Kian.s 1930 project

TRANSPORT 1930- 2012 Kian Singleton December 2012



Transcript of Kian.s 1930 project

  • 1. TRANSPORT 1930- 2012 Kian SingletonDecember 2012

2. Transport Types and changes0 Cars0 Trains and trams0 Planes0 Trucks0 boats 3. Cars 4. Cars have changed a lot over the last 80 years we have diesel fuel carselectric cars ,environmentally friendly cars and all shapes and sizes ofcars some funny and some really fast and expensive cars here are someof my pictures of cars that I like both old and new 5. Old Cars and they still look new andclean but very slow and un comfy toride in Old family car Old sports car 6. My Favourite fast cars 7. . 8. Why are there so many carsBecause every body is different and wants fast ,slowBig small lots of different designs are needed .Fast cars always seem to be very expensive ,so arespecial carsLike police cars ,taxis ,or even modified cars ,likeboats and planeones even .Motorhomes and family cars CAN YOUTHINK OF MORELots of cars have changed because we need them to do all these different things,we need safe cars for getting to and from school ,we need cars that have airconditioning to keep us cool ,and good heaters to keep us warm in winter .The early cars did not have heaters and some did not even have windows or a roof onthem that would have been just too coldAs the future moved on so did cars to give us all our needsAnd extras ,they now have televisions in cars ,phones ,radiosCD players ,lots of different things 9. Sure, cars and trucks are convenient, and most of us couldnt live without them, but theyhave become very expensive to run and harmful to the environment. Fuel prices have beenhovering around 1.40 a litre and carbon-dioxide emissions from cars pollute theenvironment and contribute to global warming. As a result, hybrid cars and electric carshave emerged as economical and Earth-friendly alternatives to conventional vehicles.Hybrid CarsHybrid vehicles combine two sources of energy such as a battery-powered electric motorand a conventional internal combustion engine. The driver decides which source of power isappropriate for a given journey. Short jaunts to the grocery store or the post office could usethe electric motor, while weekends in the country may require the internal combustionengine. The Honda Insight and the Toyota Priors are popular hybrid cars. In late 2004, Fordintroduced the first hybrid SUV, the Escape in America.Electric CarsElectric cars run on rechargeable batteries rather than fuel. They also dont have atransmission, a radiator or hoses. The best thing about them is they cause about 97% lesspollution than regular cars. But there are some downsides, too. The battery runs out of juiceafter driving between 100 and 140 miles, and it takes about eight hours to recharge thebattery. Electric cars also are expensive. Their batteries cost 2500 and wear out in just afew years. And, ironically, electric cars do very little to reduce carbon dioxide emissionsbecause most electricity in the U.S.A is generated by burning coal and otherfossil fuels 10. THESE ARE POSSIBLE CARS OF THE FUTURETHEY ARE CALLED A CONCEPT CARSOME BODIES IDEAS FOR THE FUTURE 11. Trains and Trams 12. Trams and trains are nearly the same but different ,they all have tracks and they allhadTracks many years ago and they still have tracks now .Trams have changed a lot andwehave them here in BlackpoolNew trams and better trams have beenbuilt as technology has got better andmore energy saving ideas have beenused .New trams can carry more peopleand the old ones could not and struggledTo get up hills .Some of the first tramswhere actually puled down the streets by horses and as things became more modern wegotSteam and engine powered trams ,and now we have new electric trams and even thedoorsare electric old trams didnt have doors .Trams are used where trains cannot really beused orinstead of buses .Manchester also has trains in its city centre to get people around so youcan see from the 1930s we have moved a long way and some cities even have monorailswhich are even better than trams This monorail is in Las Vegas And moves people around Above the traffic below 13. Trains old steam powered onesAn invention that changed the world was 200 years old in 2004. Britain celebrated thebicentenary of the steam railway locomotive with a year-long events programme, butit was not an engineering giant such as George Stephenson that was the inventor .The man who first put steam engines on rails was a tall, strong Cornishman calledRichard Trevithick (1771-1833), who learnt his craft in Cornish tin mines. He built thePenydarren tram road engine for a line in South Wales whose primitive wagons werepulled, slowly and laboriously, by horses.On February 21, 1804, Trevithicks pioneering engine hauled 10 tons of iron and 70men nearly ten miles from Penydarren, at a speed of five miles-per-hour, winning therailways owner a bet as well . Above is a 1930s steam engine already a lot different to very early engines 14. The same as the trams steam trainsWhere soon to be replaced with moreModern and less noisy ,cleaner trainsPowered by diesel engines ,which areStill used today on some of the smallerLines and remote areas where theyhave not yet electrified the lines orFitted over head power lines. Modern trains have a lot of new features they can pullmore, offer a more pleasant ride and travel for greater distances with out having tostop forWater, fuel or to give the driver a break from the hard work involved in driving a earlytrainThis is me on a early train 15. These trains are more environmentally friendly and a lot more fuel efficientmeaning they dont damage the earth as much as early trains ,they are faster anddon`t smoke you out of your seats going through tunnels ,they even go through theChannel tunnel to France now ,a steam train couldnt do that ! 16. Possible new trains of the future These two trains are set to be The fastest trains in the world Very shortly Look wherewe started 17. PLANESNew and old passenger planes have changed very quickly ,and fighter planesEven quicker planes have not been in use as long as trains or cars but have becomeModern very quickly because of their fuel consumption and more importantlyThe safety of all them people sat inside one vehicle . 18. Over 10,000 DC-3s were built in the United States from 1935 to 1946. An additional5,000 were built in Russia and 500 in Japan. It was the world standard for air travelduring that time, as well as a useful military plane. Its rugged design allowed it to beused for dropping paratroopers, towing gliders, hauling freight (it was the plane thatmoved many of the supplies over the hump of the Himalayas to China in WWII untilother planes were developed to fly at the high altitudes) as well as the major militarypassenger plane of the war. DC-3s are still in use around the world even though the lastplane came off the assembly line almost 65 years ago. Some aviation buffs regard theDC-3 as the worlds most beautiful plane ,and one of the first planes for holidays and allthis only started in 1930s 19. Changing planes through the decadesAmerican passenger jetfrom 1990 20. Planes have, changed over the past 82 years and havegotten bigger. Planes got bigger and lighter sothat, they could carry , more cargo and passengers.They have also changed the engines from propellersto jets to move around quicker further and save fuelfor the environment . Morden planes have luxuryitems inside for you when travelling and havechanged there outside appearance different shapedwings, cockpits bodies. newer planes beingA380 luxury itemsdeveloped will be able to travel into space and returnhome again . A380 inside cock pitA380 air bus 21. Trucks and TransportTrucks dont really transport us but are a every daypart of life , we see them on the roads ,at our shopsOn the motorways every where .Trucks have changed a lot too for a number of reasons.theyHave changed to get more cargo in so they have got bigger and longer .The trailers arenow separate to the engine /cab part and newer engines are more powerful ,all our fuelfor all our other forms of transport also is delivered by road in trucks so this is why theyhave got a quick mention in our transport history .Trucks have always been big and noisyAs the years moved on the trucks allCame to be used more with the inventionOf the Diesel engine ,this was a lot stronger and could pull a lot more cargo so trucksbecame bigger and bigger .Some trucks areSo big they are not allowed on our roadsIn the United Kingdom and some trucks likeCars are modified to look really fast and 1960-70s every day truck Special . 22. Trucks dont really excite me much I know we need them and they are a vehicle weCould not do without ,this is because they bring all our essential items to our stores andeven our fuel to the petrol station for all of the other vehicles we use .Trucks also blockUp our roads and towns and damage the roads and bridges because of there weightBut as we need deliveries trucks will always be with us for moving goods once they haveleft the trains and boats and aeroplanes . There are few electric trucks and pickups around But there are more being invented every year so maybe shortly trucks Wont be as damaging to our planet or our Roads .One of the newer hybrid trucks 23. Boats and there transport usageHers some early passenger boats from the1930s 24. Yes thats right steam powered most of them they had big boilers like a trainAnd people or the ships engineers had to shovel coal into them . Around the 1940s lots of people found boats a way of Having fun at the weekends Mainly the rich people only going up and down the Thames river in London ,some people went fishingAnd some people liked the speed boats like this one 25. Although during the 1940s Englands boatsAnd the newly designed landing craft belowMeant that England could go on to winWorld war 2 with the famous NormandyLandings on D DayLater in the 1950s boating had returned to normalAnd some changes where on the wayA new 1950s speed boat with oneOf the new outboard enginesAttached 26. By the 1970s things where movingso fast it was a unbelievable change in shape andPower sources ,inboard engines ,out boardThats the ones bolted on the back of a boat and passenger boats where more likefloating hotelsThis was the start of a holidayOn water as well visiting manyCountries on the way To the left is one of Englands most Famous luxury boats of the time The QE2 27. Now who wants a holiday on one of these new boats 28. Discussion0 What do you think the futureof transport holds for us0 Will be able to travel intospace on our own0 Or will we even be able toteleport around Transport rings like used in films 29. Resources and sites I used0 Google ory_of_transportation.htm0 Timelines of transport