Kidney Cancer Treatment In India


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Transcript of Kidney Cancer Treatment In India

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Page 2: Kidney Cancer Treatment In India

Kidney cancer is also known as RenalCell cancerIt is a disease in which the cancer cellsform in tubules of the kidney

Kidney Cancer

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Renal cancer : Renal cancer is most common kidneycancer which is affected in adults. Wilms Tumors : Wilms tumors are the most commoncancer in children. Transitional Cell Cancer : Transitional cell cancer formedin the renal pelvis and ureter in adults

3 types of kidney cancer

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A Lump in the AbdomenLoss of AppetiteAnemiaWeight Loss for no Known reasonBlood in the UrineWeight LossFatigue


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Obesity is a Risk Factor Cigarette Smoking Doubles the Risk of Renal Cell Cancer Tuberous Sclerosis Hereditary Renal Cancer Cystic Changes in the Kidney and Renal Dialysis Misusing Certain Pain Medicines


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High Blood Pressure Liver Problems Spread of the Cancer High Red Blood Cell Count Too Much Calcium in the Blood

Possible complications