Kundalini-Shakti Initiation - Enlightenment · PDF fileKundalini-Shakti Initiation Sedona,...

Kundalini-Shakti Initiation Sedona, Arizona June 2017 With Kundalini Master Steven S. Sadleir Self-Awareness Institute www.SelfAwareness.com www.EnlightenmentNow.com

Transcript of Kundalini-Shakti Initiation - Enlightenment · PDF fileKundalini-Shakti Initiation Sedona,...

Page 1: Kundalini-Shakti Initiation - Enlightenment · PDF fileKundalini-Shakti Initiation Sedona, Arizona June 2017 ... trained under Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi (pictured above) of the

Kundalini-Shakti Initiation

Sedona, Arizona June 2017

With Kundalini Master

Steven S. Sadleir

Self-Awareness Institute



Page 2: Kundalini-Shakti Initiation - Enlightenment · PDF fileKundalini-Shakti Initiation Sedona, Arizona June 2017 ... trained under Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi (pictured above) of the

Kundalini Shakti

Kundalini Shakti is your spirit. It is both the life-force energy flowing through your body

and the innate intelligence guiding it. By connecting with it and developing it through

meditation this light within you awakens, brightens, bringing inner clarity, joy and deep

inner peace.

The practice of this meditation and yoga goes back thousands of years and was passed

down through an unbroken chain of masters to yoga students. Swami Steven (Guruji)

trained under Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi (pictured above) of the Tamil line of Siddha

Kundalini Masters. His primary organization is the World Community Service Center in

India, and there are over five million active members today, several ashrams in India,

and hundreds of centers around the world.

Steven with Maharishi 1980’s

Page 3: Kundalini-Shakti Initiation - Enlightenment · PDF fileKundalini-Shakti Initiation Sedona, Arizona June 2017 ... trained under Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi (pictured above) of the

Steven S. Sadleir, Guruji

Guruji began practicing yoga and meditating as a child and was inspired by God to

study and write about every major spiritual sect and teaching and wrote the best-selling

book called Looking for God. During these years Steven was able to learn each of the

forms of yoga and studied with many masters.

When the Maharishi became too old to travel the world he asked Steven to lead the

classes and initiations and they founded the Self Awareness Institite in 1985. Since then

SAI has grown to thousands and is represented in over a hundred countries. In India,

Stevenji is known as “The American Guru.”

Stevenji has plublished over a dozen books, two of which were best-sellers, and hosted

Enlightenment Radio for ten years. He appears in three motion pictures (playing

himself) and is currently in production on two spiritual documentaries: Global

Enlightenment and Yoga the Movie, as well as a new streaming series for

Enlightenment Television where Guruji interviews the world’s leading guru’s, gives a

series of Satsangs, plus leading edge yoga, travel, science and art.

Page 4: Kundalini-Shakti Initiation - Enlightenment · PDF fileKundalini-Shakti Initiation Sedona, Arizona June 2017 ... trained under Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi (pictured above) of the

Kundalini Shakti

You are going to learn the secrets of how spirit energy and intelligence works in your

body, and throughout the universe. First we learn how to tune into subtle energy in our

body and how it works, then we learn to work with universal energy..

You are going to learn about the Chakras and how shakti works. This is achieved

through a series of meditations and Shaktipat transmissions from Guruji. It’s easy to

practice and brings you into blissful sammadhic states.

Page 5: Kundalini-Shakti Initiation - Enlightenment · PDF fileKundalini-Shakti Initiation Sedona, Arizona June 2017 ... trained under Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi (pictured above) of the

What You are Going to Learn

1. Monday night is meet and greet after traveling at the Best Western Hotel pool

deck. Here you will receive the initial blessings of Guruji and meet everyone.

2. Tuesday: Invocation, the Initiation, raising the kundalini up and opening the 3rd

Eye. You will also learn some easy yoga exercises and pranayama, and receive

an overview of the science of the self.

3. Wednesday: Intensify the Kundalini and go even higher, we will balance all the

chakras, show you grounding and clearing techniques, and other yoga exercises

as well as some anti-aging (Kayak Kalpa) training and the yoga diet.

4. Thursday: We do the aura expansion meditation, open the Crown Chaka and

teach you Thuriya meditation. You will also learn how to use you innate healing

abilities and practice using this energy with others. Sometimes we also dance.

5. Friday. Everyone will receive both a certification on training (which is also the

first step in beginning teacher training) as well as a custom mala we had made in

India. We will have a meditation walk in the morning and then you are free.

Please do a meditation in your room when you first get up and eat a lite breakfast

before we meet at 9:00 am sharp at the Agave Center.

Please do not talk in the meditation room. Say a prayer before you enter the room and

leave your identity at the door. If you need to communicate with someone, go outside

and speak with them in a whisper. During the Satsangs you can ask questions. The

quieter you are the better. Please leave your phones and notepads in your room or car.

Someone’s phone ringing, buzzing or even picking up a signal energetically can ruin a

good meditation. It is advised to refrain from alcohol, sex and meat during this training.

We will break for lunch and dinner, and each can join a group or have some time alone.

You are always free to use the restroom or just stretch your legs during the classes and

meditations but please rise and walk quietly and slowly to keep the room still. 😎

Page 6: Kundalini-Shakti Initiation - Enlightenment · PDF fileKundalini-Shakti Initiation Sedona, Arizona June 2017 ... trained under Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi (pictured above) of the

The 3rd Eye

The Ajna Chakra, called the 3rd Eye, lies between the eyebrows, and is associated with

the pituitary and pineal glands. Here is where we are going to develop your connection

with spirit. Guruji will bring your energy up a little more with each meditation. Focusing

on the shakti here will do several things for you:

1. It will enable you to make a direct connection with Source/God within you.

2. It lowers your brain wave frequencies like a natural bio-feedback mechanism,

taking you into ever deeper states naturally, and greatly reduces stress.

3. It draws your Kundalini shakti up to the top of the head, the Crown Chaka,

awakening your 6th sense and faculties of higher awareness and power.

Page 7: Kundalini-Shakti Initiation - Enlightenment · PDF fileKundalini-Shakti Initiation Sedona, Arizona June 2017 ... trained under Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi (pictured above) of the

Shakti is Energy & Energy is Life

The secret to life is understanding how it works. Between meditations Guruji will be

giving a series of Satsangs and will be providing you some powerful introspection tools.

In addition to learning the science of the Self we are also going to learn and practice

how to control our mind and overcome limiting beliefs, resistances and fear.

Page 8: Kundalini-Shakti Initiation - Enlightenment · PDF fileKundalini-Shakti Initiation Sedona, Arizona June 2017 ... trained under Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi (pictured above) of the

The Earth’s Electro-Magnetic Field

A powerful electro-magnetic force is created by the plasma generated in

the core of the earth as well as solar and cosmic energies. This energy is

absorbed as prana – the vital energy – through the breath. You will learn

how to harness this energy and direct it.


Page 9: Kundalini-Shakti Initiation - Enlightenment · PDF fileKundalini-Shakti Initiation Sedona, Arizona June 2017 ... trained under Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi (pictured above) of the

Raising Your Calibrated Level of Conscious

During each meditation Guruji will help you raise your calibrated level of consciousness.

Guruji doing a seminar with Dr. David Hawkins

in Sedona. Each of you will be able to test and observe your ownconscious rising.

Page 10: Kundalini-Shakti Initiation - Enlightenment · PDF fileKundalini-Shakti Initiation Sedona, Arizona June 2017 ... trained under Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi (pictured above) of the

The Meditation Practice

1. Find a comfortable place to sit and sit up straight (spine straight).

2. Take a few deep cleansing breaths and let go of your thoughts.

3. Close your eyes and imagine you are sitting in a warm Jacuzzi or bath

4. Say: “By the Grace of Divine, I am purified and blessed.” And “The atmosphere

around me is purified and blessed by Divine.” Then think of the Guru(s).

5. With your eyes closed roll your eyes up and affix your gaze into the emptiness at

this point between the eyebrows and stay dialed in. In the beginning it will be

easier to be guided by Guruji by a recorded meditation. These are available on

iTunes or www.EnlightenmentNow.com under Enlightenment Radio.

6. Simply focus on and enjoy the subtle current flowing through you. Don’t think

about your thoughts, just keep coming back to the feeling of your shakti and

enjoy it. You allow yourself to be guided and the more open you are to receive

the more you will receive. Let the Guru guide you, then it’s effortless and blissful.

7. Beginners should sit for around a half hour a day. Sitting in the early hours of the

morning is best. An intermediate practice is sitting a half hour or more twice a

day. Advanced begins when you sit for at least an hour at a time. Teachers are

sitting for at least two hours a day, but only when you are getting high from it.

8. Your 3rd Eye is like a light switch, and as you focus here that inner light and

energy grows stronger. You may also see colors, lights and images while

focusing on the mind’s eye, just let it go and keep focusing on the feeling.

9. After meditating eyes closed, sit in a meditative state and take a moment to bless

your relatives, friends, and envision this world living in happiness and peace.

10. If you feel too much energy or spacey bring your shakti to the root Chaka

(focusing on the tailbone) to ground the energy. During menses ground (3 days).

Page 11: Kundalini-Shakti Initiation - Enlightenment · PDF fileKundalini-Shakti Initiation Sedona, Arizona June 2017 ... trained under Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi (pictured above) of the

Continuing You Practice

Books (on Amazon.com and on Kendal)




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Page 12: Kundalini-Shakti Initiation - Enlightenment · PDF fileKundalini-Shakti Initiation Sedona, Arizona June 2017 ... trained under Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi (pictured above) of the

Streaming enlightened programming.

Free monthly teleconferenced Shaktipat meditations: Go to www.SelfAwareness.com

Global Live Satsangs with Guruji

Guruji offers ongoing teleconference Satsangs on Sundays. You can sign up online

anytime at http://www.selfawareness.com/LIVE-CLASS.html

The Advanced Training

Several times a year Guruji offers a twelve week teleconference advanced training

called the Self Realization Course. The next course begins this July 15th on Saturdays.

To learn more or register go to http://www.selfawareness.com/Self-Realization-


Page 13: Kundalini-Shakti Initiation - Enlightenment · PDF fileKundalini-Shakti Initiation Sedona, Arizona June 2017 ... trained under Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharishi (pictured above) of the

May the Whole World Live in Peace

You can print this booklet and use the back side to take notes from class.