Keep focus

Aladesuru Adewale KEEP FOCUS!!! “If you want to become successful and stay successful, you must learn how to focus.”

Transcript of Keep focus

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Aladesuru Adewale

KEEP FOCUS!!! “If you want to become successful and stay successful, you must learn how to focus.”

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Reality taught me an important lesson: I could not have it both ways.

“If I wanted to be the greatest, the amazing Aladesuru Adewale W. E. who make everything he touches turn to Gold, then I needed to focus.”

If you ever get into deep difficulty, always focus on the things that make you feel better.

Sure, handle the bad stuff you have to deal with, but do not let it demoralize you or distract you from pursuing your goals.

Realize that it is only a moment in time, and it will pass. Keep your sights set on a better time in the future, which will certainly come to pass if you stay focused.

Things cannot and will not continue downward forever; they will always turn around.

Draw your own conclusions about yourself. Listen to your own counsel. Nobody knows you better than you do.

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Remember, “If you want to become successful and stay successful, you must learn how to focus.”

Champion Golf player Tiger Woods was passionate about staying focused on golf strategy.

He enjoyed the challenge of focusing his mental energy.

- Do not let your mind come up with reasons why your ideas can’t work.

Then, take the best ideas and act on them – quick!

Your construction actions will eventually lead you to a solution.

This is the Trump – President, Donald J. Trump’s way of using focus to solve problems.

Do not think about the problem in terms of “HOW DID IT HAPPEN?” or “WHY DID IT HAPPEN?” or “ IT’S SO DIFFICULT ,” “ It is impossible to solve, “… …

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Instead, accept that you have a problem and a great challenge has been laid at your feet.

Accept the challenge.

Realize that you have what it takes to overcome the challenge. Then look for solutions. Study possible solutions. Gather knowledge, ask experts for advice and insights.

Formulate a plan. Start testing possible solutions. If one idea fails, go to the next one and the next until you succeed.

“Focus and discipline are habits, skills that everyone can and must learn.”

Worry, fear, and indecision destroy focus. To take charge of your life you must conquer fear.

My advice is simply to zap every negative thought as soon as it shows its ugly face.

“The worst hell you will ever face is the hell you create with your own mind.”


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“Keep focused on your goals and never gives up.”

In real life there are some things that you just cannot do.

- People who tell their children that they can do anything they want are being unrealistic; some things are just not possible.

Yet you do not want to discourage them.

• The trick is to be a skeptical optimist and to pick your battles. When you think you can win, go full-steam ahead and never quit, but also realize your limitations.

“Life is full of challenges and obstacles that get in our way. It is not possible to take on every challenge in life – choose your battle fields – carefully.”

We need to improve the education and the environmental opportunities for kids while they are growing up.

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If you want to be more productive, and then start at the start – get there on time.

Remember, “We have the chance to put our best minds to work one more time – and in a big way.”

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My Thought!

Becoming an expert is like changing a habit; no secrets or shortcuts. You simply get there by doing.

Challenge yourself, critique yourself and keep moving forward to gain confidence and stamina.


Aladesuru Adewale
