Kawa ultra

ULTRA150 JET SKI ® Watercraft Service Manual
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Transcript of Kawa ultra

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WatercraftService Manual

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This quick referenceguide will assistyou in locating a des ired topic or pro-cedure.•Bendthe pages back to matchtheblack tab of the desired chapternum-ber with theblack tab on theedge ateach table of contents page.

•Refer to the sectional table of contentsfor the exac t pages to locate the spe-cific topic required.

QuickReference Guide

General Information 1 j

Periodic Maintenance 2 j

Fuel System 3 j

Engine Lubrication System 4 j

Exhaust System 5 j

Engine Top End 6 j

Engine Removal/Installation 7 j

Engine Bottom End 8 j

Cooling a nd Bilge System 9 j

Drive System 10 j

Pump and Impeller 11 j

Steering 12 j

Hull/Engine Hood 13 j

Electrical System 14 j

Storage 15 j

Appendix 16 j

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LIST OF ABBREVIATIONSA ampere(s) lb pound(s)

ABDC afterbottom deadcenter m meter(s)

AC alternating current min m inute(s)

AT DC aftertop dead center N newton(s)

BBDC beforebottom dead center Pa pascal(s)

BDC bottom deadcenter PS horsepower

BTDC before top dead center psi pound(s)per square inch

°C degree(s) Celsius r revolution

DC direct current rpm revolution(s) perminute

F farad(s) TDC top deadcenter

°F degree(s) Fahrenheit TIR total indicator reading

ft foot, feet Vvolt(s)

ggram(s)W watt(s)

h hour(s) Ω ohm(s)

L liter(s)

Read OWNER’S MANUAL before operating.

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Maintenance, replacement, or repair of th e emission control devices and systems maybe performed by any marine Sl engine repairestablishment orindividual.



ONLY.A minimum of 87 oc tane of the antifknoc k index is recommended. Theantiknock index is

posted on service station pumps.

Emission Control InformationTo protect the environmentin which we all live , Kawasakihas incorporated an exhaust emis-

sion control system in compliance with applicable regulations of the United States EnvironmentalProtection Agency.

Exhaust Emission Control SystemThis system reduces th e amount of pollutants discharged into the atmosphere b y the exhaust

of this engine. The fuel, ignition and exhaust systems of this engine have been carefully de-signed and constructed to ensure an efficient engine with low exhaust pollutant levels.

MaintenanceProper maintenance and repair are necessary to ensure that watercraft will continue to have

low emission levels. This Service M anual contains those maintenance and repair recommenda-tion s for this engine. T hose i tems identified by the Period ic Maintenance Chart are necessaryto ensure compliance with the applicable standards.

Tampering with E mission Control System ProhibitedFederal law p rohibits the following acts or the c ausing the reof:(1) theremoval or rendering

inoperativeby any person other thanfor purposes of maintenance, repair, or replacement, ofany device or element of design incorporated into an y new engine for the pu rposes of emissioncontrol prior to its s ale or delivery to the ultimate purchaser or while it is in use, or (2) the useof the engine after s uch device or element of design has been removed or rendered inoperativeby any person.

Among those acts presumed to constitute tampering are the acts l isted below:

Do not tamper with the original emission related parts.* CDI Ignition System* Flame Arrester*Fuel Filter Screen* S pa rk Plugs* Carburetor and internal parts

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This manual is designed primarily for use bytrained mechanics in a properly equipped shop.However, it contains enough detail andbasic in-formation to make it useful to the owner who de-sires to perform his own basic maintenance andrepair work. Abasic knowledgeofmechanics,the proper use of tools, and workshop proce-dures mustbe understood in orderto carry outmaintenance and repair satisfactorily. When-ever the owner has insufficient experience ordoubts his ability to dothework, all adjust-ments, maintenance, and repair should be car-ried ou t only by qualified m echanics.

In order to perform the work efficiently andto avoid costly m istakes, read the text, thor-oughly familiarize yourselfwiththe proceduresbefore s tarting work, and then do the work care-fully in a clean area. Whenever spec ial tools orequipment are specified, do not use m akeshifttools or equipment. Precision measurementscan only be m ade if the proper instruments areused, and theuse of substitute tools m ay ad-versel y affect safe operation.

For the duration of the warranty period,we recommend thatall repairs and scheduledmaintenance be performed in accordance withthis service manual. A ny owner maintenance orrepair procedure not performed in accordancewith this manualmay void the warranty.

To get the longest life out of your"JET SKI"watercraft:

• Follow the Period ic Maintenance Chart i n theService Manual.

•Be alert for problems and non-scheduledmaintenance.

•Use proper tools and genuine Kawasaki "JETSKI" w at ercraft parts.Special tools, gauges,andtesters thatare necessary when servicingKawasaki "JET SKI" watercraft are introducedby the Special Tool Manual. Genuine partsprovided as spare parts ar e l isted in the PartsCatalog.

• Follow the procedures in this manual care-fully. Don’t take shortcuts.

•Remember to keep complete records of main-tenance and repairwith dates and any newparts installed.

How to Use This ManualIn this manual, the product is divided into

its m aj or systems and these s ystems make up

the manual’s chapters. The Quick ReferenceGuide s hows you all of the product’s systeman d assists in locating their chapter s. Eachchapter in turn ha s its own comprehensive Ta-bl e of Contents.

Forexample, if you wantignition coil informa-ti on,use the Quick R efer ence Guide to locateth e E lectricalSystem chapter. Then, use theTable of Contents on the first page of the chap-te r to find the Ignition Coilsection.

Whenever you see these WARNING andCAUTION symbols, heed their instructions!Always follow safe operating and maintenancepr ac ti ce s.

WA RNINGThis warning symbol identifies specialinstructions or procedures which, if notcorrect ly followed, could result in per-sonal injury, or loss of life.


This caution sym bol identifies specialinstructions or procedures which, if notstrictly observed, could result in dam-age to or destruction of equipment.

This manual contains fourmore symbols (inaddition to WARNING and CAUTION)which willhelp you distinguish differ ent types of informa-ti on.

NOTEThis note symbol in dicates points of par-

ticular inte rest for more efficient and con-venient op era tion.

• Indicates a proc edural step or work to bedone.

Indicates aprocedural sub-step or how to dothe work of the procedural step itfollows. Italso precedes the text of a NOTE.Indicates aconditional step or whataction totake based on the results of the test or inspec-tion in the procedural step orsub-step it fol-lows.

In most chapters an exploded view illustrationof the systemcomponents follows the Table ofContents. Inthese illustrationsyou will find theinstructions indicating which parts require spec-ified tightening torque, oil, grease or a lockingagent during assembly.

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1General Information

Table of Contents

Before Servicing ..................................................................................................................... 1-2Model Identification................................................................................................................. 1-5General Specifications ............................................................................................................ 1-6Technical Information-Kawasaki Smart Steering System (Carburetor Type) .......................... 1-8Te chnical Information-Engine ................................................................................................. 1-12Te chnical Information-Propulsion System .............................................................................. 1-18Te chnical Information-Igniter .................................................................................................. 1-19Te chnical Information-Electrical Parts .................................................................................... 1-22Unit Conversion Table ............................................................................................................ 1-23

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Before Servicing

Before starting to service a watercraft,careful reading ofthe applicable section is recommended toeliminate unnecessary work. P hotographs, diagrams, notes, cautions, warnings, and detailed descrip-tions have been included wherever necessary. Nevertheless, even a detailed account has limitations,a certain amount of basic knowledge is also required for successful work.

Especially no te the following:(1) Adjustments

Adjustments shall be m ade in accordance w ith the Periodic Maintenance Chart or whenevertroubleshooting o r p resence o f symptoms i ndicate that adjustments m ay be requ ired.Wheneverrunning of the engine is required during maintenance it is best to have the watercraft in water.


Do not run the engine without cooling water supply for more than 15 seconds, especiallyin high revolutionary speed or severe engine an d exhaust system damage will occur.

(2) Auxiliary CoolingAn auxiliary c ooling s upply may be used if the wate rcraft cannot be operated in water during a d-

justments. Ifpossible, always operate thewatercraft in water rather thanusean auxiliary coolingsupply.

• Loosen the clamp and remove the cap [A].

•Connect the garden hose [B] to the hose fitting (see above).

•Attach the garden hose to a faucet. Do notturnonthewateruntil theengineis running and turnit off immediately when the engine stops. The engine-requires 2.4 L/min (2.5 q ts/min) at 1 800r/min (rpm) and 7.0 L/min (7.4 qts/min) at 6 000 r/min (rpm).


Insufficientcooling supply will cause the engine and/orexhaust system to overheatandsevere damage will occur. Excessive cooling supply may kill the engine and flood the cylin-ders, causing hydraulic lock. Hydraulic lock will cause severe damage tothe engine. If theengine dies while using an auxiliary cooling supply, the wat er must be shut off immediately.Alwaysturntheboaton itsleftside. Rollingtotherightsidecancausewater intheexhaustsystem to run into the engine, with possible engine damag e.

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Befo re Servicing

(3) DirtBefore removal and disassembly, clea n the “Jet Ski” watercraft. Any sand entering the engine

will shortenthe life ofthe watercraft. For the s ame reason, before installing a new part, clean offany dust or metal filings.

(4) Battery GroundDisconnect the ground (–) wire from the battery before performing any di sassembly operations

on th e “Jet Ski” watercraft. This p revents the engine from accidentally turning o ver while workis beingcarried out, sparks from beinggeneratedwhiledisconnecting thewires from electricalparts, as well as damage tothe electrical parts themselves. For reinstallation, first connect thepositive wire to the positive (+) terminal of the battery

(5) Installation, AssemblyGenerally, installation or assembly is the reverse of removal or disassembly.However, if instal-

lation or assembly sequence is given in this Service Manual, follow i t. Note partslocationsandcable, wire, and hoseroutingduring removal ordisassembly sothey can be installedor assem-bled in the same way. It is preferable to m ark and record the locations and routing wheneverpossible.

(6) Tightening SequenceWhen installing bolts, nuts, or screws for which a tightening sequence is g iven in this Service

Manual, m ake sure to follow the sequence. Wheninstalling a part with several bolts, nuts, orscrews, start them all in their holes and tighten them to a snug fit, thus ensuring that the part hasbeen installed in its proper location. Then, tighten them to th e specified t orque in the tighteningsequence and method indicated. If tightening sequence i nstructions are not given, tighten themevenly in a cross pattern. Conversely, to remove a part, first loosen all the bolts, nuts, or screwsthat are retaining the part a 1/4-turn before removing them.

(7) TorqueWhen torque values are given in this Service M anual, use them. Either too little or too much

torque may lead to seriou s damage.Useagoodquality, reliabletorquewrench.(8) Force

Common sens e should dictate how much force is necessary in assembly and disassembly. Ifa part seems especially difficult to remove or install, stop and examine w hat m ay be caus ing theproblem. W henever tapping is necessary, tap lightly using a wooden or plas tic-faced m allet.Usean impact driver for screws (particularly for the r emoving screw s held by non-permanent lockingagent) in order to avoid damaging the s crew heads.

(9) EdgesWa tch for sharp edges, as they could c ause i njury through careless handling, especially during

majorengine disassembly and assembly. U se a clean piece of thick cloth w hen lifting the engineor turning it over.

(10) High-Flash Point SolventA high-flash point solvent is recommended to reduce fire danger. Acommercial solvent com-

monly available in North America is standard s olvent (generic name). A lways follow manufacturerand container directions regarding the use of any solvent.

(11) Gasket, O-ringReplace a gasket or an O-ring with a new part w hen disassembling. Remove any foreign matter

from the m ating surface of the gasket or O -ring to ensure a perfectly smooth surface to preventoil or compression leaks.

(12) Liquid Gasket, Locking AgentClean and prepare surfaces w here liquid gasket or non-permanent locking agent willbe used.

Apply them sparingly. Excessive amount may b lock engine oil passages and cause serious dam-age.

(13) PressWhen us ing a press or driver to install a part such as a drive s haft holder bearing, apply a small

amount of oil to the area where the tw o parts come in contact to ensure a smooth fit.(14) BallBear ing and Needle Bearing

Do not remove a ball bearing or a needle bearing unless it is absolutely necessary. Replace anyball orneedlebearings that wereremoved withnew ones. Installbearingswiththe manufacturerand size marks facing out, applying pressure evenly with a s uitabl e d river. Apply force only to theend of the race that contacts the p ress fit portion, and pres s it evenly o ver the base component.

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Before Servicing

(15) OilSeal and Grease SealReplace any oil o r g rease s eals tha t were removed with new ones, a s removalgenerally dam-

ages seals. Oil o r g rease s eals s hould b e p ressed in to place u sing a s uitable d river, applyingaforce uniformly to the end of seal until the fac e of the seal is even with the end of the hole, unlessinstructed otherwise. When pressing in an oil or grease s eal which has manufacturer ’s marks,press i t i n w ith the marks facing o ut.

(16) Circlip, Retaining Ring, and Cotter PinWhen installing circlips and retaining rings , take c are to c ompress or expand them only enough

to install them and no more. Install the circlip with its chamfered s ide fac ing l oad side as well.Replace any circlips, retaini ng rings, and cotter pins that were removed with new ones, as r e-

moval weakens and deforms them. If old ones are reused, they could become detached whilethe “Jet Ski” w atercraft is driven, leading to a m ajor problem.

(17) LubricationEngine wear is generally at its maximum while the engine is warming up and before all the s liding

surfaces have an adequate lubricative film. During a ssembly, make sure to apply o il to any slidingsurface or bearing that has been cleaned. Old grease or d irty oil c ould hav e lost its lubricativequality and may c on tain foreign particles that act as abrasives; therefore, make sure to wipe it offand apply fresh grease oroil. Some oils and greases in particular should be used onl y in c ertainapplications and may be harmful if used in an application for which they are not intended.

(18) Replacement PartsWhen there is a replacement instruction, replace these parts with new ones every time t hey are

removed.Replacementparts will be damaged or lose their original function once they are removed. There-

fore, always replace these parts withnew ones every timethey are removed. Althoughthe pre-viously mentionedgasket, O-ring, ball bearing, needl e bearing, grease seal, oilseal, circlip, andcotter pin have not been so designated in their res pective text, they are replacement parts.

(19) ElectricalWiresAll the electrical wires are either one-color or two-color.A two-color w ire is identified first by the

primary color and then the stripe color. For exam ple, a yellow wire with thin red stripes is referredto as a “yellow/red” wire; it would be a “red/yellow” w ire if the colors were reversed. Unless in-structed otherwise, electrical w ires must be connected to w ires of the same color.

Two -Colo r Electrical

(20) InspectionWhen parts have been di sassembled, visually inspect these parts for the following conditions

or other damage. If there is any doubt as to the condition of them, replace them with new ones.

Abrasion Crack Hardening Warp

Bent Dent Scratch Wear

Color change Deterioration S ei zure

(21) SpecificationsSpecification terms are defined as follows:"Standards" show dimensions or performanc es which brand-new parts or systems have."Service Limi ts" indicate the usable limits. If the m easurement shows excessive wear or dete-

riorated performance, replacethedamagedparts.

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Model Identification

JH120 0-B1 Le ft Side View

J H120 0-B1 Right Side View

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General Specifications

Items JH1200-B1 ∼B3

Eng ine

Ty pe 2-stroke, 3-cylinder, crankcase reedvalve, watercooled

Displacement 1176mL(71.8cuin.)

Bore and Stroke 80× 78 mm (3.15× 3.07in.)

Compression Ratio 5.8: 1

Maximum Horsepower 106.6kW(145 PS) @6750r/min(rpm)

Max i mum Torque 153.5N·m(15.6 kgf·m, 112.8 ft·lb)@6 000 r/min (rpm)

Ignition System DC-CDI (Digital)

Lubrication System Superlube Oil injection (break-in period: Oil injection and fuelmixture50: 1)

Carburetion System Keihin CDCV40-35×3

Starting System Electric starter

Tuning Specifications

Spark Plug:


Gap 0.7 ∼0.8 mm (0.028 ∼0.031 in.)

Te rminal Solid post

Ignition Ti ming 15°BTDC @1250r/min ∼22° BTDC @3 500r/min (rpm)


Idle Speed1 250 ±100r/min (rpm)-in water1 800 ±100 r/min (rpm)-out of water

Compression Pressure 675 ∼1 070kPa (6.9 ∼10.9 kgf/cm², 98 ∼155 psi)@ 440 r/min(rpm)

Drive System

Coupling Directdrivefrom engine

Jet Pum p:

Ty pe Mixed flow single stage

Thrust 4 020N (410kgf, 904lb)

Steering Steerable nozzle

Braking Wa te r drag


†Minimum Tu rning R adius 4.0 m (13.1 ft)

†Fuel Consumption 50.5L/h (13.3US gal/h) @ full thrott le

†Cruising Range 119 km (75 mile) @ full throttle 1 hour and 9 minutes


Overall Length 2890 mm(113.8 in.)

Overall Width 1 129mm (44.4 in.)

Overall Height 1 028mm (40.5 in.)

Dry Weight 284kg (626 lb)

Fuel Tank Capacity 58L (15.3US gal)including7L(1.8US gal)reserve

Eng ine Oil

Ty pe 2-stroke, N.M.M.A.CertifiedforServiceTC-W3

Oil Tank Capacity 4.7L(1.2US gal)

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General Specifications

Items JH1200-B1 ∼B3

Electrical Equipment

Battery 12 V 18 Ah

Maximum GeneratorOut Put 5.0 A/14V@6 000 r/min (rpm)

†: This information shown her e represents results under controlled conditions, and the informationmay not be correct under other conditions.

Specifications subject to c hange without no tice, and may not apply to every country.

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Technical Information-Kawasaki Smart Steering System (Carburet or Type)

OutlineThe Kawasaki Smart Steering system provides turning

action under certain c onditions when the throttle is re-leased. There must be thrust at the jet nozzle to initiateand complete turns. This is supplem entalsteering systemwhich assists operators in learning to negotiate turns andmaneuver.

The Kawasaki Smart Steering system continuously de-tects the operator ’s steering input as well as the boat’sspeed. When the throttle is released while boat speed ishigh and a turn is initiated, the smartsteering systemau-tomatically increases engine speed to provide additionalthrust. The system doesnot work when the engine is offorthe boat speedis low.

The Kawasaki Smart Steering systemfunctions when allof these condition s are met.- engine speed averages more than 3 000 RPM for a s pec-ified time- the throttle is released completely- and the handlebars are held fully to the l eft or right.

Construction and OperationThe main component pa rts for the Kawasaki Smart Steer-

ing system a re the following.1. Steering Position Sensorand Magnet2. Throttle Sensor3. Crankshaft Sensor4. IC Igniter5. SmartSteering Actuator

The steering position sensor [A] is installed on the bottomside of the steering holder [B]. Left and right sens ors arebuilt into the steering position sensor [A]. The magnet [C] isinstalled on the mount plate [D].

When the handlebar is fully turned in either direction, themagnet [C] under the steering position sensor [A] signalsthe steering position sensor [A] to switch O N.

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Technical Information-Kawasaki Smart Steering System (Carburetor Ty pe)

Kawasaki Smart Steering system provides thrust (approx.2 800 rpm-in water) when the these thr ee conditions aremet.

Co nd itio n 1: Throttle is release-The throttle opening angleo f th ro ttle s enso r at idle.

Cond itio n 2: The handlebar is fu lly turned in eitherd irec tion-The steering p os ition s ensor switchesON.

Co nd itio n 3: The av erage eng ine spe ed for a p eriod oftim e before the sys tem operates is 3 000 rpmor more-The igniter calculates the av erageengine speed bas ed on the data sent from thecrankshaft sensor.

The IC igniter will s end digital signals for the m ost ade-quate actions to the Kawas aki Smart Steering actuator ifthree c onditions mentione d above are completed.

The Smart Steering cable [A] will be pulled if the actuator[B] with a built-in servo motor [C] receives signals. Enginespeed will be increased (up to approximately 2 800 rpm)byopening the throttle valves. This will provide enough thruststo allow yourpersonal watercraft to turn.

Carburetor [D]Pulley [E]

How To Release Kawasaki Smart Steering System


Engine Speed(When th e KawasakiSmart Steering systemoperate s)


approx.6500 rpm

How To ReleaseKawasaki SmartS teering S ystem

Keep thehandlebar in thestraight-aheadpo sition , or pu llthe throttle lev erinathirdormore.

Keep thehandlebar in thestraight-aheadposition, orpull thethrottle lever inathird or more.

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Technical Information-Kawasaki Smart Steering System (Carburet or Type)

Kawasaki Smart Steering System Circu it

A. Throttle SensorB. Steering Position Switch (Steering Position Sensor and Magnet)C. Crankshaft SensorD. Multifunction MeterE. MagnetoF. Joint Connector

G. Main SwitchH. IC IgniterI. BatteryJ. Ignition CoilsK. Spark PlugsL. Carburetor

M. CableN. Smart Steering Actuator

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Technical Information-Kawasaki Smart Steering System (Carburetor Ty pe)

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Technical Inform ation-Engine

1. CylinderThis large-displacement engine features independent, Nikasil plated aluminium cylinders for light

weight, long wear and s uperb heat dispersion characteristics.

Comparison of Cylinders

Nikasil Plating: A film in which s ilicon c arbide (SiC) is c om bined with nickel(Ni).The cylinders ar e m ade from aluminium alloy for excellent heat transmission. This keeps the surface

temperature of the cylinder-bore l ower than is possi ble w ith a conventional aluminium cylinder withacast-iron sleeve. Assembly and maintenance are improved with independent cylinders.Nika sil Plating

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Technical Information-Engine

2. Balan cerNew counter balancers, one at each end of the crankshaft, decrease vibrations and make this the

smoothest running Kawasaki triple ever produced. Whenreassembling, it isnecessarytomatchthemarks on the balancer gear and the balancer drive gear. Afterengine reassembly,the frontand rearbalancer oil c hambe rs mustbe refilled with engine oil for lubr icating the bearings and teeth, sincethese c hambers are isolated from crankcase chambers.

Front end: 200mL(12.2 cu in.)Rear end: 20 mL (1.2cu in.)


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Technical Inform ation-Engine

3. Carburetor and T hrottle SensorTheJH1200-B1 has CDCV 40 carburetors witha Throttle Sensor[A].The CDCV 40carburetors

deliver sharp throttle response and smooth accelerat ion.Throttle sensor ensures ideal ignition timingat all throttle openings, delivering improved response, harder acceleration and improved power feelat all rpm. The throttle sensorsignal goes to the igniter. The igniter c ompu tes the optimum ignitiontiming. (K-TRIC system)

Thro ttle Sensor

Th e K awasa kiJET SKI Watercraft C onstant Velocity Carb ure tor(1) Development Goals1) The carbur etor must allow high performance with high flexibility to m atch the engine’s capabilities.2) The carburetor must have high d riveability from low to h igh engine speeds, responding closely to

the operator ’s input.3) The carburetor must lower exhaust emissions for less harm to the environment.(2) Features1) ThewatercraftCV carburetor hasa variableventuri for smoother driveability through the entire

speed range of the engine. It ha s a vacuum diaphragm which m oves a s lide in the venturi, anda needle j et an d j et needle.Theslide changesthe venturi a rea according to the p ressure in theventuri, andtheneedle andjet vary theamountoffuel allowed into the venturi.

2) ThewatercraftCVcarburetoris a diaphragm-typecarburetor (as opposedto a floatbowl-type), andhas all the performance features of the traditi onalwatercraft carburetor: It c an operate efficientlyat any angle, it is durable, corrosion resistant, and salt water proof.

(3) Construction and Function1) In operation, air is drawn through the i ntake [1], venturi opening [2], and the throttle valve [3],

and into the engine’s crankcase. The vacuum-actuated slide[4] projectsintothe venturi, andispushedto narrow theventuri openingby thevacuum slide spring[5]. When the engine is runningslowly and the amount of air down into the engine is very small, the s lide [4] m oves to minimizethe venturi cross sectional area. This m aintains the air velocity in the v enturi.The bottom of theslide [4] has a hole [4-1] that goes through into the s pace above the di aphragm [4-2]. This holeallows the l ow pressure in the v en turi to draw the s lide, against the pressure of the s pring [5], outof the v enturi, enlarging the venturi area [2].The wider the throttle opens, the lower the pressurein the venturi and the farther the slide m oves, opening the venturi s o that the e ng ine c an speedup. T his mechanism maintains the air speed through the venturiat an even l evel.

2) Thecarburetor assembly hasa built-inpulse-type fuel pump [6]. Fuel flows from the fuel tank tothe j oi nt [7]onthecarburetor assembly andinto the fuel pump. Astheengine turns, pressure

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Technical Information-Engine

pulses from the crankcase travel through the pulse joint [8] and push the di aphragm [9] in the fuelpump back and forth, drawing fuel through the chec k v alve in the joint [7] and pushing it past theneedle valve [11], and into the regulator chamber [12]. The needle valve [11] serves the samepurpose as the float valve in a float bowl-type carburetor. If the pump supplies m ore fuel than theengine can use, the excess fuel escapes back to the fuel tank through the l eak jet [13].

3) Thecarburetor slow system provides fueltotheengineatlowspeeds. The slowsystemconsistsof a slow jet [14], var ious bypass outlets [15], the pilot outlet [16], and the pilot screw [17] As thethrottle v al ve opens, fuelflow s through the p ilot outlet [16] and then the bypass outlets [15], oneby one.

4) The main system consists of the c heck valve [18], the main jet [19], the needle jet [20], and thejet needle [21]. The jet needle [21] is fixed to the slide and moves w ith it. As the slide m ov es,powered by the diaphragm [4-2], the tapered jet needle [21] moves in and out of the needle j et[20] varying the clearance between them and thus the fuel flow out of the needle jet.

5) When then engine is idling, the throttl e v alve [3] is almost c losed. The low pressure in the inlettract downstr eam of the throttle valve draws fuel through the pilot outlet [16] and the bypass outlets[15] from the regulator chamber[12]. Even though the pressure in the venturi [2] is higher on theupstream side of the throttle v al ve, almost no fuel flows through the needle jet[20]and into theregulator chamber [12], because of the check valve [18].


6) As the fuelin the regulator chamber[12]flowsout,the pressure in the chamberdrops and drawsthe regulator diaphragm [22] into contact with the collar [24] of the float ar m [23], which in turnpulls the needle float valve [11] away from the valve s eat [10]. Fuel can now fl ow into the regulatorchamber [12] and press the diaphragm [22] away from the float arm [23]. This a llows the float arm

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Technical Inform ation-Engine

spring [25] to push the arm toward the float valve needle [11 ] pressing i t i nto the seat [10], s huttingoff the fuel flow.

7) Whenthethrottlevalve[3]opens, theengineruns atmid-rangeorhigherspeeds. The pressurein the v enturi [2] drops as the air flow speed through it rises.This p ressure drop allows the checkvalve [18] to open and fuel flows through the m ain jet [19], the needle jet [20], past the jet needle[21], and into the v entur i [2] on its way into the engine. The low pressure in the venturi [2] also actson the diaphragm [4-2], which pulls the s lide [4] increasing the area of the v enturi.The diaphragm[4-2] m oves the slide until the pressure of the vacuum slide s pring [5] is high enough to overcomethe force of the diaphragm. As the slide moves, it pulls the jet needle [21] out of the needle jet[20], increas ing the clearance between the two and allowing more fuelto join the air going to theengine. The parts on the carburetor are designed to balance the ai r to fuel ratio for the best fueleconomy, power, driveability, and lowest exhaust emissions.

Fu ll-O pen

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Technical Information-Engine

4. Oil PumpThe oil pump output is determined by both engine speed and throttle opening, reducing both oil

consumption and ex haust smoke. Thistype of pum p is often used on 2-stroke m otorcycles. Theoil pum p has 5 outlet ports. The oil is supplied to each car buretor through 3 outlet ports and to thebalancers through 2 ports fo r optimum lubrication.

Oil Pump

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Technical Information -Propulsion System

1. Pu mpTwo k inds of pump are used in PWC for propulsion.TheJH1200-B1has a mixedflow pump. The

mixed-flow pump is c ompact w ith high-capacity, and it delivers m ore efficient propulsion for improvedacceleration and performance.


Impeller/Pump Case Clearance: STD 0.2-0.3mm (0.008 ∼0.012 in.)

2. Trim ActuatorThe JH1200-B1 has a trim, cabl e driven by the gear system shown below.An input signal revolves

the m otor which r ev olves the sun-gear through a worm gear, and the output gear pulls and pushesthe trim cable. This trim system has a quicker response time than the conventional system.

Tr i m A c t u a t or

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Technical Information-Igniter

1. BlockDiagramof Digital Igniter

A. BatteryB. StarterC. Starter RelayD. Ignition SwitchE. Starter SwitchF. Stop SwitchG. Steering Position SensorH. Wa ter Temperature S ensorI. Inlet Air Te mperature SensorJ. Crankshaft SensorK. Throttle Sensor

L.Warning MonitorM. Power-Sour ce ON/OFF CircuitN. Wave Shape CircuitO. DC-DC ConverterP. Control UnitQ. Ignition Coil #1R. Ignition Coil #2S. Ignition Coil #3T. TachometerU. Smart Steering ActuatorV. Outer Load

I/F Interface

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Technical Inform ation-Igniter

2. Functions of Digital Igniter(1) K-TRIC

The throttle sensor is installed on the throttle body. Theoutput signal is sentto the igniter, whichdetermines the optimum ignitertiming. The K-TRIC system c ontrols the independent timing maps foreach cylinder based on engine speed and thro ttle opening for quick throttle response.(2) Correction of Engine Acceleration

The igniter features an acceleration function which advances the timing during rapid accelerationfor improved throttle r es ponse.Whenrevsstabilise, timingreturns to "normal".(3) Inlet Air Temperature Co rrection

The inlet air temperature s ensor is installed in the engine room. Astheairtemperature inside thehull r ises, the igniter compensates by advancing ignition timing to avoid pow er fade.

Inlet Air Te mperature Correction

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Technical Information-Igniter

(4) Overheat ControlTo protect the engine against o verheating, a new, more sensitive heat-sensor constantly monitors

exhaust pipe temperature. When temperature exceeds 90 degree s C or more, the igniter graduallycuts engine speed to 3 500 rpm where it stays until the temperature is lowered.

Overheat Con trol

(5) Engine Over-Rev Cut-OffThe igniter stops ignition when engine speed exceeds 7 500 rpm, to protect the engine from dam-

age. The ignition starts again when the engine speed drops below 7 500 rpm.(6) Engine Tachometer Drive

The electric tachom eter is driven by the pulsing signals from the ignitor.(7) PowerSource OFF Function

Three minutes after the engine stops, theigniter shuts off the power source automatically. Thepower source turns on again w hen the starter switch turns on.(8) Output for Outer Load Function

When the power sourceof unit tur ns on, the igniter puts out a voltage equivalent to the batteryvoltage on the terminal. This terminal is connectedtoTrim SwitchandMultifunctionmeter.

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Technical Information-Electrical Parts

1. Eng ine StarterThe more compact starter features a 1-way clutch with back-torque limiter to p revent starter damage

caused by "kick-back"during starting.

2. MagnetoThe exciter coil is eliminated by adopting DC-CDI. Rare earth metal m agnets lighten the m agneto

and decrease the flywheel effect, improving acceleration response.

JH1200B JH1100A

Diameter (mm) 106 (4.17in.) 131 (5.16 in.)

We ight (kg) 1.44 (3.18 lb) 2.54 (5.60lb)

Flywheel effect (kgf·cm²) 16.1 43.0

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Un it Conversio n Table

Prefixes fo r Units:

Prefix Symbol Power

mega M ×1000000

kilo k ×1 000

centi c ×0.01

milli m ×0.001

mic ro µ ×0.000001

Units of Mass:kg ×2.205 =lb

g × 0.03527 = oz

Units of Volume:L × 0.2642 = gal (US)

L × 0.2200 = gal (imp)

L × 1.057 = qt (US)

L × 0.8799 = qt (imp)

L × 2.113 = pint (US)

L × 1.816 = pint (imp)

mL × 0.03381 = oz (US)

mL × 0.02816 = oz (imp)

mL × 0.06102 = cu in

Units of Force:N × 0.1020 = kg

N × 0.2248 = lb

kg ×9.807 =N

kg ×2.205 =lb

Unitsof Length:km × 0.6214 = mile

m × 3.281 = ft

mm × 0.03937 = in

Units of Torque:N·m × 0.1020 = kgf·m

N·m × 0.7376 = ft·lb

N·m × 8.851 = in·lb

kgf·m × 9.807 = N·m

kgf·m × 7.233 = ft·lb

k gf ·m × 86 . 80 = i n· lb

Units of Pressure:kPa × 0.01020 = kgf/cm²

kPa × 0.1450 = psi

kPa × 0.7501 = cmHg

kgf/cm² × 98.07 = kPa

kgf/cm² × 14.22 = psi

cm Hg × 1.333 = kPa

Units of Speed:km/h × 0.6214 = mph

Units of Power:kW × 1.360 = PS

kW × 1.341 = HP

PS × 0.7355 = kW

PS × 0.9863 = HP

Units of Temperature:

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Periodic Maintenance

Table of Contents

Torque and Locking Agent ...................................................................................................... 2-2Periodic Maintenance Chart ................................................................................................... 2-5Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 2-6Periodic Maintenance Procedure ........................................................................................... 2-7

Fuel System ......................................................................................................................... 2-7Idle Speed Adjustment ...................................................................................................... 2-7Carburetor Synchronization .............................................................................................. 2-7High Altitude Performance Adjustment ............................................................................. 2-8Carburetor Cable Adjustment ........................................................................................... 2-8Oil Pump Cable Adjustment .............................................................................................. 2-9Choke Cable Adjustment .................................................................................................. 2-9Fuel Filter Screen Cleaning .............................................................................................. 2-10Fuel Filter Inspection ......................................................................................................... 2-10Fuel Vent Check Valve Mounting ...................................................................................... 2-10Fuel Vent Chec k Valve Inspection .................................................................................... 2-11Flame Arrester Cleaning ................................................................................................... 2-11Throttle Shaft Spring Inspection ........................................................................................ 2-11

Engine Bottom End .............................................................................................................. 2-11Coupling Damper Inspection ............................................................................................. 2-11

Cooling and Bilge System .................................................................................................... 2-12Cooling System Flushing .................................................................................................. 2-12Bilge System Flushi ng ...................................................................................................... 2-13

Pump and Impeller............................................................................................................... 2-13Pump and Impeller Inspection .......................................................................................... 2-13

Steering ............................................................................................................................... 2-14Steering Cable Inspection ................................................................................................. 2-14Steering Cable Lubrication ................................................................................................ 2-14Trim Cable Inspection ....................................................................................................... 2-14Trim Cable Lubrication ...................................................................................................... 2-15Handlebar Pivot Lubrication .............................................................................................. 2-15

Electrical System ................................................................................................................. 2-16Battery Charging Condition Inspecti on ............................................................................. 2-16Spark Plug Inspection ....................................................................................................... 2-16Spark Plug Adjustment ..................................................................................................... 2-16Spark P lug Cleaning ......................................................................................................... 2-17

Lubrication ........................................................................................................................... 2-17All Hoses, Hose Clamp, Nuts, Bolts and Fasteners Check ................................................. 2-19

Nuts, Bolts, and Fasteners Tightness Inspection .............................................................. 2-19Hose and Hose Connect Inspection ................................................................................. 2-20Rubber Strap Inspection ................................................................................................... 2-21

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Torque and Locking Agent

The following table l ist the tightening torque for the major fasteners, and the parts requiring us e ofa non-permanentlocking agentor silicone sealant.Letters used in the“Remarks” column mean:

L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the threads.SS: Apply silicone sealant to the threads.

S: Tighten the fasteners following the specified sequence.*: Initial Torque for TemporalTi ghtening


N·m kgf·m ft·lbRe-


Fuel System

Flame Arrester Bracket Bolts – – – L

Fuel Filler Nut 4.9 0.5 43 in·lb

Carburetor Mounting Bolts 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

Choke Knob Set Screw – – – L

Fuel Ta p S et Screw – – – L

Oil Pump C able Mounting B olt 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb

Fuel Filler Tube Clamps 2.9 0.3 26 in·lb

Inlet Manifold Mounting Nuts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb

Air Inlet Cover Mounting B olts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb L

Fuel Level Sensor Clamps 2.9 0.3 26 in·lb

Cable Holder Mounting Bolts 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

Carburetor Cable Adjuster Locknuts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb

Choke Cable Adjus ter Locknuts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb

Throttl e C ase M ounting Screws 3.9 0.4 35 in·lb

Air Inlet Connecting Elbows 7.8 ∼14 0.8 ∼1.4 69 ∼121 in·lb L

Engine Lub rication System

Oil Filler Nut 4.9 0.5 43 in·lb

Air Bleeder Screw 1.0 ∼1.5 0.1 ∼0.15 9 ∼13 in·lb

Oil Filler Tube Clamps 2.9 0.3 26 in·lb

Oil Pump Mounting Bolts 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

Oil Pump Cable Locknuts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb

Oil Pump Cable End Mounting Bolt 4.9 0.5 43 in·lb L

Exhaust System

Exhaust P ipe Mounting Bolts-8 mm dia 29 3.0 22 L

Exhaust Pipe M ounting Bolts-10 mm dia 49 5.0 36 L

Cable Holder Mounting Bolts 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

Exhaust Manifold Mounting Nuts 34 3.5 25 S

Expansion Chamber Mounting Bolts 29 3.0 22 L

Wa ter Pi pe J oi nts 7.8 ∼14 0.8 ∼1.4 69 ∼122 in·lb SS

Water Temperature Sensor 14.7 1.5 11 see text

Engine To p End

Cylinder Head Nuts 29 (7.8*) 3.0 (0.8*) 22(69 in·lb*) S

Water Pipe Joint 7.8 ∼14 0.8 ∼1.4 69 ∼122 in·lb SS

Cylinder Base Nuts 49 (7.8*) 5.0 (0.8*) 36(69 in·lb*) S

Wa ter P ipe M ounting N uts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb S

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Torque and Locking Agent


N·m kgf·m ft·lbRe-


Engine Removal/Installation

Engine Mounting Bolts 36 3.7 27 L

Engine Damper Mounting Bolts 16 1.6 12

Engine Mount Bolts 34 3.5 25 L

Engine Bottom End

Flywheel Bolt 123 ∼127 12.5 ∼13 .0 90 ∼94 L

Stator Mounting Bolts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb L

Balancer Drive Gear Mounting Bolts 12 1.2 8.7 L

Grommet Mounting Screws 3.5 0.36 31 in·lb L

Crankshaft Sensor Mounting Screws 3.5 0.36 31 in·lb L

Coupling 123 ∼127 12.5 ∼13 .0 90 ∼94 L

Magneto Cover Mounting Bolts 12 1.2 8.7 L

Grommet Cover Mounting Bolts 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

Oil Level Gauge Bolt 3.9 0.4 35 in·lb L

Crankcase Bolts-6 mm dia 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L, S

Crankcase Bolts-8 mm dia 29 3.0 22 L, S

Cooling And Bilge Systems

Wa ter Pipe J oint 7.8 orabove

0. 8 orabove

69 in·lb orabove


Bypass Outlet Screws – – – L

Breather Mounting Bolt – – – L

Drive System

Coupling 39 4.0 29 L

Drive Shaft HolderMounting Bolts 22 2.2 16 L

Coupling Cover Mounting Bolts – – – L

Pump And Impeller

Steering Nozzle Pivot Nuts 19 1.9 14

Tilt Ring Pivot Bolts 19 1.9 14 L

Cable Joint Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb L

Pump Case Mounting B ol ts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb L

Pump Outlet Mounting Bolts 19 1.9 14 L

Pump Cap Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb L

Impeller 98 10 72

Pump Mounting Nuts 36 3.7 27

Pump Bracket Mounting Nuts 36 3.7 27

Pump Cover Mounting Bolts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb L

Grate Mounting Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb L

Cable Joint 39 4.0 29 L

Tilt Ring Mounting Bolts (L=35 mm, 1.38 in.) – – – L

Tilt Ring Mounting Bolts (L=32 mm, 1.26 in.) – – – L

Stop Screws 3.2 0.33 29 in·lb L

Pump Mounting Bolts 36 3.7 27 L

Pump Bracket Mounting Bolts 36 3.7 27 L

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Torque and Locking Agent


N·m kgf·m ft·lbRe-


Plug 12 1.2 104 in·lb L


Handlebar Clamp Bolts 16 1.6 11 .5 L

Smart Steering Actuator Bracket

Mounting Bolts8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

Steering Holder Mounting Bolts 16 1.6 11 .5 L

Steering C able Joint 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb

Steering Cable Nut 39 4.0 29

Trim Cable Nut 39 4.0 29

Throttl e C ase M ounting Screws 3.9 0.4 35 in·lb

Switch Case Mounting Screws 3.9 0.4 35 in·lb

Cable Joint Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb L

Cable Joint 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb

Hu ll/Engine Hood

Stabilizer Mounting B ol ts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb L

Crossmember Mounting Bolts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb

Grip Mounting B ol ts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb L

Rear Mounting Plate Nuts 25 2.5 18 L

Electrica l System

Actuator Pulley Mounting Bolt 3.5 0.36 31 in·lb L

Actuator Mounting Bolt 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

Actuator Bracket Mounting Bolts 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

Meter Bracket Mounting Bolts 3.9 0.4 35 in·lb L

Switch Case Mounting Screws 3.9 0.4 35 in·lb

Spark Plugs 25 ∼29 2.5 ∼3.0 18 ∼20

Speed Sensor Mounting B ol ts 3.9 0.4 35 in·lb L

Water Temperature Sensor 15 1.5 11

Starter MotorMounting Bolts 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

Starter Relay Mounting Nuts 3.4 ∼4.4 0.35 ∼0.45 30 ∼39 in ·lb

Starter Motor Cable Nut 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb

Fuse Case Mounting Bolts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb L

Fuse Bracket Mounting Screws 4.4 0.45 39 in·lb L

Thetablebelow, relating tighteningtorque tothreaddiameter, lists thebasic torquefor the bolts andnuts. Use this table for only the bolts and nuts which do not requ ire a specific torque value.All of thevalues are for use with drysolvent-cleaned threads.

Gen eral F asten ers ( stainless b olt an d nut)To rque

Threads dia. (mm)N·m kgf·m ft·lb

6 5.9 ∼8.8 0.60 ∼0.90 52 ∼78 in·lb

8 16 ∼ 22 1.6 ∼2.2 11 .6∼15.9

10 30 ∼ 41 3.1 ∼4.2 22 ∼ 30

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Periodic Maintenance Chart


DescriptionInitial 10 Hours Every 25 Hours Every 100 Hours

Adjust carburetor •Clean fuel filter screen •Inspect/replace fuel filter •Inspect fuel vent check valve •Inspect throttle valve return springs (replacecarburetor if necessary) •Inspect/clean flame arrester •Inspect/replace coupling damper •Flush c oo ling s ystem (after each u se in saltwater) •Flush bilge line and filter •Inspect impeller blade for damage (remove) •Inspect steering c able, and trim cable •Lubricate handlebarpivot (disassemble) •Inspect battery •Clean and gap spark plugs (repl ace ifnecessary) •Lubricate steering c ab le joint at steeringshaft and steering nozzle/trim nozzle pivots •Lubricate carburetor cable fitting, smartsteering c able fitting and choke c able fittingat carburetor

•Lubricate s mart steering cable, choke cableand smart steering cable fitting, throttlecontrol cable and throttle cable fittingatthrottle case

Check all hoses, hos e c lamps, nuts, bolt,and fasteners • •To rque rear mounting plate nuts •

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Item Standard Service Limit

Fuel System

Idle Speed:

in Water 1250±100 r/min (rpm) –––

out of Water 1800±100 r/min (rpm) –––

Main Jet:

Front #165(#155-for highaltitude) –––

Middle #165(#155-for highaltitude) –––

Rear #165(#155-for highaltitude) –––

Pilot Jet:

Front #48(#45-for high altitude) –––

Middle #48(#45-for high altitude) –––

Rear #48(#45-for high altitude) –––

Electrica l System

Battery Terminal Voltage 12.6V or more –––

Spark Plug Gap 0.7 ∼0.8 mm (0.028 ∼0.031 in.) –––

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Periodic Maintenance Procedure

Fuel SystemIdle Speed Adju stment

The normal idle speed is the lowest stable s peed.

• Tu rn the i dle adjusting screw [A] as required to reach thissetting.

Idle Speed 1 250 ±100 rpm (in water)

1 800 ±100 rpm (out of water)

Carbureto r Synchronization•Remove the carburetor (see Fuel System chapter).

• Turn out the idle adjusting screw [A] until there is a clear-ance between the adjusting screw end and throttle shaftlever [B].

• Turn in the i dle adj usting screw untilthe adjusting screwend just touches the throttle s haft lever.

• Turn in the adj usting screw 3/4 turn from the point to keepthe specified throttle v alve [C] opening in the front carbu-retor [D].

•Meas ure the distance from the bottom of the carburetorbore lower end to the valve edge shown as "H".

• Tu rn the s ynchronizing screw [E] so that the v alve edge inthe m iddle carburetor [F] keeps the same distance within±0.2 mm (0.008in.) tolerance as that in the front carbu-retor.

• Turn the s ynchronizing screw [G ] so that the v alve edgein the rear carbur etor [H] keeps the same distance within±0.2 mm (0.008 in.) tolerance as in the front carburetor.

• Install the carburetor.

•Adjust the throttle c ontroland choke cables.

•Adjust the idle adjusting screw.

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Periodic M ain ten an ce Pro cedure

High Altitude Perfo rmance A djustmentThe normal c arburetor settings are best for sea level. If

the watercraft is used at the higher elevations, the loweratmospheric pressure makes the carbur etions richer. Toobtain the propercarburetorsetting at higher elevations,change the main and slow jets according to the table.

AltitudeSea Level ∼1000m(0 ∼3300 ft)STD

1000 ∼2000m (3 300 ∼6600 ft STD)

2000 ∼3000m(6000 ∼980 0 ft STD

Main jet# #165 #165 #155

P/N o. 92063–3720 92063–3720 92063–3723

Pilot je t#(s low jet)

#48 #48 #45

P/N o. 16158-3724 16158-3724 16158-3725

Carbure tor Ca ble A dju stmentThe throttle control cable is actually an assembly of three

cables: the throttle c able, the carburetor cable, and the oilpump cable. The throttle c able runs from the throttle leverto the c able assembly junction where it connects to both thecarburetor cable which leads to the carburetor, and the oilpump cable which leads to the oil pump.

Since the throttle l ever controls bo th the c arburetor andthe oil pump s imultaneously, it is important that each c ablebe adjusted to i ts designed base position s o that the oil andfuel/air mixture reach the engine in the cor rect proportion atall throttle openings. C able stretch creates excess play atthe throttle lever and alters the base positions of the cablesat the c arburetor and the oil pump, necessitating pe riodicadjustment.

NOTEBe sure to inspect the remaining cable if whichever ca-

ble the carbur etor the oilpump is adjusted.

•Check car buretor cable adjustment.With the throttle lever released, the lower stop on the

throttle pivot arm [A] should rest against the idle adjustscrew [B], and there should be slight slack in the throttlecable.

When the throttle lev er is fully applied (pulled), the upperstop on the pivot arm s hould be all the way up against thestop on the carburetor.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedure

• If necessary, adjus t the carburetor cable [A].Loosen and turn the locknuts [B] at the cable holder until

the l ower stop on the pivot arm hits against the idle adjustscrew with slight cable slack.

Ti ghten the locknuts s ecurely.

•Check the oil pump cable adjustment (see Fuel Systemchapter).Ifnecessary, adjustthe oil pump c ab le.

Oil Pump Cable Ad justment•Check carburetor cable adjustment.

• If necessary, adjust the carburetor cable.

•Check oil pump cable adjustment.When the throttle lev er is fully applied (pulled), check to

see that there is a clearance [ A] (approx. 0.6 mm (0.024in.)) between stop[B] on the oil pumppulley and thestopper pin [C] on the oil pump body. At this time, theoil pump pulley is fully opened.

Ifnecessary, adjustthe oil pump cable [A].Hold the throttle lever fully applied (pulled).Tu rn the oil pump pulley till the stop on the pulley contacts

to the stopper pin on the oil pump body. At this time,the oil pump pulley is fully open. And then give the oilpump cable tension by turning the upper adjusting nutclockwise.

Loosen the upper adjustingnut [B] by turning counter-clockwise 1/2 turnand thenfix the oil pump cable by tight-ening the lower adjusting nut [C] securely.

Choke Cable Ad justment•Check choke cable adjustment.When the c hoke k nob is turned to th e O FF position, the

choke butterfly valve in the carburetor should be c om-pletely open. The choke pivot arm [A] should stand allthe way toward the port side of the boat with cable slack.

When the choke k nob is turned to the ON position, thechoke butterfly valve in the carburetor should be c om-pletely closed. Check that th e c hoke p ivotarm standsall the way toward the starboard side of the boat withoutcable slack.

If necessary, adjust the choke c able [A].Loosen the l ocknuts [B] at the c able holder and turn the

choke knob to the OFF position.Check that the choke pivot arm stands al l the way toward

the port s ide of the boat with cable slack, and tighten thelock nuts.

Tu rn the choke nob to the O N position.Check that the choke pivot arm stands al l the way toward

the s tarboard s ide of the boat without cable slack.

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Periodic M ain ten an ce Pro cedure

Fu elFilte r Screen Cleaning•Remove:

FillerTubes of Fuel and OilOil TankFuel Tank StrapCrossmemberCable Holder with Control Cables

• Lift the front portion of the fuel tank.

•Disconnect:Fuel Level Sensor Lead ConnectorFuel HosesAir Vent Hose

•Pull out the fuel level sensor assembly [A].

•Wa sh the fuel filter screens in non-flammable o r high flash-point solvent. Use a brush to remove any contaminantstrapped in the screens.

WA RNINGClean the fuel screens in a w ell- ventilated area, andtake ample care that ther e are no sparks or flameanywhere near the working ar ea; this includes anyappliance with a pilot light. Do not use gasoline ora low flash-point so lvent. Afire orexplosion couldresult.

Fu elFilter In spection• Inspect and replac e the fuel filter [A] in accordance w ith

thePeriodic Maintenance Chart, or whenever you findfrom outside any foreign material or water trapped in thefuel filter.

Fu elVent Check Valve Mou ntingThe fuel vent check v alve is mounted in the fuel tank vent

hose to prevent fuel from spilling during r iding.Air can flowinto the tank to allow fuel to be drawn outby the fuel pump,but fuel cannot flow out the check valve.

• The fuel vent check valve [A] must be mounted so thatthe arrow [B] on its body is pointing tow ard the fuel tank.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedure

Fuel Vent Che ck Valve Inspection•Remove the c heck v al ve and blow through it from each

end.If the c heck v alve will allow air to flow as shown, it is OK.If air will flow through the check v alve in both direction orin neither direction, th e c heck valve must be replaced.

F lame Arrester Cleaning•Remove the flame arrester [A] (see Fuel System chapter).

•Blow the flame arrester clean with compressed air.

WA RN INGEye protection should be worn wh en compressedair is used to dry parts. Do not direct airtowardanyone. Use172 kPa (1.75 kgf/cm², 25 psi) maxi-mum nozzle pressu re.

• Install the fl ame arrester (see Fuel System chapter).

T hrottle Shaft Spring Inspection•Check the throttle shaft springs [A] by pulling the throttle

lever.If the springs are damaged or weak, replace the carbur e-tors.

Engine Bottom EndCoupling Da mpe r Inspection•With the engine removed, remove the coupling damper

and inspect it for wear [A] and deterioration.If it is groovedor misshapen, replaced it with anewdamper.Ifthere is any doubt as tocoupler condition, replace it.

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Periodic M ain ten an ce Pro cedure

Cooling and Bilge SystemCooling Syste m F lushing

To prevent sand or salt deposits from a ccumulating in thecooling s ystem, it must be flushe d occasionally.Flush thesystem according to the Periodi c M aintenance Chart, aftereach use in saltwater,orwhenever there is reduced waterflow from the b ypass outlet on the left side of the hull.

•Remove the fitting cap [A] on the cylinder head.

•Connect a garden hose [B] to the fitting.

•Start the engine and allow it to idle before turning on thewater.


The eng ine must be running beforethe water isturned on or water may flow back through theexhaust pipe intothe engine, resultinginthe pos-sibility of severe internal damage.

• Immediatel y turn on the water an adjust the flow so thatalittle trickle of water comes out of the bypass outlet [A] onthe right side ofthe hull.

• Left the engine idle for several minutes with the waterrunning.

• Tu rn off the water.Leave the engine idling.

•Rev the engine a few times to clear the water out of theexhaust system.


Do not run the engine without cooling water supplyfor more than 15 seconds, especially in high revolu-tionary speed or severe engine and exhaustsystemdamage will occur.

•Switchoff the engine, remove the garden hose, install thefitting cap.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedure

Bilge System FlushingTo prevent clogging, the bilge system should be flushed

out according to the Periodic Maintenance Chart, or when-ever you suspect it is blocked.

•Disconnect both bilge hoses at the plastic breather fitting[A].

•Connect the bilgefilter hoses (from the hull bottom) tothe garden hoses, turn the water on, and fl ush it out forabout a m inute. During this procedure, water will flow intothe engine compartmen t.Do not allow a large amoun t ofwater to accumul ate in the engine compartment.

•Connect the other hoses (from the hull bulkhead) to thegarden hose, turn the water on, and flush it out for severalminutes.

•Before reconnecting the hoses to the plastic breather fit-ting make sure the small hole [A], on top of th e b reatherfitting is clear.

•Reconnect the bilge hoses.

Pump and ImpellerPump and Impeller Insp ection•Examine the impeller. [A]

If there is pitting, deep scratches, nicks or other damage,replace the impeller.

NOTEMinor nicks and gouges in the impeller blades can be

removed with abr asive paper or careful filing. Smoothleading edges are especially impor tant to avoid cavita-tion.

•Examine the pump c ase [A].If there are deep s cratches inside the pump case, replaceit.

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Periodic M ain ten an ce Pro cedure

SteeringStee ring Ca ble Inspe ction•Examine the steering cable.

If the cable or cable housing is kinked or frayed, replacethe cable.If the seal [A] at either end of the cable is damaged in anyway, replace the cable.

•Be certain that the c able moves freely in both directions.

•Disconnect the cable joint [A] at each end of the cable.Take out the cable joint bolt [B] and disconnectthe cable

joi nt.


Never la y the watercraft on the r ight side. Wa ter inthe exhaust system may drain back into the enginecausing serious damage.

Slide the inner cable back and forth in the cable housing.If the c able does not move freely, replace it.

Steering Cab le Lubrication

NOTEThe steering cable is sealed at each end and do not

require lubrication. If the seal is damaged, th e c ablemust be replaced.

Trim Cable Insp ection•Examine the trim cable.

If the cable or cable housing is kinked or frayed, replacethe cable with the motor box.

If the seal at either end of the cable is damaged in anyway, repl ace the cable with the trim actuator.

•Check the boot [A] on the trim cable for hardening, crack-ing, checking, cuts, abrasious, and br eaks.If boot is damaged in any way, replace it.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedure

•Be certain that the cable moves freely in both directions.

•Disconnect the cable j oi nt [A] at each end of the c able.Take out the cable joi nt bolt [B] and disconnect the cable



Never lay the watercraft on the right side. Wa ter inthe exhaust system may drain back into the enginecausing serious damage.

Slide the inner cable bac k and forth in the cable housing.If the c able does not move freely, replace the cable withthe motor box.

Tr im Cable L ubrication

NOTEThe trim cable is sealed at each end and do not require

lubrication. If the seal isdamaged, the cable must bereplaced.

Handlebar Pivot Lubrication•Remove the steering shaft [A] (see Steering chapter).

•Check the bushi ngs [B] for damage and wear.If the bushingsare damaged or worn, replace them.

•Grease:BushingsWashers [C]

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Periodic M ain ten an ce Pro cedure

Electri cal SystemBattery Ch arg ing Condition Inspection

Battery charging condition can be checked by measuringbattery terminal voltage.

•Disconnect the battery terminal cables (see Battery Re-moval in the Electrical System chapter).


Be sure to disconnect the negativeterminal leadfirst.

•Measure the battery terminal voltage.

NOTEMeasure with a digital voltmeter [A] which can be read

one decimal place voltage.

If the reading is bel ow the s pecified, refreshing charge isrequired (see Refreshing Charge in the E lectrical Systemchapter).

Battery Terminal Volta geStandard: 12.6V or more

•Connect the battery lead s, positive first.

Spark P lug Inspe ction•Remove the spark plugs (see Spark Plug Removal in the

Electrical System).

•Examine the ceramic insulator [C] and electrodes [A] [B].If the i nsul ator appears glazed or v ery w hite,or if the reare gray m etallic deposits on the el ectrodes, c ombustionchambertemperatures are too high (see Troubleshootingin the Appendix chapter).If the insulator appears dry and sooty the fuel/air mixtureis overly rich (see Tr oubleshooting in the Appendix chap-ter).

• If the insulatorand electrodes are wet and oily, an im-proper o il type or an excess oil output may be the cause.If the ceramic insulator is cracked, replace the plug.If the electrodes are badly w orn or burned, repl ace theplug.

•Examine the spark plug threads.Ifthethreads are damaged, replace theplug.

Spark Plug Ad justment•Measure the spark plug gap [D].Check the distan ce between the e lectrodes with a feeler

gauge or a wire gauge.

Spark Plug GapStandard: 0.7 ∼0 .8 mm (0.028 ∼0.031 in.)

If the gap is not within specifications, adjust it.

•Adjust the gap by carefully bending the s ide electrode withatool designedfor this purpose.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedure

Spark Plug Clean ing•Clean the electrodes and the c eramic insulator around the

center elec trode with an abrasive blasting device.Be certain that all abrasive particles are removed from the


•Clean the entire plug in a high flash point solvent.

LubricationAs in all marine c raft, adequate lubrication and corrosion

protection is an absolute necessity to pr ovide long, reliableservice. Refe r to the Periodic Maintenance C hart for thefrequency of the following items:

• Lubricate the following with a penetrating rust inhibitor.Throttle Control Cable [A]Choke Cable [A]Smart Steering Cable [A]

Steering Nozzle P ivots [B]Tilt Ring Pivots [C]

•With the c able disconnecte d at both end s, the cableshould move freely [A] within the cable housing.If cable m ovement is not free after lubricating, if the c ableis frayed [B], or if the cable housing is k inked [C], replacethe cable.

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Periodic M ain ten an ce Pro cedure

• Lubricate the following with grease.Throttle Cable Ends [A]

Kawasaki SmartSteering Cable Ends [A]

Choke Pivot Arm [A]

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Periodic Maintenance Procedure

Choke Cable End [B]

All Hoses, Hose Clamp, Nuts, Bolts and F asteners CheckNuts, B olts, and Fa sten ers Tig htn ess Insp ection•Check the tightness of the bolts an d nuts listed here. Also,

check to s ee that each cotter pin is in pl ace and in goodcondition.

NOTEFor the engine fasteners, check the tightness of them

whenthe engine is cold (at room temperature).

If there a re loose fasteners, retighten them to the s pec-ified torque following the specifiedtightening sequence.Refer to the appropriate chap ter for torque specifications.If torque specifications are not in the appropriate chapter,see the Standard TorqueTable. Foreach fastener, firstloos en it by 1/2 turn, then tighten i t.If cotter pins are damaged, replace them with new ones.

Nut, Bolt, andFastener tobecheckedEngine:

Engine Bed Mounting BoltsEngine Mounting BoltsEngine Mount BoltsAirInlet Cover BoltsCarburetor Mounting BoltsInlet and Exhaust Manifold NutsExhaust Pipe M ounting B ol tsExhaust Chamber Mounting BoltsCylinder Head NutsCylinder Base Nuts

Drive Shaft, Pump, andImpeller:Drive Shaft CouplingDrive Shaft Holder Mounting B ol tsPump Mounting BoltsPump Cover Mounting BoltsPump Grate Mounting BoltsImpellerSteering Nozzle P ivot Bolts

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Periodic M ain ten an ce Pro cedure

Steering:Handlebar Clamp BoltsThrottle Case S crewsSwitch Case ScrewsSteering Neck Mounting BoltsSteering Cover Mounting B oltsHandlebar Cover and Bracket Mounting B olts

Hull and EngineHood:Tow i ng EyesBumper Nut or RivetsAll Cable Joint Balls (Threads) and Joint Bolts

Electrical System:Spark Plug CapsStarter Motor Mounting BoltsBattery Te rminalGround Cable Mounting Nut

Hose and Ho se Conn ect Inspection•Check the following hoses for leakage [A] hardening,

cracking [B], checking, cuts, abrasions, breaks andbulges [C]. And m ake sure the ho ses a re notkinked orpinched.Fuel HosesFuel Ve nt HoseOil HosesCooling HosesBilge Hoses

If a hose i s damaged in any way, replace it i mmedi atelyand check all the others fordamage.

•Make sure the above hoses are routed properly and se-cured with the clamps away from any moving pa rts andsharp edged portions.[A] Plastic Clamp[B] Hose[C] Hose Fitting

NOTEThe majority ofbilge hoses have noclamps at the hose


[A] Metal Clamp[B] Hose[C] Hose Fitting

NOTEChec k the fuel and oil filler tubes and exhaust tubes for

signs of wear, deterioration, damage orleakage. Re-place if necessary.

Make sure the above tubes are secured with the metalgear clampsaway from anyparts.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedure

Rubbe r Strap In spection•Check the following rubber straps for any deterioration or

damage. Pull on squeeze the straps and look for cracks.Battery Straps [A]Fuel and Oil Tanks StrapsWa ter Box Muffler Straps

If a strap is damage in any w ay, replace it.

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Fuel System

Table of Contents

Exploded View ................................... 3-2Specifications .................................... 3-6Fuel System Diagram ........................ 3-7Throttle Control Cable ....................... 3-8

Carburetor Cable Adjustment ...... 3-8Oil Pump Cable Adjustment ......... 3-8Throttle Case and Throttle Control

Cable Removal .......................... 3-8Throttle Case and Throttle Control

Cable Installation ....................... 3-9Throttle Control Cable Lubrication 3-10ThrottleControl Cable Inspection 3-10

Smart Steering Cable ........................ 3-11Cable Removal ............................ 3-11Cable Installation ......................... 3-11

Choke Cable ...................................... 3-12Choke Cable Adjustment ............. 3-12Choke Knob and Cable Removal. 3-12Choke Knob and Cable

Installation ................................. 3-13Inspection ..................................... 3-13Lubrication ................................... 3-13

Carburetor/Fuel Pump ....................... 3-14Idle Speed Adjustment ................. 3-14Carburetor Synchronization ......... 3-14Pilot Screw Removal/Installation .. 3-14Carburetor Removal ..................... 3-14Carburetor Installation .................. 3-15Carburetor Disassembly .............. 3-16Carburetor Assembly ................... 3-18Carburetor Cleaning and

Inspection .................................. 3-18Float Arm Level Inspection and

Adjustment ................................ 3-19

Pop-off Pressure Inspection......... 3-20Fuel Pump Removal/Installation .. 3-20High Altitude Perfor mance

Adjustment ................................ 3-20Flame Arrester ................................... 3-21

Removal ....................................... 3-21Installation .................................... 3-22Flame Arrester Cleaning .............. 3-22

Inlet Manifold, Reed Valves ............... 3-23Inlet Manifold Removal ................ 3-23Inlet Manifold Installation ............. 3-23Reed Va lve Inspection ................. 3-24Va lve Holder Inspection ............... 3-24Va lve Stop Inspection .................. 3-24

Fuel Vent Check Val ve ...................... 3-25Fuel Vent Check Valve Mounting. 3-25Fuel VentCheck Valve Inspection 3-25Fuel Vent Pipe Removal .............. 3-25Fuel Vent Pipe Installation ........... 3-25

Fuel Tank ........................................... 3-26Fuel Tank Removal ...................... 3-26Fuel Tank Installation ................... 3-27Fuel Tank Cleaning ...................... 3-27Fuel Filler and Tube Removal ...... 3-27Fuel Filler and Tube Installation ... 3-28Fuel Filter Screen Cleaning ......... 3-28Fuel Filter Inspection .................... 3-28

Fuel Ta p ............................................. 3-29Removal ....................................... 3-29Installation .................................... 3-29Cleaning ....................................... 3-29

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Exp lod ed View

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Exploded View

To rqueNo. Fasten er

N·m kgf·m ft·lbRemarks

1 Flame ArresterBracket Bolts – – – L

2 AirInletCover MountingBolts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb L

3 Carburetor MountingBolts 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

4 InletManifold Mounting Nuts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb

5 AirInlet Connecting Elbows 7.8 ∼14 0.8 ∼1.4 69 ∼121 in·lb L

6. Main Jet7. Pilot Jet8. Inlet Valve9. Check Valve

10. Jet Needle11. Pi lotS cr ew12. Throttle Sensor

L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.

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Exp lod ed View

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Exploded View

TorqueNo. Fastener

N·m kgf·m ft·lbRemarks

1 Choke Knob SetScrew – – – L

2 Fuel Filler Nut 4.9 0.5 43 in·lb

3 Fuel Filler Tube Clamps 2.9 0.3 26 in·lb

4 Choke Cable Adjuster Locknuts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb

5 Throttle Case Mounting Screws 3.9 0.4 35 in·lb

6 Fuel Ta p Set Screw – – – L

7 Oil Pump Cable Mounting Bolt 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb

8 CarburetorCable AdjusterLocknuts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb

9 Fuel Le velSensor Clamps 2.9 0.3 26 in·lb

10. Throttle Cable11 . Choke Knob Shaft O -ring12. Fuel Tube13. Buffer Pipe14. Fuel Vent Hose15. Fuel Vent Check Val ve16. Fuel Vent Pipe17. Rubber Holder18. Fuel Level Sensor AssemblyG: Apply grease.L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.

Page 57: Kawa ultra



Item Standard Service Limit


Make, Type Keihin, CDCV40-35 ×3 –––

Size 35 mm(1.378 in.) Venturi –––

Main Jet:

Front #165 (#155-forhigh altitude) –––

Middle #165 (#155-forhigh altitude) –––

Rear #165 (#155-forhigh altitude) –––

Pilot Jet:

Front #48 (#45-forhigh altitude) –––

Middle #48 (#45-forhigh altitude) –––

Rear #48 (#45-forhigh altitude) –––

Pilot Screw 1 1/4±1/2 turn open –––

Jet Needle Mark N8DC –––

Inlet Valve System:

Va lve Seat Size 1.6 mm (0.063in.) –––

Arm Spring Load 0.18 N (18 g) –––

Pop-Off Pressure 108kPa(1.10kgf/cm², 15.6psi) –––

Idle Speed:

In Wa ter 1 250±100 r/min (rpm) –––

Out Of Water 1 800±100 r/min (rpm) –––

Reed Va lve

Reed Wa rp ––– 0.2 mm(0.008 in.)

Fuel Tank

Capacity 58 L (15.3 US gal)including7L(1.85 USgal) reserve


Sealant- Kawasaki Bond (Silicone Sealant): 56019-120

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Fu el System Diagram

1. Fuel Vent Pipe2. Fuel Vent Chec k Valve: The fuel vent check v alve must be mounted so that the arrow is pointing

toward the fuel tank.3. Arrow Mark4. Fuel Vent Line5. Fuel Vent Pipe6. Fuel Filter/Pipe7. ON8. Main Line9. Fuel Tap

10. Reserve Line11 . R ESERVE12. RETURN13. Return Line14. Supply Line15. Fuel Filter16. Carburetor17. Pulse Line18. Fuel Tank

Page 59: Kawa ultra


Throttle Control Cable

Carburetor Cable Adjustment•Refer to Carburetor Cable Adjustment in the Periodic

Maintenance chapter.

Oil P ump Cable Adjustme nt•Refer to Oil Pump Cable Adjustment in the Periodic Main-

tenance chapter.

Throttle Case and Throttle Co ntrol Ca ble Removal• Loosen the adjuster locknuts of the carburetor and oil

pump cables.

• Take out the bolt [A] of the cable holder [B] and move theholder with the control cables to port side to m ak e theservice easier.

•Disconnect the carburetor cable from the carburetor.Unscrew the adjuster l ocknuts and slide the cable from

the cable holder.Slide thecable tip[A] from the throttle shaft lever.

•Disconnect the oil pum p c able from the oil pump cable.Unscrew the adjuster l ocknuts and slide the cable from

the cable holder.Take outthe bolt[A]and disconnect the oil pump cable


•Remove the handlebar with the throttle case and thestart/stop s witch case (see Handlebar Removal in theSteering chapter).

•Disconnect the throttle c ab le from case.Use a screw driver [A] to separate the tip of the cable end

[B]from the case body.Slide the rubber boot out of the p lace.Unscrew the throttle c able fitting nut.

•Pull down the throttle control cable.

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Throttle Control Cable

T hrottle Case and Throttle Control Cable Installation• Install the oil pump cable [A] on the pulley [B].Apply a non-permanent lockingagent to theoil pump ca-

ble mounting bolt and torque it.

Torque - O il Pump Cable End Mountin g Bolt: 4.9N·m (0.5kgf·m , 43 in·lb)

Be sure the cable portion indicated in the illustration is incontact [C] with the pulley portion indicated in the illustra-tion.

•Pulling the throttle c able [A], position the tips of the c ableend [B] as shown.

•Route the following correctly (see Appendix chapter).Throttle CableCarburetor CableOil Pump CableChoke Cable

•Adjust the following.Throttle CableCarburetor CableOil Pump CableChoke Cable (if necessary)

Torque - Carbureto r Cable Adjuster Locknuts: 7.8 N·m (0.8kgf·m , 69 in·lb)

Ca rb ure to r Ca b le Ad j us t er L oc kn uts: 7.8 N·m (0 .8kgf·m , 69 in·lb)

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Throttle Control Cable

Throttle Control Ca ble Lubrication•Apply greas e to the tips of the throttle [A]/carburetor [B]

cable ends.

• Lubricate the cable [A] by seeping oil between the cableand cable housing.

Th rottle ControlC able Inspection•Examine the cable.

If the c able or c able housing is k inked [A] or frayed [B],replace the cabl e.

•Be certain that the throttle control cable moves freely inboth directions.

Loosen the adj uster l ocknuts, and slide the cabl e from thepulley.

Slide the inner cable back and forth in the cable housing.If the c able does not move freely, replace it.

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Smart Steering Cable

Cable Remo val•Remove the flame arrester (see this chapter).

•Unscrew the adjuster locknuts [A] and slide the cable [B]from the c able holder (pulley side).

•Unscrew the adjuster locknuts [A] and slide the cable [B]from the cable holder (carburetor side).

Cable Installation• Fit the actuator cable end [A] into the carburetor lever.

•Slide the cable [B] and screw the adjus ter locknuts [C] intothe holderas shown.[D]10±1mm(0.40 ±0.04in.)

•Check the following after setting the cable end to the pul-ley.

The pulley must not come into contact with oneside ofstopper when turning the pulley completely clockwise.[A] Projection[B] Maintain clearance

The pulley must not come into contact with the other sideof stopper when releasing the pulley c om pletely.[A] Maintain clearance[B] Projection

• If the pulley contacts the projection, check the cable ad-justment and adjust as necessary.

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Choke Cable

Choke Cable Ad justme nt•Refer to Choke C ab le Adjustment in the P eriodic M ainte-

nance chapter.

Choke Knob and Cab le Removal•Disconnect the choke c able from the carburetor.

•Remove the plug.

•Remove the set screw [A] and take out the choke k nob[B].

•Remove the cable holder mounting screws [A].

•Pull the choke knob shaft [B] with cabl e holder out of thehull.

•Slide the tip [A] of the choke inner cable out of the pulleyon the choke knob shaft.

• Loosen the locknut [B] and unscrew the c able housing [C]from the holder [D ].

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Choke Cab le

•Remove the pin and washer, and pull out the choke knobshaft from the cable holder.A. Choke Knob ShaftB. Wa sherC. SpringD. Cable HolderE. PinF. O-ring

Choke K nob an d Cable Insta lla tion•Route the choke cable according to the Cable Routing

section in the Appendix chapter.

•Adjust the c hoke c able (see C hoke Cable A dj ustment inthe P eriodic Maintenance chapter).

Inspecti on•Examine the cable.

If the cable or cable housing is kinked [A] or frayed [B],replace the cable.

•With the choke cable disconnected at the both ends, thecable should m ov e freely within the cable housing.If the cable does not m ove freely, replace it.

LubricationWhenever the choke cable removed, lubricate the choke

cable as follows.

•Apply grease to the tip of the choke cable end.

• Lubricate the choke cable [A] by seeping oil between thecable and cable housing.

•Attached the choke cable to the carburetor and adjust thechoke cable (see Choke Cable Adjustment in the P eriodicMaintenance chapter).

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Carburetor/Fuel Pump

Idle Speed Adjustment•Refer to Idle Speed Adjustment in the Periodic Mainte-

nance chapter.

Carb ure tor Synchronization•Refer to Carburetor Synchronization in the Periodic Main-

tenance chapter.

Pilot Screw Removal/Installation• Tu rn in the pilot s crew [A] and count the a mount of turns

until it seats thoroughly and then remove the screw. Thepurpose is to set the screwto its original position wheninstalling.Spring [B]Wa s h er [C]O-ring [D]

If the c arbu retor i s tampered with or counting the amountof turns is not performed, set the pilot screw to the s peci-fied amount of turns.Pilot Screw 1 1/4 ±1/2 turn open

Carb ure tor Remo val•Remove or Disconnect:

Air Inlet CoverArrester CasePulseHose[A]Fuel (Supply) Hose [B]Fuel (Return) Hose [C]Throttle Sensor Lead Connector [D]

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Carburetor/Fuel Pump

Carburetor Cable [E]Choke C able [F]Carburetor Mounting Bolts [G]

•Remove the clamps on the stay.

•Disconnect the inlet oil hoses [A] and clamps [B] whichlead to the carburetors, lifting the carburetor assembly [C].

•Remove the smart steering c able [D] from the carburetor.

• Lift the carburetor assembly off the inlet manifold.

Carburetor Insta llation• Install new gaskets [A] under the carburetors.Be sure the dowel pi ns [B] are in place.Installation either obverse or reverse s ide is availabl e.

•Connect the oil inlet hose (see Appendix chapter).

• Install the cases [A] on the c arburetors noting the direction(indicated in the figure).

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the carburetormoun ting bolts [B] and torque.

Torque - Carburetor M ounting Bolts: 8.8 N·m (0.9 kgf·m , 78in ·lb)

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Carburetor/Fuel Pump

•Connect the fuel and pul se hoses correctly (see Appendixchapter).

•Adjust the throttle c ontrol and choke c ab les (see Throt-tle Control and Chok e Cable A djustment in the PeriodicMaintenance chapter).

•Check the oil pump cable installation as follows.Pull the throttle lever to ensure if the oil pump cable [A]

makes the oil pump pulley [B] turn.Make sure the l ower part [C] of the oil pump cable is in-

stalled the oil pump pulley secur ely.Ifnecessary, reinstall theoil pumpcabletothepulley andadjust it (see Oil Pump Cable Adjustment in th e Fuel Sys-tem chapter).

Carburetor Disassembly

NOTEDo notadjustthe stop screw [A].The stop screw hasbeen adjusted at the factory, it is

notnecessary to adjust.

If the stop screw is turned, it will caus e engine trouble.

WA RNINGGasoline is extremely flammable and can be explo-sive under certain condition s. Pull thelanyard keyoffthe stop button. Donot smoke. Make sure thearea is wellventilated andfreefrom any source offlame or sparks; this includes any appliance withapilot light.

•Remove the carburetor (see Carburetor Removal).

•Unscrew the carburetor cap screws [A] and take off thecarburetor cap [B].

•Remove:CapSpring[C]Va cuum Piston [D] and Diaphragm [E]


During carburetor disassembly, be careful not todamage the diaphragm. Never useasharpedgetoremove the diaphragm.

•Unscrew the jet needle holder bolt [A] and take off theholder spring and jet needle [B].

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Carburetor/Fuel Pump

•Unscrew the vacuum piston holder screws [A] and takeoffthe vacuum piston holder [B].

•Unscrew the carburetor cover screws [A] and ta ke off thecarburetor cover [B].

•Unscrew the float arm set screw [A].

•Remove:Float Arm [B] an d PinInlet Val ve [C]Spring [D]

•Unscrew the check valve body screws [A] and take off thecheck valve body [B].

•Remove:Main Jet [A]Pilot Jet [B]Screw [C]Va lve Seat [D]

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Carburetor/Fuel Pump

Carburetor Asse mbly• Install:

Va lve Seat [A] and Screw [B]Main Jet [C]Pilot Jet [D]Gasket [E]

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the check valvebody screws.Check Valve Body [F] and ScrewsSpring [G]Float Arm [H] and Inlet Valve [I]

• Install the vacuum piston holder [A].

• Install the jet needle [B] and holder spring [C] in the vac-uum piston [D], and tighten the jet needle hol der bolt [E].

• Install:CapSpring[F]Carburetor Cap [G]

NOTEAfter the carburetor has been disassembled and

cleaned, it should be primed before starting the engineto save the battery. Pull offthe fuel return hose [A]atthe carburetor, and blow [B] through it until fuel appearsat the fuel return fitting [C] on the carburetor. The fuelsystem in now full of fuel.

Carb ure tor Cleanin g and In spection•Disassemble the carburetor (see Carburetor Disassem-


WA RNINGSolventis toxic and flammable. Avoid prolongedcontact with skin and keep away from o pen flame.Use only in a well-ventilated area. Eye protectionshould be worn when compressed air is used to dryparts. Do notdirectairtoward anyone. Use 172 kPa(1.75 kgf/cm², 25 psi) maximum nozzle pressure.

• Immerse all the m etal parts in a c arburetor cleaning solu-tion.

•Rinse the parts in water.

•When the parts are clean, dry them with compressed air.

•Blow out the air and fuel passages with compressed air.

• Inspect the check valve [A] for damage or deterioration,and replace it if necessary.If the gasket [B] under the check valve appears damaged,it may leak and must be replac ed.

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Carburetor/Fuel Pump

•Check these rubber parts for damage.O-ring [A]Diaphragm [B]

If any of these parts are not in good condition, replacethem.

•Check the vacuum pi ston diaphragm [A] for damage.Ifitis notin good condition, replace it.

•Check that the vac uum piston [B] m oves smoothly in thecarburetor body. Thesurface ofthepiston mustnot beexcessively worn.If the vacuum piston doesnot move smoothly, or if it isvery loose in vacuum piston holder, replace the pistonand/or the holder.

•Check the plastic tip on the i nl et valve. It shou ld besmooth, without any grooves, scratches, or tears.Inlet Valve [A]Inlet Valve Wear[B]

If the plastic tip is damaged, replace i nlet valve.

Float Arm Level Insp ection and Adjustment•Check the float arm level [A].Measure from the plastic tip [B] on the float arm to the

carburetor case [C].

Float Arm Level: 1.0 ∼2.0 mm (0.04 ∼0.08 in.)

If the float arm level is incorrec t, bend the float arm veryslightly to changed the float arm l evel.

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Carburetor/Fuel Pump

Pop-off Pre ssure Inspection•Pull the fuel inlet andreturn hoses out oftheirfittings on

the carburetor.

•Connect the hose of the air-pump gauge tester [A ] to thefuel inletfitting [B].

•Press down the fuel return fitting [C] securely w ith a finger.

•Pump the tester until the i nlet release p ressure i s reached(seen by a sudden pressure drop).

Pop-off PressureStandard: 108 kPa (1.10 kgf/cm², 15.6 psi)

NOTEPressure inspection shouldbe performedthree times to

obtain a correct reaching.

If the pop-off pressure valve is not specified i nspect thefloat arm level (see this chap ter).


Do not stretch or cut the float arm spring.

Fu elPump Removal/Installation•Remove the carburetor.

•Remove the fuel pump body screws [A], and take the fuelpump unit [B] off the carburetor.


The fuel pump shouldnot be disassembled.If leakage is evident or internal damage is sus-pected, replace the fuel pump unit [B].

•Note the following when installing the pump unit [A] to thecarburetor assembly [B].

Check the O-rings [C] for damage and if necessary, re-place them.

Align the slot [D] on the pump body with the shaft [E] onthe carburetor assembly.

High Altitude Perfo rmance A djustment•Refer to High Altitude Performance Adjustment in the Pe-

riodic M aintenance chapter.

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Flame Arrester

Removal•Remove the bracket holdi ng the air inlet cover.

•Unscrew the air inlet c over mounting bolts [A] indicated inthe figure, pushing the air inlet cover [B] to the port sideby hand.

NOTEBe careful not to drop the removed bolts into the hull

bottom when removing.

•Unscrew the remained mounting bolts and remove the airinlet cover.

•Remove the flame arresters.

• Loosen the clamps [A] and take out the arrester case [B].

•Another way to remove the flame arrester s is the followingprocedures.

Remove the bracket [A] holding the air inlet c ov er.Loosen the clamps [B] and pull out the air inlet cover as-

sembly [C].Ta ke out the air inlet c over mounting bolts [D] and sepa-

rate the a ir inlet cover [E] from the arrester case [F].Ta ke out the flame a rresters [G].

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Flame Arrester

Installation•Be sure the ribs [A] on the arrester case [B] fitthe grooves

[C] on the duct [ D].

• Ti ghten the clamp screws [E] within the range [F] indi-catedinthefigure.

The#2 duct has noclamp.

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the air inlet c overmounting bolts andtorquethem.

Torque - Air Inle t C over Mounting Bolts: 7.8 N·m (0.8 kgf·m,69 in·lb)

NOTEBe careful not to drop the bolts into the hull bottom w hen


• Install the bracket [A] aligning the g roove on the bracketwith the project on the air inlet c over [B].

Flame Arreste r Cle aning•Refer to Flame Arrester Cleaning in the Periodic Mainte-

nance chapter.

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Inlet Manifold, ReedValves

Inlet Manifold Removal•Remove:

Air Inlet CoverArrester CaseCarburetor

•Remove the inlet manifold mounting nut [A] and removethe inlet manifold [B].

•Pull out the gaskets [A] and the reed valves [B].

Inlet Man ifold Installation•Replace the gaskets with new ones.As for the ba se gaskets [A], installation either obverse or

reverse side is available.As for the reed valve assemblies [B] and the gasket [C],

install them noting the direction of “UP” [ D] letters.

• Install the intake manifold [A].Torque the mounting nuts, following the s equence indi-

cated in the figure.

Torque - Inlet Manifold Mounting N uts: 9.8 N·m (1 .0 kgf·m,87 in·lb)

•When the balance tube [B] and air inlet connecting elbows[C] were removed, noting the following.

Apply a non-permanentlocking agentto the threads oftheelbows and torque the elbow s, and then turn them insideso that they are parallel totheflange portion [D] of theinlet manifold.

Torque - Air In let Connecting Elbows: 7.8 ∼14 N·m (0.8 ∼1.4 kgf·m, 69 ∼12 1 in·lb)

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Inlet Manifold, ReedValves

Reed Valve Insp ection•Check reed warp by meas uring the clearance [A] between

each reed [B] and the valve holder [C].If any one of the c learance m easurements exceeds theservice limits, replace the reed with a newone.Check reed warp after installing a new reed.If the clearance is correct, tight the mounting screws se-curely.

Reed Wa rpSe rv ic e Lim it: 0.2 mm (0 .0 08 in.)

•Check the mounting screw tightness.

•Vi sually inspect the reeds for cracks, folds, or other dam-age.If there is any doubt as to the condition of a reed, replacethe reed.Ifa reed becomes wavy, replacethe reed witha new oneeven if reed warp is less than the service limit.

Install the reed and stop on to the reed valve holder, a lign-ing the chamfered c orner of the reed with that of the reedstop.

Va lve Holder Inspection•Check the reed [A] contact areas of the valve holder for

grooves, s cratches, or other damage.

•Check that the rubber coating [B] on the valve holder doesnotshow any signs of separationfrom the holder.If there is any doubt as to the condition of the rubber coat-ing, replace the reed valve hol der with a new one.

ValveStopInspection•Check the valve stops [A] for deformation, cracks, or other

damage.If there is any doubt as to the condition of a stop, replacethe reed valve assembly w ith a new one.

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Fuel Vent Check Valve

Fuel Vent Check Valve Mo unting•Refer to Fuel Vent Check Valve Mounting in the Periodic

Maintenance chapter.

Fuel Vent Che ck Valve Inspection•Refer to Fuel Vent Check Valve Inspection in the Periodic

Maintenance chapter.

Fuel Vent Pipe Removal•Cut off the clamp [A] at lower end of the fuel vent hose.

•Unscrew the l ower side clamp [B] and pull the fuel ventpipe [C] w ith the rubber holder [D].

Fuel Ve nt Pipe Installation• Install the rubber holder [A] on the fuel vent pipe [B] so

the flanged part [C] of the pipe c ompletely contac ts thestepped part [D] of the holder.

•Pressing down the rubber holder [A], tighten the smalldiam eter clamp [B].

Torque -Small Diameter Clam p: 2.9 N·m (0.3 kgf·m, 26in ·lb)

• Insert the fuel vent pipe with rubber holder on the fuel tankand tighten the large diameter clamp.

Torque - Large Diameter Clamp: 2.9 N·m (0.3 kgf·m, 26in ·lb)

•Set the two clamp screws [A ] so they do not hit the oil tank[B].

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Fuel Tank

Fu elTank Removal• If the level of the fuel is above the filler neck, siphon some

fuel ou t to prevent spilling i t.

WA RNINGGasoline is extremely flammable andcan be explo-sive under certain condition s. Pull thelanyard keyoffthe stop button. Donot smoke. Make sure thearea is wellventilated andfreefrom any source offlame or sparks; this includes any appliance withapilot light.

•Remove the engine.

•Remove the oil and fuel inlet tubes.

•Remove or disconnect:Straps [A] of Fuel and Oil TanksOil Tank [B]

CrossmemberFuel Level Sensor Lead Connector[C]Fuel Hoses [D]Air Vent Hose [E]

•Move thefuel tank [A] backward, and pull outthe fuel levelsensor assembly [B].

•Remove the fuel tank [A] out of the engine compartmen t.

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Fuel Tank

Fuel Ta nk Installation•Connect them correctly (see Cable, Wire and Hose Rout-

ing in the Appendix chapter).Fuel HosesAir Vent HoseFuel Level Sensor Lead ConnectorOther Wire and Harness.

Fuel Tank Cle aning•Remove the fuel tank (see Fuel Tank Removal).

•Drain the tank into a s ui table c ontainer.

WA RN INGGasoline is extremely flammable and canbe explo-sive under certain conditions. Pullthe lanyardkeyoff the stop button. Donot smoke. Make sure thearea is well ventilated and free from an y source offlame or spark; this includes any appliance withapilot light.

• Flush the tank repeatedly with high flash-point solvent un-til i t i s c lean.It may be necessary to put a few marbles orpiec es of clean gravel into the tank and shake it, to knockloos e any foreign m atter in the bottom.

WA RN INGClean the tank in a well-ventilated area, and takeamplecare that there areno sparks or flameany-wher e near the working area; this includes any ap-pliance with a pilot light. Do not use gasoline oralow flash-pointsolventto clean the tank. Afire orexplosion could result.

Fuel Filler and Tube Removal• Loosen the tube clamps [A] and remove the fuel tube [B].

•Unscrew the fuel filler[A] and pull off it.

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Fuel Tank

Fu elFiller and Tube In stallation• Install the fuel filler so that its rib faces downward.

Rib [A]Up [B]Front [C]Down [D]Rear [E]

Fu elFilte r Screen Cleaning•Refer to Fuel Filter Screen Cleaning in the Periodic Main-

tenance chapter.

Fu elFilter In spection•Refer to Fuel Filter Inspection in the Periodic Maintenance


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Fuel Tap

Removal• Ta ke out the plug.

•Unscrew the set screw [A] and take out the fuel tap knob[B]

•Unscrew the mounting screws [A] and take out the fueltap.

•Pull the fuel hoses [A] off th e fueltap [B].

Installation•Connect the fuel hoses to the fuel tap correctly (seeCa-

ble, Wire and Hose Routing section in the A ppendix chap-ter).

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the fuel tapmoun ting screws and tighten them securely.

Clea ningIf the fuel tap becomes clogged with foreign matter, it must

be cleaned.

•Remove the fuel tap [A].

•Use compressed air to blow [B] through the supply fuelhose fitting [C], while switching the fuel tap right and leftbetween the “ON” and “RES” positions. Do this until onlyblockage is forced out.

NOTEDo not use too high airpressure (172 kPa, 1.8 kgf/cm²,

25 psi m ax .).

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Engine Lubrication System

Table of Contents

Exploded View ........................................................................................................................ 4-2Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 4-4Oil Pump ................................................................................................................................. 4-5

Oil Pump Bleeding ............................................................................................................ 4-5Oil Pump Performance Test .............................................................................................. 4-5Oil Pump Removal ............................................................................................................ 4-6Oil Pump Installation ......................................................................................................... 4-7

Oil Tank................................................................................................................................... 4-9Oil Tank Removal .............................................................................................................. 4-9Oil Tank Installation ........................................................................................................... 4-9Oil Tank Cleaning .............................................................................................................. 4-9Oil Filter Cleaning ............................................................................................................. 4-9

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Exp lod ed View

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Exploded View

TorqueNo. Fastener

N·m kgf·m ft·lbRemarks

1 Oil Filler Nut 4.9 0.5 43 in·lb

2 Air Bleeder Screw 1.0 ∼1.5 0.1 ∼0.15 9 ∼13 in·lb

3 Oil Filler Tube Clamps 2.9 0.3 26 in·lb

4 Oil P ump Mounting B olts 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

5 Oil P um p Cable Locknuts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb

6 Oil Pump Cable End Mounting Bolt 4.9 0.5 43 in·lb L

7 Magneto Cover Mounting Bolts 12 1.2 8.7 L

8 Grommet Cover Mounting Bolts 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

9 Oil Level Gauge Bolt 3.9 0.4 35 in·lb L

10 Plate Bolt 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

11 . To c arburetor check valves12. To front check valve on upper crankcase half13. To rear check valve on upper crankcase half14. Correct

L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.G: Apply grease.

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Item Standard

Eng ine Oil

Ty pe 2-stroke, N.M.M.A. Certified for Service TC-W3

Oil Tank Capacity 4.7L (1.24 US gal)

Eng ine Oil Pump

Oil pump outpu t when oilpump pulley is fullyopened @3 000 r/min (rpm), 2 min perone line:

Output for #1 Carburetor 3.83 mL(0.234 cuin.) ±10%

Output for #2 Carburetor 4.00 mL(0.244 cuin.) ±10%

Output for #3 Carburetor 3.83 mL(0.234 cuin.) ±10%

Output for Front Balancer 1.33 mL(0.081 cuin.) ±10%

Output for Rear Balancer 1.33 mL(0.081 cuin.) ±10%

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Oil Pump

Oil P ump B lee ding•Make sure that there is plenty of engine oil in the oil tank

and that oil flow is not restricted.

•Place a container under the oil pu mp.

• Loosen th e a ir bleeder screw [A] o n the oilpump acou-ple of turns, w ai t untiloil flowsout, and then tighten thebleeder screw securely.

Torque - Air Bleeder Screw: 1.0 ∼1.5N·m (0.1 ∼0.15 kgf·m,9 ∼1 3 in·lb)


Use a 50: 1 mixture of gasolin e to oil in the fuel tankin place of the gasoline normally used.Do not turn on the water until the engine is runningand turn it off immediately when the engine st ops.

•Supply the cooling system w it h water (see Auxiliary Cool-ing in the General Information chapter).

•Start the engine, keep it at idling speed and check the oilflow through the transparentoutlet hoses.

•Keep the engine running until any airbubbles in the outlethoses disappear.

Oil Pump Performa nce TestIf a drop in oil pump performance is suspected, check thepump outpu t at which the o ilis being pumped.

• Ta ke outthe bolts [A] of the cable holder [B] and movethe holder with the control c ables to port s ide to m ake theservice easier.Exhaust Pipe [C]Bow [D]

•Disconnect the oil pump outlet hoses [A] at the pumpbody.Carburetors [B]

•Plug the e nd s of the oilpump outlethoses.

•Reserve suitable transparent hoses and connect themwith the oil pump o ut lets.

• Inject oil into the transparent hoses.

•Run each hose into a measuring glass.

•Reinstall the cableholder. If necessary, adjust controlcables.


For this test, use a 50:1 mixture of gasoline to oilinstead th e gasoline normally used.

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Oil Pump

•Supply the cooling system w ith water (see Auxiliary C ool-ing in the General Information chapter).

•Hold the oil pump pulley fully opened.

•Start the engine, and run it at a steady 3000 rpm.

•Collect the oil thatis being pumped for2 minutes. If thequantity of oil c ollected is within the s pecification, the oilpump is ope rating properly.

Oil Pump Output (pump pulle y fully opened, engine : 3000rpm for 2 min)


Output for #1 Carburetor [A] 3.83 mL (0.234 cu in.)±10%

Output for #2 Carburetor [B] 4.00 mL (0.244 cu in.)±10%

Output for #3 Carburetor [C] 3.83 mL (0.234 cu in.)±10%

Output for Front Bala ncer [D] 1.3 3 m L (0.081 cu in.)±10%

Output for R ea r Balancer [E] 1.33 mL (0.081 cu in.)±10%

If the oil pump output is subnormal, inspect the oi l pump,and the i nlet and output hoses for oilleaks.If oil leaks are not found, replace the oil pump.

Oil P ump R emo val• Take out the bolts [A] of the cable holder [B] and move

the holde r with the control c ables to port side to make theservice easier.Exhaust Pipe [C]Bow [D]

•Disconnect the oil inlet hose at the oi l pump body.

•Unscrew the oil pump mounting bolts [A].

• Loosen the clamps [B] to let the oil outlet hoses [C] movefreely.

•Pull up th e oil pump body remaining connected with thehoses and cable.

•Disconnect the oil hoses [C ].

• Take out the bolt [D] and disconnect the oil pump cablefrom the oil pump body.


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Oil Pump

Oil Pu mp Installation•Be sure the O-ring [A] is in place.

• Install the oil pump cable [A] on the pulley [B].Apply a non-permanent lockingagent to theoil pump ca-

ble mounting bolt and torque it.

Torque - O il Pump Cable End Mountin g Bolt: 4.9N·m (0.5kgf·m , 43 in·lb)

Be sure to run the cable [C] so that the cable end is incontact [D] with the guide of the pulley and the cable isalon g the groove of the pulley as s hown.

• Initially inject oil into the oil pump body and the hoses, andconnectthe hoses with the oil pump as shown.To #1 Carbur etor [A]To #2 Carbur etor [B]To #3 Carburetor [C]To FrontCheck Valve for BalancerLubrication [D]To Rear Check Valve for Balancer Lubrication [E]

• Install the oil pump on the magneto cover.When mountingthe oil pump, note theposition of theslot

[A] in the front balancer shaft, and then turn oil pump s haft[B] so that it will fit i nto the slot.

Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the oil pumpmounting bolts and torquethem.

Torque - Oil Pump Mounting Bolts: 8.8N·m (0.9kgf·m, 78in ·lb)

•Check the oil pump cable installation as follows:Pull the throttle lever to ensure if the oil pump cable [A]

makes the oil pump pulley [B]turn.Make sure the l ower pa rt [C] of the oilpump c able is in-

stalled on the oil pump pulley securely.If necessary, reinstall the oil pump cable on the pulley andadjust it (see Oil Pump Cabl e Adjustment in the P eriodicMaintenance chapter).

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Oil Pump

•Route the oil hoses correctly (see Cable,Wire and HoseRouting in the Appendix chapter).To Carburetors [A]To Check Valves forBalancerLubrication [B]Clamps [C]

•Bleed the air from the s ystem (see Oil Pump Bleeding ).

•Adjust the o il pump c able [D] (see Oil P ump C ab le Adjust-ment in the Periodic Maintenance chapter).

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Oil Tank

Oil Tank Removal• Tilt up the hatch cover and remove the storage case.

• Loosen the lower clamp [A] and pull off the oil hose.

• Loosen the clamps [B] and remove the fuel tube [C].

•Plug the fuel tank opening at once.

•Unhook the rubber straps [D].Bow [E]

•Remove the seat.

•Disconnect the oil level sensor connector (green) [A].

•Disconnect the oil pum p i nlet hose [B] from the oil tank.

•Plug the tank nipple and hose immediately.In the photo, the cable holder has been removed for clar-


•Remove the oil tank [C] from t he front hatch.

•Remove the oil level s ensor from the oiltank.Bow [D]

Oil Tan k Installa tion• Initially inject oil into the oil inlet hose.

Oil Tank Cleaning•Remove the oil tank.

• Flush the tank repeatedly with a high flash-point solventuntil it is clean.

WA RN INGClean the tank in a well-ventilated area, and takeamplecare that there areno sparks or flameany-wher e near the working area; this includes any ap-pliance with a pilot light. Do not use gasoline oralow flash-pointsolventto clean the tank. Afire orexplosion could result.

Oil Filter Cleaning• Tilt up the hatch cover.

• Ta ke out the oilfilter [A].Bow [B]

•Wa sh the oilfilter in a non-flammable or h igh flash-pointsolvent. Usea brushto removeany contaminatestrapped in the filter.

WA RN INGClean the o il filter in a w ell-ventilated area, an d takeamplecare that there areno sparks or flameany-wher e near the working area; this includes any ap-pliance with a pilot light. Do not use gasoline oralow flash-pointsolventto clean the filter. Afire orexplosion could result.

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Exhaust System

Table of Contents

Exploded View ........................................................................................................................ 5-2Special Tool ............................................................................................................................ 5-4Expansion Chamber ............................................................................................................... 5-5

Removal ............................................................................................................................ 5-5Installation ......................................................................................................................... 5-5Exhaust Pipe/Exhaust Chamber Cleaning and Inspec tion ............................................... 5-6

Exhaust Manifold .................................................................................................................... 5-7Removal ............................................................................................................................ 5-7Installation ......................................................................................................................... 5-7Cleaning and Inspection ................................................................................................... 5-8

Water Box Muffler ................................................................................................................... 5-9Removal ............................................................................................................................ 5-9Installation ......................................................................................................................... 5-9Inspection .......................................................................................................................... 5-9

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Exp lod ed View

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Exploded View

TorqueNo. Fastener

N·m kgf·m ft·lbRemarks

1 Cable Holder Mounting Bolts 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

2 ExhaustPipeMountingBolts (M10) 49 5.0 36 L

3 ExhaustPipe MountingBolts(M8) 29 3.0 22 L

4 ExhaustManifold Mounting Nuts 34 3.5 25 S

5 Expansion Chamber Mounting Bolts 29 3.0 22 L

6 Wa te r Hose J oints 7.8 ∼14 0.8 ∼1.4 69 ∼122 in·lb SS

7 Wa te r Tempe rature Sensor 14.7 1.5 11 Si

L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.S: Follow the specific tighten ing s equence.Si: Fill the hollow with the specified s ilicone grease (92137-1002)

SS: Apply silicone sealant (Kawasaki Bond: 56019-120).

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Special Tool

Kawasaki Bond (S ilicone Sealant):56019-120

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Expansion Chamb er

Removal•Remove or disconnect:

Cable Holder [A]Lead Connector of Heat Sensor [B]Cooling Hose [C]Tube Clamp at Water Box Muffler [D]Exhaust Pipe Mounting Bolts[E]

•Remove the exhaust pipe [A] and expansion chamber [B]as a set.

•Unscrew the mounting bolts [A] and separate the expan-sion cham ber [B] from the exhaust pipe [C].

Installation• Install the expansion chamber on the exhaust pipe.Be sure the dowel pin [A] is in place.Install the newgasket [B] on the expansion chamber so

that its “UP” letter [C] faces upward.Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the expansion

chambermountingbolts [D]and torque them.

Torque - Expan sion Chamber Mounting Bolts: 29 N ·m (3.0kgf·m , 22 ft·lb)

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Expansion Chamber

• Install the pipe and the c ha mber as a s et on the manifold.Install the new gasket [A] on the exhaust manifold [B] so

that its “UP” letter [C] faces upward.Apply a non-permanent l ocking agent to the exhaust pipe

mounting bolts andtorquethem.

Torque - Exhaust Pipe Mounting Bolts (M10) [D]: 49 N·m(5 .0 kg f·m, 36 ft·lb)

Exhaust Pipe Mounting Bolts (M 8) [E]: 29 N·m (3.0kgf·m, 22 ft·lb)

• Fill the hollow of the exhaust pipe w ith the specified s il-icone grease [A], if the water tempe rature sensor [B] isremoved.

• Ti ghten:

Torque - Water Te mperature Sensor: 14.7 N·m (1.5 kgf·m,11 ft · lb)

Exhaust Pipe/Exhau st Chamber Cleaning andInspection•Remove the exhaust pipe and chamber.

•Clean th e c arbon deposits out of the e xhaust passageswith ablunt, roundedged tool.

• Flush foreign matter out of the water passages with freshwater.

•Check the insides of the water passages for corrosion.Check the gasket surfaces for nicks or other damage.If there is excessive corrosion or if the gasket s ur faces areso badly damaged that they willnotsealproperly, replacethe part.

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Exhaust Manifold

Removal•Remove the exhaust pipe and the exhaust c hamber asa


•Remove the carburetor assembly [A] remaining con-nected the fuel hoses, oil hoses and control cables, andplac e it on the hullbottom as s hown.

•Remove the balance tube [A] to m ake the service easier.

•Unscrew the mounting nuts [A] and remove the exhaustmanifold [B ].

Installation• Install the exhaust m anifold [A] on the cylinder.Place the new gaskets [B] on the cylinders so that “UP”

letter [C ] faces upward as s hown.Ti ghten the exhaust manifold mounting nuts [D] following

the sequence shown.

Torque -Exhaust Manifold Mounting Nuts: 34N·m (3.5kgf·m , 25 ft·lb)

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Exhaust Manifold

Clean ing and Insp ection•Remove the exhaust manifold parts.

•Clean th e c arbon deposits out of the e xhaust passageswith ablunt, roundedged tool.

• Flush foreign matter out of the water passages with freshwater.

•Check the insides of the water passages for corrosion.Check the gasket surfaces for nicks or other damage.If there is excessive corrosion or if the gasket s ur faces areso badly damaged that they willnotsealproperly, replacethe part.

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Wa ter B ox Muffler

Removal•Remove the engine (see Engine Removal/Installation


•Removal thewater box muffler [A] out of the hull.Loosen the clamp [B] and pull out the exhaust tube [C].Unhook the rubberstrap [D].

Installation•Be sure the dampers [A] on the hull bottom and muffler

body are in place.

• Install the clamps [B] of the exhaust tubes, noting theirscrew pos itions.

Thecenterlines of tube [C] andpipe[D]to beon thesameline.[E] 5mm (0.2 in.)[F] ViewH[G] Rear View

Inspecti on•Remove the water box muffler.

•Empty water out of the water box.

•Check the inlet spigot for dam age caused by excessiveheat.If there is heat damage to the inlet spigot, c heck the c ool-ing system for blockage (see Cooling S ystem Cleaningand Inspection) and the c arburetor for proper adjustment(see Fuel System chapter).

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Engine Top End

Table of Contents

Exploded View ........................................................................................................................ 6-2Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 6-4Special Tools .......................................................................................................................... 6-5Engine Top End ...................................................................................................................... 6-6

Disassembly and Assembly ................................................................................................. 6-6Disassembly ...................................................................................................................... 6-6Assembly .......................................................................................................................... 6-7

Maintenance and Inspection ................................................................................................ 6-11Compression Measurement .............................................................................................. 6-11Cylinder Head Wa rp Inspection ........................................................................................ 6-11Cylinder Wear Inspection .................................................................................................. 6-12Piston Diameter Measurement ......................................................................................... 6-12Piston/Cylinder Clearance ................................................................................................ 6-12Piston Ring, Piston Ring Groove Inspection ..................................................................... 6-12Piston Ring End Gap ........................................................................................................ 6-13

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Exp lod ed View

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Exploded View

TorqueNo. Fastener

N·m kgf·m ft·lbRemarks

1 CylinderHead Nuts 29 (7.8*) 3.0 (0.8*) 22 (69in·lb*) S

2 Wa ter H ose J oints 7.8 ∼14 0.8 ∼1.4 69 ∼122 in·lb SS

3 Cylinder BaseNuts 49 (7.8*) 5.0 (0.8*) 36 (69in·lb*) S

4 Wa ter H ose M ounting N uts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb S

*: Initial torque for t emporaltighteningMO: Apply m olybdenum disulfide oil.(Mixture of the engine oil and molybdenum grease in a weight

ratio10: 1)S: Ti ghten the fasteners, following the specified sequence.

SS: Apply silicone sealan t. (Kawasaki Bond: 56019-120)

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Item Standard Service Limit

Cylinder Head

Cylinder Compression (Usable range)

675 ∼1070 kPa (6.9 ∼10.9 kgf/cm², 98∼155 psi)


(Open throttle)

Cylinder Head Wa rp ––– 0.05mm(0.0020 in.)

Cylinder, Piston

Cylinder Inside Diameter 80.000 ∼80.015 mm(3.14961 ∼3.15019 in.)

80.10 mm(3.1535 in.)

Piston Diameter (26.9 mm (1.06in.) up frombottom of skirt)

79.865 ∼79.880 mm(3.14429 ∼3.14488 in.)

79.72 mm(3.1386 in.)

Piston/Cylinde r Clearance 0.130 ∼0.140 mm(0.005118∼0.005512 in.)


Piston Ring/Groove Clearance: –––

To p (keystone) –––

Second (keystone) ––– –––

Piston Ring Groove Width: –––

To p (keystone) –––

Second (keystone) ––– –––

Piston Ring Thickness: –––

To p (keystone) –––

Second (keystone) ––– –––

Piston Ring End Gap:

Top 0.25 ∼0.40 mm(0.00984 ∼0.0157 in.) 0.7 mm (0.028in.)

Second 0.25 ∼0.40 mm(0.00984 ∼0.0157 in.) 0.7 mm (0.028in.)

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Special Tools

Compress ion G auge, 20 k gf/c m²:57001-221

Piston Pin Puller Assembly:57001-910

Compre ss ion G auge Adapter, M1 4 × 1 .2 5:57001-1159

Piston Pin PullerAdapter, 14:57001-1211

Kawasaki Bond (Silicone Sealant):56019-120

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Engine To p End

Disassembly an d Assemb lyDisassembly•Remove the engine (see Engine Removal/Installation


•Remove:Spark Plugs [A]Cylinder Head Nuts [B] a nd Wa shers [C]Spark Plug Holder [D]Reinforce [E]Cylinder Head [F]Cylinder Head Gasket [G]Bow [H]

•Remove:Exhaust Manifold Mounting Nuts [A]Exhaust Manifold [B]

•Remove:Wa ter Pipe M ounting N uts [A]Wa te r Pi pe [B]

•Remove the cylinder base nuts [A], and lift off the cylin-ders [B].

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Engine Top End

•Stuff c lean rags into the crankcase opening to prevent dirtor foreign objects from falling into the crankcase.

•Remove the piston pin snap ring [A] with pliers [B].

•Remove the p iston by pushing its p in out the side that thecirclip was removed. Use a pistonpinpuller assembly, ifthe pin is tight.

Special Tools - Piston Pin Puller Assembly: 57001-910Piston Pin P ulle r A da pter: 57001-1211

•Do not confuse these pistons since each s hould be in-stalled in the original cylinder to maintain the correct clear-ance.

•Carefully spread the ring opening with your thumbs andthenpushup on the opposite sideof thering [A] toremoveit.

Assembly• If any parts in the p isto n assemblies require replacement,

or if the cylinder is replaced, be sure to check the criticalclearances of the new parts against the values given inSpecifications.

• Install the pistonrings sothat the“R”mark [A] faces up-ward as shown.

When the p iston rings are reinstalled to the piston ringgrooves, reinstall them as follows for fitting.Second Piston Ring→ Second Piston Ring GrooveTo p Pi s to n R in g → TopPistonRingGroove

•When installing the piston rings by hand, first fit one endof th e piston ring against the pin i n the ring groove, spreadthe ring opening with the other hand and then slip the ringinto the groove.

•Check to see that th e p in [A] i n each p iston ring groove isbetween the ends of the piston ring.

•Using molybdenum disulfide oil, lubricat e the small endbearing and insertinto the connecting rod eye.

•Using molybdenum disulfide oil, l ubricate the piston pinand the pin holes.

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Engine To p End

• Install each piston in the original cylinder to maintain thecorrect clearance.

•Mount th e pistons on the c onnecting rods with the a rrows[A] on their c rown pointing to the reed valves side [B] ofengine.

•When installing a piston pin snap ring, compress itonlyenough to install it and no more.


Do notreuse snap rings, as removal weakens anddeforms th em. Theycould fall out and score thecylinder wall.

• Fit a new piston pin s nap ring into the s ide of each pistonso that the snap ring opening [A] does not coincide withthe slit [B] of the piston pin hole.

•Set the ne w cylinder base gasket in p lace on thecrank c ase.

The tab [A] of gasket must faces forward [B] and alignthe dowel pi n hole [C] of gasket with the dowel pin on thecylinder.

•Apply molybdenum disulfide oil:Small End BearingsPiston Pins and Piston PinHolesPistons andCylinder Bores

•Slide the cylinder block down over the crankcase studsonto t he crankcase compressing the piston rings.


Do not force the cylinder block. Make sure the ringsare in place.

• Install the cylinder base nuts.Temporarily tor que the cylinder base nuts in a cross pat-

tern and torque them in the s ame order.

Initial Torque for Tem poral Tightening-Cylinder B ase N uts: 7.8 N·m (0.8 kgf·m , 69 in·lb)

Torque - Cylinder B as e Nuts: 49 N·m (5.0 kgf·m , 36 ft·lb)

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Engine Top End

• If the cylinder blocks and studs are r ep laced, first confirmthe following.

Be sure that there is no punch m ark [A] on the cylinderbloc k [B].

• The cylinder blocks and studs should be assembled andinstalled, following the next c om bination.Bow [A]

Cylinder Block: P/N 11005-3744

Stud s: P/N 92004-3736

(L en g th : 56 mm , 2.20 in .)

P/N 92004-3735

• Install the water p ipe [A] on the cylinder.Place new water pipe gaskets [B] on each cylinder as

shown.Set the clamp [C] on the w ater pipe as shown.Ti ghten the water pipe nuts [D], following the sequence

shown.Bow [E]

Torque - Water Pipe Mounting N uts: 9.8 N·m (1 .0 kgf·m, 87in ·lb)

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Engine To p End

• Install the exhaust manifold [A] on the cylinder.Place new gaskets [B] on the cylinders so that “UP” letter

[C] faces upward as s hown.Ti ghten the exhaust manifold nuts [D], following the se-

quence shown.

Torque -Exhaust Manifold Mounting Nuts: 34N·m (3.5kgf·m, 25 ft·lb)

•Place a new cylinder head gasket on the cylinder head.Align thetab [A] of head gasket [B] with that [C] of the

cylinder bloc k [D].Align the dowel pins on the cylinder block with the holes

of the head gaskets.Bow [E]

• Install the cylinderhead in this order.#2 →#3 →#1(middle →rear → front)

Temporarily torque the cylinder head nuts in a cross pat-tern and torque them in the s ame order.

Initial Torque for Tem poral Tightening-Cylinder H ead Nut: 7.8 N·m (0.8 kgf·m , 69 in·lb)

To rq ue - Cy lin de r He ad Nu t: 29 N ·m (3 .0 kg f ·m , 22 ft·lb)

•Start the engine to check for fuel and oil leaks, exhaustleaks, and excessive vibration.

WA RNINGDo not run the engine in a closed area. Exhaustgases contain carbon monoxide,a colorless,odor-less, poiso nous gas which can be lethal.


Do not run the engine without cooling water supplyfor more than 15 seconds, especially in high revolu-tionary speed or severe engine and exhaustsystemdamage will occur.

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Engine Top End

Maintenance and InspectionCompre ssion Measurement• Thoroughly warm up the engine, while checking that there

is no compression l ea kage from around the s park plugsorthe cylinderhead gasket.


Do not run theengine without cooling water supplyfor more than 15 seconds, especially in high revolu-tionary speed orsevere engine and exhaustsystemdamaged will occur.

•Stop the engine.

•Remove the spark plugs and screw a compression gaugefirmly into the s park plug hole (left side view).

SpecialTools - Compression Gauge: 57001-221 [A]Compre ss ion Ga uge A da p te r,M 14 × 1.25:

57001-1159 [B]

•Using the starter motor, turn the engine over with the throt-tlefullyopen until the compression gauge stopsrising; thecompression is the highest reading obtainable.

•Repeat the measurement for the other two cylinders.

Cylinder C ompression (Usable Range)675 ∼1 070kPa (6.9 ∼10.9 kg f/cm², 98 ∼155 psi)(openth ro tt le)

If the cylinder compression is higher than the usablerange, checkthe following.

Carbon buildup on the piston head and cylinder head-clean off any carbon on the piston head and cylinderhead.

Cylinder head gasket, cylinder base gaskets-use only theproper gaskets. The use of a gasket of incorrect thicknesswill change the com pression.If cylinder compression is lower than the usable range,check the following:

Gas l eakage around the cylinder head-replace the dam-agedgasketandcheck the cylinder head for warp.

Piston/cylinder clearance, piston seizure.Piston rings, piston ringgrooves wear.

Cylinder Head Warp Inspe ction• Lay a straightedge [A] across the lower surface of the

head [B] at several different points, and measure warpby inserting a thickness gaugebetweenthe straightedgeand the head.Ifwarpexceeds the service limit, repair the mating sur-face. Replace the cylinder head if the mating surface isbadly damaged.

Cylinder Head WarpService Lim it: 0.05 mm (0.0020 in.)

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Engine To p End

Cylin der Wear Inspection• Inspect the inside of the cylinder for scratches and abnor-

mal wear.If the cylinder is damaged or badly worn, replace it withanew one.

•Since t here i s a diff erence i n cylinder wear in different di-rections, take a side-to-side and a front-to-back m easure-ment at each of the 3 locations (total of 6 m easurements)shown in the figure.10 mm (0.4in.) [A]90 mm (3.5in.) [B]60 mm (2.4in.) [C]

If any of the cylinder inside diameter measurements ex-ceeds the service limit, the cylinderwill have to be re-placed with a new one.

Cy linde r Ins ide D ia me terStandard: 80.000 ∼80.015 mm (3.1 4961∼3.15019

in .) an d le ss th an 0 .0 1 mm d iffe ren cebetween any two measuremen ts

Se rv ic e Lim it: 80 .1 0 mm (3 .1 53 5 in.), or m ore than0.05 mm (0.0020 in .) differencebetween any two measuremen ts

Piston Diame ter Measurement•Measure the outside diameter [A] of the piston 26.9 mm

(1.059 in.) up [B] from the bottom of the piston at a rightangle to the direction of the pi ston pin.

Piston DiameterStandard: 79.865 ∼79.880 mm

(3.1 4429∼3.14488 in.)

Se rv ic e Lim it: 79 .7 2 mm (3 .1 38 6 in.)

If the measurement is less than the service limit, replacethe piston.

NOTEAbnormal wear such as a marked diagonal pattern

across th e piston skirt may m ean a b ent connectingrod or amisaligned crankshaft.

Piston/Cylinder ClearanceThepiston-to-cylinder clearance must be checked, and

the standard value maintained anytime a piston or the cylin-der block are replaced with new parts.

•Measure the piston diamet er as just described, and sub-tract this v alue from the c ylinder inside diameter measure-ment. The di fference is the piston clearance.

Piston/Cylinder Clearance0. 130∼0.140 mm (0.005118 ∼0.005512 in.)

Piston Ring, Piston Ring Gro ove In spection•Vi sually inspect the piston ring s and the p iston ring

grooves.If therings are worn unevenly or damaged, they mustbereplaced.If any piston ring groove is worn unevenly or damaged,the p isto n m ust b e replaced and fitted with new rings.

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Engine Top End

Piston Ring End Gap•Put the c ylinder upsid e- dow n.

•Place the piston ring inside the cylinder, using the pistonto locate the ring s quarely in place. Set it close to thebottom of the cylinder, where cylinder wear is low.

•Meas ure the gap [A] between the ends of the ring [B] withathickness gauge.If the gap is wider than the service limit, the ring is wornexcessively andmust bereplace.

Top & Second Piston Ring End GapStandard: 0.25 ∼0.40 mm (0.00984 ∼0.0157 in.)

Service Lim it: 0 .7 0 mm (0.02 8 i n.)

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Engine Removal/Installation

Table of Contents

Exploded View ........................................................................................................................ 7-2Engine Removal/Installation ................................................................................................... 7-4

Removal ............................................................................................................................ 7-4Installation ......................................................................................................................... 7-5

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Exp lod ed View

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Exploded View

TorqueNo. Fastener

N·m kgf·m ft·lbRemarks

1 Engine MountingBolts 36 3.7 27 L

2 EngineDamper Mounting Bolts 16 1.6 12

3 Engine MountBolts 34 3.5 25 L

L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.

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Engine Removal/Installation

Remo val•Remove or disconnect:

Exhaust P ipe [A] and Chamber [B] as a set (see ExhaustSystem chapter.)Air Inlet Cover [C] (see Fuel System chapter.)Carburetors (see Fuel System chapter.)Magneto Lead Connectors [D] (Disconnect)Oil Inlet Hose [E] (Disconnect)

•Remove:Spark Plugs [A]Cooling Hoses on CylinderHeads [B]

Coupling Cover [B]Engine Moun ting Bolts [A]

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Engine Removal/Installation

•Slide the engine toward the front to disengage the cou-plings, and then lift the engine [A] out of the hull.

Lift the engineby usingtheplates [A].

NOTEPerform the following s ervices while the engine is lifted

to make them easier.

Oil P ump Cable DisconnectionInlet Cooling Hose DisconnectionStarter Motor Cable Disconnection

•Remove the engine mount.

Installation•Be sure there are no foreign objects and parts inside of

the hull.

•Clean the bilge filter (see Filter Cleaning and Inspectionin th e C ooling and Bilge S ystems chapter).

•Check the coupling damper for wear and damage (seeCoupling Damper Inspection in the Engine Bottom Endchapter).

•Apply a non-permanentlocking agent to the engine mountbolts [A] and torque them.

Torque - Engine Mount Bolts: 34 N·m (3.5 kgf·m , 25 ft·lb)

•Check the gap between the engine mount and thedampers by rocking the engine.

• If there is a gap, insert a suitabl e s hi m between the enginemount and the damper to achieve a good fit.

Shim SelectionShim No. Thi ck n ess

92025-3705 t0.3 mm

92025-3706 t0.5 mm

92025-3707 t1.0 mm

92025-3708 t1.5 mm

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the enginemounting bolts and torquethem.

Torque - Engine Mountin g Bolts: 3 6 N·m (3.7 kgf·m, 27 ft·lb)

•After installing the engine in the hull, check the following.Throttle Control CableChoke CableOil Pump BleedingFuel and Exhaust Leaks

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Engine Removal/Installation

•Check the oil pump cable installation as follows.Pull the throttle lever to ensure if the oil pump cable [A]

makes the oil pump pulley [B] turn.Make sure the l ower part [C] of the oil pump cable is in-

stalled the oil pump pulley secur ely.Ifnecessary, reinstall theoil pumpcabletothepulley andadjust it (see Oil Pump Cable Adjustment in the PeriodicMaintenance chapter).

WA RNINGDo not run the engine in a closed area. Exhaustgases contain carbon monoxide,a colorless,odor-less, poiso nous gas which can be lethal.


Operate the engine only forshort periods withoutcooling water.

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Engine Bottom End

Table of Contents

Exploded View ........................................................................................................................ 8-2Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 8-4Special Tool ............................................................................................................................ 8-5Oil Filling ................................................................................................................................. 8-6

Oil Filling ........................................................................................................................... 8-6Coupling ................................................................................................................................. 8-7

Removal ............................................................................................................................ 8-7Installation ......................................................................................................................... 8-7Coupling Damper Inspection ............................................................................................. 8-7

Magneto Flywheel .................................................................................................................. 8-8Magneto Flywheel Removal .............................................................................................. 8-8Magneto Flywhee l Disassembly ....................................................................................... 8-8Magneto Flywhee l Assembly ............................................................................................ 8-8Stater Clutch Gear and Starter Idl e G ear Removal .......................................................... 8-9Starter Clutch Gear and Starter Idle Gear Installation ...................................................... 8-9Magneto Flywheel Installation ........................................................................................... 8-9

Stator ...................................................................................................................................... 8-11Removal ............................................................................................................................ 8-11Installation ......................................................................................................................... 8-11

Crankcase .............................................................................................................................. 8-13Splitting ............................................................................................................................. 8-13Assembly .......................................................................................................................... 8-14Crankcase Check Valves Inspection ................................................................................. 8-16Upper Crankcase Check Valve Removal/Installation ........................................................ 8-16Lo wer Crankcase Check Valve Removal/Installation ....................................................... 8-17

Crankshaft Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 8-19Connecting Rod Bend/Twist .............................................................................................. 8-19Connecting Rod Big End Radial Clearance ...................................................................... 8-19Connecting Rod Big End Side Clearance ......................................................................... 8-20Crankshaft Main Bearing Wear ......................................................................................... 8-20Crankshaft Runout ............................................................................................................ 8-20

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Exp lod ed View

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Exploded View

TorqueNo. Fastener

N·m kgf·m ft·lbRemarks

1 Flywheel Bolt 123 ∼127 12.5 ∼13.0 90 ∼94 L

2 Stator MountingBolts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb L

3 BalancerDrive GearMounting Bolts 12 1.2 8.7 L

4 Grommet MountingScrews 3.5 0.36 31 in·lb L

5 Pickup Coil Mounting Screws 3.5 0.36 31 in·lb L

6 Coupling 123 ∼127 12.5 ∼13.0 90 ∼94 L

7 Magneto Cover Mounting Bolts 12 1.2 8.7 L

8 Grommet Cover Mounting Bolts 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

9 Oil Level Gauge Bolt 3.9 0.4 35 in·lb L

10 CrankcaseBolts-6mm dia 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L, S

11 CrankcaseBolts-8mm dia 29 3.0 22 L, S

12 Bearing Cap Bolts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb

13 ClampMounting Bolt 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

14 Plate Bolt 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

G: Apply grease.L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.

LG: Apply liquid gasket.MO: Apply m ol ybdenum disulfide oilto the flanged portion. (Mixture of the engineoil and molybde-

nu m disulfide grease in a weight ratio 10: 1)S: Ti ghten the fasteners, following the specified sequence.

P1: Pour 200 mL (12.2 cu in.) of 2-stroke oil.P2: Pour 20 mL (1.2 cu in.) of2-stroke oil.

WG: Apply water-resistance grease.

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Item Standard Service Limit

Crankshaft, Conn ecting Rods

Crankshaft Runout

Runout [B] TIR under0.04mm(0.00157 in.) TIR0.10 mm (0.00394in.)

Runout [C] TIR under0.10mm(0.00394 in.) TIR0.25 mm (0.00984in.)

Connecting Rod Side Clearance 0.45 ∼0.55 mm 0.8mm (0.031 in.)

(0.01772 ∼0.02165 in.)

ConnectingRodRadial Clearance 0.025 ∼0.037 mm(0.000984 ∼0.001457 in.)

0.087 mm(0.00343 in.)

Connecting Rod Bent 0.05 mm/100 mm(0.00197/3.934 in.)

0.2mm/100 mm(0.0079/3.934 in.)

Connecting Rod Twist 0.15 mm/100 mm(0.00591/3.934 in.)

0.2mm/100 mm(0.0079/3.934 in.)

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Special Tool

Coupling H older #2:57001-1423

Flywheel Puller Assem bly, M30 × 1.5, M33 × 1.5:57001-1426

Rotor Holder:57001-1428

Kawasaki Bond (Liquid Gasket - Black):92104-1062

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Oil Filling

Oil F ill ing• Take out the plug [A] on the magneto cover and fill 200

mL (12.2 cu i n.) of 2-stroke oil [B] i nto the front balancerroom (inside the magneto c over) after the following ser-vice procedures.Coupling RemovalMagneto Flywheel RemovalStarter Clutch G ear and Starter Idle Gear RemovalStator Removal

NOTEOil level should be approx in the middle line [C] of the

oil level gauge [D] under the state that the engine ismounted on the hull after pouring 200 mL (12.2 cu in.).

• Fill 20 mL (1.2 cu in.) of 2-stroke oil [A] into the rearbalancer room [B] after s plitting the crankcase.

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Engine (see Engine Removal/Installation chapter)Coupling DamperMagneto C ov erStarter Idle G ear

•Holding the boss of the front balancer gear, unscrew thecoupling.

Special Tools - Rotor Holder: 57001-1428 [A]Coupling Holder: 57001-1423[B]

NOTEBe sure to hold theboss [B] of the front balancer gear

[C] with the rotorholder [A].


Do not hold the teeth of the front balancer drive gearormagnetoflywheelwiththe rotor holder. The gearteeth or the flywheel could be damaged.

Installation•Apply a non-permanent locking agent.

•Screw the coupling onto the crankshaft and tighten it.

Torque -Coupling: 123 ∼127 N·m (12.5 ∼13 .0 kgf·m, 90 ∼94 ft·lb)

Coupling Damper Inspection•Refer to Coupling Damper Inspection in th e P eriodic

Maintenance chapter.

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Magnet o Flywheel

Magne to FlywheelRemoval•Remove:

Engine (see Engine Removal/Installation chapter.)Magneto CoverStarter Idle G ear

•Holding the boss [B] of the front balan cer gear [C] with therotor holde r [A], remove the flywheelbolt.

Spec ial Tool- Rotor Holder: 57001-1428 [A]


Do not hold the teeth of the front balancer drive gearormagnetoflywheelwith therotor holder. Thegearteethor the flywheel could bedamaged.

Using the special tool, pull o ff the flywheel.

Spec ial Tool- Fly wheel Puller Asse mbly, M 30 × 1.5, M 33×1.5: 57001-1426 [A]


Do nothit the head of the flywheel puller assy. Aloss in rotor magnetism may be caused.

Magne to FlywheelDisassemb ly•Remove the snap ring [A].

•Compressing the friction ring [C ], remove the one wayclutch [B] from the balancerdrive gear[D].

When compressing the friction ring, be careful that its pro-jections [E] does not get out of the s ide plate [F].

•Remove the balancer drive gear mounting bolts [G] andtake out the magneto flywheel [H].

Magne to FlywheelAsse mbly• Install the oneway clutch, c ompressing the friction ring on

the balancer drive gear.When installing the oneway clutch, be careful that its ro-

tating mark [A] faces toward the balancer gear [B] side.When compressing the friction ring, be careful that its

projections d oe s not get out of the s ide p late.

•Replace the snap ring [C] with new on e and install i t.

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Magneto Fly wheel

• Install the magneto flywheel [A] on the balancer drive gear[B].

Align the makermark [C] on the magneto flywheel withthe key groove [D] on the gear [B].

Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the balancerdrive gea r m ounting bolts [E] and tighten them, followingthe sequence shown.

Torque-Balancer Drive Gear Mounting Bolts: 12 N·m (1.2kgf·m , 8.7 ft·lb)

Sta ter Clutch Gea r and Starter Idle G ear Re moval•Remove:

Magneto C ov erMagneto Flywheel [A]Starter Idle G ear [B]Starter C lutch Gear [C]

Sta rter Clutch Gear a nd Starter Idle Gear Installation•Apply molybdenum disulfide oil to the starter idle gear

shaft [A].

•Grea se slightly the needle bearing [B] and the i nside ofthe starter clutch gear [C] as shown.

• Install the 3 mm (0.118 in.) thick spacer [D] on the cylinderside and the 2.5 mm (0.098 4 i n.)thick spacer [E] on themagneto side with each c hamfer s ide facing the cylinderside.

Magn eto FlywheelInstallation•Using a high flash-points s olvents, clean off any oil or dirt

that may be on the flywheel bolt, the crankshaft taper, orin the tapered hole in the flywheel.

• Fit the woodruff key [A] securely in the crankshaft beforeinstalling the magneto flywheel.

• Install t he magneto flywheel, aligning a m ark [A] on thebalancer drive gear with a mark [B] on the balancer drivengear.

Torque - Fly wheel Bolt: 123 ∼127 N·m (12.5 ∼13.0 kgf·m,90 ∼94 ft·lb)

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Magnet o Flywheel

• Inspect the starter clutch.Tu rn the starter clutch gear [A] by hand. The starter c lutch

gear should turn counterclockwise [C] freely, but shouldnot turn clockwise [B].If the clutch does not operate as it should or if it m akesnoise, disassemble the s tarter clutch, examine each partvisually, and replace any worn or damaged parts.

NOTELeave the starter idle gear removed when inspecting.

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EngineMagneto Cover [A]

•Remove:Grommet Cover Mounting bolts [A]Grommet Cover [B]Stator Grommet Mounting Screws [C]Grommet [D]Gasket [E]Crankshaft Sensor Moun ting Screws [F]StatorMountingBolts with Washers [G]Stator Assembly [H]


NOTEInstall the grommet and grommet c over before installing

the s tator assembly.

•Run the gasket through the stator lead.

• Install the grommet [A] on the grommet cover [B].Apply water resistantgrease tothe grommetApply a non-permanent locking agent to the grommet

mounting screws [C]

Torque - G romm et Mounting Screws: 3.5 N·m (0.36 kg f·m,31 in·lb)

• Install the grommet cover on the m agneto cover.Install the newgasket[A] so thatits “UP” letter [B]faces

upward.Note the install direction for the cover [C] and clam p [D].Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the grommet

cover mounting bolts [E] and clamp mounting bolt [F].

Torque - Gromm et Cover M ountin g Bolts: 8.8 N·m (0.9kgf·m , 78 in·lb)

Clam p M ounting B olts: 8.8 N·m (0.9 kgf·m, 78in ·lb)

Keep the m agneto lead [G] loose when tightening theclamp mounting bolt [E].

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• Install the stator and crankshaft sensor on the m agnetocov er.

Run the pickup coil leads [A] to the left [C] under the statorleads [B] as shown.

Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the stator mount-ing bolts and put the washers.

Torque - Sta tor Mounting Bolts: 7.8 N·m (0.8 kgf·m, 69 in·lb)

Apply anon-permanent locking agent to the crankshaftsensor mounting screws and install the crankshaft sensor[A] together with the ground lead [B] so that the s ta torleads [C] have to be pressed by the crankshaft sensor.

To rque - Crankshaft Sen sor Mounting Screws: 3.5 N·m(0 .3 6 kgf·m, 31 in·lb)

NOTEWhile pressing the crankshaft s en sor outward,torque

the crankshaft sensor mounting screws.

Crankshaft Sensor Air Gap (Clearance between the rotorprojec tion and pickup core)

Standard: 0 .75∼0.95 mm (0 .0 30∼0.037 in.)

NOTEWhen installing the crankshaft sensor[A],fix the crank-

shaft s ensor leads [B] between the stator leads [C] andthe inside w all[D] of the m agneto cover.

Be sure the stator and crankshaft sensor leads have noslack and bite.

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S pli tting•Remove the engine (see Engine Removal/Installation


•Remove the following from the engine.Starter MotorInlet Manifold, Cylinder Head, Cylinde r Block, and Pis-tonsOil PumpCouplingMagneto Flywheel, Balancer Gear, Starter Idle Gear,and Starter Clutch Gear

NOTEAlways remove the coupling beforeremoving the mag-

neto flywheel or there won’t be any way to hold thecrankshaft while unscrewing the coupling.

•Remove the bearing cap [A].

•Remove the 6 mm crankcase bolts [A] first and the 8 mmbolts [B].

•Pry the point [A] indicated in the figure to split thecrankcase halves apart, andthenremove thelowercrankcase half.

• Lift the crankshaft assembly out of the upper crankcasehalf.

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Cran kcase

Assembly• Install the oil seal [A] and the balancerdrive gear[B] on

the crankshaft [C].Slightly apply grease [D] to the lip of the oil seal and install

it, noting the install direction indicate d in the figure.Align a m ark [E] on the balancer drive gear with a m ark

[F] on the crankshaft.

•Vi sually inspect the crankshaft O-ring [A] and replace it if necessary.

•Grease the inner surface of the collar [B] and install it so that its c hamfer s ide [C] faces toward thebalancer drive gear.

•Slightly grease [D] the lips of the oil s eals [E] and inst all them, noting the install directions indicatedin the figure.

•Apply molybdenum disulfide oil to the connecting rod big end bearings and the side washers.

•With a high flash-point solvent, clean off the mating surfaces of the crankcase halves and wipe dry.

•Check that the dowel pins [A] are in place.

•Place the crankshaft assembly [B] in the upper crankcase half.Fit each pos ition ring [C] of the bearings and each raised rib [D] of the oilseals into the grooves in

the crankcase.Fit the pins [E] of the bearing and labyrinth packing into the holes of the c rankcase.Install the rear balancer gear [G], aligning a m ark [F] on the bal ancer gear [G] w ith a mark [H] on

thebalancer drive gear[I]. At this time, push thebearingtoward bow side [J].Pour 20 mL (1.2 cu in.) of 2-stroke oil into rear balancer roo m [K].

•Set the bearing [L] for the front balancer gear, pushing it toward stern side [M].

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•Apply liquid gasket to the mating surface [A] of the lowercrankcase half.

Wipe off any excess liquid gasket at the portions [B] i ndi-cated in the figure.

NOTEFinish the application of the liquid gasket within 30 m in-

utes.Ti ghten the case bolts just after finishing the application

of the liquid gasket.

Special Tool- Kawasaki Bond (Liquid Gasket-Black):92104-1062

• Install the lower crankcase half on the upper half.

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the crankcase bolts, and tighten them in the order num-bered on the lower crankcase.

Torque - C ra n kc a se M8 B o lts:29 N·m (3.0 kgf·m , 22 ft·lb)Crankcase M 6 Bolts: 8.8 N·m (0.9 kgf·m , 78 in·lb)

The tightening sequence numbers are marked on the l ower crankcase half.

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Cran kcase

Crankcase Check Valves Insp ection•Split the crankcase.

• Inspect the check valves.The check valve [A] a llows oil flow in the direction of the

arrow [B].Inspect the normal oil flow by injecting [C] a high flash

-point solvent in a squirt can or syringe.In the following case, replace the check v alve.

1. Oil will not pass through the check valve in the normaldirection.

2. Oil w ill pass through the check valve in both direction.


Do not use compressed air on the valve since doingso would damage the valve spring

Upper Crankcase Check Va lve Removal/In stallation•Remove the front [A ] and rear [B] check v alves on the upper crankcase [C] with pliers.

•Note the following when installing.Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the c heck valves.Press the chec k valves until they are bottomed.At this time, do not plug up the holes of the check

valves with a non-permanent locking agent.Install the check v alves [A] [B] as s hown.

NOTEAlign the oil hose fitting of the front check valve [A] with a rib [D] on the upper crankcase half.Align the oil hose fitting of the rear check valve [B ] with a m ark [E] on the upper crankcase half.

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Lower CrankcaseCheck Valve Removal/Installation•Split the crankcase.

• Ta ke out the plug [A] to remove the rear check v alve [B]from the l ower cran kcase.

• Ta p the front [A] and rear [B] check v alves out of the lowercrankcase with a s uitabl e screw [C] and driver [D].

Place a rug [E] on the crankcase half to prevent it fromdamage.

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Cran kcase

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the front checkvalve [A] and rear check valve [B].

•Press the check valves until their flanges portions are bot-tomed. Atthis time, do not plug up the holes of checkvalves with a locking agent.

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the plug [C] forthe rearcheck valve and install it.


In case that the check valves were installed aslant,replace the check valves.

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Crankshaft Maintenance

The crankshaft changes reciprocating motion of the piston into rotating motion to drive the jet pump.Crankshaft trouble, such as excessive play or runout, w ill multiply the stress caused by the intermittentforce on the piston and will result in not only rapi d c rankshaft bearing wear, but also noise, power loss,vibration, and shortene d engine life. A defective crankshaft should be alway s detected at an earlystage and repaired immediately.

The following explanation concerns the most common crankshaft problems and the method for m ea-suring play, runout and con-rod alignment. It does not cover c rankshaft disassembly because of thehighly specializedequipment thatis required. If crankshaft components become damaged or worn,the entire crankshaft should be replaced as an assembly, or rebuilt by a properly equipped shop.

Conne cting Rod Ben d/Twist•Set the crankshaft in an alignment jig or in V blocks ona

surface plate.

•Select an arbor of the same diameter as the connectingrod small end and at least 100 mm (3.9 in.) long, andinsert the a rbor throug h the connecting rod s mall end.

•With the connecting rod held vertically, use a heightgauge to measure the diff erence in the height of thearbor above the surface plate over a 100 mm (3.9 in.)leng th to determine the amount of connecting rod bend.If connecting rod bend exceeds the service limit, the con-necting rod or crankshaft m ust be replaced.

Connectin g R od BendStandard: Under 0.05/100 mm (0.00197/3.934 in.)

Service Limit: 0 .2 /100 m m (0.0079/3.934 in.)

•With the c rankshaft s till in the alignment jig, m easur e c on-necting rod twist.

Hold the c onnecting rod horizontally and measure theamount thatthe arborvaries from being parallel with thecrankshaftovera 100mm (3.9 in.) lengthof thearbor todetermine the amount of connecting rod twist.Ifconnecting rod twistexceeds the service limit,the con-necting rod or crankshaft m ust be replaced.

Connecting R od Tw istStandard: Under0.15/100 mm (0.00591/3.934 in.)

Service Lim it: 0.2/100 mm (0.0079/3.934 in.)

Connecting Rod Big En d Rad ialClearance•Check big end radial clearance.Set the crankshaft in an alignment jig or on V blocks, and

plac e a dial gauge against the connecting rod big end.Push the connecting rod firsttowards the gauge and then

inthe opposite direction. The di fference between the twogaugereadings is theradial clearance.If the r ad ialclearance exceeds the service limit, replaceor disassemble the crankshaft assy and examinethecrankpin,needle bearing,and con-rod big end forwear.

Connectin g Rod Big End Radial ClearanceStandard: 0.025 ∼0.037 mm

(0.0 00984∼0.001457 in.)

Service lim it: 0.087mm (0.00343 in.)

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Crankshaft Maintenance

Connectin g Rod Big End Side C learance•Measure big end side clearance [A].Insert a feeler gauge between the big end an d either c rank

half to determine clearance.If the m easured value exceeds the s ervice limit, the c rank-shaft should be either replaced or rebuilt.

ConnectingRodBig EndSide ClearanceStandard: 0.45 ∼0.55 mm (0.01772 ∼0.02 1 65 in .)

Serv ic e limit: 0.8 mm (0.031 in.)

Cran kshaft Main Bearing Wear•Wa sh the bearings in a high flash-point solvent, b low them

dry (DO NOT S PIN THEM), and lubricate them with en-gine oil.


Solventis toxic and flammable. Avoid prolongedcontact with skin and keep away from o pen flame.Use only in a well ventilated area. Eye protectionshould be worn when compressed air is used todry parts. Donot directairtowardsanyone. Use172 kPa (1.75 kgf/cm², 25 psi) maximum nozzle pres-sure.

• Tu rn each bearing over by hand and see that it makes nonoise, turns smoothly, andhas norough spots.Ifany of the bearings are defective,replacethem.

Cran kshaft Run out•Check crankshaft alignment by measuring runout.With the crankshaft on V blocks [A], rotate the crank-

shaft slowly and measur e runout at each of the locationsshown.If the runout at an y point exceeds the service limit, thecrankshaft m ust be either replaced or rebuilt.

Crankshaft Runout [B]Standard: TIR under 0.04 mm (0.00157 in.)

Se rv ic e Lim it: TIR 0 .1 0 mm (0.00394 in.)

Crankshaft Runout [C]Standard: TIR under 0.10 mm (0.00394 in.)

Se rv ic e Lim it: TIR 0 .2 5 mm (0.00984 in.)

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Cooling and Bilge System

Table of Contents

Exploded View ........................................................................................................................ 9-2Special Tool ............................................................................................................................ 9-4Bilge System........................................................................................................................... 9-5

Breather Removal ............................................................................................................. 9-5Breather Installation .......................................................................................................... 9-5Breather Cleaning and Inspection ..................................................................................... 9-5Filter Removal/Installation ................................................................................................. 9-5Filter Cleaning and Inspec tion .......................................................................................... 9-5

Cooling and Bilge System Hoses ........................................................................................... 9-6Hose Removal .................................................................................................................. 9-6Hose Installation ............................................................................................................... 9-6Hose Inspecti on ................................................................................................................ 9-6

Cooling and Bilge System Flushing ........................................................................................ 9-7Cooling System Flushing .................................................................................................. 9-7Bilge System Flushi ng ...................................................................................................... 9-7

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Exp lod ed View

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Exploded View

To rqueNo. Fastener

N·m kgf·m ft·lbRemarks

1 WaterPipe Joints 7.8 orabove 0.8 orabove 69 in·lbor above SS

2 BypassOutlet Screws – – – L

3 BreatherMounting Bolt – – – L

L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.SS: Apply silicone sealan t. (Kawasaki Bond: 56019-120)

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Special Tool

Kawasaki Bond (S ilicone Sealant):56019-120

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Bilge System

Breath er Removal•Pull the hoses [A]off the breather.

•Unscrew the mounting bolt [B], and remove the breather[C].

Bre ather Installation•Be sure the small hole [A] in the breather is open before

installing it.

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the breathermounting bolt and tighten it.

Bre ath er Cleanin g and In spection•Check that the small hole in the top of the breather is open

by blowing in one end of the breather and plugging theother.If the hole is plugged, clean it with compressed air. Donot open it with a pointed object (like a needle or a pieceof wire), because the ho le may be enlarged.Ifthe hole istoo large, the bilge system may not suck water out of thehull as it should.

Filter Removal/Installation•Pull the hos e [A] off the filter.

•Unscrew the mounting nuts [B], and remove the filter as-sembly.

•Drill out the pop rivets holding the filter with a drill.

Pop Rivet Remova l Drill Bit Size: 5.0 m m (0.20 in.)

• Installation is the r ev erse of removal.Note the following.Apply silicone sealant to theouter circumference of the

plate mounting nuts.

F ilter Cleaning and Inspection• Flush the filter thoroughly with fresh water and shake it


•Wa ter m ust flow freely through the filter, but large debrismust not.If the filter cannot be cleaned, or if it is broken and allowsdebris to pass through, repl ace it.

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Cooling and Bilge System Hoses

Hose Removal•None of the bilge system hoses has a clamp. To remove

this hose, remove the filter (see Filter Remov al). Thebilge s ystem hoses may be simply pulled off their fittings.

•All the cooling system hoses are clamped at both ends.Loosen the clamps and pull the hoses off.

Hose Installation• To install the bilge filter hose, push the hose over the end

of the filter.

•When installing the c ooling system hos es, be s ure to usethe same kind of c lamp as the original. Some of theclamps are metal +fortighter clamping ability (requiredwhen smooth fittings are used). Plastic clamps ar e usedwhere tightclamping is notrequired.

Hose Inspection•Check the hoses for hardening, cracking, checking, cuts,

abrasions, and breaks.If a hose i s damaged in any way, replace it i mmedi atelyand check all the others fordamage.

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Cooling and Bilge System F lushing

Cooling System Flushing•Refer to Cooling System Flushing in the Periodic Mainte-

nance chapter.

Bilge System Flushing•Refer to Bilge System Flus hing in the Periodic M ainte-

nance chapter.

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Drive System

Table of Contents

Exploded View ........................................................................................................................ 10-2Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 10-4Special Tools .......................................................................................................................... 10-5Drive Shaft/Drive Shaft Holder ............................................................................................... 10-6

Drive Shaft Removal/Installation ....................................................................................... 10-6Drive Shaft Holder Removal/Disassembly ........................................................................ 10-6Drive Shaft Holder Assembly/Installation .......................................................................... 10-7Drive Shaft Runout ............................................................................................................ 10-7

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Exp lod ed View

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Exploded View

TorqueNo. Fastener

N·m kgf·m ft·lbRemarks

1 Coupling 39 4.0 29

2 Drive S haft H ol der Mounting B olts 22 2.2 16 L

3 CouplingCoverMounting Bolts – – – L

G: Apply grease.L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.M: Apply m ol ybdenum disulfide grease.

SS: Apply silicone sealant (Kawasaki Bond: 56109-120).

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Item Standard Service Limit

Drive Shaft

Runout(See Page 10-8) [A] less than 0.1 mm (0.004 in.) 0.2mm (0.008 in.)

[B] l ess tha n 0.2 mm (0.008 in.) 0.6mm (0.024 in.)

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Special Tools

Bearin g Driver Set:57001-1129

Coupling H older #2:57001-1423

KawasakiBond (Silicone Sealant):56019-120

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DriveShaft/Drive Shaft Holder

Drive Shaft Removal/Installation•Remove the engine (see Engine Removal/Installation


•Pull the d rive shaft [A] out of the hull.

•Hold the drive shaft in a vice, and unscrew the coupling.

Spec ia l Tool- Couplin g H older [A]: 5 7001-1423

•When installing the drive shaft, be careful of the followingitem s.

Apply anon-permanent locking agent to the couplingthreads and tighten it.

Torque - Coupling: 39 N·m (4.0 k gf·m , 29 ft·lb)

Apply grease to the grease seal lips and the drive shaftspline.

Drive Shaft Holder Re mova l/Disassemb ly•Remove the drive shaft.

•Unscrew the mounting bolts [A] and remove the driveshaft holder [B] from the bul khead.

•Disassemble the drive shaft holder.Remove the circlip [A].

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Drive Shaft/Drive Shaft Holder

Press the small greas e s eal, and the large grease seals,bearing, and small grease s eals c ome out of the holder.[A] Sleeve[B] Blocks[C] Press

Drive Shaft Holde r Assembly/Installation•Replace the grease seals with new ones.

•Press the bearing and grease seals into the drive shaftholder, noting the following.

Install the parts in this order.Two Small Grease Seals [A]OneBearing[B]Two Large Grease S eals [C]Front [D]

Special Tool- Bearing D rive r Set: 57001-1129

Install the seals so that the sides with the spring face out-ward.

Fill the gaps between the s eals with grease [E].

• Install the circlip.

•Grea se to the bearing i nner surface and grease seal lips.

• Install the drive shaft holder on the bulkhead so that thecirclip side face toward the front.

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the drive shaftholder mounting bolts, tight en them loosely.

• Install the drive shaft.

•After installing the engine, tighten the drive shaft holdermoun ting bolts to the specified torque to give proper c ou-pling alignment.

Torque - Drive Shaft Holder Mounting Bolts: 22N·m (2.2kgf·m , 16 ft·lb)

Drive Shaft Ru nout•Meas ure drive shaft runout by supporting the s haft onV

blocks and setting a dial gauge against the shaft at eachpoint shown.

• Turn the drive shaft slowly. The differ ence between thehighest and lowest dial gauge reading is the runout.If any meas urement exceeds the service limit, replace theshaft.

Driv e Shaft RunoutStandard: [A]Less than 0.1 mm (0.004 in.)

[B ] Less than 0.2 mm (0.008 in.)

Service Limit: [A] 0.2 m m (0.00 8 in.)

[B ] 0 .6 mm (0.02 4 in.)

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Pump and Impeller

Table of Contents

Exploded View ........................................................................................................................ 11 -2Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 11 -4Special Tools .......................................................................................................................... 11 -5Pump and Impeller .................................................................................................................11-6

Pump Removal ................................................................................................................. 11 -6Pump Installation .............................................................................................................. 11-7Pump Disassembly ........................................................................................................... 11 -8Pump Assembly ................................................................................................................ 11 -10Pump and Impeller Inspection .......................................................................................... 11 -14Impeller Clearance ............................................................................................................ 11-14

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Exploded View

To rqueNo. Fastener

N·m kgf·m ft·lbRemarks

1 Steering Nozzle PivotNuts 19 1.9 14

2 TiltRing Pivot Bolts 19 1.9 14 L

3 Cable JointBolts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb L

4 PumpCase MountingBolts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb L

5 PumpOutlet MountingBolts 19 1.9 14 L

6 PumpCap Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb L

7 Impeller 98 10 72

8 PumpMounting Nuts 36 3.7 27

9 Pump Bracket MountingNuts 36 3.7 27

10 Pump CoverMounting Bolts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb L

11 Grate Mounting Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb L

12 Cable Joint 39 4.0 29 L

13 TiltRingMountingBolts (L= 35mm, 1.38in.) – – – L

14 TiltRingMountingBolts (L= 32mm, 1.26in.) – – – L

15 Stop Screws 3.2 0.33 29 in·lb L

16 Pump Mounting Bolts 36 3.7 27 L

17 Pump BracketMounting Bolts 36 3.7 27 L

18 Plug 12 1.2 104 in·lb L

HG: Apply high grade water-resistance grease.(Chevron: Blac k PearlGrease EP NLG12or equivalent)

L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.M: Apply m ol ybdenum disulfide grease.

SS: Apply silicone sealant (Kawasaki Bond: 56019-120).

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Item Standard Service Limit

Jet Pump

Impeller Clearance 0.2 ∼0.3 mm (0.008 ∼0.012 in.) 0.6 mm (0.024 in.)

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Special Tools

Oil Seal & B ea ring Remover:57001-1058

Bearin g Driver Set:57001-1129

Im peller Wrench:57001-1228

Impeller Holder #2:57001-1425

Kawasaki Bond (Silicone Sealant):56019-120

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Pump an d Imp eller

Pump Re moval• Tu rn the c raft on its left s ide.

•Unscrew the mounting bolts [A], and remove the pumpcov er [B ].

•Remove the bolts [A] and take off the cable joints [B].

•Unscrew the pump mounting bolts [A ].

•Slide the pump to the rear to disengage the drive shaft,andremove it from thehull.

• To remove the pump bracket, remove the following.

•Pull ou t the inlet c ooling hose [ A] and the b ilge hose [B]from each fitti ng in the hull.

• Take out the pump bracket mounting nuts [A]and washers[B] in the hull [C].

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Pump and Impeller

•Remove the grate [A] from the hull.

•Remove:Steering and Trim Cable JointsSteering and Trim CableNuts [A]E-rings, Washers and O-rings ofSteering and Trim Ca-ble

•Cut the sealant at the i ndicated area [A] in th e figure andremove thepump bracket from the hull.

Pump In stallation•Strip off all the old sealant around the pump intake.

•Apply silicone sealant on the groove [A] for the pumpbracket [B] to form a seal between the bracket and thehull.

• Install the pump bracket, and wipe off any excess sealantand smooth the joint.

Torque - Pump Bracket Mounting Nuts : 36 N·m (3 .7 kgf·m,27 ft·lb)

• Fill the gap [A] between the bracket and the hull with sili-cone sealant and wipeoff any excess sealant andsmooththe joint.

•Run the steering and trim cables through the pumpbracket.

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Pump an d Imp eller

• Install the following on the pump b racket and the pumpcas e.Pipes [A]Pins [B]O-rings [C]

•Be sure trim seal [D] is in place.

•Grease the splines on the d rive shaft with water resistantgrease.

• Install the pump case [E].

Torque - Pump Mounting N uts [F]: 36 N ·m (3.7 kgf·m, 27ft ·l b)

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the grate mount-ing bolts and install the grate [ A].

Torque - Grate Mounting B olts: 9.8 N·m (1.0 kgf·m , 87 in·lb)

•Be sure the trim seal [B] is in place.

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the pump covermountingbolts and install the pump cover.

To rque - Pump C over Mounting Bolts: 7.8 N·m (0.8 kgf·m,69 in·lb)

Pump Disassembly•Unscrew the mounting bolts [A], and remove the steering

nozzle [B]and tilt ring [C].

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Pump and Impeller

•Unscrew the mounting bolts [A], and remove thepumpoutlet [B].

•Unscrew the guide vane mounting bolts [A] and removethe guide vane [B].

•Unscrew the cap bolts [A], and remove the pump cap [B].

• Forcefully put the impeller holder [A] into the pump shaft[B] in the pump case to hold sufficiently the shaft in theimpeller holder.

•Remove the impeller from the pump shaft and then pullout the pump shaft, the bushing and the ball bearing.

Special Tools - Im peller Holder [A]: 57001-1425Im peller Wrench [C]: 57001-1228

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Pump an d Imp eller

•Pull out the pump s haft [A] from the v an e guide [B].

•Press [A] the c ollar [B] and the ball bearing [C]. They comeout of the vane guide.

•Remove the circlip and the grease seals.

Spec ia l Tool- OilSeal& BearingRemover [A]:57001-1058

Pump Assembly• Install the O-ring [A] over the pump s haft [B].

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Pump and Impeller

•Press the new oil seals [A] into the guide vane [B] andinstall the circlip [C] as shown.

Be sure there are no foreign objects inside the v an e guideand over th e g rease s eals.

O il s eal outside surface betw e en the v ene gui de s urfacedistance [F]

6.5 ∼6.7 mm (0.256 ∼0.264 in.): JH 1200-B1 ∼B2

5.5 ∼6.5 mm (0.217 ∼0.254 in.): JH1200-B3

Fill the bearing side oil seal with high grade wa-ter-resistance grease [D] and install it so that the sideswith the s pring face outward.

High grade water-resistance grease the grease seal lips[E].

Special Tool- Bearing D rive r Set: 57001-1129

•Before installing the pump bearing, blowany dirtor for-eign particles out of the gui de vane with compressed air.

•High grad water-resistance grease [A] the c ollar [B].

• Insert the c ollar [B] and pr ess the new ball bearing [C] intothe vane guide [D].

Special Tool- Bearing D rive r Set: 57001-1129

•Molybdenum disulfide grease [A] the pump shaft [B] andhigh grade water-resistance g rease the O-ring [C].

•Push the pump shaft into the guide vane.

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Pump an d Imp eller

•Grease the pump shaft threads and screw on impeller.

Special Tools - Im peller Holder: 57001-1425Im pe ller Wren ch : 5 70 0 1-1 228

Torque - Impelle r: 98 N·m (10 kgf·m, 72 ft·lb)

• Install the do wel pins [A] on the guide vane [B].

•Position the pump case [C] on the guide vane and bringthe impeller blades so that it will contact [D] with the i nsideof the pum p case.

•Measure the space “ X” between the pump case and theguide vane at three places of 120 degree intervals.

• The maximum value measured at three p laces is as-sumedtobe“Xmax”.

•Compare the “X max” value with that in the chart, andchoose the amount of shims.

Xmax (mm) Amount of Shims

From0 ∼Less than 0.5 3

From 0.5 ∼Les s th an 1.0 4

From 1.0 ∼Les s th an 1.5 5

•Vi sually inspect the impeller seal [A], and replac e if nec-essary.

• Install the seal [A] on the impeller.

If the pump cap bearing [A] was removed, replace it w itha new one.

•Press the bearing into the cap [B] until it is bottomed.

•Be sure the O -ring [C] i s in place on the pump c ap.

•High grade water-resistance grease the O-ring.

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Pump and Impeller

• Install the damper [A] over the pump shaft.

• Instal thefollowingonthe guide vane.Dowel P ins [B]Shims [C]Pump Case [D]Pump Cap [E]

Install the shim(s) noting i ts tab [F] position.Apply a non-permanentlockingagent tothe following.

Torque - Pump Case Mounting Bolts: 9.8 N·m (1 .0 kgf·m,87 in·lb)

Pump Cap B olts : 9.8 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 87 in·lb)

NOTEBe sure the impeller rotates by 2.9 N·m (0.3 kgf·m, 26

in·lb) orless after assembly.

The pump c ase can be installed in either direction [A] or[B].Ta b s [ C]

•Use a feeler gauge [A] to m ea sure the impeller [B] -to-pump c ase [C] clearance.

Im pe ller C le ara n ceStandard: 0.2 ∼0.3 mm (0.008 ∼0.012 in.)

Se rvi ce Li m it: 0 .6 m m (0 .0 24 in.)

If the clearance is outside the range given, remove thepump cas e and change the amount of s hims.

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Pump an d Imp eller

• Install the following on the pump [A].Pin [B]O-ring [C]Pump Outlet [D]Trim Seal [E]

Apply a non-permanent locking agentto the pump outletmounting bolts [F].

Torque - Pump O utle t M ounting Bolts: 19 N·m (1 .9 kgf·m,14 ft·lb)

Pump and Imp eller Inspe ction•Refer to Pump and Impe ller Inspection in the Periodic

Maintenance chapter.

Imp eller Clearance• Impeller clearance is critical to proper performance. If the

pump c ase and impeller are not visibly damaged, poorperformance m ay be caus ed by too m uch impeller c lear-ance.

• To check impeller clearance, remove the grate and inserta feeler gauge [A] between the tip of the i mpeller blade[B] and the pump case [C].

Im peller ClearanceStandard: 0.2 ∼0 .3 m m (0.008∼0.012 in.)

Service L im i t: 0.6 mm (0.024 in.)

If the clearance is les s than the s ervice limit, do not adjustit.If the c learance is greater than the service limit, but thepump c ase has deep scratches, replace the pump c ase.If the c learance is greater than the service limit, and thepump case is i n goo d c ondition, adjust the impeller c lear-ance.

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Table of Contents

Exploded View ........................................................................................................................ 12-2Steering Cable ........................................................................................................................ 12-4

Steering Cable Adjustment ............................................................................................... 12-4Steering Cable Removal ................................................................................................... 12-4Steering Cable Installation ................................................................................................ 12-6Steering Cable Inspection ................................................................................................. 12-6Steering Cable Lubrication ................................................................................................ 12-6

Trim Cable .............................................................................................................................. 12-7Trim Cable Adjustment..................................................................................................... 12-7Trim Cable with Trim Actuator Removal ........................................................................... 12-7Trim Cable Installation ...................................................................................................... 12-8Trim Cable Inspection ....................................................................................................... 12-8Trim Cable Lubrication ...................................................................................................... 12-8

Handlebar ............................................................................................................................... 12-9Removal ............................................................................................................................ 12-9Installation ......................................................................................................................... 12-9

Steering .................................................................................................................................. 12-11Remove ............................................................................................................................. 12-11Installation ......................................................................................................................... 12-13

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Exp lod ed View

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Exploded View

TorqueNo. Fastener

N·m kgf·m ft·lbRemarks

1 HandlebarClamp Bolts 16 1.6 11 .5 L

2 SteeringHolder MountingBolts 16 1.6 11 .5 L

3 Steering CableNut 39 4.0 29

4 Trim Cable Nut 39 4.0 29

5 Throttle Case Mounting Screws 3.9 0.4 35 in·lb

6 Switch CaseMounting Screws 3.9 0.4 35 in·lb

7 Cable JointBolts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb L

8 Cable Joint 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb

9: White mark (bow side)G: Apply grease.L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.

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Stee ring Cable

Stee ring Cab le Adjustment•Check steering cable adjus tment.Center the handlebar in the str aight-ahead position.

•Check that the s teering nozzle is centered [A] in the pumpcav ity.

If necessaryadjust the steering cable.Loosen the locknut [A] on the steering c able.Take out the cable joint bolt [B] and disconnectthe cable

joint [C] from the s teering nozzle.Turn the joint on the cable to adjust the steering.Temporarily tightening the c able j oint bolt, connect the

joint w ith the no zzle and check c ab le adjustment again.When adjustment is c orrect, unscrew the c able joint bolt

and apply anon-permanent locking agent to it. Andtighten the cable joint bolt and the steering cable locknutsec urely.

Torque - Cab le J oint Bolt: 9 .8 N ·m (1.0 kgf·m , 87 in·lb)

Steering Cable Removal•Disconnect the cable joint at each end of the steering ca-

ble.Take out the cable joint bolt [A] and disconnectthe cable

joint [B] from the lever [C].


Never la y the watercraft on the r ight side. Wa ter inthe exhau st system may drain back into the engine,causing serious damage.

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Steering Cable

Loosen the l ocknut [A] on the steering c able.Take out the cable joi nt bolt [B] and disconnect the cable

joint[C]from the steering nozzle.Remove the c able joint and the locknut on the c able.

•Remove:Rubber Cover [A]

• Loosen:Steering Cover Bolts [B]

• Loosen:Steering Cover Bolts [A]

•Disconnect the steering cable from the holder.Unscrew the mounting bolts [A], and remove the holder.

Ta ke out the bolt [A] and separate the cable [B] from thecable holder [C].

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Stee ring Cable

•Remove the pump (see Pump Removal in the Pump/Im-peller chapter).

Unscrew the large nut [A] in the hull with a wrench.

Slide off the E-ring [A], washer [B], and O-ring [C].

•Pull the cable from the cable detentin the engine com-partment.

•Pull out the steering cable toward the front.

Stee ring Cab le Installa tion•Slide a s hort piece of rubber or plastic tubing over the rear

cable end to guide the cable through the hull.

• Lubricate the outside of the new cable to ease cable in-stallation.

• Torque:

Torque - Steering Cable Nut: 39 N·m (4.0 k gf·m , 29 ft·lb)

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the cable jointbolts and torquethem.

Torque - Cable Joint Bolts: 9.8 N·m (1.0 kgf·m , 87 in·lb)

•Adjust the steering c able (see Steering C ab le Adjust-ment).

Stee ring Ca ble Inspe ction•Refer to Steering Cable Inspection in the Periodic Main-

tenance chapter.

Steering Cab le Lubrication

NOTEThe steering cable is sealed at each end and do not

require lubrication. If the seal is damaged, th e c ablemust be replaced.

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Tr i m C ab le

Tr im Cable A djustment•Check trim cable adjustment.Turn the ignition s witch ON.Push the trim s witch as the trim indicator s hows the level

position [A].

Meas ure the distances from the pump outlet end to thesteering nozzle end at the upper and lower locations asshown. Both distancesshould be approximately equal.The differ ence between the distance of [A] and [B] shouldbe within 2 mm (0.08 in.).[1] Cable Joint Bolt[2] Joint[3] Trim Cable[4] Parallel[5] Steering Nozzle[6] Pump Outlet[A] Upper Distance[B] Lower Distance

If necessary, adjus t the trim cable.Be sure the trim i ndicator shows the level position.Loosen the locknut [A] on the trim cable.Take out the cable joi nt bolt [B] and disconnect the cable

joint [ C] from the trim ring.Turn the jointon the cableto adjustthetrim angle.Te mporarily tightening the cable j oint bolt, connect the

joint w ith the trim ring and check trim c able adjustment.When adjustment is connect, unscrew the cable joint

bolt andapply a non-permanent locking agent to it.And tighten the cable joint bolt and steering cable nutsecurely.

Torq ue - Ca b le Jo in t Bo lt: 9 .8 N ·m (1 .0 kg f· m, 87 in ·lb)

Trim Cable with Trim Actuato r Removal•Disconnect the cable joint at rear end of the trim cable.Loosen the locknut [A] on the trim cable.Take out the cable joi nt bolt [B] and disconnect the cable

joint [ C] from the trim ring.

•Remove the cable joint and locknut on the cable.

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Tr i m C ab le

•Remove the pump (see Pump Removal in the Pump/Im-peller chapter).

•Unscrew the large nut [A] in the hull with a wrench.

•Slide off the E-ring [A], washer [B], and O-ring [C].

•Slide the fuel tank toward the right [A] to remove the trimactuator [B] with the cable.

Loosen the upper clamps on th e fuel and oil inlet tube,and pull down the tubes.

Unhook the straps for the fuel and oil tanks.

•Disconnect the connector of the trim actuator leads.

•Pull the cable from the cable detentin the engine com-partment.

•Pull out the trim c able w ith the trim actuator.

Trim Cable Installation• Torque:

Torque-Trim Cable Nut: 39N·m (4.0kgf·m,29 ft·lb)

Trim Cable Insp ection•Refer to Trim C able Inspection in the Periodic M ainte-

nance chapter.

Trim Cable Lu brication

NOTEThe trim cable is sealed at each end and do not require

lubrication. If the seal is damaged, the cable must bereplaced.

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Removal•Remove the clamp screws for the throttle c ase [A] and the

switch case [B].

•Unscrew the mounting screws [C] and remove the rearhandlebar cover [D].

•Unscrew the m ounting screws [A] and remove th e fronthandlebar cover [B].

•Unscrew the mounting screws [C] and remove the han-dlebar pad [D].

• Ta ke out the handle c lamp bolts [A] and remove the han-dlebar.

Installation•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the handlebar

clamp bolts.

• Te mporarily fix the handlebar with the clamps.

•Align [A] the hole [B] on the handlebar with the hole [C]on the steering shaft holder.

• Install the handlebar [A] on the steering shaft [B] withclamps [C].

Mount the lower, V shaped part of the handlebar onto theholder of the steering shaft.

Ti ghten the lower clamp bolts first, andthen the upperclamp bolts to the specified torque. There will be a gap[D] at the upper part of the clamp after tightening.

Torque - Handlebar Clamp Bolts: 16N·m (1.6kgf·m, 11.5ft·l b)

•Route the cable, wire and hose as shown

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1. Throttle Cable2. Start/Stop Switc h Leads3. Handlebar4. Steering Shaft Holder5. Fuel Ve nt Pipe6. Fuel Vent Hose7. Clamp: Fasten thefuel vent hose and pipe

with the clamp.

8. Approx. 7mm(0.28 in.)9. Fuel Vent Hose Length: Approx. 30 mm

(1.18 in.)10. Clamp: Attachingthe fuel ventpipe to the

steering holder, fasten the throttle c able,fuel vent hose, start/stop switch leads withth e c la mp.

11 . Approx.7mm(0.28 in.)12. Approx. 2.5 mm (0.10 in.)

•Be sure the fuel vent pipe [A] is ins talled on the top endof the fuel vent hose.

•Position the fuel vent pipe on the right side of the steeringshaft [B].

• Install the handlebar spacer[A] between the handlebarcover and the switc h case [C] with the s crew [B].

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Remove•Remove the handlebar (see Handlebar Removal).

•Remove the oil in let tube [A] air inlet duct [B] to makeservices easier.

•Disconnect:SwitchCase Lead ConnectorsThrottle Cable End atThrottle Case

•Disconnect:Steering Position SensorLead Connector[A]

•Remove:Fuel Vent Pipe [A]Throttle Cable Upper End [B]SwitchCase Lead Connectors [C]

•Unscrew the mounting bolts [A] and remove the lever [B].

•Remove the steering cover.Unscrew the steer ing cover mounting bolts [A].

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Remove:Rubber Cover [A]Steering Cover Mounting Bolts [B]

Disconnect the ignition switch lead connectorand pull outthe grommet [A].

Remove the s teering c over [B] with the ignition switch lead[C].

•Unscrew the mounting bolts [A] and remove the steeringholder [B] w ith the stee ring shaft [C].

•Remove:Steering Shaft Mount Plate Bolts [A]Steering Shaft Mount Plate [B]

•Remove:Steering Nut [A]Steering Shaft [B]

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Installation•Check the bushings for damage and wear.

If the bushingsare damaged or worn, replace them.

•Grease:Upper Bushing [A]Lower Bushing [B]Washers [C]

•Position the lower bushing on the member.

• Install the steering shaft [D] on the steer ing holder [E].

•Hand-tighten the steering nut [F] and chec k that the steer-ing shaft turns smoothly but there is no l ooseness be-tween th e s ha ft and holder.

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the steeringholder mounting bolts [G],and torque them.

Torque - Steering Holder M ounting Bolts: 16 N·m (1.6k g f·m , 11.5 ft·lb)

• Tu rning the steering s haft fully in left and right direction,check whether th e s teering position sensor comes i n c on-tact with the magnet.

•Check the clearance [A] between the steering positionsensor [B] and the magnet [C] with feeler gauge.

Stee ring Position Sens or Clea ranceStandard: 0.5 ∼1 .5 m m (0. 02∼0.06 in .)

If necessary, adjust the steering s haft nut.

• Install the lever [A] over th e steering s haft [B].Align the project [C] on the lever with the groove [D] on

the shaft.

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Hull/Engine Hood

Table of Contents

Exploded View ........................................................................................................................ 13-2Fittings .................................................................................................................................... 13-6

Hatch Cover Removal/Installation ..................................................................................... 13-6Hatch Cover Installation .................................................................................................... 13-7Hatch Cover Bracket Removal .......................................................................................... 13-8Hatch Cover Bracket Installation ....................................................................................... 13-8Rear View Mirror Removal ................................................................................................ 13-9Rear View Mirror Installation ............................................................................................. 13-9Crossmember Removal .................................................................................................... 13-9Crossmember Installation ................................................................................................. 13-11Grip and Rear Duct Removal/Installation .......................................................................... 13-11Stabilizer Removal ............................................................................................................ 13-11Stabilizer Installation ......................................................................................................... 13-12Storage Cover Assembly .................................................................................................. 13-12

Hull Replacement ................................................................................................................... 13-13Rubber Parts .......................................................................................................................... 13-14

Rubber Parts Location ...................................................................................................... 13-14Front Bumper Removal/Installation ................................................................................... 13-15Rear Bumper Removal/Installation ................................................................................... 13-15Side Bumper Removal ...................................................................................................... 13-16Side Bumper Installation ................................................................................................... 13-16

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Exp lod ed View

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Exploded View

TorqueNo. Fastener

N·m kgf·m ft·lbRemarks

1 RearMounting Plate Nuts 25 2.5 18 L

2 Stabilizer MountingBolts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb L

AD: Apply synthetic rubber adhesive.L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.

SS: Apply silicone sealant.

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Exp lod ed View

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Exploded View

TorqueNo. Fastener

N·m kgf·m ft·lbRemarks

1 Grip Mounting Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb L

2 CrossmemberMounting Bolts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb

A: JH1200-B1 ModelB: JH1200-B2 ∼Model

AD: Apply synthetic rubber adhesiveL: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.

SS: Apply silicone sealant.

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Hatch Cover Removal/Installa tion•Open the hatch cover.

•Open the connector cover [A].

•Disconnect the connectors [B] of the multifunction meterleads.

•Remove:LowerHatch Cover BracketMounting Bolts [A]and Nuts.

ForJH1200-B1 model, the nutson the inside of the hullwill drop down w he n the mounting bolts are removed.

•Remove the hatch cover a ssembly [B] with the hatchcover bracket.

•Remove:Damper Bracket Mounting Bolts [A]UpperHatch CoverBracket Bolts [B]

•Pull outthe rubber boot [C] with the multifunction meterleads.

•Remove the hatch cover bracket [D] from the hatch cover.

• To remove the duct cover [A], unscrew the mounting bolts[B].

• To remove the windshield, unscrew the mounting screws[A].

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• To remove the multifunction meter [A] and meter cover,take off the meter bracket [B].

Unscrew th e bolts [C].

• To r emove the rear view mirrors [A], mirror bracket [B] andrubber dampers [C], unscrew the m ounting nuts [D].

Hatch Cover Installa tion• Install the hatch cover rubber dampers.The leftdamper[A] has aL mark [B]and the rightdamper

has aR mark.

•Apply a non permanent locking agent to the followingparts.DuctCover Mounting BoltsDamperBracket Mounting BoltsHatch Cover Bracket Bolts

• Insert the lower part [A] of the rubber boot into the hole[B] ofthe hull.

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Hatch Cover BracketRemoval•Remove the hatch cover assembly (see Hatch Cover Re-


• Take out the mounting bolts [A] and remove the hatchcover bracket [B] w ith damper [C].

Pull outthe rubber boot [D] with the multifunction meterleads.

•Remove:Circlips [A] (Discard)Pins [B]Damper [C]

•Unscrew the shaft [A] and nut [B], and remove the upperbracket [C] from the l ower bracket [D].

Hatch Co ver Bracket Installation•Grease:


• Insert the bushings [A] into the bracket.

•Set the upper bracket [B] and the lower bracket [C].

• Ti ghten the s haft [D]

• Ti ghten the nut [E]

•Apply a non permanent locking agent to the following.Upper Bracket Mounting BoltsLo wer B racket Mounting Bolts

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Rear View Mirror R emo val•Open the hatch cover.

• Ta ke out the nuts [A] and remove the rear view mirror [B]and rubber damper.

Rear View Mirror In stallation• Install the rear viewmirror and rubber [A].The left rubber damperhas a Lmark [B] and the right

rubber damper has a Rmark.

Cro ssmember Removal•Remove the seat.

•Disconnect the trim, tether and starter switch connectors[A].

•Remove:Rear Handlebar Cover (see Steering chapter)Front Handlebar Cover (see S teering chapter)Handlebar Pad (see Steering chapter)Throttle Control Cable Upper End (see Fuel Systemchapter)

•Pull down the throttle control cable [A].

•Open the hatch cover.

•Remove:Plug [A]ScrewFuel Ta p Knob [B]Nuts [C]Right Side Cover [D]

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•Remove:Plug [A]Scr ewChoke Knob [B]Nuts [C]Left Si de Cover [ D]

• Loosen the clamps.

•Remove:Fuel Inlet Tub e Upper End [A]Oil Inlet Tube UpperEnd [B]Front A ir Vent Duct Upper End [C]

•Cut the band [A].

•Remove:Fuel Tank Air Vent HoseLower End [B].

• Take out the bolts [A] and plates [B].

•Unscrew the bolts [A], and remove the control unit [B].

•Remove the crossmemeber [C] from the hall.

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Crossmember Installa tion•Apply grease to the busing.

• Install the busing [A] into the hole [B] of the c rossmember.

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the crossmem-bermounting bolts and torque them.

Torque - Crossmember Mounting Bolts: 7.8 N·m (0.8 kgf·m,69 in·lb)

•Run the throttle cable [A] into the tube of the steeringbracket.

Be sure the rubber boot [B] on the cable.

Grip and Re ar Du ct Removal/Installation• Ta ke out the bolts [A], and remove the g rip [B] and rear

duct [C].

• To split the upper duct and lower duct, remove the mount-ing screws [D].

• Installation is the r ev erse of removal.Apply a non-permanent locking agent to thegripmounting


Torque - Grip Mounting B olts: 9.8 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 87 in·lb)

S ta bilizer R em oval•Before removing the s tabilizer, mark [A] the po sition of the

stab ilizer on the hall.

•Unscrew the bolts [B] and remove the stabilizer [C].

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S tab ilizer In stallation• Install the stabilizer [A] on it’s or iginal position by setting

it with the marks.5±2 mm (0.2 ±0.08 in.) [B]65 ±3 mm (2.6 ±0.1in.) [C]

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the stabilizermounting bolts and ti ghten them.

Torque - Sta bilizer M ounting Bolts: 9.8 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 87in ·l b)

Storage Cove r Assembly•When disassembling the lock [A] from the storage cover

[B], assemble the storage cover, as show n.Storage Cover [B]Lock [A]Spring [C]Shaft [D]

Push down the shaft [D] into the loc k [A].

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Hull Rep lacement

Toreplace thehull, removethe various parts inthe follow-ing s uggested order.

SeatBattery and PadExhaust Pipe and Expansion ChamberCarburetorKSS ActuatorEngine and MountsOil Tank and FillerAir Vent DuctsElectric Case (Front, Rear)Fuse A ssy and BracketsWa te r Bo x M u ffl erDrive S haft and Shaft HolderSteering CoverFuel TapChoke AssemblyPump and HosesHandlebar and SteeringCrossmemberFuel Tank and FillerSteering CableTilt Cable w ith Tilt Motor BoxBilge and Cooling System HoseBypass Hose and OutletMain HarnessBumpersSeat LatchHatch C ov er and Brackets

The following parts cannot be removed fromthe hull andmust be replaced.

DecalsLabelsMatsRegistration Number (if any)

If the new hull is to be painted, do that first. Then installremoved parts in the reverse order of their removal . Finally,install thelabels, decals, mats andtheregistrationnumbers.

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Rubber Parts

NOTEThe rubber parts on the watercraftare fastened in place

with various adhesives. To r ep lace a rubber part, useacement in the following table, or an equivalent.

WA RNINGRead all warnings an d cautions on any solventsand adhesives used. Many of these products areflammable, may beharmful to the skin and eyes,and may g iv e off harmful vapors. Use these sol-vents and adhesives only in a w ell-ventilated areaand never near an open flame.

For this Application: Ty pe

Mats Synthetic Rubber Adhesive

Engine Hood Gask et (P/N : 92104-3701)

Hatch Cover Trim Seal

Detents Cyanoacrylate Cement

Handlebar Grips


Be very caref ul that the part is positioned correctlywhen yo u apply the cement. It may be impossibleto reposition th e part.

WA RNINGDo notget any cyanoacrylate cement in your eyesor on your skin. If youdo get some in youreyes,do not try to wash it out. Contact a physician im-mediately! If you do get some on your fingers, donot touch any other part of your body; your fingerswill stick to anything they touch. Allow thecementto cure and itwilleventually wear off.

Rubber Parts Lo cationEngine Hood Gasket [A]

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Rubber Parts

Tr i m S eal[A]

Detent [A]

Mats [A]

F ront Bumper R emoval/Installation•Pull out the plugs [A].

•Unscrew the screws [A],and remove the frontbumper[B].

• Installation is the r ev erse of removal.

Rear Bumper Remova l/Installation• Ta ke out th e rear bumper mounting nuts [A].

•Remove the rear bumper [B].

• Installation is the r ev erse of removal.

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Rubber Parts

Side Bump er Removal•Remove the front bumper (see Front Bumper Removal)

•Pull out the plugs [A], and unscrew the screws [B].

•Remove the corner bumper [C].

•Pull the trim strip [A] from the side bumper [B].

•Drill out the pop rivets with a drill bit of the correct size.

Pop R iv et Re mova l D rill B it S ize5.0 mm ( 0.2 in .)

NOTEStop drilling when the rivet head [A] starts to turn w ith

drill bit.Tap the rivetoutof the hull flange with a suitable punch

and hammer.

Side Bumper Installation•Align [A] the hol e on the bumper with the mounting hole

on the hull.

•Secure th e bumper to the hull flang e w ith a pop rivet [A].

• Install the trim strip pushing on the both sides of the strip.

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Electrical System

Table of Contents

Exploded View ................................... 14-4Wiring Diagram .................................. 14-10Specifications .................................... 14-12Special Tools ..................................... 14-13Battery ............................................... 14-14

Removal ....................................... 14-14Installation .................................... 14-14Electrolyte Filling .......................... 14-14Initial Charge ................................ 14-16Precautions .................................. 14-16Interchange .................................. 14-17Charging Condition Inspection ..... 14-17Refreshing Charge ....................... 14-17

Electric Starter System ...................... 14-19Starter Relay: .................................. 14-19

Removal ....................................... 14-19Installation .................................... 14-19Inspection ..................................... 14-19

Starter Motor: .................................. 14-20Starter Motor Removal ................. 14-20Starter Motor Installation .............. 14-20Starter Motor Disassembly ........... 14-20Starter Motor Assembly ............... 14-21Brush Inspection .......................... 14-22Commutator Cleaning and

Inspection .................................. 14-23Armature Inspection ..................... 14-23Brush A ssembly Inspection .......... 14-23Rear Cover Assembly Inspection. 14-24Starter Motor Clutch Inspection ... 14-24

Charging System ............................... 14-26Charging Coil Testing ................... 14-26Regulator/Rectifier

Removal/Installation .................. 14-27Regulator/Rectifier Inspection ...... 14-27

Ignition System .................................. 14-29Crankshaft Sensor Inspection ...... 14-29Ignition Coil Removal ................... 14-29Ignition Coil Installation ................ 14-30Ignition Coil Inspection ................. 14-30Igniter Removal/Installation .......... 14-31Igniter Inspection .......................... 14-33Spark P lug R em oval .................... 14-36Spark P lug Installation ................. 14-37Spark Plug Inspection .................. 14-37Spark Plug Adjustment ................ 14-37

Spark Plug Cleaning.................... 14-37Electric Trim System .......................... 14-39

Trim Actuator Inspection .............. 14-39Electronic Control Unit Inspection ... 14-40

Electronic Control U nit Inspection 14-41Electric Case ..................................... 14-44

Front Electric CaseRemoval/Disassembly ............... 14-44

Front Electric CaseAssembly/Installati on ................ 14-44

Rear Electric CaseRemoval/Disassembly ............... 14-45

Rear Electric CaseAssembly/Installati on ................ 14-45

Sensors ............................................. 14-47Speed Sensor Inspection ............. 14-47Oil Level Sensor Inspection ......... 14-48Fuel Level Sensor Inspection ....... 14-48Throttle Sensor Removal/Installa-

tion ............................................ 14-49Throttle Sensor Inspection ........... 14-49Throttle Sensor Adjustment ......... 14-50Water Temperature Sensor

Inspection .................................. 14-50Inlet Air Te mperature Sensor

Inspection .................................. 14-51Multifunction Meter ............................ 14-52

Display Function Inspection ......... 14-52Fuel Level Gauge/Symbol/War n-

ing Light Inspection ................... 14-53Oil Level Gauge/Symbol/Warning

Light Inspection ......................... 14-53Trim Indicator Inspection .............. 14-54Speedometer Inspection .............. 14-54SpeedSensor Electric Source

Inspection .................................. 14-55Tachometer Inspection ................. 14-56Battery Symbol/Warning Light

Inspection .................................. 14-56Heat Symbol/Warning Light

Inspection .................................. 14-57MODE/SET Button Inspection ..... 14-57

Switches ............................................ 14-60Switch Inspection ......................... 14-60

Fuse................................................... 14-61Inspection ..................................... 14-61

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Smart Steering System ...................... 14-62Steering Position Sensorand

Magnet Removal ....................... 14-62Steering Position Sensorand

Magnet Installation .................... 14-62Smart Steering System

Inspec tion .................................. 14-63Steering Position Sensor

Clearance .................................. 14-63

Steering PositionSensor InputVoltage Inspection ..................... 14-64

Steering Position S ensor OutputVoltage Inspection ..................... 14-65

Smart Steering Actuator Removal 14-65Smart Steering Actuator

Installation ................................. 14-66Smart Steering Actuator

Inspection .................................. 14-67

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Dummy Page

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Exp lod ed View

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Exploded View

TorqueNo. Fastener

N·m kgf·m ft·lbRemarks

1 Spark Plug 25 ∼29 2.5 ∼3.0 18 ∼22

2 Starter Relay Mounting Nuts 3.4 ∼4.4 0.35 ∼0.45 30∼39 in·lb

3 WaterTemperature Sensor 15 1.5 11

4 Fuse BracketMounting Screws 4.4 0.4 39 in·lb L

5 FuseCaseMounting Bolts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb L

6. Rear Electr ic Case7. Front Electric Case8. Regulator/Rectifier9. Starter Relay

10. Igniter11. Ignition Coil12. Inlet Air Te mperature SensorAD: Apply adhesive.

G: Apply grease.L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.

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Exp lod ed View

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Exploded View

TorqueNo. Fastener

N·m kgf·m ft·lbRemarks

1 Meter BracketBolts 3.9 0.4 35 in·lb L

2 TrimCable Nut 39 4.0 29

3 Fuel Level Sensor Assembly Clamps 2.9 0.3 26 in·lb

4 Start/Stop SwitchCaseMountingScrews 3.9 0.4 35 in·lb

5 Speed Sensor Mounting Bolts 3.9 0.4 35 in·lb L

6 Smart Steering Actuator Pulley Mounting Bolt 3.5 0. 36 31 in·lb L

7 Smart SteeringActuator Mounting Bolts 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

8 SmartSteering ActuatorBracketMounting Bolts 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

9. Multifun ction Meter10. Oil Level Sensor11. Fuel Level Sensor Assembly12. Speed Sens or13. Trim ActuatorAD: Apply adhesive.

G: Apply grease.L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.

SS: Apply silicone sealant.WG: Apply water-resistance grease.

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Exp lod ed View

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Exploded View

TorqueNo. Fastener

N·m kgf·m ft·lbRemarks

1 Gauge Bolt 3.9 0.4 35 in·lb L

2 Magneto Cover Mounting Bolts 12 1.2 8.7 L

3 Grommet Cover Mounting Bolts 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

4 GrommetClamp Mounting Bolt 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb L

5 Grommet MountingScrews 3.5 0.36 31 in·lb L

6 Pickup Coil Mounting Screws 3.5 0.36 31 in·lb L

7 Stator MountingBolts 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb L

8 Flywheel Bolt 123 ∼127 12.5 ∼13.0 90 ∼94 L

9 Balancer DriveGear Mounting Bolt 12 1.2 8.7 L

10 StarterMotorMounting Bolts 8.8 0.9 7.8 in·lb L

11 StarterMotorCable Nut 7.8 0.8 69 in·lb G

AD: Apply adhesive.G: Apply grease.L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.

MO: Apply molybdenum disulfide grease oil. (Mixture oftheengineoil and molybdenum disulfidegr ease in a weight ratio 10: 1)

WG: Apply water-resistance grease.

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Wiring Diagram

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Wiring Diagram

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Item Standard Service Limit


Ty pe 12 V 18 Ah –––

Electric Starter System

Starter Motor:

Brus h Length 12.0mm (0.47in.) 6.5 mm (0.26 in.)

Commutator Diameter 28mm(1.10 in.) 27mm (1.06in.)

Charging System

Regulator/Rectifier Output Vo ltage Batteryvoltage-14.5 ±0.5V –––

Charging Coil Output Vo ltage 32 ∼48 V @3 000 r/min (rpm) –––

Charging Coil Resistance:

Ye ll ow ←→Yellow 0.64 ∼0.96Ω –––

Ignition System

Ignition Ti ming 15°BTDC@1 250 r/min (rpm) ∼22°BTDC @3 500 r/min (rpm)


Ignition Coil:

Primary Winding Resistance 0.33 ∼0.43Ω –––

Secondary Winding Resistance 5.44 ∼7.36 kΩ –––

Spark Plug:

Ty pe NGK BR9ES –––

Gap 0.7 ∼0.8 mm (0.028 ∼0.031 in.) –––

Te rminal Solid post –––

Crankshaft Sensor Resistance 396 ∼594Ω –––

Crankshaft Sensor Air Gap (ClearanceBetween The Rotor Projection andCrankshaft Sensor Core)

0.75∼0.95 mm (0.030∼0.037 in.) –––

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Special Tools

Hand Tester:57001-1394

Peak Vo ltage Adapter:57001-1415

Needle AdapterSet:57001-1457

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Remo val•Disconnect the battery cables.

WA RNINGTo prevent possible per sonal injury and damageto electrical components, always disconnect thegrounded cable first.

•Unhook the battery straps [A].

•Carefully lift the battery from the engine compar tment.

Installation•Be sure the battery damper [A] is in position in the battery


•Place the battery so that its terminals face to bow side.

•Hook the battery straps.

•Connect the battery cables, positive first.After attaching both c ables, coat the terminals and cable

ends with grease to prevent corrosion.Slide the pr otective boot over each terminal.

WA RNINGLoose battery cables can create sparks which cancausea fireor explosion resulting in injury or death.Make sure the battery terminal screws are tightenedsecurely and the covers are installed over the termi-nals.


Do not reverse the batteryconnections.

E lectro lyte Filling•Make sure that the model name [A] of the electrolyte con-

tainer matches the model name[B]of thebattery. Thesenames must be the same.

Battery ModelNameforJH1200-B1: YTX20L-BS


Besureto use the electrolytecontainer with thesame model name as the battery since the elec-trolyte volume and specific gravity vary with thebattery type. This is to prevent overfilling of theelectrolyte, shorting the battery life, anddeteriora-tion of the battery performance.

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•Check to see that there is no peeling, tears or holes in theseal sheet on the top of thebattery.

•Place the battery on a level surface.

•Remove the seal sheet [A].


Do not remove theseal sheet sealing the filler ports[B] until ju st before use.

NOTEA battery whose seal sheet has any peeling, tears, or

holes,requires a refreshing charge (initial charge).

• Ta ke the electrolyte container out of the plastic bag.

•Detach the seal cap [A] from the container.

NOTEDo not discard the seal cap bec ause it is used as the

battery plugs later.Do not peel back or pierce the seals [B] on the c ontainer.

•Place the electrolyte container up side down aligning thesix seals w ith the six battery filler ports.

•Push the container down strongly enough to break theseals. Now the electrolyte should start toflow into thebattery.

NOTEDo not tilt the container as the electrolyte flow may be


•Make sure air bubbles [A] are coming up from all six fillerports.

Leave the container this way for 5 minutes or longer.

NOTEIf no air bubbles are coming up from a filler port, tap [B]

the bottom of the containertwo orthree times. Neverremove the container from the battery.


Fill the electrolyte into the battery until the con-tainer is completely emptied.

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•Be certain that all the electrol yte has flowed out.

• Tap the bottom the same way as above if there is anyelectrolyte l eft in the container.

•Now pull the container gently out of the battery.

• Let the battery sit for 20 minutes. D uring this time, theelectrolyte permeates the special s eparators and the gasgenerated by chemical reaction is released.

• Fit the seal cap [A] tightly into the filler ports until the sealcap is at the same level as the top of the battery.

NOTEDo not hammer. Press dow n evenly w ith both hands.

WA RNINGOnce you installed the seal cap afterfilling the bat-tery, neverremove it, nor add any water or elec-trolyte.

Initial ChargeWhile a sealed batte ry can be u sed after only filling with e lectrolyte, a battery may not be able to

sufficiently move a starter motor to start an engine in the cases shown in the table below, where aninitial charge is required before use. However, if a battery shows a terminal voltage of 12.6 V or m ore,using adigital volt m eter, after 10 m inutes of filling, no initialcharge is necessary.

NOTETomeasurebattery terminal voltage, usea digital voltmeterwhichcanbe read one decimal place


Condition requiringinitial charge Charging method

At low temperature (lowerthan 0°C) 1.8 A ×2 ∼3 hours

Battery has been stored underhigh temperature and humidity.

Seal sheet hasbeen removed, or broken-peeling, tear or hole.

Battery two or m ore years old from date of manufacture.

Battery manufacturing date is printed on battery top.

Example) R2 08 H V

Mfg. location Day Month Year

1. 8 A × 15∼20 hours

Preca utions1) Noneedof topping-upNo topping -up i s necessary in this battery until it ends its life u nder normal u se.Fo rc ibly p ryi ng o ff thes ealc ap to ad d wa te r is v e ry d angero u s.Ne v er do th at.2) Refr eshing charge

If an engine will not start, it indicates the ba ttery has been discharged.Giverefresh charge for5 to 10 hours with charge current shown in the specification (see this chapter).

When a fast charge is inevitably required, do it fo llowing precisely the maximum charge currentand time conditions indicated on the battery.


This battery is designed to sustain no unusual deterioratio n if refresh-charged accordingto the method specified above. How eve r, the batte ry’s per formance may be r educed no-ti c e a b ly if c ha rg e d un de r c on di ti on s ot h er t h an gi v e n a bo v e.Ne ve r rem ov e the s ea l capduring re fre sh char ge.If by chance an excessive amount of gas is generated du e to overcharging, the relief valvereleases the gas to keep the battery normal.

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3) When you do not use the watercraft for m onths:Give a refresh charge before you store the w atercraft andstore it w ith the negative lead re-

moved. Give a refresh charge once a month du ring storage.4) Battery life:

Ifthe battery will not start the engine even after several refresh charges, the battery hasex-ceeded its useful life. Replace it (Provided, how ever, the watercraft’s starting system has noproblem).

WA RN INGKeep thebatteryawayfrom sparks andopen flamesduringcharging, sincethe batterygives off an explosive gas mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. When using a battery charger,connectthe battery to the chargerbefore turning on the charger.This proced ure prevents sparks at the battery terminals which could ignite any batterygases.No fire should be drawn near the battery, or no terminals should have the tightening loos-ened.The electrolyte contains sulfuric acid. Be careful not to have it touch your skin or eyes. Iftouched, wash it off with liberal amount of water. Get medial attention if severe.

InterchangeA s ealed battery can fully display i ts performance only w he n combined with a proper watercraft

electric system. Therefore, replace a sealed battery on ly on watercraft which was originally equippedwith a sealed battery.

Be careful, if a sealed battery is installed on watercraft which had an ordinary battery as originalequipment, the sealed battery’s life will be shortened.Chargin g Con dition InspectionRefer to Battery Charging Condition Inspection in th e P e-

riodic Maintenance chapter.

Refreshing Charge•Remove th e battery [A] (see Battery Removal).

•Refresh-charge by following method according to the bat-tery terminal voltage.

WA RN INGThis battery is sealed type. Neverremove seal cap[B] even at charging. Neveradd water. Charge withcurrent andtime as stated below.

Terminal Vo ltage: 11.5 ∼le ss than 12 .6VStandard Charge: 1.8 A ×5 ∼10 h (see follow ing


Quick Charge: 9.0 A× 1.0h


Ifpossible, do notquick charge. If thequick chargeis done due tounavoidable circumstances, do stan-dard charge later on.

Terminal Voltage: less than 11 .5VCharging Method: 1.8A×20h

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NOTEIncrease the charging voltage to a maximum voltage of

25 V if the battery will not accept current initially. Chargefor no more than five minutes at the i ncreased voltagethen check if the battery is drawing current.

If thebattery will accept current, decrease the voltageand charge by the standard chargingmethod describedon the battery case. If the battery will not accept currentafter 5 minutes, replace the battery.

Battery [A]Battery Charger [B]Standard Value [C]

Battery Standard Charge Time Chart

•Determine battery condition after refreshing charge.Determine the condition of thebattery 30minutes after

completion ofthe charge by measuringthe terminal volt-age according to the table below.

Crite ria Judgement

12.6 V or more Good

12.0 ∼le ss than 12.6V Charge insuffic ient → Recharge

le ss than 12.0V Unserviceable → Replace

Page 220: Kawa ultra


Electric Starter System

Starter Relay:Removal•Open the rear electr ic case (see Rear Electric Case Re-


•Remove:Starter R el ay Connector [A]Ground Lead Mounting Screw [B]Regulator Mounting Plate [C]

•Remove the nuts [D] from the starter terminals on thestarter relay switch.

•Slide the starter relay switch from the electric cas e beingcareful not to lose any of the insulating w ashers or grom-mets.

•Disconnect the wire connectors.

Installation•Coat the insulating w as hers [A] and gr ommets [B] with

waterproof grease.

•Be certain all insulating washers and grommets are in po-sition.

•Connect the gr ound lead (black) to the ground mountingscrew.

•Connect the battery cable to the relay (+) terminal havingred lead.

Inspecti on•Set the hand tester to R × 1 Ω scale.

•Connect meter leads to starter r el ay as shown.If resistan ce is less than infinite, the starter relay switch isnotreturning and must be replaced.

•Set the hand tester to R × 1 Ω scale.

•Connect meter leads to starter r el ay as shown.

•Activate starter relay switch by connecting a 12 V batteryas shown.If the s tarter relay s witch clicks and the hand tes ter i ndi-cates zero resistance, the starter relay switch is good.If the m eter indicates high or infinite (∞ ) resistance, thestarter relay switch is defec tive and must be replaced.

Special Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

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Electric St arter Syst em

Starter Motor:Starter Motor Removal•Remove the engine (see Engine Removal/Installation


•Remove the mounting bolts [A].

•Pull out the starter motor [B].

Starter Motor Installa tion


Do not tap the starter motor shaft or body. Tappingthe shaft or body could damage the motor.

•When installing the starter motor, clean the s tarter mo-tor legs [A] and crankcase [B] w here the starter motor isgrounded.

•Apply grease to the O-ring [A].

• Install the starter motor and tighten the mounting bolts.

Torque - Sta rter Motor M ounting B olts : 8.8 N·m (0.9 kgf·m,78 in·lb)

Starter Motor Disassembly•Mark [A] the front cover, yoke, and rearcoverto ease


• Take off the starter motor through bolts [A] and removethe front [B] and rear [C] cov ers,and pull the armatureout of the yoke [D].

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Electric Starter System

•Pull the positive brush [A] out of the brushholder plate [B].

•Remove:Nut [A]Insulating Bushing [B]Negative Brush Assembly [C]Insulating Plate [D]

Starter Motor Assembly• Install the insulating plate [A] on the rear cover [B] so that

its projection [C] faces the bottom s ide of the rear cover.

• Insert new O-ring [A] on the positive brush assembly [B].

•Slide the washer [A ] on the armature [B].

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Electric St arter Syst em

• Install the O-rings [A] as shown.

•Align [A] the recess on the brush holder plate [B] with therecess on the rearcover [C].

•Put the ar mature [D] among the brushes.

• Install the yoke [A] to the rearcover[B].Align the projection [C] i nside y oke with the recesses [D]

on the plate and cover.

•Position the yoke [A] and front cover [B].Align [C] the i ndex mark made previously.

Brush Insp ection•Measure the length [A ] of each brush.

If any is worn down to the service limit, repl ace the carbonbrushes.

Starte r Motor Brush LengthStandard: 12.0 mm (0.47 in.)

Service Lim it: 6.5 mm (0.26 in.)

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Electric Starter System

Commutator Cleaning a nd Inspe ction•Smooth the commutator s urface [A] if necessary with fine

emery c loth [B], and clean out the grooves.

•Meas ure the diameter [A] of the commutator [B].Replace the starter motor with a new one if the commu-tator diameter is l ess than the s ervice limit.

Commutator D ia meterStandard: 28 mm (1.10 in.)

Se rvice Lim it: 27 mm (1 .06 in.)

Armature Inspection•Using the × 1 Ω hand tester range, measure theresis-

tance between any two commutato r s eg ments [A].If there is a high resistance or no r eading (∞ ) between anytwo segments, a winding is open and the starter motormust be replaced.

•Using the highest han d tester range, measure the resis-tance between the segments and the shaft [B].If there is any reading at all, the armature has a short andthe starter motor m ust be replaced.

Special Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

NOTEEven if the foregoing checks show the armature to be

good, it may be defecti ve in some manner not readilydetectable w ithin the hand tester. If all other starter mo-tor and starter motor circuit components check good,but the starter motor still does not turn ov er or only turnsover weakly, replace the starter motor with a new one.

Bru sh A ssembly In spection•Using the × 1 Ω hand tester range, measure theresis-

tance as s ho wn.[A] Terminal and Positive Brush[B] Rear Cover and Negative Brush

Keep the brush holder plate [C ] in c ontact with the rearcover[D] as shown.If there is not close to z ero ohms, the brush lead has anopen. Repl ace the positive brush assembly and/or thenegative brush subassembly.

Special Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

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Electric St arter Syst em

Rear Co ver Assembly In spection•Using the highest hand tester range, measure the resis-

tance as shown.[A] Terminal and Rear Cover

If there is any reading, the rear cover assembly haveashort. Replacethe rearcover assembly.

Starter Motor Clutch Insp ection•Remove:

Magneto CoverStarter Idle G ear

• Tu rn the starter motor c lutch gear [A] b y hand. The startermotor clutch gear should turn counterclockwise [C] fr eely,but should not turn clockwise [B].If the clutch does not operate as it should or if it m akesnoise, disassemble the s tarter motor clutch, ex amineeach part visually, and replace any worn or damagedparts.

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Electric Starter System

Ele ctric Starter System Circ uit

Page 227: Kawa ultra


Chargin g System

Charging Coil Testing•Disconnect the 2-pin charging coil l eads connector (Ye l-

low) [A].

•With the hand tester, c he ck the c harging coiloutput (incircuit) according to the following t able with t he enginerunning at approximately 3,000 rpm.

WA RNINGTo avoid electrical shock, donot perform thistestwith the wat ercraft in the water.


Do not run the engine over15 seconds without cool-ing water.

Charging Coil Output Test

ConnectionsMeter Setting

Meter (+ ) to Me te r (– ) toStandard

Va l ue

250 VAC Yellow lead Yellow lead 32 ∼48V

If the charging coil output voltage is correct, check theregulatoraccording to the regulatortest procedure.If the c ha rging coil output voltage is low, check the charg-ing c oil resistance w ith the hand tester according to thefollowing table.

Charging Coil Resistance Test

ConnectionsMeter Setting

Meter (+ ) to Me te r (– ) toStandard

Va l ue

R×1Ω Yellow lead Yellow lead 0. 64∼0.96Ω

If the c oil has normal resistance, but the voltage checkshows the char ging system to be defective, then thepermanent magnets in the flywheel have probably w eak-ened, necessitation flywheel replacement.

Spec ial Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

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Charging System

Regulator/Re ctifier Removal/In stallation•Open the rear electr ic case (see Rear Electric Case Re-


•Remove:Regulator/RectifierMounting Screw [A]Leads Connector [B]Regulator/Rectifier [C]

• Installation is the r ev erse of removal.

Regulator/Rectifier Inspe ction•With the hand tester set to the R × 1 kΩ range, test the

regulator/rectifieraccording the following table.

Special Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

Regulator/Rectifier Inspection Unit: kΩ

Tester (+) Lea d Connection

Te rm in al + ∼ ∼ –

+ – ∞ ∞ ∞

(– )* ∼ 2 ∼20 – ∞ ∞

∼ 2 ∼20 ∞ – ∞

– 3 ∼30 2 ∼20 2 ∼20 –

(–)*: Tester (–) lead Connecti onIf any of the values obtained do not agree with the abovetable, the regulator/rectifier must be replaced.

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Chargin g System

Charging System Circuit

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Ignition System

WA RN INGTheignition system produces extremely high volt-age. Donottouch thespark plugs, ignitioncoils, orspark plug leads while the engine is running, or youcould receive a severe electrical sh o ck.

Cra nkshaft Sensor Inspection•Disconnect the 2-pin crankshaft sensor leads connector

(Blue) [A].

•Set thehandtesterto the× 100 Ω range, zero it, andconnect it to the crankshaft sensor lead terminals (G andBL) in the connector.If there is m ore resistance than the specified value, thesensor hasan open lead and must be repl aced. Muchless than this resistance m eans the sensor is shorted, andmust be replaced.

Cranks haft Sensor ResistanceStandard: 396 ∼594Ω

Special Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

Ignition Coil Removal•Open the front electric case (see Front Electric Case Re-


•Pull the spark plug caps [A], and slide off the protectortubes [B].

•Unscrew the grommet caps [A] and slide off the gromm ets[B]. Lubricate the leads with penetrating rust inhi bitor.

•Disconnect the ignition coil primary lead connectors [A],and unscrew the i gnition coil moun ting screws [B].

•Remove the ignition coils [C].

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Ignition System

Ignition Coil Installation• Fix the each c oil and connect the primary lead connectors

as follows.#1 Co il→ Black Connector#2 Co il→Green Connector#3 Co il→ W hite Connector

Ignition Coil In spectionMeasuring arcing distance:

The most accurate test for determining the condition ofthe ignition coil is made by measuring arcing distance.

•Remove the ignition coil.

•Connect the ignition coil [A] (with the s park plug c ap leftinstalled on the spark plug lead) to the tes ter [B], and mea-sure the arcing distance.

WA RNINGTo avoid ext remely high voltage shocks, do nottouch the coil or lead.

If the distance reading is less than the specified value, theignition coil or spark plug c ap is defective.

3 N ee dle Arcing DistanceStandard: 7 mm (0.3in.) or more

• To determine which part is defective, measure the arcingdistance again w ith the spark plug caps removed from theignition coil.If the arcing distance is subnormal as before, the troubleis with the ignitioncoilitself. If the arcing di stance is nownormal, the trouble is with the s park plug caps.

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Ignition System

Measuring coil resistance:If the Coil Tester is not available, the coil can be checked

for a br oken or badly shorted w inding with a hand tester.However, ahand tester can not detect layer shorts andshorts resulting from i nsulation breakdown under high volt-age.

•Disconnect the primary leads from the coil terminals.

•Meas ure the primary w inding resistance as follows [A].Connect the tester between the c oilterminals.Set the tester to the × 1Ω range, andread thetester.

•Meas ure the secondary winding resistance as follows [B].Remove the p lug c aps by turning the m c ounterclockwise.Connect the tester between the spark p lug leads.Set the tester to the × 1 kΩ , and read the tester.

If thehand tester does not read as specified, replace thecoil.

Winding ResistanceStandard: Primary windings 0.33 ∼0. 43Ω

Secondary windings 5.44 ∼7.36 kΩ

Special Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

If the tester reads as specified, the ignition coil windingsare probably good. However, if the ignition system stilldoes not perform as it should after all other componentshave been checked, test replace the coil with one knownto be good.

•Check the spark plug lead for visible damage.If the s park plug lead is damaged, replace the coil.

Ignite r Removal/Installation•Remove the front electric case and open it.

•Remove the i gniter [A] an d d isconnect the connectors.

• Installation is the r ev erse of removal.

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Ignition System

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Ignition System

Ignite r Inspection


Do not disconnect the battery leads orany otherelectrical connections when the ignition switch ison, or while the engine is running. This is to preventigniter damage.

Ignition Coil Primary Peak Vo ltage Check

NOTEBe sure the battery is fully charged.

•Remove the front electric case and open it.

•Pull all the spark plug c aps from the spark plugs and pushthe caps [A] fully onto the spar k plug cap holder [B].

NOTEMaintain the correct value of compression pressure for

the cylinder ( Be sure to m easure the voltage with thespark plug i nstalled to the cylinder head).

• Install a commercially available peak voltage adapter [A]into the hand tester[B].

•Disconnect the ignition coil primary lead connector. Andthe c onnector is reconnected m utually by using two aux-iliary wires [C].

•Connect the adapter between the ignition c oil primarylead terminal [D] and the black lead terminal (ground) [E]of the electric case with the primary lead left connected.

SpecialTools - Peak Voltage Adapter: 57001-1415Type: KEK-54-9-B

Ha nd Tester: 570 01-1 394

Ha nd Tester Ra nge: × DC 25 0V

Prim ary Lead Connections:Adapter (R , +) Adapter (BK, –)

# 1 Co il: G/R ←→ BK (Ground)

# 2 Co il: G/Y ←→ BK (Ground)

# 3 Co il: G/W ←→ BK (Ground)

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Ignition System

WA RNINGTo avoid ext remely high voltage shocks, do nottouch the spark plug s or tester connections.

• Tu rn the ignition switch on and push the lanyard k ey underthe stop button.

•Pushing the starter button, cranktheengine4 ∼5 secondsto measure the primary peak voltage.

Do not operate the starter for longer than 5 seconds. Wait15 seconds before us ing it again.

•Repeat the measuremen ts 5 or m ore times for one ignitioncoil.

Ignition Coil Primary Peak VoltageStandard: 14 0 V or m ore

•Repeat the tes t for the other ignition coil.If the reading is less than the specified value, see “IgniterUnitTroubleshooting” table to determine whether Igniteris goodor no good.

Crankshaft Sensor Peak Voltage Check

NOTEBe sure thebattery is fully charged.

•Disconnect the crankshaft sensor lead connector.

•Pull all the spark plug c aps from the spark plugs and pushthe caps [A] fully onto the spark p lug cap holder [B].

NOTEMaintain the correct value of compression pressure for

the cylinder (Be sure to measure the voltage with thespark plug installed to the cylinder head).

•Connect a commercially available peak voltag e adapter[B] to the hand tester[A].

Spec ial Tool- Peak Volta ge Adapter: 57001-1415Type: KEK-54-9-B

• Insert the adapter probes into the connector [C] of themagneto c over side for the crankshaft sensor as shown.

Spec ial Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

ConnectionsAdapter (R, +) Adapter(BK, –)

Crankshaft Sen sor: G ←→ BL

Hand Te ster Range: × DC 10V

• Tu rn the ignition switch on and push the lanyard k ey underthe stop switch.

•Pushing the starter s witch, crank the engine4∼5 secondsto measure the crankshaft s ensor peak voltage.

Do not operate the starter for longer than 5 seconds. Wait15 seconds before us ing it again.

•Repeat the measur ements 5 or more times.

Crankshaft Senso r Peak VoltageStandard: 2Vormore

If the reading is less than the specified value, check thecrankshaft sensor (see Crankshaft Sensor Inspection).

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Ignition System

Throttle Sensor Input Vo ltage Check

•Remove the throttle sensor [A] lead connector.

•Set the tester [B] to the DC 10 V range, and connect it tothe connector [C] of the main harness.

Special Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

Hand Tester (+ ) → Black/Blue Lead

Hand Tester (–) → Bl ac k L ead

• Tu rn the i gnition switch on.

•Check the throttle sensor input voltage.

Throttle Sen sor Input VoltageStandard: around DC 5V

NOTECheck the above process within three minutes.

If it is not the specified v ol tage,check the igniter inputvoltage between Orange lead and Black/White lead.If there is battery voltage between the leads, the igniter isdefective.

• To check the throttle sensor output voltage, see throttlesensor Inspection.

Inlet A ir Temperature S ensor Input Voltage Ch eck

•Disconnect the inlet a ir temperature s ensor [A] c onnecto r.

•Set the tester [B] to the DC 10 V range, and connect it tothe sensor connector [C] of the main harness side.

Special Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

ConnectionsTesterPositive → Blue/Red

Tester Negative→ Black/White

• Tu rn the i gnition switch on.

•Check the tester reading.

Inle t Air Te mperature Sensor Input Voltage: aroundDC 5V

NOTECheck the above process within three minutes.

If the tester readingdoes not show specified voltage,check theigniter input voltage between Orange lead andBlack/White lead.If there is battery voltage between the leads, igniter isdefective.

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Ignition System

Water TemperatureSensor Input Voltage Check

•Disconnect the water temperatur e sensor [A] lead con-nector.

•Set the tester [B] to the DC 10 V range, and connect it tothe sensorconnector [C]ofthe main harness side.

Connections:Tester Positive → Re d /Ye llow Le ad

Tester Negative → Black/W hite Lead

• Tu rn the i gnition switch on.

•Check the tester reading.

Wa te r Temperature Sensor Input Volta ge: around DC5V

NOTEChec k the above process within three minutes.

If the tester reading does not show specified v oltage,check the igniter i nput voltage between Orange lead andBlack/White lead.If there is battery voltage between the leads, the igniter isdefec tive.

Spec ial Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

Overheat Diagnosis Output Vo ltage Check

•Disconnect the 3-pin c onnector of the m ultifunction meter[A].

•Set the tester [B] to the DC 10 V range, connect it to the3-pin connector [C] of the main harness side.

Ha nd Te ster (+) → Purple Lead

Hand Tester (–) → Black/W hite Lead

• Tu rn the i gnition switch on.

•Check the tester reading.

Overheat Diagnosis Output Vo ltag e: around D C 5V

(W hen the engine is not in overheat mode)

If the tester reading does not show specified voltage, re-place the igniter is defective.

Spec ial Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

Spark Plug Remo val•Pull off the spark plug c aps.

•Unscrew the spark plugsBe careful to avoid breaking theceramic onthespark


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Ignition System

Spark P lug Installation•Be sure the spark plug threads are clean and dry.

• To rque the s park plugs.

Torque- Spark Plugs: 25 ∼29 N·m (2.5 ∼3.0 kgf·m, 18 ∼22ft·l b)

Be careful to avoid breaking the ceramic on the sparkplugs.

• Install the spark plug cap onto the spark plug securely.

Push the c ap onto the plug so that the distance betweenthe lower end [A] of the cap and upper surface [B] of theplug hexagonal nut is6 mm (0.24 in.) [C].

NOTEFor easier correct installation of the s park plug. Push

the cap ontothe pluguntil the figures “BR9ES” [D]printed on the plug are half covered with the c ap or thefigures “NGK”[E] of “KGK/R” are completely covered.

Spark Plu g InspectionRefer to Spark Plug Inspection in the Periodic M ainte-

nance chapter.

Spark Plug AdjustmentRefer to Spark Plug Adjustment in the P eriodic Mainte-

nance chapter.

Spark Plug Clean ingRefer to Spark Plug Cleaning in the P eriodic Maintenance


Page 239: Kawa ultra


Ignition System

Ignition System Circuit

Page 240: Kawa ultra


Electric Trim System

Tr im Actuator Inspection• Inspect the internal resistance of the trim angle s ensor

[A].Disconnect the trim actuator connecto r [B].Using the hand tester, measure the resistance between

the W/R terminal and the BL/R terminal.

Trim An gl e Se n so r R es is tan c e: 4 79∼718Ω

Disconnect the tr im actuator connectors [A] [B].Using the auxiliary wires, connect the trim ac tuator termi-

nals to the main harness ter minals as shown.Connect the hand tester to the trim actua tor terminal as

shown.Move the nozzle by pus hing the trim s witch.Check that the meter readings are variable.

If the m eter readings are not variable, the trim ang le sen-sor defective.

• Inspect the limit s witch function of the trim angle s ensor.Set the nozzle full up position by pushing the trim s witch.Disconnectthe trim actuatorconnectors [A].Using the hand tester, check to see the following connec-


When th e nozzle is full up positionR/BK-W: around 0Ω [B]

R/BK-BK/W ∞[C]

Reconnect the trim actuator connectors [A].Set the nozzle full down position by pushing th e trim

switch.Disconnect the trim ac tuator connectors.

When the nozzle is fulldown positionR/BK-BK/ W: around 0Ω [C]

R/BK-W: ∞[B]

If thetester reading is not as specified, the trimanglesensor is defective.

Special Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

• Inspect the am ount of the trim cable stroke.Disconnectthe trim cable end(seeSteering chapter).Pushing the trim switch, measur e the amount of the trim

cablebetweenfull upandfull down positions.

Trim Ca bl e Strok e A mo u nt: 16 mm (0 .6 in .)

If the stroke a mount is not specified, the trim actuator isdefective.

Page 241: Kawa ultra


Elec tric Trim System

[A]Trim Actuator Assembly[B] 222 ±3 mm (8.74 ±0.12 in.) (when the nozzle pos ition is full up with limit switch ON)

Electronic ControlUnit InspectionElectronic Control Unit ha s the following functions of con-trolling the trim m otor.

[A] G/W (Trim UP SW)[B] BL/W (Trim DN SW)[C] BL/G (Meter)[D] B L/Y (Tr im Motor UP → +)[E] R/BK (Limit UP/DN)[F] B K/W (Limit DN)[G] Plug[H] R/BL (Batt +)[I] BK (Batt –)[J] BK/BL (Motor Box)[K] W/BL (Limit U P)[L] G /Y (Trim Motor UP → –)

Page 242: Kawa ultra


Electric Trim System

[A] Trim Switch[B] Multifunction Meter[C] Motor Unit[D] Trim Angle Sensor[E] Trim Actuator[F] Trim Fuse[G] Starter Relay

[H] Igniter[I] Ignition Switch[J] Main Fuse[K] Stop Switch[L] Start Switch[M] Electronic Control Unit

Electronic Control U nit Inspection•Unscrew the m ounting bolts on the crossmember and dis-

connect the connectors of the electronic c ontrol unit.

•Using the auxiliary wires, reconnect the connectors of thecontrol unit to the connector of the main harness.

Page 243: Kawa ultra


Elec tric Trim System

•Check the electronic control unit.Check the normal v ol tage and continuity according to the

following table a nd see the causes for abnormal results.

(1) Normal Volta ge and C on tinuity

Connection IgnitionSW OFF IgnitionSW ON

(1) R/BL-Ground (BK) 0V 12V

Unit ON


UnitOFF Full Up ∼

Fu ll Do wnFull Up Full Down

(2) R /BK-BK/W

– Discontin uity Discontin uity Continuity

(3) R /BK-W/BL

– Discontin uity Continuity Disc ontinuity

(4) BL/Y-BK(A)

0V 12V 0V 12V

(5) G/Y-BK(B)

0V 12V 12V 0V

(A): When the trim s witch (UP side) is pushed.(B): When the trim s witch (DOWN side) is pushed.

(2) Causes for Abnorm al Results

Faulty Parts

Control Unit Harness Igniter Battery

(1) • • •(2) •(3) •(4) •(5) •

Faulty Parts

Fuse Tr im A ng l e S e n sor Tr i m S w i t ch

(1) •(2) •(3) •(4) • •(5) • •

Page 244: Kawa ultra


Electric Trim System

Ele ctric Trim System Circ uit

Page 245: Kawa ultra


Electri c Case

Front Electric Case Re moval/Disassembly•Remove the battery.

•Remove or disconnect:Lead Connector [A]Clamps [B]Spark Plug Caps [C]

•Remove or disconnect:Clamps [A]Straps [B]

•Remove the front electric case assembly out of the hull.

• Take out the clamps and open the case.

•Remove the electric c omponents.Note wire routing and ground terminal location.

Front Electric Case Assembly/Installation• Install the plate aligning the hole on the plate with the

projection on the lower case (turn the two pages and seethe illustration).

• Install the seal [A] on the lower case [B].

• Install the gasket [C] on the seal aligning the recessin the gasket with the projection on the lower case.

•Align[A]theprojectiononthe lowercasewiththerecesson the upper case.Seal and Gasket [B]

•Use compressed air to blow [A] the male connector [B] ofthefront electric case lead when connecting.


Wa ter r emained in the connector could cause theelectrical leak.

Page 246: Kawa ultra


Electric Case

Rear Electric Case Re moval/Disassembly•Remove th e battery.

•Remove or disconnect:Strap [A]Starter Motor Cable [B]Lead Connector [C]

• Ta ke out the clamps and open the c ase.

•Remove th e electric c omponents.Note wire routing and ground terminal location.

Rear ElectricCase Assembly/Installation•Be sure the seal [B] is in position.

•Align[A]theprojectiononthe lowercasewiththe recesson the upper case.

•Use compressed air to blow the male connector of therearelectric case lead.

Page 247: Kawa ultra


Electri c Case

[A] A pply grease.[B] Grommet[C] Grommet Cap[D] Lower Electric Case[E] #1 Ignition Coil[F] #2 Ignition Coil[G] #3 Ignition Coil[H] A lign the projection with the hole.[I] Igniter[J] BK Lead[K] Upper Electric Case[L] Clamp[M] Gasket

[N] Seal[O] Regulator/Rectifier[P] Starter Relay[Q] Regulator/Rectifier Mounting Plate[R] Red Mark[S] To Battery (+) Terminal[T] To Starter Motor Terminal[U] Spacer[V] Washer

[W] Route the leads downward.[X] Front Electric Case[Y] Rear Electric Case

Page 248: Kawa ultra



Speed Senso r Inspe ction•Disconnect the speed sensor connectors [A] (see Wiring


•Connect the battery and tester leads to the sensor asshown.

•Rotate the waterwheel by hand slowly.

•Meas ure the output voltage of a speed sensor.

G/R (+), BK/W (–) →0 ∼10V

tw ic e a rota tion (Rotate it slow ly.)

If the voltage does not rise from zero toabout 10 voltstwice a rotation, replace the sensor.

•Meas ure the output voltage of the sensor at higherspeeds.

Rotate the water wheelina fair speed by air.

G/R (+), BK/W (–)→ approx. 5V

If the s ensor voltage does not reach 5 volts when spunwith compressed air, replace the sensor.

Special Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

Page 249: Kawa ultra



Oil Le velSen sor Inspection•Disconnect the oil level sensor 2-pin connector.

•Remove the oil level s ensor out of the oiltank.

•Set the hand tester (ohmmeter) to the × 1 kΩ range.

Spec ial Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

•Connect the testerleads to the BK/W and BL leads tocheck the switching operation of the float.

Meter Readingapprox.When the two floats are held dow nward [A]:


approx.When one float is held upward [B]:


approx.When the two floats are held upward [C]:

Themeter shouldreadasspecified. If itdoesnot, replacethe oil level sensor.

Fu elLevel Senso r Inspe ction•Remove the fuel level sensor out of the fuel tank.

•Set the hand tester (ohmmeter) to the × 100 Ω range.

Spec ial Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

•Connect the tester leads to the W/R and BK/W leads.

• Take out the m ounting s crews [A] and remove th e c over[B].

•According the next figure, test the fuel level sensor bysliding the float [C ].Themeter shouldreadasspecified. If itdoesnot, replacethe fuel level sensor.

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T hro ttle Sen sor Re mova l/Installation


Do notremove the throttle sensor [B]unnecessar-ily.

•Remove the carburetor (see Fuel System).

•Unscrew the m ounting screws [A] and remove the throttlesensor [B].

•Be sure to adjust the throttle sensor when installing (seeThrottle Sensor Adjustment).

T hrottle Sensor Inspection•Start the engine and warm it up thoroughly.


Do not run theengine without cooling water supplyfor more than 15 seconds or severe engine and ex-haustsystem damage will occur.

•Check:Idle Speed (see Periodic Maintenance chapter)Battery Charging Condition(see this chapter)

• Turn the i gniti on switch off.

•Remove the throttle sensor lead connector.

•Connect the adapter [A] between the connectors [B].

Special Tool- Throttle Sensor Setting Adapte r: 57001-1400

•Connect the hand tester to the adapter.Hand Te ster (+) → Y Lead [C] (Wire Color of TS)Hand Te ster (–) → BK Lead [D] (Wire Color of TS)

•Start the engine.


Do not run theengine without cooling water supplyfor more than 15 seconds or severe engine and ex-haustsystem damage will occur.

•Check the sensor ou tput voltage with the engine idling.

Throttle Sensor Output VoltageStandard: 0.73 ∼0.83 V (Whenengine is idling.)

If it is not w ithin the specified v ol tage, adjust the throttlesensor po sition (see Throttle Sensor Adjustment).If it is specified voltage, goto nexttest.

•Stop the engine.

• Tu rn on the ignition switch.

•Check the sensor output voltage with thethrottle fullyopen.

Throttle Sensor Output VoltageStandard: 3.57 ∼3. 94V

(When throttle is fully opened.)

If it is not w ithin the specified v ol tage, adjust the s ensor(see Throttle Sensor Adjustment).If the s ensor cannot be adjusted, repl ace s ensor.

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Throttle Sensor Adjustment•Check the throttle sensor output voltage (see Throttle

Sensor Inspection ).If the output voltage is out of the range, ad just it as follows.

• Loosen the sensor mounting screws [A].

•Adjust [B] the position of the sensor until the output volt-age is within the specified range.

Wate r Te mpe rature Se nsor In spection•Remove the water temperature sensor.

•Suspend the sensor [A] in a container of water s o that thetemperature-sensing projection is s ubmerged.

•Suspen d an accurate thermometer [B] in the w ater.

NOTEThe sensor and thermometer must not touch the con-

tainerside or bottom.

•Place the container ov er a s ource of heat and graduallyraise the temperature of the water while stirring the watergently.

•Using the hand tester, m easur e the internal resistance ofthe s en sor at the temperatures shown i n the table.If the hand tester does not show the s pecified values, re-place the sensor.

Wa te r Temperature Sensor Resistance

Water Temperature Sensor Resistance

20° C (68° F) approx. 2 759 kΩ

50° C (122° F) approx. 63 5 kΩ

90° C (194° F) approx. 121.9 kΩ

100° C (212° F) approx. 85.3 kΩ

Spec ia l Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-13 94

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Inlet Air Temperature Senso r Inspection•Remove the inlet air temperature sensor.

•Suspend the sensor [A] i n a c on tainer of water.

•Suspend an accurate thermometer [B] in th e water.

NOTEThe sensor and thermometer must not touch the con-

tainer side or bottom.

•Place the container over a source of heat and graduallyraise the temper ature of the water while stirring the watergently.

•Using the hand tester, m easure the internal resistan ce ofthe sensor at the temperatures shown in the table.If the hand tester does not show the specified values, r e-plac e the sensor.

Inle t Air Te mperature Sensor Resistance

Water Tem perature Sensor Resistance

10 ° C (50° F) approx. 3 .7 4 kΩ

20 ° C (68° F) approx. 2 .4 7 kΩ

50° C(122° F) approx. 0.833 kΩ

70° C(158° F) approx. 0.448 kΩ

Special Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

Page 253: Kawa ultra


Multifunction Meter

Display Function Inspection•Using the auxiliary wires, connect the 12 V battery [A] to

the meter unit [B] connector as follows.Connect thebattery positiveterminal totheterminal [1].Connect the battery negative terminal to the terminal[5].

[1] Battery (+)[2] Oil Level Sensor[3] Fuel Level Sens or[4] Ignition Switch (+)[5] Ground (–)[6] Diagnosis Signal[7] Tachometer Pulse[8] Trim Angle Sensor1[9] Speed Sensor[10] Speed Sensor Power S ou rce (+)[11] Trim Limit Switch[12] Tr im Angle Sensor2Battery Voltag e Range: 10 ∼16V

•Check that when the battery positive terminal [1] is con-nected to the terminal [4] u sing the auxiliary wire, all theLCD segments and LED warning light appear for sec-onds.

•Check that when the terminals are disconnected , all theLCD segments and LED w arning light disappear.If the LCD segments and LED warning light will not ap-pear, replac e the meter assembly.

[1] SET Button[2] MODE Button[3] Fuel Symbol[4] Fuel Level Gauge[5] Tachometer[6] Speedometer[7] Oil Level Gauge[8] Engine Oil Symbol[9] LED Wa rning Light[10] Trim Indicator[11] Clock/Ti me/Trip/Hour Meter[12] Battery Symbol[13] Heat Symbol


Do not d rop the meter unit. Do notshortthe termi-nals [9], [10]and [10], [5].If the m ultifunction meter displays incorrectly whilethe engine is running, first disconnect the (–) bat-tery terminal lead and reconnect it again to recoverthe meter display.Then, check to see thatthe standard plugs and/orplug caps are installed. Install only the standardplugs and/or plug caps. The resistors are embed-ded in both parts.

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M ult ifun ction Meter

F uel Level Gauge/Symbol/Warning Light Inspection•Connect the 12 V battery and terminals in the same man-

ner as specified in the “Display Function Ins pection”.

•Connect the variable rheostat [A] to the terminal [3] asshown.

•Check that the number of segments matches the r es is-tance v al ue of the v ariable rheostat.

Resistance Value (Ω) Display Segments

7230 0

4530 1*

2930 2

1930 3

1250 4

820 5

550 6

350 7

*: The LED warning light and fuel symbol flash at thesame time.

• If any display function does not work, replac e the meterassembly.

Oil Le vel Gau ge/Symbol/Warning Light Inspection•Connect the 12 V battery and terminals in the same man-

ner as specified in the “Display Function Ins pection”.

•Connect the variable rheostat [A] to the terminal [2] asshown.

•Check that the number of segments matches the r es is-tance v al ue of the v ariable rheostat.

Resistance Value (Ω) Display Segments

4000 1*

2000 2

0 3

*: The LED warning light and oil symbol flash at thesame time.

• If any display function does not work, replac e the meterassembly.

Page 255: Kawa ultra


Multifunction Meter

Trim Ind icator Inspection•Connect the 12 V battery and terminals in t he same man-

ner as specified in the “Display Function Inspection”.

•Connect the variable rheostat 1 [A] to the terminal [8] asshown.

•Connect the variable rheostat 2 [B] to the terminal [12] asshown.

•Check that the num ber of segments matches the resis-tance value of the variable rheostat.

Va riable Rheos ta t1 Variable Rheostat2

Re sistan ce Value (Ω) Resistance Value (Ω)


33 100 1

100 33 2

330 33 3

Connecttheterminal [11]tothe [5]terminal (GND). 4

• If any display function does not work, replace the meterassembly.

Speedo meter Inspection•Connect the 12 V battery and terminals in t he same man-

ner as specified in the “Display Function Inspection”.

• The speed equivalent to the i nput frequency is indicated inthe oscillator [A] if the square wave (illustrated as shown)would be input into the terminal [9].

Indicates approximately 60 m ph in case the input fre-quency would beapproximately 337Hz.

Indicates approximately 60 k m/h in c ase the input fre-quency would beapproximately 209Hz.

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M ult ifun ction Meter

• If the oscillator is not available, the speedometer can bechecked as follows.

Install the meter unit.Tu rn on the ignition switch.Rotate the waterwheel by hand.Check that the speedometer showsthe speed.

If the speedometer does not work, check the speed sen-sor electric s ource voltage and speed sensor.

Speed Se nsor Electric Source Inspection•Connect the 12 V battery and terminals in the same man-

ner as specified in the “Display Function Ins pection”.

•Set the hand tester [A] to the DC25 V range and connectitto the terminals [5] and [10].If the v oltage is less than 7 V, r ep lace th e m eter assembly.

Special Tool- Hand Tester: 57001-1394

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Multifunction Meter

Tachome ter Inspection•Connect the 12 V battery and terminals in t he same man-

ner as specified in the “Display Function Inspection”.

• The revolutions per minute (rpm) equivalent to the inputfrequency is indicated in the oscillator [A] if the squarewave (illustrated as shown) would be input into the termi-nal [7].

The tachometer indicates approximately 3000 rpm incase the input frequency w ould be approximately 66 H z.Ifthe tachometerdoes notwork normally, replace the me-ter assembly.

Battery Symb ol/Warning L ight Inspection•Connect the 12 V battery and terminals in t he same man-

ner as specified in the “Display Function Inspection”.

•Check that the battery symbol/warning light flash w henthe input voltage to the terminal [A] is lowered to 12 ±0.1volts or less. And check that the meter returns in thestate of normality when the input voltage to th e black leadterminal is raised to12.5 Vor more.If any display function does not work, replac e m eter as-sem bly.

Page 258: Kawa ultra


M ult ifun ction Meter

Heat Symbol/Warn ing Ligh t Inspection•Connect the 12 V battery and terminals in the same man-

ner as specified in the “Display Function Ins pection”.

•Check that the heat symbol/warning light flash w he n theequivalent to the input frequency is i ndicated in the oscil-lato r [A] if the s quare w are (illustrated a s s hown) wouldbe input into terminal [6].

•Check that the meter returns in the state of normalitywhen the terminal for input frequency is opened.If any display function does not work, replace m eter as-sembly.

MODE/SET Button Inspection•Check that when the MODE button is pushed and held

continuously, the display rotates through the fou r m odes.

• Indicate the clock mode.

•Check that when the SET button is pushed for more thantwo seconds, the meter display turns to the clock s etmode.If the display function does not work, replace themeterassembly.

• Indicate the time mode.

•Check that when the SET button is pushed for more thantwo seconds, the meter display turns to “00:00”.If the display function does not work, replace themeterassembly.

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Multifunction Meter

• Indicate the trip mode.

•Check that when the SET button is pushe d for more thantwo s econds, the meter display turns to “000.0”.If the display function does not work, replace the meterassembly.

Page 260: Kawa ultra


M ult ifun ction Meter

Multifunction Meter Circuit

Page 261: Kawa ultra


Swi tch es

Switch Inspection•Using an ohmmeter, check to see that only the con-

nections shown in the table have c ontinuity (about zeroohms).If the switch has an open or short, repair it or replace itwith new one.

Ignition Switch

Page 262: Kawa ultra



Inspecti on•Removethefuseplug[A].

• Ta ke out the fuse [A].

• Inspect the fuse element.If it blown out, replace the fuse. B efore replacing a blownfuse, a lways check the ampe rage in the affected c ircuit.If the amperage is equal to orgreater than the fuse rat-ing, check the wiring and related components for a shortcircuit.Housing [A]Fuse Element [B]Terminals [C]Blown Element [D]


When replacing afuse, be sure the newfusematches the specified fuse rating for thatcircuit.Installation of a fuse with a higher rating may causedamage towiring and components.

Page 263: Kawa ultra


Smart Steering System

Stee ring Position Senso r a nd Magnet Removal•Remove:

Steering (Refer to the steering removal in the Steeringchapter)

•Remove the steering holder [A] w ith the steering shaft [B],fuel vent hose [C], s tart/stop s witch leads [D] and throttlecable [E].

•Unscrew the mounting screws [A] and remove the steer-ing position sensor [B].

•Unscrew the mounting screw [A] and remove the magnet[B].

Stee ring Position Sen sor and Magne t Insta lla tion•Move the steering shaft in the direction of [A] and [B],

inspect the steering shaft for excessive play.Ifnecessary, adjustthe steering nutor replace the bush-ings (see Steering Ins tallation in the Steering c hapter).

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the steeringposition sensor mounting screws and magnet mountingsc rew.

• Install the stee ring position s ensor [A] to the steeringholder and align the projection [B] on the magnet with thehole [C] on the s teering s haft plate.

Page 264: Kawa ultra


Smart Steering System

• Tu rning the steering s haft fully to the left and right d irec-tion , c heck whether the s teering position s ensor comes incontact with the magnet.

•Check the clearance [A] between the steering positionsensor [B] and the magnet [C] with a feeler gauge.

Stee ring Position Sens or Clea ranceStandard: 0.5 ∼1.5 mm (0.02 ∼0. 06 in .)

If necessary, adjust the steering nut (see Steering I nstal-lati on in the Steering chapter).

•Check the operation of the Smart Steering system.

Sma rt Steering System Inspection• Inspect the smart steering system with the watercraft in

the water.

•Center the handlebar in the straight-ahead position.

•Start the engine and allow it to idle for 4 seconds or more.

• Tu rn the handlebar all the way to the left or righ t, andcheck that theengine speed does not change, i.e. theengine maintains and idle.

•Center the handlebar in the straight-ahead position.

•Squeeze the throttle l ever an d rev the engine increaseengine speed to approx. 4000r/min(rpm)or abovefor4seconds or more.

•Release the throttle lever.

•Within 1 second, turn thehandlebarall the way to theleft or right and check that the eng ine s peed increasesto approx. 2800 r/min (rpm).

•Center the handlebar in the straight-ahead position, andcheck that the enginespeed decreases to an idle speed.Ifthe SmartSteering system does notoperate normally,check the following.Smart Steering Cable (see Smart Steering Cable Adjust-ment in the Fuel System.)Smart Steering Actuator (see this chapter.)Steering PositionSensorClearance (seethis chapter.)

Ste ering Position Sen sor Clearance•Check the clearance [A] between the steering position

sensor [B] and the magnet [C] with a feeler gauge.

Stee ring Position Sens or Clea ranceStandard: 0.5 ∼1 .5 m m (0. 02∼0.06 in .)

If the clearance is the specified value, inspect steeringposition sensor input voltage.If necessary, adjus t the steering nut.

Page 265: Kawa ultra


Smart Steering System

Steering Position Sensor Inpu t Voltag e Inspection•Measure the input voltage to the steering position sensor.

NOTEBe sure thebattery is fully charged.

Connect adigital v oltmeter [A] to the lead connector [B]of the steering position sensor using the needle adapterset [C ].

Spec ia l Tool- Needle Adapte r Set: 57001-1457

Connections to Stee ring Position Sensor ConnectorMeter (+)→ R/W Terminal

Meter (–) → BK Term inal

Tu rn the ignition switch ON.Center the handlebar in the str aight-ahead position.Measure the input voltage.

Steerin g Positio n S en sor Input Vo ltageStandard: Battery Voltage

Tu rn the i gnition switch OFF.If the reading is good, inspect steer ing position sensoroutput voltage.If the reading is out of standard, check the following.Battery Vo ltageMainFuse10APower S ource Wiring (see Smart Steering System Cir-cuit)

Page 266: Kawa ultra


Smart Steering System

Steering Position Sensor Output Volta ge Inspection•Meas ure the output voltage from the steering position


NOTEBesurethe battery is fully charged

Connect a digital voltmeter [A] to the lead connector [B]of the steering position s ensor using the needle adapterset [C].

Special Tool- Needle Adapte r Set: 57001-1457

Connections to steerin g Positio n Senso r C onnectorMeter(+) → Y/W Terminal

Meter(–) → BK Terminal

Turn the ignition s witch ON.Tu rn the handlebar fully left or right.Meas ure the output voltage.

Stee ring Position Sensor Output VoltageStandard: approx. 0V

NOTEWhen the handlebar is c entered in straight -ahead posi-

tion the output voltage standard value is battery voltage.

Tu rn the i gnition switch OFF.

If the reading is out of t he standard, suspect the following.Damaged Steering P os ition SensorOpen Sensor Circuit

If the reading is the standard, but the S mart Steering sys-tem does not operate, suspect the igniter.

Sma rt Steerin g Actuator Removal•Disconnect the ac tuator connector [A].

• Loosen the locknuts [B] at the bracket.

•Remove the actuator bracket mounting bolts [C] and pullthe a ctuator [D] with the bracket out of the hull.

•Disconnect the smart s teering cable end [A] from the pul-ley [B].

Page 267: Kawa ultra


Smart Steering System

•Unscrew the pulley mounting bolt [A] and remove the pul-ley [B].

•Unscrew the ac tuator mounting bolts [C] and remove thebracket [D].

Smart Ste ering Actuator Installation•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the actuator

mounting bolts and install the actuator to the b racket.

Torque - Actuator Mounting B olts: 8.8 N·m (0.9 kgf·m, 78ft ·l b)

• Insert th e pulley [A] into the actuator shaft so that “UP”mark [B ] faces upward.Projection [D]

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the pulley mount-ing bolt [C] and torque it.

Torque - Pulle y Mounting B olt: 3.5 N·m (0 .3 6 kgf·m, 31in ·l b)


When tightening the pulley mounting bolt, do notuse a power wrench (impacttool) to prevent dam-aging the D.C. servomotor. Torque it to 3.5 N ·m (0.36kgf·m, 31 in·lb).

• Install the smart steering c ab le to the bracket and pulley.

•Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the actuatorbracket mounting bolts and torque them.

Torque - Actuator Bracket Mounting Bolts: 8.8N·m (0.9kgf·m, 78 in·lb)

•When reconnecting the actuator connector, apply water-resistance g rease [A] to the O-ring [B] and connector [C].

•Adjust the smart steering cable (see Smart Steering Ca-ble Adjustment in the Fuel System chapter).

Page 268: Kawa ultra


Smart Steering System

Smart Steering A ctuator In spection•Remove the smart steering actuator (see this chapter).

•Unscrew the pulley mounting bolt and remove the pulley(see Smart Steering Actuator Removal in this chapter).

•Using auxiliary wires, connect a 12 V battery [A] to theactuator connector [B] as follows.

Connect the battery positive terminal to the R/W terminal[C].

Connect the battery negative terminal to the BK ter minal[D].

•Check that when the battery negative terminal is con-nected to the Y/W t erminal [E] using the auxiliary wire,the actuator shaft [F] turns clockwise [G].If the actuator shaft does no t turn, replace the actuator.

Page 269: Kawa ultra


Smart Steering System

Smart Steerin g System Circuit

Page 270: Kawa ultra




Table of Contents

Preparation for Storage .......................................................................................................... 15-2Cooling System ................................................................................................................. 15-2Bilge System ..................................................................................................................... 15-2Fuel System ...................................................................................................................... 15-2Engine ............................................................................................................................... 15-3Battery............................................................................................................................... 15-3Lubrication ........................................................................................................................ 15-3General ............................................................................................................................. 15-4

Removal from Storage ............................................................................................................ 15-5Lubrication ........................................................................................................................ 15-5General Inspection ............................................................................................................ 15-5Fuel System ...................................................................................................................... 15-5Test Run ............................................................................................................................ 15-6

Page 271: Kawa ultra


Prep aratio n for Sto rage

During the winter, or whenever the watercraft will not bein use for a long period of time, proper storage is essential.It cons ists of checking and replacing m issing or worn parts;lubricating parts to ensure thatthey do notbecome rusted;and, in general, preparing the watercraftso thatwhen thetime comes to use it again, it will be in top condition.

Cooling System•Clean the cooling system (see Cooling System Flushing

in the Periodi c M aintenance c hapter).

B ilg e System•Clean the b ilge s ystem (see B ilge System Flushing in the

Periodic Maintenance chapter). Before reconnectingthehoses to the plastic breathe r fitting, blow air through bothhoses [A] to force all w ater out of the bilge system.

Fu elSystemWA RNING

Gasoline is extremely flammable andcan be explo-sive under certain condition s. Pull thelanyard keyoffthe stop button. Donot smoke. Make sure thearea is wellventilated andfreefrom any source offlame or sparks; this includes any appliance withapilot light.

•Drain the fuel tank. This should be done with a siphon orpump.[A] Sipho n H ose

•Clean the filter screens (see Fuel Filter Screen Cleaningin the Periodi c M aintenance c hapter).

• Inspect/replace the fuel filter (see Fuel Filter Inspection inthe P eriodic Maintenance chapter).

• Leave the fuel filter cap loose to prevent condensation inthe tank.

• Tu rn the i gnition switch on.

•Push the l anyard k ey under the s top button, and s tart theengine and run i t in 15 second periods until all fuel in thecarburetor is used up. Wait 5 minutes between 15 secondrunning periods.

•Pull the l anyard k ey off the stop button and turn the i gni-tion switch off.


Do not run the engine without cooling water supplyfor more than 15 seconds, especially in high revolu-tionary speed or severe engine and exhaustsystemdamage will occur.

Page 272: Kawa ultra


Preparation fo r Sto rage

•Remove the air inlet cover [A] from the carburetor.

• Lift out the flame arresters and clean them, if necessary(see Flame Arres ter C leaning in the Periodic Mainte-nance chapter).

•Spray a penetrating rust inhibitor down the carburetorbore.

• Install the flame a rrester.

•Reinstall the cover, apply a non-permanent locking agentto the threads of the air intake cover bolts and tightensecurely.

Engine•Remove the spark p lugs and push the plug caps fully onto

the plug c ap holder on the cylinder head.

•Pour one ounce of motor oil into each cylinder.


Do not use too m uch oil, or the crank seals m ay bedamaged when the engine is nextstarted.

• Tu rn the i gnition switch on.

•Push th e l anyard k ey under the s top switch. Tu rn theengine over several times with the s ta rt switch to coat thecylinder walls with oil.

•Pull the lanyard k ey off the stop switch and turn the igni-tion switch off.

•Reinstall the spark plugs and caps.

Battery•Give a refresh charge before you store the watercraft and

store it w ith the negative lead removed. Give arefreshcharge once a month during storage.

•Remove the battery (seeBattery Removal inthe ElectricalSystem chapter).

•Clean the exterior with a solution of baking soda and wa-ter (one heaping tablespoon of baking soda in one cup ofwater). Rinse thoroughly with water.

•Cover both battery terminals with grease.

•Store the battery in a c oo l, dry place.Donotexposeit tofreezing tem peratures.

Lubrication•Carry out all recommended lubr ication procedures (see

Lubrication in the Periodic Maintenance c hapter).

•During the storage, lubr icate the following with penetrat-ing rust inhibitor as w ell.Steering C able Joint Connector at S teering N ozzleTrim Cable Joint Connector at Steering Nozzle

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Prep aratio n for Sto rage

General•Wa sh the engine compartment with fresh water and re-

move the d rain screw in the stern to d rain the water. W ipeup any water left in the compartment.


Use only a mild detergent in water to wash the hull.Harsh solvents may attack the surface or smear thecolors.

•Apply a good grade of wax to all exterior hull sur faces.

• Lightly spray all exposed metal parts with a penetratingrust inhibitor.

•Remove the s eat, or block the seat up with 10 mm spacersto insure adequate v entilation, and prevent corrosion.

•Cover the watercraft and store it in a clean, dry place.

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Removal f rom Sto rage

Lubrication•Carry out all recommended lubr ication procedures (see

Lubrication in the Periodic Maintenance c hapter).

Gene ralInspe ction•Check for binding or sticking th rottle, choke, or steering or

trim mechanism. The throttle lever must return fully w henreleased.

•Clean and gap spark plugs (see Spark Plug C leaning andSpark Plug A djustment in the P eriodic Maintenance chap-ter).

•Check all rubber hoses for weathering acracking, orloos eness.

•Check that the drain screw in the stern is securely tight-ened.

•Check the fire extinguisher for a full charge.

•Check the battery, charge if necessary, and clean the ter-minals. Install the battery (see Battery Installation in theElectrical System chap ter).

Fuel System•Check and clean or replace the fuel filter screens as nec-

essary (see Fuel Filter Screen Cleaning in the PeriodicMaintenance chapter).

WA RN INGGasoline is extremely flammable and canbe explo-sive under certain conditions. Pullthe lanyardkeyoff the stop button. Donot smoke. Make sure thearea is well ventilated and free from source of flameor spark; this includes any appliance with a pilotlight.

•After refueling and before starting the engine, tilt the seatto the rear for several minutes to ventilate the engine com-partment.

WA RN INGAconcentration of gasoline fumes in the enginecompartment can cause a fire or explosion.

•Check for fuel leaks. Repair if necessary.

•Check the engine oil l evel.F ill the oil tank with the speci-fied oil.

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Removal from Storage


Do not run the engine in a closed area. Exhaustgases contain carbon monoxide,a colorless,odor-less, poisonous gas. Breathing exhaustgas leadsto carbon monoxide poisoning, asphyxiation, anddeath.

•Start the engine and run it only for 15 seconds. C heck forfuel, oil and exhaust l eaks.Any leaks must be repaired.


Do not run the engine without cooling water supplyfor more than 15 seconds or severe engine and ex-haustsystem damage will occur.

• Install the seat making sure it is locked.

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Table of Contents

Cable, Wire and Hose Routing ............................................................................................... 16-2Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................................... 16-14

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Cable, Wire and Hose R outing

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Cable, Wire and Hose Routing

1. Inlet A ir Temperature S ensor (Out off the end of the sensor from the hol der.)2. Holder3. Connect the inlet air temperature sensor lead to the m ai n harness.4. Air Inlet Cover5. Exhaust Pipe6. Wa ter Temperature Sensor7. Clamp8. Keep the water temperature sensor lead loose.9. Magneto Cover

10. Keep the m agneto leads loose.11 . Connect the leads to the main harness.12. Band13. Cylinder Head14. Front Electric Case Lead15. #1 Spark Plug Lead16. #2 Spark Plug Lead17. #3 Spark Plug Lead18. Front Electric Case19. Keep the s pa rk plug leads l oose (Do not contact the spark plug leads and the battery (–) c able).20. Clamp spark plug lead.21. The holder should be parallel with the battery front.22. Starter Motor Cable (Red)23. Connect the rear electric case leads to the m ain harness.24. Rear Electric Case Leads25. Connect the ba ttery (–) c able to the ground.26. Rear Electr ic Case27. Connect the battery (+) c able to the starter relay terminal.28. Battery29. To Battery (+) Terminal30. To Starter M otor Te rminal31. Red Mark32. Throttle Sensor

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Cable, Wire and Hose R outing

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Cable, Wire and Hose Routing

1. Wa ter Box Muffler2. Exhaust Tube3. Clamp4. Bands (Cut off the band as the c utting edge no t facing up.)5. Wa ter P ipe Joint6. Bypass Cooling Hose7. Bypass Outlet8. Detent (Rubber)9. Coupling Cover

10. Drain Hose11. Band (Clamp loosel y the exhaust tube, drain hoses and the inlet cooling hose.)12. Inlet Cooling Hose13. Note the clamp screw position on the exhaust tubes.14. Band (Keep the inlet cooling hose loose.)15. Approximately 50°16. Aligning Mark17. Detent (Plastic)18. Clamps19. Horizontal Line20. Bow21. ViewedA22. ViewedB23. ViewedC

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Cable, Wire and Hose R outing

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Cable, Wire and Hose Routing

1. Front Check Valve2. Rear Check Valve3. To Front Check Valve4. To Rear Chec k Valve5. To #1 Carburetor Check Valve6. To #2 Carburetor Check Valve7. To #3 Carburetor Check Valve8. Oil Pump9. Magneto Cover

10. Clamp the oil hoses which lead to the carburetors11 . Clamp the oilho ses which lead to the c heck valves on the upper crankcase.12. Clamp (Clamp the rear check valve hose.)13. Upper Crankcase14. Carburetors15. To oil pump16. Band (Clamp the carburetor check valve oil hoses, #1, #2 and #3.)17. Insert the band to the hole as shown (Clamp the carburetor check valve oil hoses #1, #2 and

#3 .)18. Do not contact the oil hose to the smart steering lever and movable parts of the c arburetor.19. Smar t Steering Lever20. Band (Clamp the carburetor check valve oil hoses #2 and #3.)21. Band (Clamp the carburetor check valve oil hose #3.)

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Cable, Wire and Hose R outing

Page 284: Kawa ultra


Cable, Wire and Hose Routing

1. Start/Stop Switch Leads2. Throttle Cable3. Steering Shaft4. Handlebar5. Cable Holder6. Oil Pump Cable7. Choke Cable8. Carburetor Cable9. Idle Adjust Screw

10. Carburetor11. Oil Pu mp12. Oil Pump Pulley13. Be sure the c able portion indicated in the figure is in contact with the pulley portion indicated in

the figure.14. Pulse Hose (White m arked side shallbe installed to engine side.)15. Band16. Throttle Sensor17. Fuel Hose (Return) Fitting18. Fuel Hose (Supply) Fitting19. Fuel Tap20. Detent (Rubber)21. Fuel Filter22. RESERVE23. ON24. RETURN25. VENT26. Fuel Vent CheckValve (The arrow toward the fuel tank)27. Fuel Level Sensor Assembly28. Vent Tube29. Vent Pipe30. Band31. Install the band after hanging the pipe to the steering s ha ft.32. 30 mm (1.18 in.) (Insertlengthof vent pipe).33. 2.5 mm (0.098 in.)34. 7 mm (0.28 in.)35. 7 mm (0.28 in.)36. ViewedA37. Detent (Plastic)38. White Mark39. Band (Clamp the cable holder.)40. Apply a cyanoacrylate cement.

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Cable, Wire and Hose R outing

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Cable, Wire and Hose Routing

1. Drain Plug2. Band3. Drain Tube4. Clamp5. Bracket6. Gasket7. Drain Plug8. BOW9. Main Harness

10. Tube11. To the oil level gauge.12. To the s mart steering actuator.13. To the water temperature sensor.14. Detents15. Meter Leads16. Clamp the meter connector cov er upside.17. Meter Connector Cover18. Bulkhead Stern Side19. "UP" mark20. Smar t Steering Actuator21. Locknut22. Adjust Nut23. Smar t Steering Cable24. Carburetor25. Cable Lever

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Cable, Wire and Hose R outing

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Cable, Wire and Hose Routing

1. Standard Point (Transom)2. 570 mm (22.4 in.) from the standard point to the center of the detent.3. Detents4. Bulkhead5. Main Harness6. Detent fo r FuelFilter7. Detent for Inlet Air Temperature Sensor8. 100 mm (3.94 in.)9. Detent for Main Harness

10. Speed Sensor Connectors11. Detent for Speed Sensor Lead12. Tube13. Holder for Multifunction Meter Leads14. Run the main harness over the crossmember15. 700 mm (27.6 in.) from the standard point to the center of the detent.16. 900 mm (35.4 in.) from the standard point to the center of the detent.17. 1100 mm (43.31 in.) from the s tandard point to the c en ter of the detent.18. 1950 mm (76.77 in.) from the standard point to the center of the detent.19. Smar t Steering Actuator20. To Left Side21. To Left Side22. Detent23. Rear Electr ic Case24. Front Electric Case25. Fuse Box26. 47 0 mm (18.5 i n.)27. 40 0 mm (15.7 i n.)28. Detent29. Detents30. 60 mm (2.4 in.)

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Star ting difficulty or failure to start

Ignition System

Ignition Spark Present

• Fault in fuel system

• Lack ofcompression

No Spark

• Faulty or fouled spark plug

• Faultyplug wire insulation

• FaultyCDI igniter

• Faultyignition coil

• Faulty magneto

• Battery voltagelow

Fuel System (check thatfuel tank contains fuel)

Outside Carburetor

• Fuel feed line leaking or clogged

• Pulse line leaking or clogged

• Fuel filter s creen clogged

• Vent line clogged

• Faulty fuel pump

Inside Carburetor

• Carburetor di aphragm damaged

• Wa ter in carburetor

• Float arm not adjusted

Battery/Starter System

• Faulty magneto solenoid switch

• Battery v oltage low

• Starter motor brushes worn

• Faulty starter clutch

• Ignition switch turned OFF and/or lany ard key not pushed under stop button

Engine st arts but stops right away


• Faulty crankshaftoil seal

• Crankcase jointleak

• Wo rn piston and rings

• Head gasket leak

• Spark plug leak

Fuel System

Outside Carburetor

• Misuse of choke

• Fuel filter s creen clogged

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• Fuel feed line leaking or clogged

• Pulse line leaking or c logged

• Vent line clogged

• Faulty fuel pump

Inside Carburetor

• Wa ter in c arburetor

• Carburetor diaphragm damaged

• Float arm not adjusted

Electrical System

• Faulty or fouled spar k plug

• Poorwiring connection

• Faulty magneto

Engine misfires, does not run smoothly

Fuel System

Fuelmixture too lean

Fault in Carburetor

• Obstruction in fuel passage or outlet

• Diaphragm leaking or damaged

• Floatarm not adjusted


• Poor fuelsupply(fuel filter screens, hoses, or vent line clogged)

• Carburetormounting loose

• Faulty fuel pump

Fuelmixture too rich

Fault in Carburetor

• Diaphragm needle dirty or damaged

• Floatarm not adjusted

• Choke notadjusted


• Flame arrester clogged

Electrica l S ystem


• Ignition timingwrong

Weak Spark

• Reduced ignition coil output

• High voltageinsulationbreakdown

• Spark plugfouled

• Spark pluggapwrong

• Poor wiring connection, spark plug cap

• Faulty CDI igniter

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• Faulty magneto

• Battery voltagelow

Engine Lubrication System

• Oil line clogged

• Faulty oil pump

Abnormal engine sound

During normal cruising

• Slightpiston seizure

• Piston ringbroken orsticking

• Main bearing worn or damaged

During sudden acceleration

• Excessive clearance between connecting rod small endand piston pin, or betweenpin and piston

• Excessive connecting rod big end clearance


• Ignition timingtooadvanced

• Carbonaccumulation in cylinder head

• Poor qualitygasoline

• Spark plug w rong heat range

When the engine is idling while cold

• Excessivepiston clearance

• Pistonrings worn

• Piston worn

• Connecting rodbent, twisted

Low enginepower (Thistroubleoften has more thanone cause, and troublesymptomsmay notbe clear)

Ignition System

• Spark plug gap or heat range wrong

• Ignition timingwrong

• Reduced igniti on coiloutput

• Loose w iring connection in ignition circuit

Fuel System

• Insufficient fuel supply to carburetor

• Carburetordiaphragm damaged

• Pulse line leaking or c logged

• High speed nozzle clogged

• Throttle valve does not fully open

• Fuel filter screen clogged

• Faulty fuel pump

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• Flame arrester clogged

• Muffler or exhaust system clogged

• Wate r or foreign matter in gasoline or engine oil

• Exhaustgas leak inengine compartment


• Ignition wrong

• Carburetornot adjusted

• Flame arrester or exhaust s ystem c logged

• Carbon accumulationincombustion chamber

• Wrong type of gasoline oroil

• Obstruction in oil pump hoses

• Cooling water line leaking or clogged

Heavy Fuel Consumption

• Carburetornot adjusted

• Flame arrester clogged

• Muffler or exhaust system clogged

• Worn cylinder, p iston or p isto n ring

• Fuel feed line leaking

• Carburetor diaphragm needle dirty or damaged

Poor performance though engine runsproperly

Jet Pump

• Inlet area obs tructed

• Impeller or pump case damaged

• Excessive clearance between impeller and pump case

Poor st eering contro l (Since faulty steering is dangerous, this pro blem should be examinedby an authorized Jet Skidealer)

Handlebar hard to turn

• Steering maladjusted

• Bushings damagedorcracked

• Steering shaftbent

• No lubricant on steering pivot

• Steering c able dam aged or improperly routed

Page 293: Kawa ultra

M OD EL AP PLIC AT IONYe ar Model Beginning Hull No.

2 003 JH 12 0 0- B1 KAW40001?203

2 004 JH 12 0 0- B2 KAW20001?304

2 005 JH 12 0 0- B3 US -KAW 10001?405

?:This digit in the hull numberchanges from one machine toanother.

P art No . 999 24-1308-03