Kirk’s Flake Leak frOOtfP Wear - Library of Congress€¦ · Kirk’s Flake ¦¦ WHITE If-II¦.¦...

Kirk’s Flake ¦ . . ' ' ' WHITE SOAP ¦¦ If - II ¦ m * v.- x. ~'***. . ***. v .. ;- . -> ~ , Saves Work Saves Money Saves Clothes |‘T 11 !-., . . Made from clean, sweet, aro- J mat^c vegetable oils only. It is I equally effective in cold or hot 1 water, v/ith or without boiling | the clothes - S For Laundry and Household Use j /wlPiilfm Kirk’s FLAKE (white) is ¦jbfcjf Y|,|! jj Mm \pL adapted for the rough work 1 4 1 Tfe&sff 1 of t he household and laun- % jMrWzrifim, dry and for washing the most | lldelicate fabrics, laces and !4; woolens. It will do all the %!i| work of the household so 11 fig ||t|fl| | much better, whiter, cleaner, | jj.M 19 IB mil sweeter, quicker and easier I I|Jjj |f | than other soaps. § I Buy the first cake because J II |p| li. we tell you to and you will r 10 i"i"gf Ifl buy the second because you Will mp) .like it. flfj “Every Atom Cleanses ** gSave Your Wrappers for Valuable Premiums l Write for Premium List . 33: kr 1 ro(R univcpsac 'll Y-'m JUPJ*'i4a:ffwXi i | KMlQfcMStflAKSti Kfisff j * H| c ||| >p i= 1 | U Over 70 Years of Scientific Soap Making• |j| JAMES jj !^g pH 1 . ¦¦¦¦¦ —- M 1 ;| £/ se JAP ROSE ( Transparent) SOAP for the toilet and hath. 400 rAiK FIELD. Miss Else Getchell, who came home sick last Wednesday, has recovered and returned to tier work in Beloit Sunday. Herbert Getchell came home Friday for aft w days vacation from his col lege at Waukesha. Miss Allie Newell is employed at Floyd Newel's home in Baraboo for a short time. School in D st. No. 7 has closed for a vacation. The teacher, Miss Higgins, is at h r home in I)eiton town. Mr. and Mis. Albert Chamberlain returned to their home in Reedsburg on Friday after visiting wilh hei sis- ter, Mrs. John Davenport. Miss Olive Thayer of Baraboo and Miss Lizzie F*rber of near Reedsburg spent part of Sunday at S. H. Bur- ton’s. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burton and little Lucile Simonds of Baraboo were callers at the S. H. Burton home Sun- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Erickson are the happy pa r ents of twin boys. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Newell en er- tained a social dancing ptrtyat their home Saturday evening. Little Irene Lusby, who has b en very Hi v\iti pleurisy, is much better. SOUTH WESTFIELD. H. J. Voss made a trip to Barabco .'v f Strong, durable laathera - | W/W KiOL/ and skillful, complete work- Jr v s I 'gf } / manship make PACKARD 4^, Mil SHOES thoroughly de- v pendable and trustworthy, I S Heavy out "door wear L K)if pi proves their strength hut pi does not spoil their shape. \ PELTON & SONS i The Family Shoe Store rJp? 132 3rd St.. B4RABOO, WIS. j ' willbe at the Spaulding school house, April 8. Come. School closed in Dist. 5, on account of bad roads, but as they are improved school will be started again Monday. { Mrs. Jesse Woodworth and children of Baraooo are visiting at tde home of C. Hammermeis’er. | Hattie Charnley is visi-ing at her parental home here, i Henry Risley attended a party at Delton Saturday night. On account of bad reads our mail carrier, Archie Murry, was unable to go Tuesday and Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Porter of Baraboo have moved on the Potterville place, recently vacated by the L. Washburn fanrly. BELLONA AND NORTH EXCELSIOR. Miss Jessie Linsdorf is visiting ¦ friends in Baraboo. | Miss Nellie Brogan of Baraboo is spending a few days at the Grant Dryer home. June Butterfield is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs. Ollie Cole. A goodly number cf Miss Ida Lawrenz’s young friends gave her a surprise last Tuesday night, it being her birthday. All report a very en- joyable time. Clarence Christie and family visited at L. Sar ring ton’s in Delton Sunday. The W. F. M. society will meet with Mrs. Sarah Rudd Thursday afternoon, April 4. All are cordially invited. George Butterfield and family visited at Ollie Cole’s Sunday. The L. A. S. at M. Risley’s last Thursday was largely attended. Miss Carrie Lawrenz, Mary Simp- son and Margaret Hannon resumed their school duties after spending their vacation at home. Miss Nellie Du Bois, who teaches near La Valle, is spending her vaca- tion at home. Misses Hazel and Lila Dryer, stu- dents of the Baraboo high school, are at home this week. Glen Knowles cut his foot quite badly while chopping wood one day last week. OBITUARY { Lafayette Hayes of Monroe Center, Wis., while visiting at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Odell, 127 Ninth avenue, died Sunday from heart disease. Dur- ing the wintei he had been attacked by pneumonia and after partly recov- ering came to Baraboo to visit. He w s troubled with a weak heart and this caused his death. J ust before he died lie remarked to liis son-in-law; “I am all in”, and died almost immediately. Death was painless, the patient falling into his last sleep. Mr. Hayes was born in the state of New York about 63 years ago and had spent most of his life in Adams county at Monroe Center. The body has been taken to that place for interment. His wife was not here at the time of his death and besides Mrs. Hayes there are six sons and two daughters in the family. Languid, yawning people, always tired, without vim or vigor, no appetite can’t digest the food they eat, tongue always coated, constipated, out of sorts all the time, with headaches and bodily aches and pains, bad breath, sallow complexion. Winter’s germs in your system, need Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea, Greatest Spring Puri- fier. —J. B. Donovan & Cos. NOTICE FnATIONSL DELE- GATE ELECTION. St ite of Wisconsin \ Sauk County j County Clerk’s Office, Baraboo, Wis., March 12, 1912. Notice is hereby given that an elec- tion to be held in the several town wards, villages election districts in the state of Wisconsin, on the first Tuesday of April, A. D. 1912, being the second day of said month, the follow- ing officers are to be elected: Four Delegates-at-Large from each political party in the state to the Na- tional convention of each party. Two District Delegates to the Na- tional convention from each political party in the Seventh Congressional district. Said election to be held and con- ducted, votes canvassed and returns made according to law. S. H. Wood, County Clerk. La Valle was held at lionton Satur- day. John Jepson went to Milwaukee last week to see his son, who it is re- ported is getting along nicely. It will be remembered he is in a hospi- tal there. Mr. and Mrs. John Hochmuth, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Richards and Mrs. J. Ra- buck spent Sunday in Wonewoc. Madames H. P. Apker, F. F. Fun- nel and T. Karstetter weie shopping in Reedsburg Saturday. The 18 months child of Mr. and Mrs. August Zimmerman died Friday evening with croup. Miss Grace Paddock spent a few days last week in Chicago. Charles Briggs has purchased a handsome team of horses of August Zellinan a fancy price. Harry Butterfield of Baraboo spent Sunday at the Paddock home. George Golden sol i his te am of diaft horses Monday to Canadian shippers. Mrs. Charles Gates is on the sick list. Laura Cameron has purchased the bakery and confectionery store of Jasper Cline and will take possession April first. Mrs. J. Rowin of Madison came Saturday for a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. Rumpf left for an extended visit with relatives in lowa. MIRROR LAKE. The Ladies’ Aid society at Marion Risley’s Thursday was well attended, there being fifty-one people served to a fine dinner prepared by the members. A sum of |7.55 was realized. The next Aid willbe at the home of Charles Bass April 25. John Dankerl, Sr., who was quite sick, is better. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Montanye and son, Raiph, and Mrs. Roy Golding and children of Ableman were callers at Joe Golding’s Monday night. Henry Riley made a trip to Delton Friday and Saturday. Mrs. George Hammermeister of Bar- aboo has returned to her home after caring for Mrs. C. Hammermeister, who is slowly gaining after being sick with pneumonia. The Excelsior Lyceum met at the L. Reynolds home Friday, March 22. A good program was given although some of the members were not present. A story, “Henry and the Flea”, was given by Arthur Golding which caused much laughter. The next meeting PATENTS >s‘ S ' " ' •' ' TRADE-MARKS and copyrights obtained or no 1 fee Send model, sketches or photos and bnef description, for FREE SEARCH and report on natentability. 26 years experience. *Send 2-cent stamp for NEW BOOKLETa full of patent information. It will help you to f READ PAGES fl and 12 before applying for a patent Write to-day. D. SWIFT & CO, PATENT LAWYERS, 303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C.J Leak D fiSSI Wear frOOtfP I When you buy wash tubs or M \rZ\ 1I Cl /l ///// V/ pails, be sure you get the best ¦ A UliW CRJL ////'/// —insist on Cream City Gal- X r 4 nP 4 //////'/ vanized Ware. You’ll save 1,. 1~////// / bother and expense by buying ¦ jV/1 Hfl ||| |YH /// / them in the first place for they are H "’***¦*** j]/ l' j made extra *trong Sta J d always get, a little care, I what^at^neaos? 4 Absolutely'leak- I satisfaction. Remember the name Cream Banded Galvanized H ALL NEXT WEEK I SettergreiDMw^oJ| YOUNG MEN, before you buy your Easter suit, see our line of tai- iSS! * or ma( ie and ready-to-wear garments, latest'styles and patterns. A fine new line of Easter hats just arrived, also'the latest in men’s neckwear. "“W F. C. Peck Merc. Cos. South Side Baraboo, Wise. WALL PAPER- It is not necessary for you’to send away for your Wall Paper. We have a large stock to select from and our prices are as low as the lowest. We invite you to look through our samples and get our prices before buying. WINDOW SHADES We carry a complete line of window shades in all widths and colors. Shades made to order on short no- tice. Room Mouldings, Curtain Poles and Sash Rods Buckley ®l Taylor 512 Oak Street 15he Bank of Baraboo Capital SIOO,OOO Herman Grotophorst, Pres. Charles W. Whitman, Vice Pres, J. Van Orden. Cashlet! jDIRECTORS: HERMAN GROTOPHORST, CHARLES W. WHITMAN, EDWARD P. McFETRIDGE, J. B. DONOVAN, J. VAN ORDEN^ This bank is organized undei the laws ot the State of Wisconsin. The requirements as to the liability of stock holders, supervision by the au- thorities are the same as under the National Banking Law. and North Freedom last week. Miss Ethel Ward of White Mound came up to spend a few weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Voss. Miss Clara Repka went to Logan- ville yesterday where she is employed at the William Westedt hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harms, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Albers and children and John Albers Sundayed at Wil- liam Gro'meyers near Loganville. Mrs. Henry Schroeder died Sunday morning after a lingering illness of stomach trouble. Funeral Wednesday at the St. Peter’s Lutheran church. William Schroeder and crew are busy sawing lumber at H. J. Licht’s. Willie Knuth nd Albert Bumgar- ten Sundayed at William C. Meier’s. Quite a croud of young folks walked in at H. J. Litcti’s Sunday evening in honor of Ella Licht’s birthday. A very pleaant evening was spent. Reinholt Heritz spent Sunday at Charley Herilz’s home. Miss Maggie Hayes has returned home after spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. Currie Page in South Dakota. LA 1/ALIL Mr. and Mrs. J. Fix visited at El- roy Sunday. The funeral of Mrs. Jasper Giblin of

Transcript of Kirk’s Flake Leak frOOtfP Wear - Library of Congress€¦ · Kirk’s Flake ¦¦ WHITE If-II¦.¦...

Page 1: Kirk’s Flake Leak frOOtfP Wear - Library of Congress€¦ · Kirk’s Flake ¦¦ WHITE If-II¦.¦ SOAP m * v.- x. ~'***.. ***.v.. Saves Work Saves Money Saves Clothes |‘T‘ 11!-.,

Kirk’s Flake¦ . . ' • ' • '

WHITE SOAP¦¦ If- I I ¦ .¦ m *v.- x. ~'***.

. ***. v .. ;- .->


Saves Work Saves Money Saves Clothes|‘T‘ 11 !-., .. •

Made from clean, sweet, aro- Jmat^c vegetable oils only. It is Iequally effective in cold or hot 1

water, v/ith or without boiling |the clothes - S

For Laundry and Household Use j

/wlPiilfm Kirk’s FLAKE (white) is¦jbfcjf Y|,|! jjMm \pL adapted for the rough work 1

4 1 Tfe&sff 1 of the household and laun-% jMrWzrifim, dry and for washing the most| lldelicate fabrics, laces and

!4; woolens. It will do all the%!i| work of the household so

11 fig ||t|fl| | much better, whiter, cleaner, |jj.M 19 IB mil sweeter, quicker and easier II|Jjj |f | than other soaps. §

I Buy the first cake because JII |p| li. we tell you to and you willr

10 i"i"gfIfl buy the second because youWillmp) .like it.

flfj “Every Atom Cleanses **

gSave Your Wrappers for Valuable Premiums

l Write for Premium List.

33: kr 1 ro(R univcpsac 'll Y-'m JUPJ*'i4a:ffwXi

i|KMlQfcMStflAKSti Kfisffj * H| c ||| >p

i= 1 | U Over 70 Years of Scientific Soap Making•|j| JAMES jj !^g

pH 1. ¦¦¦¦¦ —-

M 1 ;| £/se JAP ROSE ( Transparent) SOAP for the toilet and hath.400


Miss Else Getchell, who came home

sick last Wednesday, has recovered

and returned to tier work in Beloit

Sunday.Herbert Getchell came home Friday

for aft w days vacation from his col

lege at Waukesha.Miss Allie Newell is employed at

Floyd Newel's home in Baraboo for a

short time.School in D st. No. 7 has closed for a

vacation. The teacher, Miss Higgins,

is at h r home in I)eiton town.

Mr. and Mis. Albert Chamberlainreturned to their home in Reedsburg

on Friday after visiting wilh hei sis-

ter, Mrs. John Davenport.Miss Olive Thayer of Baraboo and

Miss Lizzie F*rber of near Reedsburg

spent part of Sunday at S. H. Bur-ton’s.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burton and littleLucile Simonds of Baraboo werecallers at the S. H. Burton home Sun-

day afternoon.Mr. and Mrs. Erickson are the

happy pa rents of twin boys.Mr. and Mrs. Claude Newell en er-

tained a social dancing ptrtyat theirhome Saturday evening.

Little Irene Lusby, who has b envery Hi v\iti pleurisy, is much better.


H. J. Voss made a trip to Barabco

.'v f Strong, durable laathera - |W/W KiOL/ and skillful,complete work- Jr v

s I 'gf } / manship make PACKARD4^,MilSHOES thoroughly de- v

pendable and trustworthy, I S

Heavy out "door wear LK)if pi proves their strength hutpi does not spoil their shape. \

PELTON & SONS iThe Family Shoe Store rJp?

132 3rd St.. • B4RABOO, WIS. j

' willbe at the Spaulding school house,April 8. Come.

School closed in Dist. 5, on account

of bad roads, but as they are improved

school will be started again Monday.{ Mrs. Jesse Woodworth and childrenof Baraooo are visiting at tde home of

C. Hammermeis’er.

| Hattie Charnley is visi-ing at her

parental home here,

i Henry Risley attended a party atDelton Saturday night.

On account of bad reads our mail

carrier, Archie Murry, was unable to

go Tuesday and Thursday of last week.Mr. and Mrs. F. Porter of Baraboo

have moved on the Potterville place,

recently vacated by the L. Washburnfanrly.


Miss Jessie Linsdorf is visiting

¦ friends in Baraboo.

| Miss Nellie Brogan of Baraboo is

spending a few days at the Grant

Dryer home.June Butterfield is spending the

week with her aunt, Mrs. Ollie Cole.

A goodly number cf Miss Ida

Lawrenz’s young friends gave her a

surprise last Tuesday night, it being

her birthday. All report a very en-

joyable time.Clarence Christie and family visited

at L. Sar ring ton’s in Delton Sunday.

The W. F. M. society willmeet with

Mrs. Sarah Rudd Thursday afternoon,

April 4. All are cordially invited.

George Butterfield and family visited

at Ollie Cole’s Sunday.The L. A. S. at M. Risley’s last

Thursday was largely attended.Miss Carrie Lawrenz, Mary Simp-

son and Margaret Hannon resumed

their school duties after spending their

vacation at home.

Miss Nellie Du Bois, who teachesnear La Valle, is spending her vaca-tion at home.

Misses Hazel and Lila Dryer, stu-

dents of the Baraboo high school, are

at home this week.Glen Knowles cut his foot quite

badly while chopping wood one day

last week.

OBITUARY {Lafayette Hayes of Monroe Center,

Wis., while visiting at the home of his

son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and

Mrs. O. K. Odell, 127 Ninth avenue,

died Sunday from heart disease. Dur-

ing the wintei he had been attackedby pneumonia and after partly recov-ering came to Baraboo to visit. He w s

troubled with a weak heart and this

caused his death. J ust before he died

lie remarked to liis son-in-law; “Iam

all in”, and died almost immediately.

Death was painless, the patient fallinginto his last sleep.

Mr. Hayes was born in the state of

New York about 63 years ago and had

spent most of his life in Adams county

at Monroe Center. The body has been

taken to that place for interment.His wife was not here at the time of

his death and besides Mrs. Hayes

there are six sons and two daughtersin the family.

Languid, yawning people, alwaystired, without vim or vigor, no appetitecan’t digest the food they eat,tongue always coated, constipated, outof sorts all the time, with headachesand bodily aches and pains, bad breath,sallow complexion. Winter’s germs

in your system, need Hollister’s RockyMountain Tea, Greatest Spring Puri-fier. —J. B. Donovan & Cos.


St ite of Wisconsin \Sauk County j

County Clerk’s Office, Baraboo,Wis., March 12, 1912.

Notice is hereby given that an elec-tion to be held in the several town

wards, villages election districtsin the state of Wisconsin, on the firstTuesday of April, A. D. 1912, being the

second day of said month, the follow-ing officers are to be elected:

Four Delegates-at-Large from eachpolitical party in the state to the Na-tional convention of each party.

Two District Delegates to the Na-tional convention from each political

party in the Seventh Congressionaldistrict.

Said election to be held and con-

ducted, votes canvassed and returns

made according to law.S. H. Wood, County Clerk.

La Valle was held at lionton Satur-

day.John Jepson went to Milwaukee

last week to see his son, who it is re-

ported is getting along nicely. It

will be remembered he is in a hospi-

tal there.Mr. and Mrs. John Hochmuth, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Schwartz, Mr. and

Mrs. E. A. Richards and Mrs. J. Ra-

buck spent Sunday in Wonewoc.

Madames H. P. Apker, F. F. Fun-

nel and T. Karstetter weie shopping in

Reedsburg Saturday.The 18 months child of Mr. and

Mrs. August Zimmerman died Friday

evening with croup.Miss Grace Paddock spent a few

days last week in Chicago.Charles Briggs has purchased a

handsome team of horses of August

Zellinan a fancy price.Harry Butterfield of Baraboo spent

Sunday at the Paddock home.George Golden sol i his te am of

diaft horses Monday to Canadianshippers.

Mrs. Charles Gates is on the sick

list.Laura Cameron has purchased the

bakery and confectionery store of

Jasper Cline and will take possession

April first.Mrs. J. Rowin of Madison came

Saturday for a visit with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Rumpf left for an

extended visit with relatives in lowa.


The Ladies’ Aid society at MarionRisley’s Thursday was well attended,there being fifty-one people served to a

fine dinner prepared by the members.

A sum of |7.55 was realized. Thenext Aid willbe at the home of CharlesBass April 25.

John Dankerl, Sr., who was quite

sick, is better.Mr. and Mrs. Ray Montanye and

son, Raiph, and Mrs. Roy Golding

and children of Ableman were callers

at Joe Golding’s Monday night.

Henry Riley made a trip to DeltonFriday and Saturday.

Mrs. George Hammermeister of Bar-

aboo has returned to her home aftercaring for Mrs. C. Hammermeister,who is slowly gaining after being sick

with pneumonia.The Excelsior Lyceum met at the

L. Reynolds home Friday, March 22.A good program was given although

some of the members were not present.

A story, “Henry and the Flea”, wasgiven by Arthur Golding which caused

much laughter. The next meeting


S ' " ' •' '

TRADE-MARKS and copyrights obtained or no 1fee Send model, sketches or photos and bnefdescription, for FREE SEARCH and report onnatentability. 26 years experience.*Send 2-cent stamp for NEW BOOKLETafull of patent information. Itwill help you to

fREAD PAGES fl and 12 before applying

for a patent Write to-day.


303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C.J

Leak D fiSSIWear frOOtfP

IWhen you buy wash tubs or M

\rZ\ 1I Cl /l ///// V/ pails, be sure you get the best ¦A UliW CRJL ////'/// —insist on Cream City Gal-

X r 4 nP 4 //////'/ vanized Ware. You’ll save1,. 1~////// / bother and expense by buying ¦

jV/1Hfl ||| |YH /// / them in the first place for they are H"’***¦*** j]/l' j made extra *trong k° Sta J d

always get, a little care, I

what^at^neaos? 4 Absolutely'leak- Isatisfaction. Remember the name —

Cream Banded Galvanized H



YOUNG MEN, before you buyyour Easter suit, see our line of tai-

iSS! *or ma( ie and ready-to-wear garments,latest'styles and patterns.

A fine new line of Easter hats just arrived,

also'the latest in men’s neckwear.


F. C. Peck Merc. Cos.South Side Baraboo, Wise.


It is not necessary foryou’to send away for your WallPaper. We have a large stock to

select from and our prices are as

low as the lowest. We invite youto look through our samples andget our prices before buying.

WINDOW SHADESWe carry a complete line of windowshades in all widths and colors.Shades made to order on short no-tice.

Room Mouldings, Curtain Poles

and Sash Rods

Buckley ®l Taylor512 Oak Street

15he Bank of BarabooCapital SIOO,OOO

Herman Grotophorst, Pres.Charles W. Whitman, Vice Pres,

J. Van Orden. Cashlet!



This bank is organized undei the laws ot the State of Wisconsin. The

requirements as to the liability of stock holders, supervision by the au-

thorities are the same as under the National Banking Law.

and North Freedom last week.

Miss Ethel Ward of White Moundcame up to spend a few weeks with

her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H.

J. Voss.Miss Clara Repka went to Logan-

ville yesterday where she is employedat the William Westedt hotel.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harms, Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Albers and childrenand John Albers Sundayed at Wil-

liam Gro'meyers near Loganville.Mrs. Henry Schroeder died Sunday

morning after a lingering illness ofstomach trouble. Funeral Wednesdayat the St. Peter’s Lutheran church.

William Schroeder and crew are

busy sawing lumber at H. J. Licht’s.WillieKnuth nd Albert Bumgar-

ten Sundayed at William C. Meier’s.

Quite a croud of young folks walkedin at H. J. Litcti’s Sunday evening inhonor of Ella Licht’s birthday. A

very pleaant evening was spent.

Reinholt Heritz spent Sunday atCharley Herilz’s home.

Miss Maggie Hayes has returnedhome after spending the winter withher sister, Mrs. Currie Page in SouthDakota.

LA 1/ALILMr. and Mrs. J. Fix visited at El-

roy Sunday.The funeral of Mrs. Jasper Giblin of