Knox Now - Issue 2 FINAL %28no bleeds%29

WINTER 2013 Knox Now CHRIST CENTERED GOSPEL DRIVEN MISSION FOCUSED “Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare the way for the people... They will be called the Holy People, the Redeemed of the LORD; and you will be called Sought After, the City No Longer Deserted.” Isaiah 62:10,12 THE ENTRENCHED LIFE 6 • URBAN MINISTRY YESTERDAY AND TODAY 8 • OUTSIDE THE CITY 13 POSITIVE CITY



Transcript of Knox Now - Issue 2 FINAL %28no bleeds%29

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W I N T E R 2013


“Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare the way for the people... They will be called the Holy People, the Redeemed of the LORD; and you will be called Sought After, the City No Longer Deserted.” Isaiah 62:10,12



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God Loves CitiesSOUTH FLORIDA. Coastal. Creative. Dense. Diverse. International. Transient. Vibrant. The city in which we live is a marvelous place. On the outside, it truly sparkles. As residents, we experience the grittiness of the city along with a distinctive coastal culture and all that glitters with the enclaves of wealth. Having one of the highest concentrations of wealth and poverty, this stark contrast makes South Florida an interesting place to do ministry. Ministry work here is a snapshot of the future for smaller cities in the United States and especially Latin America. Due to the transient nature of South Florida and its sphere of influence, I liken it to a jewel or prism beaming the light of Christ to nations everywhere. This issue will highlight many of these aspects of doing ministry in the city, including unique opportunities with national and local church planting

At Knox, we focus on the city as a positive. God loves cities and we do too. Author and pastor, Tim Keller of Redeemer Presbyterian Church NYC says, “In these cities you have more images of God per square inch than anywhere else in the world.” God uses cities as epicenters for spreading Christianity throughout the world. The ministry challenges inherent to large port cities present distinct urban opportunities. So we draw from the richness of the gospel and the resonant cultural context that surrounds and informs us to guide our ministry to the city.

DIVERSITY AND OPPORTUNITYThe colorful canvas of South Florida displays every abstract brushstroke of life here—a diversity of people, thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that are





THE ENTRENCHED LIFE by Rev. Phil Letizia






A BLENDED CHURCH by Ivey Rose Smith

LIBERATE 2013 CONFERENCE by Dr. Jonathan Linebaugh













never ending. Rather than retreat from the sensual culture, we are committed to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16) where God has uniquely positioned us in the heart of Fort Lauderdale. The biblical precedent is, of course, Jeremiah 29 where the Jews retained their distinctive religious identity while living alongside the Babylonians by seeking the peace and prosperity of the city.

Our enduring goal is to bring glory to God (1 Corinthians 10:31), to be salt and light, to love our neighbor (Galatians 6:10), and to work together in an interplay of service to and for our neighbors, congregations, city, ministry, and ultimately our Lord and Savior. To be that “city on the hill” (Matthew 5:14) is to be a consistent representation of the gospel in a society that is decaying culturally, morally, and socially.

GOD’S WORK IN THE CITYKnox Now gives an idea of what it’s like to be here and study under our tremendous faculty. The vibrant ministries of our graduates highlight our efforts to connect the local church and mission in our own backyards by equipping pastors and laypeople with biblical and practical training, and perhaps to see the gospel in a different light. Knox graduates and representatives are now distributed all over the world. In addition to our website and social media, Knox Now is a portal for friends and students across the globe to be informed and interact—offering a practical and pastoral scope as well as action-oriented missional insights for our ministry partners to join us in doing God’s work in the city. †


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BIBLICAL TRAINING FOR GOSPEL MINISTRYPlanted in sunny Fort Lauderdale, the sixth largest urbanized area in the U.S., Knox rests in a truly international environment. Consider how your seminary education will be strengthened by our outstanding faculty in this rich, culture-shaping context. What better place to live, work, study, and minister in anticipation of the heavenly city that is to come?

5554 North Federal HighwayFort Lauderdale, FL 33308




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Dr. Gyger has planted churches in numerous metropolitan areas. We recently sat down to ask his thoughts on urban church planting and Redeemer City to City.

Q: Why is urban church planting important? A: The world is moving at an unprecedented pace toward large urban areas. At least 50 percent of the world’s populations now live in cities. But why concentrate church planting in these strategic centers? Two reasons. One, they are the cultural-shaping centers of regions, nations and the world. If we are concerned about the influence of the gospel in all areas of life, we must pay attention to these mega population centers. The urban areas are also highly connected to each other, especially in the digital age. In many respects our present world reality is like the interconnectedness of the Roman Empire. Two, these growing metro areas also need many more churches and different kinds of churches. As these areas grow, the number of churches to effectively reach and influence these cities is actually declining in relative numbers. But we also need churches that are, doctrinally orthodox, city friendly, culturally relevant, and ministry balanced. What brings these foci together is the gospel seen in its fullness and relevancy.



Q: What does City to City do? A: City to City is a relatively small organization with a single-minded focus: plant gospel-centered churches in the influential centers of urban areas that reach young professionals. Our ultimate goal is to foster church-planting movements that will plant churches in all areas of the city and establish networks of congregations and agencies that concentrate on renewing the city spiritually, socially and culturally.

Q: What does a City to City church look like? A: These new congregations in different cities, and therefore in different cultures, will not all look alike. What we hope distinguishes these churches will be the DNA, and values-enriched attitudes and ministries. Above all, our prayer is that each new congregation will be gospel centered and enriched in every aspect of ministry.

Q: Why did you start City to City? A: This relates to two aspects of the work in New York City: (1) Tim Keller’s original call to be a church planter in New York was to start a church that would have a multiplying catalytic influence on the city. He knew that to have this kind of influence, Redeemer Presbyterian Church must concentrate on planting and multiplying congregations in every part of the city. (2) Later, I was called to bring this vision to reality in a more concentrated effort of church planting and

to expand the scope of city center church planting in other global population centers of the world. Though Redeemer City to City is a separate organization that can function internationally and be related to the wider church, it remains highly connected to Redeemer itself.

Q: What distinguishes a Redeemer City to City Church? A: First of all, Redeemer City to City doesn’t actually start churches. To be more clear on this, we facilitate, encourage and train local leaders to launch these new congregations. We do not seek to replicate Redeemer Church in these other countries. Our goal is to communicate a certain gospel-centered DNA or value-rich structure that can be applied in different circumstances and cultures in which ministries of evangelism, discipleship, mercy, justice and cultural renewal can be harmonized into a unified effort. Examples

of this DNA would be (a) gospel centered in message and practice, (b) city friendly, and (c) ministry balanced.

Q: Why should Christians care about cities? A: Christians should care about cities because they are the influence centers, cultural-shaping centers, and communication centers of our world. They are also some of the most unreached areas of our world. When Tim started Redeemer Church in New York, Manhattan, the most important area of

Q&A: Church Planting and Urban Missiology

“Cities...are some of the most unreached areas of our world.”


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Q&A: Church Planting and Urban MissiologyNew York culturally speaking, had less than one half of one percent evangelicals. Yet its influence in our western culture is so vast and deep it is hard to overestimate its influence.

Q: What does being “city positive” mean in a missional context? A: We use this language to communicate that our effectiveness in the city will in many ways be measured by our attitude toward the city. If we have a positive attitude toward the city, seeing city-centered realities of the positives as well as the negatives, we will shape our work, lives and ministry to bring peace, prosperity and hope to the city. This “city-positive posture” will affect our attitudes as to how we personally relate to the city and ministry approaches, and how we function and serve in the city. We can stand above the city in a critical and condemning posture, or use the city for our advantage, or we can love the city and seek to serve the city with love and humility.

Q: Why is being “city positive” important to the gospel?A: The gospel has to do with God’s love and grace applied all across the city in all kinds of groups and neighborhoods. It is the ultimate “good news” for a city in conflict and turmoil. The gospel also is hopeful about present and future reality. The city can be a place of justice, of shalom, of service and of love. But as we serve the city we are painting small pictures of a future reality—the reality of restoration of all things.

Q: How can Christians contribute to the social renewal of cities? A: As Christians we must live, work and serve the city with its vast and deep needs with humility and boldness. This can be done on the large stage of social issues and challenges as well as on the small stages of neighborhood needs and opportunities. All large cities are combinations of “local neighborhoods,” where we can meet and relate to our “close-by” neighbors, where we can see small pieces of ministries that can really be accomplished as we work with other Christians and work as well with people in the city who also have a concern for the common good. Small touches taken together amount to broad and deep impact.

Q: What are some of the challenges to pastors today trying to do ministry in an urban setting? A: Some of these have to do with financial challenges. Cities are areas of high cost, especially in relationship to housing and other basic living costs. They are places of challenge for families in terms of both living space and education. There are also challenges related to the modern, secular mindset of young professionals or the difficulty of adapting to the different cultures that make up the great cities of the world.

Q: Has Redeemer in its network of churches made an impact on the socio-cultural and

spiritual life of New York City? A: This is not easy to measure. However, we can look at the following aspects: (1) We know there are now more than 100, possibly as many as 150 new churches in New York that God has raised up over the past 10 years.

(2) We know in 2000 there were approximately one half of one percent evangelicals in Manhattan. Today 6% of evangelicals worshipping on Sunday and 3.5 percentage of the population who are

evangelical live in Manhattan. We see the possibilities of a “tipping” point on the horizon. (3) We see a city movement of evangelical ministries being accomplished by a coalition of like-minded churches, agencies and individuals working together to see city change in New York. Q: You recently stepped down from City to City. Can you share with us what the next phase of your ministry looks like? A: I am super enthused about the new leadership of John Hutchinson and the future of Redeemer City to City as it continues to facilitate church planting in New York and the large cities of the world. I will remain tied to the ministry and vision of Redeemer City to City as a consultant. In the meantime, a few friends and ministry partners will seek to serve specific functions in different organizations and ministries through a small training and consulting ministry called LinX. †

“The the ultimate ‘good news’ for a city in conflict and turmoil.”

For more resources on urban church planting, visit >>


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churches in urban cities and villages is the opportunity for an “entrenched life.” The urban sprawl of South Florida does not easily offer the entrenched life due to things being spread so far

apart, requiring longer car commutes, and larger contexts for ministry. This is partly what makes Wilton Manors so unique. Within the sprawl of South Florida,

and the Greater Fort Lauderdale area, is a small, walkable, island village that contributes to the characteristics of

the city, the people who call it home, and the kind of faithful presence of the gospel it requires in ministry.

THE NEED FOR GOSPEL WITNESSESOur unique context is also seen in our demographics. As of the 2010 census, Wilton Manors ranks second nationally in percentage of same-sex couples, just behind Provincetown, Massachusetts. Those in the LGBT communities (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender) view Wilton Manors as one of the

leading communities in the country to live, work, recreate, and engage in the public life of the city. Wilton Manors has a startling shortage of gospel-centered churches that are a faithful presence of Christ for the spiritual, social, and relational good of the community.

These factors led my wife and me to Wilton Manors. Our desire is to organize a new, faithful presence of the Church in Wilton Manors by cultivating a community of faith, hope, and love. We are not seeking our own benefit, or the benefit only of those who attend our church, but the benefit of our entire city.

AUTHENTIC ENGAGEMENTThroughout my lifetime, evangelical churches


A FEW YEARS AGO, my wife and I faced a huge decision. Where was God leading us to spend our lives and ministry? Both of us are native South Floridians who desired to remain in the Greater Fort Lauderdale area long term. However, before we were convinced church planting was in our future, and before others affirmed that decision, we began to think about where we wanted to do “life together.” Where did we want to raise our family? We strongly believed that life and ministry should take place in the same context. With a lot of late night conversations, and an extensive church planting assessment process, our hearts were drawn to Wilton Manors.

Wilton Manors, Florida, is a small urban village directly north of downtown Fort Lauderdale known to many as, “The Island City,” with water creating its natural boundaries. In July of 2011 we moved into the center of Wilton Manors, believing that ministry and the other spheres of life should be as intertwined as possible. One of the great benefits of planting

“Life and ministry should take place in the same context.”

The “Entrenched Life”One pastor’s radical calling to live and minister in a pro-gay community


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in America have struggled to effectively engage LGBT communities. Typically, the approach has centered on nonprofit, parachurch organizations focused on ministering individually to LGBT men and women. This approach has often widened the gap between the evangelical church and LGBT communities. We believe the Church of Jesus Christ embodied locally, in new congregations, is what urban cities and urban villages need most to speak into the diverse contexts and populations they present.

I’ve been asked often during the last two years, “What is your strategy for this kind of ministry?”

My answer is not new, well crafted, or groundbreaking. Our strategy is to be the local gospel-driven church in Wilton Manors.

By Rev. Phil LetiziaKNOX DMIN STUDENT;


The “Entrenched Life”MISSIONAL LIVINGThe denomination in which we are a part, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, has been on a five-year trek to understand and truly adopt a missional strategy for ministry. Missional living, however, is not easily adopted. Mission is an issue of proximity. One cannot live missionally unless you can look into your life and see friends who don’t know Jesus. The urban cities

and villages of today force us to engage those of every stripe, and commit ourselves to a long-term view of ministry centered on mutually beneficial personal and structural relationships.

There is no city, village, district, or neighborhood on this earth that God’s kingdom cannot flourish in. The mission of God calls us to commit ourselves to his timetables, his goals, and his goodness.

What I have learned most clearly over the last year and a half, is that new congregations in urban cities and villages are dependent completely upon the Spirit of God, and living an entrenched life. The gospel of Christ can do the restoring work of the kingdom in any demographic and context, and in any man, woman, and child. †

One pastor’s radical calling to live and minister in a pro-gay community

Top Left: Exterior, CityChurch Wilton Manors. Bottom Left: Administering the Lord’s Supper. Center, Right: Rev. Letizia preaching at CityChurch Wilton Manors.

Learn more about CityChurch Wilton Manors at >>


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THE LOVE OF THE WORLD is incompatible with the love of the Father, John insists. Specifically, the desires of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life are signs of those who love the world (I John 2:15). These temptations, hallmarks of major cities, easily lure believers into sin. That is why some people think Christianity is purer and more devout the further away it is from metropolitan areas. But our Christian heritage challenges this perspective. In fact, early Christians targeted the largest cities of their time and became the first urban Christians.

The earliest record of church history is found in Acts. Its author, Luke, time and again emphasizes the urban focus of Paul’s mission. He preached the gospel in major cities like Antioch, Ephesus, Corinth, Phillipi, Athens and Rome. He followed that up by writing to many of these churches in metropolitan centers. Comprising a significant portion of the New Testament, these letters, rich in theology, are also encouragement and instruction for Christians who were living and ministering in these cities. As Paul reminded believers in Rome, the power of the gospel sets us free from sin and transforms our hearts and minds away from a love of this world toward a love of God.

URBAN MINISTRY IN PAUL’S DAYActs ends with Paul’s imprisonment in Rome. Yet he continued to preach the gospel,

planting new seeds of faith in the heart of the Roman Empire. Subsequent generations of Christians followed in Paul’s footsteps, discovering cities as opportunities for the power of the gospel to radically influence and change the world. Ignatius of Antioch, a contemporary of Paul, wrote several letters to urban churches as he was led to Rome to face martyrdom. In one such letter to believers in Rome, Ignatius does not tell them to flee

from the perils they faced in the city; rather, he encourages them to remain steadfast in their faith so that together they may not just “claim the name Christian” but

also prove themselves to be Christians.Paul and Ignatius typify the early Christian

awareness of both the struggles and opportunities that come when the Christian faith intersects the secular world. It is remarkable that Christian martyrdom, intense intellectual opposition, slander, and social ridicule did not deter others from belief; nor did it cause fellow believers to retreat underground or move to rural quarters. In fact, just the opposite occurred. Christianity was emboldened and spread even more rapidly as believers and unbelievers alike witnessed a sincerity of faith in the midst of adversity.

What compelled believers to be faithful witnesses in hostile cities? In fact, it was simply their unshakeable belief in the faithful promises of God. As Hebrews 11 tells us, great men and women of faith hoped for a heavenly city that God has prepared for them.

As Christians we anticipate the city that is to come (Hebrews 13:12), and we know that God promises restoration for the world in which we now live.

COUNTERCULTURAL ENGAGEMENTThe growth of Christianity was certainly not because early believers feared the truth of the gospel to be too fragile for a hostile world. Rather, they embraced the opportunity for countercultural demonstration of their faith to others. They followed Jesus’ command to care for the poor, the widows and the orphans. In the midst of calamities like famine, war, and disease, Christians protected and supported those in need. Christian service, to the poor and destitute within cities, sets believers apart from a society that deemed such people unclean or worthless. These believers understood that the gospel could bring real, redemptive change to the broken world around them and it did.

What might we learn from these testimonies? Here at Knox, we emphasize the centrality of being Christ centered, gospel driven, and mission focused. Our purpose is the same today as it was then, and yet we should not forget the persevering witness of our Christian predecessors. They understood that a spirit of fear and separatism is incompatible with the transforming work of the gospel in cities and throughout the world. Just like them, we are not promised comfort and ease in our ministry; but thankfully we have excellent examples of believers who show us that the power of the gospel is strong enough to overcome our struggles and transform a broken and fallen world. †

Urban Ministry Yesterday and Today:Lessons From The Church Fathers

“Great men and women of faith hoped for a heavenly city that God has prepared for them.”


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THIS PAST FALL, as part of Knox’s Christian and Classical Studies degree, I taught through Alexis de Tocqueville’s monumental classic, two volume, Democracy in America. Written in the 1830’s, after Tocqueville had spent nine months traveling and interviewing people up and down the eastern seaboard, no book surpasses its insight into the uniqueness of America, the genius of our democracy, and the forces that threaten to tear it apart.

As we read together in class his predictions for the future of American democracy, my students got the creeps. His predictions were spot on, having been written 180 years ago. How was he so accurate? For example, how did he know that materialism would increase individualism? How did he know that individualism would lead to the breakdown of families and the disintegration of towns and cities? And how did he know that these would engender the astronomical growth in the nanny state, centralized government, and what he calls the “benign dictator?” Somehow he did and his insights seem so current—as if they were written yesterday.

Yet valuable as Tocqueville insights may be for America, I have been thinking a lot about his relevance for pastors and church planters and why we include this 700 page book in our curriculum. The more I have thought about it, the more I have come to the conclusion that Democracy in America is a must read for future pastors and church planters, particularly those called into an urban setting like South Florida.

IMPLICATIONS FOR URBAN MINISTRYOne of the things that makes Knox unique is that along with training pastors to connect

people to God (through worship and evangelism) and to connect people to others (through community building) we also teach them to connect to the culture. At Knox, we take seriously Jeremiah’s call to “seek the peace (shalom) of the city.” But what does this mean, really?

This is where Tocqueville is so helpful. Tocqueville admires democracy but he is no mindless booster. In fact, he sees many inherent contradictions in it. But what he likes about it is that it seems the best system devised by humans, that when tempered by religion, can produce virtue among the most people. What he is really saying, but does not use the word, is that it has the best chance of producing shalom on a large scale, the kind of shalom Jeremiah talks about. In fact, Tocqueville presents the future pastor and church planter with a marvelous, tempered, well-thought-out vision for shalom in the city. For this reason alone he is worth reading.

For Tocqueville, the key to the success of democracy (or what we are calling shalom) is found in the three most important pillars of a free society—mothers in the home, the institution of religion, and local and state government. At the heart of each of these, if they are to be successful, is what he calls mores or “habits of the heart.” Over and over again, he makes the case that without these mores, these habits of virtue, there will be no justice, no true freedom and no human flourishing.

He claimed, rightly I think, that rampant individualism and pervasive materialism would eat away at what he called the “schools

of democracy” (or what we might call the “schools of shalom”)—morality in the homes, associational life like religion, the jury system, and face-to-face living in small townships. Once these “schools” were gone, virtue would disappear and thus imperil democracy. Isn’t that what we have now in this country? Half the country despises the other half. There is no peace (shalom) in the city.

SEEKING PEACE? GET INVOLVEDSo as pastors and Christians who take seriously our call to seek the shalom of the city, what would Tocqueville have us do? Just wring our hands, move further out into the country and ignore the culture around us?

For Tocqueville, I think the answer would be simple: support and build up the “schools of democracy” and in so doing seek the peace of the city. How? By teaching our people to be involved in local, face-to-face government, to serve on juries when we are asked, to start and join associations of all kinds (utilizing our vocational calling) that make life better and more just for everyone in the city, encourage mothers to teach morality in the home (that means turning off the TV/video games), engage our neighbors with real hospitality (even if they vote differently than we do), and rebuild our cities to be humane, beautiful places that inspire shalom. There may be more ways to seek the shalom of the city, but Tocqueville’s recommendations would be a good place to start. †

“Democracy...has the best chance of producing shalom on a large scale.”




Why Urban Pastors Need to Read Tocqueville’s Democracy in America

Our distinctive Online Master of Arts (Christian and Classical Studies) program immerses you in a careful reading and biblical analysis of classic Western literature, from Plato and Aristotle to Dante and Dostoevsky. Study the Great Books in a Christian cultural context, and experience a classical preparation for the highest calling of all: the gospel ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. To learn more about our joint Knox/Logos MACCS online program, please visit > >. For more information on the scholarships available for this program, check out > >.


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FOR CHRISTIANS, IT IS the best of times and the worst of times—a time of historic church growth abroad and deep crisis at home.

Alien values now dominate in a once Christian culture in America while the church grows exponentially internationally. The harvest of mission efforts for many years is now here.

According to Philip Jenkins, author of The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity, we may be living in the most exciting time in Christianity…since the first century. He cites statistics showing rocketing growth in the number of Global South Christians since 1900. Most of that growth has occurred during the last 40 years, as the table below shows.

# of Christians (millions)1

1900 1973 2010Africa 10 143 493Asia 22 96 352Latin America 62 270 5441Philip Jenkins, The Next Christendom: The Coming of

Global Christianity (Oxford University Press, 2011), p. 3.

A NEW INITIATIVEKnox is responding to both the crisis and corresponding opportunity with a new initiative: “Teach Thousands to Reach Millions.”

This unprecedented plan for growth seeks to field a growing army of Knox graduates who will stand for biblical faith in an increasingly secular culture at home and help to wisely shepherd the teeming numbers of new Christians abroad. God’s Word, taught with depth, clarity, and conviction, is the path back to theological and moral certainty in America. And it is the way forward in the Global South to help insure that Christians there are nurtured in biblical faith.

The Knox plan includes these initiatives:• Increase full-time residential students

to 500 • Enroll 5,000 students in Knox Online

by 2017• Create five new Knox Learning

Centers around the world• Increase full-time residential faculty

from 8 to 20• Hire 75 adjunct faculty for Knox

Online• Provide 750 or more full scholarships• Implement major technological

upgrades for Knox Online• Renovate our four-story building to

expand the Knox library, increase classroom space and office space

EXPANDING OUR IMPACTThrough this new campaign, Knox is seeking to have both a national and an international

impact which will reach and prepare servants of Christ to take the good news of the gospel to our desperately needy world.”

Knox is now a mature institution poised for spectacular growth. Knox students already receive an excellent, comprehensive seminary education. They graduate with a more conservative theological outlook than when they arrived, a stronger faith in God, a deeper appreciation for the beauty and grandeur of God’s Word, and with more skill in ministering God’s grace and truth to others. Now, we want to offer the multiple benefits of a Knox education to a much larger audience at home and abroad via online learning.

TEACH THOUSANDS to REACH MILLIONSKnox Responds to Church Cr is i s, Opportuni ty Wi th New P lan for Soar ing Growth


A primary goal of Teach Thousands to Reach Millions is creating five new international Learning Centers around the world. The Knox Croatian

cohort is now underway. See some of the most recent pictures from Croatia of students participating in a class with Dr. Michael Allen.

New Learning Opportunities In Croatia


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STEPPING OUT IN FAITHTo accomplish the Teach Thousands to Reach Millions goals listed above, we need to raise $20 million over the next five years. Our aim is not to make Knox Seminary great, but to magnify God and His Son Jesus Christ. Our primary goal is not an expanded institution but a vast number of men and women trained to meet the desperate need of a world without God and without hope.

There is a huge shortage of well-trained gospel ministers who can skillfully communicate the truths of God’s Word with conviction and compassion. That is what Knox, after more than two decades of training students for Christian service, is uniquely positioned to do. Now we plan to teach thousands more each year as we expand the Knox residential and online learning options, create Learning Centers abroad, and renew our facilities at home.

Knox Responds to Church Cr is i s, Opportuni ty Wi th New P lan for Soar ing Growth

A gift made to honor or in memory of a treasured member of the body of Christ is a meaningful way to support the ministry of Knox Theological Seminary. We would like to thank our 2012 supporters who gave generous tribute gifts.

Given by:Mr. Harry G. Rohr Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Wolfe Mrs. Anna A. Marangoni Mrs. Anna A. Marangoni Mr. and Mrs. Darance Glass, Sr. Mr. John W. Beggs Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Hechavarria Ms. Lois M. Clark Mrs. Rita H. Barty Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rozell Mrs. James Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Clark Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Lyon Mrs. Dorothy A. Taylor Mr. Allan Simpson Mr. Mark L. Miller Mrs. Dorothy A. Taylor Mrs. Louise Tagliavini

In Memory/Honor of:Dr. D. James Kennedy - In MemoryDr. D. James Kennedy - In MemoryDr. Bruno Marangoni - In Memory

Denise Gillioti - In MemoryMarsha Karen Wigley - In Memory

Mr. Quinton Beggs - In MemoryFrancis Risavich - In MemoryJoseph Regotti - In Memory

James D. Barty, Jr. - In MemoryDorothy Bryant - In Memory

Marion Krapf - In MemoryRay Lovell - In Memory

Dr. Collins Weeber - In MemoryMr. Milton H. Taylor - In Memory

Marion Simpson - In MemoryJesus - In Honor

Dr. Ronald Kovack - In HonorRobert and Gloria Palmer - In Honor

2012 Giving Tribute

A primary goal of Teach Thousands to Reach Millions is creating five new international Learning Centers around the world. The Knox Croatian

cohort is now underway. See some of the most recent pictures from Croatia of students participating in a class with Dr. Michael Allen.

New Learning Opportunities In Croatia

Please consider how God may be leading you to partner with us as we launch this bold plan to equip more and more men and women to reach more and more people with the knowledge and love of God and His Son, Jesus Christ. †


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IMAGINE THIS SITUATION: you’re an FBI agent on a task force tackling the issue of human sex trafficking in South Florida. The victims you rescue are often minors, uneducated, speak minimal English, have no possessions or resources, and are physically and emotionally traumatized. Although your training has prepared you to prosecute the traffickers, how do you begin the process of healing for the victim?

This is a huge problem in Florida, bigger than most people can imagine! According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, approximately 100,000 children are trafficked inside the United States each year. Florida is typically ranked as the #2 or #3 state with the most trafficked children. The needs of these victims are multifaceted, complex, and long-term. Rescuing them from trafficking is but the first step in a long process of restoration. Unless these holistic needs are addressed and resolved, trafficking victims remain at a high risk of again being trafficked or forced into prostitution.

LOCAL CHURCH OUTREACHAs an outworking of our mission to declare and demonstrate the liberating power of the gospel, staff and members of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church began exploring how we might join in efforts to eradicate this problem from our community. We became convinced that a local church body was the best place for victims to experience holistic healing.

Subsequently, Coral Ridge was invited to join a task force coordinated by the Department of Homeland Security alongside other law enforcement agencies in order to become a key partner in helping victims rescued from trafficking.

Our vision is to see victims (and our partners) encounter the grace of God made possible by Jesus, and subsequently become

members of a gospel-centered church community. Meeting physical, emotional, and spiritual needs is a tangible demonstration of the

love of Christ and ultimately increases the witness of our congregation and the welfare of our city.

Beginning outreach ministries to our communities is often a daunting task due to the overwhelming entrenchment and complexity of problems such as human trafficking, homelessness, poverty, or foster care. Furthermore, local churches are often stretched to provide the financial and human capital to effectively engage in outreach ministry. Our experience has revealed four early steps that are critical in the development of effective and sustainable outreach ministry:

FOUR STEPS TO GET INVOLVED1. Discovery. Simply put, research. Research

the nature of the problem in your community and the current state of

affairs in addressing the issue. Often, you will not be “creating” but “joining” ongoing efforts.

2. Identify actual needs. It can be tempting to decide what your ministry will do without listening to those you’re striving to serve. Listen to both partners and those the ministry aims to help; identify the actual needs and determine how your church can become effective in addressing unmet needs.

3. Move to meet those needs with partners. It requires a city-wide solution to address a city-wide problem. By partnering with other organizations—both Christian and non-Christian—your church becomes a more effective agent in creating change.

4. Involve volunteers early and often. It is almost certain that there are members of your congregation who are passionate about the issue your ministry is addressing and able to help. By involving the laity, you improve the sustainability and effectiveness of the ministry and avoid creating a time drain for staff members.

We’re excited to be a part of the solution in addressing human trafficking in Broward, but we’re even more excited about the opportunity to declare and demonstrate the liberating power of the gospel to both trafficking victims and our partners. Ultimately we hope to see lives radically changed by the radical grace of God, and a healthier and more vibrant city in the process. †

“We became convinced that a local church body was the best place for victims to experience holistic healing.”

Emerging Out of the Depths: Helping Victims of Human Trafficking

OTHER RESOURCES• International Justice Mission:• The A21 Campaign:

• Not For Sale:• Your local country sheriff’s office



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OUR CHRISTIAN CONFESSION captures a remarkable link between grace and the city: the sacrifice offered outside the city gates occasions the New Jerusalem. Both are necessary, yet neither, alone, is sufficient. This is why.

We are not materialists or consumerists. Our great hope lies beyond the city: in the God of life who gave life outside the city gates. “Jesus also suffered outside the city gate . . . outside the camp” (Hebrews 13:12, 13). The answer to our deepest needs and perennial aches will not be found in an election, a development, a program, or a culture shift, important though they may be. Our eternal hopes do not rest on the finite. Charles Matthewes says:

We must cultivate the right sorts of dissatisfactions—attending to the moments of dissatisfaction and, instead of dismissing them or downplaying their significance, we should acknowledge them as telling us something of the truth about our world, and our hopes for full and permanent happiness within it. We should feel an appropriate measure of “restlessness,” a longing for something we know we will not fully find here, and a refusal to accept the false idols that we throw up for ourselves as distractions.Shortcuts to satisfaction must be set aside.

Restlessness need not prove overwhelming if the promise of grace takes hold of us from the outside and we place our trust in Him. While the city does not bring us light from within, the sun really does shine down from above it.

SEEKING A BETTER CITYWe are not spiritualists or Gnostics who dismiss or denigrate earthly culture, but we await our great hope in the city: in the God who has life in himself and gave life for the

city yet to come, the New Jerusalem. “We seek the city that is to come” (Heb. 13:14). As Shirley Guthrie observes:

Any spirituality, including supposedly Christian spirituality that retreats from the world into the self-serving piety of a private religious life is a false spirituality that flees rather than seeks God. True Christian spirituality cheerfully and confidently plunges into the life of our dirty, sinful, confused world, for there is where we meet the Spirit of the triune God who is present and at work not to save people from but in and for the sake of that world—the world that was and is and will be God’s world.God made this material world and called

it good. God gave us a body and named it very good. God took fleshly form and highly exalted it in the person of Jesus. In him we have the pledge of resurrected life and the promise of a new heaven and a new earth. C. S. Lewis famously mentioned that God seems not to be embarrassed by using water, bread, and wine to grant grace, and we should not be snootier than the Almighty. It is profoundly important to remember the earthly shape of our spiritual destiny: transfiguration, not annihilation.

FOLLOWING IN CHRIST’S FOOTSTEPSHow shall we live in light of these two truths? By faith and in love. We entrust ourselves to God, and we love others with whom our lives are entangled as neighbors within the city.

We must turn to Christ rather than culture or community for our life: “Therefore let us go to him outside the camp and bear the reproach he endured” (Heb. 13:13). As we do so we can be content, for he has promised: “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Heb. 13:5). This unshakeable hope enables us to go straight to others in love and self-sacrifice: “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God” (Heb. 13:16). Such love is shown to other Christians: “Let brotherly love continue” (Heb. 13:1). But it is also poured out upon the needy and the alien: “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers” (Heb. 13:2). Martin Luther, influenced by these verses from

Hebrews, insisted that the “Christian is a perfectly free lord of all, subject to none. A Christian is a perfectly free servant of all, subject to all.”

Knowing that our hope comes from heaven and blesses the earth frees us for beautifully entangled service in the nooks and crannies of everyday civic existence through grace, which comes from outside the city for the city. †



“We await our great hope in the city: in the God who has life in himself and gave life for the city yet to come.”


Outside the CityFor the City


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A Blended Church:


charge for the Lord’s work. Their “rent” then became paying the building’s water bill.

Christ the King’s vibrant Hispanic congregation stayed there and grew for over four years. In the fall of 2012, the growing congregation was severely limited by space. Olympia Heights Methodist Church had a sprawling facility but declining membership and an

empty pulpit. Christ the King needed a permanent residence and Olympia Heights needed a pastor. In July of 2012, the churches came together and made it official.

A BLENDED CHURCHJorge Finlay describes the church as evangelical, but when describing the worship he says, “We have the beauty of the tradition but we also have the

gospel.” The blended services are vibrant and elegantly balanced by the sublime nature of liturgical worship.

Rev. Finlay has combined the strengths of both denominational traditions. This blended congregation demonstrates that, contrary to most experiences, churches can come together and work successfully for the good of their local community. The church currently holds two services on Sunday mornings—an English service and a Spanish service as an outreach to their largely Hispanic community.

Such a significant merger tested both churches; Olympia Heights members had to get used to the increased frequency of the Lord’s Supper and a more formal worship service. Christ the King was pushed by having to manage a large facility, a staff, and run a multitude of ministry organizations as part of their outreach at the church.

In a testament though to God’s hand in this merger, Olympia Heights members say that they believe their church identity has been retained and not marginalized

NOT YOUR TYPICAL CHURCHA towering sanctuary sits nestled in the heart of the bustling Westchester area in Miami, a largely Cuban community, and is home to Christ the King Anglican Church at Olympia Heights Methodist Church. Yes, you read that right.

The pastoral staff at Christ the King features several Knox alumni. The Senior Pastor, Rev. Jorge Finlay, has a broadly evangelical background spanning largely Baptist and Reformed theological training and time spent as a youth minister in a Methodist church. While at Knox, he was heavily influenced by Reformed theology and the thinking of Robert E. Webber, author of such works as Evangelicals on the Canterbury Trail: Why Evangelicals Are Attracted to the Liturgical Church. Almost five years ago, he and his wife Jeanine felt God shifting them toward the Anglican tradition and a deeper, more authentic, and liturgical style of worship that includes the Book of Common Prayer.

Burning with a heart for God’s people and a desire to see this style of worship lived out in Miami, they planted Christ the King Anglican Church while Rev. Finlay was completing seminary. As new church planters, they faced what so many preceding them faced—no money, a bi-vocational workload, a young family, and a post-Christian culture. When asked about testing and trials he says, “My prayer life was never stronger!” Perseverance and God’s faithfulness to provide carried them through those initial years of church planting.

CHURCH PLANTChrist the King started in a backyard with four couples. As the weekly numbers increased, they transitioned to an upstairs room in an old municipal building in Miami that was being used by a variety of groups. A city worker showed favor to them and said that he couldn’t


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Rev. Jorge Finlay is joined in ministering to God’s people with his brother and Knox MDiv graduate, the Rev. Juan Finlay. He was ordained to the diacon-ate this year in the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA) and will be ordained as a presbyter in 2013. While gaining valuable pastoral and ministry experience at Christ the King, he is also pursuing a master’s degree in Christian counseling and plans to sit for the state boards to become a li-censed mental health counselor (LMHC).

Brother Robert Finlay has been on the worship team since the church was founded. His wife Traci also sings on the wor-ship team and the two of them together lead the youth/college group.


The Rev. Greg Llerena is a Doctor of Ministry student at Knox and an ordained minister in the Christian Reformed Church. He currently serves at Christ the King as the church evangelist in the local community.

A Blended Church: A Heart for God’s People and a Testament to His Grace

since the two churches became one. They find full expression in their tradition and the kind of “arms and feet of Christ” community outreach that they were known for demonstrating.

OUTREACH“Outreach” has many forms. Beyond the building, the presence of the church is heard. An Olympia Heights member gave a touching testimony to the importance of the church bells and what they mean to her. In a deeply meaningful way, she hears the church bells as echoes of the church in the local community. Even as people using a drive-through window at a local fast food restaurant hear the church bells, the presence of the church resonates in the minds, hearts, and foundation of the neighborhood.

The impressive facility is home to many ministry organizations. In the back of the church complex is a thriving preschool setup. Ministry meetings and Bible studies are held during the week along with prayer services. Multiple churches meet in the upstairs portion of the ministry wing. An Evangelical Free Church and a Hispanic church plant meet and gather on the second floor. A friend to other churches, Rev. Finlay says, “I know what it’s like to have a church without a building” so he opens the doors for other churches to plant the seeds of their ministries at Olympia Heights.

Rev. Finlay credits Dr. Bruce Waltke and Dr. Warren Gage with opening his eyes to the beauty of biblical typology and the classics studied in the Master of Arts (Christian and Classical Studies). He describes them as being truly unique for ministry. One familiar with the teachings of Dr. Gage could certainly hear

shades of his teaching in what was a Sunday morning sermon on the second coming of Christ. Rev. Finlay talks about the teaching at Knox as being Christ centered and that all students are taught how the entirety

of Scripture, Old and New Testaments, points to Christ.

WHAT’S NEXTA true pastor, Rev. Finlay enjoys shepherding aspirants to the priesthood and mentoring them as they come up in the faith and life of the church, as they are the future of the church. When asked what is next for Christ the King at Olympia Heights and his heart for South Florida he says, “I want to be a church-planting church that will, with God’s help, plant at least four more churches in Miami.” He firmly believes that regional growth and ministry impact in South Florida comes with collaboration and working across ministry lines and denominations, and that is evident when one visits Christ the King Anglican Church at Olympia Heights Methodist Church. †

By Ivey Rose Smith

Top Left: Pastoral Staff Worshiping. Bottom Left: Administering the Lord’s Supper. Top Right: Rev. Jorge Finlay praying over a congregant. Bottom Right: Sanctuary interior.


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REAL LIFE IS LONG ON LAW and short on grace—the demands never stop, the failures pile up, fear sets in. We often are, as the southern novelist Walker Percy put it, “waiting for news”—longing for a love that relieves the pressure, forgives our failures, and replaces our fear with faith. In the gospel of Jesus Christ that news is announced: God sent Jesus to set sinners free. To the stressed out and suffering Jesus says, “Come to me. My burden is light. I will give you rest.” He came to emancipate everyday people—you and me—from the promethean prison of having to fix ourselves, find ourselves, and free ourselves. Hear his promise again: “I will give you rest.”

This good news is, of course, the best news imaginable. But it sometimes feels a little high flying—an idea floating like a blimp above our heads but never quite landing where we live. The goal of LIBERATE 2013 is to get this good news on the ground; to let it touch down in real life, in real problems, in real pain. Grace is God’s no-strings-attached “I love you” spoken to sinners in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The intention of the conference is simply to speak this word afresh so that it can infiltrate and impact families, churches, and relationships—trusting that hearing grace proclaimed will lead to experiencing “grace in practice.”

Join Tullian Tchividjian, Bryan Chapell, Elyse Fitzpatick, Paul Zahl, Mark Galli, Ray Ortlund, David Zahl, Sally Lloyd-Jones, Steve Brown, Tony Merida, and the White Horse Inn from February 21-24 in Fort Lauderdale, FL as they put grace in practice by considering grace in the Christian life, personal failure, families, the church, pop culture, and more. The experience of grace landing right where we live promises to be a bit unnerving, but God is in the habit of rattling cages so that the captives can go free.

For more information go to or visit the conference website, †

To the stressed out and suffering Jesus says “Come to me. My burden is light, and I will give you rest.”



February 21-24 Ft. Lauderdale, Fl16 KNOX NOW | WINTER 2013

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Liberate 2013


Resource Spotlight Glorious Ruin: How Suffering Sets You Free By Tullian Tchividjian

IN THIS WORLD, one thing is certain: Everybody hurts. Suffering may take the form of tragedy, heartbreak, or addiction. Or it could be something more mundane (but no less real) like resentment, loneliness, or disappointment. But there’s unfortunately no such thing as a painless life. In Glorious Ruin, best-selling author Tullian Tchividjian takes an honest and refreshing look at the reality of suffering, the ways we tie ourselves in knots trying to deal with it, and the comfort of the gospel for those who can’t seem to fix themselves—or others.

Tchividjian’s message avoids the typical mistakes we make when we try to deal with the pain in our lives. He shows that we don’t need answers and explanations as much as we need God’s presence in and through suffering. For sufferers, one thing is beautifully and abundantly true: God’s chief concern in your pain is to be with you and be himself for you. The good news of the gospel is not ultimately a defense from pain; it is the message of God’s rescue through pain. In other words, our ruin may not ultimately spell our undoing. It may in fact spell the beginning of freedom.

FACULTY INVOLVEMENT WITH LIBERATELIBERATE is the teaching ministry of Tullian Tchividjian. A South Florida native, Tullian is the grandson of Ruth and Billy Graham. He was the founding pastor of the former New City Church, which merged with Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in 2009.

Daniel A. Siedell is the Curator of, and is Director of Theological and Cultural Practices at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Jonathan Linebaugh is Director of Content at, and a frequent blog and video series contributor.

Ft. Lauderdale, Fl

Selected Speakers Tullian Tchividjian

Steve BrownBryan Chapell

Elyse FitzpatrickRay Ortland

Paul TrippDavid Zahl

Sally Lloyd-JonesMark Galli

Tony MeridaJonathan Linebaugh

Dan Siedell


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Faculty NewsDR. MICHAEL ALLENArticles: “From the Time He Took the Form of a Servant: The Christ’s Pilgrimmage of Faith” published in the International Journal of Systematic Theology.

Speaking: January 17–18, 2013Los Angeles Theology ConferenceEssay Presentation (co-written with Dr. Scott Swain of RTS-Orlando) entitled “The Obedience of the Eternal Son: Catholic Trinitarianism and Reformed Christology.”

DR. JIM BELCHERSpeaking: January 2–5, 2013Scottsdale, AZFellowship of Evangelical Seminary PresidentsDiscussing his new book In Search of Deep Faith

DR. GERALD BRAYAward: Dr. Bray won an Award of Merit in the 2013 Christianity Today Book Awards for his book, God is Love: A Biblical and Systematic Theology.

DR. WARREN GAGEBooks: Spring of 2013 The Romance of Our Redemption (with Chris Barber)

Traveling: January 2013South Korea where he and Dr. Lamerson will be teaching

DR. JONATHAN LINEBAUGHSpeaking: February 21–24, 2013Fort Lauderdale, FLLIBERATE Conference 2013: Grace in Practice

March 4–6, 2013Birmingham, ALCathedral Church of the Advent’s Lenten Series

DR. SAM LAMERSONPreaching: January 6, 2013Fort Lauderdale, FLCoral Ridge Presbyterian Church

Teaching: Continuously in 2013Deerfield Beach, FLSunday School at Cross Community Church

Traveling: January 2013South Korea where he and Dr. Gage will be teaching

Blog: Follow Dr. Lamerson on his blog:

DR. DANIEL A. SIEDELLSpeaking: May 1, 2013Charlottesville, NCLecturing on Art and Grace at Christ Episcopal Church

Blog: Follow Dr. Siedell on CULTIVARE at Patheos:

REV. TULLIAN TCHIVIDJIANSpeaking: Feburary 7–8, 2013Nashville, TN and Orlando, FLGlorious Ruin Tour For more information, visit

Speaking: April 18–20, 2013New York, NYMockingbird Ministries Conference

RECENTLY ZONDERVAN announced a major 15-volume project in constructive theology. The series is called New Studies in Dogmatics, is co-edited by Dr. Michael Allen, and features conbtributions by Dr. Gerald Bray.

These volumes will explore vital theological topics of Christian doctrine, expressing their biblical, creedal, and confessional shape. Their aim is to provide a constructive theology that, unlike much modern theology, does not downplay the traditions of the church, but embraces and builds upon Christianity’s historic professions.

“We are excited about the New Studies in Dogmatics series,” Allen says, “because we believe that the way to renewal is through retrieval of our catholic and Reformational heritage.”

FACULTY ADDITIONS This past fall, Knox added three new faculty members, all of which will bring unique and valuable perspectives to the seminary.

Rev. Tullian Tchividjian (Lecturer of Pastoral Theology) is a speaker, author, and Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. His resource ministry, LIBERATE, is featured on pages 16 and 17 of this issue.

Dr. Daniel A. Siedell (Lecturer of Christian and Classical Studies) provides expertise in grace, art, and culture through his experience as a college professor, museum curator, public speaker, and art critic.

Dr. Scott Manor (Lecturer of Historical Theology) now serves the Knox community as a Program Director for the online Master of Arts (Biblical and Theological Studies).




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KnoxNowThe Magazine of Knox Theological Seminary WINTER 2013

Published by The Communications Office

EditorIvey Rose Smith, M.A.

Assistant EditorJoyce Grothmann

Designer/Assistant EditorMike Costanzo, M.A.

Contributing WritersDr. Terry GygerDr. Jonathan LinebaughDr. Scott ManorDr. Jim BelcherJohn AmanBrandon RatliffDr. Michael AllenRev. Phil LetiziaIvey Rose Smith, M.A.

Contributing PhotographerHoward Lewis

Contact the editor at:Editor, Knox NowKnox Theological Seminary5554 North Federal HighwayFort Lauderdale, FL 33308Phone: 954.771.0376Email: [email protected]

Website: 2013 Knox Theological Seminary. Content may be reprinted with the permission of the editor.

Mission StatementOur mission is to equip servant leaders for ministry that is Christ centered, gospel driven, and mission focused.

Our goal is to prepare leaders of the 21st century, emphasizing the application of Scripture to all aspects of life while providing them with excellent academic instruction combined with evangelism training, guidance for personal spiritual growth and hands-on ministry experience.


DR. ABRAHAM PARK is the spiritual father of thirty-five Doctor of Ministry students at Knox Seminary. Most of these students are on his staff at his home church, Pyungkang Chiel, a church of 87,000 members in Seoul, South Korea. He is also the author of a massive series of books on the History of Redemption. These books, which are still in production as a series, have already been translated into many languages. They have generated an entire, worldwide conference ministry. Dr. Park’s love of the Scripture and love of the Lord is legendary already.

This past October, President Dr. Luder Whitlock and Academic Dean Dr. Warren Gage traveled to Seoul for an honorary doctorate conferral upon this remarkably anointed pastor/scholar. It was a joy to celebrate all that the Lord has done through his mighty ministry!

May the Lord continue to bless the proclamation of the biblical history of redemption through Dr. Park and through the Knox Korean Doctor of Ministry graduates as they go throughout the world with the precious gospel of Jesus Christ.


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