Key$Things$Milton$Erickson$ Was$Right$About$ Yapko... · Key$Things$Milton$Erickson$...

Key Things Milton Erickson Was Right About Michael D. Yapko, Ph.D. December 10, 2015

Transcript of Key$Things$Milton$Erickson$ Was$Right$About$ Yapko... · Key$Things$Milton$Erickson$...

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Key  Things  Milton  Erickson    Was  Right  About  

Michael  D.  Yapko,  Ph.D.  December  10,  2015  

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Key  Areas  to  Consider:  The  Chapters  of  My  Address  

 •  Overview:  Dr.  Erickson  in  PerspecEve  •  Chapter  1:  Defining  and  Studying  Hypnosis  •  Chapter  2:  Defining  HypnoEc  Responsiveness  •  Chapter  3:  Describing  Mental  FuncEoning  •  Chapter  4:  Describing  the  Therapy  Process  •  Epilogue  

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Overview:  Dr.  Erickson  in  PerspecEve  

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Chapter  1:  Defining  and  Studying  Hypnosis  

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“TherapeuEc  trance  is  focused  aQenEon  in  the  best  manner  to  

achieve  the  paEent’s  goals…  trance  is  a  focusing  on  one  thing...dropping  all  the  peripheral  foci  and  narrowing  

it  down  to  one  focus.”  Milton  H.  Erickson  M.D.    (1979)  

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2014  APA  Division  30  Definition  of  Hypnosis  

•  “A  state  of  consciousness  involving  focused  aQenEon  and  reduced  peripheral  awareness  characterized  by  an  enhanced  capacity  for  response  to  suggesEon.”  (p.  6)  

Elkins,  G.,  Barabasz,  A.,  Council,  J.,&  Spiegel,  D.  (Jan-­‐Mar  2015).  Advancing  research  and  pracEce:  The  revised  APA  Division  30  definiEon  of  hypnosis.  Interna'onal  Journal  of  Clinical  and  Experimental  Hypnosis,    63  (1),  1-­‐9.  

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“Hypnosis  can  allow  you  to  divide  up  your  paEent’s  problems.”  

Milton  H.  Erickson,  M.D.    

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Chapter  2:  Defining  HypnoEc  Responsiveness  

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“One  hundred  percent  of  normal  people  are  hypnoEzable.  It  does  not  necessarily  follow  that  100  percent  

are  hypnoEzable  by  any  one  individual.”  

                                             Milton  H.  Erickson,  M.D.  

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“No  hypnoEst  knows  for  a  certainty  whether  or  not  he  is  going  to  succeed  with  a  parEcular  subject  at  a  given  

Eme  or  whether  his  technique  for  the  occasion  will  be  sufficient  for  the  

maintenance  of  the  trance.”                                                  Milton  H.  Erickson,  M.D.    

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                                                                                         André  Weitzenhoffer,  Ph.D.  Co-­‐developer  of  the  Stanford  Hypno'c  Suscep'bility  Scales  

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Chapter  3:  Describing  Mental  FuncEoning  

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“HypnoEc  subjects  do  regress  to  simpler  forms  of  thinking,  feeling,  and  behavior.  Simpler,    more  youthful,  

less  complicated  forms.”                                    Milton  H.  Erickson,  M.D.  

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Rigidity  as  the  Essence    of  Peoples’  Problems  

 “And  for  human  behavior  –  we  start  from  childhood  to  become  rigid,  very  rigid  in  our  behavior,  only  we  don’t  know  that.  We  think  that  we  are  being  free,  but  we  are  not.  And  we  ought  to  recognize  it.”                  Milton  H.  Erickson,  M.D.  

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Chapter  4:  Describing  the  Therapy  Process  

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“The  purpose  of  psychotherapy  is  to  enable  a  paEent  to  achieve  a  legiEmate  personal  goal  as  advantageously  as  possible.”  

Milton  H.  Erickson,  M.D.    

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“Now  hypnosis  in  itself  doesn’t  do  anything.  But  it  gives  you  a  favorable  

climate  in  which  to  work.”  Milton  H.  Erickson,  M.D.  

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“Going  into  trance  is  like  ‘going  away’  because  you  are  going  distant  from  external  reality.”  

                   Milton  H.  Erickson,  M.D.  

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Dr.  Erickson  was  right  to    encourage  a  future  orientaEon  in  his  


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“Emphasis  should  be  placed  more  upon  what  a  paEent  does  in  the  

present  and  will  do  in  the  future  than  upon  a  mere  understanding  of  why  some  long-­‐past  event  occurred.”  

Milton  H.  Erickson,  M.D.    

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Dr.  Erickson  was  Right    to  Encourage  AcEon  

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“The  thing  to  do  is  get  your  paEent,  any  way  you  wish,  any  way  you  can,  to  do  something.”  

Milton  H.  Erickson,  M.D.    

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“I  believe  that  paEents  and  students  should  do  things.  They  learn  beQer,  remember  beQer.”  

Milton  H.  Erickson,  M.D.    

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Dr.  Erickson  encouraged  her  to  ac#vely  engage  on  a  variety  of  levels:  

•  Behavioral  acAvaAon:  Grow  African  violets  in  large  enough  quanEEes  to  share  generously  

•  CogniAve  acAvaAon:    Pay  aQenEon  to  others’  celebraEons  and  idenEfy  their  significance  

•  Social  acAvaAon:    Engage  with  others  and  selflessly  contribute  to  their  lives  

•   EmoAonal  acAvaAon:  Focus  on  and  amplify  the  feelings  of  warmth,  compassion  and  generosity  

•  ExistenAal  acAvaAon:  Have  a  purpose  in  your  life  beyond  simply  surviving  

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“I  think  any  theoreEcally  based  psychotherapy  is  mistaken  because  

each  person  is  different.”  

Milton  H.  Erickson,  M.D.  

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“Any  therapy  used  should  always  be  in  accordance  with  the  needs  of  the  paEent,  whatever  they  may  be,  and  not  based  in  any  way  upon  arbitrary  


Milton  H.  Erickson,  M.D.  

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“Properly  oriented  hypnoEc  therapy  can  give  the  paEent  that  necessary  understanding  of  his  own  role  in  effecEng  his  recovery  and  enlist  his  own  effort  and  parEcipaEon  in  his  own  cure  without  giving  him  a  sense  of  dependence  

upon  drugs  and  medical  care.”                    

Milton  H.  Erickson,  M.D.    

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Thank  you  for  coming  and  for  your  kind  aQenEon  

Enjoy  the  rest  of  the  conference!  

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Michael D. Yapko, Ph.D.

[email protected]

30  Michael  D.  Yapko,  Ph.D.