Katy Perry - Wide Awake Analysis

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Music Video Analysis

Transcript of Katy Perry - Wide Awake Analysis

Music Video Textual Analysis: Katy Perry Wide Awake Music Video

Shot type and camera movement: This is a close up shot which pans on to Katy. Analysis

The use of the pan focuses the audiences sole attention on her and she is quickly revealed to us which grabs our attention. The close up highlights the artist as that is all we are being shown whilst also making us focus on the lyrics of the song thus, showcasing the song as well. The setting in this music video (which is shown to be a stone maze) acts as an intertextual reference as it is reminiscent of fairy tales. This creates a fantasy theme which runs throughout the video and shows that pop videos do not have to be grounded in reality. Katys costume also embodies this fantasy element and it shows that pop videos can often offer people the chance to escape the real world as they often show you a story. The colour purple is used significantly in Katys clothes, hair and make-up. This connotes mystery and magic again, all in keeping with the theme of the video. This also represents Katy as wise as purple can connote wisdom which depicts her as someone people can look up to. Katy Perry also breaks the fourth wall in this shot as she sings directly to the audience. This allows for a connection between her and the audience through the lyrics.

Music/lyrics: Im wide awake; yeah I was in the dark.

Edit/transitions: There is a cut to the next shot which happens on the count of a beat which highlights and showcases the song.

Shot type and camera movement: This is a midshot which tracks behind the two characters.Analysis

This midshot allows us to see the setting which is in this case a corridor of mirrors. This fits in with Andrew Goodwins music video theory as he states that every music video contains a reference to looking and the mirrors achieve this. In the video, they could represent Katys reflection on her feelings which demonstrates that pop videos often have deeper meanings below the narrative. The shot tracks her movement from behind as we feel as if we are following her movements and therefore she is leading us. Again, this represents Katy as someone aspirational which shows that pop videos often are important in branding the artists image and reputation. We can see that she is holding the hand of a child which again shows her to be a good role model. The colour gold is featured in this shot in both Katys dress and the setting. Gold connotes success and achievement which is what the song is about so it can be said that pop videos act as a visual aid to the lyrics.

Music/lyrics: Yeah I am born again, out of the lion's den, I don't have to pretend.Edit/transitions: There is a cut to the next shot between 2 lines of lyrics which emphasizes the break.

Shot type and camera movement: This shot is a long shot but it uses no movement. The camera remains still.Analysis

A long shot is used here as it allows us to survey all the characters in this part of the narrative and the setting as well. This part of the video is set in a mental asylum and the child character is shown to save Katy from the adults. This could be symbolic of Katy Perrys fan's (many of whom are of a younger age) as this might show that they keep her sane due to the media coverage of her life. This would be fitting for the video as the song is about her life and career. This shows me that narrative often represents the lyrics and ideas of the song. This shot also shows that it's important to use a number of various settings to keep the audience engaged. Muted colours such as grey and white are used as these help the audience identify the setting as a mental asylum as it is not made completely obvious.

Music/lyrics: Thunder Rumbling, Castles Crumbling.

Edit/transitions: There is a cut back to a performance Close Up of Katy to again, showcase the lyrics.

Shot type and camera movement: This is a still long shot.Analysis

A long shot is used here as it shows Katy's progression throughout the video. We see her make the journey from the stone maze to this floral setting which is demonstarted through the long shot. Again as earlier, this represents Katy as wise as she has succeeded on her journey. It also means the narrative acts as a visual aid to the lyrics and this seems to be common in pop music videos. The bright colours of the flowers contrast the background which is dark - again, demonstarting that Katy has been on a journey. This keeps the audience engaged as we follow her on this journey. This idea also helps to incorporate the inter textual reference to fairytales. Although Katy's dress has changed to a more neutral colour, her hair remains purple throughout the video as this makes her stand out and it's important for the artist to be the centre of attention.

Music/lyrics: I'm not blind anymore, I'm wide awake.Edit/transitions: A simple cut transition is used again which seems to be the most popular transition in pop videos as you can seamlessly transition between narrative and performance.

Shot type and camera movement: This is a mid shot that tilts up as Katy rises on to stage.Analysis

This shot is taken from an actual show on Katy Perrys tour so therefore, the setting is an arena. This setting has been used for two reasons. Firstly, as mentioned, the song is about her life and career and the narrative takes us on a journey of her feelings towards this so once the narrative has ended, we return to reality where we are shown what her life is really like. Again, this fits in accordance with Andrew Goodwins music video theory as whats on screen acts as an aid to the lyrics. The shot also showcases Katy Perry as an artist as the arena allows us to see the magnitude of her success. This midshot has been taken from behind Katy purposely as it allows us to view the amount of people that attend her shows whilst also placing us in her position. Bright colours are used once again which is a common convention of pop videos which shows the importance of adhering to genre conventions. High key lighting is used on Katy to highlight her whilst the audience is kept in low key lighting to focus the attention on her.

Music/lyrics: Im wide awake.

Edit/transitions: The shot fades out to signify the end of the video.