KNOWING THE PLAN In advance, each faculty, staff and student should: 1. Understand this evacuation...

KNOWING THE PLAN ance, each faculty, staff and student should: . Understand this evacuation plan. . Recognize the sound of the alarm. Know at least two ways out of the building from your regular workspace.

Transcript of KNOWING THE PLAN In advance, each faculty, staff and student should: 1. Understand this evacuation...

Page 1: KNOWING THE PLAN In advance, each faculty, staff and student should: 1. Understand this evacuation plan. 2. Recognize the sound of the alarm. 3. Know at.


In advance, each faculty, staff and student should:

1. Understand this evacuation plan.

2. Recognize the sound of the alarm.

3. Know at least two ways out of the building from your regular workspace.

Page 2: KNOWING THE PLAN In advance, each faculty, staff and student should: 1. Understand this evacuation plan. 2. Recognize the sound of the alarm. 3. Know at.

He/she should then notify the appropriate team leader or leaders to deal with the situation. After the situation has been dealt with, the Joint Management Advisory Team should be informed if not already alerted.


Any problems occurring during operation should be brought immediately to the attention of the RiverPark campus Plant Operations Office or person in charge of Physical Plant.

Page 3: KNOWING THE PLAN In advance, each faculty, staff and student should: 1. Understand this evacuation plan. 2. Recognize the sound of the alarm. 3. Know at.

Assistant Manager for Physical Plant RiverPark campus

Maintenance Tech Supervisor

Manager for Physical Plant River Park Campus

After Operating Hours

The following is a list of priority personnel to notify in the case of an emergency during non-operating hours:

Jeff Bennett

Steve Morse

Sonny Fitzpatrick

First Contact CSU Public Safety706-568-2022

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The first priority person to arrive on the situation and notify the appropriate personnel to implement a plan of action.

Emergencies involving injury to personnel or visitors: Security should contact appropriate emergency agency and then the Riverpark campus Plant Operations Manager and Assistant Director, if not already notified.

Emergencies involving damage to facility: Contact appropriate emergency agency(s) and then team leaders as needed and coordinate to meet at the Carpenters Plant Operations Office at 9 9th street.

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Please notify RiverPark campus Physical Plant personnel in order of appearance:

Assistant Manager for Physical Plant RiverPark campus

Sonny Fitzpatrick

Maintenance Tech Supervisor for Physical Plant RiverPark campus

Jeff Bennett

Manager for Physical Plant RiverPark campus

Steve Morse

Director of Plant Operations for Physical Plant RiverPark Campus

Eddie Woodhouse

Assistant Director forPhysical Plant RiverPark Campus

Mike Medlock

Joint Advisory Management Team

Persons notifying other RiverPark campus Team members should do so

off-site, to assure there will be a telephone available, and to not tie-up existing

lines on-site for emergency agency contacts.

Page 6: KNOWING THE PLAN In advance, each faculty, staff and student should: 1. Understand this evacuation plan. 2. Recognize the sound of the alarm. 3. Know at.

TEAMSTeams and leaders with specific duties apply to situations

after the first alert has been sounded, or after the immediate danger has passed. The following are Teams and

Leaders with their duties:

Page 7: KNOWING THE PLAN In advance, each faculty, staff and student should: 1. Understand this evacuation plan. 2. Recognize the sound of the alarm. 3. Know at.



RiverPark Plant Operations personnel – LeaderCSU Public Safety and designated staff

DUTY – Coordinate, and if necessary, assist persons in need of medical attention. Notify appropriate emergency agency (i.e. fire department, police, ambulance). Maintain security of building and begin repairs and/or re-initiation of alarm system. Instruct other staff to report to other leaders to help where necessary (i.e. collections and facility repair).

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RiverPark campus Building Engineer – LeaderRiverPark campus Assistant Director, Manager,

Communications, Head Custodian, and CustodiansDUTY –

Assist emergency agencies with any questions about the

facility (i.e. list of hazardous or flammable materials,blueprints, etc.).

Contact City of Columbus for assistance, if needed.

Do detail check of building for any and all damage.

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RiverPark campus Plant Operations Manager – LeaderRiverPark campus Plant Operations Maintenance - Staff


RiverPark campus Plant Operations Manager, Lead Crew

DUTY – Coordinate efforts to communicate with press, board members and Main campus Plant Operations personnel as necessary. Check the damage to offices and important files (i.e. membership, finance). Assist security with duties, if needed.

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Public Relation Coordinator – Leader

DUTY – Coordinate efforts to communicate with press, board members, and General Public as necessary. Check the damage to offices and

important files (i.e. membership, finance). Assist CSU Police with duties, if needed.

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When you hear the evacuation alarm:1. Remain calm.2. IMMEDIATELY shut down all hazardous operations.3. Leave quickly.4. As you exit, quickly check nearby restrooms, theaters/auditoriums, backstage, closets, etc. for visitors, performers, audience members, other personnel, etc.5. Accompany and help handicapped personnel, visitors, and any co-worker who appears to need calm direction or assistance.6. Take with you: your car keys, purse, briefcase, etc. DO NOT attempt to take large or heavy objects.7. Shut all doors behind you as you go. Closed doors can slow the spread of fire, smoke, and water.8. Proceed as quickly as possible, but in an orderly manner. DO NOT push or shove. Hold handrails when you are walking on stairs.9. Once out of the building, move across Broadway, away from the structure.10. Go to the staff assembly area (see map for location). Roadways that emergency vehicles might use must not be blocked.11. Stay together. All staff must be accounted for promptly. Help the roll-taker, if needed. Remain in the assembly area until assigned to emergency duties or instructed to leave.

Page 12: KNOWING THE PLAN In advance, each faculty, staff and student should: 1. Understand this evacuation plan. 2. Recognize the sound of the alarm. 3. Know at.

When instructed to leave the RiverPark campus premises:

1. Drive carefully. Extra caution is required anytime you are excited, worried, or distracted by an emergency situation. Watch for pedestrians. Watch for emergency vehicles.

2. Where roads join, merge alternately with vehicles from the other road. Expect traffic back-ups. Be prepared to wait your turn.

3. Follow traffic directions from Security or other safety officials. If normal exits are blocked, you will be directed to an alternate route.

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In the event of a power loss, all personnel should stay where they are. Emergency Generator Systems should come on within a 30-second delay period.

If not, the following should occur:

1. Staff should immediately coordinate with the RiverPark Building Team leader by radio to determine source of problem. Staff faculty and security should inform visitors, students to remain calm and stay where they are.2. If the source of the outage is of no threat to life (i.e. fire, bomb, etc.), Physical Plant Staff and Security should immediately lock all outer doors or place guards at doors where available.3. The Building Team leader should coordinate his team to distribute flashlights to various areas.4. Team leaders with flashlights should them check on all staff on their team.5. If you are in an elevator, stay calm. Use the intercom or the emergency button to notify Security.6. Staff and Security with flashlights should escort visitors to Main Entrance and allow them to leave. All bags, backpacks, purses, etc. should be searched before leaving building.

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1. Remain calm.

2. Security should ask all visitors and staff to evacuate the building and return home, if possible.

3. All outer doors should be locked and put on alarm by the Physcial Plant or Security and the CSU police notified.

4. Manned security should be maintained until the threat of the riot is passed, determined by the Chief and RiverPark Plant Operations Director or Manager.

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1. If a person is attacked on RiverPark Campus property, CSU Police should be notified immediately.

2. Attackers are to be left alone, but persons observing attack should attempt to make identification for the police.

3. All appropriate personnel should be notified immediately by CSU Police (i.e. ambulance, police).

4. CSU should also contact the RiverPark campus Assistant Director and RiverPark campus Manager in his absence.

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If a staff member or volunteer is ill or injured:

1. Notify Security immediately, or tell a staff person if one is nearby.2. CSU Police will send a Trained First Aid Officer, who will render the minimum first aid necessary and notify additional authorities, if needed (i.e. fire, police, paramedics, etc.).3. Unless it is a life-threatening situation, do not attempt to render any first aid yourself before trained personnel arrive.4. DO NOT attempt to move a person who has fallen or appears to be in pain.5. AVOID unnecessary conversation with, or about, the ill or injured person. You might add to the person’s distress or fear, increasing risk of shock. Quietly reassure the person.6. After the person has been treated, or the medical authorities have taken control of the situation, remain available to help the Security Officer with pertinent information for Medical report, Incident report, or Worker’s Compensation report, if necessary.7. Contact the CSU Human Resource Department for any Worker’s Compensation questions.

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MEDICAL EMERGENCIES VISITOR When an employee, visitor, or volunteer observes a visitor who appears to be ill or injured:

1. Notify CSU Police immediately, or tell a guard if one is nearby.

2. CSU Police will send a Trained First Aid Officer, who will render the minimum first aid necessary and notify additional authorities, if needed (fire, police, paramedics, etc.).

3. Unless it is a life-threatening situation, do not attempt to render any first aid yourself before the trained personnel arrives.

4. DO NOT attempt to move a person who has fallen or appears to be in pain.

5. AVOID unnecessary conversation with, or about, the ill or injured person. You might add to the person’s distress or fear, increasing risk of shock. Quietly reassure the person.

6. DO NOT discuss the possible cause of the accident or any conditions that may have contributed to the cause.

7. Under NO circumstances should an employee or volunteer discuss any insurance information with members of the public.

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During severe weather conditions, the CSU Public Safety or appointedSecurity should be monitoring the weather situation. When a severe weather alert is in effect, staff and visitors will be notified.

All computer equipment should be turned off to avoid damage to files. During severe weather, staff should avoid using the telephones unless absolutely necessary.

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1. Security should announce that a tornado has been sighted in the area.

2. All RiverPark personnel should begin escorting visitors, guests, etc. to assigned areas in each facility. DO NOT ALLOW ANYONE TO USE ELEVATORS.

3. Staff should immediately respond by going to Security office.

4. The receptionist should take a roll call of staff and students.

5. After the immediate threat of hazardous weather has passed, the RiverPark Plant Operations staff and CSU Public Safety should do a cursory check of the building to ensure integrity and safety of the facility.

6. The RiverPark campus Plant Operations staff should check the parking lot for downed power lines and/or safety threats and report to team leaders.

7. All visitors and guests not in need of medical attention should be escorted out of the building by Security, if necessary.

8. Next, team leaders should gather in the Staff Room to coordinate their teams and initiate specific duties. If Staff Room is unusable, report to the Lobby.

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1. In the event of a hurricane or flood, 24 hours notice will usually be given through weather alert stations. Security should notify appropriate RiverPark campus Physcial Plant Team Leader personnel in emergency list order.

2. Each team leader should enact duties to secure their assigned areas.

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1. Remain calm.2. Security should escort all students, visitors, guests, and faculty to the nearest doorway or under a table or desk inside the building.3. Staff personnel should do the same.4. Stay away from windows, mirrors, overhead fixtures, file cabinets, bookcases, and electrical equipment.5. After the immediate quake, all persons should maintain their positions for at least 20 minutes in preparation for aftershocks. Aftershocks may occur at any time after initial quake, so be prepared.6. DO NOT use matches or lighters.7. DO NOT use the elevator or telephone.8. DO NOT spread rumors.9. The RiverPark campus Physical Plant appointed staff should check the parking lot for downed power lines and/or safety threats (i.e. dislodged light posts, severe cracks in ground, etc.) and report to team leaders.10.If circumstances permit, all persons should be evacuated to the parking lot and emergency team procedures begun.

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1. Remain calm.2. Notify Security IMMEDIATELY.3. If the fire is small, attempt to put it out with a fire extinguisher. However, do not jeopardize your personal safety.4. Never allow the fire to come between you and the exit.5. Disconnect electrical equipment that is on fire if it is safe to do so. (Pull the plug or throw the circuit breaker.)6. Notify your supervisor of the location and extent of the fire.7. Evacuate your area if you are unable to put out the fire. Pull alarm. Close doors behind you to confine the fire. Proceed to fire exit. 8. Once alarm is sounded, Security should assist all students, visitors, guests, and faculty to nearest evacuation exits, and staff should evacuate as well through nearest Fire Exit.9. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS!10. Person at front desk should take the sign-in/sign-out sheet and give to appropriate roll-taker, listed below in order of priority: (1) CSU Public Safety Staff (2) RiverPark staff11. RiverPark campus Physical Plant staff and Security Team Leaders should report to the Main Entrance to assist fire officials. Security and RiverCenter Building Team Leader should locate are of alarm. One of these people will go to investigate the situation with a radio to maintain contact.12. Only after the Columbus State Public Safety Director or assigned staff has given the clear signal may everyone re-enter the building.

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1. Person receiving telephone threat should be polite and obtain as much information as possible. Immediately notify Security, or signal someone to notify Security. Security is to contact the Director of the facility. CSU Public Safety with the Directors of the facility will determine the evacuation. Only after you have evacuated the building and are safe from immediate harm should you begin writing down all information about the caller and/or threat and give to the CSU Public Safety Staff.

2. Security is to evacuate the building through fire alarm, and then call fire department to explain the situation before they arrive.

3. DO NOT discuss threat with other staff!

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Person receiving written threat or suspicious parcel, or finding a suspicious object anywhere on the premises:

1. Keep anyone from handling it or going near it.

2. Notify Security IMMEDIATELY.

3. DO NOT call the police yourself. Security will notify appropriate law enforcement and public safety agencies.

4. Promptly write down everything you can remember about receiving the letter or parcel, or finding the object. Security and police interviewers will need this information.

5. Remain calm. DO NOT discuss the threat with other staff members.

6. Be guided by the Security Department. If evacuation is ordered, go to designated area (see map for location).

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REMAIN CALM KEEP THE PERSON TALKING NOTE THE CONVERSATIONDate and time call received: Exact words used by caller:

Questions to ask the caller: When is the bomb set to go off? Where is the bomb? What kind of bomb is it? What does it look like? Why did you place the bomb? Who are you? Where are you?

Description of caller’s voice:Male/Female Young/Middle-Aged/Old

Accent/Speech impediments Tone of voice/Sober

Is voice familiar? Sounds like: Any characteristics of voice:

Background noise: Time caller hung up:

Name, address, telephone number of recipient:

Page 26: KNOWING THE PLAN In advance, each faculty, staff and student should: 1. Understand this evacuation plan. 2. Recognize the sound of the alarm. 3. Know at.

1. Remain Calm

1. Be prepared for possible further explosions.

1. Crawl under a table or desk.

1. Stay away from windows, mirrors, overhead fixtures, cabinets, bookcases, and all electrical/computer equipment.

5. Be guided by Security Department. If evacuation is ordered, go to designated area (see map).

7. DO NOT move seriously injured persons unless they are in obvious immediate danger (fire, building collapse, etc.).

8. Open doors carefully. Watch for fallen objects, broken glass, etc.

9. DO NOT use the elevators.

10. DO NOT use matches or lighters.

11. AVOID using telephones.

12. DO NOT spread rumors.


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Weather Radio Security Station

Walkie-Talkie Radios Security Station

Flashlights Security Station

Tents Storage Area – Backstage

Polyethylene Sheets Storage Area – Backstage

Blankets Storage Area – Backstage

Ethafoam Storage Area – Backstage

First Aid Kits Security Station and Physical Plant Office

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EMERGENCY CONTACTS** FIRE - 911POLICE - 911CSU PUBLIC SAFETY 568-2022PLUMBERS - CSU Building Services (706-507-8200)ELECTRICIANS – CSU Building Services (706-507-8200)AIR CONDITIONING - CSU Building Services (706-507-8200)**FOR ALL PROBLEMS - Notify CSU Public Safety OfficeOFF-SITE STORAGE - The following are to be contacted by the Building Engineer, or Physical Plant Manager if Building Engineer is unavailable:NOTE:When problems with building systems and equipment occur that require immediate repair, contact CSU RiverPark campus Phyiscal Plant Services. If Building Services cannot solve the problem, listed below are contractors that can correct the problem if it is in their area of expertise. Contact needs to be made after approval from RiverPark campus Physical Plant staff since funding will be an issue.AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING SYSTEMS – Holbrook Services Company 706-327-8583ELECTRICAL – Davis Electric Company 706-324-0394FIRE PROTECTION – Columbus Fire And Safety 706-3238010 or Fuller Fire 706-327-1138SECURITY ALARMS – Eagle Security Company 706-681-7540FIRE ALARMS – Fuller Fire 706-327-1138 or SCI 706-322-6512PLUMBING – Ace Plumbing 706-324-1287Stanley Steemer – 706-322-4685Servpro- 706-568-1934

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Office Base Station 706-507-8200

Manager of Plant Ops RiverPark campus Steve Morse 706-507-8203

[email protected]

Administrative Coordinator Patti Brooks 706-507-8201

[email protected]

  Kathleen Harr 706-507-8207 [email protected]

Events Coordinator Chris Malone 706-507-8210 [email protected]

  Norman Upshaw  

Grounds Victor Harrell   [email protected]

Assistant Manager for Plant Ops Sonny Fitzpatrick 706-507-8204

[email protected]

  Jeff Bennett 706-649-1091 [email protected]

  Gabe Webb 706-507-8200  [email protected]

  Ron Lunsford 706-507-8200   [email protected]

  Steve Barkey 706-507-8200 [email protected]

  Ben Crowley 706-507-8200 [email protected]

  Kyle Richardson 706-507-8200 [email protected]

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Facility Services Supervisor Carolyn Rockeymore 706-507-8014

[email protected]

CSU Police Department

Police Dispatch CSU Police    

RiverCenter Security RiverCenter Officers  rivercentersecurity


Environmental Specialist Bob Crowder 706-507-8213  

Logistic Support Andre Jackson 706-568-2079  

Transportation James Glenn 706-507-8061  

  Pete Danois 706-507-8062  

Assistant Director Plant Operations Mike Medlock 706-508-8202

[email protected]

PLANT OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Eddie Woodhouse 706-507-8222

[email protected]

VP Business & Finance Tom Helton 706-507-8900 [email protected]

Public Relations

Public Relations John Lester [email protected]

CSU Police

CSU Assistant Police Chief Mark Lott 706-568-2022

[email protected]

CSU Police Chief Russ Drew    


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Disaster Plan for Communications TeamTeam – RiverPark campus Plant Operations and assigned staff

Telephone TreeRiverPark campus Plant Operations staff and CSU Public

SafetyFirst Level Disaster (off-site but accessible to building)


Criteria – Total or partial destruction of building (i.e. tornado) or threat of total of partial destruction (i.e. fire).Communication lines – ________________________ will be informed of all changes in situation. CSU Public Relations should do all communicating to media, board, CSU administration and public. Responsible for all communications should be through the _________________. RiverPark campus Plant Operations staff will keep CSU Public Safety up-to-date. ________________________ will screen all calls and requests and make appropriate delegation or response.Supplies needed – Off-site records of board, media contacts, membership records, staff lists, floor plans, extra walkie-talkies (or radios), camera and film, batteries, portable phone, paper and pencils (Operations Director’s home.)

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Second Level Disaster (on-site reporting in parking lot as assigned)Criteria – Minor destruction of buildingCommunication lines – same as first-level disaster. Responsible for all communication should be through CSU Public Relations Coordinator..Supplies needed – same as first-level disaster.

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Third Level Disaster (on-site reporting in building)

Criteria – Minor damage to building, removal of objects from property, threats to personnel, serious accidents on property, theft of property, etc.Communication lines – ____________________________ to be briefed on event, answer all calls from media and the public. He/She will do a press release, if needed, to alleviate questions. Supplies – none out of the ordinary.What to communicate?What is being doneThat the _________________________ is in charge and knows what is happeningThat all pertinent efforts are being madeDamage assessment responseWhat our current safety procedures are (without revealing how each one is handled)Recovery effortsWhat to doCommunicate to “telephone tree”Meet at designated siteAssess situationDecide on appropriate responseHave ____________________________ inform Board of events using a prepared script. All questions will be referred to ________________________ to answer later. Callers will be told that he is currently working with disaster team.______________________________ to be kept informed of all updates and changes and will inform tree.________________________________ to arrange press conference for __________________________ to quickly inform media and public of what is happening (use ____________________ is out of town).________________________ to field all unscheduled media calls. ____________________ to field all public calls and give set response._____________________________________ to respond to all Board and CSU administration calls by calling them back later.

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Title Name Number

CSU Police Department

Dispatch 706-562-2022 Office

Maintenance Supervisor

Jeff Bennett 706-527-0466 cell

706-322-1392 office

706-6835-3711 pager

Assist VP Director of Operations

Eddie Woodhouse 706-221-9189 Home


Assist Director Mike Medlock 706-681-5600 cell


Maintenance Manager

Sonny Fitzpartick 706-681-6702 Cell706-845-1442 Home 706-683-6800 Pager

VP Finance Tom Helton 706-366-5236 Cell706-507-8900 Office706-846-5235 Home

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RiverPark Events Team “Telephone Tree” for Emergency Response

Manager of Plant Operations RiverPark Campus

Building Maintenance Manager RiverPark Campus

Energy Management Coordinator

Building Maintenance Staff

Facility Services Staff

University Police Department

Administration Staff

PROCEDURES DURING EMERGENCYThe leader of the RiverPark campus Team depends on appropriate personnel available at the time of the emergency. The first person listed on the Events Team should be considered leader first. If not available, the next person should be the leader, and so on down the list dependent upon availability.

1. Team Leader should split team into two groups, with leaders in each to begin evacuation of works. 2. Evacuation should begin with most valuable first as stated in the priority listing provided. Leader should coordinate security for works being removed and materials to protect works.3. Inform Joint Management Advisory Team of all events and steps.

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This section suggest the types of supplies and equipment that may be needed to cope with a natural disaster or other event that causes damage to the

RiverPark campus or to its contents. Few facilities such as the RiverPark campus facilities will ever need the full range of supplies and equipment listed here. The RiverPark campus should acquire only those items that are likely to be of benefit depending on the kinds of emergencies and types of damage that have been anticipated.

On the other hand, this list does not pretend to be all-inclusive. Almost certainly, the

RiverPark campus facilities will find during the planning process that it expects to need items that have not been listed.

This list is intended only as a guide. Items listed here do not necessarily have to be stockpiled exclusively for use in an emergency. Some of these items will be found in all facilities like the RiverPark campus as a matter of course. They can be diverted for use in cleanup and repair operations whenever they are needed. However, keep in mind that the items you may be counting on to use

during or after an emergency may be damaged or destroyed or made inaccessible by

that same emergency.


Page 37: KNOWING THE PLAN In advance, each faculty, staff and student should: 1. Understand this evacuation plan. 2. Recognize the sound of the alarm. 3. Know at.

Some items – such as dry cell batteries – have a limited shelf life. Plan onreplacing such items periodically so that fresh stock is always on-hand inyour stockpile.Finally, always include copies (not originals) of operating manuals or

instructions with items of mechanical and electrical equipment in case someone not experienced with their operation is required to use them in an emergency. The below listed items market by an asterisk (*) are considered the most

critical to have on hand in order to respond to a fire or other disaster event which

mayresult in water damage.

Precautions must be taken to ensure that stockpiled emergency supplies and equipment is not used for day-to-day operations; otherwise, they might not be available when needed.

Therefore, those items that will be critical to the survival of the RiverPark campus and that cannot be procured promptly elsewhere after the emergency should be set aside or stockpiled in a safe place so they will be available if they are ever needed.


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Throwaway containers for trash

Sanitizers (such as chloride of lime or high-test hypo

chlorite)Fungicides, insecticides, rodenticides

Wash tubs or clean garbage cans

Scouring powders or other cleaners (Disinfectants, Ammonia)

Wet/dry vacuum with accessories


Mops, mop buckets, and wringers

Scoops and shovels

Supplies and Equipment for Debris Removal and Clean-up

Sponges, rags or cloths

Water hoses and nozzles

Low sudsing detergent


Rubber gloves

Buckets and squeegees

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Wenches (pipe, channel lock, and vise grips in various sizes) Wood sawsPliers (adjustable, lineman’s, and needle nose in various sizes) Metal saws with spare bladesScrewdrivers (straight blade and Phillips in various sizes)

Utility knives with spare blades

Special tools for tamper-resistant screws and bolts (if needed) Wire cutters

with insulated bladesHammers (both claw and machinist) Tin snips

Pry bar or crow bar (small and large sizes) Pipe cutter and threader

Folding rules or retractable tape measures,(8’ minimum) Bolt cutterHand drill with bits RopesSledgehammer (possibly two sized) 3-ton hydraulic jackDollies or handcarts Axes, including fireman’s ax

Block and tackle Pit cover hook (if applicable) Staple gun and staples Ladders and stoolsHydrant and post indicator valve wrenches(if there is a sprinkler or standpipe system)

Tools and Equipment for Demolition, Repairs, and Rescue

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Plywood for replacing or covering broken windows Binding wire

Dimensional lumber for temporary framing Glue

Nails, screws, bolts, nuts, and assorted fasteners Twine

Tapes of various kinds (masking, duct, electrical) Small rope or cord

Plastic sheeting

Construction Materials

Page 41: KNOWING THE PLAN In advance, each faculty, staff and student should: 1. Understand this evacuation plan. 2. Recognize the sound of the alarm. 3. Know at.

Emergency gasoline powered electrical generatorEmergency lights with extra batteriesFire extinguishers (ABC dry chemical recommended)Portable CB radio(s) with extra batteriesPortable public address system or bullhornGas masks with extra canistersResuscitation equipmentExtension cords, at least some equipped with ground fault circuit interruptersPortable lights (if a generator will be available) Flashlights or lanterns with extra batteries Battery-operated AM/FM/short-wave radio(s)Walkie-talkie radio(s) with extra batteriesGeiger counter and dosimetersAir breathers and extra oxygen tanks Gasoline powered water pump (or pump which can be powered by the electrical generator) with appropriate hoses and fittings

Emergency Equipment

Page 42: KNOWING THE PLAN In advance, each faculty, staff and student should: 1. Understand this evacuation plan. 2. Recognize the sound of the alarm. 3. Know at.

The individual employees who are to use them may provide some of these items.

Necessary protective clothing First aide kits and medical suppliesRubber boots or waders Food and food preparation equipmentRubber lab aprons Sleeping bags, blankets, and pillowsProtective masks and goggles or safety glasses HardhatsSanitation facilities Portable water

Personal Equipment and Supplies

Page 43: KNOWING THE PLAN In advance, each faculty, staff and student should: 1. Understand this evacuation plan. 2. Recognize the sound of the alarm. 3. Know at.

Boxes for packing and moving artifacts, records, books, and equipment.

Record transfer boxes are the easiest to use, carry, and store. They come flat and are to be set up as needed; they may be re-flattened for storage and re-use.

Box sealing and strapping tapes

Tissue paper, clean newsprint, plastic “bubble pack,” foam “noodles,” and other such materials for packing artifacts prior to relocation.

Marking pens, preferably indelible, including some for writing on plastic

Miscellaneous Supplies

Page 44: KNOWING THE PLAN In advance, each faculty, staff and student should: 1. Understand this evacuation plan. 2. Recognize the sound of the alarm. 3. Know at.

Space heaters


Portable dehumidifiers


Photographic equipment (35mm camera, lenses, accessories, flash, etc.)

Photographic film and spare batteries for camera and flash

Essential office equipment (manual typewriter, pocket calculator, pencil sharpener, stapler, rules, etc.)

Essential stationary, blank forms and other such supplies to ensure capability of minimal administrative operations.

Miscellaneous Equipment

Page 45: KNOWING THE PLAN In advance, each faculty, staff and student should: 1. Understand this evacuation plan. 2. Recognize the sound of the alarm. 3. Know at.

NewsprintSharp knives, such as X-ActoPolyethylene bags, various sizesScissors, large and small sizesPolyester and polyethylene filmIndustrial denatured alcoholPlastic garbage bags and tiesThymolWater displacement compound, such asEthanolWD-40 spray or liquidAcetoneSilicone release or wax paperJapanese tissueVarious sizes of thick glass or SmoothWhite blotter paperMasoniteTowels or clean ragsWeights such as leather shot bagsClothespins, preferably plasticWaxes and dressings, as appropriate to the collection

Conservation Supplies and Equipment