Kyrgyz Tourism include the Alai Valley and visits to Irkeshtam, holy places in the Aksyi...

Content: ¹1 FEBRUARY 2007 Kyrgyzstan - a real life fairytale стр. 2 Elections have taken place and planshave been laid стр. 2 News from DMA стр. 3 Tourism 2006: what was, what is and where we are going стр. 3 The South welcomes you with open arms стр. 5 Naturally Nepal, once is not enough стр. 6 Peace and stability are most important стр. 7 A little bit about the history of winter sports стр. 8 Where to go for the weekend? стр. 8 Kyrgyz Tourism TODAY Quarterly Newsletter of the Destination Marketing Association Kyrgyz Tourism/DMA

Transcript of Kyrgyz Tourism include the Alai Valley and visits to Irkeshtam, holy places in the Aksyi...

  • Content:

    ¹1 FEBRUARY2007

    Kyrgyzstan - a real life fairytale – стр. 2Elections have taken place and planshave been laid – стр. 2News from DMA – стр. 3Tourism 2006: what was, what is and where we are going – стр. 3

    The South welcomes you with open arms – стр. 5Naturally Nepal, once is not enough – стр. 6Peace and stability are most important – стр. 7A little bit about the history of winter sports – стр. 8 Where to go for the weekend? – стр. 8

    Kyrgyz Tourism

    TODAYQuarterly Newsletter of the Destination MarketingAssociation Kyrgyz Tourism/DMA

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    Association news

    These include creating a website about Kyrgyzstan for tourists, image brochures, publishing articles in tourism newspapers and magazines and printing booklets and this involves creating a database of professionally taken photos of Kyrgyzstan.

    Active cooperation with the MFA and KR Embassies has enabled us to make contacts with clients and inform them of new tour products.

    World experience shows that participating in international exhibitions and fairs also promotes recognition of a country, its image, attractiveness and sales of tours and with this in mind, members approved our participation the following tourism exhibitions: JATA 2007 in Japan, ITB 2007 in Berlin, Intourmarket 2007 in Moscow, and KITF 2007 in Almaty.

    Four new members of the Board and the Association Board Chair from the private sector were elected:

    Ainura Sydykova – Board Chair Daniyar Kazakov – Board Member Sergey Pyshnenko – Board MemberMirali Mukhamedziev– Board MemberAlina Melnichuk – Board Member

    Members of the Audit Commission for 2007 were re-elected:

    Alia Hasanova – Commission ChairNadezhda Usacheva – Commission memberZamira Kalmakova – Commission member

    Let us wish them every success in their work and a good season for all of us!

    Suita Bekmuratova,Executive Director of the Kyrgyz Tourism


    «Once upon a time there was a tsar who had three daughters. The first was as beautiful as a rose – her bright beauty attracted attention at once, the second was as pretty as a lily – her perfect appearance affected everybody and the third was like a violet, it is not seen at once

    among splendid flowers, but the one who notices it remembers its nice image for ever …»

    So, Kyrgyzstan should be seen as a violet among the splendid blooms of the tourism world and whoever can find this picturesque land on a map will forever keep a part of it in his/her heart. In discovering our country for oneself, a person opens a veritable treasure chest – crystal clear rivers, fields covered with tulips, turquoise mountains and emerald forests.

    In all this our Association is like a skillful jeweller, who having gathered all the gems into a glittering tiara, is searching for connoisseurs able to

    see the real value of our land. Kyrgyzstan is unique in all respects – in a small area many nationalities and religions live peacefully and in harmony and in one day one can see all the seasons of the year and the entire Mendeleev table can be found in the interior of our land. The list is endless, but, of course, the main decoration and value of our small nook is its inhabitants – the people. Last summer, when our company was arranging for the Amsterdam – Beijing Rally to pass through Kyrgyzstan, many of the participants noted that they had never been met anywhere in such a friendly manner.

    The sum of natural resources and cultural and historical values combined with the inherent hospitality of the population make ideal conditions for creating a client-oriented service oasis in Central Eurasia.

    Our aim is to show Kyrgyzstan in all its glory and we are open to the world, new ideas, and cooperation for the good and prosperity of Kyrgyzstan.

    Ainura Sydykova, DMA Council Co-Chair,

    General Manager, Kyrgyz Concept

    Kyrgyzstan - a real life fairytale

    Elections have taken place and plans have been laidThe Annual General Meeting of members of the Kyrgyz Tourism Association was held on

    December 6th 2006. The main issue on the agenda was to approve the marketing plan for 2007. What the new tourism season will look like will depend on this document’s effectiveness. Informing the world community and potential clients of the tourism opportunities and attractiveness of the country were top priorities and as a result 14 events in the marketing plan were approved.

  • Tourism news

    About Trade FairsThe First Bishkek International Tourism Trade

    Fair, Tourism and Travel BITF - 2006 was the first chance to promote the state’s information-advertising campaign and enabling Kyrgyz tour products to become widely known to the world. With government support in 2006 Kyrgyzstan took an active part in all the leading international tourism trade fairs in Germany, Japan, Russia and Kazakhstan gaining awards and diplomas.

    About statisticsIf we look at the tourism sector indicators we

    can see the positive changes that tourism activities have had on the state budget. There has been an increase in tourism’s share of GDP - in 2006 - 4%, 2005 - 3.5%.

    There has been a steady growth in income from foreign tourists from USD 71.6 mln in 2005 to USD 116 mln in the first 9 months of 2006.

    According to Border Guards data, in the first 9 months of 2006 there have been 900,000 incoming tourists, a 21.9 % increase on 2005.

    About 80% of these are holidaymakers from CIS countries, including 60% from Kazakhstan, Russia (15%) and Uzbekistan (3%). About 20% of tourists were Kyrgyz Citizens and foreigners made up 2% of the total.

    In the first 9 months of 2006 income from foreign tourists was 4.5 billion soms - 20.4% of total exports.

    Added value in tourism was 2883.9 mln soms, 28.8% higher than in 2004 and 23.2% higher than in 2005.

    In the first 9 months of 2006 the number of businesses offering holiday and leisure services was 4952, 10.6% more than in 2004 and 3.8% more than in 3.8%.

    Tourism 2006: what was, what is and where we are goingIn recent years, thanks to state support, and a fortunate state of affairs in world markets,

    international tourism is playing an important role in the republic, through contributing to the socio-economic development of our state. On the initiative of the President, tourism has become a key segment in the economic development of Kyrgyzstan as part of the Country Development Strategy (CDS) for 2006-2010 and in accordance with Presidential Decree №307 On creating favourable conditions for the 2005 tourism season and measures for the future development of tourism in the Kyrgyz Republic dated 6th August 2005, tourism was designated an important part of the economy of Kyrgyzstan, having distinct export potential and increasing the state budget. Various measures were organised to put these ideas into effect.

    Логотип для туристского КыргызстанаMany of you have already heard of the

    designing of a new logo and slogan for Kyrgyzstan as a country of tourism commissioned by the Kyrgyz Tourism Association for promoting Kyrgyzstan as a country of tourism\ DMA. The well-known designer Evgeniy Boikov was commissioned and the results of his work are on the front cover of this issue. We hope that this logo will be well accepted inside our country and abroad by both trade professionals and tourists.

    News of structural changesThe Kyrgyz Republic Jogorku Kenesh has

    approved a new structure of the Kyrgyzstan Government, under which tourism development issues will be dealt with by a newly established State Tourism Agency and we would like to congratulate Turusbek Chukuevich on his appointment as its Director.

    Information from the news agency: Mamashev Turusbek Chukuevich was born in 1956 in Kara-Kulja rayon of Osh oblast of Kyrgyz parents. In 1986 he graduated from Leningrad Institute of Cinema Engineering as a sound technician

    His first job was at the Kyrgyzfilm studio as a sound operator

    From 1991-2005 he was the President of Dasmia Ltd

    From October 2005 to February 7th 2007 – Deputy Minister for Industry, Trade and Tourism

    From February 7th 2007 - Director of the State Tourism Agency

    По материалам ИА «»

    News from DMA

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    There has been an increase in the turnover of restaurants, bars, cafeterias and other businesses serving prepared food, 605 more than in 2004 and 30.3% more than in 2005.

    As of 1st October it was estimated that income from excursions nationwide were worth 383.2 million soms, 44% more than in the corresponding period in 2004 and 58.9% more than in 2005.

    Sanatoria-resort hotel services for the first 9 months of 2006 were worth 424.2 mln soms 27.6% higher than for the corresponding period in 2004 and 45.6% higher than in 2005.

    The value of short stay services for hotels and other places was 586.4 mln soms, 16.4% more than in 2004 and 20.6% more than in 2005.

    About financeIt should be noted that state budget support for

    tourism development in 2006 was 4136.5 thousand soms.

    In order to receive stable income to the budget from the tourism industry it is necessary to invest heavily in its development. It is necessary to conduct research in the republic with the aim of opening reserves of tourism capacity and based on that drawing up a programme to develop tourism, set up international and regional tourism centres, organise training, improve staff qualifications, adverts etc.

    About tourism policyAbout 20 Ministries and departments are

    involved in implementing the tourism policy of Kyrgyzstan: Ministries of the Economy and Finance, Transport and Communications, Culture, Internal affairs, Education, Statistics and Analysis, Labour

    etc. In 2000 coordination of their activities in the interests of tourism development was given to the Interdepartmental Coordination Council, chaired by the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic.

    Currently, radical changes are taking place in the system for managing tourism. It is necessary to ‘industrialise’ the tourism branch to improve the volume of tourism products that means introducing new capacities: hotels, air, road and communications links, which will require creating the political and economic conditions and stimuli that will allow investment in developing the tourism infrastructure.

    Gulmira Karymshakova,Head of the Tourism Training Section, Ministry of

    Industry, Trade and Tourism;Elmira Adylkanova,

    Head of the Tourism Planning and Development Department, Ministry of Industry, Trade and



  • Made in KGThe South welcomes you with open arms

    When someone mentions Kyrgyzstan it is probably in reference to the pearl of Central Asia, Issyk-Kul Lake. Many Kyrgyz residents could not imagine spending a summer holiday without visiting this attractive, warm place. However, there are other natural beauties of Kyrgyzstan that are just as rewarding. Trips to Song-Kul Lake, summer holidays on the jailoo around the lake, visits to the Sary-Chelek reserves and tours to the Ala-Too Mountains are already favourite pastimes of Kyrgyz residents and foreign guests and the choice of places for people who like to relax is continuously expanding to include the Alai Valley and visits to Irkeshtam, holy places in the Aksyi area, Batken Valley and the jailoo at the foot of Lenin Peak. KCBTA (Kyrgyz Community Based Tourism Association) has implemented the first phase of a project to organise four new CBT groups in the south of the country with financial support from the OSCE. Under this project, groups in Kerben, Gulcho, Batken, and Sary-Mogol have had courses and seminars on how to welcome and look after tourists.

    It is hard to calculate how many mazars (burial grounds) lie hidden in various places of our small country and each mazar has its own history and location. People are trying to discover and visit them to get blessings for success and good luck or they want to pray to the spirits. The Kerben CBT group offers a tour to Padysha-ata mazar, a holy place where you can see all the beauties of the Aksyi area when staying in wonderful houses amidst amazing countryside. This is a particularly good area for family holidays and you will feel refreshed and reinvigorated for the year ahead.

    Kurmanzhan Datka was Queen of the Alai area and a legend in the history and life of Kyrgyzstan. If you would like to walk the very places where Mannergame got to know Kurmanzhan Datka the Gulcho CBT group can arrange it for you. The unique beauty of the Alai Valley will appear before you as you climb the Chyiyrchyk Pass (80 km from Osh) on your horse. Only two hours separate the present and antiquity because the white yurtas of chabans (herdsmen) stand everywhere, as they have done throughout the ages. The herdsmen will be happy to treat you to kumys (fermented mare’s milk) and boorsok (special bread). If you are tired of city life and want peace and solitude you should visit Alai. Feel free on the vast expanses of Alai!

    Batken is not only the most remote region in our state but also the least known, but is well known for its wild apricot orchards. In spring, when these trees are in blossom they inspire a feeling of pure bliss, as if you are under the clouds in paradise. The beauty of Batken’s mountains attracts people from all over the world to visit the famous twin rocks. There are only three similar rocks in the world, in Pakistan, Southern Patagonia, and here in Kyrgyzstan. The Batken CBT group welcomes its guests into cozy houses offering a full range of services. Historical places, such as the last refuge of the Kokand Khan, a mountain where the famous Aigul flower blooms – all of this and more await visitors to the Batken

    area. Before departing, you should visit a local market/bazaar where you can buy the best dried apricots, nuts/walnuts, and Batken rice at really amazing prices!

    The name Sary Mogol means almost nothing but if you want to get to Lenin Peak you are on the right road. This is an ideal place for people who would like to visit high mountain jailoos, ride a yak, drink some kumys, and see mountain lakes. The Sary Mogol CBT group will be able to show you all of this and more and can organise a folklore show or national horseback games, in which the entire group takes part. A night spent in a yurta on the banks of the Tulpar-kol River at the foot of Lenin Peak will make you feel as if the whole world is beneath your feet and only the galaxy sits above your head!

    Many discoveries await you in our republic and they will awaken your desire and craving for travel!

    Zamira Baizakova,Project Coordinator of the Kyrgyz Community

    Based Tourism Association

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    Learning from experience

    “Let yourself go…Naturally Nepal, once is not enough”, this is how the new tourism slogan of Nepal sounds. As you have already guessed we will talk today about the small mountain country of Nepal that is similar to our republic in many respects and about how this small, poor state has gained worldwide recognition and what they did and are doing to promote their country.

    Naturally Nepal is a common phrase that presents Nepal in a positive light making tourists choose Nepal.

    Once is not enough not only attracts attention and takes tourists’ breath away when leaving the airport but it also it serves as a tool to help people decide to make a repeat visit to Nepal in order to explore and get to know it better next time.

    Nepal opened to foreigners comparatively recently and whilst having saved its originality and special energy; it is also, at the same time, creating the conditions for accepting tourists from all over the world. There are the highest eight peaks in the world in the well-known Annapurna and Machapukchi Mountain Ranges and thousands of mountain trekking routes pass through the most picturesque places. Rafting and kayaking on mountain rivers are very popular. In addition to its image of the “Mecca of Mountaineering” tourists are very interested in Nepal’s history and culture, as this is an ancient, unspoilt country. Monasteries, temples, thousands of religious rites, ceremonies and festivals, rich history and mythology of the country and the unique coexistence of dozens of races and religions make the country very interesting for all its visitors.

    In the next five years, Nepal will be promoted as “the mountain country for weekend leisure, adventure tourism and spending time getting experience of life for people who live in large cities and travel all over the world”.

    This is done by Nepal’s Tourism Council that was created in 1998 by a Parliamentary resolution in the form of a partnership between the Government of Nepal and the private sector to develop and promote Nepal as an attractive tourism destination.

    The Tourism Council promotes Nepal in the domestic and international market and is working towards re-positioning the country’s image and is aiming to regulate activities on working out tour products in the future. Funding for the Tourism Council comes in the form of a tax on incoming tourists at the international airport in Katmandu, which keeps it financially independent. The Secretariat of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism, and Civil Aviation presides over the Council and consists of the 11 members of the Council, five representatives from the state, five representatives from the private sector, and one managerial executive employee. As a result of all the Tourism Council’s efforts, Nepal, as a country, is well known in world tourism markets, and, as a consequence the numbers of tourists continue to grow in spite of the difficult political situation in the country.

    Damira Raeva,DMO Project Manager \ Helvetas Kyrgyzstan

    Article taken from the

    Naturally Nepal, once is not enough

    Brief information about NepalArea: 147,181 sq. km

    Geographical location: located between China to the north and India to the south

    Capital city: KatmanduPopulation: 23 million

    People: over 103 ethnic groupsClimate: from sub-tropical to arctic

    State language: Nepalese

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  • At first hand

    Last year tourism industry revenue accounted for one quarter of the budget of the Republic or 200 mln USD. According to the experts the season was successful. What direction will the country work in and what problems will it solve in tourism? This we will discuss today with the At First Hand column’s guest, Deputy Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism, Turusbek Chukuevich Mamashev.

    - Turusbek Chukuevich, it would be good to begin our conversation by mentioning the positive changes in tourism. What were the results like this year and what are the prospects for 2007?

    - In general 2006 was very successful for Kyrgyz tourism due to many different factors.

    In May last year we held the first Kyrgyz tourism fair, Tourism and travel BITF-2006, attended by tour operators and mainstream mass media representatives from many countries. About 5,000 people visited the exhibition in Bishkek from all regions of Kyrgyzstan and neighbouring and distant countries: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Russia. During the visit of the Secretary of State to Almaty and the official visit of President Bakiyev to Astana our side spoke of the leisure opportunities for Kazakhs in Kyrgyzstan and that we would ensure the safety and good quality of our guests’ leisure. This top-level endorsement gave a powerful impetus to Kazakhs’ interest in our country. Journalists from Kazakhstan who had seen the exhibition and Issyk-Kul made sure that preparations for the season were being made at full speed. The response was positive articles and comments in the mass media, which influenced public opinion and the number of tourists. Secondly, the weather was kind and thirdly, our journalists also played a significant role. If we can popularise our tourism our work will also develop. That is why I would like to express my gratitude to the journalists for their cooperation.

    - What lessons have we learnt from last year?- The main problem of local tourism is the lack

    of staff. Regretfully we cannot provide high levels of service. We particularly lack qualified personnel – waiters and bartenders. Secondly, services offered by us, the infrastructure of inhabited areas and the

    state of the roads should also be improved. The traffic police, customs, and frontier guards are also sometimes criticized and unnecessary checks are made for various reasons. Meeting guests with a smile and seeing them off with grateful looks are still alien to us and we are working on this with all Ministries and Departments. If we do not have a common policy on this, holidaymakers will be affected and this means that we are the only losers. Currently our department is preparing a whole package of laws and regulations to regulate these issues.

    - What legislative initiatives have been undertaken regarding tourism and what is being done to improve it?

    - The legislative base of tourism is still weak and needs strengthening. Currently, we are unable to even get accurate figures of the numbers of tourists who have visited our country. In neighbouring republics the migration services have been working on this for a long time and control the process. When crossing the border each visitor should fill in a migration card, indicating the dates and purpose of stay. If we had such a system, it would already be clear how many tourists visit the country and what revenue we get. Taking into account global practice it is necessary to firm up the law on migration, make changes and amendments to the laws on the customs, border guards and tourism.

    - Turusbek Chukuevich, where do you spend your holidays? Where will you go this year?

    - Only Issyk-Kul. But sometimes I do not have time to relax, even in winter. I have been to more than 30 countries of the world, but haven’t seen a better country than Kyrgyzstan. The Turkish Minister of culture and tourism Atilla Koch, on visiting Issyk-Kul for the first time was surprised that we posses such a miracle. Our country is a God-given land. The season is almost upon us and if we can maintain peace, stability and harmony then even the weather will not affect the mood of our guests.

    Tynymgul Eshieva

    Peace and stability are most important

  • This Newsletter is published quarterlyThe Editors accept no responsibility

    for the content of advertisementsIf re-printed – reference to this

    publication is mandatory.Printed by PrintHouse Printers

    Circulation – 500 copies.

    Editorial board:Tynymgul Eshieva, Damira RaevaCover photo by Sergey Pyshnenko

    To place advertisements and classifiedsplease contact:

    Apt. 19, 231, Tynystanova Str. Tel.: 66 41 27Fax: 90 87 38

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Where to go for the weekend?Oorusai Kashkasuu Toguz Bulak Orlovka Karakol

    Location Alaarcha Gorge Kyzylbeles tract Kashkasuu tract towards the

    climbers’ camp

    Chui oblast, Issyk-Ata rayon, Toguz

    Bulak villageOrlovka village 13 km from Karakol

    Distance from Bishkek 35 km 35 km 40 km 100 km 413 km

    Working hours 24/7Normal working hours

    7 days a weekOrders within working hours

    From Tuesday to Sunday 10.00 to 16.00, Sunday

    – day off

    DailyDuring the day

    from 9.00 to 17.00In the evening:from 20.00 to


    9.00-16.00 daily

    Use of ski lift: • 250 som/day/individual

    • 300 som/day • Towing – 300 som/day • Joint ticket – 350 som• Single slope – 70 som

    • 300 som/day• 70 som/day

    • 300 som/day• 50 som/time • 250 som/day

    Equipment hire:• Skis

    • Snowboard• Quad bikes, snowmobiles

    • 350-500 som/day• 350-500 som/day

    • No quad bikes

    • 150-400 som/day• Skates – 70-100 som

    • 600 som/day• 600 som/day• 100 som/min

    • 200 to 600 som/day

    • 600 som/day

    • 500 som/day• 500 som/day

    • 4000 som/hour

    Accommodation From 400 som per person +Double room – 800 som/dayTriple room – 1200 som/day

    from 500 som to USD 100

    from 150 som to 2500 som

    Single room /2000 som


    Three meals a day 350 som per person

    (cafe, disco, billiards, tennis, DVD)

    Three meals a day 400-540 som per person

    Made to order – by arrangement(65 room hotel, bar, restaurant,

    sauna, conference hall, car park)

    Cafe, bar, restaurant

    700 som – three meals a day

    Restaurantthree meals a day - 600 som/person

    Instructor 250 som/hour 500 som/hour 300 som/hour/person1000 som/day500 som/hour


    0-312 66 58 540-517 75 34 050-312 58 06 68Shafikulin Ilyaz

    0-312 59 48 35 (administrator)0-502 22 24 410-502 22 24 43

    0-312 90 83 070-312 93 64 790-517 75 79 980-502 44 66 66

    0-517 71 02 03Volodya Kuzmin0-312 93 78 73

    0-312 53 18 700-312 58 24 280-502 54 28 88

    Valeriy Iosiphovich Buikov

    The oldest known skis are in the Skiing Museum in Oslo: they are 110 cm long and 20 cm wide

    The first mountain skiing instructor can be said to have been the great polar explorer Fritofa Nansen who wrote a complete treatise about skiing with detailed instructions on how to control skis when descending mountains.

    The first skiing contest was held in 1844 in the Norwegian town of Tromso that apart from racing along a ravine included descending the slopes of neighbouring mountains and trampolining.

    However, the founders of modern winter sports are not considered to be the Norwegians but the Austrians. In 1895, the Austrian mountaineer and skier Mathias Zdarskiy was the first to use a non-stop descent with turns; he invented a plough, the first support equipment. At the end of the 19th Century he published the first textbook on winter sports equipment, expounding the virtues of group training.


    A little bit about the history of winter sports