Kinetics coming into focus: single-molecule microscopy of ......scopy in revealing riboswitch...

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    Kinetics coming into focus: single-moleculemicroscopy of riboswitch dynamics

    Sujay Ray, Adrien Chauvier & Nils G. Walter

    To cite this article: Sujay Ray, Adrien Chauvier & Nils G. Walter (2019) Kinetics coming intofocus: single-molecule microscopy of riboswitch dynamics, RNA Biology, 16:9, 1077-1085, DOI:10.1080/15476286.2018.1536594

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    Accepted author version posted online: 17Oct 2018.Published online: 29 Oct 2018.

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    Kinetics coming into focus: single-molecule microscopy of riboswitch dynamicsSujay Ray *, Adrien Chauvier *, and Nils G. Walter

    Single Molecule Analysis Group, Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

    ABSTRACTRiboswitches are dynamic RNA motifs that are mostly embedded in the 5ʹ-untranslated regions ofbacterial mRNAs, where they regulate gene expression transcriptionally or translationally by undergoingconformational changes upon binding of a small metabolite or ion. Due to the small size of typicalligands, relatively little free energy is available from ligand binding to overcome the often high energeticbarrier of reshaping RNA structure. Instead, most riboswitches appear to take advantage of the direc-tional and hierarchical folding of RNA by employing the ligand as a structural ‘linchpin’ to adjust thekinetic partitioning between alternate folds. In this model, even small, local structural and kinetic effectsof ligand binding can cascade into global RNA conformational changes affecting gene expression.Single-molecule (SM) microscopy tools are uniquely suited to study such kinetically controlled RNAfolding since they avoid the ensemble averaging of bulk techniques that loses sight of unsynchronized,transient, and/or multi-state kinetic behavior. This review summarizes how SM methods have begun tounravel riboswitch-mediated gene regulation.

    ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 24 July 2018Revised 25 August 2018Accepted 8 October 2018

    KEYWORDSRNA folding; single moleculefluorescence microscopy;FRET; optical tweezers;bacterial gene regulation

    Riboswitches, an ideal target for single moleculemicroscopy

    Bacteria synthesize or import the small organic molecules andinorganic ions needed for their metabolism and survival, whereasthey destroy or export toxic substances. However, in a constantlychanging environment with many emerging threats and oppor-tunities, feedback mechanisms are often crucial for nimbly adjust-ing the intracellular concentrations of metabolites and cofactors.Riboswitches are noncoding, cis-acting RNA motifs that undergostructural changes to regulate gene expression upon bindingspecific cellular metabolites or ions (henceforth referred to asligands) [1–6]. These RNA elements modulate gene expressionby either regulating mRNA synthesis (transcriptional ribos-witches) or by adjusting protein expression from an existingmRNA (translational riboswitches) (Figure 1a, b). To this end,riboswitches are composed of two distinct domains that actsynergistically to accomplish gene regulation. The first domain,the aptamer, binds the ligand and defines the class of the ribos-witch. Upon ligand binding, the aptamer transmits the on or offsignal to the second domain, called the expression platform.Conformational changes in this domain modulate the expressionof the downstream gene(s). Compared to the aptamer domain, theexpression platform tends to be significantly less conserved [3].This is consistent with the fact that some classes of riboswitchesregulate gene expression via multiple, distinct mechanisms.Transcriptional modulation is the most common regulatoryaction of riboswitches in Gram-positive bacteria, where ligandbinding to the aptamer typically induces the formation of aterminator structure in the expression platform. This leads topremature dislodging of the RNA polymerase (RNAP) duringmRNA synthesis and, thus, aborted expression of the downstream

    gene [7,8] (Figure 1a). The other common mechanism, mostlyfound in Gram-negative bacteria, regulates the translation initia-tion process. Here, ligand binding typically leads to the formationof a stem-loop in the expression platform that sequesters theShine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence [4,9]. Consequently, ribosomebinding is hindered, and protein synthesis inhibited (Figure 1a).

    Recent work has shed light on additional variations of thesemechanisms (Figure 1b). For example, a ligand-bound transla-tional riboswitch that impairs translation of an mRNA also sub-jects it more likely to degradation by ribonucleases ortranscription termination by the Rho protein [10,11]. Similarly,ligand binding to the Escherichia coli lysC riboswitch has beenshown to induce access of the degradosome to the RNA, acting inconcert with translational control to prevent expression of thedownstream gene [12]. Other examples implicate the ligand inmodulating access by the Rho termination factor [13–15], oradditional accessory proteins to their respective RNA bindingsites [16,17], showing that riboswitches play a central role in themodulation of gene expression and synergistically exploit theavailable cellular machinery to potentiate their regulatory effec-tiveness, often through kinetic partitioning between alternateroutes (Figure 1b).

    Riboswitches typically undergo allosteric structural rearrange-ments in response to the binding of a metabolite or ion that issmall in size compared to the riboswitch and especially the geneexpression machinery. This is true even for larger riboswitchessuch as the T-box systems, where the riboswitch binds an entiretRNA, but the allosteric change originates only from discrimina-tion of the presence or absence of a small aminoacyl modificationon the 3ʹ-end of the tRNA [18–21]. Consequently, the amount ofbinding energy liberated via the net gain of just a few kcal/mol of

    CONTACT Nils G. Walter [email protected] Single Molecule Analysis Group, Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA

    *These author are contributed equally to this work.

    RNA BIOLOGY2019, VOL. 16, NO. 9, 1077–1085

    © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

  • hydrogen bonds, ion-ion and/or stacking interactions [22–27]may seem insufficient to overcome the potentially large (tens tohundreds of kcal/mol) free energy barriers to interconvert alter-native RNA secondary structures [28,29]. Notably, the ligandoften binds as a structural ‘linchpin’ to topologically close distalRNA segments and compact the aptamer [30]. In turn, this mayempower riboswitches to shift the kinetic partitioning betweenalternative RNA folds to bring distal sequence elements togetheron the timescale of transcription, taking advantage of the direc-tional and hierarchical co-transcriptional folding of RNA [28,31–36]. Kinetic partitioning may leverage a branch point in thefolding landscape at which a small free energy bias can have asignificant effect on the ultimate secondary structure within areasonable amount of time (i.e., seconds rather than days). Inthis way, the ligand ‘steers’ the folding before the entire sequencehas been transcribed, when the free energy wells are not quite asdeep as in the final transcript; this kinetically favored fold thenbecomes trapped as more of the RNA is transcribed. Such hair-trigger kinetic control through dynamic, low-barrier conversionof alternate riboswitch folds may also be a general and effectiveway to ‘proofread’ against closely related, near-cognate ligandspresent in the cell [37,38].

    Over the years, traditional bulk assays from biochemistryand molecular biology have been employed to validatenovel riboswitches and identify the ligands of orphan ribos-witches [8,39–41]. In addition, the field has learned aboutregulatory mechanisms and differentiated between so far atleast 40 classes of riboswitches [1,41,42]; yet, bulk assaysoften lose important information through ensemble aver-aging over typically billions of molecules. In particular, it isnot possible to characterize kinetic processes that cannot besufficiently synchronized across a population of molecules,such as equilibrium kinetics, the partitioning between dis-tinct reaction pathways, transient and rare states, and theinherent diversity of molecular behaviors. Notably, a see-mingly homogeneous population of biomolecules often dis-plays heterogeneous behavior where the ergodic assumption– that each molecule over time visits the same set of statesto the same extent – does not hold. Such behavior isknown as either ‘dynamic’ or ‘static’ heterogeneity depend-ing on the observed greater or lesser extent, respectively, ofinterconversion between states [43–45]. Observing onemolecule at a time is the only way to fully assess suchheterogeneity.

    Figure 1. Riboswitch-mediated gene regulation.(A) A simplified overview of gene regulation upon ligand binding to a typical riboswitch. Pausing of RNAP during transcription allows the time for ligand to bind theriboswitch in concentration dependent manner. ‘High’ ligand concentrations lead to downregulation of gene expression, whereas ‘low’ ligand concentrations allowgene expression to go forward. In the case of transcriptional riboswitches, ligand binding induces the formation of a typical terminator stem-loop followed by a poly-uridine stretch that together dislodge the RNAP and thus terminate transcription. In the case of translational riboswitches, ligand binding promotes the formation ofa sequester stem that prevents ribosome binding to the SD sequence. RNAP: RNA polymerase; SD: Shine-Dalgarno sequence; AUG: start codon. (B) The kineticpartitioning mechanism of mRNA selection by the ribosome. Cofactors including protein S1, the three initiation factors (IF1-3) and initiator fMet-tRNAfMet assist inloading an mRNA embedding a preQ1-sensing riboswitch onto the 30S ribosomal subunit (left). As the 30S and 70S initiation complexes (IC) form, commitment totranslation increases while the vulnerability to mRNA decay decreases, as mediated by the bacterial degradosome, Hfq and Rho (bottom).

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  • For dynamic structural motifs such as riboswitches, single-molecule (SM) techniques are often essential for a quantitativedescription of their folding and unfolding [46]. More specifi-cally, the kinetic differences of riboswitch folding in theabsence and presence of ligand relative to the kinetics of thecellular gene expression machinery are key determinants ofwhether the downstream gene(s) are expressed. Consequently,their ability to uniquely detect and quantify rare molecularevents, transiently visited states and diverse kinetic behaviorshave led to a quick adoption of SM methods for probingriboswitch mechanisms. In this article, we survey the utilityof SM techniques based on fluorescence and force spectro-scopy in revealing riboswitch function.

    Leading SM tools used to study riboswitches

    The two main SM techniques so far employed for studying ribos-witches are fluorescence and force based. Due to their access tomolecular detail, inherent sensitivity due to probe locations speci-fied by Stokes shift [47] between absorption and emission, andability to probe specified locations by site-specific fluorophoremodification, SM fluorescence techniques have quickly gainedmomentum for riboswitch studies. In addition, SM fluorescencedetection via area detectors (i.e., CCD cameras) allows for super-resolved localization (upto ~1 nm), whereas the characteristicabsorption and emission spectra of distinct fluorophores allowfor multiplexing [48–52]. Complementarily, if two fluorophoreswith overlapping emission and absorption spectra come to within2–8 nm of each other, their transition dipole-dipole interactionresults in non-radiative energy transfer from the donor to theacceptor. This phenomenon is known as Förster (or fluorescence)

    resonance energy transfer (FRET). Since a dipole-dipole interac-tion has a well-defined inverse-sixth-power dependence on theinter-fluorophore distance, FRET is a very powerful method tomeasure intra- and intermolecular motions of biomolecules.Strategic placement of the two fluorophores results in real-timeobservation of specific conformational changes of the host mole-cule or relative motions between two molecules in a complex. Adetailed description of FRET as a technique and its adaptation fordifferent SM experiments is found in previous reviews [46,53–55].In short, the dually labeled RNA is typically immobilized on asurface and the dynamics between the folded and the unfoldedstates detected upon observing the evolution of FRET states overtime (Figure 2a). A typical FRET time trajectory shows dynamicsbetween alternate conformations. HiddenMarkovmodel (HMM)idealization is often used to analyze these dynamic FRET trajec-tories and provide rates of folding/binding and unfolding/disso-ciation (Figure 2a). Additional information can be derived fromFRET histograms that bin all FRET values arising from a certaintime segment (for example, the initial 10 seconds) of all moleculetrajectories observed, or sometimes from a long-lived single tra-jectory; in addition, different forms of transition density plots helpvisualize the results ofHMM fitting as two-dimensional heatmapssummarizing the frequency of FRET transitions observed in apopulation of single molecules (for more information, we referthe reader to the review by Blanco et al. [56]).

    Although SM fluorescence techniques are highly valued fortheir broad applicability, they have to contend with the con-cern that attachment of fluorescent labels could potentiallyperturb folding of the RNA. This concern can be addressed bycomparing the behaviors of the labeled RNA and a dye-freecontrol. In addition, photobleaching of the fluorescent dyes

    Figure 2. Single molecule methods have enriched the study of riboswitches.(A) Experimental setup (top) and typical single molecule time traces (bottom) obtained from an smFRET experiment monitoring riboswitch folding dynamics in eitherthe absence or presence of ligand. A streptavidin-coated microscope slide allows the immobilization of single biotinylated riboswitch molecules that are monitoredby total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM). Direct excitation of the donor dye leads to a FRET signal from the energy transfer between donor andacceptor. Close proximity between the donor and acceptor dyes leads to high FRET [26]. (B) Experimental setup (top) and typical single molecule time traces(bottom) obtained from a SIM-KARTS experiment that uses TIRFM to monitor binding of an excess of a fluorophore-labeled DNA probe from solution to animmobilized riboswitch in either the absence or presence of ligand. Individual probe binding and dissociation cycles are detectable as fluorescence spikes (blackidealized HMM trace) that exhibit periods of burst and non-burst behavior (green and red periods, respectively, on top of the trace, identified by spike train analysis)[57]. (C) Experimental setup (top) and representative force-extension curves and FRET traces (bottom) from a combined optical tweezers/smFRET experimentunfolding a riboswitch in either the absence or presence of ligand. This combined ‘force-FRET’ approach directly correlates local and global structural changes uponfolding, including events associated with ligand binding. Adapted with permission from Duesterberg et al. [66].

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  • limits the range of timescales that can be monitored, althoughit can be extended employing oxygen scavenger systems andthrough photon budgeting (i.e., intermittent illumination anddetection). Alternatively, Single Molecule Kinetic Analysis ofRNA Transient Structure (SiM-KARTS) has been developedto investigate RNA structure at the single molecule level with-out the need for any direct labeling. Instead, the repeatedbinding of a short, fluorophore labeled, complementary oli-gonucleotide probe against a region of interest can be used tointerrogate the solvent accessibility of a short stretch of RNA(Figure 2b), in concept similar to solution-based RNA foot-printing with a chemical or enzymatic reagent, but with theadded advantage of the temporal signature of repeat bindingproviding for high assignment accuracy and information onstructural changes over time at the single molecule level [57].For example, the ligand-dependent accessibility of the SDsequence of an mRNA with an embedded preQ1-sensingtranslational riboswitch was probed by SiM-KARTS using ashort anti-SD oligonucleotide derived from the sequence ofthe corresponding bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA, thus quanti-tatively reporting on changes in SD sequence accessibility overtime as the RNA folds and unfolds [57] (Figure 2b). Spiketrain analysis of individual fluorescent probe binding trajec-tories revealed that single mRNAs interconvert between per-iods of more and less frequent binding capacity, interpreted asperiods of high and low SD accessibility, respectively(Figure 2b). Such measurements provide mechanistic cluesas to how riboswitches regulate gene expression through themodulation of inherently bursty translation initiation events.

    Complementarily, the most prominent force-based SMtechniques employ optical tweezers to manipulate microbeadswith a focused infrared laser beam and impose pico-Newton(pN) forces on a biomolecule tethered between two beads or abead and a surface [58–61] (Figure 2c). SM-force techniquesgenerally perturb the biological system under investigation byan external force along a specified axis and record its mechan-ical response in real-time. Given their high spatial (0.1 to10 nm) and temporal (milliseconds to microseconds) resolu-tion, force spectroscopy assays are well suited to study thedynamic folding pathways of riboswitches upon perturbation;they require handles for bead and surface attachment insteadof fluorophore labeling of the RNA [59,62]. Potential caveatsare that they may impose unnatural, directed mechanicalstress on a biomolecule or damage it through use of highlaser power. Conversely, by applying a specific force trajectoryon an RNA molecule, it is possible to mimic the folding freeenergy landscape of an RNA as it emerges from biologicalmotors such as RNAP or the ribosome. For example, force-extension curves using constant force have identified discretestates that can be adopted by riboswitches during their direc-tional folding [63,64], and optical tweezers can be combinedwith an SM fluorescence readout to monitor the localresponse to a mechanical force [65,66] (Figure 2c).

    Unveiling the kinetic mechanisms of riboswitches

    The earliest SM studies of riboswitches were devoted to deci-phering the kinetic mechanism of ligand-mediated riboswitchfolding. One of the initial smFRET studies of riboswitch

    dynamics by Lemay et al. investigated the folding of anadenine riboswitch as a function of magnesium ion (Mg2+)concentration and detected discrete folding intermediatesbetween undocked and docked conformations [67].Detection of such intermediate states is critical in order tointerpret the stepwise mechanism of riboswitch action [68].Similarly, studies on various riboswitches subsequentlyrevealed crucial kinetic parameters related to their folding.For example, in a study of a lysine-dependent translationalriboswitch, Fiegland et al. employed smFRET to measure theopening and closing rates of its aptamer domain and pre-dicted an apparent dissociation equilibrium constant forlysine binding [69]. The authors further discussed the physio-logical viability of ligand recognition and hinted that co-transcriptional folding might allow the aptamer domain toquickly sense its environment and achieve equilibriumbetween bound and unbound populations. The short timewindows for ligand sensing imposed by the rapid progressof RNAP imply that a binding equilibrium is rarely estab-lished during transcription, but that the response is rathergoverned by the ligand binding kinetics rather its the equili-brium dissociation constant (KD).

    The observation that riboswitches often employ ligands asstructural linchpins that are positioned such that they canadjust the kinetic partitioning between possible alternatefolds naturally raises the question of ligand binding pathways.In most cases, the binding of ligand and RNA conformationalchanges go hand-in-hand, and hence there is considerableinterest in the field to assess their coupling mechanism.Classically, the two extreme models of molecular recognitionare the induced fit (IF) and the conformational selection (CS)models. A comprehensive discussion of these two mechan-isms is described by Hammes et al. [70]. Briefly, in the IFmechanism the ligand binds to an unfolded state of theaptamer and promotes conformational changes into thefolded state (i.e., binding precedes folding). In contrast, inthe CS mechanism the riboswitch samples, in the absence ofligand, both unfolded and folded states. The ligand specificallybinds the folded conformation, by Le Chatelier [71] shiftingthe conformational equilibrium towards the folded state (i.e.,folding precedes binding). Suddala et al. employed smFRETto specifically probe which pathway a preQ1 class-I riboswitchfollows [72]. The authors demonstrated that the presence ofMg2+ ions shifts the ligand binding mechanism from IF to CS.In other words, Mg2+ promotes folding of the aptamer so thatit can sample both folded and unfolded conformations even inthe absence of ligand. Thus, kinetic partitioning is increas-ingly shifted by Mg2+ towards preQ1 binding the pre-foldedconformation. In the absence of Mg2+, by contrast, this kineticpath is less taken and riboswitch folding needs to be stabilizedfirst by ligand, instead favoring the IF mechanism. To furthervalidate this conclusion, the authors employed transition stateanalysis with Φ-values that quantify the fractional abundanceof specific folded state contacts in the folding transition state,using ligand ‘mutations’ to preQ0 and guanine as ligands. Dueto their loss of functional groups, these ligands have a pro-gressively lower affinity for binding to the aptamer comparedto ‘wild-type’ preQ1. In the presence of Mg

    2+, the transitionstate energies for all ligands shifted similarly to those of their

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  • respective docked state energies, indicating that the majorityof ligand-RNA interactions are already established in thetransition state as expected for the CS mechanism. By con-trast, in the absence of Mg2+ the preQ0 ligand shows a rela-tively minor change in transition state energy, suggesting thatthe docking transition states involving the two ligands (preQ1and preQ0) are nearly identical and specific ligand-RNA con-tacts are not yet formed in this early transition state, support-ing an IF mechanism of folding. These data dissect the stronginterdependence of ligand- and Mg2+-mediated foldingmechanisms of riboswitches and underscore the detailedinformation needed to reliably distinguish CS and IF foldingmechanisms. Notably, many naturally occurring riboswitchescompletely enclose their ligand to reach maximal bindingspecificity, and such occlusion from solvent will requiresome level of induced fit for full closure. CS and IF thereforeshould be viewed not as mutually exclusive, but rather asidealizations of opposites on a sliding scale.

    Other SM studies have provided additional elucidation ofligand-controlled riboswitch folding pathways. For example,Haller et al. reported that in the larger TPP riboswitch Mg2+

    first stabilizes the base of the aptamer [73]. The rest of theaptamer, consisting of two dynamic forearms, creates a flex-ible cavity that can accommodate the ligand. Thus, the ligandacts as a chaperone to facilitate further folding of the ribos-witch by closing the forearms through an IF mechanism,eventually determining the outcome of gene expression.SAM riboswitches follow similar two-step hierarchical foldingmechanisms selectively induced by metal ions and ligandbinding. However, the folding of the riboswitch is character-ized by stacking and rotation of helical segments upon ligandbinding through a CS mechanism [74–76]. Even more com-plex, a cyclic diguanylate (c-di-GMP)-dependent riboswitchexists in four distinct ligand-free sub-populations that differin dynamics between their undocked and docked conforma-tions. In the presence of c-di-GMP and Mg2+, the docked statebecomes stabilized. Furthermore, analysis of mutants demon-strated that tertiary interactions distal to the ligand bindingsite help pre-organize the RNA for accelerated ligand recogni-tion and binding [77]. Further insight into how secondarystructure units impact tertiary structure formation anddynamics was provided by Soulière et al. using a preQ1 classII riboswitch. The authors discovered that the RNA employs astem-loop insertion into a classical pseudoknots as a tool tofine-tune the ligand response [78]. In a different study,Holmstrom et al. used SM fluorescence assays for a hydro-xocobalamin (HyCbl) riboswitch where the ligand itself can,conveniently, act as a quencher of the fluorophore [79]. Thisallowed the authors to monitor the kinetics of ligand bindingdirectly, independently of the conformational changes of theaptamer. Their data revealed that the undocking rate constantassociated with the disruption of a long-range kissing loopinteraction is substantially decreased by ligand binding.Continuing in a similar vein, a recent study by Warhautet al. showed that an adenine binding riboswitch adopts twopre-formed, ligand-free secondary structure isomers termedapoA and apoB [80]. In the absence of ligand, the riboswitchalternates between these two competing conformers. Theligand only binds to the apoA state, leading to a shift in

    equilibrium towards the ligand-bound, or holo, state. UsingsmFRET, the authors detected docking dynamics betweenstable undocked and docked sub-states of the apoA andholo conformations, while complementary NMR techniquesrevealed an unstable kissing-loop fold in the apoA and holostates [80]. This study further substantiates a model of kineticpartitioning that, via a cascade of structural rearrangements,eventually leads to a global change in gene expression.

    Although a majority of single molecule studies of ribos-witches were performed on isolated aptamer domains, severalrecent studies have started to consider both the aptamer andthe expression platform as a unit [58,62,81–83]. In fact, often-times a 3ʹ segment of a helix is shared by the aptamer and theexpression platform, indicating that structural competition forthis segment can be a direct link between ligand binding andgene expression. For example, Manz et al. recently studied thedynamics of the SAM-I riboswitch aptamer and its terminatorby smFRET [82]. They found that the anti-terminator andterminator structures coexist, and that SAM binding only gra-dually shifts the equilibrium toward the terminator.

    Finally, RNA-ligand interaction analyses, different chemi-cal denaturants, and other perturbation methods have alsobeen employed to understand the folding landscapes of addi-tional riboswitches [84,85], together demonstrating how SMfluorescence imaging can provide powerful insights into theligand-guided folding mechanisms of riboswitches.

    Following the folding of riboswitches co-transcriptionally

    Folding of nascent transcripts can be modulated by the mole-cular properties of the RNAP that carries out their transcrip-tion. For example, the site-specific pausing of RNAP togetherwith co-transcriptional RNA-protein interactions have beenshown in several cases to be important for co-transcriptionalRNA folding [86]. In this context, it has been shown that thetranscription rate of the transcriptional flavin mononucleotide(FMN)-sensing riboswitch from Bacillus subtilis has a pro-found impact on its ability to sense the ligand and regulategene expression [87]. That is, ligand binding and the kineticsof transcription are intimately linked to allow fine-tuning ofriboswitch folding [88]. During the past decade, the emer-gence of new biochemical and SM techniques has allowedresearchers to isolate the transcription elongation complex(EC) and to analyze it in ever greater detail [89].

    In one of the first applications of optical tweezers to theriboswitch field, Greenleaf et al. investigated the folding land-scape of the pBuE adenine riboswitch and uncovered multiplestates in the hierarchical folding of this RNA [59]. Following thisstudy, similar folding pathways were uncovered for other ribos-witches such as those for TPP and guanine [58,60,66,90]. Thesestudies helped to identify discrete states adopted by the aptamerin the bound and unbound conformations, showing that ribos-witch folding often is not confined to two mutually exclusiveconformations. For example, the guanine riboswitch can adoptsix different states with three of these dependent on the presenceof ligand [54]. Very fast multi-state folding of the aptamer (inunder 1 s) allows the ligand to efficiently modulate the confor-mation of the RNA in a very short time window as necessary forregulating transcription.

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  • One of the main technical challenges in the transcriptionalriboswitch field is the ability to follow the folding pathway ofthe RNA as the RNAP transcribes it. Indeed, during RNAbiosynthesis, the nascent RNA can adopt intermediate con-formers that determine the final output of gene expression[31,34]. This behavior is exemplified by riboswitches that haveto fold, bind their cognate ligand, and regulate gene expres-sion by partitioning from an antiterminator to a terminatorstem-loop that dislodges the RNAP during transcription. As aresult, dissecting the folding landscape of riboswitches as theyare transcribed is needed to fully understand how the bindingof the ligand triggers conformational changes that modulatethe stability of a complex as stable as the EC.

    Frieda and Block developed an SM force microscopy assayto address this question [58]. Specifically, they investigated thehierarchical folding of the pbuE riboswitch as it is transcribedby RNAP. By suspending a short initial transcription complexvia the DNA template and the RNAP between dual beams ofoptical tweezers, they were able to follow RNA co-transcrip-tional folding in real-time. Using this dumbbell configuration,extension between the two microbeads and spikes in force-extension curves permitted characterization of the foldinglandscape of the RNA as it emerges from the RNAP. Byapplying different forces to the EC, the researchers definedtypical SM signatures of RNA folding in the absence andpresence of the adenine ligand. They found that, at highforce, the aptamer does not fold properly even in the presenceof adenine. As the applied force is decreased, the foldingpathway of the aptamer can be observed with the P2 stemfolding first, followed by the P3 stem. Notably, the researcherswere able to identify an adenine-dependent termination eventin real-time. Based on the short time window for ligandbinding (2 s) compared to the lifetime of the aptamer in thebound conformation (10 s), they were able to determine thatthe riboswitch is kinetically driven, revealing evidence of sucha mechanism at the SM level and underscoring the signifi-cance of co-transcriptional folding for understanding ribos-witch mechanisms.

    While experiments with optical tweezers have improvedour understanding of global riboswitch folding, a compre-hensive understanding further requires a correlation withlocal structural rearrangements. Uhm et al. pursued suchstudies by analyzing the co-transcriptional folding of a TPP-sensing riboswitch using smFRET [91]. In this study, whileusing fluorescently labeled RNA incorporated into an EC ofa bacteriophage RNAP, the researchers were able to restarttranscription upon addition of NTPs allowing them to sur-vey the real-time folding of the riboswitch as it emergesfrom the RNAP. By altering the rate of the transcriptionprocess with varying NTP concentrations, the researchersfound that ligand binding is temporally coordinated, defin-ing a time window during which TPP can bind the aptamerco-transcriptionally. This study demonstrated how the tran-scription process can be dynamically coordinated withligand binding.

    More recently, Widom et al. uncovered a direct role ofRNAP in riboswitch folding by analyzing a paused elonga-tion complex (PEC) formed with a preQ1-responsiveriboswitch and bacterial RNAP [83]. The authors found

    that the unbound state of the riboswitch promotes RNAPpausing within the expression platform, whereas thebound state acts as a ‘release factor’ for this transcriptionalpausing. In addition, by studying this particular PEC bysmFRET they found that RNAP conversely impacts ribos-witch folding via electrostatic shielding from the DNAtemplate to stabilize the docked conformation. In additionto studying a native PEC at the SM level, this workprovides new evidence into riboswitch dynamics inwhich the transcriptional machinery cross-couples withligand-dependent riboswitch folding.

    Future outlook: riboswitch folding under cellularconditions

    SM techniques have advanced the study of isolated ribos-witches to a new level in terms of identifying intermediatefolding states, measuring quantitative kinetics, and determin-ing folding mechanisms. In the complex environment of aliving cell, however, a riboswitch-embedding mRNA canpotentially interact with many additional RNA-binding pro-teins during gene expression (Figure 1a, b), a challenge that isonly beginning to be addressed.

    As one mechanism that has been largely underappre-ciated, the detailed process of translation initiation is ofparticular interest. Indeed, while it is known that ‘simple’RNA secondary structures already can prevent ribosomebinding, much less information is available concerning theconverse impact of the large pre-initiation complex (PIC) onriboswitch folding and dynamics (Figure 1b). Moreover, it isimportant to ask whether a riboswitch can impact only thepioneering round of translation, upon which it becomesunfolded, or whether it can (re)bind ligand and refold toimpact subsequent translation initiation events. More studiesin the context of the bacterial translation initiation factorsand both subunits of the ribosome are required since all ofthese factors can potentially impact the folding pattern of agiven riboswitch (Figure 1b).

    Furthermore, in bacteria transcription and translation areintimately coupled, that is, once the SD sequence and startcodon have been transcribed, the ribosome can initiate trans-lation and begin generating protein in parallel to further RNAsynthesis by RNAP [92]. In fact, it has been shown that theribosome can physically push into the RNAP so that the twoprocesses become coupled [93]. The recent cryo-electronmicroscopy (cryo-EM) characterization of an ‘expressome’,containing an mRNA transcribed by RNAP while being trans-lated by the ribosome (Figure 3), opens the gate to newstudies probing the effects of this larger context on riboswitchfolding and function [94].

    In conclusion, with the constant discovery of new ribos-witches in increasingly exotic bacteria, and the assignment ofligands to orphan riboswitches [41], one may expect a parallelrise in the complexity of the mechanisms and model systemsamenable to SM techniques. As one example, a recently discov-ered new class of riboswitches uses a B12-responsive riboswitchas part of a trans-acting RNA that modulates accessibility by anRNA-binding protein [17,95]. Another new dimension cur-rently arising – after extensive studies of the folding and

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  • dynamics of isolated riboswitches in vitro – is the realizationthat RNAs may behave quite differently in the crowded mole-cular environment of the cell, where transient encounters with aplethora of non-canonical binding partners may dominateRNA-guided gene expression in ways that we are just beginningto understand [96]. This may help the ‘David’ of a small ligandoverpower the much larger ‘Goliath’ of the gene expressionmachinery in ways both unexpected and profound, fine-tuninggene regulation by waves of kinetic selection yet awaiting to bediscovered (Figure 3).


    We thank Dr. Alexander Johnson-Buck for a careful reading of themanuscript, Dr. Paul Lund for Figure 1b, and all members of theWalter laboratory and the reviewers for valuable feedback.

    Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest

    No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.


    This work was supported by NIH/National Institute of General MedicalSciences grants GM062357, GM118524, GM122803 and a sub-award onGM115857 to N.G.W.


    Sujay Ray Chauvier G. Walter


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    AbstractRiboswitches, an ideal target for single molecule microscopyLeading SM tools used to study riboswitchesUnveiling the kinetic mechanisms of riboswitchesFollowing the folding of riboswitches co-transcriptionally

    Future outlook: riboswitch folding under cellular conditionsAcknowledgmentsDisclosure of Potential Conflicts of InterestFundingReferences