KOL BET AMstatic1.squarespace.com/static/5435334fe4b0c536eb7225b3/... Kol Bet Am 3 Schedule of...

More Pics pgs 8 & 9 Tu BShevat Seder 11 Mama Doni & Eric are Returning 15 MLK Program 18 Tevet– Shevat January 2016 David H. Grossman Loel M. Weiss Marc Silver Beth Goldstein Rabbi/Cantor Rabbi Emeritus President BYachad Education Director 781-963-0440 Fax 781-963-0536 www.TempleBethAmRandolph.org 871 North Main Street Randolph, MA 02368-3093 KOL BET AM Welcome Home to Temple Beth Am Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.- Albert Einstein Special points of interest in this issue: Whats happening behind the scenes regarding the merger of TBA & TBE? The Executive Committees of both temples have met to outline the foundation for the work which needs to be done in order to have a merger come to fruition. The following highlights specific topics which were discussed at the Exec level and then brought to our respective Boards of Directors. Vision - How do we envision our future as we evolve? How do we want to identify ourselves? During the past few years, some of the topics discussed are: identifying as Conservative or Nondenominational; dealing proactively with societal changes including interfaith marriage; evolving to attract younger generations while valuing our traditional history; promoting our youth program (requiring review of our membership in USCJ); and reviewing our observance of kashrut. The Vision Team is putting together topics and key points for us, as a future merged congregation, to discuss as we plan our path forward. We would like to add a few members to this team, preferably young adults or those with young children (to make sure we include their perspectives). At the same time, all input is welcome. Please contact Debbie Gladstone at [email protected]. Governance - Short term to determine how we will operate from the day a formal vote is taken until a new constitution is written. This team has been busy and hopes to have a draft soon. CJP said they have a person with merge experience who is willing to help us with resources to create a legal merge document. Process for Clergy & HR decisions and how to proceed. No decisions have been made regarding any positions. Money - How do we pay for things as we are merging but not yet merged, from making a deposit on a new location or paying for architectural and legal services. Also talked about how we could handle monies once we do merge but have not yet physically moved to our new home; we stated we would not be staying in our current location regardless of any influx of money. Open Forum - Informal Q&A Discussion in Youth Hall Sunday, Jan. 10th minyan at 4:30pm then forum until 6:30pm & Monday, Jan. 11th forum 6:30 to 7:30pm then minyan. To our members who are housebound and unable to attend services, please contact Reb Dawvid to discuss ways to keep you connected.

Transcript of KOL BET AMstatic1.squarespace.com/static/5435334fe4b0c536eb7225b3/... Kol Bet Am 3 Schedule of...

Page 1: KOL BET AMstatic1.squarespace.com/static/5435334fe4b0c536eb7225b3/... Kol Bet Am 3 Schedule of Services Jan. 7, Thur. Morning Minyan 6:40 am Jan. 8, Fri. Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 pm



pgs 8

& 9

Tu B’Shevat Seder


Mama Doni & Eric are



MLK Program 18

Tevet– Shevat January 2016

David H. Grossman Loel M. Weiss Marc Silver Beth Goldstein

Rabbi/Cantor Rabbi Emeritus President B’Yachad Education Director

781-963-0440 Fax 781-963-0536


871 North Main Street

Randolph, MA 02368-3093 KOL BET AM Welcome Home to Temple Beth Am

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” - Albert Einstein

Special points of

interest in this issue:

What’s happening behind the scenes regarding the merger of TBA & TBE?

The Executive Committees of both temples have met to outline the foundation

for the work which needs to be done in order to have a merger come to

fruition. The following highlights specific topics which were discussed at the

Exec level and then brought to our respective Boards of Directors.

Vision - How do we envision our future as we evolve? How do we want to identify

ourselves? During the past few years, some of the topics discussed are: identifying as

Conservative or Nondenominational; dealing proactively with societal changes including

interfaith marriage; evolving to attract younger generations while valuing our traditional

history; promoting our youth program (requiring review of our membership in USCJ); and

reviewing our observance of kashrut.

The Vision Team is putting together topics and key points for us, as a future merged

congregation, to discuss as we plan our path forward. We would like to add a few

members to this team, preferably young adults or those with young children (to make sure

we include their perspectives). At the same time, all input is welcome. Please contact

Debbie Gladstone at [email protected].

Governance - Short term to determine how we will operate from the day a formal vote is

taken until a new constitution is written. This team has been busy and hopes to have a

draft soon. CJP said they have a person with merge experience who is willing to help us

with resources to create a legal merge document.

Process for Clergy & HR decisions and how to proceed. No decisions have been made

regarding any positions.

Money - How do we pay for things as we are merging but not yet merged, from making a

deposit on a new location or paying for architectural and legal services. Also talked about

how we could handle monies once we do merge but have not yet physically moved to our

new home; we stated we would not be staying in our current location regardless of any

influx of money.

Open Forum - Informal Q&A Discussion in Youth Hall

Sunday, Jan. 10th minyan at 4:30pm then forum until 6:30pm &

Monday, Jan. 11th forum 6:30 to 7:30pm then minyan.

To our members

who are

housebound and

unable to attend

services, please

contact Reb

Dawvid to

discuss ways to

keep you


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2 781-963-0440 [email protected]

Temple Beth Am

Office Hours: Monday thru Wednesday 9 am-3 pm

Thursday 9 am-1 pm

Office Manager: Laurie Schertzer

Administrative Assistant: Donna Blumenthal

Bookkeeper: Harvey Weisthal


Executive Board

President Marc Silver

Vice President Debbie Gladstone

Vice President Cindy Laurie

Treasurer Andrew Azer

Assistant Treasurer Jodi Rome-Avrus

Secretary Linda Leland

Committee Leaders

Adult Education Nancy Swartz

Brotherhood Harvey Levine

Bingo Gene Avrus

Bulletin Jodi Rome-Avrus

TBA House Steve Bernstein

Israel Affairs Stan Zoll

Judaic Gift Shop Marie Hahn

Library Stan Zoll

Outreach Faye Sienkiew icz

Publicity Linda Leland

Ritual Ellie Sirk & Paul Greenblatt

School Committee Chair Karen Reiser

Scrip Robin Zoll

Sisterhood Ronna Nesselle

Youth Lecee Sandler

Simcha Tribute January 9th

Honor yourself or someone who is celebrating a birthday or anniversary once a month. The “L’Chaim” category is for people who would like to contribute in honor of any occasion.

Please call the office to let us know the name of the Simcha Honoree by Wednesday, January 6th.

CHAI $18

Israel Bond pledges for this year have been

updated by the Boston office for

Israel Development Corporation (Israel Bonds)

to include pledges submitted after the High

Holidays . The total exceeded $30,000. Thanks

again to Judith Freedman Caplan for her very

productive appeal speech and to the temple

members who put pledge cards on seats and/or

collected those cards.

The website "Ask Herzl" informs students about

Israel related programs on college campuses as

well as student programs in Israel.

- Stan Zoll

Hope you all had a Happy Chanukkah!

It’s hard to believe that we’re beginning a New Year--

--2016. Two Temple Communities will soon become

one. It’s exciting and it’s frightening. We started by

sharing Shabbat Services. We are very pleased to

say that this has been successful.

However, while we come together on Shabbat to

bond thru prayer as a community, it has been a

struggle to support each other at minyans. (It takes

10 Jews gathered as a community - known as a

minyan – to allow mourners to say kaddish; a minyan

is also required to be allowed to read from the


Since the snow birds have departed for Florida,

minyan attendance has been spotty; we struggle

Thursday mornings and evenings as well. It would be

very helpful and MUCH APPRECIATED if those of you

who are able would commit to attending just one

minyan a week or alternating weeks (morning or

evening). In addition, if you have a Yahrtzeit please

bring someone with you to help ensure a minyan.

Please let us know how you feel about our combined

services, committees, etc. We welcome your


Ritual Co-chairs,

Ellie Sirk and Paul Greenblatt Co-Chairs

Ritually Speaking

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www.TempleBethAmRandolph.org Kol Bet Am 3

Schedule of Services

Jan. 7, Thur. Morning Minyan 6:40 am

Jan. 8, Fri. Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 pm

Jan. 9, Sat. Shabbat Services 9:15 am Mincha and Maariv 4:30 pm

Jan. 14, Thur. Morning Minyan 6:40 am

Jan. 15, Fri. Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 pm

Jan. 16, Sat. Shabbat Services 9:15 am TOT Shabbat 11:00 am Mincha and Maariv 4:45 pm

Jan. 21, Thur. Morning Minyan 6:40 am

Jan. 22, Fri. Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 pm

Jan. 23, Sat. Nosh - Learn - Pray 9:15 am

Mincha and Maariv 4:45 pm

Jan. 28, Thur. Morning Minyan 6:40 am

Jan. 29, Fri. Kabbalat Shabbat with Choir 7:00 pm

at Fireman House Dinner (with reservations) 5:00 pm

Jan. 30, Sat. Shabbat Services 9:15 am

Mincha and Maariv 5:00 pm

Feb. 4, Thur. Morning Minyan 6:40 am

Feb. 5, Fri. Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00 pm

Feb. 6, Sat. Shabbat Services 9:15 am

Mincha and Maariv 5:15 pm

Candle Lighting


Jan. 8 4:10 pm

Jan. 15 4:18 pm

Jan. 22 4:27 pm

Jan. 29 4:36 pm

Feb. 5 4:45 pm

The Senior lunch program is held every

Monday. Come early to

renew old friendships

and enjoy a lunch at

12:00 pm. A $3.00

donation is appreciated.

Please call South Shore

Elder Services at

781-848-3910 X415 or

the Temple Office at 781-963-0440.

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4 781-963-0440 [email protected]

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat




TBA Rabbi Class



TBA Adult Hebrew

class 2pm

Bingo 6:30pm


New Year’s Eve

1 2


No School


TBA Brotherhood

Mtg 7pm

TBA SH Mtg 8pm


School 4:00pm

TBA Choir Practice



TBA Adult Hebrew

class 2pm

Bingo 6:30pm


TBE Ritual Mtg




10 School 9am

TBA Adult Ed Film Series


TBA Open Forum Mtg & minyan



TBA Open Forum Mtg & minyan


TBA Ritual Mtg



TBA Rabbi Class


School 4:00pm

TBE Exec Mtg 7pm


TBA Adult Hebrew

class 2pm

Bingo 6:30pm


15 16

Tot Shabbat



No School

MLK event



TBA Board of

Directors’ Mtg 7pm


TBA Rabbi Class


School 4:00pm


TBA Adult Hebrew

class 2pm

Bingo 6:30pm




TBA Nosh-Learn-

Pray 9:15am

Havdalah & Movie

Night 5pm


School 9am

Joint Brotherhood

Shomrim Breakfast




TBA Sisterhood TuB’Shevat Seder



School 4:00pm


TBE Mitzvah Movie

Project 7pm

TBE Board of

Director’s Mtg 7pm

TBA Choir Practice



TBA Adult Hebrew

class 2pm

Bingo 6:30pm


TBA Adult Ed Mtg



Fireman House Dinner 5pm &

Services 7pm



School 9am

Mama Doni

concert 3pm

Feb. 1

TBA Brotherhood

Mtg 7pm

TBA SH Mtg 8pm


TBA Rabbi Class


School 4:00pm


TBA Adult Hebrew

class 2pm

Bingo 6:30pm

4 5 6

January 2016 -

Combined calendar shows meetings and

events for both TBA & TBE.

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www.TempleBethAmRandolph.org Kol Bet Am 5

President’s Message

There is much going on as we focus our energies on

trying to merge the two temples, sell our building, and

find a new home for the two merging temples. We have

received an offer from the Boston Church of Christ which

the executive board and I have accepted, contingent

upon the approval of the Board of Directors and the

Congregation. The Church will be inspecting the building

over the next month and a half as part of its due

diligence. At the same time, TBA’s Board of Directors

has started discussing the process which will lead to a

Board vote followed by a Congregation vote. At this point

there is no purchase and sale in place and there have

been no discussions of specific timing with the Church.

The Board and the Congregation will continue to have

the ultimate responsibility for making those decisions.

As we look to merge, the major thing we have to decide

as a community is what we want to be as an

organization/temple when we begin as a newly formed

entity. What is our vision? What traditions will we keep

and what new ideas and philosophies will we bring to the

table to entice other Jews to want to join our temple


We want your input on this vision. We also want to

address any concerns you may have about this whole

ongoing process. To that purpose, we will be holding

two Open Houses/Informal Discussions/Q&A’s for all paid

-up members of Temple Beth Am on:

Sunday, Jan. 10th - minyan at 4:30pm, followed by a congregational forum from 5 until 6:30pm.

Monday, Jan. 11th - from 6:30 to 7:30pm, with minyan following the discussion.

Note that there are no formal votes being taken at this

time; this is just a chance for you to give some input,

ask some questions and catch up on the whole process

of what we are intending to do as a community. Both

meetings are open for you to attend; you can attend

one or both, though similar topics will be discussed at

both sessions.

In the meantime, in the background, many merge

committees have been working diligently on the

process. We have made great strides in planning our

new governance, starting our Vision and Ritual plan for

the new merged temples, planning how to deal with

our combined Assets as well as tackling the necessary

financial planning. We expect to have these

committees report to the Joint Executive Team and

then to both temple boards and congregations. Again,

we want to keep you informed of our progress in all of

these areas.

The joint Site committee continues to look for suitable

locations for our merged temple in the south

Stoughton and Easton areas. We are looking for a

place that is affordable and comfortable for our future

and at the same time enticing to the surrounding

communities. We will keep you informed of our

progress as ultimately it will be you who decides where

we go.

Please do not hesitate to ask me questions. I implore

you not to make assumptions or spread rumors before

checking the facts. You can always reach me by email

at [email protected].



Sisterhood News

Happy and Healthy New Year to all. This year is

sure to bring changes but some things remain the

same. Our next event is a celebration of Tu

B’Shevat — the day that marks the beginning of

a “new year” for trees. This is the season in which

the earliest–blooming trees in the Land of Israel

emerge from their winter sleep and begin a new

fruit-bearing cycle. Jane Silver is planning a

wonderful event which, weather permitting, will

take place on Monday, January 25th at 6:30

p.m. See the flyer for additional details.

We are putting together a Chocolate program for

February. Details to follow. In March, the

Sisterhood will once again prepare and sell

Shalach Manot bags and cards in celebration

of Purim. Wonder what the theme will be this


Sisterhood Shabbat will take place on March

26th. Elaine Greenblatt will once again be

preparing our members to lead all aspects of the

services. We will honor Lecee Sandler as our

Woman of Distinction and Roberta Bernstein as

recipient of the Eva Grossman Lifetime

Achievement Award.

As always, if you have any programing

suggestions, please feel free to contact me.


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6 781-963-0440 [email protected]

A Lesson from Reb Dawvid

Dr. Janet Freedman, a member of the

National Women’s Studies Association,

recently wrote an opinion piece to

oppose the Boycott, Divest and Sanction

(BDS) resolution being contemplated by

that group. I thought I would share Dr.

Freedman’s eloquent words and thoughts with you.

When I am determining how to work in solidarity with

those who are seeking peace between Israelis and

Palestinians, I start with a question.

Do you think that the state of Israel should continue to


My support for any action on the Israeli/Palestinian issue

is predicated on knowing that those involved are

committed to the continued existence of the state of


I am equally committed to the creation of a Palestinian


The divide between the aspirations of the Palestinians and

Israelis has deepened to the point of despair on both sides

and throughout the world.

When I read the BDS resolution proposed for endorsement

by the NWSA, and the supporting FAQs, I am deeply

offended. The material in support of the resolution states:

“What is really anti-Semitic is to define all Jews with a

philosophy that many find abhorrent to the traditions of

social justice and universality that Judaism enshrines.”

I am angry to have my Judaism defined for me and to be

told by NWSA what is “really anti-Semitic.”

While I can convey my progressive politics in Jewish

groups, increasingly, I do not feel I can express my Jewish

voice within the progressive community, including NWSA,

which has been one of my homes for many years. With

just a few gaps, I have returned to conference after

conference since the late 1970s because I want to engage

in “difficult dialogues,” the theme of two recent


But, in spite of this proposed resolution, there has been

little dialogue about Israel and Palestine. I am aware and

saddened that the zeal with which many come to their

position on BDS is often in contrast with an awareness of

history, or a respect for the accuracy of the information

brought to their advocacy. Although I have read a good

deal about Zionism and about the countries and political

struggles in the Middle East, this has not yielded clarity,

but an acknowledgement of myriad complexities and


I feel it is important to bring knowledge, understanding

and careful reflection to every action, and that it is

particularly important to learn from people who are

affected by the conflict every day – the Israelis and

Palestinians whose familial, spiritual, economic and

political pasts, presents and futures are involved.

Tourists, and even those who regularly spend some

periods of time living in the area cannot speak from

the personal experience of Israelis or

Palestinians. From my relatively secure environment

in the United States I can only imagine the terror that

affects them.

The BDS movement directs our energy away from

ways to find a peaceful solution that respects the

humanity of both Israelis and Palestinians. It

oversimplifies to the point of gross inaccuracies.

Terms such as “imperialism,” “colonizing” and other

tropes distort actual history. The rhetoric turns a

complex issue into a two-sided one that erases many

narratives. It equates supporting BDS resolutions

with a pledge of solidarity with Palestine while placing

those who question that strategy in the enemy camp,

assumed to be opposed to justice and even made the

objects of scorn and vitriol. Organizing efforts have

become ends in themselves, unintentionally – and

sometimes intentionally – based on the spreading of

rumors and misinformation to the detriment of the

people who are actually involved in the daily struggle.

It is anti-Semitic. I would ask those who villainize

Israel while insisting they do not hate Jews to

consider Audre Lorde’s words: “I urge each of us here

to reach down into that deep place of knowledge

inside herself and touch that terror and loathing of

any difference that lives here.”

Jews recently celebrated Simchat Torah, the holiday

that marks the ending of the last reading of the Torah

and the beginning of a new cycle, and invites Jews to

rejoice in the source of their religious identity. I

remember the time as a young child when my father

and other males in the synagogue marched around

the sanctuary taking turns holding the holy scrolls

close to their hearts. Israel had just become a state

and much of the world – including the progressive

community – rejoiced with our congregation. Last

month I celebrated the holiday once again. We

formed a circle; now women and children as well as

men held the hand-lettered sacred scroll, slowly

unfurled to reveal the ancient texts that underscore

the Jewish values of Torah, avodah (prayer and

service to the community) and gemilut chassidim

(acts of loving kindness).

My granddaughter, soon to be a bat mitzvah, joined

other children also marking that milestone this year.

They stood before the portion they will read on their

special day and summarized their parts of the stories

that shaped my life and values, the Jewish

commitment to social justice – and my

granddaughter’s legacy. It is the story that took the

Jewish people to the land of Israel.

Boycott, divest and sanction resolution

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www.TempleBethAmRandolph.org Kol Bet Am 7

Patricia Gross 781-961-1160

Director of Admissions

I am inspired by my tradition, but know that a complex

history followed the events recorded in the Torah that have

brought us to the present, very difficult moment.

Like other religious and political communities, the Jewish

community includes fundamentalists and extremists, but it is

diverse and inclusive, too. It is not always easy, but I can

bring a progressive voice to Jewish settings. I can find

personal affirmation, a welcoming community with whom to

pray in my own way, and to express and be respected for

my efforts to be progressive, feminist, pro Israel/pro

Palestine/pro peace and to acknowledge and explore

commitments and contradictions with other Jews.

I cannot allow the words of this resolution and these FAQs to

tell me whether a “good” Jew is one who sides with those

who see Israel as a demonic entity or to imply that if I do

not, I do not deserve to be heard, to be seen, perhaps even

to live.

I am not among those who feel that they can be Jewish

without supporting the existence of the state of Israel. I

know too many people who would have no home without

that home.

I am shocked and offended that an academic organization

that prides itself on “difficult dialogue” would adopt any sort

of boycott of ideas.

We can do better than this. We must do better than this. If

we do not, the search for justice will devolve into a call for


I hope you will join me in opposing the endorsement of the

BDS resolution.

Dr. Janet Freedman is a resident scholar at the Brandeis

University Women’s Studies Research Center and author of

Reclaiming the Feminist Vision: Consciousness Raising and

Small Group Practice.

Boycott, divest and sanction resolution continued

A Lesson continued...

After a very successful November with the

Train Show and the Flea Market,

Brotherhood entered December with great

hopes. We had a successful off-site

breakfast with Temple Beth Emunah

Brotherhood where we shared good times

and conversation. We are planning other

similar events later in the year.

January 24th, at 9:30am, in the Brotherhood

Youth Hall, will be the Annual Joint Breakfast

with the Shomrim (Jew ish Law

Enforcement) Society. Our speaker will be

Norfolk County Sheriff Michael G. Bellotti

with breakfast being prepared by “Our World

Famous Brotherhood Chefs”. Please see the

flyer in the Kol Bet Am to make reservations.

February 7th will be the annual World Wide

Wrap, instructing our students how to

wear Teffilin. It will be held at B’Yachad’s

location at the Westfield Child Center in

Brockton, time to be determined. This is a

nation-wide program in conjunction with the

FJMC (Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs) and

locally sponsored by TBA and TBE’s

Brotherhood. Volunteers are needed to


The Annual Passover Wine Sale and wine

tasting will be scheduled for Sunday, March

20th during the Purim Carnival and

Wednesday, March 23rd before and after

Purim Services. Further details will come in

February. April 16 will be our Annual

Scholarship and Brotherhood Shabbat.

Brotherhood News

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8 781-963-0440 [email protected]

From The Education Director’s Desk

December was packed with a lot of joy, celebration and

learning. On Sunday, December 6th, the B’Yachad

teachers joined Jews from throughout Boston in Jewish

learning at Limmud Boston. It was a great day of learning

together in order to help our students’ learning.

On Tuesday, December 8th, B’Yachad celebrated Hanukkah

with a special program. We made Hanukkah cookies and

dreidel snow globes, sang Hanukkah songs, lit the huge

menorah outside and our own personal menorahs inside.

It was a lot of fun celebrating Hanukkah together this

year! The Hanukkah learning and celebrating continued

on Sunday, December 13th, with PJ Library; families with 2

-6 year old children came together for a story, singing and

a Hanukkah craft.

The highlight of December (and the year!), was the Dan

Nichols concert on Sunday, December 20th. After the

B’Yachad students spent time in their individual classes

learning with Jewish rock musician Dan Nichols, they

joined him on stage to sing in the concert! TBA, TBE and

community members came together to sing with Dan

Nichols in the sanctuary. Thank you to our generous

anonymous donors for making this amazing morning

happen for our community. Many thanks as well to

everyone who helped with setting up, selling CDs, helping

with the lunch and so much more! It was a special

moment for our community.

We have so much planned for 2016. School will resume

on Tuesday, January 5th. On Sunday, January 10th, the

2nd and 3rd grade students will have their family education

morning. Please join us on Saturday, January 23rd for our

second annual Dinner, Havdalah, Movie and Game Night

at Temple Beth Am beginning at 5:15pm. We will begin

the evening with a few Shabbat activities followed by

Havdalah and dinner. Following dinner there will be a

movie for the kids and board games for the adults. If you

know someone who has a child between 2-6 years old,

please invite them that afternoon beginning at 4:45pm for

a special PJ Library program leading into Havdalah with

the community.

If you have any questions about B’Yachad South Area Religious School please feel free to call or email at [email protected] or 508-484-5087.

Singing with Dan Nichols

Hanukkah Activities & Celebrations

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10 781-963-0440 [email protected]

BLENDED BINGO October 21 marked the first night of Temples Beth Emunah’s and Beth Am’s Blended Bingo. Prior to the first night there were several meetings and phone calls to work out many details. We combined elements from both bingo games, adjusted pricing, added new pull-tab charity games and more, all in an effort to maximize the number of players, which in turn, increases revenue.

Prior to the bingo games being combined, TBA averaged between 70-125 players. The first few weeks of the blended games the number of players was in the 250 range. Since then it has dropped a bit, but has consistently been around 175-200. With the number of players doubling, the strain on our volunteers was anticipated and many volunteers from Temple Beth Emunah willingly stepped up and have become regulars.

While the games are the main focus, the increased crowds also put a strain on our dedicated snack attack crew. They have been going above and beyond with the increased crowds. On occasion a rolling cart with drinks and snacks is brought into the Youth Hall making it easier on the players. Food is also delivered to players at their tables, which helps ease congestion at the table. THANK YOU to everyone.

All in all it was a smooth transition and would not have been possible without the input from many people, especially Scott Belgard, Dave Dormady along with Alan Castaline and Ellen Jacobs from Temple Beth Emunah.

THANK YOU to all who help, whether it’s for the entire night every week or for a shorter shift on a less frequent basis. Your help is truly appreciated by many!! For those who want to join the crew, just let Jodi know as she handles the scheduling.

Gene Avrus, Bingo Chairman

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Tu B’Shvat

marks the new year

of the trees.

In Israel, the beautiful almond trees blossom, greeting the upcoming spring


Temple Beth Am Sisterhood celebrates

Tu B’Shvat this year with an exciting, interactive program and light supper to be

held on:

Tuesday, January 25th

from 6:30 – 9:00 pm

Cost: $18.00

RSVP by January 18th to

Jane Silver at

[email protected]



We will have an opportunity for you to

purchase trees to be planted in Israel on

behalf of our Sisterhood and/or you may

purchase your own trees.

Donation items needed: pudding cups, applesauce,

real juice boxes, snack packs of crackers, fruit cups,

chips, instant mac & cheese, etc. as well as non-

refrigerated microwavable foods. Gift cards (scrip)

in any amount can be purchased for Shaw's, or any

Randolph drug store as well.

Hello to everyone!

November was a busy month for the

outreach committee. With the amazing

skills of David Dormady, who we thank so

much, we organized and held our first ever

intimate Shabbat dinner on November 8.

We traveled to the cities of Eilat, Safed, Tel

Aviv and Haifa to enjoy a meal of

thanksgiving. Guests ate in one of our four

dining rooms in groups of ten or eleven

people. Each dining room was hosted by

two or three guests who coordinated

blessings and good conversation over our

festive dinner. Thanks to all those who

hosted and attended this lovely meal.

Another such dining experience is on tap

for late winter.

On December 5, a game day was held

following Reb Dawvid’s Torah class. We

had three tables of play going on- two for

mah jongg and one for cribbage but without

a cribbage board. We had a fun time and

some of us stayed until evening services

began. More thanks go to David Dormady

for setting up tables and snacks and drinks

for the players. Another game day will be

planned in the near future. This time we

will be more prepared with cribbage boards

and mah jongg cards. Thanks to all who

helped to make our first Shabbat game day

an enjoyable success.

Please keep those tzedakah cans in. We

have now received enough proceeds to

make another deposit into our general

fund. Empty cans remain available to

whomever would like one.

It is wonderful to see members of our TBE

family join us for services and events. As

always an invitation goes out to anyone

who would like to join us for Shabbat and

other services and events at the home of

our family-Temple Beth Am. If anyone has

any suggestions as to an event that they

would like to see happen contact our

committee through the office.

In a few days from the writing of this

article, we will pass through the winter

solstice and the winter months will be upon

us. We wish you a warm, cozy and

peaceful winter.

Take care until next time, The Outreach Committee.

Outreach Committee

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12 781-963-0440 [email protected]

Arnold & Leona Rubin Adult Education

Sunday Afternoon at the Movies: January 10th ~ 1:30 PM in the BYH

“NICHOLAS WINTON: The Power of Good”

An outstanding documentary, and winner of the 2002 International Emmy Award, this is the remarkable story of the courage and determination of one man who saved 669 children from the hands of the Nazis.

The narrator and guide through the film, Joe Schlesinger, reporter of CBC Television, was one of the rescued children.

Come see this gripping documentary about the

courage and determination of a young English

stockbroker who saved the lives of 669 children!

Between March 13 and August 2, 1939, Sir

Nicholas Winton organized eight transports (one

airplane and seven trains) to take children from

Prague to new homes in Great Britain, and kept

silent about it until his wife discovered a scrapbook

in 1988 documenting his unique mission.

Some of you may remember seeing this

outstanding film here in 2008, and now, after the

recent death of Sir Nicholas Winton at the age of

106, it is most fitting to share this powerful story


This program is free and all are welcome. Light

refreshments will be served. Please join us.

Thanks to your kind and generous donations, the Arnold & Leona Rubin Adult Education Committee is able to bring programs of excellence to our community. We greatly appreciate your continued support. Thank you!

“Mama Doni” & Eric return! Sunday, January 31st ~ 3 PM inBYH


Join us as we welcome back the high energy,

musical talent, charisma and charm of Mama Doni

and Eric, as they entertain us with a new show

designed just for us, our family and our friends!

Just married this past summer, Eric Lindberg and

Doni Zasloff are passionately and lovingly

pioneering through the country with their blend of

Bluegrass and Jewish soul. This program is

appropriate for all ages! Tickets are $10 for adults;

$5 for seniors; free for children and teens!

Sponsorships are available for a cost of only $25,

which includes 1 ticket and your name in the

printed program, as well as our deep appreciation!


Sunday Afternoon at the Movies: February 14th ~ 1:30 PM


More than seven years in the making, “Besa: The

Promise” presents the powerful human drama of

Albanian Muslims who rescued Jews during the

Holocaust. It is “a story that bridges generations

and religions… uniting fathers and sons… Muslims

and Jews.” In a review by film critic Neil White

from the UK, “Seldom do I shed tears watching

movies, but I had to fight them back during the

final scenes of the film Besa: The Promise.” This is

an important film to see. And it is important to see

it now. Admission is free. Please plan to join us.




March 4th & 5th weekend with Dinner Friday night

Singer, musician, songwriter, Joe Buchanan is a Jew by Choice who has a powerful story to share. Inspirational!

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14 781-963-0440 [email protected]

Observing Yahrzeit on the anniversary of a loved one’s death is a Jewish tradition. In Judaism, there is a focus on carrying on the memory of those before us from generation to generation. Family and friends light Yahrzeit candles which burn for twenty-four hours, they say the mourner’s kaddish prayer, and often donate money to their temple in honor or their loved one’s memory.

In addition to lighting a candle on the anniversary of the death, the Yahrzeit candle is lit on four other designated days of the year, called Yizkor dates - Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret, eighth day of Pesach, & second day of Shavuot.

Yahrzeit Observances

January 01, 2016

Leon Abel Father-in-Law of Sandra Abel

January 02, 2016

Sadie King Mother of Ethel Keimach

Herman Shore Father of Zelda Baron

Alex Sonnenfeld Father of Linda Budd

January 03, 2016

William Dietrich Father of Harry Dietrich

Sally Goldman Mother of Edward Goldman

Gertrude Zola Mother of Irene Titlebaum

January 04, 2016

Mr. Mayer Adler Husband of Anne Adler

Milton Ginsburg Father of Gail Hymovitz

January 05, 2016

Lillian Lemack Grandmother of Donna Blumenthal

January 06, 2016

Y. Lorimer"Lori"Caplan Father of Barry Caplan

Victor L. Lee Father of Naomi Rubenstein

Bessie Promisel Mother of Elliot Promisel

Eddie Stern Brother of Sally Loomis

January 09, 2016

Bernard Rubenstein Father of Mayer Rubenstein

Samuel Shapiro Grandfather of Ellen Shuster

Sam Snider Uncle of Beatrice Spiro

Ginya Leah Bat Wolf Mother-in-law of Faivish Shavlov

January 10, 2016

Morris Poverman Father of Beatrice Spiro

Merle Sideman Sister of Robert Gillin

January 11, 2016

Benjamin Cohen Father of Howard Cohen

Ruth Ginsburg Mother of Gail Hymovitz

January 12, 2016

Benjamin Chase Grandfather of Bonnie Doniger

Dorothy Fogelnest Mother-in-Law of Rosalind Goldman

Bessie Sidman Mother of Leonard Pazol

Harriet Weiss Mother of Rabbi Loel Weiss

January 13, 2016

Betty Berkowitz Mother of Ronald Berkowitz

Charlotte Poverman Mother of Beatrice Spiro

January 14, 2016

Esther Goldstein Mother of Janet Promisel

Yana Yoffa Husband of Edith Yoffa

January 15, 2016

Sandra Weinstein Sister-in-Law of Eleanor Forman

January 16, 2016

Eileen Gray Sister of Bernice Pearlson

January 17, 2016

Edward Reiser Father of Brian Reiser

January 18, 2016

Caroline Borr Mother of Donald Borr

Samuel Katz Father of Charlotte Gruber

January 19, 2016

Isadore Miller Father of Eleanor Borr

January 20, 2016

Sarah Bahn Friend of Janet Silberberg

Joseph Berkowitz Father of Ronald Berkowitz

Ruth Goldman Sister-in-Law of Beatrice Cooper

Rose Levine Mother of Shirley Hackel

January 21, 2016

Bessie Braveman Grandmother of Russell Braveman

Melvin Grosky Brother-in-Law of Marilynn Grosky

Morris Weinerman Father-in-Law of Hyman Troped

January 22, 2016

Edith Gaines Sister-in-Law of Beatrice Salden

Mary Gruber Sister of Ruth & Martin Geisler

Sarah Levine Mother of Philip Levine

Morris Lew Husband of Annette Lew

Molly Mason Mother of Evelyn Fisher

Mendel Sherman Father of Barbara Finkle

January 23, 2016

Joseph Snow Grandfather of Barry Lit

Robert Stopnik Father of Shirley Soltz

January 24, 2016

Reuben Garfinkle Father of Glenda Blake

Ronald Wunsch Brother of Audrey Druker

January 25, 2016

Nathan Green Brother-in-Law of Miriam Green

Mildred Gross Mother of Sandra Simon

Charlotte Levy Sister of Irene Titlebaum

Barry Locke Son of Marcia & Mel Locke

Samuel L. Mac Hott Father of Jacqueline Goldman

Robert Cooper Husband of Beatrice Cooper &

Father of Howard Cooper

January 27, 2016

Ronald Forman Husband of Eleanor Forman

Jean Lesser Mother of Linda Gluck

Benjamin Mayser Uncle of Sandra Abel

Ruth Yarmaloff Sister of Beatrice Salden

January 28, 2016

Philip DeBrave Father-in-Law of Ruby DeBrave

January 29, 2016

Charles Factor Father of Beverly Kaplan

Bessie Garber Mother of Miriam Roos

Sidney Teperow Relative of Barbara Mosias

January 30, 2016

Morris Youman Father of Judith Packer

January 31, 2016

Eva Clayman Mother of Eleanor Schlossberg

Samuel Kirzner Father of Lorraine Kirzner Simon &

Grandfather of Elissa Simon-Morrissey

Anna Lande Mother of Eleanor Chudnofsky

Louis W. Salowitts Father of Barbara Bloom

Benjamin Shaevel Father of Carol Pelini

Alice Springman Sister of Robert Blumenthal

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www.TempleBethAmRandolph.org Kol Bet Am 15

“The place where Jewish spirit and soul meet with bluegrass and old-time musical traditions! High Energy… Contagious… Interactive… Fun for all ages!”

*Tickets: Adult ~ $10; Senior ~ $5

Children & Teens: Free!

Tickets available in advance and at the door.

Checks made payable to TBA/ Rubin Adult Education Fund

*Sponsorships available for only $25 includes 1 ticket & name in Program

781-963-0440 ~ [email protected]

Back By Popular Demand!

Mama Doni & Eric return with a new show just for us!





Sponsored by Arnold & Leona Rubin Adult Education

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16 781-963-0440 [email protected]

Todah Rabah

Thursday Morning Minyan 6:40 am

Weekday Evening Minyan 7:30 pm

We strive to have 10 Jewish adults present for each service to make a

minyan (community), to permit reading of the Torah or saying kaddish. We ask that when you

come to say kaddish to please bring family and friends with you to

ensure a minyan … for you and the whole community.

Thank you.


Tzedakah is a mitzvah, a unique privilege granted to every Jew. Remembering friends and family in this manner is an appropriate

way to show our feelings towards both our loved ones and our community. We wish to thank the following for their contributions.



Donated by Get Well

Ellen & Bob Shuster Natalie Weinberg

Donated by In Honor of

Ellen & Bob Shuster Buddy Promisel

Donated by Yahrzeit

Stephanie Rosen Williams Lewis B. Rosen

Dena Yorra Abraham Mendelson

Bob Shuster Lillian Shuster

Ellen Shuster Sam Shapiro

Ellen Shuster Anne Greenfield

Lee S. Cherenson Rose Cherenson

Barbara Finkle Louis Sherman

Donated by Yahrzeit

Marilynn Grosky & Family Jacob Grosky

The Chudnofsky Family Max Lande

Harold Shuman Samuel Shuman

Harold Shuman Mae Israel

Rhonda & Stan Parker Beulah Lampert

Rhonda & Stan Parker Lester Lampert

Rhonda & Stan Parker Celia Parker

Rhonda & Stan Parker Julius Parker

The Grosky Family Bernard Grosky

The Grosky Family Goldie Grosky

Alvin Yorra Robert Yorra


Donated by Get Well

Myra & Bob Pransky Rudi Barth

Sheila & Harvey Levine Natalie Weinberg

Faye Sienkiewicz Natalie Weinberg

Ellen & Bob Shuster Rudi Barth

Selma & Norman Blacker Sam Bernstein

Sylvia & Harry Terban Paul Safferson

Adeline & Phil Sherman Sammy Bernstein

Donated by In Honor of

Marion & Floyd Aaron Lecee Sandler

Marion & Floyd Aaron Roberta Bernstein

Faye Sienkiewicz David Dormady

Faye Sienkiewicz Buddy Promisel

Faye Sienkiewicz Shabbat Dinner Hosts & Hostesses

Nili & Ed Shoenig Faye Solup

Nili & Ed Shoenig Jay Wassersug

Ellen & Bob Shuster Jay Wassersug

Ellen & Bob Shuster Scott Belgard

Ellen & Bob Shuster Myra & Bob Pransky

Adeline & Phil Sherman Roberta Bernstein

Sheila & Harvey Levine Linda & Steve Asnes

Anita & Arthur Podolsky Roberta Bernstein

Anita & Arthur Podolsky Myra & Bob Pransky

Elaine & Melvin Levitts Jay Wassersug

Myra & Bob Pransky Scott Belgard

Donated by In Memory of

Sylvia & Harry Terban Eleanor Straus

Adeline & Phil Sherman Harry Terban's Sister Eleanor

Glenda & Simeon Korisky Aron Raboy

Donated by Yahrzeit

Judith Shapiro Sonia Waldman

Fred Tobman Rose Goldberg

Lorraine & Harvey Lappen Levi Lappen

Marie Hahn C. Anthony Lauricella

Faye Sienkiewicz & Kayla Friedman Ida Gilman

Glenda & Simeon Korisky Israel Korisky

Glenda & Simeon Korisky Lena Korisky

Glenda & Simeon Korisky Doris Goldberg

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www.TempleBethAmRandolph.org Kol Bet Am 17

CLERGY VISITS Members, please let the temple office know if

you or a family member is in the hospital and

wishes a clergy visit.


Todah Rabah

Donated by Get Well

Ellie & Paul Sirk Natalie Weinberg

Sandy Abel Natalie Weinberg

Harvey Weisthal Natalie Weinberg

Sandy Abel Linda Small

Sandy Abel Sam Bernstein

Anita & Jay Wassersug Sammy Bernstein

Donated by In Honor of

Anita & Jay Wassersug Roberta Bernstein

Anita & Jay Wassersug Lecee Sandler

Sandy Abel Roberta & Sam Bernstein

Sandy Abel Myra & Bob Pransky

Sandy Abel Buddy Promisel

Sandy Abel Ellen Shuster

Sandy Abel Roberta Bernstein

Sandy Abel Lecee Sandler

Janet & Buddy Promisel Lecee Sandler

Janet & Buddy Promisel Roberta Bernstein

Janet & Buddy Promisel Ellen Shuster

Bebe Cooper Rabbi David Grossman

Sandy Abel Arthur Podolsky

Sandy Abel Roberta Bernstein

Janet & Buddy Promisel Myra & Bob Pransky

Janet & Buddy Promisel Jay Wassersug

Ruth & Bill Geisler Rabbi David Grossman

Anita & Jay Wassersug Elaine & Paul Greenblatt

Adele & Al Levenson Ellen & Bob Shuster

Donated by In Memory of

Audrey Beerman Harvey Shore

Janet & Buddy Promisel Ethel Weiss

Donated by Yahrzeit

Bernice & Mel Pearlson Pauline Libman

Barry Benson Pearl Benson

Barry Benson Bertha Brudnick

Morris Spiegel Family Hyman Spiegel

Lorraine & Harvey Lappen Henry Melvin Lappen

Barbie Siegel James Siegel

Beverly & Elliot Kaplan Katie Kirshner

Sandy Abel Beatrice Shraiar

Adele & Al Levenson Florence Sack Segal

Blossom Glassman Samuel H. Cutler

Blossom Glassman Harry Glassman

Cynthia Kramer Frances Smith

Shirley Hackel Helena Hackel

Donald Stone Martin Stone

Sandy Sandler Barnett Sandler

Sandy Sandler Louis Sandler

Martin Bernstein Ann Bernstein

Sally Loomis Edward Loomis

Sally Loomis Eddie Stern

Rae & Burt Kaufman Pauline Kaufman

Janet & Buddy Promisel Bessie Promisel


Donated by Aliyah

Chaiva Fisher Donation

Donated by Donation

Faivish Shavlov Donation

Joe Lit Donation

Donated by Get Well

Mary & Scott Belgard Natalie Weinberg

Donna & Bob Blumenthal Natalie Weinberg

Laurie Schertzer Natalie Weinberg

Donated by In Honor of

Faye & Herb Solup Lecee Sandler

Faye & Herb Solup Jay Wassersug

Rabbi David Grossman Lecee Sandler

Rabbi David Grossman Roberta Bernstein

Mary & Scott Belgard Gene & Jodi Rome Avrus

Natalie & Ken Weinberg Roberta Bernstein

Natalie & Ken Weinberg Lecee Sandler

Sandra & Paul Snyder Herb Simons

Joan & Larry Zinamon Herb Simons

Rabbi David Grossman Myra & Bob Pransky

Donated by In Memory of

Rae & Burt Kaufman Barbara Cerruti

Sharon Lions Club Frances Gamzon

Natalie & Ken Weinberg Bradley Elliott Dolgin

Birds Hill Pharmacy Frances Gamzon

Donated by Yahrzeit

Max Gan Evelyn Lipsitz

Arthur Budd Joseph Lloyd Budd

Natalie & Ken Weinberg Florence Edgers

Sylvia & Irving Lipsky Ethel Hoffman

Stanley Machlin Ida Kaplan

The Chudnofsky Family Max Lande

Barbara & Ron Cline Matthew Cline

Morris Rubenstein Fannie Rubenstein

Bea Spiro Morris Poverman

Bea Spiro Rose Snider

Bea Spiro Sam Snider

Bea Spiro Sonia London

Bea Spiro Toby Dick

Lionel Borkan Mary Cohen

Lionel Borkan Robert Cohen

Sandra & Arthur Simon Leo Simon

Malcolm J. Portnoy Lillian Portnoy

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18 781-963-0440 [email protected]

Family Optometry

Contact Lens



Vision Care



Todah Rabah

Donated by In Honor of

Ellie & Paul Sirk David Avrus


Donated by Get Well

Anne & Harvey Segal Ellie Forman

Robin & Stan Zoll Nancy Lewis

Robin & Stan Zoll Natalie Weinberg

Donated by In Honor of

Linda Small Mr. & Mrs. Barry Sulkin

Lois Wasserman Bernice & Leon Weiner

Lois Wasserman Mr. & Mr. Alan Hoffman

Robin & Stan Zoll Myra & Bob Pransky

Rubin Adult Education Committee Rabbi David Grossman

the Kuppersmith and Rubin Families Carol & Scott Brown

Linda & Harry Dietrich Scott Belgard

Donated by In Memory of

Gloria & Gene Solon Sanford Marateck

Gloria & Gene Solon Bradley Elliott Dolgin

Donated by Yahrzeit

Nancy & Harvey Lewis Debby Fradkoff

Nancy & Harvey Lewis Rosalyne Silbert

The Brown, Kuppersmith & Rubin Families Arnold A. Rubin

Nancy Swartz Morris P. Swartz

Harvey Segal Harry Segal



Donated by Yahrzeit

Barbara & Harold Bloom Lester A. Porter

Eleanor Borr Rose Chasin

Donated by Donation

Robin & Stan Zoll Donation

Donated by Yahrzeit

Mrs White & Mrs Savizky David Trigub

Selma Bornstein Aronson Doris & Julius Bornstein


Donated by In Honor of Ellie & Paul Sirk Buddy Promisel

Ellie & Paul Sirk Ellen Shuster

Ellie & Paul Sirk Linda Leland

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www.TempleBethAmRandolph.org Kol Bet Am 19

Torah Fund Cards are available.

Call Ruth Geisler




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20 781-963-0440 [email protected]

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