Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY...

4 . ( rs ? As&r O A as & ? h k I? 1 fTrrf A Yi ii'Tl1! U ii ' 'J' - Ti - "l VOLUME XXII. "UDXISHED WEEKLY, BIT THOMAS sAtlTH' AT DANIEL BUADFOUU'S OLD STAND. Cd" CONDITIONS.' Two Dollars per an num, paid in advance j or Three Dollars to be paid at the expiration ot tne year. , All letters addressed to the 'Editor must be postpaid otherwise they will not be attended to. , jOSCl'lf H VMILTOW DAVE1SS, Attorney, will resume his practice H- - resides in Lexing- ton. All letters to him must be postpaid., Feb'v. jtb, iSoo. Charles Humphreys to PRACTICES Law in the Fay cite and Jessa cal TO ne courts. May, 1809 COW POX. Da. E. WARFIELD is happy in being able to mg inform the s of Leximrton, that he has now the Genuine Cow Pox Mattety takefl-fro- the arms of those mnoculitedlieie; jum&wiU innnculste at his own house, fi 0m thenHhat3iaTX it in its proper stw, or .at theliouest any ol those who may desue it, in town or counliy. June 10th, 1809. Wanted to contract-fo- r one thousand bushels Stqne Coals, . delivered at this place Apply to Cutbberi Banks,. Lexi n gton Nov. 28 l8o8- - 608l ''I'Sl 3"f uoSuix37 'j auiilltHl V 'V0A-rt1- P"" F!H'!pprpt( wops id span .ui uiaqi jo suo sn Cinf jo 3'H Suopq luatu 'Avd ajp ui o) iusii ol paiqapui asoqi tsanbaii the unoajK "Q; 'f G .rrett J5kJU4 HAVE received, and are now opening iftthe store house of Maj Mrtandcr Patker, oppose"' the court house, a iirgorassortme' t or.!?! MERCHANDIZE, which hey are disposed lo sell on reasons terms. Cash given for HEMP Lx'ngton, February, 1809 S'olen ON the night of the 12th instant, from my pas turcint, wiinintne ouunus 01 ineiowiioi e.ex'ii z& ton, a bav IIJRSE, about fifteen sit a half hancMfp; U'gli, six vrars 01 1, nicKrU and doddc(1 no marus ree illected Amp'' compensation will be mad to those w ho ill bring hi n to James B. January. June 9fth, iS ,9. n BLUE DYING a - Next to B tin's Hat Manu fa&ory, on Main Screct. . 7 r. ni"biLvav. Ti"'" r For CASH I vvill Ml UUU I at Mx Unllars a pv, iw tSSSI,; Eo Lcxu gton, April ,29,,! 809 t. MJt"?' av "irj'. , wviwitn - M wE?ftir 1" A likelv vounsr or UU Sale SHE ii in exc llent Hitife Servant, i.nquite n f the n tor. t pxin""nn, uanft 19 iSoo. v " Doctor Jimt's Uveium WILI ptart'Cf PHYS'C in 1 et'ngrnn and'ts neiph u h '! ; he kes hiv ship "t Main nearis i'p)nfi"e the court Tiouf ; vvhere hei as for sale an ex'enfive flock of GKNUINk MEDICINES vveie tote'br with t poTiplleir'rtm"rt of 'UU. tj k II G OMt INSrilUMKMrV, made alter the latefl ()f- - and ninft ipprovcd models. For Sale with THE PL'.CE whereon I now;live, of 205 a- - ces, on Dav id's fork of Fayette coun- - t , sine wterand well jmpio ed. For further particulars apply to the subscriber on the premises. John Rogers. A Notice. 4. I INTEND stirjingto Biltimoreon the 20th off sf 'jctoacr iiet Any peisou wisningany ousiiirss transacted in that city, can h ive it done on the i.iost moderate terrrs, 1 n 1 to thei satisfaction. Sufficient scnrity w ill be given to'those gentle- men v. !n may choose to employ me,. , , j N. B. Is l'l return by the way of Pittsburgh down the river, some time in December next. tf - -- .?.tr ' "G ENT UEMOVAL. ' YET'SER'S CURRYING iHOPis removed to his N w Buck House on the earner where the oldC nirt House formerly stood, opposite Arc! - id L .ran's.nn Main stieel, and Pattirsftn Bain'-01- 1 Mam C oss street - T.'Vrgtnn Sro 1", t00 ' NOUCK. - WILL Ik sold rt public auction on Titesd.ij the E4tn int. : t t'le house of Joseph C so" decv stTl, ne ir H Us tavn, all lus Personal Pmpejtv cois stn it of a Csni,gre nl two ft.atth Hor-- j n T ip in Dnmo 1..J.11 Kt.A.1 VI ires, twelveor'ii t 1 Milcli Cows, and otlii'i Sti ck indJirticlestft tidiotis to insert. 1 vv 1 e mi)nlhs,crcdU will h l,ivtn, p i.uded the porelif sei give bond with a proved sccanty - T7" Sab to co nmCnce at. ten o'clock;, A. V wheie dueatun l re w 'lb.- - ps,d by ( s sil GhoivGF iSE, 3 Bm-rbi- county, Oct. 5. lSorgHat I' M 1 aken up bv Peter Ga mm U, It .! t.IOi run, roxI rouniv, one mark ivn hod ibout tliincen or fourteen eiis Id, abut-fift- j' 11 inds one inch high, bnrd d op tbc netr slioui and nut'ncK tlnij -- , sever .1 -- man sadi'le spots ')' her back , appraised to fifty di lUrs John Thomfcsov. Time 13' h, T Kt.w uy oy t'tissiiier Kiuviiis, i. i.g Slate Cieik, near mill, in 1 m'gime'V onnty a bay Marc, grands one inch high, hit lest bird soot vvjiite has a small Mar in her foreheni branded on theWar shoulder thus K- - oght vear old, appaised to S 23. , I'' Joseph Henssley July 25b, 1899.1 The Subscriber, Having obtained a Tirst Rate Workman, is novj prepared to cam ov the WATCH M AKING & REPAIRING, ' IU ADDITION TO The ; Gold and Silver bmith Buhines1!, Jndv.Hl hs'uorh to lc veil executed C3 Orders from a distance will be strictly at terdedifcrTand those who are pleased to savour iim wifflSsjF custom, will find liisshop opposite he LeypgtcSjBranch B nk V - .GEORGE SULLIVAN. .exlngtan, Sept. a3iur liSu9. - l';T- ': t - '.i., fli:M LEXINGTON, K. TUESDAY, OCTOBER ' "u1" f 'trnjtutesss'jrteu 4 ditiFii.ia,ture GhccEs - b Giigliam -- w . 7j,C0uonrSatiHl3, in imitation of .rhyn"1 " jyV J. 4U',oSj(MWjtrnbric ' UJl'iitttutSBfisroH 6 4 Austins nmajuosiiiwm im 'iii"ii i J? fMaccoun. Tilford. & Co HAye received an assortment of TtITTEN- - MOUSE's improved SURVEXOKs COMP4S SES. prices from S27 to S16 ; PEATTING IN STAUMhNTS in cises, GUNTER's SCALLS SUnVEYOB'f CHAINS. PRCiT.B AfiTnifS. , STEEL JOINT DIVIDERS. They have likewise received a quantity of best PRINMNG INK. Le?tngtpn, May 22d, 1809. 9 MiaOUN, TlL-fOti- &c Uo. sjhrW&thitdaj received from Philadelphia the faUeaiiig VALUABLE. BOUK.S Chapman's Select Speeches, Forensick and Par liamenury; a Translation of the B'blefrom the Septuagent, by Charles Thompson, late secretary the Congress of the Ij btates; Buck's Theologi.i Dictionary ; Campbell's Leciuie3 on Church Hlst..rv.f.iwhiehi8dHPHh.sM,rJtl F.s.-.- v nn J - - ...- - .t. -, w.,, M.iirlM : Uirlifranrl'. Phvs,nlo-- t Kinnnn.. Hvmns. , edit,. w,th asXM,tm, ... the improvements in the 14th London ed.ffl.n Telemaque; ll.e Discarded Son, a celebrated new' Novel, b MnKocbei Zolhkoffer's Couperfc Poems i Armstrong's Woiks ; Johnson's Poetical Works; Newton on the Flirophecies; Reidfs Essays j Duncan's Dispensatory ; St Pierre's Studies of Naturr, new edition witli numcrouii onjrinal notes antl ilwstrati'irsb. B s Bartqn.Jcr field iivFieilch ; Brjs's Udolpho;Chddreiiii(oAbbeisErfliklinte VVorfts 316 Uwighv's ediU'jn 5;I,H". vattVs; Psalms 'ntf- - Hymns ; VillsgQUygucSiTo. bemions; fJoV American t5iPnsarvs:,gncVi'i Miscellaneous, Works; PerruTi Gm'lc; PoneV French Spelling Book.; Th?1ivV6iiOttsfV5rtriae,B ilew Novel i Gass's Jonrhl oi LVis'CfkeVcrf- - ages; Brown's-puicntdavj- l dam d'eStsel HolsJeim rtfflfixf&tClav air Heiress"otcBerDjrrr'T Sttit oftjnet.a-- l Minsttel jjfnSm:'SJjrSfi' Harp, or gfih."fiv-"t&wreiisi- !; iafetfcpteji'mSrn - SKt lltfo 'DTOiuX(?ie , J.l-rf- i ifSaiS3iafes, . Mwij&itejTifijpket tHi?vSH;kflr1,)iso' bt 1'J' Uetti Mn to Col. '?ft S.Sftiltlf'a Medcij J inns 10 liJSTs Ltc- - loi d . Bo. '(story of Ch it. bv the 73 mith's 1 etiws tcnBllgi-.G.l- . Ureece , Lote UtiUd.inMHi itv. Hi-aj- ningand Mnufoid's. jprw WSrfff- - on Awards Tf&i ;Tjjl8ii iisicced iv ngs - A" - --Jl36WWi,V7ZlT-.T'.,K'7r?. . r..iin.jMiiT7.'tir t p. efainst llutei wMM'KSlEsw&w$.vz j4pr,j-i.vj-i 1. - flj- -, cw.1. ,n.,.,- i. hej& vtt'3Wtt;M2rrJ:, ' viv n?iL, v.'Tl.fiBh. TiXi?ivnTJtn'T' i,inTiCf.rriufc'rErta.kj - .s."ifv;r''vj'j!M-":T- t"" v' tl.-wi- i S&tff:!iri8S$T.a2i i a.w t koviv t - 4.r!,raBBnTr.-- i m- yn.svnj3tiPKiisneu injtKiiMrstT4i,nvjoov j?vfwi vr. a sfn I c z:jiBBKiLtn5iJ ji. ji i Jic j jrasraa..w'''S""raiaK:''?'' piiK jrnirjT"iTTLri.if ii' i.u.vitniti. ThAA!fTOfVa1id.aiigaillec-- r , s - UM t: i . J ififeol rm 'tiv-- t r tinatir i rif 11 iipi, pnni . IkT v. nN.uVAsS 3ri vr-... ifiKJfevSr Itilll at lilt 1 IIIIilliBJ j&UJI ?UM1 VriVlir ,i,j?.,--- i carnage Also in tnepress auj rtTTbepHhlisried the a feu weeks. fliilhne'S Aritlime and s, ces Grammar abridged, front t)ip?Pw dition. r Lexingtjjn, Ju 18i m. J. & D. Maci(if ave tor sale at the most 'educed prices, -- .' h . vhi'lesale or retail an ptensive assortment kua. "J1C jnHt'.L j. vwa .mit.. .. fVfc .aj.j VrTbfM'daVHr l'Vw y udtTTb 1809. Mvcrs' ibjVy Murrav - - - - - w"T"-- t .., noncri vvhirh thev are now opening, suitable for 'he spnng and summer seisons, h."h caiefullv selected in and Ahmtfl r iinnpl) .Imp a 1 , rvt 4 ts.rvna r3.A in ipil IIJ IUIII3 AIV1F tit 11 IJI S ppn;e ad very superior quality Mdaeira Wine. 8c fifty boxes of bes' Sliamsh Seirar Thov areas usual sups bed from their nail iv a general assortment of Cut and Wrought Nails. ' 4trit trry ' Ullll', K on Min street, corner is Ehiiestone. street. Il let? occufls' 6 jstr.'j nilion. has t ihisfc Id ind,' wheie c ury exei tion slrrll used to ac comodate those who .please to c Ilonhir'c. . 7 vr 30, 1S09 i--i ( M tA-- L, he lakes this opp ir unity ie- - most grateful 10I11 pubjic in jhc great eil conr igemtnt he hssr dining Ifls Usi dence in this place, nd infoim thtm that he ha Ins cabinet work shop, to the on Mam street h?re '" oideis executtd bythe publics' servant. Robe f Wilson. Pork' and Bees SH by durinp ensiumr wwifir. for about ttuee hurdrcd e 1H50S, 2001bs. each srid P'vards tlso, fl5j180 large stallexl livered 111 Lesincrton. He willUlow a iiDerai nee to any person who will engage kindred f.t Hogs on soot,. it Ftt Adams orNew- - 'nears, as eariy as practicable. , Mori ison. h Spt 1809 . 6 of .in Ljjfntv, a brown botse, 3 tears oldand about 14 md h gh. a little while in his sorehead, mane and black, witlva blark m-i'- alone: the back bone, cis trdnble-om- e to mares: whoever will biing mfc shall be paid his leanil chsrgcs. , H To Spot tbniiL ?HE Iirki v will com- - lence on-- 1 hursday the 25th d ly of October next ; for any horse, m ire gelding, fitit two 'ys ; the third day only for colts and filbcs two ve.irs old to run. The first ly's nurse vvill be three fifths of the vhole the beat 3 miles. The second dry's purse will be balance of he the heats miles. , The third day's purse will be the entrance mo-- 1 ofthe the-hea- 1 mile . The horses are io start at 12 o'clock, and cany weights as follows : Aged horses 130 pounds, - 120 r- - 5 jears old 110 years old - 100 3 years old - 86 years a catch rider-- ' The ho.-se- s must be entered with is the club, by name, by sunset of she day precee- - for which they are entered, or pay double . ."ittbe noils. - - - . . Any person not member can run a horse by pavintr double entrance. A cb'ba'd Woods, bee f. K. Sept. 30111, l8oct 3. j The THE has leasl of Mr Henrv Clav, for a term of j eais, thai valuable stand for a 'I aver'n, m ihe town of Lexii gton, formerly fcnovvn bv tin name of Hall, vvheie "he has opened . Hotel under the above stile. '1 he situation of on the pub lc square, dirrctly opposite ihi North East front ot the court house, 'd 111 the cen treot Business, gives it pt tu luradvmtatres Great expense inruntd in and improve merits, and in point ol space, cpnvemeiire and coin sort the of the house ate by none. Anew stable has beeil erected on the back paitof the lot which he yettuies to pronounce is the best th" tate vvhirh will bt under the lmmi-diat- e e of1 Ml W.lli im Baiitonj He has himself With frond servants, plentiful stock of the best liquors, atidfn In rtvvith cvc,7 , necessary . calculated arcomm .cure ami 1 t .! .1 nine or mose uim may tvor n,m Wl11' their cusMmJ md he trusts ihd Horn the "ention vvhichhemems peismu ly topveMeven ,e will be sound toWrit which he thus presumes to idic.l lrm Uie public. Banki Jan 1st, 1809. "- - y .S '1 O WV RfH NTQ W jf . . , c r o 42 rcicTtigejs Vl2 :" Pieces 8 Pi tits, m casSa r 21 th to " d tto , 9 Fancies to . 8vu7l) , ,l, 2 aM clleaneat Fancy Mu. bus ' . , 4S Mu,sl n Sbau Is' Mtilim o ktd lJV(?3scs 14 liietts nss.d l&w puced Nty Urtns .- - & Mo as, Lairuric and Huwcjat, and'Banganna HnHLpw h rU nt Hsif'Uiii! ftiltfv 501bs or pfsjtbest Cotton ! 10 pieces TvSwt PSVS s ) sot table son 4 d tto , the d z chiUi's; CfiMon Hose, low . 2Tdoz 4 Cotfon Shawls asv, Cossacs, bO"3!Wid',i'Stld 1 jneres .tit . rVacd 29 pieces vNffv" .. 1 X' "Vr 3WSSlltu 3rRJ- - eces Cotton 1.2,4,4 pr nspr.fnt.tlus of - ,., im. , 'isliiii-- to sold at Pi fair pri- - bv add t?g a small commission to cover 4a otto Gei '? Jfr f Csmbrick tffcjlifel i t. ..Tr..:T. ,.ii,itirf..--.nfc nttm.i .l .: . .... 4ui.i ijKcr yistliux iiauL. (frJTir - -- .ixma stmjfsmla riw,?,''iBr-T- i .ldcja. iuaS f i.iarLirj-riwiii"i- - iiii u Tair a vsm. 'A TIT V is ...E-Kicz.- i.ta I 0"W " - .iiU'sTirnTe Jonn of.dirteuy opposite uen. iouus. MERCHANDIZE, Philadelphia,". pur 1tstP TTJ 'tl mann'scti Lcvm'tOf, o; l'03ttLLlrlV.1l , Lexirgton, POSXLliTHWAIT ho A siuWiiber or ftifninglns acknowledgements t'liendsapdnhe geiierilso: expenened removed lot adjmmni! Mr- - Humpiev's willbepunctually Jiumbh W.mtecl. willibe-give- the ,siibsdriber, weighing BEEVES- - todehvertwi James yngtori, 8 - SaBiokeotit pasture Wooclibrtl me inI.txingt'on, for ' CRAWFORD. n. Richmond Club-.Raee- s rv or the and f d subscription the subscription 2 ney pviceedingdays precisely Gjtarsold ' - 4 2 old the secretary linsrtheday a Richvaond, Kentucky Hotel. Subscriber Travdltrs hasen iep.iirs apartments surpassed in superintendan T provided to Jpattment ofhwhiisinf patronage Lutbbcrl Lel"gn Vlfrclijntlize, asn,ted7 ri Supei-Ilne- , ShifltBgdishn assJfitdgood j4frjaAil oriliobesv aislC'v-tiogriluefl- 4lditoTviUnl 3..?0V!jUs seeing' dtrft9,nd5iedUwivHdckabacks, clolhs,&&Cfa, blackateijLace mv.iiSjjmijJsSHxrid vswt,rtlfr,5fej L14KK5'jrairto-'--:- y lSif5fimM&?tW?srossJiirrowaml i?w&sstt'5aff T V'G'lIlrSfifSay kefrhiefs, 'SSEJgar JpspersS ptlfclnsers be rjejpliia HR.,IBFf.fiiT.t-r,?-i''?lJSrvrcttttjja.- ii WvKSKxmmm"'''-- ilrsSsx'&r; 45'ffl6yMBifel, ?',nsS r?'rl1ir,?rHi&(ffirKji35can .iflWiSiSBsaCJ'Hi WwV estngtoq jvinjmc, ia. Notice. ;UPERVISOR'sOEFICEisnnwkeptinM.lin ff et t. next dooi but one to S .muel Ayits, and ,' .,,i.. josepb L ocAclt,upervisor II Len gton, July 1, 1809. will bell rtn HOUSE & LOTS it lo-- nnil Watprsfrpf ts. tocetlier or senerate op s" v - . '. t. . .' . ' lyKr pal t band, ana a i.oer..i en tin, ,ire. quied, forth.' balance The house is twostones, gf o I sound logs chinked e.therb.rdrf and pUtend 28by 24f.eta tvvos-or- "cK, run. Daiiv, and Smoke House; also, a buck Stab.e and Carnage nouse.- - ijie " hie. the two Ms is, ms, o't! "T.' tle.produeVon the Mustard. White-Swellin- Genuine the the Spteifit:, confequencc. e,lte(, cd'lue the,ebvre,ent C. ,' COIlf eler J rem-iK-o- iy p.e(. pf Jno igglestvoitb. FOR and 9rM," two acresf be and hanciafneh every three miles fiom Lexington """ fifty, withal touiumpnuns. 75 nt all completely pnisneu aiso,.aj siiflicienry of other usefiil out housei, orch-- J rds, pisiuit ge,c an 111 jrmiuivjair This f.'rm has on it 'a plenty of excellent ivaterthat never sails ; therp thin hall of said fr.ict n woodland of excellent timber that lias never bppn pulled Out lands JTOOll QlulifV in an Ue.mifie Extiacl i Ointment ve6etab.e pre Jim nirtot. i ......... . .. -- i. j subscriber on the premises. G. R. Tomphins. 10 h Sent 1809 tf U lil LKL.LHi.uH l.D ( iiKi'. A. HIGHEST PRlZ8$i ' ' Tmto of Ten housancl Dollars, , '... .,, . AGOING ONLT 1UK TUR-M- &UL.1.MZ ' THE? Tickets this LotftrT, the schemeoi urh cotisuleicd oneof the best and nchest tl)t has been published for many vcirs, will on eo r.esday the twentieth of September Do rars ard a, Is ' Ihev mav npw UWfc ifT. 'J ?Z: sew Tickets vet for sale at the Post-Ofnc- .j The above ittery will positively comrnence dravv on the 9th ot October. BONNETS AlS-L- l respectfully Infirmsher custo. mpfsT the ladies nt and its vicuiii, ine cnuiuiy cu uiai siir iihs .aig.- - an.l elegant as.ortme.nV of plun and Elvstt a Straw Bonnets & Madison Hats. which she w.ll open th diy 1. xinjrton, 16th September, 1309. TAKt N UP by Divid CalTell, on Man-he- brani b. watcts c f Sputh Klkhcrn, a brffwSTUD HORSF COLT, iuppofrd to lle'ifiejLear list fnrirti. about U bands highTruMvy mine and till, no brand prr- - ceivable appraised by Richard Gray and Melchor to nine dollars me, JOHN PARKER, j. p. Augii" t8oc 3. SIIliSCHIIiKR ot farm seven miles east of Li ,vvllsellat pub' at that place on Sau- 28t'i October, his stock of H irsc month's credit:bond and approved itv thi stock are of the best this state. .' . .- - .. . lecuia'o-- , ireatt ts.'rie, Koyaiist uiagon . coits The sale to commence at 12 o'clock- - Jos otia ell. 10th Oct'r, 1809. tds I jwr ympWLMeKaajaKait "' iiiinnwjlii-aT- AwJJltfBeju 17, 1809. -- fNA'lHANIEL PRENTISS Jl KES Boots C- - Shoes, in the h mse lately oc. cupied b Messts Fishdl Gallatin, ntarly op po'iteMr Bradfoid's office, in such mannei as makes it the of the public to give ltim a portion of then patronage Slioeniakers, can be supplied with Lasts, Boot-uee- s, &c &c N. B A ladot resiec'able connections, wanted a an apptenlire. 'm jViihutble Propert) tot bait, SrhOT OF GROUN'D, lying on Mnm-Cros'- s vstrpjjfin thistnvvn, extendingonehtlnd edandthir ty-C-re feet six incnes on s lid strect,.nd back one Imntlred feet. There is on the lot good Brick Cnirh Hoiisp. Cow House and Gnnerv Alst, Briek Fsctnrv: upwards of 60 feci in front With n fiame shed whole length. lotand f buildinp-- are well calculated lor the manut c- - ure of heggintr, pr tor a vaneij 01 oilier orancnes ot hus ness Tlieteims my " liiiovvii oy applying to the subscriber. George Anderson. 0" Should the above property not si Id in weeks the buildiiiE-- vvill bererjte.d. , ' Lrringtn P her 11. im8. -- ni& V or S'!p SKGP.T?JH liUlv jotirprJFGPnES, foe cash omn j thnfi en1'', vvuuLpprovtu notes in town Riti Jr it tli ftirc. 11 t . nrl Lot for Sale, 'own of I.evinirtnn. on M three doors h .,n the G .7'tte offirn, n I at prjsert oc cupied by Mr. Loftus Noel. For terrbs apply . John Fwgusan. .ajeUecmintv, Oct 3 GOODS. Is AS'rece'vedin nM tion tn forme sto-- j ofVIeirbn"lize, and now opening a bige as soitment oft , , DRY GOODS, Suit'ib'e fortl" prent and appmic'iinrj etson. Also TEtSvf'hthW quahlv viz b ir,m"i der. Imperial Ynn g HvsOn, fv on niiin " and Cnnn Mh .in awinn in'' Con Ware. Que "r "Jf AJ' ,,e;' w",'t nr most rtaiKinable will lie "iniii-inl- tor cai-t-i V' 'U Vj'ji'iWV. ' cg' '8o- - 'n LhK-vjtfi:- ) SOX's' PATFM r S- - F lil,Y V'.FDICIES, RFCFIVl-- Attn FOJt SAtiF BY SCOTT, TRfr.'EfJ iCO. lexingtJn) Lee's Worm.DiStrowmr Lozncres "trtiis merticne onereo to VvtislwJI UlliyyKUJl'U I" 11. tviiani aim tiPiii herjoJv, will, withonf pain or nriping. cleanse the'ftnmacljteirdbouelsof whatever i soul ofrnfive, and' Wyeby pi event worms many.Wa'vdirprters. . . . r. t ' n r i tor the Pzeventum ara . cure-- cj tons ana maiii-"- "' - - 'k severs, is reuymirirae Lee's Anti Bilious Pills, Prepared bv Richa'd lee&r'on, B Itmiore. Pcrfnns willing to purchase thij valuable medi cini , are requeued to he particular m enquiring for LEE's anti bilious pills, put up in wooden b x es, having on the oaifide wiapr, tbefignaiure of Richard Lee and Son this is ciefTary, as tbere are pills of same name T he operation of tbef pills is pcTeftlv mild r. -- .. 1.. ..i :.u A.rfc. ft.. Mao.. ... u..n.. 1 as 10 ue uitu ivuaidicii vj liviiuu iu vr.c r.ln,r,on, and of every ate . . . ' . : Dertlunu Die. ami nrevenc mornio ierrein" , ; iis7 vcicuiaivufvi ji 1UJV )Ms ""' erfickncll , ,he llonYa'ch, and feve.e feari I ' iate b J'.llll", chitdrw. . IhiaeJiiUh tie WhoUpwgjO gh fU diftover.v is ot tlit'irll magnitude, as alturds immediate relies, thcCKSIpe p og eis, r ,.. (bnittime. rntireK lemovt tbelnnll cruel il'u orjer to whicji children are liible the El xir i f() perieic,ly agreeable, and the dose so Imall, tha n Hifflrnlrv orifi-l- n rnlinir Is. of k A safe and effectual remedy foracrte and fchrc. nic Hlieumatifm, Gout, Pally, Lumbago, N'imb ness, and bprains, Bruises, Pans in the Face and Neck, 3.x, T p'c rironrl ivp , h. i.,nvnpr;pni. tnhpiinennaiisd'inthe -.- -- - r-' -- ; - - -- - - r- - . cure or Netvous Disorders, Uonlumption, Loiv nc(s of Spirits. Iniard Wea'kneC, &c. Twenty thousand cures been performed by paration Acue and Fever Drops, 1.. t.A nr A..a nam.-n- f ...... in.t tnterml IUI Vllt bUICU, tlUj ltVI.1...-- ". ...- -. tsnt Fevef. Persian Lotion, celebrated qrlie cure of Ringworms, Tejtch and all Eruptions of -- the Skin, rendering it soil jmootn. Lee's Y.xeAvv&r, an effeclual 1 remedy for all diseases of Eyei. iTooth- - A die Drops," z which give immedaite reh;f .LeeVCorn Pj.iisier.' " Damask Lip halve. .Restorative Pou der, for Teeth and Gums. 'I he Ar.odj ne Elixir, foi the cure of every kind Head-Ache- - Indian Vegetable a certain and pever.faihrg cuie for Vererjalcom- - plaints. The rnddnefs o' vte Vegetable vpcufic isequaito lurpruing emnc) ts operation so gentle that it is given to Veoenal patients in slate ot prennancv, v ith the utmolf faferv I WiTHtheM dicne is giveji a B 11 of Directions , .. ano on ineounme wrapper, me ugnatuie 01 - f. Lee aid ion, is particular attention is rot paid to the ficnature it is probable tliatdifapiftiintn'.entl will be tl e J I f f e!h o ft am n( e f J d colds, wh fa uei ,.oft lads J , fi ft ae . i.u..jr L. Higl. sucet,.s i.iau, ,. achcand ', ht . be'uUl, by M ,,' a ll ct,angeottlmate. ,; 1 ii ir8 1' 'J M , efHcacionsin leynave wen jm SALE 'pfeven'ing curug nfo.ders atnsii.aiit '"irSlopv A cont-m- ng about hundred v,""s. '"'" (nn1" P' "rclJl sittiaUd on Henry's mill road, about , P"fcrved for uleby ftai,nn. , On it is a new Pp&ffiveMiJ&Vsj loeIlt sovereign nmtd, Jar Coi, oestwate Lovgl s by diviiW jfftmWfoy, Catarrh, Ajthmas, Sore Ti roots, ui a apprvue, ellar undertfe whole bouse, dividedintoconjemJ ,g fi rei,ts who inaj hav. apartmen's, farm meadows, is iK'tter of ap- - ??'t$XL - ssence and Lecvs Sovereign lorthe remedy by one ap . WWM" "!, a ... , 1 J of wl is be Three u the, ItZhJnlV. L ing Lexington iin in iri, figured s old Hoover before ifh HK disposed bis 1809, all seen in .. s a ai a L a inteiest 1 a a This be T gNEW is t it md u a Chilblains f t, -- i have !.. arj(j pf its ; a a r,u, o Itcl o(her ' "- - Number U51. , intent fe77i & .Wx brealing MaeJife-,T$i- suhsctibiis hart; purclwsLd thtrajht for the state ot Kentucky of Thomas Conors P ilcnt foi a machine, for but-kin- hemp and flax One of those machines isnovv in opei ation on Maddox Fisln r's im, neor1 this place, and 1a sound ..dimrably to answer the pin nose foi which itvvj.3 intended. ' Aimtchine with two Incnks, is yorkcd by one hoi-se- , with-eas- and requires si luuuLs to ittu d it OiWTifthegieatsdviwaagesofthis machine is, that it tan be attended byJotrieii or bo s, insuad of men, rnd tbata woman or buy can ckan double the rfiisntity of l.empor r!a, vvh chtlie most able-bodi- min could do in the Same time with a com- mon hi A fai thur account of the" machine is deemed fan. necessaiy, as it is presumed (hat those desuous of purchasing rights, will wish lo satisfy themselves I) seiing it in operation. IndividuJ nghts at twenty dollars, or rig! tsf ir whole counties, mav be procuicd bv anulvmsr to cither of tlis subscribes Madda. Fisher, Joseph Boswell, David Sutton, John Ft her, Gcc. Laws. HAVING been called upon to stte our oniht. pns of a niuchitie for brekim; hemp and fla-5- , winch r suvv 111 operiou on Wisher's 1 m, Wc hesitate not to declate that we view Has ,nim-poit;-i- )t acquisition to our state, and there foi e it 10 this attention nt every farmei who ti 1 iv Jtes either hemp or rias The coistruction f themacliii e is simple and dots not appcr lik.iy tn g tout of older. We suppose tli.t oneof t.iuse 111 .dimes hiving two breaks .nd movtd with rase hi one horse, might be built foi ..bou 30 . 4o3. Wi htve no hesitation in st th t homo m. v be okrti in much greater quantity s with tni s me ,.!)--. ur, and with efcse totfte h mrts enu.loved. id hat much delay, severe Taboui , .nd onsijefubla ejpeive might be jittd ,to lump raiseis by tha lection of these m icbjnei. T T Burr, Win W Worsley, C to le, Buihrou Ilosv.eil, R bert R Barr. I.'nrtnn, Anrd 8'h. 1S09 . nt. . Beng abou' t.i nie hi. p w.dkjWiVinches-er- , eigl te .ihksopIv Lexiiii;t(rf5.lieie he int lids mAn j 11. 1, on his business moij(aijCnsii e '. lull Io c be bej,s .. ave u 11 foim Ins cii.toniL , and purdiaS'is ( sail kinds of cold, ge Oirough. ,. il e -- '.ites liatlie v II be in cnmiileS- leadiniss for nisuiess lj) thjji 1st of UccmtTti n"ctr . Mi hat nl-- ? plei-SeJl- Woi-'iun- , with t' - that lint-- , riv-- (lily upbn the-sir- , it n 11 jeing paid, ..nltluirvj'oikiv.uiaiiUa ni s vellas the gtt?itet rJUiKtiuuty m facts He also pledge." lnnis. f, ti ; . tj .hall be equ:llylnw as eve , . no die . 1 ns , . nent mude asessy . s pos.lie He In tlui ,1 pen li) V iii hiter, the cciitci paitol fan. c. ,r ij for tob ceo, ty the 1st ot Nov. mLu e a dsome jissoi .mart m FAI. I GOODS, . 10 Kinbt but ipkiifynf tob ceo wnl Is ' slt. , or-.- f.orn pui(bSsirsDfhitaiticle will be punc-ual- ly sttelided to, and' tlmnkfiifly ret d DAVID DODGE. pstigusTKJris; JOHNxSUI. &. WAKNRfl, Havejust rtcefoedfrgm Lond&Tmx asso t- - , " mept of jjf REEVES' BEST liv'A , . , IN BOAKS, Of one, tnso. tbiee, ard sour rows : ALSO, IN SINGLE CAKhS. A variety of mte ior Colouis in d up., cakes. &C. ze?f om 37 -2 to a I 75 ecus pel box, Common Le id Ink Stand , i.i gerhead and small pewter do. Sbrmy do of different pitterns, Lignum Vita Sand Boies, Japan, do do. Glass t" 1q. .Vise's Patent Steel P$n, 1 dia llubber, .Sesl I.&ul puirils, Pounce Boxes and Fourfce, am llmr Pencils,, "atop Desks of i triors. sizes and patterns, I'arcliineut, Scahnjr vX( va e -- , is.r IT'FV IIV U'OriH SAV.C in Tl Ll ' A J NIUCX. Li'V.' var't t of Pojrt Ml tn trim urn Biut , a gener. lissoilmiiu ol Bluni Boris ot the best qualit), Puper 01 a.l kinds tJlnst uilly n hai d. vlurra's nngu.h Reailer, ' In induction, 1 Serjue t't'i' d', Gramfh-11- , largeiind small, Spelling Bnok, Ejrorcises and Key, And minv itheru-eu- tl School Bnok. Juu Ptdlisbedkancl for Sal'' as ib ie. JOHNSON AND WrfARNEJi'S KENTUCKY " ALMfVAC Fori R10. N. B. Country Merch pits are requested to vi. sit the stoie. They vdl ceitainly hi d it tde.r in or est (o get their b oksand .'lUpnery t JL.ei.n? oa in prfftrnce loiinpoitingthcmfiorn Philadelphia NeiYoikor Baltimore. ; I.exinyon, Kv Sent. '6 1700 CiyKUircu, S t S ft m e Term, 1809 Jne itWliies. ht'urs. uoiipl ts aga in.t Wdlu fcjir- - Trimble's heirs, def'ts IN ClIANCLRY The def.nlmts, Kovert Evans andvife, not hat ing entered their ap' atrreeble to livv ard t) e u.les of this coyrt, and it appearing to the sat sfa't on of the court tint they ire not inhao tints of tins con- - monvrea 1 1 nn tile mo-io- nt tne roinpumar's, bv their counsel, it is ordered that the .aid delend- - doappesr heie on the th id (Kv of our next LMarch tVm, and answerthe complainant's h li Thst a copy of this order 1 e liiserte.f m the K.en-t- t cky Gazette for eight w ceks, successively . A copy teste, JAVLS ANDERSON, n o cc c. ' TAKENJSP by'Jeremldi Wil"ii, in iv . .1. fird countTiJingnir the Kei turkv River,foe s fr im tK56Ssil.'10se' n So1 rt' M ,,e' ,til a loi g' nl, withaslalr, anjl bla7e on her nr-p- , fi e year old, fou-fe- et ten inches' WrIi, ippiais'd to 50 A. IHrsberniome, this the31stdav of July, l8o9, by md Wm As" ev H. WATKINS, j p. M en Dollars Reward. RAN awVrOrom the aubscribi , about the 30'h ofMav 1 1st, "gVppU rf e to the Uiprs bTjshiess by the name of ThorrijrMerrv. abOtiOTltcs' yiars is.pfare, fivefeerJbtir inches nign, in a geai across tl e knuckles Isis light h'nl vvTncli meisuretr hH disal.'eVsomeofi; finreis, the thi-- sis which 's nnpb r to .ti in W lire ver will deliver' tl eabme bov (nthes ibscrlber in Lexington, sh,ajt receive the above reward. C Cojft Scr 25, 1809. ft HL

Transcript of Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY...

Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY · Cd" CONDITIONS.' Two Dollars per an num, paid in advance j or Three Dollars



( rs ? As&rO A as & ? h

k I? 1 fTrrf A Yi ii'Tl1!U ii ' 'J' - Ti -"l




Cd" CONDITIONS.' Two Dollars per an

num, paid in advance j or Three Dollars tobe paid at the expiration ot tne year.

, All letters addressed to the 'Editor must bepostpaid otherwise they will not be attended to. ,

jOSCl'lf H VMILTOW DAVE1SS, Attorney,will resume his practice H- - resides in Lexing-ton. All letters to him must be postpaid.,

Feb'v. jtb, iSoo.

Charles Humphreys toPRACTICES Law in the Fay cite and Jessa cal

TO ne courts. May, 1809

COW POX.Da. E. WARFIELD is happy in being able to mg

inform the s of Leximrton, that he has nowthe Genuine Cow Pox Mattety takefl-fro- the armsof those mnoculitedlieie; jum&wiU innnculste athis own house, fi 0m thenHhat3iaTX it in its properstw, or .at theliouest any ol those who maydesue it, in town or counliy.

June 10th, 1809.

Wanted to contract-fo- r one thousand bushels

Stqne Coals, .

delivered at this place Apply toCutbberi Banks,.

Lexi n gton Nov. 28 l8o8- -

608l ''I'Sl 3"f uoSuix37 'jauiilltHl

V 'V0A-rt1- P"" F!H'!pprpt( wops id span.ui uiaqi jo suo sn Cinf jo 3'H Suopq luatu'Avd ajp ui o) iusii ol paiqapui asoqi tsanbaii the

unoajK "Q; 'fG .rrettJ5kJU4HAVE received, and are now opening iftthe

store house of Maj Mrtandcr Patker, oppose"'the court house, a iirgorassortme' t or.!?!

MERCHANDIZE,which hey are disposed lo sell on reasonsterms. Cash given for HEMP

Lx'ngton, February, 1809

S'olenON the night of the 12th instant, from my pas

turcint, wiinintne ouunus 01 ineiowiioi e.ex'ii z&ton, a bav IIJRSE, about fifteen sit a half hancMfp;U'gli, six vrars 01 1, nicKrU and doddc(1 no marusree illected Amp'' compensation will be mad tothose w ho ill bring hi n to

James B. January.June 9fth, iS ,9.



Next to B tin's Hat Manufa&ory, on Main Screct.

. 7


ni"biLvav.Ti"'"r For CASH I vvill Ml

UUU I at Mx Unllars a pv, iwtSSSI,; EoLcxu gton, April ,29,,! 809 t.MJt"?'av "irj'., wviwitn- M wE?ftir 1"

A likelv vounsr or UU

SaleSHE ii in exc llent Hitife Servant, i.nquite n

f the n tor.t pxin""nn, uanft 19 iSoo. v "

Doctor Jimt's UveiumWILI ptart'Cf PHYS'C in 1 et'ngrnn and'ts

neiph u h '! ; he kes hiv ship "t Mainnearis i'p)nfi"e the court Tiouf ; vvhere hei as forsale an ex'enfive flock of

GKNUINk MEDICINES vveietote'br with t poTiplleir'rtm"rt of ' k II

G OMt INSrilUMKMrV, made alter the latefl ()f--

and ninft ipprovcd models.

For Sale withTHE PL'.CE whereon I now;live, of 205 a- -

ces, on Dav id's fork of Fayette coun- -t , sine wterand well jmpio ed. For furtherparticulars apply to the subscriber on the premises.

John Rogers. ANotice. 4.

I INTEND stirjingto Biltimoreon the 20th off sf

'jctoacr iiet Any peisou wisningany ousiiirsstransacted in that city, can h ive it done on thei.iost moderate terrrs, 1 n 1 to thei satisfaction.Sufficient scnrity w ill be given to'those gentle-men v. !n may choose to employ me,. , , j

N. B. Is l'l return by the way of Pittsburghdown the river, some time in December - -- .?.tr ' "G ENT

UEMOVAL.' YET'SER'S CURRYING iHOPis removed tohis N w Buck House on the earner where theoldC nirt House formerly stood, opposite Arc!

- id L .ran's.nn Main stieel, and Pattirsftn Bain'-01- 1

Mam C oss street -T.'Vrgtnn Sro 1", t00

' NOUCK. -WILL Ik sold rt public auction on Titesd.ij

the E4tn int. : t t'le house of Joseph C so" decvstTl, ne ir H Us tavn, all lus Personal Pmpejtvcois stn it of a Csni,gre nl two ft.atth Hor-- jn T ip in Dnmo 1..J.11 Kt.A.1 VI ires, twelveor'iit 1 Milcli Cows, and otlii'i Sti ck indJirticlestfttidiotis to insert. 1 vv 1 e mi)nlhs,crcdU will h

l,ivtn, p i.uded the porelif sei give bond with a

proved sccanty -

T7" Sab to co nmCnce at. ten o'clock;, A. Vwheie dueatun l re w 'lb.- - ps,d by


s silGhoivGF iSE, 3

Bm-rbi- county, Oct. 5. lSorgHat I'M 1 aken up bv Peter Ga mm U, It .! t.IOi

run, roxI rouniv, one mark ivn hodibout tliincen or fourteen eiis Id, abut-fift- j'

1 1 inds one inch high, bnrd d op tbc netr sliouiand nut'ncK tlnij -- , sever .1 -- man sadi'le spots ')'her back , appraised to fifty di lUrs

John Thomfcsov.Time 13' h,

T Kt.w uy oy t'tissiiier Kiuviiis, i. i.gSlate Cieik, near mill, in 1 m'gime'V

onnty a bay Marc, grands one inch high, hitlest bird soot vvjiite has a small Mar in her forehenibranded on theWar shoulder thus K- - oght vearold, appaised to S 23.

, I'' Joseph HenssleyJuly 25b, 1899.1

The Subscriber,Having obtained a Tirst Rate Workman, is novj

prepared to cam ov theWATCH M AKING & REPAIRING, '

IU ADDITION TO The ;Gold and Silver bmith Buhines1!,

Jndv.Hl hs'uorh to lc veil executedC3 Orders from a distance will be strictly at

terdedifcrTand those who are pleased to savour

iim wifflSsjF custom, will find liisshop oppositehe LeypgtcSjBranch B nk

V - .GEORGE SULLIVAN..exlngtan, Sept. a3iur liSu9.

- l';T- ': t-'.i., fli:M


' "u1" f 'trnjtutesss'jrteu4 ditiFii.ia,ture GhccEs -b Giigliam --w .

7j,C0uonrSatiHl3, in imitation of.rhyn"1 " jyV J.

4U',oSj(MWjtrnbric 'UJl'iitttutSBfisroH 6 4 Austins

nmajuosiiiwm im 'iii"ii i

J? fMaccoun. Tilford. & CoHAye received an assortment of TtITTEN--


STEEL JOINT DIVIDERS.They have likewise received a quantity of best

PRINMNG INK.Le?tngtpn, May 22d, 1809.

9 MiaOUN, TlL-fOti- &c Uo.sjhrW&thitdaj received from Philadelphia thefaUeaiiig VALUABLE. BOUK.S

Chapman's Select Speeches, Forensick and Parliamenury; a Translation of the B'blefrom theSeptuagent, by Charles Thompson, late secretary

the Congress of the Ij btates; Buck's Theologi.iDictionary ; Campbell's Leciuie3 on Church

Hlst..rv.f.iwhiehi8dHPHh.sM,rJtl F.s.-.- v nnJ - - ...- - .t. -, w.,,M.iirlM : Uirlifranrl'. Phvs,nlo-- t Kinnnn..Hvmns. , edit,. w,th asXM,tm, ...

the improvements in the 14th London ed.ffl.nTelemaque; ll.e Discarded Son, a celebrated new'

Novel, b MnKocbei Zolhkoffer'sCouperfc Poems i Armstrong's Woiks ; Johnson'sPoetical Works; Newton on the Flirophecies;Reidfs Essays j Duncan's Dispensatory ; St Pierre'sStudies of Naturr, new edition witli numcrouiionjrinal notes antl ilwstrati'irsb. B s Bartqn.Jcr

field iivFieilch ; Brjs'sUdolpho;Chddreiiii(oAbbeisErfliklinte VVorfts 316Uwighv's ediU'jn 5;I,H". vattVs; Psalms 'ntf- -

Hymns ; VillsgQUygucSiTo. bemions; fJoVAmerican t5iPnsarvs:,gncVi'i Miscellaneous,Works; PerruTi Gm'lc; PoneV FrenchSpelling Book.; Th?1ivV6iiOttsfV5rtriae,B ilewNovel i Gass's Jonrhl oi LVis'CfkeVcrf- -

ages; Brown's-puicntdavj- l damd'eStsel HolsJeim rtfflfixf&tClav air

Heiress"otcBerDjrrr'T Sttit oftjnet.a-- lMinsttel jjfnSm:'SJjrSfi'Harp, or gfih."fiv-"t&wreiisi- !;

iafetfcpteji'mSrn -

SKtlltfo 'DTOiuX(?ie ,

J.l-rf- i ifSaiS3iafes, .

Mwij&itejTifijpkettHi?vSH;kflr1,)iso' bt

1'J' .t.tjUetti Mn to Col.

'?ft S.Sftiltlf'a MedcijJ inns 10liJSTs Ltc- -

loi d . Bo.'(story of Ch it. bv the 73

mith's 1 etiws tcnBllgi-.G.l- .

Ureece , Lote UtiUd.inMHi itv. Hi-aj-

ningand Mnufoid's.jprw WSrfff- -on Awards Tf&i ;Tjjl8ii

iisicced ivngs - A" - --Jl36WWi,V7ZlT-.T'.,K'7r?. .r..iin.jMiiT7.'tir t p.efainst lluteiwMM'KSlEsw&w$.vzj4pr,j-i.vj-i 1. - flj- -,

cw.1. ,n.,.,- i.hej&vtt'3Wtt;M2rrJ:, ' viv n?iL, v.'Tl.fiBh.TiXi?ivnTJtn'T' i,inTiCf.rriufc'rErta.kj -.s."ifv;r''vj'j!M-":T- t"" v' tl.-wi- i

S&tff:!iri8S$T.a2ii a.w t

koviv t - 4.r!,raBBnTr.-- i m-

yn.svnj3tiPKiisneu injtKiiMrstT4i,nvjoovj?vfwi vr. asfn I c z:jiBBKiLtn5iJ ji. ji i Jic jjrasraa..w'''S""raiaK:''?''piiK jrnirjT"iTTLri.if ii' i.u.vitniti.ThAA!fTOfVa1id.aiigaillec-- r

,s - UM t: i . Jififeolrm 'tiv-- t r tinatir i rif 11 iipi, pnni. IkT v. nN.uVAsS 3ri vr-...ifiKJfevSr Itilll at lilt 1 IIIIilliBJ j&UJI ?UM1 VriVlir,i,j?.,--- i

carnage Also in tnepress auj rtTTbepHhlisried thea feu weeks. fliilhne'S Aritlime and s, ces

Grammar abridged, front t)ip?Pw

dition. rLexingtjjn, Ju 18im.

J. & D. Maci(ifave tor sale at the most 'educed prices, -- .'


vhi'lesale or retail an ptensive assortment

kua. "J1CjnHt'.L j. ..

fVfc .aj.j

VrTbfM'daVHr l'Vwy






- - - -- w"T"--

t ..,

noncrivvhirh thev are now opening,

suitable for 'he spnng and summer seisons, h."hcaiefullv selected in and

Ahmtfl r iinnpl) .Imp a 1 , rvt 4 ts.rvnar3.A in ipil IIJ IUIII3 AIV1F tit 11 IJI S

ppn;e ad very superior quality MdaeiraWine. 8c fifty boxes of bes' Sliamsh Seirar Thovareas usual sups bed from their nail iv

a general assortment of Cut and WroughtNails.

' 4trit trry

' Ullll',K on Min street, corner isEhiiestone.

street. Il let? occufls' 6 jstr.'j nilion.has t ihisfc Id

ind,' wheie c ury exei tion slrrll used to accomodate those who .please to c Ilonhir'c. .

7 vr 30, 1S09i-- i ( M tA-- L,

he lakes this opp ir unity ie- -

most grateful 10I11

pubjic in jhc great eil

conr igemtnt he hssr dining Ifls Usidence in this place, nd infoim thtm that he ha

Ins cabinet work shop, to the on Mamstreet h?re '" oideis

executtd bythe publics'servant.

Robe f Wilson.

Pork' and BeesSH by durinp

ensiumr wwifir. for about ttuee hurdrcd e

1H50S, 2001bs. each srid

P'vards tlso, fl5j180 large stallexllivered 111 Lesincrton. He willUlow a iiDerai

nee to any person who will engagekindred f.t Hogs on soot,.it Ftt Adams orNew- -

'nears, as eariy as practicable., Mori ison.h Spt 1809 . 6

of .inLjjfntv, a brown botse, 3 tears oldand about 14

md h gh. a little while in his sorehead, mane andblack, witlva blark m-i'- alone: the back bone,

cis trdnble-om- e to mares: whoever will biingmfc shall be paid his

leanil chsrgcs., H

To Spot tbniiL?HE Iirki v will com- -

lence on-- 1 hursday the 25th d ly of October next ;

for any horse, m ire gelding, fitit two'ys ; the third day only for colts and filbcs

two ve.irs old to run.The first ly's nurse vvill be three fifths of the

vhole the beat 3 miles.The second dry's purse will be balance of

he the heats miles., The third day's purse will be the entrance mo-- 1

ofthe the-hea- 1 mile .The horses are io start at 12 o'clock,

and cany weights as follows :Aged horses 130 pounds,

- 120r-

-5 jears old 110

years old - 1003 years old - 86

years a catch rider-- 'The ho.-se- s must be entered with

is the club, by name, by sunset of she day precee- -for which they are entered, or pay

double . ."ittbe noils.- - - . .Any person not member can run a horse by

pavintr double entrance.A cb'ba'd Woods, bee f.

K. Sept. 30111, l8oct 3.

j TheTHE has leasl of Mr Henrv Clav,

for a term of j eais, thai valuable stand for a 'I aver'n,m ihe town of Lexii gton, formerly fcnovvn bv tinname of Hall, vvheie "he has opened .

Hotel under the above stile. '1 he situation ofon the pub lc square, dirrctly opposite ihi

North East front ot the court house, 'd 111 the centreot Business, gives it pt tu luradvmtatres Greatexpense inruntd in and improvemerits, and in point ol space, cpnvemeiire and coinsort the of the house ate bynone. Anew stable has beeil erected on the backpaitof the lot which he yettuies to pronounce isthe best th" tate vvhirh will bt under the lmmi-diat- e

e of1 Ml W.lli im BaiitonjHe has himself With frond servants,plentiful stock of the best liquors, atidfn In rtvvithcvc,7, necessary

.calculated arcomm .cure ami


t .! .1nine or mose uim may tvorn,m Wl11' their cusMmJ md he trusts ihd Horn the"ention vvhichhemems peismu ly topveMeven

,e will be sound toWritwhich he thus presumes to idic.l

lrm Uie public.Banki

Jan 1st, 1809. "- - y.S '1 O WV RfH NTQ Wjf . . , c r o

42 rcicTtigejs Vl2 :"Pieces 8 Pi tits, m casSa r

21 th to " d tto , 9 Fancies


8vu7l) ,,l, 2 aM clleaneat Fancy Mu.bus ' . ,

4S Mu,sl n Sbau Is'

Mtilim o ktd lJV(?3scs

14 liietts nss.d l&w pucedNty Urtns .-- &

Mo as, Lairuric and Huwcjat, and'BangannaHnHLpw h rU nt Hsif'Uiii! ftiltfv

501bs or pfsjtbest Cotton !

10 pieces TvSwt PSVS s )

sot table son

4 d tto , thed z chiUi's; CfiMon Hose, low



Cotfon Shawlsasv, Cossacs,

bO"3!Wid',i'Stld 1

jneres .tit.rVacd 29 pieces vNffv".. 1 X' "Vr3WSSlltu 3rRJ- -

eces Cotton


nspr.fnt.tlus of-,., im. ,'isliiii--

to sold at Pi fair pri- -

bv add t?g a small commission to cover

4a otto Gei'?

Jfr f



t. ..Tr..:T.,.ii,itirf..--.nfc nttm.i .l . :. ....

4ui.iijKcr yistliux iiauL.(frJTir -

-- .ixmastmjfsmlariw,?,''iBr-T- i.ldcja. iuaS f

i.iarLirj-riwiii"i- - iiii u Tair a vsm.

'A TIT Vis ...E-Kicz.- i.taI 0"W " -



of.dirteuy opposite uen. iouus.MERCHANDIZE,

Philadelphia,". pur1tstP TTJ'tl


Lcvm'tOf, o;l'03ttLLlrlV.1l ,



AsiuWiiber or

ftifninglns acknowledgementst'liendsapdnhe geiierilso:


removed lotadjmmni! Mr- - Humpiev's

willbepunctually Jiumbh

W.mtecl.willibe-give- the ,siibsdriber,

weighingBEEVES- -


Jamesyngtori, 8 -

SaBiokeotit pasture Wooclibrtl

me inI.txingt'on, for


Richmond Club-.Raee- s

rv or theand



subscription 2

ney pviceedingdaysprecisely

Gjtarsold '-


2 oldthe secretary




Kentucky Hotel.Subscriber


hasen iep.iirs

apartments surpassed

insuperintendan T



Jpattment ofhwhiisinfpatronage



ri Supei-Ilne-,


j4frjaAil oriliobesvaislC'v-tiogriluefl-


3..?0V!jUs seeing'



vswt,rtlfr,5fejL14KK5'jrairto-'--:- y

lSif5fimM&?tW?srossJiirrowamli?w&sstt'5aff T





ptlfclnsers be rjejpliia

HR.,IBFf.fiiT.t-r,?-i''?lJSrvrcttttjja.- ii


45'ffl6yMBifel, ?',nsSr?'rl1ir,?rHi&(ffirKji35can


WwV estngtoq jvinjmc, ia.Notice.

;UPERVISOR'sOEFICEisnnwkeptinM.linff et t. next dooi but one to S .muel Ayits, and

,' .,,i.. L ocAclt,upervisor II

Len gton, July 1, 1809.

will bell rtn HOUSE & LOTSit lo-- nnil Watprsfrpf ts. tocetlier or senerateop s" v - . '. t. . .' . '

lyKr pal t band, ana a i.oer..i en tin, ,ire.quied, forth.' balance The house is twostones,

gf o I sound logs chinked e.therb.rdrf and

pUtend 28by 24f.eta tvvos-or- "cK,run. Daiiv, and Smoke House; also, a buckStab.e and Carnage nouse.- - ijie "






ms, o't!










e,lte(, cd'lue

the,ebvre,ent C.,' COIlf eler


rem-iK-o- iy p.e(. pfJno igglestvoitb.

FOR and9rM," two acresf be and

hanciafneh every

three miles fiom Lexington"""

fifty, withaltouiumpnuns. 75

nt all completely pnisneu aiso,.ajsiiflicienry of other usefiil out housei, orch-- J

rds, pisiuit ge,c an 111 jrmiuivjairThis f.'rm has on it 'a plenty of excellent ivaterthatnever sails ; therp thin hall of said fr.ictn woodland of excellent timber that lias neverbppn pulled Out lands JTOOll QlulifV in an

Ue.mifie Extiacl

i Ointment

ve6etab.e pre

Jim nirtot. i ......... . .. -- i. jsubscriber on the premises.

G. R. Tomphins.10 h Sent 1809 tf

U lil LKL.LHi.uH l.D ( iiKi'.A. HIGHEST PRlZ8$i ' '

Tmto of Ten housancl Dollars,, '... .,, .

AGOING ONLT 1UK TUR-M- &UL.1.MZ 'THE? Tickets this LotftrT, the schemeoiurh cotisuleicd oneof the best and nchest tl)t

has been published for many vcirs, will on eor.esday the twentieth of September Dorars ard a,Is ' Ihev mav npw UWfcifT. 'J?Z:

sew Tickets vet for sale at the Post-Ofnc-

.j The above ittery will positively comrnencedravv on the 9th ot October.

BONNETSAlS-L- l respectfully Infirmsher custo.

mpfsT the ladies nt and its vicuiii,ine cnuiuiy cu uiai siir iihs .aig.- -

an.l elegant as.ortme.nV of plun andElvstt a Straw Bonnets & Madison Hats.

which she w.ll open th diy1. xinjrton, 16th September, 1309.

TAKt N UP by Divid CalTell, on Man-he-

brani b. watcts c f Sputh Klkhcrn, abrffwSTUD HORSF COLT, iuppofrd to

lle'ifiejLear list fnrirti. about U bandshighTruMvy mine and till, no brand prr- -

ceivable appraised by Richard Gray andMelchor to nine dollars me,

JOHN PARKER, j. p.Augii" t8oc 3. ot farm seven miles east of

Li ,vvllsellat pub' at that place onSau- 28t'i October, his stock ofH irsc month's credit:bond and approved

itv thi stock are of the best this state..' . .- - .. .lecuia'o-- , ireatt ts.'rie, Koyaiist uiagon

. coits The sale to commence at 12 o'clock- -

Jos otia ell.10th Oct'r, 1809. tds

I jwr ympWLMeKaajaKait "' iiiinnwjlii-aT- AwJJltfBeju

17, 1809.

--fNA'lHANIEL PRENTISSJl KES Boots C-- Shoes, in the h mse lately oc.

cupied b Messts Fishdl Gallatin, ntarly oppo'iteMr Bradfoid's office, in such mannei asmakes it the of the public to give ltim aportion of then patronage Slioeniakers, can besupplied with Lasts, Boot-uee- s, &c &c

N. B A ladot resiec'able connections, wanteda an apptenlire. 'm

jViihutble Propert) tot bait,SrhOT OF GROUN'D, lying on Mnm-Cros'- s

vstrpjjfin thistnvvn, extendingonehtlnd edandthirty-C-re feet six incnes on s lid strect,.nd back oneImntlred feet. There is on the lot good Brick

Cnirh Hoiisp. Cow House and GnnervAlst, Briek Fsctnrv: upwards of 60 feci in frontWith n fiame shed whole length. lotand

f buildinp-- are well calculated lor the manut c- -

ure of heggintr, pr tor a vaneij 01 oilier orancnesot hus ness Tlieteims my " liiiovvii oy applyingto the subscriber.

George Anderson.0" Should the above property not si Id in

weeks the buildiiiE-- vvill bererjte.d. ,' Lrringtn P her 11. im8.

--ni& V or S'!pSKGP.T?JH liUlv jotirprJFGPnES, foe cash

omn j thnfi en1'', vvuuLpprovtu notes in townRiti Jr it tli ftirc.

11 t . nrl Lot for Sale,'own of I.evinirtnn. on M three

doors h .,n the G .7'tte offirn, n I at prjsert occupied by Mr. Loftus Noel. For terrbs apply

. John Fwgusan..ajeUecmintv, Oct 3


Is AS'rece'vedin nM tion tn forme sto-- jofVIeirbn"lize, and now opening a bige assoitment oft , ,

DRY GOODS,Suit'ib'e fortl" prent and appmic'iinrj etson.Also TEtSvf'hthW quahlv viz b ir,m"ider. Imperial Ynn g HvsOn, fv on niiin "

and Cnnn Mh .in awinn in'' ConWare. Que "r "Jf AJ' ,,e;' w",'t nr

most rtaiKinable will lie "iniii-inl-

tor cai-t-i V''U Vj'ji'iWV. ' cg' '8o- - 'n

LhK-vjtfi:- ) SOX's'PATFM r S- - F lil,Y V'.FDICIES,


SCOTT, TRfr.'EfJ iCO.lexingtJn)Lee's Worm.DiStrowmr Lozncres"trtiis merticne onereo to

VvtislwJI UlliyyKUJl'U I" 11. tviiani aim

tiPiii herjoJv, will, withonf pain or nriping.cleanse the'ftnmacljteirdbouelsof whatever i soul

ofrnfive, and'Wyeby pi eventworms many.Wa'vdirprters.

. . .r. t ' n r itor the Pzeventum ara.cure-- cj tons ana maiii-"- "'

- - 'ksevers, is reuymiriraeLee's Anti Bilious Pills,

Prepared bv Richa'd lee&r'on, B Itmiore.Pcrfnns willing to purchase thij valuable medi

cini , are requeued to he particular m enquiringfor LEE's anti bilious pills, put up in wooden b xes, having on the oaifide wiapr, tbefignaiure of

Richard Lee and Son this is ciefTary, as tbereare pills of same name

T he operation of tbef pills is pcTeftlv mildr. -- . . 1.. ..i :.u A.rfc. ft.. Mao.. ... u..n..1 as 10 ue uitu ivuaidicii vj liviiuu iu,r,on, and of every ate

. . . ' . :Dertlunu Die. ami nrevenc mornio ierrein"

,; iis7 vcicuiaivufvi ji 1UJV )Ms ""'erfickncll , ,he llonYa'ch, and feve.e feari

I ' iate b J'.llll",

chitdrw. . IhiaeJiiUh tie WhoUpwgjO ghfU diftover.v is ot tlit'irll magnitude, as

alturds immediate relies, thcCKSIpe p og eis, r,.. (bnittime. rntireK lemovt tbelnnll cruel il'u

orjer to whicji children are liible the El xir if() perieic,ly agreeable, and the dose so Imall, tha

n Hifflrnlrv orifi-l- n rnlinir Is.

of k

A safe and effectual remedy foracrte and fchrc.

nic Hlieumatifm, Gout, Pally, Lumbago, N'imbness, and bprains,Bruises, Pans in the Face and Neck, 3.x,

T p'c rironrl ivp, h. i.,nvnpr;pni. tnhpiinennaiisd'inthe

-.- -- - r-' -- ; -- -- - -r- - .cure or Netvous Disorders, Uonlumption, Loivnc(s of Spirits. Iniard Wea'kneC, &c.

Twenty thousand cures been performed by

parationAcue and Fever Drops,

1.. t.A nr A..a nam.-n- f tntermlIUI Vllt bUICU, tlUj ltVI.1...-- ". ...- -.

tsnt Fevef.Persian Lotion,

celebrated qrlie cure of Ringworms, Tejtchand all Eruptions of --the Skin, rendering it soil

jmootn.Lee's Y.xeAvv&r,

an effeclual 1 remedy for all diseases of Eyei.

iTooth- - A die Drops," z

which give immedaite reh;f.LeeVCorn Pj.iisier.'

" Damask Lip halve..Restorative Pou der,

for Teeth and Gums.'I he Ar.odj ne Elixir,

foi the cure of every kind Head-Ache- -

Indian Vegetablea certain and pever.faihrg cuie for Vererjalcom- -

plaints. The rnddnefs o' vte Vegetable vpcuficisequaito lurpruing emnc) ts operationso gentle that it is given to Veoenal patients inslate ot prennancv, v ith the utmolf faferv

I WiTHtheM dicne is giveji a B 11 of Directions, ..ano on ineounme wrapper, me ugnatuie 01 - f.Lee aid ion, is particular attention is rot paidto the ficnature it is probable tliatdifapiftiintn'.entlwill be tl e J I

f f e!ho ft am n( ef J d colds, whfa uei ,.oft lads

J , fi ft ae .

i.u..jr L.

Higl. sucet,.s i.iau, ,.achcand ', ht . be'uUl, by M ,,' a

ll ct,angeottlmate. ,;1 ii ir8 1' 'J M , efHcacionsinleynave wen

jm SALE 'pfeven'ing curug nfo.ders atnsii.aiit '"irSlopv

A cont-m- ng about hundred v,""s. '"'" (nn1" P' "rclJlsittiaUd on Henry's mill road, about ,

P"fcrved for uleby ftai,nn. ,

On it is a new Pp&ffiveMiJ&Vsj loeIlt sovereign nmtd, Jar Coi, oestwate Lovgl s

by diviiW jfftmWfoy, Catarrh, Ajthmas, Sore Ti roots, ui a apprvue,ellar undertfe whole bouse, dividedintoconjemJ ,g fi rei,ts who inaj hav.



is iK'tter

of ap- -??'t$XL - ssence and

Lecvs Sovereign lortheremedy by one ap


WWM" "!, a

... ,



ofwl is

be Threeu the,



Lexington iinin iri,




Hoover before


disposed bis

1809, all

seen in..s a ai a















f t, -- i





its ;a





' "- -

Number U51.

, intent fe77i & .Wx brealing MaeJife-,T$i-

suhsctibiis hart; purclwsLd thtrajht forthe state ot Kentucky of Thomas Conors P ilcntfoi a machine, for but-kin- hemp and flax

One of those machines isnovv in opei ation onMaddox Fisln r's im, neor1 this place, and 1asound ..dimrably to answer the pin nose foi whichitvvj.3 intended. '

Aimtchine with two Incnks, is yorkcd by onehoi-se- ,

with-eas- and requires si luuuLs to ittu dit OiWTifthegieatsdviwaagesofthis machine is,that it tan be attended byJotrieii or bo s, insuadof men, rnd tbata woman or buy can ckan doublethe rfiisntity of l.empor r!a, vvh chtlie most able-bodi-

min could do in the Same time with a com-mon hi

A fai thur account of the" machine is deemed fan.necessaiy, as it is presumed (hat those desuous ofpurchasing rights, will wish lo satisfy themselvesI) seiing it in operation.

IndividuJ nghts at twenty dollars, or rig! tsf irwhole counties, mav be procuicd bv anulvmsr tocither of tlis subscribes

Madda. Fisher,Joseph Boswell,David Sutton,John Ft her,Gcc. Laws.

HAVING been called upon to stte our oniht.pns of a niuchitie for brekim; hemp and fla-5- , winch

r suvv 111 operiou on Wisher's 1 m,Wc hesitate not to declate that we view Has ,nim-poit;-i- )t

acquisition to our state, and there foi eit 10 this attention nt every farmei who

ti 1 iv Jtes either hemp or rias The coistructionf themacliii e is simple and dots not appcr lik.iy

tn g tout of older. We suppose tli.t oneof t.iuse111 .dimes hiving two breaks .nd movtd with rasehi one horse, might be built foi ..bou 30 . 4o3.Wi htve no hesitation in st th t homo m. v be

okrti in much greater quantity s with tni s me,.!)--. ur, and with efcse totfte h mrts enu.loved. idhat much delay, severe Taboui , .nd onsijefubla

ejpeive might be jittd ,to lump raiseis by thalection of these m icbjnei.

T T Burr,Win W Worsley,

C to le,Buihrou Ilosv.eil,R bert R Barr.

I.'nrtnn, Anrd 8'h. 1S09

. nt. .Beng abou' t.i nie hi. p w.dkjWiVinches-er- ,

eigl te .ihksopIv Lexiiii;t(rf5.lieie heint lids mAn j 11. 1, on his business moij(aijCnsii e '. lull

Io c be bej,s .. ave u 11 foim Ins cii.toniL , andpurdiaS'is ( sail kinds of cold, ge Oirough. ,. il e-- '.ites liatlie v II be in cnmiileS- leadiniss fornisuiess lj) thjji 1st of UccmtTti n"ctr . Mihat nl-- ? plei-SeJl- Woi-'iun- , with t' -

that lint--, riv-- (lily upbn the-sir- , it n 11

jeing paid, ..nltluirvj'oikiv.uiaiiUa ni svellas the gtt?itet rJUiKtiuuty m

facts He also pledge." lnnis. f, ti ; . tj.hall be equ:llylnw as eve , . no die . 1 ns ,

.nent mude asessy . s pos.lie He In tlui ,1

pen li) V iii hiter, the cciitci paitol fan. c. ,rij for tob ceo, ty the 1st ot Nov. mLu e a

dsome jissoi .mart m FAI. I GOODS, . 10Kinbt but ipkiifynf tob ceo wnl Is ' slt. , or-.-

f.orn pui(bSsirsDfhitaiticle will be punc-ual- ly

sttelided to, and' tlmnkfiifly ret dDAVID DODGE.

pstigusTKJris;JOHNxSUI. &. WAKNRfl,

Havejust rtcefoedfrgm Lond&Tmx asso t- -, " mept of jjf


Of one, tnso. tbiee, ard sour rows :ALSO, IN SINGLE CAKhS.

A variety of mte ior Colouis in d up., cakes. &C.

ze?f om 37 -2 to a I 75 ecus pel box,Common Le id Ink Stand ,

i.i gerhead and small pewter do.Sbrmy do of different pitterns,Lignum Vita Sand Boies,Japan, do do.Glass t" 1q.

.Vise's Patent Steel P$n,1 dia llubber,.Sesl I.&ul puirils,Pounce Boxes and Fourfce,

am llmr Pencils,,"atop Desks of i triors. sizes and patterns,I'arcliineut, Scahnjr vX( va e -- , is.r


in Tl Ll ' A J NIUCX. Li'V.'var't t of Pojrt Ml tn trim urn Biut , a gener.

lissoilmiiu ol Bluni Boris ot the best qualit),Puper 01 a.l kinds tJlnst uilly n hai d.

vlurra's nngu.h Reailer,' In induction,1 Serjue t't'i' d',

Gramfh-11- , largeiind small,Spelling Bnok, Ejrorcises and Key,

And minv itheru-eu- tl School Bnok.Juu Ptdlisbedkancl for Sal'' as ib ie.


Fori R10.N. B. Country Merch pits are requested to vi.

sit the stoie. They vdl ceitainly hi d it tde.r in orest (o get their b oksand .'lUpnery t JL.ei.n? oain prfftrnce loiinpoitingthcmfiorn PhiladelphiaNeiYoikor Baltimore.

; I.exinyon, Kv Sent. '6 1700

CiyKUircu, S t S ft m e Term, 1809Jne itWliies. ht'urs. uoiipl ts again.t Wdlu

fcjir- - Trimble's heirs, def'tsIN ClIANCLRY The def.nlmts, Kovert

Evans andvife, not hat ing entered their ap'atrreeble to livv ard t) e u.les of this

coyrt, and it appearing to the sat sfa't on of thecourt tint they ire not inhao tints of tins con- -monvrea 1 1 nn tile mo-io- nt tne roinpumar's,bv their counsel, it is ordered that the .aid delend- -

doappesr heie on the th id (Kv of our nextLMarch tVm, and answerthe complainant's h li

Thst a copy of this order 1 e liiserte.f m the K.en-t- t

cky Gazette for eight w ceks, successively .A copy teste,

JAVLS ANDERSON, n o c c c.'

TAKENJSP by'Jeremldi Wil"ii, in iv . .1.

fird countTiJingnir the Kei turkv River,foes fr im tK56Ssil.'10se' n So1 rt' M ,,e' ,til

a loi g ' nl, withaslalr, anjl bla7e on her nr-p- , fi eyear old, fou-fe- et ten inches' WrIi, ippiais'd to 50A. IHrsberniome, this the31stdav of July, l8o9, by

md Wm As" ev

H. WATKINS, j p.

M en Dollars Reward.RAN awVrOrom the aubscribi , about the 30'h

ofMav 1 1st, "gVppU rf e to the Uiprs bTjshiess bythe name of ThorrijrMerrv. abOtiOTltcs' yiars

is.pfare, fivefeerJbtir inches nign, in a geai acrosstl e knuckles Isis light h'nl vvTncli meisuretrhH disal.'eVsomeofi; finreis, the thi-- sis which

's nnpb r to .ti in W lire ver will deliver'tl eabme bov (nthes ibscrlber in Lexington, sh,ajt

receive the above reward.C Cojft

Scr 25, 1809.

ft HL