Kordyban Lodge

Celebrating & 75th Anniversary of The Canadian Cancer Society Photo courtesy Derek Lepper © 2013 The Kordyban Lodge Grand Opening Pho Pho Pho Pho Pho Pho o Pho Pho h ho ho o o Pho Pho P Pho Pho h h ho h ho o o o o o o o Pho Pho Pho h h h h ho h h h ho ho o o o o o o Pho P Ph h h h ho o o o o Ph h ho hoto t to to to to to to to o to to to to o to to o to to to cou cou cou cou cou cou ou o o o ou o cou ou cou c cou o o o o o o cou ou cou u cou o o cou u cou cou c cou c c co cou co co o o cour rte rt rte rte rte r rte rte rte rte rte rte rte rte rte e rte rte e e te te e te e e r e e e es sy sy sy sy sy sy sy sy sy sy sy s sy y y sy sy sy sy y y y y y sy sy y sy sy Der Der r Der Der Der D D Der er Der Der D De De e Der Der er D D De D De Der Der er D D De e D D ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek ek e e ek e ek ek ek e ek e ek ek e ek e e ek Lep Lep Lep Lep Lep Lep Lep Lep Lep Lep e Lep Lep ep epper per p p per per per per per e per e er per per per p pe e e e per per e e p © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © 2 2 2 201 201 201 201 201 201 2 201 201 1 201 201 201 0 20 01 1 201 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 2013 | WWW.PGCITIZEN.CA 41


Kordyban Lodge

Transcript of Kordyban Lodge

Page 1: Kordyban Lodge


&75th Anniversary of The Canadian Cancer Society

Photo courtesy Derek Lepper © 2013

The Kordyban Lodge Grand Opening

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Page 2: Kordyban Lodge

I t took more than a city to raise the Kordyban Lodge from a concept to the reality that opened its doors on

March 1. With the 2007 announcement that the

long-sought after B.C. Cancer Agency Centre for the North would be built in Prince George, the call for a cancer lodge to go with it intensifi ed.

The road to the 36-bed lodge, which provides affordable temporary housing for cancer patients and their families while undergoing treatment, was one the Canadian Cancer Society had in their sights for years.

During a visit to Prince George in 2006, Kate Smallwood, then-manager of the northern region of the society, said the organization was already “seriously considering establishing a cancer lodge in Prince George should a cancer clinic be built here.”

With no concrete plans for a lodge when the cancer treatment centre was announced, there was some worry that out-of-town patients would be forced to patronize the new clinic even if there wasn’t the same type of housing that was established down south.

“If patients were forced to go to Prince George in order for the treatment consultation to be fully funded by B.C. health insurance, it would be an issue,” said Peggy Davenport, a retired nurse and Prince Rupert resident.

But what the public didn’t know, is that the seed for a lodge had long been planted and was already growing roots,

thanks to Mary Kordyban.Widow of Bill Kordyban, the late

president and founder of Carrier Lumber in Prince George, Mary sat down with Prince George MLAs Shirley Bond and Pat Bell in 2004 and made a promise: if the province were to build a full cancer centre with radiation capability, her foundation would be willing to contribute $2 million to the creation of the lodge.

That sizeable donation was announced in March 2011, along with the news the residence would be named in honour of Bill Kordyban - who died after a bout with cancer in 2000 - and his family.

“The Kordyban’s contribution to the cancer lodge was really the catalyst... the seed money that brought us to today,” said Bell at a May 2011 event where it was announced that the province would match Mary’s donation.

“It’s a desire that I wanted to help people in the North to ease the diffi culties they have in getting cancer care closer to home,” said Kordyban. “I wanted it to be in the North because that’s where my husband spent all his energy and his life. I hope it will serve a lot of people and I hope people will be happy. A lot of people were touched, knowing we’re going to have a lodge here, and so many are just waiting for this to open.”

But with a fundraising goal of $10 million, it took a huge effort from across the region to buiild the 25,000 square foot facility.

The local branch of the Royal Canadian Legion kicked things off with a large $20,000 donation from their poppy campaign in November 2009, months before the lodge even had a home.

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[email protected]

A concept to









ek L


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Page 3: Kordyban Lodge

Quick facts about cancerCancer is the number one health concern today and the leading cause of death in Canada. The impact of cancer on individuals, loved ones and communities is enormous.

What is the leading cause of

cancer death in Canada?

Lung cancer is the leading

cause of cancer death for

both men and women in


What’s the chance of

surviving a cancer

diagnosis today?

About 62% of Canadians

diagnosed with cancer today

will survive fi ve years after

their diagnosis.

What are the most common

cancers in women, men, or


• In women, the most

common cancers are breast,

lung and colorectal

• In men, the most common

cancers are prostate,

colorectal and lung

• In children, the most

common cancer is leukemia

1 888 939-3333 | cancer.ca

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That didn’t happen until the city approved a land swap with School District 57 to allow the lodge to be constructed on a city-owned playground and park on Alward Street. To make up for the lost parkland, the school district freed up land near the new Duchess Park secondary in the Crescents for use as a public recreation area.

“Not only did we meet our fundraising campaign goals, we will exceed them,” said Canadian Cancer Society CEO Barbara Kaminsky at the July 14, 2011 groundbreaking. Some of the funds came through major donations - $1 million gifts from both the Novak family and West Fraser Timber - and the rest through other generous donors such as Northland Auto Group, Canfor, TELUS, Sinclar Forest Products, area Rotary clubs, other cultural organizations and private donors.

“Here is a little secret: of the four [cancer lodges] in B.C., this one here will be the nicest,” Kaminsky said. “But you have waited the longest so you deserve the best we can possibly do.”

When the offi cial ribbon-cutting took place with Premier Christy Clark March 1, 2013, any setbacks were believed to have been worth the wait.

Within walking distance of the cancer

clinic, the lodge has 18 double rooms, a library, lounge, hair wig salon, prosthesis room and a dining room where patients and families have meals prepared.

Since radiation treatment is generally booked in blocks of about fi ve weeks, guests stay at the lodge for up to a month and a half at a time. The cancer society charges $44 a

night, and that includes full meals and access to all of the services and more than 100 volunteers have signed up to work various jobs within the facility.

“Today is a special day for all of us, fi lled with pride and joy for what has been accomplished for cancer care in the north,” Kordyban said at the opening.

▼ C O N C E P T T O R E A L I T Y




Photos courtesy Derek Lepper © 2013

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Page 4: Kordyban Lodge

545 Second Avenue Prince George, BC Ph: 250-561-1230 • Fax: 250-561-1142

Web: www.admiralroofing.ca email: [email protected]

Proud to be part of the team in building the Kordyban Lodge in Prince George


T he Canadian Cancer Society leads cancer prevention initiatives because of the

signifi cant potential to save lives.

With a commitment to a healthy lifestyle and excellent cancer care, BC has the lowest cancer incidence and death rates in Canada.

However, if nothing is done, the number of new cases and deaths will continue to rise as the population grows and ages.

The prevention activities of the Canadian Cancer Society are based on the principles of health promotion.

You can improve health by providing individuals, groups and communities with the tools they need to make informed choices.

However, because social, economic and cultural forces infl uence the choices people make in their lives, the Society also works to make healthier choices easier choices for everyone. It uses education, community action, advocacy and investments in research to promote the benefi ts of good health.

Everyone is encouraged to live well, be aware and get involved.

Living well means making healthy choices every day. Not smoking, eating sensibly, limiting alcohol consumption, maintaining a health body weight, being physically active, using sun sense and getting enough vitamin D can reduce the risk of cancer.

Being aware means knowing what is normal for your body, noticing changes and getting screened, if appropriate. This can lead to the early detection of cancer

and a better outcome.Getting involved means taking action

to ensure that healthier choices are easier choices through supportive environments and advocating to government to protect the health of everyone through healthy public policy.

Innovative approaches to health promotion are making progress. Recent initiatives include Tanning is Out, which focuses on encouraging teens to go tan-free to graduation events by reducing exposure to UV radiation in tanning beds and outside.

A province-wide initiative, WellnessFits, gives employers the tools to create healthy, active workplaces to improve employee wellness and reduce the risk of chronic diseases including cancer. The program was expanded with the partnership of the BC Government’s Healthy Families BC.

The Society has advocated successfully for province-wide legislation relating to tobacco and tanning beds.

Some municipalities have introduced bans on the cosmetic use of pesticides.

Prevention research on the behaviours, biological factors and environmental conditions that reduce the risk of cancer is important. Following the establishment of the Canadian Cancer Society Chair in Cancer Primary Prevention at UBC in 2006, the BC and Yukon Division is supporting the development of a Cancer Prevention Centre under the direction of the Chair, Dr Carolyn Gotay, in partnership with UBC.

The new Centre will encompass a network of researchers whose research in prevention will hasten the transfer of evidence into policies, practices and programs.

The power of


Cancer is the number one health concern today and the leading cause of death in Canada. The impact of cancer on individuals, loved ones and communities is enormous.

Every day in British Columbia and the Yukon about 63 people are diagnosed with cancer and about 26 people will die. But there is also good news. BC has the lowest incidence of cancer and cancer deaths largely due to prevention strategies and excellent cancer care.

The Canadian Cancer Society is committed to eradicating cancer and improving the lives of people with cancer.

The Society has more impact against more cancers in more communities than any other cancer charity. The impact comes from leading cancer prevention initiatives, funding outstanding cancer research and delivering trusted information and compassionate support.

The Canadian Cancer Society provides information on all cancers and funds research on all cancers.

With a network of thousands of volunteers, a presence in locations across the province and territory and 24-hour access to the website cancer.ca, the Canadian Cancer Society can reach every community that cancer does.

The activities of the Canadian Cancer Society are funded almost entirely by courageous giving from community fundraising, planned giving, major gifts, events and other revenue development initiatives. Only a small percentage comes from government sources.

PREVENTIONAbout half of all cancers can be

prevented through healthy living and policies that protect the health of everyone. The Society uses education, health promotion, community action and advocacy to government to infl uence change. Recent prevention activities have highlighted the dangers of environmental carcinogens and the establishment of the Cancer Prevention Centre.

RESEARCHResearch saves lives. The Canadian

Cancer Society is the largest national charitable funder of cancer research in Canada.

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Our StoryThe Canadian Cancer Society BC and Yukon Division

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Page 5: Kordyban Lodge

▼ O U R S T O R Y

L inda Scheck can’t say no to helping people.

The former hospital nurse has been retired for

almost three years and knows there are no paycheques for volunteers at the Kordyban Lodge. But she was among the fi rst to offer her services answering phones and fi lling out paperwork to staff the front desk of the only residential cancer facility in northern B.C. when it opened in March.

“I knew at some point after I retired I would do volunteer work and I knew they were going to be opening the lodge and that it would be something I’d want to do,” said Scheck. “I just like being around people and having a conversation with them if they feel like talking.”

Scheck was the whirlpool nurse at UHNBC, which she refers to as “wound care.” The guests she sees now coming into the lodge are enduring chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery in their cancer treatments. Their wounds might not be physically

apparent but they quite often run deep, emotionally and psychologically, and Scheck wants to offer her empathy to help in the healing process.

“I haven’t had a chance to talk to that many people here yet but they seem to really appreciate the facility that’s here for them,” said Scheck. “I just thought it would be a really nice place to volunteer to be there if they need somebody to talk to. I do feel good when I come here.”

The lodge has four kitchen and housekeeping staff, two full-time administrators and seven nurses (one per daytime shift). It will lean heavily on its base of about 100 volunteers for offi ce duties, librarian/computer services, activity co-ordinators, healthy-living counsellors, hairstylists, massage/healing touch therapists, prosthetic/wig fi tters, and shuttle van drivers (handled by Masonic Lodge volunteers) to transport guests to the BC Cancer Centre for the North.

“We haven’t got them started with the other programs yet but we will

have librarians, activity co-orodinators and a healthy living group, and we will have guys that will help with general handyman-type duties,” said lodge manager/nurse Charlene Iverson. “We’re trying to fi nd jobs that fi t the person who’s interested so that they are giving something that is satisfying for them and will hopefully keep them interested.”

Cancer survivor Elaine Comish spent weeks undergoing cancer treatments that started three years ago in Vancouver and continues to stay at the Jean C. Barber Lodge in Vancouver when she returns for follow-up visits to treat her rare condition. Comish wants to give back to the medical system that helped her fi ght off the disease and is among a group of 100 volunteers now giving their time to Kordyban Lodge.

“I can’t even imagine not having the lodge,” said Comish, who attended the Kordyban Lodge opening ceremony. “The people in it were just absolutely amazing. Without the lodge it probably would have bankrupted us to have to stay

in a hotel room for that length of time.”Sue Keen is on front desk duty at

the lodge, her fi rst ongoing volunteer commitment. Her mother is a breast cancer survivor and lodge fi t her desire to help people from all walks of life overcome their own struggles with cancer.

“It’s fabulous, it’s a beautiful facility and everyone on staff is helpful and friendly, but the biggest thing is seeing all the residents comfortable as they face their challenges,” said Keen, who used to work in customer service for the B.C. government.

“The idea is to make this a home environment. It’s quiet right now, we don’t have a lot of people. This is a great experience and I’ve been telling lots of people I know that it’s something worthwhile and fulfi lling to do, and a great place to be.”

For more information on becoming a volunteer at the Kordyban Lodge, located at 1100 Alward St., call 250-562-3535.


[email protected]

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Investments in outstanding research on all cancers have led to improvements in the diagnosis and detection of cancer; better, less harmful treatments and improved quality of life during and after treatment; life-saving clinical trials and important prevention strategies.

SUPPORTThe Canadian Cancer Society is

available to help anyone facing cancer and their caregivers. A range of programs help people to get informed, feel supported and be empowered. The Cancer Information Service delivers trusted up-to-date information on all cancers and local resources. There is complimentary transport to cancer-related appointments; welcoming, economical accommodation during treatment at lodges and fi nancial support for travel and accommodation. CancerConnection, a service that matches trained volunteer survivors with those in treatment and the acclaimed summer recreation program at Camp

Goodtimes, are highly valued for the support they provide to participants.

There are about 17,000 volunteers in a great variety of roles who power the Canadian Cancer Society in BC and the Yukon. They volunteer because the Society provides an engaging, impactful and enriching volunteer experience, and because it makes a difference in the lives of people with cancer.

A donation or gift to the Canadian Cancer Society is the best investment in the cancer cause. The Society is the cancer charity of choice. Donors, partners and other supporters contributed just over $34 million in 2011.

There are a range of giving options that include the Society’s well-established, high profi le, community events:

Relay For Life, Daffodil Campaign and Cops for Cancer. Revenue also comes from corporate partners, planned giving and major gifts, in-memoriam and in-honour donations and other programs.

The Society depends almost entirely on fundraising to deliver programs. It is committed to transparency and responsible stewardship of donor dollars.

Helping people

Cancer-survivor Dawn Haywood, left, volunteer receptionist Betty Belado, chat in the new dining room in the Kordyban Lodge.

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Page 6: Kordyban Lodge

T he $10 million lodge, which opened on March 4 to host out-of-town residents requiring treatment at the

B.C. Cancer Agency Center for the North, is named after William (Bill) Kordyban whose family contributed $2 million to the project. Kordyban, who died in 2000, 2 1/2 months after he was diagnosed with cancer, was the president and founder of Carrier Lumber in Prince George.

When it was announced in 2008 that the BC Cancer Agency for the North cancer treatment facility would be built in Prince George next to UHNBC, the need was created for an adjacent lodge to provide temporary affordable housing to cancer patients and their families while undergoing treatments. Five years later, that need was fi lled when Kordyban Lodge opened the doors to its fi rst overnight guests.

“This lodge with familiar surroundings, will be a peaceful place of comfort, hope and compassion,” said Kordyban, at the grand opening ceremony March 1. “[It provides] affordable accommodation for people on a cancer healing journey.

“It’s a desire that I wanted to help

people in the North to ease the diffi culties they have in getting cancer care closer to home. I wanted it to be in the North because that’s where my husband spent all his energy and his life. I hope it will serve a lot of people and I hope people will be happy.

“The lodge [is] a home away from home for people, closer to family and closer to familiar surroundings. They will be much happier and probably will recover more quickly. It makes it so comforting to know that it’s something the people really need.”

The 25,000 square-foot lodge was built by Wayne Watson Construction of Prince George. It offers 18 guest rooms and 36 beds and provides full meal services, as well as a massage therapy room, library, restaurant, chapel, activity area, and an exercise room. Sixteen rooms have twin beds and two rooms have a queen bed, designed for one adult cancer patient and a caregiver. If there’s enough room, additional family members will be able to stay overnight. Kordyban Lodge also houses the Canadian Cancer Society’s northern regional offi ce, which supports Lodge services with information, health promotion, volunteer engagement, and fi nancial aid services.

Radiation therapy is usually administered over a fi ve-week period, which means patients from out of town are required to stay for as long as 1-1/2 months. The Provincial Health Services Authority funds a portion of the daily operations through an annual subsidy. Cancer patients are charged $44 per night and their caregivers pay $55 per night. The lodge is not designed for young patients, who will continue to be sent to B.C. Children’s Hospital in Vancouver for treatment.

At the opening ceremony, Prince George-Valemount MLA Shirley Bond described the lodge as “the house that love and northern generosity built.”

Community contributions and government funding for the Kordyban Lodge fundraising campaign organized by the Canadian Cancer Society now total more than $12 million. The Kordyban Foundation’s donation was matched by the provincial government in May 2011, two months before ground was broken for the start of construction. Prince George-Mackenzie MLA Pat Bell said at that time how fi tting it was that Kordyban’s name was attached to the lodge, considering how much his Carrier Lumber sawmills

have contributed to improving the livelihoods of its employees and the community for more than six decades.

“The Kordybans’ contribution to the cancer lodge was really the catalyst... the seed money that brought us to today,” said Bell. “What Bill Kordyban did was build the North. He cared about all of the North. That’s what is really symbolic about this.”

The Novak family, which owns Dunkley Lumber, and West Fraser Timber each contributed $1 million. Their contributions are now recognized in the lodge as the Novak Family Spiritual and Meditation Room and West Fraser Lounge.

Northland Auto Group, which owns the Northland Chrysler Jeep Dodge, Northland Nissan and Northland Hyundai dealerships in Prince George, gave $300,000. Sinclar Forest Products, Canfor, TELUS and northern Rotary clubs also donated money to the lodge.

“This lodge wouldn’t be what it is today without the signifi cant contributions and generosity of so many companies, businesses, government matching, private and personal donations and community support,” said Kordyban. “I think the community and the people will be very proud of it.

“The Canadian Cancer Society established a fundraising committee and it’s amazing how it came together. The money was raised in such a short time.One nice thing about it is the money that goes to the Kordyban Lodge stays in Prince George.”

Donors paid $50,000 to sponsor each of the 18 guest rooms, each of which is named after the sponsor. After the costs of construction were paid, there was enough for a $2 million reserve fund to pay for lodge enhancements.

Kordyban Lodge is the fourth cancer lodge built in B.C. Similar facilities exist in Vancouver, Victoria and Kelowna. Until the cancer treatment centre in Prince George opened in December to begin offering ionizing radiation therapy to malignant cancer cells, more than 1,200 northern B.C. residents annually had no choice but to travel out of town for treatment at other cancer centres.

“Knowing that cancer patients from the North have a home away from home, so close to the treatment centre is so meaningful,” Kordyban said. “The importance of having loved ones close in stressful times enhances the healing process and quality of life.”


Funds raised through Da!odil Month

are used by the Canadian Cancer

Society to eradicate cancer and

enhance the quality of life of

Canadians living with cancer.

The Canadian Cancer Society has

more impact in more communities

against more cancers than any other

cancer organization.

Your donation to the Canadian Cancer

Society will:

• fund outstanding research on all


• provide reliable and easy to

understand cancer information and

caring practical and personal support

programs in local communities

• lead cancer prevention initiatives and

help the Society advocate for public

policies that help individuals and

communities reduce the risk of

preventable cancers

For 75 years, the Society has been with

Canadians in the fi ght for life. We have

been relentless in our commitment

to prevent cancer, fund research and

support Canadians touched by cancer.

From this foundation, we will work

with Canadians to change cancer

forever so fewer Canadians are

diagnosed with the disease and more


Canadian Cancer Society CEO Barb Kaminsky and Mary Kordyban

A peaceful place of

comfort, hope and


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Facing cancer is often a life-changing event. The Canadian Cancer Society does everything it can to help people with cancer be informed and feel supported by providing trusted information and compassionate support.

Improving the lives of Canadians with cancer information and compassionate support

Did you know?Our Cancer Information Service has received over 1 million inquiries since 1996.

Haylee Seiter fi rst began volunteering with the Canadian Cancer Society when she was still in high school as part of the Tanning-is-Out Campaign. In a campaign that aimed at empowering youth, Haylee was an innovative leader and has continued her involvement as a mentor now that she is in university.

“Raising awareness about issues I care about, getting to work with the wonderful people the Canadian Cancer Society calls its staff, giving back to my community, and being part of a much bigger picture - one that hopes to see the world free of the terrible disease we call cancer, are all reasons that tell me I will always want to be a part of such a wonderful society,” says Haylee when asked about her reasons for volunteering.

Haylee is the northern representative for the Society’s 75th anniversary youth leadership conference organizing team and is leading and training youth and other volunteers about Canadian Cancer Society health promotion priorities by meeting with politicians and helping make cancer an election issue.

Attention to detail, professionalism, and passion for health promotion are hallmarks of Haylee’s style. Haylee is committed to our community and to its health and wellbeing. In 2012, Haylee was awarded the Canadian Cancer Society Northern Region Youth Bursary for her outstanding contributions to the Canadian Cancer Society and to cancer prevention initiatives in the north.


VolunteerProfi le

Resources are also made available to caregivers and loved ones, healthcare professionals and the general public.

This assistance often begins by contacting the Cancer Information Service (CIS). The CIS provides accurate, comprehensive and easy-to-understand information on all cancers and community cancer-related services and resources by toll-free telephone 1 888 939-3333 or online at cancer.ca.

It is more than a helpline. Trained information specialists provide the most up-to-date information in a supportive manner that is easy to understand. Inquiries cover many other topics, such as clinical trials, managing pain and side effects, nutrition, complementary and alternative therapies.

The service is tailored to provide cancer information and services relevant to local communities across Canada in English and French with interpretation available in over 100 languages. There is an extensive selection of cancer publications, many of which have been translated to meet the needs of multicultural communities.

Specialists provide information about Canadian Cancer Society programs and community-based services provided by a variety of organizations. The services include emotional support, fi nancial assistance, transportation, accommodation, prostheses/wigs,

homecare, palliative resources and more.People with cancer and caregivers

greatly value the Canadian Cancer Society’s emotional support program, CancerConnection. This program is a free, confi dential service (available by phone or in person) that connects people with cancer with a trained volunteer cancer survivor who has had a similar cancer experience.

Matches are based on treatment, diagnosis or lifestyle similarities. With volunteers from a national network, the service can match almost every cancer patient. Volunteers listen, share practical stories, offer understanding and encouragement.

In addition to emotional support provided through CancerConnection, there is an online resource to support cancer patients, caregivers, their family members and friends. Cancerconnection.ca is a free, safe, secure and welcoming website that connects people to share experiences and build relationships. There is a choice of participating in discussion groups, creating blogs and building profi les.

The Canadian Cancer Society offers practical assistance to cancer patients who have transportation, accommodation and fi nancial support needs. And for children, teens and families there is respite through our recreation based programs at Camp Goodtimes.

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A s the fi rst guest in the short history of the Kordyban Cancer Lodge, Karl Mast of

Smithers wants people to know how much he appreciates what it has to to offer.

For starters, it’s certainly affordable.For $44 per day, he has his own room

reserved for his six-week stay in Prince George so he can have radiation therapy to treat his prostrate cancer. If his wife wants to stay overnight, there’s a bed for her as well.

And as for the meals -- ham, turkey, roast beef with all the trimmings -- they are certainly worth writing home about. But the 81-year-old Mast prefers to use Skype to get the word out to his family about the royal treatment he’s been receiving, and he likes the fact the lodge has a computer room and webcam dedicated to keeping families electronically linked.

Mast had a biopsy 30 years ago which revealed a benign growth. Last year it was determined if he had done nothing to fi ght his slow-growing cancer he would have a life expectancy of fi ve more years. By undergoing radiation therapy this year, his doctor told him he can expect to live another 10.

“I don’t feel anything and have no pain, but my family doctor said “If you would be my dad, I would order you to go for this,’” Mast said. “If I was single I wouldn’t have done this, but I think about my wife, and she would be alone and that is a concern. This place is wonderful, the building itself is so nice, it makes you feel comfortable. It’s just one minute to walk to the clinic, it’s unbelievable.”

“The guests seem to love it, they even like the food, which is a big bonus,” said lodge manager Charlene Iverson.

“It’s a surprisingly happy place. It feels like once they come away from their appointments they appreciate the fact they can come here and have fun and

relax and there are smiling faces to greet them. The odd person has a bad day, but in general it’s pretty good.”

The dining room is a focal point for the guests. For the fi rst week, everybody pretty much kept to themselves and sat at their own tables. By the following week, groups of six were sitting together at meal times, swapping stories and having laughs.

Dawn Haywood arrived from Fort Nelson for radiation treatment on March 11, six months after she was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer. A mother of four kids aged 14-20, Haywood is a people person who loves chatting with customers at the dollar store she co-owns with her mother in Fort Nelson and she likes the fact she gets to mingle with other guests in the clean and cozy, laid-back environment of Kordyban Lodge.

“I was going to stay in a hotel and when I found out this was open it made a world of difference because I know I’m comfortable and safe here and it’s not

even fi ve minutes from the cancer clinic,” said the 40-year-old Haywood, who required 16 radiation treatments.

This place is awesome, you don’t feel like you’re a burden. People treat you like a person, you’re not treated like a disease. It’s non-judgmental, the food is great and it doesn’t feel like you’re imposing on anyone. You can come here and not worry about anything.”

The lodge has quite a few short-stay guests who have to come in for appointments and it also houses family members coming in to visit of hospital patients. The 36-bed lodge operated at close to 50 per cent capacity the fi rst month.

Iverson said the lodge still needs a few more games and art supplies to entertain guests and their families and it could use donations of toiletry items like shampoo. The Rotary Club provided a grand piano and the lodge welcomes offers from musicians or other entertainers to play there.


[email protected]

Karl Mast is comfortable in the Kordyban Lodge. Citizen photo by David Mah

Receiving the


The fi rst guest appreciates stay at the Kordyban Lodge

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L ast May, the 20th annual Relay For Life in Prince George raised more than $490,000. The total

was the second-highest in Canada, behind only the Coquitlam Relay For Life.

The goal this year is to be number one.“Every year I have the absolute

pleasure of witnessing this community’s generosity, its dedication, unity and commitment to battle cancer,” said Trevor Patenaude, leadership chair of the 2013 Relay For Life committee. “Year after year, Prince George is one of the best relays in all of Canada, rivaling other communities with far more people. It’s time that we all stand up, every single person who cares about their home, their community. It’s up to us to rise together and take the Prince George Relay For Life to the next level.

Together we will be the number one relay in Canada.”

Nationwide, the Relay For Life is the Canadian Cancer Society’s largest fundraiser. Money raised helps the society fund vital cancer research and is also used to empower, inform and support Canadians living with cancer.

Coquitlam’s 2012 relay generated $550,000.

The 2013 Relay For Life in Prince George will once again be 24 hours in duration. It will be held at Masich Place Stadium, May 11-12, and will start at 10 a.m. More than 1,100 people have already registered for the event and online donations have been pouring in. The total sits at more than $100,000 and is climbing daily.

Helen Owen, Team Lead, Relay For Life, is thankful for the support the relay receives on a yearly basis.

“It is with the support of our donors and volunteers that the society continues to make great strides preventing cancer, saving lives and supporting people living with cancer,” she said.

This year, as the Prince George Relay For Life pushes to be the most successful in the country, relayers have more incentive than ever to elevate their fundraising totals. For every $500 a registered participant raises, he or she will have one ticket placed in a draw for a 2013 Dodge Dart, donated by Northland Chrysler Jeep Dodge.

For Northland owner Brent Marshall, jumping behind the relay was an easy decision.

“The Northland Group of companies is proud to be a huge supporter of the Relay For Life and the fi ght against cancer,” Marshall said. “I am hoping the donation of this award-winning new car will help us raise a record-setting amount of money locally and place Prince George on the map as the number one fundraising city in Canada.”

Owen said the donation of the car -- which carries a retail price of $15,995 -- is unprecedented.

“I believe this is the largest fundraising incentive ever offered for Relay For Life,” she said. “We are extremely grateful to Brent Marshall and Northland Dodge for their generous support. This will defi nitely assist the Prince George Relay For Life in achieving the status of number one relay in Canada.”

This year’s Relay For Life coincides with the 75th anniversary of the Canadian Cancer Society and relay organizers are

encouraging participants to keep ‘75’ in mind as they do their fundraising. If every single relayer sets a personal fundraising goal and then commits to raising an extra $75, the impact on the overall amount generated by the Prince George Relay For Life would be enormous, Owen noted.

Last year, for example, 1,630 participants generated $494,000. If each one of those relayers had raised an additional $75, the total would have surged to $616,250.

While fundraising efforts are central to the Relay For Life, the event isn’t just about money. It’s also an opportunity to celebrate victories against cancer and to honour those who have been lost to the disease. Every year, one of the most poignant moments of the relay is the midnight luminary ceremony.

Luminaries -- candles placed inside of white paper bags that have been decorated by their owners -- have a variety of meanings.

“There are basically four types of luminaries,” said Lindy Steele, who served as luminary chair at the 2012 Prince George Relay For Life. “The one that most of us think about is the bag that’s full of memories – it’s full of laughter and tears and is dedicated to the person who has passed away. But we also have luminaries that are dedicated to the people who are fi ghting the disease right now. Those are full of hope. There are also the ones for celebration, for those who have survived the disease. And then there are the ones that are just for support. They’re not for any particular person, they’re just supporting everyone who’s going through that journey.”

The luminaries are placed around the track and, as midnight approaches, the candles are lit and the stadium lights are extinguished.

In advance of the Relay For Life, luminaries can be purchased online by going to www.relaybc.ca and selecting “Prince George” from the drop-down menu at the top right of the page. Next, click on “Donate” and then on “Buy a Luminary.” Luminaries will also be available for purchase at the event. Cost is $5.

For those who wish to register for the Relay For Life, that can also be done online. Again, go to www.relaybc.ca and choose “Prince George” from the menu of communities.

Close to 500 Relay For Life events were held across Canada in 2012. Fifty-six of them took place in the B.C./Yukon region.

Walking to the topPrince George Relay For Life has grand goals for 2013

Did you know...

In theLAST 25 YEARS,the cancer death

rate for mendeclined by



are diagnosed with cancer every day.

In the LAST 30 YEARS,the cancer deathrate for women

declined by

20%(excluding lung cancer)


Over 1600 walkers enjoyed the beautiful weather for

the 2012 Relay for Life. Citizen photo by David Mah

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F or more than twenty fi ve years, the Canadian Cancer Society’s acclaimed summer

recreation program for children with cancer and their families has changed lives.

Camp Goodtimes offers a range of sessions for children, teens and families which provide a fun, entertaining and engaging week of activities at no cost.

Programs are set in the serene landscape of Loon Lake at Maple Ridge. There is an array of activities, arts and crafts, music, games and outdoor recreation, designed to build strength and self-confi dence. Campers also enjoy great food. The environment is safety-minded with 24-hour medical supervision and other support onsite.

A contingent of committed volunteers assists with all aspects of the operations and ensures all campers have a great experience.

Camps Goodtimes is a place where everyone has a cancer experience and can be themselves. The opportunity to talk to others becomes the foundation of many lasting friendships. Parents meet other parents who truly understand the impact of a cancer diagnosis on a family. Many, who may have been reluctant to take part, fi nd themselves revitalized and relaxed for the fi rst time in months.

The Leaders in Training program at

Camp Goodtimes is a session developed for teens who would like to acquire leadership skills and return to Camp Goodtimes as volunteers.

The Canadian Cancer Society has new session for young adults in development.

The BC Camping Association has fully accredited Camp Goodtimes. Camp Goodtimes is also a member of the Canadian Association of Pediatric Oncology Camps (CAPOC).

CAMP GOODTIMES:An empowering, unforgettable experience

Ahsen Chaudry

Taking a leadership role in health promotion since 2010, Ahsen Chaudry has dedicated countless hours to the Canadian Cancer Society.Ahsen was a vocal and innovative leader in the “Living Life Fully” project aimed at supporting youth to make healthier choices. This project was in partnership with the Public Health Association of Canada (PHAC), Northern Health, and BC Healthy Communities. Ashen participated in all aspects of project design, implementation, and evaluation. Public speaking skills coupled with an exceptional work ethic made Ahsen a natural leader for the “What’s your Game Plan” initiative, aiming to get youth involved in a discussion about prevention and health awareness.

As Student Project Lead, Ahsen invited the Leadership Class at College Heights Secondary to participate in the challenge by committing to one healthy lifestyle change. Sticky notes were posted on a central project board at the front entrance to the school and students remarked on how “moving and inspiring” this project was.

Ahsen will be receiving the 2013 Youth of the Year Honourable Mention from the City of Prince George for his volunteer work with the Canadian Cancer Society and other organizations.

To fi nd out about volunteer opportunities with the Canadian Cancer Society, please contact Nancy Shelford at 250-564-0885 or [email protected]

VolunteerProfi le

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we are here to

Since 1989, the Freemasons’ Cancer Car Project has been providing free transportation to thousands of cancer patients in Vancouver, the Interior and on Vancouver Island. With the opening of the Canadian Cancer Society Kordyban Lodge in Prince George, the Freemasons have now extended their volunteer service to those in need in Northern BC.

In June 2011, Freemasons participated in the groundbreaking ceremony for the Kordyban Lodge. “We take great pride in our partnership with the Canadian

Cancer Society. Giving back to the community is part of what our members do and our Cancer Car Program is a big part of that work,” said the Freemasons’ Most Worshipful Grand Master William R. Cave. “By expanding our services to Prince George we’re happy to say that we’ll be there for even more British Columbians who need our support.”

Starting with just two vehicles back in 1989, the Freemasons’ Cancer Car Program has grown to a fl eet of more than 16 vehicles and provides approximately

35,000 patient rides each year. “We are very thankful for all that the Freemasons have done for the Society,” says Cathy Adair, Vice President, Cancer Control. “Their members volunteer tirelessly and do so much for people with cancer. The Freemasons deserve much recognition for all the work they do.”

If you would like further information about the Freemasons’ driver program, please contact Terry Foulds, Volunteer Driver Coordinator at [email protected]

Freemasons’ Cancer Car Project

Quick facts about cancerCancer is the number one health concern today and the leading cause of death in Canada. The impact of cancer on individuals, loved ones and communities is enormous.

How does the Canadian Cancer Society

fi ght back against cancer?

The Canadian Cancer Society has more

impact against more cancers than any

other cancer charity. The

impact comes from leading cancer

prevention initiatives, funding cancer

research and delivering trusted

information and compassionate support.

1 888 939-3333 | cancer.ca

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With nearly $1 million in funding from the Canadian Cancer Society, research-ers at the University of British Columbia and Athabasca University are collaborat-ing with health-care agencies to target cancer prevention strategies in northern BC, where cancer incidence rates are the highest in the province.

Partners include the Canadian Cancer Society – BC and Yukon Division, the BC Cancer Agency, and Northern Health.

Prof. Joan Bottorff, director of the Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention at UBC’s Okanagan campus, is spearheading the multi-sector team of researchers and health profes-sionals in two projects aimed at reducing the incidence of cancer in northern British Columbia.

“There is a pressing need for improved primary cancer prevention in northern BC, where mortality rates due to cancer are high in comparison to other health regions in British Columbia,” says Bottorff.

The smoking rate in northern BC is 24 per cent, substantially higher than the provincial average of 14 per cent, and the region has the highest rate of lung cancer in the province. As well, reports consis-tently show higher obesity levels in the Northern Health region. In 2009-10, 45 per cent of the BC population was considered obese or overweight, while the Northern Health region averaged 57 per cent. In particular, obesity rates among northern men are higher than the rest of the prov-ince.

“Based on the evidence, it was deter-mined that smoking cessation, as well as healthy eating and active living among men, were key cancer prevention initia-tives,” says Bottorff. “Avoiding tobacco, staying physically active throughout life, consuming a healthy diet, and maintain-ing a healthy weight have been shown to reduce one’s lifetime risk of developing and dying from cancer.”

Due to t he large size of the northern region and its dispersed populations, delivering cancer prevention services is challenging, making it difficult for any one organization to have a significant and last-ing impact.

To address the issue, Bottorff and her team are developing and evaluating approaches for delivering two coopera-tive cancer prevention projects specifical-ly tailored for northern BC communities.

“This is a really exciting opportunity to further support the great work of the three

agencies,” says Lucy Beck, regional direc-tor, public health protection, Northern Health Authority. “We need to continually work together to ensure we are providing strong and unified services to northern-ers, and our collective impact on this work moves us in the right direction.”

The first project is titled Stop Smoking Before Surgery, and is being implemented in the two pilot communities of Prince George and Prince Rupert.

“Many people do not know that stop-ping smoking eight weeks before surgery leads to improved recovery and often a shorter hospital stay. This initiative is an excellent opportunity to showcase an innovative partnership approach to pri-mary cancer prevention that grew out of the northern cancer control strategy,” says Sonia Lamont, provincial director, preven-tion programs, BC Cancer Agency.

“The importance of primary cancer prevention cannot be overstated. By implementing what we know today about the main preventable risk factors for can-cer, more than 40 per cent of cancers can be prevented. This is very important for British Columbians to know so that action can be taken towards healthier lifestyle choices.”

Project two, titled Men’s Healthy Eating and Active Living, is taking place in Prince George and Dawson Creek. It focuses on the research and development of new and innovative programs and services pro-moting healthy eating and active living among men.

“In Canada, the rate at which new can-cer cases are diagnosed continues to rise, placing greater demands on healthcare systems,” says Margaret Jones-Bricker, regional director, Canadian Cancer Society, BC and Yukon Division. “The best way to control cancer is to prevent it. By working together, we can combine resources to create a strong regional pre-vention initiative in northern BC.

“Harmonizing cancer prevention ser-vices will have an impact on the region’s burden of cancer, and will also inform how other Canadian regions can deliver similar programs.”

Strengthening primary cancer prevention programs in Northern BCResearchers take a collaborative approach

to disease-prevention strategies


Prof. Joan Bottorff is leading

two major projects in cancer

prevention in Northern BC.

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In the 1920s there was little knowledge of how to prevent cancer, there were no tools for early detection of the disease,

and few effective treatments were available.

This was a source of great concern for a group of doctors in Saskatchewan.

So they formed the country’s fi rst cancer committee in 1929, sowing the seed that would grow into the Canadian Cancer Society less than a decade later.

That strong determination to fi ght back against all cancers remains fi rmly rooted today as the Canadian Cancer Society marks its 75th anniversary.

On March 28, 1938, the Society was formed with the mandate to increase public awareness about the early symptoms of cancer and drive ground-breaking research.

Over the years, our mission has been expanded to include providing vital support to people living with cancer and advocating for public policies that protect the health of all Canadians.

As the true heart of our mission, however, is life – improving the quality of life for those affected by cancer and saving more lives.

And we have been leading the fi ght for life for the past three-quarters of a century.

In that time, the survival rate has more than doubled, thanks to signifi cant progress being made in cancer prevention and early detection, screening and treatment.

All of this has been made possible thanks to our generous supporters, who have been with us for the long haul.

During our early years, the Society banked on the interest of King George V Silver Jubilee Cancer Fund, which was

created to combat “the cancer scourge” in honour of the 25th anniversary of the king’s coronation.

But that changed in April of 1946 when we launched our inaugural door-to-door fundraising campaign across Canada, raising just over $300,000 in that fi rst year.

That campaign evolved to become today’s popular Daffodil Month, our longest-running fundraising tradition that we are kicking off today in conjunction with our anniversary.

Centered on the power of the daffodil – a vibrant symbol of hopeful perseverance – April is the month to renew your commitment to life. It’s a time to recommit to helping the Society change cancer forever so more survive the disease.

It’s as easy as participating in local Daffodil Month activities and wearing the daffodil pin throughout the month of April, most importantly on Daffodil Day (April 27), to show people living with cancer they’re not alone.

With two in fi ve Canadians expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes, cancer affects all of us in some way, be it personal diagnosis or that of a loved one.

Everyone has their own reason to fi ght back. But we all share one common bond – we all have a reason to fi ght for life.

Maybe you’re fi ghting in memory of a loved one who you lost to cancer. Perhaps you’re fi ghting to celebrate your survival. Or you may be fi ghting so cancer never picks a battle with your kids.

No matter the reason, the Society has united Canadians in the fi ght for life for 75 years.

Moving forward with strong solidarity will continue to bring us closer to a life free of cancer – and that’s what the bright little daffodil pin represents.

To fi nd out where you can buy a pin in your community go to fi ghtback.ca

At the true heart of our mission is life –

improving the quality of life for those

aff ected by cancer and saving more lives.


we all have a reason to fi ght for life

a flower in fashionSunday, April 7, 2013

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm | Ramada Skylight Ballroom

Fashion Show & Dessert ReceptionTickets $40.00 available at

Canadian Cancer Society, 1100 Alward StreetDandylines, 1275 - 4th AvenueThe London, 1613 - 7th Avenue

Park Avenue Apparel, 103 - 4488 Hwy 16 West

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Canadian Cancer SocietyKordyban Lodge Capital Campaign Donors

GIGANTIC STAR DAFFODIL ($500,000-$2,000,000)Mary Kordyban Foundation

Province of British Columbia

The Novak Family

West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd.

Canfor and Canfor Pulp

City of Prince George

GOLD MEDALIST DAFFODIL ($100,000-$499,999)Allnorth Consultants Ltd.

Irving K “Ike” and Jean Barber

BID Group

The Brownridge Family

Canadian Cancer Society

- Board and Staff

Robert and Christine Cooper and Family

Dean Shaw Family

Ray Fortier and Family

Lori Hoy

IDL Projects Inc.

Ivan Andersen Holdings Ltd.

Rotary Clubs of Northern B.C.*

Northland Dodge Chrysler Jeep and

The Marshall Family

Northline Credit Unions**

Pacifi c Western Brewing Company Ltd.

Prince George Motors

Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers

Peter and Sylvia Sherba and Families

Sinclar Group Forest Products Ltd.

Spirit of the North Healthcare Foundation


Tim Hortons

Wood Wheaton and Family* Rotary Clubs of Northern B.C.

Rotary Club of Burns Lake / Prince George / Prince George

- Nechako / Prince George - Yellowhead / Prince Rupert /

Quesnel / Terrace / Terrace - Skeena Valley / Williams Lake

- Daybreak.

** Northline Credit Unions

Bulkley Valley Credit Union, Integris Credit Union, Lake

View Credit Union, North Peace Savings and Credit Union,

Northern Savings Credit Union, Spruce Credit Union, Wil-

liams Lake and District Credit Union

WHITE LION DAFFODIL ($50,000-$99,999)Selen Alpay

BC Northern Real Estate Board

BMO Financial Group

Bulkley Valley Credit Union

Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District


Coops: Dawson Creek - Fort St. John

- Mackenzie - Vanderhoof and Districts

East Fraser Fiber Co. Ltd.

Dr. Francine Lo and Dr. Robert Elliott

- Lo Elliott Orthodontics

Hub International Barton Insurance Brokers

Brian and Christine Kenna

Dr. Lonny Legault

Bruno Lindenblatt

Gordon, Carla, Jason, Robbie and Madison

Hamborg - changed alphabetical order

Brent and Kali Marshall

Dr. Anne Muirhead

Dr. and Mrs. Kerim M. Özcan

Paci c BioEnergy

The Pasiuk Family

- In Memory of Lucille Pasiuk

Peace River Regional District

RONA (Capital Building Supplies Ltd.)

Jim and Noreen Rustad

Brian and Arlene Savage

TD Bank Group

Wal-Mart District 34 Northern BC

Wayne Watson Construction and Family

YCS Holdings Ltd.****** YCS HoldingsAdventure Paving - Prince Rupert, Kentron Construction - Kitimat, LB Paving - Smithers, Pittman Asphalt - Prince George, Quesnel Paving - Quesnel, Terrace Paving - Terrace.

CHEERFULNESS DAFFODIL ($10,000-$49,999)Cathy and Tom Adair

Alaska Hi-way Auto Body (2004) Ltd.

Ambrus Logging Ltd.

Dr. James P. Appleby Inc.

Arctic Construction Ltd. / Ted Pickell

Art Knapps Plantland Home and Garden PG

John, Kim and Connor Beverley

Winston and Jill Bishop

Gene and Margaret Bricker

Bryant Electric Ltd.

Jan and Lydia Burg

Central Builders’ Supply P.G. Ltd.

DGS Astro Paving

Dr. Simon Earl and Dr. Meredith Hunter

Encana Corporation

EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc.

- In memory of Dwight Hickey - Founder

The Fomenoff Family

Foresters - Branch Centennial

Fort City Chrysler

Fraser Lake and Area Cancer Support Group

Brian and Brenda Gentles

Garry and Lorraine Grant

Dave and Lona Hodgson

Clark and Joan Jamieson

Dr. Aarti Jani Inc.

KDL Group

Barbara and John Kaminsky

Dr. Bert and Mrs. Liz Kelly

Lorelei and Bill Kingston

Dr. Ron and Mary Ellen Kuehl

Dr. Christine J. Kurz

Lakes District Community

Dr. Ramesh Lokanathan

Donald and Elizabeth MacRitchie

Dr. Kristian G. Malpass

- Vitality Plastic Surgery

Susan and John Maile

Majestic Management (1981) Ltd.

Gerry and Dawn Martin

Lois Merritt Family Memorial

Murray GM Fort St. John

Dr. Paul Murray and Dr. Ruth Nowlan

Dr. Lydia Naccarato

Dr. David Nelson

Northern BC Travel Health and Vaccination

Clinic, and Dr. A. A. Hamour Inc.

North 54 Restaurant

Northern Medical Society of BC

Guy and Kristy Paterson

Plenary Group Canada

Dr. Ruth Powell

Dick and Heather Raymond

- In loving memory of

Bob and Marjorie Raymond

Regional District of Bulkley Nechako

Regional District of Fraser-Fort George

Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 43

Dr. Suzanne Rozon

Myron and Shirley Sambad

Leonard Schein

Anne and Dr. William Simpson

Maurice and Emily Sperling

Stephen Bros. Contracting Ltd.

Stony Lake Logging Ltd.

Dr. Michelle Sutter and William Golley

Thwaites Family

Dr. Heiner and Mrs. Melody Tillmanns

Gary and Lorna Townsend

Les and Carol Waldie

Dr. Linda Wilson

Jennifer and Jason Yarmish

Did you know?• Cancer is the leading cause of premature death in Canada

• About half of all cancers are preventable

• Every day in BC about 63 people are diagnosed with cancer and about 26 people will die

• The rate of new cancer cases and deaths from cancer are lower in BC than anywhere in


• With the exception of lung cancer in women, death rates for most cancers have stabilized

or declined in Canada in the last decade

In 2012:

• There were an estimated 23,300 new cases of cancer in BC and 186,400 new cases of

cancer across Canada

• There were an estimated 9,800 cancer deaths in BC and 75,700 cancer deaths across


1 888 939-3333 | cancer.ca

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