Kevin Eason's satirical cartoons on

Editorial cartoonist, Kevin Eason, shares his perspective on the issues of the day. His cartoons appear every week at E-mail Kevin at [email protected]


Kevin Eason is a political cartoonist for His cartoons focus on the biggest stories of the day including health care reform, Michael Steele's recent scandal, Tiger Woods and everything politics from the Tea Party to Black leadership. Kevin can be reached at [email protected].

Transcript of Kevin Eason's satirical cartoons on

Page 1: Kevin Eason's satirical cartoons on

Editorial cartoonist, Kevin Eason, shares his perspective on the issues

of the day.His cartoons appear every week at

E-mail Kevin at [email protected]

Page 2: Kevin Eason's satirical cartoons on

RNC president Michael Steele was probably a bad choice for the GOP from the beginning. Making a Black man the president of the Republican National Committee was transparent and as it turns out Steele has a few problems beyond the corny pop culture reference. He’s been partying it up on the RNC’s dime supposedly with young donors at a West Hollywood nightclub for a bondage-themed

party. No one is calling for his resignation yet but it’s only a matter of time.

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JP Morgan Chase believes that enhanced unemployment benefits are to blame for the increased unemployment rates. To combat the recession, Congress passed several measures that increased the length of time a person can receive unemployment benefits.

Economists believe that unemployment benefits are one of the most effective forms of economic stimulus, since its recipients use the money for basics like rent and food. However, your neighborhood bank feels differently- they think its the reason so many people stay unemployment. In other words, people who are out of work are simply lazy and like getting freebies from the government. Look who's talking...

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The passing and signing of the health care reform bill has shown just how ugly Americans can really be. Tea party activists protested Sunday during the bill's final push with signs that read, "Kill the bill." There have also been accusations and admittance of yells like, "baby killer" and the N-word.

"I'm more mad today than I was when this whole mess started," B.P. Pope, a Tea Party activist from Atlanta said Monday as she wrote a check for a Republican candidate for Congress. Wonder what they'll do next?

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When President Barack Obama was first inaugurated, everyone wondered how the Black president was going to change things for African-Americans. A lot of Black leaders wanted to hold them to the task, but as they soon discovered, a Black agenda wasn't in the cards. Now however their tune, according to Tavis Smiley, has changed so much that they now feel it's smart for the president not to have a Black agenda. On a phone call which aired on the radio, Tavis Smiley and Rev. Al Sharpton battled got into a heated discussion. The last thing we need is a battle between Black leaders without any power to actually pass laws.

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Tiger Woods, in his first interview with ESPN Magazine since the November car crash and ensuing scandal, said that he was anxious about how fans would react in his return to golf. Reports that Woods cheated on wife Elin with eleven different women certainly tarnished the all American golfer’s image.Woods has since then been to sex-rehab and is back at home in Florida to work out his relationship with his wife.

"I'm a little nervous about that to be honest with you," Woods told ESPN when asked what kind of reception he expects when he plays in The Masters beginning April 8. "It would be nice to hear a couple claps here and there."

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Sarah Palin is certainly milking her fame to the last possible second and unfortunately, with all the attention she's getting, she just might be here to stay. The Huffington Post reports that Sarah Palin, who has been a huge proponent in spreading the so-called dangers of a big government takeover of American health care, admitted to getting her medical treatment in Canada's single-payer system. In terms of her celebrity, she's been on ‘The Tonight Show’, she’s getting a reality show and was even spotted at the Oscar-gifting suite loading up on freebies.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Palin was supposed to donate $1,700 along with all of her gift items to the Red Cross but E! Online insists, "We can assure you she did not give up any of her swag."

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Naomi Campbell is at it again. In her most recent violent incident, she repeatedly hit her limo driver in the back of the head and then threw her cell phone at him. She jumped out of the car and fled on foot after he called the police.

This supermodel seems to have it all, but her anger issues have gotten her in some real trouble over the years. Tyra Banks says she was mean to her in her early career, Naomi had to serve community service and undergo anger management classes after her assault of her housekeeper... and now this. Police says she won't face charges, but no one disagrees- she just might be certifiably nuts.

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The federal government has contributed at least $700 billion dollars to shore up U.S. financial institutions. The government giveaways did more than save the banking system, it afforded them the ability to pay big bonuses and helped to fuel a year-end stock market rebound. Rescuing the financial system was necessary but was the effort excessive?

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The Tea Party is supposedly a nonpartisan group which began in 2009 in response to government spending and growth. The group staged its first protest on Tax Day in 2009. The group has been largely criticized by mainstream media and liberals for some of the racist, anti-Obama rhetoric that many of its members espouse.

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In his fight for health care reform, President Obama held a bipartisan conference to present his own proposals to try and forge a middle ground between the House and Senate reforms passed at the end of 2009. Although he never gave up on one of his administration's central policy ideas- he rowed upstream the entire time.

Republicans backed away from the proposals, pushing for smaller bits of legislation, while the Democrats grappled with their own party divisions. Finding a common ground for comprehensive reform that would address the 46+ million uninsured was no easy feat.