Kasi Fox - Visual Pedagogy Project: Art Integration

Art Integration By: Kasi Fox


Kasi Fox - Visual pedagogy project for M333 "Art Experiences for Elementary Generalists", Spring 2012 at Indiana University Bloomington. Instructor Hallie DeCatherine Jones.

Transcript of Kasi Fox - Visual Pedagogy Project: Art Integration

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Art Integration

By: Kasi Fox

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Why Art Integration?

Teachers like art integration because it ..

Is hands on,

enables children to be creative,

works with technology,

helps students be self-expressive,

..and it boosts children’s self-esteem.

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Art Integration: Reading/Writing

Some examples:

• Share a story aloud and have the students create the illustrations.

• Can a child’s favorite song lyrics be poetry?

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Art Integration: ScienceSome examples:

• The Science of Color (color wheel)

• Create a constant video of a plant growing, then speed it up to see the process.

• Study your favorite animals habitat and recreate it using a variety of art materials.

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Art Integration:

Social StudiesSome examples:

• Have the students draw a map of the US and color in the states they have been to. If they have never left their home state let them color in where they would like to go.

• Create a timeline of their life with important events on it using pictures.

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Art Integration: Math

Some examples:

• Create a picture using only geometric shapes, or recreate a famous artist’s picture using only geometric shapes.

• Create a stamp and make a picture using a repeated pattern.

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The Lesson…

The lesson I chose to elaborate on is a variation of one that I, as a student, have actually done before. In a previous class, I created a timeline of important events that have occurred during my lifetime. This lesson usually fits in well with Social Studies or Current Events. This gives the children a chance to do some research and helps keep them up-to-date on what’s going on with the world around them. Instead of doing a timeline, I decided to find a picture for each event and create a collage.

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The Project…

The collage I created shows events in my life that are either important to me directly, or have impacted my life in some way. Some of the events I’ve illustrated are:

• the birth of my baby sister (personal/family event)

• Obama became president (U.S. history event)

• Rock and Roll hall of fame opened (music history)

• first Harry Potter book released in the U.S. (entertainment)

• Colts win the Super Bowl (sports)

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… and the ProcessTo carry out this project I first decided that I wanted to create a timeline collage of my whole life using an event for each year giving me 23 events total counting the year I was born.

Next, to help me find something relevant for each year of my life, I used a website called “Info Please”. It listed hundreds of things to jog my memory of what important happened that year or told me what happened for the years I wasn’t able to recall anything because I was too young.

Lastly, I found a picture that would represent each event I picked and then cut and pasted them to a poster board with the years underneath them.

If I were to have my students do this project, they would have to do a short presentation in front of the class to explain what they picked for each year.

*Note: this project would mainly be good for older students because they would have to use technology and also would have more years to add to the college. An adaption you could use would be to have them do all things from the month they were born no matter what year it was from.

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The Grading…

For this project there are a number of things you can assess the student on without actually grading the student’s artwork. Some of the things I would grade students on are:

• use of color and creativity

• having an event for each year of your life

• using a mixture of different types of events (ie, not all sports, or not all history, but both)

• time used wisely (ie, using class time appropriately)

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My Philosophy:

I believe art integration is very important for a lot of reasons.

It helps build student’s art skills without them realizing they are even doing an art project. Using scissors properly and holding a pencil correctly are all things learned through art.

Art doesn’t have to be a subject all by itself, it should be present in every subject during at least one period a day.

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• Like in Oreck, this class has shown us how to integrate arts in the general education classroom and shows us that even though we, as teachers, are working hard to improve test scores, the arts are a way of doing so.

• Also from our readings, Goldberg uses the example of the student in nature who was observing and his poetry turned out better than previous ones. This just shows how much of an art poetry is and where observing can only help your piece.


• This specific project connects to our class because it shows media exploration, technology integration and collage work all of which we have talked about or experienced first hand in M333.

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Text Resources!

Scholastic Website (majority of lesson plans- unless specified below): http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/collection/strategies-arts-integration

Info Please Website (timeline website):http://www.infoplease.com/yearbyyear.html

Education Closet (fractions/decimals with art lesson plan):http://educationcloset.com/arts-integration-lesson-plans/

Crayola Website (habitat lesson plan):http://www.crayola.com/lesson-plans/detail/a-special-place-lesson-plan/

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Visual Resources!• http://mrscoonthirdgradeclass.blogspot.com/2009/09/examples-of-timelines.html  

• http://pulse.pharmacy.arizona.edu/9th_grade/from_global/world_geography/human_migration.html  

• http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://starcityartco.com/COMPUTER-GRAPHIC.jpg&imgrefurl=http://starcityartco.com/aboutme.htm&h=256&w=302&sz=44&tbnid=cuYlQG1kPvoFOM:&tbnh=92&tbnw=109&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dcomputer%2Bgraphic%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=computer+graphic&docid=qxNaleCkIRExMM&sa=X&ei=dg2WT5OXLo7hggfkqfjnDQ&ved=0CGkQ9QEwBA&dur=296

• http://www.google.com/imgres?q=construction+paper&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=nBr&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=999&bih=860&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=IJD6KZWpIwttGM:&imgrefurl=http://demo.3clickstogive.org/product.php%3Fproductid%3D219%26cat%3D2%26page%3D1&docid=A0KAGwAsL2CtFM&imgurl=http://demo.3clickstogive.org/image.php%253Fproductid%253D219&w=275&h=294&ei=7g2WT92AOIfVgAef6dXvDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=323&vpy=466&dur=530&hovh=232&hovw=217&tx=155&ty=148&sig=113728342332907289792&page=1&tbnh=170&tbnw=159&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0,i:152

• http://www.google.com/imgres?q=art+supplies&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=yCr&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=999&bih=860&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnsr&tbnid=4v3B7D6BpNm4SM:&imgrefurl=http://colewardell.wordpress.com/tag/art-supplies/&docid=MFaCkaAkGeUKBM&imgurl=http://colewardell.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/art-supplies-sm.jpg&w=1500&h=1125&ei=Nw6WT73LHIfsggfxl5XSDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=525&vpy=534&dur=348&hovh=171&hovw=229&tx=122&ty=96&sig=113728342332907289792&page=3&tbnh=145&tbnw=193&start=32&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:32,i:223

• http://www.thehealingatelier.com/magicalmusic.php

• http://sewnnatural.com/blog/2011/04/tissue-paper-vegetable-stamps-little-kid-fun-oh-and-a-new-look.html