KFIT USA LEVEL 1 MANUAL - NEW€¦ · What is KFIT USA? KFIT USA is Kettlebell Functionally...


Transcript of KFIT USA LEVEL 1 MANUAL - NEW€¦ · What is KFIT USA? KFIT USA is Kettlebell Functionally...

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What is KFIT USA?

KFIT USA is Kettlebell Functionally Inspired Training. KFIT USA is an education program that helps the fitness professional gain awareness and knowledge of kettlebell training for any client looking to improve their fitness level. Many people may look at kettlebells and can be intimidated by the thought of picking up a kettlebell and beginning a simple swing. The reason may be due to injuries, weight, mental limitations, or other physical limitations. KFIT USA program is designed as an accessible approach to kettlebell training that helps the client get passed their limitations and inhibitions to become a kettlebell user. The KFIT USA program can be used by any population of clients in a safe and effective manner that will change the way their bodies function daily for the better.

KFIT USA was created by Vanessa Raymond. It was her vision. With the assistance of Mike Libercci and Aaron Shelton as well as recent additions made by Strong First certified trainer Chasen Booher, we have created a method that is safe and effective for anyone and everyone.

Vanessa is an accomplished stage performer and dancer, massage therapist and Aesthetician. She has an extensive background in fitness and currently Vanessa owns VeeRay Enterprises, LLC and Achieve Academy. Within this company Vanessa offers a variety of classes including Pilates, Weight training, Body weight training and Kettlebell training as well as other educational programs. After extensively working with post rehab clients, dancers, athletes and performers, Vanessa saw a need for a cardio and strength training workout combination to complete their client’s total fitness needs. After years of working with kettle bells and lots of research she put together the most beneficial movements and training philosophies to make KFIT USA an educational program that the Fitness Professional can use on any client and/or population of people safely and effectively. She brought in Mike Libercci and Aaron Shelton for their specialty training in the fields of MAT and Physical Therapy to add to the KFIT USA curriculum.


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Level 1 KFIT USA CertificationModule 1

Basic Introduction to Kettlebell Training and Teaching Techniques

What is a Kettlebell?

It is an iron cannonball with a handle!

The unconventional shape of the kettlebell allows for unique positioning of the weight to create an extension away from your center of mass. The U-shaped handle causes a greater force of movement. This makes it more effective in core stabilization, producing greater endurance and longevity and increased conditioning and fitness.

It is literally a handheld gym and delivers extreme all around fitness. Training with kettlebells results in exceptional power, functional strength, flexibility, and incredible stamina. It is excellent training for any athlete, fighter, or fitness enthusiast because of the three dimensional and rotational explosive movements with control. Kettlebell training excels fat loss as it provides high intensity cardio and weight training all in one.

Kettlebells are virtually indestructible and very portable so you can work out at anytime and anywhere. Double kettlebell drills are great, but you really only need one kettlebell to do a complete workout.


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"Stuck in a rut? Bust out of it in a big way with a kettlebell workout. This old-school piece of equipment is a throwback to the dawn of strength training; many of you may not be familiar with it. After a brief introduction to its physique -building values, we feel confident you'll soon give kettlebells-style training a try."

- Joe Weider, Editor of Muscle & Fitness Magazine

History of Kettlebells

Kettlebells are not new to the world of fitness. Anyone who has been involved in the "iron game" for a long time has always known that Kettlebells exist. There might even be one or two lying around somewhere in a corner of the gym.

Their origin is still a matter of speculation, but archaeological records show evidence of their use in Ancient Greece (Sanchez, 2009, p.4). At the Archaeological Museum of Olympia, in Athens Greece, a 143 kg kettlebell is stored. Kettlebells made their way to Russia at the beginning of the 18th century, where in 1704, the word ‘Girya’ (meaning kettlebell), was first published in the Russian Dictionary.

Kettlebells were originally only measured in poods. One pood is equal to 16 kg or about 35 lbs. Only three sizes existed - 1 pood, 1-1/2 poods and 2 poods.

Folklore has it that in the early 19th century Kettlebells were used as counterweights at Russian farmers markets. After a long day at the farmers market, fathers and sons would play with the weights by tossing them to each other and juggling them. It soon became a way for these men to get their daily exercise and show off their strength and power. Parents taught this to their children and so it continued from generation to generation. Kettlebells became a part of their culture as "the people's" method for physical fitness and vitality.

This method of staying fit was soon adopted by the Russian military to keep their soldiers in top condition. The general population of Russia has always been encouraged to pursue physical fitness through kettlebell fitness groups and kettlebell triathlon competitions. In Russia, kettlebells are a matter of national pride and a symbol of strength. The Red Army and the kettlebell are inseparable. Every Russian military unit has a gym called "the courage corner" and every "courage corner" is equipped with kettlebells. Unlike most national armed forces, which test their soldiers with push ups; the Russian armed forces test their soldiers using the high volume kettlebell snatches with a 24 kg kettlebell (Tsatouline, 2006). In 1981, the Russian government recognized the various benefits that kettlebells could provide its working citizens; and an official commission enforced mandatory kettlebell training for the


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masses, relying on the kettlebell to increase productivity and to decrease the healthcare costs of the country

In 1981, USSR Weightlifting Federation established their first official Kettlebell Commission in order to keep the masses fit, decrease healthcare costs, and increase labor productivity. Together with Olympic weightlifting, Kettlebell training is recognized by most of the Eastern Block countries as an integral method for athletic development.

Russian immigrants brought kettlebells to America and now they are available to us as a great addition to any fitness routine or as a whole fitness regime.

How to Select the Right Kettlebell

As a fitness trainer proper recommendation for the appropriate size of kettlebells is crucial based on fitness level.

Here is what is recommended by Master trainers of KFIT for your client on their first day of training:

Novice/sedentary: Starting weight = 10 lbs - 15 lbs Moderately active: Starting weight = 15 lbs - 20 lbs Very active: Starting weight = 20 lbs - 25 lbs Athlete: Starting weight = 25 lbs *These are guidelines only! Before selecting a weight or movement understand the client’s specific physical, emotional, and mental condition.

Why are Kettlebells Different from Traditional Weight Training?

The questions are often asked such as “Why can’t I just use a dumbbell to do the kettlebell exercises such as swings, cleans and snatches?” or “What is the difference between working with a kettlebell and a dumbbell?” As a trainer, you will often hear these questions. We have found that specifically bodybuilders and athletes are very skeptical about the advantages of kettlebell training.

Of course, every training tool has its advantages and its shortcomings and so does the kettlebell. But there is a substantial difference between training with kettlebells and dumbbells. Kettlebell training has some very specific advantages especially when it comes to efficiency, functionality, and “defying gravity”.

Let’s have a quick and basic lesson in the biomechanics.

There are as many as 640 skeletal muscles in the human body that are recruited for locomotion. Of these muscles there are stabilizers, decelerators and synergists, also known as balance and stabilization muscles.


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In traditional weight lifting, such as a dumbbell or barbell, these balance and stabilizer muscles are not utilized as effectively as with a kettlebell. The majority of these exercises is executed in one plane of motion and relies heavily on leverage in static positions. In normal life our bodies move in three planes of motion: the saggital plane, the frontal plane, and the transverse plane.

What does this mean in relation to traditional weights as well as kettlebell training? Consider that 90 percent of all traditional weight lifting with dumbbells involves saggital or frontal plane movement, and that 70 percent of all injuries occur in the transverse plane. This is a plane of movement that traditional weight lifting does not target efficiently.

Even if you were to attempt a simple kettlebell move with a dumbbell, it still does not have the same effect because of the center of gravity and the shape of the dumbbell. In whichever way you hold the dumbbell by the handle, the dumbbell itself is still balanced in design. When you lift a dumbbell by the handle, it is directly in line with your wrist. This is the first point of axis with a small movement arm to the wrist joint. There is a direct line of “applied force” because the dumbbell is symmetrical as a result of its balanced grip. Consider how many everyday objects that you lift, push or pull around your house and work environment. Are they perfectly symmetrical with a direct line of “applied force”? The answer is typically “no”.

Let’s look at a kettlebell now. Kettlebell weight is highly unbalanced. It has a design that is asymmetrical. Instability gets triggered the moment you pick up a kettlebell. This simple action engages the core muscles. The design of the bell also triggers more


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demand from the wrist and hand flexors, causing increased strength and coordination just by picking it up.

When used correctly, kettlebells also engage all four major body systems: cardiovascular, muscular, nervous and skeletal. This is called “metabolic conditioning.”

Example:- Cardiovascular system: kettlebell training can accelerate the heart rate to the

equivalent of a sprint.- Muscular system: fast ballistic movement- Nervous system: fast multi-tasking movement requiring coordination in all planes

of motion- Skeletal system: extreme acceleration and deceleration forces

Most of the confusion between kettlebells and dumbbells comes from a lack of correct instruction on how to utilize kettlebells properly. As a direct result, people make the mistake of thinking they can use dumbbells as if they were kettlebells.

During modern bodybuilding based weight lifting, the body is usually in a fixed position while moving weight in a linear manner through a direct line of applied force. The body attempts not to use any momentum and targets an isolated muscle or muscle group. That is why this type of weight lifting is called a “single-plane static” form of exercise.

Body building based weight lifting builds muscles differently. The goal of bodybuilding is muscle hypertrophy, meaning an increase in muscle mass. Most people unfortunately equate size with strength. Size does not necessarily mean strength. The vast majority of kettlebell exercises engage literally hundreds of muscles at once. This creates profound functional strength without bulky size. The reason for this is that the very nature of kettlebell training stimulates greater myofibril density, which causes myofibrillar hypertrophy. Myofibrils are contractile organisms within the muscle that are directly related to strength. What the majority of people may not know is that 50 percent to 70 percent of hypertrophy size in bodybuilding is from sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. This type of hypertrophy contributes to very little direct strength and muscular force production.

Kettlebells are also different from traditional weight lifting in that you can use all three planes of motion simultaneously. The transverse plane is largely targeted and this is where 70 percent of all injuries happen. Kettlebell training is based upon generating momentum, perpetuating it, and then redirecting and decelerating that momentum. So moving in the transverse plane is less harmful and can actually prevent injuries.

Research has proven that a kettlebell lifter can do whatever a traditional weight lifter can do, but not very many traditional weight lifters can do what a kettlebell lifter can do. The kettlebell lifter has “real world strength” that applies to real world situations, everyday tasks and obstacles.


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In Summary

- Kettlebells and dumbbells are distinctively different in shape. Dumbbells have equally distributed weight in the center of mass and Kettlebells have a unique extension from the center of mass.

- The unique "U" shaped handle creates an additional lever arm that increases or decreases the weight and force depending on how it is held.

- The swinging action that is used in kettlebell technique in combination with the unique shape results in rotational inertia, which in turn requires greater core stability to control the movement - i.e. very functional and effective core strengthening power.

- Kettlebells require greater strength and demand a refined coordination of the muscular and nervous systems for control. Both acceleration and deceleration are important components that utilize these systems.

- Kettlebells translate much better into functional everyday activities. There are very few objects in the "real world" that are evenly shaped with a center of mass like a dumbbell. Kettlebells teach “real world strength”.

- Kettlebells produce muscles that are incredibly dense and functionally strong without bulky size.

- Traditional weight training technique utilizes mostly isolated movement. The kettlebell technique requires full body engagement involving multiple muscle groups.

- Traditional weight training relies on mostly linear and two dimensional movement whereas kettlebell technique involves movement on all planes in three dimensional movements.

Functional Movement and Full Body Action of Movement

When working with traditional weights such as dumbbells, barbells, and weight machines, all the exercises rely on lifting which creates a great amount of tension in the muscles and compression in the joints. Kettlebell technique involves swinging the weight and creating centrifugal force. The control required to stop and reverse motions of the weight develops a great amount of core strength, opens the joints, and strengthens the muscles and connective tissues in the joints.

Functional movement as well as functional strength can be translated directly into real life motions and situations. Real life context is not "slow" or "artificially controlled" like most workouts in the weight room. Real life context applies to movements with shopping bags, kids, dogs, athletics that involve centrifugal force, circular pathways, unbalanced


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objects and high inertia force. The movements used in kettlebell technique quite often involve multiple planes and rotational action. It really strengthens the body’s rotational power. This is the kind of movement and strength used in everyday tasks.

Kettlebell training focuses on the posterior chain of muscles of the body most effectively. It is a well known fact that the muscles that make up the posterior chain are the weakest muscles in most people. It has been reported by the United States Department of Health that only three out of 10 adults get the recommended amount of physical activity. Kettlebell training strengthens the posterior chain to help prevent or even eliminate the most common injury, back pain. Many people limit their movement and restrict the spine from its ability to function in all planes motion out of fear of back injury. As an example, one of the most fundamental exercises in kettlebell training, a double arm swing, utilizes the posterior chain. These types of exercises set the body up for the most simple and complex movements in functional strength.

Have you ever heard someone very active say that they hurt themselves today and they don’t know how it happened? Most injuries occur while doing the most arbitrary actions, like bending to pick up something you dropped or stepping down from a curb or small step or twisting to reach for something. One of the main reasons is that when we work out to condition our bodies in the gym with machines or traditional weights using traditional methods, most of the movement is totally linear and two dimensional and does not require the body to twist and turn. This is why kettlebell training is so unique and can be described as functional. It conditions the body in rotational motion on different planes from high to low. It also requires complex muscle stabilization as the inertia and centrifugal force involved in the exercises teaches the body to control the weight in motion. The muscles have to stop and go and change direction on a constant basis. This helps condition the muscular and nervous system of the body to be more accustomed to “natural” or “functional” motion.

How does this transfer into real life situations? Here are examples of real life objects we handle and actions we do every day:

- Removing luggage from a moving carousel- Putting your luggage in the overhead compartment on the plane- Golf swing- Tennis serve with a racket- Carrying a purse- Dog pulling on a leash- Unloading or loading grocery bags from the trunk of your car- Holding the hand of a running child- Lifting a child- Rearranging furniture- Taking a heavy container off the top shelf

A kettlebell prepares the body for the kind of strength you need to deal with the forces and momentum you encounter in real life and sports. No matter whom your clients are,


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whether they are just the proverbial weekend warriors, top athletes, fighters or sportsmen, or they just want to be fit, kettlebell training can definitely help them.

Explosive Power

The unique value of kettlebells is derived from ballistic (fast exercise) work such as: snatches, cleans, and jerks with the addition of the swing. These are the kind of exercises that improve explosive and functional power because they are fast and usually need a burst of energy to get through the movement correctly and efficiently.

High levels of power output produced during a single, maximum effort muscle action can be termed “explosive muscular power”.

Ballistic movements promote the fast twitch muscle fibers. This kind of exercise is fantastic for athletes, majority of sports and fighters, and also helps with everyday tasks like lifting heavy bags of groceries, lifting or playing with a child, or even getting out of a chair or stepping out of a car.

Explosive power and efficiency of motion allows you to move large objects or lift heavy objects efficiently without injuring your body.

Advantages of Kettlebell Training

- Kettlebells are highly effective for building “real world” functional strength.

- Kettlebell training provides great cardiovascular endurance.

- Kettlebell training improves body composition.

- Kettlebells are by far the best work capacity tool. It requires sustained effort for an extended amount of time to not put down the kettlebell.

- Kettlebell endurance work increases not only physical power but also mental toughness that carries over in other areas of your clients’ lives.

- Kettlebell training is ideal for one-on-one session or group classes.

- Kettlebell exercises are great for a wide range of participants including the general population, the military, and athletes for sports and skill development.

- Kettlebells are ideal for sport-specific training because of its versatility.

- When properly used, kettlebells are safe and proven to prevent injury.

Preparation for Kettlebell Training


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- Warm up - Optimal posture - Core Strength and Transverse Activation - Kettlebell Safety - Hand Care

Hands-on TrainingActive Warm Up and Dynamic Flexibility • Head Rolls• Shoulder Rolls• Arm Circles• Arm Swings• Side Bends• Hip Rolls• Knee Circles• Ankle Rolls• Runners Lunge with Upper Body Rotation• Standing Quad Stretch• Pigeon Stretch• Side Shuffles• Hamstring stretch• Mountain Climbers• Frog Stretch• Upward dog (Back mobility stretch)• Walking Diagonal Lunges (open)• Walking Cross Over Lunges• Knee lifts (walking forward or static)• Frankenstein walks (High kicks - straight back and supporting leg)• Inch worms• Even maybe some tuck jump to get that ballistic feel before picking up the KB

Shoulder Rolls


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Knee Circles

Ankle Rolls

Runners Lunge with Upper Body Rotation - Dragonfly twist


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Hamsting Stretch

Frankenstein Walks

Pigeon Stretch


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Standing Quad and Hip Flexor Stretch with Torso Stabilization

Upward Dog Stretch

Notes on dynamic warm up and stretching:







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KFIT USA puts importance on Core Strength

We effectively teach how to utilize the transverse abdominals in conjunction with the rectus abdominus and obliques. This is very important to avoid strain on the spine and the knees. Most importantly it prevents over extension of the lumbar spine as most of the kettlebell movements are ballistic. If the core is not engaged properly and the hips are thrusted forward without control, the upper body has potential to "collapse" backwards which puts tremendous strain on the lumbar region. This is the culprit for progressively increasing lower back pain that eventually can lead to chronic pain or injury. 

KFIT USA’s first priority is the safety and alignment of the body so that the kettlebell technique can be executed safely and effectively first and foremost.  Once these very important principals have been drilled into the body, the body will be much more resilient against injury when attempting any difficulty of Kettlebell exercise.

The KFIT USA Kettlebell method is the method for everyone and anyone. Whether you are a supreme athlete, fighter or sportsman, a dancer, gymnast or acrobat, or whether you are a couch potato that wants to get fit and find a fun way to work out… this method is safe and effective for everyone from any walk of life.In kettlebell training it is always a question when to incorporate kettlebells into a workout. Kettlebell training is a great use of cardiovascular exercise combined with resistance training. It can be used as its own workout or incorporated into a class that is intended for weight loss, rehabilitation, sports specific training, or just a kick butt workout. We will get further into how to progress a kettlebell client from novice to advanced technique.

Most clients who begin with kettlebell training may have never picked one up before or they are intimidated by kettlebell training. It is crucial that you begin these clients in a progression.


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Notes on Core Strength and Kettlebells:




Transverse Activation

Finding your Neutral Spine –Begin by starting in same position, place your hands on your pelvis with the heels of your palms on hip bones and the fingertips reaching for the pubic bone. The pubic bone should be in alignment with the hip bones (in other words, make sure it is not higher or lower). Do not press your spine into the floor. If your pubic bones and hip bones are lined up that is your neutral spine.


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Finding the Pelvic Floor – After you have found your neutral spine begin by lying on your back, knees are bent with feet hip width and knees pointing to the ceiling, bring the sit bones together and imagine energy moving up. Try not to squeeze the glutes, instead think of squeezing the muscles used to urinate.

Knee lifts – Maintain your neutral spine with pelvic floor engagement you can begin knee lifts. Begin by starting the same position. Slowly bring on leg flat to floor extending the knee reaching through the feet, lowering the leg through the abdominals. Then bring the leg back to the start position with the knee bent, lifting the leg with the abdominals NOT the hip flexors. Alternate with the opposite side. Once you have accomplished one leg at a time, try to do both legs together, taking care not to arch the back and use the hip flexors as you lift and lower.

Kettlebell Safety 101

• If you have an “at risk” client, have them consult with a doctor before you start. Kettlebell training can be very intense.

• Always be aware of your surroundings. Train somewhere where there are no concerns about property damage and make sure you have enough space around you to not cause injury to anybody else or yourself.

• Client should display adequate efficiency at performing body weight exercises prior to training with a kettlebell.

• Wear suitable shoes. It is suggested that kettlebell training is done with bare feet or in proper athletic shoes without cushy soles. You need maximum stability when working with kettlebells.

• Don't resist the kettlebell - let it go where it needs to go. Learn to "drop" or "catch" and “miss” your kettlebell. If the bell wants to twist your elbow, shoulder or any other joint in a way it is not supposed to go, then don't fight it - abort! Move out of its way and


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drop it or catch it with both arms if it is safe to do so.

• Use common sense and build up the training load gradually. Practice the fundamental movements frequently. Develop your flexibility, strength, and endurance by gradually increasing the weight, sets and reps. Listen to your body!

Notes on Kettlebell Safety:





Kettlebell Hand Care Tips

Hands are the most important part when it comes to using kettlebells so we must take care of them during our training.  Callouses are a natural part of training, but if not cared for on a regular basis, they can get in the way and cause a blister. Blisters are caused by excessive friction when repeatedly rubbed in one spot, usually through the use of poor fitting shoes or KB swings and snatches.  If taken care of properly, the blister should heal within 3 to 5 days.

How do we take care of a blister?• Stop activity as soon as you detect a blister forming.  Do not break or pop the

blister.  The skin that covers the blister helps to protect the area underneath from infection.


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• Gently wash with warm soap and water or clean with Betadine.  Make sure there are not any particals or paint embedded in the blister area.

• Apply antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin or Bacitracin to the area.• Cover the area with gauze and hypoallergenic tape to reduce friction and change

the dressing daily.• Monitor the healing process and if you find the area getting swollen or red, the

blister may be getting infected and should be looked at by a medical professional.

Callouses are a normal build up of skin caused by excessive training.  The callouses can tear if they get too big or are not properly taken care of.  To prevent blisters from happening, you can file the areas that are getting too big with a nail file, pumice stone, or sand paper.  Then you can apply Corn Huskers lotion to your hands to start to toughen them up.

If you have a tendency to get blisters in a certain spot, you can cover with athletic tape, wear cotton finger-less gloves, or make a sock sleeve from a athletic crew sock.  You may also assess you kettlebell handle to see if there are some rough spots to file down.The sock sleeve is created by cutting the top two inches from the elastic, stretchy portion from the crew sock.  You may cut more if you have larger hands.  Slide the sock sleeve on your hand around the middle portion of your hand at the base of your fingers.

Taking a little extra effort in taking care of your hands will save you from losing time in your training.  If you hands are trashed, it is not enjoyable to train.

Notes on Hand Care:







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Five “S” Check List When Starting Kettlebell Training with a Client

Now that the basics of kettlebell training have been explained, we will go over a checklist to make sure that the client is advancing through the KFIT USA method appropriately:

1. Safety: Safety is number one on the list for a reason, it is the most important aspect of KFIT USA kettlebell training. Always use your professional judgment when looking at introducing kettlebells, new exercises, and concept to clients. Exercises should always be on a sliding scale where they can be broken down or progressed depending on the need of the client. Quality of movement and training is better than rushing a progression.

2. Screen: Make sure you have gone through a thorough screen of movement to ensure that you have teased out range of motion deficits, weaknesses, stability issues, and asymmetries in movement. Any dysfunction that you can catch will help the success of training. Make sure you go back and screen often to ensure progression and that no new issues have formed.

3. SHAG: Teach the client how to SHAG properly and understand correct body position/alignment. This should be a cue that is used more often at the beginning of training and introduction of activities. The need for the cue should diminish with consistency of using the principle in exercise. It is never a bad idea to throw this in as a reminder during more complex movements.

4. Squat: The squat is the basis for KFIT USA smooth style of kettlebell exercises. The squat should be taught and perfected as it will be applied throughout the use of the KFIT method. Starting training off with some corrective exercise that progress into squats can be a helpful way of reminding the client of what the focus is going to be for him or her.

5. Swing: Once you have gotten through the first four “S”s, its time to swing the kettlebell and get moving in training. All of the pieces of this checklist are important as they build towards the Swing/Exercise portion and need to be considered when watching the client move. If anything looks off, you can go back through and break down movement in one of these aspects.






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Learning the basic technique

- S.H.A.G. Techenique- Squat - body alignment and hip action- Teach Squat with a chair or a wall – action of sitting back- Basic positions and terminology i.e. anchor, rack, snatch, jerk- Gripping the bell - when to loosen and tighten the grip- Breathing

FUNDAMENTAL KB EXERCISES - all done with a single kettlebell

- Squat Variations (Anchor, rack, single arm over head etc.)

- Double Arm Swing- Single Arm Swing- Single Arm Swing Alternating

- Double Arm High Pull- Single Arm High Pull- Single Arm High Pull Alternating

- Clean - Power clean- Vertical / Dead clean

- Push Press- Clean-Push Press combined

- Russian Twist- Figure 8 (variations)- Windmill- Wood Choppers- Kettlebell Deadlift- Turkish Get-Up


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S. H. A. G. Principle

Starting an exercise in the proper position is essential to the success of the exercise. The starting position for exercises should have a similar base and be cued the same so that repetition can produce a familiar pattern of movement and alignment. When deciding how this is cued and positioned, you must emphasize good posture and activation of stabilization muscles as well as make sure the individual has an athletic stance. This covers the entire body and can become an area of over-cueing/over-stimulation for a client. For example, when you want an individual to activate the scapula stabilizers better during an exercise, you can tell a client that you want them to retract the shoulder blades toward the spine while also downward depressing so that they activate the rhomboids, middle traps, and lats while at the same time pushing the chest forward to take away the pull of the pectorals on the shoulders. That is too much for a client to take in when performing an exercise and the point of the cueing may be lost. The SHAG principle is merely a quick and easy cueing method that you can use to cue a client as well as something he or she can use to check when working out.

S=Shoulders: This is what was explained in the paragraph above where the shoulders blades should be retracted back and depressed to give the shoulders a better base of support. Think of the scapulae as the pelvis of the upper extremities where movement gets its support. Early on this can be simply cued by having the client get in a doorway with the molding aligned down the spine. Have the client squeeze the shoulder blades back towards the frame and do some isometric holds to get a feeling for what they are supposed to activate. Other exercises such as Blackburn’s, rows, lat pull downs, etc… can also be used to learn how to activate the scapular stabilizers before introducing ballistic movement.

H=Heels: This cue helps with thinking about the feet about hip width apart and the weight of the body focused through the middle of the foot and into the heels. Weight is kept off the toes and the posterior chain is more easily activated in this position. Many clients will come in with bilateral knees hyperextended, the pelvis shifted forward and weight pushing towards the toes. Once the “shoulder” cue is corrected they may feel off balanced and the “heel” cue will help align them by creating a soft/slightly flexed knee, decrease the anterior rotation of the pelvis and get the weight centered through the body.

A=Abdominals: Every exercise, kettlebell or not, should have abdominal activation to ensure that the body is stable and secure. This can be a hard concept to put into action when an individual is stabilizing the entire body as well as performing a movement away from the area of support like a kettlebell swing. Activating the abdominals may need to be defined when requesting this since most people will try and


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flex the rectus abdominus (six-pack) instead of the transverse abdominus for the corset-like stability it can bring. This can be reviewed in floor activities and worked on from the ground up.

G=Glutes: The glutes and hamstrings seem to be one of the most under-utilized power muscle groupings in the general population. Getting the connection established between the glutes and abs gives the client power, strength and stability in functional and exercise activities. These paired with scapular stability make exercise and athletic movements possible with decreased chance of compensation. Exercises like glute isometrics, progressions of bridges, squat progressions, and deadlifting progressions will help teach what is expected in the contraction of the glutes.

• Each piece of the SHAG acronym may need to be reviewed or taught in its own way before everything can be put together. Exercise is a “thinking sport” and people need to be aware of their body as well as what they are trying to accomplish through movement. The SHAG cue can make the client more aware without the frustration of picking apart the body joint-by-joint. Simply ask, “Are you SHAGing right now?”

Biomechanics, Cueing, and Description of Fundamental Kettlebell Exercises

Kettlebell Squat – This is the basis of all movements in kettlebell exercises

Prep for the Squat- Feet start shoulder width apart, or a slight wider stance outside the shoulder

frame- Toes are facing forward parallel and may have up a to a five degree turnout- Upper body is lengthened through the spine with shoulders stabilized, and

abdominals engaged in postural alignment.- Weight is evenly balanced between both legs with knees pointing over the center

toe.- S.H.A.G.

Action of the Squat- As the knees bend, the tailbone reaches back, elongating the femur bone and

keeping the heels of the feet on the ground (only squat as far as your heels stay down).

- The spine stays upright (parallel to tib-fib) with shoulders connected into the rib cage and stabilized with slight retraction.

- Core muscles are lifted and tightened as the weight shifts into the glutes while sitting back.

- When bending into the squat, the hips reach behind, lengthening the spine through the crown of the head.


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- As the squat reaches its line, the core muscles lift up to begin to bring the body back up to an extension.

- Weight shifts forward using the momentum of the hips to extend the pelvis and knees simultaneously.

- Weight can shift forward to toes at the end of the squat to catch the most momentum with a brief thrust of the pelvis while keeping the core engaged.

- The squat continues back to flexion.

This is a triple flexion exercise that requires use of hips, knees, and ankles simultaneously. The natural momentum that is gained in the squat sets up the power in the action of the exercise based on this movement in this symmetricalfashion.


• Anchor• Rack• Bottoms up• Goblet


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- This position should be set up the same way as the prep for the squat. - Weight should be balanced in the feet with slight pressure in the heels.- This position can be held with one or both arms, gripping the kettlebell with all

five fingers. - The placement of the bell should be between the legs or in the center of the

body.- The arms should remain long and elbows extended with a gripped hand

stabilizing the bell. - The core is engaged to support the pelvis and the spine- The shoulders are retracted posterior.- The spine is elongated through the crown of the head keeping the cervical spine

from hyperextending.- The bell should be hanging with the force gravity while the arms are relaxed. Yet

the grip is firmly engaged.



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- This position is set up with the prep for the squat.- This position can be held with one or both arms.- The bell should be placed resting between the biceps and the forearm, with the

hand holding the bell against the pecs inside the shoulder with knuckles facing up and all five fingers gripping the bell.

- The grip should be firmly engaged - The core is engaged to support the pelvis and the spine.- The shoulders are retracted and depressed, posterior, and engaged into the rib

cage for stabilization.- Lift up the ribcage with the core, to resist the weight of the bell on the body. - The spine is elongated through the crown of the head, keeping the cervical spine

from hyperextending.


The “Goblet” hold can be executed in two ways:• Holding the Kettlebell by the horns or• Upside down with both hands firmly “cupping” the ball with the handle hanging down

The squat can be executed with the kettlebell in any of these holds.• Anchor Squat• Rack Squat • Goblet Squat• Overhead Squat


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This is when the heaviest part of the kettlebell namely the “ball” is facing upwards and the handle is being gripped firmly with all 5 fingers.

This greatly improves: • Shoulder and scapular stability• Grip strength• Rotator cuff strength• Cervical strength and stability

Examples of exercises where this bottoms-up kettlebell position is used are: • Bottoms-up shoulder press and • Bottoms-up carry

Bottoms-up press Bottoms-up carry


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Fundamental Kettlebell Exercises

KFIT USA Double Arm / Two Handed Swing

- Begin with the prep for the squat and the double handed anchor position.- S.H.A.G.- Start the action of the squat, keeping the arms relaxed through the center of the

body from the force of gravity of the bell as you descend into the action of the squat going into flexion.

- As the action of the squat begins, stabilize the shoulders by engaging the lats, lengthen through the spine by lifting up in the core (this would be same as the prep for the anchor squat) and allow the bell to slightly swing back while maintaining upper body posture.

- While ascending from the squat into hip extension and shoulder flexion, the momentum that comes from the action of the legs and hips begins the movement of the arms, extending outward from shoulders as they are lifting to shoulder or eye level with the bell in both hands. (It is the same for the vertical swing where the bell ends over head)

- The movement of the bell continues to move up into an extension of the legs and flexion of the shoulders as the hips gently thrust up to complete the climax of the of the swing (the bell should feel lighter at the top).

- The bell can be lifted as high as the chin up to a vertical position over the head. This motion is continuous. Continually moving, the bell will begin to descend.

- As the bell descends the legs, continue through the action of the squat going into flexion and the arms follow the weight of the bell coming down between the legs.


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- While the arms allow gravity to bring the bell back to flexion of the squat, the shoulders remain stabilized and core remains engaged keeping the length of the spine with relationship of the shoulders and hips in postural alignment.

- The bell should return between the legs in the flexion of the squat to begin again. This is a continuous motion until the set is complete.

- The legs should be used to control and absorb the force during descention of the bell.

- During this movement the bell should be in line with the wrists, elbows and shoulders. Avoid independent motion of the bell or a “flicking” of the bell.

Squat swing Shoulder level Vertical

Single Arm / One Handed Swing- Begin with the prep for the squat, holding the bell with one hand in the anchor

position. - The bell should be stabilized in postural alignment of the spine and shoulders. - The shoulders need to remain square with the hips taking care not to tilt the

shoulders to one side favoring the bell. - The same action applies to a single arm swing, as in the double arm swing, with

both flexion and extension of the squat leading the bell through the swing. - Shoulder and core stabilization is crucial to maintain a balanced alignment

through both feet and hips while moving. - The swinging motion is continuous until the set is complete.- Grip and bell alignment should be the same as the double arm swing.- Can be executed at range of height from shoulder hight to vertical.


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Single Arm Swing Alternating

The biomechanics and movement patterns of this swing is exact to the single arm swing except the weight gets transferred from hand to hand in mid-air.

Important: The transfer of the weight always happens at the top of the swing where the kettlebell is virtually weightless.

This movement is always used to change sides in any exercise without stopping.


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Double Arm High Pull

- Begin with the prep for the squat, holding the bell with two hands in the anchor position.

- Start the action of the squat, keeping the arms relaxed through the center of the body from the force of gravity of the bell, as you descend into the action of the squat going into flexion.

- As the action of the squat begins, stabilize the shoulders by engaging the lats, lengthen through the spine by lifting up in the core (this would be same as the prep for the anchor squat).

- While ascending from the squat into an extension, the momentum that comes from the legs begins the movement of the arms to flex, pulling the bell up underneath the chin close to the chest, keeping the bell drawing even line upwards near the body.

- The shoulders keep flexing as the elbows keep lifting and the bell gets higher, keeping the elbows above the hands on the bell. The elbows do not drop below the bell during the lift.

- The elbows stay flexed through the “top” of the move.- The movement from the ascension of the squat allows the arms to have

momentum from the legs to lift the bell, so the arms are not primarily doing the work.

- At the climax of the movement, the hips extend up with enough momentum to give the bell lightness at the top.

- As the bell descends, the legs continue through the action of the squat, going into flexion, and the arms follow the weight of the bell coming down between the legs. Extend the arms completely toward the floor, taking care not to keep the elbow flexed on the descent.

- While the arms allow gravity to bring the bell back to flexion of the squat, the shoulders remain stabilized and core remains engaged, keeping the length of the spine with relationship of the shoulders and hips in postural alignment.

- The bell should return between the legs in the flexion of the squat to begin again. This is a continuous motion until the set is complete.


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Single Arm High Pull - single and alternating

The action of the single arm high pull is the same as the double arm high pull.It is a ballistic action so the ‘lift’ of the bell comes from the force through the legs - momentum.

Key points to be aware of:• Make sure the shoulders and hips remain squared off to the front - a slight rotation of

the upper body is allowed however the goal is to stabilize the shoulders.• Make sure the ‘free’ arm/hand does not rest on the leg in the squat position but rather

swings back next to the body.• On the alternating high pull, make sure the transfer of weight happens at the top of the

high pull where the kettlebell is virtually weightless.


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Vertical/Dead Clean

- Begin with the prep for the squat, holding the bell with one hand in the anchor position.

- Start the action of the squat, keeping the arms relaxed through the center of the body from the force of gravity of the bell as you descend into the action of the squat going into flexion.

- As the action of the squat begins, stabilize the shoulders by engaging the lats, lengthen through the spine by lifting up in the core (this would be same as the prep for the anchor squat).

- While ascending from the squat into extension, the momentum that comes from the legs begins the movement of the arm to pull the bell up lifting the elbow. Using the motion of the wrist to wrap the bell over the wrist while gripping the handle, quickly bring the bell into a rack position. The moment the bell lands in the rack position, the hips and knees should release into a small flexion, with the tail bone reaching out the length of the spine to absorb the impact of the weight.

- Lift up the ribcage with the core, to resist the weight of the bell on the body. As seen in the rack position.

- Continuing the motion, the hips and knees extend as the arm descends, unwrapping the bell and returning downward to the midline of the body with the bell ending in a squat with a single arm anchor position, setting up to begin again.

- Use the legs to absorb the shock of the bell against the body.- This is a continuous motion until the set is complete.


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Power Clean

• The main difference of the power clean is that the power clean starts from a swing and moves in a curvilinear motion upwards away from the body and ends in rack.

•• The descend of the bell also moves away from the body and down into a full swing

back between the legs.

(whereas the vertical clean starts from a dead/anchor position and moves up close to the body and ends in rack)

Push Press- Begin with the prep for the squat, holding the bell with one hand in the rack

position.- Start with the action of the squat, stabilize the shoulders by engaging the last,

lengthen through the spine by lifting up in the core (this would be same as the prep for the rack squat).

- While ascending from the squat into extension, the momentum that comes from the legs begins the movement of the arm to push the bell straight up from rack position. Follow the line upward as the arm rotates internally with palm facing forward, placing the bell overhead in direct line with the shoulder joint. The shoulder joint should be stabilized as the bell ascends into the air. Once the bell reaches the peak of the movement, the hips and knees should be fully extended, maintaining shoulder and core stabilization.


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- Completely flex the shoulder and extend elbow, while retracting the scapulae to stabilize the movement.

- The movement continues with the hips and knees extending. The arm begins to descend by externally rotating toward the line of the shoulder joint, as the legs return to a squat finishing in a rack position.

- The squat at the end of this motion aids as a shock absorber to the joints of the body and diffuses the impact of the kettlebell on the wrist.

Clean Clean Push-Press

Combine the motion of the clean and the push press to create a multi-planar complex exercise.

The main focus in this exercises is the rhythm. Focussing on the rhythm helps the continuous motion for the switch from clean to push press. The KFIT USA method is ideal for this exercise as the demo-squat is utilized in order to make these movements flow.





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Russian Twist- This exercise can be done sitting or standing.- Hold the bell with both hands in the center of your body. The bell can be held by

the handle or by the ball.- The grip can be hand over hand or interlocking fingers if gripping the handle.- Rotate the upper body and the lower body in opposition through counter rotation

flipping the bell side-to-side.- Knees should stay together through this motion.- Stabilize arms and shoulders by keeping the elbows close to the ribs while core

is engaged.

There are various modifications to this movement. • The feet can be anchored on the floor for added stability or • Held off the floor which is more advanced.

The position of the Kettlebell determines the level of difficulty: • Holding the bell by the ball would be the easiest version. • Holding by the horns is intermediate • Holding by the handle swinging the bell from side to side is advanced


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Level 1 KFIT USA CertificationModule 2

Strength vs. Weight Loss - Advanced Techniques and Exercises

Differences between Strength Training and Weight Loss Using Kettlebells

Using kettlebells, you can do standard weight training movements such as: bench presses, curls, and rows. However, the unique value of kettlebells is derived from ballistic work such as: snatches, swings, cleans, and jerks. These types of movements create power while taxing the body aerobically. Full body integration makes kettlebell training unique in comparison to isolated exercises. This produces more strength in the body as a whole unit to enhance the sports performance, or make daily physical tasks seem easier. We can respectively say this is what functional strength training is about.

Functional strength training conditions the whole body to move from one movement to the next with continuous action and range of motion. This is done by teaching the body to respond quickly to the neuromuscular system so the muscle groups involved in the movements are ready to take action.

Exercises that isolate the muscles only train that muscle, not the actual movement the muscle makes in “real world strength”. For example, jumping requires an explosive movement through a triple flexion to accelerate into the air and decelerate while landing. A good exercise for this in functional training would start with a proper squat. A knee extension or hamstring curl would not set the body up appropriately to make this explosive enough for a safe jump. Kettlebells will give the body powerful strength that can be used in dynamic movements such as jumps.

We get a lot of people asking, “How do kettlebells help me lose weight?” Have you ever tried to swinging a kettlebell for a whole minute? This is true cardiovascular exercise. Kettlebell training can bring the heart rate up quickly to create a high calorie burn. Think about how many muscles are in the body and how much you move those 600-plus muscles in kettlebell training. Since kettlebell training requires whole body movement for most of the exercises, many of these muscles are used. The more muscles the body needs to work the more energy the body requires. This energy comes from the body. Calories are energy and fat is burned. If kettlebells are used specifically for weight loss, then the exercises can be done in intervals of one or two minutes, with high repetitions and a small rest period between sets. This creates a great cardio workout with proper strength training for functional use. Kettlebell training will shape the body by toning the muscles, making them look lifted in the legs and glutes with higher definition throughout the body.

Kettlebells have many uses, two of which include strength and weight loss. As the workouts become more advanced, the advantages become larger. Kettlebell training is accessible to anyone as long as they learn the proper technique. It is important to use kettlebells safely. They are used for many other purposes, including therapy and injury


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prevention. This will be explained further in Level 2. Intense kettlebell workouts can be done as the body becomes more accustomed to the training.

Techniques for Injury-Free Workouts with Kettlebells- Revise the Squat (Box/chair Squat)- Shoulder placement and stabilization- Keeping the wrists, elbows, and knees safe - Alignment- Caring for the hands - calluses and blisters

(Refer to hand care section in Module 1)






- Power Snatch- Vertical / Dead Snatch

- Figure 8- Sling Shot- Windmill (variations)- Kettlebell Deadlifts- Wood Choppers - Renegade Rows- Turkish Getup

- Variations on Swings (walking, side to side, turning) - See Level 2- Variations using 2 KB’s (together, alternating, see-saw) Level 2- Clean/Jerk Level 2

Now we are going to learn some exercises that goes beyond the fundamentals. These are great exercises and techniques that can be added to any kettlebell workout for variation, more functionality, transverse motion and calorie consumption.

Notes on strength versus weight loss and advanced KB movements:______________________________________________________________________




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Power Snatch- Use the same prep for anchor squat with one arm.- Begin the action of a single arm swing.- As the bell ascends in the swing with the legs extending, a quick snatch of the

bell takes place by wrapping the bell around the wrist the half way through the swing, proceeding into a quick press overhead releasing the hips into a slight triple flexion at the top of the motion

- As the bell reaches the top, the Snatch finishes with bell overhead and the hips released in a demi-squat to provide proper absorption of the weight.

- Extend the hips to prepare to swing the bell down.- Complete the swing by descending down to a full squat, returning back to anchor



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Vertical Snatch- Use the same prep for anchor squat with one arm.- While ascending from the squat into an extension of the hips, the momentum that

comes from the lift of the legs and begins the movement of the arm. - Flex the arm by pulling the bell up underneath the chin close to the chest.- As the bell ascends to the chin, wrap the bell around the wrist, snatching the bell

into quick press overhead, and releasing the hips into a slight triple flexion at the top of the motion.

- As the bell reaches the top, the Snatch finishes with bell overhead and the hips released in a demi-squat to provide proper absorption of the weight.

- To make the descent, fully extend the hips to return the bell through a rack position and continue down to an anchor squat.


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Figure Eight- Begin the prep in a one arm anchor squat, with the feet just outside the shoulders

in a wide stance.- The grip on the bell should be on the horn, so when the bell is passed the hands

do not overlap.- Stabilize the shoulders and engage the core muscles to maintain stance without

folding the spine while moving. - The movement begins with a slight rotation as the bell is passed behind the leg

to the opposite hand.- The opposite hand catches the bell and swings the bell around the front of the

leg, continuing to pass it around the back of the opposite leg and forming a figure eight motion.

- The motion continues as the opposite hand catches the bell at the horn and forms another figure eight around the opposite leg in a small rotation.

- This is a continuous motion. Maintain a wide stance in a squat, with the upper body stabilizing with the shoulders back and core muscles engaged to support rotation as the bell is passed from hand to hand through the legs.

- Avoid rounding the thoracic spine while performing this movement.


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Sling Shot- This exercise is very similar to the Figure Eights.- Begin with the prep for Figure Eights.- Begin the motion of passing the bell behind the leg to the opposite hand.- As the bell swings around the front of the leg, the swing continues up to the

opposite shoulder. The opposite hand catches the ball of the bell quickly and pushes it away and down to swing back around the other leg, making a figure eight.

- This is a continuous motion. Maintain a wide stance in a squat with the upper body, stabilizing with the shoulders back and core muscles engaged to support rotation as the bell is passed from hand to hand through the legs.


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Windmill - Begin with feet closer, with one leg slightly behind the opposite leg.- The bell is held in a rack position with the majority of the body weight on the back

leg (about 80/20).- The opposite hand reaches down the inside front leg, maintaining an engaged

core and stabilizing the working shoulder.- The movement begins with the bell pushing up to overhead. As the torso flexes

forward over the hips, maintain an extension of the spine, reaching tailbone back over the hip, fully rotating the torso. The back leg stays extended and long, the front leg is flexed slightly at the hip and the knee.

- The opposite hand slides down the inside of the bent front leg. The motion continues down the chest, opens up with the bell extended upward, and the tailbone reaches back opposing the crown of the head, keeping a long line.

- Once the body reaches the maximum stretch into this position, the body returns to an upright position by using core engagement. Bring the spine and the hips back to an extended position while lifting up through the core.

- The bell remains reaching up while the body transfers back to an upright position, rotating the spine back to the front leg.

- This movement is done in a slow and controlled manner, with core engagement to get maximum use of the transverse abdominals and back muscles


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Kettlebell Deadlift- Use the same prep for double arm anchor squat with the feet about hip width

apart.- Stabilize the shoulders and engage the core before beginning the movement.- The knees can be slightly bent.- Keep the kettlebell in front of the body and begin to slowly bend at the waist,

lowering the kettlebell toward the ground.- Stabilize with the core and shoulders as gravity becomes more resistant.- The kettlebell lowers down between the knees and ankle before ascending.- Keep the head in line with a long spine from the crown of the head to the

tailbone.- Majority of the flexion comes from hips only while descending - Use the hamstrings and glutes to return to an upright position while stabilizing

with the core and shoulders.- The knees never stay more than slightly bent throughout the exercise.


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Wood Choppers- Prep with the bell in a rack position with both feet hip width apart.- The opposite hand should overlap the other hand on the bell moving the bell up

toward the shoulder.- Stabilize the shoulder and engage the core before you begin your motion.- One foot steps into a lunge, maintaining alignment with knees over toes while the

bell swings from the shoulder, across the body to the opposite hip. This motion is done in one large swinging movement, following the bell with your eyes and rotating the torso.

- Maintain the momentum of the swing. Immediately return by pushing off the front leg and stabilizing through the core, while the bell swings back from the hip to the opposite shoulder.

- Both feet finish hip width apart, with both hands holding the bell at the shoulder in the starting position.

- Continue to the next repetition, keeping the rhythm constant.

Renegade Rows- This prep is a two handed exercise with two bells. You can use bells that are the

same weight or different weight to challenge the core by switching sides.- Recommendation: The bells should have a wider bottom so the surface is stable

enough to support weight.- Stand with a bell in each hand and feet parallel, hip width apart.- Squatting down to place the bells on the floor, keep the knees over the toes with

pelvic and shoulder stabilization.- The hands remain on the bells as the feet walk out or jump out into a plank.


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- Stabilize in a plank with shoulder and core placement, and begin to transfer the body weight to one arm, stabilize with both legs in the plank.

- Lift one bell into a row, bringing the bell toward the chest and ribs while stabilizing shoulders and core balance.

- Place the bell back down, begin to transfer the body weight to the other side to, and continue the motion on the other side.

- Once the opposite side is complete, the row stabilizes the body weight back to the center of the plank.

- Walk or jump the feet back in towards the bells, using core engagement to bring the legs forward.

- With the hands on the bells, transfer the body weight back to the feet into a squat position, maintaining engagement of the core and stabilizing the hips.

- Engage the shoulders down into the ribs while the legs continue to lift into an extension of the hips, holding the bells and returning to the starting position.


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Turkish Get-Up

• With kettlebell at your left side, roll to a fetal position and hook your left hand deep into the handle of the kettlebell. Roll to your back and press the kettlebell vertically while straightening your right leg and putting right arm at a 45 degree angle with the palm down.

• The next step is a combination of movements, because you will roll forward, upward, and diagonally as you post on your right elbow. The key is to dig your left foot into the ground while pulling with your right elbow. Keep eyes on the kettlebell and shoulders out of your ear.

• Straighten the right arm, completely locking the elbow and corkscrewing the shoulder into ground to increase the strength and stability of the base hand. Make sure the shoulders stay clear and packed in this position. You may need to move the base hand a little to find the strongest position for your limb length.

• Post to Bent “T” Position (there are two ways to get to the Bent “T” Position)• Leg Sweep -push your right hand and left foot into the floor to lift your hips off of the

floor so you can sweep your right leg through to the Bent Position.• High Bridge -elevate hips as high as possible toward the ceiling, while keeping the

hips as level as possible without hyperextending the spine. This version was created by Dr. Mark Cheng as a nice stretch for the pecs of the base arm and activates the posterior chain. It is also a great stretch for the hip flexors and helps create space to sweep the leg through to the Bent Position.

• The key to the Bent “T” Position is to sweep the leg through so the shin is in the same line toward the base hand and the left leg is perpendicular to the right leg. This should be a strong “T” Position.

• Shift weight to the left side and straighten up to the kneeling position. Windshield wipe the back leg so they are in the same direction or lunge position. Eyes should be looking straight forward, so you do not hyperextend the cervical spine.

• Stand up and bring both feet together. When you are standing, you should keep your butt and abs contracted to make sure your spine is stacked and protected.

• Return to lying position by reversing the order of the previous steps.

Key Points:• Start without weight until you feel comfortable with the sequence of the steps. You do

not need the added stress of holding a weight. It may be beneficial to start with a shoe on your knuckles till you gain confidence in the sequence of movements.

• Keep shoulders packed and out of your ears while you are holding each position.• Make sure the hand holding the kettlebell is all the way in and you have punching

knuckles to the sky. (ie. wrist is straight)• Try to avoid using momentum to get off of the ground so you are not tomahawking the

arm forward.• Make sure back is straight throughout the entire movement. No slouching.• Breath through each movement.• Do not let the left knee or supporting knee collapse (valgus).


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Level 1 KFIT USA CertificationModule 3

Program Design


The majority of training programs are derived from the experience of the fitness professionals. The trainer’s area of expertise, whether it is weight training, group fitness, Pilates, Olympic lifting, or kettlebell training, the trainer will naturally draw from his or her experience when it comes to designing a functional and effective program for the specific client.

This has unfortunately led to confusion for health and fitness professionals because it is difficult to maintain a constant standard on a scientific level. Therefore it is so important that all health and fitness professionals are competent at designing safe, effective and productive programs for a variety of clients. In order to do this, the trainer must be familiar with all the acute variables and know how to create a program that promotes exercising in a structured and progressive manner.

For many health and fitness professionals this seems like a daunting task. So we want to provide the trainer with a structured program design model that makes this a much less intimidating task and that keeps the level of KFIT training programs highly effective and constant.


Program design means to create a calculated plan or system to accomplish a specific objective or goal. By creating an effective program for your client, you as the trainer are providing your client with a clear sense of direction and purpose with regard to his or her fitness and weight loss goals. The trainer has to know the fitness level and limitations of each client to be able to create the most effective program possible.

KFIT designed some program design models for you according some of the most commonly found populations and created a structure for the kettlebell trainer that will ensure success in creating a kettlebell training program that is effective, progressive and fun.

It is very important to keep the client or athlete interested and challenged while eliminating chances of injury. Client retention depends on getting results and making the workouts interesting and fun, yet challenging enough to keep them coming back.

Competency at designing training programs for a variety of clients is a necessity for any fitness professional. The trainer must know how to utilize knowledge of the exercises


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and techniques as well as using acute variables* to create well structured and progressive training programs – in this case with kettlebell training.

*Acute variables – Important components that specify how each exercise is to be performed (discussed in this chapter).


Acute variables are the most basic components of designing a kettlebell training program. They establish the amount of stress that is placed on the body and what adjustments need to be made.

The body will adapt to the demands made on it. The acute variables will determine these demands.

Proper development and progression of an effective training program is ensured when the trainer understands the training variables.

Training Variables:

· Repetitions· Sets· Training intensity· Repetition tempo· Rest interval· Training volume· Exercise selection· Physical limitations of the client’s skill level· Mental state of client’s ability to perform at a specific skill level



One complete movement of any given exercise is called a repetition. Majority of repetitions will include the three muscle actions – concentric, isometric and eccentric. (Not necessarily in that order)

Repetitions are just a way to count the amount of movements performed in any given amount of time. This is how you determine how many times the muscles are under tension.

If you know what your goals are it is easier to determine the amount of repetitions that are required to reach the specific goal. The amount of repetitions performed with depends on the client’s work capacity and the weight used as well as the intensity of exercise.


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It depends on the goals of the individual and the phase of training as to how many repetitions will be executed. Here are some guidelines:

· Power adaptations require 1 to 10 reps at 30 to 45% of the one repetition maximum, or about 10% of the person’s body weight

· For Maximal strength the repetition range is 1 to 5 at 85 to 100% of the 1RM (one rep maximum)

· Hypertrophy is best achieved using 8 to 12 repetitions at 70 to 85% of the 1RM

· If the goal is Endurance, this is best achieved by doing 12 to 25 repetitions at 50 to 70% of the 1RM

Be aware that a new client in the beginning phases needs higher repetitions at a lower intensity in order to build proper connective tissue strength, endurance and stability. But even for the advanced client it is important to vary the training intensity and repetitions because higher intensity training with lower repetitions can only be sustained for a short period without running the risk of overtraining. Make sure to use planned intervals of training and vary the level of training by varying repetitions and intensity levels.


A set is a group of successive repetitions. The quantities of the other variables and the goals of the client will determine the number of sets a person performs.The person usually performs fewer sets when doing more repetitions at a lower intensity and more sets when performing lower repetitions at a higher intensity.

· Here are some guidelines to determine amount of sets according to the goals of the client:

· For Power – Three to six sets of between 1 to 10 repetitions at an intensity of 30 to 45% of 1RM.

· When Strength is desired – four to six sets of between 1 to 5 repetitions at an intensity of 85 to 100% of 1RM recommended

· If the client wants to build muscle, 3 to 4 sets are required of 8 to 12 repetitions at 70 to 85% of 1RM intensity level.

· Endurance is best achieved by making use of 1 to 3 sets of 12 to 25 repetitions at 50 to 70% of 1RM intensity


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To prevent overtraining it has been suggested that 24 to 36 total sets should be performed in a workout. For a beginner client it might be as little as 5 to 12 sets depending on the client’s current fitness level. (One set for 5 to 12 exercises)

As the client advances the number of sets being performed will also change and increase. Training intensity

Training intensity is the client’s level of effort compared with their maximum effort. This is one of the most important acute variables to think about when designing a program.

The intensity of a workout is determined by the number of sets and repetitions to be performed. This is based on the client’s specific training goals.Training intensity can be increased by increasing weight, and also by training in an unstable environment for instance using a BOSU or stability ball. Changing other variables like rest periods and tempo can also change the training intensity.

Strive to make continued adaptations to each individual’s workout and fully understand all implications and effects on the body when changing variables.

Repetition Tempo

Repetition tempo is the speed at which every repetition is performed.

When training with Kettlebells the tempo will most likely be dictated by the weight of the Kettlebell. The amount of time a muscle is under tension produces a specific result – this variable can be adjusted according to the specific training objectives such as endurance and stability, power and hypertrophy.

The Kettlebell trainer must select the appropriate speed of movement for the exercised based on the criteria mentioned above. Generally the tempo for:Power Explosive and fastStrength ModerateEndurance and stabilization Slow

With Kettlebell training the movement tempo will always be adjusted according to the weight. The heavier the bell, the slower the swing speed will naturally be slower.Tempo is relative to each individual client and should be manipulated accordingly.

Rest Interval

The rest interval is the time taken between sets to recuperate. This is a very important variable to consider as far as reaching specific training goals. Energy is necessary to


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perform exercises, and the amount of energy required depends on the intensity of the given exercise. Exercises for maximal strength and power may require up to a 5 minute rest between sets because the intensity is so high, whereas exercises for endurance, speed, agility and stability might only need 30 seconds to a minute rest in between sets. When wanting to build muscle (hypertrophy) rest intervals varying between 45 to 90 seconds are ideal, but are dependent on the load being used.

There are certain factors that will impact the amount of rest needed between sets and exercises:

• Training experience· Training intensity· Muscle mass· Fitness level· Training goals· Nutritional status· Ability to recover

Here are some recommendations on rest intervals according to goals during any given workout.

Power 3 – 5 minutes rest between setsStrength 45 seconds – 5 minutesStabilization 0 seconds – 1.5 minutesEndurance 0 seconds – 1 minute

Be aware that if rest periods are too long between sets, it can possibly cause decreased body temperature and neuromuscular activity. This can potentially lead to increased risk of injury.

Individuals who are at more advanced levels of training and have larger muscle mass and higher fitness levels will possibly respond better to shorter rest periods but it will still depend on the goals of this client.

Training Volume

Training volume is the complete amount of work performed in a specific amount of time. Volume = sets x repetitions. It is imperative to control training volume as all training is cumulative, and overtraining needs to be prevented.

Training volume varies based on:

· Goals· Age · Work Capacity· Recoverability· Nutritional Status


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· Injury history· Training phase

It is important to keep in mind that training volume is always related to training intensity. In other words, performing high volumes of high intensity exercises for any extended period of time is not safe. This can possibly lead to injury and overtraining.

In other words the higher the intensity of the workout, the lower the volume – decreased sets and repetitions. The lower the weight, the higher the workout volume.

Exercise Selection

Exercise selection is the choosing of exercises for program design to allow optimal achievement for a desired goal. Exercises should be selected very specific to the training goals of the individual. Kettlebell training involved mainly total body exercise as almost all movements recruit multiple muscle groups all at once. The kettlebell is a very versatile tool and also allows for isolation and multi- and single joint exercises, but is most commonly used for total full body functional training.

By completing a thorough fitness assessment and reviewing the specific training goals of an individual, the trainer can properly plan a program to fit the client’s specific needs. All the above mentioned variables must be considered when choosing the exercises as well as training intensity and volume.

An intelligent program design starts with a warm up, the progresses gradually and ends with a cool down. The exercises should be selected accordingly. Fit the exercise to the client not the client to the exercise.

Notes: ______________________________________________________________________








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Overweight or Obese Individuals:

These individuals require a lot of assurance and reminders that they are capable of achieving their goals. They have come to you to lose their weight and overcome the emotional attachment…. So help them stay on track by providing a nurturing environment. Their fitness levels will vary depending on their physical and mental capability combined. You can design a class that varies in size and/or fitness level as long as you provide modifications and variations for all individuals.

· maintain a safe environment with a mild temperature

· keep them in one on one or small group setting

· use simple choreography

· avoid jumping and too much twisting until stabilizers are stronger

· make sure they can get to and from the floor if using floor exercises

· keep class simple yet challenging and fun to keep confidence up

· use breathing with exercises





Older Adults:

This client population is beginning to grow bigger and bigger over the next twenty years with the baby boomers approaching their golden years. The need for fitness professionals will become more needed and in demand. As a Kettlebell Instructor you can offer a vast amount of improvement in their lifestyles. Whole body function and exercise is the most valuable information that can be taught to improve balance, coordination, and body awareness.


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· Create an environment that is compassionate and individualized

· Use choreography that includes both static balance and dynamic balance

· Make coordination a part of the training for whole body connection and maintenance

· Create a exercises to improve gait and dynamic balance combined

· Use exercises for reaction time to maintain sensory system

· Keep class fun and challenging

· Use breathing with exercises

Special Needs Individuals:

These clients are “special” in many ways. Not only do they have special needs but they give back everything they receive, which makes a very rewarding class for the trainer. Special needs individuals have many ways they can give back but the trainer needs to be ready to work hard and have patience. These special people may have many limitations which will vary upon each individual. Special needs clients can have many different conditions including, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, autism, etc. They are typically overweight, lack of fitness, and have behavioral problems. Fitness professionals can make a large difference in their lives by improving their fitness levels to gain a healthy, happy lifestyle.

· Create a fun, safe, and comfortable environment

· Use simple exercises with small repetitions

· Create games with the program design to keep attention

· Keep a positive environment instilling confidence and self esteem

· Program design should require skill development and be fun and challenging

· Keep the sessions short and creative due to lack of attention span





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Pregnant Individuals:

Pregnant women need to have regular exercise. There are many benefits to exercise during pregnancy that will increase the health of labor and delivery as well as how well the mother carries her baby. Kettlebell training can also help with post partum weight, depression and boost energy levels. As the pregnancy gets further along into the third trimester there are many more limitations, so program design needs to be adjusted, and fitness professionals are crucial. A fitness professional can improve the health of the mother-to-be while maintaining a safe environment.

· Maintain a safe and stable environment with mild temperature with water available

· Make sure client has permission from doctor to exercise

· Use exercises that increase whole body strength in a safe manner

· Eliminate exercises that include inversions, lying flat with chest below abdominals, getting up and down too quickly, dropping the head lower than the abdomen

· Monitor heart rate accordingly maintaining a mild heart rate depending on where mother is in her term (do not let heart rate raise too quickly)

· Eliminate exercises that put strain on the abdomen i.e.: pushing heavy weight overhead, rotating torso with weight bearing

· Be aware of using heavy weight

· Avoid exercises with stress on the joints, pregnancy causes loosened joints which can lead to weakness and/or injury






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Obesity in children is growing larger every year. One in five children is obese today. It is the responsibility of the fitness industry to make a change for the better, for the health of our children and future. Kettlebell training can be fun and effective with older children. It can improve their cardiovascular endurance and help them enjoy functional movement skills. Typically, weight bearing exercises are safe for children over the age twelve. The use of kettlebell training can be a great way to introduce strength training to them.

· Maintain fun and safe environment

· Make sure the weight is kept light to moderate

· Use games and interactive skills to design a class

· Keep a positive attitude with encouragement and inspiration

· Include exercises that can increase skills and repertoire of child’s movements

Sedentary individuals:

These clients are usually looking for help to get them moving again. Some of these clients may be overweight, injured, disabled, obese, or just work too hard and make time for exercise. Starting out with a progressive program is usually what they need to get them motivated. Kettlebell training is a great tool to use with basic fundamental exercises. This will give them strength training and cardiovascular training combined. Once they have become accustomed to moving their bodies they can continue to progress to more intermediate and specific training to fit their needs. · Create a safe yet challenging and motivating environment with mild temperature

· Encourage consistency on a daily basis with some kind of movement i.e.: walking

· Give each class an objective or goal for the client to reach

· Create a class with enough repetition to encourage retention, always allow the client to succeed at exercises before introducing new ones






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Injured clients can sometimes be the most challenging to design programs for just because each injury is so specific to each person and how they got injured. Always make sure to do a full analysis and profile on client’s problems with not only injury but with pain that may be related to injury. Typically, injured clients’ can have apprehension toward kettlebell training because it can be so intimidating due to the powerful movements. Whereas, kettlebell training is one of the most effective types of movement to encourage proper functional conditioning to help rehabilitate the body. The most common injuries with active people are shoulder, back, knee and hip. · Create a safe environment with capability to make modifications easily

· Have a variety of different weights of kettlebells for specific training related to injury

· Make sure proper alignment is used stabilizing the spine and shoulders at all times with knees moving over the middle toes for proper tracking

· Make sure you are prepared with enough knowledge for each specific kind of injury before pursuing a program design

· Pride yourself in having the skills to get your clients’ out of pain and functionally moving with ease

· Ask a physician or physical therapist to review exercises with you if you are unsure about their effects.






Athletes are the kind of clients that will come to you for sports specific training. They will want a very specific program to help them improve their skills with their sport. Both men and women athletes are using kettlebell training in their workout programs. Depending on sport of the athlete kettlebell training can provide combination workouts that fit all the needs including: focus on strength, ballistic, and agility training, use for active recovery during down times, and optimal cardiovascular training.


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· Create an environment that is specific to the sport of the athlete

· Depending on specific needs make sure you have all types of weights, tools needed for balance, coordination and dynamic training

· Athletes are very good at “learn by doing” so they can pick up most exercises quickly and progress faster than the average client

· Kettlebell training can help to meet the needs of the metabolic demands of the athlete by increasing strength, agility, and endurance

· Kettlebell training can also be very effective and can be difficult to replicate with other types of training because of the functional whole body strength that can be gained

· Understand where they are in the year relative to their season. Implement exercises and variables accordingly.

Program design for most individuals can be determined by the FITT principle (frequency, intensity, time, type), taking body weight into consideration, this will determine energy expenditure. While creating a program design you should also take into consideration that positive physiological response and risks associated with increase in exercise are necessary to have success with your client. Always keep your clients’ goals the target and adapt the workouts necessary to keep the program design customized for their needs. Build the program to be realistic to meet their ambitions and dreams. Every client that comes to you strives for a better quality of life or to develop a stronger body for a purpose in their life. Kettlebell training is ideal for conditioning the body for functional movement and building the body for strength, power and endurance to help with performing sports. Kettlebells are great way to spice up the workouts and can be done anywhere. How you choose to use Kettlebell training in your practice will help you design a solid, efficient, and effective program design for your client. KFIT is an education program that will continue to provide new and improved ways to train your clients while staying on the cutting edge of kettlebell fitness.

SUMMARYThe primary function of the health and fitness professional is to design the appropriate program for a client. The goals and needs of each client should be met by an individualized program designed specifically for him/her.

The variables and populations discussed in this chapter determine the amount of stress placed on the body. The training program needs to be designed accordingly to ensure the workout is challenging and effective yet minimized the chance of injury and over- or under training.


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Why become a KFIT USA Master Trainer?

KFIT USA is not only a Kettlebell Method and Certification Program but we are also a forward thinking business that offers Fitness Professionals the opportunity to make excellent additional income – up to 100K per year or more.

Through the years Kettlebell training has gotten a really bad wrap.  Picking up a Kettlebell is very “threatening” to a lot of people and KFIT USA makes it our mission to educate the masses on proper use of the Kettlebell for weight loss, improved sports performance as well as creating functional strength.

We want to introduce to you our Master Trainer Program. Currently we have Master Trainers on the East Coast and the West Coast and our Master Trainer Network is continuously growing.  The mission of KFIT USA is to bring the amazing, fun and safe Kettlebell training to the masses.  Kettlebell training is for everybody and when done with proper form and instruction and be a great tool for any Personal Trainer to help his or her clients excel at whatever their personal goals may be.

As a Master Trainer with KFIT USA you are able to teach Level 1 and Level 2 Certification trainings as well as offer CEC’s (CEU’s) to all your attendees.  Our business plan has been honed and perfected and our compensation plan gives every Master Trainer the incentive to host and teach trainings and be very successful in creating extra income for their business.

“As a personal trainer myself, I have recognized the limitations of trading hours for money.  So I created this Master Trainer program to give every Personal Trainer the opportunity to make great additional income through becoming an educator in the industry”Vanessa Raymond, KFIT USA Owner and Master Coach


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How to become a Master Trainer

• Complete Level 1 Certification Training course, pass theory exam and complete 30 teaching hours ($299)

• Complete Level 2 Certification Training course, pass theory Exam and complete 30 teaching hours ($299)

• Complete Master Trainer Training course (Marketing and Sales training for KFIT USA – we show you how to effectively market and sell your KFIT USA workshops) (Have to be a Member or a Licensing owner)

• Assist a Master Coach in a Level 1 and a Level 2 Workshop (This will be your practical teaching assessment)

For more information: Vanessa Raymond at [email protected]

After completing this process you are a Master trainer and able to teach Level 1 and Level 2 Teacher Trainings, offer CEC’s and earn substantial extra revenue as well as become a respected educator in the industry.

In addition, KFIT USA provides you continuous support, marketing plans and top notch fitness business coaching to help make you successful. This is what separates us from our competition.

Continuous education with KFIT is constantly expanding and we will keep you on the cutting edge of the Kettlebell world.

CongratulationsCongratulations on completion of level I and now if your interested in becoming a master trainer go on line and review Level II and our master trainer program.  Order Kettlebells from KFIT USAWe are also are a distributor of top grade kettlebells and we provide our KFIT USA attendees with outstanding pricing If interested in ordering contact me at [email protected] . Order DVDs and Education from KFIT USAVisiit us at www.kfitusa.com to order or view the KFIT USA DVD Library to increase your knowledge and education even more.  Constantly check


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www.kfitusa.com for new and exciting DVDs.  DVDs are produced by Lemonade Marketing out of San Diego CA.  KFIT USA National ConferenceKFIT USA has our national conference each september.  Check www.kfitusa.com for details.  As a KFIT USA participant you receive a FREE pass to the fitness business workshops. Our GuaranteeKFIT USA strides to provide the best in kettlebell education and programming. We are dedicated to providing safe, effective programs. Disclaimer and Use Policy

The information contained in this packet and by KFIT USA is for general knowledge and education.  In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of or in connection with the use of this method.


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ReferencesScience Daily -Interval Training Burns More Fat, Increases Fitness, Study Finds

University Of Guelph (2007, June 29). Interval Training Burns More Fat, Increases Fitness

Enter the KettlebellPavel Tsatsouline

Mike Mahler www.Mikemahler.com

On the components of fitnesswww.brianmac.co.uk/conditon.htm

On Agilitywww.topendsports.com/testing/agility-about.htm

On the definition of Balancewww.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=10760

On Mobilitywww.thecompleteathlete-llc.org/resources/articles/archived-articles/16-dynamic-mobility-training=

Sports Fitness Advisorwww.sport-fitness-advisor.com/kettlebell-training.html

American Council on ExerciseSource: Bryant, Cedric X.

BodyBuilding.comSource: Steve Cotter

Kettlebell Conceptswww.kettlebellconcepts.com

Michael Libercciwww.humanmovement.us


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KFIT USA Kettlbell Level 1 Certification Exam:

Attendee Name:_________________________________________

Please Provide 1 Answer per Question. Each Question is Worth 2 Points

1. The Number One Priority of KFIT Kettlebell Training is:

a. Pushing Weight

b. Safety

c. Exclusive Training Just For Athletes

d. Intimidating Clients

2. The KFIT Method Utilizes What Style of Swing:

a. Hard

b. Sport

c. Smooth

d. Competition

3. True/False: Vanessa Raymond designed KFIT to make kettlebell training accessible to all training populations.

4. Originally, Kettlebells came in three sizes. They are:

a. Small , Meduim, Large

b. 20lbs, 40lbs, 60lbs

c. Square, Circle, Triangle

d. 16kg, 24kg, 32kg

5. Kettlbells came from Market Places in Eastern Europe but gained validity as a strengthening tool when what organization backed using them in training:

a. CrossFit

b. USSR Weight Lifting Federation




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6. Kettlebell training is often grouped in with functional training. Functional training/strengthening is all of these except:

a. 1 Rep Max Bench Press

b. Strengthening that can be applied into everyday life movement and tasks.

c. Multi-planar, three-dimensional movement

d. Controlling movement in space for stop/go and change of direction.

7. Kettlebell training can be used to train all the following systems, except:

a. Cardiovascular

b. Nervous

c. Muscular

d. Lymphatic

8. True/False: To ensure safety in training, the client should fill out a PAR-Q form and be cleared for exercise by a doctor.

9. True/False: It is not important to have the client fill out an injury report as long as they promise they are okay.

10. True/False: If your client is seeing a medical professional, you should try to reach out to get a better understanding of indications and contraindications for exercise.

11. Why is it important to screen someone before they begin any type of weight training?

a. It will help you diagnosis injuries and underlying pathologies in the client.

b. Seeing a person move can help determine what strengths and weaknesses they may have, asymmetries, and whether or not you should introduce resistance to movement.

c. It is not important to screen your client. Pick up a bell and start swinging.

d. It helps you replace the traditional medical professional from entering in the picture if you find pain or dysfunction in movement.

12. After screening an individual, it is important to teach proper alignment and body position. What four cues help quickly find this position?

a. Ear, Elbow, Knee, Ankle

b. Head, Shoulders, Knees, Toes


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c. Shoulders, Back, Pelvis, Foot

d. Shoulders, Heels, Abs, Glutes

13. What muscles are being focus on developing during kettlebell swinging exercises?

a. Posterior Chain

b. Deltoids and Traps

c. Anterior Chain

d. Back Extensors Exclusively

14. What is the base swing for the KFIT method?

a. Hip Hinge

b. Lunge

c. Squat & slight hinge

d. Shoulder

15. When teaching a squat all these are important except?

a. The core and hips are engaged throughout the movement

b. Weight should be shifted into the stronger leg

c. Feet are shoulder width apart

d. Spine is upright with good posture in the upper extremities

16. What are the five “S”s (in order)for checking through preparation for kettlebell training?

a. Swing, Smooth, Squat, Safety, Style

b. Safety, Speed, SHAG, Squat, Swing

c. Safety, Screen, SHAG, Squat, Swing

d. Strategic, Screen, Speed, Squat, Swing

17.True/False: If someone demonstrates poor movement in the screen or cannot perform a squat properly, they will never be able to use kettlebells in training.

18. True/False: It is not important to go through exercises like bridges and abdominal activation before beginning kettlebell exercises.


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19. True/False: Dynamic stretching is done lying on the floor and holding stretches for 20-30 seconds.

20.True/False: The shoulders should be taught as the primary movers in the swing.

21. What is the purpose for dynamic stretching?

a. Prepare the body for movement

b. Engage appropriate muscles for upcoming exercises

c. Check balance and stability

d. All of the above

22. All of these are the basic kettlebell positions, except:

a. Anchor

b. Snatch/Overhead

c. Packed

d. Rack

23. For the basic Double Arm Swing, the bell should be weightless at what position:

a. Anchor

b. Top of the swing

c. Mid-Swing

d. Never Weightless

24. What is different in a KFIT swing from a hard style swing?

a. Squat position at the bottom of the swing

b. weight distribution between feet

c. ratio of hip and shoulder activation

d. there is no difference except for the name

25. During an alternating single arm swing, where should the exchange be practiced in between hands?

a. Knee height

b. Waist height


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c. Wherever feels right

d. Shoulder height / top of swing

26. True/False: Overhead swings are dangerous and non-functional.

27. True/False: A single arm swing can be performed with either a palms down grip or a neutral grip

28. True False: The squat swing should be performed correctly before advancing into more complicated movement patterns.

29. The elbows should be where is relation to the kettlebell during a double arm high pull:

A. Same Height

b. Lower

c. Higher

d. Position doesn’t matter as long as the weight is being moved.

30. In any kettlebell movements that “catches” the bell, what should be used as a suspension system to reduce the shock of the bell:

a. Chest

b. Demi-squat

c. Shoulder

d. Back Extension

31. What is the difference in a vertical clean and the power clean?

a. Vertical Clean is for endurance and power clean is for strength

b. Vertical clean increases vertical jump and power clean increases broad jump

c. The path of the bell is straight up the body in vertical clean and away from the body like a swing path in a power clean.

d. Body position changes where the feet are side by side in a vertical and staggered in a power.

32. True/False: Russian Twists should be done first without weight and feet on the floor to get adjusted to the movement and then progress into weights as well as lifting feet off the floor.


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33. True/False: The Turkish get-up is an easy exercise that only uses one plane of motion.

34. True/False: The Turkish get-up should be performed quickly and done for high repetitions to get the most out of the movement

35. True/False: The Turkish get-up can be broken down into components to help learn the pieces of it before advancing to the whole movement.

36. Along with normal stabilization taught with the other exercises, what two concepts are of high importance in Turkish get-ups:

a. Quad and back activation

b. Grip and breathing

c. breathing and shoulder packing

d. Shoulder packing and Grip

37. Since the Turkish get-up is a complex exercise, five repetitions should be performed with this, before advancing:

a. Light Weight based on shoulder pressing ability

b. Shoe

c. Heaviest weight that can be stabilized in a straight arm position

d. Barbell

38. When snatching, what is the catching position for the kettlebell:

a. Anchor

b. Rack

c. Overhead

d. Rotated

39. What cue helps with decreasing the hitting of the bell when finishing the snatch at the top of the movement:

a. Fliping

b. Swinging

c. Muscling

d. Punching


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40. Which of these movements works on rotation and lateral stability?

a. Figure eight

b. Windmill

c. Sling shot

d. All of the above

41. True/False: the figure eight exercise is a good progression into the sling shot exercise.

42. True/False: In order to perform a wood chopper, a client should be able to perform repetitions of a forward lunge with good form and no loss of balance.

43. True/False: it is important to make sure to primarily use the back in a kettlebell deadlift as well as round it to obtain optimal support.

44. True/False: Along with the momentum created at the bottom of a sling shot, the individual needs to be able to resist rotation at the top of the movement by controlling the kettlebell with the core.

45. Which of the following is not a training variable that effects training:

a. Repetitions

b. Rest Interval

c. Intensity

d. All are training variables

46. Generally all training programs take in account what system the client is training. Which of these is not a general system trained:

a. Power

b. Strength

c. Beast Mode

d. Endurance

47. When training a pregnant client with kettlebells, what should not be done:

a. Monitor heart rate

b. Focus on abdominal/core exercise

c. Avoid heavy weights


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d. Make sure there is a doctor’s clearance

48. When training an individual with an injury, you should:

a. Be prepared for alternative exercises so that the injury is not inflamed

b. Make sure to continue to work through the pain

c. Load with the weights the client was doing before injury

d. Ignore therapists restrictions since you know the client better than they do

49. Which of the following should you get information on before training an athlete?

a. Is he or she in/off season?

b. What is he or she doing with the team and strength/conditioning coach?

c. What are the specific goals and movements the athlete wants to improve?

d. All of the above

50. When working with an overweight/sedentary individual, what should you do to increase compliance with the program?

A. Keep sessions challenging but fun

b. Do lots of jumping

c. Make sure to do on/off floor exercises as much as possible

d. Incorporate them in large groups of fit individuals


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KFIT USA Creators and Instructors Credentials for CEC Petitions

Michael [email protected] / 240-888-5268 B.S. Human Behavior MATs RTSm attendee Biomechanics Consultant Personal Trainer – general and sport specific Post rehabilitation specialist TWIST Conditioning Master Trainer and instructor

Vanessa [email protected] / 720-317-4594 IDTA (International modern dance teacher certification) 1991 Diploma in Body Conditioning Tswane University of Technology 1993 Exercise Science (studies in Anatomy and physiology) Tswane University of Technology South Africa 1994 (Equal to B.S. in USA) Massage Therapy Tswane University of Technology 1996 DK Body Balance Pilates Certification UNLV 2004 Kettlebell Certified 2007 (KBC Level 1 and Level 2) Completed various RKC workshops Fitness Business Training Certification with Achieve Fitness Owner and Creator of KFIT USA Kettlebell Certification Training KFIT USA Master Coach and National Presenter Course Description

Chasen [email protected] / 619-985-4142 BS of Exercise Science from the University of Arizona Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist IYCA -Certified High School Strength and Conditioning Specialist SFG 1 -Strong First Gireyvik Golf Conditioning Specialist KFIT USA Master Trainer / Director of growth & development

Aaron [email protected] / 540-998-9188 Certified and Practicing Physical Therapist - (Doctorate at Marymount University) Undergrad in Sports Medicine and wellness - Averett University Owner of Prime Sports Med RX Functional Movement Screen (Certified) and Advanced FMS Selective Functional Movement Assessment and Advanced SFMA Titleist Performance Institute Level 1 (Certified) TRX Level 1 and 2 (Qualified) Crossfit Level 1 Trainer Certified Personal Trainer


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Module 1 Kettlebell Basics and Techniques for Beginners

Module 1 of the Level 1 Kettlebell training puts focus on the essential foundation exercises of kettlebell training. Additionally, the trainer will understand how to increase business and revenue by adding Kettlebell training to his/her “toolbox”.

At this level the trainer will achieve the following:

Knowledge of the origin of how kettlebell training developed Comprehensive understanding of Kettlebell safety and how to teach it Instruction of the fundamental movements, basic positions, proper alignment and terminology Comprehension of the curriculum of fundamental exercises for this level Learn the biomechanics of each movement and how to cue effectively

At the completion of Module 1, the trainer will have a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental Kettlebell exercises and how to cue and teach them.Duration: 2 hours

Module 2Intermediate techniques and exercises for maximum strength and power

Module 2 Kettlebell training will educate the trainer on the difference between utilizing kettlebells for strength training and/or weight loss. At the completion of level two the trainer will have achieved the following:

Proficiency and knowledge of additional variations on the fundamental exercises with emphasis on functional movement Knowledge of how to teach intermediate exercises that require efficiency of movement to obtain maximum strength and power. A more comprehensive understanding emphasizing injury prevention through perfect form and technique. How to make significant and immediate improvement in your clients flexibility through correct movement, alignment and tension regulation How to use Kettlebell training to increase your client base and as an additional revenue stream to your personal training business

At the completion of Module 2, the trainer will be able to teach intermediate kettlebell exercises for weight loss and/or maximum strength and power.Duration: 2 hours

Module 3Kettlebell Program Design

This will be an interactive session with the guidance of your KFIT coaches on how to take the knowledge gained in module 1 and 2 and put it all together to achieve the following:


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How to construct a program for a private session How to construct a program for group sessions (large and small) How to structure effective kettlebell programs for Weight loss How to structure kettlebell programs for optimal Strength Gains How to construct a program for all populations How to integrate progressions and choreography

At the completion of Module 3, the trainer will have a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of how to structure an effective kettlebell program for any group class or private client to accommodate their population’s needs.Duration: 2 hours


The purpose of KFIT USA level 2 is to further your development and knowledge as a KFIT USA Kettlebell Instructor. The Level 2 Certification Training Course will encompass a deeper fundamental understanding of the movements learned in Level 1 Certification Training Course as well as more advanced variations and exercises to expand your kettlebell repertoire. We will have a brief review and discussion of the accompanying biomechanics of the movements.Vanessa Schneider kettlebell trainerVanessa Raymond KFIT USAIn this level we will discuss a complete thought process of a more advanced approach to program design determining when and where the kettlebell is best utilized. This level will discuss how to progress a novice kettlebell user to advanced technique. This will unlock the secrets of muscle intention and how to make any workout movement more impactful.

The Level 2 Certification Training Course tackles a detailed approach to understanding injury management and prevention and working with clients post rehab. We share with you knowledge of which kettlebell exercises are beneficial with regards to specific injuries and which exercises to avoid in certain instances.

Level 2 Certification Training Course will make you a better kettlebell trainer. You will be given a more comprehensive thought process that will lead you into the next progression towards becoming a KFIT USA Master Trainer. As a KFIT USA Master Trainer you will have the opportunity to expand your fitness business and increase revenue.

In Level 2 we are enabling our trainers and coaches to have a more comprehensive understanding of the kettlebell and how to break down the exercises. Create a sense of smooth flowing movement with the kettlebell – ballistic – sports specific How and when to use the bell with regards to injuries Injury management and prevention How to assess clients in terms of their ability – progressions to build them up to reach their goals

Module 1:Exercise break down – Movement mastery

Mastering the exercises and movement. Flowing movement. Perpetual motion Advanced concepts when executing kettlebell exercises Grip, motion, body mechanics


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Choreography More advanced progressions and exercises. Creating combinations of exercises

Duration: 2 hours

Module 2: When and where to use a Kettlebell in a work out or a program

Guidelines and thought process about how and when to incorporate the kettlebell into a workout. Whether the kettlebell is a complete workout, or whether incorporating in a body weight workout. Program design at advanced level

Progressions Sports specific training

Duration: 2 hours

Module 3:Post rehab training and injury prevention/management

How to bound truth to the body – how to make clients bodies injury resistant How to do quick assessments Foam rolling, Myofascial release. How to incorporate kettlebell training with regards to specific injuries. Corrective exercise

Duration: 2 hours


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KFIT USA Log-Sheet


Name Time Signature Notes


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