Key Aspects of Incorporating Standards and Certifications From Skill Standards To Skilled...

Key Aspects of Incorporating Standards and Certifications Key Aspects of Incorporating Standards and Certifications From Skill Standards To Skilled Performance

Transcript of Key Aspects of Incorporating Standards and Certifications From Skill Standards To Skilled...

Page 1: Key Aspects of Incorporating Standards and Certifications From Skill Standards To Skilled Performance From Skill Standards To Skilled Performance.

Key Aspects of Incorporating Standards and Key Aspects of Incorporating Standards and Certifications Certifications

From Skill StandardsTo

Skilled Performance

From Skill StandardsTo

Skilled Performance

Page 2: Key Aspects of Incorporating Standards and Certifications From Skill Standards To Skilled Performance From Skill Standards To Skilled Performance.

WIDS - Developed and continually improved in partnership with Wisconsin Technical College System:

Sixteen 2-year colleges offering education and training that provide skills needed to compete in today’s workforce.Accredited by the NCA Higher Learning Commission

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WIDS partners set their sights on learning . . .


Government Agencies

Secondary Schools

Business and Industry

. . . because they care about learners and performance first.

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WIDS partners include these learning organizations and more:

16 Wisconsin Technical Colleges

17 Michigan Community Colleges

6 Minnesota Community Colleges

8 Canadian Community Colleges

Anne Arundel Community College, MD

US Army JROTC Cadet Command, VA

Cuyahoga Community College, OH

Madison Metro School District

West Central Tech Prep Consortium, OH

Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development

Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance

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Student learning is the organizing principle of our schools.

Roth, Gromko, McGury, Wissmann. “Making Student Learning Central: Principles and Practices for Implementation” in A Collection of Papers on Self-Study and Institutional Improvement. The Higher

Learning Commission, NCA. 2001 edition.

Doherty, Riordan, Roth. “Student Learning: A Central Focus for Institutions of Higher Education.” Alverno College Institute, Milwaukee, WI.

Basic Assumptions

Basic Assumptions

Page 6: Key Aspects of Incorporating Standards and Certifications From Skill Standards To Skilled Performance From Skill Standards To Skilled Performance.

We want to achieve clarity about learning outcomes.

Roth, Gromko, McGury, Wissmann. “Making Student Learning Central: Principles and Practices for Implementation” in A Collection of Papers on Self-Study and Institutional Improvement. The Higher

Learning Commission, NCA. 2001 edition.

Doherty, Riordan, Roth. “Student Learning: A Central Focus for Institutions of Higher Education.” Alverno College Institute, Milwaukee, WI.

Basic Assumptions

Basic Assumptions

Page 7: Key Aspects of Incorporating Standards and Certifications From Skill Standards To Skilled Performance From Skill Standards To Skilled Performance.

Roth, Gromko, McGury, Wissmann. “Making Student Learning Central: Principles and Practices for Implementation” in A Collection of Papers on Self-Study and Institutional Improvement. The Higher

Learning Commission, NCA. 2001 edition.

Doherty, Riordan, Roth. “Student Learning: A Central Focus for Institutions of Higher Education.” Alverno College Institute, Milwaukee, WI.

We coordinate teaching and assessment to promote student learning

. . .but what’s the relationship?

Basic Assumptions

Basic Assumptions

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Performance-based learning requires advance description of knowledge, skills, and attitudes learners must achieve on exit from a learning experience.

Basic Assumptions

Basic Assumptions

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Answer two questions:1. What does

someone need to do on the job to perform competently?

Work-Work-Oriented Oriented


Skill StandardsSkill Standards

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2. What knowledge and skills will enable them to carry out these responsibilities?

Worker-Worker-Oriented Oriented


Skill StandardsSkill StandardsAnswer two questions:

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Everybody Stands to Gain




Improve performance and advance careers.

Improve performance and advance careers.

Improve training, reduce costs of hiring, move to high performance.

Improve training, reduce costs of hiring, move to high performance.

Create curriculum to better prepare

students for work.

Create curriculum to better prepare

students for work.

Identify and develop

skills needed for high wage


Identify and develop

skills needed for high wage


The Vision

Skill StandardsSkill Standards

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Provide benchmarks to make sure learning is valid

Provide guidance for learning and assessment

What is their purpose?What is their purpose?

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Determine outcomes for learners Develop assessments that

measure outcomes Design learning Connect outcomes, assessments,

learning Help learners transfer and apply

what they've learned to work or other life roles

The ChallengeThe ChallengeEducator


Create curriculum to better prepare

students for work

Create curriculum to better prepare

students for work

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The Model The Process The Tools

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The ModelThe Model Identify learners’ goals and needs Determine intended results Connect teaching and learning to

the intended results Implement targeted performance


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Exit OutcomesCompetencies








Identifylearning needs.Teach the right thing.

Assess what you intended to teach.Teach what you intend to measure.

WIDS helps educators:

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Learning Strategies

Design O


Learn In

WIDSWIDSAligned Aligned CurriculumCurriculum

WIDSWIDSAligned Aligned CurriculumCurriculum




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Design O


Learn In

Skill standards are an Skill standards are an importantimportant part of part of the learning/teaching picture. . .the learning/teaching picture. . .


WIDS ModelWIDS ModelWIDS ModelWIDS Model

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Learn In



. . .but only . . .but only partpart of the of the learning/teaching picture. learning/teaching picture.

WIDS ModelWIDS ModelWIDS ModelWIDS Model

Design O


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The ProcessThe Process

Works within the model Ensures a systematic,

consistent implementation of skill standards

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Where do skill standards fit in?Where do skill standards fit in?

They drive the development of competencies, which are the heart of performance-based learning.

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Define high performance.



Establish WHAT learners will learn.

Design learning and assessment.

WIDS Learning Design ProcessWIDS Learning Design Process

Deliver learning and evaluate effectiveness for continual improvement.

Exit Exit learning learning OutcomeOutcome


















Performance Performance AssessmentsAssessments


Assessment Objects/Items

Assessment ActivitiesCriteria

Scoring Guide/Rubrics

Learning PlansLearning Plans














Learning Objects/Materials

Organizational LevelLearning Experience Level

All Levels

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The WIDS process helps educators lay the groundwork for all four levels of evaluation: Did they like


Can they do it?

Are they using it in their lives?

Does it make a mission-level difference?

Reference: Donald Kirkpatrick

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WIDS ProcessWIDS ProcessWIDS ProcessWIDS ProcessChoose how skill standards will function, because skill standards are not all alike.


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Standards vary in level/generality

Must be interpreted and adapted so they can be taught and assessed

May function as a mixture of instructional design components: •benchmarks•exit learning outcomes•competencies•criteria


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Link as Exit Learning Outcomes



Target as competencies.

Address in learning and assessment.

How Skill Standards FunctionHow Skill Standards Function

Exit Exit Learning Learning OutcomeOutcome


















Performance Performance AssessmentsAssessments


Assessment Objects/Items

Assessment ActivitiesCriteria

Scoring Guide/Rubrics

Learning PlansLearning Plans














Learning Objects/Materials

Organizational LevelLearning Experience Level

Reference as Benchmarks

Exit Exit Learning Learning OutcomeOutcome




Page 27: Key Aspects of Incorporating Standards and Certifications From Skill Standards To Skilled Performance From Skill Standards To Skilled Performance.

WIDS Learning Design Software

. . .guides and supports teachers throughout the learning design process.

. . .developed by frontline teachers and designers for frontline teachers and designers


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WIDS Software features four unique modules to support the design of teaching, learning, and assessment.

Analyze performance requirements

Design programs

Establish learning outcomes

Document standards

Build assessments

Plan learning

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Use only the modules that relate to your project

Follow color and icon coded flowcharts as you work

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WIDS helps you verify or make skill standards more specific.WIDS helps you verify or make skill standards more specific.

Perform and document DACUM studies that verify or make ICT Skill Standards more specific.

Use WIDS Libraries and Banks to insert standards to ensure consistency, and you never have to key them twice.

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Quickly generate DACUM Charts

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Build DACUM surveys with the click of a button.

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WIDS helps you incorporate skill standards into the design of programs.WIDS helps you incorporate skill standards into the design of programs.

Document the use of skill standards in your program design.

Use WIDS Libraries and Banks to insert standards to ensure consistency, and you never have to key them twice.

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WIDS helps you incorporate skill standards into the design of programs.WIDS helps you incorporate skill standards into the design of programs.

Insert skill standards directly from the WIDS Standards Library.

Use WIDS Libraries and Banks to insert standards to ensure consistency, and you never have to key them twice.

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WIDS helps you incorporate skill standards into the design of courses.WIDS helps you incorporate skill standards into the design of courses.

Reference skill standards as benchmarks in your course.

Use WIDS Libraries and Banks to insert standards to ensure consistency, and you never have to key them twice.

Design and Document learning and assessment of skill standards in your course.

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WIDS helps you incorporate skill standards into the design of courses.WIDS helps you incorporate skill standards into the design of courses.

Link competencies to skill standards when SS are embedded.

Use WIDS Libraries and Banks to insert standards to ensure consistency, and you never have to key them twice.

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WIDS Learning Plans Connect Standards to Learning and Assessment.

WIDS Learning Plans Connect Standards to Learning and Assessment.

Linked standards

Learning Activities

Assessment Activity

Performance Standards

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WIDS Assessment Tasks Connect Standards to Performance.WIDS Assessment Tasks Connect Standards to Performance.

Linked standards

Rating Scale

Scoring Guide

Directions Scenarios

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WIDS Analyzer helps you documents how skill standards and certification requirements are integrated throughout the curriculum.

WIDS Analyzer helps you documents how skill standards and certification requirements are integrated throughout the curriculum.

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WIDS Analyzer Builds Course Outcome MatricesWIDS Analyzer Builds Course Outcome Matrices


Documents where standards and other outcomes are addressed

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WIDS just got easier to use!

Introducing WIDS Introducing WIDS WizardsWizards




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WIDS WizardsRapidly build and print:Rapidly build and print:


Outcome Summaries

Learning Plans (Wizard coming soon.)

Performance Assessment Tasks (Wizard coming soon.)

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WIDS CurriculumBank provides a hosted curriculum repository with tools for dissemination and collaboration.

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WIDS professional development solutions prepare teachers, trainers, and designers to rapidly build results-oriented learning.

Available Online



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Connect standards to curriculum and frontline learning/assessment

Design programs and courses using a database for easy revision and sharing

Create consistency in curriculum framework/language

Create performance-based assessments (rubrics/checklists)

Generate detailed Teaching and Learning Plans that implement various learning styles

Report to multiple platforms for online or traditional delivery

WIDS Value-AddedWIDS Value-Added

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Do you have remaining questions?

What actions or next steps might you take as a result of listening to this presentation?

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Thank you for joining me today!Thank you for joining me today!

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For information about WIDS contact:

Judy Neill, Director Instructional Design and PlanningWisconsin Technical College System [email protected]

Or visit