Krishna Leela Series Part 24 Worshiping Govardhana Hill

Sri Krishn a Leela 25 th Discourse Hare Krishna

Transcript of Krishna Leela Series Part 24 Worshiping Govardhana Hill

Sri Krishna Leela



Hare Krishna

Pastime at bhojan sthali



Krishna & cowherd boys sought food offerings from Brahmanas.

Request was made to the Brahmanas’ wives. - They gladly offered despite opposition

Lessons to be learnt

Why take Sri Krishna’s teachings


nigama-kalpa-taror galitam phalamśuka-mukhād amrta-drava-samyutam

pibata bhāgavatam rasam ālayammuhur aho rasikā bhuvi bhāvukāh

O expert and thoughtful men, relish Srimad-Bhägavatam,

the mature fruit of the desire tree of Vedic literatures.

It emanated from the lips of Sri Sukadeva Gosvämi.

Therefore this fruit has become even more tasteful,

although its nectarean juice was already relishable for all, including liberated souls.

Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1.3

Context & Personalities of Srimad Bhagavatam

Narada – Vyasadeva – Sukadeva – Parikshit

sarva-vedetihAsAnAmsAram sAram samuddhrtam

“ The essence of all Vedic literature and all histories has

been collected in Srimad-Bhagavatam.”

SB 1.3.41


Worshiping Govardhana Hill

Krishna & Balarama noticed preparations for Indra-yajna

Krishna desired to stop this. Why?

Bhakti & Its Quality

What is going on, Father?

Result of this sacrifice?-Actor, Action,

-Purpose, Result

Nanda Maharaja remained silent. Why?

No secrecy for the liberal & saintly

Cannot hide from family & friends

Acts done with/without full knowledge

*Injunction / Popular Ceremony?

Nanda Maharaja’s reply – traditional

Rainfall and sustenance

annAd bhavanti bhUtAniparjanyAd anna sambhavahyajnAd bhavati parjanyoYajnah karma samudbhavah

BG 3.14

Rain given by Indra – energy has controller

Agriculture and all other aspects ofhuman life depends on rain

Giving up traditional ceremonialfunction because of lust is not good

Krishna’s tricky talks Purpose?

Forgo sacrificeDemigod worship benefits

are temporary

Actually given by Supreme Lord

Krishna in antaryAmi

Lord is paramAtma and knows what Indra would


Purpose is to crush Indra’s pride

Relish the uninterrupted association of all of His


Krishna speaks Karma Mimamsa Philosophy

Srila Visvanatha Chakravarti summarises …

Karma alone is sufficient to determine one’s destiny.

One’s conditioned nature (svabhAva) is the supreme controller.

The Modes of Nature (Gunas) are the supreme controller.

The Supreme Lord is simply a dependent aspect of karma.

He is under karma’s control.

One’s occupation is the actual worshipable deity

Nanda Maharaja & other elderly members reply:

Own activities alone will not do

Satisfaction of the predominating deity must be done

Examples:Doctor, disease 7 death

Parents’ protection of child – inadequate

Material causes are not enough for results.

The controller’s sanction must be there.

So Indra-yajna must be done.

Krishna says:

No need for Indra-yajna

Everyone has to face the results of own work.

Busy because of natural tendency to work

Accordingly, respective results obtained

Due to nature of work – different bodies, higher and lower, friendship, animosity, etc. achieved

Perform duty as per natural instincts and not divert to demigod worship

Demigods would be satisfied with our proper execution of duties, that’s



BG 18.42: Peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, knowledge, wisdom and religiousness — these are the natural qualities by which the brāhmanas work.

BG 18.43: Heroism, power, determination, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity and leadership are the natural qualities of work for the ksatriyas.

BG 18.44: Farming, cow protection and business are the natural work for the vaiśyas, and for the śūdras there is labor and service to others.

krsi-go-raksya-vānijyamvaiśya-karma svabhāva-jam

Krishna identifies with Vaishya community

Cosmic Manifestation & 3 modes of material nature

They are causes of creation, maintenance and destruction.

Cloud is caused by action of the mode of passion

Rajo guna’s actions cause rainfall.

After rainfall, jives derive result – Success in Rainfall –

What then has Indra got to do with all this?

Even if you do not please Indra, what he can do?

Water on land & ocean

No special benefit

We don’t go anywhere else for our livelihood

- no other village, city, foreign country

Cities are full of palatial buildings but

happy in this vrndavana forest

Let’s satisfy Govardhana and the local brahmanas.

Let’s not have anything to do with Indra.

Nanda Maharaja agrees but …

Time is of Essence

Nanda Maharaja finally agrees …

Krishna gave directions:

Prepare nice foodstuffs – rice, dhal, halava, pakora, puri, sweet rice,

sweetballs, sandesa, rasagulla, laddu

Invite learned brahmanas for chanting Vedic hymns and offer oblations to the fire

Brahmanas to be given all kinds of grains in charity

Decorate cows

Give money in charity to the brahmanas

Feed others such as dogs, lower grades of people like candAlas with Govardhana


Give fresh grass to cows

Circumambulation of Govardhana Hill

Circumambulation with cows in front

Chanting of Vedic hymnsBy Brahmanas

Gopis dressed luxuriantly and sat in bullock carts

Chanted Krishna’s glories

Brahmanas offered their blessings to the cowherd men and their wives, the


Krishna assumes great divine form

Krishna is Himself Govardhana

Govardhana Puja celebrated by devotees

even today

Prasadam is always pure

Govardhana’s History from Garga Samhita

Satya Yuga, Salmali Dvipa, Oranacal, Pulastya Rishi & Kashi

Vraja and Govardhana’s desire

Pulastya’s curse

Govardhana’s initial size:eight yojanas long (64 miles); five yojanas wide (40 miles} and two

yojanas high (16 miles)

Yamuna, Govardhana and Kali Yuga’s full effects

It is said that after ten thousand years of the Kali-yuga, Govardhana will have

completely disappeared.

One who neglects Govardhana worship as I am conducting it, will

not be happy.

Snakes on Hill Negligence in worship

& Consequences

In order for good fortune to cows and us, all vrajavAsis near

Govardhana must worship this hill as prescribed by Me.

VrajavAsis returned home

aradhyo bhagavan vrajesa-tanayas tad-dhama vrndavanam

ramya kacid upasana vraja-vadhu-vargena va kalpita

srimad bhagavatam pramanam amalam prema pum-artho mahan

sri-chaitanya mahaprabhor matam idam tatradarah na parah

The Supreme Lord Shri Krishna, who is Vrajendra-nandana is the topmost

worshipable Deity. Vrndavana-dhama, which is an expansion of Krishna and non-different from Him, is the highest worshipable abode. The most pleasing

form of worship for the Lord is that which is performed by the gopis of

Vrndavan. Srimad Bhagavatam is the spotless evidence for knowing the

absolute truth and pure love of God, Krishna-prema, is the highest goal of life. These statements, for which we

have the highest regard, are the opinion of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
