Kobe 1995 Sid.L


Transcript of Kobe 1995 Sid.L

In 1995 Kobe Japan got hit by one big earthquake 5,500 were killed and 26,000 injured also the economic loss has been estimated at about $US 200 billion.

•The Epicentre Awaji island

•The plate is destructive plates boundary

•Strength of the quake was 6.9 - 7.2

The three plates are:


•The pacific plate


Epicentre Awaji island

Japan has a destructive plate boundary

When crustal plates meet, and one plate is denser than the other. the denser plate is forced under the other plate and melts to form magma. If both plates are of equal density they collide and crumple up against each other forming mountains.

Over 200,000 buildings also killing 5,000 and making 300,000 people homeless also many buildings went into the ground due to the effects of the quake.

What were the primary effects?

What were the secondary effects?

At one point the firers were 400+ meters high also the water pipes burst and kids were out of school for long times

The government of Japan was badly criticised for acting slowly and not saving many people, for poorly managing Japanese volunteers, and for initially refusing help from foreign nations, including the United States, South Korea, Mongolia, and the United Kingdom.

I think less people would of died if the government of Japan acting fast and saving many people. also if they did not refusing help from foreign nations, including the United States, South Korea, Mongolia, and the United Kingdom more people could of been saved.

The End