King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table · 2018. 1. 15. · east with his knights to fight...

King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table © Pearson Education Limited 2016 King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table - Answer keys 1 of 2 Answer keys LEVEL 2 Teacher Support Programme Book key 1 Open answers 2 a brave b swords c helmets d kings and queens e castles 3 a Uther, Igraine b Merlin c Sir Ector d Sir Kay 4 a does not have b easily c Guinevere d No knight is e Sir Galahad 5–6 Open answers 7 a No b No c No d Yes 8 1 c 2 d 3 f 4 e 5 b 6 a 9–10 Open answers 11 hates Excalibur Damas sword Queen castle nuns 12 a in the nuns’ house b scabbard from his bed c before he is well d for hours e his scabbard into a lake f his scabbard again 13–14 Open answers 15 a Merlin b Lady Vivien c Arthur 16 a b c d e 17–18 Open answers 19 a Sir T b Sir M c Sir M d Sir P e Sir P f Sir P g Sir T 20 a Stay at home! b Don’t drink it! c Find a different girl! d You marry her! e Take your sword! 21 Open answers (Jesus used a gold cup at the Last Supper. This is the Grail. The story says that Joseph of Arimathea brought it to Britain.) 22 Open answers 23 On page 6, he says that Sir Galahad will be ‘a good knight, your best knight’. 24 a old man b father c knights d ship (/table) e church 25 a France b London c Dover d Dover 26 a An animal jumps on the foot of one of Mordred’s men. He pulls out his sword. Arthur’s men think this means a fight. So they take out their swords. The fight begins. b He knows because the hand didn’t come out of the lake for it. c He dies in a boat on the lake. 27–35 Open answers Discussion activities key 1 Open answers. King Arthur is both a legendary and a historical hero. The real Arthur may have lived in the 5 th century while most of his legends appeared in the 15 th . There are lots of films about him, among them First Knight, starring Sean Connery and Richard Gere. The legend was passed down by word of mouth. For more details on the written version see ‘The Original Text’ in the Teacher’s Notes. 2–3 Open answers 4 Uther was a great king because people did not fight in his country. 5 Possible answer: Merlin used his magic. 6 Open answers 7 Merlin brought the stone and the sword there. 8 The Saxons were a group of people who came from Germany. King Arthur had to go to the north and east with his knights to fight them. 9–12 Open answers 13 King Arthur has two swords: the sword he pulled out of the stone and Excalibur. Swords are very important because this is a story of knights and knights use swords to fight. This sword has a name because it is a very important sword, it is a magic sword. 14–15 Open answers 16 Possible answers: Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. 17 Open answers. According to legend, Morgan le Fay hates King Arthur because she is his half-sister. 18 King Arthur fights people without knowing who they are twice: in this chapter and in Chapter 3. These fights are more interesting because Arthur has to fight his own knights. 19–20 Open answers 21 In Chapter 3, Arthur also finds magic in the woods. 22–24 Open answers 25 Stories of a man and a woman who die because of love are recurrent in every culture. One story that is very well known is that of Romeo and Juliet. 26 The Grail’s importance is that it was used by Jesus and magic things happen to the one that has it. 27 King Arthur takes long journeys in Chapters 3 and 4. Tentative answer: Knights take long journeys because they are looking for dangerous things to do / they like travelling / they are looking for something, etc. 28–31 Open answers

Transcript of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table · 2018. 1. 15. · east with his knights to fight...

  • King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table © Pearson Education Limited 2016 King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table - Answer keys 1 of 2

    Answer keyslevel 2 Teacher Support Programme

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    Book key1 Open answers2 a brave b swords c helmets d kings and queens e castles3 a Uther, Igraine b Merlin c Sir Ector d Sir Kay4 a does not have b easily c Guinevere d No knight is e Sir Galahad5–6 Open answers7 a No b No c No d Yes8 1 c 2 d 3 f 4 e 5 b 6 a9–10 Open answers11 hates Excalibur Damas sword Queen castle nuns12 a in the nuns’ house b scabbard from his bed c before he is well d for hours e his scabbard into a lake f his scabbard again13–14 Open answers15 a Merlin b Lady Vivien c Arthur16 a ✗ b ✓ c ✓ d ✗ e ✓17–18 Open answers19 a Sir T b Sir M c Sir M d Sir P e Sir P f Sir P g Sir T20 a Stay at home! b Don’t drink it! c Find a different girl! d You marry her! e Take your sword!21 Open answers (Jesus used a gold cup at the Last

    Supper. This is the Grail. The story says that Joseph of Arimathea brought it to Britain.)

    22 Open answers 23 On page 6, he says that Sir Galahad will be ‘a good

    knight, your best knight’.24 a old man b father c knights d ship (/table) e church25 a France b London c Dover d Dover26 a An animal jumps on the foot of one of Mordred’s

    men. He pulls out his sword. Arthur’s men think this means a fight. So they take out their swords. The fight begins.

    b He knows because the hand didn’t come out of the lake for it.

    c He dies in a boat on the lake.27–35 Open answers

    Discussion activities key1 Open answers. King Arthur is both a legendary and a

    historical hero. The real Arthur may have lived in the 5th century while most of his legends appeared in the 15th. There are lots of films about him, among them First Knight, starring Sean Connery and Richard Gere. The legend was passed down by word of mouth. For more details on the written version see ‘The Original Text’ in the Teacher’s Notes.

    2–3 Open answers4 Uther was a great king because people did not fight

    in his country.5 Possible answer: Merlin used his magic.6 Open answers7 Merlin brought the stone and the sword there.8 The Saxons were a group of people who came from

    Germany. King Arthur had to go to the north and east with his knights to fight them.

    9–12 Open answers13 King Arthur has two swords: the sword he pulled out

    of the stone and Excalibur. Swords are very important because this is a story of knights and knights use swords to fight. This sword has a name because it is a very important sword, it is a magic sword.

    14–15 Open answers16 Possible answers: Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping

    Beauty.17 Open answers. According to legend, Morgan le

    Fay hates King Arthur because she is his half-sister.18 King Arthur fights people without knowing who they

    are twice: in this chapter and in Chapter 3. These fights are more interesting because Arthur has to fight his own knights.

    19–20 Open answers21 In Chapter 3, Arthur also finds magic in the woods.22–24 Open answers25 Stories of a man and a woman who die because of

    love are recurrent in every culture. One story that is very well known is that of Romeo and Juliet.

    26 The Grail’s importance is that it was used by Jesus and magic things happen to the one that has it.

    27 King Arthur takes long journeys in Chapters 3 and 4. Tentative answer: Knights take long journeys because they are looking for dangerous things to do / they like travelling / they are looking for something, etc.

    28–31 Open answers

  • King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table © Pearson Education Limited 2016 King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table - Answer keys 2 of 2

    Answer keyslevel 2 Teacher Support Programme

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    32 You can find the number three in lots of folk tales and fairy tales. Some of these tales are: Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Wolf and the Three Pigs, Cinderella’s father has three daughters, etc.

    33–34 Open answers35 Possible answers: A knight must be kind, do brave

    things, fight for his king, go on long journeys, fight for his lady, etc.

    Activity worksheets key1 Open answers2 NAME: Merlin AGE: (open answers) COUNTRY: British LAST JOB: (open answers) MAGIC: I can change into an animal or bird. When I use magic, nobody can see me. I can help you marry the woman/man you love. I can help people with my magic.3 Open answers4 Possible answers: – Merlin’s magic – The sword in the stone – The knights that couldn’t move the sword – A young boy, Arthur, who could take the sword

    out of the stone5 Come to Arthur’s / and Guinevere’s wedding at /

    Camelot where the / Archbishop will marry / them. We will enjoy a / wonderful party.

    6 a 150 b wood c stone d best e bravest f sit g chair h top i bottom7 Open answers8 Morgan Le Fay was a queen, with a castle in the

    country of Gorres. She was a very bad woman. She could do magic for bad things. She hated King Arthur but he did not know it. She wanted King Arthur to die.

    9 a he wanted to catch animals. b he thought that she was a kind friend / he did not

    know about her evil plans. c he went a long way into the dark woods /

    night came. d he saw a small light on the ship. e he wanted the three knights and himself to leave

    the castle. f Morgan le Fay gave him Excalibur back. g the sword was not Excalibur. h Morgan le Fay sent him / he thought Arthur was

    Sir Damas. i he was not a brave knight.

    j he had a big wound from a fight. k she said that she loved her king / she wasn’t going

    to wake him up. l she did not want Arthur to use the scabbard’s

    magic when men fought him.10 Open answers. Students have to write from Morgan

    le Fay’s point of view.11 Open answers12 a 4 b 6 c 8 d 1 e 9 f 2 g 3 h 5 i 7 j 1013 Make his wound better and he will teach you to play

    the harp. Enjoy playing it and learn it well. You may end up liking music and your teacher a lot!

    14 Open answers15 Possible phrases: old man, white hair, white clothes,

    red clothes, red helmet, beautiful face, round table, gold letter, loud noise, white light, gold cup, dead king, great men, long journey, beautiful church, brave knights and new knights.

    16–21 Open answers

    Progress test key1 a 4 b 1 c 5 d 9 e 3 f 8 g 2 h 7 i 10 j 62 a Merlin b Uther c the knights d the Archbishop e Arthur f Arthur g the knights h Merlin3 a horse b wood c castle d queen e magic f door g wall h knight4 a ✗ – he didn’t know. b ✗ – he went to sleep on a ship but he woke up in a

    small room. c ✗ – there were three knights in the room. d ✓ e ✗ – he told him (Chapter 3) about an evil woman

    but he did not name her.5 a the Lady of the Lake b Merlin c Vivien d Vivien and Merlin e Vivien f Arthur6 a queen, died b king, uncle c poison, wound d bed, nights e helmet, clothes, horse f help, come g evil, ground h eat, drink i gold, letters j cup, table k ship, Grail l dead, face7 Possible answers: a fight Sir Lancelot. b his fight with Sir Mordred. c took out their swords/started to fight. d came out of the water and caught it. e Some ladies dressed in black.