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________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kullegg San Benedittu Form 2 Lvl 7-8 English List Comp Teacher’s Paper Page 1 of 2 KULLEĠĠ SAN BENEDITTU Secondary School, Kirkop HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION 2015/2016 Teacher’s Paper Instructions for the conduct of the Listening Comprehension Examination The teacher should instruct candidates to answer the questions on the paper provided. The following procedure for reading the Listening Comprehension passage is to be explained to the candidates immediately before proceeding with the examination. You have been given a sheet containing the Listening Comprehension questions. You will be given three minutes to read the questions based on the passage. I shall then read the passage at normal reading speed. You may take notes during the reading. After this reading there will be a pause of another three minutes to allow you to answer some of the questions. The passage will be read a second time and you may take further notes and answer the rest of the questions. After this second reading you will be given a further three minutes for a final revision of answers. a. 3 minutes - Students read the questions b. 3 minutes - First reading aloud of passage while students take notes c. 3 minutes - Students may answer questions d. 3 minutes - Second reading of passage and possibility of answering questions e. 3 minutes - Final revision FORM 2 ENGLISH LISTENING COMPREHENSION TIME: 15 min Level 7-8

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Kullegg San Benedittu Form 2 Lvl 7-8 English List Comp Teacher’s Paper Page 1 of 2

KULLEĠĠ SAN BENEDITTU Secondary School, Kirkop


Teacher’s Paper

Instructions for the conduct of the Listening Comprehension Examination

The teacher should instruct candidates to answer the questions on the paper provided. The

following procedure for reading the Listening Comprehension passage is to be explained to the

candidates immediately before proceeding with the examination.

You have been given a sheet containing the Listening

Comprehension questions. You will be given three minutes to read

the questions based on the passage. I shall then read the passage

at normal reading speed. You may take notes during the reading.

After this reading there will be a pause of another three minutes to

allow you to answer some of the questions. The passage will be

read a second time and you may take further notes and answer the

rest of the questions. After this second reading you will be given a

further three minutes for a final revision of answers.

a. 3 minutes - Students read the questions

b. 3 minutes - First reading aloud of passage while students take notes

c. 3 minutes - Students may answer questions

d. 3 minutes - Second reading of passage and possibility of answering questions

e. 3 minutes - Final revision


Level 7-8

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KULLEĠĠ SAN BENEDITTU Secondary School, Kirkop


The kindness of a stranger

We are going to listen to what happened to the speaker on Saturday 20th November 2013 as he

walked through Wick in the north of Scotland.

I had left the village John O’Groats around 7 in the evening and arrived at Wick at 11 that night. It

was freezing. It was the third time I’d walked round the small town of Wick looking for

somewhere – anywhere - to stay. I suppose I should have booked somewhere before I arrived.

There was no sign of life, even the pubs were shut. A biting wind was blowing as the church clock

struck midnight. I paused to wrap my scarf round my neck.

“Five more hours before the next train to Thurso,” I thought miserably, resigning myself to a bleak

night on the streets. Then suddenly I heard a voice behind me: “What’s up laddie? Need some


It was a sprightly 70-year-old man called Robert Mac Dougal. He was walking home after a meal

at a friend’s, when he noticed me huddled in the street. When I explained my predicament he

immediately offered shelter for the night. At first I was suspicious. I’d learnt from experience not

to trust strangers, having been robbed once in London. That incident had left its mark, but it soon

became clear that what motivated Robert was a genuine desire to help. Wick was a small town and

it was obvious that I wasn’t a local. It was also obvious that I needed a place to sleep.

I followed Robert to his small cottage where he offered me a place to sleep. As we sat in front of a

warm fire we talked for a while about Wick, his family and friends. Robert was a widower and had

lived there all his life. He had 3 children and 10 grandchildren, although most of them had moved

away. I began to understand why Robert was glad of some company.

After a peaceful night on the sofa, I got up at 4:30 to catch my train, leaving behind a crumpled note

of thanks. Today I sometimes think about Wick, and wonder if Robert is still there. I’ll always

remember with gratitude his simple act of kindness.


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KULLEĠĠ SAN BENEDITTU Secondary School, Kirkop


A. State whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). 3 marks [ ]

a) This incident happened in 2003.

b) The speaker had gone to Wick to catch a flight.

c) He was on his way to Thurso.

d) In the passage we are never told the name of the speaker.

e) The place seemed deserted.

f) A cheerful young man spoke to the speaker.

B. State what these numbers refer to in the passage. 3 marks [ ]

a) 11

b) 5

c) 70

d) 3

e) 10

f) 4:30

C. List 2 adjectives from the passage which show that it was not a good night to be out on the

streets. 1 mark [ ]

a) ______________________________ b) _____________________________

D. Continue the sentence with one word from the passage. 2 marks [ ]

a) The speaker at first felt ____________________________ when he was approached by

Robert because he had already been robbed.

b) Robert’s ____________________________ had taken the speaker by surprise.

E. Continue the sentence using the exact words from the passage which show that the

speaker was still under the effect of the robbery he had suffered. 1 mark [ ]

The incident ________________________________________________________________.


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KULLEĠĠ SAN BENEDITTU Secondary School, Kirkop


Read the following text and then answer the questions on the Language Paper.






What gives Bugs Bunny his lasting power?

Seventy-five years ago, a tall, grey rabbit hopped out of a hole in the ground. He knocked on a

bald man’s head and asked, “What’s Up, Doc?” to the tune of the crunch of a large carrot. Though

the rabbit had appeared in previous short films, this fateful scene in the 1940 Warner Brothers

animated short film “A Wild Hare”, introduced the version of the rabbit that would become the

cultural icon of Bugs Bunny. Here, Bugs takes great pleasure in avoiding the “wabbit” hunting

Elmer Fudd. In the decades since, Bugs has appeared in over 150 films. He has earned a star on

the Hollywood Walk of Fame. And he was the first animated character to get his face on a postage

stamp. TV Guide ranked him number one out of the 50 greatest cartoon characters.

The “Looney Tunes” and “Merrie Melodies” films came out of the Warner Brothers animation

studios. A team of artists, directors and voice actors collaborated on the classic cartoons. Bugs

was unlike Disney’s Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. They came with their own set of physical

characteristics but with little personality. Bugs was characterised by his wise attitude and witty

teasing. According to Linda Clough, the business partner and daughter of famed animator Chuck

Jones, Bugs rocketed to fame because he was “character driven, rather than gag driven.” And

while every director had his own view on Bugs Bunny, they all agreed on one thing. Bugs was

never to be mean-spirited. That quality was critical to his fame.

For years after Bugs first uttered his first question, it seemed as though America could not get

enough of the character and his trickster ways. Within four years, films starring Bugs from the

“Merrie Melodies” and “Looney Tunes” series were popular enough to be sold to theatres. They

appeared in a separate category called “Bugs Bunny Specials”. In that same era, Bugs successfully

connected the world of entertainment and politics by doing World War II publicity and

advertisements. The Marine Corps gave him honorary status as a private. But like any public

figure, Bugs was involved in his fair share of controversial activity. War-era films feature Bugs as

the hero opposing Japanese and German soldiers through offensive carton strips. Still, Bugs

moved past that phase. He continues to win the hearts and laughs of the people all over the world.

Perhaps what audiences love the most about Bugs Bunny is not his unique personality. Rather, it

is his ability to stay true to it. From his entrance in “What’s Opera, Doc?” to his break in live

action films, such as “Space Jam”, Bugs Bunny doesn’t change. Bugs remains the lovable

character that only plays tricks on those who deserve it most.


Level 7-8

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KULLEĠĠ SAN BENEDITTU Secondary School, Kirkop



Question Oral Listening A B C D Global



Mark 10 10 15 20 20

25 100



Name: __________________________________ Class: ___________


1. Sam talks about his class. Fill in the blanks using the comparative or the superlative forms

of the words in brackets. The first one has been done for you. 5 marks [ ]

My name is Sam and I am going to talk to you about my life at school. It is (0) more enjoyable

(enjoy) than staying at home. My teacher thinks I am one of the (1) _______________________

(good) students in her class. She says that I am even (2) _______________________ (respectful)

and (3) _______________________ (kind) than Jane who sits next to me. However, Mark is

(4)_______________________ (quiet) than me as he rarely speaks a word during the lesson. All the

students in my class arrive early at school but I am usually the (5) _______________________

(early) since I don’t live far away. Tina never does her homework and the teacher says that she is

(6) _______________________ (disorganised) than Frank who always forgets his books at home. I

do feel (7) _______________________ (happy) at school rather than at home because I have a lot

of friends to play with. I like playing with Jim the most as he is (8) _______________________

(funny) than the rest of the class and we usually play football as it is the

(9)_______________________ (favourite) game amongst us boys. The day I prefer is Thursday as

we have our music and science lessons. It is definitely the (10) _______________________

(interesting) day of the week!

Level 7-8

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2. Fill in the gaps by using ONE linking word. You can use the same word more than once.

The first one (0) has been done for you. 5 marks [ ]

Edward (0) and I wanted to go for a walk, (1) _______________________ as it started to rain,

we had to stay indoors. (2) _______________________ mother suggested we should read a

book, we decided to do something else. (3) _______________________, we watched television.

(4) _______________________, we played a video game. My brother John came in

(5)_______________________ we were playing and we invited him to join us.

(6)_______________________ he was tired he played with us only for an hour

(7)_______________________ going to bed. Edward wanted to go on playing

(8)_______________________ he was not tired. (9) _______________________, we continued

playing until midnight. We had to stop then, (10) _______________________ we would not

have been able to get up early the following morning.

3. Fill in the spaces with the correct tense of the verb in brackets. The first one (0) has been

done for you. 5 marks [ ]

While I (0) was buying (buy) the morning paper one morning last month, I

(1)_______________________ (see) Julia, an old friend of mine. She

(2)_______________________ (accompany) her daughter Cathy to school as she always

(3)_______________________ (do) every morning.

“Hello Julia,” I (4) _______________________ (shout).

“Hi Nick. I (5) _______________________ (not can) stop because Cathy

(6)_______________________ (be) late for school.”

So we both (7) _______________________ (hurry) on our way and luckily I

(8)_______________________ (catch) the next bus and arrived in time for work. I

(9)_______________________ (not see) Julia since then as she (10)_______________________

(now live) in another town.


Read the passage “What gives Bugs Bunny his lasting power?” which is on a separate sheet

and then answer the following questions.

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_______________________________________________________________________________________Kullegg San Benedittu Frm 2 Lvl 7-8 Language Paper Page 3 of 9

1. Underline the correct answer. 1 mark [ ]

(a) A tall grey rabbit:

(b) The rabbit has appeared:

(i) in a series.

(ii) in a film.

(iii) in short films.

(iv) in one animated programme.

2. Mark the following statements TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). 5 marks [ ]


a) The grey rabbit has existed for seventy-five years.

b) ‘A Wild Hare’ introduced the rabbit that became Bugs Bunny.

c) Bugs Bunny was ranked 50 out of the greatest cartoon characters.

d) Bugs Bunny was not like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

e) America loved Bugs Bunny’s character and his joking ways.

3. What is Bugs Bunny’s greatest pleasure? ½ mark [ ]


4. In which country did Bugs Bunny gain his popularity? 1 mark [ ]


5. Mention TWO films that were produced by Warner Brothers. 1 mark [ ]

a. ________________________________ b. ____________________________________

6. Tick ( ) the 3 kinds of people who collaborated on the classic cartoon. 1½ marks [ ]

(a) voice actors

(b) producers

(c) artists

(d) actors

(e) directors

(f) actresses

(i) sprung out of a hole.

(ii) hopped out of a hole.

(iii) dug a hole.

(iv) leaped over a hole.

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7. (a) How did every film director want Bugs Bunny to be and why was this important?

1 mark [ ]



(b) How did Bugs Bunny connect the world of entertainment and politics? 1 mark [ ]


8. What do the following words refer to in the passage? 3 marks [ ]

(a) He (line 6): ___________________________________________________________

(b) They (line 11): ___________________________________________________________

(c) they (line 15): ____________________________________________________________

9. Explain the following words as they are used in the passage. 3 marks [ ]

(a) crunch (line 2): _____________________________________________________

(b) collaborated (line 10): ______________________________________________________

(c) unique (line 26): ______________________________________________________

10. What do people think about Bugs Bunny nowadays? 2 marks [ ]






The yellow one from the bakery

smelled like a cream puff-

she followed us home.

We buried our faces

in her sweet fur.

One cat hid her head

while I practised violin.

But she came out for piano.

At night she played sonatas

on my quilt.

One cat built a secret nest

in my socks.

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One sat in the window

staring up the street all day

while we were at school.

One cat loved

the radio dial

One cat almost


Naomi Shihab Nye

1. Tick () the best answer in questions (a) and (b). 2 marks [ ]

a. The speaker is:

i) a cat.

ii) a group of cats.

iii) an owner of a cat.

iv) an owner of a group of cats.

b. The speaker:

i) is angry at the cats.

ii) is observing what the cats are doing.

iii) is trying to get more cats.

iv) is afraid of cats.

2. (a) Find an example of a simile from the poem. 1 mark [ ]


(b) Explain why the simile is effective. 1 mark [ ]


3. Find an example of personification in the second stanza. 1 mark [ ]


4. Find an example of alliteration in the second stanza. 1 mark [ ]


5. Find an example of how the poet uses the senses. What effect does this create? 1½ marks [ ]



6. Do you think the persona is a child or an adult? Find a quote to support your answer.

1½ marks [ ]


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7. Explain what the poet means by, “One cat almost / smiled.” 1 mark [ ]




The ghost did not appear for the rest of the week. The only strange thing that happened was the

blood-stain, which they found on the library-floor every morning. It was also quite strange that the

colour of the stain changed from time to time. Some mornings it was red, then brown or purple, or

even green. These changes amused the family very much, and bets on the colour were made every

evening. The only person who did not enter into the joke was Virginia. For some unexplained

reason, she was rather annoyed at the sight of the blood-stain, and nearly cried the morning it was


The second appearance of the ghost was on Sunday night. Shortly after the family had gone to bed

they heard a fearful crash in the hall. A suit of armour had fallen on the floor and in a chair sat the

Canterville ghost rubbing his knees, which seemed to hurt. When the twins started shooting peas at

him with their pea-shooters, the ghost stood up with an angry growl and passed through them like a

mist. He also blew out the candle, leaving them all in total darkness. On top of the stairs the ghost

turned around and, in order to frighten the Otis boys, laughed his most horrible laugh. Just then, a

door opened and Mrs Otis came out of her bedroom. 'I am afraid you are not well,' she said, 'I have

therefore brought you this bottle of medicine.' The ghost looked at her furiously, and then he

disappeared. When he reached his room, he was completely exhausted. This American family was

extremely annoying. But what annoyed him most was, that he had not been able to wear the suit of

armour. The weight of it had made him fall and hurt his knees.

For some days after this the ghost only left his room to renew the blood-stain. However, on Friday,

the 17th of August, he tried to frighten the Otis family again. At half-past ten the family went to

bed. For some time the ghost heard the twins laugh, but at a quarter past eleven all was still. So, at

midnight he left his secret chamber and glided through the corridors, when suddenly, behind one

corner, a horrible ghost stood right in front of him. As the Canterville ghost had never seen another

ghost before, he was terribly frightened. He quickly hurried back to his room. But then he thought

that he should go and speak to the other ghost. After all, two ghosts were better than one, and his

new friend might help him to frighten the twins. However, when he came back to the spot, he found

that this 'other ghost' was not real, but only a white sheet which the twins had hung there to play a

trick on him. Very upset the Canterville ghost went back to his chamber.

The Canterville Ghost by Arthur Conan Doyle

1. Tick () the correct answer. 2 marks [ ]

a. Where do you think this text was taken from?

i) a newspaper.

ii) an encyclopaedia.

iii) a novel.

iv) a biography.

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b. The family were:

i) frightened by the ghost.

ii) annoyed by the ghost.

iii) amused by the ghost.

iv) irritated by the ghost.

2. Mark the statements True or False. 2 marks [ ]

a) The ghost appeared four times in one week. ______

b) The ghost blew out the light. ______

c) The ghost renewed the bloodstain every day. ______

d) The ghost left his chamber to meet the other ghost. ______

3. What did the ghost do to frighten the boys? . 2 marks [ ]



4. Mention two things which annoyed the ghost. 2 marks [ ]



5. What was the other ghost made of? 2 marks [ ]




Write between 150 and 200 words on ONE of the following.

1. You are taking part in a play that will be performed during the school’s Prize Day. Write a

dialogue in which you try to convince your friend to take part in the play too.

2. Write an article for the school magazine in which you discuss the topic of keeping fit.

3. Continue the story: I had been waiting in the queue for hours. Finally, it was my turn…

Composition Number: ________





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