KMK Metals Recycling Ltd Cappincur Industrial Estate ... · of the storm water discharge points at...

DETERMINATION OF STORM WATER DISCHARGE TRIGGER LEVELS November 2018 KMK Metals Recycling Ltd Cappincur Industrial Estate Daingean Road Tullamore Co. Offaly Waste Licence No W0113 - 04 SLR Ref: 501.00323.00003 Version No: Rev0 January 2019 For inspection purposes only. Consent of copyright owner required for any other use. EPA Export 20-03-2019:03:57:34

Transcript of KMK Metals Recycling Ltd Cappincur Industrial Estate ... · of the storm water discharge points at...



KMK Metals Recycling Ltd

Cappincur Industrial Estate

Daingean Road


Co. Offaly

Waste Licence No W0113 - 04

SLR Ref: 501.00323.00003 Version No: Rev0 January 2019




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KMK Tullamore Trigger Levels November 2018 Filename: 190110 501.00323.00003 Rev0 KMK Tullamore Trigger Levels Nov 18

SLR Ref No: 501.00323.00003

January 2019


This document has been prepared by SLR Consulting Limited with reasonable skill, care and diligence, and taking account of the manpower, timescales and resources devoted to it by agreement with KMK Metals Recycling Ltd (the Client) as part or all of the services it has been appointed by the Client to carry out. It is subject to the terms and conditions of that appointment.

SLR shall not be liable for the use of or reliance on any information, advice, recommendations and opinions in this document for any purpose by any person other than the Client. Reliance may be granted to a third party only in the event that SLR and the third party have executed a reliance agreement or collateral warranty.

Information reported herein may be based on the interpretation of public domain data collected by SLR, and/or information supplied by the Client and/or its other advisors and associates. These data have been accepted in good faith as being accurate and valid.

The copyright and intellectual property in all drawings, reports, specifications, bills of quantities, calculations and other information set out in this report remain vested in SLR unless the terms of appointment state otherwise.

This document may contain information of a specialised and/or highly technical nature and the Client is advised to seek clarification on any elements which may be unclear to it.

Information, advice, recommendations and opinions in this document should only be relied upon in the context of the whole document and any documents referenced explicitly herein and should then only be used within the context of the appointment.




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EPA Export 20-03-2019:03:57:34

KMK Tullamore Trigger Levels November 2018 Filename: 190110 501.00323.00003 Rev0 KMK Tullamore Trigger Levels Nov 18

SLR Ref No: 501.00323.00003

January 2019


NOVEMBER 2018 ....................................................................................................................... I

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1 1.0

METHODOLOGY FOR SETTING OF TRIGGER VALUES .......................................................... 1 2.0

2.1 Proposed Trigger Warning and Action Values ........................................................................... 2

2.2 Updated EQS Values ................................................................................................................. 2

Document References


Table 2-1 Proposed Trigger Values – DX (storm water discharges) ..................................................... 3

Table 2-2 Proposed Trigger Values – E (storm water discharges) ........................................................ 4


Appendix 01 Calculation Data……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5




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KMK Tullamore Trigger Levels November 2018 Filename: 190110 501.00323.00003 Rev0 KMK Tullamore Trigger Levels Nov 18

SLR Ref No: 501.00323.00003

January 2019

Page 1

Introduction 1.0

This report has been prepared in response to notification on Licence: W0113-04 - KMK Metals Recycling Limited, which was submitted on the EPA’s EDEN site on 07/12/2018.

(Licensee Submission LR035220 RE: EDEN Reference Numbers RI008488, RI008489 & SV15407)

The notification states the following:

• The EQS values from the Environmental Objectives (Surface Water) Regulations 2009 are listed incorrectly for the following parameters; Nickel, Mercury, Copper, Lead and Chromium.

• Table 3.1 lists the Ammonia as N proposed warning and action trigger level as 1.603 & 2.071 respectively. A discharge of this level would not be considered representative of rainwater from roof and non-process area.

• The action trigger levels for both Zinc and Lead are above the EQS value from the Environmental Objectives (Surface Water) Regulations 2009.

• Regarding the pH parameter values, both a lower and upper range warning and action trigger level should be determined.

In addition, the warning and action trigger levels have been updated to take account of data available to November 2018.

Methodology for Setting of Trigger Values 2.0

The setting of trigger level values was carried out in accordance with the EPA document “Guidance on the setting of trigger values of storm water discharges to off-site surface waters at EPA IPPC and Waste Licensed Facilities”, Rev 1 dated 07/09/12. The guidance document states that the status of and possible impacts on receiving waters from storm water emissions must be considered, bearing in mind that the Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires no deterioration in the status of a water body.

As per the EPA guidance on the setting of trigger level values for storm water discharges, the calculations of the proposed trigger level values for the site involved the analysis of data from multiple sampling occasions at each of the storm water discharge points at KMK Metals Recycling Ltd. During this evaluation process, any storm water samples identified as likely to have been contaminated by on-site processes were not included when calculating the average and standard deviation values as this would not give an accurate reflection of ‘normal’ values, resulting in the setting of trigger level values which are too high. In accordance with the EPA guidance, averages and standard deviations were calculated for each parameter using monitoring data that excluded any of the outliers mentioned previously.

For trigger warning limit values, the average result plus 2 standard deviations was used to determine the trigger value and for trigger action limit values the average result plus 3 standard deviations was used to determine the trigger value.

The surface water emission quality results were compared to the European Communities Environmental Objectives (Surface Waters) Regulations 2012 and 2009 Environmental Quality Standards (EQS), SI 327 of 2012 and S.I No.272 of 2009 where available; and the proposed calculated trigger level values.

EQS values are reported as either Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAC) or Annual Average (AA). Where available, the MAC was used. If the MAC was not available, the lower value of the Annual Average criteria was used.




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KMK Tullamore Trigger Levels November 2018 Filename: 190110 501.00323.00003 Rev0 KMK Tullamore Trigger Levels Nov 18

SLR Ref No: 501.00323.00003

January 2019

Page 2

2.1 Proposed Trigger Warning and Action Values Water quality analysis data for the DX storm water discharge point is available from the third quarter of 2015 to November 2018. Water quality analysis data for the E storm water discharge point is available from the first quarter of 2014 to November 2018.

Proposed trigger warning and action values have been calculated for pH, using the methodology above.

The water quality results are presented in Appendix 1. The resulting proposed warning and action trigger values for storm water discharges DX and E are presented in Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 below.

2.2 Updated EQS Values The EQS values have been updated to include the correction of the EQS for Nickel, Mercury, Copper, Lead and Chromium.

An EQS for ammonia as N has been included as 0.065mg/l, which is the SI 272 of 2009 value for Good Status for ammonical nitrogen as N.

Where possible, the dataset for the proposed action value has been amended by removing higher values to reduce the value to below the EQS.

However, where ongoing exceedences of the EQS have been noted, the updated EQS values remain lower than the action warning values for some parameters. This is the case for ammonia and copper, and a note has been made in Table 2-1 and Table 2-2.




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KMK Tullamore Trigger Levels November 2018 Filename: 190110 501.00323.00003 Rev0 KMK Tullamore Trigger Levels Nov 18

SLR Ref No: 501.00323.00003

January 2019

Page 3

Table 2-1 Proposed Trigger Values – DX (storm water discharges)

Parameter Units Licence Emission Limits

Proposed Trigger Warning Value (November 2018)

Proposed Trigger Action Value (November 2018)

EQS Values for SW

Suspended Solids

mg/L 35 -

Conductivity mS/cm - 0.904



pH pH units

- 8.51 - 6.96

8.90 - 6.57


Ammonia (as N)

mg/L - 1.179 1.547* 0.065

Chemical Oxygen Demand

mg/L - 66.206 79.870 -

Iron mg/L - 0.484 0.644 -

Arsenic µg/L - 1.871 2.326 25

Zinc µg/L - 74.794 96.029 100

Chromium µg/L - 1.769 2.047 32

Nickel µg/L - 16.129 19.589 20

Aluminium µg/L - 138.529 182.472 -

Copper µg/L - 10.873 14.253* 5

Lead µg/L - 5.463 6.817 7.2

Mercury µg/L - 0.031 0.039 0.07

Mineral Oil mg/L 2 -

* Exceeds EQS




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KMK Tullamore Trigger Levels November 2018 Filename: 190110 501.00323.00003 Rev0 KMK Tullamore Trigger Levels Nov 18

SLR Ref No: 501.00323.00003

January 2019

Page 4

Table 2-2 Proposed Trigger Values – E (storm water discharges)

Parameter Units Licence Emission Limits

Proposed Trigger Warning Value (November 2018)

Proposed Trigger Action Value (November 2018)

EQS Values for SW

Suspended Solids

mg/L 35


Conductivity mS/cm - 0.855 1.084 -

pH pH units - 9.08 - 7.10 9.57 - 6.61 -

Ammonia (as N)

mg/L - 1.836 2.349* 0.065

Chemical Oxygen Demand

mg/L -

65.687 82.254


Iron mg/L - 0.476 0.626 -

Arsenic µg/L - 2.981 3.721 25

Zinc µg/L - 78.877 99.821 100

Chromium µg/L - 2.860 3.668 32

Nickel µg/L - 14.735 18.716 20

Aluminium µg/L - 213.788 278.708 -

Copper µg/L - 11.687 15.179* 5

Lead µg/L - 5.181 6.670 7.2

Mercury µg/L - 0.029 0.036 0.07

Mineral Oil mg/L 2 -

* Exceeds EQS




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EPA Export 20-03-2019:03:57:34

KMK Tullamore Trigger Levels November 2018 Filename: 190110 501.00323.00003 Rev0 KMK Tullamore Trigger Levels Nov 18

SLR Ref No: 501.00323.00003

January 2019

Page 5

Appendix 01

Calculation Data




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Year Quarter Sampling Date Result Licence Limit Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value

2015 - Q3 10/11/2015 20 35 0.619 1.405 1.731 8.71 1.24 3.05 4.763 60.1 130 155 0.143 0.562 1.043 1.83 1.9 3 31.5 270

2015 - Q4 07/12/2015 43.5 35 0.395 1.405 1.731 7.95 0.112 3.05 4.763 39.1 130 155 0.0404 0.562 1.043 0.879 1.9 3 115 270

2016 - Q1 10/02/2016 10.5 35 0.184 0.985 1.238 7.94 0.159 2.33 3.06 19.4 61.9 80.1 0.0778 0.562 1.043 0.12 1.9 3 105 270

2016 - Q2 30/06/2016 2 35 0.199 0.985 1.238 7.01 0.295 2.33 3.06 19.6 61.9 80.1 0.144 0.562 1.043 0.28 1.9 3 116 270

2016 - Q3 03/10/2016 11 35 0.509 0.985 1.238 7.71 1.9 2.33 3.06 50 61.9 80.1 0.379 0.562 1.043 0.837 1.9 3 25.1 270

2016 - Q4 23/11/2016 2 35 0.551 0.985 1.238 8.1 1.24 2.33 3.06 32.2 61.9 80.1 0.322 0.562 1.043 0.779 1.9 3 35.7 270

2017 - Q1 08/03/2017 4.1 35 0.163 0.985 1.238 7.32 0.278 2.33 3.06 17.1 61.9 80.1 0.0393 0.562 1.043 1.13 1.9 3 236 270

2017 - Q2 26/04/2017 6.9 35 0.391 0.985 1.238 7.38 1.01 2.33 3.06 37.2 61.9 80.1 0.605 0.562 1.043 0.766 1.9 3 6.82 270

2017 - Q3 04/09/2017 9.95 35 0.652 0.985 1.238 7.76 0.961 2.33 3.06 55.6 61.9 80.1 0.194 0.562 1.043 1.06 1.9 3 5.61 270

2017 - Q4 07/12/2017 48.2 35 0.817 0.709 0.876 7.68 0.886 2.01 2.63 89.3 63.34 77.84 0.0327 0.593 0.781 1.92 1.8 2.3 10.1 225

2018 - Q1 26/03/2018 20.2 35 0.455 0.709 0.876 8.04 2.01 2.63 38.1 63.34 77.84 0.019 0.593 0.781 1.08 1.8 2.3 97 225

2018 - April 25/04/2018 112 35 0.709 0.771 0.961 7.29 0.101 1.603 2.071 293 66.42 82.585 0.0972 0.451 0.596 0.912 2.343 2.954 138 84.822

2018 - May 24/05/2018 72.7 35 0.523 0.771 0.961 7.93 0.128 1.603 2.071 53.2 66.42 82.585 0.0823 0.451 0.596 0.7 2.343 2.954 478 84.822

2018-September 28/09/2018 125 35 0.381 0.771 0.961 7.72 0.0899 1.603 2.071 35.7 66.42 82.585 0.261 0.451 0.596 1.38 2.343 2.954 56 84.822

2018-October 31/10/2018 148 35 0.889 0.771 0.961 7.47 0.821 1.603 2.071 141 66.42 82.585 0.636 0.451 0.596 1.01 2.343 2.954 55.7 84.822

2018-November 30/11/2018 48.2 35 0.399 0.904 1.112 7.74 6.96 - 8.51 6.57 - 8.90 0.144 1.179 1.547 48.1 66.206 79.870 0.0289 0.484 0.644 0.685 1.871 2.326 64.4 74.794

Text in blue is Proposed Trigger Warning and Action Levels (May 2018)


ORANGE text indicates an exceedence of warning limit values applicable at the time

An underline indicates that a "<" was removed for graphing purposes

RED text indicates an exceedence of action limit values applicable at the time

BOLD BLACK text indicates an exceedence of a licence limit applicable at the time

Text in blue is Proposed Trigger Warning and Action Levels (November 2017)


pH (pH units)



Iron (mg/L) Arsenic (µg/L) Zinc (µg/L)Surface Water (DX) Sampling Suspended Solids (mg/L) Conductivity (mS/cm) Ammonia (as N) (mg/L) Chemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L)




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Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Licence Limit

431 1.33 10 17 15.6 26 42 190 208 304 10.7 18.6 25.8 17.8 47 209 0.01 0.33 0.5 1 2

431 1.79 10 17 6.07 26 42 35.8 208 304 10.4 18.6 25.8 4.73 47 209 0.01 0.33 0.5 1 2

431 0.859 10 17 2.98 26 42 29.3 208 304 8.17 30 39 18 11.8 15.6 0.0436 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

431 1.15 10 17 8.51 26 42 21.3 208 304 1.36 30 39 4.39 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

431 1.37 10 17 11 26 42 22.6 208 304 0.85 30 39 2.96 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

431 1.2 10 17 8.54 26 42 32 208 304 2.68 30 39 4.89 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

431 1.2 10 17 6.03 26 42 9.76 208 304 5.03 30 39 6.27 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

431 1.2 10 17 10 26 42 18.3 208 304 0.85 30 39 0.946 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

431 1 10 17 8.22 26 42 69.8 208 304 2.84 30 39 2.75 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

296 1 1.8 2 13.6 15.7 19.3 25.9 155.66 211.05 2.1 12.9 16.9 1.07 19.9 26 0.01 0.036 0.048 1 2

296 1.87 1.8 2 8.87 15.7 19.3 48.3 155.66 211.05 8.07 12.9 16.9 2.45 19.9 26 0.01 0.036 0.048 1 2

109.819 1 2.765 3.499 12.4 16.016 19.925 65.5 180.511 236.628 11.8 22.405 29.646 7.15 8.7 11.2 0.01 0.09 0.125 5 2

109.819 1.22 2.765 3.499 14 16.016 19.925 41.2 180.511 236.628 26.4 22.405 29.646 7.97 8.7 11.2 0.01 0.09 0.125 5.31 2

109.819 1 2.765 3.499 7.39 16.016 19.925 68 180.511 236.628 7.75 22.405 29.646 12.4 8.7 11.2 0.01 0.09 0.125 1 2

109.819 1 2.765 3.499 20.9 16.016 19.925 21.5 180.511 236.628 5.55 22.405 29.646 9.79 8.7 11.2 0.025 0.09 0.125 1 2

96.029 4.33 1.769 2.047 4.92 16.129 19.589 111 138.529 182.472 17.8 10.873 14.253 5.06 5.463 6.817 0.0133 0.031 0.039 1 2

Copper (µg/L) Lead (µg/L) Mercury (µg/L) Mineral Oil (mg/L)Chromium (µg/L) Nickel (µg/L) Aluminium (µg/L)




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EPA Export 20-03-2019:03:57:34

Year Quarter Sampling Date Result Licence Limit ResultWarning

ValueAction Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value

2014 - Q1 31/03/2014 8 35 0.146 8.4 0.473 11 0.1195 0.731

2014 - Q2 29/05/2014 3.5 35 0.246 8.88 0.988 32.4 0.253 2.6

2014 - Q3 25/09/2014 6 35 0.124 7.8 0.337 19 0.11 0.6

2014 - Q4 19/11/2014 5 35 0.263 9.2 0.97 22 0.67 3.1

2015 - Q1 16/02/2015 2 35 0.266 7.72 0.471 21.2 0.0379 0.555

2015 - Q2 03/06/2015 2 35 0.184 1.405 1.731 8.8 0.373 3.05 4.763 20.9 130 155 0.107 0.562 1.043 1.6 1.9 3

2015 - Q3 10/11/2015 11.5 35 0.352 1.405 1.731 7.54 0.936 3.05 4.763 64.6 130 155 0.225 0.562 1.043 1.23 1.9 3

2015 - Q4 07/12/2015 112 35 0.12 1.405 1.731 8.17 0.216 3.05 4.763 78.5 130 155 0.0765 0.562 1.043 0.262 1.9 3

2016 - Q1 (1) 10/02/2016 9 35 0.393 0.985 1.238 7.98 0.698 2.33 3.06 34.8 61.9 80.1 0.157 0.562 1.043 0.904 1.9 3

2016 - Q1 (2) 24/02/2016 10 35 0.363 0.985 1.238 8.43 1.01 2.33 3.06 29.7 61.9 80.1 0.325 0.562 1.043 2.26 1.9 3

2016 - Q2 (1) 30/06/2016 4.5 35 1.13 0.985 1.238 8.62 56.2 2.33 3.06 34.9 61.9 80.1 0.0339 0.562 1.043 0.989 1.9 3

2016 - Q2 (2) 15/08/2016 35 0.985 1.238 0.0253 2.33 3.06 61.9 80.1 0.562 1.043 1.9 3

2016 - Q3 03/10/2016 3.5 35 0.37 0.985 1.238 8.62 1.12 2.33 3.06 25.9 61.9 80.1 0.0584 0.562 1.043 1.83 1.9 3

2016 - Q4 (1) 23/11/2016 11 35 0.575 0.985 1.238 8.13 2.23 2.33 3.06 66.8 61.9 80.1 0.278 0.562 1.043 1.64 1.9 3

2016 - Q4 (2) 09/12/2016 35 0.985 1.238 2.33 3.06 61.9 80.1 0.562 1.043 1.9 3

2017 - Q1 08/03/2017 7.45 35 0.336 0.985 1.238 8 0.93 2.33 3.06 31.6 61.9 80.1 0.103 0.562 1.043 1.73 1.9 3

2017 - Q2 26/04/2017 5.15 35 0.358 0.985 1.238 7.72 1.08 2.33 3.06 48.7 61.9 80.1 0.0465 0.562 1.043 1.2 1.9 3

2017 - Q3 04/09/2017 3.35 35 0.749 0.985 1.238 7.91 0.213 2.33 3.06 32.6 61.9 80.1 0.247 0.562 1.043 2.24 1.9 3

2017 - Q4 07/12/2017 16.4 35 0.567 0.827 1.067 7.41 1.06 1.814 2.326 30.7 69.64 87.49 3.69 0.493 0.653 19.5 2.89 3.66

2018 - Q1 26/03/2018 8.8 35 0.584 0.827 1.067 8.07 - 1.814 2.326 13.6 69.64 87.49 0.019 0.493 0.653 5.89 2.89 3.66

2018 - April 25/04/2018 21 35 0.651 0.771 0.961 7.4 1.32 1.603 2.071 30.3 66.42 82.585 8.41 0.451 0.596 22.4 2.343 2.954

2018 - May 24/05/2018 5.75 35 0.219 0.771 0.961 7.96 0.241 1.603 2.071 25.9 66.42 82.585 0.288 0.451 0.596 1.89 2.343 2.954

2018-September 28/09/2018 6.3 35 0.424 0.771 0.961 8.32 1.72 1.603 2.071 19.7 66.42 82.585 3.24 0.451 0.596 16.6 2.343 2.954

2018-October 31/10/2018 3.65 35 0.239 0.771 0.961 7.47 0.74 1.603 2.071 24.4 66.42 82.585 0.208 0.451 0.596 1.64 2.343 2.954

2018-November 30/11/2018 13 35 0.454 0.855 1.084 7.51 9.08 - 7.10 9.57 - 6.61 0.638 1.836 2.349 29.5 65.687 82.254 0.476 0.626 2.981 3.721

Arsenic (µg/L)


Conductivity (mS/cm)Suspended Solids (mg/L)



Iron (mg/L)pH (pH units)

Text in blue is Proposed Trigger Warning and Action Levels (April 2018)

Text in blue is Proposed Trigger Warning and Action Levels (November 2017)


Surface Water (E) Sampling Chemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L)Ammonia (as N) (mg/L)

An underline indicates that a "<" was removed for graphing purposes

RED text indicates an exceedence of action limit values applicable at the time

ORANGE text indicates an exceedence of warning limit values applicable at the time

BOLD BLACK text indicates an exceedence of a licence limit applicable at the time





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EPA Export 20-03-2019:03:57:34

Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value ResultWarning

ValueAction Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Licence Limit

21.88 0.68 2.299 110.6 3.881 0.2 0.06526 2

86.6 2.1 7.03 210 9.52 0.0245 1 2

187.5 1 3.6 78.8 13 16.4 0.02 0.482 2

250 1 11 200 8 12.7 0.02 0.107 2

37.8 0.506 5.89 78.2 8.41 3.81 0.01 1 2

11.1 270 431 0.913 10 17 2.79 26 42 173 208 304 5.53 18.6 25.8 2.32 47 209 0.01 0.33 0.5 1 2

202 270 431 1.84 10 17 13.5 26 42 64.1 208 304 33.4 18.6 25.8 38.2 47 209 0.0368 0.33 0.5 1.78 2

45.9 270 431 0.883 10 17 3.57 26 42 89.1 208 304 10.9 18.6 25.8 20.9 47 209 0.01 0.33 0.5 8.95 2

431 270 431 1.3 10 17 13.6 26 42 71.9 208 304 8.03 30 39 5.14 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

123 270 431 4.72 10 17 9.15 26 42 169 208 304 7.05 30 39 9.39 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

562 270 431 0.879 10 17 45.6 26 42 174 208 304 88.2 30 39 2.99 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1.14 2

41.9 270 431 10 17 26 42 208 304 11.5 30 39 11.8 15.6 0.0615 0.0796 2

47.5 270 431 1.2 10 17 6.32 26 42 278 208 304 7.17 30 39 3.15 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

117 270 431 1.2 10 17 16 26 42 354 208 304 45.8 30 39 19.9 11.8 15.6 0.022 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

270 431 10 17 26 42 208 304 30 39 18.8 11.8 15.6 0.0615 0.0796 2

177 270 431 1.2 10 17 10.3 26 42 73.8 208 304 22.3 30 39 13.6 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1.04 2

42.6 270 431 1.2 10 17 10.6 26 42 103 208 304 15 30 39 4.31 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

10.7 270 431 1 10 17 5.71 26 42 2.72 208 304 1.81 30 39 0.2 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

52.3 248.42 322.92 1 3.33 4.3 6.1 16.78 21.04 5.62 226.33 278.12 0.532 27.87 35.54 0.224 10 12.5 0.01 0.121 0.168 1 2

16.8 248.42 322.92 1 3.33 4.3 2.6 16.78 21.04 10 226.33 278.12 0.3 27.87 35.54 0.2 10 12.5 0.01 0.121 0.168 1 2

13.8 84.822 109.819 1 2.765 3.499 3.69 16.016 19.925 16 180.511 236.628 2.14 22.405 29.646 0.568 8.7 11.2 0.01 0.09 0.125 1 2

114 84.822 109.819 1 2.765 3.499 4.11 16.016 19.925 58.2 180.511 236.628 15.6 22.405 29.646 16.1 8.7 11.2 0.0101 0.09 0.125 1 2

85.6 84.822 109.819 1 2.765 3.499 3.74 16.016 19.925 30.4 180.511 236.628 3.88 22.405 29.646 1.92 8.7 11.2 0.01 0.09 0.125 1 2

97 84.822 109.819 1 2.765 3.499 4 16.016 19.925 14.8 180.511 236.628 7.74 22.405 29.646 3.66 8.7 11.2 0.0259 0.09 0.125 1 2

52 78.877 99.821 1 2.860 3.668 3.41 14.735 18.716 29.7 213.788 278.708 0.784 11.687 15.179 1.41 5.181 6.670 0.01 0.029 0.036 1 2

Mineral Oil (mg/L)Aluminium (µg/L)Chromium (µg/L) Mercury (µg/L)Copper (µg/L) Lead (µg/L)Nickel (µg/L)Zinc (µg/L)




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Year Quarter Sampling Date Result Licence Limit Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value

2015 - Q3 10/11/2015 20 35 0.619 1.405 1.731 8.71 1.24 3.05 4.763 60.1 130 155 0.143 0.562 1.043 1.83 1.9 3 31.5 270

2015 - Q4 07/12/2015 43.5 35 0.395 1.405 1.731 7.95 0.112 3.05 4.763 39.1 130 155 0.0404 0.562 1.043 0.879 1.9 3 115 270

2016 - Q1 10/02/2016 10.5 35 0.184 0.985 1.238 7.94 0.159 2.33 3.06 19.4 61.9 80.1 0.0778 0.562 1.043 0.12 1.9 3 105 270

2016 - Q2 30/06/2016 2 35 0.199 0.985 1.238 7.01 0.295 2.33 3.06 19.6 61.9 80.1 0.144 0.562 1.043 0.28 1.9 3 116 270

2016 - Q3 03/10/2016 11 35 0.509 0.985 1.238 7.71 1.9 2.33 3.06 50 61.9 80.1 0.379 0.562 1.043 0.837 1.9 3 25.1 270

2016 - Q4 23/11/2016 2 35 0.551 0.985 1.238 8.1 1.24 2.33 3.06 32.2 61.9 80.1 0.322 0.562 1.043 0.779 1.9 3 35.7 270

2017 - Q1 08/03/2017 4.1 35 0.163 0.985 1.238 7.32 0.278 2.33 3.06 17.1 61.9 80.1 0.0393 0.562 1.043 1.13 1.9 3 236 270

2017 - Q2 26/04/2017 6.9 35 0.391 0.985 1.238 7.38 1.01 2.33 3.06 37.2 61.9 80.1 0.605 0.562 1.043 0.766 1.9 3 6.82 270

2017 - Q3 04/09/2017 9.95 35 0.652 0.985 1.238 7.76 0.961 2.33 3.06 55.6 61.9 80.1 0.194 0.562 1.043 1.06 1.9 3 5.61 270

2017 - Q4 07/12/2017 48.2 35 0.817 0.709 0.876 7.68 0.886 2.01 2.63 89.3 63.34 77.84 0.0327 0.593 0.781 1.92 1.8 2.3 10.1 225

2018 - Q1 26/03/2018 20.2 35 0.455 0.709 0.876 8.04 2.01 2.63 38.1 63.34 77.84 0.019 0.593 0.781 1.08 1.8 2.3 97 225

2018 - April 25/04/2018 112 35 0.709 0.771 0.961 7.29 0.101 1.603 2.071 293 66.42 82.585 0.0972 0.451 0.596 0.912 2.343 2.954 138 84.822

2018 - May 24/05/2018 72.7 35 0.523 0.771 0.961 7.93 0.128 1.603 2.071 53.2 66.42 82.585 0.0823 0.451 0.596 0.7 2.343 2.954 478 84.822

2018-September 28/09/2018 125 35 0.381 0.771 0.961 7.72 0.0899 1.603 2.071 35.7 66.42 82.585 0.261 0.451 0.596 1.38 2.343 2.954 56 84.822

2018-October 31/10/2018 148 35 0.889 0.771 0.961 7.47 0.821 1.603 2.071 141 66.42 82.585 0.636 0.451 0.596 1.01 2.343 2.954 55.7 84.822

2018-November 30/11/2018 48.2 35 0.399 0.904 1.112 7.74 6.96 - 8.51 6.57 - 8.90 0.144 1.179 1.547 48.1 66.206 79.870 0.0289 0.484 0.644 0.685 1.871 2.326 64.4 74.794

Text in blue is Proposed Trigger Warning and Action Levels (May 2018)


ORANGE text indicates an exceedence of warning limit values applicable at the time

An underline indicates that a "<" was removed for graphing purposes

RED text indicates an exceedence of action limit values applicable at the time

BOLD BLACK text indicates an exceedence of a licence limit applicable at the time

Text in blue is Proposed Trigger Warning and Action Levels (November 2017)


pH (pH units)



Iron (mg/L) Arsenic (µg/L) Zinc (µg/L)Surface Water (DX) Sampling Suspended Solids (mg/L) Conductivity (mS/cm) Ammonia (as N) (mg/L) Chemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L)




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EPA Export 20-03-2019:03:57:34

Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Licence Limit

431 1.33 10 17 15.6 26 42 190 208 304 10.7 18.6 25.8 17.8 47 209 0.01 0.33 0.5 1 2

431 1.79 10 17 6.07 26 42 35.8 208 304 10.4 18.6 25.8 4.73 47 209 0.01 0.33 0.5 1 2

431 0.859 10 17 2.98 26 42 29.3 208 304 8.17 30 39 18 11.8 15.6 0.0436 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

431 1.15 10 17 8.51 26 42 21.3 208 304 1.36 30 39 4.39 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

431 1.37 10 17 11 26 42 22.6 208 304 0.85 30 39 2.96 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

431 1.2 10 17 8.54 26 42 32 208 304 2.68 30 39 4.89 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

431 1.2 10 17 6.03 26 42 9.76 208 304 5.03 30 39 6.27 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

431 1.2 10 17 10 26 42 18.3 208 304 0.85 30 39 0.946 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

431 1 10 17 8.22 26 42 69.8 208 304 2.84 30 39 2.75 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

296 1 1.8 2 13.6 15.7 19.3 25.9 155.66 211.05 2.1 12.9 16.9 1.07 19.9 26 0.01 0.036 0.048 1 2

296 1.87 1.8 2 8.87 15.7 19.3 48.3 155.66 211.05 8.07 12.9 16.9 2.45 19.9 26 0.01 0.036 0.048 1 2

109.819 1 2.765 3.499 12.4 16.016 19.925 65.5 180.511 236.628 11.8 22.405 29.646 7.15 8.7 11.2 0.01 0.09 0.125 5 2

109.819 1.22 2.765 3.499 14 16.016 19.925 41.2 180.511 236.628 26.4 22.405 29.646 7.97 8.7 11.2 0.01 0.09 0.125 5.31 2

109.819 1 2.765 3.499 7.39 16.016 19.925 68 180.511 236.628 7.75 22.405 29.646 12.4 8.7 11.2 0.01 0.09 0.125 1 2

109.819 1 2.765 3.499 20.9 16.016 19.925 21.5 180.511 236.628 5.55 22.405 29.646 9.79 8.7 11.2 0.025 0.09 0.125 1 2

96.029 4.33 1.769 2.047 4.92 16.129 19.589 111 138.529 182.472 17.8 10.873 14.253 5.06 5.463 6.817 0.0133 0.031 0.039 1 2

Copper (µg/L) Lead (µg/L) Mercury (µg/L) Mineral Oil (mg/L)Chromium (µg/L) Nickel (µg/L) Aluminium (µg/L)




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EPA Export 20-03-2019:03:57:34

Year Quarter Sampling Date Result Licence Limit ResultWarning

ValueAction Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value

2014 - Q1 31/03/2014 8 35 0.146 8.4 0.473 11 0.1195 0.731

2014 - Q2 29/05/2014 3.5 35 0.246 8.88 0.988 32.4 0.253 2.6

2014 - Q3 25/09/2014 6 35 0.124 7.8 0.337 19 0.11 0.6

2014 - Q4 19/11/2014 5 35 0.263 9.2 0.97 22 0.67 3.1

2015 - Q1 16/02/2015 2 35 0.266 7.72 0.471 21.2 0.0379 0.555

2015 - Q2 03/06/2015 2 35 0.184 1.405 1.731 8.8 0.373 3.05 4.763 20.9 130 155 0.107 0.562 1.043 1.6 1.9 3

2015 - Q3 10/11/2015 11.5 35 0.352 1.405 1.731 7.54 0.936 3.05 4.763 64.6 130 155 0.225 0.562 1.043 1.23 1.9 3

2015 - Q4 07/12/2015 112 35 0.12 1.405 1.731 8.17 0.216 3.05 4.763 78.5 130 155 0.0765 0.562 1.043 0.262 1.9 3

2016 - Q1 (1) 10/02/2016 9 35 0.393 0.985 1.238 7.98 0.698 2.33 3.06 34.8 61.9 80.1 0.157 0.562 1.043 0.904 1.9 3

2016 - Q1 (2) 24/02/2016 10 35 0.363 0.985 1.238 8.43 1.01 2.33 3.06 29.7 61.9 80.1 0.325 0.562 1.043 2.26 1.9 3

2016 - Q2 (1) 30/06/2016 4.5 35 1.13 0.985 1.238 8.62 56.2 2.33 3.06 34.9 61.9 80.1 0.0339 0.562 1.043 0.989 1.9 3

2016 - Q2 (2) 15/08/2016 35 0.985 1.238 0.0253 2.33 3.06 61.9 80.1 0.562 1.043 1.9 3

2016 - Q3 03/10/2016 3.5 35 0.37 0.985 1.238 8.62 1.12 2.33 3.06 25.9 61.9 80.1 0.0584 0.562 1.043 1.83 1.9 3

2016 - Q4 (1) 23/11/2016 11 35 0.575 0.985 1.238 8.13 2.23 2.33 3.06 66.8 61.9 80.1 0.278 0.562 1.043 1.64 1.9 3

2016 - Q4 (2) 09/12/2016 35 0.985 1.238 2.33 3.06 61.9 80.1 0.562 1.043 1.9 3

2017 - Q1 08/03/2017 7.45 35 0.336 0.985 1.238 8 0.93 2.33 3.06 31.6 61.9 80.1 0.103 0.562 1.043 1.73 1.9 3

2017 - Q2 26/04/2017 5.15 35 0.358 0.985 1.238 7.72 1.08 2.33 3.06 48.7 61.9 80.1 0.0465 0.562 1.043 1.2 1.9 3

2017 - Q3 04/09/2017 3.35 35 0.749 0.985 1.238 7.91 0.213 2.33 3.06 32.6 61.9 80.1 0.247 0.562 1.043 2.24 1.9 3

2017 - Q4 07/12/2017 16.4 35 0.567 0.827 1.067 7.41 1.06 1.814 2.326 30.7 69.64 87.49 3.69 0.493 0.653 19.5 2.89 3.66

2018 - Q1 26/03/2018 8.8 35 0.584 0.827 1.067 8.07 - 1.814 2.326 13.6 69.64 87.49 0.019 0.493 0.653 5.89 2.89 3.66

2018 - April 25/04/2018 21 35 0.651 0.771 0.961 7.4 1.32 1.603 2.071 30.3 66.42 82.585 8.41 0.451 0.596 22.4 2.343 2.954

2018 - May 24/05/2018 5.75 35 0.219 0.771 0.961 7.96 0.241 1.603 2.071 25.9 66.42 82.585 0.288 0.451 0.596 1.89 2.343 2.954

2018-September 28/09/2018 6.3 35 0.424 0.771 0.961 8.32 1.72 1.603 2.071 19.7 66.42 82.585 3.24 0.451 0.596 16.6 2.343 2.954

2018-October 31/10/2018 3.65 35 0.239 0.771 0.961 7.47 0.74 1.603 2.071 24.4 66.42 82.585 0.208 0.451 0.596 1.64 2.343 2.954

2018-November 30/11/2018 13 35 0.454 0.855 1.084 7.51 9.08 - 7.10 9.57 - 6.61 0.638 1.836 2.349 29.5 65.687 82.254 0.476 0.626 2.981 3.721

Arsenic (µg/L)


Conductivity (mS/cm)Suspended Solids (mg/L)



Iron (mg/L)pH (pH units)

Text in blue is Proposed Trigger Warning and Action Levels (April 2018)

Text in blue is Proposed Trigger Warning and Action Levels (November 2017)


Surface Water (E) Sampling Chemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L)Ammonia (as N) (mg/L)

An underline indicates that a "<" was removed for graphing purposes

RED text indicates an exceedence of action limit values applicable at the time

ORANGE text indicates an exceedence of warning limit values applicable at the time

BOLD BLACK text indicates an exceedence of a licence limit applicable at the time





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EPA Export 20-03-2019:03:57:34

Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value ResultWarning

ValueAction Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Warning Value Action Value Result Licence Limit

21.88 0.68 2.299 110.6 3.881 0.2 0.06526 2

86.6 2.1 7.03 210 9.52 0.0245 1 2

187.5 1 3.6 78.8 13 16.4 0.02 0.482 2

250 1 11 200 8 12.7 0.02 0.107 2

37.8 0.506 5.89 78.2 8.41 3.81 0.01 1 2

11.1 270 431 0.913 10 17 2.79 26 42 173 208 304 5.53 18.6 25.8 2.32 47 209 0.01 0.33 0.5 1 2

202 270 431 1.84 10 17 13.5 26 42 64.1 208 304 33.4 18.6 25.8 38.2 47 209 0.0368 0.33 0.5 1.78 2

45.9 270 431 0.883 10 17 3.57 26 42 89.1 208 304 10.9 18.6 25.8 20.9 47 209 0.01 0.33 0.5 8.95 2

431 270 431 1.3 10 17 13.6 26 42 71.9 208 304 8.03 30 39 5.14 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

123 270 431 4.72 10 17 9.15 26 42 169 208 304 7.05 30 39 9.39 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

562 270 431 0.879 10 17 45.6 26 42 174 208 304 88.2 30 39 2.99 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1.14 2

41.9 270 431 10 17 26 42 208 304 11.5 30 39 11.8 15.6 0.0615 0.0796 2

47.5 270 431 1.2 10 17 6.32 26 42 278 208 304 7.17 30 39 3.15 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

117 270 431 1.2 10 17 16 26 42 354 208 304 45.8 30 39 19.9 11.8 15.6 0.022 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

270 431 10 17 26 42 208 304 30 39 18.8 11.8 15.6 0.0615 0.0796 2

177 270 431 1.2 10 17 10.3 26 42 73.8 208 304 22.3 30 39 13.6 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1.04 2

42.6 270 431 1.2 10 17 10.6 26 42 103 208 304 15 30 39 4.31 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

10.7 270 431 1 10 17 5.71 26 42 2.72 208 304 1.81 30 39 0.2 11.8 15.6 0.01 0.0615 0.0796 1 2

52.3 248.42 322.92 1 3.33 4.3 6.1 16.78 21.04 5.62 226.33 278.12 0.532 27.87 35.54 0.224 10 12.5 0.01 0.121 0.168 1 2

16.8 248.42 322.92 1 3.33 4.3 2.6 16.78 21.04 10 226.33 278.12 0.3 27.87 35.54 0.2 10 12.5 0.01 0.121 0.168 1 2

13.8 84.822 109.819 1 2.765 3.499 3.69 16.016 19.925 16 180.511 236.628 2.14 22.405 29.646 0.568 8.7 11.2 0.01 0.09 0.125 1 2

114 84.822 109.819 1 2.765 3.499 4.11 16.016 19.925 58.2 180.511 236.628 15.6 22.405 29.646 16.1 8.7 11.2 0.0101 0.09 0.125 1 2

85.6 84.822 109.819 1 2.765 3.499 3.74 16.016 19.925 30.4 180.511 236.628 3.88 22.405 29.646 1.92 8.7 11.2 0.01 0.09 0.125 1 2

97 84.822 109.819 1 2.765 3.499 4 16.016 19.925 14.8 180.511 236.628 7.74 22.405 29.646 3.66 8.7 11.2 0.0259 0.09 0.125 1 2

52 78.877 99.821 1 2.860 3.668 3.41 14.735 18.716 29.7 213.788 278.708 0.784 11.687 15.179 1.41 5.181 6.670 0.01 0.029 0.036 1 2

Mineral Oil (mg/L)Aluminium (µg/L)Chromium (µg/L) Mercury (µg/L)Copper (µg/L) Lead (µg/L)Nickel (µg/L)Zinc (µg/L)




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EPA Export 20-03-2019:03:57:34

EUROPEAN OFFICES AYLESBURY T: +44 (0)1844 337380 BELFAST T: +44 (0)28 9073 2493 BRADFORD-ON-AVON T: +44 (0)1225 309400 BRISTOL T: +44 (0)117 906 4280 CAMBRIDGE T: + 44 (0)1223 813805 CARDIFF T: +44 (0)29 2049 1010 CHELMSFORD T: +44 (0)1245 392170 DUBLIN T: + 353 (0)1 296 4667 EDINBURGH T: +44 (0)131 335 6830 EXETER T: + 44 (0)1392 490152 GLASGOW T: +44 (0)141 353 5037 GRENOBLE T: +33 (0)6 23 37 14 14

GUILDFORD T: +44 (0)1483 889800 LEEDS T: +44 (0)113 258 0650 LONDON T: +44 (0)203 805 6418 MAIDSTONE T: +44 (0)1622 609242 MANCHESTER T: +44 (0)161 872 7564 NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE T: +44 (0)191 261 1966 NOTTINGHAM T: +44 (0)115 964 7280 SHEFFIELD T: +44 (0)114 245 5153 SHREWSBURY T: +44 (0)1743 23 9250 STIRLING T: +44 (0)1786 239900 WORCESTER T: +44 (0)1905 751310




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