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спеціальності “Спорт”


Сумський державний університет


Збірник тематичних текстів та вправ з граматики для студентів І курсу спеціальності “Спорт” / укладачі Ярмак Л. П., Гладченко О.Р. - Суми: Сумський державний університет, 2015. - 53 с.

Кафедра іноземних мов


UNIT І. Sports All the Year Round

UNIT II. The British and Sport

UNIT III. Sports in the USA


Sports All the Year Round

I Think and say:

1. Most people understand the importance of sports but not all people go in for sports. Can you explain why?

2. Do you go in for sports? Do you enjoy doing it? Are you an amateur or a professional?

3. What do you think is more important: to develop professional sports or to pay more attention to the physical culture of all people?

II Read and talk:

1 Read the words and their translation. Memorize them:

outdoor sports

спорт на відкритому повітрі




парусний спорт


лижний спорт


санний спорт


стрибки на лижах з трампліну

a skating rink



велосипедний спорт



to indulge in


track and field events

легкоатлетичний спорт




оздоровчий біг

to be keen on





художня гімнастика

to encourage

підбадьорювати, підтримувати

to keep fit

бути в гарній фізичній формі

indoor games

спорт в приміщенні


гра в шахи




гра в шахмати

a chess tournament

шахматний турнір

2 Read and translate word combination:

to be fond of sport, people are united, to make our bodies stronger and our health better, on a frosty winter day, to give excellent opportunities, to take the first place, public interest, all the year round, to become popular with, firmly established games.

3 Read the text:

Sports all the year round

A lot of people all over the world are fond of sports and games. These are the things in which people of every nationality and class are united. Physical exercises of any kind are useful and can make our bodies stronger and our health better.

The most popular outdoor winter sports are ice-hockey, skiing, skating and tobogganing. Some people greatly enjoy figure-skating and ski-jumping. Isn't it nice to go to a skating-rink to skate or to the forest and mountains to ski on a frosty winter day?

Summer gives excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, sailing and many other sports. Among outdoor games football probably takes the first place in public interest - this game is played in most countries in the world. The other games that have firmly established themselves in favour in different countries are tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton and table tennis, rugby and cycling and many others.

All the year round people indulge in athletics, gymnastics, track and field events, running, jumping and jogging. Quite a few men are keen on boxing and wrestling, while scores of young girls and women enjoy calisthenics. Over the last years aerobics and shaping have become popular with girls and young women. The most famous promoter of this kind of sports was a well-known American actress Jane Fonda. She encouraged women of all ages all over the world to go in for this kind of sports because it helps them to keep fit and healthy.

Among the indoor games the most popular are billiards, bowling, draughts, table tennis, fencing, badminton and the great international game is chess, of course! The results of chess tournaments are studied and discussed by thousands of enthusiasts in different countries.

4 Answer the questions:

1. What unites people all over the world? Why?

2. What are the most popular outdoor winter sports? Which of them is your favourite? Why?

3. What opportunities does summer give people who are fond of summer sports?

4. What kind of summer outdoor games do you enjoy doing? Why? What do you dislike doing? why?

5. What sports are men keen on?

6. Why are aerobics and shaping so popular among women?

7. Is there anything your favourite among indoor games? Why?

III It is interesting to know:

1 Answer the questions:

1. Have you any idea about so called “sporting spirit”?

2. Why is it so important for people to have it?

2 Read the text about what makes people endure hardships in their lives:

What is the sportsman? He is one who is interested in sport. But that is only one meaning of the word. even if a person is not interested in any sport, and has no opportunity or inclination to play any game, he may be called a sportsman if he has something called the “sporting spirit”. This “sporting spirit” is something that the playing of games develops in people, though a person may have it who plays no games. It is the ability to endure hard knocks without getting angry or seeking revenge; the ability to smile in times of danger and hardship, the ability to win without boasting afterwards, and to lose without complaining. A sportsman forgets himself in his loyalty to his own side; he refuses to be disheartened when the game is going against him; he goes on fighting when the battle seems already lost.

Some people hate playing if there is no crowd to applaud them, some play only to win prizes, others are unwilling to play against stronger opponents for fear of defeat. Such people are not sportsmen in the best sense of the word, but if they go on playing they may become sportsmen in time. We should all try to become “good losers”, to accept our disappointments cheerfully. Everyone has disappointments at some time or other; sportsmen smile when they occur and refuse to be disheartened by them.

3 Some vocabulary to understand the text better:

to have opportunity and inclination - мати змогу та хист

to endure hard knocks (hardships) - витримувати труднощі

to get angry - злитися

to seek revenge - шукати помсти

to boast - хвастатися, пишатися

to lose without complaining - програвати без нарікань

to be disheartened - приводити у зневіру

to applaud - аплодувати

to win prizes - вигравати призи

loyalty - відданість

to be unwilling - бути неналаштованим

for fear of defeat - через страх програшу

in the best sense of the word - в найкращому розумінні цього слова

to accept disappointments cheerfully - витримувати розчарування без жалю

to occur - траплятися

to refuse - відмовлятися

4 Some facts in favour of sports:

Why this obsession with sport?

What is it that makes sport so enjoyable for so many? First, we seriously believe that sport is something we can all do, however badly or however well. Tens of thousands set off on the London and New York Marathons. Amateur football matches take place all over the world every weekend. Sport is a democratic activity.

Second, sports stars are self-made people. Sport is dominated by athletes from ordinary backgrounds. This is why it is a classic means by which those from the poorest backgrounds can seek fame and fortune.

Third, we enjoy watching sport because we like to see the supreme skills of those who act like gladiators in modern arena.

5 Some vocabulary to understand the text better:

obsession - одержимість (бажанням)

enjoyable - приємний

badly - погано

well - добре

to set off - вирушати

to take place - відбуватися

self-made people - люди, що добились успіху

ordinary background - звичайне походження

means - засіб

to seek fame and fortune - шукати славу та успіх

supreme skills - надзвичайні вміння

Sport the global unifier

'Sport probably does more to unify nations than any politician has ever been capable of'. So said Nelson Mandela. The only truly global occasions are the Olympics and the World Cup, watched by thousands of millions across the world. These great sporting events bring together players and athletes from different races like no other. Not only that, but sport provides just about the only example of global democracy where the rich do not dominate: on the contrary, Brazilians have long been supreme at football, the Kenyans at middle-distance running, and black Americans at boxing.

6 Some vocabulary to understand the text better:

a global unifier - глобальна об'єднуюча сила

to unify nations - об'єднувати народи

a politician - політик

to be capable - бути здатним

a truly global occasion - справді світова подія

to bring together - зближувати

on the contrary - навпаки

middle-distance running - біг на середні дистанції

IV Practical grammar

Interrogative Sentences

Питальні речення

Питальні слова


що; який




куди; де



How many

скільки (для злічуваних іменників)

How much

скільки (для незлічуваних іменників)





What kind of





кого; кому



How long

як довго

Типи питань

General Question

Загальне питання (відповідь “так” або “ні”)

Спосіб утворення:

Допоміжне дієслово + підмет + смислове дієслово + всі інші члени речення.

Students like playing football very much.

Do students like playing very much?

Some sports people go on playing very long.

Do any sports people go on playing very long?

I got hurt when I caught the ball.

Did you get hurt when you caught the ball?

There is more cheating in football today because football is big business.

Is there more cheating in football today?

Argentina was playing England in the quarter-finals of the 1986 World Cup in Mexico.

Was Argentina playing England in the quarterfinals of the 1986 World Cup in Mexico?

Special Question

Спеціальне питання (з питальним словом)

Спосіб утворення:

Питальне слово + допоміжне дієслово + підмет + смислове дієслово + інші слова.

Fred Lorz won the marathon at the St. Louis Olympic Games in 1904.

When did Fred Lorz win the marathon at the St. Louis Olympic Games?

Where did Fred Lorz win the marathon?

A professional referee thinks fair play still exists.

What does a professional referee think?

Maradona scored many goals during football matches.

How many goals did Maradona score during football matches?

The most difficult thing for a referee is making decisions.

What is the most difficult thing for a referee?

Footballers cheat because they accept money to lose matches.

Why do footballers cheat?

Subject Question

Питання до підмета

Who (What) ставимо в речення замість підмета і переписуємо речення, нічого не змінюючи. Who (What) - займенники третьої особи однини.

The spectators cheered their favourite sportsmen.

Who cheered their favourite sportsmen?

Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player.

Who is the greatest basketball player?

Hockey is played in winter.

What is played in winter?

Sometimes footballers cheat because of money.

Who cheats because of money?

Alternative Question

Альтернативне питання (або те, або інше)

Альтернативне питання складається так, як загальне:

Допоміжне дієслово + підмет + смислове дієслово + or + інші слова.

The captain of the team is one of the best players.

Is the captain of the team one of the best or worst players?

He prefers watching team sports.

Does he prefer watching a team or an individual sport?

My family and friends like sports.

Do my family and friends like sports or music?

Tag Question

Питання з хвостиком (чи не так?)

Це питання складається наступним чином: переписуємо речення, замість крапки в кінці ставимо кому і додаємо “хвостик”.

“Хвостик” складається з допоміжного дієслова, частки not та підмета, вираженого займенником.

Якщо в самому реченні є частка not, або інше заперечення, то в “хвостику” частка not відсутня.

Physical education must be obligatory at school.

Physical education must be obligatory at school, mustn't it?

There are many kinds of sports I don't mind watching.

There are many kinds of sports I don't mind watching, aren't there?

Some sports people don't want to retire too long.

Some sports people don't want to retire too long, do they?

1 Ask Who/What-questions:

1. I always go to bed early on Sunday. 2. Sally goes to work by train every morning. 3. Juan and Marco didn't go shopping yesterday. 4. Aerobics helps keep fit. 5. The banks aren't open today. 6. My parents live in France. 7. The film finished late last night. 8. We went to the Chinese restaurant yesterday. 9. Technology is growing very fast nowadays. 10. Sport is very important for everybody in our life.

2 Ask general questions:

1. My sister is listening to music at the moment. 2. Students use their mobile phones to communicate with parents and friends. 3. I bought a new car last week. 4. He has an exam tomorrow so he is studying now. 5. There were a lot of people at the cinema last night. 6. I always have breakfast at home. 7. I can't sing, but I can play the guitar. 8. There is little milk in the fridge. 9. I spoke to him on the phone ten minutes ago. 10. John and Mary have two children.

3 Ask questions: How many … ? How much … ?

1. There are 30 pupils in this classroom. 2. They have 2 children: a boy and a girl. 3. He can speak English, German and Italian. 4. My father works 40 hours a week. 5. I spend a little time for cooking breakfast every day. 6. Tennis racquet costs 150 dollars. 7. There is little butter on the plate. 8. I earn enough money.

4 Answer the questions and compare with a partner:

How much time do you spend on a week day … ?

- sleeping

- having meals (breakfast, lunch, etc.)

- working (or studying)

- cooking

- doing homework

- doing sports

- relaxing

5 Talk in small groups about the things below:

1) How much time do you have … ?

- for yourself

- to do exercises

- to see friends

- to be with your family

2) How much … do you have?

- work

- university work

- English homework

- energy

6 Put a question tag at the end of each sentence:

1. You don't like this music. 2. Robert isn't at work today. 3. You haven't seen the newspaper. 4. Lynne speaks French and German. 5. They didn't go to the concert. 6. We're leaving tomorrow. 7. You couldn't do me a favour. 8. Everyone will be here soon.

7 In pairs ask your partner about sport using the questionnaire:

Do you like sport?

If “yes”, answer these questions:

What sport do you like?

Have you ever won a medal?

Do you like individual or team sport?

Are there good stadiums in your town?

Do you prefer doing sport or being a spectator?

If “no”, answer these questions:

What sport did you have at school?

Did you enjoy it?

Do you think you are fit?

Do your friends like sport?

What sport do you hate?

8 Ask questions to the underlined words:

1. There are some good beaches at the sea coast. 2. My mother gets up at 7 o'clock in the morning. 3. Andrew and Les go to school by bus every day. 4. His father is working in Canada at the moment. 5. Those books are very expensive. 6. There are some beautiful parks in our city. 7. My mother has toasts and a cup of tea in the morning. 8. Loud music gives me a headache. 9. The children are sleeping in their room now. 10. Our relatives are far from us. 11. There is a language laboratory in our university. 12. Ann drinks coffee in the morning. 13. The President of the USA lives in the White House. 14. We spend five hundred dollars a week. 15. His parents are working in the garden now.

9 Look at the answers and complete the questions using the question words in the box:

what who which whose where when why how how often how much how many how long

1. '… do you do?' ' I'm a student.'

2. '… do you live?' 'In London.'

3. ' … have you lived there?' 'For two years.'

4. '… brothers and sisters have you got?' ' Two brothers and two sisters.'

5. '… is your favourite pop singer?' 'Michael Jackson'.

6. '… is your birthday? ' 'November the 3 rd.'

7. '… do you play tennis?' 'About once a week.'

8. '… does it cost to play tennis in Britain?' 'It's not very expensive.'

9. '… bag is this?' 'I think it's Simon's.'

10. '… do you usually get to work?' 'By car.'

11. '… of those girls is your sister?' 'She's the one in the black skirt.'

12. '… are you smiling?' 'Oh, I've just thought of something funny.'


The British and Sport

I Think and say:

1. What is the spectator sport?

2. Give an example of a team sport.

3. Which sport do you associate with Britain?

4. Can you name any important sports competitions which take place in Britain?

II Read and talk:

1 Read the words and their translation. Memorize them:

to invent


to last








tiring sport

спорт, що вимагає фізичних зусиль



to throw




to enjoy sailing

захоплюватись парусним спортом

annual sailing races

щорічні регати

to become increasingly popular

набувати популярності

unsuitable climate

клімат, непридатний до

to be good at

гарно оволодіти чимось

to devote time

присвячувати час

a batsman

гравець, що відбиває м'яч

to win the cup

завоювати кубок

a bowler

гравець, що подає м'яч




гра в м'яч (подібно тенісу)

2 Read and translate word combinations:

to take place, the biggest sporting events, a suburb of London, strawberries and cream, to look slow (game), to go on, a batsman, to hit with a bat, similar, to throw the ball through a net, a three meter post, enthusiastic,, owing to, in order to.

3. Read the text:

Sport in Britain

The British are a sporting nation. Like everyone else they love football - in fact, they invented it. Most British towns and cities have a football team. Every year, each team plays in the Football Association competition. The two best teams play in the Cup final at Wembley Stadium in London. It is one of the biggest sporting events of the year.

Tennis is another popular game in Britain. Every summer, in June, the biggest international tennis tournament takes place at Wimbledon, a suburb of London. There are strawberries and cream for sale, and everyone hopes the rain will stay away.

The British play many sports that are unknown in most other countries, for example: cricket, squash and netball.

Cricket is a typically British sport which foreigners have difficulty in understanding. The game looks slow, but it can be exciting if you understand what's going on. There are two teams of eleven players: one man (“the bowler”) throw the ball, and the “batsman” hits it with his bat.

Cricket is a very long game. Matches last from one to five days. Squash is another British invention. It is a form of tennis. There are two players and they use rackets similar to tennis rackets and a small, black rubber ball. They play indoors. It is a very fast and tiring sport!

Netball is similar to basketball. There are seven players (usually girls or women) in each team and the object of the game is the same as in basketball: to throw the ball through a net at the top of a three-metre post.

Swimming is very popular in Britain and there are many public swimming baths.

Many British people who live near the sea, a lake or a river enjoy sailing. If you are really enthusiastic, you can take part in one of the annual sailing races or “regattas” as Cowes, near Portsmouth, for example, or at Henley on the river Thames.

Golf is becoming increasingly popular. Athletic is growing all the time.

Winter sports such as skiing are generally impossible in Britain (except Scotland) owing to the unsuitable climate, but more and more people spend winter holidays on the Continent in order to take part in them.


· football (coll. soccer) - a game in which there are eleven players on each side, using a round ball which must not be touched with the hands.

· rugby (coll. rugger) - a form of football in which the players use their hands for carrying the ball. The game is played with fifteen men on each side, and an oval-shaped ball is used.

4 Answer the questions:

1. What can you say about the British in general?

2. What are the most popular sports in Britain?

3. What can you tell about the football competition in Britain? Add your own information if you are a British football fan.

4. Where are the biggest international tennis tournaments held? What have some strawberries and cream to do with them?

5. What do you know about the games which are not very popular in other countries: cricket, squash and netball?

6. Why is skiing not so popular in Britain?

III Check and improve your vocabulary skills:


the official person in control in some sports (in tennis this is «umpire»).


a person who gives practical teaching to make somebody better in sports.


the player who is the leader of the team.


people who watch the game (also «the crowd»).


people who regularly watch a team play (also «fans»).


a large structure where people sit and watch sport.


a football club - is the team, the management and the ground.


a place where tennis, basketball or badminton are played.


a competition to find the best player or team in sport.


a situation in which two or more people are trying to win or to be better than somebody.


a competition to see who is the fastest or best participant.


a person who plays sport for money as his/her job (opposite «amateur»).


is the best performance in something especially in sport (to hold the record; to break the record).


a person who plays against you in a sport or competition.

IV It is interesting to know

1 Read the text about the country where many sports were invented and many game rules were written:

The British and sport

Britain does not often produce sportsmen or sportswomen who are successful in world sporting championships, but it has been good at inventing sports and writing the rules of games.

Golf was first played in Scotland in the fifteen century and the most famous golf club, Saint Andrews in Scotland, is still the most respected authority on golf in the world. Cricket was first played in England in the sixteenth century and its rules were written in the eighteen century.

Nineteenth-century team sports, such as football, rugby and hockey, were first played in British public schools. The rules for all of these games were written between 1870 and 1890.

to be good at inventing sports - бути здатним вигадувати види спорту

the most respected authority - найбільш поважний авторитет

2 Read the texts about some particulars of cricket, rugby and fishing


Most people think of cricket as a slow sport, but the ball can be bowled at speeds of 85 miles per hour.

Cricket is a popular summer sport in England. It is played much in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, but it is played in the Commonwealth countries of Australia, India, New Zealand, Pakistan and the West Indies.

Every year there are Test Matches between all these countries. A Test Match can last for up to five days. Usually the Commonwealth countries play much better and faster cricket than England.

to bowl the ball - подавати м'яч

Commonwealth countries - країни Британської Співдружності Націй

Test Matches - Залікові матчі


Rugby takes its name from Rugby School in the Midlands. In 1823, a boy playing football at the school picked up the ball and ran with it.

Rugby is a type of football. It is played with an oval ball and players can both kick or run with it. There are two types of rugby: in Rugby Union there are teams of 15 players, who are amateurs, and it is played by England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland (a joint team from both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland), France, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. There are regular matches between these countries. In Rugby League there are 13 players in a team, the players are all professionals and it is mostly played in the north of England and Australia.

to pick up the ball - піднімати м'яч

to kick - штовхнути ногою

a joint team - об'єднана команда


One of the most popular individual sports for men in Britain is fishing, also called angling. The most expensive type of fishing is for salmon and trout: these fish are only found in private rivers and lakes. Nearly 4 million anglers in Britain wait hours beside canals, rivers and lakes to catch a fish. Then they weigh it and normally throw it back into the water again.

angling - рибна ловля

salmon - лосось

trout - форель

angler - рибалка

to catch the fish - ловити рибу

to weigh - зважувати

to throw back - викидати

3 Read the text how the British keep fit:

Keeping fit

There are 2000 sports centres in Britain: one for every town, large or small. They were built mostly in the 1980s to encourage the public to take part in sport. The number of people who take part in sport has risen, but not many people exercise more than once a month.

The majority of people live in towns and cities, where space for team sports is limited. To keep fit, most people take part in individual sports. They usually go walking, swimming, cycling, or do aerobics. Taking part in all of these sports is informal and casual. Most people just want to relax. If they do aerobics or go swimming, they usually go to the sport centre, but not many people join a sports club.

Although many British people are interested in staying healthy, not many people do very much about it. A recent survey proved that many people were not as active as they thought and incorrectly believed that they did enough exercise to stay healthy. Only 10 per cent of adults take part in sport more than twice a week.

snooker - більярд

to encourage the public - заохочувати громадськість

to exercise sport - займатися спортом

space - простір

informal and casual - неофіціальний та нерегулярний

to join sport clubs - вступати в спортивний клуб

The most popular sports played by men in Britain:

Walking - 47 %

Snooker - 25 %

Swimming - 15 %

Cycling - 13 %

The most popular sorts played by women n Britain:

Walking - 50 %

Aerobics - 21%

Swimming - 20 %

Cycling - 9 %

4 Answer the questions

1. What are the most popular sports in your country?Compare them with the most popular sports in Britain.

2. Which of the sports mentioned in the texts are played in your country?

V Practical grammar

Comparison of adjectives

Ступені порівняння прикметників

Прикметники в англійській мові діляться на 4 групи:

1. Односкладові, короткі прикметники: long, short, black, fast, quiet, strong.

2. Двоскладові із закінченням -y: sunny, happy, windy, lucky, easy, heavy.

3. Трьохскладові, довгі прикметники: interesting, beautiful, wonderful, courageous, intermediate, average, intelligent.

4. Винятки - прикметники, які утворюють ступені порівняння не за правилами, а змінюючи основу:

good - better - the best;

bad - worse - the worst;

many - more - the most;

much - more - the most;

little - less - the least;

far - farther - the farthest


far - further - the furthest;

old - older - the oldest


old - elder - the eldest (про членів родини).

Винятки треба запам'ятати.

Односкладові прикметники

Утворюють ступені порівняння за допомогою суфіксів -er; -est:

small - smaller - the smallest;

long - longer - the longest;

fast - faster - the fastest;

fat - fatter - the fattest.

В найвищому ступені до прикметників додаємо означений артикль the:

the best - найкращий;

the strongest - найсильніший;

the fastest - найшвидший;

the highest найвищий.

Двоскладові прикметники з закінченням -y з попередньою приголосною

Утворюють ступені порівняння за допомогою суфіксів -er; -est, причому літера “у” змінюється на “і”, а потім додаємо суфікси -er; -est:

happy - happier - the happiest;

sunny - sunnier - the sunniest;

nasty - nastier - the nastiest.

Трьохскладові прикметники

Утворюють ступені порівння за допомогою слів “more”, “most” + прикметник:

interesting - more interesting - the most interesting;

beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful;

independent - more independent - the most independent;

1 Form comparatives (вищий ступінь порівняння) and superlatives (найвищий ступінь порівняння) of adjectives:

Long, dark, short, comfortable, far, dirty, big, great, good, deep, lazy, sad, practical, happy, bad, dry, cheap. weak, important, large, little, pretty, expensive.

2 Answer the questions. Use “I think”, “of course”:

1. What is easier: English or Ukrainian?

2. Which is warmer: autumn or summer?

3. Which is faster: a plane or a ship?

4. Which is more popular: football or tennis?

5. Which is more comfortable: a chair or a sofa?

6. Which is bigger: Kyiv or Sumy?

7. Which is smaller: Europe or Asia?

8. Who is more practical: a man or a woman?

9. Which is colder: January or February?

10. Which is harder: iron or steel?

3 Answer the questions. Use “In my opinion”, “I think”, “If I am not mistaken”:

1. Which is the longest river in Ukraine?

2. Which is the most expensive car?

3. Which is the most difficult subject for you at university?

4. Who is the most popular footballer in Ukraine?

5. Which is the nearest planet to the Earth?

6. Which is the warmest season of the year?

7. Which is the shortest month of the year?

8. Which is the highest mountain in the word?

9. Who is the best goalkeeper in Ukrainian football?

10. Who is the most well-known Ukrainian poet?

4 Form the comparatives and superlatives from adjectives in brackets:

1. The twenty second of December is (short) day in the year. 2. Silver is (heavy) than copper. 3. His plan is (practical) than yours. 4. This is (short) way to the station. 5. Odessa is one of (big) ports on the Black Sea. 6. Your room is (good) than mine. 7. Iron is (useful) of all metals. 8. London is (large) city in Great Britain. 9. April is (cool) than May. 10. Hockey is (popular) than basketball.

Comparative Structures

Порівняльні конструкції

as + adjective + as

Коли два предмета мають одну й ту саму якість, використовуємо цю конструкцію.

Bread is 5 grivnas. Juice is 5 grivnas.

Bread is as cheap as juice.

Juice is as cheap as bread.

Щоб описати різнию між предметами, можна використовувати:

not as + adjective + as

Bread is 5 grivnas. Meat is 60 grivnas.

Bread is not as expensive as meat.

Meat is not as cheap as bread.

Щоб порівняти два предмети, можна використовувати прикметник у вищому ступені + than:

Kate is 18. Ben is 10.

Ben is younger than Kate.

Kate is older than Ben.

Можна використовувати два прикметники у вищому ступеніб щоб показати зміни, які відбуваються:

The weather is getting hotter and hotter.

Food is becoming more and more expensive.

Вищий ступінь порівняння прикметників утворює ще одну граматичну конструкцію:

The harder you train, the better results will be.

Чим ретельніше тренуєшся, тим кращі будуть результати.

The more we study, the more we know.

Чим більше ми вчимося, тим більше ми знаємо.

5 Answer the questions as in the example:

Ex.:Is it as warm in April as in May? -

No, it's warmer in May than in April.

1. is it as cold in November as in December? 2. Is your bedroom as big as mine? 3. Is a kilometer as long as a mile? 4. Is the Moon as big as the Sun? 5. Is Kuiv as large as Sumy?

6 Choose the correct answer:

1. This news is not … the news we heard last week.

a) as interesting as;b) interesting;

c) more interesting.

2. The … trees in the world grow in California.

a) tallest;

b) the most tall;c) taller.

3. Asia is … than Australia.

a) the largest;

b) as large as;

c) larger.

4. The weather is getting … .

a) good;

b) better and better;c) the best.

5. The second half of the match was … interesting.

a) the least;

b) little;

c) less.

6. Gold is … than iron.

a) valuable;

b) less valuable;c) more valuable.

7. He speaks English … of all in my group.

a) better;

b) good;

c) the best.

8. January is … month of the year.

a) colder;

b) the coldest;

c) the most cold.

9. My house is … as yours.

a) as modern;

b) modern;

c) more modern.

10. Nokia phones are not … as Motorola ones.

a) same;

b) the same;

c) more same.

7 Use the words below to write comparative sentences:

Ex.:Canada / big / Britain.

Canada is bigger than Britain.

1. Magazines / interesting / newspapers. 2. My spelling / bad / Lucy's. 3. Paris / beautiful / Berlin. 4. The airport / far / the railway station. 5. This sports car / fast / that one.

8 If you travel by car, by train or by plane, which journey is … ?

- the quickest;

- the cheapest;

- the most comfortable;

- the most convenient.

9 Read and translate the following jokes.

1. The more you study, the more you know,

The more you know, the more you forget,

The more you forget, the less you know,

The less you know, the less you forget,

The less you forget, the more you know.

2. A wise old owl lived in an oak;

The more he saw, the less he spoke,

The less he spoke, the more he heard.

Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?

10 Fill in the blanks with appropriate adjectives:

1. It's noisy here. Let's find a … (quiet) place . 2. This exercise is too difficult. May I do a …(simple) one? 3. Are computer games … (useful) for health than sports? 4. You are even … (careless) than I thought.. 5. This is the … (good) game I have ever seen. 6. The … (nice) the weather, the … (pleasant) to play outdoor games. 7. The … (high) my university marks, the … (happy) I am.


Sports in the USA

I Think and say:

1. Do you take sport seriously or do you do it just for fun?

2. What things do you think are important for doing well at a sport?

3. Have you ever had to give up sport for any reason?

II Read and talk:

1 Read the words and their translation, memorize them:

spactator sports

видовищний спорт


одержимість (бажанням)

to attend sporting events

відвідувати спортивні змагання

game score

рахунок гри



to encourage

підтримувати, заохочувати

to participate in sports

брати участь в спорті



track and field athletics

легка атлетика



to root

підтримувати, заохочувати

to apply for a sports scholarship

претендувати на спортивну стипендію


капітан болільників





to join a team

стати членом команди








фаворит, любима гра

to wear a helmet

одягати каску (шлем)

2 Read and translate words combinations:

to attend sporting events, to listen to sports on the radio, a topic of conversation, children are encouraged to participate in sports, to apply for sports scholarships, football is followed by baseball and basketball, from early spring through early fall, to come from, to join a team (a league).

3 Read the text

Spectator sports in America are an obsession. Many people attend sporting events, listen to sports on the radio, and watch games on television. People of every age, race, and class buy sports magazines; the most widely sold is “Sports Illustrated”. Almost every major newspaper has a sports section.

Sports are often a topic of conversation. People talk about game scores, what happened during the game, or predictions about the strategy and success of specific team and players.

Children are encouraged to participate in sports at an early age. There are children's baseball, soccer, football, and basketball teams in almost every community. The rivalry between high schools goes right through the school year from football in September to track and field in June. Cheerleaders and bands lead the supporters in rooting for their home team.

Sports are important in collage. Students who show talent in a sport like tennis, track and field, swimming, football, or basketball can apply for sports scholarships.

Football is a very popular sport, followed by basketball and baseball. In general, football is played in the fall, basketball in winter, and early spring and baseball from early spring throughout early fall. The first American baseball match was in 1839 in New York but some people think that baseball comes from a much older game played in Europe for many years. Americans start playing baseball young. There are “leagues” which children of eight can join. The top players become big stars.

Americans love winter sports, and ice hockey is a great favourite. This game is very fast and can be dangerous. If you play ice hockey, remember to wear your helmet!

4 Answer the questions:

1. What sports are American people keen on (fond of, interested in)?

2. What do American people do except for going in for this or that sports?

3. What is the topic of conversation when Americans get together?

4. How are American children taught to love sports?

5. Who can apply for sports scholarship in American colleges?

6. What are the most popular sports in America from early spring through early fall and in winter?

III It is interesting to know:

Some facts about US sports

American football

American football is the most popular spectator sport in the United States. It is a combat game where highly trained athletes skillfully and brutally execute strategic plans. Attending a football game often begins with a “tailgate party” in the parking lot of the stadium followed by several hours of rowdy, emotionally charged excitement. Most fans watch football having gathered in a local bar or at a friend's home in front of a big-screen TV.

At hundreds of universities across the USA, they play college football games on Saturday afternoons. Games at the “football schools” with outstanding teams often attract over 100,000 fans. It is difficult to obtain tickets to games at the best football schools but easy to get tickets at the less popular college games.

combat game - бойова гра

to execute strategic plans skillfully and brutally - здійсювати стратегічні плани грубо та жорстко

a “tailgate party” - йти впритул перед автомобілем, що рухається

a parking lot - місце для паркування

rowdy - галасливий

emotionally charged excitement - емоційне збудження

outstanding teams - видатні команди

to attract fans - приваблювати (залучати) вболівальників


Baseball is the second most popular sport in the USA and it has a completely different atmosphere than football. It is a game of intense concentration and the near perfect execution of playing skill. Attending a baseball game might start with a tailgate party that resembles a family picnic followed by several hours of relaxed socializing with friends while watching the game.

perfect execution of playing skill - досконале втілення навичок гри

to resemble - нагадувати

socializing with friends - спілкуватися з друзями


Basketball combines the fast-paced excitement of football with the concentration and athletics prowess of baseball. Basketball games can be intensely exciting but are usually less rowdy than football games. The National basketball Association (NBA) contains 29 teams from major Canadian and US cities. They play about 100 games between October and May. The championship games are in June. Hundreds of universities across the USA play college basketball. At the “basketball schools” with excellent teams ticket might be hard to find.

fast-paced excitement - швидке збудження

athletics prowess - спортивна відвага

less rowdy - менш галасливий

to contain - складатися

championship games - ігри чемпіонату


Hockey is not as popular as football, baseball or basketball, but it has a loyal following of fans in certain cities of the USA and Canada. The game has the fast paced excitement of football and basketball with plenty of violent body contacts. Hockey games have a reputation for attracting loud, beer-drinking, rowdy fans.

The National Hockey League (NHL) has 30 teams in major cities across the USA and Canada. Each team plays about 80 games between October and April. Playoff elimination games are held after the season and the top teams play in the “Stanley Cup” championship. Tickets are available for hockey games in most cities as only most popular games are sold out.

loyal following fans - віддані фанати

violent body contact - силова боротьба

to attract beer-drinking rowdy fans - приваблювати галасливих вболівальників, що п'ють пиво

playoff elimination games - відбіркові ігри


It is the second most viewed professional sport in the US. Enthusiasm for NASCAR auto racing is growing rapidly. Stock car racing was once popular primary with he rural population in the small towns of Southeastern USA. Today, the National Association for Stock car Auto Racing (NASCAR) is one of the fastest growing spectator sports across the USA. About 35 major NASCAR races are held each year plus about 60 minor or specialty races. The racing season begins in February in the southern states and extends throughout the season.

to view - дивитись

to grow rapidly - швидко зростати

stock car racing - гонки серійних автомобілів

rural population - сільське населення

major races - головні заїзди

minor or specialty races - другорядні заїзди

to extend - тривати

annual championships - щорічні чемпіонати

to award - нагороджувати

to accumulate points - набирати бали

Outdoor sports

Hunting and fishing are very popular in the USA, especially in the rural areas. Other popular outdoors activities in the country include hiking, mountain climbing, paintball. In winter, many Americans head to mountainous areas for skiing and snowboarding. Cycling and road bicycle racing have increased in popularity.

outdoor sports - ігри на відкритому повітрі

hunting - полювання

rural areas - сільські місцевості

hiking - спортивна ходьба

mountain climbing - альпінізм

to head - прямувати

skiing - катання на лижах

snowboarding - катання на санях

cycling - велосипедний спорт

road bicycle racing - велосипедні гонки

to increase - зростати


Tennis is a popular sport in the US, in all five categories (Men's and Ladies' Singles; Men's, Ladies' and Mixed Doubles), however, the most popular are the singles. The United States has had a lot of success in tennis for many years.

Men's (Ladies') Singles - чоловічі (жіночі) одиночні змагання

Mixed Doubles - змішані пари

Track & Field

There are many tracks and fields events which involve individual athletes competing, including sprints, middle and long-distance events, and hurdling. Regular jumping events include long jump, triple jump, high jump and pole vault, while the most common throwing events are shot put, javelin, discus and hummer. There are also “combined events”, such as heptathlon and decathlon, in which athletes compete in a number of the above events.

tracks and fields events - змагання з легкої атлетики

to compete - змагатися

middle and long-distance events - забіги на середні та довгі дистанції

hurdling - біг з бар'єрами

long jump - стрибки в довжину

triple jump - потрійний стрибок

high jump - стрибки у висоту

pole vault - стрибки з жердиною

throwing events - змагання з метання

shot put - метання ядра

javelin - метання списа

discus - метання диска

hummer - метання молота

heptathlon - семиборство

decathlon - десятиборство

Professional sports in the United States are big business. Team owners pay football, baseball, and basketball stars salaries in the millions, so the teams will keep winning games and the owners can sell more tickets. Companies that sell sportswear and equipment pay large sums of money to famous players to advertise their products on radio or television, or in magazines and newspapers.

Sports are so important that some cities compete to attract a major professional team away from another city. Many city governments think that having a successful team can make their city important, too. Sometimes, the city offers to build a new stadium. This is expensive, but people can find work at the new stadium, and in restaurants, hotels, and stores in the surrounding community. Some people are against this because they say that money should be used for building schools and roads.

to pay salaries - платити зарплатню

to keep winning - продовжувати вигравати

to sell sportswear and equipment - продавати спортивний одяг та спортивне обладнання

to advertise products - рекламувати продукцію

to compete - змагатись

to offer - пропонувати

expensive - дорогий

IV Check and improve your vocabulary skills

1 What do you do in sports?

Do you do much sports?

I go skiing in the winter.

I play a lot of ice hockey.

I go to the gym (= gymnasium) twice a week, where I do aerobics and a bit of weight training.

Is it expensive to join (= become a member of) a sports club?

I plan to take up (=start) golf when I get older.

I had to give up (= stop) athletics after I injured my back.

Swimming is good for you. (= helps people to stay healthy).

You need to do/take more exercise if you want to get fit. (= to become fit/get in good condition).

A: Which team do you support? (= like and follow?)

B: Real Madrid. I've supported them all my life.

2 Fill in gaps with the correct verb:

1. Do you … much exercise?

2. I only … volleyball in the summer.

3. If possible, I'd like to … a fitness club.

4.A: I love football.

B: Do you? Which team do you … ?

A: Liverpool.

5. My Dad played football but he … last year. He said he was too old.

6. We used to … camping in the mountains.

7. Why don't you … hiking or swimming, or something? You need more exercise.

8. If you want to … fit, you need to run three or four miles every other day.

3 Here are some things students said about sports and exercises. Match the beginnings of the sentences 1-5 with endings a-e:

1. To be good at a sport, you must

2. It's important that you have all

3. Without following a suitable diet, you

4. If you look at successful sport people, you'll

5. You need to have a good trainer to

a. have a high level of physical fitness.

b. won't develop your full potential.

c. help you bring out the best of your ability.

d. see that they're extremely ambitious.

e. the correct equipment.

4 Match these parts of sentences:

1. If you don't keep fit,

2. Team sports help people to develop a good attitude

3. You need to understand that you can achieve more

4. Sport makes people

5. Keeping your body healthy

6. Doing sport is a very sociable and enjoyable

a. to the people they work or study with.

b. helps your mind to be clearer.

c. as part of a team than as an individual.

d. you'll end up in hospital.

e. way to look after yourself.

f. behave in a less selfish way.

V Speaking activities.

1 Speak on the following:

1. What do you think is more important: to develop professional sports or to pay more attention to the physical culture of all people?

2. Which sport would you like to learn and why?

3. Do you support any particular team?Which one?

4. Some people say it is impossible to achieve high results in sports without strong will-power. What do you think about it?

5. What do you think about sport activities in your country? How it can be improved?

Пасивний стан

Passive Voice

Розглянемо два речення:

The team plays about 100 games between October and May.

100 games are played between October and May.

Підмет “the team” сам виконує дію, виражену присудком. В другому реченні підмет “100 games” не сам виконує дію, а над ним виконують дію. Таким чином в першому реченні підмет є “активним” - це активний стан. В другому реченні підмет є “пасивним” - це пасивний стан.

Пасивний стан утворюють за схемою:

to be + III форма дієслова

В цій схемі у кожному з часів змінюється дієслово to be, а третя форма смислового дієслова залишається незмінною. III форма правильних дієслів утворюється за допомогою закінчення -ed. III форма неправильних дієслів знаходиться в третій колонці таблиці неправильних дієслів.

Present Simple Passive


is+ III форма дієслова


I am sent to the competition.

He is sent to root our team.

We are sent to weight training.

Past Simple Passive


+ III форма дієслова


This stadium was built last year.

These rules were adopted yesterday.

Future Simple Passive

will be + III форма дієслова

The championship games will be played in June.

Present Continuous Passive


is+ being + III форма дієслова


I am being asked at the English class now.

The game is being played at the moment.

The sportsmen are being informed about changes in the timetable now.

Past Continuous Passive


+ being + III форма дієслова


New uniforms were being worn by the sportsmen during the game.

The gym was being repaired when we came to the town.

Present Perfect Passive


+ been + III форма дієслова


We have been invited to take part in the game.

The stadium has just been built.

Past Perfect Passive

had been + III форма дієслова

I thought that you had been told about the results of the game.

We didn't go to the training on Saturday because we hadn't been told.

1 Use the present simple passive of the verbs in the box:

use play destroy speak export make hold

1. Football … all over the world.

2. Millions of cars … from Japan every year.

3. A compass … for showing direction.

4. How many languages … in Switzerland?

5. Millions of trees … by pollution every year.

6. Bread … from wheat.

7. The Olympic Games … every 4 years.

2 Use the past simple passive of the verbs in the box:

discover invent play kill paint build choose

1. President Kennedy … in Dallas in 1963.

2. The 1990 World Cup for soccer … in Italy.

3. When … television … ?

4. The first pyramids of Egypt … around 3000 BC.

5. Penicillin … by Alexander Fleming in 1928.

6. The Mona Lisa … by Leonardo da Vinci.

7. This sprinter … to light the Olympic flame.

3 Choose the correct form: the active or the passive:

1. Walt Disney created/was created the cartoon character Mickey Mouse.

2. This problem discussed/was discussed at the last meeting.

3. Yana Klochkova won/was won a gold medal in swimming.

4. The president arrived/was arrived in Rome yesterday afternoon. Later he interviewed/was interviewed on Italian TV.

5. Teachers have given/have been given a new pay rise by the government. The news announced/was announced earlier today.

4 Translate the sentences with the verbs in the passive voice into Ukrainian:

A. 1. The planets are attracted by the sun. 2. The baton is passed to other athletes during the race. 3. This book can be bought at any bookshop. 4. The new theatre will be built next year. 5. The railway time-table is changed twice this year. 6. He was surprised at my unexpected arrival. 7. They are interested in these problems. 8. We were told the news yesterday. 9. She was promised an invitation card to the party. 10. Some new magazines will be shown to the girls tomorrow.

B. 1. The message is read out by the president at the opening ceremony of the Games. 2. This event is commented upon in today's newspaper. 3. He was laughed at the boys. 4. The football game was watched with great interest. 5. The letter will be answered tomorrow. 6. The lecture was followed by a long discussion. 7. The play was enjoyed by everybody. 8. The doctor will be sent for immediately. 9. He was never interfered with. 10. The crop was influenced by the bad weather.

5 Change the following sentences from the active voice to the passive voice:

Ex.: People speak English all over the world.

English is spoken by people all over the world.

A. They build skateboards to fit each rider.. 2. We listen to the news every morning. 3. One uses milk for making butter and cheese. 4. She takes her little daughter to the kindergarten every day. 5, They make progress every day in the world science. 6. Pupils take examinations in June. 7. They make rings of silver and gold. 8. They close the roads during the race. 9. We keep milk cool in the fridge in summer. 10. We watch films on TV after our working day.

Ex.:I left the dog in the garden.

The dog was left in the garden.

B. 1. They gave a party in his honour yesterday. 2. They sent cards of congratulations to all their friends. 3. He hurt his leg in an accident. 4. They built this bridge last year. 5. Somebody left the light for all the night. 6. She washed all the dishes an hour ago. 7. People used the Tower of London as a prison. 8. Their friend recommended a new doctor to them. 9. They passed the ball in a variety of ways. 10. Mother taught a little girl how to behave.

Ex.:They will stage the new play next month.

The new play will be staged next month.

C. 1. They will play cricket in the club. 2. Kate will clean the rooms after breakfast. 3. People will enjoy this film all over the world. 4. Our friends will meet us at the station. 5. They will allow every child a second plate of ice-cream. 6. Ann will teach Richard to dance. 7. We shall make the room comfortable for you. 8. They will bring the parcel to the office. 9. Parents will send the child to the sport camp in summer. 10. They will bring the mail soon.

6 Choose the verb in the appropriate voice:

1. The lesson … by these boys yesterday.

a) was missed;

b) missed.

2. Cotton T-shirts … by our team now.

a) do not wear;b) are not worn.

3. Tomorrow we … of our results at the competition.

a) shall inform;b) shall be informed.

4. Brandon always … such silly questions.

a) asks;

b) is asked.

5. Sportsmen … to rest after training.

a) are allowed;b) allow.

6. The dinner … in an hour.

a) will cook;

b) will be cooked.

7. Coffee and ice-cream … for desert.

a) served;

b) will be served.

8. My father usually … newspapers in the evening after his work.

a) reads;

b) is read.

9. This work … today.

a) must do;

b) must be done.

10. We … to the basketball match.

a) invited;

b) were invited.

7 Fill in the gaps with one of the auxiliary verbs given below:

A - is B - are C - was D - were E - will be

1. Dinner … served soon. 2. Peter … often asked to sing for his guests. he has a nice voice. 3. The lecture … much spoken of last week. 4. These armchairs … made of wood. 5. The table … laid beautifully yesterday. 6. Many guests … invited to my birthday next Sunday. 7. We … given fine presents for the last holidays. 8. Don't worry, the child … taken care of, when you … out. 9. Granny … often asked to make pies. 10. These magazines … illustrated with a lot of pictures.

В пасивному стані, якщо потрібно вказати на особу, яка виконала дію, вживають “by”.

By + агент (той, хто виконав дію).

Активний стан: Americans played the first baseball match in 1839.

Пасивний стан: The first baseball match was played by Americans in 1839.

Якщо в пасивному реченні вказують на інструмент, за допомогою якого виконано дію, вживають “with”:

With + інструмент.

Активний стан: A violent player hit him with a ball.

Пасивний стан: He was hit with a ball by a violent player.

8 Complete the sentences using the past simple passive of the verbs in the box and “by”:

paint compose and sing invent discover direct

1. Radium … Pierre and Marie Curie. 2. The “Goldrush” … Charlie Chaplin. 3. “Imagine” … John Lennon. 4. The safety razor … King Camp Gillette. 5. The “Chair” … Vincent van Gogh.

9 Complete the sentences with “by” or “with”:

1. These photos were taken … a very cheap camera. 2. These photos were taken … my sister. 3. The cake was made … dried fruit. 4. The cake was made … my aunt. 5. The garage was painted … a new kind of paint. 6. The garage was painted … a friend of mine. 7. The safe was blown open … the robbers. 8. The safe was blown open … dynamite.

10 Look at the Active sentences. What tense are they? Change them to the Passive.



1. Sport inspires people to keep fit.

1. People … to keep fit.

2. Valya Semerenko won the gold medal in the World Championship.

2. The gold medal … by Valya Semerenko.

3. The sportsmen are playing football on the pitch now.

3. Football … on the pitch now.

4. The organisational committee will hold the tournament next year.

4. The tournament … next year.

5. Thousands of football fans have visited the match.

5. The match … by thousands of fans.

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та вправ з граматики

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спеціальності “Спорт”

Відповідальний за випуск Г. І. Литвиненко

Редактор С.В. Чечоткіна

Комп’ютерне верстання О. В. Шкурат

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