Knowledge and curriculum

C IV (3b) Historical changes with respect to education due industrialization & Democracy, leading individual autonomy and reason Dr, Saramma Mathew

Transcript of Knowledge and curriculum

C IV (3b) Historical changes with respect to education

due industrialization & Democracy, leading individual autonomy and reason

Dr, Saramma Mathew


• Industrialisation is the period of social and economic change that transforms a human group from an agrarian society into an industrial one, involving the extensive re-organisation of an economy for the purpose of manufacturing.

changes in education due

to industrialization

increasing parents’ incomes

public sector revenues

access to schools

Individual autonomy

classical education

Progressive reforms




Farm hands

Domestic help

Classical education • Classical education depends on a three-part

process of training the mind. • The early years of school are spent in

absorbing facts, systematically laying the foundations for advanced study.

• In the middle grades, students learn to think through arguments.

• In the high school years, they learn to express themselves.


• “Democracy” may refer to political arrangements

• which involve direct participation of the members of a society in

• deciding on the laws and policies of the society or

• it may involve the participation of those members in selecting representatives to make the decisions

Democracy as an agent of change in


of knowledge to action



Civil rights movements

• worldwide series of political movements for equality before the law,

• characterized by nonviolent protests,• campaigns of civil resistance• aimed at achieving change through

nonviolent forms of resistance.• In some situations, they have been

accompanied by civil rebellion.

Educational Reforms arising

from the civil rights era

Ending racial segregation

DesegregationAffirmative action

Education is crucial to a democracy it gives people capabilities such as literacy, confidence and attitudes that they need to participate in societyAmartyaSen

The impact of democracy on education

Provision of Equal Opportunities and

Recognition of Individual Differences

Child Centered Education

Importance of Individual Attention

Universal and Compulsory Education

Provision of Adult Education

The impact of democracy on education

Democratic methods of Teaching

Social Activities

Co-operation between all Agencies of Education

Free Education

School Administration


Imagine you work in a restaurant, making pasta sauce. One chef you work with insists on being involved in every step of the process, down to selecting the tomatoes. Another chef doesn't get involved until it is time to taste the sauce. Does the second chef just care about the sauce less?

Individual autonomy

• basic moral and political value• puts the moral weight on an individual's

ability to govern herself,• It is independent of her place• in social structures • and political institutions

Individual autonomy and reason.

• Individual autonomy is a distinctively human value that is required for human well-being.

Individual autonomy is the capacity• to be one's own person, • to live one's life according to reasons and

motives that are taken as one's own

Individual autonomy and reason.

• not the product of manipulative or distorting external forces.

• to be directed by considerations, desires, conditions, and characteristics that are not imposed externally upon one,

• but are part of what can be considered one's authentic self.

Salman is feeling depressed. Some of his friends advise him to meet a baba while others are telling him to meet a counsellor.


Autonomy of human beings depends on their ability to behave according to laws that are given to them by the proper exercise of reason.

Reason is the capacity for consciously making sense of things, applying logic, establishing and verifying facts, and changing or justifying practices, institutions, and beliefs based on new or existing information


• Discuss the influence of industrialization on education

• Explain the impact of democracy on education• How does education and democracy

complement each other.• Industrialization and democracy have led to

individual modernity and reason. Justify