Kml Basics Chpt 3 Geometry

Keyhole Modeling Language – Chpt. 3 - Geometry Mr. Thomas Cooper Outdoor Technology The Walker School

Transcript of Kml Basics Chpt 3 Geometry

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Keyhole Modeling Language – Chpt. 3 - Geometry

Mr. Thomas Cooper

Outdoor Technology

The Walker School

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Adding Longitude and Latitude Grids

Directions1. Go to “View”2. Select “Grid”

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Point Element





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Changing Color and Style

Directions1. Right click on a placemark in the Places panel and go to properties2. Click on Style and Color

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Measuring Tools

Directions1.Choose the measuring tool.2.Choose the type of measurement.3.Choose the unit of measurement.4.Click on the beginning point and the end point you want to measure.

NOTE: Only GE Pro has tools for measuring Polygons and Circles.

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Changing Altitude

Directions1.Right click on icon2.Choose “Properties”3.Go to “Altitude”4.Type in the altitude you want.

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Adding A Path


1. Choose “Path” from the tool bar.

3. Name Path

4. Choose “Style, Color” to change the color and style.

5. Choose “Altitude” to change the height of the path.

NOTE: The path goes through the mountain; we’ll fix this next.

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USGS Tectonic Plate Layer

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Simple Line String

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Line String with Altitude

Tessellate set to 1 prevents line from going through the surface of the earth.

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Extruded Line String

Extruded set to 1 means line is extended to ground. Can be set to 0 or 1. Data type boolean.

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Line String with Style

Parent tag; part of <Style> tag along with <BalloonStyle>. Can change <color> and <width>.

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Adding a PolygonDirections

1. Choose “Polygon” from the tool bar.

2. Name your polygon.

3. Choose “Color, Style” tab to change the line color or thickness.

4. Choose “Color, Style” tab to change fill color.

5. Choose the “Altitude” to change the height of the polygon.

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Creating Buildings with Polygons


1. Use Earth to search for a vacant lot.

2. Draw your polygon.

3. Change the color and style.

4. Change the altitude to adjust the height of the building.

5. Click “Extend to Ground”.

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Simple Polygon


<PolygonStyle><color>ffffffff</color><ColorMode>normal </ColorMode><fill>1</fill><outline>1</outline></PolygonStyle>

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Polygon with Holes




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Making Letters in Earth

Use Polygons with <outerBoundaryIs> and <innerBoundaryIs tags>.

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Lets you add multiple geometric elements to a container, such as adding an icon over an polygon.

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3D Models

3D Buildings is a built-in layer in the Google Earth primary database.

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3D Wharehouse

Download other models from the 3D wharehouse.

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Search Models by Type or Decade

Major Categories1. Building Collections2. Featured

Collections3. Popular Models4. Recent Models

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Use Google Search, Advanced

1. Models have the file extension x.dae

2. Can search on the .dae extension in Google Search –

3. Files are based on the COLLADA standard, which stands for Collaborative Design Activity.

4. More information on this standard can be found on Wikipedia - .

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Online Documentation

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Including Author and Source Information

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><kml xmlns= xmlns:atom="http://www.w3org/2005/Atom"> <Document> <atom:author> <atom:name>Thomas Cooper</atom:name></atom:author><atom:link href="http://… " /></Document></kml>

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Research Activity

Look through the Google Earth layers in the primary database or search online for other x.kml and x.kmz files and find an interesting use of a geometric object (e.g. arrow, line, etc.) that you could possible use for your project. Be prepared to explain: 1. …why you liked it. 2. …how you will use it to get a point across about your project. 3. …what code (<parent>, <child> tags) was used to create the object. 4. you will have to change the code to meet your specifications.