Kreativ Kaos - The Broken Dolls Issue



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Transcript of Kreativ Kaos - The Broken Dolls Issue

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6| Kreativ Kaos –Rocker Doll Katelyn Philpot

20| Kreativ Kaos – Bohemian Doll Laciandra Thomas 23| Model Of The Month

32| Kreativ Kaos – 70’S Doll Kendal Barnett

40| Kreativ Kaos – Vintage Doll MayLisa Sollars (Cover Model)

10| Product Of Month- Wet N Wild

16| 18-Fabulous Beauty Tips Every Women Should Know

12| Ask Messenja Column

24| BBM Chronicles…..Steamy …

29| 7-Secrets To Financial Artistry

37| Poetic Pause

44| Artist of the Month Poet- Theladypoet – Callaway Photographer- James Torrence

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Fashion Director – Khalia Thomas Senior Fashion Editor- M. Myron Myers


Senior Writer – LaTasha Hudgens Senior Columnist- Tony Rich

Fashion Director – M. Myron Myers

ART Art Director- Khalia Thomas


Katelyn Philpot Laciandra Thomas

Kendal Barnett Maylisa Sollars




Steppin Out Cousins Cutz LexCam Design

Dots Penitentiary Tattoos

M&M photography Studios Yacht Shots


Kreativ Kaos Publishing House

LOCATION OF SHOOT The River Walk Downtown Detroit ,MI

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Dear Messenja,

am a friend of a man who is married with kids and the other day he informs me that he wants to spend xmas with me. every since that day I've been uneasy with this relationship and have been trying to figure out a way to tell him that he should spend the holidays with his family. I've had fun with this relationship but I'm not trying to be a wife to anybody. how do i let him down easy without losing the friendship...


Dear Forever Mistress,

First of all if you play with fire you going to get burned eventually, so with that being said why are you his mistress in the first place if you don't want to play that role. That right there tells you the relationship is unhealthy and built around lies. Don't wait till Xmas to decide to have a heart, you didn't care any other time so why now. Don't waist anymore of your time with this relationship. If he is a real friend he will accept what you have to say and keep it moving, and if not then he's not a real friend anyways. My advise to you is to just leave him alone completely, because any man who would leave his family for Xmas to spend time with his fuck buddy is NOT a real man. LET HIM GO!!!

Dear Messenja

e all know that nobody’s perfect ,but what behaviors should be considered deal breakers ? Signed ,CONFUSED

Dear Confused,

Well your deal breaker and my deal breaker could be totally different so I can't really advise you on this question. You just have to observe the things that your partner does that irritates you the most, and before you call it off talk about them first.

Dear Messenja,

hy do women get pissed when you answer them honestly to ?'s like "does this make me look fat ? how many women have you been with?etc know the typical female boost my ego questions ...should we lie to save there feelings or be as honest as possible..


Dear Feeling Honest,

No man don't lie, if she knows she looks fat then she is going to call you a liar. next time just give creative answers to make her feel good about the situation. Say something like, You look nice just the way I like you. So what you really just said was ..”You know you big but i like you just the way you are”. My advise is keep telling the truth but be creative.

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Dear Messenja,

bout a year ago i decided to become celibate because of a bad strings of dates. Whew they were mind numbing Horrible. but I recently started dating this girl who I thought was perfect for me from afar .. but and oh there’s a but... on our 6th date we decided to get intimate. everything was going perfect I was feeling her and vise verse ..when outta nowhere she pulls out this sex toy it throws me off and instantly I’m not in the mood anymore.. I get up and leave while she’s enjoying the toy because I’m uncomfortable now she’s pissed at me .. I really like her but toys aren’t my thing .. help me how do I tell her to drop the toys and only be with me?


Dear, Toy Holdup

Sometimes you have to give a little to get a little. The freak in me says toys are not a bad thing. You waited 6 dates to get some and you let a toy scare you away, So what does say about you? are you insecure about your manhood? Dude get over it and give it a try, and if you can't .. Simply move on, besides she’s only a woman you've been on 6 dates with and not your wife. So you can't expect for her to just start giving things up for you, especially after you walked out on her. My advise is to have some fun with it.


Dear Messenja

‘ve been a relationship for 3 years and it seems like i work harder to maintain this relationship then i do my paying job and I’m tired geez.. Should a relationship be hard work or if its meant to be should it just work out?


Dear Messenja,

‘ve been a relationship for 3 years and it seems like I work harder to maintain this relationship then I do my paying job and I’m tired geez.. Should a relationship be hard work or if its meant to be should it just work out?


Dear Relationship Workout

In this case communication is the key. Relationships are going to have their ups and downs. Have you talked to your partner about your feelings? If not, that would be the first step to making progress towards things changing. If so, then maybe it's time to start changing some things in your life. If you partner is not willing to help make it work then it's not meant to be. My advise would be to try an talk about it. That will give you a good idea of what you need to do from there.

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Dear Relationship Workout

n this case communication is the key. Relationships are going to have their ups and downs. Have you talked to your partner about your feelings? If not, that would be the first step to making progress towards things changing. If so, then maybe it's time to start changing some things in your life. If you partner is not willing to help make it work then it's not meant to be. My advise would be to try and talk about it and that will give you a good idea of what you need to do from there.

Dear Messenja,

am a married man who cheated on my wife about 2 years ago recently she found out and she’s become so closed off to me.. I regretted the 2 week fling ever since and I’ve tried to tell my wife how sorry I am but the only thing she says to me is I’m scared to let you back in. what should I do to make her love me again and forgive me ?


R l

Dear Messenja,

ntil recently I’ve always been a thin girl . i dated often but now that I’m no longer a size 8 but a thick size 14 I cant buy a date .. What’s up with that .. I’m so frustrated ..I’ve come to love my new curves but men don’t .. help me out here what am I missing …Why do men go for the thin chicks?


Dear Curvy Frustrations,

I swear you must live in a small town with the population of 100 if you can't find a man who likes thick women. I'm just saying maybe it's not your size but maybe it's something else. Could it be the way you dress or the way you wear your hair? Could it be your personality? I'm just saying there are plenty of men who don't care about size. If you continue to have problems finding a man, try some online dating sites. They match you with someone who share the same interest as you. The only other option would be to lose weight, do what it takes to get back to the size you were. My advise is to be patient don't go looking for him, let him come to you because he's out there. Their is someone for everybody.

Dear Love Not Worthy,

This is a tough situation. The only thing you can do is go to counseling if you want your marriage to work. they say time heals all wounds, but your talking about fixing a knife in the heart with some duck tape. You got to put yourself in her shoes and think about how you would feel. Wish I could tell you more but at this point counseling is your only option, otherwise the wound is going to bleed until your marriage is dead. Learn from you mistakes.

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Exfoliating yourSkin with raw sugar ,water and

a tablespoon of mineral oil twice a month will leave your skin smooth and moisturized

Taking youreye makeup off

with soft nonscented

baby wipes at the end of the day will save the sensitive skin around

you eyes

Dip a cotton swab in eye- makeup remover and trace it along your lids to erase any

slipups or goofs when there's no time to redo your whole look.

Got a Burn from the Curling iron? Dab it with a

cold compress and apply honey. It has a Anti-

inflammatory properties that will calm the injury.

For a long lasting nude lip Apply concealer a half shade

lighter on your lips, bloat then add you nude lipstick

SOAK Discolored finger nails in denture

cleaner to lift stains left behind by dark polish

SOAK DiscoloredSOAK Discolored finger nails in denture finger nails in denture

cleaner to lift stains left cleaner to lift stains left behind by dark polish behind by dark polish

Tame unruly eyebrows with clear


Obtain smoother skin . Sprinkle 2 cupsof dry milk in a warm bath and soak for 20

minutes, pat dry .

Don’t Pitch your old tubes of lipstick , scoop it out , put in a

small travel dish , mix with lips balm , Vaseline or yourfavorite clear lipgloss to

make a fab tinted lip balm on the go

Fill in your eyebrows your eye shadow a half shade lighter

than your brows will .soften the harsh lines

Fill in your eyebrows your eye shadow a half shade lighter

than your brows will .soften the harsh lines

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Take a ripe avocado, remove the pit and skin,

and mash it up in a bowl. Slather it all over your body, let it sit for 20 minutes, then rinse

off. Your skin will be sooo soft

avocadois a naturalmoisturizer

Slather on the petroleum

jelly, and put on socks before

bed to dissolve

tough calluses


If you find yourselfstreaking (not glowing) after

applying self-tanner, put some baking soda on a loofah

and scrub away the stripes.

Use just a pea-size amount. Let sit for 15

minutes to absorb the oil so the pimple won't get more

clogged, then wash off.

If your skin is sensitive or just looking irritated and puffy for

some reason, steep a bag of green tea for a minute or two, let

it cool down and dab it over your face. The antioxidants in

the tea take down inflammation.

If your hairline starts to look greasy, dig up a big, fluffy makeup brush, and dip it into a pot of loose

powder. Tap it once on the back of your hand to

remove the excess, then dust it over your roots. It mops up oil and blends

into your strands,

Scent Strands with Perfume

Spray a light shot of fragrance into your brush's bristles. Run

it through strands from roots to ends and your hair will smell amazing throughout the day

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Laciandra Thomas

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Sit back ,get comfortable & enjoy the steamy Fantasies

Written by : Teddy & Passion

(BlackBerry Messenger)

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Sit back ,get comfortable & enjoy the steamy Fantasies

EPISODE #1Title: Our 1st Time. (Passions version).

The day before....

I've had a long tiring day at work. My boss has been grating my last nerves , the new temp needed to be trained , I missed lunch , my editing department was falling behind and on top of everything I hadn't talked to him all day. I'm irritated because he hasn't called and I didn't have a single moment in my day to call him. It dawned on me that Wow I've been celibate for 3 long years partly by choice and the other caused by having no time or desire to give myself to anyone . But every since I met Teddy my dreams haven't been my own. It’s like he's orchestrating my dreams to give me what I've been missing. He knew I wasn't ready for the real thing ... But today my body and mind was screaming at me to touch him and for him to touch me in every way imaginable.

..........1 Hour Later..............

As I'm driving home my phone rings I reach for it answering without looking at the caller ID...Hello Passion speaking.Hey baby.Hi sweetheart "My body instantly responds to the sound of his voice...”Tell him you’re ready”... As I get myself together all I can muster is... I've missed u. So have I passion... So much.

Before he can say anything else and lose my new found nerve I sigh and tell him... Baby I'm ready for u to touch me like no man has ever touched me...He gasp in shock Baby r u sure... I can wait...Yes baby... I'm sure.

Ok then tomorrow your fantasy will begin... Sleep well baby I'll call u In the morning

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Sit back ,get comfortable & enjoy the steamy Fantasies

Title: Our 1st Time. (Passions version).

........... The Next Morning........

I woke the next morning reaching for my cell phone... Groggy as hell because I've had the champion of wet dreams...This better be good who ever this is... Hey baby .. You have 30 minutes to get up shower, and eat a light breakfast. After your done retrieve the package at your door. I followed his instructions to the letter... When I opened the door I see a beautifully wrapped box .Inside is one chocolate strawberry saying enjoy your strawberry now. along with a note saying” I will enjoy mine later when I eat it off of u”.. That sends a tingle down my spine to my chocolate essence...Now begins the most beautiful day we'll ever have... Go to the park for your next clue... Look for a white tree with a red bow. I finally find the tree and next to it is an elegantly dressed woman holding what looks like to be a dress & shoe bag.... Passion my name is mystery I was sent here By Teddy to give you a gift and escort you to the next destination your car will be taken care of please follow me your limo awakes ,you'll need to change in the car. I changed into a beautiful white silk dress. 30 minutes later we arrive at a beautiful luxury hotel she passes me a note the read... "Please go to the elevators on your right go up to the 25th floor "... As the elevator doors open I see him dressed in all white... Looking so beautiful it takes my breath away... I'm staring so long that I don't realize that he's holding his hand out to me... I take it finally... He leads me to an immaculate room that stops me in my tracks... My favorite song is playing by Adele ”lovesong”....White roses & candles are leading the way to my night to remember .He lightly strokes my chin “Welcome to your fantasy" . A tear falls and I instantly know without him touching that he is my forever... He kisses my shoulder. Baby what wrong... Nothing Teddy everything is finally right...He kisses me softly & whispers in my ear undress for me baby I wanna see all of you.. I comply releasing the straps on my beautiful silk white dress it pools at my feet and I'm standing there in my black Lace thong... His hand caress my stomach & blazes a trail to my breast... I moan before I can blink. He cuts my panties off me they fall and join my dress pooled at my feet on the floor... "You are so beautiful". In that moment he make me fill like a queen...He begins to stroke the folds of my essence and bring me to the sweetest orgasm that make my knees buckle...He catches me and lays me on the bed ..I then notice that He's naked... And there’s a tray of strawberries on the nightstand.

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Sit back ,get comfortable & enjoy the steamy Fantasies

Title: Our 1st Time. (Passions version).

Open for me baby he crushed a strawberry on wet essence and devour me like a starved man... I grip the sheets and cum so hard it leaves me

in a glorious whimpering pool... I reach down to pull him up. I want to see what we taste like together on your tongue... We end the night making love on a bed of white roses... Bringing each other to the most powerful orgasms. Exhausted, sweaty, gloriously Satisfied and falling asleep in

each others arms... As my eyes drift closed I hear him whisper ...."MINE FOREVER”... I've loved you from the moment your hand touched mine...

A tear falls before I can catch it... An you are MINE...

Written By: Passion


Enjoy the following excerpt of BBM Chronicles . Title : RED VELVET ROPE

It has been a long year for teddy & passion. Teddy was progressing in his profession & Passions new business " D&D Publishing House" was

gaining great success.. So much that it forced her to relocate from Virginia To NYC. It has been 6 months 3 days 7hrs and 32 minutes since she felt, Seen, touched & tasted Teddy an her body was going Bananas.. It had become a ritual for them to talk every Morning since she moved. But this morning he didn't answer his phone she was worried and pissed all at the sametime. She needed his sexy deep voice to start her day off right.. She could almost hear his greeting "heeyyy Baby" it almost made her laugh cause he has such a southern east coast Twang to his voice. She shook her head mumbling " where are u baby" grabbed her purse and headed off to work. She was in such a rush leaving the house that she almost tripped over a box at her door. She quickly recognized the

wrapping because it was the special paper teddy only used for her. She opened it to find a long piece of Red velvet Rope with a note asking if " Red Lace her alter ego can come out to play.. Passion instantly felt her panties get wet and Red Lace Scream " HELL YES" there was only one

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Sit back ,get comfortable & enjoy the steamy Fantasies


Enjoy the following excerpt of BBM Chronicles . Title : RED VELVET ROPE

problem where was Teddy? Damn it he can't wake her up and not have the balls to be here to play.. Pissed she threw the box on the foyer table and headed out again . she made it as far as her car when she heard "

Ur Not gonna stay and play? Its not nice when u don't play with your new toys Love". She froze thinking she was indeed losing her mind ..PLEASE

,PLEASE don't let him be a hallucination when I turn around. ………..

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2. Adopt a Foolproof Credit Card Strategy

Make this the year you tackle that credit card debt once and for all. Doing so will make you and your family stronger and happier—forever. What happens to the stock market and the housing market is completely beyond your control. Credit card debt, however, is completely within your control. Every time you pay off a card with a 15 percent interest rate, you get a 15 percent return on your money.

See if you can qualify for a balance transfer card that offers a low or 0 percent introductory interest rate for the first six to 12 months. If you can get a good deal, move your high-rate debt to that new card. Do not use the card for any new charges, and push yourself hard to pay off the balance as soon as possible. If you don't qualify, no worries. Always pay the minimum due on each card, on time, every month. Whenever possible, send in some extra money on the card that charges the highest interest rate. Your goal is to get the costliest balance paid off first. When the first card is cleared, direct your payments to the card with the next highest interest rate. Keep doing this until you've zeroed out the balances on all your cards.Read more:

3. Know Your Credit Score

The big takeaway from the meltdown of 2008 is that banks are going to be a lot less eager to lend money to you. You will need a sparkling financial personality: a FICO score above 700, solid verifiable income, a manageable amount of existing debt—to get good offers for credit cards, auto loans, mortgages, and refinancings. And you can expect lenders to continue to tighten the screws on your existing credit lines; all the credit they loved to give you before 2008 now makes them nervous. Get your credit score by going to If your score is below 700, two of the best ways to improve it are to pay your bills on time and push yourself to reduce your credit card balances.Read more:


1.Take a Snapshot of Your Finances

It's impossible to map out a route to your destination if you don't know where you're starting from. So let's take a "before" picture of your finances. You've heard me say this a million times, but I want you to open every single financial statement—bank, credit card, mortgage, 401(k), brokerage account—and take a look. Only when you have everything in front of you can you set priorities about what to do next. If you're vexed by your checking account (you swear you should have more money; you can never figure out why your checks bounce), start fresh by opening a new one. Leave enough in your existing account to cover any checks that haven't yet been processed, then transfer the rest to the new account and close the old one. Next, sign up for online banking. It should be free, and as long as you use your home computer, it's also safe. The advantage of online banking is that you can pay bills superfast, and your account is automatically credited or debited for each deposit and payment, making it easier to stay on track. Read more:

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4.. Separate Savings from Investments

Now we're ready to move on to how you put your money to work for you and your family. There is a vitally important difference between money you need to save and money you need to invest, yet it's a distinction many people don't grasp. Money you know you need or want to spend in the next few years is savings. Money you keep handy for an emergency belongs in savings. Money you hope to use soon for a down payment on a house belongs in savings. And all savings belong in a low-risk bank savings account or money market account. The goal is to keep your money safe so that when you go to use it, it will be there.

Money you won't need to use for at least seven years is money for investing. The goal here is to have your account grow over time to help you finance a distant goal, such as building a retirement fund. Since your goal is in the future, money for investing belongs in stocks. As I'll explain later, the potential inflation-beating returns that only stocks can deliver make them the right choice for a successful long-term investment strategy.Read more:

6. Pay in Cash

Financially speaking, December can be rough: Gift giving, holiday parties, and vacations all take their toll. My advice? Stash your credit cards and live within your means all 31 days of this month. Avoiding that nasty January credit card bill that you can't pay off is the surest way to start the new year on the right financial foot. Read more:

5. Gift Smart

With all the graduations and weddings coming your way, you're probably planning to purchase some presents. Here's my gift-giving rule: Respect your current financial situation. The last thing family and friends want is for you to spend money on them that you don't have or that you can't really spare.Read more:

7. Have a Little Self-Discipline!

Okay, so where do you find the money to put toward your financial goals? If you're dealing with a layoff or furlough, I know you feel stretched to the limit. But often when families tell me they have no money for their goals, I look at their spending and find lots of "wants" to cut. So pull out your three most recent bank and credit card statements, circle every charge or debit that is not a necessity, and ask yourself, "Can I eliminate this cost entirely?" If not, can you scale it back 30 to 50 percent (downgrade the cable, say, or opt for the less-pricey cell package)? Every time you cut expenses, you can put the money toward bigger goals.Read more:

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`Screaming for Silence`by TheLadyPoet

I continueto search for something that can’t exist

without the occurrence of change-change is no longer the only constant

I hear the noise,the constant sound of thought

bouncing on reflectionsand off hopes against time-

the ideas that keep me going and hold me backat the same time

I can do this but I can’tMy mind is encouraged,

yet discouragedscreaming for a moment of silence.

Does HE? love. me?Do I love?

myself?Why does God love?

people like me?What is this thing? called love? LOVE:

this thing that becomes an action-the subject of my objection.

Objectionable emotions flow through my heartlike water through air;

free-falling from the skylanding on my sleeve.

The wind shouts out answers that can’t be heard because of the noise from

my thoughts quarrelling with the noise from

my heart.My heart is asphyxiated,

and confused from the chaotic clamor,Screaming for a moment of silence.

Is it my eyes, lips, hips, thighsthat have your insipid attention?

Or do these parts call to you hoping for more than What you’re worth?

My heart and my mind argue over what part is betterin your sight…

Which one makes your aura take flight,

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`Screaming for Silence`by TheLadyPoet

or is this one causing your aurora to occur at midnight, or did that one cause a plethora of multiple sights

that give you multiple delights when they call your name?This noise drowns out my heart’s sounds

and screams…because it wants you to see me…My body is a means of existence but your persistence to get close

and insistence to get my clothes offand expose the exposure I wish to keep decent.

My body is exhausted,and depleted of will, want, and desirescreaming for a moment of silence.

The spiritual being inside methat guides my psyche

evades me on days when I feel not myself,

when I deny myself necessary necessitieswith living Christianly.

In so many ways I gage my steps according to the orchestra created by my mind, heart, body and soul…

My mind acts as the woodwinds gathering air to give my thoughts to the atmosphere.

My heartstrings vibrate in synchronization with that air moved by mymind. My body’s brass parts, strong and loud, feed on the

vibration of the strings produced by my heart.Completion would not be without the drum pattern of what lies

far within me,hidden with secrecy,bound for eternity,

the beauty that’s surrounds and grounds me-knowing that my mind, heart, body,

and soul decrees fluently, and in harmonic unity, yet all are still screaming for a moment of silence

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Written by : Cheryl A. Turner

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Ego Tripping

I was born in the congo I walked to the fertile crescent and built

the sphinx I designed a pyramid so tough that a star

that only glows every one hundred years falls into the center giving divine perfect light

I am bad I sat on the throne

drinking nectar with Allah I got hot and sent an ice age to Europe

to cool my thirst My oldest daughter is Nefertiti the tears from my birth pains

created the Nile I am a beautiful woman

I gazed on the forest and burned out the Sahara desert

with a packet of goat's meat and a change of clothes I crossed it in two hours I am a gazelle so swift

so swift you can't catch me For a birthday present when he was three

I gave my son Hannibal an elephant He gave me Rome for mother's day

My strength flows ever on My son Noah built new/ark and

I stood proudly at the helm as we sailed on a soft summer day I turned myself into myself and was

Jesus men intone my loving name

All praises All praises I am the one who would save

I sowed diamonds in my back yard My bowels deliver uranium

the filings from my fingernails are semi-precious jewels

On a trip north I caught a cold and blew

My nose giving oil to the Arab world I am so hip even my errors are correct

I sailed west to reach east and had to round off the earth as I went

The hair from my head thinned and gold was laid across three continents

I am so perfect so divine so ethereal so surreal I cannot be comprehended except by my permission

I mean...I...can fly like a bird in the sky...

Nikki Giovanni







Written by : Khalia’ Thomas

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KK: When did you first start writing, what made you feel the need to express yourself in this way?

TLPC: I started writing when she was 16 @ MLK ( Martin Luther King Jr. Senior High School) for a class assignment didn’t become a passion till I was in my early 20’s. It became a passion and a way to express my emotions in such a profound way that it couldn’t be classified as anything but a gift. I felt like I was misunderstood and the written word became my voice and a sense of understanding followed ..

KK: What types of poems do you find yourself writing most?

TLPC: A lot of my poetry is relationship based .. Its easier for me to burden my paper with my emotions and written word than it is a person. This allows me to every emotion out in a creative way.

KK: What kind of work are you most drawn to reading yourself? Do you find yourself reading work similar to your own, or completely different?

TLPC: I tend read outside my comfort zone to widen my spectrum to gain inspiration .. My current inspiration is the author of “For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf” -Ntozake Shange

KK: Do you also write short stories or pieces of literature?

TLPC: Yes I have a series that I started that follows the journey of love.

KK: Have you ever been published? If so where?

TLPC: Yes I have a anthology in “ Natures Eco’ in 2004 – poetry .com – and I’m working on publishing a completed book my own work in the near future

KK: Name the 3 poems you are most proud of writing, the ones that you personally cannot forget? TLPC: 1. Giving Head (This poem is more than title) - 2. Screaming for silence ( this poem broke a very long writers block 3.beautiful irony – was inspired by American beauty

KK: Some poets are also active in other creative areas, what are some of you favorite non-poetry or literature activities? TLPC: I love to act ,and narrate .. But photography has become my 2nd passion I plan to pursue it in the near future KK: Poets are from all over the world, where do you hail from? TLPC: I hail from Houston, Texas on Feb 17 at Sharks Town hospital now know as a parking lot

n my search to find extraordinary Artist I came across TheLadyPoet Callaway. Her poetry delves in deep seeded emotion. She not only speaks from her own personal pain but others as well. Her poetry has enabled the quiet to have a voice, the meek to be strong and the strong to be vulnerable.


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KK: If you were given the opportunity to get published and do book signings anywhere you wanted, what cities or countries would definitely be on your book tour?

TLPC: ATL .To show my Future and . LEXINGTON,KY ..To honor my past and where I started this Poetic journey. KK: What style of poetry do you prefer? ( Freestyle, Rhyming, Haiku)

TLPC: Freestyle and rhyme ..without reason or traditional poetry rules KK: Poets tend to have favorite poets they visit often, can you suggest someone readers might enjoy checking out? TLPC: Divine Carama – Phenomenal multi talent person. Poetically gifted beyond belief. Julie James – This women does it all literally sing, Act, Photography and Poet and last but certainly not least is Mr. Demond Royce – He produce my poetry CD for me.. Fantastic ..

KK: Do you have a present day muse ?

TLPC: LoL Yes I most certainly do his name is Jemarius Moore ---

KK: What makes him your muse?

TLPC: Because he is my heart and joy .he is the only person right now that leaves me speechless.

KK: WOW … Someone who leaves Fantastic poet speechless earns the coveted title of Muse any day.

KK: Poets are often said to be eccentric, and I support that..please end this interview by creating 2 sentences poetic, strange or quietly profound. your choice.

TheLadyPoet Callaway :

“On dreary days I know the One who reigns. So my dance in that rain will never be in

vain ….

KK: Many poets have different methods for their writing, some write on paper and then transmit to the blog, others type their work out in word and then transfer it. What is your preferred writing method?

TLPC: I write on anything available .. I once wrote a full poem on 5 post it notes . I rarely type it out on computer 1st ..

KK: They say that to see the world with complete honesty one should look to comedians, artists and poets, what do you think emerges naturally from your work? TLPC: True no holds bar Emotion.. KK: Do you have one poem that you almost did not post due to it being so very personal? Did you post it after all? If so, please tell us about it. TLPC: No ..not really the only poem that comes close is the poem “Giving head “.. it makes people see my inner soul. It makes people reach deeper to gain the true meaning . KK: Do you have a special ritual that you go through when preparing to write. TLPC: No once it strikes me I listen and follow the emotions. Once its on paper if it doesn’t feel right I will scrap it or walk away knowing that maybe it was meant to be written but not heard yet. – For example .., I wrote a poem when my grandmother passed as a tribute to her but at the time it just didn’t feel right I actually didn’t like it and wanted to scrap it. As luck would have it I didn’t I found it on the eve of her death and realized that I not only wrote it but typed it up on my computer. Its been two weeks and I still haven’t given it to my family yet. Once its time for it to be heard it will not only tell them what she meant to me but convey the women she was to others. If you tell a story to early you will miss the lesson your suppose to learn and the meaning your meant to gain.

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Written by : Khalia’ Thomas

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KK: How did you get into photography?

JT: My mother and Grandmother were into photography .. It was always just a hobby for them –They gave me my 1st Kodak Camera and I wanted to take pictures of everything.. I loved it. Getting into photography Professionally is a different story.. Lol ..That came about thru taking pictures for a after hours club ( Who’s name I wont mention ) for 30 girls. I discovered that I could make a lot of money doing what I love. The rest of that story is a secret.. LOL

KK: Have you ever pictured yourself doing anything other than photography?

JT: LOL . Maybe a super hero .. I’m waiting to hear back from star fleet enterprise ..

KT: WOW… Yes I can see that happening .. LOL

JT: Seriously No I haven’t I think its what I was born to do.

KK: What inspires you?

JT: Everything really -There’s always something that you can look at different and show the world a different perspective – Real photographers don’t just do what’s safe .. They allow you to see the dirt and grime along with the peace and serenity KK: Who were your mentors?

JT: I’ve had some well know and famous mentors ( who names I choose not to mention) who’ve shown me different tricks to gain a great picture

KK: What do you want to be remembered for?

JT: A father 1st –his daughter is the main reason why he does a lot of things. to show who he really is- Thru my photographer my daughter will be able to see that I wasn’t all the way there mentally LOL but she will love me because I showed her a different unique perspective- 2nd Friend 3rd A person with a lot of heart.. For as big as my Ego is my Heart for helping people is bigger. I’m all about helping people hone there craft and giving someone a good start on that path to greatness

KK: How would you categorize your Photography?

JT: Colorful raving of a lunatic

KK: What do you want people to see when they look at your photography – ?-- Do you think people see the story your trying to tell in your work?

JT: Well I believe they will see what they want to see regardless of the story in my head. My job is to tell the story there job is to interpret it however they want too.

sat down with Mr. Torrence at a local Coney Island for our interview. Only to discover that this was going to be one of the most interesting and hilarious interviews I’ve ever given. I’ll admit that at first glance you don’t see his eccentric side but two seconds after hello you know its there. The difference is he owns his artistic , eccentric side and it only serves to enhance who he is and push his talent to another level that’s just Fantastic.


[email protected]

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Ascension Of Phoenix

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KK: How did you get into photography?

JT: My mother and Grandmother were into photography .. It was always just a hobby for them –They gave me my 1st Kodak Camera and I wanted to take pictures of everything.. I loved it. Getting into photography Professionally is a different story.. Lol ..That came about thru taking pictures for a after hours club ( Who’s name I wont mention ) for 30 girls. I discovered that I could make a lot of money doing what I love. The rest of that story is a secret.. LOL

KK: Have you ever pictured yourself doing anything other than photography?

JT: LOL . Maybe a super hero .. I’m waiting to hear back from star fleet enterprise ..

KT: WOW… Yes I can see that happening .. LOL

JT: Seriously No I haven’t I think its what I was born to do.

KK: What inspires you?

JT: Everything really -There’s always something that you can look at different and show the world a different perspective – Real photographers don’t just do what’s safe .. They allow you to see the dirt and grime along with the peace and serenity KK: Who were your mentors?

JT: I’ve had some well know and famous mentors (who names I choose not to mention) who’ve shown me different tricks to gain a great picture KK: Do you think your mother is proud of what you do?

JT: Yes she is –My mother tells me all the time that she’s proud of me. She also gives me advice on my work. Which I appreciate but not when she does it on facebook. (Yes my mother is my facebook friend). KK: What are you scared of?

JT: Afraid to make the same mistakes repeatedly

KK: What do you want to be remembered for?

JT: A father 1st –his daughter is the main reason why he does a lot of things. to show who he really is- Thru my photographer my daughter will be able to see that I wasn’t all the way there mentally LOL but she will love me because I showed her a different unique perspective- 2nd Friend 3rd A person with a lot of heart.. For as big as my Ego is my Heart for helping people is bigger. I’m all about helping people hone there craft and giving someone a good start on that path to greatness

KK: How would you categorize your Photography?

JT: Colorful raving of a lunatic

KK: What do you want people to see when they look at your photography – ?-- Do you think people see the story your trying to tell in your work?

JT: Well I believe they will see what they want to see regardless of the story in my head. My job is to tell the story there job is to interpret it however they want too.

KK: If you could tell young artist anything to help them find out who they are what would it be?

JT: Chances make champions – find the thing your most scared of and mash nit to your art and it will help you overcome your fears ..

[email protected]

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