Know how the Health Issue Arises with The iPad Neck?


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Page 2: Know how the Health Issue Arises with The iPad Neck?

Know how the Health Issue Arises with The iPad Neck?

Page 3: Know how the Health Issue Arises with The iPad Neck?

Sure, working on a desktop computer continuously, without breaks can become very painful in terms of your health. A new research has revealed that working on a tablet strains your neck thrice as much as compared to working on a desktop.

This extra strain can contribute to back pain and a lot other problems. According to a previous research, bending your head to an angle of 60 degrees to look on your smartphone screen puts an immense pressure of 60 lbs or 27 kg on your spinal cord – this weight is more than the weight of an average 7 year old child. Beware of this problem, and take precautionary measures to ensure your health.

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The new study, published in the journal Ergonomics, states: ‘Tablet use requires significant head and neck flexion [bending] and has implications for potential neck injury to users.

Past research has shown a link between increased head and neck bending and pain, they add.

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The authors, from Washington State University, conducted a study of 33 university students and staff who use regularly used tablets.

Users were tested in a variety of positions and while reading and typing for 2-5 minutes.

Radiographs and other tests were used to assess the gravitational demand on the neck and how the head and neck were affected during tablet use.

The authors predicted that tablet use would result in greater gravitationaldemand than a neutral posture, particularly when used on a lap or flat on a desk.

Indeed, they discovered the tablet increased demand on neck muscles by 3-5 times more than a neutral position.

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The authors concluded: ‘Our findings are important for developing ergonomics guidelines for tablet computer use.’

Sammy Margo, spokeswoman for the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, said the research confirms what physios have long known.

She added: ‘It’s the same principle as reading a book on your lap, however.’

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As the authors of the previous, ‘text neck’ study explain: “The weight seen by the spine dramatically increases when flexing the head forward at varying degrees.”

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The loss of the ‘natural curve’ of the cervical spine leads to increased stress on the neck, they added.

They said: ‘These stresses may lead to early wear, tear, degeneration and possibly surgeries.’

Previous studies have linked bad posture to a number of health problems, including back pain, weight gain, constipation, heartburn, migraines, and respiratory conditions.

In September, researchers from New Zealand found slouching also has an effect on mental health, making a person depressed, angry, even killing their libido.

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Good posture, on the other hand, has been shown to optimize physical and mental health.

Experts advise that sitting up straight allows blood and oxygen to flow freely around the body, and leads to good digestion.

New research found 40 per cent of people suffer a headache at least once a week and 67 per cent get one once a month or more.

Half of people said headaches negatively impact their quality of life while nearly three quarters said they wish they could deal with the pain more effectively.

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