Page 2 Sac. 2 — T h e Tribune-Press, Gouverneur, N.Y. September 18, 1968 EDWARDS ASSEMBLY OF GOD Edward H. Simmons, Pastor Sunday services, Sunday 9:45 a.m.; W o r s h i p , 11 «um.; Youth 6:30 p.m., Evangelistic, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Bible Study, 7:30 p-m. ^__ ; CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Floyd W. Shaw, Pastor Surday school, 10 a.m. Wor- ship 11 a.m. Young People's service, 7:15 p.m. Evangelistic service, 8 p.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. We extend a friendly welcome to you. *KK WORSHIP IN THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE «.«**•( mm District WSCS To Meet Tuesday DcKALB, DeKALB JUNCTION METHODIST Rev. Harold McKay, pastor DeKalb-Worship from 10 to 11a. m; Sunday School from 11 to 12 noon. DeKalb J unction-Worship from 11:15 a*m. to 12:15 a.m. Sunday School-10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. MYF meets at 7:30 p.m., Sun- day evenings. About 150 women are expect- ed to attend the fall meeting of the St. Lawrence District, Women's Society of Christian Service at the United Metho- dist Church, Massena on Tues- day. Sept. 24. The meeting will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with Mrs. William Holt, of Raymond- ville the District president, pre- siding. The theme of the day will be **iHuman Rights" with one of the highlights of presentation of a play, "Dangerfield Newby Goes Uptown". Leadership training sessions for all local officers will be led by district officers. Special free material to aid our local so- cieties will be available. Reservations for lunch should be sent to Mrs. Richard Wood, 3 Belmont street, Massena, 13- 662, by Friday, Sept. 20. Bigelow Couple Is Honored On 31st Wedding Anniversary ANTWERP SPRAGUEVILLE METHODIST Robert H. North, Pastor Services in the Antwerp and Spragueville Methodist churches are as follows: Spragueville - Worship, 10 a.m,; Sunday School, 11 a.m. Antwerp - Sunday s c h o o l 10:30 a.m.; Worship, 11:30 a.m. RICHVILLE BAPTIST CHAPEL Maurice Lindsey, Interim Pastor Sunday, 10 a,m., Sunday School, classes for all ages; 11 a,m., Morning worship, nursery pro- vided, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Mid-week prayer and Bible study. By EDTTH KEYES Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Morrow attended the 31st wedding anni- versary party held at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Gerald LeClair, Bigelow, the evening of Aug. 31. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forsythe, Mr. and Mrs. William Sanderson Sr., Mr. and Mrs. William San- derson Jr., and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Felix, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Prashaw, Arlene Kimball, Murray Raven, Mrs. Charles Forsythe Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bogart, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton, Leona Clark and Jane Gates. Mrs. Felix made the cake for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Morrow and family were dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forsythe Sept. 8. Mrs. Ada Walker received word Sept. 10 that her brother, Alan Blackmere had suffered a heart attack and is a patient at St. Mary's Hospital, Youngstown, N. Y., Room 316. He was pre- Fine Home Bureau To Have Lesson On Cake Decorating September 25th By MRS. GERALD BILLINGS The Fine Home Bureau chap- ter will have a lesson on cake decorating Sept, 25, taught by Mrs. Glayds W r hittaker, Sprague- ville, at the Fine Town Hall at 7 p.m. Chairman, Mrs. Frank Thornton asks all members who attend to bring a frosted cake. Mr. and Mrs. John Bogardus and Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Bo- gardus, Hermon, spent ten days on a trip to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, returning home by way of Ohio. They visited relatives in East Kildonan, St. Boniface, Winni- peg, West Kildonan. Canada, and in Elyria, Ohio, and Central Square. They arrived home Aug. 28. Miss Susan Bogardus, Her- mon, is spending a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bogardus. Mr. and Mrs. George Cum- mings, Hailesboro, were supper quests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bogardus Aug. 31. The first Home Bureau meet- ing of the fall was held at the town hall, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alguire were dinner guests of her sis- ter, Mrs. Mary WUmarth, Can- ton, Sept. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reynolds and two children, Gouverneur, were dinner guests of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alguire, Sept. 9. Joar. Demmon, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. Bert Demmon, has ac- cepted a teaching position at Knox Memorial Central School, Rus- sell. Joar. taught school in Ken- tucky last year. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald BtlUr.gs and g r a n d d a u g h t e r , Amy-J c Demmon, called on Mr. an:: Mrs. Dcnaid! J. Mandigc, West Pierre- pen:, an- Mr. ar.c Mrs. Walter Gilbert, P.usseL, Sept. *. . Helen Shene, daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. 3oz Shene rerurner tc State Lrjversiry Co liege, Os- wego, Sept. 15 fcr ner second year. Mrs. Theresa Hovey arc chil- dren, Water town, caliec on her brother-ir-law and sister, Mr. anc" Mrs. Bor Shene Sept, *. Vrs, Hcvey and children a.s: cai.ee or her mctrer, i_^icy Ca."u:i, tr.at cav. Mr. anc Mrs. Floyd Tr.c-p- son, Skate Creek, cabled on his sisisr-m-la-*. F.orente Tnorr.c- S" *. Gc"jve r ne -*r, Se rx. .3 anc Later Thev spent trie evening ^-.tr. Mr. and'Mrs. Ger*:d Si'arss. odist Church Thursday, The regular meeting of Os- wegatchie Chapter, 292,OESheld its first regular meeting follow- ing summer recess. Reports from Cranberry Lake, Star Lake and South Edwards were made by the respective chairmen on summer projects. . Mr. and Mrs. Leland Kelley, Lisa and Albert Moote spent three days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Thivierge, Cala- donia. The youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Rice is a patient •in Clifton-Fine hospital following surgery. sr-err LT_ e *s. <^z -jvc r ne -r. and Mrs. Mcr*ar. DarueJ. Secc 9-11. v>-;,e hcrr.e she v-sited ner gr arc— z tre r L a JJ- a H ~ZC4LC Z , Or-egatome. Mrs. C.arer.oe Folsrn*.. V-$. MaxL-* Ward. Mrs. Ar: .f-imr &TxZ Mrs. IK~+.Z Sharjc artenoeo a parr> give- tv Mrs. £-coifi K-- br^me a: "*~h;sper^ Pines. Star Laxe, the e-.-erj.ag U Serjc «t. Mrs. R;nr. Kerr arxf ~er sister E^itr Jones, O*uo. arsenoe: tne f^aera* of the.r a^ru iLi*_;a- iReec. a: West SCOCKJXJ- Metn- North Gouverneur Couple Notes 61st Anniversary By HELEN TYLER Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jeffer- son quietly celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sprague and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Filiatrault helped them enjoy their day. Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson received cards, gifts and flowers. Clarence Mclnryre, who un- derwent eye surgery at the Hep- burn hospital, is now convalesc- ing and would like to hear from and see his friend*. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Thomp- son drove to Ithaca Thursday with their son, Douglas, who is enrolled at CorneiL Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thomp- son ar.d Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cole artended the Trailer Raiiy at Massena the Sept. " weekend. Jane Thompson rerurned tc her college srudies at Rochester Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kinney and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kinney attended a memorial service at Star Lake Sunday evening. Mr. anc Mrs. Cyril Greer.hil! visited Mr. and Mrs. .Donald Thompscn one evening last week. Mary Wight arteride- a dinner Sun-ay a- f>e Tr:ut Laxe camp c: Lil;:ar Baldwin. T'ne rjests were a.i members of the Birth- day Clur. Vrs. D:r:s Lavack was a Sun- day g-ies: a: the heme of r>er s.ster-:r-;a-*. VJ*S. Harry L-:s?e, Ge..:s*--^ Mrs. Lavac* spent the Se:_ * weekenc w.tr ner s:n, Fre:er:c ar.d farr.iiy. 5»ur.ca\ n.r-jver g\jes:s zA E^a Ty.er *~re Kermar Smit. Str. a-c Mrs. v e . r Ty;er ar*d V J S . cset>"-"je '»'«•.'"*•, Tne» ne.rjei Mrs. 7>.er ;e e:ra*e ner r.rtr- da- a-: a.s- c-rsen-.e: rre *rs~- versar**' z,i *»'J*. a*: Strs. Ke;ir viously hospitalized in July with a heart condition. Mr. B l a c k m e r e has many friends and relatives in this area and he would appreciate hearing from them. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Patience spent Sept. 8 with Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Edgerly, Oxbow. Mrs. Leland Patience recent- ly spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carpenter, Water- town. Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Felix, attended the baptism of her neph- ew, Merle Boulton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Boulton, at the United Church in Sackets Har- bor, Sept. 8. Charles Edward Dusharm was recently discharged from the army and will live in Fullerton, Calif. At present he is spending a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dusharm. Charles was in active duty in Germany and Korea, spending 13 months in each place. . Mrs. Joseph (Bonnie Jean) Smith and children, Joey and Jenny, Fullerton, Calif., are spending a month with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Du- isharm. Charles will accompany her back to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Ritchie and Mrs. Edith Gardner were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Dickerson, Trout Lake, Sept. 10. Eva McCullough, Syracuse, is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Don Farr. Mr. and Mrs. Amon Donaldson, -Rochester, spent a few days with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Don Farr and visited other relatives and friends in the area. Anyone having news please call 287-3239. Brenda Stevens and her two nieces, Debbie and Yvonne Lee, Carthage, spent Sept, 8 with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stevens. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ferris and son, Warminster, Pa,, re- cently spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Arza Melleru Belle Me lien attended the St. Lawrence County Council VFW meeting at Saranac Lake Sept. 8. Belle Mellen attended the wed- ding and reception of LorenTay- lor and Linda Collins at the Potsdam Methodist Church Sept. 7. Edith Gardner spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Ivan Breaky, Heuvelton. versary. Relatives came from Mexico, Auburn and Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Hurlbut were mar- ried Sept. 10, 1908 and have lived In this community all their wed- ded years. They are both active in church, lodge and other activ- ities. Mr. and Mrs. William Over- acker and Linda Patron were Sunday dinner guests of Stella Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sullivan and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wood- side and David were Sunday- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mac- Meecham, Hammond. A very pretty wedding was held at the Merhodist Church Sepc 7 when Cynthia Streeter became the br:de of James Garrison. Miss Streeter is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Streeter and Mr. Gam;sen is from Syracuse. A recepc^n was held following the ceremony at the VFW'. After a wedding trip tc the Sew Eng- ianc States the couple will re- side m Burlirxton. N. j . Mr. arc vl~s. Frarjc Plar.ry, Go--verrjeur. were Friday eve- n;ni irjests ci Vs. arc Mrs. M:.ten "^DO- Sun-ay g^jes'S a: Robert Hal.s were Mr. arc S'.rs. Ar^ie Ha*l ar.d family, Mr. arc Mrs. Mi.- tcn W:<c AT.Z Mr. and Mrs. Horace Jacks:r arc c.nilcren, Ze- Pevster. This *as a famiry gam- er ITJL tc re-or S's. -KaJ or ms tmtror-. The White Church At North Gouverneur Scotch Settlement Horse Takes First In Class Of Thirty-Five t tur- r ere: tne Mr. brat "--•£: r.TT -• £,- '. a! e*/e sr*: £ * ^a " .a,?: 15 c 'ire "* mn£ ^s. ej- z &z% •* ?*e c - : -e &.-ioe c: Se c-^rr :.o«e- »a: Cr .Z'Z-Z.7* rrjr J^-t :t- " t: H J T JT<,T* ** v;*g urr*r>z zatr- %: —e r*.r ceje- anr-- F-r the f.r?* $:x r-.cnth« of :ii*5£ r- tc - v«?>y - > «< c i **r ts <M j»e^ r 2X <^ath« and 90C - (OOC &j**z'.ji£ L-.rrr.€-s a rjc r*r cser.t ^crwv c 4 ?* 5 * Jar: yea- 8^ccr-3:r.r tc t^.e Safer>- C*jr>c::. By MABEL BAILEY Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton at- tended the Franklin Trail Riders show at Burke Sept. L Leaders Janle Babe won third in the Mor- gan line class and second in par- ade class. Poker Chip took first in ladies western pleasure and received the trophy awarded in memory of Gene Timmons, for- mer mayor of Malone. Thirty- five horses were entered in the- class. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton called on Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hilts, Ma- lone, the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Storrin received word from their daugh- ter, Mrs. Allan Douglass that Mr. Douglass has started his classes in San Jose State College. Their address is: Tahoe Manor, Apt. 52, 2726 Kollmar Drive, San Jose, Calif., 95127. Allan Hall, Gouverneur, and Terry Wright attended the Sy- racuse fair the evening of Aug. 29. Mrs. Mildred Dalton received word that she had won money and a blue ribbon for the best parade horse at the Centennial parade in Ogdensburg. Randy Reynolds, son of James Reynolds, who makes his home with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reynolds, was the only child on this road to start kindergarten this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Frawley, LaFargeville, were Sept. 1 din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dalton to celebrate Mr. Fraw- ley's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. George Parish, Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Coby Helmer, Winchester, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. Wiibert Parish, DePeyster, were Sept, 1 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Price. Mrs. Norman Dalton, Mrs. Gary Dalton, Nancy and Jammie were Friday callers of Mrs. Nel- lie Fuller and Leon Bressett, Brasie Corners, and of Mrs. Grace Gates, Gouverneur. Jack and Mickey Wright, Beech Creek, Pa. t spent the Labor Day •weekend at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carr and family and Earl Carr, Gouv- erneur. were Sept. 1 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dodds at their camp at Sylvia Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Watson, Pennellviile, spent the holiday weekend with their nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rey- nolds. The Reynolds and Watson families attended a surprise birthday and railroad retire- ment party for Mr. Reynold's father, Ernest, held at the '.Amer- ican Legion home Aug. 3L MJ-. and Mrs. Thomas Ccates, Windsor, were Laser Day week- end g-*s:s of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ccates. Mr. a->d Mrs. Gary Daitcn and Mr. sund Mrs. Norma.-. Da.ton at- tended Car.aii's c.ami>ake Sept, i. .Mr. ano Mrs. .KdreC Browr^ Richvuie. caLed or. Str. and Mrs. Norman Dayton the evening cf Sepc 2. Mr. a-: Mrs. Rcy Walrith ST.. anc Calvm artenoed the rirrhday arc retirement parry for Ernest F.evrc.cs ne.o a: the Amer;car. Lefio-r no me. Mr. i^i S e s . Mark Daltcr. ar- terde: tre F j-emer/s Horae Sbc» at Co.ten. Sepc L jc Nc White Sex won second in two-year-old and under colt class and Poker Chip won fourth in western pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Stowell Jr. and family spent the Labor Day weekend with Mrs. Ethel Youngs, Oswego. They attended the Syracuse fair Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Wat- son were Sepu 1 morning call- .ers of Mr. and Mrs. Wally Wat- son, Edwards. Mrs. ^ Mfcr* Dalton received word that her brother, Floyd Hilts, Malone, had undergone eye surgery at the House of the Good Samaritan, Sept. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Pray and family, DePeyster, were Sept. 1 evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Price. George Maturanu, Chazy, and Mr. and Mrs. Dbnald Klock, Bal- mat, were Sept. 2 callers of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wright* Mrs. Cleo Dalton, Mrs. Gary Dalton, Nancy and Jammie were Sept. 3 callers of Mr. and Mrs. Art Allen, Water town. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coates and Herbie spent Sept. 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Merton Van Sant at their camp on Lake Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown, Richville, were Sept. 2 evening callers of Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Hermon Bodmle and family, Auburn, Ont., spent the Labor Day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Durant spent Sept, 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Woods at their camp at Lake Bonaparte. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton paid their respects to the fam- ily of Donald LaPlanty, Ogdens- burg Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert More- house. Edwards, were Aug. 31 supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,Mark Dalton. GOUVERNEUR ST. JAMES Sunday Masses: 8,9:30,11 a,m., 5:30 p.rru, Richville, 12 noon. Weekday Masses: 8 a,rru, 5 p.m. Confessions before all Masses and Saturday 4 and 7:30 p.m. Baptisms Sundays at 1 p.m. Table Talk on WIGS at 11:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. UNTIED PRESBYTERIAN STAR LAKE R. E. McCluggage, Pastor Sunday services — 11:15 a.n-u f Worship; 11:15 a.nu, Church School; Nursery for pre-school children. Sunday services at Wanakena and Cranberry Lake, 9:30 a«m # , alternating every other Sunday. TRINITY EPISCOPAL Edward F. Caldwell, Rector Sunday services, 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 10 a.m. Morning Prayer (abbrev.) and Choral Eu- charist. Sunday, Sept. 15, 7:30-9 p.m., Episcopal Young Churchmen meet in Undercrofffor program, refreshments and Evening Prayer. Wednesday, Sept.IS. 6:15 p.m., Pot-lur* supper. Those attending are anced to bring a dish to pass and their own table service. Coffee, milk provided. Weekday service — Thurs- days at 10 a.m. Holy Commun- ion. On the first Thursday of each month, this is followed by a Healing Service, which includes special prayers for the sick, for those in needL Visitors and newcomers are welcome. Church Telephone is 287-0755. Rectory Telephone is 287-0744. Anticerp The Northern New York .Asso- ciation of the Past Noble Grands met at Earnest Rebekah Lodge, 16, Friday. Luncheon was serv- ed with 45 in attendance, includ- ing Elizabeth Dunlop, assembly president, State of New York, and Marion Nelson, president of the association. Four candidates were initiated. They were Ella Gill, Redwood Lodge; Ruth Moore. Unity Lodge, and Esther Arno and Nellie San- ders, Carthage. The .Altar and Rosary Society of Sc Michael's Church met Sept. 12 a: the rectory. Thelma Spad- •ccir.1, president, was in charge and Father Meehar. led the Ros- ary. A membership drive is scheduled for the mcr.th of Oc- tober. There will be a- ice crearr. socia. Sepc 2C a: ";3C p.m. or. ithe Library ismr.. The Drum and Bug.e Corps wili furrush er:ter- tairjrrer.:. The ner: rr>eeting wii: be a: the bcr* of Alice De scrrriea-j: Oct. K. A rjr-jT.age »a> is schedule:! for Oct. JG-U-J a: 2>e Tcurr.Ha^ fee the benef;: cf the Altar and Fcsarv Society. The W5Cs'of the MethocLir: Church held their firr:failrneet- ioc SepL 12 a: the bcrae of Vta. Virginia Eager wi± ;£ preaar^ FULLERV1LLE METHODIST CHURCH Winifred M. Mason, Pastor Sunday service, 8:30 a.m. PARISH OF NATTVmr, STAR LAKE, HERMON Charles U\ Blacklock, Pastor Hermon, St. Augustine's chap- el, U a.m.. Morning Prayer. Star Lake, Ascension Chapel, 9 a.m., morning prayer. ST. HENRY'S CHURCH OdCALB JUNCTION Rev. John Senacal, Paator iSmday Masses: &^30 and 10 a»m. Mrs. Marian Rose was assistant hostess. The meeting opened with Mrs. Doris Whijrore, presiding with the "New Purpose" by ail of the WSCS and Wesleyan Service Guild. Mrs. Robert North had the devotions and program, The Sc Lawrence District fail meeting win be held Sepc 24, ilC a.m. tc 3 p.m. at the United Methodist Church, Massena with the Acme ,r Hur,tr Rights". Ail Methodist w^mer are LTviaed. For reservations ca*i Doris Whit- more try Sept. 20, The Womer/s Fe Heirship So- cier>- of ^ e Corgrega:;c-a. Church wtii tirve t rsrr^TAge saje Sepc T-2& at tiae Town haJfrom 9 a.m. tc 4^0 p,rr^ The Home Aemcnsn-atloc mil will oeet Sepc 19 at 5 p.m. wltt Kk-s. Vnrttc Cu&ertsoa. iHoraesaes are Mrs, Leoca Jtirk- by 9&i Heiac AitocL GOUVERNEUR FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Donald S. French, Pastor Sunday, Sepc 22, Services for the Lord's Day 11 a.m., to be broadcast over Wigs; the Rev. Donald S. French will have as his sermon topic '*The Saints Go Marching By" based on Psalm 16 and Romans 15:16-3L The Sen- ior Choir, under the direction of Mrs. Charles Johnson, will sing •The Eternal God Is Thy Refuge M , by Eric H. Thimer. Thursday, Sepc 19, Deacon's meeting in the Westminster room at 7:30 p.m. with the Rev. Donald S. French. Sunday, Sepc 29, Church School will begin at 9:45 a.m., kinder- garten through junior high. Friday, Occ 4, Country Fair, sale and silent auction, will be neld in church basement, begin- ning at 10 a.m. There will be a luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Occ 9,TheU.P.W. Presbyterial will be held at the church with a coffee hour at 9:30 a.m. Luncheon at 12 noon. COUVERNEUR UNITED METHODIST Stanley E. Brown, Pastor Sunday, Sepc 22, The Fifth Sunday in Kingdomtide, 7 a.m., The Word and Music of the Chris- tian Faith broadcast over WIGS, Gouverneur, with the pastor as host on the theme: "A Time For Listening"; 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10 a.m., Chancel Choir; 10:30 a.m., Pre-school Nursery- care in the Parish House; 11a.m., Morning Worship, a Service of Praise and Prayer and Preach- ing with the Sermon by the pas- tor from I Peter 3:4, and Psalm 8:4. Mrs. Frederick Hopper, or- ganise playing Richolson's "Classic Andante" for prelude and 'Thanks Be To God" by Sergisson for postlude. The Chancel Choir, Mrs. Gordon Mc- Pherson, director, will sing "Seek Ye The Lord" and "Let There Be Peace" for anthem and offertory with Mrs. David Kings- ley, soloisc Weldon VanOrnum will be in charge of ushers. Unit 3 of the Women's Society is car- ing for the altar and altar flow- ers, and the acolytes for this Service of Worship will be Dale ' Benware and Ian MacWilliam; , 6 p.m., Methodist Youth Fellow- ship at the Church with thepres- ident. Dale Woodcock, as the ' worship and program leader. Wednesday, Sepc 18,12:30 p^rru Red Cross Bloodmobile at the First Presbyterian Church in Gouverneur; 6:30 p.m., Operor Class covered-dish supper - meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- nold Whitton, 20 Graves streec Thursday, Sepc 19, 10 a.m. f Public rummage sale in Fellow- ship hall sponsored by the Women's Society. All saleable donations may be left in the Church kitchen on Wednesday and Thursday morning; 2:30p.m., Unit 3, Mrs. Charles Griffith, unit leader, will meet with Mrs* Griffith at 182 Rowley street; 6 p.m., Unit 1, Mrs. William Row- ley, unit leader, will meet with Mrs. Walter Stowell, 47 Park street, for a covered-dish sup- per and program; 7 p.m., Chan- cel Choir rehearsal in the Church Sanctuary. All members and all persons interested in joining the choir are invited to be present; 7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 21 at the Church with Scoutmaster Gregory Foy. Friday, Sepc 20, 10 a.m., Pub- lic rummage sale in Fellowship Hall sponsored by the Women's Society; 3:45 p.m., Miriam Choir; Crusader Choir; all grade-school boys and girls in the elementary schools are invited and welcome to join one of these two choirs. Monday, Sepc 23, 6 p.m., 1000 Island Council Girl Scouts meet- ing in Fellowship Hall. Wednesday, Sepc 25,6:30 p,m. f Women's Society first fall meet- ing in Fellowship HalL A cov- ered-dish supper - meeting hon- oring past presidents of the So- ciety. NORTH GOUVERNEUR METHODIST Stanley E. Brown, Pastor Sunday, Sepc 22, 7 a.m.,The Word and Music of the Chris- tian Faith broadcast over WIGS, Gouverneur, with the pastor as host on the theme: "A Time For Listening"; 9:30 a.m., Morning Worship, a Service of Praise and Prayer and Preaching with the Sermon by che pastor from 1 Peter 3:4 and Paalm 8:4. Or- ganise Miss Dehra Kinney; 10 a.m., Sunday SchooL Mrs. Wal- lace Hurlbuc superintended GOUVERNEUR FIRST BAPTIST Herbert A. Hunt, Pastor Sunday, Sepc 22, Church School classes will be held at 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship will be con- ducted at 11 a*m. The Pastor will have as the topic of his sermon, '•How Do We Do It?" and will use as his text, Revelation 3:20 — ••Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me." The Scripture read- ing will be Revelation 3:14-22. The Senior Choir, under the direction of Mrs. Hope Favreau, will sing the Anthenu The organ Prelude, Offertory, and Fost- lude will be played by Mrs. Mel- vin Gates, organise The Senior High Baptist Youth Fellowship will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the Pastor's Study. Thursday, Sepc 19, The Board of Trustees will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Pastor's Study. Boy Scout Troop 75 will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the church dining room. Saturday, Sepc 21, The Senior Choir will rehearse at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary. You are cordially invited to listen to "The Laymen's Hour," broadcast every Sunday morning at 7:30 a.m. over WIGS. FOWLER BAPTIST Herbert A. Hunt, Pastor Sunday, Sepc 22, Morning Wor- ship will be conducted at 9:15 a.m. The Pastor will have as the topic of his sermon, "How Do We Do It?" and will use as his text Revelation 3:20 — "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me." The Scripture reading will be Revelation 3:14-22. The Baptist Youth Fellowship will meet at 4 p.m. at the church. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Gordon B. Edserton, Pastor Thoughts: "Happiness adds and multiplies as we divide it with others"; Dorcas Federa- tion (Adirondack District) meeting will be Oct. 3, begin- ning at 10 a.m- pot luck din- ner, meeting in afternoon. Friends are cordially invited to attend. Morning worship 9:15 a.m. Sabbath Morning; Sabbath School at 10:45 a.m.; Senior Glass, "Patient Endurance and the Coming of Christ; Earli- teen Class, "Women of the Bi- ble"; Primary Class, 'Paul is in the Storm"; Cradle Roll, 44 Jesus makes a sick girl well/' OSWEGATCHIE BAPTIST Ted and Natalie Burke, Pastors Sunday, Sept. 22, Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; Morning Wor- ship, 10:45, "Unredeemable"; Senior High Youth, 5:45 pjn.; Evening Worship, 7:30, guest speaker, Pastor Beaudry of the Edwards Methodist Parish. Monday, 7:30 p.m., Choir practice. Tuesday, 7 p.m., Prayer and Bible study. Wednesday, 3:30 pjn. t Pil- grim girls. Thursday, 7:30 pjn., Women's Missionary with Mia. McCrim- roon's as hostess. RICHVILLE UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Sept 22 Floyd Powell, lay preacher, will con- duct the 10 a.m. service. MACOMB WESLEYAN James R Redstone, Paator Sunday services, Sept. 22, Sunday School, 10:30 a.m.; Morning worship, 11:15 a.m.; Evening service, 8 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m. prayer- ineetin^ OXBOW, ROSSIE, BRASIE CORNERS PARISH John R Hatt, Pastor Hours of worship for Septem- ber will be 9 a.m. at Brasie Corners; 10:15 a.m. at Oxbow and 11:30 a.rru at Rossie. GOUVERNEUR FREE METHODIST Eric Harblin, Paator Sunday School, 10 a»m.; Sunday morning aervice, 11 a.m.; Y.P.S*. 7:15 p.m»; Sunday evening wor- ship, 7:30 p»m. Mid-week aerrice, Thuraday, 7:30 p.ro, A friendly welcome to aiL TMi MOtTHRN


P a g e 2 Sac. 2 — T h e Tribune-Press , Gouverneur, N .Y . S e p t e m b e r 18, 1 9 6 8



Edward H. Simmons, Pastor Sunday services, Sunday

9:45 a.m.; W o r s h i p , 11 «um.; Youth 6:30 p.m., Evangelistic, 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Bible Study, 7:30 p-m. ^ _ _ ;


Floyd W. Shaw, Pastor Surday school, 10 a.m. Wor­

ship 11 a.m. Y o u n g People's service, 7:15 p.m. Evangelistic service, 8 p.m.

Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m.

We extend a friendly welcome to you.



« . « * * • ( mm

District WSCS To Meet Tuesday



Rev. Harold McKay, pastor DeKalb-Worship from 10 to

11a. m; Sunday School from 11 to 12 noon.

DeKalb J unction-Worship from 11:15 a*m. to 12:15 a.m. Sunday School-10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.

MYF meets at 7:30 p.m., Sun­day evenings.

About 150 women are expect­ed to attend the fall meeting of the St. Lawrence District, Women's Society of Christian Service at the United Metho­dist Church, Massena on Tues­day. Sept. 24. The meeting will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with Mrs. William Holt, of Raymond-ville the District president, pre­siding.

The theme of the day will be **iHuman Rights" with one of

the highlights of presentation of a p l a y , "Dangerfield Newby Goes Uptown".

Leadership training sessions for all local officers will be led by district officers. Special free material to aid our local so­cieties will be available.

Reservations for lunch should be sent to Mrs. Richard Wood, 3 Belmont street, Massena, 13-662, by Friday, Sept. 20.

Bigelow Couple Is Honored

On 31st Wedding Anniversary


METHODIST Robert H. North, Pastor

Services in the Antwerp and Spragueville Methodist churches are as follows:

S p r a g u e v i l l e - Worship, 10 a.m,; Sunday School, 11 a.m.

A n t w e r p - Sunday s c h o o l 10:30 a.m.; Worship, 11:30 a.m.


Maurice Lindsey, Interim Pastor Sunday, 10 a,m., Sunday School,

c lasses for all ages; 11 a,m., Morning worship, nursery pro­vided,

Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Mid-week prayer and Bible study.

By EDTTH KEYES Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Morrow

attended the 31st wedding anni­versary party held at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Gerald LeClair, Bigelow, the evening of Aug. 31. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forsythe, Mr. and Mrs. William Sanderson Sr., Mr. and Mrs. William San­derson Jr., and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Felix, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Prashaw, Arlene Kimball, Murray Raven, Mrs. C h a r l e s Forsythe Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bogart, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton, Leona Clark and Jane Gates. Mrs. Felix made the cake for the occasion.

Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Morrow and family were dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forsythe Sept. 8.

Mrs. Ada Walker r e c e i v e d word Sept. 10 that her brother, Alan Blackmere had suffered a heart attack and is a patient at St. Mary's Hospital, Youngstown, N. Y., Room 316. He was pre-

Fine Home Bureau To Have Lesson

On Cake Decorating September 25th By MRS. GERALD BILLINGS The Fine Home Bureau chap­

ter will have a lesson on cake decorating Sept, 25, taught by Mrs. Glayds Wrhittaker, Sprague­ville, at the Fine Town Hall at 7 p.m. Chairman, Mrs. Frank Thornton asks all members who attend to bring a frosted cake.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bogardus and Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Bo­gardus, Hermon, spent ten days on a trip to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, returning home by way of Ohio.

They visited relatives in East Kildonan, St. Boniface, Winni­peg, West Kildonan. Canada, and in Elyria, Ohio, and Central Square. They arrived home Aug. 28.

Miss Susan Bogardus, Her­mon, is spending a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bogardus.

Mr. and Mrs. George Cum-mings, Hailesboro, were supper quests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bogardus Aug. 31.

The first Home Bureau meet­ing of the fall was held at the town hall, Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alguire were dinner guests of her s i s ­ter, Mrs. Mary WUmarth, Can­ton, Sept. 8.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reynolds and two children, Gouverneur, were dinner guests of her par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alguire, Sept. 9.

Joar. Demmon, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. Bert Demmon, has ac­cepted a teaching position at Knox Memorial Central School, Rus­sell. Joar. taught school in Ken­tucky last year.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald BtlUr.gs and g r a n d d a u g h t e r , Amy-J c Demmon, called on Mr. an:: Mrs. Dcnaid! J. Mandigc, West Pierre-pen:, an- Mr. ar.c Mrs. Walter Gilbert, P.usseL, Sept. *. . Helen Shene, daughter of Mr.

-and Mrs. 3oz Shene rerurner tc State Lrjversiry Co liege, Os­wego, Sept. 15 fcr ner second year.

Mrs. Theresa Hovey arc chil­dren, Water town, caliec on her brother-ir-law and sister, Mr. anc" Mrs. Bor Shene Sept, *. Vrs , Hcvey and children a.s: cai.ee or her mctrer, i_ icy Ca."u:i, tr.at cav.

Mr. anc Mrs. Floyd Tr.c-p-son, Skate Creek, cabled on his sisisr-m-la-*. F.orente Tnorr.c-S" *. Gc"jve r ne -*r, Se rx. .3 anc Later Thev spent trie evening ^-.tr. Mr. and'Mrs. Ger*:d Si'arss.

odist Church Thursday, The regular meeting of Os-

wegatchie Chapter, 292,OESheld its first regular meeting follow­ing summer recess . Reports from Cranberry Lake, Star Lake and South Edwards were made by the respective chairmen on summer projects.

. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Kelley, Lisa and Albert Moote spent three days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Thivierge, Cala-donia.

The youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Rice is a patient •in Clifton-Fine hospital following surgery.

sr-err LT_ e *s. <^z -jvc r ne -r.

and Mrs. Mcr*ar. DarueJ. Secc 9-11. v>-;,e hcrr.e she v-sited ner gr arc— z tre r L a JJ- a H ~ZC4LC Z , Or-egatome.

Mrs. C.arer.oe Folsrn*.. V-$. MaxL-* Ward. Mrs. Ar: .f-imr &TxZ Mrs. IK~+.Z Sharjc artenoeo a parr> give- tv Mrs. £-coifi K--br^me a: "*~h;sper^ Pines. Star Laxe, the e-.-erj.ag U Serjc «t.

Mrs. R;nr. Kerr arxf ~er sister E^itr Jones, O*uo. arsenoe: tne f^aera* of the.r a^ru iLi*_;a-iReec. a: West SCOCKJXJ- Metn-

North Gouverneur

Couple Notes

61st Anniversary By HELEN TYLER

Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jeffer­son quietly celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sprague and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Filiatrault helped them enjoy their day. Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson r e c e i v e d cards, gifts and flowers.

Clarence Mclnryre, who un­derwent eye surgery at the Hep­burn hospital, is now convalesc­ing and would like to hear from and see his friend*.

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Thomp­son drove to Ithaca Thursday with their son, Douglas, who is enrolled at CorneiL

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thomp­son ar.d Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cole artended the Trailer Raiiy at Massena the Sept. " weekend.

Jane Thompson rerurned tc her college srudies at Rochester Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Kinney and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kinney attended a memorial service at Star Lake Sunday evening.

Mr. anc Mrs. Cyril Greer.hil! visited Mr. and Mrs. .Donald Thompscn one evening last week.

Mary Wight arteride- a dinner Sun-ay a- f>e Tr:ut Laxe camp c: Lil;:ar Baldwin. T'ne rjests were a.i members of the Birth­day Clur.

Vrs . D:r:s Lavack was a Sun­day g-ies: a: the heme of r>er s . s t e r - : r - ; a - * . VJ*S. Harry L-:s?e, Ge..:s*--^ Mrs. Lavac* spent the Se:_ * weekenc w.tr ner s:n, Fre:er:c ar.d farr.iiy.

5»ur.ca\ n.r-jver g\jes:s zA E^a Ty.er *~re Kermar Smit. Str. a-c Mrs. v e . r Ty;er ar*d V J S .

cset>"-"je '»'«•.'"*•, Tne» ne.rjei Mrs. 7>.er ;e e:ra*e ner r.rtr-da- a-: a.s- c-rsen-.e: rre *rs~-versar**' z,i *»'J*. a*: Strs. Ke;ir

viously hospitalized in July with a heart condition.

Mr. B l a c k m e r e has many friends and relatives in this area and he would appreciate hearing from them.

Mr. and Mrs. Leland Patience spent Sept. 8 with Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Edgerly, Oxbow.

Mrs. Leland Patience recent­ly spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carpenter, Water-town.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.

Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Felix, attended the baptism of her neph­ew, Merle Boulton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Boulton, at the United Church in Sackets Har­bor, Sept. 8.

Charles Edward Dusharm was recently discharged from the army and will live in Fullerton, Calif. At present he is spending a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dusharm. Charles was in active duty in Germany and Korea, spending 13 months in each place. .

Mrs. J o s e p h (Bonnie Jean) Smith and children, Joey and Jenny, Fullerton, Calif., are spending a month with her par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Du-isharm. Charles will accompany her back to her home.

Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Ritchie and Mrs. Edith Gardner were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Dickerson, Trout Lake, Sept. 10.

Eva McCullough, Syracuse, is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Don Farr.

Mr. and Mrs. Amon Donaldson, -Rochester, spent a few days with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Don Farr and v i s i t e d other relatives and friends in the area.

Anyone having news please call 287-3239.

Brenda Stevens and her two nieces, Debbie and Yvonne Lee, Carthage, spent Sept, 8 with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stevens.

Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ferris and son, Warminster, Pa,, re ­cently spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Arza Melleru

Belle Me lien attended the St. Lawrence County Council VFW meeting at Saranac Lake Sept. 8.

Belle Mellen attended the wed­ding and reception of LorenTay­lor and Linda Collins at the Potsdam Methodist Church Sept. 7.

Edith Gardner spent a few days with her s i s t e r , Mrs. Ivan Breaky, Heuvelton.

versary. Relatives came from Mexico, Auburn and Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Hurlbut were mar­ried Sept. 10, 1908 and have lived In this community all their wed­ded years. They are both active in church, lodge and other activ­ities.

Mr. and Mrs. William Over-acker and Linda Patron were Sunday dinner guests of Stella Weaver.

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sullivan and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wood-side and David were Sunday-guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mac-Meecham, Hammond.

A very pretty wedding was held at the Merhodist Church Sepc 7 when Cynthia Streeter became the br:de of James Garrison. Miss Streeter is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Streeter and Mr. Gam;sen is from Syracuse. A recepc^n was held following the ceremony at the VFW'. After a wedding trip tc the Sew Eng-ianc States the couple will re ­side m Burlirxton. N. j .

Mr. arc vl~s. Frarjc Plar.ry, Go--verrjeur. were Friday eve-n;ni irjests ci Vs. arc Mrs. M:.ten "^DO-

Sun-ay g^jes'S a: Robert Hal.s were Mr. arc S'.rs. Ar^ie Ha*l ar.d family, Mr. arc Mrs. Mi.-tcn W:<c AT.Z Mr. and Mrs. Horace Jacks:r arc c.nilcren, Ze-Pevster. This *as a famiry gam­er ITJL tc re-or S's. -KaJ or ms tmtror-.

The White Church At North Gouverneur

Scotch Settlement Horse Takes

First In Class Of Thirty-Five



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Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton at­tended the Franklin Trail Riders show at Burke Sept. L Leaders Janle Babe won third in the Mor­gan line class and second in par­ade class. Poker Chip took first in ladies western pleasure and received the trophy awarded in memory of Gene Timmons, for­mer mayor of Malone. Thirty-five horses were entered in the-class.

Mr. and Mrs. Dalton called on Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hilts, Ma­lone, the same day.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Storrin received word from their daugh­ter, Mrs. Allan Douglass that Mr. Douglass has started his c lasses in San Jose State College. Their address is: Tahoe Manor, Apt. 52, 2726 Kollmar Drive, San Jose, Calif., 95127.

Allan Hall, Gouverneur, and Terry Wright attended the Sy­racuse fair the evening of Aug. 29.

Mrs. Mildred Dalton received word that she had won money and a blue ribbon for the best parade horse at the Centennial parade in Ogdensburg.

Randy Reynolds, son of James Reynolds, who makes his home with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reynolds, was the only child on this road to start kindergarten this fall.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Frawley, LaFargeville, were Sept. 1 din­ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dalton to celebrate Mr. Fraw­ley's birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Parish, Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Coby Helmer, Winchester, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. Wiibert Parish, DePeyster, were Sept, 1 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Price.

Mrs. Norman Dalton, Mrs. Gary Dalton, Nancy and Jammie were Friday callers of Mrs. Nel­lie Fuller and Leon Bressett, Brasie Corners, and of Mrs. Grace Gates, Gouverneur.

Jack and Mickey Wright, Beech Creek, Pa.t spent the Labor Day •weekend at their home here.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carr and family and Earl Carr, Gouv­erneur. were Sept. 1 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dodds at their camp at Sylvia Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Watson, Pennellviile, spent the holiday weekend with their nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rey­nolds. The Reynolds and Watson families attended a surprise birthday and railroad ret ire­ment party for Mr. Reynold's father, Ernest, held at the '.Amer­ican Legion home Aug. 3L

MJ-. and Mrs. Thomas Ccates, Windsor, were Laser Day week­end g-*s:s of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ccates.

Mr. a->d Mrs. Gary Daitcn and Mr. sund Mrs. Norma.-. Da.ton at­tended Car.aii's c.ami>ake Sept, i.

.Mr. ano Mrs. .KdreC Browr^ Richvuie. caLed or. Str. and Mrs. Norman Dayton the evening cf Sepc 2.

Mr. a-: Mrs. Rcy Walrith ST.. anc Calvm artenoed the rirrhday arc retirement parry for Ernest F.evrc.cs ne.o a: the Amer;car. Lefio-r no me.

Mr. i^i S e s . Mark Daltcr. ar-terde: tre F j-emer/s Horae Sbc» at Co.ten. Sepc L jc Nc White Sex

won second in two-year-old and under colt class and Poker Chip won fourth in western pleasure.

Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Stowell Jr. and family spent the Labor Day weekend with Mrs. Ethel Youngs, Oswego. They attended the Syracuse fair Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Wat­son were Sepu 1 morning call-

. e r s of Mr. and Mrs. Wally Wat­son, Edwards.

Mrs. ^ Mfcr* Dalton received word that her brother, Floyd Hilts, Malone, had undergone eye surgery at the House of the Good Samaritan, Sept. 3.

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Pray and family, DePeyster, were Sept. 1 evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Price.

George Maturanu, Chazy, and Mr. and Mrs. Dbnald Klock, Bal-mat, were Sept. 2 callers of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wright*

Mrs. Cleo Dalton, Mrs. Gary Dalton, Nancy and Jammie were Sept. 3 callers of Mr. and Mrs. Art Allen, Water town.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coates and Herbie spent Sept. 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Merton Van Sant at their camp on Lake Ontario.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown, Richville, were Sept. 2 evening callers of Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Reynolds.

Mr. and Mrs. Hermon Bodmle and family, Auburn, Ont., spent the Labor Day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woods.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Durant spent Sept, 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Woods at their camp at Lake Bonaparte.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton paid their respects to the fam­ily of Donald LaPlanty, Ogdens­burg Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert More­house. Edwards, were Aug. 31 supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.

,Mark Dalton.


Sunday Masses: 8,9:30,11 a,m., 5:30 p.rru, Richville, 12 noon.

Weekday Masses: 8 a,rru, 5 p.m.

Confessions before all Masses and Saturday 4 and 7:30 p.m.

Baptisms Sundays at 1 p.m. Table Talk on WIGS at 11:30

a.m. and 6:30 p.m.


R. E. McCluggage, Pastor Sunday services — 11:15 a.n-uf

Worship; 11:15 a.nu, C h u r c h School; Nursery for pre-school children.

Sunday services at Wanakena and Cranberry Lake, 9:30 a«m#, alternating every other Sunday.

TRINITY EPISCOPAL Edward F. Caldwell, Rector

Sunday services, 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 10 a.m. Morning Prayer (abbrev.) and Choral Eu­charist.

Sunday, Sept. 15, 7:30-9 p.m., Episcopal Y o u n g Churchmen meet in Undercrofffor program, r e f r e s h m e n t s and Evening Prayer.

Wednesday, Sept.IS. 6:15 p.m., Pot-lur* supper. Those attending are anced to bring a dish to pass and their own table service. Coffee, milk provided.

Weekday service — Thurs­days at 10 a.m. Holy Commun­ion. On the first Thursday of each month, this is followed by a Healing Service, which includes special prayers for the sick, for those in needL

Visitors and newcomers are welcome. Church Telephone is 287-0755. Rectory Telephone is 287-0744.

Anticerp The Northern New York .Asso­

ciation of the Past Noble Grands met at Earnest Rebekah Lodge, 16, Friday. Luncheon was serv­ed with 45 in attendance, includ­ing Elizabeth Dunlop, assembly president, State of New York, and Marion Nelson, president of the association.

Four candidates were initiated. They were Ella Gill, Redwood Lodge; Ruth Moore. Unity Lodge, and Esther Arno and Nellie San­ders, Carthage.

The .Altar and Rosary Society of Sc Michael's Church met Sept. 12 a: the rectory. Thelma Spad-•ccir.1, president, was in charge and Father Meehar. led the Ros­ary. A membership drive is scheduled for the mcr.th of Oc­tober.

There will be a- ice crearr. socia. Sepc 2C a: ";3C p.m. or. ithe Library ismr.. The Drum and Bug.e Corps wili furrush er:ter-tairjrrer.:.

The ner: rr>eeting wii: be a: the b c r * of Alice De scrrriea-j: Oct. K.

A rjr-jT.age »a> is schedule:! for Oct. JG-U-J a: 2>e Tcurr.Ha^ fee the benef;: cf the Altar and Fcsarv Society.

The W5Cs'of the MethocLir: Church held their firr:failrneet-ioc SepL 12 a: the bcrae of Vta. Virginia Eager w i ± ;£ preaar^


Sunday service, 8:30 a.m.


Charles U\ Blacklock, Pastor Hermon, St. Augustine's chap­

el , U a.m.. Morning Prayer. Star Lake, Ascension Chapel,

9 a.m., morning prayer.


iSmday Masses: & 30 and 10 a»m.

Mrs. Marian Rose was assistant hostess. The meeting opened with Mrs. Doris Whijrore, presiding with the "New Purpose" by ail of the WSCS and Wesleyan Service Guild. Mrs. Robert North had the devotions and program,

The Sc Lawrence District fail meeting win be held Sepc 24, ilC a.m. tc 3 p.m. at the United Methodist Church, Massena with the Acme ,rHur,tr Rights". Ail Methodist w^mer are LTviaed. For reservations ca*i Doris Whit-more try Sept. 20,

The Womer/s Fe Heirship So-cier>- of ^ e C o r g r e g a : ; c - a . Church wtii tirve t rsrr^TAge saje Sepc T-2& at tiae Town haJfrom 9 a.m. tc 4^0 p,rr^

The Home Aemcnsn-atloc mil will o e e t Sepc 19 at 5 p.m. wltt Kk-s. Vnrttc Cu&ertsoa. iHoraesaes are Mrs, Leoca Jtirk-by 9&i Heiac AitocL


Donald S. French, Pastor Sunday, Sepc 22, Services for

the Lord's Day 11 a.m., to be broadcast over Wigs; the Rev. Donald S. French will have as his sermon topic '*The Saints Go Marching By" based on Psalm 16 and Romans 15:16-3L The Sen­ior Choir, under the direction of Mrs. Charles Johnson, will sing •The E t e r n a l God Is Thy RefugeM, by Eric H. Thimer.

Thursday, Sepc 19, Deacon's meeting in the Westminster room at 7:30 p.m. with the Rev. Donald S. French.

Sunday, Sepc 29, Church School will begin at 9:45 a.m., kinder­garten through junior high.

Friday, Occ 4, Country Fair, sale and silent auction, will be neld in church basement, begin­ning at 10 a.m. There will be a luncheon at 11:30 a.m.

Wednesday, Occ 9,TheU.P.W. Presbyterial will be held at the church with a coffee hour at 9:30 a.m. Luncheon at 12 noon.


Stanley E. Brown, Pastor Sunday, Sepc 22, The Fifth

Sunday in Kingdomtide, 7 a.m., The Word and Music of the Chris­tian Faith broadcast over WIGS, Gouverneur, with the pastor as host on the theme: "A Time For Listening"; 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10 a.m., Chancel Choir; 10:30 a.m., Pre-school Nursery-care in the Parish House; 11a.m., Morning Worship, a Service of Praise and Prayer and Preach­ing with the Sermon by the pas­tor from I Peter 3:4, and Psalm 8:4. Mrs. Frederick Hopper, or ­ganise playing R i c h o l s o n ' s "Classic Andante" for prelude and 'Thanks Be To God" by Sergisson for p o s t l u d e . The Chancel Choir, Mrs. Gordon Mc-Pherson, d i r e c t o r , will sing "Seek Ye The Lord" and "Let There Be Peace" for anthem and offertory with Mrs. David Kings-ley, soloisc Weldon VanOrnum will be in charge of ushers. Unit 3 of the Women's Society is car­ing for the altar and altar flow­ers , and the acolytes for this Service of Worship will be Dale

' Benware and Ian MacWilliam; , 6 p.m., Methodist Youth Fellow­

ship at the Church with thepres-ident. Dale Woodcock, as the

' worship and program leader. Wednesday, Sepc 18,12:30 p rru

Red Cross Bloodmobile at the First Presbyterian Church in Gouverneur; 6:30 p.m., Operor C l a s s covered-dish supper -meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Ar­nold Whitton, 20 Graves streec

Thursday, Sepc 19, 10 a.m.f Public rummage sale in Fellow­ship h a l l sponsored by the Women's Society. All saleable donations may be left in the Church kitchen on Wednesday and Thursday morning; 2:30p.m., Unit 3, Mrs. Charles Griffith, unit leader, will meet with Mrs* Griffith at 182 Rowley street; 6 p.m., Unit 1, Mrs. William Row­ley, unit leader, will meet with Mrs. Walter Stowell, 47 Park street, for a covered-dish sup­per and program; 7 p.m., Chan­cel Choir rehearsal in the Church Sanctuary. All members and all persons interested in joining the choir are invited to be present; 7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 21 at the Church with Scoutmaster Gregory Foy.

Friday, Sepc 20, 10 a.m., Pub­lic rummage sale in Fellowship Hall sponsored by the Women's Society; 3:45 p.m., Miriam Choir; Crusader Choir; all grade-school boys and girls in the elementary schools are invited and welcome to join one of these two choirs.

Monday, Sepc 23, 6 p.m., 1000 Island Council Girl Scouts meet­ing in Fellowship Hall.

Wednesday, Sepc 25,6:30 p,m.f Women's Society first fall meet­ing in Fellowship HalL A cov­ered-dish supper - meeting hon­oring past presidents of the So­ciety. •


Stanley E. Brown, Pastor Sunday, Sepc 22, 7 a.m.,The

Word and Music of the Chris­tian Faith broadcast over WIGS, Gouverneur, with the pastor as host on the theme: "A Time For Listening"; 9:30 a.m., Morning Worship, a Service of Praise and Prayer and Preaching with the Sermon by che pastor from 1 Peter 3:4 and Paalm 8:4. Or­ganise Miss Dehra Kinney; 10 a.m., Sunday SchooL Mrs. Wal­lace Hurlbuc superintended


Herbert A. Hunt, Pastor Sunday, Sepc 22, Church School

c lasses will be held at 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship will be con­ducted at 11 a*m. The Pastor will have as the topic of his sermon, '•How Do We Do It?" and will use as his text, Revelation 3:20 — ••Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me." The Scripture read­ing will be Revelation 3:14-22. The Senior Choir, under t h e direction of Mrs. Hope Favreau, will sing the Anthenu The organ Prelude, Offertory, and Fost-lude will be played by Mrs. Mel­vin Gates, organise

The Senior High Baptist Youth Fellowship will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the Pastor's Study.

Thursday, Sepc 19, The Board of Trustees will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Pastor's Study.

Boy Scout Troop 75 will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the church dining room.

Saturday, Sepc 21, The Senior Choir will rehearse at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary.

You are cordially invited to listen to "The Laymen's Hour," broadcast every Sunday morning at 7:30 a.m. over WIGS.

FOWLER BAPTIST Herbert A. Hunt, Pastor Sunday, Sepc 22, Morning Wor­

ship will be conducted at 9:15 a.m. The Pastor will have as the topic of his sermon, "How Do We Do It?" and will use as his text Revelation 3:20 — "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me." The Scripture reading will be Revelation 3:14-22.

The Baptist Youth Fellowship will meet at 4 p.m. at the church.


Gordon B. Edserton, Pastor Thoughts: "Happiness a d d s

and multiplies as we divide it with others"; Dorcas Federa­tion (Adirondack D i s t r i c t ) meeting will be Oct. 3, begin­ning at 10 a.m- pot luck din­ner, meeting in a f t e r n o o n . Friends are cordially invited to attend.

Morning worship 9:15 a.m. S a b b a t h Morning; Sabbath School at 10:45 a.m.; Senior Glass, "Patient Endurance and the Coming of Christ; Earli-teen Class, "Women of the Bi­ble"; Primary Class, 'Paul is in the Storm"; Cradle Roll, 44 Jesus makes a sick girl wel l / '


Ted and Natalie Burke, Pastors Sunday, Sept. 22, S u n d a y

School, 9:30 a.m.; Morning Wor­ship, 10:45, "Unredeemable"; Senior High Youth, 5:45 p j n . ; Evening Worship, 7:30, guest speaker, Pastor Beaudry of the Edwards Methodist Parish.

Monday, 7:30 p.m., C h o i r practice.

Tuesday, 7 p.m., Prayer and Bible study.

Wednesday, 3:30 pjn . t Pil­grim girls.

Thursday, 7:30 pjn. , Women's Missionary with Mia. McCrim-roon's as hostess.


Sunday, Sept 22 — Floyd Powell, lay preacher, will con­duct the 10 a.m. service.

MACOMB WESLEYAN James R Redstone, Paator Sunday services, Sept. 22,

S u n d a y School, 10:30 a.m.; Morning worship, 11:15 a.m.; Evening service, 8 p.m.

Wednesday, 8 p.m. prayer-ineetin^


PARISH John R Hatt, Pastor

Hours of worship for Septem­ber will be 9 a.m. at Brasie Corners; 10:15 a.m. at Oxbow and 11:30 a.rru at Rossie.


Eric Harblin, Paator Sunday School, 10 a»m.; Sunday

morning aervice, 11 a.m.; Y.P.S*. 7:15 p.m»; Sunday evening wor­ship, 7:30 p»m.

Mid-week aerrice, Thuraday, 7:30 p.ro, A friendly welcome to aiL