Kleeneze 2010 ewb 29

BULLETIN 560-071-08 30.07.10 Issue 29 SEE INSIDE FOR DETAILS OF OUR LATEST INCENTIVE, PLUS OUR FIRST HONG KONG QUALIFIERS!! Yes, it’s July (although the weather seems to be saying otherwise), so you may be feeling puzzled at the news that we’re launching our Christmas Catalogue now. However, put your bewilderment aside for one moment and read this: Last year, when we launched the Christmas Catalogue in August, it was an incredible success with Distributors racking up more sales than ever before. Launching the catalogue early means we can ascertain which products are going to be best sellers – helping to keep them in stock longer. This year – perhaps more than any other – customers are going to have to spread the cost of Christmas, given the economy and impending 2011 rises The competition is on! Many are now launching their Christmas ranges – including the high street – and we’re ahead of the game! This year’s hit catalogue has over 200 new items, more quality cards and wrap than ever before and more Christmas decorations and lights. On top of that, we’ve included more toys on top of the already great-selling ‘Pocket Money’ spreads and there’s the seasonal Cabouchon section too. It’s our front cover product that we’re really excited about, though. One of the offers at Kleeneze LIVE! Bradford, it was quickly sold out! It’s another product perfect for demonstrating to your customers – Colour Changing Ornaments. You can now PREORDER the new Christmas Catalogue! Use code 03727 for a pack of 200 – only £36/52. (Delivery due early August and your account will not be charged until then. Products will be available to order from 6pm on 16 August). Order your Xmas front cover product SIX-PACK now! Last year, our Christmas front cover product - the Colour Changing Candles - was a huge success, with many of you taking it along to demonstrate it on the doorstep. Some of you significantly increased your Kleeneze income with extra candles you sold. This year’s front cover product is going to be even BIGGER!! Introducing the Colour Changing Christmas Tree Ornaments and your chance to order your SIX- PACK right now! EVERYONE will want these - so get yours now and start showing them around!! Call Service Centre now (0844 848 5000) to order preorder your SIX-PACK of the biggest-selling product for the upcoming Christmas season. FREE HANDLING CHARGE - only £30/45 (on calling please you state you are calling to order the ’Christmas 6-Pack’). DUBLIN EARLY LAUNCH FOR RETAIL HIT Kleeneze LIVE! is on it’s way to Dublin! Get ready for a day of MOTIVATION, TRAINING AND INTERACTION!!! Book your ticket now before they sell out – code 02135

Transcript of Kleeneze 2010 ewb 29

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30.07.10 Issue 29


Yes, it’s July (although the weather seems to be saying otherwise), so you may befeeling puzzled at the news that we’re launching our Christmas Catalogue now.However, put your bewilderment aside for one moment and read this:

• Last year, when we launched the Christmas Catalogue in August, it was anincredible success with Distributors racking up more sales than ever before.

• Launching the catalogue early means we can ascertain which products aregoing to be best sellers – helping to keep them in stock longer.

• This year – perhaps more than any other – customers are going to have tospread the cost of Christmas, given the economy and impending 2011 rises

• The competition is on! Many are now launching their Christmas ranges –including the high street – and we’re ahead of the game!

This year’s hit catalogue has over 200 new items, more quality cards and wrapthan ever before and more Christmas decorations and lights. On top of that,we’ve included more toys on top of the already great-selling ‘Pocket Money’spreads and there’s the seasonal Cabouchon section too.

It’s our front cover product that we’re really excited about, though. One of theoffers at Kleeneze LIVE! Bradford, it was quickly sold out! It’s another productperfect for demonstrating to your customers – Colour Changing Ornaments.

You can now PREORDER the new Christmas Catalogue!

Use code 03727 for a pack of 200 – only £36/€52. (Delivery due early August and your accountwill not be charged until then. Products will be available to order from 6pm on 16 August).

Order your Xmas front cover product SIX-PACK now!Last year, our Christmas front cover product - the Colour Changing Candles - was a hugesuccess, with many of you taking it along to demonstrate it on the doorstep. Some of yousignificantly increased your Kleeneze income with extra candles you sold.

This year’s front cover product is going to be even BIGGER!!

Introducing the Colour Changing Christmas Tree Ornaments and your chance to order your SIX-PACK right now!

EVERYONE will want these - so get yours now and start showing them around!!

Call Service Centre now (0844 848 5000) to order preorder your SIX-PACK of the biggest-sellingproduct for the upcoming Christmas season. FREE HANDLING CHARGE - only £30/€45(on calling please you state you are calling to order the ’Christmas 6-Pack’).



Kleeneze LIVE! is on it’sway to Dublin!


Book your ticket now beforethey sell out – code 02135

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The Kleeneze destination of the year is just around the corner! In less than four months, many of you will be boarding a plane for the incrediblecity of Hong Kong to enjoy Kleeneze hospitality at its very height.

This week, we can announce that 18 Distributorships have now qualified for Hong Kong! They are the first of what we’re hoping will be many.Will you be one of those joining them? We’re in the last stretch of qualification now, so it’s up to you to put that little extra in – walk that extramile – to qualify. Your hard work can be rewarded!

“We’ve just found out that our team members, Chris and GeoffRichards, have qualified for Hong Kong thanks to this amazingcompany we work with.

Our daily action steps have been to ensure communication within theteam, so everyone has a part to play in their team leaders achievingtheir goal. Their team members were doing more than they wouldnormally to help them – however, credit where credit is due, Chris andGeoff have worked their 90 day plan for six months now.

Their first 90 day plan didn’t quite come to fruition, but they didn’tquit. They pushed all the more, turning around so many catalogues,chasing stray books, delivering vast amounts to their customers andhelping their teams’ plan maintaining sponsoring activities. And all thisaround their jobs. They have never grumbled and have been on amission to succeed, each and every day. We are so very proud of themand their team, Eze-Aces.”

Norman and Joanne Grundy, Senior Distributors

TIPS FOR THE TOPA couple of weeks ago (EWB issue 26), we asked for your tips on howto stay focused throughout the qualification period for Hong Kong. Asusual, you were only too happy to share your knowledge – what afantastic business for having this resource!

Here are some of our favourites, along with the winning tip.

“There’s a really simple recipe we’re following to ensure qualificationfor the amazing and unmissable incentive of Hong Kong: Have a well-structured, workable plan put together by you and your credible uplinethat leaves nothing to chance.

Mix this with unshakable belief in you, your team and your business.

Add a huge amount of excitement and action, ensuring the journey toGold and beyond is fun!

Finally, and very importantly, make the decision that you’re going &that NOTHING will stand in your way of qualifying.

Watch the Hong Kong DVD daily and allow yourself to visualise youand your team being there. It’s your responsibility to inspire and exciteyour team to allow them to flourish.


Jenny and Martin Amos, Senior Distributors

Here are three of my tips that I’m using to stay focussed:

1. Think about what level of effort is needed to achieve the next saleslevel and get closer to being out of debt and staying off benefits.

2. Think beyond the next year to bigger dreams of achieving financialfreedom and helping others to do the same; this helps me go theextra mile.

3. Eat well, rest and sleep enough and stay fit by pushing the speedat which I do my Kleeneze rounds.

Denise Ashurst, Distributor

“We returned from a year travelling round Australia and South EastAsia in March, but we are keen to travel again so are gunning forHong Kong.

We have little reminders all round the house and even in the carsaying: ‘We are so happy and grateful now we are going to HongKong’ - so the goal is at the front of our minds. We retail £500 a weekpersonally, do flyers, shop cards etc. daily to keep the leads coming in.We speak to all of the team weekly, keeping them informed oftrainings and also what they need to do to reach their targets. We’rejust really excited about the business and qualifying for Hong Kong, aswell as the increase in income it is generating.

In our first two weeks back in the UK, we earned £608.30 withKleeneze. Our first full four weeks earned us £1, 009.06 and oursecond - £1, 049.85. Our last period cheque was for £1,202.41 so ourincome has increased already. We are showing as many people aspossible our cheques and telling them we can show them how to getthe same for themselves. How can anyone refuse?”

Carol Stephen and Gary Watson, Gold Distributors


Congratulations to:

TOP QUALIFIERS:Gavin Scott &Bonnie ArapesBob WebbGeoff & Fiona Webb


Sohail AhmedJennifer & Martin AmosAlf & Carol BellAlan BennettSusan Coleman &Robert Holdford

Lesley Davies &Wendy MeddeltonWilliam & Helen GreavesNorman & Joanne GrundyDaniel & Michelle MarshallJohn & Lesley McNally

John Morgan &Gilly McCroneAnthony & Susan PeachamStewart & Elaina RentonChristine & Geoffrey RichardsKimberley Sunter

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WINNING TIP“Here are our top tips for keeping our eye on the goal. Hong Kongwill be wonderful, but we’d stay focussed for any conferencedestination - they are that super, that special and that important!1. We know what we have to do each day. We work from to-do

lists and we discuss what needs to be done on a daily basis 2. Focus on the team - what’s in it for them? Distributors already in

qualification for Hong Kong need support, encouragement andsometimes a little help turning around catalogues! OtherDistributors will help us work toward our goal if there issomething for them. We use EzeReach messages, personalphone calls and visits and sizzles to accomplish this. More retail= more income. More sponsoring = more stability. For them!

3. Believe it will be done. We go to bed dreaming about whatsmart city clothes to pack and what souvenirs we will bring backfor the team. We keep picturing the Hong Kong skyline andimagining ourselves there. We talk to each other as though wehave already qualified.

4. Retailing a little more. More catalogues = more money.Qualification is all about moving product to increase thevolumes. We’re showing the whole team that we too can doextra blanket drops, present catalogues to infill and go the extramile with current customers to increase the numbers.

5. Be a sponsor monster. More people = more catalogues = moremoney.

6. We give ourselves little treats when we deserve them.A 15 minute break with sticky buns and coffee helps to lift theenergy levels!

7. We monitor the day to day results so that corrective action canbe taken if necessary. We always have a plan B, C and D!!

8. We get our customers involved. We have told many of them thatwe are going to Hong Kong and they encourage us and askabout our progress every time we see them. Similarly, we tellfriends and family that ‘WE ARE GOING TO HONG KONG’, not‘we are trying to go to Hong Kong’.

9. Hong Kong is everywhere in our home. Pictures on the wall,screensaver on the computer and we frequently view the DVD.Visual affirmations help our positive mental attitude.

10. Never quit! We know that the ‘pits’ will creep in now and then.We never dwell on the inevitable ups and downs. We giveourselves a shake and another sticky bun and coffee and get onwith it.”

Steve Johnson and Rosemary Rowntree, Silver ExecutiveDistributors



Confucius say: They must often change whowould be constant in happiness or wisdom.

Have you changed your business habits to ensureyou qualify for Hong Kong? Saying that you will stepup next week, or the week after could mean thatyou will miss out. Change for the better now, andstay changed, and your business will grow.

For more information visit:www.hongkong2010.co.uk


GOLD DISTRIBUTORSTony Fasulo and Julie White

David Wilson and Julie Knight

Katrina and Ian Hawker


Congratulations to our newest GoldDistributors. Remember, an added bonus ofyour climb up the Sales Plan is that you nowhave an extra four tickets in the draw to wina Mini at the Xmas Showcase on Saturday 4September at the NIA!

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“Harry and I joined Kleeneze in May 2010 and straight away we started out to qualifyfor our Fast Start Bonuses. We’ve been using the holiday promotion and it’s goingdown a storm with customers. The ones who really want to go on a holiday areasking for the catalogue to be dropped in every COUPLE of weeks.”

Debra Small and Harry King


UK code 09598 £1, ROI code 09660 €1.50


As announced at Kleeneze LIVE! Bradford last Sunday, Kleeneze is backon your televisions throughout September.

We’ve updated last year’s catalogue advert with the new ChristmasCatalogues and will be hitting screens for this very important month ofthe lead up to Christmas. The exposure of Kleeneze and brandawareness of being on TV means that now is the time for you to takeaction. Buy more catalogues, do more blanket dropping and the nexttime the advert is aired, your customers will have already seen yourcatalogue and be more likely to pick it up and place an order.

Make sure your teams are ready! To take full advantage of thisexposure of the brand, Distributors need to make sure they’recapturing the customers that this will generate.

BE PREPAREDIf you think that all you need to do to get ready for the advert is getsome extra catalogues in, think again!

“We have always had an advertisement on the back window of ourcar but the wording has always been a ‘blind ad’ with no mention ofKleeneze. We decided that we were going to take advantage of thefantastic brand awareness that Kleeneze have been investing in. So wepurchased several car signs and logos and turned our car in to amobile Kleeneze advert. We know that hundreds of Distributors havealready done this but we wish we hadn’t waited so long to do it.

The results, in a few short weeks, have been amazing. Some of ourcustomers think we have ‘won’ a company car. People have stoppedStuart when he has been retailing and asked for a book to bedelivered. But the best is the company lead we received recently.

The address was in the same street where we had been retailing theday before (the car signs were just days old). When Stuart asked theprospect what had prompted him to contact Kleeneze he replied hehad seen one of the company red vans going past his house!

We went on to sign this guy up later that same week. Welcome to theteam Doug. Amazing!

The company are spending millions on raising brand awareness, weneed to get behind their efforts and take full advantage of the greatwork they are doing! Thanks Kleeneze.

Gail and Stuart McKibbin, Senior Executive Distributor

“Yesterday I received an email from Kleeneze with a customer leadwanting a catalogue in my area. I called the person to let them knowthat I would be dropping a book round that day to be told that theyalready had a set of books and an order already written up!

I suggested that they give the Distributor a call but was told that therewas NO name or contact details on the order form! I have now gaineda £23 order and a new customer only because of somebody else’s lackof preparation!

So please remember to always label or print your details on your orderforms! Don’t forget also that this form is the customers receipt and inmy experience distributors who don’t bother to label the forms get alot less orders as customers will be worried that they do not knowwho you are!”

Kate Lee, Gold Distributor



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4 Sept Kleeneze LIVE! Xmas Showcase & BlackTie Gala Dinner – the NIA and HALL 3,the ICC, BIRMINGHAM

6-13 Nov Kleeneze Destination 2010 – HONG KONG

8 Jan 2011 Kleeneze New Year Showcase – HALL 3,the ICC, BIRMINGHAM

TRAINING MEETINGS - 2010 COUNTRYWIDE14 Aug (11/9; 16/10; 13/11; 11/12) Going For Gold. At: The Globe

Hotel, Tuesday Market Place, KINGS LYNN, Norfolk.

PE30 1EZ (Use hotel entrance in Kings Street, opposite

‘Prezzo’) 7.30pm for 8.00pm prompt start. Business

Dress only please. £2.50 per person. Guests free.

Everyone welcome. Contact Ann & John Coe on 01553

829241 or Ezereach 01553 888118.

22 Aug (every four weeks) Freedom Training. 10.00am – 1.00pm

(doors open at 9.30am) Best Western Moat House Hotel,

Festival Way, Etruria, STOKE-ON-TRENT, ST1 5BQ.

Guest speaker Belinda Clarke. Bookings only, £6.00 per

person. Please send cheques (payable to A de Caso) to:

Adele & Jaime de Caso, 38 Poplar Close, Blythe Bridge,

Stoke-on-Trent ST11 9RJ (names will be held at the door,

no tickets are sent out) Business dress only please,

everyone welcome. For further information, please call

01260 218574.

26 Sept It’s back, it’s bigger than ever, it’s ‘The Big 1’! The East

Midlands premier event is coming up soon, so book now

to secure a place with top speakers – Mike and Jean Day,

Mike Gough and Ram and Sylvia Laing. Knowledge is

King will also be there on the day, plus Barney’s Print

Shop. Tickets only £7 per person for a fantastic afternoon

of training with a fantastic raffle. Starts at 12 noon (Doors

open 11am) Finish at 5pm. For further details contact

Andy Buxton & Laura Kelly on 07830 190485. Make

cheques payable to Andy & Laura, 10 Cook Close,

Belper, Derbyshire DE56 0JJ. The meeting is at the

Novotel, Long Eaton, NOTTINGHAM - Jct 25 M1. You

cannot by tickets on the day so don’t delay - book today

- this will be a sell out event. See you there.

29 Sept (14/11) Gillian Nicholson’s Wealth Events Training

Thurrock Hotel, THURROCK, Essex. Registration

11.00am for prompt start at 11.30am. Finish 2.00pm.

£4.00 per Distributor – Guests free. Further information

email: Gillian Nicholson at [email protected].

Arrive ready to learn, leave ready to earn! Wealth of

Income, Wealth of Knowledge, Wealth of Friendships.

OPPORTUNITY MEETINGS - NORTH/SCOTLAND31 July (every four weeks) Aberdeen Opportunity and Training

Meeting, Holiday Inn Express – Aberdeen Exhibition

Centre, Parkway East, Bridge of Don, ABERDEEN, AB23

8AJ. 10.00am – 1.00pm, £3. Contact Lynn Macdonald at

[email protected] or Tel: 01506 414456.

3 Aug (every four weeks) Glasgow Opportunity Express by

Holiday Inn Glasgow, City-Riverside, Stockwell Street,

GLASGOW, G1 4LW 8.00pm- 9.00pm. Contact Lynn

Macdonald at [email protected] or Tel: 01506


9 Aug (6/9; 4/10; 1/11; 29/11) Titans Training and Opportunity

Meeting, Cedar Court Hotel, Mayo Avenue, Off Rooley

Lane, BRADFORD, BD5 8HW, 7.30pm for 8.00pm start.

Everyone welcome. Contact Neil Young on 07932 965

071 or Ezereach: 0113 350 8763.

10 Aug (second Tuesday of each month) BOM meetings at

Carlisle. Border Gate Premier Inn, Carleton, CARLISLE

CA4 OAD Tel: 01228 633311. 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. All

distributors and prospects/guests welcome. Hosts Alistair

Townsend and Malcolm Bullough and will feature a

presentation of the opportunity and a guest speaker. For

information, contact: Alistair Townsend 01228 528126

email: [email protected], Malcolm Bullough 01228

675553 e mail: [email protected].

11 Aug (every four weeks) Teeside Opportunity Meeting, The

Windmill, a purpose built Conference and Seminar

Centre, Dalton Piercy, HARTLEPOOL, TS27 3HN, directly

on A19, just north of Wynyard Park turn-off. Open

meeting, everyone welcome. 8pm Start £2.50 per head.

Guests free. Opp/Training/Recognition/Raffle/Table. Sue

Phoenix 01642 918340 / Peter Neesham 01642 918258.

16 Aug (every four weeks) Edinburgh Opportunity Meeting,

Premier Inn, Haymarket, EDINBURGH. 8pm - 9pm.

Contact Lynn MacDonald at [email protected].

18 Aug (every four weeks) Opportunity Meeting at the Whitwood

Inn, Pioneer Way, CASTLEFORD, WF10 5TG (1/4 mile

Jct 31 M62). 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. Everyone

welcome. Please note smart dress. Hosts Graham and

Georgina Long, Eze 01937 858018.

26 Aug (23/9, 21/10, 18/11, 16/12) Leeds Open Evening, Holiday

Inn, Brighouse, Cliffton Village, LEEDS, HD6 4HW,

7.30pm for 8.00pm start. Dress code: Business Suit. Host

– Craig White 01733808670.

SOUTH/MIDLANDS/WALES2 Aug (30/8; 27/9; 25/10; 22/11; 20/12) Norwich Business

Opportunity Evening, Holiday Inn, Ipswich Road,

NORWICH, NR4 6EP, 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. £3 per

Distributor, guests free. Business dress please. Contact

Stephen on 07810 126010.

2 Aug (30/8; 27/9; 25/10; 22/11) Business Opportunity Meeting

Portsmouth, The Churchillian Pub – Portsdown Hill Road,

PORTSMOUTH, PO6 3LS. Distributors £2. Guests Free.

8.00pm start. Business Dress please. Contact Carol/Alf

023 92 613034.

3 Aug (First Tuesday of every month) Business Opportunity

Meeting. St Leonards Hotel, Ringwood Road, St

Leonards, RINGWOOD, Hampshire, BH24 2NP. 7.30pm

for 8.00pm start, £3.00 per distributor, Guests Free!

Business dress please. Hosts Bob Dalton and Sue

Marshall on 01425 480675 or Ezereach 02380987429.

4 Aug (1/09, 29/09, 27/10, 24/11) Essex Business Opportunity

Meeting at the Holiday Inn, Brook Street, BRENTWOOD,

CM14 5NF, J28 – M25. 7.30 for 8.00pm start. Business

Dress please. Everyone welcome, host Craig White.

EzeReach: 01206 804 635.

16 Aug (11/10 13/12) Eltham open evening. We may have

changed to Bi-monthly but we are still the only open

evening in South London. Open to Blue and Red Groups.

7.30pm registration for prompt 8.00pm start, ends around

9.30pm, then relax for a drink and a sizzle in our own

comfortable Bar & Lounge. Still only £3 per

distributorship, guests free, dress code: smart casual.

Eltham Conservative Club, 254 High Street, ELTHAM,

London SE9 1AA. Contact Joyce & Pete Rowe on 020

8463 7133 or Ezereach 020 3393 2408 or email:

[email protected].

9 Aug Westcountry Open at Padbrook Park Hotel, Cullompton,

DEVON EX15 1RU (signposted 5 mins from J28 on M5).

Special guest speakers Steve Johnson & Rosemary

Rowntree – Silver Executives. All from Red and Blue

groups welcome. Prospect focused Business Opportunity

Presentation, Training, Book Stall, Bids table,

Testimonials, raffle and business related stands. Booking

in starts from 7.30pm. Presentation starts at 8.00pm.

Distributors £3 per person or £4 per couple. Guests

FREE. Ample parking. Accommodation, meals, coffee

and bar available. Following dates First Monday of each

period 6 September, 4 October, 1 November and 29

November Contact Sheelagh & Paul 01392 462710

(Ezereach 01803 898592) or Nigel & Lucinda 01392

874412 (Ezereach 01803 898652).

9 Aug (9/8, 6/9. 4/10, 1/11, 29/11) Business Opportunity Open

Evening, Everyone Welcome, Supreme Inns, Bicker bar

Roundabout, BOSTON A17/A52 junction, registration

7.30pm, £3 per person, Hosts:- Andy & Amanda Holland

email: [email protected] Eze-Reach number:

01553 886597.

11 Aug (every 4 weeks) Birmingham Open BOM. The Plough &

Harrow Hotel, 135 Hagley Road, BIRMINGHAM. 7.45pm

registration for an 8.00pm prompt start. Ample free

parking, good reception areas & bar for team sizzles &

meeting your guests. Unfortunately there is no wheelchair

access to the room (upstairs). Only £3 per distributorship,

guests free (bring loads & see your business grow). Hosts

Gerard & Claire Tucker- Mawr (EzeReach: 0121 314 9785)

and Geoff & Diane Owen (EzeReach: 0121 314 4870)


24 Aug (21/09; 19/10; 16/11) Bristol Opportunity Meeting. Ship

Inn (next to Premier Inn), Thornbury Road, Alveston,

BRISTOL, BS35 3LL. 8.00pm start. Business dress

please. Distributors £2.50 per head, guests FREE. Host:

Andy Cooper, E/R: 0117 911 7561.

24 Aug (21/9; 19/10; 16/11; 14/12) Hemel Hempstead

Opportunity Meeting, Holiday Inn, Breakspear Way,

HEMEL HEMPSTEAD HP2 4UA. £3 per distributor,

guests free. 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. Business dress

please. Hosts: Rosina & Frank Pocock. Tel: 01442


25 Aug (third Wednesday of every Period) Port Talbot BOM at the

Twelve Knights Hotel, Margam Road, PORT TALBOT,

South Wales, SA13 2DB. £3 per person, guests free.

Starts 8pm till 9pm. Free parking, less than 1 mile from

junction 38 of the M4. Host: Raymond Underwood. All

welcome. Ezereach: 01792-824532, email:

[email protected].

26 Aug (30/9, 28/10, 25/11) Open Evening and Opportunity

Showcase, Tottenham Green Leisure Centre, The Gold

Room (1st Floor) 1 Philip Lane, Tottenham, LONDON N15

4JA. A prospect focused, benefits led, presentation of the

Kleeneze Business Opportunity and ‘the four principles of

business’. 7.30pm registration for prompt 8.00pm start.

£3 per distributor. Guests FREE Dress code: Business.

Everyone welcome! Hosts: Tony & Sue Peacham on 0208

521 4664 or Ezereach 0203 051 8333 or email:

[email protected], and John Hawkes on 07767

620441 or email: [email protected].

20 Sept (18/10, 15/11, 13/12) South East Open Evening Bracknell.

Welcomes Blue & Red Groups across the Network. Join

us for an evening of fun with Opportunity Presentations

and Kleeneze Stories. Hospitality Suite (upstairs),

Bracknell Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, BRACKNELL,

Berks, RG12 9SE. 7.45pm for 8.30pm start. Distributors

£3 - guests FREE Business dress please. Contact Debbie

Gee on 01628 626327 or Kate Lee on 0118 9268540.

REPUBLIC OF IRELAND25 Aug (Week 3 of every Period). Portlaoise Open sizzle/training,

The Food Court, The Midway Centre, PORTLAOISE.

7.30pm – 8.30pm. No charge, just buy a tea or coffee.

For more details, contact Kathleen Carolan on

0879092508 or EzeReach 059 86 47500.

Do you have any Training or Opportunity meetings inyour area? Let us know, at [email protected] EzeReach 01772 977402 and we will include them inour weekly meetings diary.



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BULK SALES FIGURES PERIOD 7 – COMBINED100,000 And AboveBob Park & Lynn Macdonald 2,244,534.35Nasko Ratchev & Oksana Karachun 2,242,212.31Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes 2,214,611.52Bob Webb 1,180,143.11Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat 980,142.68Terry Carr 841,290.04Rob Forster & Ray Aziz 840,999.43Gillian Nicholson 790,337.72Freda Fenn & Heather Summers 695,088.21Margaret Moore & Carren Arscott 688,537.40Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden 665,799.30Muriel & Tony Judson 658,724.82Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull 646,209.10John & Jeanette Hawkes 596,277.42Peter & Jackie White 516,944.86Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton 410,664.06Mike & Amanda Bibby 368,213.25Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks 336,341.03Terence & Jean Ash 278,124.92Gary & Esther Watson 275,810.31Margaret & Roy Japp 268,352.22John & Steven Sharp 216,261.74Hazel & John Stephen 209,310.00Robert Gibbons 206,606.67Andy Stephenson & Claire Branch 189,589.39Gordon & Judy Seldon 185,222.79Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer 179,438.58Craig & Magdalena White 179,170.81Claire & Peter Rea 162,204.68John & Sarah Mckie 156,143.72Stephen Geldard 146,919.13Vie & Keith Robertson 146,244.50Phil & Jean Warrington 145,611.77David & Anne Pemberton-Smith 142,480.40Tony & Katharine Briffa 139,604.20Michael & Jean Day 130,344.38Judy Jodrell 127,253.99Mark & Delfina Prosser 115,388.45Robert & Mary Higgins 108,586.54Heather & James Oneil 103,396.37Sylvia & Jack Hood 101,521.37John & Anne Donaldson 101,151.30Victor & Una Brown 100,959.14

35,000 And AboveJill Corlett 99,314.21Sue & Geoffrey Burras 97,588.26Geoff & Fiona Webb 97,106.56John & Christine Prosser 96,071.91Andy & Carolyn Cooper 90,758.99Stephani & Bill Neville 86,163.79Raymond & Miriam Turnbull 85,502.18Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan 84,217.69Mel & Irene Wilson 83,203.17Michael & Susan Pirie 79,398.48Malcolm Ashmore 75,103.54Adele & Jaime De Caso 75,103.54Trevor Mitchell 74,706.66Lindsay Gonsalves & Danny Young 74,442.32Sue & Steve Ferguson 73,906.60Steve & Debbie Roper 73,817.17Dave & Susie Horton 70,997.49David & Rosie Bibby 70,083.99David & Samantha Branch 69,776.11Susan & David Darton 69,507.60Anthony Greeves 67,412.51Lauren & Peter Jackson 66,977.69Carole & Benny Morris 66,366.26Glenn & Caroline Royston 64,106.57Caroline Harris & Craig Cox 63,349.10John & Jenny Holden 63,168.83Eve & Norman Branch 62,230.21Helen Lambert & Richard Woods 61,894.94Declan O’Neill 61,527.63Robert Branch & Marianna Grineva 61,515.93Justin & Olivera Toner 60,635.92Karen & Neil Young 59,806.55Andrew & Sue Boswell 59,461.65Michelle Kennedy 59,142.40Ramon & Sylvia Laing 58,600.51Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw 58,148.82Angela & Norman Campbell 57,877.26Gaynor Morgan 57,861.17Marcell & Joanne Treanor 57,594.03Brian Harwood 56,118.64Jane & John Dunkerley 55,217.45Deborah & Allan Dewar 54,967.98Rosina & Frank Pocock 53,943.76Stephen & Debra Nell 53,706.98Craig & Mary Hawkes 53,621.99Helen & Paul Allgood 53,399.29Nuala & Ronan Mcdonald 53,381.94Julie Collier & Peter Richards 52,676.68Peter & Myrna Wellock 52,189.83Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark 51,473.19Richard & Clare Chantler 50,887.25John & Wendy English 48,779.99Chris & Julia Norton 48,685.17Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth 48,465.00Helen Brooks 48,446.11Mike & Dawn Gough 46,817.02Alf & Carol Bell 45,720.52Su & Jas Bains 45,699.64Debbie & Trevor Collins 45,699.64Christopher & Louise Brown 44,275.80John Webb & Kathryn Price 43,825.51James Curtis 43,522.81Belinda & Peter Clarke 42,332.38Doug & Sandra Roper 41,457.73Alan Meldrum 41,026.54Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain 40,410.19Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan 39,749.35Jay Singh 39,289.79Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward 39,156.26Gabrielle & Paul Broadstock 39,112.37Roger & Barbara Green 38,734.70Alnashir & Yasmin Ratanshi 38,684.59John & Sophia Clements 37,410.41Steven & Sarah Curtis 37,328.42David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin 37,273.50Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly 36,242.42Melanie & Andrew Wilson 36,168.05Ron & Judy Speirs 35,317.64Tracy & David Sheehan 35,214.95

15,000 And AboveGraham & Catherine Hyde 34,916.11Angela & Stephen Burchell 34,887.71Steven Clements 34,840.69Ram & Joginder Singh 34,829.56Michael & Sandra Laydon 34,676.04Derrick & Maria Longwright 34,428.18Stanley & Roy Stewart 34,147.03Tom & Bernadette Hingley 34,084.54Sharon & Andrew Bird 34,057.22Debbie Gee & David White 33,961.15Gill & Donato Sepe 33,481.49Eamonn & Anne Roe 33,340.71Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris 33,192.27Trish & Lee Fisher 33,089.78Alison & Michael Ogden 32,687.95Clare & Martin Whitelock 32,349.40Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey 32,110.73Caroline & Philip Thompson 32,104.05Sunil Popat 30,857.18Paul Tawn & Clare Bason 30,707.99John & Janice Halsall 30,276.15Rhian & E Anthony Jones 30,206.40Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree 30,195.69Denise & Stephen Neal 30,059.93Andrew & Ann Meldrum 30,005.69Kerry & Paul Stonall 29,914.90Graham & Georgina Long 29,863.71Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox 29,389.73Toby Acton & Donna Gold 29,180.98Alexandra Tuesley 28,993.87Amanda & Andrew Holland 28,284.01Stuart & Gail Mckibbin 27,952.47Abigail Colclough 27,233.74Stephen Clark 26,725.09Ian & Agnieszka Clarke 26,260.00Allan Ledwidge 26,239.71Seph O’Connell & Sarah Watson 26,163.11Terry Hayden 26,044.33Chantele & Barry Travis 25,737.35David Pope 25,103.39Debra & Oliver Pusey 25,055.06Keith & Patricia Phillips 24,869.06Keith & Helen Sandland 24,770.42Andrew Ridley & Louise Lee 24,635.96Peter & Sheryl Dutton 24,625.90Brian Manchester 24,454.85Gerwyn Duggan 24,377.57Robert Gould 24,377.57Christine Lappin & Simon Place 24,350.51John & Karina Beesley 24,228.15Karim Karmali 24,180.09Laurence & Rosemary Wiseman 23,920.44Ann Searle & Philip Linsey 23,482.19Lesley Burroughs 22,904.83Ivan Darch 22,769.14Angela & James Macleod 22,760.94Gordon & Patrick Davidson 22,294.66Michael & Jennifer Allsop 22,193.78Nicola & Jerome Neville 22,031.86Coleen & Stephen Batchelor 20,854.21Colin & Charlene Sadler 20,709.34Narendra & Kashmir Kalon 20,276.22Rosemary & Christopher Day 20,236.38Jen & Garry Luke 20,031.57David Belcher 19,949.73Richard & Helen Peuleve 19,934.42Steve & Cathy Chambers 19,738.05Paul Flintoft 19,733.70Kevin Sands 19,034.82Brian & Gay Redstone 18,692.59Jillian & Peter Griffiths 18,507.48Linda & Tony Gower 18,506.14Conor & Linda Treanor 18,503.62Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard 18,467.34Elizabeth & Ian Hyams 18,339.08Christopher & Lynne Marshall 18,331.51Karen & Peter Flitton 18,233.69Christine & Jim Foster 18,221.87Linda & Ian Stanley 18,208.49Elaine & Martin Spafford 17,891.22Gill & Tim Evans 17,828.63Robert Wellock 17,761.96Cindy & David Brown 17,761.96John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo 17,533.42Mark & Sarah Wildman 17,518.10Timothy & Tina Pace 17,338.10Maria & Lee Kowalkowski 17,096.41Mikaela & Andrew Brown 16,980.26Gerry Melanephy & Maureen Mcloughlin 16,932.87Barry & Cecilia Bradbury 16,884.19Gloria & Clive Davies 16,637.93Keith & Veronica King 16,629.85Kodwo Anderson 16,629.85Joseph O’Donnell 16,546.60Gareth & Gil Duffy 16,507.93John & Kath Clease 16,432.48James Dale & Claire Daniels 16,366.63Sheila & Nigel Fowler 16,347.01John Smith 16,259.50Gareth & Jeanette Jones 16,138.49Phil Curtis 16,092.08Paul Meikle 16,042.13Donna & Charles Warr 15,949.17Anthony & Susan Peacham 15,918.15Amelia & Hannah Mchard 15,910.19Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy 15,871.78Michael & Anne Barnaville 15,863.78Martina & James Mcgrath 15,842.39Norman & Joanne Grundy 15,837.77Marie & Jeremy Simmonds 15,824.30Amy Warrington 15,811.47Steven Harding & Narissa Mather 15,552.83Alison & Kevin Thomas 15,515.56Ann & John Coe 15,515.31Pamela Jarvis 15,389.60Christopher Young & Helena Edwards 15,377.37Colin & Sarby Turnbull 15,313.20Helen & Andrew Walsh 15,237.09Diane & Geoff Owen 15,161.79Martyn Cunningham 15,158.66Kevin Rider 15,058.56Jennifer & Martin Amos 15,038.07

10,000 And AboveMichael & Janet Wallace 14,926.64Robert & Jennifer Radbourne 14,682.48

Bev & Dave Townsend 14,587.98Sharon & Craig Davis 14,558.21Keith & Teresa Faulkner 14,407.69Michael & Mercy Radbourne 14,384.87Harold & Minnie Fulton 14,380.68Terry & Jane Hodge 14,364.22Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts 14,302.16Patrick & Helen Loftus 14,302.14Paul Melville 14,280.95Charlie & Gillian Whitton 14,270.73Pierce & Janet Hartley 14,018.42Julian & Karen Pike 13,977.32Michael Amor-Wilkes 13,861.28Gail & Darren Drew 13,773.52Robert & Jacqueline Dolan 13,748.86Tim Sandom 13,577.65Sara Eyres & Christopher Burras 13,540.40Neil & Susan Maclean 13,514.75Colin Roy Scott-Smith 13,514.75Robert & Rosemary Annan 13,486.35Tony & Wendy Vallerine 13,319.01Nichola & David Walmsley 13,315.89John Morgan & Gilly Mc Crone 13,245.39Lyn & Tony Davies 13,222.65Maria Monaghan & Shane Treanor 13,153.63David Byatt & Janet Smith 13,153.62Dean & Rachel Rothwell 13,098.46Andrew & Cheryl Williams 13,057.99Tavis Taylor 13,057.69Raymond & Lorraine Satchell 13,043.56Harry Hancock 12,927.25Christopher Conroy 12,913.38Lorraine & Ian Balcombe 12,913.38Robert & Jennifer Clifton 12,901.76Clive & Pamela Lennard 12,880.81Richard Radbourne & Yvonne Kirk 12,851.33Mark Law & Diana Searle 12,787.74Stephen & Joyce Milne 12,780.65John & Lesley McNally 12,751.59Linda Charles 12,751.59Gavin Thomson 12,691.48Shirley Pere & John Barnes 12,581.48Bill & Joyce Rowe 12,555.55Sarah Jenkins 12,555.55Caroline & Simon Harvey 12,543.91Raymond & Barbara Mann 12,482.35Brian Mooney & Sharon Treanor 12,431.18Michael & Julia Tolton 12,389.61Daniel & Michelle Marshall 12,298.41Timothy Murphy 12,268.14Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford 12,259.58Jacqueline Akhurst & Steven Ellis 12,189.61Richard & Greta Brownridge 12,124.85James & Jane White 12,116.73Darren & Christina Simmons 12,029.48Warren & Pamela Sewell 11,997.30Claire Mires 11,961.79Stephen & Laine Shepherd 11,844.89Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning 11,824.78Bill Caddy 11,664.37Michael Godwin 11,635.95Omran Zaman 11,562.42Barbara Margaret Webb 11,556.41Ian & Carol Parker 11,524.70Barry & Nina Mitchell 11,486.29Carol Talmage & Steven Dowling 11,434.53Sylvia & Gary Green 11,424.58Roger & Simon Mantle 11,423.12Graham & Christine James 11,392.83Darryl Allen 11,351.09Louise Wellock & Nathan Sylvester 11,351.09Sandra Brown 11,351.09Steven Mee & Jaqueline Mullings 11,313.61Declan & Monica Manning 11,313.32Andrew & Denise Hunt 11,306.17Richard & Ranti Fallowfield 11,280.68David & Judith Mccreath 11,247.50Denys & Laura Harris 11,188.39Raymond & Susan Kirkland 11,184.76Alan & Rebekah Larner 11,112.84Jeffrey & Frances Topple 11,071.65Georgina & Phil Gale 11,038.37Paul & Avril Coleman 11,006.15Bob & Rosemarie Hardy 11,001.67David & Jenny Gerry 10,984.97Graham & Marion Whitaker 10,932.15Yvonne & Jonathan Coffey 10,828.99Arthur & Susan Cuthbert 10,801.66Johanna & Stuart Peuleve 10,709.03John & Jenny Caton 10,707.67Janet & Roger Bowen 10,704.32Steven Bond 10,603.95Pete Gill & Amy Kisnorbo 10,586.29Isobel & James Orr 10,459.01Karen Jordan & Rooney Kenneth 10,399.08Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson 10,378.28Wendy Fielding 10,364.20Bernie & Barbara Klinger 10,348.87Patricia Fisher 10,327.43Carole & James Sunter 10,286.82Carlo & Cherry Hrynkiewicz 10,269.37Leslie & Moira Harris 10,258.06Angel & Stuart Hill 10,258.06Christine & Con Browning 10,230.32Seamus & Clare Houghton 10,154.99Clare Haines 10,135.60Angela Wallace 10,128.21Heather Brown 10,109.84Sarah Trim 10,097.62Peter & Jean Monroe 10,080.46Raymond Underwood 10,046.81Trevor & Janet Rawding 10,027.97Ian & Pauline Pilkington 10,014.79

7,500 And AboveMargaret Wright & Jacqui Whittingham 9,985.42Kelly & Steve Elliott 9,958.06Mira Herman & Natalie Lofthouse 9,948.23Peter & Caren Neesham 9,840.17Henry & Diana Crosby 9,824.98David Potter 9,804.43Elizabeth & George Kerr 9,790.34Marion & Anthony Homer 9,787.69June & David Love 9,724.53Shorne & Judith Hodds 9,713.22Kate Lee 9,665.69Sakuntla Kalyan & Richard Lovesey 9,663.97

Ian & Anita Saville 9,663.79Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent 9,636.78Catherine & Stephen Lord 9,607.71Jim & Vicky Smith 9,565.40Robert Young & Clare Mears 9,548.77Tom & Kathryn Forbes 9,372.70Susan Walton 9,320.05Michael Prior 9,318.57Bob & Diane Goulding 9,281.01Christine Sykes & Aidan Fisher 9,277.52Mary Hession & Geraldine Twamley 9,243.21Kira Mckibbin & Andrew Thomas 9,207.57Veronica Nixon 9,173.46Kimberley Sunter 9,130.61David & Christine Rhodes 9,110.77David & Elaine Luke 9,098.90William & Sharon Stevenson 9,082.76William & Jane Warrington 9,050.73Susan Clements & John Dowding 9,025.87Karen Bradley & Antonio Alonso 9,023.95Georgina Marshall & Will Goodger 8,945.33Cath & John Wilkinson 8,931.01Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr 8,912.83Dawn & Bruce Marsden 8,902.39Kathleen Watson 8,886.73Kerry Edees 8,876.62John & Mary Marsh 8,843.62Jeanette & David Ward 8,804.69David & Deborah Lord 8,779.72Tim & Freda Drinkwater 8,779.72Chaitali & Ajit Nath 8,746.06Peter & Cathy Legg 8,735.23Javid Khan 8,716.29Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman 8,701.85Sandra Ellis 8,663.05Gavin & Trish Conway 8,656.64Janet & Andrew Mitchell 8,649.51Sheelagh & Paul Humphries 8,611.59Frederick & Karen Mason 8,605.58Arthur & Irene Bennett 8,586.30Geth & Lynwen Thomas 8,556.75Stuart Chantler & Claire Garrod 8,535.08Craig & Linda Lomas 8,485.78Diana Babbage & Joanna Turner 8,468.15Anita Morris 8,415.85Stephen & Rebecca Gilbert 8,392.47Geoffrey & Berenice Davey 8,381.17Joanne & Tim Powell 8,365.97Tony Fasulo & Julie White 8,337.56Jane & Andrew Connor 8,334.24Sarah Sancho 8,328.99Mark & Debbie Walsh 8,297.08Diana Schuch 8,289.75Vivienne & Richard Washington 8,240.09Andrew & Vicky De Caso 8,232.86Ian & Elisabeth Aitchison 8,196.41Brian & Diane Holmwood 8,164.83Roger & Gillian Coupe 8,143.48Annette Bradley 8,121.16Phillippa Snow & Ky Hale 8,121.16Derek Peter John & Denise Ruth Smith 8,095.06David Wilson & Julie Knight 8,066.27Sheelagh & Brian Carter 8,059.10Michele & Henry Moss 8,040.62Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore 8,040.05Chris & Nicky Evans 8,021.11Paul & Gosia Hammond 8,005.31Sohail Ahmed 8,001.95Cliff & Linda Parker 7,995.26Alex & Kathleen Langler 7,989.16Antony & Aileen Gunn 7,952.58Sarah Darch & Timothy Philp 7,920.50Justine & Steve Giergiel 7,917.25Lee & Michelle Pattinson 7,913.77Sharon & Steve Agnew 7,891.66Anthony Mervin 7,882.03Katrina & Ian Hawker 7,873.30Keith Hatter 7,871.93Lorraine & Mark Collins 7,871.22Donna Clease 7,831.29Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec 7,815.13Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall 7,802.92Rita & Peter Noble 7,802.32Susan Hook 7,779.62Emma Colley 7,775.29David & Heather Flannagan 7,770.43Carol Stephen & Gary Watson 7,768.82Allison Voller & David Armstrong 7,767.77Stephen & Elaine Blay 7,748.78Rajadurai & Gnanaruby Karunakaran 7,747.14Michael & Lianne Rust 7,740.23Janet & Terry Mulley 7,740.23Ian & Lorraine Keyte 7,738.40Lesley & Gordon Whittington 7,734.05Paul & Elaine Evans 7,695.37Willie Louw 7,693.38Susan & Tony Cater 7,677.28Julie Golding 7,671.59Philip Palmer 7,669.22Stacy & Jonathan Beck 7,656.25Kenny Liggett 7,645.81Richard & Shanade Sherratt 7,636.73Lesley Davies & Wendy Meddelton 7,627.93Martyn Regan & Verity Antcliff 7,622.33Peter Savidge 7,621.73Philip & Alison Wimbles 7,618.99Sue & Tony Mincher 7,610.87Fay & Andrew Roe 7,595.38Marie & Stephen Burnett-Hockey 7,590.53Kate & Lee Russell 7,587.74Emma Reeve & Jamie Millar 7,579.51Margaret & Michael Drayton 7,576.65Deborah Morgan 7,570.45Jennifer Lawrence & Jim Corby 7,569.57Anthony & Leslie Carrick 7,562.37John Greenwood 7,554.98Melissa Squires & Ian Slade 7,553.52Jeanette & Roy Bonella 7,548.27Christina & Rob Cann 7,540.77Robert Webb & Dawne Kovan 7,538.29Richard & Patricia Rogers 7,533.14William & Agnes Burgess 7,519.85Lesley Brown & Mark Veidman 7,517.78Stewart & Elaina Renton 7,513.65Jackie & Stuart Bower 7,511.01Christine & Geoffrey Richards 7,502.89Lee & Fiona Henshaw 7,501.69


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