Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY...

Hiu? iitTirrbi'i jpwflHP1 Of - , - - - r t ' - t " 7Vp o charge he comes, the Herald of a noisy world; Navs from all nations, mitring at'his bad:" itYTntsgsttB A 4 ! i No. 13. ; V Ai lu ti i STATE OF KENTUCKY. Win. I. jMhitiii,iuitii't. ) iaaint V F. Chancery. Paulina Johnson, itef't. j jSMUIS it.n rami the rump1, and his al'orney, jL aint on his nioiinii, the fefruo'fnii not hav- ing riiteml Iter appeaianrp hirin, agieeably 10 Jaw au! the imIps of this Cmuf, unci ii appealing o the n of the Com. Mmi hr is wm an .ilhribiiant ol Uu ('oininonw.Oih ; It is theiefure onteriil hjr tin Ciitnt, tnai unit:' ihe caul tlVfen-riaiit'- ln pjer hfn'oii or heiore liit tUy of (he next teim nihit ruurf,ati'f Hi'fwrr Kit hill, thn nme -- hall he lktu foiim f. (jhiii.i her. And tt u sin t her unlt'ieil, that a copy til ihii order he inserted in bome au- thorized newspaper f Mil oiimnoii wealth for two calender succession. A Copy ; Teie. DAN1 B. PKlQ!,c jcc Nnr. 2:W4.V)w NOTICE 1835. ALL prrns inntbi(i to me ure rpppclfiilly eaiiietU in t all. ami senle heir accmntst By so doom, iha suWnher will be obligee). T ' TUOS. C. OtiKAK. Jan. K -lf BmUKSiTiWfU V LAYING. RK JA.U1N i"t)itl), F.I.ZY HAicNKV, . VV II. f. I 1 I KI'ISI I? hmr n. ciaied ilifiu'eW'-- s iii )riiiersliip, lor Hie nrHisej of carrmg on the abeve htitnifss in all it- - an-- i ous biaiiche. IVr-o- i'lnn any wnik in iheirj llllf, cmi iMveit clout- - 'in the mitral lintu-- f .liiilj on 3i trrms hs it can be puicuieil in Ihe ci'y. 'I'liej are nnw renly tn exernie nil orders in Iheu line "PiinrUMlity n'l i1e)"at h" liall br their uinttn; ami the nnpe, by inneiiiiitiiig tn merit jimI receive a lMre ni public Their llin k Yanl is near the Lunatic Asvlum. foi'fierlv ouncil by It Konl. Lexineiim, Feb. 17. dAtm AGENCY AND COMMISSION. Subcribe:s have rMabliinl a llrniw T in the Citv "f ' f sfcV"ki '"' "" l,llrl""e of Iransaciing a ChspiST Agkncv i I mmmis- - sion Itialtss. are mliciteil, iip- - Oll vhirl liberal alliances iflll be marte. 4 Wll.SN. COSTKI! & New Yuik,-J.)l- lb35 U- -t NEJry.GrOOD, FORF A LLi WINTER , 1 834 . W 3. ?..IN31", aniiminces in hi IKSPKCl'FI'If'Y that he ba pwrha erl tlie entire smck nl GOODS nrliini;iiig tn Me-- s Jnhnvonan.l lleMnil.lf, ai-j- j ha- - re.unv. .1 In the finr Uireiione nccupieil b! tlieni N" 4H, Mam street, two rloo's beluv John I'lllnrd t Snn'i. He is now oiieninga laige and tasieful supply of STAPLE AND FANCY MERCaiAWDISE, purchased by himtelf in Ni-- York ami Piiila-Dn.piii- nitb niucb care auc' labour. He bnpe-ti- e former rutmner "ill Iraiel a fnv (Incus lmer than l.l iaml, Inr Inch be primuses to imke them a liberal coinpeii-alin- fhenreatei pnipmtmn of his lnck is entirely FRKSH, FASIUONAlH,E,a..l c:IKAI',ani he thinks it unnecesarv to specify the varieu rn.n. prikiug.the asoriineiil; hut azures the public he will exhibjt to them as ilesiiable articles a can be orocureitfin the ciiy. l.exine.on, Nov lt 1834 4.1-- lf .BL ACKSS1 ITHING r HIIK puhlic are rrpecllnlly JB inlnrmeil, lhat JIJ.M AN HNNlJ. the late partner ns ?& A'i jolm It. ei XKjk-K- W ihe nr.('K'SMI IHING on Jgj&g'jii&f-- ' the comer nl tlilli: M.iin-cios- s r . " sneeis.ubeie lie intends firry ing it on in all of iy,aiiuu brauche-- . ami ill be halipvtnvailnn and the public general-- j Iv. Mi' work, .lnll he executed " a mau- - ner, and lie hopes Tiv -- loci attention m ui"i"" merit a share us public Htionaj-- JOS1AII ENNIS. Auitisi Ifi, 183-1- . 33-- tf J$ilaWs Heer. McKENZIE, rASon hand a supply oi Nutairs Heer. of fust rate qualily. Friends can call and muke trial of it Lexington, Nov. 15 FLOUR, MIL, AMJ BACON? of piimc quality; as also a 4LI. FAMILY (SI.HX F.ltli:?, ofete-- t description, kept cc on baud, and Inr sale on accommodating terni'-- , by the iitbscribers, at their Grocery Store. a.:jot....g tneir ,.u..,r Yard. uVM, 01 an ofmii'""'-- . .....,.... , T. K. LAY'ION & Co. Feb. 19 3t T. K. LAYTON & C O. mi baud a large slock ns IHtlCIv and HAVF. maleiials for BUILDING, of prune quainTr5""1 intend to continue tlie l RIOCK RlAKGfe LAYING BUS1NKSS as heiemtnie. Tlieir own al attention will be gieu tuibe business, by whuhjtnCPiiiei uh tlir.hararterr be wukmeu they will employ, lhv bone waive iStjsfacliuii Hi Ibeir einplojer. Feb. 13-7- -lt " T. IC. L. & Co. B. A. FAIINESTOCIVS Celebrated VERMIFUGE. An effectual medicine FOll EXPELLING WOliMS FROM THE SYSTEM; For sale at the Don ami Cbeuucal Store, corner of Main, and Upper Sneels, snuili ol the Court 11 45-3- .1 JOHN NOItTON, Drugsu A SITUATION ATlNSfT CI OI! ww . .,nai. family is wanted. In a oung nen- - 1 ilemati ttbois well reci.nitnei deil lor qualifi cations and intaal charatier. ...,a...r,e in the cuunlrv would be preferred. j uj,.. nnsl naid the Editor of the Ga- - r -- J5T- c.-- 3'- rff1fflJ.a 'rliCJ TI THE TURF HOUSE COLUMBUS, BY OS O All, 7JTf A VIN'( t.Hifved for maiiv eirpat, that Li fel tin; voemlnt StatliiMi u--a tlit flteiet dis- tance hore in the We-ier- n (niiiti , an t 1I1.11 hi blood, leit;tli, and heauiy, recommended him as a hlnofl hore; the Sob-cnb- has becmne the owner ofhiiif at a vet) high pucpaiu! at the earnest (!iciiatinii ol ihmiiciiiu- - fnend, has ileteiitiineit in stand him the enduing season in Ilairotf-hiirul- i, where he .und in S''2 ." ' '3 I. lie will he let in hi ne froMt the 1st nt Match tn ihe lt ol" .Inly, ai the tnnlerate pure id i5, wlutiimav (e dichit,ed hj the pa mem ns Ju uiihinthe M'aMHi and $3D insurance, pa able when the mare is aBferlained n be in foal or trnn- - lenerl. Goo-- and extensive pfiurap giati for mare fiom a distanre, aiu. grain-le- d tf ipqutrt il on moil ate term. Ivei) pi e am ion will l urt to prevent accn'cnis or eape, but no liability for either. - Di:s;iirnoN. t COLUMBUS is a deep red b.u. 10 hands high, tiiaek mane, tail yjml les unuiii in one form more beatitx , loftmesb of mii:n,elaslicitv of gate, and tiaii-cn- d ant comiincs's of face and counten.iuce, than any horse I have ever scctiiMJ'lii! stienglh, solidity and Herodlikc felnfTic-- s and fibre. I liaye believed that ihcic is no thorough bred hoisein Kentucky, or has been hercjftjir years, possessing in htni'-elfs- suiiniile rctiutsilias lor a cn upon the blood niaies of Kentucky, as Columbu's. Ourtrarps have become toiL Iratl. Our in and in practice has pro- duced beauty, indeed and sometimes soot hut too much dclicacs of hone andlarc ot'jrciiiiine astininio.-s- . The lacin ' cul- - culler of Kcuttickv for the lust two vetirs luis slinwn us lmt stoutness nml distriiiH cross u'lfrdo. It may inoirovor he re' mnikcd, thai tliu blood ol CoIiiiii!iu, tlie dilTtirifilt orosscs of renowned unccstrv f.iiiTtnSr'tuIuni, penakes fess oslQfli: slock Jt'Iiifli llfflutjfincd theb.iMS.of InffSa horses n Kenuiulv for ears. past, than anv Stalliiiu Tiiiw in tlTiJEr.iie. Let them uiali an .perimit. 'I'lip ruprietor is awaie, tlintgfu tineiingi? the brredcr K'llltii-i'- . lout, iind lailtoin, au.l lilond united. Iralsdoing only ma bo done or no irly done. oilier S alliens in the cotmtn ; butjitliclieips ho i one.other qn-.Hi- t yjjrtitjaithdr c requjitf, ih,grpi stovtcis. which but fewNmri "boast'ni thi'. rl.i in Kentucky. Whv is it that Old King Herod was direclh and reinutely thepio-genilo- r of more racing stock in England than nnv other horse of his fiinuh'fljjual ly v1ni-"liie.- l? WhyJSii ilil ihel'oik-shiie-me- n gnitl of ihe Hu::li-- li Blaze, thai hoKoultl, eTOu yiitai InTlflircd tn.uo!-- , pro- duce lateis? We are told it was I of their stoutness. Look al.-- o al the American EcJnjse; his anolher in- stance .hat, in immr to constitute a frst rate race h re lOTloot and bottom or a valuable brood horse, the same icqiiisite is indispensable. And Iii5t though not least uhy is it that the renouncd Sir Aichiehas pioducc'd more distinguished lacers and breeders than any son of the imported Dioniede? We are told upon the best auihoiit), that he was the stout- est; and a sensible and intelligent writer in the Turf Rcgis'er attributes his suc- cess ,;ls a breeder, to that quality. It will the scon upon an iiiMieclimi ol the peih- - ,. , . .i . . .i. - giee ol isoiiiuiDiis, tnai no inns to uie 'English Eclipse, boih by hi-- t siie audi ...... in,nn iliwfllv llian MtlV llOISoill' i. in.., ....w.., t. - America, trilive or imported. Siallion now in Amciica i g. g. grand- son to English Eclipse by both sire and dam? Or what stailinn ir.w in Kcnciicky hai the blood just alluded to in conjuitc-- , lion with an almost immediate col'a'eral relationship to Wildair, Medley, Snafl, ' &c. j I will close this piiblicalhSffperlups al ready too huvr for m.inv AVttli'fi single relation to tliecoils of'Columbii'-- . Thicc of colls were e.lnbi- - j'tedat the Fair laslfcfa'l at DuimIIc 12 or 13 other colts by popular hoi-p- s: ihciueinium was awaided to Mr Hitfluibii coll b Columbus It has of- ten been remarked of Columbus, that his C()ls wero ,, nnifoinily like himself than those of any other hoisc. 1 hey have line size and color, strong smooth bone, great beauty, a coal showing the polity of the blood I hey spiingfiom and in every instance that wide face, strut ting nostril, bony jaw, and unequalled beauty of countenance which belongs so eminently to ihcir ire, and which, in so eminent it degiec, none but he ever had befol e. In relation to the performance of the Turf, 1 will only remaik that he never lost a three or sour mile race, and was beaten buptwice any ihs- - tancp, and .hen uy nags beaten "before and afterwards bv him. 111S race Wlien three vcars old at Hartsville, deserves to be noticed to do him justice: a mne !.....!. rnrrv.nfr 88lbs. 1st heat by Col uiubi.s 3m."48. 2d heal by Jerrv , 3m. 47s. (Columbus, as testified by the judges, hav mg when in 00 yard.-- ol the stand and alieaa tiiaiic in .mcmi" ... 3d heat by Jerrv, (closely contested) 3ni 51f.iract a lull mile. This time it never wn beaten by colts on ihe continent. But his math race ' nil Remus ws enough, Columbus then three vcars old. gave lo Remus choice of distant e, ho VR?) being fivo years old, LEXINGTON, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1835 T.-i.- int t'- -i carried equal weighty and he beat him with ca&c. - Mr Giceuhury; llic cclchra-tefl-t- i. liner, nis uUlns riTlificito (which is too oiijt for ulifi1sitinti in this lull) in pi rotation to this " on ihe road to MiNMssippfeJi3 was titkiin with the cold tendered his cmi-(i:- i nsoUitJ 1 rehiifinit-he- the idea ol lUlllllli liirn in 111 C JucKy olil!) i.icps in :it Null Iicz, whirji v ere anpioai hint; near, hut turliiua e .hi oppuiiunily pir-- - Milled itself iiiuutMliatvly afier 'Ti'''iSSiLJ vtntei) not oni ic consrtTer- - l nble'eppiiscs whirh his pioprietors had iiifiiiieil, hm vvon tin- hi.nelf iiat tull ciue hi. ii to .'oct'tto from tbo public p.itrimatjp irhich he so juslhj merits,! this waslsi ma'ch race" against titc noted I h"ise Renins 2 mile heats for $S00 nsido to SUll.s on eah, which lie Leat ivi h une- - or quiillcd rase. . The condition of tin race 'wasajone sfiTHcieni to damp the sptntpf he nio- -t da ring spoilsmen, when they rty flee led that Columbus a three year din1 coll, was to contend in equal combat with affile. year old horse, who had run wjlli nnparalled honor ainJiMiccp.s with the best horses of the West." Copt, fancy who trained Columbus and is (well known to gentlemen of the turf, in his certifi case s.ns, "That i am Satisfii:!) Colurn-,wn- s one aniongsl the best race horses thi" coun'tv overproduced." rEDiGitr.i: and per form ante. POLt ' M Ill'S was bv ihe mScli aduiiretl and dijiTiijiuisbed raee horse, he"h the ce 4 mile hore Wilke'- - VX oitfler, be by the oldimpoilen Diooieil. Wonder'-da- u as (.'olo net Epp's eret mare, she by I'lpno-ai- (be by liiniu ij's Aral. lan.) lit llrnnmei liy Valiant ;Val Mill wa- - out of a full blooded Jul) IJo'er mare Eni)'- - nrry 1nare ws also ihe dam of General .tacksun'h Pacolel, Pallifox, and others Ihe distliit;ui-hr- d ami vrrv suproor brooi! mare, tto-- v CUck, b the imported S4tiaot, he by O'Kellv'-- l' Iip7e (who was 'ihle'lo ive any horse in England a disUnce in hi- - da t E(Jlil-- e by Maisk.beh. Stpnit. h by lUil!.-!- ( 'hitdrrs and he hv Dailet AMinn. iU.u Vuajo, ,v Soap, lii-- i ilaut hv Urpu'nv, he bv Gn.tolohiu pint ol a -- isier to HUck and al! 1'iack. R- -v a Clir ( moiiIU Camilla bv Ihe old im ; p'uled her t,iaud dam, .letht the old her great giaud dam the famous j hronitifnajn Diana b l''u-- , her e Claud daValh Pautlei, by Slerniiii . be. n e giaod ev ''auQbe luipoi'ed mrtie i ver I't tte'l-- ' eiz- Arab an In I 'upland, a- - was al-- o Hie all .ve- - mi.'ied -- ir!ing ; hj ( ale, be h) Godot-lii- n Vrabian Claudius lit 'he old unpolled . s, Id Jans of England bt Godolpbin Arabian. The dam of Claudius by Sterling, Ue by UtllFiee ialiiau . ('iluinbtK1 dam was pdmh f'Jilel m norled horse 'tin iaiui'Mi of England, be by'O'Kelly's Eclip-e- , oe b tlrtisk, Kr. l)ui aminnV dnnrAspasta by itt It ii e I lero.l, hi- - diand dam Doris htr mjttk, hisg giaud dam. Helen by Spectator, his ga T&fi'liLl dam Daphne, by (odolphin Aiahian. t Ql3ISt IIU'."-T;Modda- Dy .tieiiiu, ins j grann najirMjj-th- c lebraled race horse Flag of Tnice. MeTtTIi t by Siepheu Sunih ol VirginTtf and was g it by John Holmes's Merlin touog Merlin's dam was a splendid mare got bv Old Quit kllter, am'behylhe old Imported Medlet Holmes'. Mer'iu by friar, Janus, X.c. Flag of Truce by unpolled Gol'tfuuler, bis dam by Flmulapiiram) dam by An lolle, g grand dam 1) ot.l reaiubuglll. Flag of Crime 'tas ihe sire ns mail) distinguished raceis-amo- iheiu. Colonel Taloi's funous running hori: Levialhan, and first foiisul. tt ho won :21 lare- - from 3 lo 7 tears ol I. averainius 00 guinea- - each. I I) WIS TIIOMlgDN. .In Ihe sail of 127. Ciotuiiihus, then veari o., tt as enicied tt nh eighl other roll- - ol sine promise .1'isepliliie, Jenj , I iVMthe se'ei t -- toe k of Tennes-i- m a ett ep.laWWr ihe Gall-tli- linl, raritni-7M- rarh. HtlWlJeoige Elliott's, slue i oil Jen) . bt Tactile!, "on j COLUAIISUS ihe 2d and 3d heal-wit- h ease; lsihiai, lmiJOs. 'il heal, lull's. 3d heal, lin 56-- . I he -- ame lall and a lett f ay aster, Collliil bus tt on llie colt rai e at rt-haii- tt oh rte. at . Iltobeal-- . beallng several bur lolls; lime. 1st' heal, liuals M bra', lm SI'- - In T o- - lu ni lit- - uol pill lo In- - p. ed on an t pan ur die gioiiiul in eithei heal In tl e fall i.f 2i. I 'lion bos, Iheu 'I t ears dd, -- tailed ot er the Nrtsvole Ira. k,- - mile hrtis, can tn e Wdili-- ., it'Ub olnnrl Crmgr Elllotl's celericated liol-- r .leirj , lij Pai Mr. Tompkin's Malm a bt O-- r ar, and Mr. ( aiiei'--ai- lt Ns'-I-m-; the li heat aswnnby t i ill ii bos in Sin sf" omlheat w.f it on by .Irirj ; time, 3ii47s 3d heal, 3m Sis. Cclmn-bo- s iiiiavoidabl) loi tins mce hjtlynig Ihe track just l.elore pa-i- ng Ihe judges' ntffc (ec ceitl hcate of judgi s.) Two weeks aster, (Vduiubus won Ihe j ickty ilii'i por-- e, fir-- t day at GalUlin, wnlio'it oppo-uto- o alt ajraitt to furl aaio-- t hno, ilKiivh lliere were many dot ngotshrd racers pieeeot. The-amef- Columbus was liken by Mr.Brr-r- v Williimsto Floience, Ala in verv bad con- dition, mite heats, and ttasbeaien by Mr. Thompkii.'s Maltina by r, wbich maie be bad distanced a Irtv wc.k before. From thence he mis travelled to Nalches, and tbrrf ran a inaicli race against ihe mited hnr-- e Remus, two mile heat-- ! for $8110 a side, carrj ing ciOlhs on h Hemus being 5 and coliimlius J tears old giving him the advantage of equal weight-- ; nteniujiasimrtVcolV'1 Col. G. EUiut's Jerry a lew day- - beloi- - ;) the odds weie fearful, but l beat this nre Willi unrtpial ra-- e. From .. t . ..( itu travelled lo Nett-- leans. liiniic in."" "- - " - '. i .... ii... .... in pnnd hrattli ami condllioii. ! the hrsl ila, 4 mile heals, wliicb he Mr. Millei'- - sine siallion tt nn wiib ea-- beaoug by Tunoleoii time, 1st heal, 7m. 58s. 41 heat, dm. In ihe fall ns 18 X), Cnluinbiiy then 4 ....el I. waseiiieied day, 3 nijlc heals. ' f. o.ejo.k) '. .lubp, .se a, I Iailst ille. Zip:.....!...! tie hkiivcu aud took thetpur-e- , BUafra,d lu coMrn,t ,u, .houali there were many sine hoises presenix B,ng ihe number. (Jen. U. Desha's celebia niare.Jo-rplim- e, b Oscar I lm rollowmg weet l.. r.m thr mile heals at Galtatm . which he wolf with healing Mr. Haifleli-ilion- , by Sir Archie. Two weeks alier, be"" was eon-re- al e, mile heats, bun be mi wiih gif at ea-- e at a sin- gle heat, I'eatiug Mr Hood's line Mare, by Sir Anhie:.tud !!o(kt .Mmu.iain, b) Sir Aiclce Thrnrxi week he ran ihe ilnet mile dat ai riankliu, which he won with rase, neaiins Hol- land Davi-'- s stallion l.aiaveite. by Cooquerer. outol the dam of Amtrew Jak-"- n. CEIt I ll'ICA I'ES. Spencer"1 Choice, Ten,tept. 13, 1831. I have thisdav Leen called in lor my "opinion of the cilebratud italhon Colum-- " - m :i rz .umwK.m T im 11 n ru j ttjiimi 'fr--i-7- n.iaf " jw 4.tit:iii . - - m h .. bus. I saw lurii run several races, and feelno hfsitati'in insajing ho is a j'iicc orseof the ii.-- st order; he was at all nines biyjly minaged, and in the worst line :ciiih1iiiiiii to run, when 1 have seen niiivrnipnna iianot thiti!., properly;ct!T lie wouM. have ever lost ' anv race hesjarled lor; hi? rls Osca&trtjtf out; o('lloiios( horsesujvc raised pqjiie'r Hi.iofujftr Aii.pntwjlns brood las pure' as vtrgijLgold, .'id his poWcqas a racei Ijors.' Idfc- - bcjAmrely equalled inhis' r.tiajifcsim'iitr cu onlh tincl do nut JlidlldW" Old flPftr hml WBrior?! luvnn in the days of Clnldjrs. fain told the gentlemen, Messrs. Thompson and Bledspe, the present owners of Columbus are abou to remove him to Kentucky. feel no he.sitytipu in recommending him the patrons of the blood hoise, in I Ins any oilier countiy. 1 think' ho will suit well to cross on the blooded is Kentucky, at he possesses uncommon sliength, with great purity of blood, as will be seen upon examination of his ped- igree, that his veins run full of the puret Engli-l- i crosses, sueh as Diomed, Flimnap, Eclipse, $! , O. SHELBY. We were present at the fall races over the Hartsville tmf when Col. Elliot's Pacolet Jerrv beat Coliiinbus, both three ears o!dt The Unit: of the first heat of the two miles which they ran, was record- ed, we believe, 3in. 48 1 2 sccfiniK 2d heat in 3in. '17s., lhat of the 3d in 3m. 51s. Is wo ate wrong the entry of the Judges can coin-c- t it. The two last heals were won by Jerry. Columbus was bad- ly rode the fir.- -t hcat.itjhich he won', how- ever, with apparent case. Our opinion was at the lime, and now, had lie been well rode the first heat he would have won the second also; and us it va, he lost it onl by one length. Columbus win. trained that sill b Captain Il.iney. We witnessed and timed thr trial m his turf l before he was taken to (Iattsville. With bud start, and in his training shops much worn, he inn his mile in lm. 50-- . We do not hesitate to pronounce that the performance at Hartsville, and the manv ii'cucps which he jr.ive'nf both lice's and li'.ttoiiiin the 'rHiunigat Captain entitle Coliimuus lo rank among lhchi'.-.-t running horses in Tet AflDREWJ. DON ROBERT DESHA We the undersigned, j idges of the Jockey club race over the Hartsville tmf, the fall of 1S28, do certify that Co- lumbus, then three cars old. started over the Hartsville turf two milcTieatsjjyilh Col. Eliim's P.ic.lct lior-i- : Jerrv. TIr. John 'I'hompltins' mare Malviua, and Mr. diner's mare Sally Nailer; the sir-- a Uqftt vva won by Coluinbii'- - in three ininntos 4S spcoikU; the second Iicat was won b 'Jerrv, in throe minutes 47 second. Co- - Mum! us unavoidably lost the heat bv at tempting lo sly just before he passed the po cs I'I'iiokas Domio, War. Lauderdale, William Hall, M. D. Sharp, 'John Mills, JoJIX BttADI.KY, A. G. D' n no, JoJI.N Nl'LSOX, Jr.ssu IIaney. T , February 11, 1S30. The n'opriclor desiies lhat breeders 'will callyjil look at his hoie and deride lortbeiiiFWV'es Kxaniino his pedigree and see is he lias not descended from a .i . . i line til noiiie ancesu v , iiucoiii.iuiiuuiuu l.v one sinulo doubtful cioss Evamine lit performance andeeif he is not wor- thy i is 'the dMtioctinii awarded by his itrainers, who have certified and by tho .wholo undivided cnninmnity of Tcnncs-spo- . who have seen so often his exhibi- tion of game and speed. DAVIS THOMPSON. Sie SCHOOL FOR atvT&X, ENGStTSSJlS, ifJllGenTgtlnwn, Kentucky. "JtHE I'iTiTesstirol Mauiennticj. in Genrgetntt n il I'ollege, (eoui-aie- at West Pn.i.i) na tn orgaiuxe a corpse of Civil Eugiiirrron the fiist day nt May, 1835. bring the day on which the summer session of the Col- lege will rnnunciiLC. Sludenij eplermg die class will nut be requi'rd in study swiy other ihan suclTS'arr necessary ulTqiialiU tlieni for ilu biisiiies maitJJngiiicer. The lm anon of sev- eral roads th(b1lli and . ear Georgelonn, soon lo ade, wnKilTorrl fatorable oppbriuiijtlfs lor aTilul MflCiirat l.ogineer. vai annus ton UCliilui t....a.l ... ... ti. . mafiiral ........ riart .... ns . the rillirse. . t'lWessor himetf attending the c'.as, furnisli7il with the nreessaiy for sun eying a Haute, and letellmg a ! or CanalAijy oi'ettho has learned I'iane Geometry, rOT1' rninea I'rarllrttl and Srienlific Engineer tlFtwo sessions . I'lStnhi- - lime v. ill sulHce fur our t ho has teamed Sortetms, fbenii-tr- y , Natural Phil- osophy , Geology and Mineialogy . When u is knot-- that a jimiiginan jifordiua. caii ennunand $1110 or rt skill in Engineeenng, CI i00 a yeai, in any part of the United Siaies, ...! ih.niii r..iomeer ol Inch ttandiog leinves from 300(l lo 50HO per aniiuiu and, funher-,mr- e. tnai died maud lor sorli. Is int.ea-in- g in teo-lol- d ratio la-l- rr man me supply .....r readily admittei' , thai no por-o- ii iao be lesorted n ... lil ... . . Ill P ...en o till- - country rtlntc nun- - ,U, . I nma or,.M. ...,s orable and lucrative. im.r f.., for not less than K10U Engineers (prin- cipal and -- uboidinate) lu ihe Valley, and the .lefiuen. s highlt injurious to me inleresis ofoui cotinii), and l" me character of our public tvolkS ,, T K li AI S . Tor the Session of the ninnths, twenty dollais in advance. For the attendance ol the 1'ioir-siT- , in making a receniioisaoce during the tacanon, itu evlra see of ten dol'ars w ill be ieifhiil lu ad vance ol 'ac b nxlenl altemlng ihe cc uipany cv erj onedelrajln. Ins own expenses. Georgetown, March 3, 183j i THK ANNUAL ELECTION ,lO a Piesiitfnt and Dirertors of liift Dan- - ra il1e, I.ancustrr, nml NichoiaviHe Turn- - pik.j Road l nmpany, will be held mi ihe 1st tli n L next. 10 o'clock, a. ., at the of tf m .i .. r ti .i Ken4 lr. l"vsi 41 MIC Hllllllll 1)1 IHUKIDnll (111 " tm-k- nver;ai .vli.rh time au.l place a grnerapiit-- 1 ' ,H be more ceuvemeut in ex.endmg .lie iv.t'W "flhe l"' A"'1'10'. Sir. JOHN NORTON t, S. ,1 f offlr" f o, J& L Aud,t0r, March 21, 1835 -11- -7. rf Inllars. rs friecfdly to Ibi- - uMlenaking, rhiy aid it essentially by "git nig the abate uoti-- e an ii- - . - iitt crinftti.i .ii.i-- m j BY AUTpfgrfry,l Laws of the United St let ue at the set aessiunof the li&nty-lhtr- d Gmgress. Puiuc No. 18 Ait ACT making appropnation fnruhe civil and diplomatic expenses ns Guveruiqenii fur tlie tear one tlioiistiid.ejlht huudied aitjlrlirtv-five- . Be it enacted hi IhfSenale audi IJnnse ns Hep reaenlalifesn the Umled Stales ns America m Cnnifi ess ammblrd. Thai the lid'oiniig uin be, and the same are hriebt, , appropriated, lo be pai oui of any uuappropiiited money in Hie Trcasuiy, uz: For pav nml mileige of ihe members of Con gress ami Delegates, tlnee hundred and hfiv-ihie- e thousand two hundred and forly eight dollars. For pav of die olhccis ami clerks of the Senate and House of Itcpie-euiaiite- s, thirty-iliie- e thou and seven hundred dollars. For tiitinnart'. fuel, iirintiij8feid all oilier in cideinal and conlll'g'ul eTpt113 of the Sennle, iiicludiijg titenty Ihotisaiid dcfllara deficieucj ol apprnpnatiiiii fur the same ohjei is fur Hie tea me lliou-aii- d eieht hondieil and unity lour, the sum ofegbty fne ilimotu five hundred dollars lor siaiiouaij, fuel, piiuiing , ami all oiner and coiilllig'ul exp-os- ns the ll"U- - i ( Itciue-enlallte- s, un hiuiilied uioo-ao- d iUiIUis The two sums last menlioofd lo be applied io the ajuienl of the ordmairv expendiluies of the Sen ue ami House ol liepusemames seveiallt, an tn no olbei purpose. For compensation, lo the President and Vice Pirsidrnt nl the I 'oiled Slates, Ulfrikc retary ol Slaie, die Set ceiary of the TreasuianKsecrelary us tVar, die Seen la.t ol me Nav",'aTa the Post- master Geneial, sixty tuou-a- n I dollars For clerks and is jn tha uflice of tin Secretary of Slate, iweiit) lhuusaud lime bun In dollars For clerks, machinist, and messenger la Ibi I'aieut Olbie, five muiis-uu- fmr boniired H1 la.s. f For incidental and contingent expenses ol ihe Depaitiiieiu ns Stale, including the expen-- e al p.. Mi. In. g ami distiibiiiiug the laws, Iweut) fie ilioii-ao- d onllars. For rontingeiil and incidental expenses of O.lite, luu dioosaid dollais, Foi imiipiliiigisi nl priiiimgilie I leiimal l'ej,'S ter, oi e iliinisan I eight htiiiineil dollais. tor die superintendent i'l tv.urhmcn of the .lordiea-- t executive building, cne thousand site him 'rei' dollars For conttiigeul expensrs of -- aid building, llhor, nil, I'pans ol die liulltlmgr, liner Ihuii-au- il three hiindied and silly .Jp.lais. . For louipensaiinn lullie cleisa'jln'l messenger-i- n the office of the Serietarjriihe I'reasuij, dioiisdiK1 seven bundled cTollars. for coiiipeiisatioo to He 1'iqltl nmplinllei. die 'lieasuij, tlnee thoma C huin'rcd uOI' llr- -. For coinpensation to the driks," nEjEfSSeuaer- - in tin- nflicr of die Fisl I omplnij uiiietren ih'.ii-an- d ihretr hnndred dollar-- . For compensation to die Second Comptroller of the Tirasurt, doee thousand itoBnis Forcmopelisation lo the rleik'Sibml messenger in inetifilie ol lh Second I oinplrolWr, ten tl'.ou . .. I I I. II. il.illllG .......... sano lour ouiioii-- nun tit For compeu-ati.- m to the t irst Auditor ol lltjrs: 'fieasirt. thiee thousand dollars. For Couipeii-auo- ii to die deiksand messenger in die nlhce ns. die Fist Auditor, fourleen thou- sand iiuir liundied dul'ars. For ron nnisation to ihe Second Auditor ol llie Tiracurv. three tliou-an- c dollais. Fni coinpensation to the cleiks and mrsseuger ... ii. ,..rr of die Src.inl Aufinir, Kveuirrn timiivniid nine hundred dollars. For ounnen-aiin- ii m the 'I hud Auditoi of die 'I'r asurv. tlnee lhon-an- d dollars r..., ... iioetSaiion to ihe cleiks ami messengers in dw office ns the ' hud Auditor, twenty sour dioo-aii- five bundled an I filtt dollars. the Fourth Auditor of Foi compensation the 'I lea-ui- y thien llioii-t- dollars. r. .oiopensalioji lo die clerk ami niessehgjr it I ho olhce of llie Fuui lb Airttitnr, levenl&rtj . i. .,., i..m1fni.t'n,l fiflv dollars. UHinsniiiirtii For co.nueii'aiion to - the 1'i.lh - Auduor oflii tlirpp thnnsamt p...!.o,iilUlhf cleiVs and messenger1 i the olfice nl the Fifth Auditor, twelve thousanr huudied I'ollais. eighl of the Uni- ted m the Treasprer Forcouipensa.u.n Stales, three thousand dollais. V. For compensation to an.Tmcssenger htjjieolhce ol .he Trea-o- r, nl the United Males, seTOi Ihnusaud one huudied and filry ctollars. 10 the Register of the '1 reas-u- rt For compel sal.on llnee Ibou-au- d dollais. 10 die cleiks and in the omce ot die Register ol the Tieasury, ttten ihou-an- d two hundieii nouars. pensation lo lbe Commissioner of Ihe General Land Olfice, three thousand dollars. Fur con.pen-aiu.- n lo die clerk, and messengers Z':(Z7nZ 13 For compensation to the Soliclor of the Treas- - UIVl nil" I'lU'""'1" For coninensaiion lu die leiks ami messenger in the ..Ihe e ol the Solicitor ol the Tieas.irt, tlnee ibou anil nine huudied ami fifty dollais. f. .,.,.. ..annii in i he to ioe v niu ':. " F. . .. to thesetend, of,, inissioiierso , tie Snkmg , ...! itnnv Fe'nuarv, one ibousand eighl liuimieii ."".j oiner iniiirinii " seterali.flice.- - of the Treasury Department, e. so on ins several sou.-- , " . . , ol tne irtasurj, the omce oi miluding ani "?.T7. m r. co.eoereol oi ...i. buoclied collars. tor ofhee ol F.n Complioiler, one five hundred collars. ? d yi. so jk:- - A FoV ihpnftlre of ihe 3fii Compttoller, oo tboticaiid bimdrrd dft ITaTir Ftirlhe of the First Auditor, eight hun- - tire-- i ooiiarsi Tor "jjpof the Second Atlditor, one itfou iHi miliars. rn. !. nlt.n C.I T,t?T-- .l A ...I ..... " '" """-- ' " "" "W" 'cuu, tor, Fiiu nun- - , one ll'iou- - one tho'j- - m$ or the offlc-- e of the Treasury of the United ales, seven iiuod i ed dollars . ihe olli. e of Uegiswnf th Treasury, tlirea lid dollars. , mTM tbjK.lfire of the Solnjitur of ths Xfea'uty 'flwUiFsMjrl i ''tWMU, ,lMl Foi die office ofibeTbfniflslTOlWfiheCfKh- - eral Land Oilier, inrl.i'lfiw one liiindrcil thousand pap hmuts, and cost of printing patents, titenly lito thousand dollars.- - For additional clerk bire,;n tlie issuing ofnuli-tar- V laud si rip, miking out of paten for Virginia 'military surveys, and for private land claim's, and in adjusting lha arcounts of the surveyors gepert, sour thousand dollais For conipeiisao u lo six additional clerks, ogt year, maid in legisienug sales of land-- , and atl- - jii-tl- die accounts of receivers of public s, and lm tpuitug tract bpolsi, making index- es, and bunging up other arrears, six thousand tlpllais. F"oeuetving ihe old War Office index of Vir-- ginia.iHiiary tt airanis,and patents is&ueil onsur-teysnia- to sansfy thettame, one thousamrrivtr hundred I'ollars. , For prepiraiinn of mips to examine ajirl check tuauiiti3faud technical drsigualibiTyif nl" liacli.innf Strlinnj sobs pieparatory 10 paieui-- , ami in couipaiing char- ges made bj surtvjor-geucr- tvdb the lines exhi bited on die return of survejs, one thousand Ho- llars. For tvritiugiirecording, examurng, making out lists, and tiansmiltit'g eighty thousand patents, fifteen thousand dullaj-s- Fnradrlinaiial c eili biro in Ihe Bureau of pri- vate land claims, to aid in the invusngatloji of lancTtiilrs; and tmtioj and rrrnnln g lalents for pnvale laud claims; and recording de l ol trans- fer of lands reseived luftBlividual Indians, under tieaoes afler conveyanccJTby them, two thousand lo'larte., Foi fAtnslaiions, and for expense of passpoibJ and sea leoris, miee hundred dollars. For siaiiuz anil nriniiui: the iniblic aicounls for die j ear one ihou-an- d ight hnndretl and Ihirly hte,oo. iboto.iid hundred ctoiiais. Forcompeu-atio- n ol supeiinlendeni and watch- men or the buildings occupied bv Yieatmry DepaiWienl, including arrearages foi one thou- sand eight hundred and thirty tlnee, the sum of two thousand sour hundred and seventy five dol- lars. For incidental and contingent expenses of said building, including fuel, labor, oil, repairs, furni- ture, and for rem, amounting in three thousand -- ete.i hundred and fifty dollais, eiihl thousand lollais. Forrnmprnsarinn to the clerks and messengers in the office of the ol War, twelve thousand six hundred and fifty dollars fjitcoiiliiigeiii eipensfof llie office of the thri-- r ibotisauil dollars. hMwciIis, maps, and plans lor the War De- -' partilirnl, lir IbniiMiid collaiS. For in '.h lounty Hiio. ciurcau, fuui bundled dultar-- . For co .ipeusation to tile Commissioner of In- dian aff ins, dure thousand dollars. For compensation to cleiks and messenger? m the ollice of Indian affairs, fife thousand seven biindrrd dollais. For cuiiungrnt expenses of said office, eight . hundred dinars. For coioprnsalion lo the clrrks and messenger, in ihcnlfiir of ihe I'av ntasier Geneial, sour thoui-iiu- .l siv himditta dollars For loniiugent expenses of said office, three huudied cblarsV Fur compensation to the cirrus nun me v..6n in the oflice of Ihe Commi-ai- ) Geneial of and for a cletk employed at the seat of gov- ernment, sour thousand two hutn'ied dollars. For contiiigertt expenses of said office, eight hiiirir.l ftnllare. Forcnmpfiisaiion to the clerks in the office of die Adju'ant General, itvo thousand nine hundred and silly dullats. Furcnnliugeul expenses of said oSlce, one tliou- - sand dollais. . For conipensa-io- lo in the omce oi the Quaiterniasler General, two thousiud cna hundred and fifty dollars. Fur contingent expenses of said office, six dollais oi compensation lo the clerks in the other of the Commissar) Geneial ol iw j ihou-s.hi- .1 in le hundred and fifty dollars. For ri.ninrui rxoensei of said office, including priming ad.eitiseinenis, m'o thousand sit hun- dred dollars ' . For compensation to tne clerks in the office o. the Chief Engineer, two thousand nine bundled and fifty dollais. For contingent expenses of said office, one thou- sand dollars. For expenses of ihe lithcgiapic press of the War Depailmeiil, n ven hundred and silly dollais, Foi compensation to the clerks in 'he Ord- nance Office, two thousand lime bundled BiHlJifiy dollars. - &... l"i ;nlingent expeiiseofsaM office, eight oreoxjcuiar-- . . Forcompensatioo to lbe cletk : m the office or the Si,irgeun General, eleven Huudied and fifty dollars. i. Fnr contingent expenses of said office, Tour hundred dnllnrs. V For salait of die leik in the Topographical Bureau, one ilmusaod clo'lar". Fni conoi'grul expenses of the TopngiaphlCil I"""'"1' "d " Bu.eau, one til" - livn dnllaii and bllv etlls. I For the sala.y ofthe I. ommissioiiei ui . s..s.o..., .iur miinri inin etleti jnne.ekl.eeu bundled and dnrij-ttt- levrfli.fe.ary pensions, three Ibousand sour hun- dred dollais .. .!,... ngcrs in tne renmn m.i, ".. -- ? l? h c.i, do ars. ... aa humMM ui" i r - of t,eiks tmplo5ed;iof June, eighteen fiurfflred and thirty loui, required the of Congress, at an to be made during recess I average of eighty dollars per month for each cleiKj :" dollars. ;' ;;;,. ;;..o;,,r.n., p.u. -- r p. recoicls, ana "tuer I'tuintg revolutionary - ..r...- - c'n.n.iiist.ioner of rtn- - geucies in the mn oi ...e - "-- I siois.s.x thousano five hundred dollars. 'two ibousand five hundiecl noiiais. - For sala.ies ol cleiks transfeired f"' ,ne'" "of lhe See re lary ol W ar, sour thousand e.ghlliuii d,FoL of additional clerks, ten thousand ""J, five, ivteuiy six dollars and '"'"i" '"'' ' ", n)0I)lh, to p.epa.e a statement under die expenses of .....on.., P" i. ,tl0n50l .ena.eof the sixth and dioiirth of ttecre.ary the :e die b.uo.-.- iiinusand site the die uiou-sa'i- d five iffice the die the the (our the lb. bun- dled

Transcript of Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY...

Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY · Wll.SN. COSTKI! & New Yuik,-J.)l-lb35 U--t NEJry.GrOOD, FORF A LLi WINTER,

Hiu? iitTirrbi'i jpwflHP1 Of -

, -



t' -

t " 7Vp o charge he comes, the Herald of a noisy world; Navs from all nations, mitring at'his bad:"itYTntsgsttB




No. 13.


VAi lu

ti i

STATE OF KENTUCKY.Win. I. jMhitiii,iuitii't. )

iaaint V F. Chancery.Paulina Johnson, itef't. j

jSMUIS it.n rami the rump1, and his al'orney,jL aint on his nioiinii, the fefruo'fnii not hav-ing riiteml Iter appeaianrp hirin, agieeably 10

Jaw au! the imIps of this Cmuf, unci ii appealingo the n of the Com. Mmi hr is wm an

.ilhribiiant ol Uu ('oininonw.Oih ; It is theiefureonteriil hjr tin Ciitnt, tnai unit:' ihe caul tlVfen-riaiit'- ln

pjer hfn'oii or heiore liit tUy of(he next teim nihit ruurf,ati'f Hi'fwrr Kit

hill, thn nme -- hall he lktu foiimf. (jhiii.i her. And tt u sin t her unlt'ieil,that a copy til ihii order he inserted in bome au-

thorized newspaper f Mil oiimnoii wealth for twocalender succession.

A Copy ; Teie.DAN1 B. PKlQ!,c jcc

Nnr. 2:W4.V)w

NOTICE 1835.ALL prrns inntbi(i to me ure rpppclfiilly

eaiiietU in t all. ami senleheir accmntst By so doom, iha suWnher willbe obligee). T ' TUOS. C. OtiKAK.

Jan. K -lf


RK JA.U1N i"t)itl), F.I.ZY HAicNKV,. VV II. f. I 1 I KI'ISI I? hmr n.

ciaied ilifiu'eW'-- s iii )riiiersliip, lor Hie nrHisejof carrmg on the abeve htitnifss in all it- - an-- ious biaiiche. IVr-o- i'lnn any wnik in iheirjllllf, cmi iMveit clout- - 'in the mitral lintu-- f .liiiljon 3i trrms hs it can be puicuieil in Ihe

ci'y. 'I'liej are nnw renly tn exernie nil ordersin Iheu line "PiinrUMlity n'l i1e)"at h" liallbr their uinttn; ami the nnpe, by inneiiiiitiiig

tn merit jimI receive a lMre ni publicTheir llin k Yanl is near the Lunatic

Asvlum. foi'fierlv ouncil by It Konl.Lexineiim, Feb. 17. dAtm

AGENCY AND COMMISSION.Subcribe:s have rMabliinl a llrniwT in the Citv "f ' f sfcV"ki '"' "" l,llrl""e

of Iransaciing a ChspiST Agkncv i I mmmis- -

sion Itialtss. are mliciteil, iip- -

Oll vhirl liberal alliances iflll be marte. 4Wll.SN. COSTKI! &

New Yuik,-J.)l- lb35 U- -t


W 3. ?..IN31",aniiminces in hi

IKSPKCl'FI'If'Y that he ba pwrhaerl tlie entire smck nl GOODS nrliini;iiig tn Me-- s

Jnhnvonan.l lleMnil.lf, ai-j- j ha- - re.unv. .1 In the

finr Uireiione nccupieil b! tlieni N" 4H, Mam

street, two rloo's beluv John I'lllnrd t Snn'i.He is now oiieninga laige and tasieful supply of


MERCaiAWDISE,purchased by himtelf in Ni-- York ami Piiila-Dn.piii-

nitb niucb care auc' labour. He bnpe-ti- e

former rutmner "ill Iraiel a fnv (Incus lmerthan l.l iaml, Inr Inch be primuses to imkethem a liberal coinpeii-alin-

fhenreatei pnipmtmn of his lnck is entirely

FRKSH, FASIUONAlH,E,a..l c:IKAI',anihe thinks it unnecesarv to specify the varieu rn.n.prikiug.the asoriineiil; hut azures the public he

will exhibjt to them as ilesiiable articles a can be

orocureitfin the ciiy.l.exine.on, Nov lt 1834 4.1-- lf

.BL ACKSS1 ITHINGr HIIK puhlic are rrpecllnllyJB inlnrmeil, lhat JIJ.M ANHNNlJ. the late partner ns

?& A'i jolm It. ei

XKjk-K- W ihe nr.('K'SMI IHING onJgj&g'jii&f-- ' the comer nl tlilli: M.iin-cios- s

r . " sneeis.ubeie lie intends firrying it on in all of iy,aiiuu brauche-- . ami ill behalipvtnvailnn and the public general-- jIv. Mi' work, .lnll he executed " a mau- -

ner, and lie hopes Tiv -- loci attention m ui"i""merit a share us public Htionaj--

JOS1AII ENNIS.Auitisi Ifi, 183-1- . 33-- tf

J$ilaWs Heer.McKENZIE,

rASon hand a supply oi NutairsHeer. of fust rate qualily. Friends

can call and muke trial of it

Lexington, Nov. 15


of piimc quality; as also a4LI. FAMILY (SI.HX F.ltli:?, ofete-- t

description, kept cc on baud, and Inr

sale on accommodating terni'-- , by the iitbscribers,

at their Grocery Store. a.:jot....g tneir ,.u..,rYard. uVM, 01 an ofmii'""'-- . .....,....

, T. K. LAY'ION & Co.

Feb. 19 3t

T. K. LAYTON & C O.mi baud a large slock ns IHtlCIv and

HAVF. maleiials for BUILDING, of prune

quainTr5""1 intend to continue tlie l


as heiemtnie. Tlieir own al attention will

be gieu tuibe business, by whuhjtnCPiiiei uh

tlir.hararterr be wukmeu they will employ,

lhv bone waive iStjsfacliuii Hi Ibeir einplojer.Feb. 13-7- -lt

" T. IC. L. & Co.


VERMIFUGE.An effectual medicine


For sale at the Don ami Cbeuucal Store, corner

of Main, and Upper Sneels, snuili ol the Court11

45-3- .1 JOHN NOItTON, Drugsu

A SITUATION ATlNSfT CI OI!ww . .,nai. family is wanted. In a oung nen- -

1 ilemati ttbois well reci.nitnei deil lor qualifi

cations and intaal charatier....,a...r,e in the cuunlrv would be preferred.

j uj,.. nnsl naid the Editor of the Ga- -r-- J5T- c.-- 3'-

rff1fflJ.a 'rliCJ TI



7JTf A VIN'( t.Hifved for maiiv eirpat, thatLi fel tin; voemlnt StatliiMi u--a tlit flteiet dis-

tance hore in the We-ier- n (niiiti , an t 1I1.11 hiblood, leit;tli, and heauiy, recommended him

as a hlnofl hore; the Sob-cnb- hasbecmne the owner ofhiiif at a vet) high pucpaiu!at the earnest (!iciiatinii ol ihmiiciiiu- - fnend, hasileteiitiineit in stand him the enduing season inIlairotf-hiirul- i, where he .und in S''2 ." ' '3 I.lie will he let in hi ne froMt the 1st nt Match tnihe lt ol" .Inly, ai the tnnlerate pure id i5,wlutiimav (e dichit,ed hj the pa mem ns Juuiihinthe M'aMHi and $3D insurance, pa ablewhen the mare is aBferlained n be in foal or trnn- -lenerl. Goo-- and extensive pfiurap giati for

mare fiom a distanre, aiu. grain-le- d tf ipqutrt il

on moil ate term. Ivei) pi e am ion will l urtto prevent accn'cnis or eape, but no liabilityfor either.

- Di:s;iirnoN. t

COLUMBUS is a deep red b.u. 10hands high, tiiaek mane, tail yjml lesunuiii in one form more beatitx , loftmesbof mii:n,elaslicitv of gate, and tiaii-cn- d

ant comiincs's of face and counten.iuce,than any horse I have ever scctiiMJ'lii!stienglh, solidity and Herodlikc felnfTic-- s

and fibre. I liaye believed that ihcic isno thorough bred hoisein Kentucky, orhas been hercjftjir years, possessing inhtni'-elfs- suiiniile rctiutsilias lor a cnupon the blood niaies of Kentucky, asColumbu's. Ourtrarps have become toiL

Iratl. Our in and in practice has pro-

duced beauty, indeed and sometimes soot

hut too much dclicacs of hone andlarcot'jrciiiiine astininio.-s-. The lacin ' cul- -

culler of Kcuttickv for the lust two vetirsluis slinwn us lmt stoutness nml distriiiH

cross u'lfrdo. It may inoirovor he re'mnikcd, thai tliu blood ol CoIiiiii!iu, tliedilTtirifilt orosscs of renowned unccstrv

f.iiiTtnSr'tuIuni, penakes fess oslQfli: slockJt'Iiifli llfflutjfincd theb.iMS.of InffSa horsesn Kenuiulv for ears. past, than anv

Stalliiiu Tiiiw in tlTiJEr.iie. Let themuiali an .perimit. 'I'lip ruprietor isawaie, tlintgfu tineiingi? the brredcrK'llltii-i'- . lout, iind lailtoin, au.l lilondunited. Iralsdoing only ma bo doneor no irly done. oilier S alliensin the cotmtn ; butjitliclieips ho i

one.other qn-.Hi-t yjjrtitjaithdr c

requjitf, ih,grpi stovtcis.which but fewNmri "boast'ni thi'. rl.i inKentucky. Whv is it that Old KingHerod was direclh and reinutely thepio-genilo- r

of more racing stock in Englandthan nnv other horse of his fiinuh'fljjually v1ni-"liie.-

l? WhyJSii ilil ihel'oik-shiie-me- n

gnitl of ihe Hu::li-- li Blaze, thaihoKoultl, eTOu yiitai InTlflircd tn.uo!-- , pro-

duce lateis? We are told it was I

of their stoutness. Look al.--o althe American EcJnjse; his anolher in-

stance .hat, in immr to constitute a frstrate race h re lOTloot and bottom or a

valuable brood horse, the same icqiiisiteis indispensable. And Iii5t though notleast uhy is it that the renouncd SirAichiehas pioducc'd more distinguishedlacers and breeders than any son of theimported Dioniede? We are told uponthe best auihoiit), that he was the stout-

est; and a sensible and intelligent writerin the Turf Rcgis'er attributes his suc-

cess ,;ls a breeder, to that quality. It will

the scon upon an iiiMieclimi ol the peih- -,. , . .i . . .i. -

giee ol isoiiiuiDiis, tnai no inns to uie'English Eclipse, boih by hi-- t siie audi,nn iliwfllv llian MtlV llOISoill'i. in.., ....w.., t. -

America, trilive or imported.

Siallion now in Amciica i g. g. grand-

son to English Eclipse by both sire anddam? Or what stailinn ir.w in Kcnciickyhai the blood just alluded to in conjuitc-- ,

lion with an almost immediate col'a'eralrelationship to Wildair, Medley, Snafl, '

&c. j

I will close this piiblicalhSffperlups al

ready too huvr for m.inv AVttli'fi singlerelation to tliecoils of'Columbii'-- .

Thicc of colls were e.lnbi- -

j'tedat the Fair laslfcfa'l at DuimIIc12 or 13 other colts by popular

hoi-p- s: ihciueinium was awaided to MrHitfluibii coll b Columbus It has of-

ten been remarked of Columbus, that hisC()ls wero ,, nnifoinily like himselfthan those of any other hoisc. 1 heyhave line size and color, strong smooth

bone, great beauty, a coal showing thepolity of the blood I hey spiingfiom andin every instance that wide face, strutting nostril, bony jaw, and unequalledbeauty of countenance which belongs so

eminently to ihcir ire, and which, in so

eminent it degiec, none but he ever had

befol e.

In relation to the performance ofthe Turf, 1 will only remaik

that he never lost a three or sour milerace, and was beaten buptwice any ihs- -

tancp, and .hen uy nags beaten "before

and afterwards bv him. 111S race Wlien

three vcars old at Hartsville, deservesto be noticed to do him justice: a mne!.....!. rnrrv.nfr 88lbs. 1st heat by Col

uiubi.s 3m."48. 2d heal by Jerrv , 3m.

47s. (Columbus, as testified by the

judges, hav mg when in 00 yard.-- ol the

stand and alieaa tiiaiic in .mcmi" ...

3d heat by Jerrv, (closely contested) 3ni

51f.iract a lull mile. This time it

never wn beaten by colts on

ihe continent. But his math race ' nil

Remus ws enough, Columbus thenthree vcars old. gave lo Remus choice of

distant e, ho VR?) being fivo years old,

LEXINGTON, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1835T.-i.-int t'- -i

carried equal weighty and he beat himwith ca&c. -

Mr Giceuhury; llic cclchra-tefl-t- i.

liner, nis uUlns riTlificito (whichis too oiijt for ulifi1sitinti in this lull) in pirotation to this " on ihe roadto MiNMssippfeJi3 was titkiin with thecold tendered his cmi-(i:- i

nsoUitJ 1 rehiifinit-he- the ideaol lUlllllli liirn in 111 C JucKy olil!) i.icps in:it Null Iicz, whirji v ere anpioai hint;near, hut turliiua e .hi oppuiiunily pir-- -

Milled itself iiiuutMliatvly afier 'Ti'''iSSiLJvtntei) not oni ic consrtTer- - l

nble'eppiiscs whirh his pioprietors hadiiifiiiieil, hm vvon tin- hi.nelf iiattull ciue hi. ii to .'oct'tto from tbo p.itrimatjp irhich he so juslhj merits,!this waslsi ma'ch race" against titc noted I

h"ise Renins 2 mile heats for $S00 nsido toSUll.s on eah, which lie Leat ivi h une- - orquiillcd rase. . The condition of tin race'wasajone sfiTHcieni to damp the sptntpf

he nio- -t da ring spoilsmen, when they rtyflee led that Columbus a three year din1

coll, was to contend in equal combat withaffile. year old horse, who had run wjllinnparalled honor ainJiMiccp.s with thebest horses of the West." Copt, fancywho trained Columbus and is (well knownto gentlemen of the turf, in his certificase s.ns, "That i am Satisfii:!) Colurn-,wn- s

one aniongsl the best race horses thi"coun'tv overproduced."

rEDiGitr.i: and per form ante.POLt ' M Ill'S was bv ihe mScli aduiiretl

and dijiTiijiuisbed raee horse, he"h the ce4 mile hore Wilke'- - VX oitfler, be by the

oldimpoilen Diooieil. Wonder'-da- u as (.'olonet Epp's eret mare, she by I'lpno-ai- (be byliiniu ij's Aral. lan.) lit llrnnmei liy Valiant ;ValMill wa- - out of a full blooded Jul) IJo'er mareEni)'- - nrry 1nare ws also ihe dam of General.tacksun'h Pacolel, Pallifox, and others

Ihe distliit;ui-hr- d ami vrrv suproor brooi!mare, tto-- v CUck, b the imported S4tiaot, heby O'Kellv'-- l' Iip7e (who was 'ihle'lo ive anyhorse in England a disUnce in hi- - da t E(Jlil-- e byMaisk.beh. Stpnit. h by lUil!.-!- ( 'hitdrrs andhe hv Dailet AMinn. iU.u Vuajo,

,v Soap, lii-- i ilaut hv Urpu'nv, he bv Gn.tolohiupint ol a -- isier to HUck and al! 1'iack. R- -v aClir ( moiiIU Camilla bv Ihe old im ;

p'uled her t,iaud dam, .letht the oldher great giaud dam the famous j

hronitifnajn Diana b l''u-- , her e ClauddaValh Pautlei, by Slerniiii . be. n e giaod ev''auQbe luipoi'ed mrtie i ver I't tte'l-- 'eiz- Arab an In I 'upland, a- - was al-- o Hie all .ve- -

mi.'ied -- ir!ing ; hj ( ale, be h) Godot-lii- n

Vrabian Claudius lit 'he old unpolled . s,

Id Jans of England bt Godolpbin Arabian.The dam of Claudius by Sterling, Ue by UtllFiee

ialiiau .

('iluinbtK1 dam was pdmh f'Jilel m norled horse'tin iaiui'Mi of England, be by'O'Kelly's Eclip-e- ,oe b tlrtisk, Kr. l)ui aminnV dnnrAspasta by ittIt ii e I lero.l, hi- - diand dam Doris htr mjttk, hisggiaud dam. Helen by Spectator, his ga T&fi'liLldam Daphne, by (odolphin Aiahian. t Ql3IStIIU'."-T;Modda- Dy .tieiiiu, ins j grann najirMjj-th-

c lebraled race horse Flag of Tnice. MeTtTIi

t by Siepheu Sunih ol VirginTtf and wasg it by John Holmes's Merlin touog Merlin'sdam was a splendid mare got bv Old Quit kllter,am'behylhe old Imported Medlet Holmes'.Mer'iu by friar, Janus, X.c. Flag of Truce byunpolled Gol'tfuuler, bis dam by Flmulapiiram)dam by An lolle, g grand dam 1) ot.l reaiubuglll.Flag of Crime 'tas ihe sire ns mail) distinguishedraceis-amo- iheiu. Colonel Taloi's funousrunning hori: Levialhan, and first foiisul. tt ho

won :21 lare- - from 3 lo 7 tears ol I. averainius00 guinea- - each. II) WIS TIIOMlgDN..In Ihe sail of 127. Ciotuiiihus, then veari o.,

tt as enicied tt nh eighl other roll- - ol sine promise.1'isepliliie, Jenj , I iVMthe se'ei t -- toe k

of Tennes-i- m a ett ep.laWWr ihe Gall-tli-

linl, raritni-7M- rarh. HtlWlJeoige Elliott's,slue i oil Jen) . bt Tactile!, "on j

COLUAIISUS ihe 2d and 3d heal-wit- h ease;lsihiai, lmiJOs. 'il heal, lull's. 3d heal, lin56-- . I he -- ame lall and a lett f ay aster, Collliilbus tt on llie colt rai e at rt-haii- tt oh rte. at .

Iltobeal-- . beallng several bur lolls; lime. 1st'heal, liuals M bra', lm SI'-- In T o- -

lu ni lit- - uol pill lo In- - p. ed on an t pan ur diegioiiiul in eithei heal In tl e fall i.f 2i. I 'lionbos, Iheu 'I t ears dd, -- tailed ot er the NrtsvoleIra. k,- - mile hrtis, can t n e Wdili-- ., it'Ub olnnrlCrmgr Elllotl's celericated liol-- r .leirj , lij Pai

Mr. Tompkin's Malm a bt O-- r ar, and Mr.( aiiei'--ai- lt Ns'-I-m-; the li heat aswnnbyt i ill ii bos in Sin sf" omlheat w.f it on by

.Irirj ; time, 3ii47s 3d heal, 3m Sis. Cclmn-bo- s

iiiiavoidabl) loi tins mce hjtlynig Ihe track

just l.elore pa-i- ng Ihe judges' ntffc (ec ceitlhcate of judgi s.) Two weeks aster, (Vduiubus

won Ihe j ickty ilii'i por-- e, fir-- t day at GalUlin,wnlio'it oppo-uto- o alt ajraitt to furl aaio-- t

hno, ilKiivh lliere were many dot ngotshrd racers

pieeeot.The-amef- Columbus was liken by Mr.Brr-r- v

Williimsto Floience, Ala in verv bad con-

dition, mite heats, and ttasbeaien byMr. Thompkii.'s Maltina by r, wbich maiebe bad distanced a Irtv wc.k before. From

thence he mis travelled to Nalches, and tbrrf rana inaicli race against ihe mited hnr-- e Remus, twomile heat-- ! for $8110 a side, carrj ing ciOlhs on

h Hemus being 5 and coliimlius J tearsold giving him the advantage of equal weight-- ;nteniujiasimrtVcolV'1 Col. G. EUiut's Jerry a

lew day- - beloi- - ;) the odds weie fearful, but lbeat this nre Willi unrtpial ra-- e. From

.. t. ..( itu travelled lo Nett-- leans.liiniic in."" "- - " - '.i .... ii... .... in pnnd hrattli ami condllioii. !

the hrsl ila, 4 mile heals, wliicb heMr. Millei'- - sine sialliontt nn wiib ea-- beaoug

by Tunoleoii time, 1st heal, 7m. 58s. 41

heat, dm. In ihe fall ns 18 X), Cnluinbiiy then 4

....el I. waseiiieied day, 3 nijlc heals.'f. o.ejo.k)'. .lubp, .se a, I Iailst ille. Zip:.....!...!tie hkiivcu

aud took thetpur-e- , BUafra,d lu coMrn,t ,u,

.houali there were many sine hoises presenixB,ng ihe number. (Jen. U. Desha's celebianiare.Jo-rplim- e, b Oscar I lm rollowmg weetl.. r.m thr mile heals at Galtatm . which he wolf

with healing Mr. Haifleli-ilion- , by Sir Archie.Two weeks alier, be"" was eon-re- al e,

mile heats, bun be mi wiih gif at ea-- e at a sin-

gle heat, I'eatiug Mr Hood's line Mare, by Sir

Anhie:.tud !!o(kt .Mmu.iain, b) Sir AiclceThrnrxi week he ran ihe ilnet mile dat airiankliu, which he won with rase, neaiins Hol-

land Davi-'- s stallion l.aiaveite. by Cooquerer.

outol the dam of Amtrew Jak-"- n.

CEIt I ll'ICA I'ES.Spencer"1 Choice, Ten,tept. 13, 1831.

I have thisdav Leen called in lor my

"opinion of the cilebratud italhon Colum--

" - m :i rz .umwK.m T im 11 n ru j ttjiimi 'fr--i-7- n.iaf " jw 4.tit:iii . - - m h ..

bus. I saw lurii run several races, andfeelno hfsitati'in insajing ho is a j'iiccorseof the ii.--st order; he was at all

nines biyjly minaged, and in the worstline :ciiih1iiiiiii to run, when 1 have

seen niiivrnipnna iianot thiti!.,;ct!T lie wouM. have ever lost ' anvrace hesjarled lor; hi? rls Osca&trtjtfout; o('lloiios( horsesujvc raised pqjiie'r

Hi.iofujftr Aii.pntwjlns brood las pure'as vtrgijLgold, .'id his poWcqas a raceiIjors.' Idfc- - bcjAmrely equalled inhis'r.tiajifcsim'iitr cu onlh tincl do

nut JlidlldW" Old flPftr hml WBrior?!luvnn in the days of Clnldjrs. fain toldthe gentlemen, Messrs. Thompson andBledspe, the present owners of Columbusare abou to remove him to Kentucky.

feel no he.sitytipu in recommending himthe patrons of the blood hoise, in I Insany oilier countiy. 1 think' ho will

suit well to cross on the blooded isKentucky, at he possesses uncommonsliength, with great purity of blood, aswill be seen upon examination of his ped-igree, that his veins run full of the puretEngli-l- i crosses, sueh as Diomed,

Flimnap, Eclipse, $!, O. SHELBY.

We were present at the fall races overthe Hartsville tmf when Col. Elliot'sPacolet Jerrv beat Coliiinbus, both three

ears o!dt The Unit: of the first heat ofthe two miles which they ran, was record-ed, we believe, 3in. 48 1 2 sccfiniK 2dheat in 3in. '17s., lhat of the 3d in 3m.51s. Is wo ate wrong the entry of theJudges can coin-c- t it. The two last healswere won by Jerry. Columbus was bad-

ly rode the fir.--t hcat.itjhich he won', how-

ever, with apparent case. Our opinionwas at the lime, and now, had lie beenwell rode the first heat he would havewon the second also; and us it va, helost it onl by one length. Columbus win.trained that sill b Captain Il.iney. Wewitnessed and timed thr trial m his turf


before he was taken to (Iattsville. Withbud start, and in his training shops

much worn, he inn his mile in lm. 50-- .We do not hesitate to pronounce that theperformance at Hartsville, and the manv

ii'cucps which he jr.ive'nf both lice'sand li'.ttoiiiin the 'rHiunigat Captain

entitle Coliimuus lo rank amonglhchi'.-.-t running horses in Tet


We the undersigned, j idges of theJockey club race over the Hartsville tmf,

the fall of 1S28, do certify that Co-

lumbus, then three cars old. started overthe Hartsville turf two milcTieatsjjyilhCol. Eliim's P.ic.lct lior-i- : Jerrv. TIr.John 'I'hompltins' mare Malviua, and Mr.diner's mare Sally Nailer; the sir-- a Uqfttvva won by Coluinbii'- - in three ininntos4S spcoikU; the second Iicat was won b

'Jerrv, in throe minutes 47 second. Co- -

Mum! us unavoidably lost the heat bv attempting lo sly just before he passed thepo cs

I'I'iiokas Domio, War. Lauderdale,William Hall, M. D. Sharp,'John Mills, JoJIX BttADI.KY,

A. G. D' n no, JoJI.N Nl'LSOX,

Jr.ssu IIaney.T , February 11, 1S30.

The n'opriclor desiies lhat breeders'will callyjil look at his hoie and deridelortbeiiiFWV'es Kxaniino his pedigreeand see is he lias not descended from a

.i . . iline til noiiie ancesu v , iiucoiii.iuiiuuiuul.v one sinulo doubtful cioss Evaminelit performance andeeif he is not wor-

thy i is 'the dMtioctinii awarded by hisitrainers, who have certified and by tho.wholo undivided cnninmnity of Tcnncs-spo- .

who have seen so often his exhibi-

tion of game and speed.DAVIS THOMPSON.


ifJllGenTgtlnwn, Kentucky."JtHE I'iTiTesstirol Mauiennticj. in Genrgetntt n

il I'ollege, (eoui-aie- at West Pn.i.i) natn orgaiuxe a corpse of Civil Eugiiirrron

the fiist day nt May, 1835. bring the day onwhich the summer session of the Col-

lege will rnnunciiLC. Sludenij eplermg die classwill nut be requi'rd in study swiy otherihan suclTS'arr necessary ulTqiialiU tlieni forilu biisiiies maitJJngiiicer. The lm anon of sev-

eral roads th(b1lli and . ear Georgelonn, soon lo

ade, wnKilTorrl fatorable oppbriuiijtlfs loraTilul MflCiirat l.ogineer. vai annus ton

UCliiluit....a.l ...... ti. . mafiiral........ riart.... ns. the rillirse. .t'lWessor himetf attending the c'.as, furnisli7il

with the nreessaiy for sun eying aHaute, and letellmg a ! or CanalAijyoi'ettho has learned I'iane Geometry, rOT1'rninea I'rarllrttl and Srienlific Engineer tlFtwosessions . I'lStnhi- - lime v. ill sulHce fur our t ho

has teamed Sortetms, fbenii-tr- y , Natural Phil-

osophy , Geology and Mineialogy .

When u is knot-- that a jimiiginan jifordiua.caii ennunand $1110 orrt skill in Engineeenng,

CI i00 a yeai, in any part of the United Siaies,...! ih.niii r..iomeer ol Inch ttandiog leinves

from 300(l lo 50HO per aniiuiu and, funher-,mr- e.

tnai died maud lor sorli. Is int.ea-in- g in

teo-lol- d ratio la-l- rr man me supply .....rreadily admittei' , thai no por-o- ii iao be lesorted

n ... lil... . . Ill P ...en o till- - country rtlntc nun- -,U, .I nma or,.M. ...,sorable and f.., for not less than K10U Engineers (prin-

cipal and -- uboidinate) lu ihe Valley,

and the .lefiuen. s highlt injurious to me inleresis

ofoui cotinii), and l" me character of our public

tvolkS ,,T K li AI S .

Tor the Session of the ninnths, twenty dollaisin advance. For the attendance ol the 1'ioir-siT- ,

in making a receniioisaoce during the tacanon,itu evlra see of ten dol'ars w ill be ieifhiil lu ad

vance ol 'ac b nxlenl altemlng ihe cc uipany cv

erj onedelrajln. Ins own expenses.Georgetown, March 3, 183j


THK ANNUAL ELECTION,lO a Piesiitfnt and Dirertors of liift Dan- -

ra il1e, I.ancustrr, nml NichoiaviHe Turn- -

pik.j Road l nmpany, will be held mi ihe 1st tli n L

next. 10 o'clock, a. ., at the oftf m .i .. r ti .i Ken4lr. l"vsi 41 MIC Hllllllll 1)1 IHUKIDnll (111 "

tm-k- nver;ai .vli.rh time au.l place a grnerapiit-- 1'

,H be more ceuvemeut in ex.endmg .lie iv.t'W "flhe l"' A"'1'10'.

Sir. JOHN NORTON t, S. ,1 fofflr" f o, J&

L Aud,t0r,March 21, 1835 -11- -7. rf friecfdly to Ibi- - uMlenaking, rhiy

aid it essentially by "git nig the abate uoti-- e an ii- -

. - iitt crinftti.i .ii.i-- m


BY AUTpfgrfry,lLaws of the United St let ue at the set

aessiunof the li&nty-lhtr- d Gmgress.

Puiuc No. 18Ait ACT making appropnation fnruhe civil and

diplomatic expenses ns Guveruiqenii fur tlietear one tlioiistiid.ejlht huudied aitjlrlirtv-five- .

Be it enacted hi IhfSenale audi IJnnse ns Hepreaenlalifesn the Umled Stales ns America mCnnifi ess ammblrd. Thai the lid'oiniig uin be,and the same are hriebt, , appropriated, lo be paioui of any uuappropiiited money in Hie Trcasuiy,uz:

For pav nml mileige of ihe members of Congress ami Delegates, tlnee hundred and hfiv-ihie- e

thousand two hundred and forly eight dollars.For pav of die olhccis ami clerks of the Senate

and House of Itcpie-euiaiite- s, thirty-iliie- e thouand seven hundred dollars.

For tiitinnart'. fuel, iirintiij8feid all oilier in

cideinal and conlll'g'ul eTpt113 of the Sennle,iiicludiijg titenty Ihotisaiid dcfllara deficieucj ol

apprnpnatiiiii fur the same ohjei is fur Hie teame lliou-aii- d eieht hondieil and unity lour, the

sum ofegbty fne ilimotu five hundred dollarslor siaiiouaij, fuel, piiuiing , ami all oiner

and coiilllig'ul exp-os- ns the ll"U- - i (

Itciue-enlallte- s, un hiuiilied uioo-ao- d iUiIUis

The two sums last menlioofd lo be applied io the

ajuienl of the ordmairv expendiluies of the Senue ami House ol liepusemames seveiallt, antn no olbei purpose.

For compensation, lo the President and VicePirsidrnt nl the I 'oiled Slates, Ulfrikc retary olSlaie, die Set ceiary of the TreasuianKsecrelaryus tVar, die Seen la.t ol me Nav",'aTa the Post-

master Geneial, sixty tuou-a- n I dollarsFor clerks and is jn tha uflice of tin

Secretary of Slate, iweiit) lhuusaud lime bun Indollars

For clerks, machinist, and messenger la Ibi

I'aieut Olbie, five muiis-uu- fmr boniired H1

la.s. fFor incidental and contingent expenses ol ihe

Depaitiiieiu ns Stale, including the expen-- e al

p.. Mi. In. g ami distiibiiiiug the laws, Iweut) fieilioii-ao- d onllars.

For rontingeiil and incidental expenses ofO.lite, luu dioosaid dollais,

Foi imiipiliiigisi nl priiiimgilie I leiimal l'ej,'Ster, oi e iliinisan I eight htiiiineil dollais.

tor die superintendent i'l tv.urhmcn of the

.lordiea-- t executive building, cne thousand sitehim 'rei' dollars

For conttiigeul expensrs of -- aid building,llhor, nil, I'pans ol die liulltlmgr, liner

Ihuii-au- il three hiindied and silly .Jp.lais. .

For louipensaiinn lullie cleisa'jln'l messenger-i- n

the office of the Serietarjriihe I'reasuij,dioiisdiK1 seven bundled cTollars.

for coiiipeiisatioo to He 1'iqltl nmplinllei.die 'lieasuij, tlnee thoma C huin'rcd uOI'llr- -.

For coinpensation to the driks," nEjEfSSeuaer- -

in tin- nflicr of die Fisl I omplnij uiiietrenih'.ii-an- d ihretr hnndred dollar-- .

For compensation to die Second Comptrollerof the Tirasurt, doee thousand itoBnis

Forcmopelisation lo the rleik'Sibml messenger

in inetifilie ol lh Second I oinplrolWr, ten tl'.ou. .. I I I. II. il.illllG..........sano lour ouiioii-- nun titFor compeu-ati.- m to the t irst Auditor ol lltjrs:

'fieasirt. thiee thousand dollars.For Couipeii-auo- ii to die deiksand messenger

in die nlhce ns. die Fist Auditor, fourleen thou-

sand iiuir liundied dul'ars.For ron nnisation to ihe Second Auditor ol llie

Tiracurv. three tliou-an- c dollais.

Fni coinpensation to the cleiks and mrsseuger... ii. ,..rr of die Src.inl Aufinir, Kveuirrntimiivniid nine hundred dollars.

For ounnen-aiin- ii m the 'I hud Auditoi of die

'I'r asurv. tlnee lhon-an- d dollarsr..., ... iioetSaiion to ihe cleiks ami messengers

in dw office ns the ' hud Auditor, twenty sour

dioo-aii- five bundled an I filtt dollars.the Fourth Auditor ofFoi compensation

the 'I lea-ui- y thien llioii-t- dollars.r. .oiopensalioji lo die clerk ami niessehgjr

it I ho olhce of llie Fuui lb Airttitnr, levenl&rtj. i. .,., i..m1fni.t'n,l fiflv dollars.UHinsniiiirtii

For co.nueii'aiion to-the 1'i.lh

-Auduor oflii

tlirpp thnnsamtp...!.o,iilUlhf cleiVs and messenger1

i the olfice nl the Fifth Auditor, twelve thousanr

huudied I'ollais.eighl of the Uni-

tedm the TreasprerForcouipensa.u.n

Stales, three thousand dollais. V.

For compensation to an.Tmcssenger

htjjieolhce ol .he Trea-o- r, nl the United Males,seTOi Ihnusaud one huudied and filry ctollars.

10 the Register of the '1 reas-u- rt

For compel sal.onllnee Ibou-au- d dollais.

10 die cleiks and

in the omce ot die Register ol the Tieasury, tttenihou-an- d two hundieii nouars.

pensation lo lbe Commissioner of Ihe

General Land Olfice, three thousand dollars.

Fur con.pen-aiu.- n lo die clerk, and messengersZ':(Z7nZ13

For compensation to the Soliclor of the Treas- -

UIVl nil" I'lU'""'1"For coninensaiion lu die leiks ami messenger

in the ..Ihe e ol the Solicitor ol the Tieas.irt, tlnee

ibou anil nine huudied ami fifty dollais.

f. .,.,.. ..annii in i he to ioe v niu':. " F. . .. to thesetend, of,,inissioiierso ,tie Snkmg , ...! itnnvFe'nuarv, one ibousand eighl liuimieii ."".j

oiner iniiirinii "seterali.flice.- - of the Treasury Department, on ins several sou.-- , " . . ,

ol tne irtasurj, omce oimiluding ani "?.T7. m r.

co.eoereol oi

...i. buoclied collars.

tor ofhee ol F.n Complioiler, one

five hundred collars.

? dyi. sojk:- - A

FoV ihpnftlre of ihe 3fii Compttoller, ootboticaiid bimdrrd dft ITaTir

Ftirlhe of the First Auditor, eight hun- -tire-- i ooiiarsi

Tor "jjpof the Second Atlditor, one itfouiHi miliars.rn. !. nlt.n C.I T,t?T-- .l A ...I ....." ' " """-- ' " "" "W" 'cuu, tor, Fiiu nun--,

one ll'iou- -

one tho'j- -

m$ or the offlc-- e of the Treasury of the Unitedales, seven iiuod i ed dollars .

ihe olli. e of Uegiswnf th Treasury, tlirealid dollars. ,

mTM tbjK.lfire of the Solnjitur of ths Xfea'uty'flwUiFsMjrl i ''tWMU, ,lMl

Foi die office ofibeTbfniflslTOlWfiheCfKh- -eral Land Oilier, inrl.i'lfiw one liiindrcil thousandpap hmuts, and cost of printing patents, titenlylito thousand dollars.- -

For additional clerk bire,;n tlie issuing ofnuli-tar- V

laud si rip, miking out of paten for Virginia'military surveys, and for private land claim's, andin adjusting lha arcounts of the surveyors gepert,sour thousand dollais

For conipeiisao u lo six additional clerks, ogtyear, maid in legisienug sales of land-- , and atl- -

jii-tl- die accounts of receivers of public s,

and lm tpuitug tract bpolsi, making index-es, and bunging up other arrears, six thousandtlpllais.

F"oeuetving ihe old War Office index of Vir--

ginia.iHiiary tt airanis,and patents is&ueil onsur-teysnia-

to sansfy thettame, one thousamrrivtrhundred I'ollars. ,

For prepiraiinn of mips to examine ajirlcheck tuauiiti3faud technical drsigualibiTyif

nl" liacli.innf Strlinnj sobs pieparatory 10

paieui-- , ami in couipaiing char-ges made bj surtvjor-geucr- tvdb the lines exhibited on die return of survejs, one thousand Ho-llars.

For tvritiugiirecording, examurng, making outlists, and tiansmiltit'g eighty thousand patents,fifteen thousand dullaj-s-

Fnradrlinaiial c eili biro in Ihe Bureau of pri-

vate land claims, to aid in the invusngatloji oflancTtiilrs; and tmtioj and rrrnnln g lalents for

pnvale laud claims; and recording de l ol trans-

fer of lands reseived luftBlividual Indians, under

tieaoes afler conveyanccJTby them, two thousand

lo'larte.,Foi fAtnslaiions, and for expense of passpoibJ

and sea leoris, miee hundred dollars.For siaiiuz anil nriniiui: the iniblic aicounls for

die j ear one ihou-an- d ight hnndretl and Ihirly

hte,oo. iboto.iid hundred ctoiiais.Forcompeu-atio- n ol supeiinlendeni and watch-

men or the buildings occupied bv YieatmryDepaiWienl, including arrearages foi one thou-

sand eight hundred and thirty tlnee, the sum oftwo thousand sour hundred and seventy five dol-

lars.For incidental and contingent expenses of said

building, including fuel, labor, oil, repairs, furni-

ture, and for rem, amounting in three thousand-- ete.i hundred and fifty dollais, eiihl thousandlollais.

Forrnmprnsarinn to the clerks and messengers

in the office of the ol War, twelvethousand six hundred and fifty dollars

fjitcoiiliiigeiii eipensfof llie office of thethri-- r ibotisauil dollars.

hMwciIis, maps, and plans lor the War De- -'

partilirnl, lir IbniiMiid collaiS.For in '.h lounty Hiio. ciurcau,

fuui bundled dultar-- .For co .ipeusation to tile Commissioner of In-

dian aff ins, dure thousand dollars.For compensation to cleiks and messenger?

m the ollice of Indian affairs, fife thousand sevenbiindrrd dollais.

For cuiiungrnt expenses of said office, eight .

hundred dinars.For coioprnsalion lo the clrrks and messenger,

in ihcnlfiir of ihe I'av ntasier Geneial, sour thoui-iiu- .l

siv himditta dollarsFor loniiugent expenses of said office, three

huudied cblarsVFur compensation to the cirrus nun me v..6n

in the oflice of Ihe Commi-ai- ) Geneial ofand for a cletk employed at the seat of gov-

ernment, sour thousand two hutn'ied dollars.For contiiigertt expenses of said office, eight

hiiirir.l ftnllare.Forcnmpfiisaiion to the clerks in the office of

die Adju'ant General, itvo thousand nine hundred

and silly dullats.Furcnnliugeul expenses of said oSlce, one tliou- -

sand dollais. .For conipensa-io- lo in the omce oi

the Quaiterniasler General, two thousiud cna

hundred and fifty dollars.Fur contingent expenses of said office, six

dollaisoi compensation lo the clerks in the other of

the Commissar) Geneial ol iw j ihou-s.hi- .1

in le hundred and fifty dollars.For ri.ninrui rxoensei of said office, including

priming ad.eitiseinenis, m'o thousand sit hun-

dred dollars ' .

For compensation to tne clerks in the office o.

the Chief Engineer, two thousand nine bundled

and fifty dollais.For contingent expenses of said office, one thou-

sand dollars.For expenses of ihe lithcgiapic press of the War

Depailmeiil, n ven hundred and silly dollais,Foi compensation to the clerks in 'he Ord-

nance Office, two thousand lime bundled BiHlJifiy

dollars. - &...l"i ;nlingent expeiiseofsaM office, eightoreoxjcuiar-- . .

Forcompensatioo to lbe cletk:m the office or

the Si,irgeun General, eleven Huudied and fifty

dollars. i.Fnr contingent expenses of said office, Tour

hundred dnllnrs. V

For salait of die leik in the Topographical

Bureau, one ilmusaod clo'lar".Fni conoi'grul expenses of the TopngiaphlCil

I"""'"1' "d "Bu.eau, one til" -

livn dnllaii and bllv etlls. I

For the sala.y ofthe I. ommissioiiei ui . s..s.o...,

.iur miinri inin etletijnne.ekl.eeu bundled and dnrij-ttt- pensions, three Ibousand sour hun-

dred dollais .. .!,...ngcrs in tne renmn m.i, ".. --

?l? h c.i, do ars. ...aa humMM ui" ir -of t,eiks tmplo5ed;iof

June, eighteen fiurfflred and thirty loui, required

the of Congress, at anto be made during recess

I average of eighty dollars per month for each cleiKj

:" dollars.;' ;;;,. ;;..o;,,r.n., p.u. -- r p.

recoicls, ana "tuerI'tuintg revolutionary- ..r...- - c'n.n.iiist.ioner of rtn- -

geucies in the mn oi ...e - "-- I

siois.s.x thousano five hundred dollars.

'two ibousand five hundiecl noiiais. -For sala.ies ol cleiks transfeired f"' ,ne'"

"of lhe See re lary ol W ar, sour thousand e.ghlliuii

d,FoL of additionalclerks, ten thousand


five, ivteuiy six dollars and '"'"i" '"'' ' ", n)0I)lh, to p.epa.e a statement under dieexpenses of .....on.., P" i. ,tl0n50l .ena.eof the sixth and dioiirth of

ttecre.arythe :e

die b.uo.-.-

iiinusand sitethe die uiou-sa'i- d



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