KokanNews.V2N1-2010- 4 RevieTantamukti 9 FYI-NRI 10 ئﺪﻨه ہﻧاﺮﺗ 11 لﺎﺒﻗا روا...

A rare letter of Mahatma Gandhi in Urdu on the death of Allama Sir Dr. Mohammed Iqbal ﻟﻚﺷﺮﻳﻚ واﻟﻤﻠﻚ ﻟﻚ واﻟﻨﻌﻤﺔ اﻟﺤﻤﺪن ا ﻟﺒﻴﻚ ﻟﻚ ﺷﺮﻳﻚ ﻟﺒﻴﻚ ﻟﺒﻴﻚ اﻟﻠﻬﻢ ﻟﺒﻴﻚInside this issue: Foreword 1 Desalination 2 Climate Change 5 Tantamukti 9 FYI-NRI 10 هﻨﺪئ ﺗﺮاﻧہ11 اﻗﺒﺎل اور اردو ﮔﺎﻧﺪهﯽ ﻣﻬﺎﺗﻤﺎ12-19 Foreword: Hajj is a great opportunity for Muslims to have their sins forgiven by Almighty Allah. In fact, it is the most important opportunity of repenting and cleansing their souls of bad deeds. Hajj is a blessed journey that extinguishes the sins of pilgrims. Upon returning to their homes, they become as pure as they were on the day they were born. Pilgrims depart from the lands in which they committed sins and leave their families and all worldly affairs that distracted them from true worship of the Lord of the Worlds. Pilgrims in their simple attire of ihram face their Lord with hearts free from all worldly concerns and filled with love for Him alone. In the season of Hajj, millions of Muslims throng toward Makkah from different parts of the world, believing in One God, His Book, and all His Prophets. Hajj witnesses the world's greatest example of eliminating social discrimination and any other human differences. It is a practical example of harmony, love, and brotherhood. All are equal before Allah, whether black or white, rich or poor, male or female. Pilgrims stand next to one another in the same places to perform the same rituals. No special place is reserved for kings or rulers. We pray that Muslims take advantage of every Hajj occasion and regard it as an annual international conference that can be used to solve the problems facing the Ummah, even a single problem every year. Finding solutions to the problems of the Ummah is the duty of all Muslims to prevail peace in the trouble world of today. Aameen... A Kokani boy from Chiplun, Ratnagiri visiting Ka’aba Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement. He was the pioneer of Satyagraha—resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience, firmly founded upon ahimsa or total nonviolence—which led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. Gandhiji is commonly known around the world as Mahatma Gandhi. He is officially honored in India as the Father of the Nation commonly known as “Bapu”. He wrote a emotional letter in Urdu from Yarawda jail about “Tarana-e-Hindi” praising Allama Sir Dr. Mohammed Iqbal, the Poet of the East. Please see page 11. Please donate Washishti Welfare Society for the Disabled, Chiplun Kokan News Volume 2, Issue 1, JANUARY-MARCH, 2010 Editor: Dr. Siraj Mohammed Bijle ﻧـــﻴـــﻮز آـــــﻮآـــﻦThe Newsletter of the Kokani Diaspora Community

Transcript of KokanNews.V2N1-2010- 4 RevieTantamukti 9 FYI-NRI 10 ئﺪﻨه ہﻧاﺮﺗ 11 لﺎﺒﻗا روا...

Page 1: KokanNews.V2N1-2010- 4 RevieTantamukti 9 FYI-NRI 10 ئﺪﻨه ہﻧاﺮﺗ 11 لﺎﺒﻗا روا 12-19 ودرا ﯽهﺪﻧﺎﮔ ﺎﻤﺗﺎﻬﻣ Foreword: Hajj is a great opportunity

A rare letter of Mahatma Gandhi in Urdu on the death of Allama Sir Dr. Mohammed Iqbal

لبيك اللهم لبيك لبيك ال شريك لك لبيك ِان الحمد والنعمة لك والملك َالشريك لك

Inside this issue:

Foreword 1

Desalination 2

Climate Change 5

Tantamukti 9


11 ترانہ هندئ

19-12 مهاتما گاندهی اردو اور اقبال

Foreword: Hajj is a great opportunity for Muslims to have their sins forgiven by Almighty Allah. In fact, it is the most important opportunity of repenting and cleansing their souls of bad deeds. Hajj is a blessed journey that extinguishes the sins of pilgrims. Upon returning to their homes, they become as pure as they were on the day they were born. Pilgrims depart from the lands in which they committed sins and leave their families and all worldly affairs that distracted them from true worship of the Lord of the Worlds. Pilgrims in their simple attire of ihram face their Lord with hearts free from all worldly concerns and filled with love for Him alone. In the season of Hajj, millions of Muslims throng toward Makkah from different parts of the world, believing in One God, His Book, and all His Prophets. Hajj witnesses the world's greatest example of eliminating social discrimination and any other human differences. It is a practical example of harmony, love, and brotherhood. All are equal before Allah, whether black or white, rich or poor, male or female. Pilgrims stand next to one another in the same places to perform the same rituals. No special place is reserved for kings or rulers. We pray that Muslims take advantage of every Hajj occasion and regard it as an annual international conference that can be used to solve the problems facing the Ummah, even a single problem every year. Finding solutions to the problems of the Ummah is the duty of all Muslims to prevail peace in the trouble world of today. Aameen...

A Kokani boy from Chiplun, Ratnagiri

visiting Ka’aba

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement. He was the pioneer of Satyagraha—resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience, firmly founded upon ahimsa or total nonviolence—which led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. Gandhiji is commonly known around the world as Mahatma Gandhi. He is officially honored in India as the Father of the Nation commonly known as “Bapu”. He wrote a emotional letter in Urdu from Yarawda jail about “Tarana-e-Hindi” praising Allama Sir Dr. Mohammed Iqbal, the Poet of the East. Please see page 11.

Please donate Washishti Welfare Society for the Disabled, Chiplun

Kokan News Volume 2, Issue 1, JANUARY-MARCH, 2010

Editor: Dr. Siraj Mohammed Bijle

آـــــوآـــن نـــيـــوز

The Newsletter of the Kokani Diaspora Community

Page 2: KokanNews.V2N1-2010- 4 RevieTantamukti 9 FYI-NRI 10 ئﺪﻨه ہﻧاﺮﺗ 11 لﺎﺒﻗا روا 12-19 ودرا ﯽهﺪﻧﺎﮔ ﺎﻤﺗﺎﻬﻣ Foreword: Hajj is a great opportunity

Desalination, Solution to Drinking Water Shortage By Dr. Abdulghani I. Dalvi *

Page 2 Kokan News

It is a well-known fact that though we live on this planet, which has abundance of water, very less of fresh water

is available for human consumption. About 75% of the earth’s surface is covered with water; however, 97.5% of water is salty and only 2.5% is fresh water, out of which less than 0.01% of world fresh water is available for mankind. Today more than 70% of the world population is without clean water.

Water is one of the early and most valuable creations of the Great Creator of the Universe and water is made to be quite stable on the earth for its use for human being. Water is the only substance that is stable in triplet phases, as Solid (ice), Liquid (water) and Gaseous (vapors). There are many other secretes of water such as its specific fusion and latent heat values, density and thermal insulation characteristic of its solid phase etc. The Human intelligence utilized these unique properties and abnormalities of water to its advantage and turned even salty unusable & undrinkable water to drinkable quality.

Although the mankind knowledge did not stop at understanding the secretes of the water but mankind also learnt

and imitated occurrence in nature to find out solutions to overcome the shortage of fresh water. For this I quote late Professor (of Desalination) Robert Silver who once said that, "Earth is the largest Distillation Unit" Increase in demand of fresh water necessitated and forced all countries in the world especially those in the arid regions to embark on ambitious plans and implement policies to achieve self sufficiency in water production. Day by day the gap between world's demand and supply of fresh water is widening due to increasing population and exponential growth of Industries. In spite of the efforts by the whole world there is still a gap between demand and supply of fresh water. It is casting dark shadows on the prospects of brighter future promised by advances in science & technology during the recent time. Most of the countries in the world where there is deficiency of natural resources of water or insufficient rain fall, those nation depend on manmade artificial techniques such as desalination to render the need of people. All the countries in the world including Middle East which is an arid region are no exception in facing this problem. In India although there is sufficient rain fall and mainly depend on it; use of desalination is only symbolic. However Government of India has recently started paying attention to desalination technique after facing drought like situation and has built some plants in Gujarat and Chennai.

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have done a lot in the field of

desalination but these countries have not yet achieved the cent percent of their goals. As far as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is concerned, the history of desalination dates back since the formation of the country. Realizing the importance of water for the progress of the Kingdom, the founder late King Abdulaziz Bin Abdurrahman Al-Saud in 1928 ordered two distillation plants to be imported to ease the serious water shortage and to cater the need of Hajj pilgrims. Since inception the much attention has been paid to solve the water shortage and to fulfill the need of the populace of the country.

What is desalination?

The method of obtaining fresh water from sea or brackish water is called desalination, i.e. removal of salt from water. Although it is reported that desalination history goes to three thousand years B. C., the actual development in desalination industry was in the forties of twentieth century during Second World War, when many military establish-ments in barren areas needed water for their soldiers.

World capacity of desalination plants increased from 58,000 m3/d in 1960 to more than 1,150,000 m3/d in 1970,

while present capacity increased to 46,870,823.7m3/d reflecting the tremendous growth of desalination industry. It is worth mentioning that Saudi Arabia is the leading nation utilizing desalination technology with a share of about 18.05% of total water produced by desalination and tops in the world.

————————————————————————————————————————————————–————-- * Researcher, Research & Desalination Technologies Department, Saline Water Conversion Corporation, Riyadh, K.S.A.,

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Page 3 Kokan News

Desalination is one way; mankind can overcome shortage of water. Desalination technologies classification is based on energy used or characteristics of related phase change or on level of salt in saline water. It is possible to classify desalination technologies in four groups:

1. Evaporation processes (distillation) 2. Membrane processes 3. Freeze crystallizing processes 4. Chemical processes

The different desalination process developed and widely used worldwide are Multi-Stage flash (MSF) Distillation,

Reverse Osmosis processes (RO), Vapor Compression (VC), Multi Effect Distillation (MED) etc, etc. RO is one of the most commonly used processes in saline water desalination, the share of it in year 2005 is 47.2% of world desalination capacity followed by Multi-Stage Flash (MSF) distillation processes of 36.5%. These two processes represent about 83.7% of world desalination capacity. A simple description of them is given below:

Multi-Stage flash (MSF) Distillation

The principle of the flash distillation process is shown in Figure 1. In this process, seawater is heated in a vessel

called the brine heater. It consists of a bundle of tubes heated externally by steam. Salt water flows inside the tube bundle and heated to the required operating temperature without being allowed to boil. The hot salt water then enters a flash chamber kept under reduced pressure. The water vapor generated from the flashing brine condenses on the surfaces of heat exchanger tubes passing through each stage and is converted to fresh water. The tubes are cooled by the incoming feed water to the brine heater. Preheating the seawater in the flash chambers will result in the reduction of the thermal energy requirements of the brine heater. The multistage flash distiller can have from 4 up to 40 stages. They are generally built in units of about 4000 to 60,000 m3/d and operated at top brine temperature in the range of 90 to 120oC.

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

This process is regarded relatively new compared to distil-lation operations and was introduced commercially in early 1970s. Reverse osmosis process is defined as an opera-tion of separating water from a pressurized saline solution through a semi permeable membrane, & this separation does not need heat or lead to change in phase & most of the energy is required for pressurizing the feed water.

Desalination Plant

In practice, the feed water is kept in a closed container & water is pressured against the membrane. When part of water passes through the membrane, salt content remain-ing in water is increased & removed without passing

through membrane. Without this controlled removal, the continuous increase of salt in pressured feed water will cause problems like salt deposition & increased osmotic pressure across the membrane. The quantity of removed water as salty liquid stream is 20% to 70% of feed water, depending on the salt content in feed water. Reverse Osmosis consists of the following main components: 1.Pretreatment, 2.High pressure pump, 3.Membrane assembly, and 4.Post treatment.

Pretreatment is important in RO because membrane surface has to remain clean. Therefore suspended solids must be removed by feed water pretreatment to avoid salt deposition or microbial growth on the membrane surface. Usually pretreatment consists of fine filtration & addition of acid or other chemicals to avoid salt deposition.

Now there is a new concept of using Nano-Filtration membrane as pretreatment for desalination process like Reverse Osmosis (RO), Multi-Stage Flash (MSF) and Multi-Effect Distillation (MED). Nano-Filtration reduced dissolved salts in

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feed water by 30-60% & sulfates by more than 98%, thus application of NF increases production and decreases cost of desalinated water. This new concept and process was discovered & developed by SWCC's Research & Development Center, Saudi Arabia.

Efforts are being put at each level globally to lower the cost of production; however cooperative efforts through-

out the world will fetch the result much faster and easier. The solution to minimize the gap between demand and supply of water has to be accompanied by development of technologies that is cost effective that may give relief by way of affordable solution to water starved nations. Whatever man does to achieve any height of perfectness in technology, avoiding water wastage and saving water is ultimate goal and that will results in reducing gap between demand and supply. Save Water!

The year 1959 was memorable year to be written in Golden letters in the Educational History of Kokan and especially the name of Kalusta, Chiplun, a year in which our revered Haji Dawood Amin Parker and his nephew Mahmud Amin Parker opened a new chapter in the field of Secondary Education. This is the full-fledged first private high school of Ratnagiri District and was named as “Haji Dawood Amin High School, Kalusta”. The school is managed by Social Education Society, Kalusta and its President is Mr. Ashraf Husain Rahim Khan Dalwai [Retired IAS] and its Governing Council Chairman is Mr. Ghulam M. Hasan Parker [CEO]. The High School is celebrating 2009 as Golden Jubilee year and the Society needs your generous help to complete their following programmes: 1. Senior College 2. Information Technology College 3. Pharmaceutical College Please send your donations to: Social Education Society, Kalusta A/c No. 71, Union Bank of India, Kalusta Branch, KALUSTA, Tal: Chiplun, Dist: Ratnagiri, Via Bombay, INDIA Tel: ++912355-231050

Social Education Society &

Haji Dawood Amin High School,

Kalusta, Chiplun

Celebrating Golden Jubilee

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Page 5 Kokan News

With the United Nations conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen on December 7-18, 2009, there is a growing awareness of environmental issues countrywide, and that these issues are vital for our future. The terms such as “The Greenhouse Effect”, “Acid Rain”, “Ozone Layer”, “Global Warming” and “Climate Change” are on everyone’s lips and have become serious items of interest in the national and international press. It seems that the mass of information and extent of awareness will continue to increase as scientists and politicians alike wrestle with ways of addressing and solving environmental problems. The scope of this article is Kokan region of Maharashtra only. The authorities in this region must address this issue and solve the problem immediately without causing further harm to the environment.

The 750km long coastline between Dhahano and Goa – The Kokan Coast of Maharashtra - still harbors pockets of breathtaking beauty and nature in almost pristine form. Forested slopes of the Western Ghats, dense mangroves in estuaries, coral reefs, fish spawning areas, and variety of marine flora and fauna.


Information Specialist, PSCDR, DQ, Riyadh-11614, Saudi Arabia. Email: [email protected]

Climate Change and Its Impact on Kokan Coast Environment By

Dr. Siraj Mohammed Bijle *

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On the other hand, some stretches of the coast, especially between Mumbai and Alibag, reels under the

impact of Mumbai's sewerage and solid waste, industrial effluents and even oil spills from ships. Lands have been acquired for industrial estates and hotels in total disregard of its ecological and social impacts. Even nature conservation proposals have only led to opposition, ire and bitterness among locals. They confer little long-term benefits to the residents in terms of income and employment deprives them of their means of livelihood and lifestyle while threatening the biological base of their life.

Sewage dumping poses widespread threat to coastal waters near Mumbai.

Factories near Bombay suburbs polluting the air and sea

With an aim to find a solution to the Kokan a long term strategy and plan is need of the day to protect the Kokan coastline. This is in the interest of wildlife and humans. A study is necessary to study the Kokan coast biodiversity, the extent to which local communities depend on it for a living, and then prepare a conservation plan keeping the local residents and traditional communities in mind.

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The coast area must be managed in such a way as to reinforce conservation of genetic resources, ecosystem and biodiversity. Research and monitoring components are especially important in assessing the impact of pollution, and effects of traditional and modern land-use practices. Wherever possible, local knowledge and traditional practices are to be encouraged. The whole coast should be managed in such a way as to reinforce conservation of genetic resources, ecosystems and biodiversity. Research and monitoring components are especially important in assessing the impact of pollution, and effects of traditional and modern land-use practices. Involvement of local people in the management of this area and decision-making process is imperative. The more the dissemination of correct, scientific information, the better is the likelihood of achieving sustainable use of resources. The task is enormous but has to be tackled if biodiversity is to be sustained, enhanced and used for the benefits of local people.

On the other hand, government organizations must come forward to show that they are responsive to people's interests, aspirations and are prepared to work with them. Nature conservation has to be based on a holistic approach which means consultation, coordination and cooperation at all levels.

The pace and extent of warming across India is wide spread and undisputed. It has adverse impact on wildlife, agriculture, incidence of diseases, local weather, rise in sea level and more heat waves etc. Kokan coast is relatively more affected in recent years. Rising population, rapid urbanization, industrialization, deforestation and waste production are putting enormous pressure on over natural resource base and led to qualitative and degradation of land, water, air, biodiversity, forests and bio-resources. The problems are compounded by dwindling non-renewable resources, shrinking arable land and farm size, growing regional disparity, depleting natural resource base, increasing biotic and abiotic stresses.

Climate change is affecting Kokan coast in a big way and its impacts are many and serious – erratic monsoon, migration of agricultural zones, spread of tropical diseases, sea level rise, change in availability of fresh water, floods, droughts, heat waves, storms, hurricanes etc. An unusually warm winter battered Alphonso mangoes' yield down by 75% along the Kokan coast during the last three years.

Climate change will have an adverse impact on food security. Food cost will increase as food availability (cereals, vegetables, fruits, livestock products, and fish) will decrease and economically backward people will be affected more. There is need for global consensus to contain global warming. Targets to cut emissions by 5 percent established by Kyoto protocol should be enforced. Water harvesting and conservation is a national priority. Water should be used judiciously. Drip irrigation and water sprinkler approach, mulching and bed plantation, construction of tanks and small dams in mountains in every village are conventional approaches for water harvesting and conservation.

Waterfalls and Washishti River near Kalusta-Gowalkot, Chiplun, Dist: Ratnagiri which are source of fresh water, are also polluted by manmade activities and nearby toxic industries at Lote-Parshuram.

Improperly treated sewage from land activities is a major source of coastal pollution resulting in decreased quality of bathing waters and nutrient enrichment leading to eutrophication. Untreated sewage still enters coastal waters through direct discharge into rivers, streams and sea as well as through soak away pits.

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Both air and water pollution has been identified as major problems in Mumbai. The World Bank describes Mumbai's air pollution as “severe” and with regard to Mumbai's water pollution states that “about 75 percent of all sewage is untreated and discharged to local waterways and coastal waters, causing extensive environmental hazard” (World Bank 1996 - The Vulnerability of Global Cities to climate Hazards )

In the coming years India faces great challenges in development and its impact on climate. The path of development chosen by the region, upon which lies the future growth of energy and emission trajectories, would be greatly influenced by technological developments, economic cooperation between countries, and global cooperation in limiting greenhouse gas emissions.

The climate change problem is basically rooted in this core aspect of the economic development process. It is influenced by anthropogenic GHG emissions related to consumption of resources and production processes and at the same time influences the productive basis of the economy and general living conditions. As defined in Article 2 of the UNFCCC, the need is to focus on the anthropogenic causes for climate change since climate systems have inherent variations and uncertainties. Among the most important anthropogenic causes is energy use, which is dominated by fossil fuels worldwide and India in particular. There is a need for global consensus to contain global warming. Targets to cut emissions by 5 percent below their 1990 levels by 2012 and 15 to 30 percent by 2020 established by Kyoto protocol should be enforced. Climate change over last few decades has endangered food security. Impacts are diversified and need to be addressed through public – private partnerships between communities and local government and states. Simple things like creating awareness about adverse impact of climate change may reduce the level of greenhouse gas emissions. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and carbon trading may also help in reducing greenhouse gas emission. If people become sensitive to environment and awareness is created on importance of the clean environment and judicious use of resources, the level of greenhouse gas emissions could decline. Inclusion of courses on environmental studies in school curricula is a good beginning. Providing pertinent literature in local language will help in building awareness.

Washishti Welfare Society for the Disabled, Chiplun: Vision 2020

1. Boat hospital in Washishti and Jagbudi River. 2. Primary Care Clinics in four Talukas with well equipped

ambulances and first aid. 3. Special Training Schools for job oriented courses for dis-

abled children (girls and boys) from age 14 and above. 4. Old aged homes in Chiplun and Khed Taluka. For the vision to be a reality, Washishti Welfare Society for the Disabled plans to coordinate the efforts of four above mentioned Talukas in the first phase to achieve the following common minimum objectives which the partners/friends have agreed to work for: I. Total literacy by 2020 particularly in target Talukas and

complete inclusion of the disabled Community. II. Mobilizing the daily earners, woman and poverty ridden

disabled in the target Talukas to form Self Help Groups (SHG) and taste the prosperity so earned.

III. Introduce Community Counseling Centers. IV. Mobilize and organize health caravan for popularizing in

the masses the idea of good health and making them aware of the needs and significance of health care, and helping them to make use of government health schemes and facilities available.

V. Introduce in the disabled community cultural and sport activities which develop healthy and competitive spirit and make use of government facilities available for this purpose.

VI. Publish materials to promote the mission. For further information please contact: [email protected]

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Maharashtra generates energy from sea waves

Maharashtra announces Rs.5,000 crore package for Konkan

Tantamukti—Do you know this best Judiciary system in your villages…? Visit the Government of Maharashtra link: http://tantamukta.maharashtra.gov.in/

Page 9 Kokan News

Golden Quote: Self Rule is our birthright, and We shall have it. Bal Gangadhar Tilak [A renowned freedom fighter of Kokan]

Mumbai, Aug 11, 2009: As many as 2,309 villages in Maharashtra were declared winners under the prestigious Mahatma Gandhi Tanta Mukta 'Gaon' in the dispute-free villages campaign. Speaking to media persons in Mantralaya, Deputy Chief Minister R. R. Patil said out of 29,000 villages more than 27,000 participated in this scheme, which was praised by judiciary as a beneficial scheme. The disputes ranging from long pending land disputes to petty quarrels in villages were settled at the Samiti level. The matters which were in courts were settled with

June 24, 2009 The Maharashtra government has announced a Rs.5,000 crore (Rs.50 billion) package to develop and modernize the backward Konkan region. The package includes an ambitious plan to make the 471-km Mumbai-Goa highway into a modern four-lane carriageway and measures to complete the state's coastal highway, according to the official announcement. Also included in the package are scores of works to modernize or construct roads, connecting roads to link big and small towns, and big and small bridges over rivers and the creeks dotting the coastline. The projects are spread over the next one to three years. The announcement came at the end of the first meeting of the state cabinet held in the picturesque coastal region of the state, facing the Arabian Sea. Apart from the infrastructure projects, the package includes allocation for strengthening or constructing new dams and reservoirs to boost the irrigation facilities in the region. By this, an area of over 21,000 hectares in Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri, Raigad and Thane districts will be provided with irrigation facilities over the next three years. With a view to benefit from the natural beauty of the region's hills on one side and the Arabian Sea on the other, the state has allocated Rs.67 crore to construct various tourist facilities. Since there is no airport in the region, the state plans to construct aviation facilities in Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts with public-private participation. It also plans to develop scores of small fishing ports and jetties to augment the waterways in the area, in addition to enhancing educational, sports, cultural and other facilities.

MUMBAI- Maharashtra has succeeded in generating electricity from sea waves. Minister for Non-Conventional Sources of Energy Vinay Kore and officials witnessed the Wave Energy Power Project, which, using electricity generated from sea waves, got underway by blasting a huge concrete wall off the Arabian Sea shore at Guhaghar in Konkan, around 300 km south of Mumbai. There are many projects in the world which generate electricity using tidal wave currents. This will not depend on tides, it will generate electricity from the powerful sea waves on the Konkan coast, Kore said. The project was initiated by Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (MEDA) and implemented by Apar Urja Pvt. Ltd. It was under preparation for over three years and has finally been a success, Kore said. The pilot project to generate 25 kw power cost Rs. four million. The state government has identified over 150 sites on the Konkan coast for deploying this technology. Kore said that if the project succeeds in generating 1 MW of power, it will be implemented at other sites along the Konkan coast. However, he said, it was not possible to indicate a time-frame for the project. He said Maharashtra currently faces a shortfall of around 4,000 MW a year. The cost of generating electricity by this method comes to less than a rupee per kw, as compared to other methods that cost a minimum of Rs.3.50 per kw. Kore said. According to MEDA official J.V. Torne, there is potential to generate over 500 MW annually along the state’s 720-km coastline, by using this technology. The available technologies in the world use only the upward thrust of sea-waves. The technology in Guhaghar not only uses the upward thrust, but also the horizontal thrust and is also useful for low energy potential waves. Apart from being 100 percent eco-friendly, it is also permitted under the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) norms.

A Village in Kokan

کوکن رانی

ڈگمگاتی، جهومتی، سيٹی بجاتی، کهيلتی وادی کہسار کی ٹهنڈی هوا کهاتی هوئی تيز جهونکوں ميں وہ چهم چهم کاسروو دلنشيں آندهيوں ميں مينہ برسنے کی صدا آتی هوئی ناز سے ہر موڑ پر کهاتی هوئی سو پيچ و خم اک دلهن اپنی ادا سے آپ شرماتی هوئی ۔


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An Appeal for Your Help! The above structure is more than 200 hundred years old mosque at Anjarle [Adkhal], Tal: Dapoli, Dist: Ratnagiri. Now the physical structure of this mosque is aging and deteriorating. The village Muslim community in Anjarle is asking you for your help and support. They are in dire need for your donations that, by the help of ALLAH [SWT], will allow them to continue to exist and to keep the mosque vital and in operation.

For further information please contact:

Mr. Abdulkarim K. Kurawle

Mobile: 0502264354 [Riyadh] +9665502264354 [International]

A/c No. 02581060004499

HDFC Bank, Navi Mumbai, India

FYI-NRI Cabinet clears fund for emergency help to overseas Indians

NEW DELHI: The Union Cabinet approved setting up Indian Community Welfare Fund (ICWF) in Indian missions in 17 countries to meet contingency expenses for welfare of overseas Indian citizens who are in distress. The proposed fund, estimated at Rs 1.6 crore, is aimed at providing boarding and lodging for distressed overseas Indian workers in domestic sector and unskilled labourers, extending emergency medical care to those in need, providing air passage to stranded overseas Indians in need, providing initial legal assistance to the overseas Indians in deserving cases and expenditure on airlifting the mortal remains to India or local cremation/burial of deceased overseas Indians in such cases where a sponsor is unable or unwilling to do so as per the contract and the family is unable to meet the cost. Overseas Indian workers duped by unscrupulous intermediaries in the host countries, runaway house maids, those who become victims of accidents, deserted spouses of overseas Indians or undocumented overseas Indian workers in need of emergency assistance or any other overseas Indian citizens who are in distress would be the main beneficiaries of the fund. For a complete list and contact addresses of all Missions, please visit the website of Ministry of External Affairs [Government of India]

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ترانہ هندئ

هم بلبليں ہيں اس کی يہ گلستاں همارا سارے جہاں سے اچها هندوستان همارا سمجهو وہيں ہميں بهی دل ہو جہاں همارا غربت ميں هوں اگر هم، رہتا ہے دل وطن ميں

وہ سنتری همـــارا، وہ پاسبــاں همــــارا پربت وہ سب سے اونچا ہمسايہ آسماں کا

گودی ميں کهيلتی ہيں اس کی ہزاروں ندياں گلشن ہےجن کےدم سےرشک جناں همارا

اترا ترے کنــــارے جب کارواں همــــــارا وہ دن ہيں ياد تجه کو؟! اے آب رود گنگا

مذہب نہيں سکهاتا آپس ميں بير رکهنا هندئ ہيں هم، وطن ہے هندوستان همارا

يونان ومصر وروما، سب مٹ گے جہاں سے اب تک مگر ہے باقی نام ونشان همـــارا

کچه بات ہے کہ ہستی مٹتی نہيں ہماری صديوں رہا ہے دشمن دور زماں همــــارا

کوئی محرم اپنا نہيں جہاں ميں! اقبال معلوم کيا کسی کو درد نہاں همــــــارا

Sare Jahan Se Achchha Hindostan Hamara [Our India is the best among all land in the world] said Dr. Iqbal, the poet of the East. Now this poetic line has evolved into a symbolic expression for the greatness of our country. This is sung frequently and used widely for an easy, prompt and soft pronouncement of the greatness and novelty of our country. The above original letter is preserved in the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Research Center and Library-400 002, Mumbai.

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Publication Policy for Authors / Contributors

Kokan News آوآن نيوز

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The Editor of the “Kokan News” welcome contributions of research articles from

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individuals. We will include articles about development with special reference to Kokan and Kokanis and in the interest of our nation and humanity only… Editor

Please note these guidelines are subject to change without notice. Submit manuscripts to the Editor: - KOKAN NEWS E-mail: - [email protected] & [email protected]

Call for Research Papers “Kokan News” invites research papers in all fields e.g. Agriculture, Aqua Culture, Dairy Technology, Disabilities and related issues, Education, Food Technology, Health Sciences, Information Technology, Language and Literature, Medicine and Science & Technology with reference to Kokan Region. Please send the information on below mentioned e-mail as a word document. Please follow the below mentioned Publication Polices. Editor, Kokan News [email protected] & [email protected]