KERALA GAZETTE - Kerala School Teachers...

@ Govt:rnment of Kt:ra!a c:.e,WgJ ('f\)ma6)om 2004 Reg. No. we<1. mmJ<3 KL'TV(N)/12/2003-2005 KERALA GAZETTE I u cg~m§ (f)(T\)OO EXTRAORDINARY (ID() (T\) ::>(l) ::>(0 6Tl) 0 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ((JTQ> ill 1 c£b ::> (01 c£b Q)::> <D>1 l nJ (T\)1 lID 6) ~ 5 Jam» Jem co) Vol. XL .. IX . ) (lJOQJ.\o.) 49 Thiruvanaothapuram, Friday 12th March 2004 2004 l2Ioro~ 12 No. ) 650 mmJro anlcot(lJmomo.JtCOO, nod Phalguoa 1925 6)(lJ~1' 1925 n.Dor03(f).!mo22 , GOVERNMENT OF KERALA .. General Education (Special Cell) Department , NOTIFICATION , G, O. (P) No, 80/2004/GI. Edn. Dated. Thl17.lvananthapuram, 12th March. 2004, S. R. O. No. 24612004.-1n exeFcise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 2 of the Kerala Public Services Act, 1968 (19 of 1968), and in supersession of all rules and orders on the subject, the Government of Kerala hereby make the following rules for the Kerafa Vocational Higher Secondary Education State Service, namely:- ' RULES I " , I, Short title and commencement,4,I) These rules may be',called the Kerala Vocational Higher Sec;:ondaryEaucation State Service Rules, 2004. (2) They shall come into force at once. ,33/1437/2004/DTP,

Transcript of KERALA GAZETTE - Kerala School Teachers...

@Govt:rnment of Kt:ra!a

c:.e,WgJ ('f\)ma6)om


Reg. No. we<1. mmJ<3



cg~m§ (f)(T\)OO

EXTRAORDINARY(ID() (T\) ::>(l) ::>(0 6Tl) 0

PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY((JTQ> ill 1 c£b ::> (01 c£b Q)::> <D>1 l nJ (T\)1 lID 6) ~ 5 Jam» Jem co)

Vol. XL


IX .

)(lJOQJ.\o.) 49



12th March 2004

2004 l2Ioro~12 No.


mmJroanlcot(lJmomo.JtCOO, nod Phalguoa 1925

6)(lJ~1' 1925 n.Dor03(f).!mo22 ,


General Education (Special Cell) Department,


G, O. (P) No, 80/2004/GI. Edn. Dated. Thl17.lvananthapuram,12th March. 2004,

S. R. O. No. 24612004.-1n exeFcise of the powers conferred by sub-section(1) of Section 2 of the Kerala Public Services Act, 1968 (19 of 1968), and insupersession of all rules and orders on the subject, the Government of Keralahereby make the following rules for the Kerafa Vocational Higher SecondaryEducation State Service, namely:- '


I " ,

I, Short title and commencement,4,I) These rules may be',called the KeralaVocational Higher Sec;:ondaryEaucation State Service Rules, 2004.

(2) They shall come into force at once.



2. Constitutio11.--The service shall consist of the following categories ofofficers, namely:-

Category I. Deputy Director

Category 2. Assistant Director

Category 3. Technical Officer

Category 4. Research Assistant/Placement OtTicer

Category 5. Vocational Teacher in,~

(I) Civ~1COI\sttUctionand Maintenance; "


(2) Maintenance and Repairs of Two. WheeJersand ThreeWheelers;

Mail1tenancealld Repairs of Atltomobiles;

Maintenance and Repairs' 6fR~dio and. television; "

Maintenance and',Repairs ofQolJ]estiC,Applia1ltes;.Refrigeration and Air C\Jhditioning:

Printing'rechnology(pte-Press OperatiOn):.,

Printing tt:cht1ology (Press work ,and Fit1!shirtg);Rubber Technology;

Textile Dydt1g and Printing;

,Textile Weaving; "

Computer Science; ,

Computer Applic'ation:

Agriculture (PlalH Ptotectiotl)~

Agriculture (Fruits and Vegetables):

AgricUlture (Nursery Manageinent and OrnamenUil', Gardening);

Agriculture (Sericulture);

Live Stock Man'agel11ent(Dairying): ,

Live Stock Management (Poultry Husbalidry); ~

Dairying (Milk Products);

Fisheries (Aquaculture);.' ," . '

Fisheries (Fishing Craft and qearTechnology);Fisheries (Fish Processing techn\Jlogy)fMedical-Laboratory Technician;









( 12)



(15) t








(23) ,


Maintenance and Operation of Bio-Medical equipments;EGG and Audio Metric Technician;

Domestic Nursing;'Physical Education;

Clothing and Embroidery;

Cosmetologyand BeaUtyParlourManagemellt;Creche arid Pre-Schoo! Management;Travel and Tourism:

Office Secre!myship;

Acc()untancy and Auditing;General Insurance:

Mrirketihg and Salesmanship;

~eception, Bo()k~Keepil1gand Coml1lUnication;(38) Banking Assistahtc;

(39) Catel'ing and Restaurant Management;

(40;'1 Physiotherapy;

(Ai) Mechanical Servici~g (AgI'o Machinery);

(42) VIaintenance and Opel'ation of Maripe Engines;

, (43) DflltalTechnology.Category6. 1\/on-Vod:itiona!Teachel'in,-

I I) Eilglisb;(2) PIC\ysics;

, \

en Qiell1istry;

(4) Matheltlatics;(5) Economics:.

'(6) History;

(7) Geography;(8) Commerce;

(9) Biology;

(10) Generalfc)Undation Course.

b.xpldhatlijfii < y'()cational Teacher and Non-Vocational TeacHer mean full time.' ~,' pb~tof Vocatio~allNon~Vocational Teacher having workload of 15

;. hourSor more pet weekper subject.


~ (26), .







. (33)





3. Appointment.-(a) Appointment to vm:ious. categories shall be made asfollows:--


Sf No. Methl)d of AppointmentCategory

(I) (2) (3 )


(i) By promoti0n from, qualifiedpersons under category (2):

(ii) In the absence of qualifiedpersons under item (i) above, bydirect recruitment.

(i) 'By promotioil from qualifiedpersons from the categoriesof TechnicalOfticer, ResearchAssistant/Placement Officer,Vocational' 'Teacher, Non-Vocational Teacher and Sel1!orSuperintendent. in th~ ratio of]:1:1:1:1 by rotationstarting from Technical Ofticer

" and following the suit in theorder of preference asstated herein above. When acycle of 5 vacanciescompletes, the new cycle willstart from Technical Offiter.The' eligibility of acategory wil" be decided basedon the availability of (fualifiedhands at the time of occurrenceof vacancy. No back "logdue to non-availability ofqualified. han<:tsin any categorywill be satisfied later; .

(ii) In the absence of qualifiedpersons under item (i) above,by direct recruitment. .

(i) B:( promotion from qualified, person under category 5;

. (ii) In the absence of qualifiedpersons under item (i) above,by direct recruitment.

Deputy Director

,.., Assistant Director

). Technical Officer



(I) (2) (3)

4. ResearchAssistant/

(i) By Promotion fron~ qualiliedperson under category (6);

(ii) In the absence of qualifiedpersons under item (i) direct recruitment.

(i) By transfer from qualifiedVocational Instructors in thesubordinate service of the


(ii) By transfer from qualifiedMinisterial. staff in thesubordinate service in the

Department: and

(iii) By direct recruitment. I

Note:~The total number of posts of Vocational Teachers in each discipline shallbe filled up by the methods (i), (ii) and (iii) mentioned above. in the ratio

2: I :7. If sufficient nunlbers of qualified persons are not available forappointment by transfer under item (i) and/o~,(ii) above, such vacanciesshall also be filled up by direct recruitment.

Placement Officer

, 5. Vocational Teacher

6. Non-Vocational Teacher By transfer from the categoryof Non-Vocational Teachers

'(Junior) in the concerneddiscipline in the subordinateservice of the Departll1ellt:

In the absence or qualifiedhands under item (i) above, ~

By direct recruitment



Note:~1. 10% of the total posts of Non-Vocational Teacher in each disciplineshall be reserved for appointment by transfer from qualified ministerialstatf in the subordinate service of the department.

2. The direct the various categories shall be made on statewise basis.

.- .-"------..


4. (juali/ications.-No person shall be eligible tor appointment to any of thecategories specified in column (2) of the table below by the method ofappointment specified in columl1(3) unless he possess th~ qualifications specifiedin the corresponding entry in column (4) thereot:



Minimum 5 years service'in the cadre of AssistantDirector.

(b) By direct recruitment (i) Masters degree" inany discipline professional

or techl~ical with not lessthan 50% marks awardedby ailYof theUnivers[ties .in Kerala or any otherequivalent qualification;

2" Assistant Director (a) By promotion

-- ----

.(ii) Minimum 20 yearsservite of which at least 5

years service in anAdministrative post not.below the rank" ofAssistant Director,

Vocational. HigherSecondary EducationDepartment inGovei'mnent Services.

Minimum 10 yearsservice in the cadre/cadresof Technical Officer and!.or Vocational Teacher/

Research Assistant/Placement Officer!Non- Vocational Teacher

and/or Senior Superintendent.



(3).(2) (4)

(b) By dire~t recruitment (i) Masters Degn:e inany discipline,Professional or Technical.with not less than 50%marks awarded by any ofthe Universities in Keralaor any other equivalentqualification;

(ii) Minimum 1.0 yearsservice of which at least 5years service in anAdministrative post notbelow the rank of SeniorSuperintendent inGovernment Service.

Minimum 5 year.s servicein the cadre of VocationalTeacher.

(b) By direct recruitment (i) Masters Degrce inany disciplinc,Professional or Technicalwith not less than 50%marks awarded by any ofthe Universities in Keralaor any other qualificationrecognised as equivalentthereto; and

(in Minimum 3 yearsservice in anAdministrative post notbelow the rank of SeniorSuperintendent in anyGovernment Departmentin the State,

Minimum 5 years servicein the cadre ofNon-Vocational Teacher.



3. . TechnicalOfficer' (a) By promotion

4, Research Assistant! (3) By promotionPlacement' Officer

Sf No .('ategory Method (?lAppointl1lenl-.( ) (2) (3)".

1. Deputy Director (a) By promotion


(2) (4)(4)


(I) Vocational Teacherin Civil Construc-tion andMaintenance

Vocational Teacherin Maintenance and

Repairs of TwoWheelers and ThreeWheelers

Vocational Teacherin Maintenanceand Repairs ofAI!tomobiles

(I) (2)



(b) By direct recruitment (i) Masters degree inStat istics/MathematicslEconomics/Commercewit.h not less than 50%

marks awarded by any ofthe Universities in Kerala

or equivalent qualification:and .

(ii) Minimum 3 yearsservice in . anadministrative post notbelow the rank of SeniorSuperintendent in anyGovernment Departmentin the State.

By transferor

By direct recruitment

By transferorBy direct recruitment


By direct recruitment

Degree in ,CivilEngineering withnot less than 60~'o marksfroni any' of theUniversities in Keralaor an equivalentqualification.

Degree in AutomobileEngineering orMechanical Engineeringwith not less than 60%marks from any of theUniversities in Kerala or

an eqllivalentqualification.

Degree in AutomobileEngineering orMechanical Engineeringwith not less than 60%marks from any of theUniversities in Kerala orany equivalentqualification.

(4) Vocational Teacher

in repairs of Radioand Television

By transferor

By direct recruitment

By transferor

By direct recruitment

Vocational Teacher By transferin Refrigeration and or

Air, Conditioning By direct recruit,ment

Degree in Electronics andCommunication

Engi neeri ngl Electron icsEngineering with not lessthan 60% marks from anyof the Universities in

Kerala or an equivalentqualification;


Degree in Electrical andElectronics Engineeringwith not less than 60%

marks from any of theUniversities in Kerala or

an equivalent qualification.

Degree' in Electrical!Electronics Engineeringwith not less than 60%

marks from any of theUniversities in Kerala or

an equivalent qualification.

Degree' in MechanicalEngineering with not lessthan 60% marks' frOl:nallYof the Universities in

Kerala or equivalentqualification. .

Degree in PrintingTechnology with not lessthan 60% marks from anyof the Universities in

Kerala or an equivalentqualification,

(5) Vocational Teacher

in Maintenanc~ andRepairs of DomesticAppliances


(7) Vocational Teacher

in PrintingTechnology!(pre-press operation)


By transferor

By direct recruitment

(8) Vocational Teacher

m Printing

Technology(Press work and


(9) Vocational Teaclier

in Rubber


( I0) Vocational Teacher

in Textile Dyeing

and Printing

(II) Vocational Teacher

in Textile Weaving

By transferor

By direct recruitment

By transferor

By direct recruitment

By transferor

By direct recruitment

By transferor

By direct recruitment

( 12) Vocational Teacher By transferin Computer Science or

By direct recruitment

Degree in P-rintingTechnology with not lessthan 60% marks from anyof the Universities in

Kerala or an equivalentqualification.

Degree in RubberTechnology/PolymerScience with not less than

60% marks from any ofthe Universities in Kerala

or an equivalentqualification.

Degree in TextileTechnology with 'not lessthan 60% marks awarded

by any of the Universitiesin Kerala or an equivalentqualification.

Degree in TextileTechnology with not lessthan 60% marks awarded'by any of the Universities

in Kerala or an equivalent


B. Tech. in"ComputerScience with not less than

60% marks from ~ny ofthe Universities in Keralaor. an equivalentqualification;

. OR

(I) (2) (4)


(13) Vocational Teacher

in Computer



By transferor

By direct recruitment

Master of Compukr

Application from any ofthe Universities in Kerala

or a qualification

recognised as equivalent

thereto with graduation in


Mathcmat i<;s/Com pu ter




First Class M.Sc

(Computer Science) withnot less than 50% marks

from any of theUniversities in Kerala or

an equivalent qualificationwith graduation in

Engi neeri ngl Phys ic ~;I


B.Tech in ComputerScience with not less than

60% marks frol1l any ofthe Universities in Kerala

or a qualificationrecognised as equivalentthereto;


( I) (2) (4)

( 14) Vocational Teacher

in Agriculture

(Plant Protection)

(IS) Vocational Teacher

in Agricuiture(Fruits and




By 'transferor

By direct recruitment

By transferor

By direct recruitment

Master of Computer

Application from .any ofthe Universities in Kerala

or equivalent qualificationwith graduation inEng ineeri ngl Phys ic slMathemat icsIC ompu terS c'i e n c e I Com put e r



M.Sc. (Computer Science)with not less than SO~/omarks from any' of theUniversities in Kerala ()r a

qualification recognised asequ ivalent thereto with

graduation in Engineering!Phys ics/MathematicslComputer Sci~ncel

Computer Application. .

Degree in Agriculturewith not less than 60%marks fronl Kerala

Agriculture University oran equivalentqualification.

Degree in Agriculture.with not -less than 60%marks from Kerala

Agricultural University oran equivalent qualifi-cation.

.- -- - ~-- - - .-




(2) (4)( I ) '-. (3)

(16) Vocational 'Teacher

in Agriculture(Nursery Manage-

- ment aridOrnamental


(17) Vocational Teacher- in Agriculture(Sericulture)

(18) Vocatiol)al Teacherin Live Stock


(19) Vocational Teacherin Live Stock.

Management. (Poultry Husbandry)

~y transferor,By direct recruitment

By transferor

By direct recruitment

By transferor

By direct recruitment

By transferor

By direct recruitment

Degree in Agriculturewith not less than 60%marks from Kerala

Agriculture University ora qualification recognisedas equivalent thereto.

M.Sc. (Sericulture) withnot less than 60% marks

from any of theUniversities in Kenlla or

an equivalent qualification;


Degree in Agriculturewith not less than 60%marks from Kerala

Agricultural University oran equivalent qualification.

Degree in VeterinaryScience and Animal

Husbandry with not lessthan 60% marks from

Kerala AgriculturalUniversity or anequivalent qualification.

Degree in VeterinaryScience and Animal

Husbandry with not lessthan 60% marks from

Kerala AgriculturalUniversity or anequivalent qual ification.


( I ) (2) (4)(3)

(20) Vocational Teacher10 Dairying(Milk Products)

(2\) Vocational Teacherin Fisheries


(22) Vocational Teacherin Fisheries

(Fishing Craftand Gear

, Technology)

By transferorBy direct recruitment

By transferor

By direct)recruitment

By transferorBy direct recruitment

Degree in DairyTechnology with not lessthan 60% marks fromKerala AgriculturalUniversity or anequivalent qualification;


Pass in M.Sc. AgricultureDairy Science. with notless than 50% marks iTomany of the recognisedUniversities:


Degree' in VeterinaryScience and, Animall;Iusbandry with not lessthan 60% marks fromKerala AgriculturalUniversityor an equivalentqualification.

Degree in Fisheries'Science with not less than60% marks awarded. bythe Kerala AgriculturalUniversity or anequivalent qualification;


M.Sc. Degree in IndustrialFisheries with not lessthan 50% marks from anyof the recognisedUniversities.

Degree in FisheriesScience with not less t~an60% marks awarded bythe Kera!a AgriculturalUniversity or anequivalent qualification;


(I) (2) (3) (4)






,I .IftlIf

(23) Vocational Teacherin Fisheries

(Fish ProcessingTechnology)

(24) Vocational Teacherin Medical


(25) Vocational Teacherin Maintenance

and Operation of,Bio-Medical


By transfer. or

By direct recruitment

By transferor, .

By direct recruitment

By transferor

By direct recruitment


M,Sc: Degree in IndustrialFisheries with not less

. than 50% marks ti'omanyof the recognisedUniversities.

Degree in FisheriesSciencewith not less than

60% marks awarded bythe Kerala AgriculturalUniversity or aqualification recognised asequivalent thereto:


M,Sc. Degreein IndustrialFisheries with not less

than 50% marks from anyof the' recogn isedUniversities.

Degree in Med,icalLaboratory Technologywith not less than 60%

, marks from any of theUniversities in Kerala or a

qualification recognise'd asequivalent thereto.

(i) Degree in Bio-Medical E:ngineering orInstrumentation

Engineering with not lessthan 60% inarks from anyof the Universities in

Kerala or an equivalentqualification;


(4)( I ) (2) (3)

(26) Vocational Teacher By transferin ECG and Audio or

Metric Technician By direct recruitmellt

(27) Vocational Teacher By tran, Domestic Nursing or

By direct recruitment

(28) Vocational Teacher By transferin Physical orEducation By direct recruitment


Post Graduate with 110tless than 50% marks in

Master of Applied Sciencein Bio-Medical

Instrumentation from anyof the Universities in

Kerala or an equivalentcjualification,

M.Sc. Degree with not lessthan 50% marks from any'of the Universities in

Kerala. or an equivalent

,9ualification '.and aDiploma in ECG froill arecognised'institut(on;


M,Sc, Degree inAudiometry with not lessthan 50% marks from anyof the Universities. in

Keralaor an equivalentqualification.

Degree in Nursing withnot less thal1 60% marksfrom any of theUniversities in Kerala or

an equivalent qualification;

Post Graduate Degree inPhysical Education withnot less than 50% marks

from any of theUniversities in Kerata of

an equivalent qualification.


(I) (2) (3) (4)

(29) Vocational Teacher By transferin Clothing and or

Embroiqery By direct recruitment

(30) Vocational Teacher. " .

in Cosmetology. .. h

and Beauty ParlourManagement "-


By transfer.,orBy direct recruitment

(31) Vocational Teacher By transfer.C ' h

" clo p' t

In rec e an re... or

School Management By direct'recruitment

M,Sc. (Home Science)with not less than 50~'o

marks from any of theUniversities in Kerala an

equivalent qualification;


Any Degree with not lessthan 60% marks awarded

by any or'the Universitiesin Kerala or equivalent,with a Diploma 'inCostume Designing andDress Making awardedby a recognised institution,

Post Graduate Degree inany branch with not lessthan 50% n'arks awarded

by any of the Universitiesin Keralil or arl equivalentqualification with acertificate (Minimum1 year duration) inCosmetology and BeautyParlour Management froma Government RecognizedInstitution,

D~gree in M,Sc. (HomeScience) with not lessthan 50% marks from anyof the Universities in

Kerala or an equivalentqualifica(ion.



(2) (4)(3 )

~) Vocational Teacherin Travel andTourism

» Vocational Teacher

in Office


By transferor

By direct recruitment


By transferor

By direct recruitment


Post Graduate Degree inToul-ism Managementwith not less than 50%

marks from any of theUniversities in Kerala or

an equivalent qualification;OR

Post GradUation whh notless than 50% marks in

any branch awarded by. any of the Universitiesin

Kerala or an equivalentqlialification with aDiploma in Travel andTourism 'after completingminiinum 1 year course inTravel and Tourism

recognized by tile KeralaGovernment or an

equivalent qualification.

M.Com. Degree with notless than 50% marks

awarded by any of the.Universities in Kerala

with Typewriting(English) Higher andShorthand (English)Higher from the Board ofTechnical Examinations.

Kerala or equivalent.Preference will be givento persons havingadditional qualification ofDiploma in Comp!lterApplication.


(1)" (2) (4)

(34) Vocational Teacher

in Accountancyand Auditing


By tranSferor

By direct 'recruitment

(35) Vocational Teacher By transferin General Insurance or ,

By direct recruitment

(36) Vocational Teacherin Marketing andSalesmanship

By transferor

By direct recruitment


M,Com. Degree with notless than 50% marks withspecialization in FinanceManagement awarded by

apy of the Universities inKerala or an equivalentqualification;

M.Com. Degree with notless than' 50% marksawarded by any of theUniversities in Kerala or

an equivalent qualification.

M.Com. Degree with notless than 50'% marks

awarded by any of theUniversities in Kenllawith Diploma inMarketing Managementfwlll a recognisedinstitution;


M.B.A witti not less than

50% marks fron\ any ofthe Universities in Kera!a

or an equivalentqual ification. Preferencewill be given to pei'sonshaving additionalqualification of Diplomain Computer Application;


Masters Degree [nBusiness Administrationwith not less than 50%marks from anyUniversities in Kerala or

an equivalent qualification.


( 1) (2) (4)(3)

(37) Vocational Teacher

in Reception,Book-Keeping andCommunication

,(38) Vocational Teacher

in BankingAssistance

(39) Vocational Teacherin Catering andRestaurant


By transferorBy direct recruitment



By transferorBy direct recruitment

By transferor .

By direct recruitment


M.Com. Degree with notless than 50% marks

'awarded by anyef theUniversities in Kerala or

an equivalent qualification.'Preference wiH be givento persons havingadditional qualification ofDipldJiia in ComputerApplication.

M.Com. Degree with notless than 50% marks with

specIal izatior ili 13ank'ing, or Finance Ma.~agelnel1tawarded by any of theUniversities in Kerala or

an equivalent qualification.

Degreewith n6t less ~hal160% marks in Hotel

Management and CateringTechnology from any ()f .

the Univel'sities in Kerala

or an equivalentqualification;


Degree with not less than60% triarks awarded byany of the Universities inKer<tlaor equivalent-withDiploma in HotelManagement and CateringTechnology (3 yearcourse) from'a recognised'ilistitutit:m;


(I) , (2)


(3) (4)

(41) Mechanical

Servicing(Agro Machil1ery)

(42) Mfiintenal1ceand.

Oper!ition Of. Marine tl1gines


Degree with not less than

60% marks awarded byany of the Universities in

Kerala or equivalent. with2 year Diploma' in

. Catering and RestaurantManagement from arecognised institution with

experience of one year ina Star Hotel.

(40) Vocational Teacher By trans,fer111Physiotherapy or

By direct recruitment

A Degree InPhysiotherapy with notless than 60'% marks

recognised by anyUniversity in Kerala or an

equivalent qualification.

By transferor

B. Tech. in Meehan ieal

Engineering or

Agricultuml Engineeringwith not less than 60%

marks from any of theUniv~rsities in Kerala or a

qualification recognised asequivalent thereto.

By dIrect recruitment

By transferor

B.Tech. In Marine

, Engineering or

Mechanical Engineeringwith not less than 60%

marks from any of theUniversities in Kerala or a

qllalitka~ion recognised as

~valent thereto.

By direct recruitment

,J 22

(4)(I) (2)

(43) Dental Technology


By transferor

By direct recruitment

Bachelor in DentalScience with not less than

60% marks fro~n any ofthe Universities in Kerflla.or a qualificationrecognised as equivalentthereto.

No/<!:In the appointment of Vocational Teacher preference will be given topersons having additional qualification of Diploma in ComputerApplication from a recognised institution.

6. (I) Non-VocationalTeacher in English

By transferor

By direct recruitment

(i) Post Graduate Degreein English with not lessthan 50% marks awarded

by any of the Universitiesin.Kerala or an equivalent

qualification. . I(ii)(I)'B.Ed.Degreein ..the concerned subject f

acquired after a regular 1

course of study from' any. tof the Universities in. t

Kerala OJ a qualificationrecognised as equivalentthereto by a University ofKerata.




(I) (3)

(3) In the absence ofpersons with REd. Degreeas specified in item (I)and (2) above. person:;with B.Ed. Degree in an)'subject acquired after aregular course of studyfrom any of theUniversities in Kerala or aqualification recognised asequivalent thereto by an)'of the Universities inKerala.

(iii) Must have passed theState Eligibility Test forthe post of Non-Vocational Teacherconducted by Governmentof .Kerala or by theagency authorized by theState' Government.

Note: (I) Those who have passed Language Teacher's Training Course areexempted from acquiring REd. qualification.

(2) . Persons who have acquired M.Ed. in the concerned subjectrecoghised by a University in Kerala are exempted from B.Ed.qualification. c

(2) In the absence of'persons with REd. Degreein the concerned subject.B.Ed. Degree in theconcerned facu Ity asspecified in the Acts andStatutes of theUniversities in Kerala.

(2) Non-Vocational\Teacher in PhysicsJ. Chemistry,4. Mathematics.5. Economics,6. History,7. Geography, and8. Commerce,

.By transferorBy direct' recruitment

(i) Master's Degree inthe concerned subject withnot less than 50%marks awarded by any ofthe Universities in Kerafaor qualificationrecognised as equivalentthereto in the respectivesubject by a University inKerala.

( I )


(3) (4)(2)

2 (i) B.Ed. Degree in theconcerned subjectacquired after a regularcourse of study from anyof the Universities inKerala or a qualificationrecognised as equivalentthereto by a University inKerala.

'.(ii) In the absen~e of fpersons with B.Ed Degreein the concerned subject,B.Ed. degree in theconcerned faculty asspecified in the Acts and ~Statutes of any of the '~Universities in Kera,la.. '(iii) In the abs'et1ce ofpersons with B.Ed. Degreeas specified in itein (i)and (i i) above. personswith B.Ed. Degree in anysubject acquired after.aregular coUrse of study

'from any of theUniversitiesin Keralaor a ~.

qualification recognised asireqUiVa


lentt ~e


ret~ ,~












'.of the UI1IVerS!tles 111,'


3 Must have passed the'State Eligibility Test in



the concernedsubject for .", '

the post of Non-Vo,cational teacher!conducted by Government. .



of Kerala or by the '.,

agency authorized by the .'.State Government.

Nole:---Persons who have acquired M.Ed. in 'the concer'ned subject 1

recognised ~y a University in Kerala are exempted from B.Ed. ~.

.'qualification. ~,r




,,}f .






,in Biology


By transferor

,By' direct recruitment



(i) Post Graduate Degreein Zoology/Botany withnot ,less than 50% marks,awarded by anyUniversity in Kerala orequivalent With Zoology/

, Botany as a subsidiarysubject in B,Sc awardedby any University in~erala or an equivalentqualification recognisedby a University in Kerala.

2, (i) B.Ed. degree in theconcerned subject acquiredafter a regular cOUrseofstudy from any. of theUniversities in Kerala or aqualification recognised a:i,,equivalent there,to by aUniversity in Kerala,

(ii) In the absence ofpersons with B,Ed. Degreein the concerned subject,

- fLEd, degree in theconcer,ned faculty as

,specified in the Acts andStatutes of any of theUniversities in,Kerala,

(iii) In the absence ofpersons with B,Ed, Degreeas specified in item (i)and (ii) above, personswith B.Ed, degree in anysubject acquired after aregular course in Keralaor a qualificationrecognised as equivalentthereto by any of theUniversities in Kcrala.


(\) (2) "


(3) (4)

3. Must have passed theState Eligibility Test forthe post of NonVocational Teacherconducted by Governmentof Keral~ or by theagency authorized by theState Government.


NtJ/c:---Personswho have acquired M.Ed. in the concerned subject recognised bya University in Kerala are exempted from REd. (lUalification.

( 10) Non-VocationalTeacher in GeneralFoundation Course

By transferorBy direct recruitment

I: Post graduate degreein Commerce or BusinessEconomics with not lessthan 50% .mar-ksawardedby any University inKerala or an equivalelitqualification arid B:Ed.Degree. .

2. (i) B.Ed. degree in theconcerned subjectacquired after a regular'course of study from anyof the Universities inKerala or a qualificationrecognised as equivalent,

. thereto by a Universityin'Kerala.



(ii) In the absence ofpersons with B.Ed. Degreein the concerned subject.B.Ed. degree in theconcerned faculty asspecified in the Acts andStatUtes of any of theUniversities in Kerala.


( I) (2) .~

(3) (4)

(iii) In the absence ofpersons with B.Ed. Degreeas specified in item (i)and (ii) above, personswith B.Ed. degree ill anysubject acquired after aregular course in Keralaor a qualificationrecognised as equivalentthereto by an~ of theUniversities in Kerala.

3. Must have passed theState Eligibility Test forthe post (H NonV~)cational Teacherconducted by Governmentof Kerala or by the

, agency authorized by theState Government.

-----All the educational qualifications for teaching posts should be oneacqui~ed after a regular course of study ii"OJna recognised Universityin Kerala. .


For appointment 'under Rule 3 (5) and 3 (6) (ii) (b) the qualifiedpersons in the Ministerial.Staff in the Subordinate Service of theDepartmentshall,qualitYan eligibilitytest conductedby KeralaPublicServiceCommission. .

3. While introducing new cbUi'ses in Vocational Higher SceondaryEducation the qualification to the post of Vocational Teacher to the

, coursewill be a Professionalor TechnicalPostGraduatedegreein theconcerned subject with not less than 50% marks awarded by aUniversity in Kerala or equivalent thereto or a Professional orTechnical ,degree in the concen)ed subject with not (ess than 60%marks awarded by a University in Kerala or equivalent thereto.

4. p'ersons who have acquired M.Ed. in the concerned subjectrecognised by a University in Kerala are exempted frol11B.Ed.gualifi'catiOil.



5. Age Limil-No person shall be eligible for appointment by direct

n:nuitmcnt to the l:3tegories sh6wn in Column (1) of the table below if he has

not co1llpl~ted the minimum age shown in column (2) or if he has completed th'e

maximum age shown in column (3) on the first day of January of the year in

which the application for appointment are invited. qsual r~laxation in upper age

limit shall be allowed to candidates belonging to the Sclwduled Castes/Scheduled

Tribes and Other Backward Classes.p .

T ABI.l'.

Maximum Age-Category Minimum Age

( I) (2)

Deputy DirectorAssistant DirectorTechnical Officer

Research Assistant/Placement OfficerVocational Teacher

Non- Vocational Tea«her

42 years32 'years25 years25 years

23 years23 years


50 years50 years50"years50 years

39 years39 years

.6. Appointing Authvrity.- The appointing authority in respect of all"

categ(wies except Research Assistant/Placement OfficerlVoe'ational Te,,"chersan~Non-Vocational Teacher shall be the Government. The appointing authority forResearch Assistant/Placement Officer, Vocational Teacher and Non-V~<:ationalTeacher shall be the Director, Vocational Higher Secondary Education,

7. Probaljvn.-Every p'erson,appointed to any of the categories shall, fromthe date on'which he joins duty, be on probation: '

(i) if appointed by direct recruitment or by transfer from any otherservice, for a total period of two years on duty within a continuous.

period of three years; and '

(ii) if appointed by promotion, for a total period of one year, on dutywithin a continuous period of two years.

8 Reservativn.- The rules regarding reservation of appointment contained

, in rules 14 to 17 of Part 11of Kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1958shall apply to appointments to the service by direct recruitment

~ ,-~,,~".._~-~~~='-~ ,.;


9. Tests.-A person appointed to any of the categories mentioned belo,:"shall during the period of probation pass the Account Test for Executive Officer'(Kerala) or Account Test (Lower), if he has not already passed the same.

( I) Deputy Director(2)' Assistant Director(3) Technical Officer(4) 'Research Assistant/Placement Officer.

10. Exemp(ivns.-( I) Those persons who have passed the State LevelEligibility Test for post of College Lecturers coliducted by Government of Kcralaare exempte,d from the State Eligibility Test for Non-,VocationalTeacher.

(2) Thoseo!personswho have passed the State Eligibility Test for the postof HSST conducted by Government of Kerala are exempted from the StateEligibility Test for N~n-Vocational Teacher. .

(3) Those persons who have passed National Eligibility Test/JuniorResearch Fellowship shall be exempted from passing the State Eligibility Test.

(4) Persons with Ph.D/M.Phil/M"Ed. Degree shall be exempted frompassing the State Eligibility Test provided the M,Phil. in the concerned subject beone awarded by any of the Universities in Kerala or recognized as equivalent byany of the Universities in Kerala. ."

, (5) Thos,e who have submitted Ph.D. Thesis and passed M.PhiL shall beexempted from SET, upto the time of exemption granted by the UGC from timeto time as in the case of candidates having the above qualifications from pasGingNET. .

By order of the Governor,


Sec:retwy to Government.

Explanatory note

(This .does not form. part of the Notification, but is intended to indicate its, generaLpurport.) . .

.The Department of Vocational Higher Secondary Education was formed in1983-84. The appointments to various categories of posts in the Department aremade on .deputation and ort provisional basis. It has become necessary toprescribe qualifications, method of appointment, etc. to the various posts in theDepartment so as to make regular appointl1!entsthereto. This has necessitated theissue of Special Rules.

This Notification is intended to achieve the above object..', PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRESSES

