,!ogiuslijicare simili azioni.

March 94


It, ,

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La Vita della nostra ParrocchiaSono nati alia "ita di Dio con il Santo Battesimo

Rosanna Maria Libera ZeOlla: Michelangelo e Angela ZeollaAdam Peter Maeri: Carlo Macri e Sarah ]oslin

Luca Pietro EmiIio.Gunby: Ross Gunby e Anna FrascaroloAntonia Grace Divito: Antonio Divito e Carol Rossall

Monica Bertorclii: Bruno BellorelIi e Maria FiIippiMieltele Piergiuseppe Dellapina: Pietro Dellapina Cl TercS:i Lcmos

Giorgia Tirabosehi: Adolfo Tiraboschi e Patricia BellhLuisa Avery: David Avery e Giovanna Millo

Hanno unito le loro vite davanti aDio nel MatrimonioShibani ]aiswal - Mario Ballolomei

Maya Thiyagalingam - Christopher O'Donoghue

Riposano nella Pace del nostro SignoreLorenzo Fabbri

AIfonso RomanoFiJomena Stefanoll;Orsola CaIIi-FccciaGiuseppc SalvoniMaddalena SchiaCelesta AlbcllelIiGiuseppc Maggi

I Nomi preferiti del 1993We have compiled a list of the favourite names for children baptised in SI. Peter's Italian

Chruch in 1993•. The results are as follows:

Omelli1. Daniele2. Anthony/Antonio]ointthird: AlcssandroDominie/Domenico.Francesco, LucaMareo, MallcoStef.1no

Pasqua 1994 -

DonnelleI. Daniela2. Franccsca]ointthird:GabriellaGiorgiaSaraSofia

Orario Messe31 marzo - Giovcdi' Santo

Messa8.00 p.m. .laprile - Vcncrdi' Santo

. Celebrazione 3.00 p.m,2 aprile ~ Sabato Santo

Messa 11.00 p.m.3 aprile - Pasqua dclla Risurrczione

Messe 9.00 a.m., 10.00 a.m:, 11.00 a.m., 12.15 p.m., 7.00 p.m.

Marzo!)4 23

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notizie daJla CEE

Media,11 segre~o professionale

,Con una ,Iarga .maggioranza il,Parhime~to europeo ha chicSto a tuttigli Stati "membri dell'Unione europeadi riconoscere il segreto professionalecome un diritto giuridico per tutti igiomalisti. Attualmente, solo lelegislazioni dj;, quattro paesi (Greci,Spagna, Portogallo e' Danimarca)prevedono questo diritto; negli' altri,.la facolta' ,di'non rivelare le propriefonti e' prevista dai codiciprofessionali, m'a assai spesso vienerifiutata dalla magistratura.

Come sottolinea il rapporto delvicc-presidente del Parlamentoeuropeo, 'Georgeos Anastassoupolos,sono molti' i giornalisti europeiarrestati per non aver voluto· rivelarele fonti delle loro informazioni. Lasiut:izione e' particolarmente grave inItalia: nel paese sono st.~ti segnalatinumerosi preccdenti di questo tipo eper giimta scmpre piu' spesso, vieneevocata la possibilita' di ridurrc ancorpiu' un diritto gia' poco ammesso erispettato. E' anehe vero ehe talvoltasi ha I'imprcsione che per sosteneretesi impossibili da verific<~re (e quindipregiudizievoli per la ricerca dellaverita' da, parte della Giustizia) igiornalisti si mettano al sicuro dietrouna "ronte" inesistcntc, ma questonon puo' legittimare misuregravemente ridutlrve della Iibert.~' distampa.

11 Parlamento ellropeo, che aragione si .preoccupa per qllestorischio, si c' rammaricato non solodell'assenza di disposizionilegislative; ma anche della malic<~nz.~di un codicc deontologico adottatodalle associazioni professionali, chedefinisca le condizioni di rispetto delsegrcio giornlistico e le ragionevolicccczioni (ehe comunque devonorestare Iimitate), 11 Parlamentosotlolinea inoltre che lagiurisprudenza della Corte diGiust.izia europC<~ sull'applic<~zione

delle disposizioni della Convenzione'europea dei diritti dell'uomo potrcbbecrc<~re le coiidizioni di un approcciocomune, anche se indiretto. in materiadi tutela della liberta' di stampa e dClscgreto giornalistico.


Anche se in questo eampo i poteridella Commissione europca sonoIimitati, essa tuttavia condivide i

,timori espressi dal Parlamento:' e'quanto ha afl'ermato in un suointervento J6ao de Deus Pinheiro,eommissario responsabile dell'infor­mazione. Ha inoltre aggiunto che ilConsiglio dei ministri dell'Unioneeuropca ha dcciso di rcdigere uncodicc di condotta ehe permette, disemplificare e di estendere I'acccssoal pubblico alle informaizoni e aidocumenti del COIisiglio e delhiCommissione:


110 voti a favore, sessanta controe due astensioni: dopo lInacccsodibattito, ilParlamento europeo haapprovalo il' rapporto Fayot-Sehinzelsui "Libro verde" della Commissiolleellropc<~ "Pluralismo e COllccntrazionedei media nel merc<~lo interno".L'Unione europC<~ dovrebbe quindidotarsi di poteri per intervenire "inc<~so di conccntrazione nefasta per ilpluralismo su scala europc<~". 11Parlamento ha allspicato che laCommissione proponga una dirclliva("Iegge europC<~") "che armonizzi lercstrizioni nazionali sullaconccntrazione dei media e chepcrmclta all'Unionc di intcrVcnirc" incaso di neccssita'. L'interventodovrebbe essere esteso a tuttoI'insieme del settore, eioc' anehe aliastampa c ai media audiovisivi.

L'Associazione europC<~ degliedilori di giornali si 0ppolle fin d'ora

a questo approccio: ha deplorato eheil Parlamento europeo abbia rifiutatodi awiare un, approfondito dibattitocon gli editori, come essa avcvaehiesto. Secondo I'Associazionequesto approccio e' un "ruI10'compressore" ,ehe ignora lacomplessita' redazionale, cultura1e,cconomica e tccnologica di un settorein piena mutazione e che rischia di'mettere in difficolta' la stampaeuroPca di fronte, alia' con'correnza aIivello mondiale.

EEESpazio economico europeo

"EEE": aneora una sigla. 'Dietroqueste tre lettere si nasconde 10uspazio economico 'eu'ropeo",un'assoeiz.~ione tra,('Unione europeildei ,Dodici e altri sci paesidell'Europa ocidentale: Austria,Finlandia; Islalida, Norvegia, Svczia eLieehtenstein. 'pacsi ehe insieme aliaSvizzcra fanno parte dell'Associazi­one europea di Iibero scambio(EFTA). Dal I gennaio 1994, i'Dodieie i sei - escluso il Liechtenstein ­formano .in linea di massima unospazio in cui personc, mcrci, scrvizi ec<~pitali possono circolare Iibcramente.Cio' non significa che l'Europa senzafrontiere formata dai Dodici siestenda tal quale agli aUri sei pacsideIl'EEE: quindi, ad csempio, non siparla aflhtto di eliminare it controlloalle frontiere tra l'Unione europca cdi suoi sei partners. ne' di concedere aicittadini dei sei Stati it diritto di votoalle c1czioni europee.

Tuttavia. I'EEE offre nuoveopportunita' ai cittadini cd alleimprese dei diciotto paesi: innanzitllttO la possibi1i.ta' di lavorare 0stabitirsi in UIIO qualsiasi dei pacsimembri in assenz.~ di ogniaUlorizz.~zione; poi la facolta' divendere prodotti 0 scrvizi senzabisogno di spcciali Iiccnzc, e infine lacapaeita' di trasferirc capitali senzarispettare un tello massimo. L'EEEcostitllisee dllnqlle una zonaeeonomic<~ integrata di 372 milioni diabitanti - 346 milioni dei qualiappartengono all'Unione europca.

March 94

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Veritatis Splendor Mithele Scotto SAC

In my last two articles on thisencyclic.1l, I have discusscd the grc.1tlove of God for us, how important wearc to God, the role of the Church inour lives and our way. to salvation. Ihope that all of what I have discnssedso fadlas been c1c.1r to all of you. Ifthere is a, point that you arc not sureof plcase SPc.1k to your 'Parish Priest,or,. you may contact .rrje directl{ bygOlllg to St. Peter's 111 London andasking for my address in Rome.,

Chapter 2 of the encyclic.11 beginswith the words: "Do not be con­formed to this world". I have previ­ously explained that a follower ofChrist does not live "according to theflesh", but rather' by the gospel andthe hope that Jesus has given. Christhas eSl.1blishedthe Church here onearth to act as a physic.11 guide for us.I! is important that we follow theteachings of the Church and observeall of her precepts. Tlie Church hasthe responsibility that \vas given' toher directly by Christ to discern \vhatis right and wrong. From the earliesttimes, the Church has been fnllilliligthis responsibility. An example of thisis found in scripture. St. Paul in .hisleUer to Titus (chapter I" verse 10)tells the contemporaries of his time:'

"And, in fact, you have there agreat many people who need 'to bedisciplined, who talk nonsense and tlyto make others believe it... inen of thiskind ruin whole families, by tc.1chingthings that they ought not to"• '

St. Paul calls those who go againstthe doctrines of the faith '''people whoare no longer interested in the Truth".From this discourse' of St. Paul, itwould appc.1r 'that ,those who haveopposed what the Church tc.1cheshave always been around - even fromthe very beginning, of the Church'shistory. Dissenters are therefore, notto be considered a recent phenom­enon. In this encyclical, our HolyFather is trying to tell us that thosewho try to sway us away from what isthe Tmth c.1n 1c.1d us to our very owilspiritual ruin.

It was St. John who spoke thosethmous words that arc found in chap­ter 8 verse 32 of his gospel: "Youwill know the Tmth, and the Tnithwill make you frcc", Here the Popewill make a link between the Tmthand our .Freedom. Indeed, in order toexercise our free will, to make judge­ments of what is right and wrong, wemust be free. For example, if sOllleone


is holding a gun to my he.1d and tellsme to steal something valuable, am Icommilling a sin? The answer isobviously no since it was not myintention to steal and, I was forcediuto doing it. God \vill not hold meaccountable for that offence.

If wc remember our catechism, thethree things necessary for,a mortal sinare: grave maller, full consent of thewill, and sufficient relIection. If oneof these conditions is not met, no sinhas occurred. Grave maller me.1ns that

'the action that is in question is 'againstthe moral law. It would be somethingthat'has'bccn defined' by the'Churchas a sin. Sccond, full consent of thewill nie.1ns that I am 'totally in controlof mysclf and my situation. I andree

We decide what is good and evil?

.to choose whether or not I willcommit .lhe particular act. Sufficient,relIection for lIIe means tying theother two together and realizing thatif I should commit this act, I will besevering my rclationship with Godand will, in effect, be' selling mysclfup as my own god. Of course if Idon't know that something'is a sin, Ialso cannot be hcld accountable be·'fore God for it.

If you relIect for a moment on theconcept that I have just given you, theide.1 of the absolute necessity of yourfree will (frcedom to choose) becomesvery appareut. Our Holy Father, in hisrelIeclion on our freedom will go onto say tlmt the power to decide whatis good and what is evil does notbelong to man, but to God Himself.God has defined for us what is good:md what is bad. Man is certainly free,inasmuch as he can understand anduecept God's commands. Man pos·sesses an extremely fhr re.1ehing frce­dom - but his Freedom is not unlim·ited. We ure all called to aCcept the

moral law that has been given to usby God. In fact, Humim freedom findsits authentic and complete fulfilmentprccisely in the aeceptance of thatlaw. God, who alone is good, knowsperfectly what is gOO\l for Man, andby virtue of His very love proposesthis good to man.

God's law does not reduce, 'muchless do away;, with Human freedom;rather" it protects and promotes thatFreedom. We. must, however, be care­ful that we.ao,not become convincedthat what we decide is good and evilis the criteria that wc use for ourlives.

All of our f.1culties - reason andintelligence included - depend uponGod who is the Crc.1tor of all things.There is only onc set of Truths. It isnot that ·c.1ch man must decide what istrue for him and another decide whathis truths will be. In thinking aboutthis, the words of Christ become veryclear; "I am the Way, the Truth andthe Life". This is also a very explicitstatement that must be taken veryliterally. Therefore, if Christ· is theTruth, our obligation is to' try tounderstand Him as best we can.

In writing this relIection on thesecond ehaptcr of the encyclical, Ithought of the story of the exodus ofthe Jews from Egypt: Moses was theirspokesman before God. When theywere in the desert, Moses left themfor 40 days to receive the law thatGod had wanted to give them • theTen Commandments. When the Israel­ites 'were left on their own, whathappened? They fell into a state ofanarchy and f.1shioned a golden calf ­an idol. They lost their direction andsense of decency. They became slaver- yes slaves - to their lawlessness.When Moses returned and found themin their miserable state, he was ques·tioned by onc of the Jews who,challenged his authority. He told Mo­ses that the group had become self­sufficient without him and had, noneed of God's law. To this, Mosesresponded: "There is no Freedomwithout the Law". Seeing how theJews'lmd strayed serves as a reminderto us that wc arc not self·sufficientbut depend totally npon God.

Next month' I will wrile my lastarticle on this encyclical. I hope that Ihave shed some light on the conceptsthat the Pope has set forth. Until,nexttime, I wish yon well and hope thatGod blesses you ull abundantly.


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For a Rainy Day Richard Si/via

Private and FurtherEducation

Continued from last month

B: Funding from CapitalIn most cases, parents will be

unable to pay the fees from their own,existing resources in the form' of asufficient lump sum. As a more likelyalternative, the following options arcavailable:-

Bl) School Fees CompositionSchemes: are operated by the schooltp which parents propose to send theirchildren. The schemes consist ofannuities which allow a lump sum tobe paid, in advance, which is less thanthat total fees to befunded. The size ofthe' discount whiehthe schoof' is able tooffer will depend onthe length of theperiod before the feesbecome due imd thelevel of ,interest ratesat the time the lumpsum is paid. In' orderto operate thescheme, the 'school towhom the lump sumis paid obtains thestatus' of aneducational charity.This makes thescheme particularlyattractive to higherrate taxpayers, asthey would not be liable to eitherIncome Tax or C1pital Gains Taxarising from the investment' of thelump sum by the school.

B2) Educational ,Trusts: previouslyoutlined in (A4) and, effectively, an­independent version of (BI) with theexception that it is the trust ratherthan the school which, will purchasethe annuity from, the insurancecompany. The annuity payments willbe made payable to the school andsent via the trustees to meet theschool fces for the child concerned.

B3) Fixed Interest Schemes: usefixed interest investments such asgilt-edged securities, corporationstocks and national savingscertificates to fund the school fees.generally less volatile thanequity-based investment schemes,


given that the purpose is to ensure (asfhr as possible) that the investmentsmaturing before the fees fall due forpayment are sufficient.

It is preferable, as a prudentmeasure, to choose underlyinginvestments which have conservative,but steady, growth potential. Thisreduces the possibility (compared toequity-based investments) of theinvestment having a very low value atthe time when the school fees becomedue:

B4) Temporary Annuities as asource of funding: c.1pital c.1n beapplied for school fee purposes' topurchase a" temporary annuity to,provide the required amounts to paythe regular premiums for the various

options oullined in (A2) to (A4).B5) Investment Bonds as a source

of funding: the withdrawal facility ofthe bond eml be used as in (B4)above. You arc allowed to withdrawup to 5% of your c.1pital C<1ch YC<1rwithout any liability to Income Tax.Alternatively, you could simply'allowyour capil,,1 to grow in order pay theschool fees sometime in the future.

c: Funding from OtherSources

Apart from meeting the cost ofschool fces from their own C<1pital orpersonal income, the followingalternatives arc available to parents:-

Cl) Lump Sum gifts fromgrandparents/relatives: requires iheformation of either an Accumulation

and Maintenance Trust or aDiscretionary Trust in order to enablethe trustees to make the necessarypayments from the trnst at therelevant times to pay the school fees.

C2) Secured Loans: either in the'form of a "top-up" to an existingmortgage, a remortgage or a bankoverdraft secured on your property.

C3) Unsecured Loans: usually inthe fOrnl of a personal loan or a bankoverdraft.

C4) Moving House: this requiresthe parents to "trade down". I.e.move to a house with a lower valueand utilise any c.1pital released, fromthe sale of the original property, forthe payment of school fees.

For many parents, considerablesacrifices, willhave to be madein,order, to, send

,their children, toa private school.These sacrificescan~ hO\Vevcr"often be miti­gated' by ritakingthe best use ofavailable finan­cial resources.Given that thevast majority ofparents will nothave, the abilityto pay the schoolfees from theirown personalnieans as andwhen they fall

due, it is importa'nl to' effect an,investment plan for this purpose. Thebest results will. generally be achievedby taking action emly - ideally, assoon as possible after the child isborn. Any sehelile, irrespective of thecourse of action that is required toimplement it, ,viii need to have aconsiderable amount' of in-builtflexibility in order to overcome theinevitable uncertainties that ,vill arise.

(J'he bJ{ormalion above is based on' our'understandillg , of currelll legis/a/ion and taxregululions whic'h art both subject /0 change.RiC'lwrd SUn·o. Guardian R01t!1 ExclullIge Fi.­fume/a/ Management Umil~J. Dove I/ouse.Ar('auia ""t'IIue. Fillchlq. London NJ 2JU (08/J-IJ 4SJ6). Appointed repUSt'lllal;ve 0/ Guard·;all Royal Exchange marketing group (memberof which aT< members of UUTRO alld IMRO)O/l/Y for 'hI: purposes 0/ad,.,·sing on and st/Unglile assurance. pension unil Irust and personalequiry phm l,roduclS beuring Guardian RoyalExcJulIIge·sname.)

March 94

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.Linguaggio e Sessismo Monica Pellegrini

Qual'e' la posizione della donnanella soeieta' d'oggi? Che molosvolge il linguaggio nell'influenzare econsolidare iI modo di pensare dellagenic che 10 usa? Le donne italiane equelle inglesi affrontano questi prob­lemi in modo simile? Chi c'· piu'discriminante e' sessista, nei colurontidella donna, I'uomo inglese 0 quelloitaliano?

Sugli inglcsi se ne sono dette ditutti i colori: se ne c' enfalizz.1ta lal1emma c I'autocontrollo, 10 spiritotradizionalista, ma anche la loro tol­leranz.1 e rispctto vcrso i molti gmppietniei che si sono s!.1biliti nel loropacse. Sui fronleinglese, l'llalia e"vista come la culla dell'arte c dellacreativita': il paese delle passioni,.della buona cucina, dell'allegria cdella confusione po­lilica. Oli uominiitaliani. pai, hanno lafama di cssere grandicorteggialori c ama­tori. Si crede ancheche I'uomo ilalianosia piu' maschilisladi qucllo inglese,spesso inclinc apreferire :chc ladonna rimanga acasa a badarc aliafamiglia. Questi sonosolo banali stercotipi,mn quanta c'c' divero?

Qggi stiamo si­curmncntc assistcndoad una fase di cam..biamcnto dei ruolisoeiali che uomini edonnc hannot rad izi 0 na Imenterivcslilo: la donnacscc dall'ambicnlcdomcstico cd cnlra inqueUo pubblico.Quesla inarrcstabile modifica dci cos­tum; c' palese nell'uso inccrto dialcune forme che si riferiscono aititoli dellc profcssioni che la sloria cdiI prcstigio hanno assegnalo all'uomoma che oggi divcntano ambito anehefcmminile. Aprendo un giornale, unadonna ei c' prcscnlata come "iVlapresidenle della commissione'" 0 "iVla neosegrctario dcl partito", QucstainccrteZz.1 d'uso c' Ic~a!a al. fatto. chespcsso la forma fcmmuule dl On IItoloha connolati ncgativi. Qualsiasi buondizionario d'ittlliano, alia voce awo­catessa tra gli altri significali, riporta"donna dalPcIoqucnza f:1cilc chc 3mala polcmica c la discussione"." Cam­panile, in un suo dizionario &1tirico..grottcsco, accanto alln<,vocc scriltrice


riporta "donna che non sa scrivere",. Problematico e' diventalo anche iIdistinlo uso che si fa di signora esignorina: signora e' comunementeusato anche nei casHn cui e' cbiarocbe la donlla in questione non e'sposata.. Signorina e' usalo su speci­flca richiesta dell'inlerloculore, 0 perclfelti ironici. Quesle due tendenzaIinguisticbe ci rivelano che.la donnasla conquistando spazi preltamenlemascbili e cbe mira ad eliminarequegli aspelti del linguagio cbe con­tribuiscono a fare inulili dislinzionitra i scssi. Percbe' si deve fare undislinlo uso delle forme signora/signo-.rina, che inveitabilmenle rivela 10stalo civile della donna, quando unatale dislinzione non. esiste nel casodell'uomo?

E' stalo iI movi­mento femministadegli anni '60 cbe hapreso picde a far nas­cere un forte inleresseper iI rapporto trauoma, donna, linO'.guaggio e sessismo. 11Iinguaggio e' staloaccusato di con­'tribuirealla. supre-'ma'zia inaschilc esminuire I'importanzadel ruolo femminiIeche passa quasi deltulto in secondo pi-.ano. In entrambi icasi la figura fern­miniIe e' scomparsa.

.La religione cristianac' slala una delleforze che maggior-.menle hanno influen­zalo .11 civilta' ocei­dentale. L1 Genesi ri­porta che Dio bacreato Eva da unacostola di Adamo.

Paolo Apostolo ribadisce che "I'uomonon e' della donna, ma la donnadell'uomo poiche' I'uomo non e' stalocre.1to per la donna ma la donna perI'uomo (I, Cor. 11:8·9).

Sin dai lcmpi di Aristotele si e'crcduto che la donna fosse un esserefisicamenle e biologicamente mcnocvoluto dell'uomo c pertanto moral­menle ed intellcttuahnente infcriore.Oggi c'e' cbi vede la donna colpevoledella rottura dell'equilibrio socialefondalo sulla famiglia e I'emancipazi­one femminile, e' stala visla come lacausa principale della messa in crisidcl rapporto di coppia e dell'aumentodel numero dci divorzi.

Dal punto Iinguistico questi nlUta­mcnti sociali si manifcstano con una

tendenza alia neutralizzazione delladilferenza tra i scssi. Tuttavia, alcuneproposle di modificarc alcune strut­ture della .lingua non sono mm stalepresc in considerazione. Ad escmpio,nessun parlante penserebbe mai didire "Marco, Luisa e Lucia sonoarrivate", dala la prevalenza fern­minile nel gru'ppo. Giulio Lepzscby bafalto notme che parole come i1libro 0la penna, rionostante iHoro genere,non lrasmettono alcuna essenza mas­cbile 0 femminile.

Oggi, aleune femministe inglesi cdamericane soslengono che per cambi­areil modo di pensare della genie enecessario agire direttamenle sui Iin­guaggio - vocabolario e slrutture.Hanno proposto dei manuali che of­frono forme d'uso alternative a quelleconsiderate sessisle e discriminanli. Iloro sono dei propositi molto buoni.Tuttavia, la genIe. quando parla 0scrive non si fenna per consultarequello cbe questi manuali dicono inproposilo, ma lende ad esprimersiseoondo quello che sente e perce~iscedella re.1lta' circostanle e quindl percambiare iI nostro modo di pensare e'importanle Illodificare i 'Iuoghicomuni e i 'fatti che ci circondano.Solo quando ci renderemo conto chela reaIta' sta elfcttivamenle cambi­ando, cercheremo forme alternativeper esprimere' quello cbevediamo.Non bisogna dimenticare, pero', che iIlinguaggio verbale svolge I'impor­lanle funzione di dilfondcre idcologiee pensiero. .

L'azione Iinguistica non e' cbeuna delle strategie a disposizionedella donna che si impone sui pano­rama sociale. Un'altra e I'assimilazi­one .11 gruppo dominante - nel noslrocaso quello maschile - assumendoneatteggiamenti fisici e psicologici emirando alIa pari!.1' assolula. Un'altraancora mira all'uguaglianza tenendoin menle cbe c'e' un'indiscutibiledilferenza Ira i dne sessi. Un'esempiod'assimilazione e' riscontrabile inL.1dy Thalcher che per avere unmaggiore impatto sui pubblico havolutamente abbass.1lo il lono dellavoce per evitare quegli elfetti distridnlila' che, spesso, sono comica­mcnte attribuiti a persona~i fern­minili. AlI'occhio italiano, PIU' aus­lero sembra il modo di vestire delladonna inglese. Invcce un inglesc, miha detto di non apprezzare il modo divest ire degli italiani perche' usanotroppi colori. Un'altra mi ba delto cbele donne italiane veslono in un modotroppo vistoso e spesso cnfalizz.1nte laloro fenuninilita', Beh! In fondo e'solo queslione di guSli.


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Face to Face Michele Scotto SAC

The Lord Hears theCry of the Poor

Often in our lives, we havewondered about the problem' ofinjustice on the Earth. It is all overour newspapers. In this particularcountry, we sce political oppression.In that particular country, we 'see thesufferings brought about, by tileravages of war. If, however, 'we looka 'little closer, we see this problemof injustice in our own lives. '

A very common queStion I thinkwe all ask ourselves is: why do thegood suffer and the evil onesprosj>cr? This is, a question that hasbeen asked from the beginning oftime. Wc live in an'imperfeet world'and there ,is seemingly no 'end tosuffering. I want, to offer two pointsthat nmy solve this question', andinspire in all of us the desire to trustalways in the Lord.

God knows very initimately ourlives hcre on the 'Earth. He knows us'better than we know ourselves. He,truly'understands wlmt wc are goingthrough in our lives and will help usbecause He is rich in mercy and inlove. Therefore,'my two point are:1) God will punish those who perse­cute others2) God will save all who cry to Himfor help. '

There are those who carry theirmalice and their uneharitableness tosuch a point that they become guiltyof calumny and rob thcir neighbourof their honour and even theirpossessions. Acting in such a way isa violation of the Law of Lovewhich God has given to us.

In c<~eh man, God has instilled aconscience and a way of living in anupright manner. To go against this isto sin not only against our ncighbourbut also against God Himself. ChristHimsclf stated in the that: "He whoreceives you, receives Me. And, hewho despises Me, despises Him whosent me". In another pass.~ge it iswritten: "Whatsoever you do" to theleast of my people, that you do untoMe". These arc very clearstatemcnts and have no need ofelarific.~tion. God never fails topunish those, sooncr or later, who illtre.~t their neighbour or deal in anunjust manner. Even on the Earth,there is some evidenCe of this. Howoften does it happen ,that a manprepares a pitfall for another andfalls into it himsel17 How often hasa man in the process of slanderinganother loose his own rc"utation?


Having said' all this, wc mustalso look at ourselves and make surethat we are not the one being "highand mighty". We must have a cleanconscience and be filled with thelove of God. 'We must forgive thewrongs that others do to us. If theycontinue, we should not retaliate, butrather pray for them.

, Of all the creatures on the Earth,men are the highest. God loveS allmen so much so that He allows usto always exercise our free will.There is a very beautiful song that Ihear sung every once in a whileduring Mass' that states: "The Lordhears the 'ct}' of the poor, blessed bythe Lord". According to Scripture,,those who are sorrowful and unjustlypersecuted arc numbered among thefriends of God. Therefore no matterhow severe the persecution, if heonly trusts, in God and relies uponHim. He is one of God's friends andis under His special protection. Theinnocent man may have many

With suffiring we grow

enemies, he may be poor anddespised, but God will take care ofhim an,d will onc day turn hissufferings into joy! What could bemore consoling than this tllought?

Why, you may ask, does it scemthat not all who are suffering unjustpersceution receive this special helpfrom God? To this I can offcr twosolutions. First, the individual is notreally trusting in God. The pcrsonmay be too impaticnt to wait untilthe time comes when He will hclpand bring dcliverance. Also, if weseek to avenge the wrongs that aredone to us, we Imve taken the mattcrinto our own hands. By ,trying to actlike God, we offend Him. Not onlymay the persecution continue ,but itmay actually gct worse. God will actin His good time. Second, perhapsGod wants us to suffer. There is agreat positive in the sUfferings thatwe endure both on a spiritual Icvelas well as a" physical levcl. We get

to understand ourselves better andwe grow strongcr. We become morecompassionate and we can identifymore with Christ who was the"suffering scrvant". If we gothrough life without having any,problems, we are not really livin$.When we look at suffering in thislight, perhaps we can call sufferin$­in some scnse, a gift form God. Thisis a strange way to look at thisproblem if wc are only "mcn andwomcn of the world". With Christ,suffering has taken on a whole newdimension and a whole new value. Itcan be a tremendous source of graceas wcll. We must always remember'that this world is not the one thatwe arc living for., It is the world tocome that really counts. When welook at the lives of the Saints, weSee how much suffering they truly'did. Since we are all called to besaints in Heaven" perhaps it is trulya gift that God is giving us for ourown sanctification. Or, it can also beconsidered a tool for God to use toteach us with. Eilhcr way, it is avery positive and rc<~listic approachto all of our difficulties.

One day our sUfferings will endand God will show us why wesuffered. I think we will then allrealize that it truly made' sense forus to suffer at that point in ourlives. Remember too, that each oneof us will be judged for what wehave done on the Earth. Nothing willremain hidden from God. His justicewill be the measure by which things\vill be decided. Let us all takecomfort in this and at the same time,remember that we must be carefulwith what we do in our lives.

I hope that this reflection that Ihave given touches you in someway. Perhaps it will spark in us adceper awareness of the difficultiesof those around us. Perhaps it willeven hclp us to make sensc of adifficult period in our lives. In anycase, my last Gospel quot.~tion

(t.~en from St. Matthew) would nowbe best used as a spiritual measuringstiek to make a determination of justhow good we arc.

"A good man draws good thingsfrom his store of goodness, a badman draws bad things from' his storeof badness".

To put it simply, if you are agood person, you will look for thegoodness in others and try always todo good. If your are an evil person,you will always look for the evil inothers and will always try to do evil.

I hope I,have made my point!

March 94

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'Pausa Poetica dai nostri lettori

< ,

PrimaveraAldo Davighi

Quando vien Primavera sulla lerra,aneora verde, lingenle della brinapoi sole, Ira pappaveri fiammanlisole con le lue spighe, al sole andanti.

Finehe" divenla c.1ndida farinae con I 'acqua, ti mcscola a dare paneil pane ehe per IUlli a buon saporedi lulle le sudale, 0 pere umaneamieomio qui' nella valle non d seise non sei qui dove sei " non li vedomaL"

Memories in the AirEnzo Gizzi

AuroraElisabetta Puglisi Gissara



See Enzo'S article on page 10

As we euler Ihe aircraft as one special crew.We are slrangers you know, who we never knew.We are part of one special leam,Who will do our job wilh greal self esteem.

When off dUly nexl morning il's different you know.The brc.1kfasl is greal, and we relax this is so.We lell all our problems, I'm sure Ihis is fair,For we;re down on Ihe ground and not up in Ihe air.

Yes life has ils problems, I'm sure you'll agree, .There's Ihe mQrtgage, Ihe bills or jusl watching T.V.Yel my Ihoughls still relurn to Ihe crew in the air,JUSI a card or a phone call 10 say we really care.

My Dream

We all have drc.1ms of Ihal I am sure,I had onc Ihal was so very pure.To lravel Ihe world and make people smileWould be Ihe answer and make life worthwhile.

Wilh Brilish Airways my ans\yer did come;Dressed in my blue my life had begun.To make euSlomers happy as Ihey lravel by airWas my answer complelely and lhey had no cares.

Our company mollo is surely Ihe besl;We all love our work so .we don'l lake a rest.To plc.1se all the people. yes out on lhi: streetIt gives < some folk headaches. bUI 10 'us il's a IrCo1t.


ll_risveglio. del mondo, dopa le ore not/umt, it bula che si diradaplan., piano, per ,/asclare spazlo aI/a IUCf. e" la pennel/ala di un-··Gran..de A{aestro" che mos/ra ;n ogni aspel/o della natura, il suosp/mdore.

Si sehiude il delo.emerge la luce.come un:ostrica per mostrar la sua perla.diafana,poi pin' fulgida.immenS<1...

Una piccola sfera di crislallo rosso vivo appare.e' iI sole.raggi accccanti. si stendono. si diramano.come i lenlacoli di un rosso ragno.ehe si stende all'esterno...

Sono raggi infinili, violenti.di un colore aeuto, intensoe la luce si sp.1nde.nello spazio eCIcste,irraggiuugibile a noL.

E' luce,e'luce nel mondo.la natura si desta aqnei raggi inccsS<1nti, prorompenti...Luce sui ranli degli allieri spenti.lucc sui fiori. <

Ince sui nidi,sulle case di pietra grigia.sulla gente. .luee sulle stradine di campagna.awolte nel buio.luce sui monti cretti alia furia del venlO.


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'dai nostri Lettori

Caro Direttore, sociale che I'anziano ha, emerge cdurge la ncccssita' di stabilire un

Con la prcsente esidero allirarc la ponte, una iillegrazione tra le diverselua attcnzione sull'anno appcna gencrazioni, per Invorare assiemetrascorso, con rammarico constato che ccrcando di .risolvere i problemi chenon ha prodOllO nulla di utile per affiiggono la societa'.I'anziano: LOllare per iI bene comune, sfidare

Tin tulli i cilladini Euopei che la sofferenza, la miseria, I'oppressionepopolano . l'Europa I'anziano puo' dei deboli e superare gli egoismiconsic!erarsi la risorsa maggiore che la individuali.socicta' ha. Oli anziani sono ormai

La ricchezza di una nazione divcntati, L"lnli, numcricamentc,proviene dagli anziani,. che sOlio le in Europa, essi cercano, una voceradici stesse ,della societa', per i loro che gli unisca, per 101lare controvalori, le loro espcrienze, I'impegno I'ndividualismo aggressivo chemorale e la fhtica lavorativa di una ci nega la solidariela' delleintera vita spesa per costruire un generazioni che prenderanno ilfuturo migliore ai propri figli. nostro posto,

Il futuro dell'Europa sta Tullo qnesto affinche'nell'anziano, perchc' esso e' iI I'anziano possa godere di unaconteriitore morale, iI modello di vita alliva, serena e dignitosa,S<1crificio, di pazienza e di volonta'tenendo iI cappcllo in testa eper la societa' presente e futura. nou in mano, in alleS<1.

Bisogna smellcrla di parl~re degli Questo mi aspellavo qualeanziani in' modo negativo, parlare impeguo· di solidariela' dallesoJamente di costi e di spese. . "Istituzioni Europec, che ancora

I tempi esigouo una polilica .ina voila hanno deluso le giusteaggressiva di rivalutazione del nlOlo aspcllative dcgli·anziani.

Tanto ti dovevo, con gentilepreghiera di pubblicazione colgoI'occasione per inviare cordiali saluti.

Pietro MabeaLondon SEl5

Sempre allivi col cappello in testa

Missing Person


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March 94


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Cinema AgrifogIio Boseo

is my seleclion:Best Film: Schindler's ListBcst Dircctor: Steven Spielberg ­

will they darc have Ihe audacity toignore him,once again?

Best Actor: Tom Hanks. A goodperforn\ani:c in Philadelphia aug­mented by Demme's dirccting.

Best AClress: Holly Hnnter. Shespoke not a word in'The Piano, butwho did not undersland whal she said.Best Supporting Actor: Ralph Fi­ennes. I still refuse to believe he is aBritish', actor and not some t\\1StedNazi camp commandant.

Best Supporting Actress: Cansomeone explain how Emma Thomp­son got her name on the list?

Sce you next monlh.

Right: The heir apparentBelow: lVinger am/Hopkins in


from A Chorus lineAl is onc of thefew films adapted from a play Ihatisn't claustrophobic:

The story dcals with the 52­ycar-old C.S. Lewis (he not only ofIhe Narnia books but numerous Chris­tian writings) who mects AmericanJoy Grcsham. It is only when she fallsill with c.1ncer and he is about 10 loseher that he realises how much heloves her. I suppose, Ihercfore, on onclevel it is a simple but lrue love story- (as opposed to a sc.~ and hormoneromp!)

I am not sure if I was entirelyconvinced by Debra Winger's per­formance as Joy. Competent, cer­tainly, bul I would have gone morefor a yonng Anne Bancrofi type. And

tion I found myself thinking of God's Ihat magical chcmistry betwcen lead­selcclion proccss. Dcfinitcly not ing man and lady didn't quite sparkle.Man's. Schindlcr i~ no glorified hero. Should you have any doubts aboutHe cuts no cloth as a saint. He did not the abilities of Anthony Hopkins thenset about to aid the Jews but 10 abuse I would recommend' you put your­them. He was a womaniser, a gam-.. selves through the.(most pleasurable)bIer, a Nazi, a virtual slave lrader,. a experience of watching Remains of'persecutor. NeVertheless he had a last the' Day and. Shadowlands. In theminute reprieve. Selling off on Ihe hands of a lesser Ialent, the grey'areafO<1d home he. threw it all in and between Ihe iwo performances,wouldbought over 1,100 lives. I was some- have been immense but instead' you.how reininded of a certain mainvithare left \vith two distinct personalities.similar characteristics, on the rOad to In any other year (especially in theDamascus. There is hope for us all. company of last' year's dire selection)

The ways of God or Fate, which- Shadowlands'''would probably, h3veever, you believe, is also a primary picked up an ·Oscar or ,two andmover in Shadowlands. I first remem- 'deservedly so. But Ihis wholly' enjoy­ber shedding a lear when I sa\V' Ihe able film will be lucky if it doeSn'tplay a few yc.1rs ago. (If you tell leave Oscar, night empty ,handed.anybody I said Ihat I'll deny it!!) Nevertheless it should leave you \vilhWilliam Nicholson has done marvels something to think about.\vith'the rewrite and Richard' Allen-, For those who arc interested hereborough has assembled astrong ensemble C.1St. He alsoscc,us to' have 1c.1rnt his lesson

The King is dc.1dl Long live theKingl

Until his dc.1th a few yc.1rs agoDavid Lean was probably the grc.1testfilm maker around. He, had the capac­ity to, make" a big film' inlimate(Lawrence of Arabia) and 'a small filmexpansive (Grc.1t Expectations) and herarely missed the mark when craftinghis films. ' ,

But who is 'his heir? He oncereferred to Steven Spielberg as his"spiritual younger brother". But hashe grown up enough to take hisplace?

Unlike his Hollywood collc.1gues,I have always, had an enormousrespect for Spielberg. Whatever filmhe has approached he lias absorbedhimself entirely in the subject mallerwith no' holds barred. Indilllia Jones\vas the action packed film'; when youthink of' a Crc.1ture from outer space,does'it resemble E.T.? And don't tellme you didn't believe those dinosaurswere real; He also showed promisewith The Colour Purple and now" forme, has come of age wilh Sehindler'sList. .

Almost wilhout doubt, his previousfilms have been a hindrance to havinghis mIents recognized. He commilledthe cardinal sin of gelling himself arepUl.1tion for a ccrtain genre of film.(How many aClors have suffcred Ihesame fate?). The other sin he commil­ted was to make things look simpleand true and therefore 10 make themlook easy - a sure sign of a genius.

But what of Sehindler's List? Wclllet's kecp this direct and to the point.It is quite simply onc of the fineslfilms cver made. Regardless of thesubject maller '(or maybe because ofit), regardless of the accuracies (orinaccuracies) as a piece of cinema itis stunning - literally. Those of youwho do not Ic.wc Ihe cinema feelingas if you ,have been kicked in thehc.1d should make a careful examina­tion of your sensibililies. Conversely,those Ihat go to sce the film a numberof times have something definitelywrong wilh' them. It is .iot a film oncwould chose 10 sce but must sce.

I have rc.1d and seen much of thedebate wilhin the Jewish 'communityof this film. There is Iillle I <:'1ncomment on this. I· am not a Jew. Iwas not in a conccntration c.1mp. Iwas not alivc in World War 11. Ycthow am I to 1c.1rn of the atrocities; themindless killing? Who is to warn meoff repc.1ting history? How clse am Ito recognise the frightening similari­ties into today's sociely?

Looking beyond the Jewish ques"


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Sportlight Richard Evans

Naney Kerrigan: a victim along with de CouberJin's ideals

herself, however, was leaving nothingto chance. She promptly brought pro­ceedings seeking a typically astro­nomic figure through the AmericanCourts for compensation if shc wasprevented from eomj>eting. A deal hasnow bccn struck. The PoliCe are stillcontinuing with thcir enquirieS and,have not charged Miss 'Harding. Ac­cordingly, the Arncricim'Authorities

, , have allowed, her totravel to Lillehammerand compete, in re­turn for her droppingher civil claim.

But I' would like,to pose onc qucslionto Miss Harding. Re­gardless of whcthershe knew or not,what is more impor­tant, the sport of ice

'skating, the Olympicideal, or you? Itwould appear thatthis 'young lady hasacquired a fan club,signed . up a Holly­wood de.11 and admit­ted that her interestin the Olympics isthe money she canmake out of it. Per­haps those facts 5.1ymore than I couldever do: My immedi­ate rcaction was thatas soon as the news

about her husband broke, I 'wouldhave expected her honourably to havewithdrawn from the American Te.1mon grounds there was no possible ,wayin which she could compete withouttarnishing the image of all sport.Baron'de Coubertin's philosophy thatcompeting was more important thanwinning appe.1rs never to have been aconsideration.

For the worst and most tragicre.1sons, the events of last month haveshown, that sport re.111y is now amatter as important as life itself.

being i1t5.1ne, the attacker had knownprccisely what he was doing. Indeedhe had been paid by Miss Harding'sestranged husband to eliminate Kerri­gan and hopefully put Mr Gillooly(for that is his' name) back in matri-'moniallhvour \vith Miss Harding. Theeritie.11 qucstioit is did' Mrs GilloolylHarding kno,,, anYthing about this ornot? ' ,

She has made a public' statement"seeking forgiveness, not' for havingbeen instnullcntal' in initiating theoriginal act, but for having 1e.1rned ofcertain filcts afterwards and conce.1ledthem. Her husband, presnmably bynow having re.1liscd that his little ployhad not been immediately successfulin winning back his wife's favoursand lhced with a long prison sentence.started 5.1ying Miss Harding wasaware of the original plan. A fullblown police iuquiry has been set upaud the American Skating Authoriliesobviously had the difficult decisionabout whcther to expel Miss Hardingfrom the tc,1m. Onc could immedi­ately sce their dilemma. The only re.11ground for exclusion was if they weresatisfied that she had bccn awarebcforeliand of' the allael<. The lady

~ ­

~,L- :--::,,~?:~~~~ --' -'i _:~> - -,k .."--'-"_. -........~

The major international sportingevent of the monUi must be theWinter Games, in Lillchammcr" Nor­way. But there can be little doubt thata major cloud hangs over this event.The tragic death, a fortnight ago ofAustrian Ski Champion Ulrike Maiershould remind us all 'of the dangersand risks competitors take ;and noworld championship or gold medalcan ever be worth' more .,than life itself. I remem~ber John Arlott sayingmuch the same whcnpresenting the awards atthe BBC Sports Person­ality of tlie Year shortlyafter Johnny Owen hadbeen killed in the box­ing ring. It was the loveof their, sport wl)iehdrove these sportsmcna,nd women on in spiteof and in full knowl­edge of the risks theywere taking. It is impor­tant that thcse h'croic'sacrifices arc not t<1C­nished by others whoappear to have lost allsense of, proportionabout the importance ofwinning.

I am sure, like manyof you, I have beenreading with inere.1singdisbelief the talcs fromthe American Ice Skat­ing World since the KerriganlHardingepisode first broke e.1rly in January.

In e.1se all this excitement (if thatbe the right word) has passed you by,let me bring you up to date. MissKerrigan is the Amerie.1n number oncand holds the Olympic' Bronze Medalfrom Albertville. two ye.1rs ago.Whilst giving a' press interview shewas attacked by an apparent lunaticwith an iron' bar and her subsequcntknee injury caused her to '\vithdrmvfrom the Amerie.1n Championships.Strictly, this me.1nt that she would nolonger qualify for the Olympic Teambut, sensibly, because of the bizarrecircumstances, the authorities made :111exception and she was picked along­side the eventual Amcriean Cham­

,pion, Tonya Harding.Slowly, it emcrged that far from

36 Mareh94

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Sandro Pratolj,


Calcio: Come se non bastassero gliinnumerevoli probleini che gli sonopiombati addosso'daquando e' staloelelto sindaoo di napoli, Antonio Bas­solino si rilrova om fm le mani lapatata bollenie 'delhi Societa' SportivaCalcio Napoli. La crisi eCorioinica delNapoli e' giunta dunque ad ,un puntomoUo difficile. Ogni possibile soluzi­one dovm'essere percorsa in brevis­simo tempo e portera' inevitabihnentead una svolta decisiva per i destini delclub, il piu' glorioso derSud, cOn.GOanni di storia. "

Ciclismo: Sulla'pista della Cilta' diMessico dove' nCl'luglio scorso I'in­glese Chris Boardman aveva percorsochilometri 52,270, Fmnccsco Moser sie' affidato al cardiofrequenzimelro, alcronomentro e al' computer ,per stabi­lire se ern in condizioni di detroniz­zare I'inglese che ha vent'auui menodi lui. Non cc I'ha fatlo, pero' c'riuscito egualmeute a migliorarsi ris-,pelto a dieci anili fa passando da,51,151 a 51,840.Ecco dunque per un tipo testardocome lui prospeltarsi I'evenlualila' diun tcn~at,ivo su -pista coperta, rinun..ciando ai van,taggi lcgati all 'altum.Avendo dOVuto rinuuciare a 'Stoccardaperche' la pista tedesca era indisponi­bile, Moser ha puntato suBordeaux.ma il responso non e' stato favorev-'ale, da qui la sua onesta a~nmissionc:uRinuncio aI rccordu


Calcio: In una partita amichevolecontro la Francia aRoma, gli n~2urri

hanno perso 0-1. Delusione per Sac­chi; previsione per le Mondiali'l Spe­riamo di no.

Basket: Squalific., per due mmi alccstista Macio Boni c mnmcnda dicinque milioni alia Montecatini, suasocicta" d'appartcnCIl7..fl: cosi' s'c'pronuncialoil. giudice sportivo Gio­vanni Pulialti, dopo le indagini chehanno acccrtalO la presenza di agentianabolizzanti ,nell'organismo del­I'atleta, SOltoposto a controllo allli­doping (e successive controanalisi)dopo lagara di serie A .MolllecatiniBialelti-Onyx Caserta, dispUlala iI 2gennaio scorso,


Calcio: Quaranluno minuti per bat­tere un record che resiste dal '73, 903minuti senza subire gol, qucl fanras-.tico primato stabilito da Dino loffcon la maglia della ]uv~. Questo e~ iIdestino che aspelta, Sebastinao Rossi,porti.ere rossonero, 30 anni; di Ccsenail quale c' arrivalo a 8G3 'minuti inSerie A senza subire una rele.Per Rossi; Dino loff e' sempre statoil milo, iI re, I'unico. "Giocando nellegiovanili del Cesena - ha raccont.,to,in uno dei poehi momenti in cui si'concede ai giornalisti • per due,volteho falto iI raccallapalle contro la Juve.Che emozione guardarlo da 'vicino:loff cm il, piu' grande di IUlli, unmostro di bravura. Agli altri port!eri·Ia palla la liral'o, a lu' la consegna·vo''.

Dina ZaJf: un recard di 903 minuli

Tl'otto: Doping nell'ippiC:l, il coper­ehio e' stato tollo. La Commissione didiseiplina di prima iSlanza dcll'Entenazionale Corse al Trollo ha giudicato

'lre c.,si di cal'alli risullati positivi aitest.Si lralla deUa punta di un fenomenodiffusissimo e colpevole ch.: staI'cnendo alia luce ora, dopo chc leaulorila' sportive hanno dcciso diintensificare i controllL

Basket: Puguo duro in casa Benet,ton. L:l sconfilla Casalinga adoj>eradella Baker Livorno, ultimo allo'dirisultati insoddisfacenti, ha determi­nato una pesanlemulta: 'Ia squadrasubira' il congelamento del 20% deglistipendi. '

Calcio: Pauia per Fabrizio Ferron,po'rtiere deU'Aialanta: dopO uno sCOn~tro fortuito con' Padovano del Rei;­giana, il suo' cuore ha rallentato ilballito per .15 secondL Ricoverato inospcdale, i mediei gli hanno riscon­trato 'uno stato commolivo. Le con­dizioni del portiere, comunque, non',destailo preoccupazionL '

Olimpiadi Invernali:. E' stataManuela di.Ce·nta, friulana di Paluzza,

.n conquista~e la prima'm'edaglia d'oroper.I'lIalia.3 Lillehammer.. Ad assis"tere al trionfo di Manuela neUa ISkmdci fondisli c'cra' anehe 'Mario Pes­Cante, presidenti del Coni. Di CentaItii j>oi vinto una medaglia d'argentonella combinata.

Boxe:A Madrid, eulOpco dei medijr. in p.,lio, I'ilalitino Santo Colomboe' stalo balluto per k.o.1. al lerzoround dal C,stilleji>.

Formula 1: Si chiama 412Te IUltaIOssa, il suo -segrcto sara' il primacambio lrasvers.1le "scatolato"'. E.' lanuol'a Fcrmri che disputera' la sta·gione 1994/1995. Si chiama "412 T"perehe' la prima cifra indica il nu­mero delle valvole adollate nellamotorizzazione aspirata seguita altnrbo, le scconde due il numero deicilindri, la lellera "T" iI primaC:lIl1bio ImSVers.1le scatolato.

Calcio: Non c'e' pace per ('Inter. Lasquadra non dccolla, eliminata dallaCoppa lIalia e onnai fuori dal giros­endello; la contestazione dei tifosicresce; la societa' e' altravers.,ta dauna nuol'a bufcra. Se ne va PieroBosehi, ingegncre, amministratoredelegato deU'lnter, daU'1 sellembre'91, il grande lessitore deU'operazioneBergkamp·]onk, legali da un contraltoin scadenz., nel '96.


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38 Marc/l94

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March 94

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You idiot! That was the last ofit's species l



L'insegnante chiede agli scolari:- Qual, e' iI personaggio chevi

ha piu' colpito?- Napoleone! - risponde un

frugoletto.- Mio padre! - ribatle un altro. ­

Quando gli ho mostrato I'ultimapagella...

There are 20 differences beta'een the /Wo pictures


Solution to last month's"Le Assicel/e"

L'orologio piu' compIicato epiu' esatto del ,mondo e' queIloinstallato nel municipio di Copen­hagen, per la costruzion,e'del qualeoccorse dieci anni. Ii suo,mecean­ismo e' composto dli 14,000 peZzi.La sfera che indka iI movimentodel polo terrestre impieghera'25,753 anni per compiere un girocompleto. Essa e' quindi dotata' delmeccanismo piu~ iento sinora real­izzato.

Le antiche legioni romane inmarcia erano sempre procedute danumerosi esploratori, ed accompa­gnate da un tribuno e da duecenturioni, oltre che da un augure,

, "

ossia da un sacerdote cheprediceva ,il futuro.: questLdoveva.' '. . - .sorvegliare che ,l'accampamentovenisse realizzato secondo ,lepre­scTizioni di un apposito riro re­ligioso.

Nel 1906 in Inghilterra erapossibile comprare, cori;ul}a cifrarelativamente contenuta (consid­erando che a quel tempo le autoavevano prezzi proibitivi) ,una«Leader 60 HP», una'vetturacostruita da un'oscura fabbrica diNottingham. Essa era dotata di unmotore ad otto ciIindri con unaciIindrata totale di ben 15,000'centimetri cubi.

Marzo94 41

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Mamma's Ricetta Mrs M.G.

Tagliatelle con Prosciutto Cottoe Avocado

Ingredienti :500 gf tagliatelle1 avocado250 gr fette di proseiutto cotto tagliato in,strisce lcm1 piecola eipolla tritata' , ,1 s~ieo d'aglio pestato' (a piaeerc)20 gr burro180 gr di frungm tagliati a fette1 cueehiaino di erbe secehe1 mandata di prezzemolo tritato1 dado seiolto in mezza tazza di acqua bollente220 gr di panna 0 fromage 'fraispepe e poco sale '

Metodo:Fate, friggen: la cipoila e I'aglio nel burro. Ag­giungete i funghi e continuate a friggere pcr altri' 5minuti. Unite il prosciutto, le erbe, il prczzemolo, ildado sciolto, iI sale e il pepe. Cueinatc per altri 5mil1uti. ' Toglietc la pelle dall'avocado. Tagliatelo intante fctte pcr il lungo, poi tagliate ogni fctta ameta". Aggiungctc Ic fettc di avocado e la panna alproseiuito. Rimettete, suI fuoco e, sempre mescolando,fatele appena sealdare. Cucinatc, al dente, la pasta inabbondante acqua salata. Scolatela. Conditela con lasalsa C?servitela calda.

N.B.Potete sostituire iI proseiutto con gamberetti.

Avocado al Forno

Ingredienti:3 avocado200 gi" di gamberetti120 gr di formaggio grattugiato (gruyere 0 Cheddar)1 piccolo porro (solo la parte bianca) tritato120 gr di pannasale e' pepe "

Metodo:Fate bollire i gamberetti per circa 5 minuti. Scolatelietagliateli in pezzetti. Tagliate gli avocado in dueper il lungo. Togliete le ossa. Lcvate la ,polpa

'Iaseiando la pelle intera. Pestate la, polpa. Aggiungetei gamberetti, iI formaggio, iI porro ed iI pcpe.

,Mettete un quarto del com{iosto in ogni pelle diavocado. Metteteli su una placca da fomo imburrata.Cucinate in fomo pre-scaldato 190/no..5 per eirca 20

Iminuti. ., ,

N.B. Potete sostituire i' gamberetti con, saloriie, mer­luzzo' 0 granehio. Se desiderate potetc' anehe usarepesee in seatola. '


Tagliatelle with Ham & Avocado

Ingredients :.lib tagliatelle1 avocado1121b sliced ham cut into 112" wide strips'I small onion finely ehopped .1 crushed clove of garlic. (optional)1 oz butter '6 ozs sliced mushrooms1 tcasJl,oon mixed dried herbs1 h!Uldful chopped ,parslcy1 stoek cube diluted in 112 cup of boiling water8 floz double cream or fromage 'frais 'pepper and a little salt .

Method:Lightly fry the onion and garlic in the butteruntil soft. Add, the mushrooms and fry for about5 minutes.Add the ham, herbs, parsleY"diluted stock cube,salt and pepper. Cook for a further 5 minutes.Remove skin froin avocado.Slice the avocado lengthwise then cut caeh slicein half. Add the avocado and cream to hammixture. Stir gently over heat .until heatedthrough. Cook the pasta in plenty of boilingsalty water until just tender. 'Drain.Pour mixture over the pasta and serve hot.

N.B. Prawns can be substituted for ham.

Baked Avocados

Ingredients:3 avocado pears7 oz prawns4 oz grated cheese (gruyere or Cheddar)I small leek (white only) finely chopped4 fl oz double creamsalt and pepper

Method:Boil the prawns for about.5 minutes. Drain andcut into small pieces.Halve the, avocados. Remove stones. Scoop outthe flesh without damaging the skins. Mash theavocado flesh.Add the prawl1s cheese, leek, salt and pepper.Mix the mixture into caeh avocado skin.Place the skins on to a greased baking tray.Bake in prc-heated oven 190/no.5 for about 20minutes. Serve hot.

N.B. The prawns can be substituted with cookedsalmon, eod or. crab or canned fish.

March 94


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LA CHIACCHIERAItalian Conversation Club

26 April to 30 JuneItalian Cultural Institute

Tel: 071-235 1461 for details

WEEK-END IN ITALIANOItalian Language Intensive Course

18,19,20 March 1994Italian Cultural Institute

Tel: 071-235 1461 for details

VERDI : REQUIEMSunday 10 April at 2.30pmBarbican Centre, Silk Street

Tel: 071-638 8891

VENICEPaintings and works on paper

by Sander OrtUntil 19 March 1994

at Le Chat Noir Gallery35 Albemarle Street, Mayfair, Wl

Tel: 071-495 6710Mon-Fri 11.00am to 7.00pm

Sat 11.00am to 6.00pm

BLOODLINESA photographic exhibition

by ScottishlItaliansCultural ties and traditions of Italian

immigrant communities in Britain includingthe sinking of the SS Arandora Star

4th February to 19th March.Tuesdays to Staurdays 11.00am - 7.00pm

Photographers Gallery5-8 Gt. Newport Street

(Lekester Square)'" London WC2~ Tel: 071-379 6057:~,i,


FLIGHT OF THE INNOCENTdirected by Franco Cristaldi

In original Italian with subtitlesRupert SI. Metro, 11 Rupert Street, Wl

Tel: 071·437 0757 for times

UN BALLO IN MASCHERAby Giuseppe Verdi15,18,21,24 March

Royal Opera House, Covent GardenTel:.071-240 1066

DANTE AND POPULAR SOVEREIGHTYSeminar given by Prof. Peter Armour

16 March at 6.30pmItalian Cultural Institute

39 Belgiave Sq., London SWl

FEDORAby Umberto Giordano with Mirella Freni

9,13,16,19,24,27 May 1994Royal Opera House, Covent Garden

Tel: 071-240 1066

GRAND CLASSICAL GALAIncluding excerpts from Rossini, Verdi,

Albinoni and LeoncavalloSat 12 March at 7.30pm

Barbican Centre, Silk Street, ElTel: 071·638 8891

OTELLOdirected by Franco Zeffirelli

Mon 4 April at 2.30pmBarbican Centre Cinema, Silk Street

Tel: 071·638 8891

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-,' -




f.~;f:C!i:~~: ~

Madonna della Neve Lunch2.30pm, Casa Vincenzo Pallotti, 136'Clerkenwell Road EC1,Tel: PaoloFicchi 081-458 3834 -

Mothering Sunday Lunch-AssociazioneToscani7.30pm, Casa'VincenzoPallotti,'136 Clerkenwell Road EC1Tel: Frank Santi"i 071-739 9104' -

AGM dell'Associazione Trentini7.30pm"Casa Vincimzo:Pallotti, 136 Clerkenwell Road EC1Tel:Paolo Trainotti 081-8048730

"ltaliani nel Mondo Lunch"2.30pm, Casa Vincenzo Pallotti, 136, Clerkenwell Road EC1- .Tel: Franco Sistina 081-961 4019

St.\peter's'Briscola.Tournament, £25 per'coppia11.0:0am, Casa Vincenzo P'anottl,.1~6 Clerken~ell Road EC1Tel: Contact Vic 07h278 9~02


12 Associazione Trentini Dinner and,Dance7.30pm; Casa Vincenzo Pallotti, 136 Clerkenwell Road EC1Tel: Paolo Trainotti 081-804 8730 -

27 Circoio di Slough 25th AniiversarY "Festa Popolare'"Tel: Micheie D'Uva 075334351 . ,

26 "Buzo'''' Dinner and Dance.7;30pm, Casa-Vincenzo Pallottl, 136 ClerkenwelrRoad EC1Tel: Italo Lanzarotti 081-368 9021

19 Dinner and Dance in favore dell'Associazione Gropparello7.30pm, Casa vincerizo Pallotti, 136 Clerkenwell Road EC1Tel: Sig>Badini 071-272 4432'


30 Associazione Amici 'Santa Franca Dinner and Dance£35, Marriott 'Hotel,7.30pm, con Orchestra Volare;rei: Francesco Rapetti 071-4899196 -


Lunedi;. ":F~,~

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