Klausur: Prof. Dr. Hans-J org Schmerer 9.00 - 11.00 Uhr · Prof. Dr. Hans-J org Schmerer Exam...

Fakult¨atf¨ ur Wirtschaftswissenschaft Lehrstuhl f¨ ur Internationale ¨ Okonomie Prof. Dr. Hans-J¨org Schmerer Name: Vorname: Matrikelnummer Klausur: International Trade and Economic Development Modulnummer: 32721 Pr¨ ufer: Prof. Dr. Hans-J¨ org Schmerer Termin: 17.03.2020 9.00 - 11.00 Uhr Question: 1 2 3 Total Points: 40 36 24 100 Score: Note: Datum: Unterschrift des Pr¨ ufers: c 2020 FernUniversit¨ at in Hagen Alle Rechte vorbehalten Copyright © 2020 FernUniversität in Hagen - Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Transcript of Klausur: Prof. Dr. Hans-J org Schmerer 9.00 - 11.00 Uhr · Prof. Dr. Hans-J org Schmerer Exam...

Page 1: Klausur: Prof. Dr. Hans-J org Schmerer 9.00 - 11.00 Uhr · Prof. Dr. Hans-J org Schmerer Exam International Trade and Economic Development Please pay attention to the following points!

Fakultat fur WirtschaftswissenschaftLehrstuhl fur Internationale Okonomie

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jorg Schmerer

Name: Vorname:


Klausur:International Trade and Economic Development


Prufer:Prof. Dr. Hans-Jorg Schmerer


9.00 - 11.00 Uhr

Question: 1 2 3 Total

Points: 40 36 24 100




Unterschrift des Prufers:

c©2020FernUniversitat in HagenAlle Rechte vorbehaltenCopyright © 2020 FernUniversität in Hagen - Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Page 2: Klausur: Prof. Dr. Hans-J org Schmerer 9.00 - 11.00 Uhr · Prof. Dr. Hans-J org Schmerer Exam International Trade and Economic Development Please pay attention to the following points!

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jorg SchmererExam International Trade and Economic Development

Please pay attention to the following points!

The distributed exam should have 23 pages with questions including four additionalsheets of paper. Please check immediately if you have all pages and write your name andmatriculation number on the title page.

Write your answers on the free space under the questions or on the additional sheets.If you need additional space, you can use the reverse side.

The exam consists of 3 questions. You have to answer all questions. You can achievea maximum number of 100 points. The exam is passed if you achieve at least 50 % of allpoints.

Permitted are dictionaries (German - English / English - German) for the sole purposeof translation; not allowed are lexica, technical dictionaries, or monolingual dictionariesas well as collections of sheets, handwritten, copied or printed from the internet. Addi-tional entries (particularly remarks, underlining, and stickers) are not permitted.

The use of a pocket calculator is only allowed if and only if it belongs to one of thefollowing model series:

• Casio fx86 or Casio fx87,

• Texas Instruments TI 30 X II,

• Sharp EL 531.

The use of other pocket calculator models will be rated as attempt to deceive andsanctioned with the grade unsatisfactory (5,0). You can check if a pocket calculatorbelongs to one of the model series stated above by comparing the model name attachedto the pocket calculator with one of the names above: if there is full accordance, themodel is allowed. If the model name on the calculator is more extensive but contains oneof the model names stated above in full, the model is permitted, too. In all other casesthe model is not permitted. Previous or successor models, which are not stated in thelist above, are not permitted, too.

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Page 3: Klausur: Prof. Dr. Hans-J org Schmerer 9.00 - 11.00 Uhr · Prof. Dr. Hans-J org Schmerer Exam International Trade and Economic Development Please pay attention to the following points!

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jorg SchmererExam International Trade and Economic Development

Hinweise zur Klausur - Bitte unbedingt beachten!

Die ausgeteilten Klausurunterlagen bestehen aus insgesamt 23 Seiten mit Frageninklusive vier Seiten Extrapapier. Bitte kontrollieren Sie sofort, ob Sie ein vollstandigesKlausurexemplar erhalten haben und tragen Sie auf dem Deckblatt Ihren Namen undIhre Matrikelnummer ein.

Notieren Sie Ihre Losungen auf den Losungsbogen. Sollten Sie zusatzlichen Platzbenotigen, konnen Sie auch die Ruckseite der Losungsbogen oder das Zusatzpapier ver-wenden.

Die Klausur besteht aus 3 Aufgaben. Es sind alle Aufgaben zu beantworten. Diemaximal erreichbare Punktzahl betragt 100. Die Klausur ist bestanden, wenn Sie min-destens 50 % der Punkte erzielen.

Zugelassen sind Worterbucher (Deutsch - Englisch / Englisch - Deutsch) zum Zweckeder Ubersetzung; nicht zugelassen sind Lexika, Fachworterbucher oder einsprachige Worter-bucher sowie handgeschriebene, aus dem Internet ausgedruckte, oder kopierte Blattsamm-lungen. Zusatzliche Eintragungen (insbes. Anmerkungen, Unterstreichungen und Kle-bezettel) sind nicht erlaubt.

Die Verwendung eines Taschenrechners ist dann und nur dann erlaubt, wenn diesereiner der folgenden Modellreihen angehort:

• Casio fx86 oder Casio fx87,

• Texas Instruments TI 30 X II,

• Sharp EL 531.

Die Verwendung anderer Taschenrechnermodelle wird als Tauschungsversuch gewertetund mit der Note nicht ausreichend (5,0) sanktioniert. Ob ein Taschenrechner einer derModellreihen angehort, konnen Sie selbst uberprufen, indem Sie die vom Hersteller aufdem Rechner angebrachte Modellbezeichnung mit den oben angegebenen Bezeichnun-gen vergleichen: Bei vollstandiger Ubereinstimmung ist das Modell erlaubt. Ist die aufdem Rechner angebrachte Modellbezeichnung umfangreicher, enthalt aber eine der obenangegebenen Bezeichnungen vollstandig, ist das Modell ebenfalls erlaubt. In allen anderenFallen ist das Modell nicht erlaubt. Eventuelle Vorganger- oder Nachfolgermodelle, dienicht in der oben aufgefuhrten Liste enthalten sind, sind ebenfalls nicht erlaubt.

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Page 4: Klausur: Prof. Dr. Hans-J org Schmerer 9.00 - 11.00 Uhr · Prof. Dr. Hans-J org Schmerer Exam International Trade and Economic Development Please pay attention to the following points!

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jorg SchmererExam International Trade and Economic Development

1. The Ricardo model of trade is one of the earliest attempts to answer the question”Why do some countries trade?”.

(a) List and briefly explain five assumptions of the Ricardian model. Pay specialattention to assumptions regarding technology, workers, labor productivity, andconsumers preferences.

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Prof. Dr. Hans-Jorg SchmererExam International Trade and Economic Development

(b) The following table shows numbers of workers required to produce one unit ofoutput.

roses wheatCanada 10 3Ecuador 6 4

Assume that Canada has 350 workers available and Ecuador 180.

Derive the marginal productivity of a worker employed in the roses and wheatsector in Canada and Ecuador.

Derive the maximum production levels for EU and Ecuador in autarky andillustrate your results in an appropirate graph. How are these curves called?Provide formulas for these curves. Derive the price ratios in autarky. (Hint: nooptimization calculation required)

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Prof. Dr. Hans-Jorg SchmererExam International Trade and Economic Development

(c) Give the price range of a possible world market price if Canada and Ecuadorcountries start to trade.

(d) Assume the world market price becomes 0.5 units of wheat per rose. Which tradepattern will establish for which reason? How many units of wheat and roses willbe available in both countries? Illustrate your results in an appropriate graphand illustrate also imports and exports. Assume that consumers have a standardutility function.

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Prof. Dr. Hans-Jorg SchmererExam International Trade and Economic Development

(e) Derive the relative world supply. Illustrate the autarky prices, the world marketequilibrium under free trade, the relative demand and the relative supply in anappropriate graph.

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Page 11: Klausur: Prof. Dr. Hans-J org Schmerer 9.00 - 11.00 Uhr · Prof. Dr. Hans-J org Schmerer Exam International Trade and Economic Development Please pay attention to the following points!

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jorg SchmererExam International Trade and Economic Development

2. The Feenstra and Hanson model

(a) Write down the Stolper Samuelson Theorem.

(b) Explain briefly the benefit of the Feenstra and Hanson model in comparison tothe Heckscher Ohlin model. Is the statement of the Feensta and Hanson modelin agreement with the Stolper Samuelson Theorem?

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Prof. Dr. Hans-Jorg SchmererExam International Trade and Economic Development

(c) Describe the production process in the Feenstra and Hanson model. In whichways is the production process different in comparison to the Heckscher Ohlin orRicardo model? Which factor markets are competitive? How are comparativeadvantages modelled?

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Prof. Dr. Hans-Jorg SchmererExam International Trade and Economic Development

(d) Assume there are two countries: Canada and Ecuador. Canada is more de-veloped than Ecuador. Describe briefly the production process under autarky.Consider the following figure. Explain z, c(z) and which curve belongs to whichcountry.

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Prof. Dr. Hans-Jorg SchmererExam International Trade and Economic Development

(e) Assume FDI flows from Canada to Ecuador and free trade is possible. Providea reason why FDI would react like this. Explain what the flow of FDI meansfor the production in Canada and Ecuador. Add curves to the provided figureto illustrate your reasoning.

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Prof. Dr. Hans-Jorg SchmererExam International Trade and Economic Development

3. The Borjas’ Model distinguishes three different cases of migrants self-selection: pos-itive selection, negative selection, and refugee sorting.

(a) Illustrate the three different cases of migrants self-selection in three figures whichalso show the wages distributions of the origin and destination country. Use thethree coordinate systems provided below. Explain the three cases of migrantsself-selection.

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Prof. Dr. Hans-Jorg SchmererExam International Trade and Economic Development

(b) The expected earnings in the origin country conditional on migration are givenby

E(ln w0|I > 0) = µ0 + E(ε0|


σν> z

)= µ0 +


(ρ− σ0


)( φ(z)

1− Φ(z)

)= µ0 +Q0.

Similarly, the expected value of the earnings in the destination country, condi-tional on migration is equal to

E(ln w1|I > 0) = µ1 + E(ε1|


σν> z

)= µ1 +


(σ1σ0− ρ

)( φ(z)

1− Φ(z)

)= µ1 +Q1.

Express the three self-selection cases in terms of Q0 and Q1. Derive necessaryand sufficient conditions for these expressions. (Notice: ρ < 1)

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Additional sheets of paper...

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