KENTHOLIDAYS (S) PTE LTD Tel: +65 65341033 Email: sales ... fileBatam – Nemo island can be reached...

Tour Code: DSW200718B2DTNEMOISLAND2018 Day 1 Singapore Batam Breakfast/Lunch / Dinner Depart from Singapore Harbor front Centre, Counter #03-43, Penguin Ferry Service. Upon arrive at Sekupang pier, after immigration / custom clearance, you will be greeted by our friendly tour guide and escorted to awaiting air-conditioned bus and and transfer to Local pier, from there, your journey being continued by taking a boat. Batam Nemo island can be reached within 15 minutes. Upon arrive at the island, you will be shown an houses of the community at this big village standing on the seashore, and even many of them stick out into the sea. You will be greeted by awaiting trishaw and riding you to the atmosphere of the island, far from the tumultuousness of industry activities, noisiness caused by the mufflers of vehicles and the air pollution caused by the factories. You will be riding to pass by and visit those historical places such as Attaqwa Mosque, graves of ex-japanese army, Batu Gajah Ex-building of Navy, Gasing Factory, from here you will find the how to spinning gasing and also their history, traditional kueh tea/coffee break will be entertain by local villager, thereafter, the journey will continued again by riding trishaw and proceed to visit Pasir Putih Beach and lastly our journey will end up at Pasar Baru Flooting Market, from here you will be giving 30 minutes to recce your own to explore that flooting market, the varieties of community occupy the island makes this big village has so many foods. You can have during your visit here, but the special foods and always tasted by visitors are nasi lemak, mie siam, pulut serondeng, epok-epok, es cendol, es gunung and kerepek as well. Come at later afternoon, assemble and return to Batam by taking a boat. Lunch will be served at Ayam Penyek Restaurant, an Indonesia style smashed deep fried chicken served with steamed rice and super hot chili paste. After lunch, proceed for Sightseeing tour which coverage of local famous Pineapple Cake Factory for Tea Break, SE Asia Biggest Laughing Buddha Temple, Chocolate House, Be Superheroes Outlet offering variety of Tee of Super Heroes and any other kind of product such as key chain, luggage tag hat. belt. wallet. miniature of Super Heroes, sandal and many more, Batam Miniature Park, Local Dry Market, Cultural Show, Batik Gallery, Golden Bay & Golden Factory Outlets. Dinner will be serve at Local Seafood Restaurant. After dinner, either transfer to visit Chinatown Street (Drop off at Nagoya Hill Mall) or back to hotel for rest. 第一天 新加坡 巴淡岛 (早餐,午,晚餐) 集合于港湾码头(HARBOUR FRONT CENTRE ),乘船前往巴淡岛。巴淡岛与新加坡隔海相望,相距 20 公里,搭乘渡船只需 45 分钟即可到达。面积 415 平方公 里,人口接近 100 万。中北部是山丘,最高点 169 米,有原始森林;南部、西南部及西北部沿海是平原,海滩景色幽美。全岛海岸线曲折,多海湾和小港口。 巴淡岛享有小巴厘岛之称,它是印尼 30000 个岛中距离新加坡最近的一个小岛,因为是个免税港,所以无论是新加坡人、马来西亚人、还是印尼人,都喜欢 到巴淡岛来消费,促成巴淡岛很快速的发展起来。巴淡岛虽然也面临着旅游景点日渐商业化的趋势,却仍然保有其自然怡人的田园魅力安详的村舍、清静悠闲 的海滩、渔村里的美味海鲜,白色沙滩上慵懒地躺在棕梠树下享受无扰的宁静假期,巴淡岛足以能让您在轻松自在的气氛中乐而忘返。抵达后乘船前往【思岛是一个非常原始的小岛,岛上无巴士川行,主要交通工具(三轮车)工业稀少,岛民一般上都居住在海上高脚屋,浓厚的乡村气息及清新的空气让人感 觉到似乎回到了五十年代的新加坡). 大约 15 分钟抵达相思岛码头,每人将各乘一辆三轮车游览岛上古迹:首先来到大伯公庙,1972 年由新加坡商人出资建成; 团友们可以在此参拜祈福平安。当地出名的 陀螺工厂,观赏陀螺表演并品尝当地小吃及饮料还可学习怎样转陀螺。途经红树林,来到土著居住的 白沙埔海滩 赏大自然风景、自费购买及品尝当地新鲜椰子水. 日本海军部:19421945 年日本的海军指挥部,提醒大家别忘了在此地拍照留念. 最后来到 浮脚市场,自由选 购当地著名的木薯片、虾饼、海鲜干粮、新鲜水果等等。午餐将会在印尼餐厅享用当地着名的【AYAM PENYET 捣碎的炸鸡】是印度尼西亚东爪哇菜 ,炸鸡块用 杵捣碎,使其更柔软,配上辛辣的叁巴,黄瓜片,炸豆腐和豆豉。现今 ayam penyet 常见于印度尼西亚,马来西亚,文莱和新加坡。 CNN 新闻将 ayam penyet 述为我们不能没有的 40 种东南亚食物之一。它在整个东南亚地区大受欢迎,各种特许经营连锁店开始销售这道菜以及其他印尼美食。过后将带各位前往梨酥工厂】凤梨酥起源台湾小食,外皮酥松,而我们巴淡岛制做的凤梨酥是由巴淡本土种植的凤梨輱维细致 不粘牙 口感甜而不腻 透着凤梨的香味。而凤梨的别 名也叫旺来,旺来旺来是华人最喜欢的送礼佳品。巧克力屋】以及 BE SUPERHEROES 专卖店】提供各种超级英雄 T 恤和任何其他类型的产品,如钥匙链, 行李牌帽,皮带,钱包,超级英雄的缩影,凉鞋等等 印尼文化村】,【干料市场】 特异功能秀】(如下雨表演将取消)【郑和清真寺】【BATIK 专卖店】 【金海湾】【名牌用品专卖店】以及【天恩弥勒佛院】。之后回返酒店休息。晚餐将会在当地【海鲜餐厅】享用。最后 回返酒店前, Day 2 Batam Singapore Breakfast / Lunch After breakfast and check out of the hotel and proceed to morning visit to beauty Shuikou Tua Pek Kong Temple, the plantation of the bizarre looking Dragon Fruits (pitaya) where located in 16 hectares of orchard fruits more than 80.000 trees. Thereafter, proceed to visit Vietnamese Camp, where those 250.000 Vietnamese & Cambodian refugees were housed from 1979 to 1996. visit the The Monument of Boat People, the exact replica of one of the boats used by the Vietnamese people to cross the seas in order to escape their dear homeland which was wrought with civil wars in from around 1975, Ngha Trang Memorial Wall, Galang Museum, Nha To Duc Me Vo Nhem Catholic Temple, Quan An Du Monastery & Barelang Bridge. Lunch will be serve at Seafood Restaurant. After lunch, tour will continue to visit Polo Outlets and lastly drop off at Mega Mall Batam Centre (MMBC) for your last stop shopping. Depart by high speed ferry to Singapore. 第二天: 巴淡岛 –新加坡 (早餐,午餐) 享用酒店早餐,酒店退房,集合于酒店大厅,出发前往参观 彩红桥(巴里浪大桥)由六个壮观的桥链接巴淡岛及其他岛屿,是当前印尼一项伟大建筑 GALANG CAMP】在 1980 年的,Galang 岛突然出名。这个岛是在联合国讨论的话题,因为它成为成千上万的越南船民,难民离开自己的国家,越南战争后的 家园。他们惊人的条件下乘船来到这里。40 100 名难民前往拥挤到一个小船。他们漂浮在中国南海的几个月,没有任何明确的目标。许多海洋中死亡,但其 他人设法到达印度尼西亚领土包括 Galang 岛丹戎槟榔,和附近其他岛屿。联合国和印度尼西亚政府 Galang 一个临时的避风港,前处理难民在其他国家定居。 许多越南人在美国,欧洲和澳大利亚,仍然保持的时间感激的回忆,当他们终于发现了一些这个美丽的小岛上的和平,其白色的沙滩。在这里盖房子的崇拜, 为他们的孩子的一所学校和一个墓地埋葬死者。目前,这当然难民营是一个旅游站,通过访问这个营地,游客都带回了过去的悲剧,当成千上万的越南人离开 本国到别处寻求保护。参观者可以看到一座教堂和寺庙建在那个时代,仍然是良好的维持和游客可以通过使用。午餐在【巴里浪浮动海鲜餐馆】享用新鲜美味 海鲜,同时欣赏海上日落美景。过后出发前往 POLO专卖店 以及 MEGA MALL 购物中心】让各位自由购物。之后将是各位回返新加坡的时后了。岛游将 会送各位到码头乘搭渡轮回新加坡 KENTHOLIDAYS (S) PTE LTD Tel: +65 65341033 Email: [email protected]

Transcript of KENTHOLIDAYS (S) PTE LTD Tel: +65 65341033 Email: sales ... fileBatam – Nemo island can be reached...

Tour Code: DSW200718B2DTNEMOISLAND2018

Day 1 Singapore –Batam Breakfast/Lunch / Dinner Depart from Singapore Harbor front Centre, Counter #03-43, Penguin Ferry Service. Upon arrive at Sekupang pier, after immigration / custom clearance, you will be greeted by our friendly tour guide and escorted to awaiting air-conditioned bus and and transfer to Local pier, from there, your journey being continued by taking a boat. Batam – Nemo island can be reached within 15 minutes. Upon arrive at the island, you will be shown an houses of the community at this big village standing on the seashore, and even many of them stick out into the sea. You will be greeted by awaiting trishaw and riding you to the atmosphere of the island, far from the tumultuousness of industry activities, noisiness caused by the mufflers of vehicles and the air pollution caused by the factories. You will be riding to pass by and visit those historical places such as Attaqwa Mosque, graves of ex-japanese army, Batu Gajah Ex-building of Navy, Gasing Factory, from here you will find the how to spinning gasing and also their history, traditional kueh tea/coffee break will be entertain by local villager, thereafter, the journey will continued again by riding trishaw and proceed to visit Pasir Putih Beach and lastly our journey will end up at Pasar Baru Flooting Market, from here you will be giving 30 minutes to recce your own to explore that flooting market, the varieties of community occupy the island makes this big village has so many foods. You can have during your visit here, but the special foods and always tasted by visitors are nasi lemak, mie siam, pulut serondeng, epok-epok, es cendol, es gunung and kerepek as well. Come at later afternoon, assemble and return to Batam by taking a boat. Lunch will be served at Ayam Penyek Restaurant, an Indonesia style smashed deep fried chicken served with steamed rice and super hot chili paste. After lunch, proceed for Sightseeing tour which coverage of local famous Pineapple Cake Factory for Tea Break, SE Asia Biggest Laughing Buddha Temple, Chocolate House, Be Superheroes Outlet offering variety of Tee of Super Heroes and any other kind of product such as key chain, luggage tag hat. belt. wallet. miniature of Super Heroes, sandal and many more, Batam Miniature Park, Local Dry Market, Cultural Show, Batik Gallery, Golden Bay & Golden Factory Outlets. Dinner will be serve at Local Seafood Restaurant. After dinner, either transfer to visit Chinatown Street (Drop off at Nagoya Hill Mall) or back to hotel for rest.

第一天 : 新加坡 – 巴淡岛 (早餐,午餐,晚餐)

集合于港湾码头(HARBOUR FRONT CENTRE ),乘船前往巴淡岛。巴淡岛与新加坡隔海相望,相距 20 公里,搭乘渡船只需 45 分钟即可到达。面积 415 平方公

里,人口接近 100 万。中北部是山丘,最高点 169 米,有原始森林;南部、西南部及西北部沿海是平原,海滩景色幽美。全岛海岸线曲折,多海湾和小港口。

巴淡岛享有“小巴厘岛” 之称,它是印尼 30000 个岛中距离新加坡最近的一个小岛,因为是个免税港,所以无论是新加坡人、马来西亚人、还是印尼人,都喜欢



思岛】 是一个非常原始的小岛,岛上无巴士川行,主要交通工具(三轮车)工业稀少,岛民一般上都居住在海上高脚屋,浓厚的乡村气息及清新的空气让人感

觉到似乎回到了五十年代的新加坡). 大约 15 分钟抵达相思岛码头,每人将各乘一辆三轮车游览岛上古迹:首先来到大伯公庙,1972 年由新加坡商人出资建成;

团友们可以在此参拜祈福平安。当地出名的 陀螺工厂,观赏陀螺表演并品尝当地小吃及饮料还可学习怎样转陀螺。途经红树林,来到土著居住的 白沙埔海滩 欣

赏大自然风景、自费购买及品尝当地新鲜椰子水. 日本海军部:1942~1945 年日本的海军指挥部,提醒大家别忘了在此地拍照留念. 最后来到 浮脚市场,自由选

购当地著名的木薯片、虾饼、海鲜干粮、新鲜水果等等。午餐将会在印尼餐厅享用当地着名的【AYAM PENYET 捣碎的炸鸡】是印度尼西亚东爪哇菜 ,炸鸡块用

杵捣碎,使其更柔软,配上辛辣的叁巴,黄瓜片,炸豆腐和豆豉。现今 ayam penyet 常见于印度尼西亚,马来西亚,文莱和新加坡。 CNN 新闻将 ayam penyet 描

述为“我们不能没有的 40 种东南亚食物之一。它在整个东南亚地区大受欢迎,各种特许经营连锁店开始销售这道菜以及其他印尼美食。过后将带各位前往【鳳

梨酥工厂】凤梨酥起源台湾小食,外皮酥松,而我们巴淡岛制做的凤梨酥是由巴淡本土种植的凤梨輱维细致 不粘牙 口感甜而不腻 透着凤梨的香味。而凤梨的别

名也叫旺来,旺来旺来是华人最喜欢的送礼佳品。【巧克力屋】以及 【BE SUPERHEROES 专卖店】提供各种超级英雄 T 恤和任何其他类型的产品,如钥匙链,

行李牌帽,皮带,钱包,超级英雄的缩影,凉鞋等等 【印尼文化村】,【干料市场】 【特异功能秀】(如下雨表演将取消)【郑和清真寺】【BATIK 专卖店】

【金海湾】【名牌用品专卖店】以及【天恩弥勒佛院】。之后回返酒店休息。晚餐将会在当地【海鲜餐厅】享用。最后 回返酒店前,

Day 2 Batam – Singapore Breakfast / Lunch After breakfast and check out of the hotel and proceed to morning visit to beauty Shuikou Tua Pek Kong Temple, the plantation of the bizarre looking Dragon Fruits (pitaya) where located in 16 hectares of orchard fruits more than 80.000 trees. Thereafter, proceed to visit Vietnamese Camp, where those 250.000 Vietnamese & Cambodian refugees were housed from 1979 to 1996. visit the The Monument of Boat People, the exact replica of one of the boats used by the Vietnamese people to cross the seas in order to escape their dear homeland which was wrought with civil wars in from around 1975, Ngha Trang Memorial Wall, Galang Museum, Nha To Duc Me Vo Nhem Catholic Temple, Quan An Du Monastery & Barelang Bridge. Lunch will be serve at Seafood Restaurant. After lunch, tour will continue to visit Polo Outlets and lastly drop off at Mega Mall Batam Centre (MMBC) for your last stop shopping. Depart by high speed ferry to Singapore.

第二天: 巴淡岛 –新加坡 (早餐,午餐)

享用酒店早餐,酒店退房,集合于酒店大厅,出发前往参观 彩红桥(巴里浪大桥)由六个壮观的桥链接巴淡岛及其他岛屿,是当前印尼一项伟大建筑

【GALANG CAMP】在 1980 年的,Galang 岛突然出名。这个岛是在联合国讨论的话题,因为它成为成千上万的越南船民,难民离开自己的国家,越南战争后的

家园。他们惊人的条件下乘船来到这里。40 至 100 名难民前往拥挤到一个小船。他们漂浮在中国南海的几个月,没有任何明确的目标。许多海洋中死亡,但其

他人设法到达印度尼西亚领土包括 Galang 岛丹戎槟榔,和附近其他岛屿。联合国和印度尼西亚政府 Galang 一个临时的避风港,前处理难民在其他国家定居。




海鲜,同时欣赏海上日落美景。过后出发前往 【POLO】 专卖店 以及 【MEGA MALL 购物中心】让各位自由购物。之后将是各位回返新加坡的时后了。岛游将


KENTHOLIDAYS (S) PTE LTD Tel: +65 65341033 Email: [email protected]

Tour Code: DSW200718B2DTNEMOISLAND2018



4 – 19 paxs / 4 – 19 人 20 paxs & above / 20 人以上


Single 一人一房

Twin/Trp 两或人一房

CWB 小孩加床

CNB 小孩不加床

Single 一人一房

Twin/Trp 两或人一房

CWB 小孩加床

CNB 小孩不加床

Infant 婴孩

Zest Hotel 3* S$158 S$137 S$125 S$109 S$148 S$127 S$115 S$99 S$17

Peak Season Surcharge 旺季附加费 of S$30/r/n for 15, 16 June, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31 December 2018 & 6, 7, 8, 9 February 2019. Gideon / Golden Bay Hotel 3* S$178 S$143 S$133 S$109 S$168 S$133 S$23 S$99 S$17

Golden View Hotel 4* S$188 S$153 S$139 S$109 S$178 S$143 S$129 S$99 S$17

Harmoni One Hotel 4* S$188 S$153 S$139 S$109 S$178 S$143 S$129 S$99 S$17

Harris Resort Barelang 4* S$195 S$165 S$154 S$109 S$185 S$155 S$144 S$99 S$17 Weekend Surcharge 周末附加费 (Saturday & Public Holiday) of S$30/r/n

Peak Season Surcharge 旺季附加费 of S$80/r/n is applicable from 22 – 24 Dec & 28 – 31 Dec 2018 & 2 – 6 February 2019.

Compulsory Dinner of S$57/pax will be applicable from 25 & 31 Dec 2018 & 5 Feb 2019 The BCC Hotel 4* S$195 S$165 S$154 S$109 S$185 S$155 S$144 S$99 S$17

Super Peak Season Surcharge 旺季附加费 of S$45/r/n is applicable from 23, 24, 30, 31 December 2018.

Compulsory Dinner of S$27/pax will be apply from 24, 31 December 2018.

Aston Hotel Batam 4* S$195 S$165 S$154 S$109 S$185 S$155 S$144 S$99 S$17 Subject on Eve & PH Surcharge 旺季附加费 of S$40/r/n will be apply on 22 – 26 Dec, 29 Dec 2018 – 2 January 2019

iHotel Baloi 4* S$205 S$167 S$160 S$109 S$195 S$157 S$150 S$99 S$17 Peak Season Surcharge 旺季附加费 of S$25/r/n will be apply from 9, 22 Aug, 6 Nov, 24 & 31 Dec 2018 & 1 January 2019.

Nagoya Hill Hotel 4* S$218 S$171 S$165 S$109 S$208 S$161 S$155 S$99 S$17 Peak Surcharge 旺季附加费 of S$25/r/n is applicable from 15, 16 June, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31 December 2018

Compulsory Dinner will be apply on 24 & 31 December 2017 (Price to be advise)

Radisson Hotel 4* (Superior Room) S$218 S$171 S$165 S$109 S$208 S$161 S$155 S$99 S$17 Peak Surcharge 旺季附加费 of S$25/r/n is applicable from 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31 December 2018

Compulsory Dinner will be apply on 24 & 31 December 2017 (Price to be advise)

Turi Beach Resort 4* S$235 S$178 S$165 S$109 S$225 S$168 S$155 S$99 S$17 Weekend Surcharge 周末附加费 (Saturday & Public Holiday) of S$75/r/n

Peak Season Surcharge 旺季附加费 of S$65/r/n from weekend rate for 15, 16 June, 31 Dec 2018, 5, 6, 7 Feb 2019.

Compulsory Gala Dinner will be apply for 17 Feb, 31 Dec 2018 & 6 feb 2019.


The Package Include of / 报价包含:

Return Ferry Ticket (SIN/BTH/SIN) by Sindo Ferries or similar. 往返船票,20 公斤行李额度

1 Night Hotel Room Accommodation as per hotel choice above. 1 晚巴淡岛三或四星酒店住宿

2 Day Wonderful Batam & Barelang Sightseeing Tour as per itinerary.


1 Breakfast, 2 Lunch, 1 Dinner as per itinerary. 1个早餐 + 3个正餐

Land Transfer as per itinerary. 全程空调巴士

Local Guide Assistance. 全程优秀中文导游

The Package Exclude of / 报价不含:

Singapore PDF & Fuel Surcharge of S$21/pax & Batam Terminal Fee of S$8/pax (subject to change).

往返码头税 SGD 29 /人

Batam Guide & Driver Tipping of S$3/pax/day. 当地导游小费 (小费 SGD 3/人)

Personal Insurance, Room Service, Optional Tours, Porterage Fee, Visa Fee, and all expenses of personal nature.

行程内以外的费用, 因个人因素产生的其他费用 以及 巴淡岛内行李托运及超重费用 SGD 2 / 行李/ 一趟

Term & Condition / 备注:

All prices herein are subject to validity from 15st July till 30st December 2018.

此处的所有价格均在 2018 年 7 月 15 日至 12 月 30 日期间有效。

All prices herein are subject to change without prior notice, arising from currency fluctuation, local taxes, etc. 由于货币波动,地方税等原因,此处的所有价格如有更改,恕不另行通知。

All prices herein are subject to Advance Booking At Least 7(seven) days before group arrival.

此处的所有价格均需在团体抵达前至少 7(七)天提前预订。

KENTHOLIDAYS (S) PTE LTD Tel: +65 65341033 Email: [email protected]
