KBS Dairy Barn - CASE STUDY - University of...

Dairy Free‐Stall Barn Case Study W.K. Kellogg Biological Station A Legacy of Conservation; A Commitment to Sustainability i Michigan State University W. K. Kellogg Biological Station Kellogg Farm - Pasture Dairy Center Free-Stall Dairy Barn Case Study presented to The United States Green Building Council Seeking LEED®- NC Version 2.1 Silver Certification for the newly constructed dairy free-stall barn

Transcript of KBS Dairy Barn - CASE STUDY - University of...

Page 1: KBS Dairy Barn - CASE STUDY - University of Missouriextension.missouri.edu/sare/documents/DairyBarnCASESTUDY2012.pdf · Free-Stall Dairy Barn Case Study presented to The United States

Dairy Free‐Stall Barn Case Study  

W.K. Kellogg Biological Station  A Legacy of Conservation;  A Commitment to Sustainability   i 

Michigan State University W. K. Kellogg Biological Station

Kellogg Farm - Pasture Dairy Center Free-Stall Dairy Barn

Case Study presented to

The United States Green Building Council Seeking LEED®- NC Version 2.1 Silver Certification

for the newly constructed dairy free-stall barn

Page 2: KBS Dairy Barn - CASE STUDY - University of Missouriextension.missouri.edu/sare/documents/DairyBarnCASESTUDY2012.pdf · Free-Stall Dairy Barn Case Study presented to The United States

Dairy Free‐Stall Barn Case Study  

W.K. Kellogg Biological Station  A Legacy of Conservation;  A Commitment to Sustainability   ii 

Building Details

Owner Michigan State University W.K. Kellogg Biological Station

Location 10461 N. 40th St., Hickory Corners, MI, 49060

Building Type Free-Stall Dairy Barn

Building Program

The free-stall dairy barn houses a 120 head dairy herd, 2 robotic milking systems, and support facilities. The barn and dairy herd will be used for research, education, and outreach activities promoting alternative dairy management practices.

Scope 1,688 sq. ft. support area and 19,232 sq. ft. for the free-stall area

Setting W. K. Kellogg Biological Station in Kalamazoo County Michigan, 42° 24’N, 85° 22’W

Cost $2.8 million

Construction Fall 2008 through Spring 2009

Dedication August 19, 2009

Seeking LEED® Rating


IInntteerriioorr ooff tthhee ffrreeee--ssttaallll ddaaiirryy bbaarrnn..

Table of Contents

1 Introduction & Funding 2 Design & Construction Team 3 Sustainable Sites 4 Water Efficiency 5 Energy & Atmosphere 6 Materials & Resources 7 Indoor Environmental Quality 8 Innovation & Design Process

Page 3: KBS Dairy Barn - CASE STUDY - University of Missouriextension.missouri.edu/sare/documents/DairyBarnCASESTUDY2012.pdf · Free-Stall Dairy Barn Case Study presented to The United States

Dairy Free‐Stall Barn Case Study  

W.K. Kellogg Biological Station  A Legacy of Conservation;  A Commitment to Sustainability   1 

Introduction & Funding The Michigan State University W.K. Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) is a year-round resident field station with a focus on terrestrial and aquatic environments. KBS supports undergraduate and graduate education and interacts with the community through the HManor HouseH, HBird Sanctuary H, HFarm H, and HConference Center H. KBS is Michigan State University's largest off-campus education complex and one of North America's premier inland field stations.

The mission of KBS is to develop programs in research, education, and outreach directed toward a comprehensive understanding of natural and managed ecosystems and the conservation of natural resources.

Kellogg Farm's efforts focus on dairy and crop production and its place in an ever changing agricultural landscape. The dairy includes 200-acres of irrigated pasture, a free-stall barn with robotic milking, a visitor education center, additional support buildings, and crop ground for the production of winter feed. The dairy supports research, outreach, and teaching in dairy production, animal health and welfare, pasture ecology and pasture management.

Because of the Kellogg Biological Station’s commitment to sustainability and educational role it was decided early in the building design process to incorporate Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification into the design of the facility. As the first working agricultural building to seek LEED certification some aspects of the Kellogg Biological Station dairy barn project did not fit easily into the LEED certification point system. For example, as a rural site there

is no local public transportation system and no other businesses within convenient walking distances. Even with limitations, in relation to the LEED certification point system, inherent to the project the close collaboration between design team members allowed the dairy barn to aspire to Silver level LEED certification.

This project was funded through a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation with additional support from Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES), Michigan State University Extension (MSUE), and the Michigan State University Office of the Provost and College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

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Dairy Free‐Stall Barn Case Study  

W.K. Kellogg Biological Station  A Legacy of Conservation;  A Commitment to Sustainability   2 

Design & Construction Team


Michigan State University W.K. Kellogg Biological Station 3700 E Gull Lake Drive Hickory Corners, MI 49060

Owners Representatives

Phil Barry, Assistant Director of Facilities & Operations Dave Sherk, Physical Plant Manager Jim Bronson, Farm Manager Rob Ashley, Dairy Manager Larry Langshaw, Farm Maintenance Mechanic Mat Haan, Pasture Dairy Project Coordinator

Design Engineer

Jerry Wille Curry-Wille & Associates Consulting Engineers Ames, IA 50010 LEED AP

Debra Sypien Rockford Construction Grand Rapids MI, 49512 [email protected] Commissioning Agent

Carl Manning GMB Architects and Engineers Holland, MI, 49423 [email protected]

General Contractor Dan Wedeven Wedeven Brothers Construction Company Hamilton, MI 49419 [email protected]

CCooww uuttiilliizziinngg oonnee ooff ttwwoo rroobboottiicc mmiillkkiinngg ssttaattiioonnss iinn ffrreeee--ssttaallll bbaarrnn..

Page 5: KBS Dairy Barn - CASE STUDY - University of Missouriextension.missouri.edu/sare/documents/DairyBarnCASESTUDY2012.pdf · Free-Stall Dairy Barn Case Study presented to The United States

Dairy Free‐Stall Barn Case Study  

W.K. Kellogg Biological Station  A Legacy of Conservation;  A Commitment to Sustainability   3 

Sustainable Sites Because of the agricultural nature and rural location of this project some of the Sustainable Sites points in the LEED certification system were not applicable to this project (Credit 2 - Development Density & Community Connectivity and Credit 4.1 – Alternative Transportation, Public Transportation Access). However, because of the close collaboration of the design team we were able to achieve 8 of the 14 possible points for Sustainable Site selection and development. Bicycle rack and changing room are available and ride sharing is encouraged for employees when it is appropriate to promote use of alternative transportation. To protect surface and ground waters storm water quality are managed through natural infiltration with vegetated swales, infiltration trenches and pervious surfacing. To limit the amount of light pollution in the night sky from the facility full cut off wall pack lights only light down and do not spill into the sky needlessly.

DDaaiirryy ffrreeee--ssttaallll bbaarrnn ssiittee pprree--ddeevveellooppmmeenntt,, ffaallll 22000088..

LLEEEEDD--NNCC VVeerrssiioonn 22..11::

SSuussttaaiinnaabbllee SSiitteess Credit Name and Number Points Construction Activity Pollution Prevention (Prerequisite 1)


Alternative Transportation - Bicycle Storage & Changing Rooms (Credit 4.2)


Alternative Transportation - Low Emitting & Fuel Efficient Vehicles (Credit 4.3)


Alternative Transportation - Parking Capacity (Credit 4.4)


Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat (Credit 5.1)


Site Development - Maximize Open Space (Credit 5.2)


Storm water Design - Quality Control (Credit 6.2)


Heat Island Effect - Roof (Credit 7.2)


Light Pollution Reduction (Credit 8) 1

8 of 14 points possible

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Dairy Free‐Stall Barn Case Study  

W.K. Kellogg Biological Station  A Legacy of Conservation;  A Commitment to Sustainability   4 

Water Efficiency Four of the 5 possible points for water efficiency are being sought for this project. KBS’s goal concerning water usage is simply “to reduce it”, use less water. Steps taken are quite simple, use native and drought resistant landscaping to eliminate the need for water and expensive underground sprinklers. Water reduction practices are also implemented within the building. Low flow fixtures are able to reduce water usage within the building by 23.1% a year. This ends up saving more than 2,555 gallons of water throughout the year.

RRoobboottiicc mmiillkkiinngg ssyysstteemm aatt KKBBSS ddaaiirryy ffaacciilliittyy..

LLEEEEDD--NNCC VVeerrssiioonn 22..11::

WWaatteerr EEffffiicciieennccyy Credit Name and Number Points

Water Efficient Landscaping - Reduce by 50% (Credit 1.1)


Water Efficient Landscaping - No Potable Use or No Irrigation (Credit 1.2)


Water Use Reduction - 20% Reduction (Credit 3.1)


Water Use Reduction - 30% Reduction (Credit 3.2)


4 of 5 Possible Points

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Dairy Free‐Stall Barn Case Study  

W.K. Kellogg Biological Station  A Legacy of Conservation;  A Commitment to Sustainability   5 

Energy & Atmosphere BByy iinnccoorrppoorraattiinngg ggrreeeenn bbuuiillddiinngg pprriinncciippaallss iinnttoo tthhee ddeessiiggnn aanndd ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn pprroocceesssseess wwee aarree rreedduucciinngg tthhee bbuuiillddiinnggss iimmppaacctt oonn eenneerrggyy uussee aanndd tthhee aattmmoosspphheerree aanndd ccaappttuurriinngg 1100 ooff tthhee 1177 ppoossssiibbllee ppooiinnttss iinn tthhiiss aarreeaa.. TToo rreecceeiivvee ppooiinnttss ffoorr eennhhaanncceedd rreeffrriiggeerraanntt mmaannaaggeemmeenntt ssyysstteemmss aarree sseett uupp ttoo uussee aa rreeffrriiggeerraanntt tthhaatt ddooeess nnoott uussee tthhee oozzoonnee ddeepplleettiinngg CCFFCC ((CChhlloorroofflluuoorrooccaarrbboonnss)) oorr HHCCFFCC ((HHyyddrroocchhlloorroofflluuoorrooccaarrbboonnss)).. TThhee bbuuiillddiinngg’’ss HHVVAACC aanndd rreeffrriiggeerraattiioonn ssyysstteemmss hhaavvee uunnddeerrggoonnee tthhee ffuunnddaammeennttaall ccoommmmiissssiioonniinngg pprroocceessss aanndd aarree iinn tthhee mmiiddsstt ooff eennhhaannccee ccoommmmiissssiioonniinngg.. EEnnhhaanncceedd ccoommmmiissssiioonniinngg rreeqquuiirreess wwoorrkkiinngg wwiitthh tthhee tthhiirrdd ppaarrttyy ccoommmmiissssiioonniinngg aauutthhoorriittyy eeaarrllyy iinn tthhee ccoommmmiissssiioonniinngg pprroocceessss wwhheerree tthheeyy ccaann rreevviieeww tthhee ppllaannss,, mmaakkee ssuuggggeessttiioonnss oonn ssyysstteemmss,, rreevviieeww ssuubbmmiittttaallss aanndd aafftteerr tthhee systems performance is up and running verify completion, make sure that the staff is trained, produce a systems manual and follow with a ten month walk through to make sure the systems are performing to specifications.

LLEEEEDD--NNCC VVeerrssiioonn 22..11::

EEnneerrggyy && AAttmmoosspphheerree

Credit Name and Number Points Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy Systems (Prerequisite 1)


Minimum Energy Performance (Prerequisite 2)


Fundamental Refrigerant Management (Prerequisite 3)


Optimize Energy Performance (Credit 1)


Enhanced Commissioning (Credit 3)


10 of 17 Possible Points

MMiillkk bbuullkk ssttoorraaggee ttaannkk..

Page 8: KBS Dairy Barn - CASE STUDY - University of Missouriextension.missouri.edu/sare/documents/DairyBarnCASESTUDY2012.pdf · Free-Stall Dairy Barn Case Study presented to The United States

Dairy Free‐Stall Barn Case Study  

W.K. Kellogg Biological Station  A Legacy of Conservation;  A Commitment to Sustainability   6 

Materials & Resources The LEED certification process not only promotes practices that support sustainable construction but continues to encourage the use of sustainable practices once the building is occupied. As part of any LEED certified buildings a plan for the storage and collection of recyclables is require. Recyclables at the dairy barn are collected and combined with recyclables collected at other KBS buildings. This practice was easy to achieve because of the strong commitment to recycling at the Kellogg Biological Station and Michigan State University.

To prevent waste of natural resources and promote the use of recycled and regional materials 5 of the 13 points in the Materials & Resources area were earned for this project.

Construction activities can and do produce lots of waste. Instead of throwing all of that waste into a dumpster and contributing to the mountains of trash in our landfills the construction team was able to recycle or redirect 6600% (11.3 tons) of the total construction waste from the project. During construction a concerted effort was made to continue the recycling practice. Construction debris was sorted and disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.

Use of regional materials decreases the carbon footprint of the construction project by reducing transport energy used to bringing materials to the construction site. The use of materials that have a recycled content cost less to produce and

manufacture and are encouraged. The base of the drive and parking areas was created with recycled crushed concrete.

LLEEEEDD--NNCC VVeerrssiioonn 22..11::

MMaatteerriiaallss && RReessoouurrcceess

Credit Name and Number Points Storage & Collection of Recyclables: (Prerequisite 1)


Construction Waste Management - Divert 50% from Disposal (Credit 2.1)


Recycled Content - 10% (post- consumer + 1/2 pre-consumer) (Credit 4.1)


Recycled Content - 20% (post- consumer + 1/2 pre-consumer) (Credit 4.2)


Regional Materials - 10% Extracted, Processed & Manufactured Regionally (Credit 5.1)


Regional Materials - 20% Extracted, Processed & Manufactured Regionally (Credit 5.2)


5 of 13 Possible Points

RReeccyycclliinngg aanndd ttrraasshh bbiinnss ffoorr ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn wwaassttee..

Page 9: KBS Dairy Barn - CASE STUDY - University of Missouriextension.missouri.edu/sare/documents/DairyBarnCASESTUDY2012.pdf · Free-Stall Dairy Barn Case Study presented to The United States

Dairy Free‐Stall Barn Case Study  

W.K. Kellogg Biological Station  A Legacy of Conservation;  A Commitment to Sustainability   7 

Indoor Environmental Quality TThhee ddaaiirryy bbaarrnn rreecceeiivveedd 66 ooff tthhee ppoossssiibbllee 1155 ppooiinnttss aavvaaiillaabbllee ffoorr IInnddoooorr EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall QQuuaalliittyy.. TThhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn pprroocceessss sstteeppss wweerree ttaakkeenn ttoo eelliimmiinnaattee nneeggaattiivvee iinnddoooorr aaiirr qquuaalliittyy ccoommiinngg ffrroomm ddiiffffeerreenntt bbuuiillddiinngg pprroocceesssseess.. AAllll HHVVAACC ssyysstteemmss wweerree ttaappeedd ooffff ttoo kkeeeepp aaiirr bboorrnnee dduusstt ppaarrttiicclleess ffrroomm eenntteerriinngg tthhee ssyysstteemm.. CCaarree wwaass aallssoo ttaakkeenn ttoo mmaakkee ssuurree nnoo aabbssoorrppttiivvee mmaatteerriiaallss ccaammee iinnttoo ccoonnttaacctt wwiitthh wwaatteerr,, bbeeccoommiinngg ccoonnttaammiinnaatteedd wwiitthh mmoolldd.. TThhee uussee ooff LLEEEEDD aapppprroovveedd llooww--eemmiittttiinngg aaddhheessiivveess aanndd sseeaallaannttss iimmpprroovveedd tthhee wwoorrkkiinngg eennvviirroonnmmeenntt dduurriinngg tthhee ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn pphhaassee aanndd ffoorr tthhee ooccccuuppaannttss ooff tthhee bbuuiillddiinngg.. AAvvaaiillaabbiilliittyy ooff nnaattuurraall ddaayylliigghhtt rreedduucceess tthhee nneeeedd ffoorr eelleeccttrriicc lliigghhttss aanndd ccrreeaatteess aa mmoorree pplleeaassaanntt wwoorrkkiinngg eennvviirroonnmmeenntt iinn tthhee bbuuiillddiinngg.. LLiigghhttss iinn tthhee vviissiittoorrss’’ aarreeaa aanndd bbaarrnn ooffffiiccee aarree ccoonnttrroolllleedd bbyy mmoottiioonn sseennssoorrss,, wwhhiicchh ttuurrnn lliigghhttss oonn wwhheenn ppeeooppllee eenntteerr tthhee rroooomm aanndd ooffff aafftteerr tthheeyy lleeaavvee..

MMoottiioonn sseennssoorr ttoo aaccttiivvaattee rroooomm lliigghhttss iinn ddaaiirryy bbaarrnn vviissiittoorrss’’ oobbsseerrvvaattiioonn rroooomm..

TThhee aaccttuuaall ffrreeee ssttaallll bbaarrnn ssyysstteemmss aarree vveerryy ccoommpplleexx,, aass tthheerree aarree mmuullttiippllee ssyysstteemmss ddeeppeennddaanntt oonn mmuullttiippllee vvaarriiaabblleess.. AA ccoonnttrroolllleerr ooppeerraatteess ssiiddeewwaallll ccuurrttaaiinnss bbaasseedd oonn tteemmppeerraattuurree.. AA lliigghhttiinngg ccoonnttrrooll ppaanneell

ccoonnttrroollss ffrreeee--ssttaallll lliigghhttss bbaasseedd oonn ttiimmee sseettttiinnggss aanndd pphhoottoocceellll rreeaaddiinnggss.. TThhee ffeeeeddeerrss aanndd rroobboottiicc mmiillkkeerrss hhaavvee tthheeiirr oowwnn ccoonnttrrooll ppaanneell ttiieedd iinnttoo aa cceennttrraall ccoonnttrrooll aanndd ccoommppuutteerr llooccaattiioonn ttoo ccoonnttrrooll hhooww mmuucchh ffeeeedd iiss ggiivveenn ttoo eeaacchh ccooww aanndd hhooww aanndd wwhheenn tthheeyy aarree mmiillkkeedd. TThheessee ccoonnttrroollss aarree ttiieedd iinnttoo ggaattee ssyysstteemmss aanndd ccoonnttrrooll tthhee ccoommiinngg aanndd ggooiinngg ooff tthhee ccoowwss ttoo aanndd ffrroomm tthhee ppaassttuurree..

LLEEEEDD--NNCC VVeerrssiioonn 22..11::

IInnddoooorr EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall QQuuaalliittyy Credit Name and Number Points Minimum IAQ Performance (Prerequisite 1)


Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control (Prerequisite 2)


Increased Ventilation (Credit 2) 1 Construction IAQ Management Plan - During Construction (Credit 3.1)


Low-Emitting Materials - Adhesives & Sealants (Credit 4.1)


Low-Emitting Materials - Paints and Coatings (Credit 4.2)


Controllability of Systems - Lighting (Credit 6.1)


Controllability of Systems - Thermal Comfort (Credit 6.2)


6 of 15 Possible Points

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Dairy Free‐Stall Barn Case Study  

W.K. Kellogg Biological Station  A Legacy of Conservation;  A Commitment to Sustainability   8 

Innovation & Design Process IInnnnoovvaattiioonnss aanndd ddeessiiggnn pprroocceessss ppooiinnttss aarree mmeeaanntt ttoo eennccoouurraaggee ccrreeaattiivviittyy iinn pprroojjeecctt ddeessiiggnn tthhaatt mmaayy nnoott ffiitt iinnttoo ootthheerr cchhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss iinn tthhee LLEEEEDD cceerrttiiffiiccaattiioonn ppooiinntt ssyysstteemm aanndd eennccoouurraaggee wwoorrkkiinngg wwiitthh aa LLEEEEDD aaccccrreeddiitteedd pprrooffeessssiioonnaall tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee pprroocceessss.. TThhiiss ccaassee ssttuuddyy iiss ddeessiiggnneedd aass ppaarrtt ooff aann iinnnnoovvaattiioonn iinn ddeessiiggnn ccrreeddiitt ffoorr ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff aann eedduuccaattiioonnaall pprrooggrraamm.. IInn aaddddiittiioonn ttoo tthhee CCaassee SSttuuddyy,, aaddddiittiioonnaall ddiissppllaayyss wwiillll bbee ddeevveellooppeedd ttoo eedduuccaattee vviissiittoorrss aabboouutt tthhee iimmppoorrttaannccee ooff iinnccoorrppoorraattiinngg ggrreeeenn pprraaccttiicceess ((rreeccyycclliinngg,, sshhuuttttiinngg ooffff lliigghhttss wwhheenn nnoott iinn uussee,, eettcc..)) iinnttoo tthheeiirr ddaaiillyy aaccttiivviittiieess.. BBeeccaauussee KKBBSS rreegguullaarrllyy hhoosstt ggrroouuppss iinncclluuddiinngg kkiinnddeerrggaarrtteenn ttoo ttwweellfftthh ggrraaddee ssttuuddeennttss,, ccoolllleeggee ssttuuddeennttss,, ffaarrmmeerrss aanndd ootthheerr aaggrriiccuullttuurraall pprrooffeessssiioonnaallss,, ffaammiilliieess,, aanndd ootthheerr ccoommmmuunniittyy mmeemmbbeerrss wwee hhaavvee tthhee ooppppoorrttuunniittyy ttoo iinnffoorrmm aa bbrrooaadd ggrroouupp ooff ppeeooppllee aabboouutt iissssuueess rreellaatteedd ttoo tthhee pprriinncciippaallss iimmppoorrttaanntt ttoo nnoott oonnllyy LLEEEEDD cceerrttiiffiiccaattiioonn bbuutt ssuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy aanndd tthhee eennvviirroonnmmeenntt..

LLEEEEDD--NNCC VVeerrssiioonn 22..11::

IInnnnoovvaattiioonn && DDeessiiggnn PPrroocceessss Description PointsInnovation in Design – Educational Program (Credit 1.1)


Innovation in Design – Rural Community Revitalization (Credit 1.2)


Innovation in Design – Process Water Savings – Green Housekeeping (Credit 1.3)


LEED Accredited Professional (Credit 2)


4 of 5 Possible Points

VViissiittoorrss aatt tthhee KKeelllloogggg BBiioollooggiiccaall SSttaattiioonn DDaaiirryy..