Kermanshah Bisotun2

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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: Thank you Bisotun - World Heritage Site - is an archaeological site located along a historical trade route in the Kermanshah Province of Iran, containing remains dating from pre-historic times through the history of ancient Persia. Its bears unique testimony to the Persian empire and the interchange of influences in art and writing in the region.

Transcript of Kermanshah Bisotun2

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Great Mount Bisotun stands some 32 km away from Kermanshah along the main road to Hamedan. On the roadside, there are inscriptions and bas-relief engraved high (100 and 40-50 meters above the ground) on the Bisotun cliff.

Muntele Bisotun se află la o distanţă de cca 32 kilometri de Kermanshah, de-a lungul drumului care duce la Hamadan. Chiar lângă drum, pe stânca Bisotun, există basoreliefuri şi inscripţii realizate la înălţime de 100 şi respectiv 50 de metri deasupra solului

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In Antiquity, Bagastâna, which means 'place where the gods dwell', was the name of a village and a remarkable, isolated rock along the road that connected the capitals of Babylonia and Media, Many travellers passed along this place, so it was the logical place for the Persian kings inscriptions .

În antichitate Bagastâna, care înseamnă „acolo unde locuiesc zeii”, era numele unui sat şi a stâncii de lângă drumul care lega cele două capitale, Babilonul şi Ecbatana. Datorită mulţimii călătorilor care treceau pe aici locul era foarte potrivit pentru amplasarea inscripţiilor regale

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Alexander the Great is known to have visited Bisotun (Diodorus of Sicily, World History). After his death in 323 BCE, his empire disintegrated and the eastern satrapies fell to one of his officers, Seleucus I Nicator, who founded the Seleucid Empire.

Alexandru Macedon a fost la Bisotun (Diodor din Sicilia, Istoria Lumii). După moartea lui, în anul 323 î.Hr., imperiul s-a dezintegrat iar satrapiile din răsărit i-au revenit generalului său Seleucus I Nicator, care a fondat Imperiul Seleucid

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From this age, we have a nice statue of a reclining Heracles that dates back to the final years of Seleucid control of the satrapy of Media. The demigod is shown quietly resting on the lion skin and drinking from a bowl, after performing one of his labors.

Din acele vremuri există o statuie a lui Hercule culcat, datând din ultimii ani cât Seleucizii au avut controlul asupra satrapiei Media. Semizeul este reprezentat odihnindu-se culcat pe blana leului şi bând dintr-un bol, după ce a terminat una dintre munci

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According to the Greek orator Libanius, Heracles was considered to be the ancestor of the Seleucid dynasty. This statue was discovered in 1958, when the road was lowered. At first, it had no head, but this was found a couple of days later. It was later stolen; what you see now, is a copy.

Confom celor spuse de Libanius (orator grec), Hercule a fost considerat întemeietorul dinastiei Seleucizilor. Statuia a fost descoperită în anul 1958 când a fost coborât drumul. Iniţial nu avea cap, care a fost găsit după câteva zile. Ulterior a fost furat; ceea ce vedem acum este o copie

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A few years after the statue of Heracles had been made, Seleucid rule in this part of the empire collapsed. For almost four centuries, the Parthians were in control. They also left monuments at Behistun, like the reliefs on this photo. They are very damaged, not in the least because a seventeenth-century inscription was added in something resembling a mihrab.

La câţiva ani după ce a fost ridicată statuia lui Hercule, domnia seleucidă s-a prăbuşit în această parte a imperiului. Următoarele patru secole Parţii vor domni aici. Şi ei au ridicat monumente la Bisotun, reliefurile din imaginea de mai sus

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Reliefurile au fost distruse parţial şi prin adăugarea unei inscripţii de către Sheikh Ali khan Zangeneh, un conducător local din secolul XVII, într-o casetă asemănătoare unui mihrab.

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Mithridates II the Great was king of Parthian Empire from 123 to 88 BC. His name invokes the protection of Mithra. Parthia reached its greatest extent during his reign

Mithridates II cel Mare a fost regele Imperiului Part din 123 până în 88 î.Hr. Imperiul Part a ajuns la maximă expansiune în timpul domniei sale

Imperiul part (247 î.Hr. - 224 d.Hr.), cunoscut ca Imperiul Arsacid.

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Mithridates II the Great was the first Parthian king who entered into negotiations with Rome, then represented by Lucius Cornelius Sulla, praetor of Cilicia in 92 BC

Mithridates II cel Mare a fost primul rege al Imperiului Part care a intrat în negocieri cu Roma, reprezentată pe atunci de Lucius Cornelius Sulla, pretor în Cilicia în anul 92 î.Hr.

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The relief was made for king Mithridates II, so the relief is only a generation or so younger than the little Heracles

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Basorelieful regelui Mithridates II

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The second relief shows an equestrian fight between the victorious Parthian king Gotarzes II (39?-51) and his enemy Meherdates. Above flies a Greek Nikê with a diadem.

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Al doilea basorelief prezintă o luptă călare între regele part victorios Gotarzes II (39?-51) şi inamicul său Meherdates. Deasupra zboară o Victorie (Nikê din Grecia) cu o diademă

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Coin of Mithridates II of Parthia

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The popularity and wide distribution of cultivated planes as ornamental or shade trees in Persia, especially in gardens and along city streets,

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Picnics are an important aspect of Iranian family life. In the summer, even in the busy cities, you can often see families sitting on patches of grass in parks or even the side of highways, enjoying the art of picnicking. Iranian love having picnics, if they have 2-3 hours free time they will spend it having a picnic, any place. They sure are the world champions of picnic

Picnicul este un aspect important al vieţii de familie în Iran. Vara, chiar în oraşele aglomerate, se văd adesea familii aşezate în parcuri sau chiar pe marginea drumului, savurând „arta” picnicului. Dacă au 2-3 ore libere iranienii organizează un picnic. Cu siguranţă ei sunt campionii mondiali ai picnicului.

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Closely related to their religion, it is considered shameful to waste any food. By using the carpet, people can ensure that none of the food falls on the ground and is wasted. At the end of the meal, the mother or the daughter will carefully collect all of the leftovers and crumbs in the middle of the carpet, and feed the chickens or give to the birds. This way, there is no waste.

Strâns legat şi de religie, este considerat ruşinos să iroseşti mâncarea. Folosind covoare te asiguri că firimiturile nu cad pe pământ şi nu sunt irosite. La sfârşitul picnicului mama sau fiica adună cu grijă toate resturile sau firimiturile în mijlocul covorului pentru a hrăni păsările, puii sau peştii. Astfel nimic nu a fost irosit

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Text : Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Nicoleta Leu

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanu

Sound: Bijan Kamkar - Eshgh Ast - Bar Aasman neh;

- Bi Kalam