KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet

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  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    How should we characterize the current

    generation of young people?? Some called them

    the strawberry generation, namely, good

    looking on the outside and mushy and soft on

    the inside. Others called them the internet oreven the short-attention-span generation. Some

    even criticized them as the entitlement

    generation. Personally I believe these

    characterizations are over simplistic. The

    current generation of young people sits at a

    crossroad where they have the greatest

    potential to change the world and make a

    lasting or a devastating impact!!! These are

    awesome responsibilities which the young

    people of today must shoulder!

    I was at a conference in Sao Paolo on Creating a

    New Financial Architect for the World and the

    European reps were thoroughly passionate as

    they advocated the need to care for the

    environment as if the world would end if we

    dont take any action. They believed that there

    may not be a world to live in if the earth

    continue to suer the consequences of the

    savage rape of its resources and environment.

    What does all these have to do with KE VIIOrientation?? At KE VII Hall, we want to

    welcome you into a hall which allows you to

    open your mind to see and experience the

    uniqueness of student life. We want you to

    enjoy the diversity, compassionate, purposeful,

    focus and family-oriented life which we hope

    will characterize your education and the rest of

    your life. In KE VII Hall, this year we celebrate

    100 years of excellence and service to the nation

    and community. We have produced generations

    of worthy leaders in society. This is done

    through creating a family like culture where we

    learn to enrich each others life through our

    commitment to work together to build a great

    community. We seek to create friends for life.

    I welcome you and invite you to join us in this

    amazing journey. Welcome to King Edward VII


    Professor Ho Yew Kee


    KE VII Hall

  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    Welcome to King Edward VII Hall!

    As the President of the 59th

    Junior Common Room Com-

    mittee (JCRC) and the Head of the Rag and Orientation

    Committee of King Edward VII Hall (ROCKE), I wouldlike to warmly welcome all of you to our Hall!

    Firstly, some of you might not know what JCRC or

    ROCKE actually means: JCRC is basically like a Students

    Council within the Hall. The Committee will be oversee-

    ing all matters related to Hall, ranging from residents

    welfare, activities, events, and all other CCAs will come

    under the purview of the respective Committee Direc-


    Whereas for ROCKE, it consists of RAG Committee: Incharge of the RAG performance, KEWOC Committee: In

    charge of Orientation Camp and activities, and as well

    as MediaX: In charge of media coverage for Freshmen

    Orientation Programmes. All the holiday committees

    have been working hard the past 3 months to give you

    the best freshmen experience that you can ever get! So

    be open to new ideas and let loose during the Orienta-

    tion Camp, RAG Day and have fun with your Orientation

    mates and Block mates in other activities planned out

    by KEWOC!

    One thing that all of you will be excited about this year

    is the 100th

    Year Anniversary! Many fun activities will

    be planned out for the Academic Year and they will be

    dierent from the past years! Whether you are more in-

    clined to Sports, the Cultural CCAs, Committees, or the

    Productions, there will be many opportunities for all of

    you to be take part in the planning and be involved in

    the Celebrations in one way or another.

    Challenge yourself to take up a new sport, learn a newskill, nd passion in the things that you do, lead and

    organise events for your peers and the Hall. To Strive,

    To Seek, To Serve. All you need to do is to take a leap of

    faith and trust that the seniors will guide you as much

    as they can, and let our Hall be your Home away from


    Gan Ghim Joo

    President, 59th

    Junior Common Room Committee (JCRC)

    Head, ROCKE 15/16

  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    It is my pleasure to extend you a warm welcome to KEVII Hall.

    We strive to make KEVII Hall a home away from home and

    ensure that you have a safe, friendly and conducive

    environment in which to study and socialise, and not to

    mention, have fun too. I hope you will join in the many

    functions and events and participate whole-heartedly in the CCA

    and sports groups that appeal to you.

    I encourage you to also volunteer to serve in the various Hall

    committees and groups and in doing so, help develop yourself

    and realize your full potential. The experiences and life lessons

    gained will be invaluable in the future and the achievementsand friendships will make for beautiful memories of your

    student days spent at KEVII Hall.

    I look forward to interacting with as many of you as possible.

    Warm welcome to KE VII. Have an enriching and memorable

    experience in the university and living in the hall. Look

    forward to your active participation in hall events and

    activities, starting with KEWOC.

    Welcome to King Edward VII Hall. You will quickly come to

    realise the tremendous value of a supportive community like

    ours, where you are encouraged not only to excel in your studies

    but also to try new thingslike ultimate frisbee, badminton,

    Chinese or English drama, block committee, or an overseas

    community involvement project. There are fantastic people

    here, and you will enjoy getting to know them as you get

    involved. My family and I also look forward to getting to know


    Dan McAllister

  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    Welcome to KEVII hall where the students have the

    opportunities to build strong bonding with others (seniors,

    alumni, professors etc), to discover your talents in various

    aspects from leadership, skills, sports and committees. I have

    never seen an environment that empowers students with better

    resources and trusts to realise how good you are. Basically, you

    will soon discover that KEVII is really your hall. You decide

    what to do and how to make happen a year of wonderful

    experience while the older folks (hall master, resident fellows

    and hall sta) are here to help. We care very much your

    intellectual, emotional and social development as you learn and

    enjoy your lives here. The physical environment is also great: so

    near the bus central, next to forest with kampong feel, and some

    rooms have beautiful ocean view. My family look forward to

    meeting you, sharing our lives and food in casual settings, and

    please feel free to contact me or knock on our door if we can

    help you.

    Dear Freshmen of KE VII,

    A big and warm welcome to all of you! Thank you for choosing

    King Edward as your Hall of choice. Here, we live, work, play

    and breathe as a family! Over the years, may you nd lifelong

    relationships and everlasting friendships as you create yourunique journey and leaving legacies behind.

    I have no doubt that the journey you created will be one that

    leads to your dreams and destination. I look forward to meeting

    and connecting with all of you. Together, we will build a strong

    and vibrant community founded on ideals of excellence,

    dedication and compassion!

  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    A warm welcome to all freshmen! Congratulations on your

    decision to stay in KEVII! Our hall oers an array of activities

    for you to discover the talents you never knew you had.

    Moreover, hall life can oer you as much as you wish to commit

    and there will never be a dull day!

    To my fellow AB warriors, congratulations on making it to AB

    block, the block which boasts of the biggest laundrette and

    lounge ;) (psst... we have a very cute ABsharkie too). May you

    have the courage of warriors to try the things you never thought

    you would, participate actively and make your stay in hall an

    eventful and memorable one (especially since there is the luxury

    of a gradeless semester)! Brace yourselves for an ABsolutely

    awesome year lled with suppers and block events!

    Evelyn and Darren

    Dear E Blockers,

    Welcome onboard KEVII hall and also the tallest block in hall, E

    block! As E blockers, we climb! But fear not, we are rewarded

    with the cool breeze and scenic view overlooking the other

    blocks! In E block, we value a holistic experience for all E

    blockers and are a close-knit family between both freshmen and

    seniors. Stay tuned for an array of exciting activities from Block

    Suppers to Inter-Block Games (IBG), Inter-Cultural Night and

    Formal Hall Dinners! As freshmen, dont be afraid of stepping

    out of your comfort zones and make your hall life in E block anenriching one! Once again, welcome to the FamilEEEE and lets

    have an EEEEElectrifying year ahead! (:

    Andres and Yan Ling

    Hello freshies! A very warm welcome to King Edward VII hall :)

    As the Head and Vice Head of CD Block, we hope that you'll be as

    excited as we are in coming into CD Block.

    Embark on a magical journey with us in the upcoming year as

    Inter -Block games, Formal Hall Dinners, delicious suppers and

    many more hall activities await you guys! Even after KEWOC has

    ended, don't be sad because it is just the beginning of hall life.

    So remember to work hard, play hard, have fun and party on!

    Wen Hao and Shi Qiang

  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    Welcome Freshies!

    To help kick-start this new phase of your life, KE has many

    activities lined up for you!

    KE is the perfect place for you to try new things, and

    university life is the perfect time for you to expand your


    Friendships that last a lifetime will denitely be forged

    during your stay in KE.

    Block suppers are also a great way for you to mingle, get to

    know other hall peeps, and get in the know of what's going

    on in KE.

    Is KE the right choice for you? Of course!

    The CCAs we have here in KE will allow you to try new things

    you wouldn't have considered before. After all,

    Best experiences come from challenging yourself and

    stepping out of your comfort zone! So,

    Block out your worries and welcome to our KE Family!

    Sarah and Xian Zhi

    Hi freshies and welcome to King Edward VII Hall!! Justin and

    Jesereen here as the GH Block Head and Vice Head. We are

    certainly looking forward to you coming to GH block and

    joining our family.

    Welcome to the block where we Go Hard or Go Home!! We

    hope that being part of our GH family will bring about Great

    Happiness to y'all! Ask KEWOC passes by and you move into

    your respective blocks, remember to cherish your og-mates

    and future neighbors as the good friends you nd would make

    for a Good Hall experience.

    See y'all for Blocks Suppers, IBG and other hall events!!!

    Justin and Jesereen

  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    Dear Freshmen,

    Welcome to KEVII! King Edward Welcoming

    Orientation Camp (KEWOC) is the annual

    freshman orientation camp which aims toenable each new batch to ease into hall life

    smoothly. It is the very rst activity that you

    will take part in as freshmen in KE so we urge

    you to let loose and enjoy the activities the

    committee has planned for you!

    KEVII is a hall with a wide variety of activities

    including various organising committees,

    sports as well as three dierent hall

    productions as our CCAs. With such a diverse

    range of activities as well as your fellow fun-

    loving residents we are sure that you will

    enjoy your time here. Take your time to try out

    the various CCAs the hall has to oer, such as

    cheerleading, band, Xin Yao and nd out which

    ones suit you the most. In such a friendly and

    diverse setting, we are sure that you will enjoy

    your stay in KE for as long as you choose to


    Kenneth and Evelyn

  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    (L to R) Front Row:


    Back Row:



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    (L to R) Front Row:


    Back Row:



  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet



    (L to R) Front Row:


    Back Row:


  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    Greetings, Freshmen of King Edward VII Hall!

    Its an exciting academic year ahead as our hall

    is turning a century old. Be prepared for a series

    of events and activities lining up for you. One ofthe rst activities you can participate and

    experience in Hall is our Hall RAG, and this

    years RAG will be especially thrilling as our

    performance will take place on the biggest stage

    in Singapore!

    RAG is a Chingay-like performance where wild

    and creative ideas materialise, with awe-

    inspiring oats and performers in fanciful

    costumes. As part of the SG50 and NUS110

    celebration, this years RAG will be held at theMarina Bay Floating Platform on 07 August 2015

    (Friday). We are partnering again with Raes

    Hall, working together towards a performance

    that will wow the crowd. I encourage you to

    contribute your eorts in our last phase of

    preparation in order to make our Hall RAG

    performance a perfect one!

    We are also getting free entrance tickets! Feel

    free to invite your family to make way to the

    performance venue and support us in thismomentous event. Your peers and Hallmates

    have diligently dedicated many hours of hard

    work, so we would truly appreciate your

    support in any way!

    Finally and most importantly, welcome to King

    Edward VII Hall, and I sincerely hope you enjoy

    your stay and be actively involved in various

    Hall activities to make your stay a meaningful



    Wen Soon and Wei Ting

    Rag Heads

  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    Hi Freshies! Welcome to King Edward Vii Hall!

    Congratulations on becoming an ocial KEVIIan!

    Rag and Flag is anannual Nus event which excites every

    freshman and senior each year. Forthe rst time, you

    will get the chance to representKing Edward Vii Hall

    ocially with all ofour lovely seniorsto showcase our


    We represent the ag team and wewould like to wel-

    come you tojoin us this year! Yes! It's you! As a ag

    team member, we will be in charge of collecting dona-

    tions for our beneciaries, which is the aim of this year-

    ly event -to give back to our society! Keviianstake to

    the streets each year during Flag Day to collect dona-

    tions for beneciaries, and this year is no excep-

    tion.Sign-up links will be open out soon! Do sign up and

    join us in this meaningful event.

    You are now stepping into a new chapter of your life

    and let it be a fascinating and memorable journey. Keep

    your minds open. Grab the various opportunities in this

    hall and unleash your potential. University studies are

    not merely consisting of academic performance, but the

    precious experience and friendship that you will obtain

    and forge through participating in all kinds of activi-

    ties. This year will be our halls centennial. It will be an

    exciting year ahead!! Enjoy yourself throughout the


    Sign-up for Flag & Rag and please do not hesitate to ask

    us if you have any queries about it.

    Thank you and looking forward to seeing you in hall!

    Choo Kok Liang

    Flag Head

    Vice President

    59th Junior Common Room Committee

    King Edward VII Hall

  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    1:00pm Registration


    Icebreakers3:00pm Wet Games The Sea Trial

    6:00pm Dinner

    8:00pm SP Initiation

    8:00am Breakfast

    9:00am Dry Games Trial by Fire

    12:00pm Lunch

    1:30pm Amazing Race Treasure Quest

    6:00pm Dinner

    8:00pm Introduction of Hall Leaders

    9:00pm Hall Cheers and Hall Songs

    8:00am Breakfast

    9:00am Faculty Seniors Sharing


    Block Sharing

    12:00pm Lunch

    1:30pm Block Games

    6:00pm Dinner

    8:00pm SP Revelation

    8:00am Breakfast


    The Quest to Sentosa

    11:00am Lunch

    12:00pm Beach Games

    4:00pm Mass Beach Games

    5:00pm Washup/Back to KE

    7:30pm House Dinner

    9:30pm House Time

    9:00am Breakfast

    10:00am Camp Finale The end to all things good

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    Night Cycling RAG

  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    Good old KE Hall

    Good old KE Hall

    KE is the nest HallThe greatest of them all

    We ght for better standards

    Well do better than our best

    Well prove to you once again that

    KE is the best, HOI!

    *Many men have come from KE

    Many men have passed this way

    Many men have searched for glory

    As they walk the KEVIIans way

    The KEVIIans way, the KEVIIans


    This will be the KEVIIans way,

    To strive and seek and serve each


    We will stand by WHAT we say

    (repeat verse*)

    Up with KE Hall, Down with [name

    of other halls],

    KEVIIans ght for the cause we

    know is right,

    Up, up, KE Hall,

    Up, up with KE Hall,

    Up, up, KE Hall!

    We come from the greatest hall

    We come from KE Hall

    We come here as members of the

    great, great Hall

    We strive on to glory

    We ght on to victory

    We play on with spirits never seen


    Up with KE Hall!

    We are KEVIIans all the way

    Hey lah, hey lah

    We are KEVIIans all the way

    La la la la la la

    We come from the greatest hall

    We come from KE Hall

    KE is the nest Hall

    The greatest of them all, HOI!

    We are men of varsitys best

    We are men of great conquest

    Men who mean just what they say

    We are here to win the day

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    (Sign: hands with st across chest)

    KE on the war path!

    Oom pa, oom pa pa!

    Set KE on the war path!

    Oom pa, oom pa pa!

    On guard! Yeah! (x2)

    On guard, on guard! Yeah, yeah! (x2)

    What do you wanna be ah?

    KE Warriors!

    How far? All the way!

    Halfway? No way!

    Any sweat?

    No sweat, chicken feet, haha all the way!

    (Sign: hug self)

    Repeat this verse twice:

    The got a shiver (hug self)

    They are chilled (sneeze pose)

    They cant go on (no-no sign)

    They gotta fall at (falling pose) x4

    Cant go on (no-no sign)

    They got a shiver! (sneeze)

    KE, ke ma ma! Ole ole ah ah! (x2)

    Shake it up! Yeah! (x2)


    Guys: K-E! K-E! K-E! K-E! ...

    Girls: scream


    KE! (2 claps),

    KE! (3 claps),

    K Eeeee... (2 claps)

    KE! (2 claps)

    Theres only ONE KE Hall!

    (sign: right hand cupping ear)

    Right st out, stomp beat with right


    Thunder, thunder, thunderation

    We from KE, federation

    When we ght with determination

    We create a sensation!

    (Sign: both hands overhead, palms


    Stand tall! (clap and stomp twice)

    Be proud! (clap and stomp twice)

    Say your name! (clap and stomp twice)

    Out loud! (clap and stomp twice)

    We are from KE! (point to self, do the

    & sign)

    Mighty, mighty KE! (ex bicep, stomp

    right foot)

    KE Power! (stomp right foot) x3


    (Sign: index nger raised to show

    number 1)Maintain sign, stomp right leg in time to


    Theres only one KE Hall (4x getting


    (Sign: right hand chop down)

    Start slowly, 4x getting faster and faster

    Ah dee jee, ah dee jee (hands chop


    Ah oh ah! (hands chop out)

    Ah dee jee, ah dee jee (hands chop


    Cest Bomba! (hands chop out)

    Ah oh ah! (hands chop down)

    Cest Bomba! (hands chop out)

    KE! (hands chop down)

    KE! (hands chop down)

    Ra! Ra! Ra! (point st 3x)

  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    1A Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119224Weekdays: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm

    Weekends: Closed

    Student Assistant (SA) on standby all other

    hours see below.

    Telephone: (+65) 6516 5774,(+65) 6516 5664


    [email protected] (General Enquiries)

    [email protected] (Accommodation)

    Hall Management:

    Johnny Yap Hall Manager

    Jacqueline Ang Lay Thor Hall Secretary

    Lam Wai Fuen Hall Secretary

    Saroja d/o Sivaraj Hall Staf

    Zainal bin Daujo Hall Staf

    Student Assistant Services:

    Checking In after oce hours

    Opening Room door $5 per activation

    Opening CCA Rooms/Hall Facilities

    for CCA Leaders/authorised CCA usage

    Reporting and handling of

    Emergencies e.g. Sickness, Injuries,

    Snake Encounters

    SA Duty Line 8314 7155

  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    The Dining Hall is equipped to seat the

    entire hall population for meals and hall

    events. Meals are consumed in the dining

    hall, but aside from that, hall events are

    held there (such as the Formal Hall Dinner/

    FHDs). The Dining Hall is equipped with Air

    -Conditioning, though it is only turned on

    during Hall Events.

    Meals at the Dining Hall

    Please bring down your Matriculation Card

    to scan before collecting your meal

    Breakfast Hours 7:00am to 9:30am,

    Monday to Saturday

    Choice of one Breakfast Dish (usually

    Porridge, Fried Noodles, Pau or Toast).

    Free Flow of Hot Drinks, and Bread and


    Dinner Hours 5:30pm to 8:00pm, Sunday

    to Friday

    Rice, with Choice of one Meat, one Side Dish

    and one Vegetable Dish.

    Or subject to availability, special menu may

    be served (e.g. Western, Hor Fun etc).

    Free Flow of Drinks and Soup.

    Takeaway fee -$0.20 per takeaway box

    Waived if you bring your own container.

    Did you know? A lunchbox isprovided to you in your KEWOC goodie bag Be

    environmentally friendly, save money. With

    KEWOC, you can.

    Access by aiming your transponder on the

    door frame to the LEFT of the Glass Door.

    Please remove your shoes before entering

    the lounge.

    Air-Conditioned with Sofas for gatherings,

    meetings and chill-outs.

    Newspapers available daily please do not

    remove them from the lounge.

    Access by aiming your Transponder on the

    RIGHT of the Glass Door

    Air-Conditioned for hall events.

    Badminton Courts, Floorball Goalposts may

    be used if not used by the CCAs for training.

    Grand Piano on stage for your own practice,

    if not used by CCAs for rehearsals.

    Please Remove your shoes before entering.

    Air Conditioned.

    Projector (with VGA Cable), Home Theatre

    Sound System, Foosball table, Mahjong


    Recreation Room

    Formal Hall Dinner

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    Located at levels A1, D1, E4, F3 and G1

    Use of Washing Machines are free-of-charge. Detergent is not


    Use of Dryers are chargeable at $0.20 per 20-minute usage of


    To Operate Dryers:

    1. Locate Coin Collection machine (pictured here)

    2. Press the button corresponding your dryer machine. Wait for

    it to light up.

    3. Insert $0.20 coins as necessary


    Wait for the light to ash. Electricity should be supplied tothe dryer.

    5. Proceed to use your dryer as per normal.

    Protip For normal Laundry loads, it will usually take at least 40

    mins for clothes to be made completely dry.

    Ceiling Fan

    Wall light

    Bed with mattress

    Study table with chair

    Movable set of drawers with lock

    Study light



    (with lockable drawers)

    Extendable clothes rack

    Towel rack


    If any items are defective, please make a report at the Hall Oce.

    Each Room is equipped with:

    Located at levels B1, C1, E1, F2 and H1

    Similar to the Main Lounge Air-conditioned Chillout areas, furnished with sofas, tables and

    furniture as furnished by the Block Committee.

    Also equipped with a SmartTV + HDMI cable for your entertainment.

  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    How to go: Head down the stairs at the East

    Wing, or down the Slope at Blk GH.

    A1 Loop service around NUS

    PGP > MRT > Science > Central Library >

    FASS > Computing > Business > PGP

    A2 Loop Service around NUS

    PGP > Business > Computing > FASS >

    Central Library > Science > MRT > PGP

    D2 PGP to Utown, via Science, and back

    BTC1 PGP > Bukit Timah Campus

    How to go: Cross the Zebra Crossing at PGP


    TheNanyang Martis a one-stop provision shop

    stocking almost everything you may need.

    Aside from its wide range of snacks, it alsostocks groceries and toiletries.

    E-Canteen(or the non-aircon canteen) has 11

    canteen stalls selling a range of food, including

    one Muslim stall and one Indian Vegetarian

    Stall. This canteen is open all days of the week,

    and closes around 8pm in the evening (even on

    Sundays).ProtipA popular favourite is the Salted Egg Chicken

    from the Mini Wok Stall, which sees long queues

    especially during peak hours. The canteen is extremelycrowdedwith the oce folks from Science Park)

    usually from 12pm-2pm.

    Supersnacks, open at night up to 7am, sells

    waes, burgers and other bites and is a

    popular supper location for the late night

    studying sessions or after CCA trainings.

    How to go: A1 from PGP terminal, or a 10-

    minute walk via Kent Ridge Road

    Aside from the high-quality advanced medical

    care available at NUH, a number of facilities

    can be found in NUHs Proximity.

    Kent Ridge MRT Station (CC24)

    One@Kent Ridgeis a shopping centre in NUHs

    tower block housing a number of dining and

    shopping brands.

    There is anNTUC FairpriceSupermarket at

    Level 2, with a POSB and OCBC ATM inside the


    Located behind Euso/Temasek Hall along

    Clementi Road, we call it Ameens though I

    have no idea why. Most popular are its Naans

    + Butter Chicken, Chicken Korma or Palek

    Paneer (Spinach & Cottage Cheese), its Nasi/

    Mee Goreng dishes and its Cheese Fries. Open

    11am-3am daily.

    Delivery Number:6777 0555Menu:

    ProtipsWhen stating delivery location, say KingEdward VII Hall instead of saying KE as it is

    reputed that the rider will often send the delivery

    down to Kent Ridge Hall (KR) by mistake.
  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    Typical Hall Events include:



    Block / Wing Suppers

    Formal Hall Dinners

    Dinner and Dance

    Night of the Arts

    Malaysia Night

    Combined Hall Performances; Includes

    Dramafest (theatre), Encores (music

    ensemble), Amplitude (choir), Rockfest (rock

    band) and Dance Uncensored (dance).

    Inter-Block Games (Sem 1) and Inter-Hall

    Games (Sem 2)


    Xin Qing Rong Ji (XQRJ) Regional

    Songwriting Competition

    Chinese Drama

    Block Suppers

    Night of the Arts

    Inter-Hall Games

    Chinese Drama 2015Hall Play 2015

    Inter-Block Games

  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    Alumni Relations Committee

    Amplitude Committee

    Block Committees

    Culture Management Board (CMB)

    Dinner and Dance Committee

    Elections Committee

    Green Team

    Hall Publicity Board

    KE Media








    RAG Committee

    Malaysia Night Committee

    Overseas Community Immersion Project (OCIP)



    Sports Management Committee (SMC)

    Welfare Committee (KE Angels)

    XQRJ Organizing Committee


    Cheerleading Team (KE Titans)

    Chinese Drama




    Music Ensemble (KEnsemble)



    OCIP Laos

    Touch Rugby






    Road Relay

    Sepak Takraw





    Table Tennis


    Touch Rugby


    Ultimate Frisbee


    Cheerleading KE Titans

  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet



    Faculty of Science (Near LT27)Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (Level 3)

    Yusof Ishak House (Level 3)

    UTown Stephen Riady Building (Level 1)

    NUH One@Kent Ridge (Level 2, inside NTUC)

    DBS/POSB -Yusof Ishak House (NUS), Block

    450 Clementi Avenue 3 #01-293, Block 449

    Clementi Avenue 3 #01-243

    OCBC - Block 446 Clementi Avenue 3

    #01-193 / 195

    UOB - Block 450 Clementi Avenue 3

    #01-287 / 289

    No noise after 11.00 pm. Visitors should leave by then as well.

    No subletting of rooms to other tenants, especially those who are

    not Hall residents.

    Repainting or any modications to the exisiting room furnishings

    are strictly not allowed.

    Gambling and smoking in rooms are forbidden.

    No pets are allowed to be kept in the room.

    Bulky items are not to be left lying around or along room corridors,

    as they may pose a re hazard.

    Room lights, fans, and/or air-conditioner must be switched o

    whenever you leave the room.

    A complete list of Hall Rules and related punishments, penalties or

    nes, are displayed at every blocks Notice Board.

    DBS/POSBFaculty of Science (Near LT27)

    Faculty of Engineering (Near Techno Edge


    School of Computing (Near Terrace


    Faculty of Law (Outside Blk B)

    Yusof Ishak House (Level 1)

    UTown Stephen Riady Building (Level 1)

    Central Forum

    NUH One@Kent Ridge (Level 2, inside NTUC)


    Faculty of Science (LT26)

    Central Forum

  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


    Professor Ho Yew Kee, Master of King Edward VII Hall, and the Senior

    Common Room Committee for their kind support and generous funding,

    Gan Ghim Joo, President of the 59th Junior Common Room Committee

    and his JCRC for their invaluable support,

    Committee and Sub-Committee Members, OGLs and KEVIIans in

    contributing to the success of this camp,

    KE MediaX for their dedicated media coverage and immortalization of

    the priceless moments during this camp forever on social media,

    Our kind sponsors (see below) for their various forms of assistance and

    generous sponsorship, allowing us to plan this camp in ways never

    thought possible, and

    Lastly, but most importantly, you, the freshman, for being a part of our

    orientation. Your participation made this camp what it was, and we

    hope you bring this unwavering spirit on into whatever you do in your

    hall and school life. Welcome to King Edward VII Hall!

  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet


  • 7/24/2019 KEWOC 2015 Camp Booklet
