Kokopu School

Kokopu School 2019 Term 4 Dates 19/11 Life Ed EMR Senior Pataua Snorkel 20/11 Junior Reotahi Snorkel 21/11 Kokopu Athletics 22/11 Junior Reotahi Snorkel Postponement 27/11 Y7 & 8 WPSSA Athletics 29/11 Poor Knights Senior Trip 4/12 Y 46 WPSSA Athletics 6/12 Goat Island Junior Trip 5/12 Powhiri to welcome our new principal 10/12 BOT Meet- ing 17/12 Prize Giving 19/12 End of Term 4 Haere Mai Whanau We have a very busy week with our EMR snorkelling trips to Pataua for our senior students and to Reotahi for our junior students. See the next page for more details. We also have our ath- letics competition on Thursday. I am sure we will have some very tired children by the end of this week. We are very proud of our Kapa Haka group who represented us at the Mangakahia Kapa Haka Festival last Thursday. Their performance was spectacular! Take a look on our Facebook page at the videos. Our Kokopu kids had a successful day at Poroti School Zone Athletics and some of our students will be representing our zone at the Whangarei Primary School Sports Athletic Championships. Well done to all the children who competed at Poroti. We were delighted to see the effort they put in and pleased at the way they represented our school. Kokopu Athletics Thursday 21st November. This Thursday is our athletics competition here at school. Field events start at 9am with all children competing in shot put, discus, long jump, high jump, sprints and if we get time long distance races and relays. Please ensure your children are dressed appropriately for athletics events and also make sure they have a hat and sunblock, along with a water bottle. The PTA will be selling food and doing a sausage sizzle. Help with this would be appreciat- ed please. The PTA are trying to set up a roster system so helpers only need to spend an hour each selling and cooking food. If you can help, please let the office know. Everyone is welcome to come along and support the children and enjoy the day. WPSSA Athletics Championships The following Year 7 and 8 children have qualified to compete in the athletics champs in town on Wednesday 27th November and have been entered into the following events; Izayah Paul - Y7 High Jump, 100 Metre, 200 Metre. Jayne Simmonds-Gray - Y7 100 Metre, 800 Metre, Shot Put. Mate Kokich - Y7 200 Metre. Lyric Heke - Y7 Shot Put. Wyatt Hughes Y8 100 Metre (TBC), 200 Metre. Lily Lockie - Y8 High Jump, Discus, 200 Metre. The following Year 4, 5 and 6 children will be competing Wednesday 4th December; Zion Pomare - Y5 100 metre, 80 Metre, Y5 Long Jump. Kavayla Clay - Y5 Discus, High Jump. Jax Weavers - Y6 High Jump. Yvie Pye - Y4 200 Metre, 60 Metre. Alexis King - Y6 Long Jump. Keeley Scott - Y5 Long Jump. Ethan Lockie - Y5 Long Jump. Zac Procter - Y6 100 Metre, Discus Shot Put. Lucan Clay - Y4 Shot Put. Kordell Paul - Y5 100 Metre, 80 Metre. Kade Semenoff - Y6 80 Metre. Please get your permission slip in to allow your child/children to go to these events. We are happy to receive permission by email. Kokopu Trophies Can we have all trophies back NOW please. They need to be sent to the engravers before they are presented at prize giving this year. Drop Off Time Please ensure a staff member is at school when you drop your children off in the morning. Most days someone is here at 8am.

Transcript of Kokopu School

Kokopu School

2019 Term 4 Dates

19/11 Life Ed

EMR Senior Pataua Snorkel

20/11 Junior Reotahi Snorkel

21/11 Kokopu Athletics

22/11 Junior Reotahi Snorkel Postponement

27/11 Y7 & 8 WPSSA Athletics

29/11 Poor Knights Senior Trip

4/12 Y 4—6 WPSSA Athletics

6/12 Goat Island Junior Trip

5/12 Powhiri to welcome our new principal

10/12 BOT Meet-ing

17/12 Prize Giving

19/12 End of Term 4

Haere Mai Whanau

We have a very busy week with our EMR snorkelling trips to Pataua for our senior students and to Reotahi for our junior students. See the next page for more details. We also have our ath-letics competition on Thursday. I am sure we will have some very tired children by the end of this week. We are very proud of our Kapa Haka group who represented us at the Mangakahia Kapa Haka Festival last Thursday. Their performance was spectacular! Take a look on our Facebook page at the videos. Our Kokopu kids had a successful day at Poroti School Zone Athletics and some of our students will be representing our zone at the Whangarei Primary School Sports Athletic Championships. Well done to all the children who competed at Poroti. We were delighted to see the effort they put in and pleased at the way they represented our school.

Kokopu Athletics

Thursday 21st November. This Thursday is our athletics competition here at school. Field events start at 9am with all children competing in shot put, discus, long jump, high jump, sprints and if we get time long distance races and relays. Please ensure your children are dressed appropriately for athletics events and also make sure they have a hat and sunblock, along with a water bottle. The PTA will be selling food and doing a sausage sizzle. Help with this would be appreciat-ed please. The PTA are trying to set up a roster system so helpers only need to spend an hour each selling and cooking food. If you can help, please let the office know. Everyone is welcome to come along and support the children and enjoy the day.

WPSSA Athletics Championships The following Year 7 and 8 children have qualified to compete in the athletics champs in town on Wednesday 27th November and have been entered into the following events; Izayah Paul - Y7 High Jump, 100 Metre, 200 Metre. Jayne Simmonds-Gray - Y7 100 Metre, 800 Metre, Shot Put. Mate Kokich - Y7 200 Metre. Lyric Heke - Y7 Shot Put. Wyatt Hughes Y8 100 Metre (TBC), 200 Metre. Lily Lockie - Y8 High Jump, Discus, 200 Metre.

The following Year 4, 5 and 6 children will be competing Wednesday 4th December; Zion Pomare - Y5 100 metre, 80 Metre, Y5 Long Jump. Kavayla Clay - Y5 Discus, High Jump. Jax Weavers - Y6 High Jump. Yvie Pye - Y4 200 Metre, 60 Metre. Alexis King - Y6 Long Jump. Keeley Scott - Y5 Long Jump. Ethan Lockie - Y5 Long Jump. Zac Procter - Y6 100 Metre, Discus Shot Put. Lucan Clay - Y4 Shot Put. Kordell Paul - Y5 100 Metre, 80 Metre. Kade Semenoff - Y6 80 Metre. Please get your permission slip in to allow your child/children to go to these events. We are happy to receive permission by email.

Kokopu Trophies

Can we have all trophies back NOW please. They need to be sent to the engravers before they are presented at prize giving this year.

Drop Off Time

Please ensure a staff member is at school when you drop your children off in the morning. Most days someone is here at 8am.

PTA Fruit and Veg Stall

If you have any surplus fruit and veggies you would like to donate to our stall, that would be great! For a koha, you can take a bag of whatever is in the containers. This has been running really

well and your support is appreciated. Thank you.

Reminder—School Gate


Please use the designated car park to drop off in the morning and pick up in the afternoon too. In the afternoon you need to come into the school grounds to get your children. They must not be out in the carpark unsupervised! If you have any traffic issues outside the front of the school, we would encourage you to report them to the Whangarei District Council. A form is available if you follow this link below: http://www.wdc.govt.nz/OnlineForms/Pages/ReportaProblem.aspx


If your child is going to be absent, please report their absence to the school office before 9am. You may do so by email or phone call. Thank you.

Head Lice

There has recently been a case of head lice identified at the school and this is a timely reminder to check your children. While lice are nothing more than a nuisance, it is important that children are checked on a reg-ular basis so that any head lice can be dealt with quickly before they spread. To keep outbreaks to a minimum, please treat as soon as possible if you find any infestation. Thank you.

Pataua South Snorkel - 19th November Year 5-8 Snorkel at Pataua for Middles and Seniors (high tide around midday) unlikely to be postponed as estuary not usually influenced by wind and swell.

Time Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

9:00 Meet at school, depart

10:00 School arrives + briefing

10:30 break + ready


11:30 break + ready


12.30 Snorkel break

1:45 Debrief and Depart

2:45 Arrive back at School

Reotahi Snorkel - 20th November/Postponement 22nd November Year 1-4 Snorkel at Reotahi for juniors. High tide early afternoon - good for snorkelling

Time Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

9:00 Meet at school, departure for Reotahi

10:00 School arrives + briefing

10:30 break + ready


11:15 break + ready


12.00 break + ready


12:45 Snorkel

1:45 Debrief and Departure back to school

2:45 Arrive back at School

Reward Certificates Week 5—Term 4

Room 4— Caleb Graham - Huge improvement in Math

Riley Harrow - Using different sentence starters

in Writing

Fern Simmonds-Gray - Showing empathy to


Room 6— Daniel Slabbert - Displaying key competencies

Trelise Mills - Most improved in dance

Community Notices

Calendar Art Our school has the option to sell your child’s art/photo collage as calendar art, posters, mouse pads, coffee mugs etc. This could be a great gift for whanau or to decorate your own home or workplace. These are high-ly customisable and there is a range of finished products.

Options to choose your unique product: children can do their own art at home, they can do specific classroom art or they can send in their own family photo or senior students can make a photo collage in class of their school year.

Sample are in the school office to view.

Order must be in by Friday 22nd November.

If you are interested please read the instructions and fill in the attached form.

After School Care Club

In the Whanau Room

If you would like to enroll your child/children in ASCC, please contact the office for an enrolment form. This service is available from 3pm to 5.30pm Monday to Fri-day. It is OSCAR subsidized, so if you are eligible, you can apply to WINZ for a subsidy. Forms are available at the school office. The cost per session is $7.00. Session 1 runs from 3.00pm to 4.15pm and Session 2 runs from 4.15pm to 5.30pm. If you would like to enroll your child, forms are available at the school office. If your child attends regularly and is having a day off from After School Care Club, please phone the school office to inform us. Our ASCC leader is Mary– Rose Olson.

Playgroup On Tuesday morning from 9am to 11.30 a group of parents meet in the newly refurbished whanau room with their pre schoolers. There is quite an array of equipment and the children are welcome to use the school grounds for play. Everyone is welcome to join the group. It is a wonderful way to get your child used to school before they start at 5 years old.

If you would like any further information please con-tact the school office or just turn up on the day.

We would love some new children to come along and enjoy our lovely new space with us.

Kokopu School

921 Kokopu Road RD 9 Whangarei 0179

Phone: 09 4346765 E-mail: [email protected]

Ukulele/Guitar Lessons

Once again this year I am offering classes for Year 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8 for ukulele and guitar. Please text me if your child is keen.

Thank you. Lyn Moase 0212979437.

Bible in Schools If you would like to opt in to bible lessons for your child/children, just email the office and we will see your child attends. Bible lessons with Michelle Schraag are from 8.30am to 9am on the following Fridays: 2nd and 16th August and 6th and 20th September.

Stationery Accounts

The Board of Trustees are happy to accept regular automatic payments throughout the school year. All of last years debts should have been paid in full before the end of the year. If you need to have a chat about your account, please contact Vicki. We prefer payment by direct credit if you are able to please; Kokopu School Board of Trustees 12-3099-0419154-01.

2019 Terms

Term 1 07/02—12/04

Term 2 29/04—05/07

Term 3 22/07—27/09

Term 4 14/10—19/12

2020 Terms

Term 1 05/02—09/04

Term 2 28/04—03/07

Term 3 20/07—25/09

Term 4 12/10—16/12