Kuliah Neoplasma Dr Alfa SpM

TUMOR GANAS MATA Alfa Sylvestris


neoplasma mata

Transcript of Kuliah Neoplasma Dr Alfa SpM

Slide 1



A. Primer B. SekunderC. Metastase



Retinoblastoma is a disease that causes the growth of malignant tumors in the retinal cell layer of the eye. It is the most common eye tumor in children ( conjungtivaInvasi ke bola mata, struktur orbita, lymphe node regional, metastese jauh diagnosa awal sangat penting !

ETIOLOGIPaparan sinar matahari kronisUsia tua (60-70 th)Orang muda dengan imunitas (radioterapi, HIV)Human papilloma virus pd pasien HIVZat kimia (minyak, tar, asap rokok, arsenik, parafin)Dermatosis prekanker Pria (75%) > wanita (25%)

DIAGNOSIS KLINISRiwayat kelainan dan keganasan kulitStatus imun penderitaRiwayat paparan UVRiwayat paparan zat kimiaRiwayat lesi jinak kelopak mata

Kelopak mata bawah > sering drpd atas (1,4:1)Tidak khas ! nodule, plak dg tepi ireguler, luka kronis, fissura kulit, tepi mengkilat, telengiektasis, ulserasi, papiloma, cutaneous horn, lesi kistik

sering didaerah limbus, pada fissura interpalpebra sering mirip pterygium

Menjadi tumor ganas korneabila menginvasi daerah kornea

Pemeriksaan lain :Hertel exophthalmometriPalpasi lymphe node regionalTes faal heparAnalisa genetis untuk xeroderma pigmentosumTes HIVCTscan

POLA INVASI DAN METASTASISDermis otot orbicularis superficialWajah, periosteum, pembuluh lymphe, pembuluh darah, selubung syarafKlasifikasi BRODERS grade I,II,III,IVGrade 1: 75% keratinocytes are well differentiatedGrade 2: >50% keratinocytes are well differentiatedGrade 3: >25% keratinocytes are well differentiatedGrade 4: 4 cmT4 invasif pada tulang dan otot

TERAPIPEMBEDAHANBedah eksisi dengan :Tehnik MohsVriescopeDiikuti dengan bedah rekonstruksi

Kadang diperlukan eksenterasi orbita dan eksisi en bloc bila telah melibatkan tulang

RADIOTERAPIBila ada KI bedah atau menolak operasiSCC lebih resisten dosis lebih Kelemahan :Tepi tidak terkontrolKomplikasi post radiasiKunjungan berulang kaliTidak dapat :area yang pernah diradiasi, tumor di tengah kelopak, usia < 40 th, xeroderma pigmentosum

CRYOTERAPIKelebihan : biaya, nyaman, potensiasi kataraktogenik , dapat diulangTidak dapat : tumor terfiksasi di periosteum, pada canthus medialis, diameter >10 mm, lesi tidak jelas tepinya, lesi melebihi conjungtiva fornixNitrogen cair semprot dengan melindungi bola mataES depigmentasi, bulu mata hilang, hipertrofi scar, ektropion, epifora, hiperplasia pseudoepitelomatous

KEMOTERAPISebagai terapi tambahan untuk SCC kelopak mata lanjutCisplatin, atau kombinasi dengan doxorubicin, bleomycin, isotretinoin, -interferon

FOLLOW UPCuriga SCC kelopak mata evaluasi 6-12 bulanTelah mengenai lymph node 2-3 bulan selama 2 th pertama

PENCEGAHANSunscreen SPF 15 wajah dan kelopak mata bawah, dan dioleskan tipis-tipis pada kelopak mata atas dan dahiPakaian dan topi pelindungMenghindari paparan sinar matahari pk. 10.00-15.00 WIB sore Menurunkan 78%

It isn't the things that happen to us in our lives that cause us to suffer, it's how we relate to the things that happen to us that causes us to suffer. - Pema Chodron

BASAL CELL CARCINOMAMost common human malignancyElderly patientsChronic exposure to sunlightSlow growing, locally invasive, non metastating

Nodulo-ulcerative BCC shinny, firm, pearly nodule, small dillated blood vessel on its surface growth slow central ulceration, raised rolled edges (rodent ulcer)

Sclerosing BCC difficult to dx infiltrates laterally beneath the epidermis plaque palpation better than inspection to determine the tumor.

TreatmentSurgical excision remove the entire tumour but preserve as much normal tissue as possible together with 4 mm margin tissue which looks clinically normal large tumour frozen section or Moh micrographic surgeryReconstruction the defectsRadiotheraphy for nodulo-ulcerative BCC with no involvement of medial canthal area and unsuitable for/refuse surgery

Cryotheraphy small superficial BCCLaser microsurgery well-circumscribed BCC of the lid margin without conjunctival extentionTreatment

A education isnt how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know, its being able to differentiate between what you know and what you dont.

-Anatole France

MELANOMA MALIGNAORIGIN :-arising from PAM (primary acquired melanosis) with atypia 75 %-arising from a pre existing naevus 20 %-primary melanomais the least common 6th decade

Signs MM conjunctiva :A solitary, black or grey nodule containing dilated feeder vessels which may become fixed to the scleraAmelanotic tumours are pink, smooth, fish-flesh app.A common site is the limbus (may arise everywhere)

Therapy :Circumscribe melanoma wide excision with clearence and cryotherapy to prevent reccurence incomlete clearence + re excision and cryotherapy follow up every 6-12 monthly suspicious area biopsy and impression citologyDiffuse melanoma excision and cryotherapy or mitomicin C Orbital recurences local resection and raadiotherapyLymph node involve excision and radiotherapyPalliation chemotherapy for metastatic disease

Prognosis5 ysr 12 %10 ysr 25 %Metastase : regional lymph nodes, lung, brain, liver

Signs MM eyelid :Rare, but lethalSuperficial spreading melanoma plaque with an irregular outline and variable pigmentationNodular melanoma blue-black nodule surrounded by normal skinMelanoma arisin gfrom lentigo maligna (slowly expanding pigmented macule in elderly Hutchinson freckle)

Signs MM ciliary body :In the sixth decade with visual symptomsDiscovered incidentallyPupillary dilatation and gonioscopyDilated episcleral blood vessels in the same quadrant of tumour

Extraocular extension through sclera

Pressure to the lens astigmatism, subluxation

Erosion iris rootRetinal detachment caused by post extension

Anterior uveitisAnnular/ circumferential growth 360- worst prognosis e.c difficulty to diagnose

DiagnosticTriple mirror contact lensTransillumination for amelanotic melanomaUSG Biopsy

TherapyEnucleation large tumour and affecting the anterior choroid, secondary glaucoma Iridocyclectomy small medium tumours involving less than one third of the angleRadiotherapy

Signs MM choroid :Sixth decade of lifeDecrease VA or VF defectThird patients very brief balls of light traveling across the visual field two-three times a day in the subdued lightingElevated subretina, dome shaped, brown or grey mass, mottled with dark brown/ black pigment/ amelanotic.Mushroom shape app if breaks through Brunch membrane

Secondary exudative RDChoroidal folds, haemmorrhage, secondary glaucoma, cataract, and uveitis

Diagnosis Binocular indirect ophthalmoscopyIndirect slit lamp biomicroscopyUSGFFAICGMRIFNAB

METASTASIS lung, mammae, GIT

TREATMENTSBrachytherapy tumours < 10 mm in elevation and < 20 mm in basal dia.External radiotherapy more posterior (> 4 mm of the disc)Transpupillary thermotherapy (w/ diode laser) small tumours, location near the fovea or optic discTrans scleral local resection = excision tumours with the rim of healthy choroid under a partial thickness scleral flap too thick for radiotherapy, < 16 mm in dia.

Stereotatic radiosurgery large tumours with preservation of visual function in selected caseEnucleation very large tunours, visual lossExenteration extensive extraocular extension or orbital recurrencesPalliation chemo therapy / immunotherapy metastatic disease

PROGNOSISLung metastatic < 1 year, Liver metastatic < 6 mo

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. Walt Disney