Kesh Khronicles

 Christmas is the ultimate way to round off a year: great festivities, flashing lights, ela- tion. This season, despite the mass impacts of the  weather , is a sea- son of happiness and togetherness, that really does bring to light the importance of fam- ily and sharing. Giving is an im- portant factor of Christmas- (in ad- dition to the stuffing of our faces)- and the sharing of sentiments of personalised gifts. Everybody has dif- ferent traditions, and,  whichev er way y ou spend the holiday, I believe that these traditions should be the underlying foun- dation of what Christ- mas means to the in- dividual and their family and friends.  Although not all of us are believers of Christmas, it is im- portance to em- brace what the hol- idays bring and try to appreciate the even the small things we have. EMBRA CE THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT! Welcome to the second edition of the Sixth Form magazine, we are all happy to present this years first Christmas special We all hope you enjoy this terms Christmas break. We would like to thanks eve- ryone who has contribut- ed in this edition of the magazine and to anyone who has offered any ideas into shaping it. Thank you and once again, and Mer- ry Christmas THIS ISSUE WAS CREATED BY THE SIXTH FORM STUDENTS Christmas Specials Puzzles/Games  The Rant Pag e Christmas Hits  Trips a nd Tips Christmas Facts Book Reviews Inside this issue: Chief Editor    Chelsea Lambert Co-Editor    Page Davis By Charlotte Brown

Transcript of Kesh Khronicles

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Christmas is the

ultimate way to

round off a year:

great festivities,

flashing lights, ela-

tion. This season,

despite the mass

impacts of the

 weather, is a sea-

son of happiness

and togetherness,

that really doesbring to light the

importance of fam-

ily and sharing.

Giving is an im-

portant factor of

Christmas- (in ad-

dition to the stuffing

of our faces)- and the

sharing of sentiments

of personalised gifts.

Everybody has dif-

ferent traditions, and,

 whichever way you

spend the holiday, I

believe that these

traditions should be

the underlying foun-

dation of what Christ-mas means to the in-

dividual and their

family and friends.

 Although not all of us

are believers of

Christmas, it is im-

portance to em-

brace what the hidays bring and t

to appreciate the

even the small

things we have.


Welcome to the second

edition of the Sixth Form

magazine, we are all happy

to present this years first

Christmas special We all

hope you enjoy this terms

Christmas break. Wewould like to thanks eve-

ryone who has contribut-

ed in this edition of the

magazine and to anyone

who has offered any ideas

into shaping it. Thank you

and once again, and Mer-

ry Christmas


Christmas Specials


The Rant Page

Christmas Hits

Trips and Tips

Christmas Facts

Book Reviews

Inside this issue:

Chief Editor –  Chelsea Lambert

Co-Editor –  Page Davis

By Charlotte Brow

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C H  R I S T  M  A S  H  I T  S  It’s Christmas, and every year we hear the same old songs

such as The Pogues, David Bowie, Wham and frankly I have

had enough! Its not a bad thing I must admit. Who doesn’t

love watching music channels with the Darkness strolling

around with silver and blue face paint, and Bobby Farrells

amazing dancing for ‘Boney M’? But once more, there is

music outside this Christmas Chart repeat, year after year,

that we could listen to.

3rd Place. Blink 182- ‘I won’t

be home for Christmas.’ 

If you’re a fan of pop punk then

there is no doubt that you will

know all about Tom Delonge,

Mark Hoppus and the one with

the tattoos (Travis Barker). Add

that to your hate of all the

things nice (that’s punk for

you), then you will love ‘I won’t

be home for Christmas’. I

mean, who doesn’t love lyrics

that include Santa going crazy

 with a baseball bat.

2nd Place. The Darkness-

‘Christmas Love’ 

It’s nice to know that Justin

Hawkes can tell the time, but

that’s not why this song is so

good! It is utterly brilliant be-

cause, finally, there is a Christ-

mas song containing ‘glam

rock’ with a high pitched lead vocal that was accepted into

the well known Christmas

playlists. The choir! The bells!

Its all reassuring that it is in

fact Christmas time, its as bril-

liant as a Christmas song and a

song in general.

1st Place. Bruce Springsteen

‘Santa Clause is coming totown’ 

The boss is the coolest man on

Earth, no doubt with the cool-

est lover of a Christmas song.

Springsteen managed to crea

a Christmas song enjoyable

throughout the world; the son

managed to remain the same

as all Springsteen’s work. It is

also important too listen out

for, the now deceased, Clar-

ence Clemons, who is perhap

the greatest saxophone playe

of all time.

By Craig Burke

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Seeing the eternal

flames of Mount Chi- mera was especially

beautiful during the

night. It felt amazing

sitting amongst the

rocks, listening to the

enchanting tune of a

flute while watching

the orange flames

dance. It was truly

amazing and worth

the trek up the moun- 

tainous rocks to see

one of nature’s phe- 


When we were asked whether we

wanted to spend ten days

in Turkey, we just had to say

yes. The chance to take part in

this Marine Biology Study Trip

was something we just couldn’t

pass up. Not only was it educa- 

tional but it was also culturallyenriching! We took part in

many activities, learning

about the turtle ecology and

conservation methods that are

taking place around the nest- 

ing beaches. We had the chance

Having the opportunity to car- 

ry out our own research,

we rose to the challenge with

enthusiasm, walking up and

down the beach looking for

turtle nests and measuring the

distance between them and the

sea, recording the sand depth

and distance above sea level.

This had to be the most pro- ductive day of them all and by

the end we were exhausted!

A truly wonderful experi- 

ence was walking across

the beach during the

night, with the moon’s re- 

flection in the water being

the only source of light. We

waited for a while, hopeful

to see the one thing that

would make this trip

worthwhile. A turtle mak- 

ing her way back to the

We especially loved learn- 

ing about the culture of

Turkey; being able

to learn some of the locallanguage, dining on au- 

thentic cuisine and even

roaming around the mar- 

ket haggling for some

goods, some of us being

more successful at

this than others! We were

very unaware of the broad

history that surrounds the

city of Kas. Having a well

informed tour guide

meant we had the chance

to learn about the ruins

that are still standing

from the Incan and Ro- 

man Empire.

He took us around

the border, talking

about the ancient

cities that once stood

proud amongst the

rocky terrain which

are now only repre- sented by rub- 

ble. This trip also

gave us the oppor- 

tunity to relax

when we weren’t busy

working, whether it

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Kesh Sixth Form have introduced a new way of

reading books. We no longer have to buy or

check out any books since the new ‘book swap’

in the Sixth Form common room. Here, we can

now borrow any book we like or take one and re-

place it with another. Simple! Easy to use! No in-structions just knowledge! Enjoy!

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Many of us deal with stress in different ways, whether that is speaking to

somebody about our issues, or keeping it locked away inside. However,

many of us also forget that every at some point will deal with stress, either

ongoing or just for a while., but either way you are not alone! Signs of

stress can show in many ways such as laziness, fidgeting and other signs

that might not show physically but mentally. Work is hard, especially dur-

ing the time of exams, University and leaving school for work. But don’tworry, there is always a helping hand not too far away! 

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’ve always been afraid of making

mistakes. Since I can remember, my

fe has been haunted by past mistakes

nd regrets, yet I’m always learning

rom these mistakes and I’m improv-

ng myself step by step. People have a

egative view of teenagers and views as reckless youths; people who

on’t know how it feels to love some-

ne, or to be stressed or angry every

ingle moment. We assume every-

hing will turn out ok and sometimes

hings do, but we aren’t always cor-

ect when making these assumptions.

Adults often make mistakes too and

hose mistakes are from the peoplewho misunderstand our youth. Not

very teenager goes out drinking and

artying. Not every teenager is igno-

ant and rude. Not every teenager will

nderstand themselves or know what

hey want from life.

Throwing a path onto their lap and

making them decide their future isn’t

lways the answer, time is a puzzlensolved. Life is a puzzle unsolved.

One member of the public described

ur young generation as ‘misfits with

o boundaries and no respect’ which

s somewhat true in many ways. How-

ver, we come back to the fact that

ot every young mind is disrespectful

nd bitter. Like me, many of us have

reams, aspirations that we each need

to conquer and reach. Time is some-

thing we are given and we are given

the chance to prove ourselves on a

whole new level. Yet, we are and

always will be misunderstood; indi-

viduals who are somehow mistaken

as a ‘group’ of rotten teenagers.

Over 80% of teens are affected by

stress in their everyday life which

could lead to bad results in their

grades: physical illness, anxiety dis-

orders and even substance abuse. The

 pressure of school work and balanc-

ing your social life and family life is

extremely difficult and may become

too stressful. When you’re constantly

deprived of social life it’s hard not to

 become lonely and develop social

anxiety. Also, family problems may

 be accruing in your life too, whether

you have lost a loved one, experienc-

ing a problem at home or feel as

though you’re overwhelmed with

everything. It’s a common thing in

today’s society for a teenager to have

these problems. We are in a time of

economic crisis with unemployment

dropping to 7.6%, its lowest rate in

more than three years. It’s safe to say

that England is in a time of reces-

sion, but it’s not the end of the

world! Not that I know of! 

Understandably, teenagers are

under pressure to perform at

high standards and try harder

gain work experience, find pa

time jobs or apply for univers

On the other hand, many stu-

dents may still be taking examin year 11 before going into f

ther education or dropping ou

It’s easy for some to decide w

they want in life, but it’s hard

to achieve this dream. Althou

we are in a time of difficulty,

stress and high pressure from

teachers, parents and work. W

have to remain stable and condent in our path to discovery

the journey into our future. W

have to stick together and find

the holes between the walls

 blocking our path; break throu

them and find ourselves along

the way. Work hard and prov

the world wrong! 

By Chelsea Lambert

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rated the common room and

the Christmas tree and spentnearly two hours doing this

after school time. So why do

some feel the need to throw

the decorations around?

Why do some feel the need to

throw away the hard work

o the Christmas season is

well and truly here! Eve-ybody loves the festivities

f Christmas: good food,

amily and everything

ooking pretty! In true

Christmas spirit the Sixth

Form Students have deco-

others have gone

through? It’s just dis-graceful! No wonderfu

everything is taken fro

us if it all gets mistrea

ed! Think about other

before you destroy the

benefits of being a Six

Form student! 




By Kirstie Owens

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  By Abbi Lee

Kindles. What is the point?

For those technophobes out there, Kindles are those

little slabs of touchscreen plastic that gives you access

to millions of books, all for a ‘low’ price.

But also with low quality.

There’s nothing better than reading a paper book,

smelling the knowledge and emotions that radiate of

every page.

There might be radiation coming from the Kindles,

 but it’s the ‘melt your brain’ kind.

The Book industry is dying out thanks to this. The

whole novelty of having these imaginary worlds is

crumbling away in our hands, thanks to these new


Our Bank accounts crumble, the publishing compa-

nies fall into bankruptcy, jobs are lost and the Authors

get a poor amount of the 2.99 you pay for their books.

Also, who is going to steal your book? If I were a

thief, I’d go for that snazzy new Kindle, not your bat-

tered copy of The Odyssey.

Children of the future need to experience the dying

race of Paper backs, hard backs, even colouring books, before there’s sitting square-eyed at a screen

for the duration of their lives. We do that enough at


You cannot share your kindle with others, (who

would trust their friend with your phone, let alone

kindle). You can’t enjoy the book when its cover is

wearing away and getting your mug stains on it. You

get Tea on a Kindle you’re paying for it to be fixed.

And who really wants to go on reading without a cup-

 pa? Not me.

 Not you. 

It’s just not how it is.

You don’t deserve a point of view! 

Well, if the only thing you see is you. Doesn’t that

 just really annoy you? It’s like, even more frustrating

than denial. (I’m talking Holocaust Denial not the

Denial that Orange isn’t Red kind) It’s those people

that sit there, revolving everything around them; ‘oh

you have that shirt? I had that one to, it looked amaz-

ing on me’ Can one person tell me that they honestly

care about your shirt? 


It’s also sycophant’s opinions that destroy my men-

tality. Nobody likes a suck up with small-minded

opinions, yet they surround themselves with that

lifestyle: making their opinion moot). 

Another: make sure that your opinion is valid before

you flaunt it off in all of its glory. If you say some-

one is ‘fat’ in ‘those’ leggings then sort out your

muffin tops. (Google: hypocrite) 

Know your stuff. If you get caught out YOU are the

one that’s going to look like a div. In life, we some-

times have to accept our irrelevance to come subject

matters. Deal with it! Silence is GOLDEN! 

Stay classy, Sixth Form! 

Polemical Thoughts

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Can you feel it in your bones? It’s

that feeling that’s warmer than

Granddads wind after sprouts- 

you guessed it! It’s CHRIST-

MAS! The time of Celebration is

nigh. It is time to wrap up your

 presents and sing some Wizardand of course limit your alcohol! 

To kick off the festivity, Kesh

Sixth Form is celebrating the end

of term with a Christmas party.

You cannot resist turning up for

the sweet taste of free food and

drinks. So get your butt into gear

and come along for a fun evening

in the sixth form common roomon Thursday 19th September

(3:30pm- 5:30pm). The end of

term is approaching, which

means many of us are excited for

the day everyone knows as

Christmas. Many of us appreciate

the gifts that are given to us and

of course, who could forget, the

Christmas cards being given out

among friends. Of course, many

of us aren’t so cheerful and jolly

about these festive times in Eng-

land; how you could be so glum

on a month like this?

 Not only is this a time for celebra-

tion but on Wednesday 11th De-

cember, Kesh Academy invited

many warm hearts of the older

generation, to enjoy an evening of

entertainment: bingo, raffle draw

and the free food! ‘Christmas is all

about the free food and drinks’

admitted one of the guests who

attended the night, after stealing

one too many sausage rolls from

the tray I was holding. We re-

ceived a great amount of positive

feedback from our guests and ap-

 preciate everyone contributing in

the nights events. 

The night is a tradition for ou

Academy, but this time next

year our year thirteen’s’ will

 be leaving the Academy build

ing for the next step into their

future: either walking into fur

ther education or battling in

the world of work. Yes! Bat-

tling amongst other teenagers

in a place for work or courses

in University, or many will g

onto different things besides

this. This year is near its end

and we would like to thank

everyone who has contributed

to any events at Kesh Sixth

Form, we all appreciate the

decorations and polite manne

you bring to our commonroom. 

By Abbi Lee

 And Chelsea Lambert

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It’s a time for joy and laughter. 

 A time for giving and receiving.

No peeking, or seeking until after

Santa has gone back this evening.

Sleepless nights, filled with play.

Hands over the heat while we wait

Impatiently for Christmas day.

When Santa arrives quietly on his sleigh.

Families smile and children fear,

That Christmas time will never appear.

 After days of crackers, joy and snow.

Hoping Christmas will never go.

By Chelsea Lambert

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By Tia Sabin

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Christmas quiz

In what year was the original Band Aid song, Band Aid II and its remake Band Aid 20 released?  

Santa has 9 Reindeers, what are their names? 

What colour are the berries on the mistletoe plant? 

Who wrote 'How the Grinch stole Christmas?' 

Who played Scrooge in the 1936 Alistair Sim classic? 

What do you receive on the tenth day of Christmas? 

7. What meat is tradionally served on Christmas Day? 

In the UK, what is tradionally believed to be eaten for the twelve days of Christmas to bring happi

ss for the following year? In the year 2000, what day did Christmas Day fall on?  

. In 1914, what happened at 'The Christmas Truce'? 

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Christmas time, ____ and ____, chil-

dren singing Christian _____." - Cliff

Richard's 1988 hit. 

"Does your Granny

always tell you, that

the ___ songs are th ___? And she's up

and rock 'n' rolling

 with the ____?" -

Slade's 1973 numbe

one single.

"Snow is falling! All aroundme, children playing, having

fun! It's the _____ of _____and

______. Merry Christmas eve-


- Shakin' Stevens Christmas

number one for 1985.