KEEP AUSTIN WARM As Fall and Winter approach, we are thinking about the well-being of those living on the street. Our concern is greater this year, as it is predicted that the Fall and Winter will be the coldest and wettest on record. As we have done for the last three years, we are asking your help in collecting items to be distributed to those we serve. This year’s initiative, Keep Austin Warm, will include two ongoing campaigns. Reformation Celebration is already underway, as we begin collecting items to be distributed as soon as the weather turns cold. Typically, the first cold front hits very close to Halloween. We hope to collect and distribute items like sleeping bags, blan- kets, socks, hand and foot warmers, sweatshirts/hoodies, and winter hats and gloves. December to Remember is also ongoing and helps us to prepare for our Christmas celebration and party on December 22nd. Because many of those we serve live on the street and are not surrounded by family, our goal is to offer them the joy and hope that Christmas and the birth of our Savior fills us with each year. The items needed for this campaign is a bit larger, but also includes the items from our first collection. We hope and pray that you will walk alongside LINC Austin as we help to Keep Austin Warm this Fall and Winter and as we strive to spread Christ’s love and hope. We hope that churches, schools, scout troops, families, and neighborhoods will come together and help make a difference. If you are interested, please go to our website at the link below to get more info and to check out our promotional materials that are ready for you and your group to download. If you are interested in participating, we would ask your cooperation in contacting Haleh at [email protected] to be sure that the same items are not being collected. Authentic Relationships, Authentic, Community, Authentic Living Fall 2015

Transcript of KEEP AUSTIN WARM


As Fall and Winter approach, we are thinking about the well-being of those living on the street. Our concern is greater this year,

as it is predicted that the Fall and Winter will be the coldest and wettest on record. As we have done for the last three years, we

are asking your help in collecting items to be distributed to those we serve.

This year’s initiative, Keep Austin Warm, will include two ongoing campaigns.

Reformation Celebration is already underway, as we begin collecting items to be distributed as soon as the weather turns

cold. Typically, the first cold front hits very close to Halloween. We hope to collect and distribute items like sleeping bags, blan-

kets, socks, hand and foot warmers, sweatshirts/hoodies, and winter hats and gloves.

December to Remember is also ongoing and helps us to prepare for our Christmas celebration and party on December

22nd. Because many of those we serve live on the street and are not surrounded by family, our goal is to offer them the joy

and hope that Christmas and the birth of our Savior fills us with each year. The items needed for this campaign is a bit larger,

but also includes the items from our first collection.

We hope and pray that you will walk alongside LINC Austin as we help to Keep Austin Warm this Fall and Winter and as we

strive to spread Christ’s love and hope. We hope that churches, schools, scout troops, families, and neighborhoods will come

together and help make a difference. If you are interested, please go to our website at the link below to get more info and to

check out our promotional materials that are ready for you and your group to download. If you are interested in participating,

we would ask your cooperation in contacting Haleh at [email protected] to be sure that the same items are not being


Authentic Relationships, Authentic, Community, Authentic Living

Fall 2015

Veni. Vidi. Amavi. I Came. I Saw. I Loved.

We are humbled to share that LINC Austin Staff is training two leaders to begin a

small group community, Amavi, with 2-4 female street youth. Our hope is to offer

holistic care, friendship, and community for these young ladies. The leaders are

finishing training, and are already building the foundation to build a strong support

community, including spiritual care for these young ladies. Eventually, the lead-

ers will also be working toward training/education for the ladies to create goods

(jewelry, candles, etc…) to be sold to benefit their futures. We hope that this will

help them toward self-sufficiency, while having a strong, faithful community walk-

ing alongside them. Please pray with us as God prepares to do wonderful things,

and for the future women that will join!

“In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”

Romans 8:37

Prayer Requests:

† L- That God would make Himself known

to her as she continues to struggle with

addiction and self-hatred. That God would

provide opportunities for our staff to reach


† T- That criminal charges will be dis-

missed against him, so that he can contin-

ue on this path toward a brighter future.

That doors would continue to open for

housing and Medicaid benefits.

† A- That she continues to stay clean from

drugs and continues to ask questions about


† R- That she would continue to find peace

in the loss of her son. That she would con-

tinue to seek out God for that peace and


† D- that she continues to find motivation

and joy in her work, and that her finances

begin to settle in.

† K- That our staff can continue to love and

minister to her, and that Jesus is able to

penetrate her heart. That she continue to

find hope as we work with her to get off the


† Martin Middle School- that the admin-

istration, faculty and staff are blessed with

the support they need to reach out to the

students and families. That learning once

again becomes a joy and contagious on

campus. That our staff and volunteers can

continue to bless the staff, students, fami-

lies and community.

† Sadler Means YWLA- For Emily as

she steps in to assist with management of

our tutors and mentors, and that the transi-

tion is a filled with joy. That our mentors

and tutors are able to make natural and

authentic relationships with the students,

and that God is glorified through them.

One of our Amavi ladies, taking a step toward a better future, as she got a NEW Identification card for the first time in a long while!

Support LINC Austin

Please consider supporting LINC Austin financially. Your financial support helps us to reach our goals this upcoming year, and

continue ministry in the Austin Area.

Please support LINC Austin

through our website at:


Please send a check to: LINC Austin •

PO Box 16699 • Austin, Texas 78761.

(Donation Card is attached)

Over the last several years serving the street youth and homeless, we have

learned the importance of some of the most basic items that we often take

for granted. You know, by now, that hygiene kits, dental kits, snack kits,

and socks are general staples. But, one item in particular is asked for over

and over….THE T-SHIRT. We began brainstorming, and as we did, we

realized the actual need by doing the math.

LINC Austin serves more than 60 street youth and homeless monthly

So if each person we serve needs a new shirt every 2-3 days.

3 shirts/week

Multiplied by 52 weeks/year,

Equals 156 shirts/person/ year.

156 shirts multiplied by 60 individuals


9,360 shirts/year.

That number seemed overwhelming, but as we considered our network and our supporters, we realized that together we could make an impact on that

number. So, this summer, we launched SHIRT OFF YOUR BACK.

Our hope was that we would be able to collect enough shirts to help

us care for those we serve. But, we also wanted to for Christ to be present.

Then the verse we all know came to mind: Matthew 25, “….I was shivering and you gave me clothes…”.

So, our staff began praying and decided to launch SOYB during Glorybound week. We asked God’s Spirit to work in the hearts of His people, and we were not disappointed. As of October 1st , we have collected 2000+ shirts, and we still have more on the way. We asked and YOU responded! We have been so blessed to take out bags of shirts to those we serve and share them,

see the smiles widen, and then conversations are started.

God is so present, and we are humbled and overwhelmed by your support and generosity. We are spilling over with shirts, so much so that our larger partners are asking us to share our supply because their closets are empty. We praise God and rejoice

with you!

Shirt Off Your Back

Zion Lutheran Walburg Youth taking the shirts off their backs at Glorybound

This homeless gentleman commented on how

he liked Mike’s shirt. Mike’s response:

He took the shirt off his back and gave it to him!

Summer Mission Trips 2015

Our summer groups are always such a blessing. They give of their time and their energy to share life with those who

are most in need. They helped foster care children, the homeless on the street, and students, faculty and staff in

Austin ISD schools. They shared their faith with so many through the simple act of service, and by being God’s

hands, feet and voice to those who need hope. I cannot express our joy for the doors that were opened because of

their selfless acts. But many times, we receive more than those we serve. I share this part of an email from a mom

of one of our participants. “I was so pleased to listen to his stories and hear how moved he was by the entire

experience. Serving with you guys really touched his heart. I can see that the wheels are turning as he is still reflect-

ing on the past few days. So great to see his compassion for others shine through, especially in the teen years.” Our

prayer continues to be that God show us all how our passions and gifts can be used for His glory. We praise our God

for you every day!!

A Great BIG Thank You to our groups this summer! Epiphany Lutheran Church Pearland, Texas, , Good Shepherd Youth from Cedar Park , Faith Lutheran Youth, Georgetown,

Prince of Peace Lutheran Youth, Carrolton and Christ the King Lutheran Youth, Waxahachie!

Glorybound 2015

We are overwhelmed by the Glorybound participant’s generosity and humble serving hearts. During the Glorybound Conference, participants helped us launch our Shirt Off Your Back Campaign by taking the shirt off their back 378 times! Then, participants helped us assemble hygiene kits and dental kits (sponsored by Concordia Texas) during the Confer-ence at the Concordia University Texas and LINC Austin booths . Finally, Glorybound participants joined us for two days of service. Each group assembled 100 sack lunches, helped distribute the hygiene kits assembled at the conference, then spent time on the streets of Austin serving those LINC Austin cares for at Austin Resource Center for the Homeless. But, it is always more than just passing out sack lunches and hygiene/dental kits, it is about the relationships that are made. It

is about the broken giving hope to the broken. It is about the youth telling others that they are MARKED!.

During one of the service dates, as we were preparing to leave, one of the groups had been talking to an artist. One youth felt compelled to ask him a bold question. “Will you draw me something?”. The artist said, “Sure!”. She asked, “Can you draw me the most beautiful hands that you can draw?”. He was overjoyed and asked if he could put her name in the hands. To that she replied, “No, I want you to put your name in those hands. The hands are God’s and I want you to know that you are in His hands”. She continued, “We have been learning about how we are marked and about how God calls us by name”. Suddenly, he looked straight in her eyes and he started to cry. He was broken by the hope that was shared with him. God had not forgotten him and how God loves him. The group prayed over him. What a wonderful re-minder that regardless of our life journey, our past, present, and future, we are MARKED by God to serve others. We

praise and thank God for those who love Him and serve Him boldly!



Phone # Email:

I would like support to LINC Austin with: Gift Amount: $

Please make checks payable to LINC Austin

Contact Us

LINC Austin

PO Box 16699

Austin, Texas 78761

Haleh Kersten

[email protected]


Kevin Kersten

[email protected]



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LINC Austin

LINC Austin

PO Box 16699

Austin, Texas 78761