KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART...

KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008

Transcript of KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART...

Page 1: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.

KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases

Charlie Rapple

KBART co-chair

UKSG Annual Conference

5-7 April 2008

Page 2: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.

Today’s agenda

OpenURL recap – why? how?

Stakeholder overview – who does what

What is a knowledge base, and why it matters

Some examples of problems that occur

KBART – what? why? who? how? when?

Page 3: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.

OpenURL origins

Appropriate copy (“Harvard problem”)

Binary/hard-coded reference linking

Creation and standardisation of OpenURL

Page 4: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.





printcollections gateways

article citation

article title = …first author = …

journal name = …

article title = …first author = …

journal name = …

metadata string

OpenURL query (base URL+ metadata string)

resolver.institution.eduresolver.institution.edubase URL oflink resolver

link resolver’sknowledge base

publisher/providerholdings data

libraryholdings data

content licence

target (cited)article

predictable link

Page 5: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.

OpenURL query (base URL+ metadata string)

Make their content OpenURL compliant by:

– Creating outbound OpenURL links

Make their content KB compliant by:

– Telling the knowledge base what content they have and how to link to it

Which bits do publishers do?

publisher/providerholdings data

link resolver’sknowledge base

Together: link-resolver compliance

Page 6: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.

What bits do libraries do?

Have a link resolver! And register it with providers

Customise its knowledge base with their own holdings data


resolver.institution.eduresolver.institution.edubase URL oflink resolver

libraryholdings data

link resolver’sknowledge base

Page 7: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.

What does the link resolver do?

Takes an OpenURL and extracts the article metadata

– http://baseurl.institution.edu/content?genre=article&issn=1234-5679&volume=53&issue=3&page=14

Compares article metadata to knowledge base

– where is the article available?

– which version is preferred by the library?

Puts together a predictable link to this version


target (cited)article

predictable link

Page 8: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.

Hang on. What is a knowledge base?

A database

Contains information about web resources

– e.g. what journals are available in JSTOR

– and how would you link to articles in them

Contains information about the resources a library has licensed/owns

– may also include offline holdings

Page 9: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.

So why is it so important?

It knows where all the content is

It knows which versions the library is able to access

So – it’s the only place that can get a user to an “appropriate copy”

Page 10: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.

article citation

query (base URL+ metadata string)

link resolver/knowledge base

target (cited)article



printcollections gateways

publisher/providerholdings data


Page 11: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.

Where the chain breaks

Wrong data

– Publisher gives wrong metadata for title to the KB

– Link resolver uses bad metadata to make link

– Link does not resolve to correct target

– Dead end

Page 12: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.

Outdated data

– Publisher said it has a particular issue

– Link resolver links to an article from it

– Issue has been removed

– Dead end

– Or, provider doesn’t notify that issue is now live

– So no traffic from link resolvers to that issue!

Where the chain breaks

That’s not


Page 13: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.

Knowledge Bases And Related Tools

UKSG and NISO collaborative project

To improve navigation of the e-resource supply chain by

Ensuring timely transfer of accurate data to knowledge bases, ERMs etc.

Right. So. What is KBART?

Page 14: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.

Why was KBart established?

UKSG 2007 research report,“Link Resolvers and the Serials Supply Chain”

– lack of awareness of OpenURL's capabilities

– impacting the quality and timeliness of data provided to knowledge bases

– undermining the potential of this sophisticated technology

NISO partnership to help reach US audience

Page 15: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.

Who’s in KBart?

Core working group chaired by me (Publishing Technology – Ingenta) and Serials Solutions’ Peter McCracken

– Link resolver/ERM suppliers – Ex Libris, Openly/OCLC, SerialsSoln

– Publishers – Taylor & Francis, Sage

– Subscription agents/aggregators – Swets, EBSCO, Ingenta, Credo

– Libraries – Edinburgh, Leicester, Cornell, Hanford Technical

– Consortia – Claremont, CDL

Monitoring group

– More of these plus other related groups e.g. NASIG

Page 16: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.



Information hub

What is KBart’s mission?

Page 17: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.

How are you going to do it?





Page 18: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.


link resolver

link-to syntax

aggregatorappropriate copy

content provider



federated search gateway

knowledge base




Open Access





Page 19: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.


Page 20: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.

When are you going to finish?

This time next year

May go on to create a standard

Phase II e.g. non-text content

Page 21: KBART: improving the supply of data to link resolvers and knowledge bases Charlie Rapple KBART co-chair UKSG Annual Conference 5-7 April 2008.



Charlie Rapple (UKSG co-chair)

[email protected]

Peter McCracken (NISO co-chair)

[email protected]