KUKA Roboter GmbH - effective world Benefits During and after the campaign KUKA Robotics was way up...

KUKA Roboter GmbH No. 1 in Germany and the 3rd largest manufacturer of industrial robots in the world.

Transcript of KUKA Roboter GmbH - effective world Benefits During and after the campaign KUKA Robotics was way up...

Page 1: KUKA Roboter GmbH - effective world Benefits During and after the campaign KUKA Robotics was way up at the top of the ranking list of the most frequently searched for terms for “automation

KUKA Roboter GmbH

No. 1 in Germany and the 3rd largest manufacturer of industrial robots in the world.

Page 2: KUKA Roboter GmbH - effective world Benefits During and after the campaign KUKA Robotics was way up at the top of the ranking list of the most frequently searched for terms for “automation

The Challenge In order to attract attention to the première of the KUKA film “The Duel” and to the inauguration ceremony for the new KUKA factory on 11th March 2014, effective world was given the task of creating and implementing a viral online marketing campaign in China.

Page 3: KUKA Roboter GmbH - effective world Benefits During and after the campaign KUKA Robotics was way up at the top of the ranking list of the most frequently searched for terms for “automation

Our Solution After the Chinese New Year and one month before the opening, a trailer for the film was posted on the official KUKA website.

The event was publicised on various online advertising media aimed at specific target groups.

The content marketing was run centrally via Sina Weibo and the live reporting on the event on 11th March was broadcast via Tencent Wechat.

Page 4: KUKA Roboter GmbH - effective world Benefits During and after the campaign KUKA Robotics was way up at the top of the ranking list of the most frequently searched for terms for “automation


During and after the campaign KUKA Robotics was way up at the top of the ranking list of the most frequently searched for terms for “automation” on Baidu Search.

In March and April the clicks for the SEA campaign for KUKA Robotics doubled in number.

The follower numbers for the pages of the social media channels, Weibo and Wechat, just exploded.

The Chinese TV companies CCTV and SHTV broadcast several reports on the trailer to the film “The Duel” and on the inauguration ceremony. Numerous media reports can be found on the internet.

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before this event after this event

search of keyword in Baidu

Page 5: KUKA Roboter GmbH - effective world Benefits During and after the campaign KUKA Robotics was way up at the top of the ranking list of the most frequently searched for terms for “automation

“For the opening of the new KUKA factory in China, effective world was able to develop one of the most successful vertical marketing campaigns in the automation industry.

The local support in both Germany and China from effective world has proved to be invaluable.

They have a convincing combination of online marketing knowledge and B2B competence in the Chinese market.”

Boris Dolkhani Head of Corporate Marketing, KUKA Roboter GmbH


Page 7: KUKA Roboter GmbH - effective world Benefits During and after the campaign KUKA Robotics was way up at the top of the ranking list of the most frequently searched for terms for “automation


Foto: Ernst Fesseler, 2012

Tobias Schrenk, 2015

Design: Ziran Xie, 2014

Text: effective GmbH

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